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November 30, 2022


Mr. Josh Moon

Director of Athletics
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
2420 Nicolet Drive
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54311-7001

Dear Mr. Moon:

It was nice speaking with you on November 21, 2022, regarding the University of Wisconsin-Green
Bay sports-sponsorship requirement. As we discussed last week, I am writing to inform you that
based on the information submitted as part of the 2021-22 sports-sponsorship/demographic form,
your institution did not satisfy the NCAA Division I sports-sponsorship requirements set forth in
NCAA Bylaw 20.10.6 for the 2021-22 academic year.

Specifically, the information indicates your institution satisfied the minimum contest requirements
for only 12 sports (six men’s sports and six women’s sports). Please note that as set forth in Bylaw, your institution’s entire athletics program shall be placed on probation for one year
(the 2022-23 academic year). An institution shall be afforded the one-year probationary period
for failure to meet sports-sponsorship criteria only once in every 10-year period, beginning with
the 2021-22 academic year.

In addition, per Bylaw, if an institution fails to meet the sports-sponsorship criteria at
the end of the probationary year or is ineligible for the once-in-10-year probationary period, it
shall be placed in restricted membership. It shall not be eligible for NCAA championship
competition in all sports (both men's and women's) in the first academic year after the probationary
year (or the first academic year after failure to meet the requirements if the institution is ineligible
for the once-in-10-year probationary period). If the institution cannot certify compliance with the
division criteria at the end of that year, it shall forfeit its membership in the Association.
Mr. Josh Moon
November 30, 2022
Page No. 2

I hope this information is helpful and urge you to take the necessary steps to ensure your institution
satisfies the sports-sponsorship requirements for the 2022-23 academic year and thereafter. Please
feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Jennifer N. Samble
Associate Director of Academic and Membership Affairs


cc: Ms. Julie Roe Lach

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