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Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer for each of the question presented below by checking
the letter that correspond to your answer:

1. Appraisal means…..?
____a. the act of determining the value of a property as of specific date for a
specific purpose
____b. the of determining the value of a property, or proportion thereof subject
to tax, including the discovery, listing, classification and appraisal of
____c. price at which a property may be sold by a seller who is not compelled to
sell and bought by a buyer who is not compelled to buy.
____d. taxable value

2. Which of the choices below is an exemption from the real property tax?
____a. Real Property owned by the an individual of republic of the
____b. Machinery and equipment owned by an individual for personal use
____c. Real property classified for assessment purposes on the basis of its
actual use
____d. All real property owned by duly registered cooperatives as provided for
under RA No. 6938.
3. What is the legal basis of tax collection?
____a. The Fair market Value
____b. Assessment is the legal basis of tax collection thru tax declaration
____c. The tax rate provided by the government
____d. The tax due as computed
4. Back Taxes of a real property being assessed for the first time shall be assessed
for taxes for the period it would have been liable but in no case more than?
____a. 15 years prior to the date of initial assessment
____b. 20 years prior to the date of initial assessment
____c. 10 years prior to the date of initial assessment
____d. 11 years prior to the date of initial assessment
5. The share of the Province from the taxes collected by the LGUs is ?
____a. 12%
____b. 15%
____c. 35%
____d. 40%
6. Tax Discounts are granted for payment of taxes from January to March of the
current year at a rate of ?
____a. 10%
____b. 20%
____c. 30%
____d. 35%
7. Tax Discounts are granted for payment in December during the ensuing year at
a rate of ?
____a. 5%
____b. 18%
____c. 25%
____d. 20%
8. In computing the Real Property Tax, the formula is ?
____a. FMV X Assessment Level
____b. Assessment Level X Tax Rate
____c. Tax Rate X Assessed alue
____d. FMV X Tax Rate

9. Charitable Institutions, churches, parsonages or convents appurtenant thereto,

mosques, non profit or religious cemeteries and all real properties that are
actually directly and exclusively used for religious, charitable or education
purposes is?
____a. Not exempted from real property tax
____b. Only the religious, charitable or educations purposes are exempted from
real property tax
____c. Only the Charitable isntitutions that is exempted form real property tax
____d. Exempted from real property tax
____a. Real property declared for the first time
____b. The appraisal and assessment of real property shall not be equitable.
____c. Real Property owned by the republic of the Philippines or any of its
political subdivision
____d. Real property shall be assessed on the basis of a uniform standard of
value within the local government unit

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