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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety


For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours from: 02 December 2020, 09:00 GMT

Learner name Alvin Rey Albarda Pardines

NEBOSH learner 00568365
Learning Partner name HSEPro Safety Training And Consultancy

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Towlson Dominic, 12345678, GMMTA International

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0003-ENG-OBE-V1 Dec20 © NEBOSH 2020

Task 1: Managing risks for those working from home

Question 1
The organization’ approach to ensure the safety and health of the workers in a new
environment processes to managing risks associated by the hazards in working from
home is a sign of having a good health and safety commitment to protect workers from
injuries and illness through work by providing procedures that clearly understand by the
workers who works at home and guided with best practices by set up a workstation in a
home environment to protect themselves from injury and illness associated in the new
environment and processes.

The organization has set a good range of communication to ensure proper consultation
to the workers is being carried out by setting up a scheduled a short minutes computer
based team meeting on at least a weekly basis and one to one meeting that can be
arranged to discuss personal matters that will improved staff morale by frequent
communication, increased level of compliance by clearly understand the subject matters
and resolved with both workers and the employer, improved production when they are
motivated and feel that they are a value to the company by recognising with good
performance and could lead to improved company reputation when the numbers of
accidents, illness and insurance premiums are reduced. While this is an indicator of a
good health and safety culture and benefits the organization.

The organisation considers the employees working from home to communicate with the
employees, a details of work and time completion, safety considerations and provide
control measures in the workplace.

First to manage is the risk of working alone.

There will always be greater risks for lone workers with no direct supervision or anyone to
help them if things go wrong.

The company must need to communicate with their employees on a regular basis to
make sure they are healthy and safe.

If contact is poor, workers may feel disconnected, isolated or abandoned. This can affect
stress levels and mental health.

Second risk to manage is working with display screen equipment.

For those people who are working at home on a long-term basis, the risks associated
with using display screen equipment (DSE) must be controlled. This includes them doing
workstation assessments at home.

The company must establish guidelines to reduce the risks from display screen work
such as:

- rest breaks or changes in activity

- avoiding awkward, static postures by regularly changing position
- getting up and moving or doing stretching exercises
- avoiding eye fatigue by changing focus or blinking from time to time

When the period of temporary home working extends or when it becomes permanent, the
company should discuss with the employee to assess further provide workers with
appropriate equipment and advice on control measures.

Third is to manage any work-related stress and mental health.

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0003-ENG-OBE-V1 Dec20 © NEBOSH 2020

The company must always provide support to its employees .Procedures willbe in placed
to keep in direct contact with home workers to recognise signs of stress as early as

An emergency point of contact shall be established and will be shared to all workers so
they know how to get help if they need it.
The company must always provide support to its employees .Procedures willbe in placed
to keep in direct contact with home workers to recognise signs of stress as early as

An emergency point of contact shall be established and will be shared to all workers so
they know how to get help if they need it.

Task 2: Communicating health and safety

Question 2
The organization has stablished and maintained of arrangements and procedures for the
employees who works at home and includes the set up of a work station home
environment effectively anticipating the new work environment and processes that’s
needs changes and implemented immediately by using the advantages of technology
such as online communication to be able to distribute the procedures and guidance for
home workers to understand the new processes have been put in placed prior to the
health and safety of the worker engaging to the new environment, setting a meeting
through video conferences with the workers for proper consultation in the new safe
system of work procedures by setting a frequent scheduled minutes of meeting to all
employees and the organization concerning the health well being of a workers and to
ensure meetings with clients for updates in the changes of policy.

The managing directors sets a meeting to be held with the manager facilities, human
resources manager and safety advisors ensures internal communication of OSH
information between relevant levels and functions while the managing director initiate to
an instruction to safety advisor and facilities manager to conduct and provide a specific
virus risk assessment before the meeting with the consultation of the workers
representative to ensures the concerns, ideas and input of workers and representatives
on OSH matters are received, considered and responded to. The safety advisor research
and monitor to update the latest government advice prior to the control measures in the
workplace against the virus.

The implementation of all modified procedures based on the risk assessment provided
such as training with associated presentation devised and workshops to the workers,
enforcement of supervision scheduled for the behavioural safety observation and safety
tours by the managers and supervisor, updating first aid policy, fire evacuation
arrangements, and other emergency procedures by the human resources manager and
ensures to be received by all workers through emails and poster to be put in placed in the
all areas before the returning to the work site.

Task 3: Benefits of certification to an ISO occupational health and safety

management system standard to the organisation

First, I will discuss to the managing director of the company’s success in the business by
having an ISO occupational health and safety management system in the organization
such as the organization being focus and more efficient that attracts more client in the

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0003-ENG-OBE-V1 Dec20 © NEBOSH 2020

business industry.

The company will have an up to date occupational health and safety standard in the
business and recognised internationally. Has acknowledge worldwide and set on top from
other business competitors.

Company will show a demonstration of commitment to improvement of the employees

morale, safety and performance that will gain a high trust from employee by being
accountable for the workers health well being. It improves individual safety as well as the
organization addresses the personal health and safety risks of any process or use
machinery within the equipment.This also improves mental health and physical safety
within workplace.

Being consistent to the standard will make an organization become strong and more
efficient worldwide. It will improves managerial oversight to ensures top management and
owners are involved and clearly communicated by managing the risks to be prevent
injuries and illness at the work place.

Having an ISO certification,, the organization will have the advantages have a successful
occupational health and safety management system of getting a consultation from
experts and experienced people globally. It can help to the changes to modify policy and
procedures very well since the coronavirus outbreak globally.

Task 4: Applying further control measures

Question 4
To limit the spread of the virus and keep workers safe and healthy, organization planning
for administrative measures are the modified standard operating procedures and
guidelines for home worker to avoid physical social interaction by using video
conferences with the employers and clients for updates, a training provided to all workers
for a clear communication and understands the new policy for occupational health and
safety changes and comply in a properly manner, the update for first aid policy,
evacuation arrangements and other emergency procedures. The implementation of
social distancing at work and strictly followed the standard operating procedure of proper
personal protective equipment use prior health and safety protection.

Task 5: Influencing behaviour to improve performance

Question 5
The organisation shows leadership by immediately and actively responded in line to their
occupational health and safety management system in placed by providing a written
procedures for home workers and guidance in setting up a workstation in a home-
working environment to prevent from risks prior to the threat of the coronavirus to
workers health and safety facing in the workplace and business industry world wide. A
sets of health and safety meetings has been conducted frequently in the organisation
attended by the higher personnel such as managing director, facilities managers, human
resources manager, safety advisor and worker’s representative agreed on a subject
matters that’s need to take action and provide solution showing a solid commitment to
safety at all levels in the company to protect workers from injuries and illness. Providing
risk assessment and controls in different categories such as modified procedures of the
first aid policy, fire evacuation plan and other emergency procedure and additional

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0003-ENG-OBE-V1 Dec20 © NEBOSH 2020

personal protective equipment for control measures. The organization has stablished a
strong and good communication to ensures all changes and updates of policy in the
management health and safety system is being received by the all workers through
emails and up to date at all times. Sets a video conference call to the clients to ensure
well communicated with organisation. In addition, a scheduled short time for meetings
who all the workers for 30 minutes in a week and a one to one meeting with employer
and workers to ensures proper consultation to workers is carried out and personal
matters can be discuss privately by workers that could be related to the health well being
and to response in proper manner prior to the health issues that can be arise. Using a
range of communication methods by the organization to clearly understand the intent
emphasising of the new policy and processes into the workplace by providing a written
communication like posters into the safety bulletin board addressing high standard of the
company commitment protecting employees from injuries and illness, a verbal
communication like involving the workers representative into the meeting to ensure
proper consultation from worker’s ideas in the processes. The organisation all action
plans prior to the changes in the workplace and process to protect workers from injuries
and illness are the features of good health and safety cultures that can be effectively in
positively influencing behaviour change by the workers towards to the new working
environment. In addition, a set of training to be provided to the workers to improve
perception by increasing awareness of the hazards providing safety campaigns and
involving workers in risk assessment.

Task 6: Checking management system effectiveness through auditing

Question 6 (a)
A safety audit is a thorough, critical examination in safety management systems and
procedures of an organization to determine it is in place and working properly according
to the scope of audit to cover, audit organization area to check documents and records
on what is happening inside the organization, the degree of audit and, interviewing
worker such as the managers and workers for the requirements and gathering
documents for comparison.

Audit is conducted by a competent auditor though internal and external to deliver properly
and gets an adequate and positive result from the health and safety management system

While workplace inspection is being carried out by the authorised and competent person
such as safety personnels ( Safety Officer, Safety Advisor, Managers and Supervisor ) to
check the workplace for any hazards that are not controlled by conducting a risk
assessment to a specific process or area and to apply control measures on it.

Question 6 (b)
. Internal auditor advantages can be a lower cost by providing assigned person inside the
company whose familiar with the strengths and weakness of the company and the
recommendations are more likely to be accepted due to the increase work load of the
assigned personnel to audit but with less experience in carrying out audits, not up to
date with new legislation internal and externally.

While external auditor can be more effective due to lot of experience in safety audit
conducted, Result will not be biased as the auditor Will not be inhibited bu criticism during
the audit but can be a disadvantage with the unrealistic targets provided, can advise a
more planning and difficult to get information as the external auditor is not familiar with
the organization strengths and weakness in the management system.

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0003-ENG-OBE-V1 Dec20 © NEBOSH 2020

Task 7: Identifying data used to monitor health and safety performance

Question 7
The health and safety performance indicators that can be collected provided by the
organization are the leading (Active) indicators that measures activities by carry out risk
assessment to provide standard operating procedures and guidelines in processes such
as number of compliance with legal requirements by having an ISO occupational health
and safety management system certification recognised word wide, a number of risk
assessments provided by the organization such as written procedures and guidelines for
home workers including work station set up at home, numbers of modified procedures
such as first aid policy, fire evacuation arrangements and other emergency procedure,
numbers of training to be provided to workers prior to the health and safety awareness
and knowledge of the workers to protect themselves from virus and limit the spread of
the virus through social distancing and wearing appropriate personal protective
equipment, numbers of health and safety meetings conducted in the organization prior to
concerns in changes of processes and workplace environment and the numbers of safety
committee meetings that covers the effective implementation and active monitoring in
safety observation and safety tours.

While lagging (Reactive) indicators measures company history and recorded data from
the past incidents, accidents, unsafe behaviours and non conformances that can be
collect from the organization could be the number decreases of compliance with legal
requirements like the loss of the ISO occupational health and safety management system
certification in the organization prior to the consideration of additional cost for full

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 0 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which
you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word count

Documents and HSEpro training provider Manual Handbooks

sources of information Google
you used in your

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Open Book
Examinations: Technical Learner Guide. All Open Book Examination guidance documents
can found on the NEBOSH website:

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0003-ENG-OBE-V1 Dec20 © NEBOSH 2020

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