4 - Chapter 4 - News Items - COVID 19

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Chapter 4 - News Items

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Covid-19 - Pandemic
A New Virus Breaks Out in Wuhan, China
COVID-19 Pandemic - Origins, Impact & Vaccines | HISTO RY

The outbreak of the infectious respiratory disease known as COVID-19 triggered one of
the deadliest pandemics in modern history. Leading up to May 11, 2023, when the United
States officially plans to downgrade its “national emergency” status, the COVID-19
pandemic claimed nearly 7 million lives worldwide. In the United States, deaths from
COVID-19 eclipsed 1.1 million, nearly twice the American death toll from the 1918 flu
pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic also took a heavy toll economically, politically and
psychologically, revealing deep divisions in the way that Americans viewed the role of
government in a public health crisis, particularly vaccine mandates. The full effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic will reverberate for decades.

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A New Virus Breaks Out in Wuhan, China
In December 2019, the China office of the World Health Organization
(WHO) received news of an isolated outbreak of a pneumonia-like virus in the city
of Wuhan. The virus caused high fevers and shortness of breath, and the cases seemed
connected to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, which was closed by an
emergency order on January 1, 2020.

After testing samples of the unknown virus, the WHO identified it as a novel type of
coronavirus similar to the deadly SARS virus that swept through Asia from 2002-2004.
The WHO named this new strain SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Coronavirus 2). The first Chinese victim of SARS-CoV-2 died on January 11, 2020.

Where, exactly, the novel virus originated is hotly debated. There are two leading
theories. One is that the virus jumped from animals to humans, possibly carried by
infected animals sold at the Wuhan market in late 2019. A second theory is that the virus
escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a research lab that was studying
coronaviruses. U.S. intelligence agencies maintain that both origin stories are

The First COVID-19 Cases in America

The WHO hoped that the virus outbreak would be contained to Wuhan, but by mid-
January 2020 infections were reported in Thailand, Japan and Korea, all from people who
had traveled to China.

On January 18, 2020, a 35-year-old man checked into an urgent care center near Seattle,
Washington. He had just returned from Wuhan and was experiencing a fever, nausea
and vomiting. On January 21, he was identified as the first American infected with

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In reality, dozens of Americans had contracted SARS-CoV-2 weeks earlier, but doctors
didn’t think to test for a new type of virus. One of those unknowingly infected patients
died on February 6, 2020, but her death wasn’t confirmed as the first American casualty
until April 21.

On February 11, 2020, the WHO released a new name for the disease causing the deadly
outbreak: Coronavirus Disease 2019 or COVID-19. By mid-March 2020, all 50 U.S. states
had reported at least one positive case of COVID-19, and nearly all of the new infections
were caused by “community spread,” not by people who contracted the disease while
traveling abroad.

At the same time, COVID-19 had spread to 114 countries worldwide, killing more than
4,000 people and infecting hundreds of thousands more. On March 11, the WHO made
it official and declared COVID-19 a pandemic.

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