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UP Association of Chemistry Majors and Enthusiasts and

UP Chemical Society
Sample General Chemistry I (Chem 16)
Final Exam A.Y. 22 – 23

I. Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is always correct. If the statement
is false, change the underlined word/s to make the statement correct.
1. The law of definite composition states that if two elements form more than one compound,
the mass ratios of both elements will always be in small whole numbers.
2. According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, it is impossible to simultaneously
determine both the position and acceleration of an electron with absolute precision.
3. Ba2+ is smaller than Cs+ in terms of atomic radius.
4. Breaking bonds is always exothermic, while bond formation is always endothermic.
5. The presence of lone pairs in the central atom decreases the bond angle between bonding
6. In titration, the equivalence point is reached first before the titration endpoint.
7. If the change in enthalpy and entropy are both negative, then the system is spontaneous
only at high temperatures.
8. Beyond the triple point, the liquid and gas phases of a pure substance merges in a single
indistinguishable entity called supercritical fluid.
9. Calcium chloride can be classified as neutral salt.
10. HIO4 will have a lower Ka value than HIO2.

II. Multiple Choice. Choose the best answer.

1. Given the chemical equation of the combustion of glucose, C6H12O6:
C6H12O6 (s) + 6O2 (g) → 6CO2 (g) + 6H2O (l)
How many moles of O2 are needed to fully combust 7 moles of glucose?
a. 7 c. 40
b. 42 d. 6
2. In JJ Thomson’s discovery of the electron, which physical property of the electron did he
a. Atomic number (Z) c. Charge-to-mass ratio (e/m)
b. charge (e) d. Temperature (T)
3. What is the bond order of nitrogen oxide (NO)?
a. 1.5 c. 2.5
b. 2 d. 3
4. What is the Gibbs free energy of a reaction at 25℃ with ΔH = –381 kJ and
ΔS = –258.3 J/K?
a. -304 kJ/mol c. -458 kJ/mol
b. 304 kJ/mol d. 458 kJ/mol
5. Which of the following processes will lead to a decrease in entropy?
I. Melting of Ice III. Formation of ammonia from N2 and H2
II. Sugar dissolves in water IV. Burning a log
a. I only c. I and II
b. III only d. I, II, and IV
6. What is the volume occupied by 0.860 mol carbon dioxide, CO2, at 273 K and 1.50 atm?
Use R = 0.0821 L atm mol-1 K-1.
a. 12.0 L c. 12.6 L
b. 12.9 L d. 12.4 L
7. Arrange the following elements in order of decreasing electron affinity:
55Cs, 17Cl, 9F, and 37Rb.
a. Cs>Cl>Rb>F c. F>Cl>Rb>Cs
b. Cs>Rb>Cl>F d. F>Cl>Cs>Rb
8. How many π-bonds are present in the compound H—C≡C—C≡C—C≡N?
a. 3 c. 5
b. 4 d. 6
9. Which of the following compounds is an exception to the octet rule?
a. NH3 c. CH3CN
b. BF3 d. CH4
10. The following are qualities of entropy except?
a. Increasing the temperature increases the entropy of the material.
b. Weakly-bonded molecules have higher entropy than strongly-bonded molecules.
c. Decreasing the amount of particles increases the entropy.
d. Dissolution of liquid or solid in a solvent increases entropy.
11. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
a. The enthalpy change for the vaporization of water is different from the enthalpy
change for the sublimation of ice.
b. The vaporization of water releases more heat than the condensation of water.
c. If the vaporization of water is an endothermic reaction, then its condensation is an
exothermic reaction.
d. Hess’ Law states that if a reaction is carried out in a stepwise fashion, the enthalpy
change for the reaction will just equal the sum of the enthalpy changes for the individual
12. Which of the following substances has a ΔHo = 0?
a. C (diamond) c. Br2
b. O3 d. Ag+(aq)
13. Which of the following follows Trouton’s rule?
a. Hydrochloric acid c. Phosphoric acid
b. Sulfuric acid d. Acetic acid
14. A 0.650 g sample of gas has a volume of 95 mL at 30.5oC and 689 mmHg. What is the
molar mass of the gas?
a. 188 g/mol c. 376 g/mol
b. 75.6 g/mol d. 37.8 g/mol
15. What is the molecular geometry of XeF4?
a. tetrahedral c. square planar
b. octahedral d. seesaw

III. Problem Solving. Show your complete solution.

1. The following substances are commonly used as stomach antacids: MgO, Mg(OH) 2, and
a. Write a balanced equation for the neutralization of hydrochloric acid by each of
these substances.
b. Which of these substances will neutralize the greatest amount of 0.10 M HCl per
c. If 1g of Mg(OH)2 is dissolved 400mL of 0.10M hydrochloric acid, will the resulting
solution be neutral, acidic or basic?

2. Two Chem 16 students, Ben and Adie, are doing the same experiment, but they are using
different starting reagents. Ben uses cobaltous nitrate while Adie uses cobaltic nitrate.
Each of the starting reagents is reacted with sodium chloride.
a. Write the balanced chemical equations involved in the experiment.
b. During the first part of the experiment, Ben used 10.00 g NaCl while Adie used
7.500 g NaCl. If they both use 5.00 g of their own starting reagent, who will give a
higher yield of the common product? What is the difference between the two yields,
in terms of grams?
c. From (B), what individual amounts of cobaltous nitrate and cobaltic nitrate will use
up all the reactants?

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