CV - Kurniawan Iriyanto, A.Md

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Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data
FullName : Kurniawan Iriyanto
Place,DateofBirth :Cilacap,March22,1983
Sex :Male
Nationality : Indonesia
Marritalstatus : Married
Religions :Islam
Height,Weight : 155 Cm, 65Kg
Address :RT03 RW07 Kuripan Kidul,Kec.Kesugihan,Kab.Cilacap
Handphone :(+62)082159716580 phone,SkypeWhatsApp,Telegram.
082159735163 Hp
Email : [email protected], [email protected]

Educational Background
1989-1995 SD N 1 Kuripan,Cilacap
1995-1998 SLTP N 2 Maos,Cilacap
1998-2001 SMU N 3Cilacap
2001-2005 Diploma 3 Electrical Engineeringat Polytechnique PPKP,Yogyakarta


January 2023 Ahli K3 Listrik BNSP ( Occupational Health & Safety Electrical )
July 2022 Project Planning & Schedulling, Productivity Academy
October 2021 Maintenance Planning & Schedulling ; Productivity Academy
October 2021 Oil&GasElectricalInstrumentationTechnician;CepuPetroleum
January 2021 Instrument Inspection ( Basic ) , PT Anak TeknikIndonesia
January 2021 FoundationPlannedMaintenance,TotalProductionMaintenance,Lean
December 2020 BasicPLCAllenBradleyMicrologixProgrammingSLC500 PT.
Kharisma PersadaOtomasi
September 2020 InternalAuditSMK3,K3Migas,TeknikInspeksiK3Awarenes PT.
Muara ArthaPersada
October 2019 PLC - HMI Siemen S7-1200/S7-1500 ( TIA)

December 2017 K3TeknisiListrik,Kemenaker-PT.GlobalSafety


March 2016 Basic PLC, Siemen S7-300, Tekamberdi, Jakarta

November 2015 JobSafetyAnalys,PT.JayaTeknikIndonesia,Jakarta

July 2013 CAD 2D , Dynasty Computer,Cilacap

Organization Experience
1994–2002 PersaudaraanSetiaHatiTerate,IPSI(traditionalselfdefencearts)


Electrical : Motor control center, Electro motor and maintenance, Generator set 10 KW -
Electronic component, Cooling Tool ( AC, Chiller, Refrigrator ) , Basic PLC ( Siemens and
Omron ) , and Wiring diagram ( three line and single line diagram ), Telephone PABX,
Soundsystem,CCTV,MATV,andFireAlrmSystem,Battery,UPS500VA-1100KVA,and Load
Bank Test . Able to operational Synchronize Generator and Steam Turbin Generator,

Measuring Instrument : AVO meter, Earth Tester, Power Quality Analyzer, Megger Tester,
Infra Red Temperature, Tachometer, High Potential Test, Micro Ohm Tester, Ph Tester,
Hart Communicator .

Mechanical : Lathe Machine, Boring Machine, Rotary Welding / Welding Machine, Overhead
Crane, Electro platting rectifier, Milling Machine, Plumbing, Crusher, Stamler, Vibrating
screen, Thickener, Rubber Lining, Belt Conveyor, Magnetic separator, Ball mill / Raw Mill,
Hoist Crane, Blower, Rubber lining for Screen, Gear Box, Plumbing, Water Treatment Plant,
Sewage Treatment Plant, Recycle Clean Water Plant, Water Analys (pH, TDS ), Material
handling screw conveyor, Strapper conveyor, Centrifugal pump, Submersible pump, multi
stage pump, Boiler ( fire tube, water tube saturated and suprerheated ) , Steam Turbin
Generator 1500 KVA up 2200 KVA, Burner, Diesel Engine, Compressor, Preventive
Maintenance Vehicle & Heavy Equipment (DumpTruck,excavatorPC400,GD511-

Computer : Microsoft Office , Microsoft Project, JD Edward ( software plant maintenance,

procurement ) and Auto CAD 2D.

Licence : Driving Licence SIM A & SIM C.

HSE Electrical Technician from Department of Labour, Republic of Indonesia

Working Experience

July 2022 - Present. Electrical Specialist ( Electrical Supervisor ) PT. Oki & Pulp Paper Mill,
Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatera Selatan.
Responsibilities : Electrical Maintenance ( Medium Voltage 33 KV, Motor Mediuum Voltage
6KV, Motor Low Voltage 690 V, 400 V, 220 V, dan DC 24 V ) ,Electricity distribution
( Transformer,Reactor, Feeder ) Switchgear and Motor Control Center in Wood Handling
Plant and Water Treatment Plant - Effluent Plant Area. . ( Wood handling Plant : Conveyor,
Chipper, Drum breaker, Vibrating screen, Crusher) & WTP ( Raw WTP, Demin Plant, Reverse
Osmosis, Dosing Pump) and Effluent Treatment Plant ( WWTP)
April 2022 - Juli 2022 Section Head Technical Support Deparment PT. Andalan Fluid Sistem,
Samboja - Kutai Kertanegara, Kalimantan Timur.
Responsibilities : Coordinate and supervise mechanical, utility, electrical & civil
maintenance work to support the production process

January 2022 - February 2022 Electrical & Instrument Technical, PT. Ragheeda Artanti
Otonda ; Intrumentation Calibration Project at PLTU Tanjung Jati B , Jepara. ( Freelance )

Responsibiities : Instrument Callibration.

July 2021 - October 2021 , MEP Supervisor Engineering & Construction PT. Petrosea Tbk,
site PT. Kideco Jaya Agung , Batu Kajang- Paser. Kalimantan Timur. project : Mess

Responsibilities : Calculate and Determine material requirement, also supervise electrical

installations, AC, genset and plumbing.
Supervise the work civil sub contractor.
September 2020 - Juni 2021 Electrical Supervisor PT. Mipcon Prima Industri , site project :
Bauxite Smelting PT. Indonesia Chemical Alumina subsidiary PT. Aneka Tambang Tbk,
Sanggau, Kalimantan Barat.

Respnsibilities : electrician crew coordination to perform electrical maintenance of the

MCC, LV, & MV distribution panels. Lighting maintenance, AC, Electro motor in the
Chemical Grade Alumina Processing Area.
Perform preventive maintenance in accordance with the work order schedule from the
maintenance planner.
Trouble shooting, repairing lamp installations, transformer maintenance, checking Thermal
Infra Red Camera at MCC, Vibration test, Checkeing the Battery with Bttery Tester for DC
system and UPS, Transformer as well as silica gel replacement. Service AC , repair electro
motor .

Juny2020-September2020ElectricalInspectorPT.BruderConsultingIndonesia, site
Responsibilities : Conduct electrical inspection, analyze damage, electrical safety system,
provide completion recommendations.
Make material requests, coordinate with electrical Supervisors and crew technicians for
maintenance and repair of electricity and instrumentation.

July2019-25Februari2020ElectricalMaintenanceSupervisor,PT.BangunArthaHutama ( Bama
) , Coal Crushing Plant and Barge Loading Conveyor / Fixed Plant site project PT.
Responsibilities :
Ensure daily, weekly inspection panel, motor, and Lighting. Make Maintenance schedule,
Ensuring operation the Genset and Electricity Distribution as well.

Report the results of preventive, maintenance and daily reports of Predictive & Corrective
maintenance activities

February 2019 - May 2019, Electrical Engineer, Lion Hart Group, Sihanouk Ville, Phreah
Sihanouk, Kingdom of Cambodia.
Responsiblities : building electrical maintenance.

October 2018 - December 2018, Planner Fixed Plant ( Jig Plant / Coal washing plant,
Project. Senakin, Kotabaru - KalimantanSelatan.
Make planning maintenance schedule at Fixed Plant, Building office maintenance, and
Ligting tower for mining. Make a Request part/ material.
Checking to ensure the availability of critical parts in the warehouse.

July 2017 - September 2018, Electrical Assistant ( Power Plant & Electrical Maintenance
Supervisor),PT.FajarSaudaraLestari,palmoilmill,BatuAmpar,PadangTikarisland,Kab. Kubu
Raya, KalimantanBarat.
Responsiblities : Leading electrician and mechanic. Make maintenance schedule.
Purchasing materials and parts. Coordinate Operations Powerplant ( Boiler, Powerhouse ).
Make Daily , Monthly report.
Checking to ensure the availability of critical parts in the warehouse.
Make an annual maintenance work schedule plan.

Ensure engine HM reports and make schedules for greasing, changing oil and parts (V-
belts, oil filters, etc.)

December 2016 - March 2017 , PT. Kimbratas Dwi Perkasa, Tangerang; Field Technical
Service Supervisor, TP/ WWTP , WTP, Boiler Service, Cooling tower service, submersible
pump and electrical maintenance . Tangerang – Banten.
Responsiblities : Building electrical maintenance, Repair pump, and Boiler service.
Checking WTP/ WWTP operations.

June 2016 – December 2016, PT. Perisai Pribumi; MEP Supervisor, Construction project :
9Fave Hotel , Jayapura, Papua.
Responsiblities : Leading Electrical and Mechanical Plumbing installation. Ensure work is
in accordance with shop drawing. Ensre material readiness. Checking and testing
October 2015 - June 2016 , PT. Jaya Teknik Indonesia, Electrical Supervisor site project :
Mall Ambasador, Kuningan, Jakarta.
Responsiblities : Leading electrician and building opeations. Electrical maintenance for
lighting, Pump, Wifi, Telephone, MATV, CCTV, and genset opearation.

Carry out preventive maintenance according to the daily schedule, perform trouble
shooting, corrective maintenance and predictive maintenance at generators, transformers,
capacitor banks, ACB, MCC, LVMDB.

February 2015 - August 2015 PT. Deltasindo Raya Sejahtera, UPS Technician ( 500 VA -
1100 KVA ), Jakarta.
Responsiblities : Install and maintenance UPS at Costomer office.

October2013–-October2014PT.ServindoJayaUtama(IronOreMining,SalimGroup). Position :
Electrician Staff ( GA Department ). Pulau Taliabu, MalukuUtara.

Electrical installation for camp. Plumbing and Pump installation, repair utility in General
Affair departement.

May2011–May2013,PT.GuntaSambaGroup(AmpanasFactoryandMiauBaruEstate), Position :
Technique Assistant ( ME Maintenance Supervisor ) . Kab. Kutai Timur,
Leading electrican team and Powerplant . Make maintenance schedule daily, weekly,
monthly. Make Purchase request part and material.

Make an annual maintenance work schedule plan.

Ensure engine HM reports and make schedules for greasing, changing oil and parts (V-
belts, oil filters, etc.)

October 2008 –October 2010, PT. Niaga Tambang Cakrawala ( Coal Mining ), Position :
Administration Production. Kab. Bungo, Jambi.
Coal hauling administration.

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