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1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Class-10 Chapter-1
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

In 1848, a French artist, Frederic Sorrieu prepared a series of four prints

visualising his dream of a world made up of ‘democratic and socialist Republics’.

Shubham Pratap Singh
IMPROVE-ZONE 10.H.1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

The French Revolution and the Idea of Nation

1789- Changes occurs during the French Revolution.
• Power transfer from monarchy to common citizens.
• Ideas of La patrie(the fatherland) and Le citoyen(the citizen).
• The three-Colour flag was chosen for France.
• French language was declared as the national language.
• New National Anthem composed and oaths taken.
• Estates general was elected and renamed National Assembly.
• Internal customs duties and dues were abolished.
The French armies began to carry the idea of nationalism abroad.

• Ruled France from 1799 to 1815.
• Gained absolute powers in 1799 by becoming the First Consul.
Civil Code of 1804 / Napoleonic Code
✓ Equality before the law was established.
✓ Secured the right to property. Drawbacks of Napolean code
✓ Simplified administrative measures ➢ took away political freedom.
✓ Abolished feudal system. ➢ increased taxes.
✓ Freed peasants from serfdom and
➢ imposed censorship.
manorial dues.
➢ forced people to join French army.
✓ Guild restrictions were removed.
✓ Transport and communication systems were improved.

Shubham Pratap Singh
IMPROVE-ZONE 10.H.1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

2. The making of Nationalism in Europe

• Nation State means a country where most of the people
• In the mid 18th C, there was no Nation-State inside Europe.
o Instead there were kingdoms to be ruled by the
hereditary kings.
o Eg- Habsburg Empire,
that ruled over Austria-

Hungary their
o But, still they got the idea of Nationalism
2.1 The Aristocracy and the New Middle Class
• Social and politically division of the Europe was in such a way

Came later

• The middle class came with the idea of

o National Unity (Nation-State)
▪ Same culture
▪ Same tradition
▪ Same language

o Liberal Nationalism

Shubham Pratap Singh
IMPROVE-ZONE 10.H.1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

2.2 What did Liberal Nationalism stand for?

• But men without Property and Women joined Revolutionaries.

Economically Liberalism stood for freedom of trade.
• Traders use to pay high taxes.

To solve such solutions

Shubham Pratap Singh
IMPROVE-ZONE 10.H.1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

2.3 A New Conservatism after 1815

• Believed that established institutions of state and society should be preserved, with the
changes initiated by Napoleon.
• Treaty of Vienna (1815) headed by Duke Martnich
1. Bourbon dynasty was restored to power in France
2. A series of states created on the French boundary for preventing French expansion
in future.
3. Prussia was given important territories on its western frontiers.
4. Austria got control over North Italy
5. Russia got Poland
6. German confederation of 39 states which had been set up by Napoleon was left
Main intentions was to restore the monarchies that had been overthrown by Napoleon.
i.e. now Europe got Monarchy and conservatives got power.

2.4 The Revolutionarie

• Many liberal nationalism people were not happy with Conservatism, they went
underground after
• A commitment to oppose monarchical forms that had been established after the Vienna
Congress, and to fight for liberty and freedom.

Shubham Pratap Singh
IMPROVE-ZONE 10.H.1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

3. The Age of Revolutions: 1830-1848

3.1 The Romantic Imagination and National Feeling

• Culture played an important role in creating the idea of the nation: art and poetry, stories
and music helped express and shape nationalist feelings.
• Romanticism, a cultural movement
which sought to develop a particular
form of nationalist sentiment.
Language also played an important role
in developing nationalist sentiments.
• Russian language was imposed
everywhere including Poland and in
1831 an armed rebellion against Russian rule took place which was ultimately crushed.
Shubham Pratap Singh
IMPROVE-ZONE 10.H.1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

3.2 Hunger, Hardship and Popular Revolt

• Europe faced economic hardships in the 1830s.
• The first half of the
nineteenth century
saw an enormous
increase in population
all over Europe.
• Small producers in town were often ousted by the import of cheap machine-made goods
from England.
• The rise of food prices or a year
of bad harvest led to
widespread pauperism in town
and country.
• In 1848, the Population of Paris
came out on the roads and Louis
Philippe was forced to flee and
National Assembly proclaimed
a Republic.
• In 1845, weavers in Silesia led a revolt against contractors.
o Contractors ran to Army for help.
o 11 Weavers had died in that revolt.
3.3 1848: The Revolution of the Liberals
• In 1848, a revolution led by the educated middle classes was underway.
• Men and women of the liberal middle class demanded
o creation of a Nation-State on parliamentary principles –
▪ a constitution,
▪ freedom of the press and
▪ freedom of association.
German Region
• A large number of political associations came together in Frankfurt to vote for an all-
German National
Assembly. On 18 May
1848, 831 elected
marched to take their
places in the
Frankfurt parliament
convened in the
Church of St Paul.
Shubham Pratap Singh
IMPROVE-ZONE 10.H.1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

• The Constitution drafted for German nation was headed by a monarchy, subject to a
Parliament. The Crown was offered to Friedrich Wilhelm IV, King of Prussia but he
rejected it and joined other monarchs to oppose the elected assembly.
• The Middle Class dominated the Parliament and a large number of women participated in
liberal movement.
• Women formed their own political associations, founded newspapers and took part in
political meetings and demonstrations, but they were still denied suffrage rights during
the election of the Assembly.
• In the years after 1848, the autocratic monarchies of Central and Eastern Europe began
to introduce the changes that had already taken place in Western Europe before 1815.
o Thus, serfdom and bonded labour were abolished both in the Habsburg dominions
and in Russia.
o Hungarians were granted autonomy in 1867.

4. The Making of Germany and Italy

4.1 Germany – Can the Army be the Architect of a Nation?
• Nationalism in Europe moved away after 1848 and Germany and Italy came to be unified
as nation-states.
• Prussia took over
the leadership of
the movement for
unification. The
architect of this
process was its
chief minister, Otto
von Bismarck,
carried out with
the help of the Prussian
army and bureaucracy.
• In January 1871, the
Prussian King, Kaiser
William I, was proclaimed
German Emperor.
• An assembly was held to
proclaim the new German
• The process of nation-building demonstrated the dominance of Prussian state power.
• The currency, banking, legal and judicial system in Germany were modernised.

Shubham Pratap Singh
IMPROVE-ZONE 10.H.1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

4.2 Italy Unified

• Italy was divided into seven states of which only Sardinia Piedmont
was ruled by an Italian Princely state.
• Initially a unification programme was initiated by Giuseppe
Mazzini, but it failed.
• Chief Miniser Cavour led the movement.
1. In 1859, Sardinia-Piedmont defeated Austria
Habsburg forces with the help of French.
2. In 1860, Count Cavour with the
help of Giuseppe
Garibaldi and his army
rescued Southern Italy
from the control of
Bourbon king of Spain.
3. Pop surrendered mid Italy by
own to the Sardinia Piedmont.
• In 1861, Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed king of
united Italy.

4.3 The Strange Case of Britain

• The unification of Britain took place with
a long drawn process.
• Wales beccame Part of England in 1635.
• In 1688, England established as a nation
• English parliament seized power from the monarchy.
• The Act of Union 1707 resulted in the formation of
the ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’.
• With passage of time people of England started
dominating the Scotland people.
• In 1801, Ireland was forcibly taken by the
British after the failed revolution by
Catholics led by Wolf Tone in 1978.
• A new ‘British Nation’ was founded
through the propagation of a
dominant English culture.
✓ British flag
✓ National Anthem
✓ English Language
Shubham Pratap Singh
IMPROVE-ZONE 10.H.1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Visualising the Nation

✓ Nations were portrayed as
female figure (Allegory).
✓ The female form that was
chosen to personify the
nation did not stand for any
particular woman in real life,
rather it sought to give the
abstract idea of the nation a concrete form.
✓ In France the allegory was christened as Marianne, in Germany – Germania became the

Nationalism and Imperialism

• This led to a series of wars in the region and finally resulted in the First World War.
• In 1914, Europe was disinterred because of Nationalism, aligned with imperialism.
• Anti-imperial movements were developed but they all struggled to form independent
nation-states. But the idea of ‘nation-states’ was accepted as natural and universal.
Shubham Pratap Singh

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