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4 EERE EERE DEERE EENEEEEHEREELEEERARDRERRESR EEL Lea SIIIITS Colegio Ntra Sra, dela Consolacién Centro Concertado ‘Avda, igen de Lidon, 49 12004 Castellon de la Plana READING CIBERBULLYING TAKING PLACE AMONG YOUNGER CHILDREN There are risks to having a smartphone. In a recent survey, more than half of fifth grade students had smartphones. And with smartphones, kids may become victims Of cyberbullying or become a cyberbully. In the survey, 18 percent of those with smartphones reported that they had been cyberbullies. Researchers asked kids if anyone online had said or done anything that was very cruel and that really hurt or bothered them. The number of children who were bullied went down from the third to the fifth grade. As kids develop, more of them know who thelr tormenters are. And the incidents of repeated bullying go down. However, the number of kids who were bullied and were also bullies rose from 15 percent in the third grade to 21 percent in the fifth grade. More and more children report bullying; the number of reports is rising. Educators think this may be because programs to report bullying are working. They believe programs to prevent bullying, which include reporting it, are helping. The percentage of kids who know what bullying is, is going up. ‘A new approach to teaching children how to behave is developing. It is called social emotional learning (SEL). In SEL, kids lear how to detect and manage their own emotions and they also learn how to make good decisions. Schools are including it in their curriculums as they are one of the primary places where students learn social and emotional skills. The program gives “ kids courage and skills in the online world Reporting bad behavior and helping those a ui who need help is part of the SEL program. First thing for parents: talk to your kids B U LLY] N G about the subject of bullying and look for signs. As a parent, you have a direct STAND UP. SPEAK OUT. influence on your child's social behaviour. I's never too late for parents to teach moral values and ethical behaviour to their kids. Children should feel safe and loved in their home, and there should always be communication between parents and their children. 7 SALLE so sanction July 29th, 2013 (Adapted from thetimesinplainenglish.com) - Answer the following questions. Write complete answers. - According to Educators, why are the reports of bullying rising? ~ What is SEL (social-emotional learning)? - Underline the best option. a) Having a smartphone. i. gives kids courage and skills in the online world 2. means that youngsters will be cyberbullied at some point. 3. increases the risk of becoming a bully or being a victim of cyberbullying. b) The number of children... 1. Who were bullied and also were bullies increased from 15 percent in the third grade to 21 percent in the fifth grade. 2. Who were bullied decreased from the third to the fifth grade. 3. Both 1 and 2 are correct. - Find a synonym in the text for these words. a) Kids: b) Decrease: - Are the following sentences true or false? Correct the false ones. a) Parents mustn't speak to their children about the problem of bullying. b) According to the research, over half of fifth grade students had smartphones. - Write the past simple form of the following verbs. a) become: c) talk: b) think: d) feel: 78 wt seems sincmn an Avda. Virgen de Lidén, 49 POLAR BEAR MAKES THE LIST In spring 2008, the polar bear was placed on the endangered species list. According to the USA's Endangered Species Act, an endangered species is an animal, plant or any other kind of wildlife that is likely to face extinction in its natural habitat, Polar bears had already been categorized as a "threatened" species which the ESA defines as one that is likely to become “endangered” in the foreseeable future The polar bear is the first animal that has been classified as endangered due primarily to global warming, Global warming is a form of climate change caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that become trapped in the atmosphere. Oil and gas heaters, engines using oil or petrol (or gasoline) and coal-powered electricity plants all require fossil fuels that lead to global warming Renewable energy sources that don't cause global warming, which include among others solar, wind and hydro-electricity power, have been strongly attacked by many of the world's biggest companies in order to protect the huge profits they make from fossil fuels. They do this even though they're fully aware of how much fossil fuels are damaging our planet and endangering many of the species we share it with The polar bear's habitat is more vulnerable to global warming than many other species. Polar bears live mainly on the sea ice in the Arctic. This is where they hunt for fish and build up fat reserves. When the ice melts many polar bears move to land and live off their stored fat. In the Arctic, global warming is causing the ice to melt slightly earlier and form slightly later. This results in a shorter feeding season for the polar bear. Some risk their lives to find ice. If they have to swim too far they will drown from exhaustion and hunger. The World Wildlife Fund estimates that over 25% of Arctic sea ice has disappeared in the past 30 years. (Adapated from: https:/www.englishclub.com/reading/environment/endangeredspecies. html) - Answer the following questions. Write complete sentences. a) What is the definition of a “threatened” species? b) Why does global warming provoke a shorter feeding season for the polar bear? - Find a synonym in the text for these words. a) close to extinction: b) mainly: 79 Colegio Ntra. Sra. dela Consolacién Centro Concertado Avda. Virgen de Lidén, 49 12004 Castellon de la Plana - Are the following sentences true or false? Correct the false ones. a) When the ice melts in the Arctic, polar bears can survive thanks to their fat reserves. TRUE / FALSE b) Less and less greenhouse gases are becoming trapped in the atmosphere. TRUE / FALSE - Underline the best option. a) There are ... types of renewable energies. 4. three 2. some 3. too many b) Nowadays due to global warming the Arctic ice melts ... and appears ... 1. sooner / too late 2. faster / a bit later 3. sooner / much later - Write the comparative and superlative forms of each of the adjectives below. a) big:_; b) dirty: ) boring __ d) fast: ; 80 9. dela Consolacton, Centro Concertado Avda. Virgen de Lidén, 49 12004 Castellon de la Plana THE CHANNEL TUNNEL Channel Tunnel is a 50 km long undersea rail tunnel that connects south-eastern England with northern France. At its lowest point it lies 75 metres under the ocean floor. The tunnel is operated by the Eurotunnel Group, a British-French company. Three types of trains travel through the tunnel: trains for road vehicles, international freight trains and high-speed Eurostar passenger trains. The Eurostar high-speed passenger trains bring people from Paris to London in 2 hours and 15 minutes and passengers from Brussels to London in 1 hour and §5 minutes. Only 20 minutes are actually spent in the Channel Tunnel. The speed limit in the tunnel is 160 kilometres per hour. The rest of the journey is spent through south-eastern England and northern France speeding at a maximum of 300 kilometres per hour. Building the tunnel was a difficult engineering task which began in 1988. It was finished and officially opened in 1994. During its construction, teams from both sides used special machines. At times, almost 15,000 workers were employed by Eurotunnel. As construction progressed, Eurotunnel realized that total costs would be much bigger. The project, which was financed with private money, cost almost 15 billion Euros, more than twice the estimated cost. Since its official opening, about 15 million people have travelled through the tunnel every year. Even though it is a real alternative to air travel, Channel Tunnel trains have not carried as many passengers as its operator, Eurotunnel, expected. The company lost millions of Euros over the years. Although safety is a top priority for Eurotunnel there have been three big fires that forced the tunnel to close down. The last one occurred in 2008 and lasted for 16 hours. Nobody was killed but many people had to be taken to hospitals. In December 2009 over 2000 passengers were trapped in the tunnel because electricity failed in the cold weather. Adapted from: http://www.english-online.at/travel/channel-tunnel/channel-tunnel-_ train- link.htm ‘Answer the following questions. Write complete sentences. a) Has the high-speed passenger train service been cost-effective for the Eurotunnel company? Why? b) How long and how deep is the tunnel? 81 Colegio Ntra. Sra. de la Consolaclon Centro Concertado Avda. Virgen de Lid6n, 49 12004 Castellon de la Plana Find a synonym in the text for these words a) happened: b) Maximum transcendence: Are the following sentences true or false? Correct the false ones. a) People can travel through the tunnel by train and by car. TRUE / FALSE b) The building of the tunnel doubled the estimated cost of 15 billion € TRUE / FALSE Underline the correct option a) To travel through the tunnel takes... 4- two hours and fifteen minutes. 2- one hour and fifty-five minutes. 3 twenty minutes b) The building of the tunnel took. 1. six years. 2- sixteen years. 3. sixty years SEVEN-YEAR-OLD BOY RECOVERING WELL AFTER FIVE-ORGAN TRANSPLANT A seven-year-old boy has become the first child to undergo a five-organ transplant in a single operation. Jay Crouch, who has a condition that left his small intestine twisted and has caused complications with other organs since he was six weeks old, is recovering at home after receiving two kidneys, a pancreas, liver and small bowel during the 10-hour operation at Birmingham children's hospital. The surgery, which became necessary, has allowed him to have food for the first time. His mother, Katie Freestone, 28, said their relatives were “all absolutely amazed at the incredible progress Jay has made in a relatively short space of time”, after doctors said he was recovering well from the complex operation. “There also aren't enough words to say thank you to the donor and their family and, while we're amazed that Jay has been given this chance, we're also incredibly aware of the sadness and tragedy that another family had to endure to make this possible,” she said. 82 ee cet The operation required a team of 12, including anesthetists, two surgeons, five nurses and three junior doctors - as well as additional medical staff who were involved with the Patient's wider care. Freestone thanked them, saying it was “fantastic” to be able to take her son home. “It means we can finally get back to our own routine and Jay can be comfortable in his own space.” Doctors diagnosed Jay, who is from Leicestershire, with short bowel syndrome after discovering that his small intestine was twisted. The condition Prevented him from eating and digesting food, meaning he had to be fed intravenously and required continuous treatment. But that led to the failure of his organs, making the operation necessary. ~ Say if the following sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) according to the text. Copy the evidence from the text. @) Jay Crouch suffers from complications in several organs since he was a baby ») Jay's family members are sad because the operation wasn’t successful - Answer these questions according to the text. Use your own words. a) What can Jay do after being operated? b) Why was Jay operated? ~ Find words in the text with the same meaning as the following: a) difficulties (paragraph 1) c) advancement,development b) astonished (paragraph 2) (Paragraph 2) d) medication (paragraph 3) — oe + THANK YOU HEROES + 83 Colegio Ntra. Sra. de la Consolaclon Centro Concertado Ga ° ‘Avda. Virgen de Lidén, 49 12004 Castellon de a Plana LEARNING ENGLISH Today, millions of people want to learn or improve their English but it is difficult to find the best method. Is it better to study in Britain or America or to study in your own country? The advantages of going to Britain seem obvious. Firstly, you will be able to listen to the language all the time you are in the country. You will be surrounded completely by the language wherever you go. Another advantage is that you have to speak the language if you are with other people. In Italy, it is always possible, in the class, to speak Italian if you want to and the learning is slower. On the other hand, there are also advantages to staying at home to study. You don't have to make big changes to your life. As well as this, it is also a lot cheaper than going to Britain but it is never possible to achieve the results of living in the UK. If you have a good teacher in Italy, | think you can learn in a more concentrated way than being in Britain without going to a school. ‘n conclusion, if you have enough time and enough money, the best choice is to spend some time in the UK. This is simply not possible for most people, so being here in Italy is the only viable option. The most important thing to do in this situation is to maximise your opportunities: to speak only English in class and to try to use English whenever possible outside the class. 1. What is the article about? How many people learn English. The best way to learn English English schools in England and America. 2. What is one of the advantages of going to the UK to learn English? There are no Italians in Britain You will have to speak English and not your language. The language schools are better. 3. What is one of the advantages of staying in your country to learn English? The teachers aren't very good in Britain. You have to work too hard in Britain Your life can continue more or less as it was before. 4. People who don't have a lot of time and money should. Learn English in Britain. Try and speak English in class more often Go to Italy to learn English 84 lectern Read this story about a credible UFO si ighting and then put the pieces of the story into the correct order. — 1 Other people who prefer to believe in a scientific 2 explanation fo Suddenly, a strange light Scaaciat te Remeria seemed to be on top of the car, forezelintinayamncsctere sucking it up off the road before caused this and other dropping it down again incidents. 3 Meanwhile, a local lorry 4 cmver a Dacca In a state of shock, they drove to confirmed that he twee alee the nearest town and reported ssenlielsosreel ana the incident to the police. the distance. 5 6 Thinking that the woman must! havel beeniso\tred Finally, the police agreed to inspect the car and when they that she was dreaming, did, they saw the dust, smelt the the police gave her a cup of tea hoping to calm her smell and also noticed some ao ‘small dents in the roof of the car. down. 7 Feeling terrified and out of 8 control, the family noticed This story was quickly taken up a black powder seeping by some people as proof of the inside their car and smelt presence of aliens on earth. a horrible stench. When she saw @ light 10 NESS AEN Mrs. Knowles and her three sons piesa aenetanmsaliaan were driving from Perth to thinking that it was a traffic Adelaide in the early hours one signal morning in 198% Correct order: 85 Colegio Ntra. Sra. dela Consolacién Centro Concertado ‘Avda. Virgen de Lidén, 49 12004 Castellon de la Plana TRADITIONAL WEDDING Everybody loves a good wedding and I'm no exception. I've been to a load of them in my native Britain and | must say that | usually have a great time. I've also been to a few abroad, including the Caribbean and Spain, and most recently (last week in fact) to one in the mountains of Sardinia. No two weddings are ever the same and | really enjoyed this one for one or two of the differences from those in the UK. First, the two families spent at least three weeks before the big day preparing all the food, from wonderful home-made delicacies to simple traditional breads and pastas. In my experience, in the UK that onerous task is left to the caterers! In the week ding up to the wedding there is a dinner or some form of celebration every day - ng for the stomach | guess. | know that we have the traditional Bachelor party chelorette party, but this is more family orientated and certainly a little less dy. This particular ceremony was in a beautiful country church and afterwards the couple was driven to the reception in a wonderfully decorated classic Fiat 500, which was reaily similar to what happens in the UK, even down to the string of tin cans ig behind the car! trai The reception itself was also very similar unti | realized that the seven tables in the hall each sat sixty guests (that's four hundred and twenty, for those of you who didn't study Math), an average number for Sardinia but would be considered a very large wedding where I'm from. The wine flowed, as did the chatter - the famous Italian exuberance showing itself to the full. There were the five or six courses of wonderful food, screaming kids running wild, the ceremonial cutting of the cake by the bride and groom - but no speeches! Not one. In the UK it's traditional for the father of the bride to propose a toast, followed by the groom and finishing up with that of the best man. His is meant to be he highlight of the lunch \ dinner, generally having a good laugh at the groom's expense, but here the groom was spared that particular discomfort. Instead there was a delightful custom which I'd never seen before, in which six or seven of the male guests pass round the hall banging trays, drums, pots, pans or basically anything that makes a horrendous noise, selling pieces of the groom's tie which has been cut into tiny bits. The money raised is then given to the happy(!) Couple to help them set up their new life together. Really nice. Finally the evening Saw a lot of traditional dancing, a little disco dancing and some karaoke. Pretty much the part | like best, and again | wasn't disappointed. Can't wait for the next one 86 ese Centro Concertado ‘Avda. Virgen de Lid6n, 49 12004 Castellon de la Plana 1. The writer generally likes weddings 5, The groom meets the bride outside the True / False church. True / False 2. He didn't particularly enjoy the Sardinian one. 6. UK wedding receptions are often a lot smaller than Sardinian ones. True/ False 3. The families helped the caterers to ie eee) prepare the food. 7. The writer found it hard to understand th hes True / False 1e speeches. Tr False 4. There is usually a dinner the night rue! Fal before the wedding. 8. The staff of the reception hall cut the cake for the guests. True / False True / False 9. There is an auction to sell the groom's 10. The money from this helps to pay for tie. the reception. True / False True/ False HAY-ON-WYE, THE TOWN THAT IS A BOOKSHOP On the border between Wales and England there is a small town surrounded by beautiful hills that is famous for becoming a role model against the rural abandonment that followed the Second World War. Here, as in many other parts of Europe, people left the countryside and moved to urban areas in search of a better job and a better life. Hay-on-Wye was a farming village that was becoming a ghost town. But things went differently thanks to Richard Booth who, after he graduated at the Oxford University, decided to invest the inheritance of an uncle in trying to revive the fortunes of his native town. In the late '60s, he took a trip to the United States and decided to bring back to the UK thousands of volumes he found in the many bookshops that were closing down everywhere in those times. He was then ready to start the project that had been spinning through his mind: he opened his first bookshop of second-hand books in an old fire station and this was only the beginning of an amazing adventure. Mr. Booth began to collect all the books that others wanted to get rid of and his collection grew impressively, as well as his reputation. He rented more buildings left empty by those who were gone and kicked off an indirect urban regeneration: Hay-on-Wye was back to life. Attracted by the novelty, by Mr. Booth's 87 . Colegio Ntra. Sra. de la Consolacion Centro Concertado ‘Avda, Virgen de Lidén, 49 12004 Castellon dela Plana bravery and by the size of his business, people began to arrive from every part of the Kingdom to follow in his footsteps. Hay today has just about 1,500 inhabitants, but it counts as many as 26 specialized bookshops (thriller, music, art, cinema, poetry, children, etc.), some of which are extremely peculiar: welcome to the first Book Town of the world. Literally, the paradise of books of all kinds: new, second-hand, ancient and rare. On the streets you can find shelves full of books kept in the open air for the passers- by, sometimes with a sofa next to them to enjoy a good reading and chill out. If you wish, you can buy them putting the money in the designated box (50 cents for a soft cover, 1 pound for a hardcover): these are the "Honesty Shops’, as they are based on the trust in the honesty of the book lovers. Say if the following sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) according to the text. Copy the evidence from the text. a) Richard Booth was born in Hay-on-Wye b) All the bookshops in Hay are property of people from the town - Answer these questions according to the text. Use your own words. a) How did Booth begin collecting books? b) How can you pay in the bookshops that are on the streets? - Find words in the text with the same meaning as the following: a) legacy, something received from a predecessor b) incredible, marvellous ¢) Courage: d) relax Colegio Ntra. Sra. dela Consolacion Centro Concertado ‘Avda. Virgen de Lidén, 49 12004 Castellon de la Plana HOW TEENAGERS USE TECHNOLOGY Teenagers today seem overloaded by things to do and information to absorb. It's not unusual for a young person to come home late from school because of an after- school activity, turn on the TV and computer and be messaging friends while watching a programme with one eye, texting on the mobile with the other, somehow managing to play a computer game as well while eating a hasty meal. All before dashing out to another club or meeting friends where they'll text friends who aren't there at the same time as listening to music, chatting and maybe watching one soreen or other and playing computer games. Using the internet and mobile phones keeps teenagers connected, not only to their friends but to a broader range of people which widens their horizons. So on the surface of it, stimulation doesn't seem to be a problem. Except, as with anything, too much of the same can get you in a rut. Some young people become stuck in repetitive actions. Rather than learning new things from their access, they're simply repeating the same thing over and over. And if internet access and TV is available in bedrooms, what actually happens is that although the teenager may be connecting with people outside the home, they are not doing so with their family in the home. Recognising the value of what they are doing on technology, whether computer or mobile phone, raises their self-esteem. Teenagers are often unaware of their skill in this area, and it's important that you give them positive feedback. However, parents need to be the ones to make some rules and boundaries about sensible use. You might like to insist, for instance, that all mobiles - including your own - are off or on silent during shared family meals and maybe even use the answer machine to screen landline calls as well. TVs and computers should be off too, and meals taken around a table, not on laps. And teenagers may moan and groan, huff and puff but they need you to set some guidelines about physical activity and to lead the way in making regular exercise something you all do, together. Apart from doing your best for your child as a parent in this, you'll be doing yourself a favour too! Say if the following sentences are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) according to the text. Copy the evidence from the text. a) Nowadays all teenagers get home just after finishing school classes. 89 Colegio Ntra. Sra. dela Consolacién Centro Concertado ‘Avda, Virgen de Lidon, 49 12004 Castellon de la Plana b) Some teenagers have problems to interact with their families because of technologies. - Answer these questions according to the text. Use your own words. a) What type of activities do teenagers do when they go clubbing? b) How should parents react to their children abusing the use of technologies? - Find words in the text with the same meaning as the following: a) rare, strange c) motivation b) bigger d) ability, capacity (paragraph 3) WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE In 2016, the world will commemorate 400 years since the death of William Shakespeare. Shakespeare's England will play host to a range of new openings and exhibitions to celebrate his great legacy. These include several theatrical exhibitions at the Royal Shakespeare Company and some images of Shakespeare's final home. Moreover, Shakespeare's Schoolroom will open to the general public for the very first time. This special anniversary year is a truly unique opportunity to visit his home town Stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire to celebrate the lasting legacy of the world’s greatest playwright. William Shakespeare has a reputation as the greatest of all writers in English. His ability to capture and convey the most profound aspects of human nature is regarded by many as unequalled and the English Renaissance has often been called "the age of Shakespeare”. He was among the few playwrights who have excelled in both tragedy and comedy and several of his plays contain songs that are among the finest lyric poems in English. He also wrote 154 sonnets, two narrative poems, and a 90 Colegio Nira. Sra. de la Consolacion Centro Concertado ‘Avda. Virgen de Lidén, 49 12004 Castellon dela Plana handful of shorter poems. Shakespeare wrote his works between 1588 and 1613, although the exact dates and chronology of the plays attributed to him are often uncertain. Some of his famous plays are "Romeo and Juliet", "Macbeth", "Hamlet", "Othello", "Antony and Cleopatra, "The Comedy of Errors", "A Midsummer Night's Dream", among others. Shakespeare's influence on the English-speaking world shows in the widespread use of quotations from Shakespearean plays, the titles of works based on Shakespearean phrases, and the many adaptations of his plays. Other signs of his continuing influence include his appearance in the top ten of the "100 Greatest Britons” poll sponsored by the BBC, the frequent productions based on his work, such as the BBC Television Shakespeare, and the success of the fictional account of his life in the 1998 film Shakespeare in Love. - Say if the following sentences are TRUE or FALSE according to the information in the text. Copy the evidence from the text. a. Shakespeare's books are full of quotations that people use every day. b. 100 Greatest Britons” is one of Shakespeare's famous masterpieces. - Read the text and answer the questions using your own words. a. How will England celebrate the 400th Anniversary of Shakespeare's death? b. According to the text, what are the main characteristics of Shakespeare's plays? - Find words in the text with the same meaning as the following. Dramatist Include, have Unclear, doubtful Colegio Ntra. Sra. de la Consolacton Centro Concertado ‘Avda, Virgen de Lidén, 49 12004 Castellon de la Plana THE CHINESE DISCOVERY OF NORTH AMERICA? “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” Schoolchildren in the United States learn this rhyme because Christopher Columbus was the first non-native inhabitant (since the Vikings) to reach the ‘American continent. Or was he? Amateur historian Gavin Menzies suggests that in fact the Chinese arrived there first in 1421. Other historians, however, aren't convinced by Menzies’ theories. Menzies bases his theory on two maps which may date from the 15th century One, called the Harris map, depicts an imaginary country of Chinese legends; terestingly, it is located exactly where North America is situated, and displays ain identifiable geographic features, including the Grand Canyon. The other map, supposedly published in 1418, also depicts North America in detail, and rding to Menzies, may have helped the Chinese to locate the continent. But historian Geoff Wade is convinced this map is a modem fake; among other problems, the Chinese didn't know in 1418 that the Earth was round, as this map indicates. Menzies also cites as proof the discovery of ancient Chinese artefacts and drawings in North and South America. But critics claim that a Chinese conquest would have left more dramatic remains than just a few coins and beads. They also ask why there are no signs of 15th-century American life in China, such as the tomatoes or maize brought home by Europeans from the New World. Finally, Menzies claims that many North and South American Indian legends describe encounters between native inhabitants and Chinese. But critics ask why there are no accounts of early American life in Chinese culture, as would surely be expected. The 1421 theorists explain this by saying that when Manchu invaders defeated the Ming Dynasty which ruled China in 1421, they destroyed all the documents they found, including those mentioning the Americas. So, 1421 or 1492? Chinese or European? The evidence for Menzies’ theory doesn't yet seem to threaten the established idea that Europeans discovered ‘America. But there are enough unresolved issues to make you wonder! ‘Adapted material from Burlington Books 92 Colegio Ntra. Sra. dela Consolacton Centro Concertado ‘Avda, Virgen de Lidon, 49 12004 Castellon de a Plana = Choose the correct answer. Schoolchildren in the USA ... know a rhyme about the date of Columbus’ voyage learn that Columbus came to North America before the Vikings are tested on Menzies’ theory . The 1418 map ... reveals more details of North America than the Harris map conveys the idea that the Earth is round was given to the Chinese when they reached North America |. 1421 theorists ... didn’t expect the Chinese to bring back reports about the Americas believe that the Ming Dynasty erased written accounts of the Americas . say that Manchu invaders destroyed all documents about the Americas Read the text and answer the question using your own words. What makes Geoff Wade Think the 1418 map isn’t genuine? Find words in the text with the same meaning as the following. Certain about Stories Pictures Think 8 WEIL Colegiontea,sra. dela Consolacion Centro Concertado Avda, Viggen de Lidon, 49 12004 Castellon dela Plana THE “IDEAL” WOMAN Every day we are confronted with pictures of people with perfect bodies. The men in adverts have dreamy eyes and large muscles. The women in magazines are slender women with curves in all the right places. These images are shown as beautiful; the bodies are perfect and ideal. These photographs can often trigger the question ‘why can't | look like that?’ or declarations of ‘she’s so lucky!" It seems, however, that the women lucky enough to have the ‘ideal’ body change endlessly. The most desired body type is different depending on which country you look at and in what year. The Ancient Greeks thought women should be plump and full-bodied but the people of the Hans Dynasty thought the most appealing females had slim waists. !n many eras and cultures, it was considered beautiful to have pale or fair skin. This was true in the Hans Dynasty, in Renaissance Italy and in Victorian England. 'n Victorian England, pale skin was a sign of wealth and belonging to a high social class whereas darker skin suggested you had to work outside. Today, different cultures have different opinions on fair skin. It is still preferred in some countries, such as Japan. A lot of people in Japan regard fair skin as beautiful and there is even a market for skin whitening cosmetics. In modern England, however, many women use sun beds or fake tan in order to have tanned, golden skin. They believe it makes them look healthier, Throughout the 21st century, the ‘ideal’ body has been very changeable. During the roaring 1920s, the ideal woman was flat chested and had an almost boyish Physique. In the following decades, during the golden age of Hollywood, Marilyn Monroe set the standard. The dream woman was curvy with an hourglass figure. Today, magazines show us photos of people with ‘the perfect body’. According to history, this doesn't exist. Everybody type was considered perfect and the ideal in some culture at some time. Despite what we see in magazines, we have thousands of years of different ideals to show us that, really, no body type is better than any other. Each and every body is beautiful Taken from learnenglishteens. britishcouncil.org 94 Colegio Ntra. Sra. de la Consolaclon Centro Concertado ‘Avda. Virgen de Lid6n, 49 12004 Castellon deta Plana ~ Say if the following sentences are True(T) or False(F) according to the text. Copy the evidence from the text. a) Nowadays, tanned skin is preferred in all countries b) During the 1920s, the ideal woman was curvy - Answer these questions according to the text. Use your own words. { a) Why is pale or fair skin considered beautiful in many cultures? b) Why doesn't “the perfect body" exist? - Find words in the text with the same meaning as the following: (1 point) a) Thin (paragraph |) b) Attractive (paragraph Il) c) Women (paragraph Il) 4) Consider (paragraph Ill) THE BEATLES STORY The story begins in Liverpool, an English town which was heavily bombed during the Second World War. The war and its consequences were terrible for the | Liverpudlians. There was rationing and there was poverty. This dark and difficult | atmosphere affected everyone. However, it spawned a generation that was ready to create a new era. And this became possible thanks to the war babies, war babies like John, Paul, George and Ringo. John was the clever, sarcastic one. From the age of 6, he was raised by Aunt Mary, or Mimi, as she was known, but he used to stay with his sister and his mother at the weekends and school holidays. Just before his eighteenth birthday, his mother was run over by a car, and she died instantly. Paul was the friendly one. Paul's dad had once led a local jazz band. Paul's mother died of cancer in 1956. The fact that John and Paul's mothers had both died created a firm bond between them. Ringo was the funny one. He had not spent much time at school because of various illnesses. He spent some of his teenage years in hospital and while he was 5 de la Consolacién WALL cotegto nea.s Centro Concetado P hvda.Vigen deidén, 49 12004 Castellon de a lana convalescing, he learnt how to play drums and Ringo the Drummer was born. George was the shy one. He was a couple of years younger than the others, but by the time he met Paul, when he was only 15, he had already been in two bands. They were all sharp and funny and when they became The Beatles, the world had never seen anything like them before. Adapted from The Beatles Story Official Souvenir Guide TRUE or FALSE and copy the evidence from the text to support your answer. 1, People from Liverpool found it hard to survive during the war. John spent most of his childhood with his aunt. 3. Ringo did not use to go to school very often, as he was learning to play drums. 4. George was a rather talkative guy - Find words or phrases in the text that mean the same as these given. severely. brought up. link, friendship. due to. e000 LL. Colegio ntra.sra. dea Consolacion Centro Concerto ‘Virgen de iden 49 1208 castlon dela ana MY HOMETOWN 'have retumed to my hometown of Wilson Creek after an absence of 10 years. So many things have changed around here. When I left Wilson Creek, there was a small pond on the right as you left town. They have filled in this pond and they have built a large shopping mall there. A new post office has also been built just across from my old school. There is a baseball stadium on the outskirts of Wilson Creek which has been changed completely. They have now added a new stand where probably a few thousand people could sit. It looks really great The biggest changes have taken place in the downtown area. They have pedestrianised the centre and you can't drive there anymore. A European-style fountain has been built and some benches have also been added along with a grassy area and a new street cafe. My street looks just the same as it always has but a public library has been built in the next street along. There used to be a great park there but they have cut down all the trees which is a pity. The library now has a large green area in front of it but it's not the same as when the park was there. Another improvement is the number of new restaurants that have opened in Wilson Creek. A Chinese and an Italian restaurant have opened in the town centre and a Mexican restaurant has opened near my home. Which is where | am going tonight. 1. Jake's school doesn't exist anymore. 2. They have improved the baseball stadium. 3. Jake likes the new-look baseball stadium, 4. It's only possible to reach the downtown area on foot. 5. The buildings in the centre of the town look European, 6. Jake's street hasn't changed much. 7. He is sad about the park being ruined 8. Jake is going to eat Italian food tonight. 7 WALL cotesio tea sea. deta Centro Concertado F Avda, Virgen de Lidén, 49 12004 Castellon dela Plana REALITY TELEVISION Reality television is a genre of television programming which, it is claimed, presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and features ordinary people rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or "heightened" documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000. Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows to surveillance or voyeurism. Part of reality television's appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities. Some commentators have said that the name "reality television" is an inaccurate scription for several styles of program included in the genre. In competition- based programs such as Big Brother and Survivor, and other special-living- environment shows like The Real World, the producers design the format of the show and control the day-today activities and the environment, creating a completely fabricated world in which the competition plays out. Producers specifically select the participants, and use carefully designed scenarios, challenges, events, and settings to encourage particular behaviours and conflicts. - Add TRUE or FALSE and give the evidence from the text to support your answers. NO marks are given for only true or false. Reality television shows are performed by professional actors. a) b) Reality TV shows exist since 2000. °) Participants in reality TV shows are likely to become famous. d) What happens in a reality TV show is artificial - Find words or phrases in the text that mean the same as these given. a) Happening or existing now. b) Stimulate, °) Presents. d) Not exact or correct LL Colegio Ntra. Sra. de a Consolacion Centro Concertado Avda. Virgen de Lidén. 49 12004 Castellén de la Plana DIGITAL TOOLS 'TO SAVE LANGUAGES' Facebook, YouTube and even texting will be the salvation of many of the world's endangered languages, scientists believe, Of the 7,000 or so languages spoken on Earth today, about half are expected to be extinct by the end of the century. Globalisation is usually blamed, but some elements of the "modern world", especially digital technology, are helping to preserve them. For example: Tuvan, an indigenous tongue spoken by nomadic peoples in Siberia and Mongolia, even has an iPhone app to teach the pronunciation of words to new students. “Small languages are using social media, YouTube, text messaging and various technologies to expand their voice and expand their presence," said Dr Harrison, an associate professor of linguistics and a National Geographic Member. Dr Harrison says: "It's what | like to call the other side of globalisation. We hear a lot about how globalisation exerts negative pressures on small cultures to assimilate. But a positive effect of globalisation is that you can have a language that is spoken by only five or 50 people in one remote location, and now through digital technology that language can achieve a global audience." Harrison, who travels the world to find the last speakers of vanishing languages, has just helped produce eight talking dictionaries with National Geographic. Adapted from BBC News Colegio Ntra. Sra. de la Consolacién Centro Concertado ‘Avda. Virgen de Lidén, 49 12004 Castellén de la Plana ‘Answer these questions in your own words. Base your answers on the information from the text. 1, How many languages are expected to disappear by the end of the century? 2. Name two digital tools that will help languages survive. 3. Give an example of the positive effects of globalisation on minority languages. - Find words in the text that mean: - Seriously at risk of extinction - To maintain or keep alive ~ A teacher of the highest rank in a department of a British or American university - Beginning to disappear RAISING KATIE: WHAT ADOPTING A WHITE GIRL TAUGHT A BLACK FAMILY ABOUT RACE IN THE OBAMA ERA Lots of eyes follow the girl when she is riding her bicycle around the playground in an upper-class suburb of Baltimore. But it isn't the girl who catches everybody's attention. It's the African-American man, Mark Riding, who is watching the girl's every Move. "Nice riding” he says, when the fair-skinned girl tums to him, smiling. “Thanks, Daddy” she replies. People are clearly surprised This black father and his adopted white daughter, Mark Riding and Katie Smith, are a strange family model for the people there. They still remember the time at a market when Mark Riding got angry with Katie, and attracted so many furious looks that he and his wife, Terri, 37, also African-American, thought "they are Going to kill us". And the time when well-intentioned shoppers followed Mark and Katie out of the shopping centre to make sure the girl was all right and had no problems. 100 Colegio Ntra, Sra. dela Consolacién, Centro Concertado ‘Avda. Virgen de Lidén, 49 12004 Castellon de a Plana Is it racism? The Ridings tend to think so. It's fashionable to say that the election of Barack Obama has brought the beginning of a post-racial America. In the past few months, the newspaper The Washington Post has declared "the end of white America”; not surprisingly, most white and black Americans no longer cite racism as a major social problem, according to recent polls. But the Ridings’ experience seems to contradict these popular notions of harmony. And adoption between races is particularly difficult. The number of white families adopting outside their race is growing while cases like Katie's—of a black family adopting anon-black child— are still exceptional Adapted from Newsweek - Answer these questions in your own words. Base your answers on the information from the text. - What have the Ridings learnt after adopting their white girl? - What do the press and the American society in general think about racism in America? - Is it common for a black family to adopt a white girl in today’s American society? - Find words in the text that mean: - An area where people live which is away from the centre of a town or city (1st paragraph) - Skin that is very light in colour (1st paragraph) Angry (2 nd paragraph) - Modern (3rd paragraph) POKEMON CRAZE Pokémon Go has brought back the 90s monster-catching craze into smart phones. The game has made people go out of their houses, exploring their environments, exercising and making new friends. If you are still not sure what this whole phenomenon is about, here is a quick explanation. The game places creatures (Pokémon) on a map of the real world. Then, players have to catch them using “poke-balls” which they can get near landmarks like monuments, historic sites and public art. Besides, players can join teams and can battle other teams at a high level. The game is available on iPhone and Android devices. Although it is free to play, it includes some items that gamers can purchase to 101 WLLL cotegtontea sa. CenttoConcetago P Avda. Virgen de Lidén, 49 12004 Castellon de la Plana speed up their progress. But the game's viral popularity hasn't always been for the best. Since the very first week that it was released, Pokémon Go has been in the news media for leading people into dangerous situations as they follow the creatures in the real world. There is a huge list of crime, death, accident or dangerous situations linked to the game. Here are some cases, In the United Kingdom, a group of teenagers hunting for Pokémon got lost in a cave and they were rescued by the fire department. While walking on a forest in Texas, an 18-year-old boy who was concentrated on his phone playing the game was bitten by snake. Two men were taken to hospital in Germany after being stabbed during a fight between rival Pokémon Go teams. In Canada a driver who was playing the game while driving, ran over a woman, So, if you are playing, remember to stay safe, play with a group, stay aware and play during the day. - Are these sentences true or false according to the text? QUOTE THE RELEVANT EVIDENCE FROM THE TEXT: a. Pokémon players have to spend some money if they want to move up faster. b. The writer says that playing alone is safer. - Answer the following questions according to the facts from the text, but USING YOUR OWN WORDS: cc. What is Pokémon Go about? d. Why can the game be dangerous? - Find words or synonyms in the text with these meanings. e. the external elements surrounding and affecting a person f. mechanical or electric inventions g. spread quickly and widely by means of social networks. h. connected, associated, related 102 Colegio tra, Sra. dela Consolacién Centro Concertado ‘Avda. Virgen de Lidén, 49 12004 Castellon de la Plana The Big Apple. The City that Never Sleeps. Gotham. New York City has been described in many different ways, but it's simply impossible to truly describe a city like New York. It is divided up into five boroughs: Manhattan. When people think about New York, they usually think of Broadway, the Skyline, Wall Street and Central Park- which are all in Manhattan, Queens is home to the two New York City airports - Laguardia and Kennedy (JFK). In addition, Queens has many fun places to visit. One of them is The National Tennis Center, home to the U.S. Open. It is also the largest public tennis facility in the world which means that when the U.S. Open is not being played, the average person can play on the same courts used by the best players in the world. Staten Island does have interesting sights for visitors. The Staten Island ferry is the most popular way Staten Islanders get to Manhattan. One reason it is so popular is because the New York City subway does not go out to Staten Island, Another reason for its popularity is that ifs free. It is also the cheapest and most convenient way of getting an up close view of the Statue of Liberty. The Bronx includes attractions such as the Bronx Zoo, considered by New Yorkers the greatest zoo in the world. The Bronx is also home to the New York Yankees - America’s most overpaid baseball team. Brooklyn is known for its beautiful parks and many churches. It also has several famous landmarks, one of the most notable being the Brooklyn Bridge. New York City has a reputation (mostly from films and television crime dramas) as a haven for crime, but in recent years, though the reputation remains unchanged, crime has been reduced substantially, largely due to a zero-tolerance initiative undertaken in the 1990s. The famous New York Mafia is weakening and New York has recently been rated as one of the safest cities in America 103 {__ Colegiontra. Sra. deta Consolacton Centro Concertado ‘Avda. Virgen de Lidén. 49 12004 Castellon de la Plana -Say if the following sentences are True or False. Give evidence from the text. ~ You can go from Manhattan to Staten Island by underground. T/F - New Yorkers can play tennis at the National Tennis Center at any time. T/F - New York's most visited places are in Brooklyn. T/F - Complete these sentences to give correct information about the text. - You will have a fantastic view of the Statue of Liberty from ~ One of the strongest teams in American Baseball League is probably ~ The nicknames for New York are Answer these questions in your own words. Why do you think it is impossible to describe a city like NYC? w has safety in the streets changed? Is NYC safer or more violent than in the ast? Read the text about Charlie Chaplin's early life and answer the true/false questions below. He was believed to have been born on April 16, 1889. There is some doubt whether April 16 is actually his birthday, and it is Possible he was not born in 1889. There is also uncertainty about his birthplace: London or Fontainebleau, France. There is no doubt, however, as to his parentage: he was born to Charles Chaplin, Sr. and Hannah Harriette Hill (aka Lily Harley on stage), both Music Hall entertainers. His Parents separated soon after his birth, leaving him in the care of his increasingly unstable mother. In 1896, Chaplin's mother was unable to find work; Charlie and his older half-brother Sydney Chaplin had to be left in the workhouse at Lambeth, moving after several weeks to Hanwell School for Orphans and Destitute Children. His father died an alcoholic when Charlie was 12, and his mother suffered a mental breakdown, and was eventually admitted temporarily to the Cane Hill Asylum at Coulsdon (near Croydon). She died in 1928 in the United States, two years after coming to the States to live with Chaplin, by then a commercial success. Charlie first took to the stage when, aged five, he performed in Music Hall in 1894, standing in for his mother. As a child, he was confined to a bed for weeks due to a serious illness, and, at night, his mother 104 Colegio Ntra, Sra. dela Consolacion Centro Concertado ‘Avda. Virgen de Lidon, 49 12004 Castelldn dela Plana would sit at the window and act out what was going on outside. In 1900, aged 11, his brother helped get him the role of a comic cat in the pantomime Cinderella at the London Hippodrome. In 1903 he appeared in ‘Jim, A Romance of Cockayne’, followed by his first regular job, as the newspaper boy Billy in Sherlock Holmes, a part he played into 1906. This was followed by Casey's ‘Court Circus’ variety show, and, the following year, he became a clown in Fred Karno's 'Fun Factory’ slapstick comedy company. According to immigration records, he arrived in the United States with the Karno troupe on October 2, 1912. In the Karno Company was Arthur Stanley Jefferson, who would later become known as Stan Laurel. Chaplin and Laurel shared a room in a boarding house. Stan Laurel returned to England but Chaplin remained in the United States. Chaplin's act was seen by film producer Mack Sennett, who hired him for his studio, the Keystone Film Company. This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Original Wikipedia article. 1. Chaplin might have been born some years earlier than is currently believed. True False baa 2. Chaplin's mother died before her son ADAY WITHOUT was successful. LAUGHTER True : ISADAY False WASTED 3. Chaplin first performed on the stage after he arrived in the United States. True 5. His first partner on the stage was the False actor, Stan Laurel. 4, His first serious job was delivering True newspapers. pa True False 6. He was discovered while working for a British organisation in the United States. True False 105 Colegio Nitra. Sra. de la Consolacion Centro Concertado ‘Avda, Virgen de Lidon, 49 12004 Castellon de la Plana In the following text, four paragraphs have been removed. Above the extract you will find the four removed paragraphs PLUS one paragraph which doesn't fit. Choose from the paragraphs (A-E) the one which fits each gap in the text (1-4). Remember, there is one extra paragraph you do not need to use. Write the correct letter in the empty boxes in the text. A. "l was at this tournament in Oregon last autumn and it had been left back in the motel by my father. | tell you, not a single fish came near the hook that day. | wouldn't go anywhere without it now." B. But it was mainly his mother who saw his potential and decided to buy Mattie his first rod for his ninth birthday. The rest, as they say, is history. C. Oh, and he's the Western USA Under-16 Freshwater Angling Champion. Which, considering he's up against kids who have been fishing for some ten years while Mattie has had a rod in his hand for a mere three, is pretty impressive. D. "I went to Florida for the national Under-13's. | won that with a barracuda and it was caught in about 3 feet of water. Everyone else was casting out to 20 foot. | just seem to have a knack for finding fish." E. This explains the wise head he seems to have on his shoulders. Fishing runs wide and deep in the Jackson family, who live near the mountain resort of Mammoth in the north of the state of California. "So much of what | know about fishing has been given to me by my father, my brothers, my uncles and aunts. I's a team effort | like to say.” Mattie Jackson is 12 years old. He rides his bike around the neighborhood, plays soccer with his friends and gets good grades from Fairmount Ridge Junior High School. wf When | first met Mattie, he was exchanging baseball cards with some of his pals. This is a quiet, unassuming youngster and not at all what | expected from somebody who is said to have the fishing world at his feet. He was called the "Tiger Woods of fishing” by the editor of California Fishing last month just after he won the prestigious under-16 title. Mattie was pushed into angling by his father, John, when he was nine. He accompanied his father on numerous fishing trips so many successful tips and tricks had already been picked up by the time he tried it himself. And it seemed to come oh-so-naturally to him. “Lcaught my first fish after about four minutes. My father was furious,” he laughs. His father says he has a great technique, enormous patience and, most importantly, a willingness to listen and learn. ang WALL eater. sra. dela consoacon = Centro Concertado: ven vigen cei, 49 "200s cation ela Pana 2. His first angling trophy was won at the age of ten. He was Californian under-12 champion the following year. He is also American under-13 champion but it is the under-16 tournament success, against much older anglers, that gives him the most satisfaction. 3 It's what his father calls ‘Mattie's radar’ and it is being used on a daily basis in rivers and lakes across the USA as he travels from one tournament to the next with his father by his side. But he has other tools of the trade and is, typically for a fisherman, pretty superstitious when it comes to his tackle. “This lure was bought for me in England,” he explains, handing me something that looks like a wasp on a hook. "I've won three tournaments using that and if | lost it, snagged it or something, | would dive in after it. And this hat.” He is wearing a light blue cloth hat that he goes on to explain brings him luck. ale What does the future hold for Mattie? "| intend to finish school and | want to go to college. | know it's important to get a good education. 1'll always have fishing to go back to whenever I want." And with that, we reach the lake shore and he settles down for what promises to be a fruitful evening, Instinctively, his hand reaches up and pats his faithful blue hat before returning to his rod. Just checking,

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