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Suffix & Prefix

Read the text below and fill in the gaps with the root words in the brackets adding suitable suffix, prefix or
both. 1 x 5= 5
1. Early rising is the habit of (a)_________ (get) up from bed early in the morning. An early (b) _________
(rise) can enjoy the (c) _________ (fresh) of the morning air. An early riser does not suffer from (d) _________
(physic) problem very often. Thus an early riser leads a (e) _________ (peace) life.
2. A (a) _________ (free) fighter is a (b) _________ (war) who took part in our war of liberation in 1971. The
(c) _________ (dependence) of our motherland was dearer to a freedom (d) _________ (fight) than his life.
Our guerrilla fighters attacked the enemy from an (e) _________ (known) place and then disappeared.
3. Students are the future (a) _________ (lead) and (b) _________ (make) of the nation. They should train
themselves (c) _________ (proper) while they are in the (d) _________ (education) institutions. The students,
while (e) _________ (study) should render some social services too.
4. A library is a store house of knowledge. It satisfies our eternal desire to know the (a) _________ (known)
and see the (b) _________ (seen). An educational institution is (c) _________ (complete) without a library.
Both text and reference books of all subjects are (d) _________ (avail) there. A library (e) _________ (wide)
the mental horizon of the students.
5. A postman is the most (a) _________ (eager) waited person. He renders (b) _________ (value) service to us.
He performs his duties (c) _________ (regular) and (d) _________ (sincere). He is always very (e) _________
(care) to deliver letters.
6. Honey is (a) _________ (nature) produced by honey bees through (b) _________ (collect) of nectar from (c)
_________ (differ) flowers and then stores them in the hive. But nowadays there are (d) _________ (keep)
who rear bees in (e) _________ (wood) hives.
7. A rainy day is dull and (a) _________ (gloom). It rains on a (b) _________ (rain) day. The sky remains (c)
_________ (cloud). The roads become (d) _________ (mud). The sun can (e) _________ (hard) be seen.
8. Bangladesh is a (a) _________ (dense) populated country. This creates (b) _________ (vary) problems such
as food problem, (c) _________ (education) problem, (d) _________ (environment) problem, etc. To check the
(e) _________ (normal) growth of population, mass awareness is important.
9. Smoking produces (a) _________ (danger) effects on man. By smoking a man incurs both physical and (b)
_________ (economy) loss. Smoking is a kind of (c) _________ (addict). Those who become (d) _________
(addict) to drug, first begin smoking. We should (e) _________ (courage) others to stop smoking.
10. The other name of water is life. Clean water is (a) _________ (drink). Dirty water is (b) _________ (safe).
Bangladesh is a (c) _________ (river) country. But we get (d) _________ (adequate) water for use. The govt.
should play an (e) _________ (act) role to keep water safe.
11. Child labour is considered a matter of (a) _________ (grace) for a nation. Wherever children are employed,
they are (b) _________ (treated). Their (c) _________ (employ) don’t give them their due rights. Children work
for longer period in (d) _________ (healthy) condition, still they not given their due wages and that is (e)
_________ (sorrow).
12. (a) _________ (literacy) means (b) _________ (ability) to read and write. It is compared to (c) _________
(dark). Overpopulation, financial problem, lack of (d) _________ (aware), high (e) _________ (grow) rate of
population etc. are responsible for illiteracy.
13. Kazi Nazrul Islam is very (a) _________ (know) to us. He is a great writer. Besides a (b) _________ (write),
he is also a (c) _________ (sing) and dramatist. We got (d) _________ (inspire) during our liberation war from
his writings. His (e) _________ (contribute) to Bengali literature has made him immortal.
14. The press helps people to grow into (a) _________ (use) citizens. The citizens have every right to (b)
_________ (critic) the government and offer (c) _________ (suggest). The press is the media of it. But taking
advantage of this (d) _________ (free), some reporters publish false and (e) _________ (fabricate) news.
15. Farida is an eight-year-old girl. She is an (a) _________ (educate) girl. Her father was a day (b) _________
(labour) and her mother was a garments (c) _________ (work). She is very (d) _________ (fortunate) because
she lost both of them at such a tender age. So, she is very (e) _________ (help).

1. (a) getting (adj.) (b) riser (noun) (c) freshness (noun) (d) physical (adj.) (e) peaceful (adj.)
2. (a) freedom (adj.) (b) warrior (noun) (c) independence (noun) (d) fighter (noun) (e) unknown (adj.)
3. (a) leaders (noun) (b) makers (noun) (c) properly (adv.) (d) educational (adj.) (e) studying (adj.)
4. (a) unknown (noun) (b) unseen (noun) (c) incomplete (adj.) (d) available (adj.) (e) widens (verb)
5. (a) eagerly (adv.) (b) valuable (adj.) (c) regularly (adv.) (d) sincerely (adv.) (e) careful (adj.)
6. (a) naturally (adv.) (b) collection (noun) (c) different (adj.) (d) keepers (noun) (e) wooden (adj.)
7. (a) gloomy (adj.) (b) rainy (adj.) (c) cloudy (adj.) (d) muddy (adj.) (e) hardly (adv.)
8. (a) densely (adv.) (b) various (adj.) (c) educational (adj.) (d) environmental (adj.) (e) abnormal (adj.)
9. (a) dangerous (adj.) (b) economical (adj.) (c) addiction (noun) (d) addicted (adj.) (e) encourage (verb)
10. (a) drinkable (adj.) (b) unsafe (adj.) (c) riverine (adj.) (d) inadequate (adj.) (e) active (adj.)
11. (a) disgrace (noun) (b) ill-treated (adj.) (c) employers (noun) (d) unhealthy (adj.) (e) sorrowful (adj.)
12. (a) Illiteracy (noun) (b) inability (noun) (c) darkness (noun) (d) awareness (noun) (e) growth (noun)
13. (a) known (adj.) (b) writer (noun) (c) singer (noun) (d) inspiration (noun) (e) contribution (noun)
14. (a) useful (adj.) (b) criticize (verb) (c) suggestions (noun) (d) freedom (noun) (e) fabricated (adj.)
15. (a) educated (adj.) (b) labourer (noun) (c) worker (noun) (d) unfortunate (adj.) (e) helpless (adj)

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