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Credits Table Of Contents

Publisher: DMs Guild

Chapter Overview                               pg.4

Author: Wyatt Trull

Editor: Jason Price

Running the Chapter                         pg.6

Layout: Jeffrey Fischer

Dramatis Personae                              pg.7

Graphic Design: Trevor Armstrong

Artists: Bob Greyvenstein, Dean Spencer, WotC Creator The Bones of Saint Andral              pg.13

Cartography: CZrpg

Approaching the Town                     pg.19

Areas of Vallaki                                pg.20
About the Author Appendix A: Magic Items                   pg.33
Wyatt Trull—that's me—is a bestselling author of over fifty Appendix B: Bestiary                         pg.35

D&D products. He got his start publishing Curse of Strahd

supplements, such as Escaping Death House and The Appendix C: Items & Effects            pg.51

Wedding at Ravenloft. He has DM'ed Curse of Strahd thrice

and, at the time of writing, is in the middle of his fourth run.
Dogged by a love of all things Ravenloft and crippling debts, Companion Structure
he decided to write his own guide to Curse of Strahd in the The Companion is formulaic. Each chapter corresponds with
wake of his bestselling Dungeon of Mad Mage Companion. a Curse of Strahd chapter:
Chapter 1 acts as a campaign overview, concerned with
Using This Supplement its characters and narratives.
The Curse of Strahd Companion (hereafter simply "the Chapter 2 concerns Barovia itself, with an interest in its
Companion") is devoted to making the most out of your weather, geography, random encounters, and locations.
campaign. It provides tested advice, variants, dialogue, flavor Chapters 3-15 concern their matching chapters in Curse
text, and new encounters to better enhance your experience of Strahd (i.e., both Chapter 3 of the Companion and
running one of the greatest modules of D&D. True to its Curse of Strahd concern the Village of Barovia).
name, it is meant to be your constant tableside companion Appendices of the Companion provide the information
before and during a session. for any a) magic items, b) creatures, and c) effects that
appear in the campaign. For example, Appendix B of
Chapter 3 provides statistics for all creatures found in the
Why a Companion? Village of Barovia.
Even five years after its publication, Curse of Strahd is still Death House revises the campaign prologue and provides
lauded as 5th Edition's greatest campaigns: it is firmly rooted new aids to better run it.
in gothic horror and provides a tight narrative nestled in a
sandbox-like environment.
The campaign's chief flaw, the Glossary of Terms
Companion holds, is its organization—its buried details and
uncommunicated direction. A Dungeon Master that fails to The Companion makes the most of several terms:
carefully read the module from cover to cover can find CoS refers to Curse of Strahd
themselves later trapped when an important and missed CMP refers to the Companion
detail crops up. The Companion seeks to remedy this: it App. refers to an appendix of CoS or CMP
looks forward so you don't have to. It also exists to streamline Destined Ally refers to the Strahd's enemy, the ally that is
your session through advice, dialogue, and the providing of destined to stand with the party, as determined by the
statistics (for monsters, magic items, and hazards) you would Fortunes of Ravenloft
otherwise have to dig through other manuals for. Final Confrontation refers to the location in Castle
Ravenloft that the adventurers are fated to fight Strahd to
the death

Chapter 5: Vallaki
Chapter Overview
Known in the Curse of Strahd community as “the Vallakian Author’s Criticisms: The Vallakian
knot,” Chapter 5 has a lot to unpack—too much even. With so Knot
many characters and areas, some of which are bloated with Vallaki is a hot mess. It deserves its nickname in
unnecessary details, it is easy for a Dungeon Master to the community. Critical details are missing from so
become frustrated. Vallaki is somewhere between a sandbox many other portions of Curse of Strahd, but thank
and a time bomb. It is the only true bastion of civilization the God we know that the Martikovs have a well in the
adventurers can enjoy in Barovia—the only settlement with front yard and what toys the kids have. When you
true industry and amenities—but the adventurers’ time there factor in the Byzantine politics and the ticking time
is limited. For Ireena Kolyana, Vallaki is one of the few places bomb that is St. Andral’s Feast, it becomes
incredibly difficult to run the chapter.
in Barovia she can hope to be safe from Strahd. My advice is to take it slow. It is perfectly okay to
St. Andral’s Feast is at the heart of Vallaki. To summarize, run Vallaki as a sandbox and ignore St. Andral’s
Strahd has orchestrated the theft of the holy bones of Saint Feast’s timer. As long as the event does happen
Andral, which consecrate the local church. Without the and the adventurers are given time to intervene,
bones, undead and fiends can step upon its once-hallow you’re fine. It can occur three days from now or
grounds. Strahd intends to attack the church three days after even a week. Hell, if your players are keen, you
the adventurers enter Vallaki. By all logic, this tragedy could spend an entire month in Vallaki—not every
effectively kicks the party out of Vallaki: it robs Ireena day will be full of adventure, however, and they
Kolyana of safe haven; it leads to civil unrest culminating in don’t need to be. The characters themselves
the execution of the burgomaster; and it allows Lady Fiona require rest and relaxation. Barovia is a horrifying
Wachter to seize control of the town. At best, the adventurers place which frays the psyche; it’s okay if the
are banished by a paranoid Lady Wachter, who does not want adventurers take some time off and establish roots
any contest to her iron regime. At worst, the adventurers are that will inevitably be ripped out by the Devil. With
blamed for the tragedy and face a bloodthirsty mob. The so many characters, landmarks, and nearby locales,
you can truly experience a Barovian campaign. Now
adventurers are effectively forced to leave Vallaki in the is the time for side quests and long dinners with
aftermath of St. Andral’s Feast. For details on this event, see nobles. Just relax and take it slow.
CoS Ch. 5, Special Events.

Chapter Overview
Chapter Progression Checklist
Vallaki is a narrative labyrinth. You must accomplish the
Vallaki is a three act-storyline that measures up perfectly with following tasks:
the Bones of Saint Andral questline described below.
Father Lucian sends the adventurers to Blinsky Toys to
Act I spans the adventurers’ arrival and exploration of the purchase toys for Yeska, Freek and Myrtle. The
    town, as well as its outlying areas. During Act I, Father adventurers see the Ireena Kolyana dolls.
    Lucian reveals the theft of Saint Andral’s bones. Izek Strazni is seen in Town Square.
    Additionally, the baron invites the adventurers to dinner. Urwin Martikov asks the adventurers to visit Lake
Act II covers the night of St. Andral’s Feast event (both Act II Zarovich to check on Bluto Krogarov.
    of the Bones of Saint Andral storyline and the St. Andral’s The adventurers visit the Vistani Camp, thereby meeting
    special event). Strahd attacks Vallaki in some way, even if Kasimir Velikov and Arrigal.
    his plot is foiled. Kasimir Velikov asks the adventurers to join him on an
expedition to the Amber Temple.
Act III is a time of chaos. Goaded by Lady Wachter, a mob Father Lucian tasks the adventurers with recovering the
    drags the baron and his wife from their home to be bones of Saint Andral.
    executed. The adventurers are sure to be banished from The adventurers are “invited” to the baron’s home for
    Vallaki thereafter if they don’t leave of their own volition. dinner. The baron discusses the “incorrigible instigator
Rudolph van Richten” and, if Ireena is present, proposes a
In the Aftermath, Vallaki is seized by Lady Fiona Wachter, betrothal between her and Victor.
    who encourages the townsfolk to worship devils and no Victor Vallakovich’s teleportation circle is discovered.
    longer fear Strahd. Citizens openly walk the streets at night

    —an unprecedented feat—and Wachter’s cultists

    command all positions of influence. The Martikovs remain
    in Vallaki to keep an eye on Wachter for the Keepers of the Previously on Curse of Strahd
    Feather. Ireena dyed her hair after leaving the Village of
Barovia to better hide her identity, and may
Quick Notes have adopted a new name.
Ireena Kolyana is central to this chapter. She seeks If you utilized the The Liar, the Glitch, and the
Wardrobe variant, the adventurers may have
sanctuary at the church and is obsessed over by Izek found a Blinsky doll in Gertruda’s bedroom (see
Strazni. Baron Vallakovich wishes to betroth her to his CMP Ch. 3, Area E3). This doll, given to her by
son, whereas Lady Wachter would sooner turn her over to Victor Vallakovich, is a hook for the local
Strahd. toymaker, Blinsky.
Vallaki is home to three noble families: the reigning The adventurers may have saved Freek and
Vallakoviches, the charitable Martikovs, and the wicked Myrtle from Old Bonegrinder, in which case it is
Wachters. best to give them to Father Lucian at Saint
Ordinarily, Father Lucian only confides in the theft of Andral’s Church. The priest sends the party to
Saint Andral’s bones to good-aligned clerics and paladins. Blinsky Toys (Area N7) with some money to
The adventurers can otherwise win his trust by rescuing purchase toys for the traumatized kids.
Arabelle from Bluto Krogarov at Lake Zarovich or Morgantha may have hexed an adventurer into
liberating Udo Lukovich from the baron’s manor. setting up St. Andral’s Feast. See CMP Ch. 6,
Do not forget that the streets of Vallaki are alive. At your Dark Bargains, for details.
discretion, the adventurers can cross paths with any other
Vallakian character instead of where they are presented in
the book.
If you don’t want to run the Festival of the Blazing Sun or
Tyger, Tyger events, you can just postpone the festival to
the day after St. Andral’s Feast. This has the benefit of
changing the baron’s method of execution: he and his
family are immolated instead of stoned to death.
Family portraits are useful tools; they inform the party of
the entire family and offer insight into the family’s social
life. Be sure to show them before the adventurers deal
with the noble families.
Chapter 5 is likely the adventurers’ first encounter
with Strahd.

Chapter Overview
After earning Father Lucian’s trust—such as by saving
Running the Chapter Arabelle the Vistana from Lake Zarovich, negotiating for Udo
Consisting of so many landmarks and characters, Vallaki can Lukovich’s release, or other heroics—the priest offers his
be difficult to run. One must take it slow and introduce its quest. This likely occurs on the second or third day in Vallaki.
characters in small doses. The players can be overwhelmed If the bones of Saint Andral are not recovered, Strahd attacks
just as easily as the Dungeon Master. Fortunately, the the church. This sparks civil unrest that sees the baron and
adventurers will only frequent the church, inn, and town his wife executed. As Izek Strazni flees into the wilderness,
square (Areas N1, N2, and N3). These are dynamic locations, Lady Wachter seizes power. Eager to cement a claim on
visited by all Vallakians. Likewise, the streets are alive with Vallaki, Wachter imprisons Victor, weds him to her daughter
people. If you have an encounter in mind, stage it there. Stella, and promises to execute him after a child is born.
Remember, Vallakians are living people with their own Eager to rid Vallaki of any other threats to her rule, Wachter
duties, habits, and wants to attend to. If you want the banishes the adventurers from Vallaki.
adventurers to encounter a certain character, do so on the Advancement
street if you can’t wait for them to return to a particular The adventurers often reach Vallaki at 3rd-level. They should,
location. however, be at least 4th-level by now if they completed the
Below is a sample plot you can draw upon for inspiration. entire Funeral for the Burgomaster questline in Chapter 3.
This plot begins after the Death in the Dead of Night For surviving St. Andral’s Feast, the adventurers should
storyline described in CMP Ch. 6 (hence why the adventurers advance to 5th-level, if they haven’t already.
arrive to Vallaki at dawn) but you need not follow it.
Exploring Nearby Locales
Sample Plot
Arriving to Vallaki at dawn, the adventurers bring Ireena Even with the Bigger Barovia variant, the adventurers should
Kolyana to Saint Andral’s Church. Father Lucian, recognizing be encouraged to explore other locales. Lake Zarovich (and
Ireena as the little girl who was lost to the woods twenty Mount Baratok), Van Richten’s Tower, Old Bonegrinder, and
years ago, accepts her into the church—as well as Freek and Argynvostholt are all within a day’s trek. A visit there also
Myrtle, if they were rescued from Old Bonegrinder. The serves to waste more time before St. Andral’s Feast. The
adventurers, exhausted, retire to the Blue Water Inn. After adventurers can receive bread crumbs to these locales from
several hours of much-needed sleep, the adventurers begin the Blue Water Inn.
their first day in Vallaki. Navigation
Returning to Saint Andral’s Church, Father Lucian seems Because Vallaki has so many characters and landmarks, you
troubled, but he waves them off. If Freek and Myrtle are must give your players a map—not the adventurers, but the
present, Lucian gives the adventurers money for toys and players themselves. Moreover, they require the Dungeon
sends them and the children off to Blinsky’s Toys. Otherwise, Master’s version of the map, which points out landmarks. The
he admits that he is troubled over the continued Player version of the map is, frankly, worthless. What use is
imprisonment of Udo Lukovich, the shoemaker whose there in being able to follow a road? Players are not their
mother prays nightly for his safe release. characters, so extra aid is required to facilitate informed
Exploring the town square, the adventurers come upon the exploration of the town. The map you give the players is
donkey-headed criminals and visit Blinsky’s Toys. There they simply a representation of their knowledge. One short
find dolls eerily reminiscent of Ireena Kolyana. Blinsky conversation with a Vallakian can provide information on all
explains that the baron’s henchman, Izek Strazni, orders him nine landmarks.
to manufacture the dolls. While on their way back, the A Dungeon Master must sometimes worry that by
adventurers finally come face to face with Izek. If Ireena is informing adventurers of a landmark, they are hinting that
present, he gawks at her and begins planning her kidnapping. there lies a mystery or secret to unravel. In this instance, do
Once back at the church, Father Lucian reveals that devil- not worry about spoilers; every Vallakian landmark is public
armed brute is none other than Ireena’s brother. knowledge, even Wachterhaus. For some innocuous
The adventurers find themselves in a power struggle. Both descriptions of these landmarks, see the Vallaki Landmarks
Baron Vallakovich and Lady Wachter wish to host them for by Description table in Areas of Vallaki.
dinner (see The Honor of your Presence and Lady Wachter’s
Wish in Special Events below). The nobles do not tolerate Weather
that which they can’t control, but the baron, in particular, Weather is a powerful tool in Vallaki. Anything but a shower
wishes to wed Ireena to his son, Victor. Lady Wachter would drives the villagers indoors and leaves Vallaki’s streets eerily
sooner give Ireena to the Devil. empty. It’s a great way to alienate the adventurers or keep
them indoors and thereby waste more time before St.
Andral’s Feast. Even better, if the adventurers brave Henrik
van der Voort’s home to retrieve the Bones of Saint Andral, a
storm can provide an excuse for the vampire spawn to pursue
the adventurers even during daylight hours.
It rains heavily on the first day in Vallaki, encouraging the
adventurers to take it easy for once. The skies are mostly
clear on the second day, encouraging the exploration of
nearby locales, like Lake Zarovich and Argynvostholt. The
third day is a miserable one; from dawn to dusk, gruelling
rains batter the streets.
Chapter Overview

Dramatis Personae

Vallaki has a staggering number of characters, most of whom

you need to at least be aware of in advance. The town is also

home to three noble families, who are detailed en masse

below before other characters.

Dramatis Personae
Character Statistics Role Area Description
Alexei CN bandit N N9C     Vistana who lost Arabelle, Luvash’s daughter and is being whipped
    bloody for it.
Arrigal See App. B N N9C     Heartless Vistani agent of the Devil, brother of Luvash.
Bray Martikov Wereraven P N2     Son of Urwin and Danika Martikov.
Brom Martikov Wereraven P N2     Son of Urwin and Danika Martikov.
Danika Dorakova Wereraven P N2     Husband of Urwin Martikov.
Ernst Larnak LE spy N N4     Disloyal spy of Lady Fiona Wachter.
Father Lucian LG priest P N1     Vallaki’s sole priest who offers the Bones of Saint Andral questline.
Fiona Wachter See App. B A N4     Adversary of the baron that seeks to seize control of Vallaki.
Gadof Blinsky CG commoner P N7     Strange local toymaker.
Henrik van der LE commoner N N6     Coffin maker who was forced to steal the bones of Saint Andral.
Ireena Kolyana See App. B P N/A     Seeks sanctuary at Saint Andral.
Izek Strazni CoS App. D A N4/N8     Brother of Ireena Kolyana and devil-armed henchman of Baron
Karl Wachter N noble N N2C/N4     Mischievous son of Fiona Wachter.
Kasimir Velikov See App. B N N9A     Broken elf who offers expedition to the Amber Temple.
Luvash CE bandit N N9C     Perpetually-drunk father of Arabelle and co-leader of the Vistani.
Lydia Petrovna LG commoner P N3     Perpetually-giggling wife of the baron.
Milivoj See App. B A N1/N8     Church gravedigger who stole the bones of Saint Andral.
Muriel Vinshaw Wereraven N N2C     Agent of the Keepers of the Feather.
Nikolai Wachter N noble N N2C/N4     Mischievous son of Fiona Wachter.
Rudolph van CoS App. D P N2     Known as Rictavio in CoS
Stella Wachter CG commoner N N4N     Mad daughter of Fiona Wachter, locked away in her room.
Szoldar N scout P N4C     Wolf hunter who offers guides through the woods.
Udo Lukovich LN commoner P N3M     Shoemaker imprisoned by the baron for malicious unhappiness.
Urwin Martikov Wereraven P N2     Estranged son of Davian Martikov and owner of the Blue Water Inn.
Vargas Vallakovich NE noble A N3     Egotistical, deluded, and brittle baron of Vallaki.
Victor Vallakovich NE mage N N3T      Heir to Vallaki and unscrupulous wizard.
Willemina LG commoner P N1     Distraught mother of Udo Lukovich.
Yeska LG P N1     Altar boy who told Milivoj about the bones of Saint Andral.
Yevgeni Krushkin N scout P N2C     Wolf hunter who offers guides through the woods.

Dramatis Personae
Arrigal Roleplaying Ernst. Ernst is a bold and treacherous cur
Other than Rahadin, Arrigal is Strahd’s greatest mortal willing to cross, double-cross and triple-cross anyone. He
agent. An assassin without scruples, Arrigal walks where the seldom looks someone in the eye, but always wears an easy
Devil’s undead can’t go. Although Arrigal nominally shares grin. He has no ideals to speak of and cares only for his own
leadership with his brother Luvash, all Vistani in his clan wellbeing. Most conversations with Ernst are held in public,
know that he is the true puppeteer. With loyal and frightened for he knows it far more conspicuous to move to an alley or
soldiers at his command, and a peerless skill set, Arrigal is a other clandestine location. Ernst refers to Wachter as his
menace like no other. “fair lady.”
Arrigal is the campaign’s antagonistic wildcard. He can be You can voice Ernst through the following dialogue:
used to stalk, sabotage, and attack the adventurers “My fair lady hosts a book club every few nights—a little
repeatedly. With poisoned crossbow bolts and +8 Dexterity antithesis to Father Lucian’s sermons, if you catch my
(Stealth) checks, he can strike from afar and move through drift.”
the shadows. Arrigal is fond of cheap tricks and keeping his “My fair lady has made contact with… Well, we have a
distance. If he has it his way, the adventurers will never know friend in our midst—Majesto—who is even more alien to
who is terrorizing them. You must, however, practice this land than you are.”
restraint. His missions are clear: steal an artifact, sabotage a “The family is broken. The boys drink themselves to death
plan, abduct the Destined Ally, and the like. Strahd is unlikely each night—when they aren’t making messes I must
to order the assassination of an adventurer, and the quietly clean up, that is—and Stella is locked in her room.
adventurers are unlikely to enrage Arrigal enough to warrant The girl has gone mad. We know not why… only that the
an attempt on their lives. tattered remains of her sanity stretch back to a private
Arrigal has but one weakness: his niece, Arabelle. Even a dinner with the young baronet.”
heart as dark as his can know love, and Arrigal loves his
niece unconditionally. If she is rescued by the adventurers, Father Lucian
Arrigal extends his true gratitude… but even that is not Father Lucian
Father Lucian Petrovich is the older brother of
enough for Arrigal to disobey Strahd’s orders. Only by Baroness Lydia Petrovna, and the priest of Saint Andral’s
threatening Arabelle can the adventurers hold off Arrigal— Church. If one had to choose a single “main character” for
but the assassin is not the type to be cowed. Sooner or later, Vallaki, it would be Father Lucian. The priest is a symbol of
Arrigal would rescue his niece and drive a poisoned blade hope—a symbol that is about to be sullied by Strahd. His arc
into those who dared endanger her. is representative of the entire Barovian cycle: dare to stand
Justice for Arabelle. As described below in the special boldly against the Devil, only to be destroyed or corrupted by
event of the same name, Arrigal seeks vengeance against evil that permeates this land. Additionally, he offers the
Bluto Krogarov for abducting his niece. He would not let the chapter’s main quest, The Bones of Saint Andral.
town drunk get away with such a heinous crime. If Bluto is Father Lucian is Vallaki’s only lifeline. His fiery, hopeful
not given to the Vistani to face trial, Arrigal infiltrates Vallaki sermons are Vallaki’s sole comfort against Barovia’s
at night, assassinates Bluto, and leaves his corpse in town miserable reality. Without him, the townsfolk would be lost.
square for all to see. No one, not even the most jaded Barovians, have an unkind
Roleplaying Arrigal. Arrigal is level-headed and hardly word to say about Father Lucian. Even Baron Vallakovich
drinks. He is the voice of reason, the cold, calculating mind sees the use in the priest’s sermons—and he even fears what
crafting a plot. He is, essentially, the puppet master of the may happen if Father Lucian ever turned his sermons against
Vistani. When Luvash flies off the handle, Arrigal is there to him. Fortunately, Father Lucian believes in Vargas’ “All will be
reel him in. He seems warm and friendly, but this is all a well” message, even if he believes it won’t save Vallaki.
guise. Arrigal would smile as he decides how to best kill Revision. Father Lucian is ordinarily a priest, but it is
whomever he’s looking at. better that he be a commoner instead. Vallaki should be
As a Destined Ally. As the Companion advocates in CMP bereft of spellcasters, especially one that can heal the sick
Ch. 1, Arrigal makes for a fitting faux Destined Ally. It should and wounded and conjure food and drink. With such powers,
be unclear whether he, Ezmerelda d’Avenir, or Rudolph van Father Lucian has proof that faith will be rewarded and that
Richten is their ally, with Arrigal inevitably betraying the the Morninglord is real. For a grimmer Barovia, strip him of
adventurers. this magic.
Ernst Larnak
Ernst Larnak is Lady Fiona Wachter’s disloyal spy. He can be
bribed for as low as 10 gp, after which he reveals Wachter’s
secrets. He can be met during the Lady Wachter’s Wish
special event, but might otherwise seek out the adventurers.
If any adventurer knows Thieves’ Cant, Ernst communicates
sensitive information exclusively through that. The only
secret of Wachter’s Ernst doesn’t know is that she sleeps with
the corpse of her husband Nikolai.

Dramatis Personae
Roleplaying Lucian. Father Lucian is a kind and wise soul. You need not keep Ireena around for the entire chapter;
Nearing sixty, he has seen countless tragedies in his time and she won’t leave Vallaki to explore nearby locales with the
chooses to remain hopeful. He is no misguided priest, but a adventurers, nor does she accompany them through the
veteran of Barovia’s unrelenting misery. He is filled with streets. She can be persuaded to lend her strength when the
doubts and often drums his fingers against a surface when adventurers attempt to retrieve Saint Andral’s bones.
troubled. Family is Forever. As a little girl, Ireena became separated
You can voice Father Lucian with the sample dialogue from her family at Lake Zarovich. Her brother lost his arm to
below: a wolf and Ireena fled into the woods. The Dark Powers
“It is my duty to nurture the flame of Vallakian hope… scrubbed her memories and delivered her to the Village of
Alas, I am an old, done man. Someone will soon have to Barovia where she has lived ever since. This chapter sheds
take my place. I hope it may be Yeska, but the boy forgets light on Ireena’s mysterious past, and there is no greater
his catechisms. Still… there is hope in his heart. Children medium than Father Lucian (see Area N1 in Areas of Note
truly are the future.” for sample dialogue). The priest alone can recognize Ireena
“I have witnessed joy and tragedy. I have birthed men and and reveals her tragic history:
women I know today… and I have buried even more. Ireena was born as Yasmine Strazni to her parents Hans
Without hope, we have nothing.” and Ruxandra. Father Lucian does not reveal that Ireena’s
“I am but a servant of the Morninglord… the crook through brother is none other than Izek Strazni until later—after
which he guides this flock.” Izek is met by the adventurers or abducts Ireena.
Ireena went missing after a disastrous fishing trip to Lake
Fiona Wachter Zarovich. Her brother lost his arm and her uncle Radu
Lady Fiona Wachter leads a secret devil-worshipping cult and died distracting the dire wolf. Hans carried Izek to safety,
has her eyes on seizing the barony for herself. Fiona married but Ireena ran into the woods, never to be found again.
her sweetheart Nikolai Wachter at a young age and bore an Ireena’s parents committed suicide, leaving Izek an
unhappy family that, to this day, can hardly stand each other. orphan.
Her sons, Karl and Nikolai Jr., are mischievous drunks. Her
daughter Stella has gone mad and must kept locked away to Izek Strazni
avoid embarrassing the family. Her dear husband died three Izek Strazni is the devil-armed, long-lost brother of Ireena
years ago—and with her devilish powers, Fiona has been Kolyana and henchman of Baron Vallakovich. Loyal to the
keeping his fresh corpse in her bed. Through nightly spells of baron and evil to the core, Izek is more monster than man.
gentle repose, she has kept Nikolai from festering. No one He enforces the baron’s will and is a true wild card. If the
knows this great secret. baron is executed, Izek flees into the Svalich Woods, where
Fiona is Chapter 5’s antagonist. She detests the baron and he can bide his time and stalk the adventurers.
is slowly gaining more power throughout Vallaki. The Family is Forever. Izek lost his arm, uncle, and sister to a
adventurers are an opportunity to fast-track her plan. Seeking dire wolf as a young boy at Lake Zarovich. His parents,
to overthrow Vargas, she entreats with the adventurers until unable to cope with the loss of their daughter, took their own
it becomes clear they can’t or won’t aid her. Ultimately, she lives, leaving Izek orphaned. Tormented by his peers, Izek
seizes power in the aftermath of St. Andral’s Feast and gave into his darker urges and began to kill. Were it not for
musters up a mob to execute Vargas and his wife. the baron’s intervention, Izek would have been executed. The
Victor Vallakovich. Even if Fiona seizes control over brute is haunted by dreams of a lovely woman: Ireena
Vallaki, she must still cement a claim to the barony. She has Kolyana, his sister Yasmine. Izek attempts to kidnap Ireena
Victor captured, gagged, and manacled so as to inhibit his after seeing her, not knowing she is her sister. He then
spellcasting—for she knows that he is the one who broke her smuggles her to his room in the baron’s manor. A maid sees
daughter’s mind with enchantment magic. If she has it her this and alerts the baron; Ernst Larnak then hears about it
way, Fiona will wed Victor and Stella. Once Stella bears a and informs both Wachter and the adventurers.
living heir, Fiona intends to execute Victor and raise her Roleplaying Izek. Speaking in a heavy, disinterested voice,
grandchild as a puppet. Izek prefers short, simple sentences. He expects all his
Roleplaying Fiona. Fiona is cold and humorless. Her gaze orders to be obeyed and flies into a rage when those orders
is hostile and sterile. Fiona never smiles—not until she has are questioned. Granted impunity by the baron, Izek has no
seized Vallaki will even a grin grace her lips. Highly qualms with using force to reinforce his point or satisfy his
calculated, Fiona never utters a word or commits to an action own ends. He can face no consequences and therefore has
without piecing out the consequences. nothing to fear. If Izek were brighter, and not blinded by
loyalty, he would realize Vargas is afraid of Izek—or would
Ireena Kolyana be, if Vargas did not have absolute certainty he could control
In this chapter, Ireena Kolyana searches for sanctuary only to Izek.
have it ripped away by Strahd. If St. Andral’s Feast does not
occur, Ireena finds safety in the church but still must deal
with Vargas Vallakovich and Fiona Wachter, both of whom
would like to betroth Ireena, a noble, to their heirs. Baron
Vargas makes this suggestion during the The Honor of Your
Presence special event added by the Companion.

Dramatis Personae
Kasimir Velikov A Father’s Debt. If the adventurers rescue Arabelle,
Kasimir is desperate, broken, and full of dark hope. The Luvash is genuinely grateful—grateful enough that he will not
adventurers are the representation of that hope, the answer harm the adventurers, even if ordered to by Strahd. Any
to his unanswered prayers. In them, he sees the opportunity actions made against them are half-hearted. During The
to finally resurrect Patrina—and perhaps even resurrect Wedding at Ravenloft, Luvash will even tackle Arrigal
other dusk elves too. There is no price he is not willing to pay (“Brother, no!” he shouts) when the assassin betrays the party
for such redemption. during the reception.
Roleplaying Kasimir. Kasimir is a pessimist tormented by Muriel Vinshaw
a thin ray of hope. He is quick to complain, lament, and
disparage good tidings. He finds the downside in everything Muriel Vinshaw is a wereraven and agent of the Keepers of
and isn’t shy about pointing it out. When nervous or lost in the Feather. Because she is not a Martikov, Muriel is the
thought, Kasimir often strokes what were once his ears. perfect liaison. However, hints of her ties to the Martikovs
What Kasimir Doesn’t Know. Having lived through should be alluded to, as for her true nature as a lycanthropy.
literally most of Barovian history, Kasimir is one of the The Companion recommends adding her to the Blue Water
realm’s most knowledgeable individuals. While the wizard’s Inn; she has lunch there the day after the adventurers arrive
knowledge is vast, there are still some Barovian mysteries in Vallaki. Muriel reciprocates to light conversation with the
beyond him: adventurers, but politely excuses herself to continue reading
her book.
He does not know Barovia is in the Shadowfell or Muriel intentionally serves little purpose in this chapter
separated from the Material Plane. He instead believes beyond putting a face to a name. The adventurers might
that the pervasive gloom and misery of Barovia has recognize Muriel’s perfume—lilac—if they found her clothes
caused the Shadowfell’s evil to permeate the country. He in the wilderness (see the Hidden Bundle random encounter).
is the first in the campaign to name this influence: “the They can also meet her at the Ruins of Berez, where she is
Dark Powers.” He suspects that this evil is sentient and ordinarily found in the campaign. Her introduction is really
sadistic. just to serve as payout later on.
He does not know Strahd is a prisoner of Barovia or that
Tatyana reincarnates every few generations. Instead, he Rudolph van Richten
believes Strahd covets beautiful men and women—as he Rudolph van Richten, a veteran monster hunter and voice of
did with his sister, Patrina. wisdom, is one of the campaign’s most important figures.
He is unaware of the Abbot in Krezk; the Krezkites have However, you must go to great pains to keep him away from
been tight-lipped about this strange, ageless priest. If the party and his identity as “Rictavio” secret. Van Richten
Kasimir was made aware, he would believe the Abbot to must not blow his cover and, since he believes to be cursed,
be a half-elf or have the blood of some other long-lived can’t allow himself to bring doom upon others.
race in him. Van Richten is hesitant to trust the adventurers until they
Kasimir knows that it is impossible to teleport out of prove themselves to be good of heart. Saving Arabelle at Lake
Barovia or escape to another plane of existence (other Zarovich is a good start, as is slaughtering the vampire spawn
than the Border Ethereal). He has tried before—many, in Henrik van der Voort’s house or opposing Strahd in St.
many times. Andral’s Feast. However, even if the party are proven to be
Kasimir knows of the hags of Old Bonegrinder, for he has heroes, Van Richten must keep his distance. It is all but
sat at Morgantha’s table before and listened to her lies certain Strahd is spying on these strangers from afar—
about resurrecting dusk elves without a terrible price. through minions and magic alike. Van Richten can’t afford to
get caught in the Devil’s gaze too. He seldom speaks with the
As a Destined Ally. If the adventurers have no wizard in adventurers, and when he does, it is to test the contents of
their campaign, Kasimir makes for a fitting ally. His their souls.
allegiance, however, is to his sister Patrina. It is better that Origins. Van Richten hails from the land of Darkon,
Kasimir remain a traditional ally of the adventurers. Provided another Domain of Dread, ruled by Azalin Rex, a cursed lich
Kasimir makes it to the Amber Temple, The Wedding at who has recently gone missing. He spent many years in
Ravenloft has him at odds with the adventurers: in the Mordentshire, a haunted land terrorized by the tyrannical
catacombs of Ravenloft, he attempts to resurrect Patrina spirit of Wilfred Godefroy.
even if the adventurers oppose this. Revision. Assume that Van Richten has visited Barovia a
few times before; either Strahd was hibernating and non-
Barovian natives could leave to other Domains of Dread, or
Luvash, a Vistana, is the brutal co-leader of the Vallakian the Devil allowed him to leave so that they may continue a
Vistani. A terrible drunk, he is feared by all his kin. Luvash, game of cat-and-mouse.
however, is not completely beyond redemption, as described
below. He serves as the contrast to Arrigal, his cold-yet-
friendly and calculated brother. Upon meeting the
adventurers, Luvash tries to sell them fake potions that will
seemingly transport them from Barovia.

Dramatis Personae
Van Richten’s Knowledge. Van Richten has the education of Stella Wachter
a scholar and the wisdom of a veteran. He has traveled to Stella Wachter is the mad daughter of Fiona Wachter. Stella’s
many Domains of Dread over the years—although he only story is that of a victim—a victim of her heartless mother and
knows them as accursed lands—and braved the Mists many the demented Victor Vallakovich.
times over. When it comes to Barovia, and its campaign, Van Revision. Stella Wachter was not driven insane by Victor
Richten is aware of the following: Vallakovich’s “unkind words,” nor does she believe she is a
The weaknesses and abilities of a vampire. cat. Stella is instead a victim of Victor’s. Stella was interested
That the “accursed lands” are enshrouded by Mist and in Victor romantically… but when Victor fatally tested his
unseemly things lurk therein. teleportation circle with his family’s butler and maid, Stella
The history of Strahd’s death and his brother’s wedding. was ready to alert his father. Victor attempted to scrub her
He does not know that Tatyana continues to be memory and charm her all with one spell and simply ended
reincarnated, however. If he learns of Strahd’s obsession up fracturing Stella’s mind. Later that night, when Stella got
with Ireena, Van Richten connects the dots but keeps this home, she walked in on her mother’s bedroom only to find
information to himself, believing it will do no one any her father’s magically preserved corpse. These horrors
good, least of all Ireena. combined shattered Stella’s sanity. To cope, she rips up
anything she can get her hands on—fabric, sheets, clothes—
Van Richten expressly does not know anything of the because it helps her feel in control. She saw Victor’s victims
following: be ripped into pieces, and so herself rips up household items.
Her Sanity Restored. If Stella’s sanity is restored through
Van Richten is unaware of the vampire spawn that infest a greater restoration spell, she informs her brothers of their
the coffin maker’s shop. father’s unnatural state. She then seeks refuge with the
Van Richten is unaware of the Amber Temple and what Martikovs, Vallaki’s only kind noble family.
evils it houses. As a Destined Ally. No matter how you shape it, Stella is
Van Richten is unaware that the Domains of Dread are in not a worthwhile ally. She has no magic and no prowess in
the Shadowfell. Being a native of another domain would combat, and the Companion does not believe it is justified to
shock him to his core. revise her statistics to grant her these abilities.
Bounty. As described by the Companion, rumors already Vargas Vallakovich
float about Vallaki and the Vistani that van Richten has come The baron of Vallaki is a brittle tyrant lost to his own lies.
to Barovia to end Strahd’s reign. Baron Vallakovich has put a Vargas truly believes that, if everyone Vallakian is happy, the
bounty of 1,000 gp on van Richten’s head—if brought in alive. town will slip free from Strahd’s grasp. To that end, he
Strahd’s agents are similarly searching for the monster organizes asinine festivals, attendance to which is mandatory.
hunter. His authority is felt throughout Vallaki. His guards, ever on
As a Destined Ally. As advocated by the Companion, if van the lookout for malcontents, can be found everywhere.
Richten is meant to be the Destined Ally, so too is Ezmerelda Ultimately, Vargas is likely to die. If the St. Andral’s Feast
d’Avenir. Ultimately, one must die; the survivor assumes their event occurs, Vargas and his wife will be executed by a mob.
destiny. To orchestrate this, you should have Strahd take Vargas is an old and troubled soul; as can be gleaned from
Ezmerelda hostage and force van Richten out of hiding. See his family portraits, Vargas’s soul reincarnates every few
CMP Ch. 1, The Destined Ally for details. generations, always as the heir to the barony, thereby

perpetuating a cycle of incompetence and deft reigns.
Just as other nobles would be referred to as “His Grace” or
Author’s Advice: Van Richten’s Secret “His Majesty,” Vargas insists that his servants and soldiers
In the games I have run, every party has pegged address him as “His Sanguinity.” It is the most regal-
Rictavio as Rudolph van Richten from the get-go. sounding synonym for “hopefulness” Vargas could find in his
My players didn’t even inspect his carnival wagon, family’s faded dictionary.
they just knew somehow. I still don’t understand Van Richten. Vargas has heard that Rudolph van Richten,
how or why. Perhaps it’s the nature of D&D: the self-described arch nemesis of Strahd, has come to
players can’t help but wonder which NPCs are Barovia. Vargas believes van Richten to be an “incorrigible
critical to the storyline. instigator” who will only spell ruin for Vallaki. In truth,
I guarantee you, Rictavio’s cover will at least be however, Vargas is too unyielding in his thinking to consider
suspected. Thus, less face time with him is for the another means of salvation for Vallaki, and he won’t tolerate a
better. Remember, van Richten does not want to competition with van Richten. The baron muddies van
be found and he does not work with others. In my Richten’s name so that he may remain the people’s sole
most successful campaign, the one The Wedding option. To make matters worse, Vargas is offering a bounty—
at Ravenloft was initially for, I had managed to keep
Rictavio away from the party. The players already
which he has no intention of paying—for van Richten’s head.
suspected him of being van Richten. During the
wedding reception, I had Rictavio shed his disguise
and fire a silvered crossbow bolt at Strahd. The
players went wild. Van Richten then joined them in
hunting down Strahd (although he was taken out of
action when a vampire spawn Ezmerelda attacked).

Dramatis Personae
Roleplaying Vargas. The baron is paranoid and sees insults Variants & Revisions
in every sentence and a threat in every shadow. Because his
ego is so brittle, and yet so demanding, he responds to every The Companion makes several changes to this chapter, such
threat with overwhelming force. He is incapable of admitting as:
a mistake and is truly irredeemable. Freeing Vallaki from The bones of Saint Andral are guarded by the vampire
Strahd is not a labor of love, but a demand of hubris. spawn in the same room. The adventurers must battle the
Vargas takes every opportunity to compliment himself or undead to retrieve them. Because this is now an inevitable
applaud his own decisions. He is fond of starting sentences conflict, the number of vampires have been reduced to
with, “Were it not for my wit…” and “Only by dint of my own four.
cunning…” and “Alas, I am a merciful sovereign…” Stella Wachter was not driven insane by Victor
You can voice Vargas with the following sample dialogue: Vallakovich’s “unkind words.” Instead, he fractured her
“I am the Law. I am Hope. I am Vallaki’s savior. Do your mind with enchantment magic. Discovering her father’s
part and find joy. Remember, all will be well.” magically preserved corpse was the straw that broke the
“Thanks to swift maneuvering on my family’s part, the camel’s back.
Devil has not visited Vallaki in generations. The tax is paid The Araseks do not sell goods for five times their ordinary
ahead of schedule, and the hope of our citizens is too price.
bright a flame for the vampire.” The Liar, the Glitch, & the Wardrobe
“The festivals give people hope and purpose. Without As described in CMP Ch. 3, Victor Vallakovich is the lover of
them, we shall crumble. I am the dam holding back Gertruda in the Village of Barovia—or at least, he was. Using
despair, don’t you see?” his flawed teleportation circle, Victor would teleport to
“Why is no one having a good time? I specifically ordered Gertruda’s home in the village. Alas, Gertruda came to her
it.” senses and broke things off with such a wretched soul.
Victor Vallakovich Distraught, Victor attempted to escape Barovia itself—and
Victor Vallakovich, the moody baronet, is an aspiring mage magically crashed into Strahd’s web of teleportation. Victor
with zero scruples. Having taught himself magic from a himself was merely thrown across the room by this accident
spellbook found in his father’s library, Victor at last feels and left with some bruises; he never knew the consequences
powerful. He practices his craft in the attic. His parents do of his failed escape attempt. Gertruda, in a fit of idiocy,
not know about his newfound powers, nor do they know that decided to take Victor back—but when she attempted to
he has killed two servants with his lethal teleportation circle. teleport to Vallaki, she wound up in Castle Ravenloft instead.
Revision. Victor is the star-crossed lover of Gertruda in the Victor, still believing Gertruda left him, continues to
Village of Barovia and his teleportation circle is linked to her experiment on his teleportation circle, which can be used to
wardrobe. He met Gertruda after his inaugural attempt to teleport into Castle Ravenloft, just as it can be used to go to
teleport, which hurled him into the village. After Gertruda the Village of Barovia. As the Companion recommends an
dumped him, Victor tried to teleport away from Barovia. See early foray into Castle Ravenloft, Victor’s magic proves to be
The Liar, the Glitch, & the Wardrobe in Variants & Revisions another vehicle of that expedition.
for details.

As a Destined Ally. A despicable human being, Victor is

an ironic ally. Great is his magic; terrible are his morals. In Author’s Advice: The Liar, the Glitch,
this manner, he is iconic of Ravenloft itself—a poison pill the and the Wardrobe
adventurers must swallow. If Victor is the ally, his
imprisonment by Lady Wachter becomes all the more When I came up with this variant for my own
campaign, I intended for it to get the adventurers
personal for the adventurers. back to the Village of Barovia to recruit the newest
Roleplaying Victor. Victor is a moody shut-in who takes player character to the campaign. The players never
umbrage with anything requiring him to be outside or in the did use it. However, they did return to Vallaki deep
presence of others. He sighs more than he speaks. He is into the campaign to liberate the town from Lady
interested only in magic and his own misery. There is no Wachter and free Victor (their Destined Ally) from
price he won’t pay to be free of his parents and Barovia itself. her grasp. Utilizing the Voldemort Rule, Wachter
called forth the Devil (shouting “Strahd, Strahd,
Yeska Strahd!” when the paladin accidentally broke into
Yeska is St. Andral’s altar boy. Thanks to his loose lips, the her bedroom). This began a gruesome showdown
bones of Saint Andral have been stolen. Yeska is afraid of his with Strahd, which the Showdown with the Devil
own shadow, but quickly warms up to the adventurers, seeing event in Aftermath is based on. The adventurers
them as brave heroes willing to stand up to the world’s ended up using Victor’s circle to escape Vallaki but
perpetual gloom. instead fell into Castle Ravenloft. This is how I
Yeska can play an important part in your campaign: he can orchestrated my players’ early foray into Castle
be a target for the werewolves and a hostage for Strahd. Ravenloft, wherein they recovered Khazan’s staff of
When the Devil later appears at the Abbey of Saint Markovia, power and found Strahd’s tomb.
it is with Yeska in his arms.

Dramatis Personae
Tyger, Tyger Morgantha’s Misdeeds. As written in CMP Ch. 6,
Per Curse of Strahd, Rudolph van Richten—Rictavio—has a Morgantha of Old Bonegrinder may be tied into this storyline.
pet saber-toothed tiger in his carnival wagon. He has trained To save their own life, or the lives of the children, an
this tiger to attack Vistani on sight. The ridiculousness of this adventurer may have entered into a dark bargain with the
notwithstanding, the Companion suggests removing this hag. This bargain is cryptic: “deliver the letter, stand aside,
entirely from the campaign. It paints Rudolph van Richten in and cast the first stone.” This dark bargain is enforced by a
quite an unflattering light, to say the least. Van Richten is a geas spell. The adventurer must deliver a letter to Henrik van
paragon of Ravenloft, a bright and weathered soul who der Voort that urges him to move the bones into the
remains unbroken in the face of unyielding misery—don’t vampires’ room. Later, if an attempt is made to retrieve the
reduce him to a racist. By removing the tiger, you also remove bones, the adventurer must abstain from the operation.
the Tyger, Tyger special event, which is already an When Baron Vallakovich is dragged out from his manor to be
unnecessary development in the story. Its absence goes a executed, the adventurer is compelled to cast the first stone at
long way in reducing your narrative overhead and the his bloodied head.
complexity of this chapter.

The Bones of Saint Andral When the Plot Demands

Doom looms over Vallaki. The bones of Saint Andral have Ordinarily, St. Andral’s Feast occurs three days after
been stolen from the undercroft. Without the bones, Saint the adventurers arrive in Vallaki. Time, however, is a
difficult thing to track in D&D. Some DMs might
Andral’s Church is no longer hallowed ground. This theft, allow the adventurers to experience all of Vallaki in
begat by a priest’s earnest desire to put a child at ease, now a single day, while others gate certain events and
threatens to upheave Vallaki’s way of life. This storyline is at characters behind time. Then, one must factor in
the heart of Chapter 5 and is, ultimately, the most important exploration of nearby locales, such as
thread a Dungeon Master must follow. It marks the end of Act Argynvostholt and Lake Zarovich. It is easiest to
I of the campaign and ushers in a new age of darkness and measure time by long rests, but that still does not
suspicion. cover noncombat activities.
Summary. To console Yeska, the altar boy, Father Lucian The ugly truth is that St. Andral’s Feast unfolds
told him of the holy protection radiated by Saint Andral’s whenever the plot demands. If your players are
bones. Yeska told Milivoj, the teenage gravedigger, who then enjoying Vallaki and exploring nearby locales, let
told Henrik van der Voort. Henrik, already under Strahd’s them. If they’re befriending townsfolk or
gaze, informed the Devil of this great secret, who investigating Vallaki’s mysteries, so be it. You alone
orchestrated the theft. Henrik paid Milivoj, who only wished truly know when the players have wasted their
to feed his family, to take the bones. The Devil then sent time. You will know it in your gut when the time of
intervention has passed.
several vampire spawn to guard the bones until he attacks
Saint Andral’s Church—which occurs three days after the
adventurers arrive in Vallaki. If this occurs, civil unrest leads
to the murder of Baron Vallakovich. In the power vacuum,

Lady Wachter seizes power and banishes the meddlesome

adventurers. I. All Will Be Well
Van Richten. Rudolph van Richten does not know the The adventurers have only three days to recover the Bones of
bones have been stolen. He should not, in any circumstances, Saint Andral, otherwise this storyline progresses to Act II.
assist in this storyline; it is the adventurers’ burden to bear. If Although the clock starts ticking the moment the adventurers
Van Richten learns of the theft, he does not attempt to enter Vallaki, you should not immediately offer the quest.
retrieve the bones but flees Vallaki altogether, fearing that his Allow the adventurers to acclimate to the town (and the town
curse will bring doom to the town. to acclimate to them) before Father Lucian offers his quest.
Revision. The Bones of Saint Andral have been relocated.
No longer are they in Henrik van der Voort’s bedroom (Area A Priest’s Plea
N6e); instead, they are guarded by the vampire spawn in Father Lucian has kept the theft of Saint Andral’s bones a
Area N6f. The bones must be won through battle now. To secret, lest he incite a panic. Ordinarily, the priest will only
even the playing field, the number of spawn have been confide in good-aligned clerics or paladins. However, if the
reduced to four (down from six). adventurers rescue Arabelle from Bluto Krogarov at Lake
Zarovich, news spreads of their endeavors, and they gain
Father Lucian’s trust. Freeing Udo Lukovich from the baron’s
grasp also earns Father Lucian’s trust (see Area N1 for

The Bones of Saint Andral

Read the following when Father Lucian turns to the The Youngsters. During the conversation, Milivoj’s
adventurers: younger siblings come home. Read the following:
Father Lucian turns away from you. In the gloom, he looks Brandishing his shovel, Milivoj furrows his brow. “Listen, I’m
haggard, skeletal even. Without seeing the hope in his eyes, done with this. I’m done with you. Get off my—”
the priest becomes just a tired, old man in the twilight of his A squeal of childlike wonder comes from up the street. Four
life. With a match, Lucian begins to light candles upon the children come running, one little girl brandishing a headless
altar. He does not look at you. doll. Like race horses, they round the bend and burst into the
“There has been a terrible theft,” says the priest. “And I fear yard. The tallest girl holds a wicker basket full of vegetables.
that I am responsible. That which sanctified this otherwise Together they crowd around Milivoj—and the family
rocky soil has been stolen… and with it, the Morninglord’s resemblance is clear.
protection. I speak of Saint Andral’s bones. So great was his The girl with the headless doll shouts, “Look! Look what Mr.
devotion, so fierce his conviction, his very skeleton managed Blinsky had! It has like six or seven heads we can put on!”
to purge these grounds of evil and keep away the creatures of Milivoj, looking between the doll and the vegetables says,
the night.” “Milena, I said no fruit, no meat, no toys. You have to take that
Father Lucian turns to you. The laugh lines of his face you so back to Mr. Blinsky.”
appreciated earlier are now like deep canyons, and his eyes are “Please? It was only nine copper!” Milena pleads.
full of worry. “It is a secret I have kept all my life, since I A pained look flashes across Milivoj’s face. In a hushed
inherited the responsibility of this church and its flock—and I voice you just barely hear, he says, “That money will pay for a
have failed them. The bones are gone, and with it, Vallaki’s week of food. We can’t afford it.”
only place of worship. You must find them for me—for the “But Milivoj!” the girl cries.
good of the realm, for the sake of the laity. Saint Andral’s The brawny lad, clearly worn down, shakes his head and puts
Church is but one of the last few torches in this dark and out his hand. “Give it to me. I’ll return it myself.”
dismal realm.”
With his siblings now home, Milivoj deflates. After sending
Confronting Milivoj the kids inside, Milivoj admits to stealing the bones. Read the
Barring a sudden burial, Milivoj’s work is done for the week; following:
the adventurers must therefore pay a visit to him at home.
The boy lives in a run-down rowhouse in Town Square (Area Milivoj’s shoulders sag, his anger evaporated. “Look. Yeska
8). With his parents dead, it is up to Milivoj to provide for his told me about the bones and I told Henrik van der Voort—the
younger siblings—Milena, Milana, Floryan, and Boris. As coffin maker—when I came by his shop. I… I don’t know why I
they confront Milivoj, the adventurers will see the motivation did, but I did, and the next morning, Henrik offered me thirty
behind his actions. —thirty!—silver if I stole the bones. I didn’t know they were
If the adventurers have not yet seen Izek Strazni in Area 8 sacred; Yeska just said Saint Andral was buried below in the
yet, it is better that he and his guards arrive after the party
leaves Milivoj’s house. When the adventurers show up at his crypt below the church. I’ve got four mouths to feed—five,
front door, Milivoj is tending to a dying-yet-stubborn garden of when we have enough food for myself.”
turnips in his yard. Read the following: Milivoj’s eyes flash with fear. Pointing at his run-down
house, the boy pleads, “Don’t hurt me. I’m all they have. They
Following Father Lucian’s instructions, you find the run-down already lost their parents. I’m all they have, okay?” Then, in a
rowhouse in Town Square, the one with a broken attic window small voice, Milivoj adds, “...and they’re all I have.”
and a raven carved above the lintel. There in the front yard,
behind a rotting fence, a brawny lad roots around in a pitiful
garden. With a cuss word, he rips a weed from the ground and
tosses it into a wheelbarrow.

Roleplaying Milivoj. All bluster and brawn, Milivoj takes

umbrage in the slightest provocations. Many believe the boy
wants to prove himself as an adult, but he is still just a child
at heart—an overburdened kid who never got to vent his grief
and frustration. Belligerent and unable to accept criticism, he
flies off the handle at every opportunity.

The Bones of Saint Andral

The Vampire Nest Father Lucian is embroiled in a fiery sermon. Read the
Armed with the name of Milivoj’s employer, the adventurers following:
seek out the local coffin maker, Henrik van der Voort. An
outcast, Henrik has been enlisted as a reluctant agent of the The church is stuffed with terrified laity, all gripping holy
Devil Strahd. Although his actions can’t be forgiven, they can books and sun-shaped wooden disks. Every single soul is
at least be understood. Once the beasts had found purchase enraptured by Father Lucian’s fiery sermon: “—and so long as
in his home, what could the old man do? It was not even we stand together, warm with hope, there can be no evil that
Henrik’s idea to steal the bones of Saint Andral—the vampire conquers us! The Morninglord is our torch in the dark, and we
spawn overheard Milivoj when the boy came to commission a
coffin. As soon as he left, the spawn ordered Henrik to shall not want for light! We shall not let fear rule us! We shall
orchestrate the theft. not let fear divide us! The Morninglord shall provide!”
Revision. The bones of Saint Andral are ordinarily hidden
in Henrik’s wardrobe (Area N6e), which he tells the The Devil’s Entrance. Strahd von Zarovich arrives under an
adventurers—right before telling them about the vampire ill wind that snuffs out most flames in the church. His
spawn upstairs. The spawn only awaken if the adventurers surviving vampire spawn from the coffin maker’s shop are
somehow choose the wrong door. This is hilariously bad crawling along the church’s outer walls, waiting to burst in
storytelling. Instead, the Companion engineers a conflict; the through the stained-glass. Read the following:
bones are with the vampire spawn in Area N6f. Their
numbers have been reduced to four to compensate for this From behind his altar, Father Lucian continues to preach. His
inevitable battle. brow is slick with sweat. His holy book, frayed at the edges
Into the Nest. The adventurers must force their way into
Henrik’s home, for he fears the wrath of Strahd far more than from such frequent use, is held on high. The laity are lost to
the adventurers. Once there, they must brave the vampire- fervor, their cries swarming into a single chorus that follows
infested nest. For details on this perilous invasion, see Area Father Lucian’s cues. The good priest shouts to the heavens
N6 below. and they sing. The good priest praises the Morninglord and
they sigh. The good priest prays and they pray as well, their
The Bones Recovered eyes shut tight to better look upon the face of God.
All is not lost, if the adventurers prove victorious. With his “—and we know the Devil at our doorstep!” Father Lucian
undead minions thwarted, Strahd turns to Arrigal, who
enters the church through a backroom while Father Lucian shouts, “We know him by name, by face, by crime, and by
delivers his nightly sermon. Armed with a crowbar, Arrigal shadow, and we know him as the parasite that he is! We know
pries up the floorboards and enters the undercroft. If the his name and dare not speak it, but in this House of God, we
adventurers are outside the church, they may encounter the need not fear evil! We need not fear the night! By the
undead or witness Arrigal break inside. If they are attending Morninglord’s will, we shall overcome! In the name of Saint
the sermon, they might hear him rummaging around in the Markovia, we shall succeed! In the name of Saint Andral, we
undercroft. Ultimately, the adventurers should have an shall—”
opportunity to intervene. If the bones leave the church itself,
all the church grounds become unhallowed. Strahd and his The church doors fly open, inviting an ill wind that blows
minions then attack, beginning St. Andral’s Feast. out all but the most stubborn of flames. The laity cry out in
sudden fear, and in the sudden darkness floats a voice most
II. Saint Andral’s Feast elegant, a voice both soft and firm. A saccharine voice that

Having failed to recover the bones, the adventurers spell out betrays both amusement and malice. A voice that taunts,
Vallaki’s doom. The weather worsens—but Father Lucian “Dare you speak my name even now?”
does not cancel his sermon. To do so would surrender his An arcane word is whispered. The candles flare up, but the
faith in the Morninglord. If the adventurers are not already light they shed is crimson and greasy. Standing before the
attending the sermon, you can send them on their way church’s threshold is a tall and thin man whose smile is like a
through Henrik van der Voort (if he yet lives). Henrik knife. “Name me, my dear priest,” he says. “Name the devil at
stumbles up to the party, bleeding (but not bitten) and rasps, your doorstep. Show me the strength of your faith. Show us
“They are gone! The spawn have moved on the church! all.”
The church is stuffed with twelve terrified commoners, Letting a wolf’s grin leap to his lips, Strahd von Zarovich
plus Yeska, Ireena Kolyana, and the two scouts Szoldar takes a step into the church.
Szoldarovich and Yevgeni Krushkin (who are unarmed and
unarmored). On the first round of combat, Strahd’s surviving vampire

spawn burst in through the windows. Additionally, the church

is difficult terrain on the first round, thanks to all the

commoners fleeing towards the front doors. Strahd ignores

this difficult terrain, as the churchgoers give him a wide


The Bones of Saint Andral

Roleplaying Strahd. The Companion has thus far
recommended keeping Strahd in the shadows. This should
be his first appearance in the campaign, and so you must Author’s Advice: Ireena at the Feast
make a most terrifying first impression. Strahd is relaxed, While writing this guide, it is difficult for me to
even playful, as he cuts down his victims. He is quick to pinpoint where Ireena is and what she’s doing. If
remind the adventurers that this is his demesne and they are she is present for St. Andral’s Feast—which is the
his lawful subjects. most logical place for her to be, bones or no bones
You can voice Strahd with the following sample dialogue: —then she has the chance to shine. Rather than
cower or flee, Ireena draws her father’s sword and
To Father Lucian, Strahd says, “Your flame has endured stands before the Devil. She faces her stalker, her
long enough.” father’s killer, with courage. Ireena knows she is no
To the adventurers, Strahd says, “Ah… our meeting is long match for Strahd, but it is better to die a lion than
overdue.” be butchered as a lamb. Strahd, for his part, is
“Is that anyway to greet your liege?” impressed.
“I am not your beginning—but I will be your end.” Under no circumstances does Strahd kidnap
“The Morninglord is but an impotent voyeur. I am the only Ireena in this chapter—it would shorten Strahd’s
god left in Barovia.” game of cat-and-mouse. All Strahd should do is
disarm Ireena, caress her neck and bear his fangs.
The Heart of Sorrow. Strahd is protected by the Heart of He whispers, “The third bite… I will save for our
Sorrow, a dark device stored in Castle Ravenloft. It magically wedding night.” Combat is effectively paused when
absorbs damage. When the adventurers manage to land a Strahd and Ireena converse. Imagine it as a
blow on Strahd, describe how the wound reknits itself or any cutscene. The adventurers interject but not
scorch marks left by hurled fire are quickly undone. Strahd, intervene.
grinning a wolf’s grin, mocks the adventurers: “I am without
equal. Your magic fails you. Your blades are but porcelain.
Face me and despair.”

Strahd’s Tactics. Strahd, an unstoppable force, plays up Other Reactions. Strahd and the adventurers aren’t the
the melodrama in this battle. Calm and pompous, the Devil only characters in this battle! Keep in mind how the following
wages a psychological war on the adventurers and townsfolk. characters would react:
He intends to cultivate terror and to make it clear just how
small and insignificant the adventurers truly are in If Father Lucian was not reduced to a commoner, he
comparison. Strahd never breaks a sweat; he never reacts to hurls guiding bolts at Strahd while shouting his
pain; he marches forward with the cold certainty of death. convictions. If Lucian lacks spellcasting, he continues to
Avoiding more overt spells like fireball, Strahd wishes to sow shout in the face of the Devil, until at last Strahd drinks of
terror with the most minimal effort. his blood. Father Lucian never abandons his altar and
must be forced away.
Strahd prioritizes Father Lucian above all other foes. Yeska, terrified, hides. A vampire spawn pulls him out
When moving towards the priest, Strahd walks at a speed from under a pew, forcing an adventurer to save the boy.
of 25 feet; he doesn’t run. However, he utilizes his He shouts for help.
legendary actions to continuously close the gap. If his prey Ireena, clearly terrified, draws her father’s rapier and puts
flees, Strahd begins to demonstrate his extraordinary herself between Strahd and Father Lucian. She shouts,
speed. “You have taken enough already, Devil! To kill the priest,
Strahd saves his best and most devastating abilities for you’ll have to kill me!” Strahd smiles and says, “I will, my
later in the campaign. In this battle, he bites only Father dear… eventually.” He then squares off with Ireena but
Lucian and does not use his Charm ability on others. He inevitably disarms her.
only uses subtler spells like gust of wind and sleep. Szoldar Szoldarovich roars with fury and rushes Strahd,
Strahd can transfer up to 50 damage to the Heart of shouting, “Run, Father! Run before—” His shout is cut off
Sorrow in Castle Ravenloft. If he reaches 40 or so when Strahd crushes around Szoldar’s throat with a
damage, assume he can cut off his connection with a single hand. Once Szoldar is slain, a heartbroken Yevgeni
bonus action. cradles his corpse while the battles rages on.
Strahd sics his surviving vampire spawn on the
adventurers. Running interference for -- - Strahd, the
spawn break in from the church’s windows and leap from
the ceiling and walls.
Strahd does not kill any of the adventurers unless they
truly disrespect him. As he lands the killing blow, Strahd
sneers, “Let us make an example of you.”

The Bones of Saint Andral

Strahd’s Exit. Provided Strahd killed Father Lucian and did Read the following text, modifying it as you see fit:
not leave the church, read the following text:
The dawn comes on the heels of slaughter, slow and cold.
The priest’s body crumbles to the floor, bereft of any blood. Never before have you seen such an early light, so dismal. In
His fingers twitch with one last spasm, as if he were reaching the distance, you hear a growing sound—the roars of the
out to the god he so failed. Wiping the blood from his chin malcontents. You hear them by their shouts, by their demands,
with a filigreed handkerchief, the Devil offers you a fanged by the march of their boots against the muddied
smile. “I have not yet welcome you to Barovia,” he says, cobblestones. In the dawn’s early light they march, thirty or
stepping out into the night. All torchlight, the torches that forty of them altogether, sharing the same cry: “All will be
burned so stubbornly in the streets, have been doused. well!”
Darkness reigns over Vallaki. From here you can see it all: Baron Vallakovich, clad only in
Strahd zon Zarovich turns back to you, his eyes glittering in a torn and muddied robe, being dragged through the streets!
the moonlight. “Dine with me at Castle Ravenloft. You are “All will be well!” the mob cries, waving their weapons! In
welcome in my demesne. I will send the carriage for you.” those sordid ranks, you see guards clad in the livery of the very
The mists surge forward to enrapture the vampire—and lord they drag forward. “All will be well!” they shout!
when the fog thins out a moment later, Strahd zon Zarovich is Beside the baron are his wife and son, each screaming as
gone. they are raked over the jagged cobbles towards Town Square.
The mob halts. Vargas and Lydia are lifted to their feet and
III. All Is Not Well thrown towards the stockades, while their son is beaten

The Devil’s assault on Vallaki’s most sacred institution senseless by the mob.
forever changes the town. For too long have the townsfolk In the chaos, Lydia begins to pray, her hands clasped tight
suffered such a disaster. For too long has the baron assured together as she kneels before the masses. Her petition to the
them that all will be well. In the face of calamity, civil unrest is gods is too late—you know it in your bones that it is too late.
inevitable—especially when Lady Wachter is there to fan the The baron stumbles to his feet and shouts to the crowd, his
flames. Shortly after dawn, the townsfolk storm the baron’s demands swallowed by another round of “All will be well!”
manor and drag his family out to be executed. If you
rescheduled the Festival of the Blazing Sun to occur after St. By Stone. If the Vallakoviches are to be stoned to death, read
Andral’s Feast, Vargas and his wife are immolated instead of the following:
Morgantha’s Misdeeds. If a character accepted
Morgantha’s dark bargain, they are compelled to instigate the The baron takes a step forward—and from the ranks the first
execution by casting the first stone (or torch, if the stone is thrown. It catches the baron right above the eye,
Vallakoviches are to be immolated). To resist triggers leaving a red smear against his forehead. The next stone
Morgantha’s geas spell. catches him square in the gut, driving him to his knees. Then
The Baron’s Execution. The mob marches upon the the third, the fourth. The fifth tears the flesh from Vargas’
baron’s manor. Although Victor Vallakovich is dragged out cheek bone.
with his parents, Lady Wachter has his

life spared. The adventurers are too far

“All will be well!” they shout as the hail pours forth. Lydia
away to intervene until after Vargas and
gives up her prayers and tries to flee, but the crowd catches
Lydia are taken, but still close enough
her—hurls her back towards her husband as the rocks
to hear the mob and its leader, Lady
continue to fly. One catches her on the temple and down she
Wachter. goes, never to move again as the blood pools around her limp
“All will be well!”
The baron crawls to his wife’s side under a hail of fist-sized
stones. His robe all but gone now, his back is a bloody portrait.
As he cradles Lydia’s unmoving body, the stones halt. The
crowd goes silent. Out from the ranks steps Lady Wachter—
and in her hand is a stone the size of an apple.
“You!” Vargas snarls, his tears caught in the dawn’s early
“You were right, baron,” Wachter says. “All truly will be
The last stone cracks out like thunder as Baron Vargas
Vallakovich slumps to the ground.

The Bones of Saint Andral

By Fire. If the Vallakoviches are to be immolated instead, There waits Fiona Wachter with Ernst Larnak, three cult
they are tied to stakes. At their feet, the mob heaps whatever fanatics, and four guards. Fiona and her minions only fight
wicker is left over from the Festival of the Blazing Sun (if it in self-defense. Read the following:
already occurred). Read the following:
Excellent,” Lady Wachter greets you, laying across an elegant
Vargas and Lydia are dragged to the platform, where there sofa with a chalice of wine in her hand. Clad in a brocaded,
waits a stake and a heap of wicker. With sickening clarity, you lavender dress, it is clear that Wachter has washed up since
realize the Festival of the Blazing Sun won’t be cancelled after the execution she led this morning. “Do not take a seat,” she
all. says. “You won’t be here for long.”
“All will be well!” shouts the crowd, passing the first Wachter takes another sip of wine and sits up. “We need
torches around. not be enemies,” she says. “We need not resort to bloodshed.
The baron pulls against his bonds while beside him, his wife However, I cannot abide your presence in Vallaki any longer. I
prays to a silent and impotent god. Vargas shouts, “I am the know your kind. I know your capabilities. I will not suffer the
rightful lord of—” same fate as Vargas. From here on, we are even. You are to
“All will be well!” shouts the crowd, sharing a single flame leave my barony at once and never to return under the pain of
across half a hundred torches. death.”
His face slick with sweat, Vargas Vallakovich shouts his last Wachter again sips at her wine and continues, “I am not,
shout: “Please! A noose! A blade! Anything but—” however, unreasonable. Your arms, your armor, even your
“ALL WILL BE WELL!” shout the people, their decades-long rations, are yours to keep. I know not where next you’re
resentment about to be revenged! The flames are lit now, the headed but I wish you a swift and interesting journey there.”
torches ready! Out from the ranks marches a lone woman: Grinning, Wachter adds, “I do hope we can be civil.”
Lady Fiona Wachter. In her hand burns what you know in your
heart to be the first torch here. Once their conversation concludes, Wachter has the
Wachter’s voice cuts through the chaos and silences the adventurers escorted out of Vallaki by these minions.
crowd. “Worry not, Vargas,” she laughs. “All will be well—I Whatever possessions the party left at the Blue Water Inn or
promise.” elsewhere are given to them at the Sunset Gate.
The first torch is cast. The wicker goes up immediately. The The Baronet. If Victor Vallakovich was not slain, he is
fire leaps from wicker to wicker until at last it licks at Vargas’s
Wachter’s prisoner—a prisoner she can’t help but flaunt.
During this conversation, Wachter has Victor brought out.
toes. It catches a tassel along the robe—and soon Vargas’
The mage (who currently only has 5 hit points remaining) is
clothes are reduced to a flaming coffin in which he has not yet manacled and gagged; he can’t provide verbal or somatic
had the luxury to die in. The Vallakoviches scream and writhe components for spells and is effectively helpless. Read the
and scream, but their people only watch. Their people only following:
watch and add their own torches to the pyre, screaming, “ALL
WILL BE WELL!” Lady Fiona turns to a guard and orders, “Bring him out.”
“As you wish, baroness,” the guard replies. Victor
Kill the Outsiders! Vallakovich is pushed into the room moments later. The boy,
If the adventurers have rankled the townsfolk, the mob may badly bruised, has been gagged and manacled, with pegs
blame the adventurers for their misfortunes as well. The driven in between his fingers. His sunken eyes beg for
party faces a mob of thirty commoners, twelve guards, eight salvation.
secret cultists and three secret cult fanatics. A battle with so “Victor here will wed Stella tonight at dusk,” Lady Wachter
many combatants is, of course, impractical. It should be made explains. “Then he will live out his days under house arrest—at
clear to the adventurers that now is the time to flee the town. least until an heir is born. Then, I’m afraid, we will have no
To truly twist the knife, have a friend or acquaintance of the
adventurers declare, “They are to blame! Death to the Devil’s more use for him. I will, of course, have to act as regent of
agents!” Such a character might be Karl or Nikolai Wachter, Vallaki until my grandchild comes of age.”
Yevgeni Krushkin, or even Gadof Blinsky. Still smiling, Wachter bats her hand. With a muffled cry,
If the adventurers take flight, the guards Yintav and Erick Victor is dragged away.
(see Approaching the Town below) are stationed again at
whatever gate the party uses. Yintav and Erick do their best Lady Wachter will not part with Victor under any
to facilitate the adventurers’ escape. They do not, however, circumstances. If the boy is the adventurers’ Destined Ally,
leave Vallaki. they will have to rescue him later in the campaign.
An Audience with the Baroness
If the adventurers do not flee Vallaki, they are summoned to
Wachterhaus at about noon. Six guards and a secret cult
fanatic are sent to fetch the adventurers, who are brought to
Area N4I.

The Bones of Saint Andral

“Has a beautiful man or woman of seemingly eternal
Approaching the Town youth invited you to a well-prepared dinner that they
Vallaki’s gates remain closed day and night, with guards hardly pick at while complimenting you in ever more
posted at each of the three gates. Visitors must state their salacious ways until at last it grows too late and they insist
business and answer a series of questions. When the you spend the night?”
adventurers first come to town, the two guards on gate duty “Have you already secured lodgings in Vallaki?”
are Yintav and Erick. Those buffoons provide some comedic “Do you swear before gods and men to respect the law
relief for your campaign: the two are always on shift when the and peace of our good baron?”
adventurers approach a gate—any gate. Wolfsbane Test.* After the questions have been answered,
Yintav Szoldarovich is the cousin of Szoldar Yintav produces a dagger and demands the adventurers stick
Szoldarovich. Yintav is loud, belligerent, and suspicious—a their hands through the iron gate. He gently slices their
stark contrast to his partner, Erick. Yintav often narrows his palms while watching their reactions. The guards believe the
eyes and furrows his brow; he takes his duty quite seriously. dagger is silvered when, in fact, it is an expert forgery—as are
After the adventurers pass through the gate, Yintav says, “My all daggers in circulation, per the machinations of the
cousin Szoldar is a pretty big deal, you know. If you need a Keepers of the Feather.
guide for the wilderness, he could guide you for a modest
sum.” The Children of Mother Night
Erick Erickovich. Erick Erickovich is a soulless Barovian. Per the Companion, the werewolves are on the hunt for the
Detached from worldly concerns, Erick proves to be the adventurers. They may have been met at Tser Falls or outside
adventurers’ advocate. Whenever Yintav grows belligerent, in the Svalich Woods. If the adventurers rescued Freek and
the bored Erick calms him down. He often says, “Come now, Myrtle from Old Bonegrinder, Kiril Stoyanovich attempts to
Yintav, come now…” steal one of the children. See CMP Ch. 2 for more details on
Arrival. Read the following text when the adventurers first this encounter.
arrive to Vallaki:
“Halt!” bellows a guard from behind the iron gates, a pike in
his head. “Present yourself before gods and men and state
your business in Vallaki!”
As you approach the iron gates, the guard remarks to his
companion, “Erick, have you ever seen a lot as sorry as this?”
“Not since my first days on guard duty, Yintav,” answers the
other guard in a bored and slowed voice. “They are practically
Yintav, an ash-haired young man, smirks at you. “And look at
that posture, Erick! Morninglord’s light!”
“They will definitely suffer from spinal pain in the grim
future,” agrees Erick. “It is how my father went.”
“Your father died to cholera.”
Erick shrugs his broad shoulders and produces a wooden
board. Words have been carved into the wood, the grooves
filled in with paint. Bored, Erick begins to read off a checklist.

Whenever the adventurers attempt to enter Vallaki—even if

they were previously admitted—Erick asks the following
questions in the order below:
“Names, pseudonyms, and aliases?”
“What is your business in Vallaki?”
“Are you related to any Vallakians currently living in
“Have you any wine?” (Erick is required to confiscate
“Are you a wanted criminal?”
“Are there any Vistani in your group?”
“Has a Vistana bribed, blackmailed, or otherwise cajoled
you into smuggling them or their goods into Vallaki?”
“Have you been bitten by wolves since the last full moon?
“Do you feel an urge to rend the flesh of men and devour
us as if we were sheep, the flock of which you have so
surreptitiously infiltrated?”
“Have you ever dined at Castle Ravenloft?”

Areas of Vallaki

Vallaki consists of nine landmarks, which can be described

by any villager. See the table below for a sample description.

Vallaki Landmarks by Description
CoS Pg.
Area       Description #
N1. Saint       “If you’re in need of a blessing, Father Lucian preaches at Saint Andral’s Church. His sermons        97
Andral’s       are held at dusk.”
N2. Blue       “The Martikovs provide wine, gossip, and warm beds to any who need them. Some       pointy-        98
Water Inn eared fellow has been staying there.”
N3.       “If you’re looking for work, report to the burgomaster’s manor. The baron needs strong        103
Burgomaster’s       hands for the next festival.”
N4.       “I wouldn’t bother Lady Wachter if I were you. Wachterhaus has never been exactly        110
Wachterhaus       welcoming, and Her Ladyship has never been the same since Lord Nikolai passed.”
N5. Arasek       “If you’ve a wagon to store, the Arasek Stockyard is cheap. Morninglord knows they’d        115
Stockyard       appreciate the business.”
N6. Coffin       “Fresh from the Svalich Woods, are you? Bring your dead to Henrik van der Voort’s shop on        116
Maker’s Shop       the east edge of Town Square. Then hightail it to Saint Andral’s. It’s illegal to be dead and
      unburied past dusk.”
N7. Blinsky       “Old Blinsky’s hemorrhaging money. Keeps to his little shop, just up the road from town        118
Toys       square. I’d like to help him out myself, but his toys give my son the creeps.”
N8. Town       “Word of advice: mind yourself in Vallaki, lest you want to be humiliated at the stockades.        119
Square       Poor bastards…”
N9. Vistani       “The Vistani roost outside the Vallaki alongside the elves.”        119


N1. St. Andral's Church

Provided the adventurers arrive during the daytime, read the

following text when they enter the church:

The church grounds are suffused with a quiet confidence.

Though a thin fog hangs in the air, you feel a warmth. There is

peace here; the grounds are tended to, the weeds missing and

a plum tree overlooks the cemetery.

Throwing open the church doors, you feel that quiet

confidence exhale. Weak sunlight filters in through stained-

Sullen, with an air of guilt, Ireena pushes to the front. “Father,”
glass windows that depict a radiant sun and white-robed
she says, “I must admit that we—I—bring ill tidings. For too
saints. There at the altar kneels a priest well past his prime.
long now, I have been hunted by a creature of the night. A
Finishing his prayer, he turns to you. His eyes are full of life
creature most terrible. This… this monster preyed upon my
and light and trust. His smile is soft and warm. The deep
home and sent my father to an early grave. It is only by luck
canyons in his face were carved not by scowls but laughter.
and loyalty that I have made it this before.”
“Welcome to Saint Andral’s. You are not of my flock—not
Clasping her hands together, Ireena pleads, “Father, I require
yet, it seems. I am Father Lucian Petrovich and this house, the
sanctuary on hallowed ground. Please, will you accept me?”
House of the Morninglord, is yours.”
Father Lucian takes Ireena’s hands. With a paternal smile, he
says, “My child, all are welcome to sanctuary. Stay as long as
Father Lucian offers a warm welcome. The very paragon of you need and worry no longer, for you are in a house of God.”
charity, there is nothing he owns that he does not offer the
adventurers. Food, warmth, drink, a prayer. Anything he has,
Lucian insists, is theirs. The priest is genuinely happy to Family is Forever. Ireena was born in Vallaki and went
come face to face with newcomers. An insightful character missing as a little girl. Father Lucian recognizes her—Ireena
might notice that Father Lucian seems troubled, but before has her mother’s eyes, and the family resemblance to Izek
the priest can assuage their concerns, Yeska the altar boy Strazni is clear. While Father Lucian does not initially reveal
comes out from his bedroom. The child asks who the her relationship to Izek, he does explain her past. Read the
adventurers are and if they were sent by the Morninglord. following:
Father Lucian smiles and says, “Perhaps they were.”
Freek & Myrtle. If the adventurers rescued the children Father Lucian takes a step back and studies Ireena’s face. His
from Old Bonegrinder and delivered them to Vallaki, they can brow furrows—but then his eyes softened. “It can’t be,” he
find refuge here at the church. Father Lucian has a local murmurs. “It can’t. We thought you were dead”
carpenter build two additional beds for Yeska’s bedroom. Ireena blinks at the priest. “What?”
Seeing how exhausted the children are, Father Lucian gives “Yasmine… It can’t be.”
the adventurers money to go purchase toys from Blinsky
(Area N7). “Although Blinsky’s toys are… strange,” Lucian Ireena gives the priest a scathing look. “Are… are you all
says, “they are toys nonetheless, and children require certain right, father?”
comforts in this life.” Father Lucian shakes his head. “I read your last rites.”
The Bones of Saint Andral. As described in the storyline “Father?”
above, the adventurers must earn Father Lucian’s trust before “Yasmine, my dear… Twenty years and I could not forget
he reveals the theft of Andral’s bones. If St. Andral’s Feast your mother’s eyes.”
occurs, the church becomes a bloodbath. See the The Bones
of Saint Andral storyline for details on this battle. Father Lucian explains Ireena’s past: she was born as
Udo Lukovich. The local shoemaker, Udo, has been Yasmine Strazni to two loving parents, Hans and Ruxandra.
arrested for malicious unhappiness. His mother, Willemina, Hans and Uncle Radu took Ireena and her brother fishing at
prays nightly for his safe release. Father Lucian requests the Lake Zarovich. A dire wolf attacked, ripping off her brother’s
adventurers visit the baron’s manor to negotiate for Udo’s arm. While Hans rushed her brother to safety, Uncle Radu
release. If the baron acquiesces, Lucian promises to gave his life to distract the beast. Ireena was never found. Her
incorporate his “All will be well” message in the next seven parents succumbed to their grief.
sermons. Rescuing Udo, legally or otherwise, earns Father Ireena for her part is troubled; she remembers only
Lucian’s trust. Father Lucian warns the adventurers, “The fragments of her childhood. She does admit, however, that
baron respects only strength… but he also fears it. He does this explains her phobia for wolves. Whether she believes
not tolerate any soldier he can’t control. Push too hard and Lucian or not, Ireena simply says, “I am the daughter of
you will find yourself on the wrong side of the law.” Kolyan and Kolyan alone.” She does, however, wish to know
The Devil’s Bride about her brother. “He, too, is gone,” Father Lucian lies. If
Ireena Kolyana seeks sanctuary, and there is no place greater asked for a name, Father Lucian stumbles to provide one and
in Vallaki than St. Andral’s Church. Upon meeting Father eventually goes with “Boris” (after thinking of Milivoj’s
Lucian, she makes this humble request. Read the following: brother). A successful DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check
confirms the priest is lying.

Areas of Vallaki

Author’s Advice: Roleplaying


In my lore—the same lore I wrote into Van

Richten’s Treatise on Lycanthropy, my 154-page

werebeast compendium that you should totally buy

—the Curse of the Wereraven heightens paranoia

and curiosity. Wereravens are lawful good yes, but

that does not mean they are nice or polite.
Wereravens are extremely paranoid and hunger for

secrets. They traffic in gossip and mysteries, never
letting any question stay unanswered.
N2. Blue Water Inn This I suggest using in Curse of Strahd. The
The Blue Water Inn is the heart of Vallaki life—at least as far Martikovs exemplify the wereraven’s curse. Urwin
as a campaign is concerned. Here strangers come together to and Danika are fiends for gossip—and running an
share drinks and sorrows, and to gossip. It is the hub of inn supplies them with all manner of secrets. Brom
and Bray are too curious for their own good and
Chapter 5. can often be found snooping around Vallaki. So too
Points of Interest. The Blue Water Inn is very detailed— is the entire family, as are all wereravens, paranoid
too detailed. Most rooms are empty of actionable content. —and this paranoia clashes with the good
There are only four points of interest: intentions encouraged by the Curse of the
The taproom (Area N2C) where most interactions are
The loft above the stable (Area N2H) where the Keepers
of the Feather’s funds and emergency supplies are kept.

Rictavio’s rented room (Area N2N).

The secret attic (Area N2Q) where the Martikovs sleep as Characters
ravens and keep their personal treasure. Just about any character can visit the Blue Water Inn, but the
following individuals are sure to be there:
Quick Notes Muriel Vinshaw. Described in Dramatis Personae above,
Not all guests have to be present at once. You can start off Muriel is the wereraven best suited for being a spy and
slow by only introducing the Wolf Hunters at first, then messenger of the Keepers of the Feather. She should be met
the Wachter brothers, and finally Rictavio. Nothing here in the Blue Water Inn, especially if the adventurers have
complicates a scene than having so many characters found her clothes in the Barovian wilderness. She can be met
present. here on the adventurers’ second day in Vallaki, reading poetry
Urwin Martikov can send the adventurers to Lake —Greaves of Brass by Walt Whitdwarf—while enjoying her
Zarovich to check on the town drunk, Bluto Krogarov. “He meal.
goes fishing at dawn, but the shores teem with wolves. The Wachter Brothers. The Wachter brothers are always
Please, if you are headed out that way, check for him.” in search of new friends. Although they get up to mischief—
This puts the adventurers on a collision course to saving and escape consequences by dint of their noble birth—the
Arabelle from Bluto and thereby earn Father Lucian’s brothers are not evil. They do not steal or hurt others. For
trust. lack of a better term, they’re “frat bros”. With a sigh, Urwin
The inn has several secret doors: one in the kitchen, begrudgingly admits that the brothers are responsible for a
balcony, and loft above the stable (Areas N2E, N2J, and quarter of the inn’s income.
N2H, respectively). Furthermore, there are secret The Wolf Hunters. The Wolf Hunters. Yevgeni and
trapdoors in the Martikovs’ bedrooms, which lead to a Szoldar could have interesting parts to play in Curse of
secret attic. A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check is Strahd, but really they are destined to die in St. Andral’s
required to notice a secret door. Feast. Introducing them now allows you to kill them off
The Martikovs sleep in the secret attic as ravens. before the adventurers’ very eyes.
The Martikovs have hidden away several treasures.
Areas of Vallaki
The Stranger from Beyond the Mists Rictavio, a natural storyteller, pauses there. If the adventurers
Vallaki is abuzz with gossip: a half-elf has come to Vallaki. He ask what happened next, the bard answers only with, “What
surely can’t be the child of the dusk elves—all women were do you think he did?”
put to death centuries ago. Most villagers, however, avoid this
stranger. Rictavio does not seem to mind. While the N3. Burgomaster's Mansion
adventurers are in town, “Rictavio” mainly keeps to his room, The burgomaster’s mansion is a monument to delusional
the stable, and visits Blinsky while secretly investigating the authority. Everything Vargas and his wife do are for naught,
Keepers of the Feather. He has his own schedule to attend to and the adventurers need to see that. They should see the
and seldom crosses paths with the party—for van Richten ludicrous amount of wicker and wood collected for the next
can’t afford to be seen with Strahd’s newest playthings. festival. They should witness Lydia entertaining guests that
Rictavio’s Test. Once, preferably at night after several are there only for a free meal. One conversation is enough to
glasses of wine, van Richten tests the adventurers with a tale. determine that the Baron should not be ruling Vallaki. That
This tale is meant to determine the adventurers’ nature. Are he is unaware of his own son’s reckless pursuit of magic is
they pragmatists? Are they willing to make hard decisions— proof of this. The adventurers should be brought here at least
decisions that gut the very soul and haunt you for years on once in the campaign, as described in the The Honor of Your
end? Or would they seek solutions of a more tender Presence special event added by the Companion.
temperament, even if it led them to utter ruin? There really Points of Interest. Thankfully, the baron’s manor has only
are no wrong answers. Read the following: four places of interest: wherever the baron is met (usually the
library, Area N3L), Izek’s bedroom (N3J), Lydia’s boudoir
“Urwin,” Rictavio calls over his shoulder. “Another round for (Area N3P), and the attic, where Victor pursues magic (Area
us, would you?” N3T). The adventurers shouldn’t spend too much time inside
With a grunt, Urwin brings the bottle and tops off your the manor and most rooms have no content worth exploring.
glasses. Leaning back into his seat, Rictavio gives his glass a Revisions. The Companion suggests two major revisions
wistful look. “You know, I came across this man once. He was
to the manor:
broken. His wife and son had been murdered by creatures of The spirit of the Ba’al Verzi assassin, who can be
the night… and his son had not yet ceased living. With his son summoned via Lydia’s magical mirror, is the spirit of Leo
enduring as one of the undead, the man was faced with a Dilisnya himself, the assassin that murdered Strahd von
choice no father should ever have to make. The boy pleaded Zarovich on his wedding night, and whose bones are kept
with his father; he wished to live on in undeath… but the man
by Lady Wachter.
The adventurers need to witness a charmed victim testing
knew very well what sort of dark thirst his son would develop.
Victor’s teleportation circle (to disastrous results).
At such a point, he had no care for his own life, no worries. It Furthermore, if an adventurer is reduced to 0 hit points by
was his friends, his family, his neighbors, even his adversaries, Victor’s teleportation circle, they lose a limb—it turns into
that he had to consider. He made his impossible decision. He paper and disintegrates—instead of being completely
plunged a stake through his son’s heart. Those very same disintegrated.
countrymen called the man a monster, but what choice did he
Quick Notes
If the adventurers are invited to dinner, refer to the The
Rictavio sips his wine, a little trickle running down his chin.
Honor of Your Presence special event.
“What,” he asks, “would you have done? The baron hosts guests in the library in the hope to
appear more prestigious.
Van Richten is relating his own tragic history. While this is Izek’s room is filled with dolls, all in the likeness of Ireena
quite obviously a clue that Rictavio is none other than Kolyana.
Rudolph van Richten, it makes for good storytelling. It The baron has imprisoned the local shoemaker, Udo
communicates van Richten’s backstory and poses an ethical Lukovich, for malicious unhappiness. - His distraught
question. If the adventurers seem to dig this tale, van Richten mother, Willemina Rikalova, can be met at one of Father
continues to include his subsequent dealings with the Lucian’s nightly sermons. See Area N3M.
Vistani: Victor has warded the door to his workroom with a glyph
of warding spell (save DC 14). See Area N3T for details.
Rictavio shakes his head and murmurs, “Alas, that was not the
end to this man’s tale. With nothing left in his life but ash, the
man sought out those who sold his family to the creatures of
the night. Of course, they pleaded for their lives. The money
was too good; the monster too fearsome to refuse. The man
cared not. He pulled forth a blade and lunged—but then he
heard from the other room, the cry of a young child. A little
girl. Another impossible choice—and though his own son was
dead, the man was still a father.”

Areas of Vallaki
Characters N4. Wachterhaus
The baron’s manor is a busy place. Workers, guards, and
commoners frequent the grounds and halls. The Wachterhaus is a palace of misery, madness, and intrigue.
Vallakoviches are described in Dramatis Personae above. Everything about it screams “dark lair” to a player, even its
Servants. Unlike Wachterhaus, you need not concern narration text in Curse of Strahd. Wachterhaus is
yourself with the Vallakoviches’ servants. If the baron can’t synonymous with Lady Fiona Wachter, and so you should run
remember their names, neither must you—and this just goes it as a social exercise. It is only a matter of time before they
to demonstrate how lazy and unobservant Vargas is. All you learn of her dark ambitions and infernal pursuits. However,
need to know is that his butler and maid have gone missing; you want to avoid combat with Wachter and her cultists. You
Vargas thinks they were kidnapped or assassinated, whereas want it to be a horrifying discovery, but not an inevitable
Lydia wants to believe they eloped. In truth, they were killed showdown. Wachter is needed in your campaign to seize
by Victor’s disastrous teleportation circle. Per the Vallaki; her cultists are vital to that plan.
Companion, another servant must die, this time in front of The adventurers should be invited to Wachterhaus for
the adventurers. This servant, Cerina Krushkin, is the only dinner or tea. If the adventurers do not notice anything
servant you must familiarize yourself with. She is a young, strange—the terrified staff, the mad daughter upstairs, the
bright woman who has bought into Vargas’ philosophy of “All traces of magic, the extremely obvious secret door—then you
will be well.” She repeats this phrase often. When she dies can use the treacherous Ernst Larnak to stoke the fires of
before the adventurers’ eyes—crumbling to dust in Victor’s paranoia. It is then up to the adventurers to investigate the
flawed teleportation circle—her last words are, “All will be…” manor.
Guards. A paranoid man, Vargas keeps a small garrison Revisions. The Companion suggests four major revisions
stationed at the manor: five guards and a veteran. A shift to Wachterhaus:
change is made every six hours. These soldiers report to Izek Wachterhaus is stained by infernal magic. A detect magic
Strazni. spell reveals traces of magic in the vicinity, with
Prisoner. The local shoemaker, Udo Lukovich, has been conjuration being the most prevalent school of magic.
imprisoned for malicious unhappiness. He languishes in Stella does not believe she is a cat—it’s an utterly
chains, sequestered in a locked closet (Area N3M). If the ridiculous part of this module. Instead, Stella’s mind has
adventurers discover him, you could have Victor come by. been fractured by Victor Vallakovich’s enchantment magic.
Victor claims he will hide Udo until his father goes to bed. In She “talks” to her dead father and rips up clothing and
truth, Victor has the poor man test his murderous fabric to feel in control of her life. See Dramatis Personae
teleportation circle. above for details on Stella.
The Liar, the Glitch, and the Wardrobe The cellar door is locked with a heavy padlock, requiring a
Per the Companion, Victor’s teleportation circle can work but successful DC 15 Dexterity check with thieves’ tools to
only teleports its users to and from the Village of Barovia— open.
and, unbeknownst to Castle Ravenloft. Using this circle, Add a family portrait to Area N41 to clearly communicate
Victor fostered a relationship with the villager Gertruda. the members of the Wachter family. Seeing Stella and
However, there is a chance that those who use the circle are Nikolai Sr. in the portrait causes the adventurers to
teleported into the bowels of Castle Ravenloft, in which case question their whereabouts.
they arrive to Area K78. Quick Notes
The front door is locked (DC 20); the servants and sons
and Wachter carry a key.
Lady Wachter meets guests in the parlor (Area N4I) while
Ernst Larnak lurks in the nearby den (N4K).
There are three secret doors in the manor: one to the
basement (DC 10, see Area N4F); one in the basement
that opens upon the cultists’ headquarters (DC 15, see
Area N4S); and one in the library (DC 15, see Area N4P).
The phrase to quell the eight skeletons in the cellar (Area
N4S) is “Let the dead remain at rest.”
The key to the chest containing Leo Dilisnya’s bones in
Area N4O is hidden in the fireplace. Rather than a
Wisdom (Perception) check to find it, it should be an
Intelligence (Investigation) check because that’s what the
skill is bloody for.
The key to the Wachters’ trapped treasure chest in Area
N4Q hangs from the collar of a cat in the library (Area

Characters Investigating Wachterhaus
There are, at any point, at least five people in Wachterhaus, The adventurers might investigate Lady Fiona Wachter. The
one of which Lady Wachter herself. The house is never truly information below holds true even after she seizes control of
empty. Vallaki.
Family. Fiona has three children: Surveilling. Observing the manor reveals these facts:
Nikolai and Karl are, in essence, the same person. They The Wachter Brothers often leave at noon or later, heckled
are always found together and rarely is it at Wachterhaus. by the shrill calls of their tyrannical mother. They stumble
Stella is perpetually locked up in her room so that the back home after dark, drunk and raucous.
secret of her madness is not revealed to Vallaki. Fiona has four to eight guests over every night. These
Servants. The Wachters are attended to by four servants, guests come at dusk and all but four leave at midnight. A
all of whom know Fiona’s dark secrets. Terrified of Wachter, DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check suggests that
they would sooner die than betray her. Frankly, they fear her these guests do not fear the night, whereas ordinary
devilish powers more than the adventurers’. The servants are villagers retreat to their homes after the sun goes down.
forbidden from speaking about the cult and its activities, but This ability check also reveals that four guests—a young
they whisper their worries at night in the privacy of their man of angelic good looks, a balding hulk of a man, a
shared bedroom. The servants are: squat, middle-aged woman, and a taller, younger woman
with an unsettling glare—often stay the night. When they
Dhavit, the cook, is a handsome and skeletal young man leave at about nine in the morning, it is with a smile.
whose food Fiona repeatedly criticizes. If his cooking is Fiona’s servants rarely leave the grounds, suggesting they
not up to Fiona’s ridiculous standards, he is forced to go live at the manor. Fiona’s valet makes regular trips to
hungry for the night. Town Square for food, sundries and, curiously enough,
Madalena, the older maid, is stealing from Fiona—she clothing. He buys large amounts of women’s clothes from
considers it her just reward for so many years of the local tailor. A DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check
underpaid wages. Despite this reckless theft, Madalena confirms the clothes—sleepwear, chiefly—are sized for a
still keeps Fiona’s secrets. young, skinny woman. (These are for Stella, who rips up
Amalthia, the younger maid, has been a terrified prisoner her clothes.) The servants each carry the key to the front
ever since she was caught eavesdropping on the cult— door.
when Fiona first suggested that Amalthia be “given to the Eavesdropping. Once when Fiona’s guests are
Devils Beyond” and be used as a surrogate to birth a approaching Wachterhaus, a character can eavesdrop on
cambion. Fiona has systematically isolated Amalthia over their hushed conversation, making a DC 15 Wisdom
the years and spread rumors that she is a pathological liar. (Perception) check. On a success, they overhear, “Majesto
Haliq, the valet, makes frequent trips to Town Square. He claims I am ready for the next chapter! I must—” before a
is a miserly old man who haggles for everything he buys. nearby raven caw swallows the other words.
Secretly, he loves Fiona—but is still terrified of her. Infiltrating Wachterhaus. Wachterhaus is no fortress. Not
Cultists. Fiona Wachter commands a vast cabal, many of only does every servant carry a key, but Nikolai and Karl can
whom have no idea how far this web stretches. Only the lucky be easily persuaded into inviting the adventurers inside for a
few invited to Wachterhaus know her dark secret. Her four drink if they are already drunk. Even Lady Watcher will
favorite underlings are present when the adventurers breach extend an invitation, if she thinks they can be useful tools.
the cellar: Further, unless you adopt the Companion’s revision, the cellar
door (Area N4R) is unlocked.
Jadran Tiutchevich, a young man who has the face of an Once inside the manor, the adventurers must avoid
angel servants during the day and cult fanatics at night. Unless the
Bratoljub Kohutovich, a balding hulk of a man adventurers attack, no one resorts to violence, even the
Triska Novaka, a squat, middle-aged woman cultists. Fiona and her minions will use the law to their
Vena Golitsyna, a tall, younger woman with an unsettling advantage; not even Baron Vallakovich can excuse
glare trespassing onto a noble’s estate.
The Spy. Ernst Larnak, Fiona’s spy, is a wild card that you Leo Dilisnya. The bones of Leo Dilisnya, the Ba’al Verzi
can use as you see fit. He alone is willing to blow the whistle assassin that killed Strahd, have been sealed away by the
on her infernal pursuits—for the right price. If any adventurer Wachter family. If you are using the optional fourth Fortune of
knows Thieves’ Cant, have Ernst communicate in that Ravenloft (the Ba’al Verzi dagger), it is vital that the
innocuous, subtle language. Fiona Wachter will be none the adventurers find Leo’s remains. An echo of Leo’s spirit clings
wiser. to his bones; a speak with dead spell allows the caster to

communicate with him. Leo reveals the gruesome details of

Tatyana and Sergei’s wedding. He also notes that the magical

mirror in the baron’s manor can be used to summon his spirit

for ill. He provides the necessary rhyme that conjures him.

Leo’s bones are in Area N4O.

Areas of Vallaki
N5. Arasek Stockyard Henrik protests this intrusion but inevitably crumbles, and
collapses into a chair. Read the following:
The Arasek Stockyard is, essentially, Vallaki’s general store.
All manner of goods can be found here. What foreign In the oppressive silence, the coffin maker takes a seat and
adventurers bring to Barovia inevitably winds up here. puts his head in his hands. “It is no use,” he whispers. “They
Revision. The Araseks sell adventuring gear for five times are here… creatures of the night. Th-they… They forced me… I
the ordinary price. Once again, the Companion advocates
against this. The adventurers simply can’t afford such absurd didn’t know! Morninglord’s light, I did not know what beast
prices, and it therefore disincentivizes them from purchasing stood at my door so long ago!”
anything at all. Likewise, these prices make no sense in the
context of Vallaki where most villagers are slinging copper Roleplaying Henrik. Henrik is a shell of a man. He shouts at
coins around. the adventurers to leave, but this fire soon burns out—it was
Rictavio’s Carnival Wagon
stoked only by fear, anyway. Faced with more adversity,
Henrik crumbles. He speaks only in whispers and does not
Rictavio’s wagon is locked—and trapped with a poisoned look at the adventurers. Broken now, he explains that a one
needle trap (see Appendix C). “Lord Vasili von Holtz” came to his door long ago and began
Revision. The Companion recommends erasing the saber- this entire affair. Henrik still does not know that Strahd is
toothed tiger and Tyger, Tyger special event from the Vasili von Holtz, but he believes the nobleman to be a
campaign. If you adopt this change, Rictavio’s treasure is vampire regardless.
moved from a secret compartment in the front to inside the The vampires vent their unquenched thirst and frustration
wagon itself. The adventurers will have to break in to further by physically abusing Henrik. When he sits in his chair,
investigate Rictavio’s identity. Do not read the text provided in purple bruises become visible along his ankles and wrists.
Curse of Strahd. His body is stained with such bruises. He walks with a limp
and winces with every twitch of his right arm.
N6. Coffin Maker's Shop You can voice Henrik with the following sample dialogue:
It is always raining or about to rain when the adventurers set “They are listening even now…”
out to visit this place. Whether this is merely bad luck or “I no longer sleep. At night, they sit at my bed and stroke
manipulation on Strahd’s part, no one will ever know. If the my neck. They listen to the blood quicken in my veins and
adventurers provoke a conflict with the vampire spawn smile. They have promised me life everlasting—and I fear
inside, it begins to violently storm. See Appendix C for the they will not take ‘no’ as an answer.”
effects of heavy precipitation. “Pray you never meet him. Pray you never find yourself
Per Curse of Strahd, the adventurers can warn Baron facing Lord Vasili von Holtz.”
Vallakovich about the bones of Saint Andral, who sends four “I, I cannot say more! They will know… They already
guards to retrieve them. As the Dungeon Master, you can know.”
choose to have these guards butchered by the vampire spawn If Henrik is killed, his last words are, “Morninglord forgive
or opt for something far more horrifying: Baron Vallakovich me…”
doesn’t believe the adventurers. “All will be well,” he insists.
Denied institutional support from the authorities, it falls to In the Vampire’s Nest
the adventurers to break in and steal the bones. The vampire spawn lurk in Area N6F. At night, they emerge
Revision. As described earlier, the bones of Saint Andral from their crates to torment Henrik. The vampires awaken
have been moved from Henrik’s bedroom (Area N6e) to the whenever someone enters Henrik’s home and remain alert
vampire nest (Area N6f). To recover them, the adventurers until these intruders leave—for Strahd von Zarovich has
must fight the undead. To compensate for this, the number of promised eternal torment for those that fail him in this dark
vampire spawn have been reduced from six to four. If you do hour. Without great luck and greater magic, the adventurers
not adopt this change, the six vampires will still intervene; have almost no chance of sneaking past the vampires, who
once they hear Henrik’s bedroom door open, they emerge peek out from their crates. A spell of pass without trace or
from their crates and stage an ambush. It is the only logical darkness is necessary to hide from their gaze—but even then
outcome—they cannot afford to fail Strahd. the vampires are not idiots. They will investigate any
Breaking in. Henrik’s shop is a fortress. All
disturbance and do whatever it takes to protect the bones.
doors and windows are locked. While
The Bones of Saint Andral. The bones of Saint Andral
behind the door, most magic that
are hidden in the crate along the western wall, far from the
requires the spellcaster to see their
vampire spawn, who are sickened by its presence. The bones
target is foiled. Thus, the adventurers
are in a sack of dirt. A vampire spawn that is holding or
can’t simply charm Henrik into
touching the sack has disadvantage on saving throws and
letting them inside. To break down
attack rolls. A vampire spawn that touches the bones directly
a door requires a successful DC 15
must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw, taking 11
Strength check. To pick a door’s
(2d10) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
lock requires a successful DC 15
failure; a vampire spawn can only take this damage once per
Dexterity check using thieves’
round. 1

Areas of Vallaki
Creatures of Darkness. The four vampires are former Giving Chase. The bones of Saint Andral must not be lost.
adventurers and can be identified as fellow foreigners from The vampire spawn must pursue the adventurers. With the
beyond the Mists. If there are six vampires instead of four, the weather outside so frightful, the vampire spawn have the
additional two are so emaciated and ancient, they lack any perfect excuse to walk the streets of Vallaki before dusk.
distinguishable features. These other vampires are: Provided the adventurers make it outside, read the following
A male dwarf whose face is tattooed in the runes of an when the vampire spawn give chase:
exile. His bloodstained beard is as dry and harsh as straw.
A tall, female elf whose ears are decorated with six grimy Out into the windswept streets you run, pelted by harsh and
earrings each. Her once-beautiful face was mauled into a grueling rain. Another lance of lightning etches itself across
hideous visage. the sky. In the silence before the thunder, you hear a snarl
A skinny, male human of Illuskan descent. He is dressed straight from a nightmare. Clinging in the window frame is a
in tattered brown robes. A palm-sized silvered coin corpse—the vampire!
decorated in religious iconography hangs from his neck. A “This is not yet over!” she hisses, crouched like a lion. With
character who succeeds on a DC 13 Intelligence another snarl, she leaps from the window, landing in the
(Religion) check identifies this as the iconography of street! With sinking horror, you realize that the sunlight
Tymora, goddess of luck.
A short, female human of Calishite descent. She wears a cannot burn what it cannot touch! As the rain worsens, the
scorched leather tunic. Half her head is burned off, as if creature breaks into a sprint!
she were pushed into a fireplace.
Tactics. The vampire spawn follow these tactics in battle: The other surviving vampire spawn follow behind. For the
sake of the narrative, assume the vampires can leap onto
The vampires extinguish any light sources in the room, buildings. They take alternative routes to cut off the
unless the adventurers are overwhelmingly nonhuman. adventurers’ escape, or even head towards the church. If the
With their dark strength, a vampire spawn can hurl a adventurers give up the bones, the spawn retreat into the
crate using their action. While this does less damage than shadows.
a traditional attack, it can add great tension to the battle.
This attack should occur only once or twice in the Author’s Advice: Giving Chase
encounter. As an action, the vampire chooses a 5-foot-wide
cube within 30 feet it can see. A creature in that area must As described by the module, Barovia does not
succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 7 experience true sunlight—a secret known only to
the Devil and his minions. If the adventurers
(2d6) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The escape with Saint Andral’s bones, the vampire
creature is also restrained until it or another creature spawn can give chase—but this would reveal one
succeeds on a DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check made as of the campaign’s most horrifying secrets. The
an action. people of Barovia trust in sunlight; it is one of the
The vampires utilize their Spider Climb trait to scale the few protections they have against the Devil and his
walls and ceiling, thereby avoiding opportunity attacks or minions. The players are no different; you must
otherwise routing the adventurers. choose when you rip away their security blanket.
The vampires cut off the adventurers’ retreat (the door to To avoid blowing this secret, use the weather to
the staircase) either by hurling crates at it or physically your advantage. Storm clouds gather in the hour
guarding it. They only do this if the adventurers actually before the adventurers confront Henrik. The first
manage to get the bones. peal of thunder cracks when the party is at his
door. If they manage to escape with the bones, the
Escaping the Nest. Desperate times call for desperate vampire spawn give chase. Without the sun, they
measures. The adventurers can open and leap from the are “free” to run amok. Furthermore, the rain
second-floor windows to escape. A creature that does so conveniently sequesters the townsfolk to their
must make a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. On a homes.
success, the creature lands on their feet and takes no Behind this convenient storm lurks a terrible
damage. On a failure, they land prone and take 3 (1d6) truth: Strahd von Zarovich can control the weather
bludgeoning damage from the fall. To communicate this —and he is watching these events unfold from
possible exit point to the adventurers, read the following text: afar.

“Die, daywalker!” a vampire hisses, her claws lashing out in the

gloom. Twisting away, she finds purchase in your shirt and
hurls you against the wall. Dust trickles from the ceiling as
your ears ring from the impact. In the muted chaos, you look
around. The scene is utter bedlam—but your eyes narrow
upon the window!

Areas of Vallaki

The Apothecarium

This quiet shop is full of flowers, vines, and other plants. It is

owned and operated by Senka Tolstoy, a spinster and

herbalist. When she isn’t serving as the local midwife, Senka

sells poultices meant to ease fevers and other ailments.

Capable of minor alchemy, Senka has the following potions

for sale:

Three potions of healing (15 gp each)

A potion of water breathing (4 gp)

An oil of slipperiness (8 gp).

A potion of necrotic resistance (25 gp).

Senka can also make wolfsbane incense for 15 gp if the

adventurers bring her a sprig of wolfsbane. This incense is

nauseating to werewolves. See CMP Ch. 1 for details on

N7. Blinsky Toys Branimir’s Butchery
Blinsky is a well-intentioned outcast with an innocent dream: Until it rains, the stench of the local slaughterhouse drifts
to bring “hyappiness” to Barovian children everywhere. If the across town square. There, Branimir Stoyanovich strips wolf
adventurers rescued Freek and Myrtle from Old Bonegrinder, corpses down to the bone. Supplied by Yevgeni Krushkin and
Father Lucian or the Martikovs suggest purchasing toys from Szoldar Szoldarivch, Branimir has no shortage of meat to
Blinsky—even if his toys are creepy. After all, “children so sell. A pound of “good” meat (good being subjective, as wolves
young,” Father Lucian would say, “require certain comforts.” are what they eat: carrion) is sold for 4 cp. Branimir is eerily
Ireena Kolyana. Izek Strazni forces Blinsky to fashion laconic and only grunts his replies. His wife, Tsveta, handles
dolls in the likeness of Ireena Kolyana, making this another customers, but she is gone on an errand when the
chapter of her storyline. If Ireena is present, she conveniently adventurers first enter the shop. Unbeknownst to Branimir,
stays outside the toy store (“I have seen enough of Blinsky’s his cousin Kiril is a werewolf and alpha of the Children of
toys wash up in the village. I need not meet the man who Mother Night. Ironic, given that Branimir’s primary medium
made them.”). Thus, she never sees the eerie dolls made in is the flesh of wolves.
her likeness. The adventurers must decide whether to tell Dementlieu Baguette
her. If Ireena sees the dolls, her face goes pale, and she asks his bakery stands opposite of Branimir’s Butchery, its mouth-
to be brought back to Saint Andral’s Church immediately watering scents ever at war with the butchery’s nauseating
(“This… this is too much. I, I need to lay down.”). stench. The store is owned and operated by Martine Jacquet,
a young woman who came to Barovia four years ago. Martine
N8. Town Square hails from Dementlieu, another Domain of Dread created by
Even if the Barovian economy is in shambles, Vallaki ought to the Dark Powers of Ravenloft. Martine became separated
be a place of industry. All but the most luxurious of from her family by the Mists of Ravenloft. After many hours of
professions are explored behind the safety of the town’s walking, she wound up near Krezk. Denied entrance into the
walls. A town with over a thousand people require amenities town, she waited until a troupe of good-hearted Vistani gave
such as a blacksmith, an apothecary, and more. No place is her a lift to Vallaki. Martine knows only that she hails from an
more fitting to house these shops than Town Square, three of “equally dismal land” and that the Mists prevent her from
which are briefly detailed below. With the Vallakian going home.
wilderness infested with so many wolves, the local tanner Dementlieu. Dementlieu is detailed in Van Richten’s
and butcher have seen a massive growth of materials. Guide to Ravenloft. It is a French-inspired domain ruled over
Ireena Kolyana. If Ireena is present, Izek Strazni by a Cinderella-esque Darklord named Saidra d'Honaire.
recognizes her as she passes by. His mouth goes agape as a Saidra hosts extravagant galas each week, and only the
look of surprise and awe consume his otherwise ugly face. wealthiest and most influential are invited. Everyone vies for
Ireena, for her part, pulls the hood up on her cloak and an invitation or otherwise sneaks in. The streets of
pretends not to notice him. Later, Izek informs Baron Dementlieu are also haunted by “the Red Death,” a
Vallakovich that his sister has returned. Baron sends a spy to mysterious wraith—Saidra d’Honaire’s secret alter-ego.
investigate (and question Father Lucian, if Ireena stays at the
church), thereby leading to the The Honor of Your Presence
special event.

Areas of Vallaki

History of the Dusk Elves

The tragic history of the dusk elves is summarized


On his homeworld, Strahd’s homeland

bordered the dusk elf kingdom. Strahd’s father,

King Barov, shattered the elves in a horrific war.

This victory was only possible with the military

secrets betrayed by Rahadin, who would be

named the adoptive son of King Barov and later

chamberlain of Castle Ravenloft.

Their kingdom lost, the surviving elves fled

from Strahd, who continued his late father’s

war. Spirited away by the Vistani, the elves

secluded in what would later be named Barovia.

The elves took on Vistani names to honor these


The Order of the Silver fought—and failed—to

protect the dusk elves and other refugees of

Strahd’s wars. The elves are aware of the Order,

having lived alongside Argynvost’s knights.

Strahd was content to let the elves live, even

after Barovia was sealed away by the Mists.
N9. Vistani Camp Patrina Velikovna, a powerful mage, sought
A visit to this camp is mandatory for your campaign. The Strahd’s hand in marriage—and he agreed. Her
brother, Kasimir, led her public stoning.
adventurers must be put on both Arrigal and Kasimir’s radar. As revenge for his lost bride, Strahd sent
The party might be led here for any number of reasons: Rahadin to slaughter all dusk elven women and
The adventurers are seeking their Destined Ally or an children, bringing their people to extinction.
artifact. Rahadin is now as “the Dog of Zarovich” and
“the Great Betrayer.”
The adventurers have rescued Arabelle from Bluto The dusk elf men now exist as a broken people
Krogarov at Lake Zarovich (see CMP Ch. 2, Area L). left to rot for centuries in Ravenloft. The Vistani
Alternatively, they met Alexei or Savid out in the woods they befriended centuries ago have long-since
(see the In Search of Arabelle encounter in CMP Ch. 2). passed, and the current generation lacks much
The adventurers were waylaid here by wolves, of the integrity and honor their forebears had.
werewolves, or other creatures of the night. The surviving elves are both hostages and
A Vallakian suggested they go speak with Kasimir Velikov, wards. The Vistani protect them from the
who is described as a “fixture of Barovian history.” horrors of Barovia but sometimes act like
wolves themselves.

Areas of Vallaki
Meeting Arrigal Roleplaying Kasimir. Kasimir is full of nervous hope when
Nothing happens in or around the Vistani camp without he first meets the adventurers. He strokes what were once
Arrigal’s knowledge. He has spies and sentries everywhere. his ears as he explains the plight of his people. Having lived
By when the adventurers mount the hill, Arrigal will have through quite literally all of Barovian history, he can act as
already been informed. He prepares accordingly. If Alexei is the party’s historian and scholar. His knowledge—in history,
being whipped by Luvash, Arrigal intends for the adventurers in magic, in alchemy, and geography—is vast and invaluable.
to see it. So too does he make it clear, by calling off Luvash, Kasimir happens to demonstrate his mastery of the arcane
that he is the one they must entreat with, that he rules the through rote spells like prestidigitation and other magic used
clan, not his wild brother. to ease the burdens of daily life.
Roleplaying Arrigal. Arrigal plays the part of the emissary. Kasimir took “Velikov” as a surname to honor the Vistana
He wears a smile, the warmth of which fails to touch his eyes. who bore his people to Barovia. He mentions this early with
He takes this opportunity to size up the adventurers, knowing the adventurers and warns them, “Velikov’s descendants… fail
that, sooner or later, his dark and distant master will call to live up to his memory.” Other than saying, “Arrigal is a man
Arrigal into action. Sooner or later, Arrigal knows he will be of cunning,” Kasimir elaborates no further on the Vistani; he
burying a blade deep into the back of his newfound “friends.” can’t afford to anger his peoples’ wolfish guardians.
Arrigal offers the adventurers refreshments—wine that he As a wizard, Kasimir has great knowledge of arcane magic.
himself does not partake in, but his brother does. He offers To curry favor with the adventurers or show his gratitude, he
the adventurers every hospitality, answers their questions, offers to teach the party’s resident wizard a spell (from the
and demonstrates his subtle but undeniable rule over the spells already in his spellbook) for a reduced price of only 5
clan. The adventurers should leave with the impression that gp’s worth of materials. This process takes 1d6 + 6 hours of
Arrigal pulls all strings around the camp. studying alongside Kasimir. The wizard character can choose
If the adventurers save Arabelle, Arrigal offers them a which of Kasimir’s spells to learn. Kasimir is willing to
reward. Curious as to what sort of people these strangers are, continue teaching the wizard if they promise to seek out the
he deliberately takes them to the Vistani treasure wagon. Amber Temple.
Unlocking it, he allows the party to choose one single Dreams of the Damned. Kasimir is burdened by dreams
treasure from the wagon. Before doing so, he stations several sent forth by his sister Patrina’s spirit. Although he would
sober Vistani bandits nearby in case things turn bloody. normally keep this troubling news to himself, he is eager to
Likewise, he keeps a sentry at the wagon at night. mount an expedition to the Amber Temple. Fearing that he
The Fortunes of Ravenloft. If an artifact is meant to be in might not see the adventurers again, he quickly brings up his
Area N9I, Arrigal gets involved. The artifact was taken from sister’s unrest. He does not, however, reveal that she sought
dead adventurers several years ago. Arrigal is unaware of the the hand of Strahd himself. Kasimir does not want to scare
artifact’s importance until it is taken by the adventurers. He away the adventurers, and so he paints a far more forgiving
does not stop the adventurers from leaving with the artifact, picture of the past. Read the following text, which assumes
but instead hatches a plan to retrieve it. Inevitably, Arrigal the characters are in Kasimir’s home:
makes his move. He might slip into Vallaki one night while
the adventurers are asleep, or he might stage an ambush at Kasimir tosses a log into the hearth. Through a spell, the elf
the Luna River Crossroads (as described in CMP Ch. 2, Area sets the log ablaze. With his back to you, Kasimir murmurs,
P). “Centuries ago, my sister Patrina was put to death. She was to
be the Devil’s bride—and our people would rather have her
Meeting Kasimir Velikov
Kasimir sulks in his hovel, but will emerge if he hears killed than lose such a powerful wizard to such a hungry fiend.
newcomers are visiting the Vistani Camp. Meeting him She was hellbent on going to Castle Ravenloft. We begged her
becomes inevitable. Read the following text when he is first not to, but it was clear she was under the vampire’s spell.
met: Patrina was stoned. Dragged from her home in the dead of
night… and gagged so she could not utter a spell.”
A soft voice draped in an Elvish accent calls out to you: “You At his side, Kasimir’s hands tighten into fists. “For depriving
must be new here,” he says, “if we have not yet met.” him of a new bride, the Devil had all our women and children
You turn, meeting the gaze of an earless elf whose sunken put to the sword—a genocide carried out by Rahadin, the
eyes speak to a lifetime of regret. He is tall, skinny—skeletal, Great Betrayer.”
really. His robes, now ancient, are woven with sigils of the The elf turns to you, his eyes full of sorrow. “My sister is
arcane. Clearly he is a wizard of sorts. dead, but not silent. From the catacombs of Castle Ravenloft,
“My name is Kasimir. Kasimir Velikov. If you are anything her spirit calls to me. She whispers to me in my dreams. She
like the last outsiders I met, you must have many questions has found no rest in the afterlife, but knows how to escape it.
about this dismal realm. Please, have tea with me in my home. She knows where the power to cheat death can be found—
Field your questions. I have, almost literally, all the time in the the same foul sanctum in which the Devil stole the power of
world.” the vampyr. It is a font of evil buried deep in the mountains… a
place once known to the Order of the Silver Dragon as the
‘Amber Temple.’”

Areas of Vallaki
Kasimir shakes his head. “The way is long, perilous. I have tried The Honor of Your Presence
before and failed. Please, I beg of you: accompany me to the Baron Vargas is no fool. He knows firsthand, from his own
summit of Mount Ghakis. Brave the cold at my side. Brave the experience, the wise burgomaster meets with visiting
dark with me as well. Together, we can bring my people back outsiders early on. He himself has met three separate groups
from extinction.
of adventurers lured into Barovia. All told, the Vallakovich
line has met just about Barovian immigrant that has made it
to Vallaki. Thus, Vargas extends an invitation to dinner once
With a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check, a character he learns new adventurers have entered Vallaki. Alas, hubris
senses that there is something Kasimir is holding back. If clouds Vargas’s judgment; he is confident that his forces can
pressed, Kasimir reveals that it was he who orchestrated the overwhelm these outsiders. Additionally, Vargas does not
execution and that he lost his ears as a result. He says, “To take “no” for an answer.
my great shame, it was I who cast the first stone. It was I who The Messenger. Most nobles would send a well-perfumed
rallied our people, who stoked the fires of paranoia. I told valet to deliver an invitation. Not Vargas. He knows he must
myself it was necessary. Patrina was the greatest of us. We—I demonstrate the strength of his soldiers, and so he sends
—could not allow her to join the Devil in undeath.” Izek Strazni and three guards. This is another opportunity to
The Fortunes of Ravenloft. If an artifact is meant to be in get Ireena and Izek face-to-face. When Izek approaches the
Area N9A, the Companion suggests a daring change: Kasimir party, preferably on the street, read the following:
already lost the artifact in a previous foray to the Amber
Temple. This is a step-up from Kasimir simply giving the As you rummage through the cabbage dealer’s cart, you hear a
adventurers the unearned artifact. hoarse “You there,” from behind. Standing before you is the
baron’s monstrous henchman, the man with a fiendishly
Special Events barbed arm. The brute tries to offer a smile that comes out
Several special events can occur in Vallaki. You do not need forced and ugly. “Outsiders. His Sanguinity, Baron Vallakovich,
to use every single event in the story. You can easily eliminate requests the honor of your presence for dinner tonight. You
The Festival of the Blazing Sun and Tyger, Tyger from your will report to the manor at dusk. If you have wine, bring it.”
campaign by setting the baron’s next festival for the morning The devil-armed thug rifles through his pockets until he
after St. Andral’s Feast is scheduled, as described in Variants produces a letter sealed with crimson wax. “Warm food and
& Revisions. All in all, only St. Andral’s Feast is mandatory,
and it is detailed more in The Bones of Saint Andral above. good cheer will be provided,” he says. Looking over your
The Companion* suggests two new events to this chapter: frayed and bloodied clothes, the brute sneers, “Do try to dress
for the occasion.”
Justice for Arabelle
Bluto Krogarov, if he still lives, must face justice for A crooked “V” is stamped into the crimson wax. The letter
kidnapping Arabelle. The Vistani will not settle for anything names each adventurer, thereby demonstrating that, in so
less. For details on Bluto and Arabelle, see CoS Ch. 2, Area L. little time, Vargas has managed to wring out secrets from
This event should coincide with the adventurers’ meeting other Vallakians, like the Martikovs. It continues to read,
with Baron Vallakovich (but not the The Honor of Your “The honor of your presence is humbly requested on this day
Presence special event). in the year of the Morninglord, 735.”
If Arabelle’s capture becomes known, Luvash, a CE bandit The adventurers are expected to arrive in “proper attire”
captain, and six Vistani bandits storm the Sunset Gate, (fine clothes, which cost 15 gp). The Martikovs can direct the
demanding entrance into Vallaki and Bluto’s head. The party to a local tailor.
guards quickly send for Izek Strazni and dispatch a message Dinner with the Baron. The adventurers are warmly
to the baron. The baron is not inclined to start letting Vistani welcomed into the manor. The hallway is lined with servants
into town, but the adventurers can convince him otherwise who bow and curtsy as the adventurers approach Vargas, his
with a successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check. In his giggly wife, and his perpetually-sighing son. Vargas welcomes
hubris, however, Baron Vallakovich refuses to hand over them and, of course, promises them that “All will be well.” He
Bluto, citing Vallaki itself as Bluto’s court, not the Vistani’s. has planned quite the feast: beef tartare as an appetizer,
If their demands are not met, Luvash storms back to the followed by a goose neck soup; a salad of minced cabbage,
Vistani camp. Later that night, Arrigal slips into Vallaki and onions, bell peppers, and cucumbers pickled in vinegar with
assassinates Bluto. His corpse is found in Town Square the dill and mustard seeds; and pan-seared glazed pork chops.
next morning with a sign draped over his bloodied chest. The For dessert, the cook has prepared a floating island. After
sign reads, “We will always have our vengeance.” dinner, Vargas intends to invite the adventurers into the

library to smoke cigars and enjoy brandy he “confiscated”

from some Vallaki merchants returning from beyond the


Areas of Vallaki
During dinner, Lydia giggles and squeals at whatever Vargas Ireena Kolyana. If Ireena is present and her presence is
says. For his mother’s every laugh, Victor sighs. Vargas known to Vargas, he proposes a betrothal between her and
engages in the following topics during dinner: Victor—a nauseating prospect for Ireena. Read the following
Vargas’ philosophy: “Once every man, woman, and child in text, which assumes Baron Vargas does not know that
Vallaki soars with joy, we shall slip free from the Devil’s Ireena’s father is dead:
grasp and then… and then all will be well.”
Izek Strazni’s history: “...and for his crimes, they The baron stabs a hunk of wolf meat with his fork, leaving the
demanded his death, but I saw in - Izek the fires of utensil there. Sharing a smile with his wife, Vargas turns to
redemption. He is my greatest achievement.” Victor rolls Ireena and says, “Now, my dear, we come to the most exciting
his eyes at this. part of the evening. Though our two… baronies… have not
The esteemed monster hunter (or “incorrigible instigator” done so in many a generation, I believe your coming here
as Vargas calls him) Rudolph van Richten is rumored to signals that it is time for our two noble lines to be wed.”
have surfaced in Barovia. Vargas is offering a 1,000 gp Immediately, Victor heaves a heavy sigh. Lydia squeals,
reward to whomever brings him van Richten alive. Vargas clasping her hand over Ireena’s. “Victor will make a fine
claims that van Richten spreads chaos, unrest, and misery
wherever he goes. husband,” she says.
“...when he shapes up,” the baron grumbles beneath his
breath before clearing his throat.
“Well, my dear. How would you like to be the future
baroness of Vallaki?”
Ireena is quiet only for a moment. Clearly she senses how
fragile the baron is. After only the slightest hesitation, Ireena
smiles. “That sounds lovely, my lord. I must, however, consult
my father first. He will need to approve of the betrothal.”
Vargas offers a strained smile. Through his teeth he agrees,
“Of course.”
“Don’t I get a say in this?” Victor snaps.
“Quiet boy,” answers his father.
“You would just sell me off to some stranger—”
“A stranger?” gasps his mother. She turns to Ireena and
offers, “Please don’t take that the—”
“It’s fine,” says Ireena, looking anywhere but in Lydia’s eyes.
Victor, it seems, is not yet done. Pushing his plate away, the
boy shouts, “You say you want me to grow up and yet you
continue to treat me like a child!”
Vargas leaps to his feet. A mastiff raises her head, clearly
excited. “You would waste away in that attic if it weren’t for
me dragging you out into the cold light of day. It’s like it’s your
“My cave?” Victor mocks.
“Your cave, you miserable, little—”
“I’m done with this, father,” Victor snarls, ripping the napkin
from his collar and throwing it to the table. With that, he
storms out of the room.
“Have fun upstairs!” shouts the baron as his wife devolves
into a symphony of embarrassed giggles.


Appendix A: Magic Items Hat of Disguise

This chapter features the following magic items: Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
Magic Items by Location While wearing this hat, you can use an action to cast the
Magic Item Location disguise self spell from it at will. The spell ends if the hat is
Elixir of Health Area N2H removed.
Gray Bag of Tricks N2H Oil of Slipperiness
Hat of Disguise Rictavio Potion, uncommon
Oil of Slipperiness N8 (The Apothecarium) This sticky black unguent is thick and heavy in the container,
Potion of Healing N2H (3) & N2Q (2) but it flows quickly when poured. The oil can cover a Medium
Potion of Necrotic Resistance N8 (The Apothecarium) or smaller creature, along with the equipment it's wearing
and carrying (one additional vial is required for each size
Potion of Poison N9I category above Medium). Applying the oil takes 10 minutes.
Potion of Water Breathing N8 (The Apothecarium) The affected creature then gains the effect of a freedom of
movement spell for 8 hours.
Ring of Mind Shielding Rictavio Alternatively, the oil can be poured on the ground as an
Scroll of Protection from Fiends N5 action, where it covers a 10-foot square, duplicating the effect
Scroll of Protection from Undead N5 of the grease spell in that area for 8 hours.
Potion of Healing
Elixir of Health Potion, common
Potion, rare
You regain 2d4 + 2 hit points when you drink this potion. The
When you drink this potion, it cures any disease afflicting potion's red liquid glimmers when agitated.
you, and it removes the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and
poisoned conditions. The clear red liquid has tiny bubbles of Potion of Necrotic Resistance
light in it. Potion, uncommon
Gray Bag of Tricks When you drink this potion, you gain resistance to necrotic
Wondrous item, uncommon damage for 1 hour.
This ordinary bag, made from gray cloth, appears empty. Potion of Poison
Reaching inside the bag, however, reveals the presence of a Potion, uncommon
small, fuzzy object.
You can use an action to pull the fuzzy object from the bag This concoction looks, smells, and tastes like a potion of
and throw it up to 20 feet. When the object lands, it healing or other beneficial potion. However, it is actually
transforms into a creature you determine by rolling a d8 and poison masked by illusion magic. An identify spell reveals its
consulting the table. The creature vanishes at the next dawn true nature.
or when it is reduced to 0 hit points.
The creature is friendly If you drink it, you take 3d6 poison damage, and you must
to you and your companions, and it acts on your turn. You can succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be
use a bonus action to command how the creature moves and poisoned. At the start of each of your turns while you are
what action it takes on its next turn, or to give it general poisoned in this way, you take 3d6 poison damage. At the end
orders, such as to attack your enemies. In the absence of of each of your turns, you can repeat the saving throw. On a
such orders, the creature acts in a fashion appropriate to its successful save, the poison damage you take on your
nature. subsequent turns decreases by 1d6. The poison ends when
Once three fuzzy objects have been pulled from the bag, the damage decreases to 0.
the bag can't be used again until the next dawn. Potion of Water Breathing
Gray Bag of Tricks Potion, uncommon
d8 Creature
You can breathe underwater for 1 hour after drinking this
1 Weasel potion. Its cloudy green fluid smells of the sea and has a
2 Giant rat jellyfish-like bubble floating in it.
3 Badger
4 Boar
5 Panther
6 Giant badger
7 Dire wolf
8 Giant elk

Appendix A: Magic Items

Ring of Mind Shielding
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
While wearing this ring, you are immune to magic that allows
other creatures to read your thoughts, determine whether
you are lying, know your alignment, or know your creature
type. Creatures can telepathically communicate with you only
if you allow it.
You can use an action to cause the ring to become invisible
until you use another action to make it visible, until you
remove the ring, or until you die.
If you die while wearing the ring, your soul enters it, unless
it already houses a soul. You can remain in the ring or depart
for the afterlife. As long as your soul is in the ring, you can
telepathically communicate with any creature wearing it. A
wearer can't prevent this telepathic communication.
Ring of Warmth
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
While wearing this ring, you have resistance to cold damage.
In addition, you and everything you wear and carry are
unharmed by temperatures as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit.
Scroll of Protection From Fiends
Scroll, rare
Using an action to read the scroll encloses you in an invisible
barrier that extends from you to form a 5-foot-radius, 10-foot-
high cylinder. For 5 minutes, this barrier prevents fiends from
entering or affecting anything within the cylinder. The
cylinder moves with you and remains centered on you.
However, if you move in such a way that a fiend would be
inside the cylinder, the effect ends. A creature can attempt to
overcome the barrier by using an action to make a DC 15
Charisma check. On a success, the creature ceases to be
affected by the barrier.
Scroll of Protection From Undead
Scroll, rare
Using an action to read the scroll encloses you in an invisible
barrier that extends from you to form a 5-foot-radius, 10-foot-
high cylinder. For 5 minutes, this barrier prevents undead
from entering or affecting anything within the cylinder. The
cylinder moves with you and remains centered on you.
However, if you move in such a way that an undead would be
inside the cylinder, the effect ends. A creature can attempt to
overcome the barrier by using an action to make a DC 15
Charisma check. On a success, the creature ceases to be
affected by the barrier.

Appendix A: Magic Items


Appendix B: Bestiary

The following creatures are featured in this chapter:

Missing Statistics. Per DM’s Guild policies, Curse of

Strahd-exclusive statistics are not included in this document.

See the following pages in the module:

Izek Strazni: Curse of Strahd pg. 232

Rictavio: Curse of Strahd pg. 238

Strahd von Zarovich: Curse of Strahd pg. 240

Arrigal Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Arrigal deals an extra 14 (4d6)

damage when he hits a target with a weapon attack and
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is
Armor Class 15 (studded leather armor) within 5 feet of an ally of Arrigal that isn't incapacitated
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24) and Arrigal doesn't have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Speed 30 ft.
Multiattack. Arrigal makes two shortsword attacks.
11 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and the
target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw,
Saving Throws Dex +6, Int +4 taking 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half
Skills Acrobatics +6, Deception +3, Perception +3, as much damage on a successful one.
Stealth +9
Damage Resistances poison Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
Senses passive Perception 13 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing
Languages Common, Elvish, Thieves’ Cant damage, and the target must make a DC 15
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) poison
Proficiency Bonus +3 damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
Assassinate. During his first turn, Arrigal has advantage Evil Eye (Recharges After a Short or Long Rest). Arrigal can
on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a target a creature within 10 feet that he can see,
turn. Any hit Arrigal scores against a surprised creature duplicating the effect and duration of the animal
is a critical hit. friendship, charm person, or hold person spell (spell
save DC 11), requiring no somatic or material
Evasion. If Arrigal is subjected to an effect that allows components. If the target succeeds on the save, Arrigal
him to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half is blinded until the end of his next turn. A target that on
damage, Arrigal instead takes no damage if he succeeds a saving throw against the Evil Eye is immune to the Evil
on the saving throw, and only half damage if he fails. Eye of all Vistani for 24 hours.

Appendix B: Bestiary

Assassin Baboon
Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good Small beast, unaligned
Armor Class 12
Armor Class 15 (studded leather) Hit Points 3 (1d6)
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24) Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
Speed 30 ft.


8 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 4 (-3) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)
11 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Senses passive Perception 11
Saving Throws Dex +7, lnt +5 Languages -
Skills Acrobatics +7, Deception +4, Perception +4, Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Stealth + 11
Damage Resistances poison Pack Tactics. The baboon has advantage on an attack
Senses passive Perception 14 roll
against a creature if at least one of the baboon's
Languages Thieves' cant plus any two languages allies is within
5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) incapacitated.

Assassinate. During its first turn, the assassin has Actions

on attack rolls against any creature that
hasn't taken a turn .
Any hit the assassin scores Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
against a surprised creature
is a critical hit. target.
Hit: 1 (1d4- 1) piercing damage.

Evasion. If the assassin is subjected to an effect that

allows it
to make a Dexterity saving throw to take
only half damage, the
assassin instead takes no
damage if it succeeds on the saving
throw,. and only
half damage if it fails.
Medium humanoid (any race), any non-lawful
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The assassin deals an extra 13 alignment
damage when it hits a target with a weapon
attack and has
advantage on the attack roll, or when Armor Class 12 (leather armor)
the target is within 5
feet of an ally of the assassin Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
that is n't incapacitated and the
assassin doesn't Speed 30 ft.
have disadvantage on the attack roll.


Multiattack. The assassin makes two shortsword 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
Senses passive Perception 10
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 Languages any one language (usually Common)
ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage, and Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
the target must
make a DC 15 Constitution saving
throw, taking 24 (7d6)
poison damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a
successful one. Actions
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
range 80/320
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) one
target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.
piercing damage, and the target
must make a DC 15 Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (7d6)
poison range 80
ft./320ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1)
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on piercing damage.
successful one.

Appendix B: Bestiary

Bandit Captain Commoner

Medium humanoid (any race), any non·lawful Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 10
Armor Class 15 (studded leather) Hit Points 4 (1d8)
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20) Speed 30 ft.
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)
Senses passive Perception 10
Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +5, Wis +2 Languages any one language (usually Common)
Skills Athletics +4, Deception +4 Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages any two languages
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target.
Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
Multiattack. The captain makes three melee attacks:
two with
its scimitar and one with its dagger. Or the
captain makes two
ranged attacks with its daggers.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
target. Hit: 6 (ld6 + 3) slashing damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft.
or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4
+ 3) piercing damage.

Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12
Hit Points Hit Points 2 (1 d4)
Speed 40ft., climb 30ft.


3 (-4) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4

Senses passive Perception 13
Languages -
Challenge 0 (10 XP)

Keen Smell. The cat has advantage on Wisdom

checks that rely on smell.

Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target.
Hit: 1 slashing damage.

Appendix B: Bestiary

Cult Fanatic Cultist

Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good Medium humanoid (any race), any non-good
alignment alignment

Armor Class 13 (leather armor) Armor Class 12 (leather armor)

Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6) Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Skills Deception +4, Persuasion +4, Religion +2 Skills Deception +2, Religion +2
Senses passive Perception 10 Senses passive Perception 10
Languages any one language (usually Common) Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Dark Devotion. The fanatic has advantage on saving Dark Devotion. The cultist has advantage on saving
against being charmed or frightened. throws
against being charmed or frightened.
Spellcasting. The fanatic is a 4th-level spellcaster. Its
spell casting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11, +3 Actions
to hit
with spell attacks). The fanatic has the Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
following cleric
spells prepared: one
creature. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage.
Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flam e, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): command, inflict wounds, shield
of faith
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, spiritual weapon Draft Horse
Large beast, unaligned
Armor Class 10
Multiattack. The fanatic makes two melee attacks. Hit Points 19 (3d10 + 3)
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, Speed 40 ft.
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one creature.
Hit: 4
(1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
18 (+4) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 11 (+0) 7 (-2)

Senses passive Perception 10

Languages -
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target.
Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage.

Appendix B: Bestiary

Fiona Wachter
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil

Armor Class 13
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1)

Skills Medicine +7, Persuasion +3, Religion +5

Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Infernal
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Divine Eminence. As a bonus action, Fiona can

expend a spell slot to cause her melee weapon
attacks to magically deal an extra 10 (3d6) radiant
damage to a target on a hit. This benefit lasts until
the end of the turn. If Fiona expends a spell slot of
2nd level or higher, the extra damage increases by
1d6 for each level above 1st.
Spellcasting. Fiona is a 5th-level spellcaster. Her
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5
to hit with spell attacks). She has the following cleric
spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): light, mending, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): command, purify food and drink,
2nd level (3 slots): augury, gentle repose, hold
3rd level (2 slots): animate dead, create food and

Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.

Appendix B: Bestiary

Ghost Etherealness. The ghost enters the Ethereal Plane from

the Material Plane, or vice versa. It is visible on the
Medium undead, any alignment
Material Plane while it is in the Border Ethereal, and viae
Armor Class 11 versa, yet it can't affect or be affected by anything on
Hit Points 45 (10d8) the other plane.
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. Horrifying Visage. Each non-undead creature within 60
of the ghost that can see it must succeed on a DC
13 Wisdom
saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA If the save fails by
5 or more, the target also ages 1d4 x
7 (-2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 10 years. A frightened
target can repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the
Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; frightened condition on itself on a success.
If a target's
piercing, and slashing from non magical saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it,
weapons target is immune to this ghost's Horrifying Visage for
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic, poison the
next 24 hours. The aging effect can be reversed
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, with a greater
restoration spell, but only within 24
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, hours of it occurring.
restrained Possession (Recharge 6). One humanoid that the ghost
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 can see
within 5 feet of it must succeed on a DC 13
Languages any languages it knew in life Charisma saving
throw or be possessed by the ghost;
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) the ghost then disappears,
and the target is inca
pacitated and loses control of its body.
The ghost now
Ethereal Sight. The ghost can see 60 feet into the controls the body but doesn't deprive the target
Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice awareness. The ghost can't be targeted by any attack,
versa. spell,
or other effect, except ones that turn undead, and
it retains its
alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma,
Incorporeal Movement. The ghost can move through and immunity to
being charmed and frightened. It
other creatures and objects as if they were difficult otherwise uses the possessed
target's statistics, but
terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn doesn't gain access to the target's
knowledge, class
in side an object. features, or proficiencies.
The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit
Actions points,
the ghost ends it as a bonus action, or the ghost
Withering Touch. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach is turned or
forced out by an effect like the dispel evil
5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) necrotic damage. and good spell. When
the possession ends, the ghost
reappears in an unoccupied
space within 5 feet of the
body. The target is immune to this
ghost's Possession
for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving
throw or
after the possession ends.

Appendix B: Bestiary

Guard Imp
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Tiny fiend (devil, shapechanger), lawful evil

Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield) Armor Class 13

Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Hit Points 10 (3d4 + 3)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 20 ft., fly 40 ft.

13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

Skills Perception +2 Skills Deception +4, Insight +3, Persuasion +4,

Senses passive Perception 12 Stealth +5
Languages any one language (usually Common) Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, and
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) slashing
from non magical weapons that aren't
Damage Immunities fire, poison
Actions Condition Immunities poisoned
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 Languages Infernal, Common
+ 1) piercing damage. Challenge 1 (200 XP)

Shapechanger. The imp can use its action to

polymorph into a
beast form that resembles a rat
(speed 20 ft.), a raven (20 ft.,
fly 60ft.), or a spider
(20 ft., climb 20 ft.), or back into its true
form. Its
statistics are the same in each form, except for the
speed changes noted. Any equipment it is wearing or
isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form
if it dies.
Devil's Sight. Magical darkness doesn't impede the
Magic Resistance. The imp has advantage on saving
against spells and other magical effects.

Sting (Bite in Beast Form). Melee Weapon Attack: +5
to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3)
piercing damage, and
the target must make on a DC
11 Constitution saving throw,
taking 10 (3d6)
poison damage on a failed save, or half as
damage on a successful one.
Invisibility. The imp magically turns invisible until it
attacks or
until its concentration ends (as if
concentrating on a spell). Any
equipment the imp
wears or carries is invisible with it.

Appendix B: Bestiary

Ireena Kolyana Kasimir Velikov

Medium humanoid (human), lawful good Medium humanoid (elf), neutral

Armor Class 15 (breastplate) Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)

Hit Points 14 (2d8) Hit Points 40 (9d8)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 35 ft.

11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)

Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Persuasion +5 Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4
Senses passive Perception 12 Skills Arcana +6, History +6
Languages Common Damage Resistances cold (ring of warmth)
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Proficiency Bonus +2 Languages Abyssal, Common, Elvish, Infernal
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +3
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., Special Equipment. Kasimir wears a ring of warmth
one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage. and carries a spellbook containing all the spells he
has prepared plus the following spells: arcane lock,
Reactions comprehend languages, hold person, identify, locate
Parry. Ireena adds 2 to her AC against one melee object, nondetection, polymorph, protection from
attack that would hit her. To do so, Ireena must see evil and good, ray of frost, and wall of stone.
the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon. Fey Ancestry. Kasimir has advantage on saving throws
against being charmed, and magic can't put him to
Spellcasting. Kasimir is a 9th-level spellcaster. His
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14,
+6 to hit with spell attacks). Kasimir has the
following wizard spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand,
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, mage armor, magic
missile, shield
2nd level (3 slots): misty step, suggestion
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball, fly
4th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, ice storm
5th level (1 slot): cone of cold

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4
+ 2) piercing damage.

Appendix B: Bestiary

Mage Mastiff
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Medium beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor) Armor Class 12

Hit Points 40 (9d8) Hit Points 5 (ld8 + 1)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 40 ft.

9 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2)

Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +4 Skills Perception +3

Skills Arcana +6, History +6 Senses passive Perception 13
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Languages -
Languages any four languages Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Keen Hearing and Smell. The mastiff has advantage on
Spellcasting. The mage is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely o n hearing or
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, smell.
+6 to
hit with spell attacks). The mage has the
following wizard
spells prepared: Actions
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand, Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
prestidigitation target. Hit:
4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage. If the target
is a creature, it must
succeed on a DC 11 Strength
1st level (4 slots): detect magic, mage armor, magic
saving throw or be knocked prone.
missile, shield
2nd level (3 slots): misty step, suggestion
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball, fly
4th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, ice storm Milivoj
5th level (1 slot): cone of cold Medium humanoid (human), neutral

Actions Armor Class 10

Hit Points 4 (1d8)
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Speed 30 ft.
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4
+ 2) piercing damage.
15 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Senses passive Perception 10

Languages Common
Challenge 0 (0 XP)
Proficiency Bonus +2

Shovel. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

Appendix B: Bestiary

Noble Priest
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 15 (breastplate) Armor Class 13 (chain shirt)

Hit Points 9 (2d8) Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 25 ft.

11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1)

Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Persuasion +5 Skills Med icine +7, Persuasion +3, Religion +4
Senses passive Perception 10 Senses passive Perception 13
Languages any two languages Languages any two languages
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Actions Divine Eminence. As a bonus action, the priest can

expend a
spell slot to cause its melee weapon
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., attacks to magically deal
an extra 10 (3d6) radiant
one target.
Hit: 5 (ld8 + 1) piercing damage. damage to a target on a hit. This
benefit lasts until
the end of the turn. If the priest expends a
spell slot
of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage increases by
ld6 for each level above 1st.
Spellcasting. The priest is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (s pell save DC 13, +5
hit with spell attacks). The priest has the following
spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, guiding bolt,
2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration,
3rd level (2 slots): dispel magic, spirit guardians

Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (ld6)
bludgeoning damage.

Appendix B: Bestiary

Riding Horse Scout

Large beast, unaligned Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 10 Armor Class l3 (leather armor)

Hit Points 13 (2d10 + 2) Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3)
Speed 60 ft. Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 2 (-4) 11 (+0) 7 (-2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 11 (+0)

Senses passive Perception 10 Skills Nature +4, Perception +5, Stealth +6, Survival
Languages - +5
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Senses passive Perception 15
Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., Keen Hearing and Sight. The scout has advantage on
one target.
Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage. Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or

Saber-Toothed Tiger Multiattack. The scout makes two melee attacks or
ranged attacks.
Large beast, unaligned
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
Armor Class 12
ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Hit Points 52 (7d10 + 14)
Speed 40 ft. Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, ranged
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +6

Senses passive Pe rception 13
Medium undead, lawful evil
Languages -
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Armor Class 13 (armor scraps)
Hit Points 13 (2d8 + 4)
Keen Smell. The tiger has advantage on Wisdom Speed 30 ft.
checks that rely on smell.
Pounce. If the tiger moves at least 20 feet straight STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
toward a
creature and then hits it with a claw attack
on the same turn,
that target must succeed on a DC 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 8 (-1) 5 (-3)
14 Strength saving throw or
be knocked prone. If the
target is prone, the tiger can make one
bite attack Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
against it as a bonus action. Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Actions Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Languages understands all languages it knew in life
Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage. but
can't speak
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit , reach 5 ft.,
one target.
Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. Actions
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
80/320 ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing

Appendix B: Bestiary

Spy Swarm of Rats

Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned

Armor Class 12 Armor Class 10

Hit Points 27 (6d8) Hit Points 24 (7d8 -7)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

10 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 9 (-1) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)

Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Investigation +5, Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Perception +6,
Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand +4, Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed,
Stealth +4 petrified, prone, restrained, stunned
Senses passive Perception 16 Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages any two languages Languages -
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the spy can use Keen Smell. The swarm has advantage on Wisdom
a bonus
action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature's
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The spy deals an extra 7 (2d6) space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
damage when it hit s a target with a weapon attack through any opening large enough for a Tiny rat. The
has advantage on the attack roll, or when the swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit
target is
within 5 feet of an ally of the spy that isn't points.
and the spy doesn't have disadvantage
on the
attack roll. Actions
Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 0 ft.,
Actions one target in
the swarm's space. Hit: 17 (2d6)
Multiattack. The spy makes two melee attacks. piercing damage, or 3 (1d6) piercing damage if the
swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
range 30/120
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2)
piercing damage.

Appendix B: Bestiary

Swarm of Ravens

Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 24 (7d8 - 7)

Speed 10 ft., fly 50 ft.


6 (-2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)

Skills Perception +5
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing

Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed,

petrified, prone, restrained, stunned

Senses passive Perception 15

Languages -

Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature's

space and
vice versa , and the swarm can move

through any opening large

enough for a Tiny raven.

The swarm can't regain hit points or

gain temporary

hit points.


Beaks. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

one target
in the swarm's space. Hit: 7 (2d6) pi

ercing damage, or 3 (1d6)

piercing damage if the

swarm has half of its hit points or fewer.

Vampire Spawn Forbiddance. The vampire can't enter a residence

without an
invitation from one of the occupants.
Medium undead, neutral evil
Harmed by Running Water. The vampire takes 20 acid
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) damage
when it ends its turn in running water.
Hit Points 82 (lld8 + 33)
Speed 30 ft. Stake to the Heart. The vampire is destroyed if a
weapon made of wood is driven into its heart
while it is
incapacitated in its resting place.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The vampire takes 20 radiant
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) damage when it starts its turn in sun li ght. While in
sunlight, it
has disadvantage on attack rolls and abi lity
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +3
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +6
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, Actions
slashing from non magical weapons Multiattack. The vampire makes two attacks, only one of
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 which
can be a bite attack.
Languages the languages it knew in life
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage. Instead of
Regeneration. The vampire regains 10 hit points at the dealing damage,
the vampire can grapple the target
of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point and isn't in (escape DC 13).
sun light or
running water. If the vampire takes radiant Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
damage or damage
from holy water, this trait doesn't willing
creature, or a creature that is grappled by the
function at the start of the
vampire's next turn. vampire,
incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3)
piercing damage
plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The
Spider Climb. The vampire can climb difficult surfaces, target's hit point maximum
is reduced by an amount
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to equal to the necrotic damage taken,
and the vampire
make an
ability check. regains hit points equal to that amount. The
Vampire Weaknesses. The vampire has the following lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target
flaws: if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.

Veteran Wereraven
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger), lawful
Armor Class 17 (splint)
Hit Points 58 (9d8 + 18) Armor Class 12
Speed 30 ft. Hit Points 31 (7d8)
Speed 30 ft. (fly 50 ft. in raven and hybrid forms)


16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
10 (+0) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2)
Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12 Skills Insight +4, Perception +6
Languages any one language (usually Common) Senses passive Perception 16
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Languages Common (can't speak in raven form)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Shapechanger. The wereraven can use its action to
Multiattack. The veteran makes two longsword polymorph into a raven-humanoid hybrid or into a
attacks. If it
has a shortsword drawn, it can also make raven, or back into its human form. Its statistics,
a shortsword attack. other than its size, are the same in each form. Any
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed.
ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) s lashing damage, or It reverts to its human form if it dies.
8 (1d10 + 3)
slashing damage if used with two Mimicry. The wereraven can mimic simple sounds it
hands. has heard, such as a person whispering, a baby
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 crying, or an animal chittering. A creature that hears
ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. the sounds can tell they are imitations with a
successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing Regeneration. The wereraven regains 10 hit points at
damage. the start of its turn. If the wereraven takes damage
from a silvered weapon or a spell, this trait doesn't
function at the start of the wereraven's next turn. The
wereraven dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit
points and doesn't regenerate.

Multiattack (Human or Hybrid Form Only). The
wereraven makes two weapon attacks, one of which
can be with its hand crossbow.
Beak (Raven or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon
Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1
piercing damage in raven form, or 4 (1d4 + 2)
piercing damage in hybrid form. If the target is
humanoid, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution
saving throw or be cursed with wereraven
Shortsword (Human or Hybrid Form Only). Melee
Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Hand Crossbow (Human or Hybrid Form Only). Ranged
Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Appendix B: Bestiary
Appendix C: Items &
The following effects are featured in this chapter:
Heavy Precipitation
Everything within an area of heavy rain or heavy snowfall is
lightly obscured, and creatures in the area have disadvantage
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. Heavy rain
also extinguishes open flames and imposes disadvantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing.
Holy Water
Adventuring Gear
As an action, you can splash the contents of this flask onto a
creature within 5 feet of you or throw it up to 20 feet,
shattering it on impact. In either case, make a ranged attack
against a target creature, treating the holy water as an
improvised weapon. If the target is a fiend or undead, it takes
2d6 radiant damage.
A cleric or paladin may create holy water by performing a
special ritual. The ritual takes 1 hour to perform, uses 25 gp
worth of powdered silver, and requires the caster to expend a
1st-level spell slot.
Poisoned Needle Trap
A poisoned needle is hidden within a treasure chest's lock, or
in something else that a creature might open. Opening the
chest without the proper key causes the needle to spring out,
delivering a dose of poison.
When the trap is triggered, the needle extends 3 inches
straight out from the lock. A creature within range takes 1
piercing damage and 11 (2d10) poison damage, and must
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be
poisoned for 1 hour.
A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check
allows a character to deduce the trap's presence from
alterations made to the lock to accommodate the needle.
A successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves' tools
disarms the trap, removing the needle from the lock.
Unsuccessfully attempting to pick the lock triggers the trap.

Appendix C: Items & Effects


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