Mini Research Proposal

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Mini Research Propasal




Name : Oey Rheinne Fabbriella Wijaya

NIM : 21403064






1.1 Background of the Research

The undeniable role of English as a global means of communication can be the reason

that English is accommodated as one of the subjects taught at school. English is used as a

foreign language especially in Indonesia, it must be studied in order to master and develop the

knowledge, technology, arts, and to create a good relationship with other countries. Listening

is considered as the most basic skill because it is firstly used by learners when they begin to

learn a language, especially spoken language. Listening as one of the English language skills

is the receptive skill which is the most common communication activity in daily life.

Furthermore, listening has an important role in learning and teaching activity, because learners

should listen to what teacher says in order to involve in learning and teaching activity process.

Although many researches explained that listening which has a role important in learning

should be taught, there is still a lot of students who are poor in listening. Most of learners get

hard to comprehend when learners learn listening. There were some problems when students

learn listening. For example, the students cannot interpret well spoken English words, phrases

and sentences. The students also had a problem to recognize the different accent and identify

spoken English words and sentences in high speed. A lot of varities in accent also can cause a

problem for students in listening. For EFL, English is not the dominan language and they have

very few opportunities to hear the real language from native speakers. Another problems is
students are less motivated to do listening. Some of them feel that listening is a bored activity,

they don’t feel interesting in class.

To overcome those problems, it is important for the teacher to find a new strategy in the

listening teaching to help the students to be more active in the learning process. There are

many kinds of strategies in teaching listening. One of them is using podcasts. Using podcast

in listening instruction is one of the techniques which involve technologies. Podcasts are

created by former MTV VJ Adam Curry. Many podcasts are found on the internet, such as

television podcasts, radio podcasts, classroom podcasts, and group podcasts. Podcast is a

digital audio file which can be downloaded by everyone to computer, laptop, and handphone

so that, it can be easily used by teachers in listening instruction. It is also provides some audio

files in various categories, languages, and level. Podcasts offer simple language and authentic

material for the learners. To use podcast is the right technique in teaching listening, because

it can enrich the quality of learning. Students are expected to be more interested in having

listening class by using podcast. Therefore, the researcher will choose the use of podcast as a

technique to improving students' listening skill.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of the study the researcher identifies some problems as follow:

1) The students cannot interpret the meaning of spoken English because they are lack of


2) The students cannot recognize the accent and the sound in the high speed because they are

lack of listening activities.

3) The students are low motivated and not interested in listening because the teacher uses

ineffective technique in teaching listening.

1.3 Research Question

1) What are the causes of students who are not good at listening?

2) What strategies should teachers use to improve students’ listening skill?

3) Is there any significant influence of using podcast on students’ listening skill?

1.4 Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is any significant influence of using

podcast to improve students’ listening skill.



2.1 Previous Related Study

The influence of using podcast to improve students’ listening skill had been conducted

previously by some researchers. The related researchers are the following :

i. Islam Namazian Dost, Glasser Bohloulzadeh and Rezvan Rahmatollahi, with title “The

Effect of Using Podcast on Listening Compherension among Iranian Pre-intermediate

EFL Learners”. In this research they tried to explore the effects of using podcast on

listening compheresion among Iranian pre-intermediate EFL learners. The 60

participants of this study were chosen non-randomly then they were divided into two

groups namely experimental and controlled group.

ii. Galina Kavaliauskienė and Lilija Anusienė from Mykolas Romeris Univerity,

Lithuanie, with title “English for Specific Purposes: Podcasts for Listening Skills”. The

participants of this study were the 1st year full-time students of two different

specializations who studied English for Specific Purposes at the Faculty of Social


iii. Rengganis Siwi Amumpuni from IKIP PGRI Madiun, with title “The Implementation

of Podcasts in Teaching Listening at the First Semester Students of IKIP PGRI

Madiun”. This research aimed to describe the process, the problems and solutions of

the implementation of Podcast in teaching listening.

iv. Research conducted by Chen et al. (2017) showed that regular use of podcasts can

improve students' listening comprehension in English. In this study, students were

given the task of listening to a podcast every week and then asked to answer questions

related to the topics discussed in the podcast. The results of this study showed that

students' listening skills significantly improved after using podcasts regularly.

Based on previously those researches above, the researcher interest to do this research to

know the influence of using podcast to improve students’ listening skill. The researchers

wanted to explain the students’ effectiveness, perception, and experiences in learning listening

by using podcast as a media. The similarities among my research and the other researchers is

by using Podcast as a media to improve students’ listening skill. Then, the differences of my

research and those researches are the research method. My research use qualitative method

while other researchers use quantitative method. Those researches are also had different

purpose and aimed with the research conducted by the researcher. The purpose of this study

is to find out whether there is any significant influence of using podcast to improve students’

listening skill. This research was focused on observing the influence of using podcast on

students’ listening comprehension.



3.1 Method of Research

The research method that will be used in this research is descriptive qualitative method,

because the purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of using podcasts in improving

students' listening skills. Qualitative research is a research method used to investigate, explore,

examine a problem in research, and find answers to these problems based on the results of the


3.2 Subject and Object of the Research

The subjects of this study are students of the Department of English Education at Manado

State University. The object of this research is the influence of using podcasts in improving

students' listening skill.

3.3 Participants

The participants in this study are students of Manado State University, Department of

English Education Class A.

3.4 Data Collection

To get the data, the researcher will use interview. The interview questions are open-ended

questions that contain the influence of using podcasts in students' listening lesson. One

example of an interview question is whether students become more interested in learning

listening when using podcast as a media in learning process. In interview the researcher will
use individual interview or it can be called one-on-one interviews. In obtaining the interview,

the researcher will use a recorder from Handphone in order to help the researcher to analyze

the data research. By using recorder, the researcher could be more suitable to in interview

because the researcher could be more focus in asking the questions.


Amumpuni, Rengganis Siwi. The Implementation of Podcast in Teaching Listening at the First

Semester Students of IKIP PGRI Madiun. Jurnal Edutama. 13, 2016.

Brent, Rebecca., & Anderson, Patricia. Developing Children's Classroom Listening Strategies. The

Reading Teacher. 47, 1993.

Brown, H. Douglas. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive approach to Language Pedagogy. San

Fransisco: Longman, 2007.

Constantine. 2007. Podcasts: Another Source for Listening Input.

Erben, Tony., Ban, Ruth., & Castaneda, Martha. 2009. Teaching English Language Learner

through Technology. New York: Routledge,

Farshi, N., & Mohammadi, Z. (2013). Use of podcasts in effective teaching of vocabulary: learners'

attitudes, motivations and limitations.

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