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This Agreement is between EDISON REGIS PAICA, of legal age, filipino,

with address at B47 L33 38ST Wellington Residence Brgy. Tres Cruses Tanza
Cavite, hereinafter " referred to as the First Party", and KIMBERLY BATIQUIN,
of legal age, filipino, with address at Balubaran St. Brgy. Duhat Bucaue
Bulacan, hereinafter " Second Party".


1. The parties to this Agreement were settled this day regarding on the
settlement of their child in relation to financial support needed by
the child named ANGEL MAE PAICA.

2. Irreconcilable differences between the parties have caused the

irremediable breakdown of their separation.

3. The parties desire by this Agreement to voluntarily and equitably

settle all of the issues between them in relation to the financial
support therein, including all property division and other causes
which may be deem proper on the part of the First Party and Second

4. In coming to this Agreement, FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY

recognize and here state that their children had nothing to do with
their decision to terminate their separation.

5. In coming to this Agreement, FIRST PARTY and SECOND PARTY

also desire to state that neither of them blames the other for the
failure of their relationship. Their parties here express their desire
to maintain their friendship and to provide each other with
emotional support and encouragement.


A. Personal Property

The parties have agreed between them, and to their mutual satisfaction,
the personal effects, household furniture and furnishings, and all other articles,
tangible and intangible, of personal property which hereto had been used by the
FIRST PARTY and neither will make any claim for such articles which are now in
the possession or control of the FIRST PARTY. Neither, the SECOND PARTY has
no right to claim for all properties incurred by the FIRST PARTY.

The SECOND PARTY also have no right to claim for all real properties as
well as benefits/claim that the FIRST PARTY will acquired in the future. Any
violation of this is a clear manifestation of Breach of Contract.

Except as specifically provided herein, each party releases the other from

any and all claims or demands of whatsoever nature which either party has or
may claim to have against the other arising out of or in any way connected with
their marriage to each other and its subsequent dissolution. This Agreement is
intended to be a full, binding and complete settlement between the parties,
except as specifically set forth herein, subject only to approval of the court.

Financial Support

That the FIRST PARTY will support ANGEL MAE PAICA daughter of
PESOS ONLY (Php 2,000.00) per month that will start on August 30, 2023.
Unless, the FIRST PARTY didn’t have any source of income to used with.

Increase of such support will depend on the needs of the child base on
education and other personal needs.

That BOTH PARTIES have no right to file any suit and used the social
media for any conflict of interest. Each parties have the right to file any suit if
such action will determined base on criminal and civil act.

The FIRST PARTY shall have the right for the custody of the child anytime

B. Successors Bound

Each and every provision herein shall inure to the benefit of, and be
binding upon, the Personal heirs, assigns, personal representatives and all other
successors in interest of each party.

C. Non-Waiver

The failure of either party to insist upon strict performance of any

provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any right to insist
upon strict performance of such provision or of any other provision of this
Agreement at any time.

D. Complete Agreement

Both parties acknowledge that no representations of any kind have been

made to them as an instrument to enter into this Agreement other than the
representations set forth herein. Both parties further acknowledge that this
Agreement contains all of the terms of their Agreement and constitutes the entire
understanding between the parties.

DA. Partial Invalidity

If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable,

all other provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect.

DB. Effective Date

This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties immediately upon it

being fully signed by both parties.

DC. Paragraph Headings

The headings of particular paragraphs are inserted for convenience only

and are not a part of this Agreement or a limitation of the scope of the particular
paragraph to which each refers.

DD. Modification

No modification of this Agreement shall bind either party unless reduced

to writing and subscribed by both parties or ordered by a court.

DE. Full Disclosure

The parties have of their own volition entered into this Agreement upon
mature consideration, and it is expressly based upon the premise that both
parties have made full disclosure of their assets and debts and that neither
party has any significant asset or debt except that which is described and
distributed herein.
Each party hereby warrants to the other party that they have not incurred
any liability or obligation on which the other is or may be liable except as
expressly set forth herein.


First Party

Second Party

Witnessed by:
______________________________ ____________________________


CITY OF __________________ ) S.S


BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in the City of _________________ this ____ day
of January 2021 personally appeared KIMBERLY BATIQUIN AND EDISON
REGIS PAICA known to be the same person who executed the foregoing
Memorandum of Agreement and who acknowledged to me that the same is their
free and voluntary act and deed.

This Memorandum of Agreement consisting of Four (4) pages, has been
witnesses and sealed with my Notarial Seal. Affiant has exhibited to me his
Government Issued Identification Card (_________________________) No.
___________________ issued on __________________.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on the date and at the place stated above
– written.

Doc. No. ______; Notary Public

Page No. ______;
Book No. ______;
Series of 2023


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