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[G.R. No. 227990. March 7, 2018.]


and SHELLIDIE VALDEZ, respondents.


REYES, JR., J : p

This is a petition for review on certiorari 1 under Rule 45 of the Rules of

Court seeking to annul and set aside the Decision 2 dated May 31, 2016 and
Resolution 3 dated October 10, 2016 issued by the Court of Appeals (CA) in
CA-G.R. CV No. 102545.

The Antecedent Facts

Rolando Robles (hereinafter referred to as Robles), a certified public

accountant, has been employed with Citystate Savings Bank (hereinafter
referred to as the petitioner) since July 1998 then as Accountant-trainee for
its Chino Roces Branch. On September 6, 2000, Robles was promoted as
acting manager for petitioner's Baliuag, Bulacan branch, and eventually as
manager. 4
Sometime in 2002, respondent Teresita Tobias (hereinafter referred to
as Tobias), a meat vendor at the Baliuag Public Market, was introduced by
her youngest son to Robles, branch manager of petitioner's Baliuag, Bulacan
branch. 5
Robles persuaded Tobias to open an account with the petitioner, and
thereafter to place her money in some high interest rate mechanism, to
which the latter yielded. 6
Thereafter, Robles would frequent Tobias' stall at the public market to
deliver the interest earned by her deposit accounts in the amount of
Php2,000.00. In turn, Tobias would hand over her passbook to Robles for
updating. The passbook would be returned the following day with
typewritten entries but without the corresponding counter signatures. 7
Tobias was later offered by Robles to sign-up in petitioner's back-to-
back scheme which is supposedly offered only to petitioner's most valued
clients. Under the scheme, the depositors authorize the bank to use their
bank deposits and invest the same in different business ventures that yield
high interest. Robles allegedly promised that the interest previously earned
by Tobias would be doubled and assured her that he will do all the paper
work. Lured by the attractive offer, Tobias signed the pertinent documents
without reading its contents and invested a total of Php1,800,000.00 to
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petitioner through Robles. Later, Tobias became sickly, thus she included her
daughter and herein respondent Shellidie Valdez (hereinafter referred to as
Valdez), as co-depositor in her accounts with the petitioner. 8
In 2005, Robles failed to remit to respondents the interest as
scheduled. Respondents tried to reach Robles but he can no longer be found;
their calls were also left unanswered. In a meeting with Robles' siblings, it
was disclosed to the respondents that Robles withdrew the money and
appropriated it for personal use. Robles later talked to the respondents,
promised that he would return the money by installments and pleaded that
they do not report the incident to the petitioner. Robles however reneged on
his promise. Petitioner also refused to make arrangements for the return of
respondents' money despite several demands. 9
On January 8, 2007, respondents filed a Complaint for sum of money
and damages against Robles and the petitioner. 10 In their Complaint,
respondents alleged that Robles committed fraud in the performance of his
duties as branch manager when he lured Tobias in signing several pieces of
blank documents, under the assurance as bank manager of petitioner,
everything was in order. 11
After due proceedings, the Regional Trial Court (RTC), on February 12,
2014, rendered its Decision, 12 viz.:
WHEREFORE, in light of the foregoing, judgment is hereby
rendered ordering defendant Robles to pay plaintiff the following:
1. the amount of Php1,800,000.00 as actual damages plus
legal rate of interest from the filing of the complaint until
fully paid;
2. the amount of Php100,000.00 as moral damages; and
3. the amount of Php50,000.00 as exemplary damages.
The plaintiff's claim for attorney's fees and litigation expenses
are DENIED for lack of merit.
Further, defendant bank is absolved of any liability. Likewise, all
counterclaims and cross-claims are DENIED for lack of merit.

Ruling of the CA

The matter was elevated to the CA. The CA in its Decision14 dated May
31, 2016, found the appeal meritorious and accordingly, reversed and set
aside the RTC's decision, in this wise:
WHEREFORE, the Appeal is hereby GRANTED. The Decision
Dated 12 February 2014 of the [RTC], Third Judicial Region, Malolos
City, Bulacan, Branch 83, in Civil Case No. 11-M-07, is MODIFIED in
that [petitioner] and [Robles] are JOINTLY and SOLIDARILY to pay
[respondents] the amounts set forth in the assailed Decisions as well
as attorney's fees in the amount of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND
PESOS (P100,000.00).
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Petitioner sought a reconsideration of the decision, but it was denied

by the CA in its Resolution 16 dated October 10, 2016.
In the instant petition, respondents put forward the following
arguments to support their position:
In this petition for review on certiorari, petitioner alleged that it should
not be held liable considering that it has exercised a high degree of diligence
in the selection and supervision of its employees, including Robles, and that
it took proper measures in hiring the latter. Further, it posits that it has
complied with standard bank operating procedures in the conduct of its
Petitioner also argues that Robles acted in his personal capacity in
dealing with Tobias, who agreed with full knowledge and consent to the
back-to-back loans and that it was not privy to the transactions between
them. Therefore, petitioner submits that the CA erred in applying the
doctrine of apparent authority.

Ruling of the Court

The petition is denied.

The business of banking is one imbued with public interest. As such,
banking institutions are obliged to exercise the highest degree of diligence
as well as high standards of integrity and performance in all its transactions.

The law expressly imposes upon the banks a fiduciary duty towards its
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clients 19 and to treat in this regard the accounts of its depositors with
meticulous care. 20
The contract between the bank and its depositor is governed by the
provisions of the Civil Code on simple loan or mutuum, with the bank as the
debtor and the depositor as the creditor. 21
In light of these, banking institutions may be held liable for damages
for failure to exercise the diligence required of it resulting to contractual
breach or where the act or omission complained of constitutes an actionable
tort. 22
The nature of a bank's liability is illustrated in the consolidated cases of
Philippine Commercial International Bank v. CA, et al., Ford Philippines, Inc.
v. CA, et al. and Ford Philippines, Inc. v. Citibank, N.A., et al . 23 The original
actions a quo were instituted by Ford Philippines, Inc. (Ford) to recover the
value of several checks it issued payable to the Commissioner of Internal
Revenue (CIR) which were allegedly embezzled by an organized syndicate.
The first two of the three consolidated cases mentioned above involve
twin petitions for review assailing the decision and resolution of the CA
ordering the collecting bank, Philippine Commercial International Bank (PCIB)
to pay the amount of a crossed Citibank N.A. (Citibank) check (No. SN-
04867) drawn by Ford in favor of CIR as payment for its taxes.
The said check was deposited with PCIB and subsequently cleared by
the Central Bank. Upon presentment with Citibank, the proceeds of the
check were released to PCIB as the collecting/depository bank.
However, it was later discovered that the check was not paid to the
CIR. Ford was then forced to make another payment to the CIR.
Investigation revealed that the check was recalled by the General
Ledger Accountant of Ford on the pretext that there has been an error in the
computation of tax, he then directed PCIB to issue two manager's checks in
replacement thereof.
Both Citibank and PCIB deny liability, the former arguing that payment
was in due course as it merely relied on the latter's guarantee as to "all prior
indorsements and/or lack of indorsements." Thus, Citibank submits that the
proximate cause of the injury is the gross negligence of PCIB in indorsing the
check in question. The CA agreed and adjudged PCIB solely liable for the
amount of the check.
On the other hand, the last of the three consolidated cases, assails the
decision and resolution of the CA which held Citibank, the drawee bank,
solely liable for the amount of crossed check nos. SN-10597 and 16508 as
actual damages, the proceeds of which have been misappropriated by a
syndicate involving the employees of the drawer Ford, and the collecting
bank PCIB.
This Court in resolving the issue of liability in PCIB v. CA, considered
the degree of negligence of the parties.
While recognizing that the doctrine of imputed negligence makes a
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principal liable for the wrongful acts of its agents, this Court noted that the
liability of the principal would nonetheless depend on whether the act of its
agent is the proximate cause of the injury to the third person.
In the case of Ford, this Court ruled that its negligence, if any, cannot
be considered as the proximate cause, emphasizing in this regard the
absence of confirmation on the part of Ford to the request of its General
Ledger Accountant for replacement of the checks issued as payment to the
CIR. In absolving Ford from liability, this Court clarified that the mere fact
that the forgery was committed by the drawer/principal's employee or agent,
who by virtue of his position had unusual facilities for perpetrating the fraud
and imposing the forged paper upon the bank, does not automatically shift
the loss to such drawer-principal, in the absence of some circumstance
raising estoppel against the latter.
In contrast, this Court found PCIB liable for failing to exercise the
necessary care and prudence required under the circumstances. This Court
noted that the action of Ford's General Ledger Accountant in asking for the
replacement of the crossed Citibank check No. SN-04867, was not in the
ordinary course of business and thus should have prompted PCIB to validate
the same. Likewise, considering that the questioned crossed check was
deposited with PCIB in its capacity as collecting agent for the Bureau of
Internal Revenue, it has the responsibility to ensure that the check is
deposited in the payee's account only; and is bound to consult BIR, as its
principal, of unwarranted instructions given by the payor or its agent,
especially so as neither of the latter is its client. Having established PCIB's
negligence, this Court then held the latter solely liable for the proceeds of
Citibank check (No. SN-04867).
Insofar as Citibank check Nos. SN-10597 and 16508, this Court affirmed
the findings of the CA and the trial court that PCIB cannot be faulted for the
embezzlement as it did not actually receive nor held the subject checks.
Adopting the conclusion of the trial court, this Court advanced that the act of
misappropriation was in fact "the clandestine or hidden actuations
performed by the members of the syndicate in their own personal, covert
and private capacity and done without the knowledge of the defendant
PCIB." 24
While this Court admitted that there was no evidence confirming the
conscious participation of PCIB in the embezzlement, it nonetheless found
the latter liable pursuant to the doctrine of imputed negligence, as it was
established that its employees performed the acts causing the loss in their
official capacity or authority albeit for their personal and private gain or
Yet, finding that the drawee, Citibank was remiss of its contractual
duty to pay the proceeds of the crossed checks only to its designated payee,
this Court ruled that Citibank should also bear liability for the loss incurred
by Ford. It ratiocinated:
Citibank should have scrutinized Citibank Check Numbers SN 10597
and 16508 before paying the amount of the proceeds thereof to the
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collecting bank of the BIR. One thing is clear from the record: the
clearing stamps at the back of Citibank Check Nos. SN 10597 and
16508 do not bear any initials. Citibank failed to notice and verify the
absence of the clearing stamps. Had this been duly examined, the
switching of the worthless checks to Citibank Check Nos. 10597 and
16508 would have been discovered in time. For this reason, Citibank
had indeed failed to perform what was incumbent upon it, which is to
ensure that the amount of the checks should be paid only to its
designated payee. The fact that the drawee bank did not discover the
irregularity seasonably, in our view, constitutes negligence in
carrying out the bank's duty to its depositors. The point is that as a
business affected with public interest and because of the nature of its
functions, the bank is under obligation to treat the accounts of its
depositors with meticulous care, always having in mind the fiduciary
nature of their relationship. 25
Then, applying the doctrine of comparative negligence, this Court
adjudged PCIB and Citibank equally liable for the proceeds of Citibank Check
Nos. SN 10597 and 16508.
It is without question that when the action against the bank is
premised on breach of contractual obligations, a bank's liability as debtor is
not merely vicarious but primary, in that the defense of exercise of due
diligence in the selection and supervision of its employees is not available. 26
Liability of banks is also primary and sole when the loss or damage to its
depositors is directly attributable to its acts, finding that the proximate cause
of the loss was due to the bank's negligence or breach. 27
The bank, in its capacity as principal, may also be adjudged liable
under the doctrine of apparent authority. The principal's liability in this case
however, is solidary with that of his employee. 28
The doctrine of apparent authority or what is sometimes referred to as
the "holding out" theory, or the doctrine of ostensible agency, imposes
liability, not "as the result of the reality of a contractual relationship, but
rather because of the actions of a principal or an employer in somehow
misleading the public into believing that the relationship or the authority
exists." 29 It is defined as:
[T]he power to affect the legal relations of another person by
transactions with third persons arising from the other's
manifestations to such third person such that the liability of the
principal for the acts and contracts of his agent extends to those
which are within the apparent scope of the authority conferred on
him, although no actual authority to do such acts or to make such
contracts has been conferred. 30 (Citations omitted)
Succinctly stating the foregoing principles, the liability of a bank to
third persons for acts done by its agents or employees is limited to the
consequences of the latter's acts which it has ratified, or those that resulted
in performance of acts within the scope of actual or apparent authority it has
In PCIB v. CA, 31 however, it is evident and striking that for purposes of
holding the principal/banks liable, no distinction has been made whether the
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act resulting to injury to third persons was performed by the agent/employee
was pursuant to, or outside the scope of an apparent or actual official
authority. It must be noted nonetheless that this is because of the peculiar
circumstance attendant in that case, that is, the direct perpetrators of the
offense therein are fugitives from justice. Thus, this Court is left to determine
who of the parties must bear the burden for the loss incurred by Ford.
In the case at bar, petitioner does not deny the validity of respondents'
accounts, in fact it suggests that transactions with it have all been
accounted for as it is based on official documents containing authentic
signatures of Tobias. The point is well-taken. In fine, respondents' claim for
damages is not predicated on breach of their contractual relationship with
petitioner, but rather on Robles' act of misappropriation.
At any rate, it cannot be said that the petitioner is guilty of breach of
contract so as to warrant the imposition of liability solely upon it. 32
Records show that respondents entered into two types of transactions
with the petitioner, the first involving savings accounts, and the other loan
agreements. Both of these transactions were entered into outside the
petitioner bank's premises, through Robles.
In the first, the respondents, as the depositors, acts as the creditor,
and the petitioner, as the debtor. 33 In these agreements, the petitioner, by
receiving the deposit impliedly agrees to pay upon demand and only upon
the depositor's order. 34 Failure by the bank to comply with these obligations
would be considered as breach of contract.
The second transaction which involves three loan agreements, are the
subject of contention. These loans were obtained by respondents, secured
by their deposits with the petitioner, and executed with corresponding
authorization letters allowing the latter to debit from their account in case of
default. Respondents do not contest the genuineness of their signature in
the relevant documents; rather they submit that they were merely lured by
Robles into signing the same without knowing their import. The loans were
approved and released by the petitioner, but instead of reinvesting the
same, the proceeds were misappropriated by Robles, as a result,
respondents' accounts were debited and applied as payment for the loan.
Under the premises, the petitioner had the authority to debit from the
respondents' accounts having been appointed as their attorney-in-fact in a
duly signed authentic document. 35 Furthermore, there is nothing irregular
or striking that transpired which should have impelled petitioner into further
inquiry as to the authenticity of the attendant transactions. Suffice it is to
state that the questioned withdrawal was not the first time in which Robles
has acted as the authorized representative of the petitioner or as
intermediary between the petitioner and the respondents, who is also not
merely an employee but petitioner's branch manager.
Moreover, that the respondents have been lured by Robles into signing
the said documents without knowing the implications thereof does not prove
complicity or knowledge on the part of the petitioner of Robles' inappropriate
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Nonetheless, while it is clear that the proximate cause of respondents'
loss is the misappropriation of Robles, petitioner is still liable under Article
1911 of the Civil Code, to wit:
Art. 1911. Even when the agent has exceeded his
authority, the principal is solidarily liable with the agent if the former
allowed the latter to act as though he had full powers.
The case of Prudential Bank v. CA 36 lends support to this conclusion.
There, this Court first laid down the doctrine of apparent authority, with
specific reference to banks, viz.:
Conformably, we have declared in countless decisions that the
principal is liable for obligations contracted by the agent. The agent's
apparent representation yields to the principal's true representation
and the contract is considered as entered into between the principal
and the third person.
A bank is liable for wrongful acts of its officers done in the
interests of the bank or in the course of dealings of the officers in
their representative capacity but not for acts outside the scope of
their authority. A bank holding out its officers and agent as worthy of
confidence will not be permitted to profit by the frauds they may thus
be enabled to perpetuate in the apparent scope of their employment;
nor will it be permitted to shirk its responsibility for such frauds, even
though no benefit may accrue to the bank therefrom. Accordingly, a
banking corporation is liable to innocent third persons where
the representation is made in the course of its business by an
agent acting within the general scope of his authority even
though, in the particular case, the agent is secretly abusing
his authority and attempting to perpetrate a fraud upon his
principal or some other person, for his own ultimate benefit.
Application of these principles in especially necessary because
banks have a fiduciary relationship with the public and their stability
depends on the confidence of the people in their honesty and
efficiency. Such faith will be eroded where banks do not exercise
strict care in the selection and supervision of its employees, resulting
in prejudice to their depositors. 37 (Citations omitted, and emphasis
and underscoring Ours)
Petitioner, in support of its position, cites Banate v. Philippine
Countryside Rural Bank (Liloan, Cebu), Inc. , 38 this Court finds however that
the case presents a different factual milieu and is not applicable in the case
at bar.
In Banate, this Court ruled that the doctrine of apparent authority does
not apply and absolved the bank from liability resulting from the alteration
by its branch manager of the terms of a mortgage contract which secures a
loan obtained from the bank. In so ruling, this Court found "[n]o proof of the
course of business, usages and practices of the bank about, or knowledge
that the board had or is presumed to have of its responsible officers' acts
regarding the branch manager's apparent authority" 39 to cause such
alteration. Further, "[n]either was there any allegation, much less proof" 40
that the bank ratified its manager's acts or is estopped to make a contrary
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In contrast, in this controversy, the evidence on record sufficiently
established that Robles as branch manager was 'clothed' or 'held out' as
having the power to enter into the subject agreements with the respondents.
The existence of apparent or implied authority is measured by previous
acts that have been ratified or approved or where the accruing benefits have
been accepted by the principal. It may also be established by proof of the
course of business, usages and practices of the bank; or knowledge that the
bank or its officials have, or is presumed to have of its responsible officers'
acts regarding bank branch affairs. 41
As aptly pointed by the CA, petitioner's evidence bolsters the case
against it, as they support the finding that Robles as branch manager, has
been vested with the apparent or implied authority to act for the petitioner
in offering and facilitating banking transactions.
The testimonies of the witnesses presented by petitioner establish that
there was nothing irregular in the manner in which Robles transacted with
the respondents. 42 In fact, petitioner's witnesses admitted that while the
bank's general policy requires that transactions be completed inside the
bank premises, exceptions are made in favor of valued clients, such as the
respondents. In which case, banking transactions are allowed to be done in
the residence or place of business of the depositor, since the same are
verified subsequently by the bank cashier. 43
Moreover, petitioner admitted that for valued clients, the branch
manager has the authority to transact outside of the bank premises. 44 In
fact, Robles previously transacted business on behalf of the petitioner as
when it sought and facilitated the opening of respondents' accounts.
Petitioner acknowledged Robles' authority and it honored the accounts so
opened outside the bank premises.
To recall, prior to the alleged back-to-back scheme entered into by the
respondents, Robles has consistently held himself out as representative of
the petitioner in seeking and signing respondents as depositors to various
accounts. 45 It bears to stress that in the course of the said investment, the
practice has been for Tobias to surrender the passbook to Robles' for
updating. 46 All of which accounts have been in order until after the
respondents was lured into entering the back-to-back scheme.
In this light, respondents cannot be blamed for believing that Robles
has the authority to transact for and on behalf of the petitioner 47 and for
relying upon the representations made by him. After all, Robles as branch
manager is recognized "within his field and as to third persons as the general
agent and is in general charge of the corporation, with apparent authority
commensurate with the ordinary business entrusted him and the usual
course and conduct thereof." 48
Consequently, petitioner is estopped from denying Robles' authority. 49
As the employer of Robles, petitioner is solidarily liable to the respondents
for damages caused by the acts of the former, pursuant to Article 1911 of
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the Civil Code. 50

The ruling in PCIB v. CA 51 insofar as it imposes liability directly and

solely upon the employer does not apply considering that Robles, while not a
petitioner in this case, has been validly been served with summons by
publication 52 and joined as party in the case before the trial court53 and the
C A . 54 Jurisdiction having been acquired over his person, this Court
consequently has the authority to rule upon his liability. 55
On a final note, it must be pointed out that the irregularity has only
been discovered by the petitioner on March 30, 2006 when Valdez went to
petitioner's Mabini branch to have her account with Tobias updated. 56 It
bears to stress that petitioner had the opportunity to discover such
irregularity at the time the loan application was submitted for its approval or
at the latest, when the respondents defaulted with the payment of their
obligation. With the extreme repercussions of the transactions entered into
by the respondents, instead of just relying on the supposed authority of
Robles and examining the documents submitted, petitioner should have at
least communicated with the respondents in order to verify with them the
genuineness of their signatures therein and whether they understood the
implications of affixing the same. Nothing short is expected of petitioner
considering that the nature of the banking business is imbued with public
interest, and as such the highest degree of diligence is demanded. 57
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing disquisitions, the petition for
review on certiorari is hereby DENIED. The Decision dated May 31, 2016
and Resolution dated October 10, 2016 issued by the Court of Appeals in CA-
G.R. CV No. 102545 are AFFIRMED.
Carpio, * J., concurs.
Peralta, J., I join the opinion of J. Caguioa.
Perlas-Bernabe, J., I join the separate opinion of J. Caguioa.
Caguioa, J., see separate opinion.

Separate Opinions

I concur in the result.

I agree with the ponencia insofar as it finds Petitioner Citystate Savings
Bank (CSB) liable for payment of actual, moral, and exemplary damages in
favor of respondents Teresita Tobias (Tobias) and Shellidie Valdez (Valdez).
However, I do not agree that CSB's liability proceeds from the principle
of agency under Article 1911 of the Civil Code; rather, I submit that such
liability proceeds from CSB's breach of its contracts of loan with respondent
At the outset, it bears to emphasize that the Petition only places CSB's
liability in issue. This discussion is thus limited to the determination of CSB's
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liability, since Robles' liability is not in issue.
The facts are simple.
Tobias is a meat vendor at the Baliuag Public Market. The records show
that sometime in 2002, Tobias' son introduced her to Robles, the manager of
CSB's Baliuag, Bulacan branch. Robles convinced Tobias to open four (4)
interest yielding-deposit accounts. It appears that all the transactions
relating to these accounts were exclusively facilitated and processed by
Robles outside of CSB's premises.
Thereafter, Robles enticed Tobias to enroll her deposits under CSB's
back-to-back scheme, 1 where they would be placed in various investments
for higher yield. Relying solely on Robles' representations, Tobias signed
voluminous bank documents without perusing their contents. 2
Unbeknownst to Tobias, Robles tricked her into signing loan application
documents, 3 withdrawal slips 4 and authorization letters granting CSB
authority to debit loan amortizations from Tobias' existing accounts, should
they be left unpaid. 5
With the use of these documents, Robles obtained three (3) loans in
Tobias' name, amounting to One Million Two Hundred Thousand Pesos
(Php1,200,000.00). These loans were secured by Tobias' existing deposits
with CSB. 6 Notably, the loans were approved by CSB despite the fact that
neither Tobias nor Valdez (whom Tobias later named co-depositor after
falling ill) had been called upon to verify their respective identities and their
intention to obtain the loans, either by personal appearance or through a
simple telephone call. 7
Subsequently, Robles withdrew the loan proceeds through withdrawal
slips that Tobias had signed. Instead of reinvesting Tobias' deposits, Robles
misappropriated the proceeds of the fraudulent loans and later disappeared.
Since Tobias was unaware of the procurement of the fraudulent loans, she
failed to pay for the corresponding amortizations. Consequently, CSB debited
the payments due from her existing deposits. 8
Tobias and Valdez sought relief from the Regional Trial Court (RTC) by
filing a complaint for sum of money and damages against Robles and CSB. In
its Decision dated February 12, 2014 the RTC held Robles solely liable for
actual, moral and exemplary damages. The Court of Appeals (CA) later
modified the RTC's disposition in its Decision dated July 12, 2011 by holding
CSB jointly and solidarily liable with Robles.
Applying the principle of agency, the ponencia finds that CSB should be
held jointly and solidarily liable with Robles for the damages resulting from
the latter's misrepresentations anent CSB's so-called "back to back" scheme.
As stated at the outset, I find that CSB's liability in this case is
direct, and proceeds not from the principle of agency under Article
1911, but from the breach of its contracts of loan with Tobias.
To recall, Robles facilitated two (2) sets of transactions between CSB
and Tobias — first, the transactions involving Tobias' interest-yielding
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deposit accounts (deposit transactions) and second, the transactions
involving the disputed loans which Robles procured on Tobias' behalf (loan
CSB argues that it cannot be held liable for breach of contract in
connection with the loan transactions forged by Robles, the latter having
facilitated the same on his own account. To bolster its defense, CSB places
emphasis on the fact that the documents Robles used to procure the
disputed loans and perpetrate his fraudulent scheme were all in order, and
bore Tobias' genuine signature. I believe that these allegations confirm,
rather than negate, CSB's liability for breach of contract.
It bears stressing that CSB granted Tobias' loan application and
released the corresponding proceeds on the basis of documents bearing
Tobias' genuine signatures. Consequently, three separate contracts of
loan had in fact been created between CSB and Tobias, at least
insofar as CSB is concerned. Verily, the Court's ruling in Prudential Bank
v. Court of Appeals 9 (Prudential) is on all fours.
I n Prudential , respondent therein invested Php200,000.00 in Central
Bank bills with petitioner bank. The investment was recorded through a
Confirmation of Sale (COS) and a Debit Memo (DM) showing that
Php200,000.00 had been debited against respondent's account and applied
to the investment. A certain Susan Quimbo (Quimbo), an employee of
petitioner bank, facilitated the transaction.
However, respondent later discovered that the amount she invested
had been withdrawn, and that no record of said investment existed in
petitioner's bank's records. Petitioner bank refused to return respondent's
investment, prompting the latter to file a complaint for breach of contract
against the former. The RTC and CA ruled in favor of respondent, and held
petitioner bank liable for actual, moral and exemplary damages, as well as
attorney's fees. Petitioner bank subsequently brought the case to the Court
via Rule 45, faulting the RTC and CA for finding it liable on the basis of quasi-
delict, when it was sued for breach of contract.
Resolving the issue, the Court held:
The judgment of the Court of Appeals is now faulted in this
petition, mainly on the ground that the bank should not have been
found liable for a quasi-delict when it was sued for breach of contract.
The petition shall fail. The petitioner is quibbling. It appears to
be merely temporizing to delay enforcement of the liability clearly
established against it.
x x x The private respondent claims she has not yet collected
her investment of P200,000.00 and has submitted in proof of their
contention the [COS] and the [DM] issued to her by Quimbo on the
official forms of the bank. The petitioner denies her claim and points
to the Withdrawal Slip, which it says Cruz has not denied having
signed. It also contends that the [COS] and the [DM] are fake and
should not have been given credence by the lower courts.
x x x [W]e find substantial basis for the conclusion that the
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private respondents signed the Withdrawal Slip only as part of the
bank's new procedure of re-investment. She did not actually receive
the amount indicated therein, which she was made to understand was
being re-invested in her name. The bank itself so assured her in the
[COS] and the [DM] later issued to her by Quimbo.
xxx xxx xxx
The bank has also not succeeded in impugning the authenticity
of the [COS] and the [DM] which were made on its official forms.
These are admittedly not available to the general public or even its
depositors and are handled only by its personnel. Even assuming that
they were not signed by its authorized officials, as it claims, there
was no obligation on the part of Cruz to verify their authority because
she had the right to presume it. The documents had been issued in
the office of the bank itself and by its own employees with whom she
had previously dealt. Such dealings had not been questioned before,
much less invalidated. There was absolutely no reason why she
should not have accepted their authority to act on behalf of their
xxx xxx xxx
There is no question that the petitioner was made liable
for its failure or refusal to deliver to Cruz the amount she had
deposited with it and which she had a right to withdraw upon
its maturity. That investment was acknowledged by its own
employees, who had the apparent authority to do so and so
could legally bind it by its acts vis-a-vis Cruz. Whatever might
have happened to the investment — whether it was lost or
stolen by whoever — was not the concern of the depositor. It
was the concern of the bank.
As far as Cruz was concerned, she had the right to
withdraw her P200,000.00 placement when it matured
pursuant to the terms of her investment as acknowledged
and reflected in the [COS]. The failure of the bank to deliver
the amount to her pursuant to the [COS] constituted its
breach of their contract, for which it should be held liable.
The liability of the principal for the acts of the agent is not even
debatable. Law and jurisprudence are clearly and absolutely against
the petitioner.
Such liability dates back to the Roman Law maxim, Qui per
alium facit per seipsum facere videtur. "He who does a thing by an
agent is considered as doing it himself." This rule is affirmed by the
Civil Code thus:
"Art. 1910. The principal must comply with all
the obligations which the agent may have contracted
within the scope of his authority.
Art. 1911. Even when the agent has exceeded
his authority, the principal is solidarily liable with the
agent if the former allowed the latter to act as though he
had full powers."
Conformably, we have declared in countless decisions that the
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principal is liable for obligations contracted by the agent. The agent's
apparent representation yields to the principal's true representation
and the contract is considered as entered into between the principal
and the third person. 10 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
The Court's ruling in Prudential is unequivocal. Rather than serving as
basis for the bank's liability, Article 1911 only serves to affirm the existence
of a contract between the bank and its client. To be sure, the authority
exercised by officers and/or employees is granted pursuant to, and in
fulfillment of, such contract. Hence, when the wrongful actions of the
bank's officers' and/or employees' result in the violation of the
terms and conditions of the bank's contract with its client, the basis
of the bank's liability to its client remains based, as it should, on
contractual breach.
On this score, I find that CSR's liability to Tobias in this case precisely
lies in its failure to deliver the loan proceeds to the latter, in violation of the
terms of the contracts of loan forged between the parties.
By the contract of loan or mutuum, one party delivers money to
another upon the condition that the same be paid in return, with or without
interest. 11 Hence, a contract of loan contemplates two separate obligations
— the debtor's obligation to deliver money to the borrower, and the
borrower's corresponding obligation to return the money in accordance with
the terms and conditions agreed upon.
In this case, CSB does not deny, and in fact admits, that it delivered
the proceeds of Tobias' loans not to Tobias herself, but to Robles, who, in
turn, used withdrawal slips purportedly authorizing him to receive the same
on Tobias' behalf. What this shows is that CSB readily allowed its own
employee, Robles, to withdraw the proceeds of the disputed loans without
conducting any further verification to confirm the veracity of Robles'
supposed authority, despite the questionable circumstances attending said
withdrawal. Such banking practice on the part of CSB is grossly negligent
and unsound.
It is elementary that those who, in the performance of their obligations,
are guilty of negligence, and those who in any manner contravene the tenor
thereof, are liable for damages. 12
The fiduciary relationship between CSB and Tobias imposes upon the
former the obligation to observe the "highest standards of integrity and
performance." 13 By releasing the loan proceeds to Robles instead of Tobias,
CSB did not just fail to observe the highest standard of diligence imposed
upon it as a banking institution, it also failed to comply with its obligation to
deliver the proceeds of the disputed loans to Tobias, the actual borrower. In
so doing, CSB violated the terms of its contracts of loan with Tobias, and
should thus be held liable in this regard.
Under Section 56 of the General Banking Act, 14 any act or omission on
the part of the bank which results in material loss or damage to its
depositors constitutes the conduct of business in an unsafe or unsound
manner. CSB undoubtedly allowed such unsound banking practice by
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allowing its branch manager to withdraw at will from the account of its
depositor to the latter's detriment. CSB not only violated its fiduciary
obligation to Tobias in respect of both the loan and deposit transactions, but
was also, and more so, grossly negligent in failing to curb the same.
Based on these premises, I vote to DENY the instant Petition for
Review and AFFIRM the Decision of the Court of Appeals dated May 31,
2016 insofar as it finds Citystate Savings Bank liable to pay respondents
Teresita Tobias and Shellidie Valdez actual, moral, and exemplary damages.


* Designated as Acting Chief Justice per Special Order No. 2539 dated February 28,

1. Rollo , pp. 9-44.

2. Penned by Associate Justice Japar B. Dimaampao, with Associate Justices

Franchito N. Diamante, and Carmelita Salandanan-Manahan, concurring; id .
at 47-59.

3. Id. at 60-61.

4. Id. at 11-12.
5. Id. at 48.

6. Id.
7. Id.

8. Id.

9. Id. at 49.
10. Id. at 193-206.

11. Id. at 200.

12. Rendered by Judge Guillermo P. Agloro; id . at 62-78.

13. Id. at 77-78.

14. Id. at 47-59.

15. Id. at 59.

16. Id. at 60-61.

17. Id. at 19.

18. Comsavings Bank v. Spouses Capistrano, 716 Phil. 547, 550 (2013).

19. Republic Act No. 8791, or the General Banking Law, Section 2.
20. Simex International (Manila), Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 262 Phil. 387, 396

21. CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Article 1980 states:

CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2023
  Art. 1980. Fixed, savings, and current deposits of money in banks and
similar institutions shall be governed by the provisions concerning simple

22. Far East Bank and Trust Company v. CA, 311 Phil. 783, 793 (1995).

23 403 Phil. 361 (2001).

24. Id. at 385.

25. Id. at 387-388.

26. Far East Bank and Trust Co. (now Bank of the Philippine Islands) v. Tentmakers
Group, Inc., et al., 690 Phil. 134, 144 (2012).
27. PCIB v. CA, supra note 23.


29. Sargasso Construction & Development Corp./Pick & Shovel, Inc./Atlantic
Erectors, Inc., (Joint Venture) v. PPA, 637 Phil. 259, 281-282 (2010).
30. Id. at 281.
31. Supra note 23.

32. Far East Bank and Trust Co. (now Bank of the Philippine Islands) v. Tentmakers
Group, Inc., et al., supra note 26.

34. The Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co. v. Rosales, et al., 724 Phil. 66, 68 (2014).

35. Rollo , p. 114.

36. 295 Phil. 399 (1993).

37. Id. at 408-409.

38. 639 Phil. 35 (2010).

39. Id. at 47.

40. Id.
41. Id. at 45-46.

42. Rollo , p. 54.

43. Id. at 55-56.

44. Id.

45. Id. at 66.

46. Id. at 48-49; 138.

47. Rural Bank of Milaor (Camarines Sur) v. Ocfemia, et al., 381 Phil. 911 (2000).
48. Banate v. Philippine Countryside Rural Bank (Liloan, Cebu), Inc., supra note 38,
at 48.

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49. Advance Paper Corp., et al. v. Arma Traders Corp., et al., 723 Phil. 401 (2013).

50. Art. 1191. Even when the agent exceeded his authority, the principal is
solidarily liable with the agent if the former allowed the latter to act as
though he had full powers.
51. Supra note 23.

52. Rollo , p. 62.

53. Id.

54. Id. at 47.

55. Manotoc v. Court of Appeals, 530 Phil. 454 (2006).

56. Rollo , pp. 12; 68-69.

57. Allied Banking Corp. v. BPI, 705 Phil. 174 (2013).


1. Rollo , pp. 140-145.

2. Id.
3. Id.

4. Id.
5. Id. 68.

6. Id. at 67-69.

7. Id. at 54.
8. Id. at 48.

9. 295 Phil. 399 (1993). [First Division, Per J. Cruz]

10. Id. at 405-408.

11. Article 1933 of the Civil Code provides, in part:

  By the contract of loan, one of the parties delivers to another, either
something not consumable so that the latter may use the same for a certain
time and return it, in which case the contract is called a commodatum; or
money or other consumable thing, upon the condition that the same amount
of the same kind and quality shall be paid, in which case the contract is
simply called a loan or mutuum.

xxx xxx xxx

  Simple loan may be gratuitous or with a stipulation to pay interest.

xxx xxx xxx

12. CIVIL CODE, Art. 1170.

13. See generally Philippine National Bank v. Pike, 507 Phil. 322 (2005). [Second
Division, Per J. Chico-Nazario]
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14. Republic Act No. 8791, An Act Providing for the Regulation of the Organization
and Operations of Banks, Quasi-Banks, Trust Entities and for Other Purposes
[THE GENERAL BANKING LAW OF 2000], May 23, 2000 in relation to Section
X149, Appendix 48 of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Manual of Regulation
for Banks, October 31, 2015.

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