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ATHLETICS December 29,2022 Troy Arthur, Director of Academic and Membership Affairs Jennifer Sarnble, Associate Director of Academic and Membership Aff National Collegiate Athletic Association Indianapolis, IN Dear Mr, Arthur and Ms, Sambl ‘Thank youfor the eter dated November 30,2022 informing us of our filure to meet the Division 1 sports sponsorship requirements for 2021-22. We ate writing this etter to confirm UW-Green 83y's ‘commitment to meeting all sports sponsorship and Divison 1 membership requirements moving forward, We would als like to provide the Academic and Membership affairs team with a briet background on what led UWG8 to fall meet the sports sponsorship requitements and what strategies [UWB has implemented to ensure compliance moving forward History In April, 2019 UWGB made the decision to cut athletic tuition waters from the men’s and women's nordic ski teams due to ongoing budget shortfalls within the Unversity - this suited in almost all athletic al being removed from these 2 sports. In April 2020, the university dropped men’s and women's tennis due to COVID-19 fallout and continued budget shortfalls within the Univesity This et {he institution with 14 total sport programs, the NCAA Division 1 minimum, Furthermore, UWGB's long-time senior compliance administer resigned in spring, 2020, the Chancellor resigned in August, 2018, ad in May, 2021, UWGEYS athletic director resigned. These personnel changes ‘id not help with steady communication with university leadership on the University’s overall plan for continued NCAA compliance with Dksion 1 membership requirements. Furthermore, no action was taken to mitigate the decisions Isted above uti fall, 2023 Strategies to ensure compliance moving forward ‘+ August, 2021: UWG8 hited the frst ever full-time men’s and women's ski coach (2 FTE) that only has responsibilities fr the nordic sk programs ‘+ October, 2021: UWGE reinstated tuition walvers for the men's and women's st team at similar ‘ash equivalent levels to 2019, ‘+ February, 2022: UW8 Foundation received a $150,000 git from a donor to support the elevation and sustainability ofthe sk programs, ‘+ December, 2022: UWE has 8 men and 5 women onthe active rosters for men’s and women's nordic sk and has ast plan to meet the minimum sports sponsorship requitements for both sports by mid-January, 2023 ‘Spring, 2023: UWG8 wil continue to recruit and expand the sk rosters to ensure there is no possibilty of fling below sports sponsorship requirements the future. University of Wisconsin-Green Bay | Department of Atle | 2420 Net Divo, Groon Bay WI S4311-7004, Mr. Troy Arthur Ms. Jenifer Samble December 29, 2022 Page No.2 ‘+ Spring, 2023: UWGE wil add addtional tultion waives to various sport programs to ensure the “floae of total athletic ald distributed annually is well beyond the required NCAA thresholds outlined in ylew 20. \UWG68 is committed to Division 1 athletic and will ensure the above steps continue throughout the probation period and beyond. Futhermare, the University will provide addtional, ongoing resources to the athletics department to ensure all Dision 4 membership requirements are exceeded each and every year. Sincerely, pre Josh toon, Director of athletics Ce Ms. Jule Roe Lach, Commissioner, Horizon League Dr. Michael Alexander, Chancellor, UW-Green Bay

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