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Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Credits Some maps were created with the help of software found on, dun-, or Some graphic elements use resources from
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America
and other countries. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork
“Tanares RPG” project developer & manufacturer: Dragori contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Dragori
Games, Inc. Games. This is a work of fiction made within the parameters of the System Reference
Document for 5th edition; you may consult a copy of the Open Game License below.
Any similarity to actual or fictional events, locations, or persons, living or dead, is
purely coincidental.
Dragori Games Directors: Alexandre Aboud and Clayton This builds on basic mechanics set out in Wizard of the Coast’s System Reference
Machado. Document 5.1 © 2016, whose Open Game License you can read in full in this docu-
ment. All content from the System Reference Document 5.1 is Open Game Content as
described in Section 1(d) of the License and all other content is an original creation
of Dragori Games, Inc. No portion of this work other than the material designated
Game Design Direction: Alexandre Aboud, Clayton as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without permission. The fol-
lowing items are designated Product Identity, as defined in Section 1(e) of the Open
Machado, Michael Alves Gaming License Version 1.0a and are subject to the conditions set forth in Section 7 of
the Open Gaming Licence, and are not Open Content: “Tanares”, “Penumbral Plane”,
“madwalker”, “taii’maku”, “Golgöggoth”, “Isendden”, “emogum”.
Lead Game Designer: Michael Alves OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards
of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All
Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trade-
Artwork & Maps: André Fonseca da Silva, Ayu Marques, mark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative Material”
means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including
Bramasta Aji, Carlos Ryal, Diego Martinez, Elias Resende, into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension,
upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing
Eduardo Cavalcante, Eduardo S J, Ernst Eskelsen, Fagner work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce,
license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distrib-
Alves, Felipe Malini, Guilherme Batista, James Colmer, Julio ute;(d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods,
procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the
Alves, Julio Cesar dos Santos, Leonardo Amaral, Luciano Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content
Komozorino, Luís Bento de Sant’Ana, Mario Wibisono, Pedro clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work
covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright
Gomes, Rael Dionisio, Rafael Falconi, Rafael Madureira, law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product
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Renan Almeida, Renato Leite, Rodrigo Veidovsky, Szymek creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents,
language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts,
Dmitruk, Marcos Torres, Pena Negra, Thiago Barriz, Will themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names
and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas,
Marconi likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment,
magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any
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Game Design: Arnaldo Lucas Ribeiro, Carlos A. T. Dias, owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content;
(f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by
Daniel Ivo, Guarabyra de O. S. Reuter Torro, Jeferson Lança, a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed
to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or
Lucas Menezes C. M. Luz, Marcelo Maciel, Marcelo “Marfelo” “Using” means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise
Lacerda, Thiago H. Matuck, Guilherme Vasconcelos create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the
licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The License: This License applies to any Open
Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only
be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open
Lore & Writing: Michael Alves, Chris Pereira, Danilo de Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License
except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied
Alcantara Magalhães, Carlos A. T. Dias, Guarabyra de O. S. to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3. Offer and Acceptance:
Reuter Torro, Guilherme Vasconcelos, Danilo “Vorpa” de By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this
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Souza, Gui Vicino, Guilherme Villabôas Malburg, Jefferson the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non- exclusive license
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Pimentel of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game
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have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. 6. Notice of License
Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to
Marketing & Community: Gabriel Campos (lead), Evandro include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You
Parreira, Felipe Gonçalves, Leonardo Sousa, Rodrigo Senice, are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date,
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James Windau (community manager) Game Content you Distribute. 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any
Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly
licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that
Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any
Art Direction: Alexandre Aboud Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open
Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
Miniature Direction: Clayton Machado owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in
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Graphic Design: Igor Freitas Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain
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In Memory of: Alexander Hunt (Dragori’s roar), Fernando that you are distributing are Open Game Content. 9. Updating the License: Wizards
or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use
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You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content
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If you are one of the 11,912 backers who made this project permission from the Contributor to do so. 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible
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every single day since September 1st, 2021, when this project License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable. 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v
was launched on Kickstarter. THANK YOU. 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document 5.0
Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford,
Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce
R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary
Gygax and Dave Arneson. Tanares RPG: Player’s Guide to Tanares © 2021-2023,
Dragori Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Ed Greenwood Robert Schwalb
Writer, Game Designer, and Library Assistant in Writer, game designer and developer, he
Port Hope Public Library, Ed Greenwood is the contributed to the three core 5E rulebooks
creator of The Forgotten Realms and many other and several supplements. His works include
fantasy worlds, where he gave life to some of the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, A Song of Ice
most iconic characters in the history of D&D. and Fire Roleplaying, and numerous other
games. He runs Schwalb Entertainment,
Bruce Nesmith publisher of Shadow of the Demon
As Design Director at Bethesda Game Studios, Lord, PunkApocalyptic: The RPG, and the
Bruce was lead designer on Skyrim and worked on forthcoming Shadow of the Weird Wizard.
Fallout 3 and 4, and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Former Creative Director at TSR, he worked on a Chris Honkala
variety of D&D products, including the Ravenloft (Treantmonk)
boxed set and many adventure modules.
With a background in class guides, game de-
sign and editing for 5e products, Chris Honkala
Amy Vorpahl is primarily known for his YouTube channel
Actress, writer and director. Amy is a professional Treantmonk’s Temple, where he does game
Dungeon Master who worked as writer and host analysis and optimization tips for players and
for Geek & Sundry and wrote for Candlekeep GMs alike.
Mysteries and Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons for
Wizards of the Coast. Steven Schend
This writer, editor, and game designer worked
Skip Williams for Wizards of the Coast, Bastion Press, and
Game Designer and Co-Director of Events at TSR, where he participated on the Marvel Super
Gary Con LLC, Skip was part of the legendary Heroes RPG line and in the Forgotten Realms
Gygax AD&D playtest table. He worked for TSR setting.
and Wizards, as one of the three main designers
of D&D 3rd Ed., and wore the mantle of the Sage Steve Kenson
for Dragon Magazine’s Sage Advice column for
A tabletop RPG designer for almost 30 years,
over a decade.
he led Out of the Abyss and The Sword Coast
Adventurer’s Guide and participated in the
Rich Redman award-winning Mutants & Masterminds
Game Designer and author of a large variety of Superhero RPG and numerous other products
3rd Ed. D&D books while working for Wizards of for Green Ronin Publishing.
the Coast, from monsters (Monster Manual II,
Savage Species) to gods (Deities and Demigods, Eytan Bernstein
Defenders of the Faith).
Educator and writer. Editorial Director at
Petersen Games. The author of “Roger that Team
Anthony Pryor Rusty,” Bernstein has worked on several source-
Writer, Editor, and Developer for Sword & books for 3.5 and the 4th edition of D&D, and was
Sorcery’s Scarred Lands. Anthony has produced one of the main designers of Dragons of Faerûn.
material for FASA’s Battletech, Talistanta series,
TSR and Wizards, Green Ronin’s A Song of Ice Jeff Grubb
and Fire, Flash Gordon, and is now developing
Jeff is an award-winning game designer and au-
Sandy Petersen’s Cthulhu Mythos RPG.
thor who created exciting projects for TSR and
Wizards of the Coast. He is one of the founding
Shane Hensley fathers of both Dragonlance and the Forgotten
Game Designer and President of the Pinnacle Realms, and the creator of the Spelljammer
Entertainment G
 roup, where he created the campaign setting. He has written novels set in
Savage World RPG. Shane wrote for TSR, White Dragonlance, the Realms, Guild Wars, Star
Wolf and many other RPG companies. Wars, Magic: The Gathering, and Warcraft.

To the Legends of the RPG Industry, From groundbreaking creations to Thank you for everything you have do-
innovative systems, your influence can ne for the entire community of RPG
We cannot express how honored we are
be seen in countless games and cam- enthusiasts around the world. You are
to have had your special participation
paigns that have brought wonder and true legends, and your impact will con-
in our project. Your immense contribu-
joy to so many. Your creations have tinue to be felt for generations to come.
tions to the RPG industry have paved
inspired us all to do our best and to
the way for so many of us to explore With deepest gratitude and respect,
never stop imagining.
worlds of fantasy and adventure. Dragori Team

Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Preface 5 Circle of the Bloom ............................................. 220
Fighter ........................................................................ 226
Introduction 5 Death Knight ......................................................... 226
Monk .......................................................................... 230
The World Of Tanares .................................................... 6 Way of the Animals ............................................. 230
Religions in Tanares ....................................................... 10 Paladin ....................................................................... 234
Paladins of Freedom ................................................ 234
Chapter 1 - Species 11 Ranger ........................................................................ 238
Common Classic Species ............................................. 11 Shadow Investigator .............................................. 238
Dwarf ............................................................................12 Arcane Guardian ................................................... 242
Elves ............................................................................. 14 Rogue ......................................................................... 244
The New Elven Sub-species ..................................... 16 Ninja ...................................................................... 244
Halflings ....................................................................... 20 Sorcerer ..................................................................... 248
Humans ....................................................................... 22 Cultist .................................................................... 248
Uncommon Species ....................................................... 24 Warlock .................................................................... 252
Dragonborn ................................................................. 24 Pact of the Dark Hunter .................................... 252
Gnomes ......................................................................... 27 Wizard ...................................................................... 256
Orcs .............................................................................. 29 Lost Magic Researcher ........................................ 257
Tieflings ......................................................................... 32
New Species Of Tanares ............................................... 34 Chapter 3 - New Backgrounds 260
Cirrus ........................................................................... 34 Cartographer ................................................................ 260
Gloomfolk ................................................................... 40 Community Leader ...................................................... 262
Soulborn ...................................................................... 45 Dragon Hunter ............................................................. 264
Taii’maku ..................................................................... 50 Imperial Servant .......................................................... 266
Occultist ........................................................................ 268
Chapter 2 - New Classes Penumbral Survivor ..................................................... 270
And Subclasses 56 Undercover ................................................................... 272
New Classes .................................................................... 58
Dragonblade ................................................................ 58 Chapter 4 - Character Options 274
Elementalist ............................................................... 78 Multiclass ...................................................................... 274
Elementalist Spell List ............................................ 88 New Feats ............................................................................ 274
Spell Descriptions ................................................... 93 Spell List ........................................................................ 278
Madwalker ................................................................. 138 Spell Descriptions ........................................................ 280
Redeemer ................................................................... 178
Blessing List ........................................................... 190 Chapter 5 - Optional Rules 294
Simplified Classes ....................................................... 192
Training and Using Flying Mounts ............................ 294
Brawler ....................................................................... 192
Tanarean Pegasus ..................................................... 296
Mage .......................................................................... 196
Tanarean Griffon ...................................................... 297
Priest ........................................................................... 200
Tanarean Hippogriff ................................................. 298
Scoundrel .................................................................. 204
Drakes ........................................................................ 299
New Subclasses ........................................................... 208
Teams ............................................................................. 300
Barbarian ................................................................... 208
Team Feature List ...................................................... 303
Path of the Brutal Hunter .................................. 209
Structures .................................................................. 304
Path of the Penumbra ......................................... 210
Legendary Rewards ...................................................... 316
Bard ............................................................................ 212
College of Life ...................................................... 212
Clerics .......................................................................... 214 Index 318
Chaos Domain ....................................................... 215
Courage Domain ................................................... 218
Druid .......................................................................... 220

Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Preface Introduction

nce upon a time, a group of friends passionate Step into a world of adventure with Player’s Guide to Tanares,
about RPGs and board games started a journey that your gateway to the thrilling world of Tanares. This book
culminated in the birth of Dragori Games and cre- is your key to unlocking endless possibilities, designed to
ation of the legendary Arena the Contest, a game that has work seamlessly with all official 5E material so you can dive
captured the hearts of thousands of players. right in and start playing.
The success of Arena the Contest board game led to the While rules are an essential component of the game, they’re
development of our second game, Tanares Adventures, an not meant to be a barrier to roleplay. Instead, they’re tools to
equally well-received campaign, further expanding the com- help you and your group create an unforgettable experience.
munity. Driven by our love for RPGs, we’ve poured our hearts Your Game Master (GM) is the ultimate guide, ensuring that
and souls into creating our first RPG material in 2021, de- fun is at the forefront of everything you do.
signed to be compatible with the 5th Edition. Here, the GM reigns supreme, with the power to interpret
This project was not just any job for us; we forged part- and adapt the rules as needed to make your game fair and
nerships with honorable guest writers that were part of the fun. No set of rules can encompass every possibility that can
history of the RPG we all love, to ensure the content devel- arise in a story, and everyone has their own unique vision
oped is the best possible for the community. of what is logical or consistent. The open-ended nature of
The result was the Tanares RPG for 5E, which produced the game means that the rules should be seen as a flexible
tons of content, including new species, subspecies, classes, tool, not rigid guidelines.
subclasses, backgrounds, spells, feats, and many new optional But don’t worry - each piece of content in this book has
rules to make your sessions even more epic. been crafted with the utmost care and attention to detail.
Our deepest gratitude to each member of the community Your GM will have the final say on what is approved for
who supported our journey is very important to us. We ex- your game, ensuring that everyone at the table is having a
tend a heartfelt thank you to the thousands of gamers who great time. So, gather your dice, grab your character sheet,
are and will be part of the Dragori’s family. and prepare yourself for a journey like no other with the
Our motto always will be: Games for tables, not shelves. Player’s Guide to Tanares.
Grab your dice, roll up a character, and join us on an ad-
venture that you’ll never forget.

Dragori Games
March 2023

Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

The World of Tanares heroes who saved Tanares and disrupted the Empire’s hege-
mony rose to prominence. These victorious heroes now hold

elcome to Tanares, a high-fantasy world considerable influence, and their actions carry significant
that blends familiar high-fantasy elements weight in determining the future of the realm.
with unique twists, inviting players to em- Whether your campaign focuses on serious, story-driven
bark on a deep world of magic, eldritch aberrations, and narratives, lighthearted adventures, or gritty dungeon crawls,
intrigue. In Tanares, heroes create their own legends, shaping Tanares offers a wealth of diverse locations and experiences
the course of history. for every playstyle. Answer the call of the Age of Heroes
Factions, composed by alliances of kingdoms and orga- and leave your mark on this fragmented world, where the
nizations, vie for power across the diverse lands of Tanares, echoes of your deeds will resonate for generations to come.
and heroes must navigate a complex and intricate political
landscape. The Malrokian Curse, an ungodly affliction that Medieval High-Fantasy
prevents open warfare and large-scale armed conflict, forces
all factions and kingdoms to avoid war to prevent a massive Tanares is a captivating world of high fantasy, brimming with
cataclysm from ravaging the continent. As a result, heroes magic, legendary warriors, mythical creatures, and enchant-
and adventurers have become the most valuable resource ed kingdoms. What sets Tanares apart is the unique twist it
in the world, with their allegiances and actions playing a brings to each of these elements. Within its borders lies the
critical role in the destiny of Tanares. great dwarven kingdom of Stonelair, where intricate tunnels
From Stravian’s merry, food-loving halflings to Tsvetan’s powered by magic allow for rapid underground travel. On
fierce, orc tribes and the fallen Mystical Kingdom’s ancient the center of the continent, the powerful Tanarean Empire,
dungeons, Tanares welcomes adventurers of all stripes. This led by Baleroth and defended by the Ironhand, boasts an
world is full of incredible magic, including the ability to move army of brainwashed soldiers who have no will of their own,
entire cities, and boasts powerful warriors in enchanted ar- serving the Emperor without question.
mor and kingdoms ruled by legendary figures. At the same Players who immerse themselves in this medieval-inspired
time, sinister liches vie for control, and heroes must navigate world will find themselves caught in a complex web of deceit,
intricate webs of deception and undertake thrilling quests to espionage, and intrigue, with formidable foes at every turn.
thwart malevolent eldritch cults and the sinister aberrations The struggle between the five factions vying for power in
that haunt Tanares. The ever-present sense of intrigue sets Tanares provides the backdrop for an epic adventure that
this world apart from more conventional fantasy settings. will test the limits of their strength, cunning, and wit.
The Age of Heroes marks a pivotal point in the history of
Tanares. Following the conclusion of the Kemet Invasion,

Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

In Tanares, you’ll encounter a rich tapestry of characters The ruins of the Mystical Kingdom serve as a remind-
and creatures, from cunning spies and assassins to fire-breath- er of the dangers of the curse. Once a beacon of magical
ing dragons and bloodthirsty orcs. Whether you choose to knowledge and prosperity, the kingdom was destroyed by
ally yourself with a particular faction, be a lone wolf, or internal conflict, manipulation by penumbral beings, and
forge groups of power, the choice is yours to carve your path. the arrogance of its nobility. The kingdom’s ruins now lie in
the Wastelands, a desolate region where adventurers seek to
The Malrokian Curse uncover the secrets of the curse and the powerful artifacts
that remain hidden within the ruins. But they must also face
Tanares is a world bound by the Malrokian Curse, a powerful
the dangers of hordes of undeads, as well as the powerful
force that has shaped its fate for generations. The curse orig-
magical traps and mystical creatures hidden there.
inated from the conflict between the gods and the Ungods,
In Tanares, the Malrokian Curse is a constant reminder of
malevolent beings that feed on the sins, negative emotions,
the dangers of war and the power of the Ungods. It is a world
and corrupted souls of mortals. Whenever mortals engage
where a semblance of peace must be maintained at all costs,
in war, the surge of corrupted souls empowers the Ungods,
where the threat of massive destruction and the penumbral
unleashing a chain of events that results in widespread de-
forces that seek to manipulate it loom large. The balance
struction so huge that it can wipe entire civilizations.
between the forces of light and darkness is maintained only
To prevent this, the gods issued a decree urging mortals
by the unwavering determination of its people to avoid war.
to avoid war at all costs. The curse of the Ungods created a
danger that shaped the very fabric of Tanares. The people
of Tanares have learned to resolve their differences without
Eldritch Horrors of
waging wars, through the Arenas, where disputes are settled the Penumbral Plane
by duels, and through the Empire and the old Evolutionist Beneath the surface of Tanares lies the Penumbral Plane, a
Church, which strive to prevent wars. twisted dimension filled with nightmarish creatures born
However, the sinister penumbral forces are lurking in the from the corruption of the Ungods. This realm of terror is
shadows of Tanares, manipulating events to bring about war inhabited by beings beyond the comprehension of mortals,
and empower the Ungods. These forces are led by the Cult threatening to drive those who dare to enter it mad. The plane
of Shadow Wing and the spawns of the Ungods, who seek is composed of six underground levels, each representing
to unleash the power of the Penumbral Plane upon Tanares. the remnants of planes destroyed by the Ungods in the past
These ungodly creatures are nightmarish beings with forms and ruled by their most powerful followers.
as twisted as their powers.

Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

The inhabitants of the Penumbral Plane are creatures of assets, and secrets. As the Age of Heroes unfolds, the choices
horror, born from the corrupted souls of mortals that died and loyalties of adventurers will determine the fate of Tanares.
carrying sins and dark emotions. Among these terrors, one At the core of a fierce struggle between factions lies the
can find cultists, emoguns, and penumbral dragons, each pursuit of the Vandanamalika, a majestic magical gate cre-
possessing unique and frightening abilities. Despite the ated by a vast arcane circle and three enchanted towers built
overwhelming dread of the plane, the Draconic Council hundreds of miles apart. Its true power emerges when the
has established towers and fortifications there, and some moon aligns perfectly, forming a pyramidal triangulation with
kingdoms, Gloomfolks, and barbarian tribes have managed to the towers, unleashing divine-scale magic. Crafting such a
keep a foothold in the more hospitable regions, all protected marvel demands rare minerals like Bauronite, Tameranium,
by mystical monoliths that were created to shield them from and Moonstone, along with the expertise of master spell-
the maddening influence of the plane. casters and engineers.
Two sinister factions, the Cult of the Shadow Wing and Factions race to construct a Vandanamalika first, each
the Watchers, vie for control in this realm of terror, each having a unique vision of utilizing it to vanquish the Ungods.
pursuing their own twisted goals. The power struggle within These cunning foes, however, sabotage the factions’ efforts,
the Penumbral Plane constantly threatens Tanares, as these staying poised to seize the magical circle should one near
factions seek to exert their influence on the material world completion. A cold war unfolds as factions vie for resourc-
to gain an edge on their conflict. es and territories crucial to building and activating the
As the Age of Heroes dawns, the people of Tanares must Vandanamalika. Nevertheless, the fleeting moon alignment
remain vigilant against the intrusion of these eldritch horrors. occurs within rare timeframes that span decades or centu-
Adventurers may face the dangers of the Penumbral Plane ries, varying across the regions of Tanares the circle is built.
by venturing into it, or deal with the threat of otherworldly The Allied Forces: This faction upholds the principles of
creatures invading the material plane to cause chaos and de- goodness and justice, fighting for what is right. They intend
struction. To protect their world, they must brave the dangers to use the Vandanamalika to locate the legendary hero King
of the Penumbral Plane and put an end to the machinations Malrok, who vanished millennia ago but is believed to still
of the sinister factions that threaten to devour Tanares and be alive and possess the power to defeat the Ungods.
turn it into the seventh layer of their nightmarish realm. Member Countries and Organizations: Republic of
Freelands, The Stravian Dwarves, The Celestianist Church,
The Kemet Invasion Realm of Yama, Sindile Elves, The Relic Hunters Guild,
Tanares was surprised by the Kemet Invasion, a sinister force Korbjorn Revolutionaries.
propelled by ominous prophecies spread by a powerful ex- The Tanarean Empire: This faction advocates for the ne-
traplanar entity. The Winter Elves, once pure but corrupted by cessity of controlling people to prevent wars and establish an
dark forces, descended upon Tanares like a tempest, leaving efficient society capable of resisting and battling the Ungods.
a trail of destruction in their wake. The once empire-consol- They plan to use the Vandanamalika to empower Emperor
idated land was thrown into turmoil, its inhabitants caught Baleroth to summon a vast army of devils, unify Tanares,
off guard by the brutal and sudden attack. and combat the Ungods.
As Tanares teetered on the brink of defeat, its bravest Member Countries and Organizations: Central Empire,
heroes rose to the challenge. United in their bravery, they The Parliament of the Seas (Seashores), Korbjorn Kingdom,
banded together to take down the Kemet leader, Gullog, Ben’net Kingdom.
and save their realm from further bloodshed in the hope The Forces of Darkall: Once having attacked Tanares
of avoiding a Malrokian Curse. They won the war, but the during the Kemet Invasion, these forces have returned with
invasion had already taken its toll, leaving the empire weak- increased strength. The Kemets forged a pact with Bás, the
ened, and the unity of the continent shattered, resulting in goddess of winter and death, while Golgöggoth mobilized his
a realm in disarray. army, the Watchers, to ensure the world remains uncorrupted
In the aftermath of the conflict, various territories claimed by the Ungods. This faction is willing to do whatever it takes
independence from the Empire, joining in factions, each to thwart the Ungods. Their current plan involves using the
striving for power and control. The struggle for dominance Vandanamalika to bring Bás’s full power to Tanares, trans-
was fought in the shadows through deceitful plots and cun- forming the world into an eternal icy wasteland and turn-
ning espionage as the factions worked to maintain their hold ing all living beings into undead, which are immune to the
over the fragmented land. Tanares hung in the balance as the Ungods’ corruption, thus sabotaging their plans for Tanares.
power struggle between the factions escalated into a cold war. Member Countries and Organizations: The Kemets
(Storm Islands and Darkall), The Watchers (Penumbral
The 5 Factions Plane of Darkall).
The Arcanum: For a long time, wizards and sorcerers in
Struggling for Power Tanares faced persecution due to mortals’ fear of arcane
In the politically charged realm of Tanares, five diverse fac- magic. Following the Kemet invasion, the weakened Empire
tions vie for dominance, each possessing distinct objectives, saw the wizards of Reginherath declare independence and

Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

establish a magocracy in the northwest. In the south, Lich
Kalistessenâmun converted thousands to the ancient Ba-
Ka faith, the god of magic and spirits. As other factions
gained power, these two nations formed an alliance to protect
against prejudice towards magic. Their goal is to construct
a Vandanamalika to use its power during the lunar perigee
to dismantle the Tanarean Magic Field created by the gods
Tamera and Bauron, allowing spellcasters to access the full
power of magic and battle the Ungods.
Member Countries and Organizations: Magocracy
of Arcane Tower (Reginherath), The Cirrus People, The
Theocracy of Ba-Ka.
The Ungods: These ancient, eldritch beings aim to cor-
rupt mortals, as each individual who dies burdened with
sins and negative emotions transforms into aberrations, like
the Emoguns, under their control in the Penumbral Plane.
Engaged in a war with the gods for millennia, they have
been steadily corrupting the world. If they were to obtain
a Vandanamalika, they would use it to summon an avatar
of one of the Ungods, unleashing chaos upon the world.
Member Countries and Organizations: The Cult of Shadow
Wing (Penumbral Plane), The Penumbral Aberrations, The
Four Ungods (Deities).
While the factions of Tanares are intricate and multifaceted,
players and GMs need not become experts in every aspect
to enjoy the world. Instead, focus on immersing yourself in
the factions that captivate your imagination and discover
the exhilarating tales hidden within this dynamic setting.

Spycraft and Investigation

In the world of Tanares, powerful factions engage in a cold
war fueled by the art of spycraft, as they can’t wage war.
Information is a precious commodity, and each faction has
a unique perspective on how to fight the Ungods. As a re-
sult, they struggle against each other over the methods em-
ployed. Tanarean spies lurk in every corner, shifting their
battlegrounds from dank dungeons and narrow alleys to
the dazzling ballrooms of nobles and the offices of diplo-
mats. These spies have mastered the use of magic in their
subterfuge, employing illusions, mind manipulation, and
enchanted objects to deceive their targets.
On the other side, kingdoms and organizations employ
detectives and investigators who possess their own arsenal
of tools and techniques to counteract the spies’ tactics. With
their sharp skills and deductive prowess, they navigate the
intricate web of political intrigue, ferreting out the truth and
protecting their allies from harm. In this treacherous world,
even trusted comrades may be concealing dark secrets.
Despite the disagreements and conflicts generated by
each faction’s desire for power and influence, they all
share the goal of dealing with the Cult of Shadow Wing
and the Penumbral Plane while avoiding war at all costs,
since it could cause a cataclysm. As the factions strug-
gle for dominance, the heroes of Tanares are called

Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Religions in Tanares A recent example of this is the transformation within the
Evolutionist Church. An angelic revelation exposed ancient
In the world of Tanares, a diverse array of gods form the Ungod corruption in the church, affecting even the sacred scrip-
foundation of various religions. Each god has a name, a tures. The exposure of the real scriptures and the corrupt priests
concept, an alignment, and a portfolio, which represents caused a significant ecclesiastical revolution. This upheaval
their areas of influence and encompasses a range of topics resulted in the exposure of Ungod’s servants amid the church
such as abstract concepts, emotions, ideas, and even species and the renaming of the religion to the Evolutionist Church,
of creatures. This information can assist in the creation of as the clerics saw the truth through angelic intervention.
characters like clerics, paladins, druids, redeemers, or any This new interpretation dramatically altered the perspec-
others seeking a divine connection. tive on the gods, prompting many followers to reassess their
As an example, consider Aibidh, the God of Autumn and beliefs. Among those exposed was High Cardinal Gideoni,
Air, associated with the Cuiblhe religion and having a Neutral the leader of the Evolutionists, who was revealed to be a
Good (NG) alignment. Aibidh’s portfolio consists of Air, powerful servant of the Ungods, hidden within the church
Autumn, Elves, Magic, and Nobility, with suggested domains hierarchy. This discovery caused great damage to the image
like Arcana, Knowledge, and Tempest. Worshipers of Aibidh of the church and prompted the change of its name and the
might include elves, good nobles, spellcasters, and those deep search for corruption within.
reliant on winds and storms, such as sailors. To delve deeper into the world of Tanares, explore the
For a concise summary of the gods, their associated reli- Tanares Sourcebook. This comprehensive resource details
gions, and their areas of influence, consult the table below. each god, their religions, holy symbols, ethos, and moral
Keep in mind that mortal perceptions of these gods may codes. By understanding these elements, you can better
not always be accurate, as interpretations of holy texts or comprehend the relationships between the gods and their
divine revelations can vary, and have changed during the religions, allowing you to seamlessly integrate them into
history of Tanares. your characters’ actions and motivations.

G od R eligion A lignment P ortfolio S uggested D omains

Aibidh, God of Autumn and Air Cuiblhe NG Air, Autumn, Elves, Magic, and Nobility. Arcana, Knowledge, Tempest
Ba-Ka, Spirit God of Magic Ba-Ka CN Ethereal Plane, Magic, Spirits and Wizards. Arcana, Chaos and Death
Bás, Goddess of Winter and Cuiblhe LE Death, Elves, Eternity, Water and Winter. Death, Grave, War
Bauron, God of Punishment Celestianist LN Darkness, Hunting, Law, Moon and Grave, Order, Trickery.
Church Punishment.
Breith, God of Spring and Earth Cuiblhe LG Earth, Elves, Forest, Spring and Vigilance. Life, Nature, Protection
C'thraxis, Lady of Sins Cult of NE Deception, Fear, Manipulation, Pacts, Trickery
Shadow Wing Seduction.
Dorsi, The Guardian God of Dorsism LG Dwarves, Forge, Guardians, Underground Courage, Forge and Protection
Dwarves and Virtues.
Droggath, the Fleshspawner Cult of CE Monsters, Savagery, Slaughter and War
Shadow Wing Summoning.
Fruitful, the Fey Goddess Fruitlism CG Abundance, Faeries, Harflings, Hospitality Nature, Protection and Trickery
and Joy.
Fumetsu Tenshinkin Fumetsu Eido LG Courtesy, Honor, Justice, Ki and Loyalty. Courage, Knowledge and Life
(not a true god)
Glorious one, The God of Valor The Path of CG Discipline, Endurance, Glory, Resolve and Courage, Light and War.
Glory Traveling.
Krynnethoth, the Mystical One Cult of NE Curses, Magic, Rifts, Rituals and Suffering. Arcana
Shadow Wing
Lumina, Goddess of Wisdom Transcendence NG Knowledge, Art, Culture, Beauty and Arcana, Knowledge and Life
Òigridh, Goddess of Summer Cuiblhe CG Fire, Elves, Passions, Summer and Trades. Courage, Light and Trickery
and Fire
Tamera & Bauron, God(ess) of Windspeakers CG Life, Magic, Progress, Punishment and Arcana, Chaos and Tempest
Duality Strength.
Tamera, Goddess of Life Celestianist LG Good, Life, Light, Protection, and Sun. Courage, Life and Light.
The Nature Spirits, the World Spiritualism N Animals, Harmony, Nature, Plants and Death, Life, Nature
Souls. Spirits.
Z'ulvath, the Shadow Wing and Cult of LE Corruption, Darkness, Madness and Arcana, Tempest and War
Penumbral Father Shadow Wing Penumbral Dragons.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Chapter 1 - Species subspecies of elves unique to Tanares, such as the Kemets,
the Summer Elves, the Autumn Elves, and the Spring Elves.

elcome to Tanares, a world where a Finally, we’ll introduce you to the new common and uncom-
plethora of species calls home. Some of these mon species of Tanares, providing all the information you
species, known as classic species, have been need to create a unique and unforgettable character.
written about extensively in various media, such as mov- Get ready to dive into the amazing world of Tanares’ spe-
ies, music, and games. In Tanares, you’ll find many classic cies and create a character that stands out from the rest!
species, including dwarves, halflings, humans, elves, drag-
onborns, tieflings, orcs, and gnomes.
While each of these species maintains its mechanics as
Common Classic Species
found in the publications of the 5th Edition of the greatest This chapter highlights the distinctions between the classic
RPG of all time, they also have unique differences in their species of Tanares (Dwarves, Halflings, Humans, and Elves)
stories, personalities, and customs. Some of these species are in relation to their descriptions in the 5th Edition of the
more common than others in Tanares, but all of them can greatest RPG of all time. It’s worth remembering that the
be found throughout the territory, just like the classic ones. mechanical characteristics of these species are given in the
But that’s not all - Tanares also has its own species, each basic books of the aforementioned material.
with its mechanical characteristics, personality, history, cus- When assuming the roles of Half-Elf or Half-Orc charac-
toms, physical and psychological traits. This chapter provides ters, players should consult the sections of this book ded-
everything you need to know about Tanares’ species, allowing icated to Human, Elf, and Orc species in order to gain a
you to choose the one that best suits your character. deeper understanding of the cultural nuances and societal
Firstly, we’ll provide brief summaries of the classic species intricacies. Note that the mechanical and thematic aspects
found in Tanares, beginning with the most common and then of these species adhere to the official 5th Edition materials.
the less common ones. Then we’ll introduce you to the new


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Dwarf moonstone to rebuild, neglecting their duty to defend under-
grounds. Greed and fear caused rifts among clans, hinder-
Devouts of Dorsi, the Guardian God, upholding courage, ing restoration and losing Dorsi’s protection. Some joined
wisdom, and dedication, they venerate the Stone Spirits - Duergars, resulting in the Dorsian Forge’s loss.
their legendary ancestors. Their sacred duty is to guard the Clans isolated themselves, and dwarves grew disillusioned.
undergrounds against the forces of corruption from the When Kemets invaded Tanares, three dwarves – Rurik,
Penumbral Plane. Huradrin, and Ukhulim – heroically defended their peo-
ple. After trials of courage, wisdom, and dedication, Dorsi

he dwarves of Tanares are renowned for blessed them again.
their resilience, dedication, and craftsmanship. They The three heroes united dwarves and initiated the Great
are divided into three major clans, each based on Dwarven Summoning to build a new kingdom in Stravian.
one of the virtues of Dorsi, the Guardian God of the Dwarves. Aided by Stone Spirits, they rebuilt their kingdom, eradi-
The clans are: the Lion Clan, associated with courage and cated Ungods’ servants, and resumed their divine duty to
comprising military leaders, explorers, and frontline defend- protect the undertanares.
ers; the Goat Clan, representing dedication and consisting of Dwarves prioritize safeguarding the underground do-
miners, smiths, and those responsible for constructing and main above all else. They remain vigilant, determined to
guarding fortifications; and the Dragon Clan, embodying avoid past mistakes and uphold their ancient duty. Under
wisdom and encompassing priests, scholars, and sentinels re- the three heroes’ guidance, dwarves continue restoring their
sponsible for signaling threats. These clans, each with unique kingdom, fortifying defenses, and working towards unity
roles, work together to safeguard dwarven society. among their clans.
Physically, Tanarean dwarves boast a stout and sturdy stat-
ure, with most having black hair and beards. Red hair is a Underground Guardians
rare sight, while the elusive blond hair is considered even
rarer and highly prized. In the mists of ancient history, the dwarven people valiant-
Their most important duty is to guard the underground ly battled the sinister servants of the Ungods, who relent-
realms from the forces of evil, specifically the corruptive in- lessly attempted to infiltrate the material plane. These dark
fluence of the Ungods. Though they may seem gruff, dwarves forces sought to pierce the veil between realms, opening
often reminisce about their people’s glorious past, cherishing rifts from the shadowy Penumbral Plane into the depths of
the legendary underground kingdom of Aheimar that once Undertanares.
spanned nearly the entire continent. Though the kingdom During Aheimar’s golden age, the dwarves’ united strength
fell centuries ago, the dwarves are now uniting to build a kept the underground realms largely free from the Ungods’
new subterranean realm known as Stonelair, a testament influence. However, in the centuries following the great king-
to their enduring spirit and determination to restore their dom’s fall, the invaders from the Penumbral Plane found
ancient heritage. the opportunity to establish footholds in the ancient, laby-
Dwarves believe that in order to transcend into Stone Spirits rinthine tunnels.
after death, they must face life’s challenges while embracing Undaunted, the dwarves continued their struggle against
the virtues of courage, dedication, and wisdom. They revere the encroaching darkness even after Aheimar’s collapse. Yet
ancestors who were able to attain such status. the loss of unity among the clans proved a critical weakness,
allowing the Ungods’ vile spawn to infiltrate and infest the
The Dwarven History subterranean depths.
Now, united once more under the legendary Stonelair
Legend tells of Dorsi, who created dwarves from stone, im- banner, the dwarven people have reignited their crusade
buing them with guardianship virtues. Tasked with defending to cleanse the tunnels, seal the Penumbral rifts, and defend
Undertanares, their underground realm, dwarves fought their underground domain against the insidious influence
invading Ungods. Heroic dwarves who fell in battle became of the Shadow Wing.
eternal Stone Spirits, while those fleeing were corrupted, Yet the Shadow Wing will not yield. The nefarious min-
becoming Duergars of the Serpent Clan. ions of Dread are unleashing monstrous creations upon the
Successfully repelling Ungods’ servants, dwarves estab- dwarves, while the enigmatic Purple Witches weave their
lished Aheimar, a vast subterranean kingdom in eastern web of deception, sowing discord among the clans. In hidden
Tanares. They forged weapons, built impenetrable fortifi- caverns, vile cultists perform dark rituals, striving to tear
cations, and created the legendary Dorsian Forge, capable open new rifts to the Penumbral Plane. Through their un-
of crafting artifacts and turning Tameranium and Bauronite wavering resolve and legendary courage, the dwarves stand
into magical moonstone. They constructed an extensive un- firm against these evil forces, determined to defend their
derground realm connected by tunnels. ancient homeland against the sinister beings lurking in the
Prosperity waned when the Malrokian Curse cataclysm shadowy depths of Undertanares.
struck, causing widespread destruction. Many dwarves mined .


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

The Stone Spirits Dedicated to restoring the magical runes and reestablish-
ing their subterranean network, the dwarves recognize the
The Stone Spirits, eternal guardians of the dwarven people, tunnels’ immense value. Coveted by numerous factions for
protect only those who embody Dorsi’s virtues. These awe-in- their unparalleled speed and unique trade networks, these
spiring spirits, ancestors, and ancient heroes can possess tunnels have the potential to revolutionize commerce and
stone statues crafted in their likeness to defend their kin provide rapid aid to even the most remote regions.
with the might of their prime. Though the dwarves permit other nations to access their
To create these statues, a moonstone core is essential, al- tunnels in exchange for respect and fair compensation, envy
lowing the spirits to animate and empower them. Each statue simmers among rival factions. Many seek to wrest control
must be meticulously sculpted to represent a unique ancestor. or replicate the tunnel’s magic, but so far, only the dwarven
Often placed in temples and vital fortifications, they protect priests of Dorsi, specifically trained for the task, have been
dwarven cities and cleanse areas tainted by penumbral rifts, able to operate the rune-etched stone disks. Thus, the legend-
slowly sealing penumbral portals within a two-mile radius. ary tunnels remain a potent political tool and a vital resource
To ascend as a Stone Spirit, a dwarf must fulfill their duties in the dwarves’ ongoing struggle against the sinister Ungods.
in life, exemplifying Dorsi’s virtues of courage, dedication,
and wisdom. Earning a place among the Stone Spirits is a great Optional Rule:
honor for any dwarven family. They celebrate their eternal When creating a dwarf character, you may choose the op-
kin with feasts on the anniversaries of the honored ancestors’ tional trait below (if you GM allows):
passing, reveling in the legacy of their immortal protectors. Crusty Mind. Your grumpy nature and natural weariness
caused by the tragic past of your people made you careful
The Dorsian Forge and dedicated in your work but also distant to most people.
You receive a -1 penalty on all your Charisma checks, but
The legendary Dorsian Forge has been a sacred bastion of
gain a +1 bonus on all your Wisdom checks.
dwarven craftsmanship for millennia. Its eternal flames,
burning since its inception, are capable of smelting the rar-
est of metals – Bauronite and Tameranium – to create the
mystical moonstone, an elusive metal with unparalleled
magical properties.
Comprising numerous smaller forges, the Dorsian Forge
can simultaneously craft an array of potent magical items.
When its ancient, colossal mechanisms are set in mo-
tion, the forges merge into a unified, awe-inspiring
furnace capable of forging artifacts of unimaginable
power. This sacred knowledge is guarded by a select
few clan patriarchs, especially the revered Goat clan.
However, the sacred forge now lies in the sinister grasp
of the Duergar from the Serpent Clan, who wield its power
to create formidable magical items in their relentless battle
against the Stonelair dwarves. Whispers of corruption by the
Ungods haunt the Duergar, as rumors spread that they are
forging a dark artifact of world-shattering power. The quest
to reclaim the sacred Dorsian Forge is a legendary call to
arms, beckoning the noble dwarves to restore their unique
and extraordinary heritage.

The Runed Tunnels

Stonelair has embarked on the arduous task of reopening the
ancient tunnels, which sprawl across the continent’s depths.
These legendary passages are crucial in their on-
going battle against the Ungods.
Enshrouded in ancient magic, the runed
tunnels allow the swift transportation of im-
mense stone disks, bearing goods and people
between distant locations. The dwarves, distrustful of the
Tanares’ network of portals due to their ties to the pen-
umbral plane, prefer to rely on these mystical tunnels.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Elves corruption and darkness. Each subspecies boasts unique
cultural practices and traditions, forming diverse and in-

he ancient and enigmatic Elves of Tanares tricate Elven societies.
are revered for their longevity, wisdom, and un- The Kemets, originally pure Winter Elves dedicated to
wavering dedication to nature’s balance. Having fled water elementalism, ventured into the Penumbral Plane,
their once-idyllic homeland due to the nefarious Ungods’ hoping to free Bás from corruption. Instead, they discov-
invasion, the Elves lost their immortality when their Goddess ered ancient prophecies that foretold the Ungods’ victory if
Bás harnessed the power of death. Finding refuge in Tanares, Tanares remained unconquered. The Winter Elves became
they diverged into four distinct subspecies, each embodying corrupted, embarking on a destructive path, culminating
a season from the Cuibhle pantheon. Despite the loss of im- in Tanares’ invasion with undead legions and a formidable
mortality, Elves continue to enjoy extended lifespans, living naval fleet. Although the invasion failed, the Kemets cap-
for many millennia in good health. tured the Storm Islands, and, in desperation to prevent the
Elves are known for their lithe, graceful figures that exude Ungods’ triumph, turned to their corrupted goddess Bás as
nobility and wisdom. Though subspecies variations exist, a last resort. Now, they aim to transform Tanares into an
all Elves carry an aura of timeless knowledge, commanding eternal winter populated by emotionless undead, mirroring
respect from others. the fate of the Elves’ original world.
In their societal structure, Elves prioritize harmony and
balance with the natural world, Elven History
guided by the Cuibhle’s di-
vine wisdom. Upholding lofty In the aftermath of their world’s devastation, the first elves
standards, many view them- sought refuge in Tanares, fleeing the goddess Bás’ drastic
selves as the world’s guard- decision to freeze their world and turn all living beings into
ians, protecting it from emotionless undead. This desperate act was meant to pre-
vent their world’s corruption and destruction by the eldritch
Ungods. The elves, divided into four distinct groups—Winter,
Summer, Autumn, and Spring Elves—settled in various re-
gions across the continent.
The Summer Elves founded their kingdom in the swel-
tering lands now known as Ubel. Following the collapse of
their realm during the first Malrokian Curse, they dispersed
throughout Tanares, integrating with human communi-
ties. Their sociable nature, empathy, and insatiable curios-
ity for new experiences and pleasures led them to embrace
life among humans.
Upon arrival in Tanares, the Spring Elves planted 12 divine
seeds in the Sindile Forest, transforming it into their sanctu-
ary. The resulting sacred World Trees continuously cleanse
part of the Penumbral Plane’s negative energies, weakening
the Ungods and counterbalancing mortals’ dark emotions.
As the Ungods’ minions sought to destroy these trees, the
Spring Elves became isolationists, vigilantly guarding the
Sindile Forest in accordance with the God of Earth’s decree.
In the region now named Outumn, the Autumn Elves
constructed magnificent mystical kingdoms. They honed
the skill of traversing the Penumbral Plane, extracting the
essence of penumbral creatures to enhance their mystical
defenses. Their kingdom featured soaring cities, protect-
ed by powerful magic and illusions that were practically
tangible. However, their kingdom’s demise came with the
first Malrokian Curse, leaving their people despondent. In
recent times, Anariel’s marriage to King Sundaryl marked
the beginning of their lost kingdom’s restoration as a state
within the Republic.
In the frigid region now called Reginherath, the Winter
Elves established their first kingdom. They dedicated them-
selves to purifying their world and rescuing Bás from her


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

frenzied obsession with death. Through their exploration madness. Now vengeful and extremist, she uses her powers
of the Penumbral Plane, they discovered portal magic fu- over ice and her undead armies to fight the Ungods’ corrup-
eled by the plane’s energies. In their desperate research, they tion. The Elementalists of Ice, once focused on water, now
uncovered ancient prophecies foreshadowing the Ungods’ follow Bás in her quest for vengeance. The repented Kemets
triumph over Tanares, with the Kemet people being the only that are turning back to the roots of Water Elementalism are
force capable of averting this fate by conquering the entire now rediscovering their ancient practices of peace, medi-
world. Consequently, the Winter Elves rebranded themselves tation and healing.
as Kemets and expanded east and west, engaging in con- Òigridh, the Lady of Summer and Queen of Fire, is the
flict with the Kepesh and constructing an arcane tower, as goddess of passions, trades, and hope. Her Elementalists of
prophesied. Eventually, they relocated to Darkall and waged a Fire followers are encouraged to amplify positive emotions,
century-long conflict with the Kepesh people. They subdued seek pleasure and art, and maintain hope even in the darkest
the Kepesh without invoking a catastrophic Malrokian Curse times. They often travel in search of new experiences and
and assimilated their necromantic knowledge. follow their passions, helping others along the way. The Fire
Centuries later, the Kemets invaded Tanares, seizing Elementalists celebrate monthly the “Festival of Flames,”
Fisherman’s Wharf in a bid to fulfill the prophecy and save where they gather around great bonfires, perform mesmer-
the world from the Ungods. Caught off guard, Tanares and izing fire dances, and share stories of hope and inspiration.
the Empire quickly rallied, with heroic figures and leaders
rising to challenge the Kemets. Despite prophecies predicting
their victory, the heroes found a way to defy fate and repel
the Kemets’ conquest.
In the weeks following the war, Gullog, the Kemet leader,
was located and slain. However, the malevolent deity Bás
intervened, resurrecting Gullog and bestowing immortali-
ty upon him. At Bás’ command, Gullog united the Kemets
to impose an eternal winter on Tanares, thereby thwarting
the Ungods’ corruption of the world. They established their
stronghold on the Storm Islands and commenced their new
campaign, now bolstered by the goddess of winter and death.
The Sindile Elves judged the captured Kemets, imprisoning
the guilty and releasing the innocent to join Baraelmer in
reviving the Winter Elves. Under Baraelmer’s guidance, the
penitent Kemets reclaimed their Winter Elf identity and en-
deavored to recover lost knowledge on Water Elementalism,
while simultaneously building a new life for their people
within the Republic. Confronting prejudice and striving to
change their image, these elves, 20 years after the war, con-
tinue their journey toward redemption and understanding.
In this turbulent era, the elves of Tanares traverse a perilous
landscape fraught with danger and uncertainty. By learning
from their past, they seek to combat the Ungods and prevent
further catastrophes. The final destiny of the elven people
remains shrouded in mystery, with only the passage of time
revealing the fate that awaits them.

Elven Elementalism
In Tanares, the Elves have a strong connection to Elementalism,
a magical practice and religion that originated from their
elven gods, who gifted the Elves with the knowledge of chan-
neling elemental plane powers to conjure elemental magic.
The four elven gods—Bás, Òigridh, Aibidh, and Breith—each
represent a distinct element, and their followers are known
as Elementalists.
Bás, the Lady of Winter and Queen of Water, was once a
gentle goddess providing healing and soothing. However,
the corruption of her world by the Ungods drove her to


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Aibidh, the Lord of Autumn and King of Wind, is the god loyalty and respect, they often extend their friendship to the
of magic, nobility, and storms. His Elementalists of Wind descendants of their cherished companions,
followers are entrusted with the noble duty of destroying the Although their extended lives offer many advantages, they
Ungods’ spawns and protecting weaker Elves. The Autumn can also make adapting to change difficult. Tanares elves
Elves, with Aibidh’s guidance, create flying cities and pow- may become stagnant, adhering to long-standing traditions
erful illusions to battle the Ungods and their minions. These and ways of life. Despite this tendency, their awareness of
elementalists hold “Storm-Hunting Gatherings,” where they their own resistance to change motivates them to embrace
form groups to enter the Penumbral Plane and slay its ab- Elementalism. Through this devotion, they continually pro-
errant creates to gather magical energies for their flying cit- tect their world, combat the Ungods’ corruption, and strive
ies’ protections. to restore balance in Tanares, even in the face of challenges
Breith, the Lord of Spring and King of Earth, is the god of presented by an ever-evolving world.
forests, vigilance, and renewal. His Elementalists of Earth
followers are responsible for guarding the world against evil The Ancestral Elves
and the Ungods’ corruption while protecting nature. They
Rumors abound regarding ancient elven elders, concealed
are vigilant in their duties, ensuring the renewal of lands
for millennia, who have recently emerged to guide their
and the cleansing of corruption. At each full moon the Earth
people in light of Gullog’s return. The origin of these rumors
Elementalists partake in the “Ritual of Renew,” where they
stems from numerous reported sightings of resplendent Elves,
bring rare life-imbued flowers and herbs to perform rituals of
garbed in exquisite magical mithril, their eyes alight with
purification on a World Tree, restoring it from the damages
unfathomable wisdom. The true nature of these enigmatic
caused by constantly cleansing the corruption of the ungods.
figures remains uncertain. Some conjecture that they are the
Before Bás’ madness, the Elementalists of the four ele-
ancient elves, whose extended lifespans led them to with-
ments cooperated closely, sharing knowledge and resourc-
draw from mortal conflicts, while others posit that divine
es to combat the Ungods’ corruption. The Fire, Wind, and
directives kept them concealed. These venerable Elves are
Earth Elementalists still work in unison, and they hope to
reputed to wield power and knowledge beyond imagination,
bring the Winter Elves back into the fold by returning them
with some accounts suggesting they were already ancient
to the practices of water elementalism and cleansing Bás of
when they first arrived in Tanares thousands of years ago.
her vengeful madness. To this end, they perform joint rituals
Though supposedly few in number, their potential impact
and offer prayers to the elven gods, seeking their guidance
on the power dynamics among factions could be substantial.
and strength to restore balance in Tanares.
The nature of their future alliances and ultimate objectives,
Elementalism is vital for the Elves, as it enables them to
however, remains veiled in mystery.
harness the powers granted by their gods to protect their
world and combat the corruption of the Ungods. By hon-
oring their gods and embracing their Elementalism creed,
Elven Traits in Tanares:
the Elves strive to ensure the safety and balance of Tanares. Age. A Tanarean elf can live up to twenty thousand years.
They still reach adulthood at the age of 100, but never show
Incredibly Long Lifespans any loss of health or sign of old age until their final days.
The elves of Tanares are known for their extraordinarily
long lifespan, a trait that sets them apart from other species. The New Elven Sub-species
This distinctive characteristic significantly influences their
culture, beliefs, and attitudes towards life. Summer Elves
With such extended lifetimes, the Tanares elves gain a
unique perspective, allowing them to witness the rise and fall Hedonistic and sociable elves that seek new experiences and
of civilizations and the ebb and flow of history. Consequently, pleasures. They enjoy human company and live in their cities,
they develop a deep understanding of the world and its cy- often traveling and acting as traders and merchants always
cles, becoming wise and patient beings. Their longevity also looking for the next journey.
enables them to refine their skills and expertise in various

fields, including arts, magic, and combat, achieving mastery he Summer Elves are well-known for their
levels unattainable for shorter-lived beings. hedonistic and sociable nature. Living life to the
The relationships Tanares elves form with other species are fullest, they constantly seek new experiences and
shaped by their long lifespans. They often approach friend- pleasures. These Elves embody the teachings of their patron
ships and alliances cautiously, aware that they may outlive deity, Òigridh, the Lady of Summer and Queen of Fire, who
many of their companions. Nevertheless, they deeply cherish champions the pursuit of positive emotions and hope.
the bonds they forge, recognizing the transient nature of their Their vibrant and luxurious lifestyle often leads Summer
friends’ lives compared to their own. As a testament to their Elves to confront penumbral creatures such as Penumbral
Envys, Greeds, Gluttonies, and Lusts. Driven by disdain for


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

the Ungods’ corruption of emotions, they strive to bring he Spring Elves of Tanares are a deeply spir-
positivity and hope to those they encounter. Engaging with itual and dedicated group, entrusted with the criti-
penumbral creatures is an inherent part of their journey to cal task of caring for the 10 remaining Mother Trees
promote new experiences and combat the forces of darkness. in the Sindile Forest. These mighty trees, originally 12 in
Summer Elves are particularly drawn to the company of number, are essential to maintaining balance in the world, as
humans, finding their constant change and strong emotions they filter out negative emotions and combat the corruptive
captivating. They often live and travel between human cit- influence of the Ungods.
ies, embracing their dynamic nature and thriving in their The health and color of the Mother Trees serve as a visual in-
diverse communities. This proximity leads to most of the dicator of the world’s level of corruption. As the trees darken,
half-elves in Tanares being half-Summer Elves, a testament the Spring Elves know that it’s time to perform rituals using
to the deep connection formed between them. rare herbs and their unique druidic magic. These cleansing
As natural wanderers, many Summer Elves become traders ceremonies purify the trees, enabling them to continue their
and merchants. Their deity, Òigridh, views trade as an act vital work of filtering out corruption.
that brings happiness to both parties involved, considering Spring elves have brown, dark blond or terroirs colored
it an essential means of spreading positivity and weakening hairs, round facial features, they are shorter and slender, but
the Ungods. In their travels, Summer Elves explore new ex- possess more strength than meets the eyes.
periences, including diverse forms of art, unique individuals, Spring Elves are led by the Guardians, an elite group of
captivating music, and exotic drinks. They often establish warriors dedicated to defending their home forest. These
connections and relationships with various cultures, en- skilled archers boast exceptional camouflage abilities, blend-
riching their knowledge and understanding of the world. ing seamlessly into their surroundings. Some Guardians wield
Summer Elves typically exhibit darker skin tones and
beautiful black hair, often kept long and styled in intricate
ways. Their attire is as exuberant and expressive as their
personalities, frequently featuring fine, vibrant clothing that
showcases their love for art and emotion. This striking ap-
pearance reflects their inner passion and the vivacity they
infuse into every aspect of their lives.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score is
increased by 1. You can also increase one oth-
er ability score of your choice by 1, except for
Dexterity and Charisma.
Ancestral Summer Magic. Through your
people’s tradition and passionate spirit,
you gain access to spells to influence oth-
ers. You know one cantrip of your choice
from the Enchantment school. When you
reach 5th level, you can choose a 2nd-lev-
el Enchantment spell and cast it once
with this trait. At 7th level, you can cast
the tongues spell once with this trait.
You regain the ability to cast these spells
when you finish a long rest. During character creation, you
choose whether your spellcasting ability for these spells is
Intelligence or Wisdom.

Spring Elves
Deeply spiritual elves, deeply tied to nature, they protect the
Sindile Forest and the Mother Trees, using druidic magic
to maintain balance and combat the Ungods’ corruption
in the world.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

powerful arrows crafted from the branches of the Mother long rest. During character creation, you choose whether your
Trees, imbuing their attacks with potent mystical energy. spellcasting ability for these spells is Wisdom or Charisma.
All of their weapons are made from the enchanted wood
found only in Sindile. Autumn Elves
In addition to their guardianship duties, Spring Elves cul-
tivate and nurture the trees that grow in the presence of Noble and aristocratic elves with exceptional mastery of
the Mother Trees. This special care results in the creation magic, specializing in abjuration, illusion and wind. Their
of enchanted wood, a resilient and magical material with a knights believe in noblesse oblique, seen as their duty to
wide range of applications. From weapons and shields to combat the Ungods and protect weaker elves.
ships and buildings, this enchanted wood enables the con-

struction of items far stronger and more durable than their he Autumn Elves are distinguished by their
ordinary counterparts. innate sense of nobility, exceptional mastery of
magic, and a strong sense of duty. Particularly
Traits: skilled in abjuration, illusion, and wind magic, these Elves
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score is increased have honed their abilities to create intricate wards and mag-
by 1. You can also increase one other ability score of your ically enchanted pylons, setting them apart from other elven
choice by 1, except for Dexterity and Wisdom. subcultures.
Ancestral Spring Magic: Through your connection to na- Autumn Elves typically possess regal, stern features that
ture and the power of the forests, you gain access to spells convey their sense of nobility and seriousness. With sharp,
linked to life. You know one cantrip of your choice from the angular facial structures, they exude an air of authority and
druid spell list. When you reach 5th level, you can choose a wisdom, reflecting their dedication to the magic pursuit and
2nd-level druid spell and cast it once with this trait. At 7th lev- their serious belief in noblesse oblique.
el, you can cast the speak with plants spell once with this trait. Their advanced magical prowess has enabled the Autumn
You regain the ability to cast these spells when you finish a Elves to construct entire flying cities, which showcase their
exceptional talent in manipulating reality. By employing
arrays of illusions, they can create tangible mirages, that can
be touched or used as real objects, that can defy the laws of
physics, provide individuals with the power of flight through
illusory wings, and even conjure mythical servant creatures
that possess combat capabilities.
To maintain their cities’ unique defenses and magical con-
structs, Autumn Elves must periodically shift their cities
to the Penumbral Plane and harvest mystical energy from
penumbral creatures. Elite groups of mystical knights, often
supported by mercenaries and adventurers, are tasked with
this vital responsibility.
Aibidh, the Lord of Autumn and King of Wind, bestows
the most accomplished mystical knights with Stormbirds as
their steeds. These elemental creatures of the storm serve
as loyal and powerful mounts, further enhancing the noble
warriors’ combat prowess and ability to navigate the treach-
erous Penumbral Plane.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score is
increased by 1. You can also increase one other abil-
ity score of your choice by 1, except for Dexterity
and Intelligence.
Ancestral Autumn Magic. Through the
magical legacy and ancestry of your peo-
ple, you gain access to spells. You know
one cantrip of your choice from the
Abjuration school. When you reach
5th level, you can choose a 2nd-lev-
el Abjuration spell and cast it
once with this trait. At 7th level,


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

you can cast the remove curse spell once with this trait. You Culture of Necromancy
regain the ability to cast these spells when you finish a long Only twenty years ago, the Winter Elves and Kemets were
rest. During character creation, you choose whether your a single, united group. However, the failure of the Kemet
spellcasting ability for these spells is Wisdom or Charisma. Invasion caused a schism that split them into distinct fac-
tions. Despite this separation, both groups share core cultural
Winter Elves And Kemets traits deeply rooted in necromancy and mastery over death,
a knowledge they stole from the Kepesh.
Proud and obstinate elven necromancers, these militaris- The living and the undead coexist seamlessly in their cities.
tic and hierarchical elves live alongside undeads and are Undead horses pull wagons, and mindless undead perform
currently divided by factions loyal to Gullog (Kemets) and menial tasks like cleaning or guarding locations. This inte-
Baraelmer (Winter Elves). gration into daily life demonstrates how both factions have

overcome the fear of death. Moreover, the undead serve a
he Winter Elves and the Kemets, two factions
crucial role in their military, forming the backbone of infantry
of the same species, share a common origin but
troops. Their emotionless nature and the lack of families and
differ in their goals and beliefs. Their dark, grayish,
loved ones prevent the Ungods from gaining power when
or purple skin and contrasting white hair complement their
the undeads are destroyed in battle, making them excellent
incredible strength, which belies their slender frames. Their
troops to reduce the chances of a Malrokian Curse cataclysm.
proud, cold, and obstinate demeanor reflects their advanced
Both Winter Elves and Kemets organize themselves into
culture, characterized by patience, wisdom, and an accep-
clan-based societies. Prominent clans reside in massive pyr-
tance of death.
amid-shaped buildings, which serve as both residences and
The Elf Migrations led these beings to settle in the frigid
bureaucratic centers. A hierarchy extends from the ancient
region of Reginherath, where they became known as Winter
Patriarchs and Matriarchs at the summit to lower-ranking
Elves. They sought power and knowledge to purify their
members at the base, where public offices and accessible
goddess Bás of corruption and restore her benevolent nature.
areas can be found.
This quest led them to explore various planes, including the
Though the Winter Elves and Kemets have diverged in
Penumbral Plane, where dark entities manipulated them. The
beliefs and goals, their necromantic practices remain a
Winter Elves discovered a prophecy foretelling the world’s
key element of their cultures. The Winter Elves, now allied
end at the hands of the Ungods, stating that the Kemets must
with the Republic of Freelands, are relearning their ancient
conquer the world to prevent this fate. Desperate and recog-
Water Elementalism and using their necromancy and na-
nizing elements of the prophecy in their reality, they changed
val knowledge to battle Gullog’s forces. They have recently
their name to Kemets and resolved to fulfill the prophecy.
formed a close bond with the Celestianist clerics of Bauron
The Kemets adopted a militaristic society, subjugating
to exchange information on undead control and elimination.
the Kepesh people and seizing their necromantic knowl-
Conversely, the Kemets embrace the corrupted elementalism
edge. They organized themselves into family clans dwelling
of ice, wielding it to command undead hordes. Their shared
in pyramid-shaped structures, symbolizing their mastery
foundation in necromancy continues to shape both factions,
over death. The use of undead became commonplace, even
even as they carve out unique paths in the aftermath of the
for menial tasks in their cities.
Kemet Invasion.
Centuries after conquering Darkall, the Kemets invad-
ed Tanares, expecting victory and prophecy fulfillment. Traits:
However, their invasion failed, and they spiraled into de-
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
spair, resigned to the world’s inevitable end. Bás, the god-
by 1. You can also increase one other ability score of your
dess of winter and death, offered them another path. While
choice by 1, except for Dexterity and Constitution.
some Kemets deserted, many joined Bás’s cult, seeking to
Ancestral Kemet Magic. Through your connection with
create a realm of eternal ice and undeath, impervious to the
the ancestral power of your people over death, you gain
Ungods’ corruption.
access to spells. You know one cantrip of your choice from
Conversely, those Kemets who repented after the war re-
the necromancy school. When you reach 5th level, you can
verted to being called Winter Elves. Led by Baraelmer, they
choose a 2nd-level necromancy spell and cast it once with
aim to redeem the Kemets and restore Bás’s benevolence.
this trait. At 7th level, you can cast the speak with dead spell
They continue to practice necromancy and employ undead,
once with this trait. You regain the ability to cast these spells
but now honor the dead by only using the bodies of those
when you finish a long rest. During character creation, you
who permit it after death.
choose whether your spellcasting ability for these spells is
Baraeumer’s Winter Elves assist the Republic in defending
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
the coasts against the Kemet’s undead-powered fleet, sta-
tioned in the Storm Islands. Their expertise in naval warfare
and newly rediscovered Water Elementalism helps to counter
the Kemet’s advantage at sea.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Halflings During the Malrokian Kingdom era, many halflings joined
the realm, yet their villages stayed neutral. The Malrokian
Curious adventurers who love food, celebrations, and na- Curses never affected halfling farmlands, which served
ture. They worship Fruitful, a Feywild deity and have a Pact as sanctuaries.
with powerful Faeries. Halflings are known for being mer- The Kemet invasion brought a new challenge: an ancient
ry, friendly, and for hunting magical beasts. They formed a Lich unleashed a necromantic plague evading faeries’ heal-
Council of Nature to combat undead threats. ing abilities. Halfling farmlands were contaminated, crops
perished, and individuals turned undead. On the brink of

collapse, halfling communities were saved by resistance he-
n Tanares, halflings are the joyful, curious, and
roes who ended the plague.
energetic feywarden cultivators, deeply connected to the
Feeling indebted, halflings vowed to actively fight
faeries and the Feywild. Standing at half a man’s height,
Penumbral forces and necromancy. The Council of Orchards
with a slender build, small pointed ears, and distinct faeric
began training individuals to battle the undead and promote
features, ranging from the endearing cuteness to the feral
healing and protection against Penumbral threats. Halflings
fierceness of some faeries.
now strive to spread joy and hope beyond their lands, weak-
Halfling communities form idyllic havens of farming and
ening Ungods’ power by reducing negative emotions and
country life, adorned with vivid flowers and bountiful or-
fostering positivity
chards. They honor Fruitful, the Fey Goddess of joy, abun-
dance, farming, and hospitality, by maintaining enchanted
sacred orchards that serve as both temples and homes for
Food, Hospitality,
their guardian faeries. and Dancing
Local elders, guided by these guardian faeries, form a de-
Since their genesis, halflings have wholeheartedly embodied
cision-making triad for their community. Complex matters
Fruitful’s teachings of hospitality and joy. As the Ungods’
are addressed by the Council of the Orchards, a gathering of
darkness threatened Tanares, they persisted in cultivating
elders in the Feywild, while minor disputes are resolved by
lands with positivity and hope.
local elders or through lighthearted sling duels.
Alarmed by the Ungods’ malevolent power, the Feywild
As Guardians of the Feywild in Tanares, halflings may be
lords protected halflings and guided them in nature and
underestimated due to their small stature and whimsical
faerie magic. This tutelage honed their abilities as druids,
nature, but they wield formidable power through their alli-
rangers, and clerics, enabling them to defend their lands
ance with the Archfeys. Their vibrant spirit and joy serve as
against the Ungods’ minions effectively.
a powerful counterbalance to the negative emotions feeding
Through frequent festivities and weekly banquets brim-
the dark forces of the Penumbral Plane.
ming with music, dance, and feasts, halflings strengthened
Halflings embrace their guardianship role with pride and
their alliance with the Archfeys, safeguarding their sacred
dedication, vigilantly protecting their farms and upholding
orchards from corruption. With the faeries’ blessings, hal-
the ancient pact with the faeries. They offer weekly banquets
flings uniquely evaded the Malrokian Curse’s devastation
in honor of their alliance, showcasing their sacred duty of
and resisted the infiltration of the cunning purple witches.
hospitality. This food-loving and cheerful species stands as
As the ultimate confrontation with the Ungods approaches,
a beacon of hope against the threats of the Ungods, their
the Archfeys and halfling elders recognize the critical role
villages working as shelters against corruption, and their
they must play in this battle. Halfling communities must
people as exemplars of hospitality, happiness, and simplicity.
now extend beyond providing refuge for the weary. They
are called to spread joy, share their wisdom, and offer solace
The Halfling History to the people of Tanares. In undertaking these actions, they
Halflings emerged in Tanares during the Age of the Gods become a great weapon against the Ungods, symbolizing
when, according to myth, Fruitful created them from the hope and a bright future amid the darkness.
realm’s most fertile soil. By curbing negative emotions that fuel their enemies and
Their pacifist nature and physical frailty initially left them inspiring hope throughout Tanares, halflings emerge as leg-
vulnerable to Ungod invasions. The halflings’ elders and endary champions of the Feywild against the Ungods. Their
priests sought guidance from Fruitful, who led them to unwavering commitment to spreading positivity and joy
the Feywild and Archfeys of Fruitful’s court. In exchange stands as a beacon of hope, courage, and unity in the face
for eternal hospitality and weekly banquets, the Archfeys of overwhelming adversity.
pledged protection.
Halflings built enchanting orchards around Fruitful’s The Faypact
temples, housing the Archfeys’ servants, and established
Most fey creatures follow a unique and strange set of rules,
self-contained villages. They offered shelter to travelers but
and Archfeys must ask for payment for whatever aid they
remained neutral in external affairs.
provide. When Fruitful interceded to protect the halflings,


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

she demanded the Archefeys make a pact with their elders. Recently, countries across Tanares have taken notice of
The Archfeys would send faeries to guide and defend the the halflings’ advanced farming techniques and their unique
halflings. In return, each town would hold a weekly banquet ability to magically enhance the land, shield their fields, and
honoring an Archfey, who would be their most esteemed regulate the weather on a large scale. Many nations seek to
guest. The extent of protection provided by the Archfeys is access these skills to boost food production and gain an
directly proportional to the banquet’s merriment, giving rise advantage in the ongoing cold war, as it would sway public
to the legendary halfling parties across Tanares. opinion in their favor.
Halflings excel at transforming simple celebrations into Occasionally, faeries bless or curse the giant fruits and
grand events, and faeries of many kinds eagerly partake in vegetables in halfling fields. Thieves stealing from these fields
their weekly festivities. Each year, on Fruitful’s sacred day, may receive minor curses, while others may enjoy minor
halfling communities gather to host a massive banquet, shar- blessings bestowed by the faeries.
ing stories of their exploits and culinary delights. On this
day of celebration, they always hold a contest for the best Revenge against the Undead
cook, hunter, and dancer of the year, who each receive a
The halflings suffered immense losses during the Kemet
leafy crown and a unique faerie blessing.
Invasion two decades ago when their lands were plagued
Legend has it that these blessings bestow gifts tailored to the
by an incurable undead disease. The severity of this trage-
recipient’s needs, from extended youth and magical swords to
dy disrupted the weekly banquets, causing the Archfeys to
immunity from disease and curses. Though the authenticity
temporarily withdraw their protection.
of these claims is debated, halflings cherish this tradition and
Following the war, the Archfeys, feeling disgraced, guid-
strive to earn the blessings with unwavering determination.
ed halfling elders to train druids and clerics specializing in
The Lushlands Blessing undead destruction. Halflings seek vengeance for their lost
kin, while the faeries aim to restore their pride after being
Halflings are renowned for their exceptional farming abilities, caught off-guard and unable to cure the necromantic plague
producing oversized vegetables and rearing gigantic farm an- due to the Pact’s restrictions.
imals, with each town boasting a Sacred Orchard that serves Now, halflings and faeries unite against not only the
as both a temple and a dwelling for the fey guardians. These Ungods, but also the Kemets and Kepesh, whose necromantic
faeries’ presence wards off penumbral corruption, infusing powers are considered vile by the halfling people. They’ve
the soil with magic that enables halflings to grow massive, allied with Elementalists and Elves to oppose Gullog and are
delectable fruits and vegetables, immune to natural pests inclined to support anyone fighting the Kepesh.
and diseases. They also control the weather to create ideal
conditions for farming and festivities.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Humans often falter in heeding the gods’ will, their devotion remains
true in their hearts.
The humans of Tanares possess fiery souls, feeling emotions While most humans direct their prayers to Tamera and
intensely, which fuels their unparalleled determination. Their Bauron of the Celestianist faith, all gods and faiths have
versatility, numbers, and passionate spirits have shaped his- human followers, including the sinister Ungods that seek to
tory, giving rise to many kingdoms and the most legendary corrupt the world, as humans are the most common mem-
heroes and villains in history. bers of the ranks of cultists of the Cult of Shadow Wing,
the followers of the Ungods. In a world torn by strife and

n Tanares, humans have been gifted with ardent divine conflict between the gods and the ungods, humans
spirits and compassionate hearts by the gods. Their emo- hold the power to shape their own destiny and the future
tions are felt with unparalleled intensity; love and joy of Tanares, as the world hangs on the balance between the
burn brightly within them, while hatred and anger can con- gods and the ungods forces.
sume them like raging storms. This passion has given rise
to some of history’s most legendary heroes. However, this Human History
intensity has also given rise to some of the most nefarious In the Age of Gods, the humans, driven by devotion wor-
villains, whose evil deeds empower the enigmatic Ungods, shiped the gods and built great realms, though their envy
causing widespread suffering across the land. of angels and dragons led them to seek power and mystical
Humans display a variety of physical traits, from short knowledge, resulting in wars among realms.
and sturdy to thin and high, from dark to light complex- One kingdom, desperate for power, resorted to summon-
ions and hairs, they also have a huge cultural variety. From ing eldritch Ungods through a portal, unleashing sinister
the patriotic and free-spirited people of the Republic to the entities upon Tanares. Gods, angels, and dragons united to
aristocratic and rigid manners of the Empire, the honorable combat the cosmic horrors, slaying one Ungod and banishing
and dedicated citizens of Yama, and the strong, savage, and the rest to divine realms. However, the corruption inflicted
word-bound barbarians of Kolbjorn. The tapestry of human on Tanares spawned the Penumbra Plane and created the
culture is complex and ever-changing, as humans change Malrokian Curse.
and evolve their societies constantly. In the aftermath, mortals rebuilt their kingdoms, striving
Born with indomitable spirits, humans have an innate to follow the gods’ commands and control negative emo-
ability to lead and inspire. Their heartfelt words serve as tions. King Malrok, a legendary figure, unified realms
rallying cries that draw others to their cause. and species under the Malrokian Kingdom, fostering a
Many harness their charisma to unite di- period of unity. Eventually, corruption took hold, and
verse species against the Ungods, forging the Purple Witches, servants of the Ungods, stirred
vital alliances in the midst of a tense conflict that fed the Ungods and caused the cata-
cold war. Yet, others use this gift to clysm of a Malrokian Curse, nearly annihilating
establish malicious cults, spreading all civilizations.
corruption and unrest. Following this catastrophe, a dark age
The impassioned nature of descended upon Tanares, and humans
humans grants them unpar- turned to religious fanaticism, which re-
alleled faith and determina- sulted in the strengthened influence of
tion, which can be channeled the Inquisition and the church. Centuries
for good or for evil. The most later a dissident faction seeking power
zealous individuals are often founded the Mystical Kingdom, dedicat-
humans, with even the com- ed to magic and resisting the Celestianist
mon folk possessing a depth Church oppression. Initially peaceful, it
of faith that amazes other succumbed to strife and conflict, culmi-
species. Though humans may nating in another devastating war and
the second Malrokian Curse.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Baleroth, a survivor from the Mystical Kingdom, estab- a descendant with the potential to unlock exceptional di-
lished the oppressive Tanarean Empire in alliance with the vine-like abilities.
Celestianist Church, suppressing dissents to prevent wars The Ancient Blood, believed to be a gift from Tamera
and penumbral corruption. Yet not even it endured the test and Bauron to combat the Ungods, grants its bearers ac-
of time, after the Kemet Invasion the empire was fractured, cess to extraordinary powers beyond the scope of mortal
heralding the Heroes Age as the continent split into inde- magic. Among notable humans, accomplished spellcasters
pendent regions. like Avelum, Torygg, Sara Sonata, and Queen Tyreen are
Now, humans navigate a chaotic landscape, seeking their rumored to have drawn upon the Ancient Blood’s power,
path amid the turmoil. Some champion the Freelands’ he- attaining unmatched magical prowess.
roes and its freedom, while others advocate for Baleroth’s Besides spellcaster, many other human heroes are rumored
Empire to reunify the continent. Diverse regions strive to to carry Ancient Blood such as Ohris, Sir Erick, and Garion.
forge their own destinies. Despite that, all information about who really has Ancient
In this turbulent era, humans must confront inner tur- Blood is mere speculation and rumor, as it is currently un-
moil and the Ungods’ influence. Their indomitable spirits known what individuals really have it, as those who do strive
and compassionate hearts are crucial in determining their to keep it a secret. Individuals that display this power care-
fate and maintaining the balance between good and evil in lessly will quickly become targets for evil beings, or be forced
Tanares. By learning from their past, resisting the tempta- to join one of the many factions or countries looking to use
tion of power, and uniting against adversity, humans hold its unique powers.
Carriers of Ancient Blood need to be especially careful
the key to shaping their destiny, forging alliances against the
with the enigmatic Watchers, servants of Golgöggoth, who
Ungods, and preventing further catastrophes.
relentlessly pursue humans who display signs of awakened
Heroes, Villains and Kingdoms Ancient Blood, as they seek to transform them into emo-
tionless obedient servants to fight against the Ungods. The
In the vast world of Tanares, humans stand out as the species Watchers are enemies of the Ungods, but their spare no em-
with the highest number of both heroes and villains, shaping pathy for mortals and are willing to do anything to achieve
the course of history in the most important realms. While their goal of destroying the Ungods’ spawns.
their widespread presence contributes to this fact, it is their Whispers abound of a chosen one with an even stronger
unyielding spirits and heart-guided souls that set them apart, manifestation of the Ancient Blood, who some say has awak-
imbuing them with unparalleled determination. ened its powers during the Kemet War. While this could be
Throughout history, humans have led many of the most only a rumor, one thing is true, Golgöggoth minions increase
prominent kingdoms and have given rise to legendary fig- their efforts in search of Ancient Blood and indeed seem to
ures. Names like King Malrok, the most powerful individual be looking for one or more specific individuals.
ever known; Avelum, the world’s most accomplished wiz-
ard; Torrygg, the legendary sage of the Mystical Kingdom; The Malrokian Artifacts
Baleroth, the oppressive emperor who ruled Tanares for cen- In the annals of Tanares, tales of King Malrok’s legendary
turies; Vaeraunt, the cunning villain closest to the true source artifacts continue to captivate the hearts and minds of ad-
of magic; Sedura, the dragon-slaying champion; Gideoni, the venturers. Among these relics, the Penumbral Bane’s Light,
once High Cardeal that was in fact a leader of the Cult of a longsword forged from enigmatic metal, glows with a sil-
Shadow Wing infiltrated on the heart of the Church; Tellatius, very radiance, rumored to vanquish even the mightiest pen-
the revolutionary founder of Tanares’ first republic; Sara umbral beings. The Malrokian Aegis, forged from the rare
the Seer, a masterful divinator; and Zalir, the famous Relic material Tameranium, is believed to possess the ability to
Hunter’s Guild Master, exemplify the vast array of legendary effortlessly deflect any attack, providing its wielder with un-
human heroes and villains. paralleled protection. The Ancient Blood Amulet, a potent
While Tanares boasts powerful individuals from various artifact, awakens the mysterious Ancient Blood, endowing
species, none can deny the prominence, versatility, diversity, its wielder with reality-bending powers. Shrouded in secrecy,
and strength of humans. As the majority of countries are the Elder Mantle bestows immense strength and resilience,
ruled and inhabited by humans, their impact on the world transforming a mere commoner into a formidable warrior.
is undeniable. In the epic saga of Tanares, humans contin- Speculation surrounds the current whereabouts of these
ue to forge the path of history, leaving a lasting legacy and enchanted items. Whispers suggest Baleroth conceals the
inspiring future generations to rise to greatness. Elder Mantle beneath his robes, while others believe Avelum
unearthed the Ancient Blood Amulet within Reginherath’s
Ancient Blood Crystal Tower. The Penumbral Bane’s Light is thought to be
either in the possession of the King of Kolbjorn or lost amidst
In the rich history of Tanares, certain humans possess a rare the ruins where Malrok last brandished it. The true nature
and powerful trait known as the Ancient Blood. Said to be a of these artifacts’ magic and their connection to the Ancient
legacy passed down from King Malrok, this mystical power Blood remain steeped in mystery, as treasure hunters face
may remain dormant for generations, only to resurface in fierce rivals in their quest to harness such formidable power.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Uncommon Species Dragonborn Traits in Tanares:
Below we will present the differences of the uncommon classic Age. Dragonborn were created to be perfect soldiers, and
species in Tanares (dragonborns, gnomes, orcs, and tieflings) their cloning process results in them being born with the
in relation to their descriptions in the materials of the 5th physical size and development of a 15-year-old human.
Edition. It is worth remembering that the mechanical char- They reach biological adulthood by the age of 5, but are not
acteristics of these species are provided in the basic books considered adults until they complete 15 years of training.
of the aforementioned material. Dragonborn can live up to four thousand years.
When assuming the roles of Half-Elf or Half-Orc charac-
ters, players should consult the sections of this book dedicated Dragonborn History
to Human, Elf, and Orc species in order to gain a deeper
understanding of the cultural nuances and societal intricacies. During the Age of the Gods, Tanares faced invasion from
the Ungods. To combat this threat, the Draconic Council

Dragonborn created the Dragonborn through a monumental magical

act. Forty exceptional warriors were mystically crafted, each
possessing a fragment of their creators’ power.
Clones of legendary heroes created by dragons over 3 millen-
After the first war against the Ungods, only six legendary
nia ago, each Dragonborn holds immense potential. While
Dragonborn heroes emerged alive. These survivors became
they share unique characteristics based on their color, these
legendary heroes and revered ancients of the Council. To
individuals strive to establish their own identity without
recover their army and keep the Ungod minions in check
losing pride in their legendary hero originators.
the Council used magic to clone the six heroes, creating new

Dragonborn with the same potential, but they could not
ver three millennia ago, the Dragonborn clone the memories and experiences of their predecessors.
were created by the Draconic Council using pow- Over time, Dragonborn assumed new roles to protect
erful magic and immense sacrifices. They were Tanares and serve the Council. They guarded the Draconic
designed to be the perfect soldiers in the battle against the Towers, ventured into the treacherous Penumbral Plane,
Ungods. Of the initial 40 Dragonborn, only six legendary
and combated the spread of Ungods’ corruption. During the
heroes survived. The Council cloned these warriors to
Kemet invasion, they focused on protecting the world from
strengthen their forces against the minions of the Ungods
Penumbral Forces, while mortal armies fought the invad-
in the Penumbral Plane. Each Dragonborn bears a unique
ers. The war’s aftermath allowed Ungods’ servants to spread
color—golden, black, red, green, white, or blue—and exhibits
corruption, prompting the Council to deploy Dragonborn
distinctive personality traits.
on a wider array of missions.
Dragonborn of the same color share identical appearances
but distinguish themselves through tattoos, piercings, mark-
ings, and clothing. The six colors form a diverse tapestry of
The Legacy of the Six Heroes
characters, with each embodying the essence of their leg- In the first war against the Ungods, the six legendary origi-
endary progenitor: passionate Red, analytical Blue, stead- nal Dragonborn played crucial roles. To this day, their very
fast White, charismatic Green, enigmatic Black, and com- existence poses a threat to the Ungods’ armies. They act as
passionate Golden. mentors to new Dragonborn and field leaders on the most
The six original Dragonborn still live, with one even hold- important missions of the Draconic Council.
ing the position of a Dragon Avatar, one of the leaders of Kaldris, the Red Originator, is known as the Crimson
the Council. While most Dragonborn remain loyal to the Blade. Clad in fiery-red armor and wielding a scorching
Council, some choose to follow their own paths, which dis- greatsword, Kaldris single-handedly vanquished a horde of
pleases many dragons. However, suppressing this indepen- powerful Penumbral Fear and Shadow Wing Cultists that
dence would risk inciting doubt among the loyal Dragonborn, threatened an ancient capital. His fierce demeanor and un-
so they are allowed their freedom. wavering belief in the power of camaraderie make him an
Dragonborn often lead military-oriented lives, dedicating invaluable leader on the battlefield. Some say he can drink
their time to training, studying, and improving their skills.
all the liquor in a tavern without passing out.
Their culture and relationships are deeply tied to their history
Thalara, the Blue Originator, also known as the Thousand-
as the armies of the Draconic Council, shaping their ways
Frosts Tactician, wears ice-crusted armor and wields a staff
of talking, acting, and thinking to reflect military hierarchy,
that can summon blizzards. Her brilliant strategies saved
loyalty to camaraderie, and a sense of brotherhood-in-arms.
her comrades during the Siege of the Penumbral Fortress, a
They frequently serve as guardians of the Council Towers or as
seemingly insurmountable battle. Her intellect and strategic
elite units combating the Ungods’ servants in the Penumbral
mind are vital for outmaneuvering the Ungods’ schemes to
Plane. When assigned to missions in cities inhabited by other
this day. She enjoys writing fantasy books in her spare time.
species, they are both respected and feared for their draconic
Valorus, the White Originator, is hailed as the Shield of
ties. Dragonborn are generally suspicious of other species,
the Innocent. Adorned with silver-white armor, a shining
always vigilant for signs of corruption.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

longsword, and a massive shield, he protected countless ensuring that their collective might will prevail against the
villages from the wrath of corrupted dragons during the darkness that threatens Tanares.
war. His unwavering loyalty and commitment to protecting
the innocent make him an unbreakable bastion against the Six Colors of Magical Clones
Ungods. He likes to disguise with a magic item to travel in-
Dragonborns, while each possessing unique individual traits,
cognito into small villages and towns, helping poor people,
share the appearance and some personality aspects of one
especially orphaned children, in need.
of the six original cloned heroes. A clone may be male or
Sylvara, the Green Originator, known as the Whispering
female, regardless of the original’s gender, though the same
Wind, wears sleek green armor and wields twin daggers.
gender is most common.
She infiltrated the heart of many Ungod strongholds during
The six distinct Dragonborn colors provide the Draconic
the war, retrieving vital information for war plans. Her wit
Council’s army with the diversity needed to confront the Cult
and charm have allowed her to unite unlikely allies against
of Shadow Wing on various fronts. Dragonborns are trained
the dark forces. She loves gold and is always trying to build
in the areas where they excel, resulting in Green Dragonborn
more wealth for herself, but she hates spending it.
scouts and spies, Golden Dragonborn clerics and paladins,
Zarkon, the Black Originator, is the Silent Shadow. Cloaked
and Red Dragonborn Dragonblades and Fighters.
in black armor, he wields a great bow capable of piercing
through the darkest of evils. His patience and wisdom al-
Red. Red Dragonborns, passionate and bold, embody ca-
lowed him to strike down many of the Ungods’ command-
maraderie and fearlessness. Resembling legendary progenitor
ers during the war, his shots carrying deadly precision. His
Kaldris, they have fiery-red scales and muscular builds. They
ability to make tough choices is still considered essential in
enjoy festivities and social gatherings, and have a high alcohol
confronting the Ungods. He has a personal hatred for rich
tolerance. Valuing bravery and decisiveness, they can be im-
or powerful people who fall to evil and lose themselves in
pulsive and competitive. Their unwavering courage represents
dark emotions, blaming them for the constant growth of
hope for Tanares’ people in the fight against the Ungods.
the Ungods’ armies.
Alternative Rule - Kaldris’ Strength. Ability Score Increase.
Auros, the Golden Originator, has become a Dragon
Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution
Avatar. Wearing golden armor and a shield, and wielding
score increases by 1. Requires GM approval.
a hammer imbued with divine energy, Auros saved thou-
sands of warriors, angels, and even some of his Dragonborn
Blue. Blue Dragonborns are analytical, strategic, and dis-
comrades in the ancient Ungods’ war, turning the tide in
ciplined, reflecting Thalara’s keen intellect and blue-scaled,
many crucial battles. His compassion and devotion to the
gods provide hope and inspiration to all Dragonborn in
their fight against the Ungods. He is a devout follower of
Tamera and Bauron, but for some reason, he never joined
or liked the Evolutionist Church and still distrusts the
Celestianist reformation.
The six legendary Dragonborn serve as mentors
and role models for the new Dragonborn, guid-
ing them in their struggles against the Ungods.
Their achievements serve as a testament to
the potential of each Dragonborn,


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

scholarly appearance. They value structure and efficiency but Black. Black Dragonborns, enigmatic and relentless, mir-
can be arrogant. Respected for their problem-solving skills, ror Zarkon’s jet-black scales and long horns, as well as his
they are indispensable assets in the fight against the Ungods. preference for concealing attire. They seek understanding
Alternative Rule - Thalara’s Intellect. Ability Score and walk morally ambiguous paths. Their determination
Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your and willingness to make tough choices create reliable allies
Wisdom score increases by 1. Requires GM approval. in the battle against the Ungods.
Alternative Rule - Zarkon’s Versatility. Ability Score
White. White Dragonborns, steadfast and honorable, share Increase. You increase four different scores by 1. Requires
the loyalty and silver-white scales of Valorus, as well as his GM approval.
serrated claws. They have a strong moral compass and ex-
cel in combat. While their rigid worldview can make them Golden. Golden Dragonborns, compassionate and devoted,
inflexible, their dedication makes them formidable allies exemplify Auros’ faith in gods Tamera and Bauron, as well as
against the Ungods. his radiant golden scales and very long, thin tail. Tirelessly
Alternative Rule - Valorus’ Resilience. Ability Score aiding others, they can be overly trusting and naive. Their
Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your steadfast loyalty and benevolence serve as a beacon of hope
Charisma score increases by 1. Requires GM approval. in the struggle against the Ungods.
Alternative Rule - Auros’ Wisdom. Ability Score Increase.
Green. Green Dragonborns, witty and adaptable, embody Your Wisdom score increases by 2, and your Charisma score
Sylvara’s playful nature, as well as her brilliant eyes and vi- increases by 1. Requires GM approval.
brant green scales. They enjoy socializing and possess cun-
ning minds, excelling in manipulation and diplomacy, but The unique characteristics of the six Dragonborn colors give
carrying a spark of greed and love for gold. Their ability to the Draconic Council army the variety needed to face the Cult
unite diverse forces against the Ungods is crucial. of Shadow Wing on all fronts. The individual Dragonborns’
Alternative Rule - Sylvara’s Guile. Ability Score Increase. strengths and talents contribute to a diverse and formidable
Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma score fighting force, crucial for protecting Tanares and its inhabi-
increases by 1. Requires GM approval. tants from the Ungods’ corruption.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Gnomes culture. The survivors, determined to preserve and restore
their lost knowledge and artwork, embarked on a path of
reconstruction. Their commitment to Lumina’s divine pur-
Scholarly and refined gnomes, gifted in arts and intellect by
pose has allowed them to weather these difficult times.
Lumina, goddess of knowledge. Dedicated to spreading wis-
During the Kemet Invasion, many gnome cities were be-
dom, culture, and beauty, they combat eldritch corruption
sieged by undead forces, effectively cutting them off from
indirectly through enlightenment and the transformative
providing direct assistance. However, a few individuals, such
power of education.
as the renowned composer Byot, did manage to aid the war

effort, though their overall presence was limited.
n Tanares, gnomes epitomize intellect, elegance, In the subsequent Age of Heroes, the gnomes forged a
and refinement. Conceived by Lumina, the goddess of strong alliance with the Republic. They were instrumental
knowledge, art, culture, and beauty, over three millen- in crafting the first laws, documents, bureaucratic systems,
nia ago during the Age of the Gods, these scholarly beings and political structures that laid the foundation for Tanares’
were molded from light and endowed with their deity’s vast first republican system. As a result, several gnomes rose to
knowledge. Their divine mission: to disseminate wisdom, prominence as esteemed parliamentarians.
art, and beauty throughout the world. The gnomes’ history is marked by both adversity and
Tanares’ gnomes boast a unique and exotic appearance triumph. Despite the challenges they have faced, their
that distinguishes them from other species. These small but unwavering dedication to the pursuit of knowledge, art,
elegant beings, standing around 3 to 3.5 feet tall, boast an and beauty has guided them
air of sophistication. With delicate features and expressive through the darkest of times.
eyes that gleam with intelligence, their skin tone ranges from Their indomitable spirit and
pale to earthy hues, while their hair displays a vibrant array deep-rooted connection to
of colors, often adorned in berets. They wear sophisticated Lumina’s divine mandate
attire, their fashionable presence mirroring their dedication continue to shine, inspiring
to high culture and aesthetic sensibilities. Their seemingly future generations and serv-
haughty demeanor stems from their commitment to elite ing as a testament to the
education and their inclination to undervalue individuals enduring legacy of the
with lesser knowledge. gnomes of Tanares.
Inspired by Lumina, these gnomes passionately delve in-
to the intricacies of the mind and the pinnacles of creative
expression. Their captivating art and architecture, as well
as their gourmet culinary masterpieces, reflect their relent-
less pursuit of excellence. Scholars, artists, and philosophers
alike, the gnomes leave an indelible mark on the cultural
tapestry of Tanares, shaping its heritage and inspiring gen-
erations to come.

The history of the gnomes in Tanares is a saga of resilience
and perseverance, interwoven with tales of devastation and
recovery. Created by the goddess Lumina over three thousand
years ago, these enlightened beings were charged with the
mission of spreading knowledge, art, and beauty through-
out the world. Yet, their journey has been punctuated by
immense challenges and losses.
Since the first Ungod invasion, the gnomes have been en-
gaged in an ongoing struggle against their eldritch corruption.
They’ve played a critical, albeit indirect, role in this conflict
by leveraging their intellect to continuously research the
enemy’s powers, plans, and motivations. This understanding
has enabled them to contribute significantly to the ongoing
battle by formulating the best paths of action to combat the
Ungods. At this time they founded the first bard schools of
Tanares, greatly advancing music and culture in the world.
Yet, the Malrokian Curses brought great suffering to gnome
society, as cataclysmic events twice ravaged their flourishing


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Enlightenment against The Universities of Light
Corruption In Tanares, the gnomes have founded the Universities of Light
In Tanares, gnomes uphold a principle that education is the in reverence to their goddess, Lumina. Renowned for their
key to solving societal ills. They firmly believe that spreading rigorous entry exams, these institutions prioritize intellectu-
knowledge, culture, and fine arts will uplift and enlighten al merit over social standing or wealth. Students delve into
the world, reducing the likelihood of war, crime, and evil philosophy, medicine, arts, and mathematics, with a unique
taking root. In doing so, they aim to improve society and emphasis on dreamscaping—an innovative form of mental
weaken the Ungods’ grasp on the world, as these malevo- exploration using magically-induced shared dream realms.
lent beings thrive on the negative emotions spawned by the Dreamscaping allows scholars and adventurers alike to
people’s suffering. engage in collaborative learning, debate, and artistic experi-
Gnomes dedicate themselves to the pursuit of knowl- ences within these shared dream worlds. These realms enable
edge and the fine arts, supporting institutions like the participants to visualize complex concepts, reconstruct his-
Academies of Light to educate and train individuals from torical events, or even interact with legendary figures from
diverse backgrounds. They embark on diplomatic missions the past, gaining invaluable knowledge and honing their
and cultural exchanges, sharing their wisdom and fostering abilities in ways otherwise impossible. Although anyone can
global understanding. partake in dreamscaping, specially trained university staff
This mindset reflects the gnomes’ unwavering belief in the are required to activate the magical apparatus and cast the
power of education as a transformative force. They envision necessary spells for entry.
a future where peace and understanding prevail, breaking Three preeminent Universities of Light stand out:
the cycle of violence and corruption that feeds the ungodly The Imperial University of Light. Located in the Imperial
entities. In their pursuit of a harmonious world, their ap- Capital, this university is celebrated for its practical approach
proach may appear to some as overly optimistic, as it hinges to teaching architecture and economics, though it remains
on the premise that education alone can reshape societies highly theoretical by non-gnomish standards. Many influ-
and eliminate the root causes of strife. ential imperial bureaucrats graduated here.
While the gnomes’ approach may often be called idealistic The Republic Academy of Light. Nestled in Fisherman’s
by other species, their devotion to the ideals of education, art, Wharf, the Republic’s capital, this academy fosters passionate
and culture speaks to their earnest desire to create a harmo- discourse on politics, religion, and ethics. Its alliance with
nious world. They remain hopeful that their strategy, Avelum’s Tower of Magic enriches the education of wizard
grounded in the transformative power of knowledge, apprentices, who study history, philosophy, mathematics,
will eventually usher in an era of en- and ethics here.
lightenment and peace. The Ancient Academy of Lumina. As the oldest gnomish
university, the Ancient Academy houses the most vast ar-
chive of books, scrolls, and artworks. It upholds strict en-
try requirements and would rather leave classrooms empty
than admit subpar students. This fosters an atmosphere
of intellectual elitism, nurturing both brilliant but often
arrogant scholars.

The Finest Artist

Throughout the history of Tanares, gnomes have been ac-
claimed as the finest artists, their expertise spanning paint-
ing, musical composition, and sculpture. Their ingenuity
and dedication to artistic expression have yielded remark-
able masterpieces that have become cultural treasures in
the world of Tanares.
One of the greatest living musicians, Maestro Byot, has
composed symphonies that captivate audiences with their
intricate melodies and emotional depth. Gnomes regard
these performances as transformative experiences that el-
evate the soul and foster a deeper understanding of their
cultural heritage.
Lost paintings, sculptures, and musical scores from the past
of all species are highly valuable to gnomes, with both rightful
owners and affluent individuals vying for their possession.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

This has led to a thriving market teeming with intrigue, where
adventurers and thieves navigate the delicate balance between
recovering ancient artwork, reclaiming stolen treasures, and Orcs are a strong and resilient yet misunderstood species,
fulfilling the desires of patrons with varied motivations. The divided into four distinct clans with their own customs and
legendary painter, Elothia Lightbrush, and sculptor, Vennara shamanistic practices centered on totem animals. They grap-
Whitewill, are prime examples of artists whose lost works ple with internal strife and dark shamanism, both conse-
are highly sought after. quences of insidious Ungod manipulations.
Newly discovered gnomish artists and artworks continue
to surface, inspiring awe and fascination. Among these, the
intricate glasswork of Felwyn Clearbloom and the enchant- Introducing the
ing verses of poet Lyris Softsong are rapidly gaining fame. Orcs of Tanares
The enduring legacy of gnomish artistry not only serves as a

source of pride for the gnomes of Tanares but also a source he orcs of Tanares, native to the rugged and
of income for many adventurers and thieves alike. arid expanse of the Tsvetan rock lands, are a resil-
ient and determined people. Their imposing stature,
The Exotic Gnomish Culinary marked by a muscular build, greenish skin, and prominent
tusks, often leads to misconceptions of savagery and brutal-
The gnomes of Tanares have elevated the culinary arts to ity. However, beneath this formidable exterior lies a species
unparalleled heights, crafting dishes that both captivate the deeply connected to their ancient customs, clan structure,
senses and delight the palate. Famed for their refined flavors and shamanistic beliefs.
and artful presentation, gnomish cuisine is sought after by Orc society consists of four distinct clans, each defined
influential nobles and discerning gourmands alike. Gnomish by its totem animal and unique way of life. The Spiked
chefs are seen as learned connoisseurs, creating a culinary Bones are famed for their prowess in worgen breeding and
style that embodies the finest traditions. mounted combat, sharing a profound bond with animals.
To prepare their gastronomic marvels, gnomes utilize ra- The Stone Fangs, skilled in stealth and hunting, draw upon
re and precious components, many of which can only be their nomadic roots and intricate knowledge of terrain and
obtained through the efforts of daring adventurers and ex- herbs. The Hot Bloods are steadfast warriors who adhere
plorers. Magical herbs, exotic parts of mystical creatures, to a strict code of respect for their elders, while the Strong
and other treasures are procured through audacious forays Fists value strength, simplicity, and living simple lives free
into dangerous realms of Tanares. The quest for these in- from greed and envy.
gredients often fuels thrilling adventures and impassions At the heart of each clan’s culture lies their shamanistic
intrepid explorers, who play a vital role in gnomish culi- practices, centered around embracing their relationship with
nary achievements. their totem animal and the environment. Led by the eldest
The market for such exotic goods is always thriving. The female shaman, these spiritual guides steer their tribes in
most rare components are sold into auctions with prices all aspects of life, except for combat and hunting, where the
based on the freshness and quality of the component. Many Warchiefs assume control. Above them, the Warlord leads
adventurers make their living procuring goods for great chefs. all Warchiefs within a clan, and the revered Red Mother, a
They search for magic items and devise unique strategies, all female orc chosen by the spirits, serves as the spiritual guide
to better find and preserve the components, allowing gnome for the entirety of the orc people.
master chefs to make divine creations. In a world fraught with challenges, from monstrous threats
A prime example is the esteemed Kraken Ink Sauce. Its deep to the corrupting influence of the Ungods and the linger-
sour flavor expertly enhances the taste of a variety of meats. ing wounds of the oppressive Tanarean Empire, the orcs’
The Manticore Tail Pastry features delectable manticore tail relationships with other species are complex. Though they
meat seasoned with unusual spices, encased in a delicate harbor distrust towards humans and elves, they maintain
puff pastry. The Basilisk Egg Soufflé highlights the singular a mutual respect with dwarves and Gloomfolks, exempli-
flavor of basilisk eggs, combined with sautéed leeks and a fying the diverse alliances and enmities that make up the
dash of enchantment, culminating in a light, airy delight. realm of Tanares.
Through their culinary prowess, gnomes embody their
erudition and cultivated taste, dedicating themselves to History
crafting experiences that elevate the senses. The tantalizing
creations of gnomish cuisine offer ample opportunities for The history of the orcs began in the Age of Gods when Tamera
those fortunate enough to partake, and the pursuit of these and Bauron crafted the world and its inhabitants. Blessed with
exquisite ingredients provides a wealth of inspiration for strength and tenacity, orcs were designed to thrive in Tanares’
adventurers eager to contribute to the gnomes’ legendary harsh south landscapes. However, the Ungods Invasion dis-
culinary artistry in Tanares. rupted peace, corrupting the world and plunging all life into
a desperate battle for survival. Led by their Warlord and the


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

first Red Mother, the most powerful shaman, the orcs pre- during the Imperial Age, marked by the rise of the Tanarean
sented a formidable challenge to the Ungods’ forces. Empire, the oppressed orcs gradually united. During the
In response, the Ungods unleashed a mighty corrupted Kemet Invasion, orc hero Katar seized the Lava Axe, pledging
ancient dragon upon the orcs. But the orcs triumphed, and to protect the Red Mother and restore her authority, thus
then following the Red Mother’s visions they made a deal unifying the orcs once more.
with the dwarves to forge the Lava Axe, a legendary weap- This unity was short-lived, as the ambitious orc Vharzog,
on that combined dwarven craftsmanship, orc shamanic allied with the Cult of Shadow Wing and the Ungods, ma-
powers, and the dragon’s blood. This weapon bolstered the nipulated events to gain power, ultimately killing the Red
orcs’ strength, enabling them to cause great damage to the Mother. Vharzog corrupted one of her disciples, secretly
Ungods’ armies and help push their aberrant armies back transforming her into a Dark Shaman empowered by the
to the Penumbral Plane. Ungods. As the clans teeter on the brink of civil war, Katar
Subsequently, the orcs established their first kingdom, the protects the true chosen disciple of the Red Mother, striving
Cauldron of Moritar. Flourishing under the Warlord and Red to preserve the orcs’ legacy amidst the growing darkness and
Mother’s unified leadership, the kingdom expanded until the the Dark Shamans’ influence.
cataclysmic Malrokian Curse, caused by corruption in the
northern human realms, devastated Tanares and destroyed The War on Ungods
nearly all civilizations. The orc kingdom fell, and their people
In ancient times, the orcs’ unyielding spirit and deep connec-
fragmented into distinct clans, each with unique customs.
tion with the spirits of the land served as formidable weapons
The Ungods, recognizing the orcs’ power when united,
against the insidious Ungods. Their shamanic powers and
sowed discord among the clans, inciting strife over the
exceptional courage provided them with innate resilience
Lava Axe and diminishing the Red Mother’s influence. But
to corruption, particularly when they united against a com-
mon enemy.
Adorned with intricate war paintings
crafted by shamans, the orc warriors
exuded immense resilience and
power on the battlefield. When
united under the Red Mother’s
guidance, who led all sha-
mans, their war paintings
endowed them with im-
munity to the Penumbral
Plane’s corruption and un-
paralleled strength in combat.
During the first Ungod inva-
sion, the orcs faced overwhelming
odds yet fought valiantly to avenge their
fallen kin. Observing their incredible
power, the Ungods cunningly devised
strategies to divide the orcs and sow dis-
cord among their ranks, understanding that
a unified orc nation posed a grave threat to
their dark ambitions.
Despite the orcs’ fortitude, the Ungods
tirelessly worked to weaken and fracture
the orc clans. These eldritch entities
are well aware of the looming danger
posed by a united orc army capable
of breaching the Penumbral Plane
and challenging their spawns in
their own domain. If the orcs
could overcome internal strife
and stand united, they would emerge
as a formidable force that the Ungods
dare not underestimate.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

The Four Clans and supernatural abilities. These patterns can range from
simple symbols to elaborate, clan-specific designs.
The four orc clans share a common hatred for the Ungod The potency of war paints relies on the shaman’s skill,
spawns and Imperial forces, but each boasts distinct traits the ingredients used, and the totem spirits invoked. These
and traditions that set them apart. powers can offer enhanced resilience, heightened senses, or
The Spiked Bones, protected by the Wolf Totem, excel as protection against penumbral corruption. In the struggle
mounted warriors, forging powerful bonds with their worg against the Ungods, these mystical war paints prove invalu-
companions. Their shamanism centers on the connection able, enabling orcs to counter dark forces with their distinct
between orcs and animals, fostering a deep respect for nature. spiritual magic.
Skilled farmers, they adapt to the harsh desert rock lands, When applied by the Red Mother, war paintings shield
cultivating thriving agriculture. Paired with their worgs from orcs from the Penumbral Plane’s corrupting influences and
a young age, they form lifelong bonds and treat them as amplify their strength, transforming orc armies into a for-
family. Vengeful if wronged, the Spiked Bones avoid risking midable force of battle.
their people’s safety in senseless conflicts.
The Stone Fangs, guided by the Naja Totem, are expert The Dark Shamanism
hunters who employ stealth and cunning in their rocky do-
main. They specialize in crafting and using poisons. Their Once united under the guidance of the Red Mother, her two
shamanistic practices emphasize the delicate balance between apprentices, Grizza and Xateri, set out to learn from their
hunter and prey, recognizing that roles may shift at any mo- spiritual leader. Grizza, the younger and more compassionate,
ment. Their nomadic lifestyle, dictated by animal migration, was shy and clumsy, while Xateri, older and more experi-
makes them intimately familiar with their territory’s secret enced, struggled with fears and insecurities due to her parents
routes and passages. The Stone Fangs possess a rich oral pressuring her to excel and become the new Red Mother.
tradition of medicinal herb knowledge, honed by constant Vharzog, a cunning and ambitious orc, exploited Xateri’s
adaptation to new environments. vulnerabilities, nurturing her envy and anger, convincing
The Hot Bloods, under the protection of the Vulture her she was the rightful Red Mother. He warped her be-
Totem, scavenge weapons and tools from humans, elves, and liefs, ultimately corrupting her into a Dark Shaman wielding
Taii’Makus. Their warrior-oriented culture values courage, Ungod-linked powers.
resilience, patience, self-control, and strategic use of fury. With Xateri’s new powers, Vharzog secretly orchestrated
Their shamanism focuses on mental and physical endurance the Red Mother’s assassination and proclaimed Xateri her
and seizing opportunities. The Hot Bloods maintain a struc- successor, showcasing her impressive, but secretly tainted,
tured approach to teaching, with elderly warriors becoming shamanic powers. But before Vharzog could eliminate Grizza,
revered instructors. This instills deep respect for elders and the only opposition to Xateri’s rule, Katar intervened, saving
fosters strong connections between brothers in arms, forming her and placing her under his protection. Believing Grizza
lifelong friendships. Warlord Katar, a hero who defended carries the true spiritual legacy, Katar regards her as the
Tanares during the Kemet invasion, hails from this clan. rightful Red Mother. Meanwhile, Vharzog’s puppet Xateri
Finally, the Strong Fists, protected by the Scorpion Totem, secretly leads the Dark Shamans, whose corrupted shamanism
embody physical prowess and live by a code of simplicity and infiltrates the Strong Fists and Spiked Bones clans, poisoning
strength. Though they may appear unrefined and intimidat- susceptible orcs.
ing, their shamanism revolves around leading simple lives Though the simple-living Strong Fists were difficult to cor-
and enduring its hardships. They train their young to con- rupt, Xateri secretly tainted their spiritual Totem using pow-
ceal emotions and avoid material desires. Their shamanism erful Ungod artifacts procured by Vharzog in the Penumbral
is rooted in humbleness and minimalist lives as a means of Plane with the help of Shadow Wing cultists. Consequently,
avoiding corruption, emphasizing the importance of dis- the Strong Fist shamans’ visions were manipulated by dark-
covering one’s true path in life. ness, leading them astray.
Vharzog’s ultimate plan is to steal the Lava Axe from Katar
The War Paints and betray the Ungods, believing the artifact’s power would
render him unstoppable. However, the wise Ungods are not
War paints hold a revered position in orc culture, deeply easily deceived and keep a close eye on him, ready to strike
connected with the mystic practices of shamanism. Created should he betray them.
from natural materials like minerals, plants, and animal ex- As the orcs stand divided, dark shamanism threatens to
tracts, these pigments harbor potent spiritual energy when unravel them from within—a sinister force that could undo
combined and painted by shamans near their clan’s totem. everything they have fought for over millennia.
Shamans from each clan use war paints to bless and em-
power their fellow orcs for battle. They adorn warriors with
intricate designs that signify clan heritage, totems, and stories,
channeling the spirits’ energy to confer protection, strength,


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Tieflings of hope, they persevered, navigating the labyrinthine paths
of the multiverse.
Eventually, these exhausted travelers found a forgotten
Cursed descendants of an ancient unholy pact, they seek
plane where Caeldolor, the god of redemption and martyr-
redemption through penance and self-sacrifice, expiating
dom, granted them sanctuary within his temple’s sanctum.
their sins to avoid attracting devils and demons. Wielding
The Tieflings devoted themselves to Caeldolor, transform-
dark mystical arts and zealous faith they combat evil and
ing the temple into an ever-expanding fortress of peni-
protect their souls.
tence and faith. They vowed to atone for their ancestors’

sins and waged war against the relentless demons and devils
orn from a cursed union between demons and that pursued them.
mortals who traded the souls of their descendants However, centuries later, an enraged demon, provoked by
for power, Tieflings emerged as a tormented clan, Caeldolor’s interference, devised a way to draw the eldritch
burdened by the darkness of their ancestry. Seeking refuge Ungods’ attention to the Tieflings’ sanctuary. A savage battle
from relentless demonic pursuit, the Tieflings discovered a erupted, and though the Goetus clan fought with indomitable
small plane, where Caeldolor, a benevolent god of redemp- courage, they were no match for the insatiable Ungods. With
tion, suffering, and martyrdom, granted them sanctuary his final breath, Caeldolor shielded the Goetus Tieflings from
within the sacred walls of his temple. annihilation, allowing them to flee to Tanares, where they
Tieflings developed a somber culture steeped in self-pun- united with the Tanareans to resist the invading Ungods.
ishment, religious zeal, and dark mysticism. Adorning their Now, bereft of their divine guardian, the Tieflings exist in
bodies with penitent tattoos and spiked chains, the Tieflings perpetual dread, aware that the demons and devils of their
chanted hymns of lamentation while waging a never-ending past still hunger for their souls. For millennia, they have com-
battle against the demons that plague their existence. mitted themselves to a somber existence of self-punishment
A powerful demon, infuriated by Caeldolor’s interference, and austerity, ever vigilant against the encroaching shadows.
found a way to lure the destructive Ungods to the Tieflings’ Clad in austere attire and adorned with protective symbols,
sanctuary. The Tieflings fought valiantly but were defeated the Goetus Tieflings of Tanares dedicate their existence to
alongside their god, who used the last vestiges of his powers the fights against the Ungods and any Devil or Demon that
to protect the remaining Tieflings.With their god absent, the enters Tanares, existing as a living testament to the eternal
clan fled to Tanares, the next plane invaded by the Ungods, battle between the forces of light and darkness.
and became exiles in constant fear of the demons seeking
to claim their souls.
Redemption and Corruption
Cloaked in dark clothing adorned with protective symbols,
they seek redemption through self-flagellation, simplicity, Haunted by their dread of demons and driven by a desire for
and combat against evil forces, in the hope of freeing their retribution against the Ungods that destroyed their sanctuary,
souls from the demons’ grasp. However, not all Tieflings fol- the Goetus Tieflings seek both redemption and the power
low a righteous path; some devise twisted schemes, seeking to combat their foes. Many follow the path of priests and
salvation through power, souls, or riches. clerics in service to Tamera and Bauron, waging a relentless
The Tieflings’ sinister appearance and the weight of their war against the nightmarish aberrations of the Penumbral
lineage instill unease and suspicion among Tanares’ inhabi- Plane while striving to cleanse their cursed lineage.
tants, who are concerned that these exiles, having once faced Delving into the depths of their dark mysticism, the
the Ungods’ corruption, may still carry hidden taint. Tieflings have honed three distinct methods to confront
the sinister forces that plague the land of Tanares. First,
Tiefling History through the art of Penumbral Exorcism, a chorus of Goetus
Priests chants powerful and dark incantations that reverber-
In an age of darkness and despair, a clan of mortals on an ate through the shadows. This practice allows them to drive
unknown plane of existence forged a dangerous pact with out penumbral corruption and banish the nightmarish ab-
demons. These mortals, the ancestors of the Tieflings now errations back to their unholy realm, cleansing the afflicted
living in Tanares, traded the souls of their descendants for and restoring a portion of their sanity. While Celestianist
unimaginable power. Thus, the Goetus clan of Tieflings was Clerics may be familiar with this ritual, the Tieflings possess
born, an accursed species eternally haunted by their sinister an unparalleled expertise in its execution.
heritage. Ensnared by the demons who held their souls cap- Second, in a harrowing display of Sacrificial Atonement,
tive, the Goetus languished in suffering, their spirits yearning multiple Goetus Tieflings participate in a dark, bloody ritual,
for liberation. offering their own blood to create a barrier against penum-
As the eons passed, a courageous few defied their demonic bral creatures and aberrations. The size, power, and duration
masters, embarking on a treacherous odyssey across the in- of the barrier depend on the strength of the participating
finite planes to seek sanctuary. Their perilous journey took Tieflings and the amount of blood they sacrifice. At times,
them through terrifying realms, where they faced evil forces
and unimaginable terrors. Fueled by the faintest glimmer


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Tieflings even perish in the process, sacrificing their lives adventurers, scholars, and treasure hunters for over three
to protect their comrades. millennia. At its core is the Eternal Labyrinth, a sprawling,
Lastly, the enigmatic Eldritch Chain technique, known ever-changing maze harboring a profound secret.
solely to the elders of the Goetus Tieflings, allows them to The labyrinth constantly reshapes its twisted passages,
forge dark spiked chains adorned with mystical symbols and thwarting any attempts to map it. Rumors suggest that a hid-
imbued with their own cursed blood. This potent magical den chamber, the Sanctum of Eternity, lies within, housing
item can bind defeated Emoguns and other penumbral crea- an ancient artifact known as the Celestial Tear. This pow-
tures into servitude, compelling them to fight against their erful relic can summon an army of celestial beings, a force
own kind on behalf of the chain’s creator. potentially capable of turning the tide against the Ungods.
While many Tieflings dedicate their lives to fighting against Regrettably, the Tieflings and Caeldolor were unable to
darkness in an unyielding crusade against the nightmarish employ this powerful artifact during their fateful struggle
aberrations of the Penumbral Plane, others may choose to against the Ungods due to the vault being sealed by treacher-
embrace their cursed heritage or follow different paths, driv- ous Tieflings who had aligned themselves with the demons.
en by ambition or personal beliefs. Yet all of them face the Venturing into the Endless Cathedral, adventurers may en-
dangers of being hunted by demons and devils, as well as counter remnants of the ancient Goetus Tieflings, including
the Ungods’ spawns that seek to end their existence. magical items, traps, and mystical tomes from their journey
across numerous planes.
The Sinners’ Smell Scholars believe that the Celestial Tear vault can be accessed
without the keys, but only by unraveling the secrets of the
The Goetus Tieflings carry the burden of their ancestors’
Eternal Labyrinth. Ungod servants tirelessly seek entry, while
curse, their very souls tainted by demonic lineage in a way
countless adventurers, scholars, and relic hunters, usually
that can attract demons and fiends to them. These creatures
with help of Tieflings, risk their lives each year searching
hunger for the Tieflings’ souls, seeking to enslave them and
for clues about the ancestral vault. Intruders will face deadly
harness their blood to empower the vilest of rituals in the
traps, imprisoned demons, penumbral creatures. and sinister
unholy realms.
cultists conducting research, all eager to eliminate them.
To infiltrate Tanares, these malevolent entities exploit rare,
hidden rifts between dimensions, clawing their way into the
mortal realm. Their attraction intensifies when the Tieflings
accumulate too many unrepented sins, as the scent of
their cursed souls grows stronger, drawing increasingly
powerful demons and devils towards them.
When captured, Tieflings suffer unimaginable torment
at the hands of their demonic captors. Subjected to cruel
experiments and dark enchantments, they are forced into
servitude and drained of their blood, their souls condemned
to eternal agony.
To protect themselves, the Goetus Tieflings form tight-
knit communities, ally themselves with the Celestianist
Church, and diligently seek penance for their sins through
self-inflicted suffering, knowing that this is the only way
to avoid attracting demonic attention.
Despite their unwavering resolve, the Goetus Tieflings
live in constant fear of succumbing to the demonic corrup-
tion coursing through their bloodline. They remain vigilant
against the possibility of treachery from within, as some
among them may be tempted to strike deals with demons,
betraying their kin in exchange for promises of power and
forbidden knowledge.

The Remains of the

Endless Catedral
The Endless Cathedral, a once-magnificent stronghold of the
Goetus Tieflings, now lies in the first underground level of the
Penumbral Plane. Despite their god’s defeat by the Ungods,
the cathedral remains an enigmatic monument, drawing


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

intertwining the stark contrast of light and
darkness into an unbreakable bond.
Held together by honor, the Cirrus
adhere to a stringent code of chiv-
alry and virtues, each exemplified
by the unique orders of the Zephyr
Knights. These orders represent the
Cirrus’ unfaltering commitment to the essential principles
bestowed by the gods, forging a unified front against the
otherworldly monstrosities known as the Ungods.
To the Cirrus, the dichotomy of arcane and divine magic
transcends mere choice in spellcasting, representing the very
essence of their duality. Arcane symbolizes logic, reality, and
physicality, while divine signifies wisdom, spirituality, and

Cirrus transcendence. This harmonious equilibrium permeates every

facet of their lives, shaping their beliefs and guiding their
actions in the ceaseless battle against the forces of insanity
Bearer of two souls and two personalities, these angel-like be-
emanating from the Penumbral Plane.
ings organize themselves in knightly orders dedicated to erad-
The unity of all Zephyr Knight Orders, distinguished by
ication of the Ungods and to accomplish their divine calling.
unique colors and virtues, forges the Cirrus into an indom-
itable force against the Ungods. Through their mastery of
“We do not hail from the heavens, yet we carry a celestial man-
arcane and divine energies, they display an unrivaled com-
date. We have savored the bliss of serenity and divine favor,
mand of magic, reinforced by their unfaltering dedication to
as well as the harshness of adversity and decay. As each sun
their cause. Amidst adversity, the Cirrus stand strong, their
rises, we venture into fresh encounters and acquire precious
unity forming an impervious bulwark against the corrupt-
insights that we ought to cherish and impart. Just as a single
ing influence of the Ungods. Though their various knightly
feather cannot take flight, but a pair can, dual spirits must
orders may harbor diverse opinions and occasionally clash,
unite to uncover that which remains hidden from plain sight.”
the Zephyr Knights remain united in their battle against the
Zafara, Elder of the Order of Celestial Balance.
sinister eldritch beings.
In a realm beset by insidious corruption, the Cirrus arise The celestial nature of the Cirrus transcends mere aes-
as unwavering guardians against the relentless encroachment thetics; it instills within them an innate sense of purpose,
of malevolence. These celestial-like beings, akin to angels, guiding their crusade against the encroaching darkness. As
captivate with their clear blue skin and the majestic wings embodiments of balance and harmony, they comprehend the
of their elders. The Cirrus embodies the duality of arcane significance of divine order and strive to reestablish equilibri-
and divine forces, as two souls meld within a single form, um where corruption seeks to take root. In their youth, each


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Cirrus experiences a divine revelation, imbued with a virtue striving to avert another Malrokian Curse that could oblit-
they must embody and pursue throughout their lives. This erate their world.
revelation directs their path, and the majority join a Zephyr In the present age, the Cirrus serve as enigmatic and formi-
Knight order aligned with their bestowed virtue. Cirrus who dable guardians, their unwavering devotion to their celestial
abstain from joining an order at adulthood become outcasts, mission shaping their actions. Amidst a world teetering on
living in exile from their kin and seeking their life’s mean- the brink of ruin, they symbolize virtue and chivalry, reso-
ing independently. Some reject their calling, while others lute protectors against the relentless threat of the Ungods.
embrace it further, believing their destiny lies beyond the The seven Zephyr Knight Orders epitomize the Cirrus spe-
preconceptions and dogmatism of the orders. cies, their distinct virtues and combat techniques bolstering
Their foes, the abhorrent Ungods, represent a desecration their collective might. Complex webs of loyalty, rivalry, and
of existence, a force the Cirrus have vowed to eliminate. These collaboration interlace a vibrant tapestry of unity among
extraplanar deities radiate a corrupting influence, intent on them. Their enduring faith in the gods and ancient mastery
unraveling the fabric of reality and heralding an age of mad- of arcane magic form their most formidable arsenal against
ness. Against this unfathomable menace, the Cirrus stand encroaching shadows.
resolute, united under the banners of their Knight Orders and Wielding the dual might of arcane and divine magic, the
driven by the unwavering conviction of ultimate triumph. Cirrus stand ready to confront the omnipresent darkness,
united in their celestial purpose and unyielding in their com-
Cirrus History mitment to safeguarding the fragile balance of their world.
Shaped by divine will and hardened by adversity, the Cirrus
In the dawn of the Godly Age, when angelic hands aided
bear the undeserved stigma of their people, distrusted by
sculpting the foundations of creation, the Cirrus species
many, even as they valiantly defend the mortal realms from
emerged—blessed with celestial grace by the Angels and
the insidious corruption of the Ungods.
entrusted to share the divine word among mortals. However,
destiny’s path twisted, and they were summoned to war
against the looming darkness of the Ungods. As the first
The First Spellcasters
Ungod invasion began, the Cirrus mustered their unwav- Throughout the annals of history, the Cirrus have distin-
ering faith and resisted the malevolent tide. Yet, faith alone guished themselves as the first mortals to pray for the gods,
proved insufficient; they were driven to forge weapons, es- and the earliest scholars to unearth the secrets of wizardry.
tablish knightly orders, and ultimately, unravel the enigmas They seamlessly interlaced magic into the essence of their
of magic and wizardry. Thus, the Cirrus unveiled their true civilization, forging a society where the might of arcane arts
potential, merging arcane prowess with divine conviction and divine power is entwined with their chivalrous way of life.
to confront the Ungods’ servants. The Cirrus Zephyr Orders Renowned for their mastery of all forms of magic and their
Knights were born, eternal adversaries of the Ungods. unyielding determination to obliterate the Ungods and their
The Cirrus, as the first denizens of Tanares to wield magic, nefarious servants, the Cirrus strive to pierce the enigmatic
taught other species the gods’ will and the potency of arcane Tanarean Magic Field. They believe that this untamed and
arts after the initial Ungod invasion. Guided by Zafara, a raw power holds the key to vanquishing the Ungods once
revered elder, the Cirrus significantly contributed to the and for all. While many other species consider this a great
ascension of the Malrokian Kingdom, endorsing its quest for taboo, for the gods themselves established the Tanaren Magic
unity and prosperity. Yet the Ungods’ insidious corruption Field, no condemnation has ever deterred the Cirrus from
infiltrated the kingdom’s heart, heedless of the Cirrus’ dire pursuing their belief in this divine mandate to find ulti-
warnings. The blind nobility instigated a catastrophic war, mate magic power.
inflicting untold suffering upon their people, empowering The chivalric orders of the Cirrus exemplify their ingenious
the Ungods, and ultimately unleashing a cataclysm that frac- and diverse mastery of magic. Each order embodies a unique
tured the continent and nearly eradicated all civilizations. fusion of virtues and magical expertise, reflecting the rich
The Cirrus were unjustly vilified for the kingdom’s demise, complexity of Cirrus society. Orders bearing black banners
their mastery of arcane magic twisted into a malevolent force excel in arcane spellcasting, while those with white banners
responsible for the Malrokian Curse. Persecuted and exiled, champion divine spells. As per time-honored tradition, every
the Cirrus retreated to distant mountains, vowing to avoid Cirrus is expected to join one of these orders upon reaching
further strife. adulthood, undergoing rigorous training as squires before
As the mournful shroud of the Fallen and Imperial Ages ascending to the esteemed ranks of knights. Though most
enshrouded the world, the Cirrus withdrew into isolation, embrace the path of spellcasting, not all choose this calling;
refining their knowledge and abilities within their hidden many Cirrus adeptly balance their magical prowess with
sanctuaries. When the Kemet Invasion threatened to un- formidable physical combat skills.
ravel the fabric of their world, they emerged from seclu- Magic is woven into the very fabric of Cirrus culture,
sion, wielding their arcane and divine prowess as a bastion molding their society and their relentless battle against the
against encroaching darkness. The Cirrus fought with valor, Ungods. Their insatiable thirst for arcane knowledge and


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

divine wisdom has led them to craft potent rituals, capable of Adorned in black and blue, the enigmatic Order of the
decimating their foes and shielding their people. The Cirrus’ Azure Seekers are scholars and truth-seekers among the
groundbreaking utilization of magic has bestowed upon them Zephyr Knights. Believing that to fight the Ungods one needs
a distinct advantage in their ongoing conflict against the knowledge and preparation, these arcanists delve into the
Ungods, and their unyielding determination to unravel the mysteries of forbidden knowledge, employing divination
enigma of the Tanarean Magic Field bears witness to their magic to unravel the cosmos’ deepest secrets. They traverse
unrelenting pursuit of ultimate triumph. the lands, often alone, in pursuit of truth, reporting their dis-
As a species that has constructed its very existence upon coveries to secret headquarters hidden throughout Tanares.
the foundation of magic, the Cirrus exemplifies the limitless The order’s ranks are primarily composed of Bards, Clerics,
potential of arcane and divine power. Sorcerers, Warlocks, and Wizards, but some Rogues and
Madwalkers exist in the order.
The Cirrus Orders Azure Seeker’s Oath:
“Through wisdom and understanding, we shall overcome.”
In the face of the insidious threat posed by the Ungods, the
“No secret shall remain hidden, no knowledge forbidden.”
Cirrus species has given rise to seven illustrious orders of
“In searching for destiny, we confront the shadows of the past.”
Zephyr Knights. Each order is bound by its distinct virtues
Relations with other Orders:
and focus, which they contribute to the greater cause. In
Seekers of knowledge, they appreciate the wisdom of the
unison, they stand as a formidable bastion against the en-
Celestial Balance and the courage of the Ebony Shield. They
croaching darkness.
are wary of the rigid Crimson Judgment and the Emerald
These knights frequently take to the skies on impeccably
Guardians, fearing their strict adherence to law and faith
trained flying steeds. Their majestic feathered giant eagles are
may hinder progress.
a source of pride for the Cirrus, but higher-ranking knights
may ride even more exotic mounts. Some have earned the Order of the Ebony Shield
privilege of astride powerful drakes, tamed with utmost [Lawful/Neutral]
dedication and care. These formidable creatures are often
Virtue: Courage
captured in battle and brought to the secluded mountains,
Garbed in black and gray, the Order of the Ebony Shield
where the knights endeavor to forge a profound and un-
stands as the dauntless defenders and protectors of the Zephyr
breakable bond with the beast.
Knights. Relying on their mastery of defensive magic and
Order of the Crimson tactical expertise, they fortify the Cirrus people against the
Ungods’ relentless onslaught. They guard the most strategic
Judgment [Lawful/Evil]
fortresses, with their armies consisting of heavily-armored
Virtue: Justice
Fighters and Paladins on the front lines, supported by Wizards
Clad in somber shades of black and red, the Crimson
and Sorcerers wielding protection magic from the rear. They
Judgment serves as the implacable enforcers of laws for the
are always the first to arrive and the last to leave a battle.
Cirrus people. They willingly sacrifice their own well-being to
Oath of the Ebony Shield:
uphold the law against the chaotic influence of the Ungods.
“In the face of darkness, we stand unbroken.”
Their unyielding methods, rooted in the dark arts of torture
“We shield our allies, we protect the world from chaos.”
and blood magic, are dedicated to purging the corrupt at any
“For every scar we bear, our resolve is fortified.”
cost. While most members of this order are arcane magic
Relations with other Orders:
wielders, such as Sorcerers, Wizards, and Warlocks, there
Defenders of the realm, they admire the Crimson Judgment’s
are also many Fighters in its ranks.
strict enforcement of law and the Ivory Redemption’s focus
Crimson Judgment’s Oath:
on healing. They are skeptical of the Azure Seekers’ pur-
“In blood, we bring justice; in sacrifice, we find strength.”
suit of forbidden knowledge and the chaotic methods of
“No lawbreaker shall escape the Crimson Judgment.”
the Golden Dawn.
“The cost of mercy is chaos; the price of justice, unrelenting.”
Relations with other Orders: Order of the Ivory Redemption
Enforcers of law, they respect the disciplined Order of [Neutral/Good]
the Ebony Shield and the faithful Order of the Emerald
Virtue: Charity
Guardians. However, they distrust the unpredictable Azure
Cloaked in pristine white and silver, the Order of the Ivory
Seekers and the overly compassionate Ivory Redemption,
Redemption embodies compassion as healers and spiritual
seeing their methods as chaotic and weak.
guides among the Cirrus Knights. Their primary objective
Order of the Azure Seekers is to protect the vulnerable and minimize losses in battle,
ensuring the Ungods’ devastation is contained. Among their
ranks are Clerics, Paladins, Monks, Redeemers, Druids, and
Virtue: Prudence
Rangers. They operate hospitals that offer free treatment


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

to all, yet to adventurers they often request small favors in the world spreading light and fostering goodness. The order
exchange for their help. is predominantly comprised of devout Barbarians, Clerics,
Ivory Redemption’s Oath: Fighters, Paladins, and Redeemers, driven by their faith in
“Through healing and redemption, we mend the world.” divine power to ultimately triumph over the Ungods.
“No soul is beyond salvation, no living body beyond recovery, Oath of the Golden Dawn:
no heart beyond soothing.” “Through the darkest night, the light of the Golden
“Our light pierces the darkness, our compassion conquers Dawn shall shine.”
the suffering.” “Let our hope be the shield that guards the hearts of the weary.”
Relations with other Orders: “I shall journey, and where I tread I will inspire
Champions of compassion, they find kinship with the hope and heroism.”
Golden Dawn’s inspiring nature and the Emerald Guardians’ Relations with other Orders:
dedication to the natural world. They disapprove of the Purveyors of hope, they respect the healing capabil-
Crimson Judgment’s ruthless tactics and are wary of the ities of the Ivory Redemption and the courage displayed
Azure Seekers’ dabbling in dangerous knowledge. by the Ebony Shield. They are suspicious of the Crimson
Judgment’s ruthless methods and are cautious of the Celestial
Order of the Golden Balance’s neutrality.
Dawn [Chaotic/Good]
Virtue: Hope Order of the Celestial
Arrayed in luminous white and gold, the Order of the Balance [Neutral]
Golden Dawn serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration Virtue: Temperance
to the Zephyr Knights. These intrepid individuals and small Shrouded in white and black, the Order of the Celestial
groups venture forth to vanquish evil, uplift the common Balance represents the delicate equilibrium between the
people, and discover and mentor potential heroes. Believing opposing forces of arcane and divine magic. These adept
that all species can produce exemplary individuals, they roam spellcasters are proficient in both styles of magic, striving to


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

maintain harmony within themselves and among the Zephyr to nature. They are uneasy about the Crimson Judgment’s
Knights. The order consists mostly of Clerics, Wizards, reliance on torture and blood magic, and the Golden Dawn’s
Sorcerers, Bards, and Redeemers. They approach all matters chaotic tendencies.
with an open mind, seeing the world in shades of gray. The
Cirrus judgments are presided over by the highest-ranking Order of the Emerald
members of this order, who ensure neutrality and a com- Guardians [Lawful/Good]
prehensive worldview. Virtue: Faith
Oath of Celestial Balance: Dressed in white and green, the Order of the Emerald
“In balance, we find harmony; in harmony, we find strength.” Guardians exemplifies unshakable faith. These devout Clerics,
“Let none tip the scales unjustly, lest chaos reign.” Druids, Fighters, Paladins, and Rangers are dedicated to safe-
“Through diplomacy and wisdom, we shall mend the rifts guarding the sanctity of the natural world and combating the
that divide us.” corrupting forces of the Ungods. They believe in protecting
Relations with other Orders: the divine creation above all else and see themselves as the
Harmonizers of magic, they appreciate the Azure Seekers’ gods’ chosen exemplars. For them, the will of Tamera and
pursuit of knowledge and the Emerald Guardians’ devotion Bauron must be upheld, even above the struggle against the
Ungods, as only through their guidance can ultimate
victory be achieved.
Emerald Guardians’ Oath:
“Our faith and values shall be the bulwark
against the encroaching darkness.”
“By the gods’ grace, we shall shield the living
world from corruption.”
“As stewards of nature, we shall preserve and
defend its sacred essence.”
Relations with other Orders:
The Order of the Emerald Guardians, protec-
tors of nature, hold the Ivory Redemption’s com-
passion in high regard and respect the lawful
nature of the Crimson Judgment and Ebony
Shield. They are cautious of the Azure
Seekers’ pursuit of forbidden knowledge
and the Golden Dawn’s chaotic ways.

In general, the orders’ relationships are

shaped by their virtues and how they
view the balance between law and chaos,
good and evil. While some find common
ground in their shared beliefs, others
are at odds due to differences in their
methods and priorities. This dynamic
creates an intricate web of alliances and
rivalries, highlighting the complexity
of their intertwined existence.
Cirrus’ Order Paladins: The GM
might allow a Cirrus paladin to
substitute part of the entirety of
its Paladin’s Oath for the princi-
ples of his order Oath.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Sharing A Body Traits
The two forms of a Cirrus are unique, each considering the Two In One. When creating a Cirrus, you must create two
other form as “another part of their being.” For a Cirrus, it distinct character sheets, one representing your Tamerian side
is so natural to share two forms that they find it strange that and another representing your Bauronean side. Throughout a
other species are the same person “always.” day, you will use only one of these character sheets, keeping
• A Cirrus always treats their other form as a distinct per- the other stored, and you must switch to the other immedi-
son, and it is common to hear them say things like “Oh, ately after the first long rest performed in a 24-hour period
Torrus did that again?” or “This is something that Arven (counted from the time the last long rest where you changed
would love to see.” your character sheet began). Both character sheets have the
• A Cirrus is aware of their short time in each form and same amount of experience, ensuring they will always have
makes the most of the time before the other form takes over. the same character level. The benefits granted by a long rest
• Cirrus remember the day lived by the other form as if will apply to the character sheet that will assume control
they had seen the situations in the third person, as mere after it is performed. Magic items attuned to one side will
spectators of the other’s life. That’s why many of them like not be attuned to the other. Some effects will apply to both
character sheets, regardless of their origin. They are:
to talk to the other form out loud so that the other form
can hear them. If they prefer to be discreet, they write a • Effects with a duration counted in days;
note or something similar. • Effects that cause loss of a limb, such as a hand or arm,
• It is quite common for the two forms to have different for example;
functions and responsibilities, understanding that each • Curses or any effects related to the soul;
is, in fact, a different being. Generally, one form of Cirrus • Levels of exhaustion. If a level of exhaustion is gained or
does not take responsibility for the actions of the oth- lost by one character sheet, it will be gained or lost equally
er form, as they consider themselves unique beings, and in the other; and
sometimes they disagree with each other’s decisions, al- • Death.
though they often agree on some things that require their
body to commit daily, such as adventuring in a group or Ability Score Increase. In one of your character sheets,
increase one ability score by 2 and another ability score by 1.
belonging to a team.
Do the same in the other character sheet, but with different
• The sense of urgency is common among Cirrus, as they
abilities from the two chosen in the first.
know that their actions must be limited to a single day. They
• The two stats you increased on the first sheet cannot be
are generally respectful and have a lot of love for one form
chosen on the other sheet (if you placed 1 on dexterity on
to the other, despite the enormous differences, because
sheet A, you can’t place 1 or 2 on dexterity on sheet B).
they understand that they are codependent.
Age. Cirrus It becomes an adult at 20, but they live much
Cirrus Names longer than a human, reaching 400 years.
Alignment. In their Tamerian form, cirrus tend to be
Simulating the sound of the wind, the vast majority of Cirrus loyal. Already in their Bauronean form, cirrus pull towards
names have one (or more) “S” sounds. In addition, they pre- chaotic personalities
fer vowels, which “run free” in the air, than hard, truncated, Size. Cirrus are taller than humans, standing well over
and ephemeral consonants. 6 to 7 feet tall and averaging 210 to 250 pounds. Your
Male Names: Assiz, Ossaez, Sans, Sayöes, Saëzz, Zianis, size is Medium.
Zarekis, Zenthar, Szarion, Szarys, Zeraxus, Zythas, Zelaris, Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Sazriel, Zephys, Szalyn, Zorinax Darkvision. Accustomed to twilit forests and the night
Female Names: Aziza, Sarah, Sazis, Se-ena, Siff, Zafara, sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions.
Zoe, Zoza, Sylzara, Zaelis, Sazira, Zarithas, Sylzeth, Zorintha, You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were
Sylzana, Szanara, Sylzix. bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t
Clan Names: They carry a title such as Skyborn or discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Fallenangel. Additionally, if they are a follower of the High Mountain Living. You have proficiency in Animal
Windspeakers, they may also indicate which of the Four Handling and Athletics.
Winds they belong to. Winged Soul. At the 7th level, your connection to your
celestial creation becomes stronger and a pair of wings is
born from your back, granting you a flying speed of 30 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and Aurean.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Earn our trust, and we’ll be by your
side in battle and beyond, fighting
‘til our final breath. But remem-
ber, if you stab us in the back,
the shadows themselves will
turn against you. So, are
you prepared to face the
darkness with us?
Vyxendrak-rar, leader of
the Invisible Patrol Hive.

eneath the vast
continent of
Tanares lies the
shadowy, subterranean realm of the Undertanares, where
the resilient and ferocious Gloomfolk dwell. Once Winter
Elves, these beings met a dark fate in the eerie Penumbral
Plane, a realm tainted by corruption and shadows. Captured
Gloomfolk and enslaved by the Cult of Shadow Wing, the Winter Elves
were subjected to horrific experiments under Bellara, the
Poisonous scorpid-elves with penumbral roots, these brothers Daughter of the Ungods. Seeking to create a new hybrid of
and sisters thrive as defiant survivors valuing hive loyalty mortal creatures and penumbral aberrations for her army,
and personal liberty. Their unorthodox, resourceful spirit she transformed them into fearsome, scorpion-like creatures.
embodies an anarchic, do-it-yourself ethos. The Gloomfolk’s striking appearance blends elven beau-
ty with scorpid terror. Their upper bodies exhibit the ele-
Hey there, stranger! You’ve followed the echoes of our drums
gant features of their Winter Elven heritage, while chitinous
to our hive, huh? No need for airs and graces here, just our
shells of onyx hues extend from their waists, forming scorpi-
steadfast spirit and unity. We’ve survived the blackest of night-
on-like lower halves with vicious claws and venomous tails.
mares and emerged stronger, claiming the freedom to be our
Embracing personal expression and rejecting traditional
authentic selves. Our bold tattoos narrate our lives, and our
conformity, they don vivid, bold clothes, studded leather
music thunders in sync with the hive’s pulse.
jackets, tribal tattoos, iron chains and ragged, comfortable
Join us in the shadows, and you’ll see we’re pros at navigat-
clothing. To them, attire is a means of expressing their indi-
ing these treacherous depths. We stalk the wicked beings that
viduality, rather than impressing others or signifying status.
haunted our past, avenging our kin and shielding the world
Nestled within the Undertanares’ tunnels and caverns,
from the Penumbral Plane’s horrors. We don’t kneel to gods;
Gloomfolk form tight-knit communities in their hives, cele-
our rituals are what bind and nourish us, forging unbreak-
brating effort, personal talents, independence, and self-suffi-
able connections.
ciency. Their deep loyalty to their hive binds them together,


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

while their culture challenges societal norms, rarely respect- With the Patriarch’s help, the Gloomfolk staged an upris-
ing institutions or authority figures. This stems from their ing, freeing themselves from the cult’s grasp and emerging
oppressed past, which birthed a deep passion for freedom from the Penumbra. They found sanctuary in the subterra-
and a profound distrust of authority and control. Their so- nean realms of Undertanares, where they formed hives and
ciety eschews propriety; everything belongs to the hive, not adapted to their new forms well suited to darkness. Nestled
individuals, and they reject materialism, embracing alterna- within the labyrinthine tunnels, the Gloomfolk nurtured an
tive lifestyles and artistic expressions that deviate from the unwavering loyalty to their hives, erecting them upon the
norm. Their indomitable spirit is reflected in their love for sheer faces of fathomless chasms to deter hostile beings. They
loud, fast-paced, and aggressive music, featuring powerful forged alliances with the Dwarves, and even some goblinoid
drums and shouting vocals. tribes, while interacting little with the surface dwellers as
Organized into various roles, Gloomfolk society in- they were engaged in fierce combat against the Shadow Wing
cludes Crafters, Hunters, Guardians, Child-Carers, Elders, cultists, who unleashed a myriad of monstrous creatures,
Cultivators, Mystics, and Scouts. Each member plays a vital aberrations, and penumbral rifts throughout Undertanares.
role in their communal existence, free to change occupations To further their hunting the Gloomfolk also established
as their desires and knowledge evolve. They prefer creative hives within the Penumbral Plane itself, using arcane pylons
pursuits and self-reliance over dependence on others. While devised by the Draconic Council to create sanctuaries pro-
they welcome other species into their hives, trust must be tecting their villages. To this day they continue to explore un-
earned, and treason is the gravest taboo, met with the harsh- charted underground realms and venture into the Penumbral
est consequences. Plane, seeking vengeance against the Ungods searching
United in their unique culture, the Gloomfolk support and long-forgotten secrets that can help them in their quest.
uplift one another, embodying freedom and an indomitable Their ultimate goal is to end Bellara and avenge their kin.
will to survive, even amidst darkness and horror. Their keen
reflexes and survival instincts were honed during their en- Hunters of Penumbral
slavement in the Penumbral Plane, under the cruel Cult of Creatures
Shadow Wing. This experience shaped their unapologetic
attitude, strong and independent demeanor, and willingness Empowered by the cruel experiments imposed upon them
to confront challenges head-on. Now liberated, their hearts by Bellara and the Cult of Shadow Wing, the Gloomfolk
burn with a singular desire: to survive, to thrive, and to exact now wield their formidable abilities to combat their former
vengeance upon those who enslaved and twisted them into oppressors. For generations, these vengeful souls have honed
the fearsome beings they are today. their hunting prowess, relentlessly preying on the malevolent
forces that once enslaved them.
History of the Gloomfolks During their captivity, the Gloomfolk were forced to
scrape for food, often resorting to consuming the remains
The history of the Gloomfolk is a tale of sorrow, transfor- of dead penumbral creatures. This desperate act, combined
mation, and determination. Over three millennia ago, the with the corruptive magic that twisted their bodies, not only
Winter Elves sought ways to combat the corruptive influ- allowed them to withstand, but also to gain strength from
ence of the Ungods in Tanares. They studied Penumbral the flesh of these aberrations. To the Gloomfolk, feasting on
energy and ventured into shadowy realms to uncover their Penumbral Creatures is both a delicious meal and a potent
enemies’ secrets. symbol of retribution.
Unfortunately, this journey led many Winter Elves into The Gloomfolk’s distinct ability to feed on these creatures
the clutches of the sinister Queen Bellara and her Arachne has profoundly influenced their culture and traditions, of-
minions. These elves were transformed into scorpion-like fering unparalleled sustenance compared to ordinary food
beings and enslaved by her and the Cult of Shadow Wing sources. This nourishment not only fuels their desire for
for countless centuries. vengeance but also ensures the growth and fortitude of their
In time, the Gloomfolk, as they came to be known, formed offspring. While adult Gloomfolk can subsist on conventional
a society centered around community, survival, and avenging fare, their young must ingest the flesh of penumbral beings
their kin. Their unique culture was shaped by their trans- to achieve their full potential. Their aberrant, scorpion-like
formed bodies and subterranean lifestyles. forms have an inherent craving for the power harbored within
When the sinister Queen Bellara was captured by the he- the tainted flesh. Failure to provide the proper nourishment
roic Malrok, the human hero, the Gloomfolk saw a chance may result in the young growing smaller, weaker, and lacking
for freedom. Under the guidance of a legendary unnamed the resilience to corruption that characterizes the Gloomfolk.
leader called the Patriarch, they gathered intelligence, craft- As they need to hunt penumbral creatures to feed their
ed weapons, and developed a potent poison to use against Hives, they have mastered the skills of hunting and subterfuge.
their captors. The Patriarch’s ingenious traps and strategies The Gloomfolk stalk their prey through the treacherous tun-
led some to speculate that he might have been a deity in nels of Undertanares and the sinister layers of the Penumbral
disguise, though most Gloomfolk dismiss this idea. Plane with lethal accuracy. Their innate understanding of


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

darkness and ability to navigate challenging terrain grant and duty, with Gloomfolk resolute in their willingness to lay
them an invaluable edge, enabling them to exploit their sur- down their lives to protect this sacred object.
roundings to devastating effect. Within the embrace of their hives, the Gloomfolk forge a
Equipped with venomous stingers and robust chitin exo- profound sense of belonging and interconnectedness. They
skeletons, the Gloomfolk’s scorpion-like forms are perfectly draw strength from the knowledge and experiences of their
adapted for hunting Penumbral Creatures and Aberrations. ancestors, as well as the unyielding bonds that unite them
The toxin they initially developed during their escape plans with their fellow hive members, crafting a resilient and vi-
is still crafted and employed by them, utilizing their innate brant society. Adventurers seeking to learn the secrets of
venom as a crucial ingredient. Impressively, this poison the Penumbral Plane may find the Gloomfolk’s knowledge
demonstrates efficacy against even the Ungods’ spawn that and skills invaluable.
are immune to all other toxins. This ingenious weapon, which
played a pivotal role in their emancipation, continues to be The Gloomfolk Rituals
vital in their relentless battle against the Ungods and the
While the Gloomfolk lack a formal religion, as their centu-
Cult of Shadow Wing.
ries of suffering caused them to distrust divine protection
Employing cunning traps, hit-and-run tactics, powerful
and worshiping, they have developed many rituals centered
poisons, and their knowledge of the Penumbral Plane, the
on their hives. Most of them are said to be devised by the
Gloomfolk have become formidable hunters, continuously
Patriarch and passed to the first hives, they all celebrate their
weakening the forces of the Ungods. They bring down even
brotherhood, freedom and their quest to avenge their kin.
the most fearsome foes and serve as valuable allies to all those
The four grand rituals are: the Ritual of Initiation, Ritual of
seeking to eradicate corruption from the world.
Eldermantle, The Return to Shadows, and the Vengeance Day.
The Hives and the The Ritual of Initiation is performed annually for children
reaching adulthood, or to add new members to the hive. The
Gloomfolk Society young Gloomfolks must complete their first unassisted hunt
At the heart of Gloomfolk society thrives the concept of hives, as a hive without adult intervention. The ritual celebrates
where each individual is cherished for their unique talents the Gloomfolk freedom from the Cult of Shadow Wing and
and contributions. The absence of hierarchy cultivates an their triumph over the penumbral forces.
atmosphere of freedom, empowering members to explore The Ritual of Eldermantle is a rite in which a Gloomfolk
and adapt roles in harmony with their desires and expertise. is acknowledged as an elder, their wisdom recognized by
This structure nurtures a potent sense of community, foster- the hive. A special marking is added to their tattoos by an-
ing collaboration, mutual support, and shared responsibility other elder, symbolizing wisdom and their most impressive
among its members. personal feat or trait. Only those who have demonstrated
Intricate tribal tattoo markings hold immense significance wisdom or great deeds are granted this honor. Those the
within Gloomfolk society. These elaborate patterns symbol- receive this are able to access the memories of all previous
ize each individual’s hive and skills, allowing Gloomfolk to hive members on the Hive Stone.
effortlessly recognize one another and swiftly discern their The Return to Shadows is a funeral rite observed by the
strengths and capabilities. The markings also serve as a canvas Gloomfolk to honor and mourn the passing of one of their
for personal expression, reflecting the personality and dis- kin. In this ceremony, each member of the hive etches a
tinct style of each Gloomfolk. As individuals embark on their small portion of the deceased’s tattoos onto their own body,
chosen paths, their tattoos evolve to embody their growth, thereby preserving the memory and legacy of the departed. If
experiences, and triumphs, weaving an evolving and fluid the Gloomfolk’s death is deemed unjust, the hive pledges to
representation of their life’s journey. avenge their loss. This rite is carried out even in the absence
Nestled at the core of every hive rests the sacred Hive of a body, as hive members who remember the deceased’s
Stone, a meticulously crafted Bauronite stone infused with tattoo patterns can still engrave the designs onto others. This
the blood of all who join the hive, be they newborns or later act of collective remembrance is the most significant aspect
joiners. This revered object embodies unity, continuity, and of the Return to Shadows ritual.
shared history among the Gloomfolk. As a hive member The Vengeance Day is a bloody ritual enacted when a hive
passes on, their blood is mingled with the stone, entwining member betrays the tribe. Each member scars their own
their memory and essence into the eternal history of the hive. body with a pattern representing the offender, symbolizing
The esteemed elders of the Gloomfolk possess a singular the enduring wound of their betrayal. A blood hunt is de-
connection to the Hive Stone. By merely touching the stone, clared against the traitor, and the hive will stop at nothing
they can access the memories of all departed hive members, to bring them to justice. The Elders use the Hive Stone and
preserving the community’s collective wisdom and bestowing employ ritual magic to help track the traitor, guiding the
it upon future generations. This extraordinary bond between hive to find and kill the betrayer.
the elders and the Hive Stone instills a deep sense of reverence


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Gloomfolk Names bonus on these attack and damage rolls. These improvised
weapons are also considered unarmed strikes for any rele-
Youngsters are given a temporary name, and receive their full vant bonuses. The GM can decide on the weapon damage
name only after they undergo the Initiation ritual through die, typically ranging from 1d4 to 1d8.
which they are considered adults. Names have a common Additionally, you can make an attack with your Pincers
translation to rudimentary words with no complex meanings, or Stinger as a Bonus Action once, regaining its use after a
and are not separated by sex, serving any gender. The most short or long rest.
notable members of each clan are always given an “-rar” Adapted Organism. You have resistance to poison damage
suffix. Phonetically, they have a habit of pronouncing the and have an advantage in saving throws against any type of
“R” drawn out and “scratched” in the throat. poison. Furthermore, you are immune to poisons naturally
Male and Female Names: Zorndraxis, Faelosith, produced by gloomfolks.
Ulltharion, Lythirax, Gormirax, Krythiorn, Maelthorn,
Oryndar, Zephythos, Valtharion, Kethraxis, Nethrakos,
Xyrthirion, Wyrndrak, Pyrthax, Vaelthir, Eryndros,
Nyctharion, Thrakendrak, Zylthirax, Jythraxis, Taurthorn,
Myndrakos, Sythirion, Thryndraxis, Yntharion, Graxorath,
Hythirax, Dyrthirion, Vyxendrak.
Hive Names: The names of the Hives often are ref-
erences to their location, an important myth of their
past or a great founding ancestor..

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 2 and one other ability score of your
choice increases by 1.
Age. Gloomfolk offspring mature rapidly, capa-
ble of standing just moments after birth and walk-
ing within an hour. They transition into adulthood
by age 12 and, despite their swift development, can
live for an impressive 200 years.
Alignment. Gloomfolks are individualists at heart,
cherishing freedom, yet always guided by the col-
lective morality of their hive. They generally lean
towards chaos, with a neutral stance between good
and evil, with both attributes often coexisting with-
in a single hive.
Size. Gloomfolks average about 6 feet tall and weight
about 200 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Dark Vision. Due to its adaptation to the Penumbra,
you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it
were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Perseverance. You gain proficiency in Survival, along
with advantage on saving throws against effects orig-
inating from the Penumbral Plane environment. If
you already have advantage, you may roll three
dice and select the highest result.
Combat Instinct. Your honed survival in-
stincts allow you to use any object as a weap-
on. When you wield an unconventional item
as an improvised weapon, you can add
your proficiency bonus to your attack
rolls. Moreover, you may choose to
use either your Dexterity or Strength


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Pincers. You possess a pair of pincers that can be used to Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
pull, drag, lift, and hold objects (hold a torch, pull a lever, and Gloomfolkean.
hang yourself, drag a box, lift a chest, or do other actions
your GM deems appropriate). You are not able to wield a Extracting Poison
shield or handle a weapon with your pincers. You can make Gloomfolks have mastered the technique of poison extraction
unarmed strikes with them, causing slashing damage instead and preservation. During a short rest, you can use a vial and
of blunt damage. When you use them to grab, you receive alchemical components worth 25 gp to extract and preserve
a bonus equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) two doses of your poison.
on checks to keep the target grappled. This poison can be used to coat a blade of a piercing or
Stinger. Stinger. Your elongated tail ends with a stinger, a slashing weapon, or up to three pieces of ammunition, which
natural melee weapon used to deliver unarmed strikes against takes one action.
adjacent creatures. If you have grappled a creature with your A creature struck by a poisoned weapon or ammunition
pincers, you have advantage on attacks with your stinger. On suffers the same effects as if stung by your stinger. The poi-
a hit, deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier piercing damage. son remains potent for seven days once extracted, and for
Poison. When your stinger hits a creature, you may choose one hour after being applied to a weapon or ammunition.
to inject it with poison. The target must make a Constitution After it hits a creature, the weapon or ammunition loses its
saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your poison properties.
Constitution modifier). Failure results in 1d6 poison dam- Poison can be extracted from an incapacitated gloomfolk
age, and the creature must make additional saving throws at following the same process.
the end of each of its turns for the next minute. It takes 1d6
poison damage for each failed save, or ends the effect upon
a successful save. You can’t use your poison again until you
have completed a short or long rest.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

physical alterations stem from the power of their unique
souls, a trait not inherited by their offspring, as any child of
a Soulborn will be born as a normal member of their parents’
biological species.
The genesis of the Soulborn traces back to the Kemets, a
sect of Winter Elves obsessed with regaining their lost im-
mortality. Their unrelenting pursuit of ancient Kepesh arti-
facts and rituals led them to a mysterious artifact connected
to Ba-ka, the enigmatic spirit god. In a desperate attempt to
seize the artifact, the Kemets unleashed a calamitous magical
event. The cataclysm annihilated their physical forms but
imbued their souls with an unprecedented quality, giving

Soulborn birth to the first Soulborn.

As these newly-formed Soulborn reincarnated into differ-
ent species across Tanares, their souls carried the memories
Reborn with past-life memories and cultural knowledge, the and accomplishments of their past lives. As they mature
Soulborns are expert traders and diplomats, rich in wealth in their current forms, they regain access to their ancient
and wisdom from their many lifetimes. memories, deepening their connection to their former selves
and drawing upon the wisdom of ages.
What’s that? Do you sense a familiar aura in the air? I know Soulborn children display an extraordinary precocity, mas-
that feeling all too well. It’s a common experience for us tering the art of walking and speaking far earlier than their
Soulborn, as we are carriers of the memories of all our past contemporaries. Though initially obscured, their memories
lives. Your intuition is right, my friend. You have been here of past lives slowly crystallize as they mature, melding seam-
before, although not in this lifetime. It’s time for us to delve lessly with their soul’s recollections. This amalgamation of
into the mysteries of your past lives and find the connection old and new identities fosters a profound comprehension
that led you here. So let’s begin, shall we? of myriad cultures, enabling them to savor each experience
- Octavius, Hadrian, Magnus, Ulf, Leofric, Theron, in its entirety.
Hiroto, Aelarion, Valtarius, Thorid of Hajal These memories initially manifest in dreams, gradually

coalescing within the Soulborn’s consciousness as they re-
n the realm of Tanares, a rare and remarkable
gain fragments of their past over time. Occasionally, intense
phenomenon gives rise to the Soulborn, a people who
emotional situations or the presence of certain objects may
defy the boundaries of species and culture. These ex-
provoke the retrieval of these lost memory shards. But oth-
traordinary beings are born with the soul of a Soulborn, re-
erwise, it is a slow and continuous process.
incarnated into the bodies of newborns from various species.
Throughout countless lives, the Soulborn have woven
Their distinct appearance, marked by gray skin and white,
themselves into the tapestry of Tanares’ diverse cultures and
curly hair, sets them apart from their biological kin. These


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

species. Born into different places, species, and cultures, they The Soulborn continue to bear witness to the ever-chang-
develop a unique and multifaceted worldview, learning the ing world through their many lives, adapting and evolving.
values, religions, and languages of many diverse societies.
Their unparalleled understanding of diversity makes them Soulborn’s History
invaluable as diplomats, emissaries, and trade representa-
The Soulborn’s saga is a tale of ambition, transformation, and
tives. With their accumulated knowledge and resources, they
an unyielding quest for purpose. Rising from the ashes of
founded influential businesses, guilds, and institutions, and
the Fallen Age after the collapse of the Malrokian Kingdom,
amassed vast lands, starting or elevating many noble houses
the Soulborn emerged from a cataclysmic magical event on
that still exist to this day.
the enigmatic continent of Darkall. Their origins lie with
Known for their refined and often aristocratic demeanor,
the Kemets, Winter Elves who pursued a prophecy with
they use the most exquisite, elegant, and noble garments, but
fervent zeal.
different than most nobles, they have no prejudice against
In the shadows of the first Malrokian Curse, the Kemets
people of different social statuses as they have experienced
waged war against the Kepesh people on the Darkall conti-
life in both the highest and lowest castes.
nent. Fearing another devastating Curse event, the Kemets
Driven by the desire to recover relics from their past lives
advanced with calculated patience. Amidst the conflict, a
and forge a better future for their present life and those to
faction of Kemets, obsessed with reclaiming the elven lost
come, Soulborn adventurers set out on grand journeys. Their
immortality, uncovered an ancient pyramid housing a sacred
intimate familiarity with diverse cultures enables them to
artifact of the Kepesh spirit god, Ba-Ka.
form strong alliances with a wide range of allies, often serving
The Kemets’ assault on the ritual site was ill-timed, and
as the unifying force in many adventuring parties. As they
chaos ensued as the ritual was disrupted at the most inop-
navigate the complexities of morality and ethics through the
portune moment. The unleashed magical forces incinerated
lens of their myriad cultural experiences, Soulborns exhibit
all present; Ba-Ka granted his followers’ souls passage to his
a unique blend of principles that set them apart.
ethereal domain, but not to the Kemets. The forsaken Kemet


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

souls were imbued with the magic of the artifact’s shards, Nevertheless, they are more than willing to finance initiatives
bestowing upon them the unique and unexpected ability to and operations against the Ungods, fortifying defenses to
reincarnate, thus giving birth to the first Soulborn. Although stave off these sinister beings. By doing so, they indirectly
the ritual took place in Darkall, Soulborns began to be born contribute to the greater struggle against the dark forces
anywhere in the world. that plague the land.
As the newly-formed Soulborn reincarnated into vari-
ous species across Tanares, creating a unique comprehen- Unique Souls Persecuted
sion of the world that grew more complex and deep with by the Ungods
each incarnation. With the knowledge, prestige, and wealth
they amassed, they established influential institutions, in- Unlike other souls that ascend to celestial heights or de-
cluding the Bank of Hajal, Tanares’ most powerful finan- scend as Penumbral Creatures, the Soulborn are trapped
cial establishment. in an eternal cycle of rebirth. This strange peculiarity both
Being born as sons and daughters of other species caused shapes their destinies and fuels debates over whether their
a great initial uproar in Tanares’ different societies. Each one fate is a curse or divine providence.
reacted in unique ways. The humans of the capital saw them The reformed Celestianist Church, having cast aside the
as souls touched by corruption, not able to become angels in twisted belief that Soulborn were inherently corrupted,
the Tamera and Bauron hosts. For civilizations further away now regards them as potential allies against the Ungods.
from the Evolutionist Church dogmas they were considered The Soulborn’s inability to be transformed into penumbral
blessed children. The dwarves saw them as blessed at first, abominations is seen as their greatest blessing.
but later after discovering their past, many shunned them As their souls continuously reincarnate, the Soulborn gain
as not true dwarves. The Taii’maku saw them as a positive unique perspectives on faith, either unwaveringly devoted
force to further the wisdom of their society, treating them to a single religion or exploring myriad beliefs, ultimately
normally as one of their own. Thus far, there are no known becoming invaluable scholarly assets. Regrettably, their sin-
instances of a Soulborn being born among the elven species. gular existence makes them prime targets for the insidious
Many speculate that this may be due to a curse from Ba-Ka. Ungods, who covet immortal cultists capable of infiltrating
Besides that, they adapted to their new existences well, and societies and spreading corruption.
kept searching for a new meaning for their lives. Soulborn sometimes are abducted and forced into conver-
During the Kemet invasion, the Soulborns sent all the fi- sion, yet their loyalty falters in subsequent lives. Instead, the
nancial aid they could muster to help combat the invaders, Ungods prefer to manipulate the desires and needs of the
having long since severed their ties to the Kemet identity. Soulborn, luring them into willful servitude with promises
The first construction of Wharfugee was done with Soulborn of prosperity in future incarnations.
resources, the city that would later be called Heroes Rise This treacherous possibility is known only to scholars and
after the war. While few of the Soulborn joined the battle the powerful, but still it breeds distrust toward the Soulborn.
physically, many were behind the scenes aiding the heroes’ Unblemished Soulborn strive to prove their loyalty by fight-
efforts. One of the few who joined the fray was Azmodhar, ing the Cult of Shadow Wing, but their efforts are often in
a Soulborn historian and scholar who helped the heroes vain, as corrupted Soulborn masquerade under the same
uncover secrets about the Kemets’ past and their plans. guise. Nevertheless, they persist, for failure would render
After the invasion, with the world fragmented in a cold them undeniably suspect.
war, most Soulborns chose to maintain neutrality. However, Aware of the Soulborn’s immense influence and global
individual Soulborns can be found aligned with all different connections, the Ungods seek to corrupt or undermine them,
sides of the current conflicts, each pursuing their person- knowing that doing so would weaken mortal resistance.
al agendas. Motivations range from the pursuit of wealth Determined to defy this fate, the Soulborn use their wealth
and power to the protection of their families, businesses, for the betterment of society, becoming indispensable pillars
or personal values. Unbeknownst to many, a great number of commerce, finance, and diplomacy, to prove their worth
of Soulborns continue to support the descendants of their to their community. But by doing so they place themselves
previous lives, making them, as a whole, strongly opposed in positions of great importance in the backstages of soci-
to war or an escalation of conflict. ety. Their disappearance would spell catastrophe, aligning
Soulborns, as a collective, are currently focusing their ef- perfectly with the Ungods’ nefarious desires.
forts on preventing conflict among Tanares’ divided factions. Ultimately, the Soulborn are more often victims of the
Their neutrality allows them to flourish in the midst of chaos. Ungods’ unyielding persecution than active opponents. Beset
Although not as fervently dedicated to opposing the Ungods by the Ungods, public distrust, and prejudice, they neverthe-
as other species, the Soulborn remain mindful of the threat less persevere, emerging as influential puppeteers in Tanares.
they pose. This is due, in part, to the fact that their own souls Their penchant for operating in the shadows is born of their
cannot be transformed into Penumbral Creatures upon death. precarious existence, masterfully managing resources from
Instead, Soulborns prioritize the accumulation of the background with unparalleled efficacy.
wealth and power, as well as securing societal acceptance.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Family and Business Though not always art connoisseurs, Soulborns are driv-
en to assemble collections that honor their past lives, with
Soulborns traverse multiple lives, amassing an array of ex- a particular fondness for portraits of themselves and their
periences that span diverse cultures and species. This unique families. In each incarnation, they commission the most
heritage renders them exceptional ambassadors and repre- skilled artists to craft these cherished heirlooms, ensuring
sentatives for commerce, their connections and insights fa- their legacy endures through the ages.
cilitating the establishment of guilds, shops, and enterprises. The Soulborns’ affinity for relics transcends mere personal
Their preference for long-term investments reflects their interest; they often become esteemed scholars, historians, and
foresight, ensuring returns in future lives. curators of prestigious museums. By financing archaeologi-
Soulborns form unique family dynamics due to their eternal cal expeditions and engaging adventurers or mercenaries to
nature. Their children, born from the species of their current delve into perilous ruins, they unearth long-lost treasures and
biological parents, lack the immortality of their Soulborn par- cultural artifacts from the very epochs they once inhabited.
ent. Consequently, Soulborns cherish their offspring, aware Embracing their role as custodians of history, many
of their vulnerability and single lifespan. These eternal beings Soulborns join the ranks of the Relic Hunters guilds, band-
are fiercely devoted to their families, willing to take immense ing together in their quest to reclaim the remnants of the
risks to protect and give a good life to them, conscious that past. As they traverse ancient landscapes, they relish the
their loved ones have just one life to live. opportunity to witness the echoes of their past firsthand,
As Soulborns accumulate new relationships and wealth even venturing into danger to see again the scenarios they
across lives, they display varying attitudes toward their assets. saw in their previous lives, often using the support of hired
Good-aligned Soulborns prioritize family security, leaving guards or esteemed companions.
substantial inheritance for their loved ones and relying on Soulborns stand as eternal witnesses to the ever-shifting
their ability to rebuild wealth in future lives. Some egoistic world of Tanares, weaving together the threads of time as
or evil-aligned Soulborns may hoard their resources, ensur- they preserve and honor the vestiges of their many lives.
ing opulence in their next incarnation while leaving their
families with lesser parts of their wealth after their deaths. Names
Soulborns often maintain a low profile, interacting with
high-ranking individuals and attending high-class festivities Soulborns have unique and diverse names, as they are born
discreetly. They take pleasure in the finest food, drink, and as children of different species, taking on the first and last
accommodations, having developed refined tastes across names of the culture or people they were born into. However,
their many lives. However, they remain adaptable, as many as they regain memories of their past lives, they add middle
have experienced hardships in past lives. names representing the many first names they owned before,
Soulborns might favor descendants from previous lives, making their full name a window into their past.
finding joy in observing their grandchildren or grand-grand- Male Names: Bjorn, Cho’wadu, Dragomir, Diego, Edward,
children. However, their primary focus generally remains on Hachiman, Isidor, Jarl, Kaito, Lirien, Magnus, Naimon, Orvar,
their current family. Descendants from prior lives sometimes Perun, Rikuto, Ragnar, Severin, Thorne, Ulf, Vojin, Wulfgar,
seek out their Soulborn ancestors to uncover family history Xalvador, Yevgeny, Zephyr
or plead for wealth, but the later pursuits can be met with Female Names: Aria, Brindisi, Calantha, Dara, Elysiel,
resistance, as Soulborns often find this disrespectful. Fae, Galadriel, Hana, Iliana, Je’Seli, Juniper, Kaida, Liriel,
As patrons of adventuring companies and mercenary Maelle, Nymeria, Ophira, Perrine, Rhiannon, Sylvi, Thora,
groups, Soulborns wield considerable influence in political Ula, Vespera, Xanthe, Ylva, Zinerva
conflicts and the world of Tanares. Adventurers may be- Last Names: Blackhammer, Cliffwalker, Doomhammer,
come entangled in a web of intrigue, navigating the interests Firebeard, Grimaxe, Hammersong, Ironfist, Jadewalker,
of their Soulborn benefactors alongside their own goals. Moonwhisper, Oakenshield, Redblade, Shadowstalker,
As adventurers themselves, they are less afraid of death, as Stonefist, Thunderhorn, Windrider, Ashenheart, Bloodhoof,
they know they will be reborn, yet they are not inconse- Darkwater, Emberlight, Frostfire, Goldenleaf, Stormcaller,
quential. They also form cohesive bonds with various allies, Wildheart, Wyvernslayer.
their unique perspective binding diverse groups together
on their quests for ancient objects of their past and a better Traits
future for their next lives. Ability Score Increase. You have the following options:
(a) Increase your Wisdom score by 1 and another ability
Ancient Relics of Past Lives score of your choice by 2.
CCompelled to preserve and reconnect with their former (b) Increase your Wisdom score by 2 and another ability
lives, Soulborns often invest in museums, antiquaries, and score of your choice by 1.
expeditions to uncover relics that serve as both invaluable Age. Soulborns mature physically as quickly as their
anchors and conduits of wisdom between their existences. birth parents’ species, yet achieve mental maturity between


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

ages 7 and 10. Their lifespan mirrors that of their birth or more Soulborn traits with those of your birth species.
parents’ species. This can enrich your role-playing experience, underscor-
Alignment. Soulborns frequently tend towards Neutral, ing your dual identity as a Soulborn and a true member of
Chaotic Neutral, or Lawful Neutral alignments. They typi- your birth species.
cally value long-term benefits over immediate consequences,
often sidelining concepts of good and evil.
Size. Your size is equivalent to your birth parents’.
Speed. Your base walking speed matches that of your birth
parents’ species (usually 30 feet).
Vision. If your birth parents’ species has a special type of
vision, you inherit it.
Living History. Having lived through a slice of history,
you gain proficiency in History.
Ancestral Memory. Your past lives’ memo-
ries offer you one of the following benefits:
• Proficiency in two tools of your choice.
• Knowledge of one cantrip of your
choice from the wizard or cleric
spell lists.
• Proficiency in three specific weap-
ons of your choice.
Another Life’s Knowledge. As a
bonus action, you can tap into your
past lives to gain proficiency in a
skill or tool of your choice for the
next hour. After using Another Life’s
Knowledge, you must complete a
long rest before you can use it again.
Soul’s memory. Your cycles of re-
incarnation offer a wealth of ex-
periences, enhancing your adapt-
ability. When making an attack
roll, ability check, or saving
throw, you may roll an addi-
tional d20 before the result is
determined and choose which of the
d20s to use. This feature requires a long
rest before it can be used again.
Languages. You can speak, read, and
write Common, Kemet, and two other languages of
your choice, often determined by your birth location
or parents’ language.

Born in other Species

Soulborns can be born into any species, excluding
elves. While humans are the most common hosts
due to their prevalence in Tanares, Soulborns can
also appear as dwarves, taii’maku, or even gobli-
noids. They retain the size, movement, and vision
of their original species, with their other traits
reflecting the experiences from their past lives
rather than their birth species.
If you wish to highlight your connection
to your birth species further, consider dis-
cussing with your GM about replacing one


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

their path. Towering figures with sinewy builds and
earth-toned complexions, their most captivating
feature lies within their fascinating, luminous white
eyes, which seem to radiate boundless intelligence
and curiosity. A signature trait of the Taii’Maku is
their near-absence of emotion, cultivated through
meditation and adherence to a philosophy steeped in
logic, enabling them to maintain a serene, respectful,
and stoic demeanor, even in the most dire of circumstances.
Possessing a keen, logic-driven intellect, the Taii’Maku pri-
oritize rationality in their daily lives, exhibiting remarkable
prowess in engineering and mathematics. They frequently
categorize decisions as either “logical” or “illogical” when
evaluating situations and determining their course of action.
Even their spellcasters perceive magic as sophisticated for-
mulas and complex equations, employing this knowledge

Taii’Maku to forge exceptional mechanical golems and constructs. The

Taii’Maku’s legendary mobile cities, known as Illus, are pow-
ered by the arcane energies harnessed from Bauronite ores,
Pacifist intellectuals, standing tall and robust, favor logic
epitomizing their unparalleled mastery in harmonizing magic
over emotions. They excel in math and engineering, creating
and technology to birth utopian wonders.
remarkable inventions.
As a nomadic society, the Taii’Maku are in perpetual mo-
tion, ceaselessly seeking new resources and knowledge, while
“Cough... cough... excuse me. I’ll put my pipe aside. Well, as
refining theories in mathematics, physics, magic, and the
I was saying, think of the world as a big structure full of in-
fabric of the cosmos. They hold libraries and educational
tertwined gears, activated by the correct operation of levers.
institutions in the highest esteem, embodying their devotion
Therefore, if a part is defective, or if the synchronization is
to the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge.
out of rhythm, the entire structure can be affected, generating
This mindset, however, can render the Taii’Maku ill-
a chain collapse. In this way, we must be quick and precise to
equipped to comprehend or participate in humor. Some
detect which parts need maintenance or replacement, so that the
may take jests literally or fail to recognize them as such,
movement is adequately preserved. I hope you don’t mind the
while others may attempt humor without the inherent flair
extra detail, I tend to get carried away with my explanations.”
for it, resulting in contrived or ill-timed jokes that provoke
- U´Tibam, the most brilliant mind of Tanares
laughter at their own expense, rather than shared mirth.

he Taii’Maku, a majestic and enigmatic spe- Their polite and pacifist way make them easy to coexist
cies, exude an aura of reverence and admiration that with other species, but their lack of emotions and rational
leaves a lasting impression upon those who cross


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

minds may inadvertently offend or alarm others. Elves and their people to reconnect and exchange knowledge with oth-
Dwarves, particularly those who have lived longer, tend to er species. Gradually, the Illus reintegrated into a broader
share a more detached perspective on life, resonating with network of commerce and intellectual collaboration.
the Taii’Maku, while Halflings, Humans, and Gloomfolk Today, the Taii’Maku navigate the intricate politics of
may perceive the Taii’Maku as arrogant or even immoral the realm, striving to protect their secrets and uphold their
when they present unemotional and logical courses of action. values. Some Illus remain independent, while others form
The Taii’Maku approach the world through a practical and alliances or openly support factions. Many have joined the
unvarnished lens, perceiving everything, including society Allied Forces, exploring new strategies to fight the Ungods.
itself, as a machine where each component must function har- Although they yearn for cooperative endeavors, the
moniously. They often endeavor to “fix” individuals through Taii’Maku encounter challenges from unpredictable behavior
education, much like mending machines, structures, or other and conflicting agendas among various factions. Their coun-
malfunctioning systems. While their precision and efficiency cils maintain vigilance against espionage and deceit, working
are indeed commendable, their stoic demeanor, emotional to safeguard Taii’Maku secrets. Despite these hurdles, they
detachment, and impassive expressions can occasionally persist in strengthening their repositories of knowledge.
lead to miscommunication with other species. In recent times, the Taii’Maku have assisted in developing
infrastructure across numerous human cities, particularly
History of the Taii’Makus within the Republic and the Tanarean Empire. Their excep-
tional construction and engineering expertise have vastly
Born during the divine era, the brilliant Taii’Maku species
improved the quality of life in these regions. They have al-
emerged from the wills of Tamera and Bauron as a specie
so established a nuanced relationship with the Magocracy
created to bring progress and harmony, so they could extend
of Mage Tower, engaging in lively debates and exchanging
this benevolence to all living beings.
wisdom with their mages. However, the Taii’Maku remain
As a nomadic culture, the Taii’Maku cleverly avoided con-
wary, expressing concerns about the ethical implications of
flict by employing their extraordinary engineering prowess
certain experiments conducted by the Magocracy.
and Bauronite extraction methods to construct the Illus,
their magnificent mobile cities. This enabled them to relocate
continuously, evading disputes with neighboring species.
Contributing to a
When the Ungods first attacked, the Taii’Maku focused Better World
on protecting their people and providing refuge to others. The Taii’Maku stand in Tanares as architects of progress,
They employed sophisticated magical constructs to fend off tirelessly striving to forge a harmonious existence for all in-
the relentless onslaught. However, the Ungods released the habitants. Their commitment to innovation and progress has
Kikokus, sinister insectoid creatures capable of corrupting given rise to astonishing constructs that seamlessly perform
and controlling the Taii’Maku’s constructs. Although the tasks, ensuring transportation, security, and unwavering
Taii’Maku eventually repelled the Kikokus, the victory came support in their quest for an idyllic society.
at the cost of thousands of their lives. Masters of their craft, the Taii’Maku have achieved seem-
In the wake of this conflict, the Taii’Maku formed an al- ingly impossible feats: quenching the parched desert with
liance with humanity, establishing the Malrokian Kingdom life-giving water, taming the fury of unyielding floods, and
under King Malrok’s vision of peaceful unity. They innovated constructing sophisticated sanitation systems. Their inge-
the concept of nonviolent dispute resolution through ath- nious roadways bridge the gaps between cities and kingdoms,
letic competition in specially designed arenas. Regrettably, fostering unity and cooperation in the face of adversity.
this noble idea was later corrupted by the Tanarean Empire. Taii’Maku cities serve as radiant beacons of their grand
The Cult of Shadow Wing infiltrated the Malrokian nobility, vision, with constructs assuming the mantle of manual labor,
forcing the Taii’Maku to confront the tainted aristocracy. The allowing the citizens to immerse themselves in contempla-
nobles’ greed and refusal to heed Taii’Maku advice culminated tion, research, and personal growth. Massive mechanical
in the Malrokian Curse—a disaster that nearly destroyed the wagons and swift-flying vessels transport people with ease,
world. Disillusioned, the Taii’Maku withdrew to their Illus, while constructs dutifully cater to every conceivable task.
seeking solace in knowledge and solitude. In their pursuit of a brighter future, the Taii’Maku remain
During the Imperial Age, Emperor Baleroth attempted to ever vigilant against the persistent menace of the Kikoku,
gain access to the Taii’Maku’s magical and engineering ex- aberrant ungodly insects that prey upon their constructs.
pertise but was met with resistance. This covert persecution With unwavering resolve, they thwart these sinister creatures’
only exacerbated their isolationist tendencies and mistrust attempts to reproduce and breach their resplendent cities.
of other species. The Taii’Maku wield wisdom and reason as formidable
The Kemet Invasion marked a turning point. The Illus en- weapons, serving as advisors and guides in a world beset
dured relentless assaults, and Tanares heroes and Taii’Maku by strife and corruption. Their most gifted strategists and
champions provided crucial support. This siege exposed the thinkers labor tirelessly to craft intricate plans and tactics
dangers of isolation, prompting Taii’Maku heroes to persuade to counter the insidious influence of the Ungods, extending


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

aid and warnings to other realms, even when their words identity, status, and personal circumstances to impartially
fall on deaf ears. inhabit the lives of every individual. This process allows them
Through their steadfast dedication to logic and unyielding to grasp the needs and perspectives of all beings, forging an
resistance to the vices and temptations of the Ungods, the ethical rule that is equitable and just for all. Such an approach
Taii’Maku emerge as a formidable adversary in the battle is vital for the Taii’Maku to create a society that caters to ev-
against malevolent forces. Their very existence presents a eryone’s needs without succumbing to oppression or tyranny.
challenge that the Ungods are all too eager to eliminate, yet In pursuit of this ideal, they strive for a harmonious societal
the Taii’Maku remain undeterred, resolute in their mission balance, ensuring the well-being of all without sacrificing
to unite and uplift the denizens of Tanares. the few. Every voice is heard and respected, fostering unity
and shared understanding.
Taii’Maku Society Marriage in Taii’Maku society is deemed a logical obliga-
tion and lifelong commitment. Couples are selected based
In the heart of the Taii’Maku civilization, a steadfast ded-
on intellectual compatibility and the potential to counter-
ication to logic, rationality, and the pursuit of knowledge
balance each other’s weaknesses, resulting in partners with
beats like a resonant drum. Eschewing traditional faith in
vastly different skill sets. When raising children, Taii’Maku
deities, they perceive gods as highly evolved entities, masters
parents display a profound sense of responsibility, attentive-
of profound wisdom and comprehension of reality. Within
ness, and devotion, particularly in education and imparting
their ranks, clerics and paladins exist, but they view them-
wisdom. However, their parenting approach lacks the emo-
selves as emissaries of superior wisdom rather than servants
tional warmth observed in other species.
of a divine being.
Society is structured around a knowledge-based hierarchy,
The essence of Taii’Maku culture lies in order and balance,
with an individual’s status determined by their contributions
reflected by their harmonious, symmetrical, and geometric
to collective wisdom. Their economy revolves around trading
city architecture. Crafted with meticulous accuracy, their
knowledge and Bauronite ore, prioritizing the exchange of
urban landscapes optimize mystical energy efficiency and
information, discoveries, ideas, and components for crafts
resource management. Their cuisine, mirroring their me-
and research over traditional gold coins. This system nurtures
thodical nature, emphasizes objectivity and efficiency over
a culture of perpetual learning and innovation.
taste and presentation, crafting meals that deliver optimal
Taii’Maku governance is anchored in public councils led
health and nutrient intake.
by the eldest members, inviting anyone with a contribution
In their relationships, the Taii’Maku exhibit an extraordi-
to engage in discussions. Decisions are made through vot-
nary form of empathy. Devoid of emotional experience, it
ing, emphasizing logic over personal biases and frequently
stems from understanding the logical and practical needs
resulting in unanimous or near-unanimous outcomes, as
of others. Their ethical framework originates from a deep
they discuss until every individual is satisfied.
thought experiment in which they shed all knowledge of
The deep Taii’Maku language, comprised of intricate sym-
bols and exact mathematical forms, enables efficient and


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

meticulous idea exchanges, unparalleled in Tanares. In lei- Q uirk D escription
sure, they partake in intellectual debates, exchanging logical Lack of Facial Rarely shows emotion on their face, making it
arguments to persuade their audience, or team sports that Expressions difficult for others to read them. Their eyes, how-
demand exceptional coordination and tactics. ever, are always intense and focused, revealing
their deep thought processes.

Math, Engineering, Reliance on

Logic and
They are known for their use of logic and reason,
which can sometimes make them seem cold and
and Constructs Reason unfeeling.
Tendency Their voice rarely fluctuates in pitch or tone,
Within the great halls of the Taii’Maku civilization, an un- to Speak in which can make them sound apathetic. Their pre-
paralleled mastery of mathematics, engineering, and magic Monotone cise articulation and vocabulary, however, reveal
a highly-educated mind.
reverberates through every aspect of their intricate culture.
This extraordinary fusion breathes life into a myriad of con- Limited The Taii’Makus often struggle to understand
Understanding jokes or sarcasm, as they see little practical value
structs, each pulsating with the volatile yet potent mystical of Humor in them. Yet many try to learn this from other
energies of Bauronite. species.
Highly advanced constructs serve as the lifeblood of Disdain for Taii’Makus are not a fan of small talk and prefer
Taii’Maku society, ceaselessly fulfilling a diverse array of Small Talk to get straight to the point in conversations. They
see idle chit-chat as inefficient and would rather
roles. From performing menial tasks and physical labor discuss something meaningful.
to acting as speedy vehicles, these constructs enable the
Preference They are comfortable spending time alone and
Taii’Maku to dedicate their time to intellectual pursuits. for Solitary are not always interested in socializing with oth-
Sentinel constructs vigilantly patrol the cities, responding Activities ers. They value quiet reflection and introspection.
to Taii’Maku commands and maintaining unwavering securi- Strong Sense The Taii’Makus take their duty and responsibili-
ty. Transportation constructs range from horse-sized golems of Duty ties very seriously and will often put them above
their personal desires or needs. They have a deep
and massive mechanical wagons to soaring aerial machines sense of obligation to their community and strive
and even city-sized, mobile Illus. The zenith of Taii’Maku to make a positive impact.
engineering culminates in the impressive Giant Defenders, Focus on They value efficiency and productivity in all areas
colossal constructs that rival the tallest giants and safeguard Efficiency and of life and may become frustrated with those
Productivity who prioritize relaxation or pleasure. They be-
the Illus from ever-present threats. lieve in getting things done and making the most
Yet, all Taii’Maku constructs necessitate fastidious main- of their time.
tenance to stave off corruption from their Bauronite cores,
which, if left unchecked, could render them uncontrolla-
ble and perilous. Mathematical
The Taii’Maku’s resolute devotion to order, balance, and Approach to Magic
precision, coupled with their reverence for wisdom, forms the
bedrock of their unique capabilities. They alone possess the In the arcane domain, the Taii’Maku stand as a testament to
aptitude to craft such remarkable constructs. Their culture their revolutionary theories that intricately weave the tapestry
fosters an environment that encourages ceaseless learning of magic with the threads of mathematics. This matchless ap-
and innovation, transforming these constructs into more proach births the crafting of impeccably precise magic circles
than just feats of engineering; they stand as emblematic rep- and potent enchanted artifacts, transcending the symbolic
resentations of the Taii’Maku’s relentless pursuit of progress. renderings typically employed by their wizardly counterparts.
U’Tibam, the most eminent Taii’Maku mind of his era, The Taii’Maku spellcasters envision the cosmos as bound
epitomizes their exceptional intellect. His groundbreaking by a set of logical principles that can be deciphered through
contributions to mathematics and the creation of the might- mathematical expressions, deeming magic as an extension
iest giant construct ever forged, a pivotal weapon against the of the physical realm. This unique perspective enables them
Kemet invasion, further highlight the Taii’Maku’s ingenuity. to interlace mathematics within their incantations, and as
The Illus frequently find themselves in need of specific such, Taii’Maku wizards etch their spells as algebraic for-
resources to further their research or repair their constructs, mulas in their grimoires, deeming conventional symbols to
often enlisting the aid of intrepid adventurers to procure the be cumbersome and inefficient.
rare materials they require. Taii’Maku cities also tirelessly As bold adventurers embark on perilous journeys into
search for spies and purloined information or artifacts, of- the depths of time-forgotten ruins, they may chance upon
fering bountiful rewards for their safe recovery. Prioritizing ancient tomes inscribed by legendary Taii’Maku archmag-
security above all else, the Taii’Maku remain perpetually es or unearth enigmatic arcane mechanisms, both teeming
vigilant for signs of infiltration, as the secrets of their con- with labyrinthine equations that call for the keen intellect
structs’ creation and operation must be fiercely safeguarded. of the most erudite Taii’Maku minds to decipher. As they
navigate through the forsaken remnants of bygone Illus, they
may unveil cryptic geometric patterns that cloak concealed
chambers. Nestled within these shrouded sanctuaries, one


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

may find elaborate Taii’Maku-crafted magic circles, poised Historical Nomadism. You gain proficiency in one of the
to unleash formidable and mysterious forces. following skills of your choice: History or Survival.
The Taii’Maku’s unwavering belief in a world that is in- Strong Hands. Endowed with six fingers, taii’makus possess
herently logical and mathematically harmonious drives enhanced hand strength. You have advantage on Strength
their relentless pursuit of transcending the limitations of (Athletics) related to climbing and saving throws against
the arcane. Through their groundbreaking amalgamation of disarming effects.
mathematics and mysticism, they forge breathtaking spells, Mathematical Mind. The unique and logical thought pro-
enchanted relics, and wondrous contraptions imbued with cess of the Taii’Maku grant them an edge with numbers
unparalleled potency. It is their fervent aspiration to harness and math. You have advantage on all ability checks directly
these mystical creations to reshape the world for the better. involving mathematical or accounting tasks.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
Names and Taii’makian.
Taii’makian words usually consist of short syllables with The Taii’makian language is known for its hard syllables
hard consonants that are pronounced with one’s jaws closed, and closed-jaw pronunciation, traits that the taii’maku often
creating a distinct sound that other species hardly ever re- apply to other tongues they know. Taii’makian runes, made
produce correctly. The words often sound harsh or rough. up of geometric shapes, represent words and concepts; by
Their last names sometimes represent the city they hail from, combining up to four runes, a greater concept is created,
with the addition of an adjective representing their person- resembling a sentence in Common. Foreigners often view
al purpose. To facilitate communication, a taii’maku may these lines and markings as complicated mechanical sketches.
present themselves to other species only by their first name,
keeping their full name for themselves. Mind Inclination. Rather than subspecies, taii’maku dis-
Male Names: A’Kole, B’Abku, B’Ogaji, B’Un, C’Hakado, play dispositions inclined either towards Philosophy, with a
D’Alolo, D’Umikole, E’Boko, E’Dowu, E’Ntun, G’Honk, comprehensive approach, or Engineering, focusing on spe-
G’Ombo, J’Aborii, J’Oawari, K’Antobu, K’Obbimbe, K’Onego, cific areas of study.
K’Oyode, K’Uwako, L’Amumbo, M’Antuna, M’Bollo, N’Ingolo,
O’Bimbolo, O’Kashar, O’Ketokunbo, O’Lujime, T’Hanlu, Inclination to Philosophy
U’Chenno, Z’Hantan, Z’Ouwanga
Female Names: A’Beba, A’Deuga, A’Isha, A’Laba, A’Yodela, Taii’maku that choose to follow the philosopher way seek
B’Alan, B’Ennah, B’Onbya, B’Usari, C’Honwalla, D’Ainoka, balance, physical and mental, of nature and mechanics. They
D’Aljih, E’Nla, E’Thuhole, F’Alizah, G’Ainda, J’Ahali, K’Akilih, want to be holistic and fix their own flaws constantly, im-
K’Anyeta, K’Azanatti, K’Oomanni, L’Atesha, L’Ifanni, M’Olaika, proving in multiple skills and become ambivalent.
N’Aan, U’Gocha, V’Ulah, W’Anjika, Y’Eeja, Z’Alan Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Last Names: Alaabo (protector), Alaafia (peace), Apata Two other ability scores of your choice, except Constitution,
(rock), Asa (shield), Asale (desert), Enjini (engine), Eranko increase by 1 each.
(animal), Ewa (beauty), Ianryn (sand), Ibimo (birth), Idan Equilibrium. Taii’makus learn to harness their individual
(magic), Igbagbo (faith), Igbesi (life), Iho (cave), Iji (storm), limits in pursuit of balance. If the difference between your
Iku (death), Imole (light), Irinajo (travel), Iseda (nature), Ja highest and lowest ability scores is no more than 2, you’re
(fight), Koeko (learn), Lagbara (strong), Nla (great), Ododo considered “in balance”.
(flower), Ogo (club), Ojo (day), Oke (mountain), Ona (way), While in balance, your lowest ability scores are considered
Oorun (sun), Sode (hunt) 2 points higher, impacting your attacks, saves, ability checks,
and any other features referencing these ability scores.
Traits At 6th level, this applies to all your ability scores (instead
of only the lowest).
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score
increases by 1. Expanded Knowledge. You gain a +2 bonus to all ability
Age. Taii’makus experience a swift maturation, concluding checks (including all skill checks). If you are “in balance”, this
childhood at 8 years and achieving adulthood at the age of bonus is also applied to all saving throws.
16. Rarely do they live past the age of 80. Expanded Insight. Anytime you would gain a +1 bonus to
Alignment. Most taii’maku are lawful, holding strong be- an ability score from a feat, you can apply it to a different abili-
liefs in the systems and laws of their Ilus. They tend to neu- ty score. This decision, once made, is permanent. (This feature
trality over good and evil, keeping their personal beliefs to applies only if your game includes the optional feat rules.)
themselves for the greater good of society.
Size. Taii’maku are taller than humans, standing well
over 6 to 7 feet tall and averaging 210 to 250 pounds. Your
size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Inclination to Engineering Mechanical thrower. This item lets
you throw a weapon or improvised
Taii’maku who choose to follow the math and engineering weapon 10 feet farther than nor-
way are extremely focused, becoming the best at what they mal. (Weight: 1)
propose to be. In search of constant improvement in what
they have chosen, they are even rough with what does not
involve their studies.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2 Automatic reloader. This item lets
Innate Engineers. You are proficient with tinker’s tools. you ignore the loading property of
Additionally, when analyzing a mechanism such as an autom- a ranged weapon you are wielding
aton or a mechanical trap, you can attempt an Intelligence twice, recovering its uses on a short
(Investigation) check to determine its purpose and function. rest. (Weight: 2)
If successful, you or creatures to whom you have explained
the mechanism have advantage in ability checks made to
use or disable it.
Jumper. This gadget allows you to
Ingenious Inventors: Using tinker’s tools, you can construct
make extraordinary leaps. While
magical mechanisms. Spend 1 hour and 20 gp on materials
wearing it, your jump range doubles,
to create a mechanism, limited to three at any given time. If
and you have advantage on Strength
you create a fourth, you must sever the magical connection
(Athletics) checks related to jump-
with an existing one.
ing. (Weight: 1)
When creating a mechanism, choose from the following
Extended vision monocle. This device lets Climber. This item allows you to
you see better. While wearing it, climb easily. While wearing it, your
your vision range doubles, and climb speed doubles, and you have
you have advantage on Wisdom advantage on Strength (Athletics)
(Perception) checks that rely on checks related to climbing. (Weight: 1)
sight. (Weight: 1)

Carrying frame. This set of springs and

Clock-compass. This item always shows gears helps you carry more weight.
you the exact time and which way is While wearing it, you are considered
north. (Weight: 0) to have +3 to your Strength ability
score for the purposes of calculating
load and lifting weight, as well as for
the Strength requirements of armor.
Sound amplifier. This device helps (Weight: 3)
you hear better. You have advantage
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
rely on hearing. Alternatively, you can
use it to amplify your voice so it can be Potion injector. This contraption allows
heard twice as far. (Weight: 1). you to load a potion into a mounted
reservoir at the end of a long rest. As a
bonus action, you can inject the loaded
potion directly into your bloodstream and
Foldable glider. This item allows you to slow receive its effects. (Weight: 2)
your fall and move forward. For every 5
feet you fall, you can move forward up
to 5 feet reducing this distance from the
fall, as long as you have enough space.
If you can’t move forward you take the
remaining damage as normal. (Weight: 4)


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Chapter 2 - New Classes make your characters even more unique, not just for Tanares
but for any setting you choose.
And Subclasses And don’t forget about the four Simplified Classes, designed
Prepare to dive into an abundance of options in this chapter, to make character creation more accessible and dynamic
with three different types of content: New Classes, Simplified while still providing depth and power. They are a great start-
Classes and Subclasses. ing point for new players and a handy tool for experienced
Explore the intricacies of Tanares with four unique New players wanting to quickly build characters for their tables.
Classes, each specifically designed for this incredible setting, With brief summaries of each material provided in the
but easily adaptable to any table you may be playing at. following tables, you’ll have everything you need to choose
Customize your favorite classes with fifteen New Subclasses, the perfect fit for your character. So, whether you’re a sea-
introducing new gameplay mechanics and allowing you to soned adventurer or new to the world of RPGs, get ready to
discover the endless possibilities of this chapter.

N ew C lasses
C lass S ubclass D escription H it P rimary S aving T hrow W eapon and A rmor
D ie S tat P roficiency P roficiency
Dragonblade Combat geniuses and trained strategists who d8 Intelligence Intelligence All armor, shields, simple
wield powerful dragon abilities to subdue ene- Constitution weapons, and martial
mies and dominate battles. weapons.
Fury of the Red Experts in offensive maneuvers, they outma- d8 Intelligence Intelligence All armor, shields, simple
Dragon / Azymor neuver their enemies with lethal precision. Constitution weapons, and martial
Integrity of the White Experts in defensive maneuvers, they are near d8 Intelligence Intelligence All armor, shields, simple
Dragon / Kerloth impossible to strike and absorb enemy attacks Constitution weapons, and martial
with ease. weapons.
The Celerity of the Tactical positioners are masters of battlefield d8 Intelligence Intelligence All armor, shields, simple
Blue Dragon / Thyra control, manipulating the flow of battle to Constitution weapons, and martial
their advantage. weapons.

Elementalist Wise casters who use elemental powers d6 Wisdom Intelligence Club, daggers, quarter-
to support allies, hamper foes, and solve Wisdom staffs, shortbow and
problems. longbow
Air Primordial Masters of movement, illusion, perception, d6 Wisdom Intelligence Club, daggers, quarter-
Element and air, they confuse and mislead enemies. Wisdom staffs, shortbow and
Earth Primordial Masters of protection, barriers, strengthening, d6 Wisdom Intelligence Club, daggers, quarter-
Element and earth, they shield allies from harm. Wisdom staffs, shortbow and
Fire Primordial Masters of combat, enchantment, fear, and d6 Wisdom Intelligence Club, daggers, quarter-
Element fire, they cripple and strike fear into foes. Wisdom staffs, shortbow and
Water Primordial Masters of healing, abjuration, life, and water, d6 Wisdom Intelligence Club, daggers, quarter-
Element they mend allies' wounds and cure ailments. Wisdom staffs, shortbow and

Madwalker Mad-touched survivors and penumbral d8 Dexterity Dexterity Light armor, Simple
experts, they shift their form to accomplish Charisma weapons, martial
incredible feats. weapons
Aberrant Arachnid Trail Aggressive hunters who ambush and isolate d8 Dexterity Dexterity Light armor, Simple
(Arachnid Hunter’s) their prey, they are silent and deadly. Charisma weapons, martial
Nightmare's Resilient survivors with glimpses of the future, d8 Dexterity Dexterity Light armor, Simple
Augury Trail they prepare for impending catastrophes with Charisma weapons, martial
(Nightmare Predator’s) powerful abilities. weapons

Redeemer Charismatic leaders and divine casters, bless- d8 Charisma Charisma Light armor, daggers,
ed by the gods with the power to captivate Wisdom darts, slings, quarter-
crowds and wield gold as a weapon. staffs, light crossbows.
Shepherd Grand speakers and preachers who gather d8 Charisma Charisma Light armor, daggers,
throngs of followers, they persuade and in- Wisdom darts, slings, quarter-
spire with their words. staffs, light crossbows.
Doomspeakers Prophets who fear the end of the world and d8 Charisma Charisma Light armor, daggers,
accumulate power to fight against impending Wisdom darts, slings, quarter-
disaster. staffs, light crossbows.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

N ew S implified C lasses
C lass D escription H it P rimary S aving T hrow W eapon and A rmor P roficiency
D ie S tat P roficiency
Brawler A fierce and resilient combatant. d12 Strength Strength Light and medium armor, shields,
Constitution simple and martial weapons
Mage A powerful spellcaster specialized in a d6 Intelligence Intelligence Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs,
select number of arcane spells. Wisdom light crossbows
Priest A devout follower of the gods capable d8 Wisdom Wisdom Light and medium armor, shields,
of healing and casting divine spells. Charisma simple weapons
Scoundrel A crafty rogue specialized in coordinat- d8 Dexterity Dexterity Light armor, simple weapons, hand
ed attacks and quick thinking in various Intelligence crossbows, longswords, rapiers,
situations. shortswords

N ew S ubclasses
C lass S ubclass D escription H it P rimary S aving T hrow W eapon and A rmor
D ie S tat P roficiency P roficiency
Barbarian Path of the Brutal A barbarian hunter who specializes d12 Strength Strength Light and medium armor,
Hunter in focusing their fury on their prey. Constitution shields, simple and martial
Barbarian Path of the A barbarian survivor who special- d12 Strength Strength Light and medium armor,
Penumbral izes in dealing with the horrors of Constitution shields, simple and martial
the Shadow Plane. weapons
Bard College Of Life A bard who can harmonize their d8 Charisma Dexterity Light armor, simple weapons,
music with the essence of life. Charisma hand crossbows, longswords,
They can heal people and commu- rapiers, short swords
nicate with animals.
Cleric Chaos Domain A cleric who can cast spells from d8 Wisdom Wisdom Light and medium armor,
other classes and infuse random- Charisma shields, simple weapons
ness into their magic.
Cleric Courage Domain A cleric who inspires their allies, d8 Wisdom Wisdom Light and medium armor,
providing them with courage and Charisma shields, simple weapons
Druid Circle of the Druids who focus on plants above d8 Wisdom Intelligence Light and medium armor (non-
Bloom other aspects of nature. Wisdom metal), shields (nonmetal), clubs,
daggers, darts, javelins, maces,
quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles,
slings, spears
Fighter Death Knight A warrior who can channel the d10 Strength Strength All armor, shields, simple and
power of death into lethal blows. Dexterity Constitution martial weapons
Monk Way of the A monk trained in animal postures, d8 Dexterity Strength Simple weapons, shortswords
Animals shifting stances during combat. Wisdom Dexterity
Paladin Oath Of Freedom A paladin who values freedom. d10 Strength Wisdom All armor, shields, simple and
Their oath ignores laws and rules Charisma Charisma martial weapons
for the sake of goodness.
Ranger Shadow Rangers who lurk on the fringes d10 Dexterity Strength Light and medium armor,
Investigator of society, seeking out aberra- Wisdom Dexterity shields, simple and martial
tions and sinister cultists lurking weapons
in cities.
Ranger Arcane Guardian Rangers who protect magic, with d10 Dexterity Strength Light and medium armor,
specialized training to face those Wisdom Dexterity shields, simple and martial
who abuse arcane power. weapons
Rogue Ninja Ninjas capable of using Ki tech- d8 Dexterity Dexterity Light armor, simple weapons,
niques as infiltrators and assassins. Intelligence hand crossbows, longswords,
rapiers, shortswords
Sorcerer Cultist Fanatical sorcerers who channel d6 Charisma Constitution Daggers, darts, slings, quarter-
their madness into magical power Charisma staffs, light crossbows
and conjure Shadow beings.
Warlock Pact of the Dark Warlocks who make a pact with d8 Charisma Wisdom Light armor, simple weapons
Hunter an entity that seeks to destroy all Charisma
mystical creatures of darkness.
Wizard Lost Magic Adventurous and explorative wiz- d6 Intelligence Intelligence Daggers, darts, slings, quarter-
Researcher ards who seek the lost secrets of Wisdom staffs, light crossbows
magic from ages past.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)


human stands atop a towering
wall, surveying the battlefield below
with piercing eyes. An army of undead
advances steadily, marching towards their strong-
hold with a relentless pace. The human remains calm,
a steely determination in his gaze as he descends the
stairs, his battle plan already forming in his mind.
An ancient tome, bound in dragon scales, slams
shut with a resounding thud. Outside his friends
call for help, but the gnome only smiles, ready for
action - his sixty years of dragon studies have given
him the claws of a dragon and the fangs of a predator.
The Arena floor trembles with the chaos of battle as
members of the team fall one by one. An elf retreats,
his every move watched by his enemies. But his retreat is
a ruse, a clever ploy to position himself for the perfect strike.
With a dash and flash of his sword, he dispatches the enemy
conjurors and charges forward, ready to end the battle and
protect his wounded allies.

Masters of draconic power and strategic thinking, these

skilled combatants protect Tanares from penumbral cult-
ists and creatures, serving as defenders, monster hunters,
and military leaders for the Draconic Council.

The Dragonblades, elite combatants with a unique fighting

style, harness the ancient and mystic powers of dragons.
Most of these skilled warriors serve the Draconic Council
and take on various roles, such as diplomats, gladiators,
and monster hunters, fighting against the corruptive
forces that threaten the world.
Dragonblades are highly intelligent fighters, channel-
ing the Draconic Power to perform exceptional feats of
swordsmanship. Clad in heavy armor and often wielding
shields, these warriors rely on their intellect rather than
physical strength to dominate the battlefield. They often act
on the frontline of battles, as well as protecting sacred sites,
ancient treasures, and the Draconic Council’s towers.
Each Dragonblade follows a Draconic Soul path, symbol-
ized by a dragon color that bestows upon them elemental
powers associated with that dragon. These elemental forces
augment their martial prowess, enabling them to combat
the sinister otherworldly forces threatening their world.
Their cunning also allows them to serve as battlemind strat-
egists, outwitting enemies and controlling the battlefield
with strategic prowess.
As the Malrokian Curse looms over Tanares, threatening
to unleash chaos and devastation should large-scale battles
erupt, dragonblades are required to avert such conflicts and
hunt the cultists and aberrations that strive to cause them.
Their missions demand extraordinary courage, tactical ex-
pertise, and unwavering dedication to the cause.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

T he D ragonblade
Proficiency Draconic Draconic
Level Features
Bonus Power Level Powers Known
1st +2 Claws and Scales, Natural Strategist, Draconic Power 1st 3
2nd +2 Draconic Soul Feature, Empowered Soul 1st 4
3rd +2 Investigative Mind 1st 4
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2nd 5
5th +3 Draconic Knowledge 2nd 5
6th +3 Dragon Soul Feature 2nd 5
7th +3 — 3rd 6
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3rd 6
9th +4 Dragon Form 3rd 6
10th +4 Draconic Soul Feature 4th 7
11th +4 Tactical Response 4th 7
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Dragon Form 4th 7
13th +5 — 5th 8
14th +5 Draconic Soul Feature 5th 8
15th +5 Dragon Form 5th 8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 6th 9
17th +6 Spiritual Wings 6th 9
18th +6 Draconic Soul Feature, Dragon Form 6th 9
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 7th 10
20th +6 Call of the Dragon 7th 10

In their quest, Dragonblades often face formidable ad- with mortals. Their original purpose was to increase the
versaries such as the Cult of Shadow Wing, which seeks to strength of mortals in the war against the Ungods’ minions
corrupt all creatures, including dragons, turning them into and protect Tanares, the world entrusted to the dragons by
penumbral creatures that empower the Eldritch Ungods. Tamera and Bauron. As time passed, the Ancient Age saw
As the Dragonblades grapple with their daunting tasks, the creation of the Draconic Council, a powerful assembly
the enigmatic Draconic Council is beset with internal strife, of dragons, formed to preserve Tanares from penumbral
casting shadows over the future of Tanares. The Council’s corruption and the destructive Malrokian Curse.
divisions stem from contrasting beliefs regarding the potential Upon its formation, the Dragonblades became an essential
of mortals. The majestic Golden Avatar Dragon, Isendden, component of the Draconic Council, serving as the back-
champions a faction that fervently trusts in mortal potential bone of their troops. Most have remained politically neu-
and destiny. In stark contrast, the formidable Black Avatar tral, intervening only when the Council acted to prevent
Dragon, Zaldrus, spearheads a faction that perceives mortals war or corruption. From their war-focused beginnings, the
as feeble and susceptible to corruption. As this clandestine Dragonblades have evolved into versatile agents, serving on
struggle for dominion over the council unfolds, whispers of the most diverse arrays of duties within the Council.
political intrigue echoes in the Draconic Towers. During the Kemet invasion, some Dragonblades, rec-
Undeterred by these challenges, the Dragonblades perse- ognizing the potential cataclysm, aided in the war effort
vere in their mission. They venture into the Penumbral Plane against the invading dark elves. Among them was the leg-
to free captured dragons, dismantle the Shadow Wing’s plans, endary Dragonblade Sedura, a solitary warrior trained by a
and vanquish their foes. As the embodiment of strategic rogue master. Initially manipulated by D.E.A.T.H. to kill the
combat against the encroaching darkness, the Dragonblades Dragon Avatar Thyra, Sedura redeemed herself by becoming
unleash their intellect, martial skill, and the awe-inspiring a war hero and helping Talessa and the Draconic Council
power of dragons to vanquish their foes. thwart the Cult of Shadow Wing’s attempt to corrupt other
Avatar Dragons.
The History of Dragonblades In contemporary times, Dragonblades operate as war-coun-
selors and emissaries for various factions, with the Draconic
The Dragonblades’ origins can be traced back to the Godly
Council allowing this to maintain influence and gather
Age, when dragons first shared their knowledge and power


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

intelligence to prevent wars. Factions remain cautious about equipment, resources, and more challenging missions. Only
the Dragonblades’ loyalty to the Council, employing them the most powerful and dedicated dragonblades can achieve
as advisors and military leaders without revealing too much a vote in the Council, joining the esteemed ranks of the two
sensitive information. current Dragonblade voting members.
Facing hordes of sinister creatures, confronting the Shadow The Council’s hierarchy is based on merit, with seven ranks
Wing, and other malevolent forces, the Dragonblades use representing various roles and responsibilities:
their unique skills and knowledge to prevent the return of • Dragon Avatar - Supreme Commanders of the Council
the world-ending Ungods. (able to vote in council meetings)
• Draconic Archon - Guardians of the Draconic Towers and
The Draconic Council Regional Commanders
The Draconic Council is the central governing body that • Dragon Lord - Field Generals in charge of large-scale mil-
oversees the Dragonblades and their activities in the world itary operations
of Tanares. When the gods Tamera and Bauron forged the • Dragon Commander - Leaders of a battalion (Young drag-
world of Tanares, they created dragons as its guardians. ons start here)
However, because of mortal’s hubris the Ungods invaded • Dragon Captain - Commanders of a company within a
Tanares, instigating conflicts and bringing the dangers of battalion
the Penumbral Plane. To protect Tanares from being con- • Dragon Lieutenant - Platoon leaders responsible for a
sumed, the Draconic Council was established, composed of group of Soldiers
ancient Dragons, the wise and powerful Talessa, and elite • Dragon Soldier - Entry-level rank for mortal members
mortal Dragonblades.
As they dedicate their efforts to rise in these rankings, the
The Avatar Dragons, named from their belief of being
Dragonblades stand as a bulwark against darkness, their
avatars of the gods’ will to protect the world, hold the top
intellect, combat skills, and raw draconic power crucial to
positions within the Draconic Council, commanding the
the survival of Tanares. The fate of the world rests on their
fight against the Ungods’ minions. The Dragonblades, in
armored shoulders, and their unwavering dedication to the
service to the Council, act as the main agents for the orga-
Draconic Council’s mission will be one of the key factors
nization, being on the forefront of the battle against forces
in determining the destiny of dragons and mortals alike.
of the Penumbral Plane.
Selected based on their courage and intellect, Dragonblades
undergo rigorous training to master martial prowess and
D.E.A.T.H to the Dragons
unlock mystical abilities. Their most prominent members In addition to their primary goal of protecting Tanares from
are given enchanted heavy armor and powerful mystically the Ungods and their minions, the Draconic Council must
empowered weapons to serve the Council. Dragonblades act also contend with extremist groups like D.E.A.T.H. Founded
not only as battle-ready warriors but also as peacekeepers by individuals who have studied dragons for a long time,
and ambassadors, in addition to leading groups to find and D.E.A.T.H. possesses many secrets about dragons, including
destroy the servants of the Ungods. the supposed plans and goals of some high-ranking members
The Council’s primary adversary is the Cult of Shadow of the Draconic Council. This knowledge not only makes
Wing, which is intent on corrupting dragons and unleash- D.E.A.T.H. a dangerous adversary but also attracts those who
ing the world-ending Ungods upon Tanares. Dragonblades seek to use this information against the Council.
combat them by foiling their political intrigue, locate and D.E.A.T.H. members believe that dragons are the source of
eradicate their cultists, confront penumbral creatures, and the dreaded Malrokian Curse, which drives them to eliminate
recover captured dragons and dragon’s eggs. Dragon Avatars and disrupt the workings of the Draconic
The Draconic Council is divided into two factions re- Council. Their misguided goal to rid Tanares of dragons
garding mortals. One faction, led by Talessa and neutral has led to a long-standing conflict with the Council and its
dragons, advocates cultivation and guidance, recognizing champions, the Dragonblades. Unbeknownst to D.E.A.T.H.,
the potential heroism and strength of mortals. The other the Malrokian Curse is not the result of the dragons’ exis-
faction, distrustful of mortals, sees them as susceptible to tence but rather the machinations of the Ungods, who seek
corruption and advocates for control. This internal struggle to sow chaos and destruction.
shapes the Council’s decisions and the missions undertaken D.E.A.T.H.’s extensive knowledge of dragons’ secrets poses
by the Dragonblades. a unique challenge to the Council, as various factions may
Most dragonblades work under the Avatar Dragons as they seek to steal or obtain this information for their own purpos-
hold the highest position in the hierarchy of the Council. es. Even virtuous people might try to uncover such secrets
As the dragonblades contribute to the fight against the to use them to foil the plans of evil dragons. Sometimes,
Ungods’ servants and their penumbral creatures, they may members of the Council themselves may attempt to acquire
ascend through the Council’s ranks, gaining access to better information obtained by D.E.A.T.H. to use it against their


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

oppositions within the Council, as the two factions led by independently or under the tutelage of dragons who have
Issenden and Zaldrus often struggle to agree on the best strayed from or never joined the Council. These independent
course of action. Dragonblades are often still recognized for their prowess and
The Dragonblades must navigate this complex landscape, may collaborate with the Council on various tasks, working
dealing with D.E.A.T.H. and its influence on the politics of as Penumbral monster hunters and collecting bounties.
Tanares, while simultaneously confronting the looming threat Despite their immense power and organization, the
of the Shadow Wing and the zealots of D.E.A.T.H. Engaged Dragonblades must remain vigilant to ensure their ranks stay
in a deadly game of deception and intrigue, the heroes of pure and uncorrupted. Sinister forces of corruption contin-
Tanares may find themselves drawn into D.E.A.T.H.’s schemes, ually attempt to infiltrate the Draconic Council and subvert
lured into missions with unforeseen consequences. Dragonblades, siphoning their Draconic Power to strengthen
To ensure Tanares’ safety and stability, the Dragonblades their Penumbral Dragons. As guardians, the Dragonblades
must rely on their cunning and keen minds to deal with the are tasked with remaining watchful, identifying corrupted
forces of D.E.A.T.H., the machinations of the Shadow Wing, individuals, and resisting the temptation to succumb to their
and potential treachery within the Draconic Council itself. enemies’ alluring influence.
Their ability to preserve the world from corruption depends
on their unwavering dedication to the cause and their ability Within the grand chamber of the primary council, two
to adapt to ever-changing challenges. Dragonblades possess the esteemed privilege of voting power
as Dragon Avatars: Konnorian, a human with a blue dragon
The Draconic Power soul, and Kethraxis, a dragonborn imbued with a gold dragon
soul. Konnorian is renowned for his lightning-fast speed and
At the core of the Dragonblades’ legendary prowess lies the
near-divine reflexes, while Kethraxis maintains an air of mys-
enigmatic force known as Draconic Power. This mystical
tery, his stern facade believed to conceal a compassionate heart.
energy, derived from the ancient and enigmatic essence of
As discussions of grave consequence unfold, the council
dragons, elevates them beyond the capabilities of ordinary
chamber resonates with the formidable presence of the elite
warriors and spellcasters, transcending the boundaries of
Dragonblades and the awe-inspiring Great Wyrms. A palpable
normal magic, to grant unique fighting skills.
tension pervades the air, electrifying the atmosphere. Amidst
To harness this formidable power, aspiring Dragonblades
this charged environment, all eyes are drawn to Talessa, the
must undergo rigorous training that melds the disciplines
sagacious and impartial fulcrum of the council, who weighs
of the scholar, the strategist, and the front-line warrior. In
each uttered word with the utmost care and deliberation.
their pursuit of mastery, these elite combatants embrace a
curriculum inspired by ancient practices, focusing not only
on martial arts but also on intellectual pursuits. They delve Creating A Dragonblade
into the study of literature, calligraphy, general knowledge,
The first step in creating your dragonblade character is to
and even the elegant art of poetry, refining their minds and
determine whether or not they are affiliated with the Draconic
honing their intellects.
Council. Most dragonblades serve the Council, but there
This comprehensive education shapes the Dragonblades
are many wandering dragonblades who could have served
into versatile and adaptive warriors, capable of serving in a
as the character’s mentor.
variety of roles, from skilled diplomats and cunning strate-
If they are affiliated with the Council, work with your
gists to relentless monster hunters and inspiring counselors.
Dungeon Master to determine its ranking, who trained it
Through their training, they acquire profound knowledge
and who is currently its superior, as well as the philosophy
of the arcane, as well as the art of tracking and eliminat-
and goals of its group inside the Council..
ing dangerous Penumbral Aberrations, which earns them
If they are not affiliated with the Council, work with your
bounties and increases their rank and influence within the
Dungeon Master to determine the character’s mentor, the
Draconic Council.
mentor’s history, and why they trained the character.
The journey to become a Dragonblade begins with “The
Finally, decide what led your character to a life of adven-
Dragon’s Trial,” a test held by the Council to assess the wor-
ture - were they fulfilling a mission given to them by the
thiness of potential recruits based on their intellect, physical
Council? Did their studies make them question some of the
abilities, morality, and loyalty to the Council’s values. Those
things taught to them by their master or the Council? Did
who pass the trial receive specialized training in harnessing
they encounter a group in need of their leadership that could
the mystical force of dragons, perfecting their combat and
help them achieve their personal goals? Did they embark on
tactical abilities.
their adventure as part of their training?
While many Dragonblades are trained and serve under the
guidance of the Draconic Council, others forge their paths


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Class Features Powers. They are divided into three types, each possessing
one of these marks: Claw, Scale, and Wing.
As a dragonblade, you gain the following class features. You can only use ONE Draconic Power per round unless
you trigger Empowered Soul or the Draconic Power spe-
Hit Points cifically permits it.
Hit Die: 1d8 per dragonblade level Empowered Soul. From the 2nd level, whenever you
Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution modifier use a Draconic Power, note down its mark, and once you
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution have accumulated all three different marks, your soul be-
modifier per dragonblade level after 1st comes empowered.
• You can spend its empowerment to execute a Draconic
Power that requires an action as a bonus action. When
Armor: All armor, shields doing so, ignore the limitation of using only one Draconic
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons Power per round.
Tools: Artisan tools (blacksmith) or artisan tools
• After using your Empowered status, you immediately
delete all annotated marks and you can begin collecting
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Constitution
them anew.
Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, History, Investigation,
• You can conserve your Empowered Soul for a later turn.
Nature, Perception, and Religion
• Every time you roll for initiative at the onset of a battle or
Equipment finish a short or long rest, all previous marks are erased,
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the and the Soul empowerment, if not already used, is lost.
equipment granted by your background: Saving Throw or Spell Attack. Some Draconic Powers re-
• (a) one-handed martial weapon and a shield or (b) quire the target to make a saving throw to resist the effects,
two-handed martial weapon or you may need to perform a spell attack to hit. The DC for
• (a) chain mail or (b) chain shirt, longbow and 20 arrows the saving throw and the spell attack is calculated as follows:
• (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack Draconic Power DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier.
Claws and Scales Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
At 1st level, your mastery allows the draconic energy to Intelligence modifier
channel into your armor and weapon, turning them as in-
nate to you as scales and claws are to a dragon. When using Draconic Power Progression
melee or ranged weapons, you can replace your Strength At 1st level, choose two 1st-level Draconic Power from the
or Dexterity with your Intelligence modifier for attack and list of powers. They must be of different types (claw, scale
damage rolls. Additionally, ignore the Strength requirement or wings).
for wearing armor, and only consider half of its weight to- The Dragonblade table shows the total number and levels
wards your carrying capacity. of Draconic Powers known, according to your level. At 2nd
level onward when you gain new powers or change your list
Natural Strategist of powers you must always have at least one power of each
different type (claw, scale and wing).
At 1st level, you can of tactically guiding your allies. Whenever
Starting at 8th level, whenever you gain a new level in this
you roll for initiative at the start of a battle, prior to any
class, you can replace a Draconic Power you already know
combatant’s first turn, and assuming you are not taken by
with a different power of a level that you can use, so that
surprise, you can use your reaction to maneuver your allies
you don’t exceed the maximum number of Draconic Powers.
across the battlefield. If you do so, both you and all your
Additionally, at the 2nd level and onward your chosen
allies within a 30-feet radius, who can hear your command,
Draconic Soul will grant special Draconic Powers, accord-
can instantly move up to 15 feet without provoking attacks
ing to the list in the Draconic Soul section. They do not
of opportunity. count toward the number of Draconic Powers that you
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your can learn, and you can’t replace them with other
Intelligence modifier (at a minimum of once). You regain Draconic Powers later.
any spent use after completing a long rest.

Draconic Power
Your deep study and immersion made you able to com-
prehend the secret martial techniques known as Draconic


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

J uveline D ragon F orm Mature Dragon F orm
Huge dragon, any alignment Huge dragon, any alignment

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 57 (6d12+18) Hit Points 66 (7d12+21)
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft.

16 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) - - - 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) - - -

Saving Throws Same as the Dragonblade Saving Throws Same as the Dragonblade
Skills Same as the Dragonblade Skills Same as the Dragonblade
Damage Immunities By Dragon Soul (fire for red, lightning for Damage Immunities By Dragon Soul (fire for red, lightning for
blue, cold for white). blue, cold for white).
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft. Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft.
Languages By Dragonblade Languages By Dragonblade
Challenge — Challenge —

Actions Actions
Multiattack. The juvenile dragon form makes three attacks: one Multiattack. The mature dragon form makes three attacks: one
with its bite and two with its claws. with its bite and two with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) energy damage by 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) energy damage by
Dragon Soul. Dragon Soul.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage. 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6). The juvenile dragon form exhales Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6). The mature dragon form exhales
energy in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make energy in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make
a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) energy dam- a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 31 (9d6) energy dam-
age on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful age on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
one. The energy is the same as the Dragonblade’s Dragon Soul. one. The energy is the same as the Dragonblade’s Dragon Soul.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

A dult D ragon F orm O ld Dragon F orm
Huge dragon, any alignment Huge dragon, any alignment

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Armor Class 19 (natural armor)

Hit Points 76 (8d12+24) Hit Points 94 (9d12+36)
Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft. Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft.

20 (+5) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) - - - 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) - - -

Saving Throws Same as the Dragonblade Saving Throws Same as the Dragonblade
Skills Same as the Dragonblade Skills Same as the Dragonblade
Damage Immunities By Dragon Soul (fire for red, lightning for Damage Immunities By Dragon Soul (fire for red, lightning for
blue, cold for white). blue, cold for white).
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft. Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft.
Languages By Dragonblade Languages By Dragonblade
Challenge — Challenge —

Actions Actions
Multiattack. The adult dragon form makes three attacks: one Multiattack. The old dragon form makes three attacks: one with
with its bite and two with its claws. its bite and two with its claws.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) energy damage by 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) energy damage by
Dragon Soul. Dragon Soul.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage. 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.
Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6). The adult dragon form exhales Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that
energy in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) energy dam- on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1
age on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
one. The energy is the same as the Dragonblade’s Dragon Soul. each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a
creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it,
the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for
the next 24 hours.
Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6). The old dragon form exhales
energy in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make
a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 42 (12d6) energy dam-
age on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
one. The energy is the same as the Dragonblade’s Dragon Soul.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Draconic Soul While you are transformed, the following rules apply:Your
game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the dragon,
At 2nd level, you may choose an archetype that represents but you retain your alignment, personality, and Intelligence,
your combat training style: the Fury of the Red Dragon, the Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You also retain all of your
Integrity of the White Dragon, or the Celerity of the Blue skill and saving throw proficiencies, in addition to gaining
Dragon. Each bestows upon you unique Draconic Powers those of the dragon. If the dragon has the same proficiency
and features at the 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels. When a as you and the bonus in its stat block is higher than yours,
power refers to elements associated with your Draconic Soul, use the dragon’s bonus instead of yours.
use fire for the red dragon, cold for the white dragon, and • When you transform, you assume the dragons’ hit points
lightning for the blue dragon, according to your chosen type. and Hit Dice. When you revert to your normal form, you
return to the number of hit points you had before you trans-
Investigative Mind formed. However, if you revert as a result of dropping to 0
Your abilities in research and study advance. At the 3rd lev- hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal
el, you acquire the Draconic language and gain proficiency form. For example, if you take 10 damage in dragon form
in the Investigation skill. If you are alredy proficient, your and have only 1 hit point left, you revert and take 9 damage.
proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability checks you make As long as the excess damage doesn’t reduce your normal
that uses this skill. form to 0 hit points, you aren’t knocked unconscious.
• You can’t perform Draconic Powers or cast spells, and your
Ability Score Improvement ability to take any action is limited to the capabilities of a
dragon’s body. Transforming doesn’t break your concen-
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and tration on a spell you’ve already cast.
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice • You retain the benefit of any features from your class, spe-
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice cies, or other source and can use them if the new form is
by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above physically capable of doing so. However, you can’t use any
20 using this feature. of your special senses, such as darkvision, unless your new
form also has that sense.
Draconic Knowledge • You choose whether your equipment falls to the ground in
Your understanding of dragons intensifies. At the 5th level, your space, merges into your new form, or is worn by it.
whenever you perform an ability check related to Dragons, Worn equipment functions as normal, but the GM decides
you apply your proficiency bonus to the check, even if you whether it is practical for the new form to wear a piece of
are not proficient in that skill. equipment. Your equipment doesn’t change size or shape
to match the new form, and any equipment that the new
Dragon Form form can’t wear must either fall to the ground or merge
with it. Equipment that merges with the form has no effect
Starting at 9th level, you can use your action to magically until you leave the form.
transform into a dragon form. After the transformation, you
can only use this feature again after a long rest.
Tactical Response
Your dragonblade level determines the power of the dragon
you can transform into, as shown in the Dragon Form table. Your precise instructions enable your allies to execute actions
Your draconic form’s aspect matches your Draconic Soul. beyond their regular capability. At the 11th level, at any mo-
ment, you can use your reaction to bestow an extra reaction
D ragon F orm
upon an ally within a 30-foot radius from you. They must use
D ragonblade L evel D ragon form it immediately to perform any reaction they’re capable of.
9th Juvenile Dragon Form
12th Mature Dragon Form Spiritual Wings
15th Adult Dragon Form
You’re able to manipulate the draconic energy to fly. At 17th
18th Old Dragon Form level, with a bonus action, you can generate a pair of spectral
dragon wings on your back. These wings endow you with
You can stay in the dragon shape for 10 minutes then revert
a flying speed of 60 feet. They last until you dismiss them,
to your normal form. You can revert to your normal form ear-
also with a bonus action.
lier by using a bonus action on your turn. You automatically
revert if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Call of the Dragon Mark of the revenge
At the 6th level, when you expand your Empowered Soul to
At 20th level, your bond with draconic power is so potent
execute a second Draconic Power in a single turn, you may
that these majestic creatures respond to your call for combat.
retain a Mark (Claw, Scale, or Wing) of your choice instead
You can summon an adult dragon to assist you in a fight.
of erasing all of them.
The dragon takes 1d4 rounds to reach you, but it can only
be called if its arrival is feasible. The dragon’s color matches Superior Maintenance
that of your Draconic Soul and it aids you in the most ef- At 10th level, your aura ignites the resilience of your allies.
fective manner possible. It remains until the conflict or the Any creatures of your choice within a 30-foot radius, when
cause of its summoning ends (as per the GM’s discretion) targeted by a spell that requires a saving throw, may choose
and no longer than 30 days. Once used, this ability cannot to replace the ability modifier of their saving throw with
be invoked again until a 30-day period has passed. your Intelligence modifier (the target still uses its proficiency
and any other applicable bonuses, effects, and conditions
Draconic Souls for this roll).

Fury of the Red Fire Immunity

At 14th level, the flame power coursing through you renders
Dragon / Azymor you immune to fire damage.
Dragonblades are the shock troops of the Draconic Council,
and the Fury of the Red Dragon is one of the most aggressive Draconic Presence
and intense training styles within their ranks. These warriors At the 18th level, you acquire the “Frightful Presence” ability
are forged by dragon fire in the art of war and are trained to of an Ancient Red Dragon, which you can use as an action.
lead the assault against their enemies. Those who choose this
path are experts in battle, and their relentless aggression is Integrity of the White
unmatched. Whether it be scorching heat or raging infer- Dragon / Kerloth
nos, the Fury of the Red Dragon Dragonblades are capable
of withstanding the harshest scorching conditions, making Dragonblades trained in the Soul of the White Dragon are
them ideal for missions in the South of Tanares. Here, they the sentinels of the frozen tundra, their bodies honed to
seek to study the ways of the red dragon and learn from withstand the freezing winds of the North. They are the
their mastery of the environment. These warriors are the guardians of sacred places, their forms standing like bas-
embodiment of dragon-like ferocity, and they are feared tions of ice and steel against all who would dare threaten
and respected by friends and foes alike. the Draconic Council’s interests.
Embodying the resilience and cunning of the white drag-
R ed D ragon D raconic P owers on, these warriors venture deep into the heart of the frosty
D ragonblade L evel D raconic P ower wilds, braving blizzards that rage like a tempest, scaling icy
cliffs as if they were steps to the heavens. Every step they
2nd Burning Strike
take is a testament to their unwavering determination, every
4th Sundering Strike
breath a reminder of their fierce loyalty.
7th Ring of Fire With each battle, they hone their bodies to be more attuned
10th Boon of Flames to the ways of the white dragon, drawing upon its mastery
13th Blades of Wind of the environment to survive where others would perish.
16th Sweltering Heat Their movements are graceful, yet deadly, like the flow of
19th Final Destruction
ice upon a frozen river. They are the protectors of dragon
lairs, their eyes constantly scanning the horizon, their senses
alert for any sign of danger.
Empowered Dragon’s Fury The sight of a Dragonblade trained in the Soul of the White
At 2nd level, you can channel a portion of your Empowered Dragon is both fearsome and awe-inspiring. Their determi-
Soul energy to unleash your fiery fury. Each time your soul nation shines like diamonds in the snow, their resolve shields
becomes Empowered by Draconic Power, you can immedi- its allies in the bleakest of environments. These warriors are
ately release fire on a creature you can see within a 30-feet the guardians of the Draconic Council, their unwavering
radius. Make a ranged attack roll against it; if you hit, the spirit a reminder that even in the face of the coldest winter,
creature takes 1d6 fire damage for every two Dragonblade the fire of protection and defense burns bright.
levels you possess, rounded down.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

These untamed wanderers are graceful as a summer breeze,
W hite D ragon D raconic P owers
their movements as fluid and precise as the winds they con-
D ragonblade L evel D raconic P ower
trol. They are drawn to the untamed energy of the storms,
2nd Shield of Scales seeking to understand its secrets and bend it to their will.
4th Enduring Scales Despite the disappearance of Thyra, the Blue Dragon-Avatar,
7th Frozen Spikes these Dragonblades pay homage to their legacy with each
10th Frost Burst daring leap into the unknown, their courage, determination,
and mastery of the elements, making them the true masters
13th Protecting Mists
of the skies and the embodiment of freedom.
16th Aura of the Scales
19th Ice Fortress B lue D ragon D raconic P owers
D ragonblade L evel D raconic P ower
Empowered Dragon’s Protection 2nd Lightning Dash
At 2nd level, you can channel a portion of your Empowered 4th Tail Slam
Soul energy to form an icy shield, protecting you from an 7th Binding Lightning
enemy’s attack. The first time you sustain damage after your
10th Lagging Thunder
soul becomes Empowered, you may choose to reduce the
13th Thundering Translocation
damage by 1d8 for every two Dragonblade levels you possess
(to a minimum of 0). 16th Shocking Trap
19th Energy Surge
Ice Veins
At 6th level, when you expand your Empowered Soul to ex- Empowered Wind Blast
ecute a second Draconic Power in a turn, a creature of your
At 2nd level, each time your soul becomes Empowered, you
choice that you can see within a 30-foot radius suffers a 1d4
can channel a portion of its energy to unleash a gust of wind
penalty to all its attack rolls until the end of its next turn.
against a creature you can see within a 30-foot radius. The
Winter Mantle creature’s speed is reduced by 10 feet for one minute, and it
must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equivalent
At 10th level, your soul extends its protection to your allies.
to Draconic Power. On a failing, the creature falls prone.
All creatures of your choice (including yourself) within a
In addition, while the creature’s movement is impeded by
30-foot radius of you gain resistance to cold, acid, and poi-
this effect, it cannot benefit from any magic or item that
son damage.
amplifies its speed.
Cold Immunity Thunderous Assault
At 14th level, the icy power coursing through you grants
At 6th level, you allow your allies to capitalize on your ene-
you immunity to cold damage.
mies’ vulnerabilities. When a creature is knocked prone as a
Preservation result of failing its save against your Empowered Wind Blast,
one willing creature within a 30-foot radius that you can see
At 18th level, all willing creatures of your choice within
is allowed to use its reaction to move up to 30 feet and make
a 30-foot radius have advantage in death saving throws.
a weapon attack against the prone creature.
Additionally, at the start of each of your turns, all creatures
of your choice within a 30-foot radius that are at 0 hit points Wings of Celerity
regain 1d4 hit points.
At 10th level, you enhance your allies’ dexterity to bolster
The Celerity of the their defenses. You and all willing creatures of your choice
within 30 feet of you have an advantage on all Dexterity
Blue Dragon / Thyra saving throws.
Dragonblades who have mastered the Soul of the Blue Dragon Lightning Immunity
soar through the skies like fearless tempests, their bodies
At 14th level, the electric power coursing through you grants
crackling with the power of lightning and thunder. These
you immunity to electric damage.
daring wanderers travel the world, driven by a thirst for
adventure and the thrill of exploring uncharted territories. Winged Fury
The winds that sweep across the open skies still sing with
At 18th level, your flying speed derived from the Spiritual
the echoes of the once-mighty Eternal Storm, a testament to
Wings feature increases to 90 feet. In addition, you acquire the
the incredible power that once raged in the west of Tanares.
Wing Attack Legendary Action of an Ancient Blue Dragon,
But for the Dragonblades who have embraced this path, the
which you can use as an action when your Spiritual Wings
elemental force that courses through the air is a call to ad-
are activated.
venture, a siren’s song to be explored and harnessed.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Draconic Powers
1st Level
Force Wave
Activation: Action
Type: Claw
Power: Make a weapon attack. Even on a miss, a seismic rip-
ple emanates from you, targeting a creature within a 15-foot
radius (which could be the same or a different target). This
creature must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4
thunder damage and be thrown off balance, landing prone.

Elemental Flay
Activation: Action
Type: Claw
Power: Make a weapon attack. On a hit,
deal the usual damage and distress a
substantial portion of the target’s skin.
The next time the creature takes damage
before the end of your next turn, it suffers
an extra 1d6 damage.

Ancestral Blessing
Activation: Action
Type: Scale
Power: Make a weapon attack. On a hit, deal your usual
damage and bask in a soft luminescence of sacred golden
light that bestows upon you 1d6 temporary hit points for
1 minute.

Draconic Shield
Activation: Action
Type: Scale
Power: Make a weapon attack. Then, choose either yourself
or a willing creature within 30 feet, and generate an unseen
barrier for protection. The beneficiary gains a +2 bonus to
AC against all attacks, and a +2 bonus on all saving throws
until the start of your next turn.

Distracting Tail
Activation: Action
Type: Wing
Power: Make a weapon attack. On a hit, deal the usual dam-
age and destabilize the enemy, causing it to lose the ability
to make Opportunity Attacks and suffer a -2 penalty to AC
until the end of your next turn.

Dashing Rush
Activation: Action
Type: Wing
Power: Augment your legs to move up to half your base
speed, ignoring difficult terrain, before making a weapon
attack. If at least 10 feet of this movement is completed in a
straight line, your attack deals 1d6 extra damage.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Burning Strike Spiritual Fog
Activation: Action Activation: Bonus Action
Type: Wing (Red dragon only) Type: Scale
Power: Infuse your weapon with dragon-fire and make a Power: A visibly magical fog billows from your breath, cover-
weapon attack. On a hit, the target takes the usual damage ing a circular area of 15 feet around you. It remains stagnant
plus an extra 1d6 fire damage. The extra fire damage increases until the start of your next turn, providing a half-cover to all
to 2d6 at 7th level, 3d6 at 10th level, 4d6 at 13th level, 5d6 creatures enveloped by it. A moderate or greater wind speed
at 16th level, and 6d6 at 19th level. (at least 10 mph) instantly disperses the fog.

Shield of Scales Dragon’s Vitality

Activation: Action Activation: Bonus Action
Type: Claw (White dragon only) Type: Scale
Activation: Bonus Action Power: You invigorate an ally with dragon-like vitality. A
Power: CChoose either yourself or a creature within 5 feet. willing creature you can see within 15 feet can react by us-
An icy barrier springs up as a shield against the onslaught ing up to half of its available Hit Dice to regain hit points.
until the end of your next turn. The creature under protection Additionally, if at least 1 Hit Dice is expended, it gains tempo-
receives an AC bonus equal to your Intelligence modifier rary hit points equal to your Intelligence bonus for 1 minute.
against the next attack.
Wings of Wind
Lightning Dash Activation: Action
Type: Scale (Blue dragon only) Type: Wing
Activation: Action Power: Make a weapon attack that summons a gust of wind in
Power: You effortlessly move at your speed, ignoring difficult its wake. After the attack (even if it misses), the wind shields
terrain and not invoking attacks of opportunity. Any creature you and another willing creature you can see within 30 feet,
within a 5-foot radius during your movement suffers 1d6 granting both of you a +1 AC bonus until your next turn.
lightning damage. Each creature can only take this damage In addition, if that creature becomes a target, you can use a
once per use of this power. reaction to swap positions and become the target instead.

2nd Level Bind of the Wavering

Activation: Action
Type: Wing
Inspiring Roar
Power: Your supernaturally quick movement leaves your
Activation: Bonus Action
adversary open. Make a weapon attack; on a hit, deal the
Type: Claw
usual damage, and the target must succeed a Dexterity saving
Power: Your dragon-heartened courage motivates either
throw. Failure results in an ally within 15 feet being able to
yourself or an ally. A willing creature of your choice within
spend its reaction to move up to 10 feet and make an op-
a 15-foot radius gets a +1d6 bonus on its next attack roll.
portunity attack against the target.
Additionally, any Frightened condition on that creature is
immediately removed. Sundering Strike
Activation: Action
Elemental Weapon
Type: Wing (Red dragon only)
Activation: Action
Power: Your weapon lands a precise hit, rending the target’s
Type: Claw
defenses. Make a weapon attack. On a hit, deal its damage
Power: Your weapon erupts with elemental energy. Make a
and leave the target vulnerable until your next turn, grant-
weapon attack and on a hit, deal the usual damage plus an
ing advantage to the first attack roll against it on each turn.
extra 1d8 of the same type as your Draconic Soul. If your
attack misses, the target takes 1d6 damage of the same type. Enduring Scales
Activation: Bonus Action
Type: Claw (White dragon only)
Power: You imbue the target’s skin with mystical draconic
scales, providing additional fortification. You or a willing
creature within 30 feet gains 1d12 temporary hit points for
the next minute. This increases to 2d12 at 10th level and
3d12 at 16th level.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Tail Slam Dive Attack
Activation: Bonus Action Activation: Action
Type: Scale (Blue dragon only) Type: Wing
Power: Swing your weapon with a mighty force to knock Power: Bound over a distance up to your base movement
your enemy away. Make a weapon attack. On a hit, deal its maximum (clearing obstacles of up to 20 feet high), landing
damage and, if the target is Large or smaller, it must succeed in an unoccupied space. Every creature within 10 feet of
a Strength saving throw or take 1d10 damage and be pushed your landing space must succeed a Dexterity saving throw
20 feet in a straight line. If another creature obstructs the or take 5d6 bludgeoning damage (half on a successful save).
path, the movement halts, and that creature bears the same
1d10 damage. Static Imprisonment
The distance increases to 30 feet and damage to 2d10 at Activation: Action
10th level, then further to 40 feet and 3d10 at 16th level. Type: Wing
Power: Infuse your weapon with static energy to impair
3rd Level your foes’ movements. Make a weapon attack. On a hit,
deal its damage, and the targeted creature must succeed a
Constitution saving throw or take 1d10 damage and lose 10
Spiritual Retribution
feet of all movement speeds for 1 minute.
Activation: Action
During this minute, the target is charged with static energy,
Type: Claw
and whenever you hit it with your weapon attack, it loses an
Power: Curse those who attack your comrades while in your
extra 10 feet of its speed and takes an extra 1d10 lightning
vicinity. Make a weapon attack. On a hit, deal its damage,
damage (with no saving throw). If its speed becomes zero,
and the target must succeed a Wisdom saving throw or bear
the creature takes a final extra 2d10 lightning damage, and
your draconic energy curse until the end of your next turn.
this effect ends.
If the cursed target is within 20 feet of you and strikes a
creature other than you, it takes damage equal to half the Ring of Fire
damage dealt to the other creature. The damage matches the Activation: Action
type of your Draconic Soul. Type: Wing (Red dragon only)
Power: Engulf your weapon in flames and attack every crea-
Destructive Claws
ture within your vicinity in a flaming spin attack. All creatures
Activation: Action
within 15 feet of you must succeed a Dexterity saving throw
Type: Claw
or sustain 3d12 fire damage (half on a success).
Power: Imbue your weapon with draconic elemental powers
The damage increases to 4d12 at 13th level and
for a forceful strike. Make a weapon attack. On a hit, deal
6d12 at 19th level.
its damage and an extra 2d12 of one of these types at your
choice: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Acid, or Poison. Frozen Spikes
Activation: Action
Draconic Challenge
Type: Claw (White Dragon Only)
Activation: Action
Power: Infuse your weapon with chilling cold that perme-
Type: Scale
ates the area around you. Make a weapon attack. On a hit,
Power: Compel your adversaries to focus their attacks on
deal its damage and create a 15 feet aura around you, lasting
you. Make a weapon attack. On a hit, deal its damage, and
until your next turn ends.
until the end of your next turn, the target is compelled to
All creatures of your choice within the aura, or those en-
attack you. Gain a +2 bonus to your AC against the target,
tering it for the first time, are required to pass a Constitution
and if the target is within 30 feet of you and targets another
saving throw. Failure results in them taking 3d8 cold dam-
creature with an offensive attack or spell, it takes 4d8 psy-
age, while success halves the damage inflicted. The area is
chic damage.
considered difficult terrain for all other creatures except you.
Martyr’s Shield Upon reaching the 16th level, the damage escalates to 5d8.
Activation: Bonus Action
Type: Scale
Power: Forfeit your defense to shield your comrades. Until
your next turn’s start, suffer a -2 penalty to your AC, and
all willing creatures you choose within 30 feet of you gain a
+4 bonus to their AC.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

4th Level
Binding Lightning
Activation: Action Dragon Mark
Type: Scale (Blue dragon only) Activation: Bonus Action
Power: Unleash a bolt of lightning that energizes and hin- Type: Claw
ders enemy movement. Make a ranged spell attack against Power: Designate an adversary as your primary foe. Target a
a visible target creature within 60 feet. On a hit, the crea- creature within 30 feet. The creature must succeed a Wisdom
ture takes 3d10 lightning damage and becomes electrically saving throw or become marked. The mark lasts for 1 minute
charged until its next turn’s end. or until you mark another creature or the marked creature
It takes 1d6 electrical damage for every 5 feet of becomes unconscious or dies. The marked creature takes 1d10
willing movement. damage of the type defined by your Draconic Soul and a -1
penalty to AC each time it attacks a creature other than you.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Elemental Cyclone the target, its effects are temporarily suppressed. The power
Activation: Action remains active until your next turn ends.
Type: Claw
Hardened Scales
Power: Create a potent cyclone of energy, stretching 10 feet
Activation: Bonus Action
wide and reaching 15 feet high, that travels a straight 30-foot
Type: Scale
path. Every creature in its trajectory makes a Dexterity saving
Power: Bestow upon yourself or an ally the resilience of a
throw. A target takes 4d10 damage on a failed save, or half
dragon. Until your next turn ends, a willing creature within
as much damage on a successful one. The type of damage
20 feet gains resistance to non-magical slashing, piercing, and
matches your selected Draconic Soul.
bludgeoning damage, along with an advantage on Strength,
Arcane Barrier Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws.
Activation: Bonus Action
Linked Bolt
Type: Scale
Activation: Action
Power: Your draconic energy forms a protective barrier over
Type: Wing
you or an ally by inscribing a protective rune. A willing crea-
Power: Electrify your foes with polar-opposite charges. Make
ture within a 30-foot radius gains resistance to damage of
a ranged spell attack on two distinct creatures within a 60-foot
spells and is immune to spells of 4th level or lower, even if
radius. Each struck target receives 3d10 lightning damage
amplified with higher-level slots. If a spell is already affecting
and is pushed 10 feet towards the other. If both targets end
up adjacent, they take an extra 3d10 lightning damage. The
power requires two different targets to activate.

Activation: Movement Action
Type: Wing
Power: Infuse your feet with energy, granting the abil-
ity to stride upon the winds. Gain flight movement
equivalent to your walking speed for this turn.
Your next attack during this turn deals an ad-
ditional 1d8 lightning damage for every 10 feet
of straight-line flight movement made before
the attack. If your turn ends in mid-air, you
fall as usual.

Boon of Flames
Activation: Bonus Action
Type: Wing (Red dragon only)
Power: Infuse your weapons with fiery energy.
It deals an extra 4d6 fire damage to all attacks
until the end of your next turn. The damage
increases to 4d6 at the 19th level.

Frost Burst
Activation: Action
Type: Claw (White dragon only)
Power: Slam your weapon against the ground,
triggering a frost energy explosion. All creatures
within a 10-foot radius must pass a Constitution
saving throw. Those failing take 4d8 cold dam-
age and have their movement speed halved for
1 minute. Successful save results in half damage
and no movement penalties. The damage increases
to 3d8 at the 16th level and 4d8 at the 19th level.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Lagging Thunder Lightning Spirit
Activation: Action Activation: Bonus Action
Type: Scale (Blue dragon only) Type: Wing
Power: You unleash a wave of paralyzing energy towards Power: You transform into pure energy and pass through
an enemy. A creature within 30 feet must succeed on a your foes. Move up to 30 feet in a straight line, immune to
Constitution saving throw or suffer 3d10 thunder damage opportunity attacks and able to pass through other crea-
and lose its ability to react or to make extra attacks, if any, tures. Your path must end in an unoccupied space. Ignore
until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, the crea- difficult terrain but cannot move through spaces filled by
ture takes half damage with no additional effects. Damage large or larger objects. All creatures in your path must make
increases to 4d10 at 16th level and 6d10 at 19th level. a Dexterity saving throw, suffering 2d10 lightning damage
on a failure or half as much on a success. If you finish your
5th Level turn air, you fall as normal.

Coordinated Strike Dragonblood Pact

Activation: Bonus Action
Activation: Action
Type: Wing
Type: Claw
Power: A massive ethereal dragon rises from the ground
Power: Your attack creates an opening for a coordinated
and strikes at one of your enemies. The dragon manifests
assault. Make a weapon attack; on a hit, up to two allies
on any solid surface within 90 feet and bites a target within
within 30 feet may use their reaction to move up to 10 feet
5 feet. Make a melee spell attack; on a hit, the target suffers
and make a weapon attack against the target.
2d12 piercing damage and 2d8 energy damage that matches
Draconic Glare of your Draconic Soul.
Activation: Action Blades of Wind
Type: Claw
Activation: Action
Power: You unleash a terrifying gaze. Each chosen creature
Type: Wing (Red Dragon Only)
within a 30-foot cone must succeed on a Wisdom saving
Power: Your swift strike slices the air, creating a vacuum that
throw or suffer 5d6 psychic damage and become Frightened
acts as a blade against all in its path. Creatures in a 45-foot
for 1 minute. Frightened creatures can attempt the saving
long, 5-foot wide line must succeed on a Dexterity saving
throw again at the end of their turn, ending the effect on
throw or suffer 5d10 slashing damage, halving the damage on
a success.
a successful save. The damage increases to 6d10 at 19th level.
Life Link
Protecting Mists
Activation: Bonus Action
Activation: Action
Type: Scale
Type: Claw (White dragon only)
Power: Gain 3d10 temporary hit points for 1 minute and
Power: You summon a defensive fog. Gain 4d8 temporary hit
may select an ally within 30 feet. Until the start of your next
points and choose to create a 20-foot-radius cold fog centered
turn, you suffer any damage taken by that ally instead of it.
on you, lasting for 1 minute. You and chosen creatures within
Your resistances, immunities, or damage reductions do not
30 feet can see clearly through the fog; for others, it’s heavily
apply to this transferred damage.
obscured. Moderate or stronger wind (at least 10 miles per
Stunning Blow hour) disperses the fog after three turns. Only one instance
Activation: Action of Protecting Mists can be active at a time; activating it again
Type: Scale immediately dissipates the previous one.
Power: With a potent blow, you aim to disorient your target. Thundering Translocation
Make a weapon attack; on a hit, deal its usual damage plus
Activation: Action
an extra 1d10, and the target must succeed on a Constitution
Type: Scale (Blue dragon only)
saving throw or be incapacitated until the start of your next
Power: You open a rift in space, letting loose thunderous
energy. Choose up to two creatures within 30 feet; they must
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or suffer 4d10 thunder
damage. Additionally, you can swap the position of each
creature that failed its save with you or another willing crea-
ture within 60 feet.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

6th Level learn of any immunity, resistance, or vulnerability the failed
creatures have.
Dragon’s Breath Heart of the Dragon
Activation: Action Activation: Bonus Action
Type: Claw Type: Scale
Power: Your dragon lineage allows you to unleash a powerful Power: Your draconic bloodline confers legendary resilience.
breath attack based on your Draconic Soul: Gain 20 temporary hit points and advantage on all saving
Blue Dragon. Lightning erupts in a 90-foot line, 5 feet wide. throws until your next turn.
Creatures in the line make a Dexterity saving throw, receiving
6d10 lightning damage on a failed save, or half on a success. Spiritual Reprimand
White Dragon. An icy blast fans out in a 60-foot cone. Activation: Action
Creatures in the area make a Constitution saving throw, Type: Scale
taking 7d8 cold damage on a failed save, or half on a success. Power: You manifest an Elemental Barrier that shields you
Red Dragon. Fire engulfs a 60-foot cone. Creatures in the and up to five allies within 30 feet until your next turn. The
area make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 10d6 fire damage barrier confers resistance to your Draconic Soul’s damage
on a failed save, or half on a success. type. When another creature deals damage to you or a shield-
ed ally, the attacking creature must make a Dexterity saving
Find Weaknesses throw. On a failure, it suffers damage and an effect based on
Activation: Bonus Action your Soul (half damage and no effect on a success).
Type: Claw Red Dragon. Attacker takes 5d6 fire damage and ignites,
Power: Your dragonlike perception allows you to exploit taking 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of its turns for a
your enemies’ weaknesses. Up to three creatures within 60 minute, or until the flames are doused.
feet that you can see must make a Constitution saving throw. White Dragon. Attacker takes 4d8 cold damage and is
Failed creatures reveal their weaknesses until their next turn, restrained until your next turn ends.
suffering double damage from your attacks (normal damage Blue Dragon. Attacker takes 3d10 lightning damage and
for resistant creatures, no damage for immune ones). You has disadvantage on attack rolls until your next turn ends.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Flurry of Wings Desertblade Heat
Activation: Bonus Action Activation: Action
Type: Wing Type: Wing (Red dragon only)
Power: You channel draconic energy into spectral wings Power: Your weapon carries intense heat. Make a melee
for you and your allies. You and up to four allies within 30 weapon attack. On a hit, deal its usual damage plus 6d6 fire
feet sprout spectral wings, gaining 60-foot flight speed and damage. The target must make a Constitution saving throw
the ability to make a bonus action melee attack with 10-foot or gain 1 level of Exhaustion.
reach. These attacks deal 3d12 damage of your Draconic Soul’s
type, using your intelligence bonus. If the effect ends and a Aura of the Scales
creature is air, it descends gently to the ground. Activation: Bonus Action
Type: Claw (White dragon only)
Ripper Fangs Power: Your aura shields your allies. Until your next turn,
Activation: Action create a 15-foot radius aura. When a creature inside this aura
Type: Wing takes damage, you can choose to reduce it by 2d6 (min. 0).
Power: Your attack opens the enemy’s guard for a follow-up
assault. Make a weapon attack. On a hit, deal its usual dam- Shocking Trap
age and make two more attacks against the same target. If Activation: Action
both extra attacks hit, the target suffers an additional 3d12 Type: Scale (Blue dragon only)
damage of the weapon’s type. Power: You charge the ground with electricity. Affect a
20-foot square area within 60 feet until your next turn.
Creatures entering or starting their turn in the area suffer
3d12 lightning damage and must succeed on a Constitution
saving throw or be restrained until your next turn ends.

7th Level
Barrage of Claws
Activation: Action
Type: Claw
Power: You unleash a flurry of attacks. Make three weapon
attacks against a single target, each dealing an extra 1d6
damage and ignoring the target’s damage resistance.

Ghostly Tail
Activation: bonus action
Type: Claw
Power: You execute a spinning energy attack that takes the
form of a spectral dragon’s tail. Choose any number of crea-
tures within 15 feet; they must succeed on a Dexterity saving
throw or take 6d8 damage of the type associated with your
Draconic Soul and fall prone. Successful saves result in half
damage and no additional effect.

Legendary Resistance
Activation: Reaction
Type: Scale
Power: Drawing upon your dragon lineage, you can con-
vert a failed saving throw into a successful one. If you’ve
already used a Draconic Power this round, you may opt to
take one level of exhaustion to bypass the Draconic Power
per round limitation.
After using this power, you cannot use it again until you
finish a short rest.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Frozen Shield Final Destruction
Activation: Bonus Action Activation: Action
Type: Scale Type: Wing (Red dragon only)
Power: Shield yourself with a frosty barrier of scales, gaining Power: Destructive flames fall from the sky, dealing massive
+3 AC until your next turn. Any creature missing a melee destruction to the area. All creatures on a 50-foot-radius
attack against you while this effect is active suffers 6d8 cold sphere centered in a point up to 120 feet of you take 11d6
damage. fire damage. They can halve the damage with a successful
Dexterity saving throw.
Dimensional Strike
Activation: Bonus Action Ice Fortress
Type: Wing Activation: Bonus Action
Power: By manipulating reality with your dragon power, Type: Claw (White dragon only)
you teleport up to 30 feet and make a weapon attack. This Power: Project a frigid mist that shields you and your allies.
attack deals an extra 3d8 force damage on a hit. You may Until your next turn, chosen creatures within 20 feet gain
also teleport up to two allies within 60 feet to unoccupied resistance to all damage. Enemy creatures entering or starting
spaces adjacent to your target. Then, each of these allies can their turn in the area receive 2d8 cold damage.
make a weapon attack against the target. You must see the
place to teleport you and the allies. Spatial Storm
Activation: Action
Wing Attack Type: Scale (Blue dragon only)
Activation: Movement Action Power: Your power disrupts space itself, opening rifts for your
Type: Wing allies’ use. Until your next turn ends, once per turn, you and
Power: Emulate a dragon’s flight, creating wings that allow any willing creature within 60 feet of your choice can teleport
you to ascend without provoking attacks of opportunity. All up to 30 feet at the start of their turn. Teleporting charges
creatures within 15 feet must succeed on a Dexterity saving the creature with energy, adding 4d10 lightning damage
throw or take 4d6 bludgeoning damage and be knocked to the first successful attack until the start of its next turn.
prone. The wings dissipate at your next turn’s end, and if
air, you descend gently, avoiding fall damage.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)


n a serene garden, a wise elementalist master pre-
pares tea for its disciples with the utmost precision, their
every movement harmoniously aligned with the elements.
As the tea leaves dance in the boiling water, the disciples sense
a deep connection to the elements, feeling the master’s power
coursing through their veins.
When confronted by ruthless bandits, the elementalist
Soulborn commands the elements with a flick of their wrist,
unleashing an icy beam of pure energy that encases half of the
bandits in a frozen tomb while the rest flee in terror.
Against a monstrous beast, the elementalist stands resolute,
igniting their weapons and those of their allies with blazing
magic. Confidence burns within them as they prepare for an
epic battle, ready to vanquish the darkness with the raw power
of the elements.

Elementalists are versatile and wise spellcasters who serve

as advisors, sages, spiritual guides, and teachers. They hold
the power to stop Gullog and his undead armies according
to prophecies.

Born from an ancestral elven tradition, Elementalists stand

as a distinct group of spellcasters. Their mastery diverges
from conventional arcane practices, delving into the harmo-
nization of elements, energy flow, meditation, and spiritual
enlightenment. These wise practitioners dedicate their lives
to attuning with one of the four elements, each of which
grants distinctive abilities and purpose. Fire Elementalists
command martial prowess and emotional control, earth
Elementalists foster unwavering resilience and deep moral
compass, air Elementalists exhibit cunning, guile, and grace
of movement, while the scarce water Elementalists practice
healing arts, nurturing both body and soul, and advocating
temperance and non-attachment. Despite mastering one
element, Elementalists can manipulate the other two ele-
ments that do not directly conflict with their chosen one,
enabling combinations of elements to cast spells of magma,
plant, lightning, and spiritual magic, and augmenting their
vast repertoire.
The Elementalist’s path is a lifelong odyssey built upon the
master-disciple relationship. With unwavering commitment,
the disciple studies, contemplates, and serves under their
master, acquiring elemental wisdom and proper conduct.
Years of labor and ordinary tasks precede the true awakening
to the powers of Elementalism, as masters cautiously evaluate
their disciples’ character before bestowing such knowledge.
This bond endures for life, underpinned by duty, respect,
and honor. Disciples must venerate and assist their masters


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

T he E lementalist Element Spell Known
P roficiency
L evel F eatures P rimary S econdary S pell S lots per L evel
B onus

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Primordial Element,
1st +2 Spell Casting, Primordial 2 2 2 - - - - - - - -
Element trait
2nd +2 Primordial Bond 2 2 3 - - - - - - - -
3rd +2 - 4 4 4 2 - - - - - - -
Ability Score
4th +2 4 4 4 3 - - - - - - -
5th +3 - 6 6 4 3 2 - - - - - -
6th +3 Primordial Element trait 6 6 4 3 3 - - - - - -
7th +3 - 8 8 4 3 3 1 - - - - -
Ability Score
8th +3 8 8 4 3 3 2 - - - - -
9th +4 - 10 10 4 3 3 3 1 - - - -
10th +4 Primordial Element trait 10 10 4 3 3 3 2 - - - -
11th +4 - 12 12 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
Ability Score
12th +4 12 12 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
13th +5 - 14 14 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
14th +5 Primordial Element trait 14 14 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
15th +5 - 16 16 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
Ability Score
16th +5 16 16 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
17th +6 - 18 18 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
18th +6 Stoic Attunement 18 18 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
Ability Score
19th +6 18 18 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Elemental Pinnacle 18 18 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

throughout their lives, undertaking tasks as required and In the world of Tanares, an ominous threat looms as the
ensuring their actions never tarnish their master’s name. immortal Kemet leader, Gullog, seeks to conquer and turn
Concurrently, masters are obligated to impart wisdom, safe- all to icy death. Elementalists, at the heart of a prophecy
guard their disciples, and foster their spiritual growth, with that may provide salvation, see themselves as responsible for
any abuse constituting great dishonor. restoring the goddess Bás to her pacifist ways and ending
Elementalists regard their fellow practitioners as kin, de- Gullog’s tyranny. Beyond the prophecy, Elementalists serve
spite differing principles and views among schools devoted as spiritual guides, royal advisors, military strategists, and
to various elements. They engage in fervent debates, never guardians of elemental energies. Guided by the teachings of
overstepping the bounds of theological, philosophical, and venerable masters and their respected schools and enclaves,
metaphysical discourse. Their relationships with other magic Elementalists confront Tanares’ challenges with the perspec-
users are intricate, often considering wizards and sorcerers tive of ancient wisdom.
untrustworthy due to their immense powers without requisite
wisdom and moral enlightenment. However, those displaying History of Elementalism
tempered conduct and good character are highly esteemed.
Within the time-worn tomes of Tanares, the tale of the Elven
Clerics earn respect for their devotion and moral code, but
kin is woven in intricate prose. Once thriving in a realm of
their potential fanaticism incites wariness, whereas druids
unmatched beauty, the Elves found their world shattered by
are perceived as kindred spirits, embracing a more primal
the apocalyptic fury of their own goddess, Bás. Spurred by
yet venerable approach to wisdom.
the heinous deeds of the malefic Ungods, her rage laid waste
to the once-pristine Elven lands. Amidst the frozen ruins, the


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

remnants of the Elves sought sanctuary in Tanares, guided With the ancient prophecy of Bás’s return now unfold-
by the wisdom of their remaining divine trinity. ing, the Elementalists must confront the trials posed by Bás
In their newfound haven, the divine triad endowed the and Gullog. The dearth of Water Elementalists has led their
Elven people with the mystical knowledge of Elementalism, enclaves to prioritize training new adepts, for it is believed
an art that would serve as their salvation and guide their that masters of all four elements are essential in facing Bás.
path in the new world. Entwined within this sacred gift, a As they ready themselves for the impending darkness, the
prophecy unfurled, foretelling the inexorable return of the timeless wisdom and deep connections of these exceptional
vengeful Bás and the darkness she would bring upon Tanares. spellweavers will forge the fate of Tanares.
As the Elves’ prowess in Elementalism blossomed, they
clung steadfastly to the hallowed teachings, safeguarding Elementalism and the Ungods
the ancestral secrets within their sanctified enclaves and
Elementalists, ever vigilant against the malevolent forces
revered schools.. Their vigilance endured, ever-alert for the
of the Ungods, always aware of the fate of the worlds taken
encroaching shadow of Bás’s dreaded return.
by their corruption, dedicate themselves to thwarting these
As the Evolutionist Church’s hold on arcane magic intensi-
ancient beings and their wicked schemes. Knowing what
fied, their ranks infiltrated by Ungod cultists, Elementalism
happened to the elven world, Elementalists recognize the
arose as a free and unshackled alternative. The Ungods took
price of failure and commit to safeguarding Tanares from
little notice of the Elementalists, leaving them to hone their
a similar fate.
craft in peace while manipulating the persecution of wizards
Guided by the teachings of venerable masters, Elementalists
and sorcerers. Thus, the Elves disseminated their knowledge
wield the elements to counter the myriad threats posed by
among diverse species, nurturing a thriving community of
the Ungods. They relentlessly confront the hidden servants
Elementalists across Tanares.
who sow discord among mortals and battle the penumbral
Over the eons, Water Elementalism, once an esteemed
creatures that lurk in the shadows, seeking to breach the
Elven tradition, dwindled as the Winter Elves forsook it in
Material Plane. Elementalists tirelessly work to prevent wars
pursuit of dark prophecies that transformed them into the
and unrest among factions, as they know that such con-
Kemet people. The remaining elemental arts thrived, pro-
flicts only serve to empower the Ungods and hasten their
viding a substitute for arcane magic. New institutions were
nefarious plans.
founded, as practitioners plumbed the depths of ancient texts,
Air Elementalists, cunning and acrobatic, infiltrate the
meditated, and performed rites to fortify their bonds with the
hidden networks of the Ungods’ servants. They disrupt
elements. Their wisdom, echoing the ancient philosophies,
the corrupt machinations from within, shielding the inno-
became a coveted treasure for rulers, strategists, nobles, and
cent from the clutches of the Cult of Shadow Wing. Earth
merchants alike. In time, their enclaves, schools, and sects
Elementalists, resolute and steadfast, stand guard over sacred
evolved into bastions of enlightenment and erudition.
places of power, preventing the Ungods from seizing these
During the Kemet War, the Tanares Empire’s strength
elemental energy sources. Fire Elementalists, with their mar-
waned considerably. The Kemets, under Gullog’s com-
tial prowess, ignite the hearts of those who would defy the
mand, invaded Tanares to fulfill Golgöggoth’s scheme to
Ungods, inspiring them to resist the encroaching darkness.
strip mortals of their emotions, rendering them impervi-
Water Elementalists, rare and sagacious, offer healing and
ous to Ungod corruption. Though the combined forces of
wisdom to those tainted by the Ungods’ influence, cleansing
Tanares vanquished Gullog and the Kemets, Bás resurfaced,
them of corruption.
reviving Gullog and forging an alliance with Golgöggoth to
To strengthen their ranks, Elementalists endeavor to edu-
transform Tanares into a frozen, undead wasteland akin to
cate and inspire others in the ways of elementalism. Through
the lost Elven realm.
rigorous training and the sharing of wisdom, they prepare


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

new generations to battle the forces of the Ungods and
avert the apocalyptic doom that befell their world. They
instill a sense of duty, honor, and respect, nurturing life-
long bonds between master and disciple. Thus, the
lineage of elemental wisdom endures, perpetually
growing stronger.
Elementalists draw upon the wisdom of their
ancestral masters, forging a connection to ancient
traditions and spiritual disciplines. Through
long seclusions, rigorous study, and intense
training, they become dignified forebears,
their practices evoking a sense of time-hon-
ored tradition and spiritual commitment. They
are ever vigilant against the encroachment of
the Ungods’ influence, striving to preserve the
delicate balance of the world.

The Return of Bás

The Elementalists hold the Cuibhle Pantheon in
the highest regard, venerating the Elven gods not
by faith but as the wisest ancestors and elemental
masters. Breith, god of Spring and Earth; Òigridh, god-
dess of Summer and Fire; Aibidh, god of Autumn and
Air; and Bás, once the gentle goddess of Winter and Death,
are believed to spin the wheel of life in an eternal dance.
Bás, though lost to wrath and vengeance, remains an an-
cient master of Elementalists. Her heart turned cold, her
vision clouded by hatred for the Ungods, the Elementalists reflecting the unique characteristics, tendencies, and worl-
do not seek her destruction, but rather her redemption. They dviews of the elements themselves.
liken her to the calm and raging oceans, her actions reflect- Air Elementalists, known for their free-spirited and per-
ing the duality of the elemental forces. ceptive nature, embody the ephemeral essence of the wind.
Her alliance with Gullog and Golgöggoth, the Augur, un- Their training emphasizes cunning, agility, and the art of de-
veiled chilling plans for an icy wasteland free of life, mak- ception. Through meditation and practice, these Elementalists
ing the world immune to the Ungods’ corruption. Bás’s gain the ability to move with the swiftness of the breeze and
goal is a twisted version of her once noble purpose, and even defy gravity. They find solace in tea-making, music,
the Elementalists are integral in halting her descent. Air and exploration. When not in their schools they often join
Elementalists disrupt the freezing winds, Earth Elementalists merchant or adventuring groups as wandering masters, they
stand against the encroaching frost, Fire Elementalists com- prefer to avoid conflict but will navigate challenges with
bat the cold with their passion, and Water Elementalists, cunning and quick thinking when necessary.
critical to restoring balance, strive to heal and rejuvenate Earth Elementalists, the bastions of stability and tradition,
the land, countering Bás’s icy grasp. resonate with the unyielding resilience of stone. Their con-
Rumors suggest that the most ancient Elves, direct disci- nection to the earth grants them an unparalleled awareness
ples of the gods themselves, have returned from seclusion of its vibrations and mysteries. Often dedicating themselves
following Bás’s reemergence. They purportedly carry knowl- to matters such as law, architecture, and history, they record
edge of three divine artifacts, imbued with the essence of the past and present through intricate calligraphy and poetic
the gods of Summer, Autumn, and Spring, holding the key prose. They may find purpose in bureaucratic positions, state
to swaying Bás and guiding her back to her pacifist ways. administration, or roles that maintain order, and while they
These enigmatic masters are believed to be seeking new ap- will rarely start conflicts, they are the last to back down.
prentices to aid in the journey to stop Bás once and for all. Fire Elementalists, fueled by passion and prowess, wield
both martial arts and elemental fire in a harmonious dance
The four paths of of destruction and creation. Their training encompasses the
Elementalism mastery of weapons, shields, and close combat. Many who
leave their conclaves embark on the path of the soldier, mer-
The sacred art of Elementalism, passed down through gen- cenary, or adventurer, seeking wisdom and growth through
erations of masters, manifests in four distinct paths, each the heat of battle. They inspire greatness in allies and are the
most charismatic of all the Elementalists.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Water Elementalists, rare and nearly lost, have experienced Creating an Elementalist
a resurgence as the ancient art of healing and restoration is
rediscovered. These wise scholars and empathetic healers When creating an Elementalist, you must define how do you
possess an unparalleled understanding of life energy, al- belong in Elementalism. What is your role? Which element
lowing them to mend wounds and protect themselves from represents you? Do you agree with its precepts? Are you
harm. They often serve as healers, physicians, counselors, an ally of a group or hermit elementalist? Why are you an
and sages, sharing their wisdom and serenity with those in adventurer? What do you seek in the world?
need. Their patience is formidable, but when pushed to the After that, you must also define which characteristics (if
limit, their wrath is as powerful as a raging ocean. any) from your element you carry in your behavior and
Each Elementalist path reflects the unique teachings and personality. Are you a passional, fiery person, or are you
focus of their respective masters, who guide their apprentices stubborn like a rock? Or, even if you are connected to a cer-
in the ways of their chosen element. Despite their elemental tain element, is your personality more aligned to a different
differences, all Elementalists share a profound sense of uni- one? These questions define your character’s goals, and how
ty and respect for one another. As the world faces the dark he will work to achieve them.
threat of Bás and the Forces of Darkall, the Elementalists of
Tanares stands united. Class Features
As an elementalist, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d6 per elementalist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your
Constitution modifier per elementalist level
after 1st.

Armor: None
Weapons: Club, daggers, quarterstaffs, shortbow,
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight,
Nature, Perception, Persuasion, and Religion

You start with the following equipment, in
addition to the equipment granted by your
• (a) A quarterstaff or (b) a dagger or (c)
A longsword and shield (only primordial
element of Fire)
• (a) a component pouch or (b) an
elemental focus
• (a) a diplomat’s pack or (b) an
explorer pack
• A shortbow and 20 arrows.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Primordial Element Spells Known of 1st
Level and Higher
Every Elementalists has a primary element they are connected
You know two 1st-level spells of your primary element and
to. At 1st level, you must choose your Primordial Element
two 1st-level spells of your secondary elements of your choice
from the following options: Water, Air, Fire, and Earth. Your
from the elemental spell list.
Primordial Element determines which spells you have access
You learn two spells of your primary element and two of
to, your Primary Element, your Secondary Elements, your
your secondary elements at every time you gain access to a
Opposing Element, and a variety of features depending on
new spell level. Each of these spells must be of a level for which
your Primordial Element at 6th level, 10th level, and 14th
you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 3rd level
level. You have access to spells from your Primary Element,
in this class, you can learn two new spells of 1st or 2nd level.
your Secondary Elements, and the fusion of the two, choos-
You can never learn to cast spells of your opposite element.
ing spells from their respective lists, as explained below, but
Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can
never from your Opposing Element or its fusions. To find
choose one of the elemental spells you know and replace it
out what your Secondary Elements and Opposing Element
with another spell from the elemental spell list, which also
are, refer to the Primordial Element table.
must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
P rimordial E lement
P rimary S econdary O pposite
Spellcasting Ability
E lement E lement E lement Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your elementalist
Air Fire and Water Earth spells, Since the power of your magic depends on your will-
Earth Fire and Water Air power over the elements. You use your Wisdom whenever
a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you
Fire Air and Earth Water
use your Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw
Water Air and Earth Fire
DC for an elementalist spell you cast and when making an
attack roll with one.
For example: An Elementalist who chooses Air can choose
their spells from the Air, Fire, and Water spell lists, but can Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
never choose spells from the Earth element, or use any Fusion Wisdom modifier
Spells that include Earth. Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Wisdom modifier
Your studies and practices of the draconic teachings have Spellcasting Focus
granted you the ability to cast spells by channeling the power You can use an elemental focus as a spellcasting focus for
of the elemental planes through the force of will over the your element spells.
Elemental Flux
When an elementalist casts an elemental spell, it generates a
Starting at 1st level, you know 3 cantrips determined by
magical energy flow that allows them to enhance or modify
your primary element. You also know the special cantrip
their elemental surge cantrip. Each spell has in its description
elemental surge, which has characteristics determined by
how to modify the elemental surge in the Elemental Flux
your primary element, as well as the essential cantrip of
field. This modification only applies to your next elemental
your primary element and one essential cantrip of one of
surge cast and is lost if you make a Long Rest.
your secondary elements.

Spell slots Fusion Spells

The Elementalist table shows how many spell slots you have You know all the fusion spells between elements that you
to cast your elemental spells of 1st level and higher. To cast have access (two per spell level) to as long as they are of the
one of these elemental spells, you must expend a slot of the spell level you have slot to cast or below but you can only
spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots cast them in a specific way. These fusion spells are only add-
when you finish a long rest. ed to your known spells and do not count in your number
For example, if you know the 1st-level elemental spell air of known spells.
beneath your feet and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot
available, you can cast air beneath your feet using either slot.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

elements, you can use a spell slot to cast a fusion spell that
F used elements F usion element combines those two elements. When you do this, erase any
Air and Fire Lightning previous spell notes. If you cast a spell that’s not a fusion
Air and Water Spirit spell when you already have two spell notes, write down the
new spell’s element and keep only the last two spell notes,
Earth and Fire Lava
erasing the oldest one. Your spell notes disappear when you
Earth and Water Plant
take a short or long rest.
For example, a 5th level elementalist casts 2nd level
Casting Fusion Spells Accelerate air magic and takes note that he has cast an air
When you cast a spell that’s 1st level or magic, then he casts 1st level Burning Eyes fire magic and takes
higher, write down the spell’s note that he has cast a fire magic when casting his next spell
element. If the last two he may choose to use one of his 1st, 2nd or 3rd slots to cast a
spells you cast have lightning fusion spell, such as Energize Nerves. If he casts a
different lightning spell he must erase all his notes, but if he
casts a 1st level Earth Armor, an earth element
spell, he must take note of the earth element and
can no longer cast a lightning spell, but now he
can cast a lava spell.

Primordial Bond
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to cast a
spell from your primary element as an ac-
tion, regardless if it’s part of your spell list,
without using a spell slot. The level of the
spell cast with this feature cannot ex-
ceed one-third of your Elementalist
level (rounded up). After using this
feature, you must complete a long
rest before you can use it again.

Ability Score
When you reach 4th level, and again
at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you
can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two abil-
ity scores of your choice by 1. As normal,
you can’t increase an ability score above 20
using this feature.

Fusion Master
Starting at 18th level, you no longer need to have
cast an elemental spell before casting a fusion
spell, and you don’t need to keep track of the
elements of the spells you cast.

Elemental Pinnacle
Starting at 20th level, after casting a spell, for
the next minute, you become immune to a
type of damage based on the last spell you
cast according to the next table. Fusion
spells of opposing elements do not
grant damage immunity.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Air Body
E lements D amage I mmunity
Air or Lightning Lightning At 14th level, you can use your bonus action to channel the
Earth or Plant Acid
energy of air and become ethereal for 1 minute. This enables
you to move through spaces occupied by obstructions and
Fire or Lava Fire
creatures without penalty, pass through openings as small as
Water or Spirit Cold
a lock, and move without provoking attacks of opportunity.
For the duration, you also gain resistance to all non-magical
Primordial Elements bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, and immunity
to the grappled condition. You cannot use this feature again
Each elementalist has a primary element that they study and
until you complete a long rest.
control. This element determines their primary and second-
ary elements and grants them a series of special abilities. The
four primary elements dictate the primordial elements that
can be chosen: Air, Earth, Fire, and Water.

Air Primordial Element

Elementalists connected to this Primordial Element are
usually strongly linked to Freedom, Deception,
Mobility, and Dexterity. By choosing
Air as your Primordial Element
you can learn Air, Water, and
Fire spells, the latter two
being your secondary ele-
ments, and you will know
the fusion element spells
Lightning and Spirit.

Wind Wisdom
Starting at 1st level, the lib-
erty and adaptability of the
air bestow you with new
skills. Choose two skills for
proficiency from Acrobatics,
Deception, Persuasion, and
Stealth. Additionally, you gain
the ability to use the Disengage or
Hide actions as a bonus action, and
reduce any fall’s height by 30 feet when cal-
culating fall damage.

Swift and Graceful

At the 6th level, you gain proficiency in Dexterity saving
throws, have advantage on initiative rolls, and your ranged
magical attacks bypass half cover and three-quarter cover.

Soul of the Wind

At 10th level, your bond with air allows you to gain
the ability to fly. Your flying speed equals your walk-
ing speed.
Additionally, as a bonus action, you can become in-
visible for a minute or until you make an attack or cast
a spell. You can use this ability once, regaining its use
after a short or long rest.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Earth Primordial Constitution modifier + your Wisdom modifier, replacing
the usual Dexterity modifier.
Elementalists who choose this Primordial Element are Earth Sense
strongly linked to Law, Resolution, Stability, and Strength. At the 6th level, your bond with the earth allows you to
By choosing Earth as your Primordial Element, you can learn sense its shapes and forms. You gain a tremorsense within
Earth, Water, and Fire spells, with the latter two being your a 30-foot radius. As a bonus action, you can emit a shock-
secondary elements, and you will know the fusion element wave, identifying all terrains, walls, doors, passages, objects,
spells Lava and Plant. and creatures within a 90-foot radius and pinpointing their
exact locations. This ability can be used a number of times
Grounded Learnings equal to your proficiency value plus your wisdom modifier,
At the 1st level, the endurance and stability of Earth grant regaining all uses after a long rest.
you new abilities. Choose two skills for proficiency from
Athletics, History, and Survival. Your maximum hit points Earth Shield
increase by 1 at the first level, and by an additional 1 each Beginning at the 10th level, if you are not surprised, you
time you gain an elementalist level. When not wearing any can use your reaction to form a rock shield in response to
armor or shield, your Armor Class is determined as 10 + your an attack or a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution saving
throw. This stone shield provides a bonus to your AC and
saves equal to your Wisdom modifier, lasting until the start
of your next turn. This ability can be used twice, regaining
all uses after a short or long rest.

Tomb of Invulnerability
At 14th level, when targeted or affected by an
attack, spell, or any effect except divine in-
tervention, you can use your reaction to
manifest an invincible stone tomb for pro-
tection. Weighing 12,000 pounds, this
tomb is impervious to all but divine inter-
vention. Inside the tomb, you are immune
to all damage and any physical, mental, or
magical effects. However, you also become
incapacitated, unable to perform actions,
reactions, bonus actions, speak, or issue
mental commands. No communication
can penetrate the tomb, but you retain
your tremorsense, with its range extended
to 120 feet within the tomb.
You can choose to end this effect at the
start of each turn, causing the tomb to de-
materialize instantly. Any effects or conditions
affecting you prior to entering the tomb are sus-
pended while inside, nullifying their effects but
also halting their duration. Inside the tomb, you
are unaffected by hunger, thirst, and don’t need
to breathe, but you continue aging normal-
ly. It is not possible to take rests within the
tomb. This feature can’t be used again until
you complete a long rest.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Fire Primordial Element Water Teachings
Elementalists who choose this Primordial Element are strong- At 1st level, the tradition and wisdom of water enable you
ly linked to Battles, Creativity, Destruction, and Intelligence. to gain new abilities. Choose two skills for proficiency from
By choosing Fire as your Primordial Element, you can learn Medicine, Nature, and Religion. Additionally, each time you
Fire, Air, and Earth spells, the latter two being your second- cast an Elementalist Spell that heals a creature, you can also
ary elements, and you will know the fusion element spells heal another creature up to 60 feet away, provided it was not
Lava and Lightning. healed by the original spell. The creature healed through
this trait regains 1d6 hit points per level of the spell used.
Flame Brilliance
At the 1st level, the creativity and cunning of fire afford
Flowing Water
you new abilities. Choose two skills for proficiency from Starting at the 6th level, your understanding of the life-sus-
Intimidation, Investigation, and Performance. You also gain taining flow of water allows you to adapt to adversity. While
proficiency with light armor, shields, and simple weapons. conscious and not wearing armor or wielding a shield, your
You can cast your Elementalist Spells even when your hands Wisdom modifier is added to all saving throws you make,
are holding weapons or shields, performing the necessary in addition to any other applicable modifiers.
gestures to cast them.
When wielding a weapon, your melee weapon attack Purifying Rain
rolls can use your Wisdom modifier instead of Strength
or Dexterity. This modifier also applies to damage rolls Starting at the 10th level, as a bonus action, you can call forth
from the 6th level. a rainstorm within a 30-foot radius at a point up to 240 feet
away, lasting for 1 minute. Upon activating this ability, you
Fiery Reprisal and your allies within the area recover 2d8 hit points each,
and any conditions, diseases, or curses affecting them are
At 6th level, when you are the target of an attack, you can removed. For the duration, you and your allies in the area
spend a reaction to make a melee weapon attack against an have advantage on all saving throws. This ability has no effect
enemy within range. on Undead and Constructs. After using this trait, you can’t
use it again until a long rest is completed.
Burning Inspiration
Starting at the 10th level, you can use your connection with
Healing Tide
Fire to inspire your allies. As a bonus action, you can imbue At 14th level, you can unleash the healing powers of water
yourself and all allies within 30 feet of you with the power in a surge of vitality. As a bonus action, you create a 60-foot
of flames, granting them an extra 1d6 fire damage to all emanation around you that lasts for 1 minute. During this
unarmed, weapon, or spell attacks. This effect lasts for 1 time, you and all creatures who finish their turn within the
minute. After using this ability, you can’t use it again until area recover hit points equal to your Elementalist level.
you complete a long rest. Additionally, any healing spells cast on a creature within
the area recover extra hit points equal to your Elementalist
Second Surge level. This ability has no effect on Undead and Constructs.
After using this trait, you can’t use it again until a long rest
At 14th level, when using a spell slot to augment your el-
is completed.
emental surge, you can use your elemental surge again on
the next turn, as an action, as if you had spent a spell slot
one level lower.

Water Primordial
Elementalists who choose this Primordial Element are strong-
ly attached to Peace, Tradition, Restoration, and Wisdom. By
choosing water as your Primordial Element you can learn
Water, Air and Earth spells, the latter two being your second-
ary elements, and you will know the fusion element spells
Plant and Spirit.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Elementalist Spell List
L evel N ame D escription
Cantrip Air Essence You manipulate air, creating sounds, moving a light object and hiding tracks by moving dirt around.
Cantrip Earth Essence This cantrip allows you to generate a small tremor, move light objects, or create a small earth construct for simple tasks.
Cantrip Elemental Surge Create a cone of your primary element to damage creatures.
Cantrip Fire Essence Create magical flame, absorb non-magical flames and ignite up to objects or space; flames emit light and can take any form.
Cantrip Water Essence Change water into all its forms, changing its color and smell, creating sensory effects and draining moisture from small objects.

L evel N ame D escription
1 Burning Eyes Grants proficiency in Intimidation and advantage on Intimidation checks.
1 Burst of Embers Creates a cloud of ash that illuminates and reveals creatures and objects.
1 Fireheart Bond Enchants a humanoid, making them a friend.
1 Flash Causes blindness in creatures in an area for one turn.
1 Inner Fire Increases melee fire damage and grants immunity to the frightened condition.
2 Ability Boost Grants advantage on ability checks and allows for a target swap.
2 Flames of Leadership Grants advantage on Persuasion, Deception, and Intimidation checks and allows for a command.
2 Heat Vision Grants darkvision up to 90 feet.
2 Spiritual Flame Creates a magical flame that does not generate heat and illuminates. End the spell to blind creatures.
2 Subtle Influence You manipulate the mind of a creature subtly influencing their emotions and behaviors.
3 Elemental Frenzy Forces a creature into a frenzy, attacking everything in its vicinity.
3 Flame Weapon Grants extra fire damage to a target's weapons.
3 Focused Blast As a reaction, you make an area spell or ability affect a single target, amplifying its power.
3 Hellfire Gaze Causes fear in creatures in an area and forces them to move away.
4 Blaze Light Creates a wave of confusion that disorients creatures in an area.
4 Curse of Flames Curses a creature with pain and an additional 1d6 fire damage.
4 Fire Collar Creates an enchanted collar on a beast that can be commanded by the caster.
4 Flames of Fear Forces creatures to believe they are burning and moves them.
5 Commandment of Fire Forces a target to follow a command for 30 days.
5 Fire Crown Enchants a humanoid, gives them a command, and forces them to obey you.
5 Flames of Heroism Ignores fear, adds 1d4 damage, and makes magical attacks with extra fire damage.
5 Skin of Embers Transforms a creature's skin into embers, granting resistance and vulnerability.
6 Burning Dash Increases speed and strength, allows for object movement and creature knockdown.
6 Flame Body Turn your body into a bright flame burning anything you touch and strengthening your mind.
6 Hell Dragon Eye Causes fear in creatures that meet your gaze.
6 Mass Inflammation Influences multiple creatures to follow a course of action for 24 hours.
7 Blazing Army Increases fire damage caused by natural and manufactured weapons of allies within a 30-foot radius.
7 Fire Dragon Transf. Transforms the caster into a dragon-like humanoid, granting protection against fire, flight, and a cone of fire attack.
7 Flame Hammer Creates a magical flaming hammer that deals fire damage on attacks.
7 Summon Flame Dragon Summons a dragon spirit to aid the caster in battle.
8 Dragon Breath The caster can breathe a blast of fire or smoke to deal area damage or incapacitate creatures.
8 Fire Lobotomization Fires a ray of fire into a creature's mind, drastically reducing its intelligence and wisdom.
8 Fire Shackles Creates chains of fire around a creature, controlling it and allowing the caster to communicate telepathically with it.
8 Flames of Adoration/ Emits an aura of worship or fear that affects a category of intelligent creatures.
9 Ignite Seal Creates a magical seal that can be activated to cause destruction, explosion, or damage over an extended period.
9 Flames of Heart Increases the courage and resilience of allies within range, granting immunity to being charmed or frightened.
9 Mass Curse of Flames Causes the curse of flames on all creatures within a 60-foot radius.
9 Purge Flames Destroys an undead or extra-planar enemy with magical flames.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

L evel N ame D escription
1 Adaptive Ear Grants the ability to understand any spoken language by a creature with Intelligence of 5 or more.
1 Healing Drops Heals 1d6 + Wisdom modifier of a creature within 60 feet.
1 Move Like Water Shields a willing creature, granting a +1 bonus to AC and the ability to not provoke opportunity attacks.
1 Tidal Investigation You amplify your senses to discover information from spilled blood.
1 Unflinching Stream Grants 2d6 temporary hit points and advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws to a willing
2 Mirror Object You turn an object into a recorder to capture an important fact.
2 Mystical Flux You recover an ally creature that spent a spell slot.
2 Natural Stream Removes one of the conditions: Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, or Poisoned.
2 Water Blessing Grants a +1d4 bonus to attacks and saving throws and the ability to roll a second d20 and choose the result.
2 Water Tentacle Transforms the caster's arms into water tentacles that can attack and grapple creatures.
3 Aquatic Form Allows up to six creatures to breathe and move underwater.
3 Healing Rain Heals all creatures within a 20-foot radius chosen by the caster.
3 Life swap You exchange hit points and conditions or skills between two willing creatures.
3 Waive Magic Consumes a spell or prevents it from being successfully cast.
4 Life Back Resurrects a creature that has been dead for up to 10 days.
4 Healing Blast Heals a creature within 40 feet and removes one of the conditions: Charmed, Blinded, or Deafened.
4 Mantle of Water You cloak a creature in a shroud of water, allowing the target to breathe underwater and granting resistance to fire,
acid, the grappled and restrained conditions and protection from gas.
4 Sweet Dreams Puts a creature to sleep and gives it a long rest.
5 Fluid Sense Allows the caster to sense all living creatures that have at least 30% liquid in their bodies within a radius of 240 feet.
5 Healing Storm Creates a storm that heals up to 50 hit points in an area and can cure diseases and negative conditions.
5 Life Synchronization Transfers hit points between four willing creatures, and heals additional hit points for each creature that transferred
hit points.
5 Pour the Past Swirl water counterclockwise to see events that occurred within a 30-foot radius up to 1 year ago or follow a specific
moment for up to 10 minutes. Can create an ice statue after duration.
6 Ancestral Retraining Changes subclass, feats, or abilities permanently.
6 Holly Stream Touches a creature and removes up to two negative effects, such as weakening of an ability or reduction of maximum
hit points.
6 River Protection Protects a willing creature within range of the healing spell, giving an additional 4d8 hit points and making it immune
to certain negative conditions.
6 Water Body Gains the form of a water elemental, acquiring immunity and resistance to various types of damage and the ability to
move through occupied spaces.
7 Counter Flood Attempts to interrupt an enemy's spellcasting, canceling it and healing an allied target.
7 Through the Water Teleports submerged creatures to another known water source.
7 Tide of Bubbles Creates bubbles that affect enemies in a line of 80 feet, causing the effect of another spell on a failed Dexterity saving
7 Torrential Rain Creates a torrential rain in an area, reducing movement and obscuring the vision of creatures, as well as extinguishing
natural and magical flames.
8 Absorb Spell Attempts to interrupt and absorb the energy of an enemy spell, canceling it and allowing the caster to use it later.
8 Calm Mind Makes the caster immune to psychic damage, mind reading, and other emotional conditions.
8 Revert Life Flux Resurrects a creature that has been dead for less than 100 years and has an available soul, but with levels of exhaus-
tion and penalties for the caster.
8 Water Restoration Gradually restores hit points to a creature and can regenerate lost limbs if in contact with water for long enough.
9 Harm Liberation Removes diseases, curses, and other conditions, as well as healing wounds and awakening sleeping creatures.
9 Healing Tempest Creates a storm that heals creatures within an area and removes diseases and other conditions, but does not
affect undead or constructs.
9 Magic Precipitation Creates a magical rain that grants advantages and resistance against spells, as well as being able to heal allied crea-
tures with absorbed spells.
9 Shield of Overlife Creates a shield of water that grants temporary hit points and drains bodily fluids from attackers, healing the caster.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

L evel N ame D escription
1 Air Beneath Your Allows a creature to jump double the normal distance and fall from heights of up to 30 feet without taking damage.
1 Leaf in the Wind Move faster with the wind, able to use Dash or Disengage actions as a bonus action.
1 Mirage Mirror Conjures a duplicate of the caster that can take independent actions.
1 Veil of Invisibility Makes a creature invisible to another creature, as long as the first does not attack or cast a spell.
1 Whiff Creates a swirling wind that moves, pushing creatures of Large size or smaller and dispersing gasses or vapors.
2 Speed Waltz Allows three creatures to be moved by the wind for 30 feet in any direction.
2 Accelerate Doubles the movement speed of a creature, grants a +2 bonus to AC, and advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
2 Focused Image Creates the image of a visible object, creature, or other phenomenon that can move and make sounds, but cannot
cause harm or be touched.
3 Sky Walker Grants the ability to walk on the wind to a touched creature, giving it a flying speed equal to its walking speed.
3 Fairy Dance Performs a dance that enchants creatures in a radius around the caster, causing them to dance along.
3 Gale Gate Creates a protective barrier of wind at a point within range, granting bonuses to allies and disadvantages to enemies.
3 Gust Fantasy Alters the appearance of a number of willing creatures and grants them a racial feature.
2 Wind Cover Makes a creature invisible until the beginning of the next turn.
4 Force of Wind Creates a blast of wind in a line that pushes and knocks down creatures in its path.
4 Thunderclap Generates a cone of sonic shock, causing deafness and incapacitation to creatures in the area.
4 Visions from the Creates an illusion of an object or person, providing vision and hearing of the created image.
4 Windstorm Point Creates a stationary point of wind that hurls creatures that pass through it.
5 Deflection Air Protects the caster from ranged attacks and can reflect the attack back at another target.
5 Sky Blessing Grants flight to a touched creature, along with other special abilities.
5 Sphere of M’Cel Empties the air from an area, causing creatures within it to have breathing difficulties.
5 Winds of Time You speed up the passage of time for a creature or object by accelerating its healing or aging.
6 Air Body Turns the caster's body into a cloud of air, gaining flight, resistance, and the ability to pass through objects. Can attack
with a magical slashing attack.
6 Primordial Pass Creates an air bridge connecting two points, allowing creatures to be transported safely.
6 Rally of Agility Grants +6 Dexterity, advantage on attack and Dexterity checks, and immunity to grappled, restrained, and paralyzed
6 Spiritual Air Beasts Invokes up to five friendly air spirits that take the form of beasts.
7 Call Allies Teleports up to four allied creatures close to the caster.
7 Compressed Air Creates an illusion that explodes in a burst of air when attacked, causing damage and pushing creatures in the area.
7 Hurricane Creates a tornado that sucks creatures into the air and damages objects and structures.
7 Move like Air Doubles the movement speed of allied creatures, grants +2 AC bonus, advantage on Dexterity checks, and an addi-
tional action.
8 Air Double Creates a gaseous copy of the caster with the same statistics, allowing the caster to switch places with the copy to
avoid damage.
8 Crown of the Whirlwinds of wind grant AC bonus and disadvantage on ranged attacks and allow magical attacks and reactions to
Sirocco impose disadvantage.
8 Ether Confluence Accelerates or stops the wind in a radius of up to 5 miles and can create a strong gust to push creatures.
8 Fields of Wind Lifts creatures within a 100-foot radius, giving them the ability to fly while concentration lasts.
9 Evanescence of Grants accelerated movement, advantage on Dexterity checks, and immunity to damage while dissipating into the air,
Sue’en and can rematerialize in another location.
9 Material Illusion Creates an illusory replica of a non-magical creature that deals psychic damage to those who fail the saving throw.
9 Steal Oxygen Removes the air from a creature's lungs, causing exhaustion and paralysis.
9 True Levitation Lifts a block of earth and everything above it, allowing the caster to move it and change the direction of the movement.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

L evel N ame D escription
1 Disarray Terrain Alters the terrain, causing all creatures within the area to fall and be forced to make Dexterity saving throws.
1 Disk of Dust You create a 1d10+10 hit point disk of dust to cover a spot of your choice.
1 Earth Absorption Transfers some of the received damage to the earth, gaining resistance to the type of damage that triggered the spell.
1 Earth Armor Creates a thin layer of earth that grants temporary hit points or increases the target's AC.
1 Stone Shield Creates a stone shield that provides a +4 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws against the attack that triggered it.
2 Prodigium You multiply small objects by creating indistinguishable-looking copies of the original.
2 Stone Imprisonment Creates stone hands that restrain creatures in an area, causing damage for escape attempts.
2 Stone Hand Creates a stone arm on a willing creature to aid it.
2 Tread Tremor Creates a seismic wave in a cone that pushes creatures, damages buildings, and makes the terrain difficult.
3 Earth Embrace Alters gravity in an area, restricting the actions and movement of affected creatures.
3 Earth Shelter Creates an invisible shelter in a wall of stone or earth.
3 Rock Stubborn Grants resistance to lightning and psychic damage and advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving
3 Tunneling Arms Grants powerful claws for digging and attacking.
4 Earth Scales Transforms a target's skin into stone-like scales, granting resistance to a type of damage.
4 Mineral Sculpt Creates objects of earth and rock within range, with varying quality depending on the material used.
4 Stone Heart Protects a target against death effects, with the option to use gems to offer additional protection.
4 Stone Sphere Creates a stone sphere that envelops a target, giving total cover against outside attacks and effects.
5 Beryl Slabs Creates Beryl plates to form structures, with limited resistance and duration.
5 Conjure Earth Conjures an earth guardian with an appearance based on a stone figure.
5 Petrify Nerves Temporarily paralyzes living creatures, potentially affecting multiple creatures with a higher spell level.
5 Scrape The Sky Creates pillars of earth that can knock down creatures within range.
6 Circle of protection Creates a magical barrier that blocks low-level spells and can reflect a spell back.
6 Granite Body Transforms a target into a granite statue, granting various stone abilities and improving statistics.
6 Marble Skin Transforms a target's skin into marble, potentially petrifying the creature after multiple failed resistance saves.
6 Metal Barrier Creates a protective barrier around a target with resistance to certain types of damage.
7 Diamond Sword Creates a magical diamond sword that lasts for 1 hour, granting a +3 bonus to attack and damage, and critical hits are
rolled on 19 or 20.
7 Earth Imprison Chooses a creature to become stuck in the ground, with the possibility of freeing itself with Constitution checks.
7 Fissure Creates a large fissure, creatures inside must make a Dexterity save or fall in.
7 Blessing of the Earth Creates a blessed area immune to dispel magic, granting advantages to allies and disadvantages to enemies.
8 Earth Maze Trembles the ground in a 60-foot radius and traps a number of creatures in the earth, each in a different labyrinth.
8 Ground Wave You stomp the ground throwing your foes dealing 1d8 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet they are moved.
8 Mountain Crush Deals a powerful blow to the primary target, leaving it stunned and potentially stunning a secondary target.
8 Terracotta Army Conjures up to 16 terracotta soldiers that obey your commands.
9 Adamantite Skin Covers the caster's body with adamantite, making them immune to damage and unarmed and armed attacks become
9 Gravity Seal Increases the gravity of a creature, causing damage and exhaustion when trying to move or perform actions, and
physical attacks deal double damage.
9 Quicksand Transforms a circular area into quicksand, sinking creatures, causing damage and preventing breathing, and dam-
aging structures.
9 Seismic Quake Creates an earthquake with a 120-foot radius, hindering terrain, knocking down and causing damage to creatures and


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Mixed Elements Air Earth Fire Water

L evel N ame D escription

1 Magma Glow You touch an object and you always know its exact location as long as it is within 240 feet of you.
2 Magma Armor Enchants a creature's armor with magma, causing fire damage to those who attack it in melee combat.
3 Magma Servant Summons a magma servant that acts as an ally to the caster in combat.
4 Lava Floor Covers an area with lava that causes fire damage and reduces the speed of creatures that fail a Constitution saving
5 Melt Rock Melts rocks in a certain volume, creating lava that causes damage upon touch and can cover creatures, causing extra
damage and reducing their speed.
6 Wall of Lava Creates a magma barrier that causes damage and can cover creatures with lava, causing extra damage and reducing
their speed.
7 Made of Lava Creates a lava barrier around a creature that makes it resistant to fire and ice damage and causes lava damage to
those who attack it.
8 Magma Chamber Creates a 100-foot radius area that deals fire damage and may cause exhaustion.
9 Volcano Creates a volcano that goes through four stages and deals fire and poison damage to enemies in a growing area.
1 Lightning Arrester Target must make a Constitution saving throw or be restrained and vulnerable to lightning damage.
2 Static Field Creates an area charged with electricity that causes lightning damage to creatures that move through it.
3 Lightning Tunnel You create a tunnel of energy that transports creatures and causes an electrical pulse that deals 2d6 lightning damage.
4 Tracing Thunder Grants increased movement and leaves a trail of electricity that restrains creatures and causes electrical damage.
5 Lightning Teleports the caster to a visible position within range, causing lightning damage to creatures in its path.
6 Lightning Wall Creates a barrier that causes electrical damage to creatures in its area and has magnetic effects on metal weapons.
7 Lightning Burst Doubles movement speed, increases AC, grants advantage on saves, and adds an attack action, leaving the target
exhausted at the end.
8 Overcharge Lightning Paralyzes creatures in an area and limits their actions on the next round.
9 Homing Spark Shoots lightning bolts from your hands, dealing electric damage and potentially causing stun.
1 Intertwine Roots Roots burst from the ground, grasping creatures in an area, making it difficult terrain and restraining creatures that fail
a Strength saving throw.
2 Blossom Creates flowers that release pollen, ending effects of fear and charm and making hostile creatures indifferent unless
3 Symbiosis Creates a symbiotic plant that heals the touched creature during rest and immunizes it against poison and poison
4 Overgrow Energizes nearby allies with temporary hit points, bonus AC, and advantage on Strength and Constitution saving
5 Summon Mound Conjures a vegetable servant to follow simple commands.
6 Sacred Fruits Plants a tree that produces fruits that heal and grant temporary immunities.
7 Regenerating Cocoon Envelops a creature in a flower, healing it, removing exhaustion levels, and potentially healing lost limbs.
8 Saving Seed Creates a fruit that completely heals a creature and removes diseases, blindness, deafness, poisoning, and exhaustion.
9 Regrowth Can revive a creature that has been dead for many years with all or part of its body, healing all its wounds, diseases,
and curses.
1 Lesser Link Creates a spiritual connection between up to 3 creatures, allowing telepathic communication and granting advantage
on an attack or saving throw.
2 Spectral Vision Allows the caster to see the spiritual aura of invisible creatures and focus on the Ethereal Sight to see and interact
with the Ethereal Plane.
3 Spiritual Fading Allows voluntary entry and exit from the Ethereal Plane, granting invisibility and invulnerability to creatures outside
the plane.
4 Spiritual Hex Curses a creature, dealing 3d8 necrotic damage when it fails its roll checks.
5 Wall of Spirits Creates an indestructible barrier that blocks creatures of a chosen type or alignment, and attacks or spells of that type
are neutralized.
6 Spiritual Vision Grants true sight, allowing the caster to see the Ethereal Plane and secret doors.
7 Spiritual Travel Teleports the caster and up to six creatures to another plane. If requirements are not met, the caster is stunned for
one turn.
8 Spiritual Immunity Grants a creature immunity to acid, cold, fire, thunder, lightning, necrotic, poison, and psychic damage.
9 Spirit Form You and up to five other creatures enter the border of the Ethereal Plane and can move freely between it and the
Material Plane.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Spell Descriptions You make the winds aid the movements of a willing creature
you can see, granting it double its movement speed, a +2
The spells are presented in alphabetical order. bonus to AC, and advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot
Ability boost line that is 5 feet wide and deals 2d6 thunder damage.
2nd-level fire
Casting Time: 1 action Adamantite Skin
Range: 30 feet 9th-level earth
Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Range: Self
You grant an elemental enhancement to a willing creature Components: V, S, M (an adamantite piece or item with a
within range of the spell, it has advantage on all ability checks minimum value of 1000 gp)
of a single ability of your choice. As a bonus action, if the Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
target is within range of the spell, you can switch the chosen Your entire body surface, including your armor, is covered in
ability or switch the target of the spell to another willing adamantite, becoming immune to all damage for the dura-
creature, if both are within range of the spell and within 30 tion. Additionally, your unarmed and armed melee attacks are
feet of each other. considered magical and made of adamantite for the purpose
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 3rd-lev- of overcoming resistances or immunities of your enemies.
el spell slot or higher, you can choose an additional target Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot
for each level above 2nd. When using the bonus action to cone and deals 14d6 acid damage.
change the chosen ability, you change the ability bonus for
all creatures and you can only use the bonus action to switch
a single target at a time.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 2d6 fire damage plus 1d6
fire damage for every spell level used above 2nd.

Absorb Spell
8th-level water
Casting Time: 1 reaction
Range: 60 feet
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
You attempt to disrupt a creature in the process of
casting a spell, converting its magical power into
healing droplets. If the spell being cast is 5th level
or lower, it fails and has no effect. If it is 6th lev-
el or higher, you must make a spellcasting ability
check. The DC equals 10 plus the level of the spell
being cast. On a successful check, the spell fails.
If the target’s spell fails, you can choose to absorb
the energy from the interrupted spell, gaining tem-
porary hit points equal to the spell’s level that lasts
1 minute, or copy it, casting the spell immediately
as if you were the original caster, and without re-
quiring any material components.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects
a 45-foot cone and deals 12d6 cold damage.

2nd-level air
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Adaptive Ear Air Body
1st-level water (ritual) 6th-level air
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: Self
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M (a drop of myrrh essence)
Duration: 1 hour Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You magically enhance your hearing by altering the properties Your body changes its composition to become a cloud of
of water. For the next hour, you can understand any spoken whirling air, gaining the following features:
language or sound-based communication from a creature • You can move through enemy spaces and 1-inch spaces
with an Intelligence of 5 or higher, and you have advantage without squeezing;
on any Wisdom (Perception) checks related to listening. • You become immune to poison and lightning damage, as
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals cold dam- well as non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
age, and on the damage roll, any result of 1 or 2 counts as 3. damage. You become resistant to thunder damage and
magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, and
Air Beneath Your Feet immune to the grappled, poisoned, paralyzed, petrified,
1st-level air
restrained, and prone conditions;
Casting Time: 1 action • You gain a flying speed of 60 feet and the ability to hover;
Range: Touch • With an action, you can calm the winds within you, be-
Components: V, S, M (a feather) coming invisible. If you attack or cast a spell, you reappear;
Duration: 1 minute
• You can perform a melee or ranged (60 feet) slashing wind
You envelop the legs of a willing creature you touch in wind, attack by making a magical attack roll. If you hit, you deal
and for the duration, the target can jump twice as far as its 2d10 + Wisdom modifier slashing damage considered
normal maximum distance and can fall from heights of up magical;
to 30 feet without taking any damage from the fall. If falling • Creatures that you pass through or that enter your space
from greater heights, the target takes damage only for the must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are
distance beyond the initial 30 feet. thrown 20 feet in a random direction, take 3d8 + Wisdom
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals thunder modifier bludgeoning damage, and are knocked prone;
damage, and on the damage roll, consider every 1 or 2 as a 3. • You have advantage on Dexterity and Charisma saving
throws and ability checks.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
cone and deals 10d6 thunder damage.

Air Double
8th-level air
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
You create a gaseous copy of yourself in an empty space beside
you. This copy is indistinguishable from you, even by magical
means or abilities such as true sight. The copy has the same
stats as you, except for its hit points, as the copy disappears
and the spell immediately ends if it takes any damage. The
copy has its own turn, which can be immediately before or
after your turn. You command what it does (actions, bonus
actions, reactions, movement, etc.). It has no resources of
its own, such as ammunition, ability uses, or spell slots, so
every time it uses something that costs a resource, it uses
the resources that you have. For example, if the copy casts
a spell, that spell is consumed from your daily uses as if you
had cast the spell. The same applies to potions, scrolls, etc.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

When you are targeted by an attack, spell, or ability that Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge can create
would damage you, you can instantly switch positions with a thin layer of water around the creature, granting it 9d6
the copy, which must be within 120 feet of this spell, so it temporary hit points for 10 minutes.
takes the damage and other effects in your place, causing
this spell to end automatically. If the damage dealt to the Aquatic Form
copy comes from a melee attack, the attacker must make a 3rd-level water (ritual)
Wisdom save, becoming stunned for 1 minute on a failure. Casting Time: 1 action
A creature stunned in this way can make the save again Range: 60 feet
at the end of each of its turns, ending the condition on a Components: V, S
success. You and your copy cannot be more than 120 feet Duration: 10 minutes
apart, if that happens the spell ends automatically and the
You modify the bodies of up to six creatures, allowing them
copy disappears.
to survive underwater. They gain the ability to breathe water
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 60-foot
as if it were air, in addition to their normal breathing, and
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 12d6 thunder damage.
they gain swimming movement equal to their walking speed.
Air Essence At Higher Levels. When cast as a spell of 4th level or higher,
Air cantrip you affect an additional 3 creatures for each level above 3rd.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot
Casting Time: 1 action line that is 5 feet wide and deals 5d6 cold damage.
Range: 120 feet
Components: S Beryl Slabs
Duration: Instantaneous 5th-level earth
You can modify the air near you to create the following effects: Casting Time: 1 action
• Emulate sounds, from a whisper to a scream, including your Range: 90 feet
voice, someone else’s voice, or any other sound. The sound Components: V, S, M (a beryl -emerald- shard)
continues throughout the duration, or you can make discrete Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
sounds at different times before the spell ends. A creature can You create eight plates of pure beryl at points within range
discern the illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investiga- of the spell. Each beryl plate is 6 inches thick and 10 feet
tion) check against your spell save DC. tall by 10 feet wide. You can distribute the plates in any way
• Move an object (up to 20 pounds) up to 30 feet through you choose within range.
the air. The plates are perfect squares and, if continuously con-
• Conceal shallow tracks or footprints by moving dirt around. jured, have no weakness between them, can be placed in
any position (horizontal or vertical) but need to arise in
Ancestral Retraining contact with the earth to be stable. One plate can act as a
6th-level water (ritual) foundation for another, allowing for continuous structures
Casting Time: 1 hour such as a bridge or ramp.
Range: Touch A plate cannot occupy the space of a creature or object.
Components: V, S, M (a gem worth 1000 gp, which the If a plate appears in a location occupied by a creature, it is
spell consumes) pushed to any side of your choice. If you try to trap a creature
between the plates, the creature can make a Dexterity saving
Duration: Instantaneous
throw and position itself outside on a success.
As you cast the spell, the gem used as a material component is Each plate has an AC of 16 and 180 hit points, disappear-
consumed to bring visions of the target’s ancestors, blending ing magically if reduced to 0, possibly causing the collapse
them with the target’s memories and unlocking new potential of adjacent plates at the GM’s discretion.
within the individual. However, some of the target’s memories As a bonus action, you can dispense the plates at any time
are lost in the process. The target may choose to change any during the spell. If you maintain concentration for the en-
or all of their subclass, feats, or abilities, provided they meet tire duration of the spell, you can choose to keep the plates
the prerequisites for the chosen options. Certain abilities that permanently, but they will turn into plates of slightly green-
require additional resources, such as gold, experience points, ish rock, without any value other than stone. If you choose
or training, cannot be chosen unless the target possesses the not to keep the plates permanently or lose concentration
necessary resources at the time of casting. before the end of the spell, the plates disappear magically
Once the spell is complete, the chosen options are per- without a trace.
manent, and they cannot be altered by this spell or similar At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
effects again. The GM may impose restrictions or penalties slot of 6th or higher, you can create two more jade slabs per
to reflect the significant impact of the decision. level above 5th.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 40-foot Duration: 1 hour
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 8d6 acid damage plus 1d6 You create a square area immune to dispel magic, with a
acid damage for every spell level used above 5th. side of 60 feet, having one of the vertices at a point within
Blaze Light the range of the spell.
4th-level fire While within the area of the spell, all allied creatures, when
making attack and saving throws, can roll 1d4 and add the
Casting Time: 1 action result to their roll, have advantage on saving throws against
Range: 90 feet being charmed or frightened, and any healing they receive
Components: V, S, M (an obsidian worth at least 50 gp) within the area will consider results of 1 or 2 on the dice as 3.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Hostile creatures within the area that make an attack or sav-
You cast a small spark at a point within range and then it ing throw must roll 1d4 and subtract the value from the roll.
explodes into a wave of confusion in a 10-foot-radius sphere. Creatures within the area cannot be targeted by divina-
All creatures in the area must make a Wisdom saving throw tion spells. The blessing also crosses planes, preventing any
or become extremely disoriented on a failure. ethereal travel within the area and preventing extraplanar
An affected target can’t take reactions and must roll a creatures from being summoned or conjured within the area.
d10 at the start of each of its turns to determine its behav- Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
ior for that turn. cone and deals 11d6 acid damage.
C onfusion B ehavior
d 10 B ehavior 2nd-level plant
1 The creature uses all its movement to move in a random
direction. To determine the direction, roll a d8 and assign
Casting Time: 1 action
a direction to each die face. The creature doesn't take an Range: Self
action this turn. Components: V, S
2-6 The creature doesn't move or take actions this turn. Duration: Instantaneous
7-8 The creature uses its action to make a melee attack against a You manifest a series of flowers in the space you occupy,
randomly determined creature within its reach. If there is no
creature within its reach, the creature does nothing this turn. which immediately grow and bloom, releasing their pollen in
9-10 The creature can act and move normally. At the end of each
a circular area with a 20ft radius centered on you. Any Charm
of its turns, an affected target can make a Wisdom saving or Frightened effect affecting a creature in the area is imme-
throw. If it succeeds, this effect ends for that target. diately ended. Additionally, any hostile creature towards you
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell or your allies within the area must make a Charisma saving
slot of 5th level or higher, the radius of the confusion wave throw, and on a failure, they become indifferent to you and
increases by 5 feet for each slot level above 4th. your allies unless they take damage from an attack or spell.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 7d6 Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 2d6
fire damage plus 1d6 fire damage for every spell level poison damage and requires a Constitution saving throw
used above 4th. instead of Dexterity.

Blazing Army Burning Dash

7th-level fire 6th-level fire

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 bonus action

Range: 120 feet Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a ruby worth less than 500 gp) Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Duration: Instantaneous

You ignite all weapons of all allied creatures within a 30-foot When you cast this spell, a flame that rises from your feet cov-
radius circle within range. For the duration of the spell, all ers your entire body, increasing your speed and strength for
natural and wielded weapons are considered magical and the duration. As part of this spell, you can immediately move
deal an extra 2d6 fire damage. 40 feet in any direction you choose. During this movement,
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot you can push objects up to five times your normal capacity
radius circle centered on you and deals 11d6 fire damage. (or 150 times your strength score in pounds). If you collide
with a creature, the movement ends, and the creature must
Blessing of the Earth succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 40 feet back
7th-level earth and fall prone. If the creature’s movement is interrupted by
Casting Time: 1 action obstacles, it will fall prone and suffer 4d6 bludgeoning damage
Range: 90 feet in addition. If the path is blocked by another creature, that
Components: V, S, M (a handful of sacred temple soil) creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, suffering
the same damage and falling prone on a failure.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
radius circle centered on you and deals 10d6 fire damage. cone and deals 11d6 thunder damage.

Burning Eyes Calm Mind

1st-level fire 8th-level water
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: Self (or aura 20 feet)
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes Duration: 24 hours
You cause the eyes of a creature within range to glow like You fill your mind with the calm that only water can achieve.
blazing embers. During the spell’s duration, the target, if not For the duration, you become immune to psychic damage,
already, is considered proficient in Charisma (Intimidation) any effect that may sense emotions or read thoughts, divi-
and if already proficient, they may use double their profi- nation spells and the conditions of charmed or frightened.
ciency bonus on Charisma (Intimidation) checks and have Optionally, you can transform the effects into an aura,
advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. Additionally, and on your turns you must use your action to concen-
any creature that the target damages has disadvantage on trate, allowing it to affect voluntary creatures of your choice
its next attack roll against the target until the start of the within 20 feet. The aura will last until the start of your next
target’s next turn. turn, but if you lose concentration while the spell is an aura,
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals fire dam- the spell ends.
age, and on the damage roll, consider any result of 1 or 2 as a 3. Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
radius circle centered on you and deals 12d6 cold damage.
Burst of Embers
1st-level fire Circle of Protection
Casting Time: 1 action 6th-level earth
Range: Self (30-foot cone) Casting Time: 1 action
Components: S, M (a special coal worth at least 5 gp) Range: 60 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Components: V, S, M (a hand size glass or crystal, that shat-
You magically create a glowing dust and blow it into a Burst ters when the spell ends)
of Embers that illuminates everything it covers. Any creature Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
in the area that fails a Dexterity saving throw will be covered You choose a point on the ground within range and then
by this glowing dust for the duration of the spell. For the a large rune appears there, emitting a cylindrical mystical
duration, covered creatures and objects shed dim light in barrier with a 10-foot radius and 30 feet in height. No spell
a 10-foot radius. Any attack roll against a covered creature of 5th level or lower cast outside the barrier affects creatures
or object has advantage if the attacker can see it, and the or objects within it, even if cast At Higher Levels. Creatures
affected creature or object can’t benefit from being invisible. within the area can be targeted by spells, but do not suffer
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals fire dam- their effects, and area spells have their effects suppressed
age and on damage roll, consider any result of 1 or 2 as a 3. within the cylinder.
You can also, as a reaction, deflect a 3rd level or lower
Call Allies spell cast against a target within the barrier, then you choose
7th-level air another creature within range but outside the area to be the
Casting Time: 1 action target. When you do so, the circle of protection ends.
Range: Self At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a slot of
Components: V, S 7th level or higher, you block spells of up to 6th level and
Duration: Instantaneous can deflect a spell of up to 5th level.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
You can bring your allies to assist you. When casting the
cone and deals 10d6 acid damage plus 1d6 acid damage for
spell, choose up to four willing creatures within 1 mile of
every spell level used above 6th.
you. Each of these creatures can be teleported from their
location to an unoccupied space closest to you. If there isn’t
enough free space for the creature to be within 10 feet of you,
or if you are somehow unreachable, the creatures will know
they were called but won’t be able to teleport.
Objects carried by the creatures are teleported along with
them, but other creatures that were being carried are not.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Commandment of Fire Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
5th-level fire cone and deals 8d6 fire damage plus 1d6 fire damage for
every spell level used above 5th.
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: 60 feet Compressed Air Image
Components: V 7th-level air
Duration: 30 days
Casting Time: 1 action
You point to a creature within range and place a magical Range: 120 feet
command in its mind. The command forces the creature Components: V, S
to perform some task or abstain from some action or to Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
take a course of activity as you decide. The creature must
You create an illusion of an object, creature, or other visible
understand you to be affected, and if it does, it must suc-
phenomenon as if you had cast the Major Image spell. But
ceed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for
when the image is attacked or comes into contact with a crea-
the duration. Whenever the charmed creature takes actions
ture, it explodes into a burst of air affecting a 20-foot radius
against its will, it takes 1 level of exhaustion, but no more
area. Creatures in the area must make a Constitution saving
than 1 level per day. A creature that doesn’t understand you
throw. On a failed save, they take 3d8 thunder damage, are
is immune to this spell.
deafened, and are thrown 80 feet in the opposite direction of
You can issue any command you choose, short of an activ-
the explosion. A creature that succeeds on the saving throw
ity that would result in certain death. If you issue a suicidal
takes half damage, is not deafened, and is thrown 20 feet.
command, the spell ends.
A deafened creature must make a Constitution saving throw
You can end the spell early by using an action to dismiss it.
at the start of their turn, ending the deafened condition on a
A remove curse, greater restoration, or wish spell also ends it.
success. A thrown creature that has their movement imped-
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 7th-level
ed takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet they are
or 8th-level spell slot, the duration is 1 year. When you cast
unable to move. If they are obstructed by another creature,
this spell using a 9th-level spell slot, the spell lasts until it is
ended by one of the spells mentioned above.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking the Crown of the Sirocco
same damage on a failed save or no damage on a success. 8th-level air
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 40-foot
Casting Time: 1 action
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 11d6 thunder damage.
Range: Touch
Conjure Earth Guardian Components: V, S
5th-level earth Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Casting Time: 1 minute Circles of hot and dry winds surround the target of the spell,
Range: 90 feet creating a strong wind area with a 10ft radius around them,
Components: V, S, M (a small figurine encrusted with gems granting them a +2 bonus to AC and imposing disadvantage
worth at least 100 gp) on ranged attack rolls made against them. Hostile creatures
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour that start their turn or enter the area must make a strength
saving throw or be pushed out of the area on a failed save.
You conjure an earth guardian, with the same appearance as
During their turn, the target of the spell can use a bonus
the figurine used, that emerges from the ground in an emp-
action to make a magical ranged attack against a creature
ty 10-foot cube. Use the stat block of an earth elemental to
within 30ft. If the attack hits, it deals 1d12 bludgeoning dam-
characterize the guardian, which will remain for the duration
age, and the target must make a Dexterity saving throw.
of the spell or until reduced to 0 hit points, disappearing
On a failure, they are pushed back 20ft and fall prone; on a
magically when the spell ends.
success, they are pushed back 10ft and remain standing. If
The guardian obeys you to the best of its ability and acts
there is an obstacle in the way of the pushed creature, they
after you in the initiative order. You can give simple course-
take 2d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10ft they are pushed,
of-action commands, such as attacking a target or running in
and if the obstacle is another creature, that creature must
a direction, as a free action. If you want to give a command
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take the
the size of a phrase, you must spend a bonus action. If you
same damage and also fall prone.
lose concentration, the guardian will continue to follow the
In addition, if a creature is targeted by an attack and the
last command until completed. If the guardian completes
attacker or the target is within 30ft of the area of this spell,
the action and cannot hear or obtain new commands, it will
the target can use their reaction to impose disadvantage on
use the Dodge action and preserve itself as best as possible.
the attack by sending a gust of wind towards it.
You can use an action to regain concentration on this spell
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot
a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.
cone and deals 12d6 thunder damage.
Elemental Flux. You can infuse your guardian with energy,
allowing it to use an action to cast Your next Elemental Surge Curse of Flames
once during the spell’s duration, dealing 5d6 acid damage. 4th-level fire

Counter Flood Casting Time: 1 action

7th-level water Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 reaction
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: 60 feet
Components: S You touch a creature, and that creature must succeed on a
Duration: Instantaneous Wisdom saving throw or become cursed for the duration of
the spell. The cursed creature feels terrible pain as if it were
You attempt to interrupt a creature in the process of casting
being burned. Every time you deal damage to the cursed
a spell, turning the magic power into healing droplets. If
creature, it takes an extra 1d6 fire damage. Additionally,
the creature is casting a spell of 4rd level or lower, its spell
at the start of its turns, the cursed creature must make a
fails and has no effect. If it is casting a spell of 5th level or
Constitution saving throw, and on a failure, the creature feels
higher, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability.
intense pain and wastes its action of that turn doing nothing.
The DC equals 10 + the spell’s level.
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of
On a success, the creature’s spell fails and has no effect and
4th level or higher, the duration is concentration, up to 10
you heal a creature on range 2d8 per spell’s level.
minutes. If you use a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the du-
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell with an 8th-level
ration is 8 hours. If you use a spell slot of 7th level or higher,
or higher spell slot, you can automatically consume a 5th-level
the duration is 24 hours. If you use a 9th level spell slot, the
spell slot per level above 7th.
spell lasts until it is dispelled. Using a spell slot of 5th level or
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
higher grants a duration that doesn’t require concentration.
cone and deals 11d6 cold damage plus 1d6 cold damage for
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 7d6
every spell level used above 7th.
fire damage plus 1d6 fire damage for every spell level
used above 4th.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Deflection Air Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals acid
5th-level air damage, and on the damage roll treat every 1 or 2 as a 3.
Casting Time: 1 action Disk of Dust
Range: Self 1st-level earth
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Range: 30 feet
The caster summons the power of wind to protect themselves, Components: V, S
preventing damage and even reflecting attacks. For the du- Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
ration, damage from ranged attacks against you is reduced
Description: With Disk of Dust, you create a protective barrier
by an amount equal to 5 + your proficiency bonus + your
in a point of your choice, forming a 10 by 5-foot shield with
Wisdom modifier. If the damage is reduced to 0, you can use
2 inches of thickness, made of dust and shimmering energy.
a reaction action to deflect the attack toward another target
The shield has 1d10+10 hit points and provides cover to you
within the original range of the attack. When deflecting, you
and any creatures directly behind it. If the shield HP reaches
make a magic ranged attack against the new target, applying
0 it is destroyed, ending the spell. You can also end the spell
the original damage to it on a hit.
at any time by dismissing it as a bonus action.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
While the spell is active, you can move the shield up to 20
cone and deals 8d6 thunder damage plus 1d6 thunder dam-
feet in any direction as a bonus action, but you must remain
age for every spell level used above 5th.
within 40 feet of it or the spell will end. The shield will block
Diamond Sword any physical attacks or spells that would pass through it, as
7th-level earth any solid barrier, but will not protect against area-of-effect
spells or attacks that bypass physical objects.
Casting Time: 1 action
In addition, the shield may be used to carry objects up to
Range: Self
50 pounds or activate traps.
Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth 100 gp, which the
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
spell consumes)
of 2nd level or higher, the hit points of the shield increase
Duration: 1 hour
by 1d10 for each slot level above 1st.
You create a magical sword made of pure sapphire that ris- Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals acid
es from the ground. You and any creature who wields the damage, affects a 20-foot line that is 5 feet wide, on the
sword are considered proficient with it. The sword’s blade is damage roll treat every 1 or 2 as a 3, and deals an extra 1d6
incredibly sharp and is considered to be made of adamantine acid damage for every 2 spell levels used above 1st.
for damage reduction. In addition, it grants the creature who
wields it a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and any nat- Dragon Breath
ural roll of 19 or 20 is considered a critical hit. The sword is 8th-level fire
versatile, able to be used with one hand dealing 2d8 slashing Casting Time: 1 action
damage or with two hands dealing 2d10 slashing damage, Range: Self
and its damage cannot be healed by any means other than Components: V, S
a rest. After the duration, the sword magically disappears. Duration: Instantaneous
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 40-foot
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 11d6 acid damage. You are imbued with the breath of a bronze dragon, releas-
ing this breath upon casting and choosing one of the two
Disarray Terrain breaths below:
1st-level earth Fire Breath. You spit out a 60-foot line of fire with a width
of 5 feet. Creatures in the area must make a Dexterity sav-
Casting Time: 1 action
ing throw, taking 13d6 damage on a failure or half of this
Range: 60 feet
damage on a success.
Components: V, S
Sleep Breath. You exhale a sleep-inducing smoke gas in a
Duration: 1 minute
60-foot cone. Creatures in the area must make a Constitution
You disarrange the terrain in a 20-foot-radius area centered saving throw or become unconscious for 10 minutes. This
on a point within range. All creatures within the area at the effect ends if the creature takes damage or another creature
time of its creation must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw uses an action to awaken it.
or fall prone. After that, the area becomes difficult terrain Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot
for the spell’s duration. During the spell’s duration, you can cone area, and if you have used the fire breath, you use the
use your bonus action to shake the disarranged area again, sleep breath, but creatures in the area will sleep for 5 min-
forcing all creatures within it to make a Dexterity saving utes. If you have used the sleep breath, you can do a 8d6 fire
throw or fall prone. damage breath, which does not awaken affected creatures.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Earth Absorption Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 3d6 acid
1st-level earth damage, and if it hits a creature under the effect of Earth
Embrace, it takes double damage.
Casting Time: 1 reaction (takes damage)
Range: Self Earth Essence
Components: V, S Earth cantrip
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 1 action
You transfer some of the damage that would be caused to Range: Varies (see text)
you to the earth. When you take damage from any source, Components: S
you gain resistance to the type of damage that triggered the Duration: Instantaneous
spell until the end of your next turn.
You tap into the energy of the earth and are able to perform
Elemental Flux. You lead Your next Elemental Surge down
the following tricks. For these sand, soil, stone, and similar
your body to your feet and stomp the ground. All creatures
terrains are understood as earth.
in a 10-foot radius circle centered on you must succeed on
a Dexterity saving throw knock prone on a failed save. • You can create a small, harmless tremor that extends up to
15 feet in radius and lasts for 1 minute. This can be useful
Earth Armor for creating distractions or triggering traps.
1st-level earth • Additionally, you can move the earth underneath an object
Casting Time: 1 action that weighs up to 15 pounds, causing it to move up to 5
Range: Touch feet in any unoccupied direction. This can be helpful for
Components: V, S, M (a small amount of gravel) moving small objects or creating obstacles.
Duration: 4 hours • The spell also allows you to create a small earth construct
with an AC of 11, 10 hit points, and 15 feet of movement, up
You create a thin layer of earth around the target and can
to 25 feet away from you. You can telepathically command
choose to have one of the two effects below:
the construct to perform simple tasks, such as carrying an
• Grant 1d6 + Wisdom modifier temporary hit points. object weighing up to 20 pounds. Note that the construct
• The target’s base AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity or Con- cannot make attacks and will dissolve after 10 minutes or
stitution modifier. If the target is yourself, also add your when its hit points are reduced to 0 or lower.
Wisdom modifier.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals acid dam-
age, and on the damage roll treat every 1 or 2 as a 3.

Earth Embrace
3rd-level earth
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least 50 gp)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You alter the gravity around up to six creatures of your choice
within a 40-foot square within range. Each creature must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be affected by
the spell for the duration.
An affected creature has difficulty moving, suffers a penalty
of -2 to its AC and Dexterity and Strength saving throws.
Its movement and actions are limited (see below), allowing
it to use only half of its movement and one action between
an action and a bonus action. The creature cannot maintain
concentration on spells and if it attempts to cast a spell, it
must succeed on a Strength saving throw, and the spell does
not take effect on a failure.
Limited Actions. The targets of the spell have limited but
not prevented actions. If a creature wants to use its reaction
action, a second between bonus action and action or use its
entire movement, it must make a Strength saving throw. On
a success, it can use the action but suffers 1 level of exhaus-
tion. On a failure, it does not perform the action and suffers
one level of exhaustion from the effort.

Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Earth Imprison Earth Scales
7th-level earth 4th-level earth
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a powder composed of diamond, Components: V, S, M (a dragon scale)
emerald, ruby, and sapphire dust worth at least 1,000 gp, Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
which the spell consumes) This spell transforms the skin of a creature into stone-like
Duration: Until dispelled scales. Upon casting, you can choose to grant the target
You choose a creature that you can see and that is not native resistance to two of the following damage types: acid, cold,
to the prime plane and trap it within the earth. The chosen fire, lightning, thunder, or nonmagical bludgeoning, pierc-
creature must make a Charisma saving throw or be swal- ing, and slashing damage.
lowed by the earth, becoming trapped in a state of suspended Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals
animation underground until released. 7d6 acid damage.
A trapped creature can make a Constitution saving throw
at the end of each of its turns. If the creature accumulates
Earth Shelter
3rd-level earth (ritual)
3 successes, it is freed, but is banished back to its original
plane of existence. If it fails 3 times (including the initial Casting Time: 1 minute
one), the creature will remain trapped until it is released by Range: Touch
another creature. Components: V, S, M (a silk scarf)
A creature trapped for less than 1001 days that is un- Duration: 24 hours
earthed exits the state of suspended animation and returns When you touch a silk scarf to a wall of rock or earth, you
to its plane. A creature that has been trapped for more than create a shelter for up to eight people. The entrance marked
1001 days, when unearthed, is freed from the effects of the by the scarf can only be seen by those you designate and is
spell, but if it dies on the material plane within the next 1001 invisible to others. Inside the shelter it is dry, has a comfort-
years, it will die permanently and not return to its plane of able climate, and a small crystal provides illumination that
origin. After these subsequent 1001 days, the creature is free can be turned on or off with a word from anyone chosen.
of any effects of this spell. You can release a trapped creature At the end of the spell, you can cast it again to maintain the
at any time with an action, as long as you are on the same same shelter, otherwise the spell ends. You can use an action
plane of existence. to end the spell at any time, and when the spell ends, the void
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot created fills and expels anything inside it out of the wall. The
cone and deals 11d6 acid damage. volume of rock in the wall must be compatible with the size
of the shelter created, otherwise the spell fails.
Earth Maze Elemental Flux. You can imbue your elemental flow into
8th-level earth the entrance, so that once during the duration of the spell,
Casting Time: 1 action when an undesired person enters the earth shelter, they must
Range: 120 feet make a Dexterity saving throw or take 5d6 acid damage on
Components: V, S, M (a miniature maze made of stone) a failed save or half as much on a successful one.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour.
Ether Confluence
You make the entire ground tremble in a 60ft radius cen- 8th-level air
tered on you. A number of creatures, of your choice, equal
Casting Time: 1 action
to your Wisdom modifier, that you can see within the ar- Range: Self (miles)
ea, are swallowed by the ground, falling into a huge earth Components: V, S
maze. Each of the creatures is sent to a different maze, so Duration: Concentration, 1 hour
they can’t find each other. To escape the maze, the creature
must accumulate 3 successes in Wisdom checks, each of You commune with the element of air, and it answers your
which must be made with their action at the beginning of call. You can determine how the winds of up to 5 miles will
their next turns. The DC of the Wisdom checks is equal to behave, accelerating or stopping them. Each round that you
your spell save DC. For each failure, the creature takes 5d6 accelerate or stop the winds, the winds in the area increase
bludgeoning damage from small cave-ins in the tunnels. A or decrease one stage on the Wind table:
minotaur or other creature with the Labyrinthine Recall W ind S tage C ondition
ability automatically succeeds on this check. 1 Calm
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 60-foot 2 Moderate wind
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 12d6 acid damage. 3 Strong wind
4 Gale
5 Storm


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

In addition, as a bonus action, you can cause a strong gust of deal the same damage that it would deal in cone (or other
wind to arise in a direction of your choosing, affecting a 120 shapes), even if empowered by Elemental Flux.
square feet area. Any creatures that start their turn or enter This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th
the area must make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 40 level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).
feet in the direction of the wind and be knocked prone. A
P rimary E lement D amage T ype
creature whose movement is impeded by obstructed spaces,
such as walls or objects two size categories larger, takes 1d6 Air Thunder

damage for every 10 feet it moved before having its move- Earth Acid
ment impeded. If you choose to have the wind blow against Fire Fire
the ground or a creature that cannot move due to a wall or Water Cold
other obstructed space caused by large or larger objects, a
creature that fails the saving throw is knocked prone and At Higher Levels. With this special cantrip, you can expend
restrained until the beginning of its next turn. one of your spell slots to increase the damage it deals. The
Elemental Flux. You make Your next Elemental Surge burst extra damage added depends on the level of the spell slot
around you, which affects a 30-foot radius circle centered used, as shown on the table below. If you use a spell slot
on you and deals 12d6 thunder damage. of 4th-level or higher, the range of the spell’s area of effect
doubles (30-foot cone) and if you use a 7th-level or higher
Elemental Frenzy spell slot, the range triples (45-foot cone).
3rd-level fire
S pell L evel E xtra D amage
Casting Time: 1 action
1st 1d6
Range: 60 feet
2nd 2d6
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 3rd 3d6
4th 5d6
You ignite the flames of rage in a creature you can see within
range, forcing the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. 5th 6d6

On a failure, for the duration of the spell, the creature be- 6th 7d6
comes frenzied and will always attack its nearest creature. 7th 9d6
If there are no creatures within reach, the affected creature 8th 10d6
will spend its entire turn moving to the nearest creature. The 9th 11d6
affected creature is also immune to frightened and charmed
and cannot use spells or any spellcasting abilities, only making
armed and unarmed attacks. Additionally, all of its attack
Evanescence of Sue’en
9th-level air
rolls will have advantage, but all attack rolls against the af-
fected creature will also have advantage. Casting Time: 1 action
The affected creature can make a new saving throw at Range: Self
the beginning of all its turns to break free of the effect on a Components: V, S
success. If it has taken any damage since the end of its last Duration: 10 minutes
turn, it will make the save with disadvantage. You connect your essence with that of the air. For the dura-
Elemental Flux. You make Your next Elemental Surge burst tion, your movement speed is doubled, you have advantage
around you, which affects a 10-foot radius circle centered on any Dexterity checks, and you don’t provoke opportunity
on you and deals 5d6 fire damage. attacks for moving.
In addition, when a creature makes an attack against you,
Elemental Surge
you can use your reaction to dissipate into the air and avoid
the attack. While dissipated, you are immune to all damage.
Casting Time: 1 action At the start of your next turn, you rematerialize in any un-
Range: Self (varies) occupied space within 120 feet of the initial point. Creatures
Components: S of your choice within 5 feet must make a Constitution sav-
Duration: Instantaneous ing throw, being moved 5 feet and incapacitated for 1 min-
With an action, you release pure elemental energy from your ute on a failure.
hands in a 15-foot cone. You deal 1d6 damage of your primary Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
elemental type, as shown on the table below. All creatures radius circle centered on you and deals 14d6 thunder damage.
within the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking
only half damage on a successful save.
You can also focus all energy on a ray. In this case, you
make a magic ranged attack within 60 feet of the target and


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Fairy Dance Fields of Wind
3rd-level air 8th-level air
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Self (30-foot radius) Range: Self (100-foot radius)
Components: V, S, M (a dandelion flower) Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Concentration, up 1 hour
You cast this spell and begin to dance, affecting an area of The caster can force the wind to obey their command, lift-
30ft around you. You can choose a number of creatures equal ing any number of willing creatures within 100 feet. While
to your Wisdom modifier to be immune to the effects of this maintaining concentration, all affected creatures are under
spell, while all other creatures that start their turn or enter the effect of the Fly spell.
the area and can see you must make a Wisdom saving throw. All affected creatures act freely, as if they themselves had
On a failed save, they are charmed. A creature charmed by cast the spell, but if they move beyond the range of the spell,
this spell begins to replicate your dance. the effect of the Fly spell ends for them. The creature returns
While you use your action to dance, all charmed creatures to the effect of the spell if the caster returns or if they come
dance along with you, losing their actions. If you move, the back within the range of the spell during its duration.
creatures move with you in the best way they can, expending Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a
their movement on their next turn. A creature that is more 30-foot-radius circle centered on you and deals 12d6
than 60 feet away from you, or who fails to see you for two thunder damage.
turns or takes damage, is freed from the spell’s effects.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 5d6 Fire Collar
thunder damage. 4th-level fire
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You attempt to create a magical, non-burning collar of flames
around the neck of a beast you can see within range. It must
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or the collar forms around
its neck and it is charmed for the duration. If you or crea-
tures friendly to you are fighting it, it has advantage on the
saving throw.
While the creature is charmed, it understands your
commands and will try to fulfill them to the best of its
ability. You can give a simple command, such as attacking
a creature or running in a direction, as a free action.
Whether or not it carries out a more complex com-
mand depends on the creature’s intelligence and the
judgment of the GM. If the creature completes the
order and doesn’t receive further direction from you,
it defends and preserves itself to the best of its ability.
If you or an ally of yours deals damage to the
creature, it can repeat the saving throw, and if it
succeeds the spell ends.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell
with a 5th-level spell slot, the duration is con-
centration, up to 10 minutes. When you use a
6th-level spell slot, the duration is concentra-
tion, up to 1 hour. When you use a spell slot
of 7th level or higher, the duration is concen-
tration, up to 8 hours.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge
deals 7d6 fire damage plus 1d6 fire damage
for every spell level used above 4th.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Fire Crown Fire Essence
5th-level fire Fire cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S Components: S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: 1 hour
You attempt to create a magical, non-burning crown of flames • You create a magic flame in your hand, which can take any
on the head of a humanoid creature you can see within range. form but can’t be larger than 1 cubic foot. You can absorb
It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and if it fails, the crown non-magical flames within a range of 60 feet, extinguishing
forms on its head and it is charmed for the duration. If any 5 feet of them, and transforming the flame into a magical
ally or friendly creature is fighting against the target, it has and harmless source of light that illuminates a 10-foot
advantage on the saving throw. radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.
While the crown remains on the target, as long as it can • You can ignite an object or space up to 5 cubic feet in size,
clearly hear you, it will obey your commands to the best illuminating your surroundings. The flames can only be
of its ability. You can give commands for simple actions, extinguished if you command them to do so or if they are
such as attacking a target or running in a direction, as a covered by at least 1 liter of water from a magical source.
free action. If you want to give an order of the length of a You can create as many magic flames as you wish.
sentence, you must spend a bonus action. If the creature • You can make the flames take on simple shapes, such as the
completes the action and can no longer hear or receive new vague form of a creature or object, and animate them as
commands, it will use its action to defend itself and preserve desired. These shapes last for 1 hour, providing a fun and
itself as best it can. useful way to create illusions or entertain others.
If you or an ally of yours deals damage to the creature, it
may repeat the saving throw, and if successful, the spell ends. Fire Lobotomization
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 6th-level 8th-level fire
spell slot, the duration is concentration, up to 10 minutes.
Casting Time: 1 action
When you use a 7th-level spell slot, the duration is concen-
Range: 150 feet
tration, up to 1 hour. When you use a spell slot of 8th level
Components: V, S, M (any translucent gem worth at least
or higher, the duration is concentration, up to 8 hours.
500 gp)
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
Duration: Instantaneous
cone and deals 8d6 fire damage plus 1d6 fire damage for
every spell level used above 5th. You point the gem at a creature you can see and cast a fi-
ery-looking ray from your forehead, which pierces through
Fire Dragon Transformation obstacles and reaches the creature’s mind. The creature must
7th-level fire make an Intelligence saving throw. On a success, the crea-
Casting Time: 1 action ture falls unconscious and wakes up if it takes damage or if
Range: Self another creature uses an action to wake it. On a failure, the
Components: V, S, M (a red, gold, or brass dragon scale that creature’s Intelligence and Wisdom are reduced to 1. The
will be consumed in the spell) affected creature can’t cast spells, activate magic items, un-
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes derstand language, or communicate in any intelligible way,
but it can still identify its friends, follow them, and protect
You infuse flames into your body, transforming into a hu-
them. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end
manoid creature with draconic features. For the duration
of its turns, and if it succeeds three times, it will overcome
of the spell, your scales grant you an AC that cannot be less
the effects of the spell. However, if it fails three times, in-
than 14 + your Constitution modifier, your senses grant you
cluding the first, before succeeding three times, it will be
blindsight of 30 feet, your wings grant you a flight speed of
permanently affected by the spell.
60ft, and you become immune to fire damage but vulnerable
The effects of this spell can be ended by a heal, greater
to cold damage.
restoration, wish, or any similar magic spell or ability.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot
45-foot cone, deals 11d6 fire damage and can be used as
cone and deals 12d6 fire damage.
a bonus action.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Fire Shackles Range: 90 feet
8th-level fire Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet You manipulate the earth, opening a fissure within range,
Components: V, S starting at a point you can see. The fissure occupies a line 50
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour feet long and 10 feet wide. Within the line, a chasm opens up
to a depth of 20 feet, and creatures within the chasm must
You attempt to create magical chains of flames, that don’t
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they fall into
burn, around a creature of your choice that you can see within
it. The terrain inside the fissure is considered difficult, and
range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, if it fails the
its walls are sandy, making the Strength (Athletics) DC for
chains form and it will be charmed for the duration. If an
climbing equal to your spell DC.
ally or friendly creature is fighting against the target, it has
From your next turn, as an action, you can close the fissure.
advantage on the saving throw.
Creatures still inside it must make a Constitution saving
While the chains remain on the target, you have telepathic
throw, taking 6d12 force damage on a failure, or half as much
communication with it and always know where it is, even on
on a success. Until the start of your next turn after closing
another plane, and it will obey your commands to the best
the fissure, it is not fully sealed, and a creature trapped in-
of its ability. You can give commands of simple courses of
side the fissure has total cover but is restrained and can use
action, such as attacking a target or running in a direction,
their action to make a Strength saving throw. On a success,
as a free action. If you want to give an order of a sentence
they can use their full movement to try to climb out, ending
length, you must spend a bonus action. If the creature com-
the condition when they leave the fissure, but for every 1
pletes the action and receives no new commands, it will use
foot of movement required, they must spend an additional
the action to defend itself and preserve itself as best as it can.
1 foot, emerging in an adjacent space to the fissure if the
If you or one of your allies deals damage to the creature,
movement is sufficient. On a failure, they cannot move. At
it may repeat the saving throw, ending the spell on success.
the start of the next turn after the fissure is closed, it is fully
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell with a 9th-level
sealed, and all creatures still inside it are incapacitated and
spell slot, the duration is concentration, up to 8 hours.
have their movement reduced to 0. Creatures with burrowing
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 60-foot
movement are immune to the effects of closing the fissure.
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 12d6 fire damage plus 1d6
The fissure closes automatically at the end of the spell or if
fire damage for every spell level used above 9th.
you lose concentration.
Fireheart Bond Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge makes you
1st-level fire stomp the ground. All creatures in a 20-foot-radius circle
centered on you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
Casting Time: 1 action or take 10d6 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S Flame Body
Duration: 1 hour 6th-level fire
You try to awaken the warmth of friendship within another Casting Time: 1 action
person. Choose a humanoid that you can see in range and Range: Self
that can clearly see and hear you. It must make a Wisdom Components: V, S, M (a torch)
saving throw, and does so with advantage if you or your Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
companions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is
You cause your body to alter its composition, becoming a
charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or your
flaming form, but without changing your AC. Anything you
companions do anything harmful to it. The charmed crea-
are carrying, of your choice, shifts along with your body and
ture regards you as a friendly acquaintance. When the spell
you gain the following characteristics:
ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell • You can move at half of your standard movement speed,
slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional passing through spaces as small as 1 inch;
creature for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be • You shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for
within 30 feet of each other when you target them. an additional 30 feet;
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals fire dam- • Creatures that touch you, make a melee attack against
age, affects a 20-foot line that is 5 feet wide, and deals an you, start or enter a space within 5 feet of you, take 1d10
extra 1d6 fire damage for every 2 spell levels used above 1st. fire damage;
• You become immune to fire and poison damage, resis-
Fissure tant to bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage from
7th level earth non-magical weapons, and immune to the grappled, par-
Casting Time: 1 action alyzed, petrified, poisoned, and restrained conditions;


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

• Your armed and unarmed attacks gain a bonus of 2d10 Frightful Aura. This aura causes the chosen creatures with-
fire damage. in range to feel fear. Each creature of the chosen type that
• You have advantage on Intelligence and Wisdom saving starts its turn or enters the aura must succeed a Wisdom
throws and ability checks. saving throw or become Frightened of you for the dura-
At any time, as a bonus action, you can end the spell, re- tion of the spell. Creatures remain frightened as long as
turning your body and everything you are carrying to its they can see or are within 60 feet of you. A creature that
normal state. succeeds the saving throw is immune to your effects for 1
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot minute. While frightened, the creature uses its movement to
cone and deals 10d6 fire damage. reach the safest place possible where it cannot see you and
is outside of the range. When it is outside of the range and
Flame Hammer can no longer see you, the creature is no longer frightened.
7th-level fire If the creature re-enters the range or can see you again, it
becomes frightened once more. Whenever a creature takes
Casting Time: 1 action
damage, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on
Range: Touch
itself on a success.
Components: V, S, M (a ruby worth at least 400 gp)
Adoration Aura. This aura causes all chosen creatures
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
within range to adore you as a revered entity. Each creature
You infuse your hands, or the hands of a willing creature of the chosen type that starts its turn or enters the aura must
you touch, a mystical blue flame, creating a magical hammer succeed a Wisdom saving throw or become Charmed by
that deals 3d10 fire damage per attack. The creature wield- you. A creature that succeeds the saving throw is immune
ing the hammer is considered proficient with it and can use to your effects for 1 minute. A charmed creature approaches
their Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom modifier for attack and you as closely as possible and will adore you in the best way
damage rolls. As a bonus action, the creature can suppress or its culture or customs would venerate a figure of respect, as
release the weapon at any time for the duration of the spell. determined by the GM. Whenever a creature can no longer
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot see you and is more than 60 feet away from you, it is free
cone and deals 11d6 fire damage. from the effect, but will become affected again if it sees you
or is within 60 feet of you once more. If a creature takes
Flame Weapon damage, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect
3rd-level fire on itself on a success.
Casting Time: 1 action Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot
Range: Touch cone and deals 12d6 fire damage.
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Flames of Fear
4th-level fire
You touch a willing creature and for the duration of the
spell, all of the creature’s natural and wielded weapons are Casting Time: 1 action
considered magical and deal an extra 1d6 fire damage. Range: 30 feet
At Higher Levels. When you use a 5th or 6th level spell Components: V, S
slot, the extra damage increases to 2d6, and if you use a 7th Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
level or higher spell slot, the extra damage becomes 3d6. All creatures you choose within the spell’s range and that
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot can see you must make a Charisma saving throw. A target
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 5d6 fire damage plus 1d6 automatically succeeds the saving throw if it is immune to
fire damage for every spell level used above 3rd. frightened. On a failure, the target is affected by the spell.
Until the end of the spell’s duration, you can, as a bonus
Flames of Adoration and Fear action, specify a location that is not occupied by a creature
8th-level fire where the creatures will believe that blazing flames are erupt-
Casting Time: 1 action ing, emitting extreme heat. Each affected target within 30
Range: 60 feet feet of the chosen point must, at the start of its turn, use its
Components: V, S, M (a dragon scale, chromatic for fear or move action to move away from the heat source. They can
metallic for adoration) still perform their action before moving. A creature that is
Duration: 1 day forced to move may repeat the saving throw at the end of its
turn, freeing itself from the effect on a success. A creature
You ignite your spirit with flames, emitting an aura that gen-
that does not move for any reason remains frightened until
erates adoration or fear in a specific type of creature around
it moves away. A creature will not walk to a location that is
you. You choose a type of intelligent creature as the target
obviously a mortal danger, such as a cliff, but it may provoke
of this spell, and at the time of casting, all within range are
opportunity attacks during its movements.
affected according to the chosen aura as follows:
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals
7d6 fire damage.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Flames of Heart the target behaves. If the target can’t follow your command,
9th-level fire the spell ends.
Approach. The target moves toward you by the short-
Casting Time: 1 action
est and most direct route, ending its turn if it moves with-
Range: 180 feet
in 5 feet of you.
Components: V, S
Drop.The target drops whatever it is holding and
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
then ends its turn.
You kindle the flames of courage in the hearts of all willing Flee.The target spends its turn moving away from you by
creatures that you can see and that can see you within the the fastest available means.
spell’s range. For the duration, affected creatures have resis- Grovel. The target falls prone and then ends its turn.
tance to psychic damage, are immune to being Charmed or Halt. The target doesn’t move and takes no actions. A
Frightened, and have advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, flying creature stays aloft, provided that it is able to do so.
and Charisma saving throws. It also dispels any ongoing If it must move to stay aloft, it flies the minimum distance
effects of being Charmed or Frightened. needed to remain in the air.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 4th-level
cone and deals 14d6 fire damage. spell slot or higher, for the duration of the spell, you gain
an extra use of the command for every 2 spell levels above
Flames of Heroism 2nd that you use. The bonus to ability checks granted by this
5th-level fire spell only ends when the last use of the command is used.
Casting Time: 1 action Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 2d6
Range: 30 feet fire damage plus 1d6 fire damage for every spell level
Components: V, S used above 2nd.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You ignite the fighting spirit of up to five willing creatures
1st-level fire
within the spell’s range. An enchanted creature becomes
immune to frightened, gains a bonus of 1d4 on its attack Casting Time: 1 bonus action
rolls, and its armed and unarmed attacks become magical Range: 15 feet
and cause an extra 1d6 fire damage each. Components: V, S
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 6th-level Duration: 1 round
or 7th-level spell slot, the range of the spell increases to 60 You swiftly clap your hands together, producing a strong flash
feet and the extra damage increases to 1d8. If you use an of light with a 15 feet radius. All creatures within the spell’s
8th-level or higher spell slot, the range of the spell increases range and that can see the light must make a Constitution
further to 90 feet and the extra damage increases to 1d10. saving throw, on failure the creature will be blinded until
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot the end of its next turn.
radius circle centered on you and deals 8d6 fire damage plus Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 10-foot
1d6 fire damage for every spell level used above 5th. radius circle centered on you, deals fire damage, and on the
damage roll, consider any result of 1 or 2 as a 3.
Flames of Leadership
2nd-level fire Fluid Sense
Casting Time: 1 action 5th-level water
Range: Self Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: 240 feet
Duration: 4 hours Components: V, S
You amplify the flames of leadership within you. For the Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
duration of the spell, you have advantage on Charisma By invoking the power of water, you are able to sense all
(Persuasion, Deception, and Intimidation) checks. Once living creatures that have at least 30% liquid in their body.
during the spell’s duration, you can give a one-word simple The caster will know the exact location of these creatures
command to a creature within 60 feet, which must make a within the range, and will be able to determine its species
Wisdom saving throw, following the command on a fail- and if the creature is losing liquid (such as from bleeding,
ure. The command has no effect if the target is undead, if for example).
it doesn’t understand your language, or if your command Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 40-foot
is directly harmful to it. After following the command, all line that is 5 feet wide and deals 8d6 cold damage.
other effects of the spell end. Some typical commands and
their effects follow. You might issue a command other than
one described here. If you do so, the GM determines how


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Focused Blast sounds at different times, even making it carry on a con-
3rd-level fire versation, for example.
Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an il-
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you or a
lusion, because things can pass through it. A creature that
creature you can see within 60 feet of you becomes a target
uses its action to examine the image can determine that it
of a spell or effect that affects an area
is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation)
Range: 60 feet (from the targeted creature)
check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the
Components: V, S
illusion for what it is, the creature can see through the image,
Duration: Instantaneous
and its other sensory qualities become faint to the creature.
You focus the energy of an area spell or effect onto a single At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
creature of your choice that was originally targeted by that slot of 5th level or higher, the spell lasts until dispelled,
spell or effect. The chosen creature must be within range of without requiring your concentration.
the spell or effect, and you must have a clear line of sight to it. Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 2d6
The chosen creature takes an additional 1d6 damage of thunder damage plus 1d6 thunder damage for every spell
the same type as the original spell or effect, and the DC level used above 2nd.
of any saving throws it makes against the spell or effect
increases by 2. Force of Wind
For example, if a fireball is about to detonate in a 20-foot 4th-level air
radius around you and one of your allies, you can use Focused Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Blast to redirect the full force of the fireball to that ally. The Range: 120 feet
ally rolls its saving throw as normal, but if it fails, it takes Components: V, S
an additional 1d6 damage of fire damage, and the DC of any Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
saving throws it makes against the fireball increases by 2.
You must have a clear line of sight to both the caster and You create a strong wind from a point of your choice with-
the chosen creature. If you do not have a clear line of sight in range, forming
to either of these, the spell fails. This spell does not allow a 60-foot long,
you to make a creature that was not the target of a spell to 10-foot wide,
become its target. and 20-foot
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge af-
fects a 20-foot line that is 5 feet wide and deals
5d6 fire damage.

Focused Image
2nd-level air
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You create the image of an object, a creature, or some
other visible phenomenon thats is no larger than 5-foot
cube. This image appears at a spot that you can see with-
in range and lasts for the duration. Only one creature
can see this image and it seems completely real, including
sounds, smells, and temperature appropriate to the thing
depicted. You can’t create heat or cold, a sound loud enough
to deal thunder damage or deafen a creature, or a smell.
As long as you are within range of the illusion, you
can use your action to cause the image to move to
any other spot within range. As the image changes
location, you can alter its appearance so that
its movements appear natural for the image.
For example, if you create an image of a crea-
ture and move it, you can alter the image so
that it appears to be walking. Similarly, you
can cause the illusion to make different


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

tall line that blows in a direction of your choice for the du- conditions;
ration. Each creature that starts its turn in the line must • It gains tremorsense of 60ft;
make a Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet in the • It gains claws capable of digging through non-magical and
direction of the wind and be knocked prone. Any creature unworked stone and earth, with a burrowing speed equal
standing in the line must spend an extra 2 feet of movement to its walking speed;
for every 1 foot it moves in the direction against the wind. • Its unarmed strikes now deal 2d10 + Strength modifier
The gust also disperses gas or vapor and extinguishes un- bludgeoning damage and are considered magical;
protected flames such as candles or torches in the area, while
• It has advantage on Strength and Constitution checks and
protected flames like lanterns dance wildly and have a 50%
saving throws.
chance of being extinguished.
While it remains motionless, the target is indistinguishable
As a bonus action, you can change the direction of the
from an ordinary statue.
wind or move the starting point of the wind.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot
cone and deals 10d6 acid damage plus 1d6 acid damage for
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 7d6 thunder damage.
every spell level used above 6th.
Gale Gate
3rd-level air
Gravity Seal
9th-level earth
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least 1000 gp,
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
which the spell consumes)
You control the winds to create a protective barrier of up to Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
20 feet radius at a point within the spell’s range. Creatures
You greatly increase the effect of gravity on a creature that
inside the barrier receive the following benefits:
you can see within range. The target creature is not prevented
• Ranged weapon attacks made against these creatures by
from taking actions, but using its movement, an action, or
creatures outside the barrier are made with disadvantage;
bonus action requires a herculean effort, causing the creature
• Ranged weapon attacks made by these creatures within to suffer 2d12 force damage and gain a level of exhaustion
the barrier against creatures outside the barrier are made for each action taken. In addition, attacks that deal blud-
with advantage; geoning, piercing, and slashing damage deal double damage
• Allied creatures inside the barrier receive a bonus of 5 feet to the creature.
to their movement and do not provoke opportunity attacks For the duration of the spell, at the start of each turn, the
when moving within it; target creature may make a Strength saving throw, and if
• A hostile creature attempting to enter the barrier must successful, it is free from the effects of the spell for that turn,
succeed on a Strength saving throw or have its movement but it still retains all exhaustion levels gained from previous
interrupted and remain outside the barrier. failures. If the target creature has 10 or less Strength, it au-
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 10-foot tomatically fails the saving throw.
radius circle centered on you and deals 5d6 thunder damage Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot
plus 1d6 thunder damage for every spell level used above 3rd. cone and deals 14d6 acid damage.

Granite Body Ground Wave

6th-level earth 8th-level earth
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: Self (90-foot cone)
Components: V, S, M (a one-inch cube of granite) Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Duration: Instantaneous
You make the target’s body alter its composition, turning it You stomp the ground with incredible force, creating a mas-
into a living granite statue. The shape of the granite body sive shockwave that travels through the earth. Each creature in
will be similar to the original form, being composed purely contact with the ground and within a 90-foot cone from you
of granite and gaining the following characteristics: is pushed back in the opposite direction from you. They are
• Its AC becomes 17 + Constitution modifier and cannot be pushed away from you until they leave the area of the spell.
lowered to less than 17; Each creature that is moved in this way must make a
• It becomes immune to poison damage, and resistant to Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they fall prone
non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage and take 1d8 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet they
and immune to the poisoned, paralyzed, and petrified were pushed away from you. Creatures that succeed on the


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

saving throw take half damage and are not knocked prone, Components: V, S
but still are pushed away from you. Duration: Instantaneous
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge makes you You unleash a burst of pure water at an ally creature, restor-
stomp the ground. All creatures in a 30-foot radius circle cen- ing 9d8 hit points and removing the enchanted, blinded, or
tered on you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw taking deafened conditions.
11d6 bludgeoning damage and knock prone on a failed save. At Higher Levels. When cast as a 5th or higher spell, you
increase the healing value by 1d8 for each level above 4th.
Gust Fantasy
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 7d6
3rd-level air
cold damage plus 1d6 cold damage for every spell level
Casting Time: 1 minute used above 4th.
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of rice powder) Healing Drops
Duration: 8 hours 1st-level water
You alter the appearance of a number of willing creatures Casting Time: 1 action
equal to your Wisdom modifier, all of which must be with- Range: 60 feet
in a 3-foot-radius circular area centered on a point of your Components: V, S
choice within range. You decide how they look, including Duration: Instantaneous
height, weight, facial features, tone of voice, hair length, You harness the regenerative properties of the water element
coloring, and distinctive features, if any. They can resemble to restore 1d6 + Wisdom modifier hit points to a creature
a member of another species, although none of their sta- that you can see within range. If the amount healed exceeds
tistics change, and you can choose one racial trait to grant the creature’s maximum hit points, the excess value can be
to the transformed creatures. They also cannot resemble a converted into temporary hit points for the next minute.
creature of a different size, and their basic shape remains the Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals cold dam-
same; if you are bipedal, you cannot use this spell to become age, and on the damage roll, consider any result of 1 or 2 as 3.
quadrupedal, for example. At any time during the spell’s
duration, the affected creature can use its action to revert Healing Rain
its appearance to normal, ending the effect on it. 3rd-level water
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Casting Time: 1 action
slot of 4th level or higher, you can target one additional
Range: 60 feet
creature for each slot level above 3rd.
Components: V, S
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 5d6
Duration: Instantaneous
thunder damage plus 1d6 thunder damage for every spell
level used above 3rd. You create a magical rain at a point of your choice within
range, healing all creatures of your choice in a 20-foot radius
Harm Liberation sphere centered on that point. You heal 4d8 hit points, which
9th-level water you can distribute as you see fit among the creatures in the
Casting Time: 1 action area (minimum of 0 hit points per creature). This spell has
Range: Touch no effect on undead or constructs.
Components: V, S, M (a cup of water) All creatures within the area of the spell become wet as if
Duration: Instantaneous they have been bathed with 3 gallons of water.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
You purify a creature you touch, removing all afflictions slot of 4th level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for
upon it. If the creature is asleep, it awakens, and all wounds each slot level above 3rd.
are removed, restoring the target to full hit points. The water Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 5d6
also removes, ending any diseases, curses, or conditions of cold damage plus 1d6 cold damage for every spell level
charmed, frightened, paralyzed, or stunned. In addition, if used above 3rd.
the target is in the prone condition, it may use its reaction
to stand up. In addition, the creature gains 70 temporary Healing Storm
hit points for 1 minute. 5th-level water
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 60-foot
Casting Time: 1 action
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 14d6 cold damage.
Range: 120 feet
Healing Blast Components: V, S
4th-level water Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Casting Time: 1 action You manifest a large storm infused with the healing energy
Range: 40 feet of water essence, covering an area of 60 feet radius. This


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

storm heals up to 60 hit points, distributed as you wish turns, the amount of healing power of the tempest returns
among creatures within the area. Creatures healed by this to 100 during the spell’s duration.
spell are also cured of non-magical diseases and the blinded, Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot
deafened, and poisoned conditions at the cost of 5 hit points cone and deals 14d6 cold damage.
from the storm’s healing limit.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot Heat Vision
cone and deals 8d6 cold damage plus 1d6 cold damage for 2nd-level fire
every spell level used above 5th. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Healing Tempest Components: V, S, M (a ruby worth at least 10 gp)
9th-level water Duration: 4 hours
Casting Time: 1 action You touch a willing creature ato grant it the ability to see
Range: 120 feet heat and discern objects and creatures through this vision.
Components: V, S For the duration, that creature has darkvision out to a range
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes of 90 feet.
You conjure a great storm imbued with the healing power of Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals
water essence, covering a 60-foot radius area. When you cast 2d6 fire damage.
the spell and at the beginning of each turn that you maintain
concentration, the storm heals up to 100 hit points, distribut- Hell Dragon Eye
ed as you choose among creatures within the area. Creatures 6th-level fire
healed by this spell are also cured of non-magical diseases Casting Time: 1 action
and the blinded, deafened, and poisoned conditions at the Range: Self
cost of 10 hit points from the healing limit of the storm. This Components: V, S
magic does not affect undead or constructs. Each of your Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
During the spell, your eyes become half-closed and begin
glowing. Any creatures of your choice that meet your
eyes in this way must make a Wisdom saving throw
or become afraid of you. A creature so frightened
must use its actions to run as far away from you as
possible by the safest route available, unless it can’t
move. If he moves to a spot that is at least 60 feet
away from you, he will no longer be frightened.
If it can’t move, the creature must make anoth-
er Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, he is
knocked unconscious until he takes damage or is
shaken awake. A creature that was already fright-
ened by this spell’s casting and meets your gaze
again makes the saving throw with advantage.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge
affects a 30-foot cone and deals 10d6 fire damage.

Hellfire Gaze
3rd-level fire
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (30-foot cone)
Components: V, S, M (a lump of coal)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Your eyes convey the horrors of the worst
nightmares of creatures. Each creature in
a 30-foot cone must succeed on a Wisdom
saving throw or drop whatever it is holding and
become frightened for the duration.
While frightened by this spell, a creature must
take the Dash action and move away from you
by the safest available route on each of its


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

turns, unless there is nowhere to move. If the creature ends creatures of their choice, must make a Strength saving throw
its turn in a location where it doesn’t have line of sight to or be sucked into the tornado.
you, the creature can make a Wisdom saving throw. On a Flying creatures in the area must make the Strength saving
successful save, the spell ends for that creature. throw with disadvantage, and flying creatures within 30 feet
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals of the tornado must make a Strength saving throw to avoid
5d6 fire damage. being sucked into it. Unattended objects and items are also
sucked into the tornado. Flying creatures can make another
Holy Stream Strength saving throw, with disadvantage, at the beginning
6th-level water of their turn, freeing themselves from the effects until the
Casting Time: 1 action start of their next turn.
Range: 30 feet Creatures that are sucked into the tornado are pulled to-
Components: V, S, M (a cup of holy water) wards the center of the column and lifted 40 feet in the air
Duration: Instantaneous each turn. They are trapped in the tornado for the duration,
considered incapacitated with a reduced speed of 0.
You choose a creature within range and create a blessed wa-
Buildings in the area take 20 points of bludgeoning damage
ter current from your hands that purifies it. You can remove
at the start of their turns. If their hit points are reduced to
up to four of the following effects that may be afflicting the
0, they are also sucked into the tornado.
target: one level of exhaustion, Blinded, Charmed, Deafened,
When the spell ends, all creatures and objects that were
Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, one curse (including the tar-
caught in the tornado are thrown 100 feet away in a random
get’s attunement to a cursed magic item), any reduction in
direction. To determine the direction, roll a d8 and assign a
one of the target’s ability scores, and an effect that reduces
direction to each die face.
the target’s maximum hit points.
If a creature is thrown in the same direction as debris from
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
a building, it must make a Dexterity saving throw to avoid
cone and deals 10d6 cold damage.
being crushed under the rubble. A creature hit by debris
Homing Spark takes 5d6 bludgeoning damage.
9th-Level lightning Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
cone and deals 11d6 thunder damage.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 180 feet Ignite Seal
Components: V, S 9th-level fire
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 10 minutes
You condense the energy of lightning in your hand and gain Range: Touch
the ability to shoot lightning bolts at your enemies. With a Components: V, S, M (gold, copper and ruby dust of a total
bonus action, you can make a ranged spell attack and shoot value at least 1000 gp, which the spell consumes)
a bolt of lightning at a creature within range. On a hit, the Duration: Until dispelled or triggered
creature takes 10d8 lightning damage and must make a
You carefully create a powerful glyph on a surface, which
Constitution saving throw, becoming stunned for the next
can be a wall, table, throne, book cover, shield, etc., as long
minute on a failed save. A stunned creature can repeat the
as it has a surface area of 1 foot in diameter. If you choose a
Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns to
surface that conceals the glyph, the magic will not take effect.
end the condition. Attacks against a creature wearing armor,
The glyph is apparent and bright and clearly magical. While
wielding weapons, or carrying large metal objects are made
you cast the spell, you must set a trigger that you desire for
with advantage.
the glyph’s effect, such as touching or stepping on the glyph or
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 80-foot
the approach of a certain type of creature within 5 feet of it.
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 14d6 electric damage.
When the glyph is activated, choose one of the
Hurricane following effects:
7th-level air Disintegration. The glyph destroys the object or location
where it was placed, heating it to the point of disintegrating
Casting Time: 1 action
everything within a 10-foot radius around it. A creature that
Range: 150 feet
touches the object or is in the area being disintegrated must
Components: V, S
make a Constitution saving throw, reducing its hit points
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
to 0 and turning to dust on a failure or taking 6d8 radiant
You can accelerate the wind to create a tornado that affects a damage and 6d8 fire damage on a success.
column with a 60-foot radius and 200-foot height centered Self-Destruction. The glyph self-destructs in a powerful
on a point of your choice within range. Creatures that start explosion. All creatures within a 60-foot radius must make a
their turn or enter the area, except for the caster and three


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Dexterity saving throw, taking 40d6 fire damage on a failed On a failed save, the creature takes 3d6 fire damage and has
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. its walking speed, or any other speed that relies on contact
Eternal Heat. The glyph emits a lot of heat. For the next with the ground, halved for a minute or until it takes an ac-
1001 days, any creature that starts its turn or enters a space tion to cool its feet outside the area. On a successful save, the
within 30 feet of the glyph takes 4d8 fire damage, and crea- creature takes half damage and avoids the speed reduction.
tures that are beyond these 30 feet but within 60 feet of the Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a cir-
radius must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 2d8 cle of a 10-foot radius centered on you. All creatures in the
fire damage on a failure. area must make a Dexterity saving throw. Targets take 7d6
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
cone and deals 14d6 fire damage. successful one.

Inner Fire Leaf in the Wind

1st-level fire 1st-level air
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 30 feet Range: Self
Components: V, S Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You ignite the inner flames of a number of willing creatures With a whisper, you surround yourself in the energy of Air,
within range, equal to or less than your Wisdom modifier. becoming one with the wind. For the spell’s duration, you
The enchanted creatures, which may include yourself, be- can move with incredible speed and agility, allowing you to
come immune to the frightened condition and any unarmed use the Dash or Disengage action as a bonus action.
or melee weapon attacks they make deal an additional 1d4 Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals thunder
fire damage. damage, and on the damage roll, consider every 1 or 2 as a 3.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals fire dam-
age, and on the damage roll, consider any result of 1 or 2 as a 3. Lesser Link
1st-level spirit
Intertwine Roots Casting Time: 1 action
1st-level plant Range: 15 feet
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S
Range: 90 feet Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: V, S You create a spiritual connection with up to 3 willing crea-
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute tures within range. For the duration of the spell, while a
Roots sprout from the ground, grabbing onto creatures with- connected creature is within 15 feet of another, they have
in a 20-foot square centered on a point within range. For telepathic communication and you can use a reaction to grant
the duration, these roots turn the area into difficult terrain. advantage on an attack roll or saving throw of a connected
A creature that enters or starts its turn in the area and creature within range.
fails a Strength saving throw is restrained until the end of Ele me ntal F lux. Your next E lement a l Surge
the spell. The creature can use its action to make a Strength deals force damage.
check against your spell save DC. On a success, it frees itself.
When the spell ends, the conjured roots vanish. Life Back
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals poison 4th-level water
damage and requires a Constitution saving throw. Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Lava Floor Components: V, S, M (a bowl full of holy water, which the
4th-level lava spell consumes)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 90 feet You purify the body of a dead creature with sacred waters
Components: V, S that remove death from the body, resurrecting the creature.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute The creature cannot have been dead for more than 10 days
You unleash a dangerous spell that covers a 30-foot square and revives with 1 hit point, free of any curses or condi-
area in a thin layer of lava, making it difficult terrain. Any tions (except for exhaustion, which only recovers 1 level)
creature that enters or starts its turn on the area must make that affected it at the time of its death. This spell does not
a Constitution saving throw or suffer the consequences. restore lost parts and does not affect undead or constructs,


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

or creatures whose soul does not want to resurrect, or crea- Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
tures that have died from old age. cone and deals 8d6 cold damage.
Elemental Flux. You can imbue your next Elemental Surge
into the revived creature, which gains 5d8 temporary hit Lightning Tunnel
points lasting for 8 hours. 3rd level lightning
Casting Time: 1 action
Life Swap Range: 30 feet
3rd-level water Components: V, S, M (a piece of light fabric)
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Range: 30 feet You weave together strands of lightning into an invisible
Components: V, S tunnel that can be up to 120 feet long and 5 feet in diam-
Duration: 1 hour eter. The tunnel remains stationary once created and lasts
You forge a powerful connection between two willing crea- for the duration of the spell, or until you use a bonus action
tures of your choice within range, causing them to instantly to dispel it.
swap their current hit points and maximum hit points. If Each round, the first creature or object that enters one
a creature’s hit points drop to 0 as a result of the swap, that end of the tunnel becomes an invisible and silent electrical
creature falls unconscious and begins dying. charge that instantly travels through the tunnel to the other
In addition to the hit point swap, the two creatures can end, reforming in its original form. Creatures and objects
choose to exchange any of the following effects, provided that pass through the sides of the tunnel take no damage
both creatures agree: and are unaffected by the spell.
Condition Swap. Choose one of the following condi- However, when a creature is transported through the tun-
tions: blinded, deafened, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, nel, any other creatures standing inside the tunnel’s area take
or stunned. If one of the creatures is currently affected by 2d6 lightning damage as the energy arcs through them. This
the chosen condition, that creature is cured of the condition damage has no visible source, and creatures that are trans-
and the other creature becomes affected by it. This exchange ported through the tunnel are immune to it.
lasts until the spell ends, at which point the conditions return At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
to their original owners. slot of 4th level or higher, the length of the tunnel increases
Skill Swap. The two creatures choose one skill, tool, or by 30 feet and the diameter increases by 5 feet for each slot
language proficiency each and exchange the chosen profi- level above 3rd.
ciency for the duration of the spell. Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot line that is 5 feet wide and deals 5d6 acid damage.
of 4th level or higher, the duration of the condition swap and
skill swap increases by 1 hour for each slot level above 3rd. Lightning Wall
Elemental Flux. If used for the duration of the spell, but 6th-level lightning
before any other spell of the same level is cast, Your next Casting Time: 1 action
Elemental Surge deals 5d6 cold damage or grants 5d6 tem- Range: 120 feet
porary hit points to creatures of your choice within the Components: V, S, M (a copper wand worth at least 30 gp)
area of effect. Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Life Synchronization You create a barrier that looks like a network of pure ener-
5th-level water gy. The barrier does not need to be sustained and can float
in the air. It occupies an area of 60 feet in length, 20 feet in
Casting Time: 1 action height, and one inch in thickness. Any creature within the
Range: 60 feet area where the barrier was created must make a Strength
Components: V, S saving throw, suffering 3d8 electrical damage on a failure
Duration: Instantaneous and being thrown 10 feet in a direction of your choice. On
You synchronize the energy fluids of 4 willing creatures, which a successful save, the target takes only half the damage and
you can see within range, to heal them. You can transfer any is expelled into the nearest free space, as chosen by the af-
amount of hit points between them, as long as each one has fected creature.
at least 1 hit point and does not exceed their maximum hit The barrier magnetically affects an area around it with
points. At the end of the synchronization (hit point trans- a 15-foot radius, causing attacks made with metal weap-
fer), you heal an additional 2d8 hit points from each of the ons to have disadvantage on their rolls. Creatures made of
creatures that have transferred hit points (taken damage or metal or wearing metal armor must spend an extra 5 feet
regained hit points). Undead and constructs are not affected of movement for every 5 feet they move. Additionally, any
by this spell. electrical damage spells or abilities have no effect and are
absorbed by the barrier.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

A creature can attempt to pass through the barrier but teleport, you leave behind a trail of lightning that damages
must succeed on a Strength saving throw. On a failure, it any creatures in its path.
takes 3d8 damage and is thrown back 10 feet in a prone All creatures in a line between your starting point and
condition. On a success, it takes half damage and passes your destination must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a
through the barrier. failed save, they take 5d8 lightning damage. On a successful
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 50-foot save, they take half as much damage.
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 10d6 lightning damage. Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 50-foot
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 8d6 lightning damage.
Lightning Arrester
1st-level lightning Made of Lava
Casting Time: 1 action 7th-level lava
Range: 60 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: Touch
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Components: V, S
You energize a target creature, forcing it to make a Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature You encase a touched creature with a barrier of lava, shield-
becomes restrained and vulnerable to lightning damage for ing it from attacks that come its way. For the duration, the
the duration of the spell. The restrained creature can use an creature is resistant to fire and cold damage. If the creature
action to make another Constitution saving throw, and if it takes bludgeoning, slashing, or piercing damage from a crea-
succeeds, it breaks free from the restraint. ture adjacent to it, the barrier spews lava at the attacking
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals electrical creature, which must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
damage and affects a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide or take 3d8 fire damage.
Optionally, the creature protected by the barrier can use
Lightning Burst its reaction, upon taking a melee attack, to make the barrier
7th-level lightning explode, causing every creature within 15 feet, except itself,
Casting Time: 1 action to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, creatures hit
Range: 60 feet by the barrier take 6d8 fire damage. After using this reac-
Components: V, S, M (a pair of magnets) tion, the spell ends.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
cone and deals 11d6 fire damage.
You empower up to six willing creatures within range, imbu-
ing them with the power of lightning. Until the spell ends, Magic Precipitation
the targets gain the following benefits: 9th-level water
• Their movement speed is doubled.
Casting Time: 1 action
• They gain a +2 bonus to their AC.
Range: 180 feet
• They have advantage on Dexterity and Strength saving Components: V, S
throws. Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
• Their melee attacks deal an extra 1d8 lightning damage.
You create a magical precipitation area with a 20-foot ra-
• They gain an additional action on each of their turns, which
dius circle centered on a point within range that you can
can only be used to take the Attack action (one weapon at-
see. Creatures within the rain area gain advantage on sav-
tack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object action.
ing throws against spells and resistance to magical damage.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 50-foot Additionally, any spells that are in effect on the area or on
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 11d6 lightning damage creatures of your choice that are in or enter the area are
Lightning Displacement
Furthermore, when a spell is cast within the area or affects
5th-level lightning
any space within it, you can choose to absorb the magic to fuel
Casting Time: 1 action the precipitation. The absorbed magic has no effect, and the
Range: Self precipitation then heals your chosen allied creatures within
Components: V the rain for an amount of hit points equal to twice the level
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute of the spell slot used to cast the absorbed spell. The healing
You gain the ability to teleport up to your movement speed effect of this magic does not affect undead or constructs.
as a move, provided that the destination is within your line Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot
of sight and you could normally move there. For example, cone and deals 14d6 cold damage.
you could teleport to the top of a wall, but not to a point
in mid-air unless you have a means of flight. When you


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Magma armor The DC to notice the glow is equal to your spellcasting
2nd-level lava ability modifier + your proficiency bonus. A creature must
use its action to make a Wisdom (Perception) check against
Casting Time: 1 action
this DC to notice the glow. The object can be hidden inside
Range: Touch
fabrics or other objects, making it impossible to directly see
Components: V, S
the glow, without hindering your ability to sense its location.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
You touch a willing creature wearing medium or heavy armor slot of 2nd level or higher, the weight limit of the object in-
and enchant their armor with the heat of magma. For the creases by 10 pounds for each slot level above 1st.
duration, every time another creature hits the target of the Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals fire
spell with a melee attack, it must make a Dexterity saving damage and gains an extra 1d6 fire for every spell level
throw or take 1d10 fire damage. used above 1st.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals
2d6 fire damage. Magma Servant
3rd-level lava
Magma Chamber Heat
Casting Time: 1 action
8th-level lava
Range: 60 feet
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S, M (a pinch of obsidian dust)
Range: 500 feet Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Components: V, S, M (an obsidian worth at least 1000 gp)
You summon a lava spirit that appears in an unoccupied
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
space within range. It takes on physical form to serve you,
You heat up a circular area with a 100-foot radius centered on using the stat block of an Azer, but appearing as a humanoid
a point within range. The temperature in this area becomes creature made of magma.
unbearable. Creatures that enter or start their turn within The magma servant is an ally and recognizes your allies
it must make a Constitution saving throw or take 4d8 fire as allies. It shares your initiative, acting immediately after
damage, or half as much on a success. Flammable materials you, but has its own turn. The magma servant will obey your
not carried or held burn up in an instant. commands to the best of its ability. You can give simple course
In addition, creatures that start and end their turn within of action commands, such as attacking a target or running
the area must make another Constitution saving throw or
suffer a level of exhaustion. Creatures wearing heavy armor
make this saving throw with disadvantage.
Creatures immune to fire are immune to the effects of
this spell, and creatures resistant to fire automatically pass
the saving throws.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot
cone and deals 12d6 fire damage.

Magma Glow
1st-level lava
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (a piece of charcoal)
Duration: 1 hour
You touch an object, causing it to emit a faint glow that is
imperceptible in bright light and difficult to notice in low-
light conditions. The object can be any item (magical or
not) of your choosing, weighing no more than 10 pounds.
While the spell is active, you can sense the location of the
object as long as it is within 240 feet of you, even if it is behind
walls, doors, or other barriers. The location is communicated
to you as a general sense of direction (e.g., “northwest”) and
distance (e.g., “about 50 feet away”).
You can dismiss the spell at any time as a bonus action,
causing the glow to fade immediately.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

in a direction, as a free action. If you want to give a com- Mass Curse of Flames
mand that requires a longer phrase, you must use a bonus 9th-level fire
action. If the creature completes the action and cannot hear
Casting Time: 1 action
or receive new commands, it will take the Dodge action to
Range: 60 feet
preserve itself to the best of its ability.
Components: V, S
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
5d6 fire damage.
All creatures that you can see within the range of the mag-
Mantle of Water ic must make a Wisdom saving throw or be affected as if
4th-level water they were targets of the Curse of Flames spell casted with
Casting Time: 1 action a 9th-level slot.
Range: 30 feet Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
Components: V, S, M (a drop of water) radius circle centered on you and deals 14d6 fire damage.
Duration: 1 hour
Mass Inflammation
You surround a target creature within range with a thin layer 6th-level fire
of clean water, granting it the ability to breathe underwater
Casting Time: 1 action
and a swim speed of 40 feet. While the spell lasts, the crea-
Range: 60 feet
ture gains the following benefits:
Components: V, M (bee’s wings or a drop of honey)
• Immunity to the effects of non-magical fire, gasses and Duration: 24 hours
liquids, including harmful acids, poisons and smokes.
• You have advantage on saving throws made against harmful You ignite the spirit of a group of people by suggesting a
gasses (such as cloudkill and stinking cloud effects, inhaled course of action (limited to up to two sentences). You mag-
poisons, and the breath weapons of some dragons) ically influence, at your discretion, a number of people equal
to up to three times your proficiency bonus. The creatures
• Resistance to fire and acid damage.
must be able to see and hear you clearly and the suggestion
• Immunity to being grappled and restrained. must be phrased in a way that makes the course of action rea-
The water mantle continuously replenishes the water the sonable. Igniting them to do something against themselves,
creature breathes and is covered in, filtering out harmful such as self-flagellation, negates the effects of the magic.
substances. Creatures that can’t be charmed are immune to this effect.
In addition, the creature can use a bonus action to end Each target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed
the spell and unleash a water gust attack against a creature save, they pursue the course of action you described to the
within 60 feet. The water gust requires a ranged spell attack best of their ability.
roll and deals 3d10 bludgeoning damage on a hit. For the duration of the spell, the inflamed creatures are
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals immune to the frightened condition and will continue to
7d6 cold damage. carry out the proposed course of action. If the activity can be
completed in a shorter time, the spell ends when the target
Marble Skin finishes what was requested.
6th-level earth At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 7th-level
Casting Time: 1 action spell slot, the duration is 10 days. When you use an 8th-level
Range: Touch spell slot, the duration is 30 days. When you use a 9th-level
Components: V, S spell slot, the duration is a year and a day.
Duration: Instantaneous Elemental Flux. You make Your next Elemental Surge burst
around you, which affects a 20-foot radius circle centered
You touch a creature and a seismic wave emanates from your
on you and deals 10d6 fire damage plus 1d6 fire damage for
fingers, enveloping it and imposing a constitution saving
every spell level used above 6th.
throw. On a failure, the creature is restrained and its skin
begins to turn to marble. On a success, the creature is unaf- Material Illusion
fected. A creature with its skin turned to marble must make 9th-level air
a constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If
the creature accumulates three successes, it is free from the Casting Time: 1 action
condition and the spell ends. If it accumulates three failures Range: 120 feet
(including the initial one), the creature becomes petrified. Components: V, S
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot Duration: 10 minutes
cone and deals 10d6 acid damage. You choose the stat block of a non-spellcasting creature
with a CR of up to 12, then you create a dense air replica of
that creature, within an unoccupied space that you can see


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

within the spell’s range. The replica can only affect creatures Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 40-foot
that failed the saving throw, which should be treated as if line that is 5 feet wide and deals 10d6 acid damage.
it were the creature that gave rise to it, using the same stat
block. It acts on its own turn and on its own initiative, but Mirage Mirror
you can control its course of action. Any damage caused 1st-level air
by the replica to the affected creature is psychic damage. If Casting Time: 1 bonus action
the replica’s hit points are reduced to 0, the spell ends and Range: 20 feet
it immediately dissipates. Components: V, S
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
cone and deals 14d6 thunder damage.
You conjure a duplicate of yourself from the energy of the
Melt Rock wind, which appears in an unoccupied space within the spell’s
5th-level lava range. The duplicate has an AC equal to yours and one hit
point, and it performs saving throws and ability checks using
Casting Time: 1 action its own abilities and proficiencies. The duplicate does not
Range: 120 feet move, but any action you take can also be performed by the
Components: V, S, M (a drop of mercury) duplicate at your choice. A creature can make a Wisdom
Duration: Until dispelled (Perception) check with a DC of 14 to realize that the dupli-
You choose an area of rock and change its internal heat, melt- cate is not real. The duplicate disappears if you use a bonus
ing it into lava. You affect a volume of up to 40 cubic feet of action to dismiss it, if you move more than 60 feet away from
rock within range of the spell. When you melt the rock into it, or when its hit points are reduced to 0.
lava, it flows, igniting any flammable materials it touches. A Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals thunder
creature that touches the lava takes 2d8 fire damage. damage, and on the damage roll, consider every 1 or 2 as a 3.
If a creature has a limb or body part covered by lava, it
takes this damage at the end of its turns for the next minute Mineral Sculpt
or until it takes an action to remove the lava. A creature that 4th-level earth
is partially covered by lava has its speed halved and takes 4d8 Casting Time: 1 action
fire damage for the next minute or until it takes an action Range: 120 feet
to remove the lava. A creature that is completely covered by Components: V, S
the lava is restrained, takes 8d8 fire damage, and requires 2 Duration: Instantaneous
actions to completely remove the lava, but if it spends only
You manipulate earth and rocks to create objects within the
1 action, it is still considered to be partially covered by lava.
range. If using fresh earth (sand, clay, and general soils),
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 6th-level
you can create a large or smaller object (contained with-
or higher spell slot, you melt an extra volume of 20 cubic
in a 10-foot cube, or eight connected 5-foot cubes), such
feet of rock per level above 5th.
as statues, bridges, passages, pillars, doors, etc., as long as
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
there is enough earth to do so. If using metal or solid rock,
cone and deals 8d6 fire damage plus 1d6 fire damage for
you can mold a maximum of a medium or smaller object
every spell level used above 5th.
(contained within a single 5-foot cube), such as a weapon,
Metal Barrier idol, crown, etc. The objects are usually solid, without gears
6th-level earth or hinges, and generally of good quality. However, objects
such as jewelry, statues, or any that require artistic or pro-
Casting Time: 1 bonus action fessional knowledge, their quality may vary depending on
Range: 60 feet proficiency or the availability of the right tools.
Components: V, S, M (a pure metal ingot worth at least At Higher Levels. When using a 5th-level or higher spell,
100 gp) using a 5th or 6th slot, you can make a huge object of fresh
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute earth (contained within a 15-foot cube, or twenty-seven
You hold the piece of metal used in this spell and it disinte- connected 5-foot cubes) or large object of solid material
grates into sand, swirling around a willing creature within (contained within a 10-foot cube, or eight connected 5-foot
range of the spell, granting them protection. A creature en- cubes). Using a 7th-level or higher slot, you can mold a gar-
veloped in this protection gains resistance to bludgeoning, gantuan object of fresh earth (contained within a 20-foot
piercing, and slashing damage, is considered to have half cube, or four connected 10-foot cubes, or sixty-four con-
cover, and when subjected to a dexterity saving throw to take nected 5-foot cubes).
half damage from an effect, they take no damage on a success. Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot
Once during the duration, as a bonus action, you can line that is 5 feet wide and deals 7d6 acid damage plus 1d6
change the target of the spell to another willing creature acid damage for every spell level used above 4th.
within range and at least 30 feet from the original target.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Mirror Object the images and sounds are viewed, or if it is removed from
2nd-level water the water, the information is lost and cannot be recovered.
The quality of the captured images and sounds depends
Casting Time: 1 action
on the quality of the object used as a mirror. Polished and
Range: Touch
well-maintained objects capture clearer and sharper imag-
Components: V, S, M (a small polished gemstone)
es and sounds, while dirty and worn objects can produce
Duration: 1 hour
blurred and distorted images and sounds.
You touch a non-magical object weighing no more than 5 At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
pounds, causing its surface to become reflective like a mir- slot of 4th level or higher, the weight limit of the object in-
ror. The surface of the object can now capture images and creases by 5 pounds for each slot level above 3rd.
sounds of everything that happens within a 30-foot radius. Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot
During the spell’s duration, the object captures all images line that is 5 feet wide and deals 2d6 cold damage plus 1d6
and sounds reflected on its mirrored surface. cold damage for every spell level used above 2nd.
When the spell ends, the object reverts to its original state,
and the captured images and sounds are retained, hidden Mountain Crush
within it. To view the captured images and sounds, the ob- 8th-level earth
ject must be submerged in any body of water large enough Casting Time: 1 action
to completely cover it. Once the object is submerged, the Range: Touch
captured images and sounds are displayed on the surface of Components: V
the water and can be viewed as if you were on location. The Duration: Instantaneous
size of the water surface determines the size of the image,
with a larger surface allowing for more details to be seen. You charge forward and deliver a powerful shoulder strike
The object can store the captured images and sounds for to your primary target. Make a magical melee attack against
up to 1 year. However, once the object is submerged and it. On a hit, the creature becomes stunned for 1 minute. On
a critical hit, the primary target is violently pushed back
and can hit a creature of your choice as a secondary target,
as long as it is within 15 feet of the primary target. In this
case, the secondary target is also stunned. Oozes are im-
mune to this spell.
Each stunned target must make a Constitution saving
throw at the end of their turn. If they succeed, the stun-
ning effect ends.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot
cone and deals 12d6 acid damage.

Move like Air

7th-level air
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 10 minutes
You and a number of willing creatures equal to your Wisdom
modifier that you can see within the spell’s range have their
movement speed doubled, gain a +2 bonus to their AC, have
advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and gain an additional
action on each of their turns. The action can only be used to
take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage,
Hide, or Use an Object action.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 40-foot
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 11d6 thunder damage.

Move Like Water

1st-level water
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes turn. If your concentration is broken, paralyzed creatures
You shield a willing creature of your choice that you can are released but still suffer from the action restriction. A
see within range, with the energy of the water element. For creature that has passed the action restriction is freed from
the duration, the creature does not provoke opportunity the effects of the spell.
attacks, regardless of the action or movement they make. Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 80-foot
Additionally, it gains a +1 bonus to AC. line that is 5 feet wide and deals 12d6 lightning damage.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals cold dam-
age, and on the damage roll, consider any result of 1 or 2 as 3.
4th-level plant
Mystical Flux Casting Time: 1 action
2nd-level water Range: 60 feet
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Components: V, S
Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S, M (a drop of water) You energize all of your allies within a circular area of 30-foot
Duration: Instantaneous radius from a point of your choice within range with an aura
You touch another creature and send a wave of mystical of vitality. The aura grants each ally 4d8 temporary hit points,
energy to it, causing it to instantly recover a spell slot of the a bonus of +1 to their AC, and advantage on Strength and
same level as this spell or lower level, but not a higher one. Constitution checks and saving throws for the next minute.
You can’t use this spell on yourself. If creatures are grappled, restrained, or poisoned and need
At Higher Levels. When casting this spell using a 3rd to make a roll to escape the condition, they can use their
or higher spell slot, it increases by 1 the level of the spell reaction to make the check or saving throw at the moment
the creature recovers, so it always gains a slot of the same you cast this spell.
level you used. Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 7d6
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot poison damage and requires a Constitution saving throw.
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 2d6 cold damage plus 1d6
Petrify Nerves
cold damage for every spell level used above 2nd.
5th-level earth
Natural Stream Casting Time: 1 action
2nd-level water Range: 90 feet
Casting Time: 1 action Components: V, S, M (a small, straight piece of iron)
Range: 30 feet Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Components: V, S, M (a drop of holly water) You freeze the nerves of a creature of your choice within range
Duration: Instantaneous of the spell. The creature must succeed on a Constitution
A stream of water purifies the creature touched by it. You can saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration. This spell does
remove one condition afflicting the target between Blinded, not affect undead or constructs. An affected creature can
Charmed, Deafened, Paralyzed and Poisoned. make a saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals the effect on a success.
2d6 cold damage. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 6th level or higher, you can target one additional creature
Overcharge Lightning for each slot level above 5th. The creatures must be within
8th-level lightning 30 feet of each other when you target them.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
Casting Time: 1 action
cone and deals 8d6 acid damage plus 1d6 acid damage for
Range: 90 feet
every spell level used above 5th.
Components: V, S, M (a pair of magnets)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Pour the Past
You discharge energy that affects the nervous system of all 5th-level water
creatures of your choice in a 20-foot square within range. A Casting Time: 1 minute
creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw, Range: Self (30-foot radius)
becoming paralyzed on a failure. On a successful save, the Components: V, S
creature’s nervous system is fatigued and on its next turn, it Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
cannot use one of its actions, be it an action, bonus action,
or movement. A paralyzed creature can make another saving You use the energy of the water to make it swirl counter-
throw at the end of its turn, ending the condition on a success clockwise and see the events that occurred in the location
but still being affected by the action restriction on its next where you cast the spell. The manifested image shows the


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

events that occurred within a 30-foot radius of the location At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
where you cast the spell. You see all the events as if you slot of 3rd level or higher, the weight limit of the object in-
were above the location observing them. You can quickly creases by 10 pounds for each slot level above 2nd.
observe all events that occurred up to 1 year ago or choose Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot
a specific moment to observe and follow it for the duration line that is 5 feet wide and deals 2d6 acid damage plus 1d6
of the spell. Talk to your GM to define what details are per- acid damage for every spell level used above 2nd.
ceptible from your point of view and the way you witnessed
the events unfold. Purge Flames
Elemental Flux. After the spell’s duration, you can create 9th-level fire
an ice statue of a creature or object of up to medium size Casting Time: 1 action
that you saw with your next Elemental Surge. The statue Range: 200 feet
lasts 1 minute and then melts into snowflakes that disappear. Components: V, S, M (a drop of oil)
Duration: Instantaneous
Primordial Pass
6th-level air (ritual) You immolate a hostile undead or extraplanar creature (devil,
demon, penumbral, etc.) that you can see within the range of
Casting Time: 1 minute the magic. The target creature must make a Charisma saving
Range: 2 miles throw. On a success, nothing happens, but on a failure, its
Components: V, S, M (a feather) essence is consumed by flames and it is destroyed, leaving
Duration: 24 hours only ashes behind. If the target is an undead with its soul
You create a bridge made of air that connects one point to trapped elsewhere (such as a lich and its phylactery or an
another. When a creature enters this point, the winds carry undead created from a body whose soul was trapped), it
them from one point to the other on gentle breezes. The must make a second Charisma saving throw. On a failure, it
crossing lasts only 1 minute and is completely safe, with air is immolated and destroyed. If the creature is extraplanar, it
currents protecting creatures during the journey. returns to its home plane and must make another Charisma
The path can be used by both sides, but the path is only open saving throw. On a failure, it is immolated and destroyed.
in one direction at a time while the crossing is taking place. Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 60-foot
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot line that is 5 feet wide and deals 14d6 fire damage.
cone and deals 10d6 thunder damage.
Prodigium Duplication 9th-level earth
2nd-level earth Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 120 feet
Range: Touch Components: V, S
Components: V, S, M (a small piece of clay) Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Duration: 1 hour You transform a circular area with a 30-foot radius, centered
You touch a non-magical object weighing up to 10 pounds, on a point within range, into quicksand. The area becomes
causing it to briefly glow with an earthy light before split- difficult terrain and every creature within it at the time of
ting into a number of identical copies equal to twice your casting, or that starts its turn or enters the area, must make
proficiency bonus (minimum of 2). Each copy has the same a Strength saving throw. On the first failure, the creature
appearance, weight, and physical properties as the original begins to sink in the sand and becomes restrained. On the
object, including any markings or inscriptions. second failure, the restrained creature sinks even further,
However, the copies created by this spell bear an unnatural becoming incapacitated. On a third failure, the incapacitated
aura that makes them immediately identifiable as magical creature sinks completely into the sand and becomes stunned.
constructs to anyone who inspects them closely. As a result, Each time a creature succeeds on a Strength saving throw,
it is very difficult to use these copies to deceive others or it regresses one step in the number of failures, becoming
pass them off as genuine items. unburied if it reaches 0 failures.
The copies created by this spell last for 1 hour or until A creature that is completely buried by this spell cannot
they are destroyed, at which point they crumble into a pile breathe, is under total cover, has disadvantage on Strength
of dust. You can end the spell prematurely by using a bonus saving throws, and suffers 3d10 bludgeoning damage for each
action to cause one or more copies to disappear. failure it has on Strength saving throws. Failures beyond the
The copies created by this spell are mundane objects and third are added to the number of failures.
do not possess any magical properties. Additionally, they Another creature that is adjacent to a buried creature and is
cannot be used to create copies of items made of precious not under any effect of the spell can use an action to help dig
metals or gems, as their unique physical properties cannot out the buried creature. The creature must make a Strength
be replicated by this spell. check with a DC equal to that of the spell. On a success, it


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

frees the creature from the spell’s effects, but on a failure, it spent inside the flower and gets rid of one curse, disease, or
is pulled into the area of effect and counts as having failed poison after spending at least 4 turns inside it. If the creature
a Strength saving throw against the spell. A creature with- remains inside the flower for the full duration of the spell,
in the area of effect that tries to help another does so with it regains any lost limbs.
disadvantage on the Strength check. The flower automatically dissipates, ending the spell’s ef-
When the spell ends, all creatures that are restrained suffer fects. If the creature exits it, you lose concentration, or the
3d10 bludgeoning damage, all creatures that are incapacitated flower’s hit points are reduced to 0. The flower has an AC
suffer 6d10 bludgeoning damage, and all creatures that are of 15, 80 hit points, is resistant to non-magical damage, and
stunned suffer 10d10 bludgeoning damage. Objects and crea- immune to poison damage.
tures that are dead or die from the final damage remain bur- Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a
ied, while surviving creatures are expelled from the ground. 30-foot cone and deals 11d6 poison damage and requires a
Objects that are not being held are automatically buried, Constitution saving throw.
and structures within the area suffer 30 bludgeoning damage
when the spell is cast, and at the beginning of each turn that Regrowth
you maintain the spell. 9th-level plant
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge makes you Casting Time: 8 hours
stomp the ground. All creatures in a 30-foot radius circle Range: Touch
centered on you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw Components: V, S, M (Fruits, flowers, seeds, rare herbs,
taking 14d6 bludgeoning damage and knock prone on a dragon parts and jewelry that weigh more than the target
failed save. Every creature within the quicksand area that and are worth at least 25,000 gp, which the spell consumes)
is hit by the stomp failed in the saving throw automatically, Duration: Instantaneous
counting as a failure for the spell too.
You touch a body or a body part that still exists from a
Rally of Agility creature that has been dead for no more than 500 years.
6th-level air The part of the creature and any material components turn
into a seed that automatically sprouts into a plant, generat-
Casting Time: 1 bonus action ing a bulb where the body of the creature is recreated and
Range: 60 feet restored. After 8 hours, the bulb opens, and the creature is
Components: V, S revived, healed of all wounds, any poison removed, all dis-
Duration: 1 round eases cured, and freed from any curses that afflicted it when
Up to four willing creatures are surrounded by strong winds it died, including magical ones. The spell fully restores the
that assist their movements. While under this effect, affect- body, replacing any lost limbs or missing parts.
ed creatures receive +6 Dexterity and have advantage on If the body of the creature no longer exists, the casting
all attack and Dexterity checks, as well as any skills that time doubles, and you must speak the creature’s name, take
involve Dexterity. an object that belonged to it, and bring its spirit, which
A creature under the effect of the spell is immune to will be mixed with the material components when forming
the grappled, restrained, prone and paralyzed condi- the seed. If the spirit is not available, the spell fails, and no
tions. Additionally, attacks against the target are made components are expended.
with disadvantage. The spell can even provide a new body if the original no
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot longer exists, in which case you must speak the creature’s
cone and deals 10d6 thunder damage. name. The creature then appears in an unoccupied space
you choose within 10 feet of you.
Regenerating Cocoon Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge, instead of
7th-level plant dealing damage, imbues the creature’s body with elemental
Casting Time: 1 action soul, leaving it immune to diseases and curses for a number
Range: 30 feet of days equal to 10d6 days.
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, 1 hour Revert Life Flux
8th-level water
You create a large flower at a location of your choice with-
in range that can envelop a creature, up to Huge size, that Casting Time: 1 hour
is within 15 feet of it. The creature is immune to damage, Range: Touch
has its movement reduced to 0, and is incapacitated while Components: V, S , M (a large bowl of holly water)
inside the flower. The creature can leave the flower at any Duration: Instantaneous
time. While inside the flower, the creature is healed for 2d8 You harness a sacred water flow to reverse a loss of life in
+ their Wisdom modifier at the start of each of their turns. a body, resurrecting the creature. The creature cannot have
The creature also removes 1 level of exhaustion every 2 turns been dead for more than 100 years, cannot be an undead or


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

construct, must have a soul available for return to the body, Range: 30 feet
and cannot have died of old age. Components: V, S, M (seeds from 3 different trees)
At the end of the spell, the target creature returns to life Duration: Instantaneous
with serious wounds healed, regaining any lost limbs and You plant the seeds and grow a small, glowing plant that
free of any conditions, but it receives 4 levels of exhaustion. produces four fruits. If not harvested within 1 hour, the
Additionally, the resurrected creature returns free of any fruits wither and disappear. Once harvested, the fruits last
non-magical diseases or curses. Magical diseases and curses for 24 hours before also disappearing.
will resume their effects if they are not removed beforehand. A creature that consumes one of the fruits can remove any
The flow of magic is very heavy and until a long rest is curses or conditions of fear from themselves, and for the
finished, the caster will receive two levels of exhaustion next 24 hours, they do not feel hunger, gain 2d10 temporary
and have a -4 reduction to all attack rolls, ability checks, hit points, become immune to the poisoned and frightened
and saving throws. conditions, and have advantage on Wisdom saving throws.
Elemental Flux. You can imbue Your next Elemental Surge At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 7th
with yourself and the target creature, granting both 6d8 tem- level or higher spell slot, you create one additional fruit for
porary hit points that last for 10 hours. each level above 5th.
Elemental Flux. You imbue your next Elemental Surge
River Protection
into the fruits. Before eating a fruit, a creature must speak a
6th-level water
magical word. If a creature eats a fruit without speaking the
Casting Time: 1 action word, it must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed
Range: 60 feet save, the creature takes 7d6 poison damage and is poisoned
Components: V, S for 24 hours. On a successful save, the creature takes half
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes damage and gains no benefits from the spell.
You surround a willing creature that you can see within range
with the healing energy of life, protecting its body from Saving Seed
harm. The target creature cannot be a construct or undead. 8th-level plant
The target regains 4d8 hit points and gains immunity to Casting Time: 2 hours
the blinded, charmed, frightened, paralyzed, and poisoned Range: 30 feet
conditions for the duration of the spell. If the creature was Components: V, S
already affected by any of these conditions before the spell Duration: Instantaneous
was cast, the effects are suppressed (but not ended) until You create a small plant that bears a single fruit the size of
the spell ends. a cherry. If eaten as a bonus action, the fruit serves as a full
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot meal, instantly restores all of your hit points, and cures any
cone and deals 10d6 cold damage. disease, blindness, deafness, poisoning, and all levels of ex-
haustion. The magical fruit lasts for 3 days and disintegrates
Rock Stubborn
after this time.
3rd-level earth
Due to the amount of energy expended in casting this
Casting Time: 1 action spell, you need a recharge time and can only use this
Range: 30 feet spell after 7 days.
Components: V Elemental Flux. You imbue your next Elemental Surge
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour into the fruits. Before eating a fruit, a creature must speak
For the duration, a willing creature that you can see within a magical word. If a creature eats a fruit without speaking
range and while in contact with the earth, gains resistance the word, it must make a Constitution saving throw. On a
to lightning and psychic damage, and has advantage on failed save, the creature takes 10d6 poison damage and is
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws. poisoned for 10 days. On a successful save, the creature takes
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot half damage and gains no benefits from the spell.
of 4th level or higher, you can target one additional creature
for each slot level above 3rd. The creatures must be within Scrape The Sky
30 feet of each other when you target them. 5th-level earth
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 5d6 Casting Time: 1 action
acid damage plus 1d6 acid damage for every spell level Range: 80 feet
used above 3rd. Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Sacred Fruits
You create up to 4 pillars of 30 feet in height occupying a
6th-level plant
5-foot square space within the spell’s range. A creature in
Casting Time: 10 minutes the space where the pillar appears must make a Dexterity


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

saving throw or be thrown 30 feet into the air, landing prone throw taking 14d6 bludgeoning damage and knock prone
in an adjacent space to the pillar. Creatures that pass by the on a failed save.
area do not take damage but must choose an adjacent space
to position themselves. Shield of Overlife
With a bonus action, for the next minute, you can topple 9th-level water
the pillars in a direction of your choice, each occupying a Casting Time: 1 action
30-foot long and 5-foot wide line. All creatures within the Range: Self
line of the pillar’s fall must make a Strength saving throw, Components: V, S
taking 1d8 damage and becoming restrained on a failure. A Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
restrained creature must use an action to make a Strength
You create a thin layer of water over your body, making it
(Athletics) check with a DC equal to the spell’s DC, freeing
impossible for a creature to perceive you except through
themselves on a success. Huge or larger creatures are im-
magical means. This magical layer provides you with 60
mune to this effect. If you do not topple the pillars, they will
temporary hit points.
dissipate after 10 minutes.
Whenever a creature attacks you in melee, your shield
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge makes you
drains bodily fluids from the attacker, causing the creature
stomp the ground. All creatures in a 20-foot radius circle cen-
to suffer 3d8 + Wisdom modifier necrotic damage, and you
tered on you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw taking
gain the same amount of temporary hit points.
7d6 bludgeoning damage and knock prone on a failed save.

Seismic Quake
9th-level earth
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 1 mile
Components: V, S, M (a gem worth at least 100 gp, which
the spell consumes)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You take a gem in your hand that crumbles when using the
magic. When its fragments touch the ground, you generate
an earthquake with a radius of 120 feet and an epicenter of
your choice within range, causing the entire area of effect
to become difficult terrain. At the time of casting and at the
beginning of each turn of a creature within the area, they
must make a Dexterity saving throw, becoming prone on
a failure. Creatures that are concentrating on other spells
must also make a Constitution saving throw, losing con-
centration on a failure.
Structures within the area of effect suffer 60 bludgeoning
damage when you cast the spell, and at the beginning of
each turn that you maintain concentration. If they reach 0
hit points, they collapse and may cause damage to creatures
beneath them, at the GM’s discretion.
In addition, at the GM’s choice, other effects may oc-
cur, such as fissures or shifting ground. When a fissure is
formed, it can have a depth of 3d4x10 feet and a width of
1d4x5 feet. Creatures in the area of the fissure must make a
Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they fall into the fissure,
or choose one of the edges to remain on the surface on a
success. When the ground shifts, at the GM’s discretion, a
block bounded by a straight line may rise or sink 1d4x10
feet, taking everything on it along and causing structures
it cuts through to collapse.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge makes you
stomp the ground. All creatures in a 30-foot radius cir-
cle centered on you must succeed on a Dexterity saving


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

As a bonus action, you can make the shield drain a creature Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
within 5 feet, causing 3d8 + Wisdom modifier necrotic dam- cone and deals 8d6 thunder damage plus 1d6 thunder dam-
age, and you gain the same amount of temporary hit points. age for every spell level used above 5th.
The shield has no limit on temporary hit points and re-
tains its temporary hit points for 1 hour after the spell ends. Sky Walker
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot 3rd-level air
radius circle centered on you and deals 14d6 cold damage. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Skin of Embers Components: V, S
5th-level fire Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Casting Time: 1 action By casting this spell, you grant the ability to walk on the
Range: 45 feet winds to a creature you touch, giving it a flying speed equal
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of charcoal powder) to its walking speed. At the end of the spell, a creature that
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute is still in the air descends safely to the ground.
You attempt to ignite the skin of a creature you can see within At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
range of the spell into live coals. The target creature must slot of 4th level or higher, you can target one additional
have some type of skin or leather covering its body and, if creature for each slot level above 3rd.
so, must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, its Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 5d6
skin or leather transforms into incandescent material like thunder damage plus 1d6 thunder damage for every spell
live coals. On a success, nothing happens. level used above 2nd.
A creature with fiery skin gains resistance to fire damage
and vulnerability to all other types of damage. It can move Spectral Vision
in extremely high temperature environments but suffers one 2nd-level spirit
point of exhaustion each turn it is in extremely cold tem- Casting Time: 1 action
peratures (below 32° F). Touching or coming into contact Range: Self
with this creature causes 1d6 fire damage and automatically Components: V, S, M (a lit incense)
ignites any flammable materials. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
The creature with ember skin can repeat the Constitution
For the duration of the spell, you are able to see the spiritual
saving throw at the end of its turns, and if it succeeds three
aura of all creatures within your field of vision, even when
times, it is free from the effects. If you maintain concentration
they are invisible. Each type of creature has a specific type of
for 1 minute while the creature is under the effects of the
aura that you can see, but you cannot differentiate between
spell, its skin will permanently be transformed into embers.
them (an orc and a human have the same aura because they
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 40-foot
are both humanoids). Additionally, as a bonus action, you
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 8d6 fire damage.
can focus on seeing the Ethereal Plane, gaining vision of it
Sky Blessing until the end of your next turn.
5th-level air Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 2d6 force damage.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Speed Waltz
Components: V, S, M (a feather of eagle) 2nd-level air
Duration: 1 hour
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
A touched willing creature receives the Blessing of Winds, Range: 60 feet
acquiring inhuman speed. The creature gains a flying speed of Components: V, S
180 feet, becomes immune to being prone, has advantage on Duration: Instantaneous
Dexterity checks and saving throws, is targeted with ranged
Three willing creatures you can see within range are propelled
attacks at a disadvantage, does not provoke opportunity at-
by the wind. You can move them up to 30 feet in any direc-
tacks when moving, and is not affected by any gas-related
tion you choose. This movement is unimpeded and does not
provoke opportunity attacks, but if a creature is stopped in
In addition, the target can spend 5 feet of its movement
mid-air, it falls as normal and takes falling damage.
to automatically escape non-magical restraints.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target one additional
slot of 6th level or higher, you can target one additional
creature for each slot level above 2nd.
creature for each slot level above 5th.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot Plane (if returning to the Material Plane in midair and with-
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 2d6 thunder damage plus out a fly speed, the creature will fall).
1d6 thunder damage for every spell level used above 2nd. While on the Ethereal Plane, you can only affect and be
affected by other creatures on that plane. Creatures not on
Sphere of M’Cel the Ethereal Plane cannot perceive you or interact with
5th-level air you, unless a special ability or magic has given them the
Casting Time: 1 action ability to do so.
Range: 150 feet You can move through objects that are not on the Ethereal
Components: V, S, M (a pearl worth at least 100 gp) Plane, ignoring any objects and effects from the plane you
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes originated from.
When the spell ends, you and your allies return to the
You expel all the air from a 30-foot radius sphere centered
plane of origin in the same location you occupied at the time.
on a point within range, and the area remains airless for the
If you occupy the same space as a solid object or creature
duration. All creatures within the area at the time of casting
when this happens, you will immediately be moved to the
who require air to breathe must make a Constitution saving
nearest unoccupied space that you can occupy and take force
throw. On a failed save, they suffer one level of exhaustion,
damage equal to twice the number of feet you were moved.
as the air is sucked out of their lungs.
This spell has no effect if you cast it while on the Ethereal
Furthermore, creatures inside the sphere are subject to the
Plane or a plane that does not border it, such as one of
normal rules for suffocation. They can hold their breath for a
the Outer Planes.
number of minutes equal to 1 + their Constitution modifier
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 60-foot
(minimum of 30 seconds), and then survive a number of
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 14d6 force damage.
rounds equal to their Constitution modifier (minimum of
1 round) before they drop to 0 hit points and begin dying. Spiritual Air Beasts
In addition, the airless area becomes difficult terrain for 6th-level air
the duration of the spell, and any creature that starts its turn
within the area or moves into it on its turn must make a Casting Time: 10 minutes
Constitution saving throw, suffering one level of exhaustion Range: 30 feet
on a failed save. Creatures within the area are considered Components: V, S
deafened, and no sound can propagate within it. Duration: Instantaneous
Additionally, creatures inside the sphere are immune to You summon up to five air spirits that take the form of beasts
thunder damage, and no thunder damage can be caused with a challenge rating of 1 or lower. They appear in an un-
inside the sphere. occupied space that you can see, within range of the spell.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell A spirit disappears when it reaches 0 hit points or when the
slot of 6th level or higher, the radius of the sphere increases spell ends. They are friendly to you and your companions.
by 5 feet for each slot level above 5th. Roll initiative for each of them, which act on their own turns.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot They obey any verbal commands that you issue to them (no
cone and deals 8d6 thunder damage plus 1d6 thunder dam- action required by you). If you issue no commands, they
age for every spell level used above 5th. defend themselves against hostile creatures, but they take no
other actions. The GM can provide the statistics of the beast.
Spirit Form Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge which af-
9th-level spirit fects a 20-foot radius circle centered on you and deals 10d6
Casting Time: 1 action thunder damage.
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S Spiritual Fading
Duration: Up to 8 hours 3rd-level spirit

You and up to five other willing creatures within range take a Casting Time: 1 action
step on the border of the Ethereal Plane, entering the region Range: Self
that overlaps with the current plane. While on the border, Components: V, S
you can move in any direction as if you had a flying speed Duration: 1 minute
equal to your walking speed. You can still see and hear the For the next minute, at the end of your turns, if you are not
original plane, but everything appears grayed out and muf- grappled, you can choose to enter the Ethereal Plane, or when
fled, and you can’t see anything beyond 60 feet. already there, return to the Material Plane. When you return
For the duration, as a bonus action, a creature under the to the Material Plane, you choose an unoccupied space within
effect can choose to move from the Ethereal Plane to the 20 feet of where you disappeared to reappear. You cannot
Material Plane and vice versa. The creature returns to the choose to go to the Ethereal Plane for two turns in a row.
same mirrored location it occupied in the Ethereal or Material


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

While on the Ethereal Plane, you can see and hear the You can choose to cast this spell consuming the ruby dust.
Material Plane, which appears in shades of gray, and you If you do, Spiritual Flame is permanent and you cannot
can’t see anything there that is more than 60 feet away. You end its effect.
can only interact with and be affected by other creatures on Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot
the Ethereal Plane. Creatures that are not on the Ethereal line that is 5 feet wide and deals 2d6 fire damage.
Plane cannot perceive you or interact with you unless they
have the ability to do so. Spiritual Hex
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 4th-level spirit
5d6 force damage. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Spiritual Flame Components: V, S
2nd-level fire Duration: 1 hour
Casting Time: 1 action You curse a creature within range, causing malevolent spir-
Range: Touch its to jinx its actions and turn its failures into catastrophes.
Components: V, S, M (ruby dust worth 50 gp) For the duration of the spell, any time the target misses an
Duration: 24 hours attack, fails a saving throw, or fails an ability check, it suffers
A dark, blue or red translucent flame, equivalent in bright- additional harm or negative effects. Whenever the target
ness to a torch, springs forth from an object that you touch. misses an attack roll or saving throw, it takes 3d8 necrotic
The flame is clearly magic and creates no heat and doesn’t damage. If the target fails an ability check, it suffers the worst
use oxygen. A spiritual flame can be covered or hidden but possible negative consequence appropriate to the situation,
not smothered or quenched. as determined by the GM.
You can end the spell as a bonus action to emit a burst of At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
intense light in a 30-foot radius around you, blinding all crea- slot of 5th level or higher, the damage from the missed at-
tures within that area for 1 min- tack rolls and saving throws increases by 1d8 for each slot
ute unless they succeed on a level above 4th.
Constitution saving throw. Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 7d6 ne-
crotic damage plus 1d6 necrotic damage for every spell level
used above 4th.

Spiritual Immunity
8th-level spirit
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
For the duration, a willing creature you touch becomes
immune to acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, psychic,
poison, and thunder damage.
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a
9th-level spell slot, you can also affect an addi-
tional willing creature within 5 feet of the spell’s
initial target.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge
affects a 60-foot line that is 5 feet wide and
deals 12d6 force damage plus plus 1d6 force
damage for every spell level used above 8th.

Spiritual Travel
7th-level spirit
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet
Components: V, S, M (a mithril key encrusted
with gems worth at least 500 gp)
Duration: Instantaneous


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

You and up to six willing creatures within the range of the paralyzed on a failed save. For the duration, at the start of
spell are transported to another plane of existence. You must each of its turns, the creature must make a Constitution sav-
have an object that is linked to the destination plane, have ing throw, suffering an additional 3 levels of exhaustion on
previously been to the plane, or have one of the willing crea- a failed save or ending the effects on itself on a success. This
tures have been to the plane. If you do not meet at least one spell has no effect on creatures that do not need to breathe,
of these requirements, all of you vanish for one round and such as constructs or undead.
then reappear in the same location in a stunned condition Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot
until the end of your next turn. cone and deals 14d6 thunder damage.
You can also use this spell to send a creature from anoth-
er plane back to its own plane. You must make a magical Stone Hand
unarmed attack against the creature. On a hit, the creature 2nd-level earth
must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or be sent back Casting Time: 1 action
to its own plane in a random location. Range: Touch
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using an 8th-level Components: V, S, M (a small, flexible wire)
spell slot or higher, you can bring two additional creatures Duration: 1 hour
for each level above 7th.
You touch a creature, causing a collection of stones to gath-
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 40-foot
er and form an arm of stone that connects with the target’s
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 11d6 force damage plus 1d6
torso. The stone hand can hold and manipulate objects just
force damage for every spell level used above 7th.
like a regular hand, but it is not capable of attacking or per-
Spiritual Vision forming somatic components for spells.
6th-level spirit The target gains the following benefits while the
spell is in effect:
Casting Time: 1 action
• The target can wield a two-handed weapon or a versatile
Range: Touch
weapon with two hands, while still using the third hand
Components: V, S, M (a glass sphere the size of an eye)
to hold a shield or perform any other action that would
Duration: 1 hour
normally require a free hand.
You touch a willing creature that gains truesight for the du- • The target can use the third hand to hold a card or other
ration of the spell. In addition, it can see the ethereal plane small object in a way that is hidden from view, granting
and secret doors with a range of 120 feet. advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks made to
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 40-foot cheat at games of chance.
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 10d6 force damage. • The target can use the third hand to manipulate objects
that would normally require the use of both hands, such
Static Field
as picking a lock or disarming a trap. If using three hands,
2nd-level lightning
the target gains advantage on any Dexterity checks made
Casting Time: 1 action to interact with objects in this way.
Range: 60 feet • The target can use the third hand to retrieve or stow an
Components: V, S object that is normally out of reach, such as a potion on
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute a high shelf or a weapon on the ground. The hand can
You create a circular area with a 20-foot radius centered on a reach up to 10 feet away from the target and can manipu-
point within range, charged with static electricity. Creatures late objects weighing up to 5 pounds. It must still use the
that move within the area take 1d4 electrical damage for appropriate action to do so.
every 5 feet they move. • The target can use the third hand to perform simple tasks,
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot such as carrying a torch, holding a door open, or carrying
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 2d6 lightning damage. a small object while using both of its regular hands for
something else.
Steal Oxygen
9th-level air Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 2d6 acid
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet Stone Heart
Components: V, S 4th-level earth
Duration: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action
You suppress the air from the lungs of a creature within range Range: Touch
that you can see. The creature must make a Constitution Components: V, S, M (a gemstone worth 50 gp)
saving throw, receiving 3 levels of exhaustion and becoming Duration: 8 hours


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

You touch a creature and grant it protection against death creature must make a Dexterity saving throw, becoming
effects for the duration of the spell. When casting the spell, trapped within the sphere on a failure.
you can use one to four gems, each worth at least 50 gp, The stone sphere is magically reinforced, preventing any
which will fuse with the target. For each gem used at the magical movement from inside to outside or outside to inside.
time of casting, the target has one use of the following effects: No sound passes through the wall, and those inside cannot
• When reduced to 0 hit points, instead it remains at 1 hit see anything outside the sphere. They are under total cover
point. and cannot be harmed by attacks and effects originating
• When subjected to an effect that would kill it instantly from outside while inside the sphere.
without dealing damage, the effect is negated. The sphere has an AC of 17 and 75 hit points, is immune to
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 7d6 acid poison and psychic damage, and has resistance to any other
damage. type of damage except for damage from the disintegrate spell.
It can support any amount of weight inside or on top of it
Stone Imprisonment and weighs around 1000 pounds, plus the weight of what is
2nd-level earth inside. Creatures capable of carrying or pushing the weight
of the sphere can do so.
Casting Time: 1 action
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals
Range: 60 feet
7d6 acid damage.
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Subtle Influence
You create hands of stone on the ground that grasp any- 2nd-level fire
one within a 10-foot-radius area within range. Creatures of Casting Time: 1 action
your choice in the area must succeed on a Strength saving Range: 30 feet
throw or be restrained by the hands. A restrained creature Components: V, S
remains restrained for the duration of the spell. The hands Duration: 1 hour
have an AC of 16, 5 HP, are resistant to slashing and pierc-
ing damage, and immune to poison damage. If they reach You manipulate the mind of a creature within range, subtly
0 hit points, the concentration is broken, or the spell ends, influencing their emotions and behaviors. Choose one effect
the hands disappear. from the following list to apply to the target
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals • Aversion: The target develops a strong aversion to a creature
2d6 acid damage. or object of your choice, becoming slightly nauseous by
its presence and avoiding it when possible.
Stone Shield • Change Mood: You can influence the person’s mood, caus-
1st-level earth ing them to feel overall happy, angry, sad, or agitated, af-
Casting Time: 1 reaction (an attack or dexterity save) fecting their behavior accordingly. This will not force a
Range: Self creature to attack or stop a combat, but will influence its
Components: V, S overall mood.
Duration: 1 round • Attraction: The target feels a strong attraction to a creature
or object of your choice, seeking to approach and interact
When you are hit by an attack or forced to make a Dexterity
with it in a non-threatening manner. This effect does not
saving throw, as a reaction you raise a shield of stone from the
end combat, but may make the target less likely to harm
ground that protects you from attacks. Until the beginning of
or kill the object of their attraction, while doing so does
your next turn, you gain a +4 bonus to your AC and Dexterity
not endanger itself.
saving throws, including against the triggering attack.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals acid • Anger: The target feels anger toward a creature or object
damage, and on the damage roll treat every 1 or 2 as a 3. of your choice, seeking to harm it or break it. In combat,
if an enemy is chosen, the target may make this enemy a
Stone Sphere preferred target. The creature will not attack or do anything
4th-level earth that would be against its principles or would endanger itself.
Casting Time: 1 action • The target must make a Wisdom saving throw to resist
Range: 30 feet the spell’s effect. If the target fails the saving throw, they
Components: V, S, M (a glass sphere and a gravel of sim- are affected by the chosen effect for the spell’s duration.
ilar size) At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes slot of 3rd level or higher, the spell’s duration increases to
A sphere of stone envelops a creature or object of Large 2 hours (3rd level), 4 hours (4th level), 8 hours (6th level),
size or smaller within range of the spell. A non-voluntary 24 hours (8th level), or 7 days (9th level).


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals You cause a creature within your line of sight to immedi-
2d6 fire damage. ately fall asleep and have wonderful dreams. The creature
can make a Wisdom saving throw to resist. If failed, it falls
Summon Flame Dragon asleep. If the creature sleeps until the end of the spell’s dura-
7th-level fire tion, the sleeping creature recovers as if it had taken a long
Casting Time: 1 action rest. A creature affected by the effects of this spell can only
Range: 90 feet be targeted again after completing a normal long rest. If cast
Components: V, S, M (a ruby worth less than 500 gp) before this condition is met, the spell has no effect. You can
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour. have only benefit from another Long Rest after 24 hours.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge can create
You summon a dragon spirit that manifests in the form of
a thin layer of water around the creature, granting it 7d6
a dragon. The spirit’s physical form uses the stat block of a
temporary hit points for 10 minutes.
Young Copper Dragon, but its breath attack will be a cone and
deal fire damage. It has its own turn and place in initiative, Symbiosis
and will assist you to the best of its ability for the duration. 3rd-level plant
When you cast this spell, choose between red, bronze, and
gold, and the spirit will take on the appearance of that type Casting Time: 1 action
of dragon. If the dragon is reduced to 0 hit points or you Range: Touch
lose concentration, the spell ends and the dragon disappears. Components: V, S, M (a parched root)
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot Duration: 1 hour
cone and deals 11d6 fire damage. You touch a willing creature and create a symbiotic plant that
intertwines with it. When the plant attaches to the target,
Summon Mound it nullifies any poisoned condition it had before the spell.
5th-level plant While attached to the plant, the touched creature is immune
Casting Time: 1 minute to the poisoned condition and poison damage, and if it takes
Range: 90 feet a short rest in a location illuminated by sunlight, all hit dice
Components: V, S, M (a handful of leaves, mud and sticks) it spends during the rest heal the maximum value, and each
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour die also adds the target’s proficiency bonus to it. If the target
takes any fire damage, the plant dies automatically.
You conjure a plant servant. You choose an area rich in veg-
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 5d6
etation that fills a 10-foot cube within range. The vegetation
poison damage and requires a Constitution saving throw.
joins together and forms a plant creature of CR 5 or lower
in a space up to 10 feet from the point of origin. The plant Terracotta Army
obeys you to the best of its ability and acts after you in the 8th-level earth
initiative order. You can give simple action commands, such
as attacking a target or running in a direction, as a free ac- Casting Time: 1 minute
tion. If you want to give a longer command, you must spend Range: 90 feet
a bonus action. If you lose concentration, the plant servant Components: V, S
will continue to follow the last command until it completes Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
it. If the plant servant completes its action and cannot hear You conjure spirits of the earth that take the physical form
or receive new commands, it will take the Dodge action and of terracotta soldiers. You can conjure up to 16 soldiers and
protect itself as best it can. each one uses the stat block of an animated armor. You have a
You can use an action to regain concentration on this telepathic link and all soldiers listen to your orders mentally.
spell a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. They all act after you in the initiative order and will follow
The plant disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when your orders as best as they can. You can give simple course
the spell ends. of action commands, such as attacking a target or running in
Elemental Flux. You can imbue your plant servant with a direction, as a free action. If you want to give a command
energy that, once during the spell’s duration, allows it to use the size of a sentence, you must spend an action. If you lose
an action to conjure its Elemental Surge, dealing 5d6 poison concentration, the soldiers will continue to follow the last
damage that requires a Constitution saving throw. command until it is completed. If the soldiers complete the
designated action and cannot obtain new commands, they
Sweet Dreams will use the dodge action to preserve themselves as best as
4th-level water possible. At the end of the spell, all the spirits turn to dust.
Casting Time: 1 action Elemental Flux. You can use your next Elemental Surge,
Range: 60 feet which affects a 45-foot cone, on your terracotta warriors.
Components: V, S Those who are hit by the elemental blast will not suffer its
Duration: 2 hours normal effects, but will absorb the acid and when reduced


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

to 0 hit points, they will explode in acid, forcing all creatures • 16 or more: You determine any weaknesses of the creature,
within 5 feet of them to make a Dexterity saving throw or if any.
take 2d6 acid damage. In addition, for the duration of the spell, you gain advantage
on your first attack each turn that is made against a crea-
Through the Water
ture you determine has any weakness (even if that creature
7th-level water
had none).
Casting Time: 1 action Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals cold dam-
Range: 5 feet age, and on the damage roll, consider any result of 1 or 2 as 3.
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Tide of Bubbles
You join your hands and focus, enveloping up to six willing 7th-level water
creatures within 5 feet of you in a brilliant purple water. Casting Time: 1 action
When the creatures in range are fully submerged in any Range: 80 feet
liquid, they are teleported to another water source within 1 Components: V, S
mile, into which the target submerges. The destination point Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
is chosen by the caster when casting the spell and must be You unleash a burst of bubbles in a 30-foot wide, 80-foot long
a known location to the caster. line, affecting all enemies within. Creatures in the area must
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot make a Dexterity saving throw or be engulfed in a bubble.
cone and deals 11d6 cold damage, plus 1d6 cold damage for Once trapped, a creature is considered underwater, incapac-
every spell level used above 7th. itated, and vulnerable to lightning damage. Its movement
speed is reduced to 0, except for swimming. At the start of
each of its turns, the trapped creature can make a Strength
4th-level air
or Dexterity saving throw (its choice). On a successful save,
Casting Time: 1 action it is no longer incapacitated but remains trapped inside the
Range: Self (30-foot cone) bubble. A creature can escape the bubble by destroying it.
Components: V, S Each bubble has an AC of 17 and 30 hit points, is immune
Duration: Instantaneous to bludgeoning, fire, lightning, poison, acid, and cold dam-
You clap your hands, generating a 30-foot cone of thunderous age, and has resistance to non-magical slashing and piercing
shock. All creatures in the area must make a Constitution damage.
saving throw or become deafened. A creature deafened by Creatures outside the bubble can attack it, but if the at-
this spell is also incapacitated. At the beginning of each turn, tacker is Huge or smaller and uses a melee attack, it must
a deafened creature can make a Constitution saving throw make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the attacking
to end the spell’s effect on itself on a success. Undead, con- creature becomes trapped in another bubble that emerges
structs, and creatures naturally deafened or already under the from the first.
deafened condition before this spell are immune to its effects. If you lose concentration, the spell ends and all bubbles are
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 7d6 destroyed. Creatures with a swimming speed automatically
thunder damage. escape the bubble.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
Tidal Investigation cone and deals 11d6 cold damage.
1st-level water
Casting Time: 1 action
Torrential Rain
7th-level water (ritual)
Range: Self
Components: V, S Casting Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 30 minutes Range: 1 mile
Components: V, S
During the spell duration, you can use a Bonus Action to
Duration: 2 hours
analyze an area within 60 feet of you, detecting any blood
drops, small objects, and weapons within the area. Once you The caster is able to control the water element around them,
have detected blood drops, make a Wisdom (Investigation) harnessing the clouds to create a downpour in an area, af-
check to determine what you have uncovered. You learn the fecting the entire spell area.
following information based on the results of your check: During the ritual and up to two hours after, the rain con-
• 10 or more: You determine if any creature spilled blood tinues to lash the region, increasing about 5 cubic centimeters
and how many there are and their types. of water every 10 minutes of rain. The excessive amount of
• 13 or more: You determine the severity of injuries, knowing water will cause rivers to flood regions, entire lands to flood,
if each creature is dead or alive. and other effects from torrential rains.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

All creatures in the rain, except the caster, have their move- You concentrate all your control over the force of the element,
ment halved. Each turn a creature is affected in the area, they causing the power of the wind to lift entire locations and
must make a Strength check or become prone. relocate them to another place. The spell affects a circular
All natural and magical fire sources up to level 3 are ex- area of land with a half-mile radius and 100 feet in thickness,
tinguished and the vision of all creatures except the caster lifting the block of land, including everything it carries above
becomes obscured. it, and an equal volume of earth below it.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot Once in motion, the block moves 30 feet per turn, unin-
cone and deals 11d6 cold damage. terruptedly in the last commanded direction. With a bonus
action, you can make the block start moving, change the
Tracing Thunder direction of movement, or stop it.
4th-level lightning The block of earth can only move through spaces it can fit
Casting Time: 1 action into. If the block has its movement interrupted by an object
Range: Self or volume of earth equal to or larger than it for more than
Components: V, S 1 minute, the spell ends. Once the spell ends, the block de-
Duration: Instantaneous scends slowly until it lands on the ground.
Once during the spell’s duration, you can grant control
When you cast this spell, you channel electricity into your
(concentration) to another creature that has spellcasting.
feet. Until the end of your turn, you can use the Dash action
You can create a block of earth that levitates permanently
as a bonus action, and your speed is doubled. When you
by casting the spell on the same block of earth for a year
move, you do not provoke opportunity attacks and leave a
and on the last day defining a creature that will receive an
trail of electrical energy in the spaces you pass through until
atonement with it that will have control over its movement
the end of your next turn. A creature that enters one of the
without needing to concentrate. If the creature dies or is
spaces through which you left a trail of energy must make a
willing, you can change the attuned creature with a new
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 3d6
casting of this spell.
electrical damage and is restrained until the end of its turn.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
cone and deals 10d6 thunder damage, if breathed against the
line that is 5 feet wide and deals 7d6 lightning damage.
earth block the block takes no damage but is pushed 90 feet
Tread Tremor in a direction of your choice.
2nd-level earth
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self (30-foot cone)
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You stomp the ground, creating a directed seismic wave in
a cone, turning the entire affected area into difficult terrain.
Each creature in the cone must make a strength saving
throw or be pushed 10 feet back, take 2d4 damage,
and fall prone. Walls and structures in the area,
depending on how well-built they are, may be
weakened or destroyed at the GM’s discretion.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge
makes you stomp the ground. All creatures
in a 10-foot radius circle centered on you
must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage and
knock prone on a failed save.

True Levitation
9th-level air
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: 1 mile
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to
24 hours


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Tunneling Arms Visions from the Image
3rd-level earth 4th-level air
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a few hairs from a mole) Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Your limbs morph into powerful claws. For the duration of You create an illusion of an object or person, similar to the
the spell, you gain a burrowing speed equal to your normal major image spell. Additionally, while within the spell’s range,
speed. If you come across pure rock terrain, you can burrow you can see and hear as if you also occupied the space of
at half your speed. When you burrow, you leave behind a the created image.
tunnel that can only be passed through by a creature of your Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 7d6
size at a time. thunder damage.
The claws can also be used to attack, you are considered
proficient with them and they deal 1d8 plus your Strength Volcano
or Dexterity modifier in slashing damage. 9th-level lava
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge makes you Casting Time: 1 action
stomp the ground. All creatures in a 10-foot radius circle cen- Range: 1 mile
tered on you must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw taking Components: V, S.
4d6 bludgeoning damage and knock prone on a failed save. Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Unflinching Stream You create a volcano from a point within range. From the
1st-level water moment you cast the spell, a volcano begins to rise from the
ground, growing in four distinct stages.
Casting Time: 1 bonus action First stage. When you cast the spell, a 20-foot-radius circle
Range: 30 feet around the point you choose becomes extremely hot, and
Components: V, S the ground becomes scorching hot. Creatures that enter or
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes start their turn within the area must make a Constitution
You imbue a willing creature of your choice with the essence saving throw, taking 6d8 fire damage on a failure or half as
of water. For the duration, the target gains 2d6 temporary hit much on a success.
points and advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Second stage. The 20-foot-radius circle rises from the
saving throws. If the target loses all of the temporary hit ground, transforming the area affected by the spell into
points, they still retain the advantage on their saving throws difficult terrain and beginning to release toxic gasses. All
for the duration. creatures within the area and a further 20-foot radius must
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals cold make a Constitution saving throw or become poisoned due
damage and affects a 20-foot line that is 5 feet wide. to the toxic gasses. Additionally, the effects of the first stage
increase to a 60-foot radius.
Veil of Invisibility Third stage. The raised area explodes in lava, and all crea-
1st-level air tures in the 20-foot-radius circle must make a Dexterity sav-
Casting Time: 1 action ing throw. On a failure, they take 8d8 bludgeoning damage
Range: Touch and 3d8 fire damage, are thrown 20 feet in a direction of
Components: V, S, M (an eyelash encased in gum arabic) your choice, and become coated in lava. A creature coated
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes in lava takes 8d8 fire damage at the start of each of its turns
for the next minute, or until it is doused with 3 gallons of
You wrap the air around a creature you touch, making it
water or uses an action to clean itself. In addition, the area
invisible to one other creature within 60 feet. Anything the
affected by the second stage increases to a further 20-foot
target is wearing or carrying is also invisible as long as it
radius, and the area affected by the first stage increases to a
remains on their person. If the target attacks or casts a spell,
total of a 60-foot radius.
the spell ends.
Fourth stage. A 20-foot-radius pool of lava forms at the
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
center of the volcano, rising to a height of 40 feet and begin-
slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target one additional
ning to launch magma spheres into the surrounding area.
creature for each slot level above 2nd.
The magma spheres strike three locations of your choice
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals thun-
within 100 feet of the center and affect a 10-foot-radius
der damage, affects a 20-foot line that is 5 feet wide, and
circle. Creatures in the area must make a Dexterity saving
deals an extra 1d6 thunder damage for every 2 spell levels
throw or take 10d8 fire damage and become coated in lava
used above 1st.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

on a failed save, or half as much damage and no coating on A creature that is lava-soaked takes 2d8 fire damage at the
a successful save. end of each of its turns until it is either doused in at least 3
Buildings within the affected area are destroyed, with the gallons of water or takes an action to clean itself.
extent of the damage determined by the GM. If you lose A creature can move through the barrier, but it is a pain-
concentration on the spell, the volcano retreats, returning ful and slow process. For every 1 foot moved, the creature
to the second stage after one turn, the first stage after two must spend an additional 4 feet of movement. A creature
turns, and ending after three turns. that chooses to cross becomes lava-soaked and must make
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a circle a Constitution saving throw, taking 6d8 fire damage on a
of a 30-foot radius centered on you. All creatures in the area failure or half damage on a success.
must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 14d6 fire damage Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. 10d6 fire damage.

Waive Magic Wall of Spirits

3rd-level water 5th-level spirit
Casting Time: 1 action or reaction Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a cup of water) Components: V, S, M (a translucent crystal or gem)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
You use water to neutralize a spell. With an action, you can You create a translucent barrier at a point within range, for
consume the magic of a creature, object, or magic effect the duration. The barrier floats in the air and does not re-
within range. Any spell of 3rd level or lower is automatically quire support, appearing in any position you choose, either
consumed. Spells of 4th level or higher require you to make horizontal, vertical, or angled. It has a thickness of 1 inch and
a Wisdom saving throw (DC 10 + spell level), consuming you can make it semi-spherical or spherical with a radius of
the spell on a success. up to 15 feet, or flat, creating up to ten panels of 10-foot by
When you cast this spell as a reaction, you can interrupt 10-foot, which must be contiguous. If the barrier appears in
the casting of a spell, but you must still make the Wisdom a creature’s space that cannot pass through it, the creature
saving throw regardless of the spell’s level, with disadvantage. is pushed to one side of your choice.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 4th-lev- When creating the barrier, you can set a creature type
el spell slot or higher, you automatically consume a spell of or alignment (good, evil, chaotic, lawful) that cannot pass
the same level as the slot used. When cast as a reaction, you through the barrier. All other creatures or alignments can
gain a +2 bonus to the Wisdom saving throw for each spell pass through it normally, but the chosen type cannot pass
level above 3rd. through the barrier in any way. Attacks and spells of the
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 5d6 chosen creature type are neutralized by the barrier, which
cold damage plus 1d6 cold damage for every spell level is indestructible for them, even affecting the ethereal plane.
used above 3rd. A creature that is not of the chosen type can choose not
to pass through the barrier, but once it does, it cannot go
Wall of Lava back, but upon doing so, it can walk on the barrier as if it
6th-level lava were solid ground.
Casting Time: 1 action Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 40-foot
Range: 120 feet line that is 5 feet wide and deals 8d6 force damage.
Components: V, S, M (a hand-sized flame and ruby powder
worth at least 50 gp, which the spell consumes) Water Blessing
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes 2nd-level water

You sprinkle ruby dust over the flames, causing a barrier of Casting Time: 1 bonus action
pure magma to rise from the ground. You can choose the Range: 30 feet
shape of the barrier to be either a straight line with a length Components: V, S
of 60 feet, a height of 15 feet, and a width of 5 feet, or a circle Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
with a diameter of 20 feet, a height of 15 feet, and a width You aid a willing creature of your choice. For the duration of
of 5 feet. The barrier blocks the line of sight. the spell, it can roll an additional 1d4 and add it to all attacks
When the barrier appears, every creature within its ar- and saving throws it makes. For the duration, when it rolls
ea is pushed to one side of it, as chosen by you, and must a d20 for an attack or saving throw, the target can choose
make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d8 fire damage and to roll another d20 and use the new result, ending the spell.
becoming lava-soaked on a failure, or half damage and no Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals
lava on a success. 2d6 cold damage.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Water Body • You gain the ability to engulf a creature. As an action,
6th-level water you can attempt to engulf a creature that is the same size
or smaller within 10 feet of you. The target must make a
Casting Time: 1 Action
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, it becomes re-
Range: Self
strained and takes 3d10 cold damage at the start of each
Components: V, S, M (a cup of clean water)
of its turns. Additionally, any bludgeoning, slashing, or
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
piercing damage dealt to you before resistance is applied
• You alter your body’s composition and form to take on is split evenly between you and the engulfed creature.The
the appearance of a water elemental, gaining the following engulfed creature can attempt to escape by taking an action
characteristics: and making a Strength saving throw. If it succeeds, it is
• You can move through spaces occupied by enemies and freed and positioned in an adjacent space to you. You can
spaces up to 1 inch wide without squeezing; only engulf one creature at a time, and when you move,
• You become immune to poison and cold damage, resistant any engulfed creature moves with you.
to fire, acid, bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage, Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 20-foot
and immune to the grappled, poisoned, paralyzed, petrified, radius circle centered on you and deals 10d6 cold damage.
restrained, and prone conditions;
• You gain a swim speed of 60 feet and the ability to breathe Water Essence
underwater; Water cantrip
• You have advantage on Wisdom and Charisma checks and Casting Time: 1 action
saving throws; Range: 30 feet
• You can make unarmed strikes, which are magic melee Components: S
attacks with a reach of 10 feet that deal 2d8 + your Wisdom Duration: Instantaneous
modifier bludgeoning damage, considered magical for the You have the power to control water in all its forms within
purpose of damage reduction; range, creating a range of magical effects.
• You can alter the color and scent of up to 1 cubic foot of
water, making it seem clean or dirty.
• You can instantly chill, heat, evaporate, or freeze any liquid
with a volume of up to 1 cubic foot, as long as no creatures
are inside it.
• You can create an instant and harmless sensory effect, such
as the sound of rushing water, crashing waves, falling rain,
a light mist, or even dampening or drying a surface. The
effect must fit within a cube with a side length of 1 foot.
• You can drain moisture from a small object, such as a flower
or fruit, leaving behind clear, potable water.
You can dismiss these effects with a single action.

Water Restoration
8th-level water
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
A creature absorbs the ambient water to restore itself. The
creature regains 50 hit points at the moment of casting and
an additional 50 hit points at the start of its turns until the
spell ends. Additionally, if the target remains under the effect
of the spell for an entire hour, the water can permanently
regrow lost limbs and body parts, exactly as the original.
If the target is in contact with a large body of water, such as
lakes, rivers, seas, and oceans, and has remained in contact
since the end of its last turn, the target creature accelerates
the above effects, regains all lost hit points, and if it spends


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

1 minute in permanent contact with water, lost limbs and invisible as long as it is on the target’s person and the target
body parts are fully restored. can act normally.
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 45-foot At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
cone and deals 12d6 cold damage. slot of 3rd level or higher, you can target one additional
creature for each slot level above 2nd.
Water Tentacle Elemental Flux. You make Your next Elemental Surge burst
2nd-level water around you, which affects a 10-foot radius circle centered
Casting Time: 1 action on you and deals 2d6 thunder damage plus 1d6 thunder
Range: Self damage for every spell level used above 2nd.
Components: V, S
Duration: 10 minutes Winds of Time
5th-level air
The caster’s arms are enveloped in water, forming solid liquid
tentacles. While the spell remains in effect, the caster can Casting Time: 1 action
freely control the tentacle on their action, increasing their Range: 30 feet
reach, including for touch spells, by 15ft and being able to Components: V, S
manipulate and drag objects as if they were their own hands. Duration: 24 hours
The Tentacle can be used to attack, you make a melee spell You breathe the winds of time over a creature or object, al-
attack and on a hit it deals 1d10 + wisdom modifier of blud- tering the temporal flow by accelerating its natural processes.
geoning damage, and can, using a bonus action, grapple the When you cast the spell, you can choose to accelerate the
hit creature (the difficulty to escape the grapple is equal to targeted creature or object aging process by a factor of twenty,
the spell’s DC). A creature grappled by the tentacles is under causing it to experience the effects twenty times the normal
the restrained condition while it is grappled and while it is passage of time. For example, you could cause a plant to grow
holding a creature, you cannot use the tentacles to obtain to maturity in a matter of hours, accelerate the onset of a
the other benefits of this spell. poison to take effect within seconds instead of minutes, or
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 10-foot end a magical effect with a minimum duration of one min-
radius circle centered on you and deals 2d6 cold damage. ute instantly. This spell can age a touched creature or object
by 100 days in one. If the target is a creature, it can make a
Whiff Constitution saving throw to avoid the effect on a success.
1st-level air Note that the spell only affects natural and mystical process-
Casting Time: 1 action es related to time, and does not affect the actions or abilities
Range: Self (30-foot line) of the target. The spell can be used to affect a wide range
Components: V, S of effects related to time, but the GM should determine the
Duration: Instantaneous limits of the spell’s effects and the potential consequences
of using it in creative ways.
You blow air and create a whirlwind that travels in a 30-foot
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge affects a 30-foot
long, 5-foot wide, and 15-foot high line, stopping at walls
cone and deals 8d6 thunder damage plus 1d6 thunder dam-
or solid structures. All creatures, large or smaller, hit by the
age for every spell level used above 5th.
tornado must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure,
the targets are pushed 20 feet in a direction of your choice. Windstorm Point
If their movement is obstructed by an obstacle, they suffer 4th-level air
1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet moved.
The gust also disperses gas or vapor, extinguishes unpro- Casting Time: 1 action
tected flames, and causes protected flames, such as lanterns, Range: 30 feet
to dance wildly, with a 50 percent chance to extinguish them. Components: V, S
Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals thunder Duration: 1 hour
damage, and on the damage roll, consider every 1 or 2 as a 3.” You create a point of pure whirlwind at a location of your
choice. The point remains stationary during the duration
Wind Cover until a creature other than the caster comes within 5 feet of
2nd-level air it. If a non-caster creature tries to pass through this point,
Casting Time: 1 bonus action it must make a Strength check or be flung away in the direc-
Range: Touch tion established by the caster when the spell was cast. The
Components: V, S creature is thrown 40 feet high in that direction.
Duration: 1 round Elemental Flux. Your next Elemental Surge deals 7d6
thunder damage.
A creature you touch becomes invisible until the start of
the next turn. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)


n the Penumbral Plane, a dwarf crawls inside a
nest of arachnid aberrations. Swarmed by monsters, he
easily shrugs off their attacks. When he finally sees the
queen, the dwarf shapeshifts into an Arachne himself and
handily defeats his opponent.
While fighting in an Arena match, a gnome makes an ab-
errant tentacle grow from his back. Using it to cross a pit with
a series of acrobatic moves, he lands right by his enemies.
Grinning, he grapples his opponents with his tentacle and
throws them one by one into the pit, ensuring his Team’s victory.
A human is pursued by the Ironhand. Her crime? Existing.
As she is surrounded by guards, a pair of twisted wings sprout
from her back. She takes flight and leaves town, knowing that
on her back are not only tentacles or wings, but a target.

Shadowy and agile guides and hunters of the Penumbral

Plane who hate penumbral creatures. They wield
aberrant powers, but at the cost of their sanity, walking
a thin line between power and madness.

The Madwalkers, survivors of the Penumbral Plane’s

malevolent embrace, are individuals forever marked by
their terrifying experiences with abominations spawned by
the vile influence of the Ungods. Their fractured minds bear
the scars of unspeakable horrors, yet they have harnessed
the dark energies of the Penumbra to exact retribution up-
on the loathsome progeny of the Ungods. Their mastery of
this mysterious force and the resilience forged in the depths
of their insanity makes them formidable champions in the
eternal struggle against the encroaching darkness.
To earn the powers of a Madwalker, an initiate must under-
go a terrifying rite of passage, confronting and vanquishing
either Watchers or Arachnes, before attuning to their essence
by absorbing their power. Occasionally, this transformation
transpires spontaneously when individuals seeking vengeance
become trapped within the Penumbral Plane, fighting for
their lives and slaying aberrant creatures to survive. However,
a knowledgeable mentor can shepherd the initiate through
this process, enabling them to deliberately overcome their
monstrous adversaries, assimilate their energy, and assume
the mantle of a Madwalker.
The source of a Madwalker’s power determines their abil-
ities and the path they tread. The Nightmare’s Augury Trail,
achieved by hunting and assimilating the essence of a servant
of Golgöggoth, the Augur and master of the Watchers, grants
Madwalkers foresight and exceptional mental fortitude, as
well as daunting defensive prowess. Conversely, the Aberrant
Arachinid Trail, obtained by hunting and assimilating the es-
sence of an arachnid servant of Bellera, the Ungods’ progeny,


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

T he M adwalker
P roficiency M utation M utations
L evel F eatures
B onus L evel K nown
1st +2 Aberrant Mutation, Penumbral Shape 1st 2
2nd +2 Trail of Madness 1st 2
3rd +2 Shadow Sense , Blades of Madness 1st 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 1st 3
5th +3 Extra Attack 2nd 4
6th +3 Aberrant Mind 2nd 4
7th +3 Trail of Madness Feature 2nd 5
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 2nd 5
9th +4 - 3rd 6
10th +4 Warped Morphology 3rd 6
11th +4 Penumbral Shift 3rd 7
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 3rd 7
13th +5 - 4th 8
14th +5 Trail of Madness Feature 4th 8
15th +5 Penumbral Portal 4th 9
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4th 9
17th +6 - 5th 10
18th +6 Trail of Madness Feature 5th 10
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 5th 11
20th +6 Waking Nightmare 5th 11

bestows upon Madwalkers unmatched hunting expertise, History of the Madwalkers

empowering them to orchestrate lethal ambushes and wield
potent toxins against their prey. In the shadowy annals of Tanares’ history, the genesis of
Ostracized by society as deranged and tainted, Madwalkers the Madwalkers traces back to the Ancient Age, a bygone
dwell on the fringes of civilization. Yet their unique ability era where intrepid mortals dared to probe the enigmatic
to withstand the Penumbra’s insidious corruption, navigate Penumbral Plane. These forays, aimed at combating the
its treacherous landscapes, and confront its dark horrors ceaseless menace of Penumbral monstrosities, were often
with lethal precision make them invaluable allies to mighty led by individuals fueled by vengeance against the insidious
kingdoms and influential organizations. offspring of the Ungods. As they ventured into the twisted
Delving into the abyss of their own madness, Madwalkers depths of this shadowy realm, these tormented souls were
manifest their innermost nightmares in corporeal form. At tainted and driven to the brink of insanity by confrontations
the zenith of their insanity, they can temporarily assume the with grotesque, aberrant horrors. Only a sparse few of those
guise of a penumbral monstrosity, granting them immense who endured and narrowly evaded becoming aberrations
power. However, this metamorphosis demands a terrible themselves were left so irrevocably warped that they were
price, leaving them enfeebled in its aftermath. transformed into the first Madwalkers.
The Madwalker’s journey is a precarious balancing act As the sands of time relentlessly marched forward, these
between their humanity and the source of their power - the enigmatic warriors fractured into two factions, each drawn
insanity that threatens to consume them. They navigate a to disparate sources of power. One faction pursued the ma-
treacherous path fraught with daunting challenges as they lignant might of the Arachnes, malevolent minions of the
strive to maintain their sanity while wielding the unfettered Ungods, believing that mastering their adversaries’ power
power of their nightmares. Those who master this power can would bring about ultimate retribution. The other faction
unleash a force beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. yearned for the essence of the Watchers, fallen angels in
servitude to Golgöggoth, the Augur. These tainted beings
could defy the Ungods’ servants, their energy morphing
into a formidable weapon.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

These factions harbored disdain for one another, each Fighting Madness
unwavering in their conviction of their chosen path’s dom-
inance. Arachnid Madwalkers derided the Augury faction with Madness
as feeble, incapable of withstanding corruption. Conversely, The Madwalkers hold the ability to harness the chaotic essence
Augury Madwalkers loathed utilizing their enemies’ power, of their fragmented psyche, channeling the eldritch terrors
contending that the Watchers’ essence more closely aligned of the Penumbra as potent weapons. These tainted warriors
with their righteous, vengeful crusade. stand unbowed in the relentless battle against the festering
Throughout the history, Madwalkers were cast out as malignancy that lurks deep within the world’s core. Bound
tainted pariahs, yet they persisted on the fringes of soci- to the Penumbra by the torment of their shattered minds,
ety, lurking in Tanares’ penumbral recesses to hunt the Madwalkers possess an innate sense for detecting penum-
abominations they swore to annihilate. For centuries, the bral beings, portals, and rifts, allowing them to relentlessly
Evolutionist Church, ensnared in the Ungods’ duplicitous pursue their prey through the darkest recesses of existence.
web, pursued the Madwalkers as heretics. This persecution Masterful Madwalkers wield the power to conjure tempo-
persisted through the dark and grim Fallen Age until the rary penumbral rifts—interdimensional gateways that forge
dawning of the Imperial Age. a tenuous connection between the nightmarish realm and
A recent turning tide came when several resurgent angels the Material Plane. This unparalleled mastery makes them
unveiled the gods’ true intentions, unmasking the Ungods’ invaluable allies in the age-old struggle against the dreaded
deceit inside the Evolutionist Church. This revelation sparked Ungods, as they can skillfully enter or exit the Penumbral
the transformation of the Church into the Celestianist Plane to confront the eldritch horrors that lie hidden within.
Church, which began to perceive Madwalkers as potential However, the Penumbra’s power demands a dire sacri-
allies. The Awakened, an elite monster-hunting order within fice. Madwalkers teeter precariously on the brink between
the Church, incorporated numerous Madwalkers, bolstering the fragile bounds of sanity and the unfathomable abyss of
their ranks and elevating their status in the ongoing struggle madness. In moments of utmost desperation, a Madwalker
against the Ungods. may choose to embrace their darkest nightmares, undergo-
ing a horrifying transfiguration into a fearsome penumbral
monstrosity. This metamorphosis allows them to assume
the form of one of the many Penumbral Creatures, such
as Emoguns, Watchers, or even Arachnes, depend-
ing on their source of power. In doing so, they gain
immense strength and resilience, but at the perilous
cost of potentially succumbing to the Penumbra’s
all-consuming lunacy.

The Whispers of the

Penumbral Plane
In the uncharted depths of the cosmos, where the mortal
realm’s influence wanes, lies the Penumbral Plane. This
eldritch and twisted dimension, born of the corruption
wrought by the vile Ungods, unfurls into six distinct
layers—each a haunting echo of a plane devoured by the
Ungods’ insatiable hunger for planar domination. This
realm teems with macabre denizens, including insidi-
ous cultists, tainted penumbral dragons, and distorted
emoguns—sullied souls of mortals whose dying hearts
were consumed by sins and darkness.
The Surface is cloaked in an enigmatic shroud
of mists, reflecting a warped simulacrum of
Tanares. Ruled by the enigmatic Penumbral
Dragons, the mists possess a potent cor-
ruptive power, and even the most deranged
madwalkers steer clear of this forsaken place.
Numerous cavern entrances and pathways offer
temporary refuge from the mists and the dread-
ful Penumbral Dragons that hunt the skies above.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

The Eternal Cathedral, the first layer of the Penumbra, Sparse respite can be found in this dark realm, with a
extends infinitely as a vast, shadowy sanctuary. Once sa- few Dragon Council Towers hidden in secure places across
cred, it now echoes with the whispers of the damned. Filled the different levels, a handful of rare Gloomfolk tribes that
with crumbling altars, toppled statues, and rotting librar- maintain small territories for themselves, and a few surviv-
ies, this formerly holy realm is ruled by Gideoni, the fallen ing Collectors that have resisted corruption. These small
High Cardinal of the Evolutionist Church, now leader of and elusive individuals are difficult to communicate with,
the Cult of Shadow Wing and the chosen of The Mystical as they are more likely to flee than to engage in conversation
One. Commanding legions of devout cultists and emoguns or combat. However, they may offer refuge to those who are
driven by fear and pain, Gideoni’s power casts a dark pall gravely weakened or visibly wounded.
over the cathedral.
Delving deeper, the Caverns of the Magma Giants sprawl The Madwalkers
as a labyrinthine network of colossal tunnels and chambers, and the World
riddled with molten rivers and lakes. Amidst the ruins of
forgotten cities and fortresses, constructed by powerful and The enigmatic madwalkers tread a path shrouded in mystery
thriftless giants, now reside emoguns empowered by wrath and fear, their existence once maligned by the zealous crusade
and gluttony, alongside other twisted beasts spawned by the of the dominant Evolutionist Church. In the wake of scan-
Fleshspawner himself. Ardillog, the Everspawning Chimera, dals unveiling the Ungods’ corruption within the Church’s
watches over this fiery domain with a vigilant eye, ever pre- core, the reformed Celestianist Church has adopted a more
pared to be summoned to the material plane at its bestial subtle stance, tolerating the Madwalkers while withholding
master’s behest. public support as it labors to restore its tarnished reputation.
Descending further, the Crystal Forest emerges. Within The Madwalkers’ minds, frayed by their connection to
its gleaming, narrow tunnels and cavernous expanses, one the ominous penumbral beings, inspire disquiet among the
encounters crystalline flora that shimmer and resonate with populace who tremble before their unnerving abilities and
eerie vibrations, all filled with spider webs. Bellara, mistress unsettling visage. Yet, it is this very instability that grants
of this crystalline expanse, leads an army of arachnees and them the power to empathize with those whose sanity has
emoguns that feed on grudge and pride; they hide in the been ravaged by the abominations of the penumbral plane,
webs, ready to hunt the unwary. extracting invaluable knowledge where others flounder.
The Endless City, the fourth layer, sprawls across a desolate Possessing a singular, twisted perspective, they devise tac-
expanse the size of a continent. This once-grand world-sized tics and strategies that confound even the most brilliant of
metropolis now lies in ruin, its narrow streets, alleys, and minds. This uncanny ability to discern hidden patterns ren-
decrepit buildings overtaken by shadows. Catharina, ser- ders the most exceptional Madwalkers highly sought after by
vant of the Lady of Sins, presides over this decayed realm, organizations and kingdoms seeking to shatter conventional
conspiring with Bellara as they command covens of Purple paradigms with groundbreaking insights.
Witches and powerful Hags that transform entire sections of As they navigate the cities of Tanares, Madwalkers are ever
the ancient city into swampy lands filled with sewage water, mindful of the need for discretion. They cloak themselves
mutated rats, and emoguns spawned by lust and disgust, en- in shadows, acutely aware that common folk can sense the
snaring invaders with illusions and enticing their curiosity disturbing penumbral aura that envelops them.
to curse them with hexes. In the forsaken outskirts, where society’s outcasts huddle
Treading deeper still, the Clock Level reveals itself as an together, Madwalkers find a semblance of solace. Amidst
endless array of bronze gears and mechanisms, its passages these dark fringes, they escape the judging eyes of the people,
opening and closing with clockwork precision, creating a forging a tenuous sense of belonging in a world that would
labyrinth of gears, levers, and shifting walls. The emoguns otherwise cast them aside. Their shared experience of being
here rejoice on sloth and sadness, wandering this domain. pariahs nurtures a sense of brotherhood among them, while
Ruled by the First Queen, the ancient hive mother of the their similarly warped minds exchange ideas through fleeting
Kikoku, her swarm hides in all crevices of the endless gears glances and subtle gestures that only they can comprehend.
that form this level, ready to attack or seize control of the To earn a living, many Madwalkers hunt penumbral crea-
many ancient bronze constructs and assail invaders in the tures, presenting their slain quarry to the Dragon Towers
territory of their Queen. as evidence of their victories and claiming bounties offered
At last, the Inverted Archives await. Within this enigmatic by the Draconic Council. Although the pervasive fear sur-
realm where gravity is inverted and ancient library rooms rounding them stifles any hope for public acclaim or po-
are connected only through one-way metallic mirrors that sitions of influence, a select few Madwalkers maintain an
serve as portals, the Dark Collector, master of this domain, artful facade, concealing their true nature as they excel in
presides over a group of sinister hoarders who have suc- their chosen fields. These few can become powerful nobles,
cumbed to corruption; they command all penumbral crea- seen as eccentric by others, and are able to fund and provide
tures in the archives, which teem with emoguns that prey protection to many aspiring Madwalkers.
on greed and envy.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Simultaneously, factions entangled in Tanares’ cold war In Other Settings
covet the singular prowess of the Madwalkers, enlisting them
as assassins and infiltrators in covert operations. Their actions As long as there are nightmares in your setting, a madwalker
reverberate throughout the societies they traverse, bearing can tap into its oneiric fabric and embody its creations; it is
far-reaching consequences. therefore not only possible, but easy, to play as a madwalker
in other settings. Even though only a few minor powers of
Creating a Madwalker a madwalker relate to the Penumbral Plane, many other
settings have similar dark or astral environments that you
To create a Madwalker character, start by deciding how you can treat as if they were the madwalker’s penumbra, such
became a Madwalker. What brought you to the plane of night- as the Shadowfell.
mares? How you acquired your powers, you had a mentor or
you survived alone the horrors of the plane of nightmares?
Did you seek out its power, or were you pulled in by accident? Class Features
How your newfound abilities and your changed mental state As a madwalker, you gain the following class features.
affected your daily life, and what sort of relationship do you
have with the people from your past? Hit Points
In addition to backstory, it’s important to consider your Hit Dice: 1d8 per madwalker level
Madwalker’s personality. Are they playful and mischievous, Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
or dark and brooding? Do they revel in their powers or feel Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution
a sense of guilt and responsibility for what they can do? modifier per madwalker level after 1st
Finally, think about how your Madwalker fits into the larger
world. Do they have allies or enemies who know about their
powers? Are they hunted by those who fear their abilities, Armor: Light armor
or sought after by those who desire their power? Why are Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
you adventuring, vengeance against an evil being, desire Tools: Thieves’ tools
for power and wealth, or some other personal reason? Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Athletics, Insight,
Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Stealth, and Survival


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Equipment Penumbral Shape
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
When you reach the maximum number of Insanity Points
equipment granted by your background:
indicated on the table, your shape becomes that of a pen-
• (a) a rapier or (b) a longsword
umbral creature for as many minutes as your madwalker
• (a) a longbow and a quiver with 20 arrows or (b) a shorts- level. You automatically revert to your normal form if you
word fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die.
• (a) an adventurer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack Each level grants you access to new Penumbral Shapes,
• Two daggers and thieves’ tools according to the following table:

Aberrant Mutation A vailable P enumbral S hapes

L evel B asic A berrant N ightmare ’ s
You can produce unimaginable temporary modifications to ( aspect ) A rachnid T rail A ugury T rail
your body, known as Aberrant Mutations. Some of them re- 1st Gluttony - -
quire the target(s) to roll a saving throw to resist their effects.
2nd - Aracne Serf Nightmare Lurker
Aberrant Mutation save DC = 8 + your proficiency 3rd Envy Aracne Scout Nightmare Keeper
bonus + your Wisdom modifier 5th Disgust Aracne Soldier Nightmare Guardian
7th Sloth Aracne Ambusher Nightmare Warrior
Known Aberrant Mutations 9th Pain Aracne Hunter Nightmare Overseer
At 1st level, you know the Dark Energy 1st-level Aberrant
11th Lust Aracne Sorcerer Penumbral Eye
Mutation and two other 1st-level Aberrant Mutations of your
13th Sadness Aracne Noble Penumbral Oppressor
choice from the list later in this section. You may learn a new
Aberrant Mutation every time you gain a madwalker level as 15th Pride Aracne Commander Penumbral Lord

long as you do not exceed the maximum number of known 17th Greed Aracne Overlord Penumbral Vizir
Mutations as shown in the madwalker table on page 139. 19th Fear Aracne Matriarch Penumbral Tyrant
If you wish, when you gain a madwalker level, you may
choose one Aberrant Mutation that you already know and You have access to the basic shapes and, starting at 2nd
replace it with another. Each of your Aberrant Mutations must level, you also have access to the shapes from your Trail of
be of a level no higher than your madwalker level allows. Madness, as shown in the table. When this ability activates,
(For example, when you reach 5th level of the class,you can choose and transform into one of the basic or trail shapes
learn a new Aberrant Mutation of 1st or 2nd level,but you available. If there is not enough space for your chosen shape
cannot know more than four Aberrant Mutations.) to fit, the transformation fails and you lose its use.
You can use only one Aberrant Mutation per round, but While you are transformed, the following rules apply:
you can have more than one of them active. • All attacks, damaging spells, and effects from your shape
deal 1d4 extra damage, increasing to 2d4 at 6th level,
Insanity Points 3d4 at 12th level, and 4d4 at 18th level.
• Your game statistics are replaced by those of the penumbral
Madwalkers delve deeper and deeper into the realms of mad-
creature, but you retain your alignment, personality, Intel-
ness as they use their powers. After activating an Aberrant
ligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You also retain all
Mutation, at the end of your turn you acquire the number
of your skill and saving throw proficiencies, in addition to
of Insanity Points stated in its description.
gaining the creature’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
Once you amass a specified number of Insanity Points, you
saving throw proficiencies, and all other proficiencies it may
receive a penalty to your AC and all attacks and saving throws,
have. If the penumbral creature has the same proficiency
as shown in the Insanity Steps table. When you reach maxi-
as you and the bonus in its stat block is higher than yours,
mum Insanity, you transform into a Penumbral Shape. After
use the creature’s bonus instead of yours.
the transformation ends, you remain at maximum Insanity
and stop gaining points (keeping the penalties). • While in your Penumbral Shape, you may not activate
You lose all Insanity Points after finishing a long rest. Aberrant Mutations, cast spells, or use any of your original

I nsanity S teps
T otal P enalty to I nsanity P oints I nsanity P oints I nsanity P oints I nsanity P oints I nsanity P oints
A ttacks , AC and (1 st to 4 th (5 th to 8 th (9 th to 12 th (13 th to 16 th (17 th to 20 th
saves levels ) levels ) levels ) levels ) levels )

–1 penalty 3 to 5 6 to 11 9 to 17 12 to 23 15 to 29
–2 penalty 6 to 8 12 to 17 18 to 26 24 to 35 30 to 44
–3 penalty 9 or more 18 or more 27 or more 36 or more 45 or more
Penumbral Shape 12 (maximum) 24 (maximum) 36 (maximum) 48 (maximum) 60 (maximum)


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

form’s skills. Any active Aberrant Mutation ends imme- that the new form can’t wear must either fall to the ground
diately. Except for your proficiencies, mental abilities, or merge with it. Equipment that merges with the form
and Blades of Madness feature, you only have access to has no effect until you leave the form.
the skills and features of your Penumbral Shape.
• The Insanity Steps table penalties do not apply while Trail Of Madness
in this form.
At 2nd level, you are able to manifest one of the power-
• The transformation automatically interrupts your con-
ful creatures of the Penumbral Plane. Choose between the
centration in spells and features you may have already
Nightmare Augury Trail or the Aberrant Arachnid Trail. Each
cast or activated.
trail offers unique Aberrant Mutations, Penumbral Shapes,
• When you transform, you assume the creature’s maximum and features at the 2nd, 7th, 14th, and 18th levels.
hit points and Hit Dice. When you revert to your normal
form, you return to the number of hit points you had be- Shadow Sense
fore you transformed. However, if you revert as a result of
dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to At 3rd level, your mental bond with the realm of nightmares
your normal form. For example, if your Penumbral Shape deepens, enhancing your sense of reality. You gain advan-
has 1 hit point left and you take 10 damage, you revert and tage on all Wisdom checks and saving throws against envi-
your normal form takes 9 damage. As long as the excess ronmental effects in the Penumbral Plane. However, while
damage doesn’t reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, interacting with beings from the Material Plane, excluding
you aren’t knocked unconscious other madwalkers, you suffer disadvantage on all Charisma
• When you transform, you choose whether your equip- checks, except Intimidation.
ment falls to the ground in your space, merges into your In addition, you are adept at locating portals and rifts
new form, or is worn by it. Worn equipment functions leading to and from the Penumbral Plane, being aware of
as normal, but the GM decides whether it is practical for their distance, direction, and size within a 1-mile radius.
the new form to wear a piece of equipment based on the
creature’s shape and size. The equipment doesn’t change
size or shape to match the new form, and any equipment


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Blades Of Madness Waking Nightmare
At 3rd level, you can materialize your nightmares and distort Starting at 20th level, once per long rest, with an action, you
reality. When you use an Aberrant Mutation, you may reroll can transform into your Penumbral Shape, regardless of how
any number of damage dice until the end of your turn, using many Madness Points you have. This transformation does
the second result. Even in your Penumbral Shape, you can not interfere with the transformation resulting from your
apply this ability to all damage dice. accumulated Madness Points.

Ability Score Improvement Trails Of Madness

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice Aberrant Arachnid Trail
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice (Arachnid Hunter’s)
by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above
20 using this feature. Madwalkers that follow this path are not only feared but also
hated by the Arachness. The gruesome ritual they undergo
Extra Attack attunes them to the energies of Ungods and the Arachnees,
harnessing their vicious powers by taking the heart of an
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, Arachne, a price paid willingly for power.
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. These Madwalkers move through the shadows, sensing
and manipulating the chaotic vibrations of the Penumbral
Aberrant Mind Plane, blades dripping with deadly poison, and hands weav-
Starting at the 6th level, your proficiency bonus is doubled ing sticky webs that ensnare prey. They feed off their victim’s
for saving throws against effects that manipulate your emo- fear, savoring the scent of terror that fills the air before they
tions, read your thoughts, cause the charmed condition, or strike with unmatched intensity and aggression.
belong to the enchantment or illusion schools. This bonus Their transformations are an affront to all that is natural,
also applies to saves against spells or effects from aberration becoming horrid, fearsome exemplars of cunning and vi-
creatures or natural creatures of the Penumbral Plane. ciousness. The resulting humanoid-spider hybrids are chaotic
deadly creatures that send shivers down the spine of even
Warped Morphology the bravest warriors, their presence alone an omen of a hor-
rible fate. These Madwalkers revel in their sinister powers,
Your proximity to the Penumbral Plane energies causes your embracing their chaos and savoring the taste of their prey’s
physiology to become bizarre. Starting at the 10th level, when terror as they move through the shadows, always aware of
an enemy scores a critical hit on you, they must re-roll the the price they pay for their power.
attack. You can use this ability once, regaining its use after With their senses attuned to the deep hunger of the spi-
a short or long rest. ders, the Madwalkers that follow this path move through the
Penumbral Plane as deadly predators, always on the hunt
Penumbral Shift for their next victim.
From the 11th level, you can, once per long rest, use an action Aberrant Arachnid Mutations
to transport yourself and your allies to the Penumbral Plane
As an Aberrant Arachnid Trail madwalker, you have access
or back to the Material Plane. This feature works similarly
to various exclusive Aberrant Mutations acquired at 2nd,
to the plane shift spell, but exclusively between the Material
5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th madwalker levels. Upon gaining
Plane and the Penumbral Plane.
each of these levels, you may choose one of the available
Penumbral Portal Aberrant Mutations, and it does not count toward the num-
ber of Aberrant Mutations known.
At 15th level, when using your Penumbral Shift ability, you
can choose to create a portal from the Penumbral Plane to A berrant A rachnid M utations
the Material Plane or vice versa. This 10-foot portal remains M adwalker L evel A vailable A berrant M utations
open for 1 minute or until you close it using a bonus action. 2nd Noxious Attack, Shadow Web
For all other purposes, it functions like the gate spell.
5th Venom Splash, Nauseating Spray
9th Arachnid Legs, Venomous Saliva
13th Allergic Spores, Pheromone Spray
17th Web Cocoon, Exoskeleton


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Cunning Predator in an area that offers total cover or is heavily obscured, you
You embody the agility and predatory instincts of a spider. can hide as part of this reaction.
At 2nd level, while wearing light or no armor and without
Black Widow’s Web
a shield, your Armor Class (AC) increases by 1. In addition,
Starting at the 14th level, once per long rest, you can spend
every time you engage in a melee attack against a creature
10 minutes to weave a mystical web around you. This creates
with no allies within a 5-foot radius, you gain temporary
a 50-foot radius circular area. Creatures oblivious to the
hit points equal to your madwalker level. These hit points
web must make a Wisdom (Perception) check against your
last for a minute and are granted even if the attack fails.
Stealth to spot it before entering its area.
They don’t stack. Starting from the 5th level, you add your
You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks within
proficiency bonus to your level when obtaining these tem-
this area. Furthermore, if you’re in contact with the web, you
porary hit points.
can sense all creatures that touch or move through it, thus,
Arachne Penumbral Shape they can’t surprise you.
Starting at 2nd level, you have access to penumbral shapes For all other creatures, the web is difficult terrain. If they
exclusive to the Aberrant Arachnid Trail (see Madwalker’s move or end their turn on the web, they must succeed a
penumbral shapes). Dexterity saving throw (DC 20) once per turn. If they fail,
they become restrained and stuck in the web. At the end of
Arachnid Nature each turn, the restrained creature can attempt a Strength
Starting at 7th level, you gain poison immunity and can use saving throw (DC 20) to break free from the web. The web
your walking speed as a climbing speed. This allows you to lasts for 8 hours.
traverse walls and ceilings hands-free.
Arachnid Camouflage
Additionally, when you suffer damage from an attack, you
can react by moving up to 20 feet. If you end your movement Starting at the 18th level, once per short rest, you can use an
action to become invisible for a minute or until you decide
to reveal yourself. Any creature trying to detect you while
you’re invisible in this way suffers a disadvantage on the
Perception check. This invisibility isn’t inter-
rupted by attacking. Anything you’re wear-
ing or carrying becomes invisible with you.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Insanity Effects they are already suffering by one level. If they are not
When the Madwalker advances in one of the first three suffering any effect, nothing happens.
Insanity Steps, they must also roll a d8 to determine how Whenever this roll results in one of the effects they
their mind is being affected by madness. did not remove from their list, they gain a level of that
At 1st level, the Madwalker can choose 1 to 3 of the madness, suffering its bonuses and penalties. If they are
following effects to not be part of the insanities they already suffering from that madness, they advance it to
are subject to. the next level, adding a new effect. If they are already
When advancing an Insanity Step, the Madwalker rolls at the second level of that madness, nothing happens.
a d8 and checks the Insanity Effects Table. If they roll The effects of each level of madness are cumulative
the number of one of the types of madness they chose and end if the Madwalker takes a long rest.
not to be subject to, they advance each of the effects

D8 R esult I nsanity E ffects

Delirant (1) You see and hear things that no one else does, con- The things you see and hear talk with you, inciting you to do as
vening hidden meanings. they say.
You have disadvantage on all Wisdom checks but At the start of your turn roll a die, if it’s even you add 1d4 to all
gain advantage on all intelligence ones. rolls in your turn, if it’s odd you subtract 1d4 of all rolls in your turn.
Maniacal (2) You find the world around you fun. The whole existence is a joke, and you laugh in the face of danger.
Whenever an ally fails a saving throw or attack, you You have -1 to your AC, but your attacks deal +1 damage and you
gain +1 to attack rolls and -1 to ac until the end of are immune to being stunned, incapacitated and to sleep effects.
your next turn.
Enraged (3) Your anger makes clear to others that they should not When your anger explodes, you become a crazy beast, hurting
bother you. yourself and everyone in your way.
You automatically fail any Charisma (Persuasion) All your melee attacks do +2 damage, but they also cause you to
check, but you have advantage on all Charisma take 2 damage that cannot be resisted or reduced in any way.
(Intimidation) checks.
Fearful (4) You see the world’s dangers as they truly are, making You know that they are after you.
you very cautious. You gain +1 to AC and on all saving throws, but your fear also crip-
You have disadvantage on all initiative checks, but ples your actions. You have -1 to all attack rolls and ability checks.
you cannot be surprised and you have +2 AC until the
start of your first turn on each combat.
Sadistic (5) You like to see others suffering. You like to kill other people.
At the start of your turn, if there is an enemy adjacent On your turn, whenever a non-allied creature adjacent to you has
to you and you can attack it, you feel the need to 0 HP, you have disadvantage on all rolls on your turn that are not
harm it in some way. All attacks made to cause harm made with the intention to kill that creature. If you kill it, you regain
against one of such enemies have a +1 on the attack hit points equal to half your level (rounded up).
roll, and all actions that are not done to cause harm
to one of them have -1 to all its rolls.
Fanatic (6) You know the powers beyond talking with you in your The ancient entities feed you with unfathomable power.
nightmares. You are one of their chosen. Your Insanity Steps penalty increases by -1, but once per turn you
Immediately gain 1 + half your level insanity points, can add 1d6 psychic damage to an attack or aberrant mutation that
but your Insanity Steps does not cause Saving Throws causes damage.
penalty for you.
Gloomy (7) You feel blue, and don’t really feel the need to place Nothing really matters to you, and all is pointless.
effort into things. You don’t apply stats modifiers on any damage roll you make.
You always consider that you rolled a 10 on all ability Reduce all damage caused to you by 5 (to a minimum of 1).
Narcissistic You know how great you are, but you cannot accept Someone like you cannot be touched by lesser beings.
(8) when others cause you to fail. You have +1 AC, but whenever an attack hits you, you take 1d4
When you hit an enemy you gain +1 to attack rolls extra psychic damage. This damage ignores immunities, resistances,
until you miss an attack. and cannot be reduced in any way.
When you miss an attack on an enemy, you gain -1 to
attack rolls until you hit an attack.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Nightmare’s Augury Trail Nightmarish Augurs
(Nightmare Predator’s) At the 2nd level, your terrifying dreams reveal twisted pieces
of your future, enabling you to brace for impending dangers.
Madwalkers that follow this path have delved into darkness, After completing a long rest, you can select ‘even’ or ‘odd’.
seeking the strength of the Watchers, natural enemies of all Until your next long rest, whenever you receive damage from
other Penumbral creatures, so they can gain power to destroy an attack and the attack roll’s natural result matches your
them. By taking the heart of one of Augur’s Watchers, they selection, you have resistance to all damage from that attack,
have unlocked the energies of the Penumbral Plane, trans- except in case of a critical hit.
forming themselves into twisted beings of immense power. Additionally, from the 5th level, you gain the ability to
Though the Watchers regard them as mere nuisances, these foresee your potential demise. If you take damage substantial
Madwalkers relish their newfound might. enough to drop you to 0 hit points or lower, you can use your
With their senses attuned to Augur’s powers of vision reaction to spend any number of hit dice, instantly regaining
and dark prophecy, these Madwalkers move through the hit points equivalent to the total rolled, potentially preventing
shadows with sinister intent. Their intuition predicts future your hit points from dropping to 0 or lower.
events with eerie accuracy, and they can see what no other
mortal can perceive. Nightmare’s Augury
Their transformation is a grotesque and horrifying spec- Penumbral Shape
tacle, turning them into floating creatures of writhing ten- Starting at 2nd level, you have access to penumbral shapes ex-
tacles and spikes, covered in sinister scales, with a massive clusive to the Nightmare’s Augury Trail (see Madwalker’s pen-
mouth filled with serrated teeth that feed on the pain and umbral shapes). Additionally, when you assume a Penumbral
suffering of their victims. Their minds become even more Shape exclusive to the Nightmare’s Augury Trail, you also re-
twisted and focused in this state, consumed by thoughts of place your wisdom with the wisdom of the Penumbral Shape.
domination and control.
Some of these Madwalkers struggle against their nature, Psychic Shield
seeking to use their power for good, but others succumb to At 7th level, while conscious, you can uphold a psychic pro-
their darkest desires, using their might to oppress and dom- tective shield. As long as this shield is active, any damage
inate others. Nevertheless, many of these dark beings have you sustain from an attack is reduced by an amount equal
turned their eyes towards heroism, using their fearsome abil- to your Wisdom modifier (before applying any resistances,
ities to fight against the very darkness that empowers them. vulnerabilities, and other effects).
Their very presence strikes fear in the hearts of their ene- In addition, when you make a saving throw, you can use
mies, and their power is unmatched. They pay a terrible price your reaction to augment the roll with your Wisdom modifier.
for it, but they do not regret their path, as they continue to
grow stronger, becoming even more powerful as they move Mental Power
through the penumbra with their newfound abilities. At the 14th level, you gain immunity to psychic damage and
a flight speed equivalent to your walking speed, along with
Nightmare’s Augury Mutations the hover property.
As a Madwalker of the Nightmare’s Augury Trail, you have ac- In addition, you can communicate telepathically with any
cess to a range of Aberrant Mutations unique to this subclass, creature within a 90-foot radius. You can understand and
acquired at 2nd, 5th, 9th, 13rd, and 17th levels of Madwalker. converse with any intelligent creature within range, even if
Upon gaining each of these levels, you may choose one of the you do not share a common language.
available Aberrant Mutations, and it does not count toward As a bonus action, you can employ this ability to mimic
the number of Aberrant Mutations known. the effects of detect thoughts spell. If the creature is unwill-
N ightmare ’ s A ugury M utations
ing, it must succeed a Wisdom saving throw against your
Aberrant Mutation’s DC to resist both the communication
M adwalker L evel A vailable A berrant M utations
and the thought-reading ability.
2nd Mind Slash, Psychic Bond
5th Mind Drain, Psychic Weapon Nocturnal Prelude
9th Telepathic Mindlink, Waves of Headache At 18th level, you can predict the near future and modify it.
13th Minor Telekinesis, Penumbral Attraction You can impose advantage or disadvantage on any of your
rolls, an ally’s, or an enemy’s in your line of sight, a number
17th Eye of Augury, Phantom of Penumbra
of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, regaining uses af-
ter a long rest.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Aberrant Mutations Horrid Tentacle
1 Insanity Point
1st Level With a bonus action, you can conjure a grotesque tenta-
cle from your back, extending up to 10 feet. This aberrant
limb persists for 1 minute. The tentacle can execute only
Bioluminescent Secretion the following tasks:
1 Insanity Point + 1 point per 5 feet added to cone size • Using an action, you can pull, drag, or lift an object or will-
As a bonus action, you can generate a glowing, biolumi- ing creature, or cling onto something. When performing
nescent substance. This secretion illuminates an area within these actions, you can carry twice the weight your Strength
5 feet and leaves a radiant trail wherever you move. After 8 normally allows.
hours, the mutation ends and the emission fades entirely. • Through a bonus action, the tentacle can interact with
You can prematurely end this mutation to discharge a objects. For instance, it can open or shut containers and
larger, slick amount of secretion over a 15-foot cone on the doors, utilize keys, activate levers, push buttons, grasp
ground, rendering it as difficult terrain. All creatures within small objects, and other similar tasks, subject to the GM’s
this area must pass a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. discretion.
A creature that either enters or ends its turn in this area
• The tentacle can function as an auxiliary limb, granting
must also make the Dexterity saving throw. The area stays
you advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Ath-
illuminated and slippery for 8 hours.
letics) checks.
You can augment the size of the cone, up to a maximum of
• The tentacle can be used as a melee weapon endowed with
+25 feet, gaining 1 extra Insanity Point for every additional
light and finesse properties. It has a reach of 10 feet and
5 feet. Your total Insanity Points cannot exceed the limit
deals 1d10 bludgeoning damage. If you’re wielding a weap-
when enlarging the area. Also, you cannot use this power if
on in one hand, the tentacle can serve as a second light
you are at your Insanity Point maximum.
weapon for two-weapon combat.
Dark Energy • The tentacle cannot wield a shield.
1 Insanity Point, +1 per extra point of damage (see below)
Before rolling for an attack, you can, as a free action, in-
Penumbral Echoes
fuse your weapons with dark energy. Until the start of your 1 Insanity Point
next turn, your next successful attack deals an additional With a bonus action, you can manipulate your vocal cords
1d6 necrotic damage. Before the attack roll, you can choose for 1 minute, granting you the ability to emit sounds other-
to gain extra Insanity Points to bolster this damage, with a wise impossible to replicate. You can mimic any sound you’ve
maximum total insanity accumulated equal to your level each heard, be it from creatures (voices, grunts, growls) or objects
time you utilize this power. For each extra Insanity Point you (hammer clang, door creak, drops falling). A creature hearing
gain, add 1 to the necrotic damage roll. The total Insanity the sound can attempt a DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) check to
Points gained cannot exceed your current Insanity Point limit. identify it as an imitation. With an action, you can end this
For instance, a 3rd-level Madwalker using this power can Mutation and release a frightful roar that resonates across
gain 1 Insanity Point to deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage, a 10-foot radius. Each creature within range must succeed
2 points to deal 1d6+1, or 3 points to deal 1d6+2. However, a Wisdom save or suffer 2d4 thunder damage and be fright-
she couldn’t gain 4 points, as it would exceed her level. If the ened for 1 minute. An affected creature must attempt a new
current Insanity Point total is 10 and the limit is 12, she can Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns. Upon
only gain 1 or 2 points on this power. Once she reaches 12 success, the effect ceases and the creature becomes immune
points, she can still use this power (+1d6) but can no longer to it for the next 24 hours.
increase its damage.
Note: This ability enables a Madwalker to rapid-
Penumbral Gaze
ly elevate her insanity level if she wishes to reach the 1 Insanity Point
Penumbral Shape sooner. With a bonus action, you can channel shadow energy
through your eyes, causing them to appear large and ghost-
Elastic Limbs ly white. For 1 hour, you have the advantage on Wisdom
1 Insanity Point (Perception) checks that rely on vision. Additionally, you
With a bonus action, you can distort your limbs, elongat- gain darkvision with a range of 60 feet, or double the range
ing them. For the next 10 minutes, your melee attack reach if you already have darkvision.
increases by 5 feet, and your base walking speed increases by With an action, you can end these effects and direct a force
10 feet. If you take bludgeoning damage, you may use your blast toward a creature. Make a ranged attack roll against a
reaction to end this effect and reduce the damage by 2d8. target within 60 feet using your Dexterity modifier and pro-
ficiency bonus. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 force damage.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Space Distortion Shadow Web
1 Insanity Point 1 Insanity Point
With a bonus action, you can bend shadow energy to con- With an action, you can create spiderwebs from your fin-
jure a small portal, enabling your hands to interact with gertips, lasting for 1 minute. The webs can stretch up to 60
distant locations. Until the end of your turn, you can ma- feet, with varying effects:
nipulate objects or creatures up to 30 feet away and trans- • You can launch a web at an object and pull it towards you.
port small items. If it is heavier than 10 pounds, you must pull it using your
While this Mutation is active, you can make melee attacks own strength.
against targets within 30 feet. These attacks ignore cover, and • You can affix the web to objects or solid surfaces, granting
you add your Wisdom modifier to the attack rolls. an advantage on Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acro-
batics) checks when climbing.
Aberrant Arachnid Trail • You can use the web to obstruct an area up to 20 feet in
diameter between two solid objects; a creature entering
Noxious Attack the blocked area must pass a Strength check or become
1 Insanity Point immobilized until the end of its next turn.
With a bonus action, you sprout glands in your hands that • You can aim a web at a creature within range. If the crea-
generate a venom coating your weapon for 1 minute. Each ture fails a Dexterity saving throw, it is restrained for the
successful weapon attack deals an extra 2 poison damage and duration of the effect. It can attempt a Strength saving
bestows a poison marker on the target (maximum of four throw at the end of each of its turns to end the condition.
markers). Creatures with at least one poison marker must
attempt a Constitution saving throw at the beginning of their
turns. On a successful save, they remove all poison markers.
On a failure, they suffer 2 poison damage per poison marker.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Nightmare’s Augury Trail Psychic Bond
1 Insanity Point
Mind Slash As a bonus action, you can establish a telepathic bond
with an ally within a 120-feet range. The link lasts for 1
1 Insanity Point
hour or until the creature moves beyond your range. This
With your action, you unleash a surge of psychic power
bond allows you to communicate with the chosen creature
against a creature you can see, within a 60-feet range, deal-
as though engaged in normal conversation. Furthermore,
ing 3d8 psychic damage. The target makes an Intelligence
for the duration of the link, both can use the Help action
saving throw to reduce the damage by half. On a fail, the
on Intelligence checks made even at a distance.
target has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes
Alternatively, this mutation can be used against a hos-
until the end of your next turn.
tile creature to access its surface thoughts. The target must
succeed a Wisdom saving throw; otherwise, you discern its
emotional state, and it suffers disadvantage on all attacks
against you until your next turn.

2nd Level
Amphibious Skin
2 Insanity Points
With an action, you can modify
your skin to make it slippery, chang-
ing your base AC to 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
This grants you advantage on ability checks and
saving throws to escape the grappled condition.
Additionally, you grow gills on your neck that
allow you to breathe underwater, and your limbs
are adapted to provide a swimming speed equal to
your base walking speed. These effects last for 8 hours.

Body Shaping
2 Insanity Points
With an action, you can alter your physical appear-
ance for the next 8 hours. You can assume the form
of any humanoid creature within your size cate-
gory. Other attributes, such as your voice, scent,
and mannerisms, remain
the same. A creature
must succeed on a DC 20
Intelligence (Investigation)
check to discern that your ap-
pearance is a disguise.
If you assume the form of
a creature that has charmed
or frightened another one,
the affected creature is also
considered charmed or fright-
ened by you while you main-
tain this form or until it sees
through your disguise.
Alternatively, you may
use this mutation to en-
hance your body, grant-
ing you 2d6 temporary hit
points for 1 minute.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Penumbral Leap on a Constitution saving throw or spend its action writhing
2 Insanity Points in pain. The effect ends when an affected creature succeeds
As a bonus action, you can disappear into the shadow on three (nonconsecutive) Constitution saving throws or
realm and move instantly, reappearing in a space you can uses an action to cleanse itself with fresh water. Creatures
see up to 30 feet away. immune to poison are unaffected by this mutation. After
Alternatively, you can use the Penumbral Leap to get a succeeding on three Constitution saving throws, the creature
brief glimpse of the penumbra from your current position becomes immune to the effect for 24 hours.
in the Material Plane. Make a Wisdom (Perception) check
Venom Splash
to gather information about the penumbral environment,
2 Insanity Points
creatures, and any other pertinent details you can glean at
As an action, you unleash a stream of venom in a 20-foot
a quick glance, based on the DC set by the GM.
cone. Any creature within the cone must make a Constitution
Shadow Clones saving throw, suffering 3d10 poison damage on a failed save,
2 Insanity Points or half of this on a successful one.
As an action, you can create two illusionary copies of your-
self made of penumbral energy. They occupy the same space Nightmare’s Augury Trail
as you and move with you for 1 minute, mirroring your every
action and randomly shifting positions around your body, Mind Drain
making them indistinguishable from you. For the duration 2 Insanity Points
of this mutation, each time a creature targets you with an As an action, you try to touch a creature, making a melee
attack, roll a d20 to determine whether the attack instead attack roll. On a hit, you deal 5d8 psychic damage and regain
targets one of your clones. With two clones, you must roll an hit points equal to half the damage dealt. If your target is
8 or higher. With one clone, you must roll an 11 or higher. grappled, your touch attack automatically hits.
A clone’s AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier. If an
attack hits a clone, it is destroyed. Psychic Weapon
If a creature adjacent to you is attacked, you can use your 2 Insanity Points
reaction to confuse the attacker with one of your clones and When you make a melee attack against a target, you can
impose disadvantage on the attack roll, destroying the clone. activate this mutation to deal an extra 2d6 psychic damage to
These are the only ways to destroy a clone, as it ignores it. Additionally, until the end of your next turn, the affected
all damage and effects. creature has disadvantage on any saving throw against the
Creatures that don’t rely on sight or can see through il- charmed or frightened conditions.
lusions (such as truesight) are unaffected by this mutation.
3rd Level
Warped Physique
2 Insanity Points
With a bonus action, for the next 1 minute, you can distort
Aberrant Gaze
and enhance your muscles and tendons, giving your legs ex- 3 Insanity Points
ceptional strength and flexibility. Your running jump covers a As a bonus action, multiple eyes sprout all over your body,
distance equal to your base speed, and your high jump covers enhancing your vision and perception for 1 minute. During
a distance equal to half your base speed. While this mutation this time, you have a full field of view, cannot be surprised,
is active, you have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) and gain advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks related to
Strength (Athletics) checks involving jumps. sight, and receive a +2 bonus to your AC. Additionally, you
Alternatively, before making a melee attack roll, you can can use an action to focus your eyes on a creature within 30
use all your leg strength to end this Mutation and augment feet. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or
the damage. On a hit, your attack deals an extra 2d8 damage be restrained for 1 minute. An affected creature can repeat
of the same type. the saving throw at the end of its turns, ending the effect on
a success. Using this action ends the mutation.
Aberrant Arachnid Trail Aberrant Spines
3 Insanity Points
Pain Toxin As a bonus action, you manipulate your bone structure to
2 Insanity Points sprout spikes from your skin. For one minute, these spines
As an action, you emit a toxic blast in a 20-foot cone. Every can be used asas light weapons, with the finesse and thrown
creature within this cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. properties (range 20/60), dealing 1d10 piercing damage.
On a failure, the creature is afflicted by the poison. At the Upon hitting a creature, it must succeed a Constitution sav-
start of each of its turns, an affected creature must succeed ing throw or its movement speed is halved. At the start of


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

each turn, the creature can attempt another saving throw to Shadow Control
negate this effect for that turn. 3 Insanity Points
If the creature is near a wall or large object when hit, it With a bonus action, you can use your shadow to attempt
becomes pinned to that surface, receiving the restrained to paralyze a creature up to 30 feet away. The creature must
condition. It can make a Strength saving throw at the start succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be paralyzed for one
of each turn to free itself. Removing a spine requires an ac- minute. To maintain this effect, you must forfeit your actions,
tion and inflicts 1d8 slashing damage, but a DC 20 Wisdom reactions, and movement, and can only use bonus actions.
(Medicine) check can avoid this damage. You cannot take damage, or the effect ends immediately.
Additionally, you can launch spines into a wall or steep At the start of each turn, the paralyzed creature can make
surface to form handholds, granting advantage on Strength a Wisdom saving throw to end the effect. During this time,
(Athletics) checks to climbers. After a minute, the effect ends, you can use your bonus action to create a shadowy tentacle
and any remaining spines disintegrate. that extends up to 5 feet from the paralyzed creature and
attacks. The tentacle deals 2d6 necrotic damage on a hit,
Interplanar Vortex
reducing the creature’s maximum hit points for 24 hours,
3 Insanity Points which cannot be recovered during that time.
As an action, you form a void portal under a creature
within 60 feet. The creature must make a Dexterity saving Volatile Mutation
throw. If it fails, it plummets into the portal and suffers 3 Insanity Points
6d10 necrotic damage from the penumbral energies with- As a bonus action, you can alter your body, causing your
in before being ejected 30 feet into the air from another muscles to swell and acid-filled pustules to form on your skin.
portal, taking falling damage and landing prone. Any other For one minute, every attack you suffer triggers a 10-foot
creature at the landing point must also make a Dexterity cone of acid in the direction of the attack. Each creature
saving throw or suffer identical falling damage and prone within this cone takes 1d6 acid damage. Additionally, during
condition. If successful, it avoids the damage and prone con- this period, you gain resistance to acid damage and have
dition. Alternatively, you can control the harmful energies advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
to allow an ally to pass through the portal to another one
you create within 60 feet. In this case, the ally must succeed Aberrant Arachnid Trail
a Constitution saving throw to avoid the necrotic damage,
halving it on a failed save.
Arachnid Legs
3 Insanity Points
You sprout four spider-like legs from
your back that last for one minute,
enhancing your speed by 10 feet.
Their sharp and durable nature al-
lows you to use them as weapons.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

If you have already used your action to attack, you can use
your bonus action to make an additional attack with a spi-
der leg, dealing 1d8 slashing damage. On a hit, the target
must make a Constitution saving throw or take an extra 1d8
poison damage and be poisoned.

Venomous Saliva
3 Insanity Points
As a bonus action, you can spew a toxic mist at a creature
within 15 feet. The creature must succeed a Constitution
saving throw or take 3d12 poison damage.

Augury Trail
Telepathic Mindlink
3 Insanity Points
With a bonus action, you establish a mental link between
yourself and a willing creature. The connection lasts for 1
hour or until you choose to end it or fall unconscious. During
this time, you can telepathically communicate with the crea-
ture within your line of sight or up to 40 feet away even if
obstructed. If the creature is familiar to you, the commu-
nication range increases to 120 feet when out of sight. This
ability is affected by magical means that prevent magic or
magical communication. You can maintain a bond with up
to 3 creatures simultaneously; establishing a new link with
a fourth creature breaks the connection with the first.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Waves of Headache Penumbral Fog
3 Insanity Points 4 Insanity Points
Using your action, you emit mental pulses that affect all With an action, you can amplify the effects of the penum-
creatures within 15 feet. Each affected creature must make a bral plane on the material world, creating a 20-foot radius
Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, it suffers severe headaches sphere of fog centered up to 60 feet away from you. All crea-
causing 6d6 psychic damage and falls prone from pain. On tures, except you, within this zone must make a Constitution
a successful save, it takes half damage and remains upright. saving throw or suffer 3d6 psychic damage. The area remains
heavily obscured to all creatures except you for 10 minutes.
4th Level
Aberrant Arachnid Trail
Assassin’s Stain
4 Insanity Points Allergic Spores
Using your bonus action, you can mark an enemy up to 4 Insanity Points
30 feet away with penumbral energy, causing an extra 1d8 As a bonus action, you emit a cloud of toxic spores, ex-
necrotic damage each time you hit this enemy over the next tending up to 10 feet in all directions. Any creature within
minute. Only one enemy can bear this mark at a time. the area must succeed a Constitution saving throw or suffer
2d6 poison damage and be poisoned, taking half damage
Bat Parts and avoiding the poisoned condition on a successful save.
4 Insanity Points
As an action, you can take on the qualities of a penumbral Pheromone Spray
bat, gaining a set of distortive wings that provide a flight 4 Insanity Points
speed of 30 feet, blindsight within a 60-foot radius (you As an action, you alter your glands to produce potent
are blind beyond this distance), and clawed feet capable of pheromones that radiate up to 60 feet around you for the
grabbing objects and creatures up to a size larger than yours. next hour. Any humanoid creature that enters or starts its
While flying, you can use your bonus action to make a turn in this area must make a Constitution saving throw.
melee attack to grab a target on a hit, enabling you to drag Creatures engaged in combat with you have advantage on
items or creatures up to 45 times your Strength score using this saving throw.
full movement, and up to 90 times your Strength score with Those who fail are charmed by you, viewing you as a friend-
half of your movement. ly acquaintance, while those who succeed are unaffected.
This transformation lasts 10 minutes, and you can opt to Creatures immune to poison or those that don’t breathe
extend its duration for an additional 10 minutes by gaining automatically succeed. Strong or moderate winds disperse
3 more Insanity Points. If you’re air when the effect ends your pheromones, negating this effect.
and you don’t extend it, you fall immediately.
Nightmare’s Augury Trail
Charge of Shadows
4 Insanity Points
Minor Telekinesis
With a bonus action, you charge your held weapons with
4 Insanity Points
delayed penumbral energy. For the following minute, your
As a bonus action, you can manipulate objects up to 30
first successful attack inflicts an extra 2d8 necrotic dam-
feet away from you, provided their total weight doesn’t ex-
age. Additionally, the target must succeed a Constitution
ceed 30 times your Wisdom score. If an object isn’t worn
saving throw or become incapacitated for one minute, with
or carried, you can move it up to 30 feet in any direction.
a new saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end
Worn or carried items require the owner to fail a Strength
this condition.
saving throw for you to move them. Your telekinetic con-
Penumbral Eruption trol also allows you to handle small objects delicately, open
4 Insanity Points containers, retrieve or store items, or pour out the contents
As an action, you manipulate penumbral energies to create of a vial. This fine control lasts up to 10 minutes.
two portals up to 30 feet apart. An eruption of shadowy energy Alternatively, as an action, you can use your telekinesis
streaks between these portals, forcing any creature within a to hurl a creature up to one size larger than you up to 30
10-foot wide line extending the distance between the portals feet away in any direction of your choosing. If this creature
to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they suffer collides with a solid structure or another creature, it suffers
4d8 necrotic damage and 4d8 force damage, taking half on 6d10 bludgeoning damage and falls prone. The creature it
a successful save. The portals vanish at the end of the turn. collides with can make a Dexterity saving throw to take only
half damage and avoid falling prone.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Penumbral Attraction In a Blink of an Eye
4 Insanity Points 5 Insanity Points
With an action, you can hypnotize a humanoid creature With a bonus action, you can forsake your movement to
within 60 feet of you, subjecting them to the effects of the teleport adjacent to an enemy within 40 feet and visible to
dominate person spell for the next minute. you. Your attacks against this enemy have advantage until the
end of your turn. As your turn ends, you can immediately
5th Level teleport yourself to any other space within 40 feet of your
current position.
Deadly Tentacles Nefarious Dinner
5 Insanity Points
5 Insanity Points
As a bonus action, you can sprout four tentacles from
You contort your facial muscles grotesquely, your jaw re-
your back that last for one minute or until you retract them
configuring into a fanged maw capable of tearing into a crea-
with another bonus action. You can use your action to attack
ture. Upon invoking this mutation, make an attack roll against
with them, making four attacks, one with each tentacle. They
a creature. On a hit, you bite into it, dealing 7d8 slashing
have a 10-foot reach, use either your strength or dexterity
damage and 7d8 necrotic damage, causing a bleeding effect.
for attacks, and deal 3d4 bludgeoning damage per hit.
The bleeding creature takes 1d10 necrotic damage at the
When a creature enters a space within reach of a tentacle,
start of each of its turns and can attempt a Constitution
you can lash out with an immediate attack (free of action cost)
saving throw at the end of each of its turns to staunch the
up to four times until the start of your next turn. Successful
bleeding. If your bite reduces a Medium or smaller creature
hits can be used to grapple the target, automatically dealing
to 0 hit points, you can consume it with a bonus action,
damage at the start of each of its turns. The grappled creature
earning temporary hit points equal to half the bite damage.
can attempt to escape with a Strength or Dexterity check (their
These temporary hit points last for 1 hour.
choice) against a DC 20. A grappling tentacle cannot attack.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Nightmare Whirlpool
5 Insanity Points
By activating this power, you invade the minds of all crea-
tures within a 15-foot radius, creating a mental link with
each that persists for a minute. Each targeted creature must
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw, or suffer 6d8 psychic
damage and perceive you and your allies as incarnations
of their deepest fears due to memories you implant. They
remain frightened of you and your allies for the duration.
Alternatively, you can forgo the damage to implant differ-
ent types of memories in those who fail their saving throw.
Consult with your GM for potential uses. Affected creatures
can attempt a new saving throw at the end of each of their
turns, ending the effect on a success.

5 Insanity Points
With a swift movement, you attempt to at-
tach yourself onto a nearby creature, forcing
it to make a Constitution saving throw. If it
fails, you transform and graft yourself onto
them, draining their vitality. The afflicted crea-
ture suffers 10d10 necrotic damage at the start of each of its
turns, and you recover hit points equal to half the inflicted
damage. The target’s movement speed is reduced by 10 feet,
and it can expend an action to try and pry you off, making
a Strength saving throw. On a success, you are dislodged
and fall prone in an adjacent space. While leeching, you are
unable to take actions, bonus actions, or reactions, and you
are immobile, sticking to your host. Should the creature’s hit
points reach zero, your parasitic grip ceases, and you appear
in an unoccupied adjacent space. At the start of your turn,
while leeching, you can gain an extra Insanity Point to vol-
untarily detach and stand in a nearby open space.

Penumbra Blade
5 Insanity Points
While making an attack, you can invoke this mutation
to infuse your weapon with potent necrotic energy drawn
from the shadow plane. All attacks you make until the end
of your turn deal an extra 4d6 necrotic damage.

Aberrant Arachnid Trail

5 Insanity Points
You use your action to create a penumbral energy
exoskeleton that covers your body. For the next 10
minutes, all incoming damage (except psychic)
is dealt to the exoskeleton’s hit points first.
It has 80 hit points and shares your damage
resistances and immunities.
If an attack dismantle your exoskeleton and
its damage surpasses the its residual hit points,
the leftover damage is transferred to you.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Web Cocoon
5 Insanity Points
As an action, you adapt your body to emit a flood of webs
at a creature up to one size larger than you within 20 feet.
The creature must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or be-
come restrained in the web cocoon, taking 3d8 bludgeoning
damage at the end of each of its turns. The creature can be
attacked as usual, with no effects on the cocoon.
It remains trapped for up to 1 minute or until the cocoon,
which has an AC of 15 and 30 hit points, is destroyed.
The cocoon is especially vulnerable to fire damage.

Augury Trail
Eye of Augury
5 Insanity Points
As an action, you close your
eyes, which merge into a singular,
large eye in the center of your face.
For 1 minute, you gain truesight
and can use your bonus action to
take the Dodge or Disengage ac-
tion. During this time, you can
use an action to focus your eye
on a creature within 40 feet, im-
posing a Wisdom saving throw.
On a failure, they suffer the effects
of the confusion spell. Using this
ability ends the mutation.

Phantom of Penumbra
5 Insanity Points
As an action, you create a penumbral projection of your-
self and launch it at a target within 30 feet. The target must
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 4d6 psychic
damage and become stunned for a minute. The projection
then moves to another creature within 20 feet and imposes
the same conditions, repeating up to 4 times. If a creature
succeeds on the saving throw, the effect ends.
A creature affected by this ability can make the saving throw
again at the end of its turns, ending the effect on a success.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Madwalker Basic Aspect of Envy Madwalker
Penumbral Shapes Medium aberration, neutral evil
3rd Level

Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 30 (4d8+12)
A spect of G luttony Madwalker
1st Level
Speed 30 ft., swim 20 ft.
Medium aberration, neutral
Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor) 11 (0) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 4 (-3) 18 (+4) 7 (-2)
Hit Points 17 (2d8+4)
Speed 30 ft. Saving Throws Wis +6
Skills Perception +8
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Damage Resistances psychic
14 (+2) 10 (0) 19 (+4) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 5 (-3) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages -
Saving Throws Con +6
Proficiency Bonus +2
Damage Resistances psychic
Challenge 1 (100 XP)
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Deep Speech (understand)
Amphibious. The Envy can breathe both air and water.
Proficiency Bonus +2
Magic Envy (Recharge 6). If a 1st or 2nd level spell is cast within
Challenge 1/2 (50 XP)
the Envy’s line of sight, it can immediately use its reaction to
cast the same spell without requiring any components, against
Blood Frenzy. The Gluttony has advantage on melee attack rolls a valid target of Envy’s choice.
against any creature that doesn’t have all its hit points.
Pack Tactics. The Envy has advantage on an attack roll against
Shapechanger. The Gluttony can use its action to polymorph in a creature if at least one of the Envy’s allies is within 5 feet of
the last thing that it fed upon of huge size or smaller, or back the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
into its true form. Its statistics, other than its size and special
move, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing Actions
or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.
Multiattack. The Envy makes two attacks, either two bites or
False Appearance. When the Gluttony assumes the form of a two Eye of Envy attacks.
creature it has devoured, it becomes indistinguishable from a
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
normal specimen of that creature’s species. Only a spell such
7 (1d10 + 2) piercing damage.
as True Seeing or similar spell of 6th level or higher can reveal
the Gluttony’s true form. Eye of Envy. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range 60 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) psychic damage, and until the start of
Unwieldy. Other creatures must use 15 feet of movement to try
the Envy’s next turn, whenever the target regains hit points, the
to move the Gluttony 5 feet.
Envy regains the same amount.
Ravenous Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage. The Gluttony regains hit
points equal to half the damage dealt. If the target is a creature, it
must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be cursed
with an insatiable hunger. Each curse bestows a level of exhaus-
tion, and multiple curses accumulate. The exhaustion persists
until the cursed creature consumes food during a short or long
rest, is targeted by a remove curse spell, or consumes
a goodberry. Regardless of how many curses have
accumulated, fulfilling any of these conditions
removes all hunger curses at once.
Devour. Gluttony can devour an un-
conscious or dead creature of me-
dium or small size. If the creature
was alive it immediately dies. The
Gluttony gains 9 (1d10+4) tempo-
rary hit points and resistance against
all damage until the start of its next turn.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Aspect of Disgust Madwalker
5th Level
Aspect of S loth Madwalker
7th Level
Medium aberration, neutral evil Medium aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 37 (5d8 + 15) Hit Points 52 (7d8+21)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 20 ft, burrow 10 ft.

14 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 14 (+2) 8 (–1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 7 (-2)

Saving Throws Wis +6 Saving Throws Con +5

Damage Resistances psychic Damage Immunities psychic
Damage Immunities acid Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60 ft.,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 passive Perception 11
Languages Deep Speech, Common Languages -
Proficiency Bonus +2 Proficiency Bonus +2
Challenge 2 (450 XP) Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Acid Skin. A creature that touches the Aspect of Disgust or hits Surge of Action (Recharge 5-6). As a bonus action, the Sloth can
it with a melee attack while within 5 feet takes 3 (1d6) acid move up to its speed toward a hostile creature that it can see.
damage. Each hit on the Aspect of Disgust with a nonmagical Aura of Laziness. Creatures that start their turn within 15 feet
weapon made of metal or wood induces corrosion. After dealing of the Sloths have their movement speed halved for that turn.
damage, the weapon suffers a permanent and cumulative -1 If the creature ends its turn inside the aura, it must succeed on
penalty to damage rolls. The weapon is destroyed if the penalty a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or become restrained until the
reaches -5. Nonmagical ammunition made of metal or wood that end of its next turn.
hits the Aspect of Disgust is destroyed after dealing damage.
Regeneration. The sloth regains 5 hit points at the start of its
Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of the turn if it has at least 1 hit point.
Aspect of Disgust must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving
throw or be poisoned until the start of its next turn. A creature Actions
that successfully saves is immune to the Aspect of Disgust’s
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
stench for the next 24 hours.
14 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. The target must make a DC 13
Actions Constitution saving throw, taking 3 (1d6) poison damage, and
can’t take reactions until the end of its next turn, with its speed
Multiattack. The Aspect of Disgust makes three Gastric Spit halved until the end of the Sloth’s next turn on a failed save, or
attacks. half as much damage on a successful one.
Gastric Spit. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/60 ft., Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 2) acid damage. 8 (1d8+4) slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it must
Disgusting Vomit (Recharge 5–6). The Aspect of Disgust expels succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
acid in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a
DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 13 (3d8) acid damage on
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. After
this initial effect, all creatures within 20 feet of the Aspect of
Disgust (whether they were in the cone or not) must succeed
on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the
end of their next turn due to the nauseating sight. On a suc-
cessful save, the creature is immune to the Aspect of Disgust’s
Disgusting Vomit for 24 hours.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

A spect of Pain Madwalker
9th Level
Aspect of L ust Madwalker
11th Level
Medium aberration, neutral evil Medium aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 58 (9d8+18) Hit Points 71 (13d8 + 13)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

14 (+2) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 19 (+4)

Saving Throws Dex +7 Saving Throws Cha +6

Damage Immunities psychic Skills Persuasion +6
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 Damage Immunities psychic
Languages Deep Speech, Common Condition Immunities Charmed
Proficiency Bonus +2 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Challenge 3 (700xp) Languages Deep Speech, Common
Proficiency Bonus +2
Thorns. The Pain is covered in thorns. A creature that touches Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
the Pain or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet takes
4 (1d8) piercing damage. Shapechanger. The Lust can use its action to polymorph into
Suffering. Damage caused by the Penumbral Pain ignores tem- a Small or Medium humanoid, or back into its true form. Its
porary hit points and resistances. If pain reduces a creature to statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any
0 HP while it has temporary hit points it falls unconscious and equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts
is dying as normal. to its true form if it dies.
Charm Opportunist. Attacks made by Lust that hit a charmed
Actions creature are automatically considered critical hits.
Multiattack. The Pain makes three attacks with its Painful Claws.
Painful Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (1d10+4) slashing damage and the target must Multiattack. Lust makes three melee attacks.
succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or have disadvan- Creepy Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
tage on its next attack roll or ability check due to intense pain. target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 3 (1d6) psy-
Excruciating Pain. The Pain targets one creature it can see with- chic damage.
in 30 feet of it. The target creature must succeed on a DC 13 Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 30 ft., one tar-
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target creature takes get. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and if the target is
13 (3d6+3) psychic damage, falls prone, and drops any held Large or smaller, it is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this grapple
equipment. ends, the creature is restrained, and Lust can’t attack another
Thorn Rain (recharge 5-6). The Pain launches a volley of thorns target with a tentacle.
in a 20-foot radius around it. Each creature in that area must Mind Overload. Lust targets one charmed creature it can see
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) piercing within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 14
damage and becoming impaled with thorns on a failed save, Charisma saving throw, taking 5d10 psychic damage on a failed
or half as much damage without impaling on a successful one. save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This attack
A creature impaled with thorns takes an extra 7 (2d6) psychic doesn’t remove a creature from the charmed condition.
damage each time it takes damage until it completes a long rest
Spellcasting. Lust’s casts one of the following spells, using
or is targeted by a lesser restoration spell or greater. A creature
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 18, +10 to
can only be affected by one thorn impaling at a time.
hit with spell attacks).
At will: command
3/day each: charm person, hold person
1/day each: charm monster, dominate beast, hypnotic pattern
Fascinating Presence. Each creature of Lust’s choice that is within
60 feet of it and aware of it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom
saving throw or become charmed for 1 minute or until Lust
or its allies harm the target. A creature can repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
on a success.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Aspect of Sadness Madwalker
13th Level
Aspect of P ride Madwalker
15th Level
Medium aberration, neutral evil Medium aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 84 (13d8+26) Hit Points 127 (15d8+60)
Speed 40 ft. Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 9 (-1) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (0) 14 (+2) 22 (+6)

Saving Throws Int +8 Saving Throws Cha +9

Skills Arcana +8 Skills Athletics +8, Intimidation +9
Damage Immunities psychic Damage Immunities psychic
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Deep Speech, Common Languages Deep Speech, Common, Telepathy 120 ft.
Proficiency Bonus +3 Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 5 (1.800 xp) Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Dispel Master. The Sadness can cast dispel magic as a bonus Prideful Grappler. The Pride has advantage on attack rolls against
action and it is always considered as if it was cast using a 5 creatures it is grappling.
level spell slot. Armor of Pride. Whenever an enemy attack misses the Penumbral
Magic Resistance. The Sadness has advantage on saving throws Pride it gains a cumulative +1 to AC until the start of its next
against spells and other magical effects. turn (up to +5).
Melancholy Magic. When a creature fails a saving throw against
a spell cast by the Sadness, it gains disadvantage on all saving
throws until it finishes a short or long rest. Multiattack. The Pride makes three claws or three force blast
Sad But True. When the Sadness dies, it explodes in a burst of attacks. If the Pride lands one or more melee hits, it can make
psychic energy. Each creature within 15 feet of it must make a a Grab attack.
DC 16 Wisdom saving throw, taking 13 (3d8) psychic damage Force Blast. Ranged Spell Attack: +9 to hit, range 60 ft., one
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. target. Hit: 11 (1d10+6) force damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Actions Hit: 8 (1d8+5) slashing damage.
Multiattack. The Sadness makes two Creepy Slam attacks. Grab. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Creepy Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one the target is grappled (escape DC 17). Targets that are Huge or
target. Hit: 5(1d6+2) bludgeoning damage plus 3(1d6) psychic larger are immune.
damage. Spellcasting. The Pride casts one of the following spells, using
Planar Shift (2/day). The Sadness can cast plane shift twice per Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit
day to shift from the Material Plane to the Penumbral Plane, with spell attacks):
or vice versa. At will: detect magic, expeditious retreat, false life, feather fall
Spellcasting. The Sadness casts one of the following spells, using 3/day each: enhance ability, invisibility, levitate, misty step
Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16, +8 to 2/day each: counterspell, fly, haste, slow
hit with spell attacks): 1/day: blight
At Will: detect magic, dispel magic, fire bolt, shocking grasp
3/day each: faerie fire, identify, counterspell, detect thoughts, fire-
ball, misty step
1/day each: cloud kill, banishment, globe of invulnerability, stone-
skin, wall of force


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Aspect of G reed Madwalker
17th Level
Medium aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 110 (17d8+34)
Speed 30 ft.


14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 22 (+6) 15 (+2) 9 (-1)

Saving Throws Int +9

Skills Stealth +6
Damage Immunities psychic
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Deep Speech, Common
Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Covetous Globes. Greed emoguns watch over the material world

from the penumbral plane via their magical masks of scrying.
When they spy an appropriate target, usually some crusading
do-gooder or powerful noble, they shift to the material plane
and attack with their covetous globes. The globes cause enough
damage to seem like a real threat, but this is a ruse. Their real
power lies in the transmission of the curse of greed.
Curse of Greed. Every day at dusk in which a victim of this terrible
curse fails to accumulate at least 500 gp in gold, goods, or trea-
sures, their maximum hit points are reduced by 2 (1d4) points.
The curse cannot be lifted by a simple remove curse spell, but
it does grant the recipient the knowledge of how to shed the
curse. To remove a curse of greed, the victim must permanently
sacrifice something of great worth, such as a frequently used
magic item, a family heirloom of great sentimental value, or at
least 10,000 gold pieces worth of other treasures.
Mask of Scrying. Greed emoguns wear enchanted, bird-like masks
of bone covered in magical runes over their grotesque faces.
The masks allow them to peer into the material plane at will, as
if using the scrying spell, even if they are not currently on that
plane. The mask crumbles to dust if removed from the emogun’s
person or if it dies.

Multiattack. The Greed makes two attacks with its claws and
two with its covetous globes.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
Draining Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) necrotic damage, and the Greed regains
hit points equal to half the damage dealt.
Covetous Globes. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 20/60
ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) necrotic damage. Each creature
struck by a globe must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 17) or
suffer the Curse of Greed.
Planar Shift. A Greed can cast plane shift to enter the Prime
Material Plane, cause mischief or attack with its covetous globes,
then return to the penumbra to savor its victim’s fate.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

A spect of F ear Madwalker
19th Level
Medium aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 19 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 142 (19d8+57)
Speed 40 ft, fly 60 ft (hover)


14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 24 (+7)

Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +10

Skills Intimidation +13, Perception +7
Damage Immunities necrotic, psychic
Condition Immunities frightened, prone
Senses darkvision 60 ft., blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Deep Speech, Common
Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Guided by Fear. The Fear has advantage on attack rolls against

creatures that are frightened.
Shapechanger. The Fear can use its action to polymorph into a
Small, Medium, or Large humanoid, or back into its true form.
Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any
equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts
to its true form if it dies.
Terror Aura. At the start of each of its turns, the Fear gains 1d6
temporary hit points for each frightened creature within 30 feet
of it.

Multiattack. The Fear makes three Fear Stab or three Psychic
Blast attacks.
Fear Stab. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (1d8+3) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) psychic damage.
The target must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw
or become frightened for 1 minute. The target can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect
on a success.
Psychic Blast. Ranged Spell Attack: +10 to hit, range 60 ft., one
target. Hit: 18 (2d10+7) psychic damage.
Spellcasting. The Fear casts one of the following spells, using
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 18, +10 to
hit with spell attacks):
At will: darkness, detect magic, silent image
3/day each: fear, major image
1/day each: dream, phantasmal killer
Terror Wave (Recharge 5-6). The Fear emits psychic energy in a
40-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 18
Wisdom saving throw, taking 27 (6d8) psychic damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. On a
failed save, the creature also becomes frightened for 1 minute.
A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
turns, ending the effect on a success. A creature that successfully
saves against this effect is immune to the Fear’s Terror Wave
for the next 24 hours.
Planar Shift. The Fear magically shifts from the Material Plane
to the Penumbral Plane, or vice versa.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Aberrant Arachnid Arachne Serf Madwalker

Trail Shapes Medium aberration, neutral

2nd Level

Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 15 (2d10 + 2)

Arachne Special Powers Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.


All Arachne monsters have the following feature, but
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 9 (-1) 11 (0) 13 (+1)
the madwalker cannot use it.
Skills Stealth +6
Damage Immunities poison
Web Spinning. The creature can spin webs to create difficult Condition Immunities poisoned
terrain or to restrain creatures. It can create webs to cover a
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
20-foot square for every 10 minutes of work. The terrain be-
Languages Common, Deep Speech
comes difficult, and all creatures that touch the web must suc-
ceed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or become restrained. Proficiency Bonus +2
The webbing can also be attacked and destroyed (each 20-foot Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
square section has AC 10, hp 15, vulnerability to fire damage;
immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage; if it takes Prowlers. The creature has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
fire damage, all linked web sections take the same damage on checks made to hide.
the following round and all creatures in the area take 1d6 fire Spider Climb. The creature can climb difficult surfaces, including
damage). upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the creature knows the
exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web.
Web Walker. The creature ignores movement restrictions caused
by Web Spinning and any other spider web.

Multiattack. The Arachne Serf makes two Claw
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slash-
ing damage.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Arachne Scout Madwalker
3rd Level
Arachne Soldier Madwalker
5th Level
Large aberration, neutral evil Large aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 22 (3d10+6) Hit Points 37 (5d10 + 10)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 9 (-1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Dex+5 Cha +3 Saving Throws Dex +6, Cha +4

Skills Stealth +7 Skills Stealth +8
Damage Immunities poison Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Deep Speech Languages Common, Deep Speech
Proficiency Bonus +2 Proficiency Bonus +2
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Prowlers. The creature has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) Prowlers. The creature has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks made to hide. checks made to hide.
Spider Climb. The creature can climb difficult surfaces, including Spider Climb. The creature can climb difficult surfaces, including
upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the creature knows the Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the creature knows the
exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web. exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web.
Web Walker. The creature ignores movement restrictions caused Web Walker. The creature ignores movement restrictions caused
by Web Spinning and any other spider web. by Web Spinning and any other spider web.

Actions Actions
Multiattack. The Arachne Scout makes two Claws attacks Multiattack. The Arachne Soldier makes three Poisonous Claw
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. attacks.
Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage. Poisonous Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Web (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage plus 2 (1d4) poison
30/60 ft., one creature. Hit: The target is restrained by webbing. damage.
As an action, the restrained target can make a DC 12 Strength Web (Recharge 5–6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
check, bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can al- 30/60 ft., one creature. Hit: The target is restrained by webs. As
so be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire an action, the target can make a DC 12 Strength check, burst-
damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage). ing the webs on a success. The webs can also be attacked and
destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity
to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Arachne Ambusher Madwalker
7th Level
A rachne Hunter Madwalker
9th Level
Huge aberration, neutral evil Huge aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 59 (7d12+14) Hit Points 76 (9d12+18)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

14 (+2) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 11 (-1) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 11 (0) 13 (+1) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +7, Cha +4 Saving Throws Dex +7, Cha +5
Skills Stealth +9 Skills Stealth +9
Damage Resistances psychic Damage Resistances psychic
Damage Immunities poison Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Deep Speech Languages Common, Deep Speech
Proficiency Bonus +2 Proficiency Bonus +2
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Prowlers. The creature has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) Prowlers. The creature has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks made to hide. checks made to hide.
Spider Climb. The creature can climb difficult surfaces, including Spider Climb. The creature can climb difficult surfaces, including
upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check. upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the creature knows the Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the creature knows the
exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web. exact location of any other creature in contact with the same web.
Web Walker. The creature ignores movement restrictions caused Web Walker. The creature ignores movement restrictions caused
by Web Spinning and any other spider web. by Web Spinning and any other spider web.

Actions Actions
Multiattack. The Arachne Ambusher makes three Poisonous Multiattack. The Arachnid Hunter makes three Poisonous Claw
Claw attacks. attacks.
Poisonous Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., Poisonous Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 2 (1d4) poison one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 2 (1d4) poison
damage. damage. The target must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
Web (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range throw or be poisoned.
30/60 ft., one creature. Hit: The target is restrained by webbing. Web (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
As an action, the restrained target can make a DC 12 Strength 30/60 ft., one creature. Hit: The target is restrained by webbing.
check, bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can al- As an action, the restrained target can make a DC 12 Strength
so be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire check, bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can al-
damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage). so be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 8; vulnerability to fire
damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

A rachne S orcerer Madwalker
11th Level
Arachne Noble Madwalker
13th Level
Huge aberration, neutral evil Huge aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 93 (11d12+22) Hit Points 110 (13d12+26)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

14 (+2) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 21 (+5) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +8, Cha +6 Saving Throws Dex +8 Cha +6

Skills Stealth +11 Skills Stealth +11
Damage Resistances psychic Damage Resistances psychic
Damage Immunities poison Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Deep Speech, Common Languages Deep Speech, Common
Proficiency Bonus +3 Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Challenge 6 (2.300 xp)

Prowlers. The creature has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) Prowlers. The creature has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks made to hide. checks made to hide.
Spider Climb. The creature can climb difficult surfaces, including Spider Climb. The creature can climb difficult surfaces, including
upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability
check. check.
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the creature knows Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the creature knows
the exact location of any other creature in contact with the the exact location of any other creature in contact with the
same web. same web.
Web Walker. The creature ignores movement restrictions caused Web Walker. The creature ignores movement restrictions caused
by Web Spinning and any other spider web. by Web Spinning and any other spider web.

Actions Actions
Multiattack. The Arachne Sorcerer makes three Poisonous Claw Multiattack. The Arachne Noble makes three Poisonous Claw
attacks attacks
Poisonous Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., Poisonous Claw. Melee weapon attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+5) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) poison one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+5) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) poison
damage. A creature hit must make a DC 12 Constitution saving damage. A hit creature must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw or become poisoned. A poisoned creature can repeat the throw or be poisoned.
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect Poison Jet. The Arachne Noble sprays magic poison gas in a
on itself on a success. 40-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 14
Spellcasting. The Arachne casts one of the following spells, using Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) poison damage and
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit being poisoned on a failed save, or half as much damage and not
with spell attacks): getting poisoned on a successful one. At the end of each of its
At will: charm person, mage hand, poison spray turns, the poisoned target can make a Constitution saving throw.
3/day each: sleep, fear, invisibility, see invisibility Spellcasting. The Arachne casts one of the following spells, using
1/day each: dimensional door Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit
Web (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range with spell attacks):
30/60 ft., one creature. Hit: The target is restrained by webbing. At will: charm person, mage hand, poison spray
As an action, the restrained target can make a DC 13 Strength 3/day each: sleep, fear, invisibility, see invisibility
check, bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can al- 1/day each: dimensional door
so be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 8; vulnerability to fire Web (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range
damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage). 30/60 ft., one creature. Hit: The target is restrained by webbing.
As an action, the restrained target can make a DC 13 Strength
check, bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can al-
so be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 8; vulnerability to fire
damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Arachne Commander Madwalker
15th Level
Arachne O verlord Madwalker
17th Level
Huge aberration, neutral evil Huge aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 127 (15d12+30) Hit Points 144 (17d12+34)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

14 (+2) 21 (+5) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 21 (+5) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 19 (+4)

Saving Throws Dex +8 Cha +7 Saving Throws Dex +8 Cha +7

Skills Stealth +11, Perception +5 Skills Stealth +11, Perception +5
Damage Resistances psychic Damage Resistances psychic
Damage Immunities poison Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Deep Speech, Common Languages Deep Speech, Common
Proficiency Bonus +3 Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Challenge 8 (3.900 xp)

Prowlers. The creature has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) Prowlers. The creature has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth)
checks made to hide. checks made to hide.
Spider Climb. The creature can climb difficult surfaces, including Spider Climb. The creature can climb difficult surfaces, including
upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability
check. check.
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the creature knows Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the creature knows
the exact location of any other creature in contact with the the exact location of any other creature in contact with the
same web. same web.
Web Walker. The creature ignores movement restrictions caused Web Walker. The creature ignores movement restrictions caused
by Web Spinning and any other spider web. by Web Spinning and any other spider web.

Actions Actions
Multiattack. The Arachnid Commander makes three Poisonous Multiattack. The Arachne Overlord makes four Poisonous Claw
Claw attacks. attacks
Poisonous Claw. Melee weapon attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft., Poisonous Claw. Melee Attack, range 10 ft., +8 to hit, one crea-
one target. Hit: 10 (1d10+5) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison ture. Hit: 10 (1d10+5) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison dam-
damage. A hit creature must make a DC 13 Constitution saving age. A creature hit by the attack must make a Constitution saving
throw or be poisoned. throw with a DC of 13 or become poisoned.
Poison Jet. The Arachnid Commander sprays magic poison gas Poison Jet. The Arachne Commander sprays magic poison gas
in a 40-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC in a 40-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC
15 Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) poison damage 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) poison damage
and being poisoned on a failed save, or half as much damage and being poisoned on a failed save, or half as much damage
and not getting poisoned on a successful one. At the end of each and not getting poisoned on a successful one. At the end of a
of its turns, a poisoned target can make a Constitution saving poisoned target, it can make a Constitution saving throw, ending
throw, ending the effect on a success. the effect itself on a success.
Spellcasting. The Arachne casts one of the following spells, using Spellcasting. The Arachne casts one of the following spells, using
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit
with spell attacks): with spell attacks):
At will: charm person, mage hand, poison spray At will: charm person, mage hand, poison spray
3/day each: sleep, fear, invisibility, see invisibility 3/day each: sleep, fear, invisibility, see invisibility
1/day each: dimensional door, greater invisibility, dominate person 1/day each: dimensional door, greater invisibility, dominate person
Web (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range Web (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range
30/60 ft., one target. Hit: The target is restrained by webbing. 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: The target is restrained by webbing.
As an action, the restrained target can make a DC 13 Strength As an action, the restrained target can make a DC 13 Strength
check, bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can also check, bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can also
be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 10; vulnerability to fire be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 10; vulnerability to fire
damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage). damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

A rachne M atriarch Madwalker
19th Level
Huge aberration, neutral evil Multiattack. The Arachne Matriarch makes four Poisonous Claw
Armor Class 19 (Natural Armor)
Poisonous Claw. Melee weapon attack, range 10 ft., +10 to hit,
Hit Points 180 (19d12+57)
one target. Hit: 10 (1d10+6) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
damage. A hit creature must make a DC 17 Constitution saving
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA throw or become poisoned.

17 (+3) 22 (+6) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 20 (+5)

Poison Spray. The Arachne Matriarch sprays poison gas in a
40-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15
Saving Throws Dex +9 Cha +9 Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) poison damage and
Skills Stealth +13, Perception +11 being poisoned on a failed save, or half as much damage and
not getting poisoned on a successful one. At the end of a poi-
Damage Resistances psychic
soned target, it can make a Constitution saving throw, ending
Damage Immunities poison
the effect itself on a success.
Condition Immunities poisoned
Spellcasting. The Arachne casts one of the following spells, using
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 21
Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit
Languages Common, Deep Speech with spell attacks):
Proficiency Bonus +4
At will: charm person, mage hand, poison spray
Challenge 10 (5.900 xp)
3/day each: dispel magic, sleep, fear, invisibility, see invisibility
1/day each: dimensional door, greater invisibility, dominate person,
Prowlers. The creature has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) teleportation circle, mass suggestion
checks made to hide.
Web (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range
Spider Climb. The creature can climb difficult surfaces, including 30/60 ft., one creature. Hit: The target is restrained by webbing.
upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability As an action, the restrained target can make a DC 15 Strength
check. check, bursting the webbing on a success. The webbing can also
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the creature knows be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 10; vulnerability to fire
the exact location of any other creature in contact with the damage; immunity to bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).
same web.
Web Walker. The creature ignores movement restrictions caused
by Web Spinning and any other spider web.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Nightmare’s Augury N ightmare K eeper Madwalker

Trail Shapes Large aberration, neutral evil

3rd Level

Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)

Augur Special Powers Hit Points 25 (3d10+9)
Speed 0ft, fly 20ft (hover)
Future Omen (1/day). Due to its ability to see the future, the
creature can better the odds of fate. As a free action, the crea- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
ture can re-roll a single saving throw, skill check, or attack roll
14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 13 (+1)
made by any creature, either an ally or an enemy.
Sixth Sense. The creature uses double its proficiency bonus for Saving Throws Int +3, Wis +6
Wisdom (Perception) checks. Skills Perception +8
Precognition. The creature can see into the future and react to Damage Resistance psychic
it, never being surprised. Condition immunities prone
Reaction Senses darkvision 90 ft., truesight 30 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Deep Speech, Common, Telepathy 60 ft.
Future Guard (3/day). Due to its foresight, the creature can bet-
Proficiency Bonus +2
ter dodge attacks. Using its reaction, the creature can add 2 to
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
its AC against an attack made against it, after seeing the result
of the roll.
Special. See Augur Special Powers, page 172

Nightmare L urker Madwalker
2nd Level
Multiattack. The Nightmare Keeper makes two force blast
Large aberration, neutral evil
Force Blast. Ranged spell attack: +6 to hit, range 60 ft, one target.
Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor) Hit: 7 (1d6+4) force damage.
Hit Points 17 (2d10+6)
Speed 0ft, fly 20ft (hover)


14 (+2) 12 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 11 (0)

Saving Throws Int +3, Wis +6

Skills Perception +8
Damage Resistance psychic
Condition immunities prone
Senses darkvision 90 ft., truesight 30 ft., passive Perception 17
Languages Deep Speech, Common, Telepathy 60 ft.
Proficiency Bonus +2
Challenge 1/2 (100xp)

Special. See Augur Special Powers, page 172

Multiattack. The Nightmare Lurker makes two force blast attacks.
Force Blast. Ranged spell attack: +6 to hit, range 60 ft, one target.
Hit: 3 (1d6) force damage.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Nightmare G uardian Madwalker
5th Level
N ightmare Warrior Madwalker
7th Level
Large aberration, neutral evil Huge aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 25 (3d10+9) Hit Points 66 (7d12+21)
Speed 0ft, fly 20ft (hover) Speed 0ft, fly 30ft (hover)

14 (+2) 12 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 13 (+1)

Saving Throws Int +3, Wis +6 Saving Throws Int +4, Wis +6
Skills Perception +8 Skills Perception +8
Damage Resistance psychic Damage Resistance psychic
Condition immunities prone Condition immunities prone
Senses darkvision 90 ft., truesight 30 ft., passive Perception 18 Senses darkvision 90 ft., truesight 30 ft., passive Perception 18
Languages Deep Speech, Common, Telepathy 60 ft. Languages Deep Speech, Common, Telepathy 60 ft.
Proficiency Bonus +2 Proficiency Bonus +2
Challenge 2 (450 xp) Challenge 3 (700 xp)

Special. See Augur Special Powers, page 172 Special. See Augur Special Powers, page 172

Actions Actions
Multiattack. The Nightmare Guardian makes two Frightening Multiattack. The Nightmare Warrior makes two Frightening force
force blast attacks. blast attacks.
Frightening Force Blast. Ranged spell attack: +6 to hit, range 60 Frightening Force Blast. Ranged spell attack: +7 to hit, range 60
ft, one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) force damage and the target must ft, one target. Hit: 9(1d8+5) force damage and the target must
succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for
1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Spellcasting. The Nightmare casts one of the following spells,
using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15, +7
to hit with spell attacks):
At will: clairvoyance, command, comprehend languages
3/day each: levitate, suggestion
1/day each: counterspell


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Nightmare O verseer Madwalker
9th Level
Nightmare Eye Madwalker
11th Level
Huge aberration, neutral evil Huge aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 85 (9d12+27) Hit Points 115 (11d12+44)
Speed 0ft, fly 30ft (hover) Speed 0ft, fly 30ft (hover)

16 (+3) 12 (+2) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 21 (+5) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Int +4, Wis +7 Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +8
Skills Perception +9 Skills Perception +11
Damage Resistance psychic Damage Resistance psychic
Condition immunities prone Condition immunities prone
Senses darkvision 90 ft., truesight 30 ft., passive Perception 19 Senses darkvision 90 ft., truesight 30 ft., passive Perception 21
Languages Deep Speech, Common, Telepathy 90 ft. Languages Deep Speech, Common, Telepathy 60 ft.
Proficiency Bonus +2 Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 4 (1.100 xp) Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Special. See Augur Special Powers, page 172 Special. See Augur Special Powers, page 172
Prediction Gaze (1/day). When the Nightmare Eye locks eyes
Actions with a creature, as a free action, it can see the creature’s imme-
Multiattack. The Nightmare Overseer makes three Frightening diate future. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw DC
force blast attacks. 16. On a failure, for one minute, the creature has disadvantage
Frightening Force Blast. Ranged spell attack: +7 to hit, range 60 on all attacks, ability checks, and saving throws it makes against
ft, one target. Hit: 9(1d8+5) force damage and the target must the Nightmare Eye.
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for
1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Multiattack. The Nightmare Eye makes three force blast attacks.
Spellcasting. The Nightmare casts one of the following spells, Frightening Force Blast. Ranged spell attack: +8 to hit, range 60
using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 15, +7 ft, one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+5) force damage and the target must
to hit with spell attacks): succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for
At will: clairvoyance, command, comprehend languages 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
3/day each: levitate, suggestion each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
1/day each: counterspell Spellcasting. The Nightmare casts one of the following spells,
using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16, +8
to hit with spell attacks):
At will: clairvoyance, command, comprehend languages, levitate
3/day each: suggestion, counterspell
1/day each: arcane eye, locate creature


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Nightmare Oppressor Madwalker
13th Level
Nightmare Lord Madwalker
15th Level
Huge aberration, neutral evil Huge aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 19 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 136 (13d12+52) Hit Points 157 (15d12+60)
Speed 0ft, fly 30ft (hover) Speed 0ft, fly 30ft (hover)

16 (+3) 12 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 22 (+6) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +8 Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +9
Skills Perception +11 Skills Perception +12
Damage Resistance psychic Damage Resistance psychic
Condition immunities prone Condition immunities prone
Senses darkvision 90 ft., truesight 45 ft., passive Perception 21 Senses darkvision 90 ft., Truesight 45 ft., passive Perception 22
Languages Deep Speech, Common, Telepathy 90 ft. Languages Deep Speech, Common, Telepathy 120 ft.
Proficiency Bonus +3 Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Special. See Augur Special Powers, page 172 Special. See Augur Special Powers, page 172
Prediction Gaze (1/day). When the Nightmare Oppressor locks Prediction Gaze (2/day). When a Nightmare Lord locks eyes with
eyes with a creature, as a free action, it can see the creature’s a creature, as a free action, it can see the creature’s immediate
immediate future. The creature must make a Wisdom saving future. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw DC 17.
throw DC 16. On a failure, for one minute, the creature will have On a failure, for one minute, the creature will have disadvantage
disadvantage on all attacks, ability checks, and saving throws it on all attacks, ability checks, and saving throws it makes against
makes against the Nightmare Oppressor. the Nightmare Lord.

Actions Actions
Multiattack. The Nightmare Oppressor makes three Frightening Multiattack. The Nightmare Lord makes three Force Blast attacks.
force blast attacks. Frightening Force Blast. Ranged spell attack: +9 to hit, range 60 ft.,
Frightening Force Blast. Ranged spell attack: +8 to hit, range 60 one target. Hit: 10 (1d10+5) force damage, and the target must
ft, one target. Hit: 10 (1d10+5) force damage and the target must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for
succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Maelstrom of Madness (Recharge 5-6). The Nightmare Lord can
Spellcasting. The Nightmare casts one of the following spells, create a momentary 20-foot radius area of unstable psychic en-
using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 16, +8 ergy up to 90 ft. away. The Maelstrom deals 49 (9d10) psychic
to hit with spell attacks): damage and scrambles the senses of creatures within the area.
At will: clairvoyance, command, comprehend languages, levitate They must make a Wisdom saving throw DC 17. On a success, the
3/day each: suggestion, counterspell damage is halved, and they are not affected by the sense-scram-
1/day each: arcane eye, locate creature bling effect. On a failure, creatures have disadvantage on attack
rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks for one minute.
Spellcasting. The Nightmare casts one of the following spells,
using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17, +9
to hit with spell attacks):
At will: clairvoyance, command, comprehend languages, levitate
3/day each: arcane eye, counterspell, locate creature
1/day each: animate objects, telekinesis


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

N ightmare V izier Madwalker
17th Level
Huge aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 19 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 178 (17d12+68)
Speed 0ft, fly 30ft (hover)


16 (+3) 13 (+2) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 22 (+6) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +9

Skills Perception +12
Damage Resistance psychic
Condition immunities prone
Senses darkvision 90 ft., truesight 45 ft., passive Perception 22
Languages Deep Speech, Common, Telepathy 120 ft.
Proficiency Bonus +3
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Special. See Augur Special Powers, page 172

Innate Spellcasting. The Penumbral Vizier’s innate spellcasting
ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks).
It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material
At will: clairvoyance, suggestion, comprehend languages, levitate
(3/day each): counterspell, arcane eye, locate creature
(1/day each): animate objects, telekinesis
Prediction Gaze (2/day). When a Penumbral Vizier locks eyes
with a creature, as a free action, it can see the creature’s imme-
diate future. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw
DC 17. On a failure, for one minute, the creature will have dis-
advantage on all attacks, ability checks, and saving throws it
makes against the Penumbral Vizier.

Multiattack. The Penumbral Vizier makes four force blast attacks.
Frightening Force Blast. Ranged spell attack: +9 to hit, range 60
ft, one target. Hit: 11 (1d10+6) force damage and the target must
succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for
1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Maelstrom of Madness (recharge 5-6). The Penumbral Vizier can
create a momentary 20-foot radius area of unstable psychic
energy up to 90 feet away. The maelstrom deals 49 (9d10) psy-
chic damage and scrambles the senses of creatures within the
area. They must make a Wisdom saving throw DC 17. On a
success, the damage is halved, and they are not affected by
the sense-scrambling effect. On a failure, creatures have dis-
advantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks for
one minute.
Spellcasting. The Nightmare casts one of the following spells,
using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17, +9
to hit with spell attacks):
At will: clairvoyance, command, comprehend languages, levitate
3/day each: arcane eye, counterspell, locate creature
1/day each: animate objects, telekinesis


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Nightmare Tyrant Madwalker Actions
Huge aberration, neutral evil 19th Level
Multiattack. The Nightmare Tyrant makes four force blast attacks.
Armor Class 20 (Natural Armor) Frightening Force Blast. Ranged spell attack: +10 to hit, range
Hit Points 218 (19d12+95) 60 ft, one target. Hit: 11 (1d10+6) force damage and the target
must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened
Speed 0ft, fly 40ft (hover)
for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

18 (+4) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 22 (+6) 16 (+3) Maelstrom of Madness (recharge 5-6). The Nightmare Tyrant
can create a momentary 20-foot radius area of unstable psy-
Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +10 chic energy up to 90 feet away. The maelstrom deals 44 (8d10)
Skills Perception +14 psychic damage and scrambles the senses of creatures within
the area. They must make a Wisdom saving throw DC 18. On
Damage Resistance psychic
a success, the damage is halved, and they are not affected by
Condition Immunities prone
the sense-scrambling effect. On a failure, creatures have dis-
Senses darkvision 90 ft., truesight 60 ft., passive Perception 24 advantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks for
Languages Deep Speech, Common, Telepathy 120 ft. one minute.
Proficiency Bonus +4 Spellcasting. The Nightmare casts one of the following spells,
Challenge 10 (5,000 XP) using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (spell save DC 17, +9
to hit with spell attacks):
Special. See Augur Special Powers, page 172 At will: arcane eye, clairvoyance, command, comprehend languages,
Prediction Gaze (3/day). When a Nightmare Tyrant locks eyes levitate
with a creature, as a free action, it can see the creature’s imme- 3/day each: animate objects, counterspell, locate creature
diate future. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw 1/day each: eye bite, telekinesis
DC 18. On a failure, for one minute, the creature will have dis-
advantage on all attacks, ability checks, and saving throws it
makes against the Nightmare Tyrant.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)


midst the bustling city, a tiefling preacher
stands on a crate, captivating the faithful with hon-
eyed words that evoke adulation. The crowd showers
him with trinkets and coins, and he catches them with a sly
smile, claiming the treasures in the name of the gods. But the
faithful can’t help but wonder if his motives are pure, and if
their requests will come true.
As the sun sets, a cirrus enters the home of an ailing child,
unnoticed by all. The parents offer everything they have, be-
lieving in the wanderer’s saintly aura. With a gentle touch, the
cirrus fills the room with hope, and the child is miraculously
cured. The guardian angel fades into the night, never seeking
payment or recognition. A silent and selfless savior.
In a murky alleyway, an elf waits for bandits and their stolen
gold. When they appear, he unleashes an inky burst of energy,
sending one of the thieves flying. The others falter, and the elf
claims the coins as a reward for justice. Many question his
methods, and if his desire for retribution goes too far. The elf
justifies his actions as the means to a righteous end.

Redeemers are divine spellcasters chosen by the gods, using

energy rays to heal or harm. Guided by prophetic dreams,
they possess unique charisma and influence to inspire oth-
ers. They purify negative emotions, bestow blessings and are
embodiments of Tamera and Bauron’s duality.

Across the vast eons of Tanares, Redeemers have served as

divine emissaries of the celestial deities Tamera and Bauron,
bestowed with divine magic and exceptional charisma.
Endowed with a natural ability to move mortal hearts, they
develop a plethora of skills, individually guided by their
prophetic dreams and visions of destiny. Bound by their
divine calling, Redeemers tread a unique path, interpreting
and sharing their revelations of the gods’ will, which grants
them profound insights into the world.
Amidst the spreading darkness of the Ungods’ corruption,
Redeemers emerge as spiritual beacons, wielding their divine
gifts to cleanse objects tainted by mortal sins and malevolent
desires. In doing so, they turn these once-corrupted items
into wellsprings of sacred power, banishing the influence
of the Ungods and gaining power to give their blessings
upon those in need.
As visionaries of unrivaled allure, Redeemers shep-
herd their followers, inspiring unwavering faith in their
divine guidance. Skilled in the arts of negotiation, trade,
and leadership, they serve as revered advisors and ora-
tors, their celestial blessings from both Tamera and Bauron


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

T he R edeemer
P roficiency C antrips S pells
L evel F eatures S pell S lots per L evel
B onus K nown K nown

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Spellcasting, Rays,
1st +2 Magic in Rays, 4 2 2 - - - - - - - -
Redemption Ritual
2nd +2 Spiritual Vocation 4 3 3 - - - - - - - -
Spiritual Vocation
3rd +2 4 4 4 2 - - - - - - -
Ability Score
4th +2 5 5 4 3 - - - - - - -
5th +3 Elysian Restoration 5 6 4 3 2 - - - - - -
Spiritual Vocation
6th +3 5 7 4 3 3 - - - - - -
7th +3 Eloquence 5 8 4 3 3 1 - - - - -
Ability Score
8th +3 5 9 4 3 3 2 - - - - -
9th +4 - 5 10 4 3 3 3 1 - - - -
Spiritual Vocation
10th +4 6 11 4 3 3 3 2 - - - -
11th +4 Empathy 6 12 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
Ability Score
12th +4 6 12 4 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
13th +5 - 6 13 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
14th +5 Divine Envoy 6 13 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 - -
Spiritual Vocation
15th +5 6 14 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
Ability Score
16th +5 6 14 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 -
17th +6 Essence Reading 6 15 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1
Spiritual Vocation
18th +6 6 15 4 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
Ability Score
19th +6 6 15 4 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1
20th +6 Balance of Life 6 15 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

granting them a harmonious perspective on the world and The History of the Redeemers
the wisdom to find balance between extremes.
Though their convictions may diverge from established In the nascent days of Tanares, when the divine permeated the
doctrines and from each other, most Redeemers remain unit- land, an extraordinary caste of individuals arose. Consecrated
ed by their divine purpose. Their liberty of belief extends by the deities Tamera and Bauron, they came to be known as
even to those who renounce the gods, embracing twisted the Redeemers. At first, these divine envoys were scarce and
philosophies to justify their actions. Yet, their divine powers enigmatic, yet their influence would reverberate across the
remain undiminished, stirring fervent discourse within the ages, shaping the world in ways both profound and nuanced.
halls of the Celestianist Church regarding their sacred nature. Among these celestial emissaries were the Cirrus
As prophets and visionaries, Redeemers effortlessly draw Windspeakers, who partook of the gods’ words through
adherents to their cause, forming tight-knit circles of devout the Angels that forged them. They were but the vanguard
believers. With their vast array of divine spells and their in- of the Redeemers who would traverse Tanares’ realms, guid-
nate ability to perceive the emotions of others, they become ed by prophetic dreams and visions heralding the world’s
sought after by those yearning for spiritual guidance and pivotal moments.
divine intervention.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Throughout the epochs, Redeemers have stirred cult fol- the Evolutionist Church, are now embraced by many with-
lowings with their singular interpretations of divine will. in the reformed Celestianist Church. Nevertheless, some
Yet their distinctive wisdom and divine endowments have Redeemers harbor mistrust towards the Church’s past trans-
incurred the wrath of the Evolutionist Church, which sought gressions and choose to maintain their autonomy, cultivating
to suppress them in its quest for spiritual hegemony. their own followings and interpreting the gods’ will as they
As the Evolutionist Church ascended to prominence, wield- deem appropriate.
ing unparalleled might and sway, it came to regard Redeemers The Redeemers’ tenacity and adaptability have enabled
and the Cirrus people with contempt. The Redeemers’ dis- them to endure millennia of persecution and transforma-
tinctive interpretations of sacred texts and their god-given tion. Today, their divine powers and unyielding convictions
powers were perceived as a threat to the Church’s dominion. remain as potent as ever. As charismatic leaders, spiritual
This tension ultimately culminated in a campaign of perse- guides, great prophets, and potent spellcasters, the Redeemers
cution, with the Church hunting Redeemers and driving the stand as pivotal figures in the politics and power struggles
Cirrus species to the brink of extinction. among the diverse factions and kingdoms seeking to sway
In contemporary times, the Evolutionist Church has un- the common people to advance their agendas.
dergone a metamorphosis. With the return of a few angels to
the mortal plane, the Church has been compelled to confront Purging the Corruption
the corruption within its echelons and the manipulation of
Unfettered by dogma or doctrine, most of these consecrated
its sacred texts by the insidious Ungods’ agents entrenched in
beings follow their personal convictions, channeling their
the Church’s ecclesiastical hierarchy. In response, the Church
divine-bestowed powers to purify Tanares and battle the
has rebranded itself as the Celestianist Church, embarking
sinister Ungods.
on sweeping reforms to expunge the Cult of Shadow Wing
Gifted with an unparalleled aptitude for discerning and
from its midst.
extracting malevolent energies from precious objects,
In this era, Redeemers took even greater prevalence.
Redeemers transmute these dark forces into sanctified bless-
Their divine gifts and prophetic insights, once spurned by
ings. They personify the restorative radiance of Tamera and
the annihilating fury of Bauron, embodying a duality that em-
powers them to expunge Tanares of the corruption spawned
by the nefarious Ungods.
In their call against the forces of darkness, Redeemers are
guided by cryptic dreams and prophetic visions bestowed
by Tamera and Bauron. This divine foresight enables them
to undermine their adversaries and tilt the balance in the
protracted, ages-old struggle that has determined the des-
tiny of Tanares.
All too aware of the Redeemers’ formidable abilities, the
Ungods contrive insidious stratagems to thwart their celestial
foes. They desecrate sacred temples, infiltrate religious institu-
tions, manipulate governing bodies against rising Redeemers,
and foment dissension among believers in a bid to sabotage
the Redeemers’ influence and obstruct their divine mission.
Yet, Redeemers possess a steadfast conviction that remains
unshaken, employing their versatile talents to surmount the
challenges of their sacred vocation. Through their divine rev-
elations, Redeemers frequently find themselves in the path
of the Ungods’ schemes, either consciously or inadvertently
wielding their extraordinary powers to shield Tanares from
the darkness that seeks to engulf it.
In a realm plagued by corruption, Redeemers stand as in-
struments of the gods, their divine endowments a testament
to the might of Tamera and Bauron, and their conferred gifts
a beacon of hope in the battle to purify Tanares from the
malevolence that imperils it.

Religious Conflicts in Tanares

Tanares, a land steeped in diverse and tumultuous religious
traditions, has long been a crucible for conflicting ideologies.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Redeemers have historically stood amidst this strife, their With recent revelations concerning the gods’ true nature
unique insights into the divine will often clashing with pre- and the corrupted sacred scriptures, the religious landscape
vailing dogmas of established institutions. Despite these in Tanares teeters on the precipice of a new era. While some
variations, Redeemers have consistently demonstrated an Redeemers have joined the reformed Celestianist Church
ability to wield divine powers, often leading to the formation to help cleanse it of corruption, others remain cautious of
of devoted followings. This only served to fuel further con- the institution’s past and continue to pursue their divine
flict, providing ample opportunities for the sinister Ungods callings independently.
and their minions to sow discord and manipulate opposing The religious strife in Tanares, shaped by the interplay of
factions, ultimately corrupting the souls of the fallen. divine gifts and mortal interpretation, continues to mold the
The Celestianist Church, formerly known as the Evolutionist destiny of this multifaceted realm. As new alliances form
Church, venerates the celestial deities Tamera and Bauron and old adversaries reemerge, the Redeemers find themselves
and remains the dominant religious institution in Tanares. both catalysts and agents of change in this ever-evolving
Despite recent major reforms, spurred by angelic revelations tapestry of faiths and religions.
regarding the true nature of the gods and the corruption of
sacred scriptures by the Cult of Shadow Wing, the Church Preachers, Merchants
maintains its power and structure in the land. and Community Leaders
Ranged against the Celestianists are various factions, in-
cluding the insidious Cult of Shadow Wing, which favors The Redeemers, as heavenly conduits of the divine twins
the four Ungods seeking to engulf Tanares in corruption. Tamera and Bauron, navigate the intrica-
While the fallen elven Goddess Bás, also opposed the Ungods, cies of Tanares with their celestial gifts,
advocating for a world of ice and undeath, they are too which manifest as both transcendent
enemies of the Church for their apocalyptic solution. oratory and preternatural sagaci-
While the Ba-Ka faith, worshiping the Spirit God of ty. These divine emissaries, with
Magic, had historically clashed with the Evolutionist their captivating presence, serve
Church due to the Evolutionists aversion to ar-
cane magic, the Celestianist reform has eased ten-
sions between them, albeit with lingering distrust.
The Cuiblhe Pantheon, an elven religion venerat-
ing elemental deities, has forged an alliance with
the Celestianist Church against Bás and the Cult
of Shadow Wing.
Other faiths, such as Luminism, Fumetsu Eido,
Fruitlism, and Dorsianism, occupy unique positions
in Tanares. Lumina, the Goddess of Wisdom, has
formed a new alliance with the Celestianist Church,
while Fumetsu Eido, a dragon claiming godhood
through angelic artifacts, has transitioned from a
tolerated enemy to an uneasy ally. Fruitful, a halfling
deity, and Dorsi, the Guardian God of Dwarves, both
enjoy strong relationships with the reformed Church.
However, it is the Windspeaker religion of the Cirrus
people that best exemplifies the religious turmoil that has
historically plagued Tanares. The Cirrus, once a thriving
civilization, were nearly eradicated by the Evolutionist
Church’s inquisition, which condemned the Windspeaker
faith as heresy due to its divergent interpretations of sacred
scriptures. The reformed Celestianists, despite theolog-
ical differences, now seek to mend relations with the
surviving Cirrus and Windspeakers.
These religious divisions and alliances, com-
plex in nature, share a common theme: the in-
terplay of divine power and mortal interpretation.
Redeemers, with their unique divinely inspired
dreams, have only further fueled these conflicts,
as their singular visions rarely align with the
religious interpretations of others.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

as harbingers of the gods’ wisdom and custodians of sacred Understanding the significance of wealth in furthering
relics. their divine mission, Redeemers often embrace roles as pros-
By day, most Redeemers traverse the social tapestry, pur- perous merchants or astute investors. However, they per-
suing their celestial mandates while tending to their commu- ceive riches as a means to an end—a vessel through which
nities, confronting the Ungods’ corruption, and bestowing to channel their blessings and advance their cause—rather
their blessings upon the deserving. As influential orators, than an object of materialistic desire.
they amass devout adherents who heed their in- The Redeemers’ ethical compass transcends the confines
spiring exegeses of sacred texts and of earthly institutions, often placing them at odds with es-
dreams, forging new communities tablished religious orders such as the Celestianist Church.
and sanctuaries that espouse Despite these tensions, some Redeemers ally with the Church
their doctrines. to amplify their influence, while others retain their inde-
pendence, disseminating their personal interpretations of
scripture and gathering followers as prophetic visionaries.

Prophetic Dreams
The dreams of the Redeemers are steeped in mystique, woven
from ethereal reveries and enigmatic signs gifted by their
celestial patrons, Tamera and Bauron. Unlike the unwaver-
ing conduits of the divine, who draw upon celestial energies
through steadfast devotion, the Redeemers first awaken their
spellcasting prowess amidst visions of resplendent grandeur,
infused with the very essence of divinity.
The recent resurgence of the Angels saw them confirming
the divine origins of the Redeemers’ dreams and visions,
emphasizing the need for discerning interpretation. Yet, the
myriad conclaves of the Redeemers are far from immune to
internal strife. A great number of beliefs unfurl, as some advo-
cate for collective endeavors to decipher the cryptic symbols
embedded within the revelations, asserting that the wisdom
of the most exalted should guide the interpretations. In stark
contrast, others extol the merits of individual sovereignty,
resolute in their belief that each Redeemer must divine the
meaning of their own visions, as the gods intended solely
for the chosen recipient and no other.
This divergence of convictions gives
birth to factions within the hallowed
halls of the Redeemers’ temples, un-
derscoring the unique nature of
each Redeemer’s visions as they
embark upon their sacred mis-
sions. Despite the turbulence,
an atmosphere of mutual respect
prevails, with the majority ac-
knowledging the divine gifts of
their brethren, united by their
shared vocation to shepherd and
uplift the denizens of Tanares
and their unyielding bond with
Tamera and Bauron.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Redeemer Dreams an explanation of why the gods might choose to send such
a dream, and an example of what one might look like.
The Redeemers possess a rare gift, one that allows them These dreams can be a powerful tool in the hands of a
to receive prophetic dreams and visions from the gods. skilled GM, one who can use them to weave a rich tapestry
These dreams are not only meant to inspire and guide the of story and character development. But they should not be
Redeemers themselves, but to aid and motivate others as well. viewed as a shortcut or a means of bypassing important plot
The Dream Table outlines the different styles of these dreams elements. Instead, they should be employed to help play-
in vivid detail, from the Empowering and Enlightening to ers deal with unsolved challenging puzzles or overlooked
the Lucid and Nightmarish. Each style is accompanied by a plot hooks. The gods should always be on the side of the
short description, a common use in campaigns, including Redeemers, guiding them towards success, but never at the
expense of overall enjoyment of all players.

S tyle of D escription U se E xample

D ream
Empowering The Redeemer has complete Allows the Redeemer to see where they are The Redeemer failed in a recent encounter be-
mastery over their powers and failing to best utilize their skills and how to cause they didn't know how to use their powers
abilities in a dream, and utilizes implement better strategies. The gods use effectively. In an Empowering dream, they are
them to achieve great victories, this method to empower the Redeemer and shown how to better utilize their abilities, wak-
exploring their full potential. help them grow in power and skill. ing with newfound confidence.
Enlightening The Redeemer experiences a Provides the Redeemer with information The Redeemer has been trying to uncover the
profound moment of insight that they did not have previously, allow- secret of a puzzling letter, but neither they nor
or clarity, allowing them to un- ing them to solve a puzzle, understand a their friends can solve it. In a dream, the gods
derstand a previously unknown situation, or make an important decision. show a clue that helps them connect the dots
truth. The gods use this method to reveal hidden and identify the solution.
knowledge and provide the Redeemer with
greater understanding.
Lucid The Redeemer realizes that they Allows the Redeemer to explore new sce- The Redeemer has been feeling stressed out
are dreaming and can control narios, try out new abilities, or have a fun and burned out from the amount of combat and
their actions in the dream, as if diversion from the campaign. The gods use traps they are facing in a dungeon. In a dream,
they were awake. this method to allow the Redeemer to have they have a relaxing vacation in a tropical para-
a personal experience with them or other dise, where they interact with different people
servants of the gods, in a place separate that may provide new information or quests.
from the events of the physical world.
Nightmarish The Redeemer is plagued by ter- Creates tension, provides a warning, or sets The Redeemer has been feeling uneasy about a
rible visions of death, destruc- up future events. The gods use this method recent peace treaty signed with a neighboring
tion, or loss. to instill a sense of urgency or fear in the nation. In a dream, they see a terrible vision of
Redeemer, motivating them to act. the treaty falling apart as one of the diplomats
Past Life The Redeemer experiences a Provides the Redeemer with information The Redeemer has a dream where they see
dream that seems to be from a about their character's past or provides themselves as a priestess in a long-ago battle
past life or the life of an ances- them with insight into their own personal and learn that the death knight that is now their
tor, providing them with insight history. The gods use this method to pro- enemy was once her beloved husband that fell
into past history or about their vide the Redeemer with information they to treason of the blades of its own comrades he
own origins. lack about their own roots or to help them swore to protect.
understand an important aspect of their
character's backstory.
Prophetic The Redeemer has a cryptic This dream is useful for challenging the The Redeemer dreams of a looming invasion of
dream about a future event filled Redeemer's ability to interpret signs and their home city and sees symbols and flashes of
with symbolism and prophetic connect information, creating puzzles, specific scenes, such as a golden glass filled with
messages that are all connected and communicating a specific message or wine, a crown with 7 rubies, and a light pointing
to a critical situation they are in warning about the future. The gods use this south. These symbols may mean that the cul-
or will be in. method to ensure their intervention does prit is one of the 7 lords of the south, the one
not supersede mortal free will and agency. known for its vineyard, leading the Redeemer
to investigate and interpret the signs to prevent
the invasion.
Prophetic The Redeemer experiences This dream is useful for giving the The Redeemer dreams of a dragon attacking a
Warning a clear and direct vision that Redeemer a warning they can act upon and town at dawn, giving them the chance to return
warns them of an impending providing a clear command to intercede on and prevent the disaster they missed due to not
disaster or danger, providing a specific situation. The gods use this meth- noticing the clues previously.
a clear goal, path, and call to od to guide mortals in preventing disasters
action. or preparing for upcoming events.
Recurring The Redeemer has the same This dream is useful for providing the The Redeemer dreams of standing in front of a
dream multiple times, with Redeemer with a sense of direction and mysterious locked door with a different symbol
minor differences each time, culminating in a big climax for their story. on it each time, gaining new information to in-
providing a major long-term goal The gods use this method to guide mortals terpret the symbol and ultimately unlocking the
and small bits of help as they on long journeys. door to reveal its secret.
advance towards it.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Creating a Redeemer Spellcasting
The first step to creating your Redeemer is to define their You have been blessed by the Gods who have granted you
personal beliefs. While their power originates from the gods, divine powers, so that you are capable of casting cleric spells.
it’s important to consider what they believe the gods want
from them and any prophetic dreams they may have had. Cantrips
Not all Redeemers know precisely where their powers come You know four cantrips of your choice from the cleric spell
from; they simply know that they are fueled by gold and other list. You learn additional cantrips of your choice at higher
emotion-infused material goods. By defining your Redeemer’s levels, as shown in the Redeemer Spells Known column of
beliefs, you can map out the discourse they will adopt - one the Redeemer table.
of divine salvation or personal fulfillment, for example.
Once you have established your Redeemer’s beliefs, con- Spell Slots
sider what they do with the gold they receive. Do they use The Redeemer table shows how many spell slots of 1st level
their powers to help people in the best way possible, fulfilling and higher you have available to cast spells. To cast one of
their desires? Or do they move from town to town, collecting these spells, you must spend a spell slot of the spell’s level or
gold from the desperate and becoming rich? Do they view higher. You regain all spent spell slots when you complete
other Redeemers as competitors or potential allies who can a long rest.
help them solve people’s problems? For example, if you want to cast the 1st-level spell bless and
Finally, it’s important to define what led your character you have one 1st-level spell slot and one 2nd-level spell slot
into the life of adventure. Were they seeking an easier way available, you can cast bless using either spell slot.
to obtain gold and artifacts? Did they have a divine dream
that drove them to adventure? Are they looking for protec- Spells Known Of 1st
tion by being part of a team, or do they want to gather an Level And Higher
army to prepare for the Armageddon? Perhaps they seek to You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the cleric
spread the word of the gods to as many people as possible. spell list. The Spells Known column of the Redeemer table
Whatever the case, understanding your Redeemer’s moti- shows when you learn more cleric spells of your choice. Each
vations and beliefs will help you create a rich and engaging of these spells must be of a level for which you have spell
character for your 5e campaign. slots, as shown on the table. For example, when you reach
3rd level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or
Class Features 2nd level. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class,
you can choose one cleric spell you know and replace it with
As a redeemer, you gain the following class features. another spell from the cleric spell list, which also must be
of a level for which you have spell slots.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per redeemer level Spellcasting Ability
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your cleric spells,
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution since the power of your magic depends on your ability to
modifier per redeemer level after 1st project the divine magic within you into the world. You use
your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting
ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when
Armor: Light armor setting the saving throw DC for a cleric spell you cast and
Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows when making an attack roll with one.
Tools: One artisan tool of your choice
Saving Throws: Charisma, Wisdom Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Skills: Choose three from Arcana, Deception, History, Charisma modifier
Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Medicine, Persuasion, Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
and Religion Charisma modifier
Equipment Ritual Casting
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the You can cast any Cleric spell you know as a ritual if it has
equipment granted by your background: the ritual tag in its description.
• (a) a quarterstaff or (b) a sling
• (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack or (c) a dip- Spell Focus
lomat’s pack You can use any gold coin as a focus for your Cleric spells.
• Leather armor and a dagger


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Rays alter your divine connection, enabling you to modify the
spells accessible to you as a result of this class.
As a Redeemer, your greatest weapons are your rays, which During a short rest, you can alter your spell list, including
shoot directly from your hands. You can fire a Positive or cantrips from this class, spending 1 gold piece per level of
Negative ray using your action, as long as you have at least each spell changed in this way.
one free hand. Your rays have a range of 60 feet and must
target a single creature. Spiritual Vocation
Positive Ray. Must target a willing creature. Grants 1d4
temporary hit points, which last for 1 minute. Note that tem- At 2nd level, you embark on the discovery of your voca-
porary hit points don’t stack, but instead replace each other, tion and the path you’ll take towards redemption. Choose
as per the general rule for temporary hit points. either the Vocation of Doomspeaker or the Vocation of the
The temporary hit points granted by the Ray change to 2d4 Shepherd, both detailed at the end of the class description.
at 5th level Redeemer, 3d4 at 11th level, and 4d4 at 17th level. Your choice grants you with features at the 2nd level, and
Negative Ray. Make a magic attack roll against the target again at the 6th, 10th, 15th, and 18th levels.
creature, dealing 1d6 necrotic damage on a hit. This damage
ignores any immunity or resistance the creature has if it’s an Ability Score Improvement
unnatural creature. In Tanares, unnatural creatures are those When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
not created by Tamera and/or Bauron, such as penumbral 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
creatures, Ungods, undead, and aberrations. If you’re playing by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice
in another setting, talk to your GM to decide what types of by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above
creatures fit this definition. 20 using this feature.
The damage caused by your Ray changes to 2d6 at 5th level
Redeemer, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 17th level. Elysian Restoration
Magic In Rays At 5th level, the first time you are reduced to 0 hit points,
Starting at 1st level, while wearing light or no armor and you can disappear in a flash of light and be transported to a
not carrying a shield, you can use your action to cast a spell safe location in the heavenly realms. You return at the start
(including cantrips) using one of your rays. If you do, your of your next turn with 1 hit point, in your former space or
spell affects a single target determined by the type of ray used, in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
and the spell’s range adapts to the ray’s range. However, you You regain the use of this ability after a long rest.
must still meet all other requirements for casting the spell
and using the ray. Eloquence
You can use this ability a number of times equal to 1 plus From the 7th level, the Redeemer transforms their words
your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses into an art form and expression of their calling. You double
of it after a short or long rest. the proficiency bonus applied to any Charisma checks you
are proficient in.
If the spell requires a saving throw and the ray needs an
attack roll, make the attack roll first. If the attack hits, the
target is affected by the spell and must then make the saving
throw, as indicated in the spell’s description. At 11th level, upon observing a creature, you immediately
For example, if you are a 4th-level Redeemer and use this discern whether its Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma
ability to cast Blindness/Deafness using a 2nd-level spell slot, scores are higher, equal to, or lower than yours. Additionally,
the spell’s range increases to 60 feet instead of its normal range after engaging in a conversation with the creature for at least
of 30 feet. You must make a magic attack roll against the 5 minutes, you glean knowledge of its skill proficiencies, its
target, dealing 1d6 necrotic damage on a hit. The target must rough wealth level, and facets of its personality (the GM
also make a Constitution saving throw or become blinded or decides what you learn, but it must be true aspects of the
deafened, as described in the spell’s description. The target can creature, even if it is trying to disguise its real personality).
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending You can also attempt a Charisma check contested by the
the effect on a success. creature’s Wisdom. If successful, you ascertain whether the
creature’s challenge rating or character level is significantly
Redemption Ritual lower (-4 or more), slightly lower (-1 to -3), equal, slightly
higher (+1 to +3), or significantly higher (+4 or more) than
Your divine abilities were gifted to you through communion
your level. If this would uncover a secret, the GM may de-
with the gods, granting you a collection of inherent divine
cide to make you aware of the existence of a secret but not
spells. Starting at 1st level, you can access the emotional
what it entails.
value that beings assign to gold or other valuable items to


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Divine Envoy sheet in the chosen position. You move this marker every
time you declare firing one of your Rays. The position you
Beginning at the 14th level, you have advantage on all saving will be in at the end of this move will determine the benefit
throws imposed on you by unnatural entities (penumbral you will receive until the beginning of your next turn. You
creatures, Ungods, undead, and aberrations, or as determined do not receive any benefits if you did not use your action to
by your GM in other settings), and these beings have a disad- perform a ray in your turn.
vantage on all saving throws imposed on them by your spells. The movement happens before the ray is shot, so all ben-
efits to moving in a new position are applied before the ray
Essence Reading is used. This movement still happens if you are using Magic
in Rays, and is also applied before the spell is cast.
At 17th level, when you make contact with a magic item, you
obtain information about it, including its magical properties,
attunement requirements, effects, usage methods, and any
Movement On The Cycle
potential risks associated with its use. Additionally, you dis-
cover the type of magic that created the item, for how long it Positive Ray:
has existed, and any hidden secrets necessary to activate and If you declare that you will fire your Positive Ray, you must
use the item to its maximum potential, including activation make a move with your marker following the arrow pres-
phrases in unfamiliar languages. ent on the circumference of the circle (yellow arrow - Order
Track - one movement clockwise)
Balance Of Life
Starting at 20th level, using your action, you can call upon
the Balance of Life. You and all creatures within 30 feet of
you either get healed or take damage, such that each is left
with half their maximum hit points. You can only re-use
this ability after a long rest. Creatures that would lose hit
points due to this ability can resist its effect by making a
Constitution saving throw (DC 20).

Spiritual Vocations
Redeemers who follow the Shepherd vocation are those whose
mission given by Tamera in their dreams, even if they are
not aware of it, is to bring balance and soothe the masses so
that their emotions do not generate penumbral creatures. In
addition, controlling the emotions of the masses ensures that Negative Rays:
wars are less likely to happen. Shepherds are excellent lead- If you declare that you will fire your Negative Ray, you must
ers of crowds, often religious leaders, prophets, and healers. make a move with your marker following the arrow passing
through the middle of the circle (purple arrow - Chaos Track
Preacher - two movements counterclockwise)
At 2nd level, you gain proficiency in Religion. If you are
alredy proficient, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any
ability checks you make that uses this skill.
In addition, you have advantage on Charisma checks related
to gathering groups, crowds, or audiences to listen to you.

Cycle Of Redemption
From the 2nd level, you have a special marking on your
character sheet called the Cycle of Redemption. The position
to which you move the marker on the Cycle, when you use
one of your rays, will guarantee you a unique benefit, which
will last until the beginning of your next turn.
After taking a long rest, you determine your starting posi-
tion on the Cycle and then place a marker on your character


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Positions and Effects Empowered Rays
A - When unleashing a ray, you can shoot an extra ray of
Starting at 6th level, when you release one of your rays, add
the same type towards a separate target. Starting from the
your Charisma modifier to the damage dealt or the tempo-
10th level, you can release two additional rays towards two
rary hit points provided by your ray.
distinct targets, excluding your original target.
B - Prior to firing your ray, you can instantly move 20 feet.
This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks and
Reform Argument
occurs before the ray is discharged. From the 10th level, this At 10th level, if you fail a Charisma check when addressing
movement increases to 30 feet. a crowd or group, you can swiftly rephrase your argument,
C - Until your next turn starts, all your saving throws re- enabling you to reroll the check and take the new result.
ceive a bonus equivalent to your Charisma modifier. From the You can use this ability a number of times equivalent to
10th level, gain your Charisma modifier plus 2 as the bonus. your Charisma modifier. You regain all uses after a long rest.
D - The temporary hit points granted by your Positive Ray
increase by 2d4, and the damage inflicted by your Negative Crowd Leader
Ray increases by 2d6. From the 10th level, this extra bonus
rises to 3d4 and 3d6, respectively. At 15th level, your role as a Shepherd provides you with
E - Your rays’ magical attack rolls receive a +3 bonus and exceptional skills in engaging with crowds and building
can bypass half cover and three-quarter cover. From the 10th trust with individual members. When making a Charisma
level, this bonus increases to +5. (Performance) check to interact with a non-hostile group of
F - Until your next turn starts, creatures suffer disadvantage at least three creatures, you can add your proficiency bonus
when executing ranged attacks against you. From the 10th lev- in Deception or Persuasion to the check in addition to your
el, you also gain +2 AC against all ranged attacks aimed at you. proficiency in Performance. If the check succeeds, you cap-
ture the absolute attention of the creatures, instilling trust in
Further The Cycle them during the interaction, and they have a disadvantage
on Wisdom (Perception) checks for anything besides you
Starting at 2nd level, when making a move in your Cycle during this period.
of Redemption, you can choose to move twice instead of
just once. You can only use this ability again after a short Mob Mentality
or long rest.
At 18th level, you can once per day influence a group of
Saved By Ray creatures by bending their will to their commands. Any in-
dividual who can hear and comprehend their speech for
Starting at the 3rd level, your positive ray grants your tar- 1 minute must make a Wisdom saving throw, with a DC
get advantage on all saves imposed by unnatural creatures equivalent to their spell save DC. A creature that fails will
(penumbral creatures, Ungods, undead, aberrations, or as pursue the course of action you described as if affected by
determined by your GM in other settings) until your next the suggestion spell, behaving this way until the order is
turn starts. At the 9th level, each time you employ your pos- completed or 7 days have passed. The course of action must
itive ray using the Magic in Ray ability, you also heal 1d8 hit be expressed in one or two sentences, and follows the same
points of your target in addition to other effects. restrictions and limitations as the suggestion spell.
This effect isn’t considered magical but is instead the result
Shepherd Extra Spells of their powerful persuasiveness, so affected creatures will feel
persuaded rather than enchanted or manipulated. Affected
At 3rd level, 7th, 10th, 13th and 16th you learn a new spells,
creatures have an advantage on saving throws against any
which counts as a cleric spell for you and doesn’t count against
effect that would compel them to act against your suggestion.
your number of spells known, following the table below:
L evel E xtra S pell
3 goodberry
Chosen by Bauron in their dreams, even if not aware of it,
7 hypnotic pattern Redeemers of the Doomspeakers vocation strive to ready
10 dream mortals for the inevitable armageddon. Tasked with forti-
13 magnificent mansion fying society against the Ungods’ invasion, they establish
16 sunburst institutions, build armies, and manipulate the masses for the
ultimate battle in the penumbral plane. Exceptional strate-
gists and businessmen, Doomspeakers amass resources and
wealth to construct a resilient society able to withstand the
Ungods’ onslaught. Often found in influential positions, such
as traders, politicians, or religious leaders, their primary goal


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

is to consolidate power and resources, ensuring the world Doombringer Extra Spells
stands prepared for the impending threat.
At 3rd level, 7th, 10th, 13th and 16th, following the table
Businessman below, you learn a new spell, which counts as a cleric spell for
you and doesn’t count against your number of spells known.
At the 2nd level, you gain one of the following benefits: pro-
ficiency in Land Vehicles and Cartographer’s Tools, or profi- L evel E xtra S pell
ciency in Water Vehicles and Navigator’s Tools. Additionally, 3rd hideous laughter
you have advantage on ability checks associated with gath- 7th vampiric touch
ering information and connecting with influential people in 10th dream
the politics and economy of your current region.
13th finger of death

Doom Magic 16th dominate monster

Starting at 2nd level, whenever you use Magic in Rays and

hit an enemy you can choose to apply one of the extra effects
on the table below. Starting at 6th level, when you unleash your Negative Ray,
you inflict additional necrotic damage equivalent to your
N ame E ffect
Proficiency Bonus.
Decay The target takes only half of all damage caused by

King Of Treasures
the Ray and the Spell, but becomes cursed by your
magic for 1 minute. At the end of each of the crea-
ture’s turns, it takes half the damage again, then it
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw to end Your business acumen offers you distinctive abilities to ap-
this effect. praise items, as well as to count treasures. From the 10th
Despair You instill the fear of the world-end on the creature. level, you have advantage on any Intelligence checks related
The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or
become frightened for 1d4 rounds.
to trading goods, conducting mathematical calculations,
economics, or investing in a business. Additionally, you can
Omen Before the target creature makes a saving throw
against your spell, choose two numbers between 2 verify the authenticity of a work of art, coin, gem, jewelry,
and 20. If the creature's roll equals either of the cho- document, or magic item and determine its exact price by
sen numbers, it automatically fails the saving throw examining it for at least one minute.
as if it had rolled a 1. If the creature has advantage
on the saving throw, use the higher of its two rolls.
If the creature has disadvantage on the saving throw, Charming
use the lower of its two rolls.
Apocalypse All other creatures within 10 feet of the target must At 15th level, when you succeed on a Charisma check to
make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, interact with a non-hostile creature, it becomes charmed by
they are affected by the spell (but not your ray) as you. The creature becomes friendly to you until you com-
if they were the original target. You must make any
necessary attack rolls, saving throws, or decisions for mit an act harmful to it, or say or do something against its
each affected creature, as if casting the spell against deep-rooted beliefs. The creature can resist this effect with
that target.
a successful Wisdom save, with the save DC equal to your
After using Apocalypse, you must take a short rest
before you can use this option again.
spell DC. The effect lasts for 7 days and is not considered
magical, but merely the result of your extraordinary persua-
sive power. A creature that succeeds on the save becomes
Ray of Damnation immune to this ability for the next 24 hours.
Starting at 3rd level, your negative ray imposes disadvantage
on saves made by non-natural creatures (shadow creatures,
New Perspective
ungods’ servants, undeads, and aberrations, or as determined At 18th level, you can alter a creature’s viewpoint by engaging
by your GM in other scenarios) targeted by the ray until the it in conversation for at least 10 minutes. The creature must
beginning of your next turn (including saves against spells make a Wisdom saving throw, with the DC equal to your
cast by Magic in Ray during the same ray). spell DC. On failure, you can modify the creature’s opinion
Starting at 9th level, whenever you use your negative ray on a subject or individual, provided it does not contradict
using the Magic in Ray ability, in addition to other effects, its core beliefs. This ability can only be used on the same
you also deal an extra 1d8 necrotic damage to the target on a creature once every 7 days. This effect is not magical but
successful hit. This extra damage ignores any immunity or re- results from your great power of persuasion, and creatures
sistance the creature might have if it is a non-natural creature. influenced by this ability will feel convinced rather than
charmed or manipulated. At the GM’s discretion, a creature
exposed to this ability multiple times over months or years
may even change its alignment, personality traits, ideals, and
flaws, if the change aligns with the creature’s circumstances.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

The following is an optional rule that can be applied to the Redeemer base class.

OPTIONAL RULE: Blessings of Redemption

Redeemers have the ability to purify valuables imbued a G.P. value to fund the blessing of your choice from
with negative emotions, transforming them into divine your “Bless List.” You must respect the G.P. cost required
power. This optional rule serves to better illustrate the and the Redeemer level requirement when making your
Redeemers’ capacity to bestow divine blessings using choice before starting the ritual. See the Bless List at the
this accumulated energy. end of this class for more details about them.
Consult with your GM to determine if this optional Throughout the ritual, the Redeemer must touch the
rule is permitted in your campaign. As it exchanges gold Blessed with one hand and with the other touch the set
for permanent powers, it offers no greater advantage than of items that will be consumed in this process. Each of
purchasing magical items. In settings where buying mag- the items begins to emit an intense golden glow that
ical items is possible, this feature provides some level of disappears at the end of the ritual, revealing dull and
control without significantly increasing power. This rule faded items that have lost all their value and any magic
was designed with the concept that, in Tanares, magical they had. The slightest touch turns these items into dust.
items are frequently traded. Utilizing this rule will not For a blessing to have its effects, the Blessed must
drastically impact your Redeemer’s overall power, but attune to it, as if it were a magical item. All attunement
it can offer engaging roleplaying opportunities. GMs rules are applied to the blessing, including the count
who disapprove of exchanging gold for magical items of the maximum number of attunements that some-
should avoid implementing this rule, while those who one can possess simultaneously. The granted blessing
are neutral or encourage such exchanges might consider is permanent, can’t be extinguished, except by a Divine
allowing its use, especially in Tanares. Intervention, or suppressed, except by an antimagic ar-
ea or the Blessed not being attuned to it. The Blessed
The Blessings Of can only be attuned to a single blessing at a time, even
Redemption if they have more than one. The Blessed can replace
the attuned blessing with another they already have by
Starting at 5th level, you become capable of performing taking a short rest. Note that this doesn’t extinguish the
special rituals that grant blessings to you or to willing blessing, it only suspends its use.
creatures, through the powers extracted from the emo- If you and/or the Blessed wish, it’s possible to modify
tions deposited in valuable items such as coins, gems, one blessing for another using a previous one as if it were
jewelry, works of art, and magical items, as long as they a consumed item for its power to be used in creating
can be carried by you and have a value in gold pieces. the new blessing. However, only half of the GP value
To grant each blessing, you must spend one hour and of the previous blessing can be used to offset the cost
consume a sufficient quantity of coins or items with of the new blessing.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Bless List munition that disappear after hitting their target. It is not
considered magical and has no magical properties, but
allows for an endless amount of ammunition to shoot.
Minor Blessing (Common)
Arrows and bolts the blessed creature shoots never break
Redeemer Level: 5+
when hitting an enemy. They can still be broken as usual
Cost - 10 GP
in other ways.
• Blessing of Tidiness: The blessed creature’s clothes never
• Blessing of the Prey: Wisdom (Survival) checks made to
get dirty or stained. They can still be damaged or ruined
track the blessed creature have disadvantage.
in other ways.
• Blessing of Elemental Protection: When this blessing is
• Blessing of Health: The blessed creature gains a +2 bonus
given, the Redeemer must choose one element (fire, cold,
to saving throws against poisons and diseases.
lightning, thunder, or acid). When the blessed creature
• Blessing of Fortune: If the blessed creature is continuously would take damage from that element, it may use a reaction
attuned to this blessing for one month, they gain a 5% to reduce that damage by 1d6.
chance to unexpectedly gain 1d10 GP. There is no way to
• Blessing of Light: As an action, the blessed creature can
know if the gain of gold is caused by this blessing or not.
start to emit light as the light spell. This has no time limit
• Blessing of Love: The blessed creature gains a +3 bonus and can be ended at any time with a bonus action.
to Charisma checks made when interacting with people
• Blessing of Action: The blessed creature gains +2 on ini-
they truly love.
tiative checks.
• Blessing of Life: The blessed creature gains a +1 bonus to
• Blessing of Consistence: When the blessed creature makes
death saving throws.
an attack or ability check, they can forgo rolling the d20
• Blessing of Sobriety: The blessed creature never becomes to consider a roll of 10 on the die. This can be used only
inebriated from drinking alcoholic beverages. This has once and recovers with a long rest.
no effect on magical liquids or other substances such as
Major Blessing (Uncommon)
• Blessing of Endurance: The blessed creature gains a +2
bonus to saving throws against receiving or increasing the Redeemer Level: 9+
Exhaustion condition. Cost - 300 GP
• Blessing of Secrecy: The blessed creature has advantage
• Blessing of the Green: The plants that the blessed crea-
on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
ture plants and takes care of produce 30% more food if
harvested. • Blessing of Power: The DC of saving throws imposed by
the blessed creature are 1 point higher.
• Blessing of the Crafter: The blessed creature gains a +2
bonus to all ability checks made with artisan’s tools. • Blessing of Reflex: When the blessed creature is hit by a
weapon attack, it can use a reaction to reduce the damage
• Blessing of Courage: The blessed creature gains a +2 bonus
taken by 1d6.
to saving throws against fear effects.
• Blessing of Recovery: The blessed creature can use an
Simple Blessing (Common) action to make a target creature it touches regain 4d6 hit
Redeemer Level: 7+ points. This can be used once and recovers after a long rest.
Cost - 50 GP
• Blessing of Water: The blessed creature can breathe un-
• Blessing of the Desert: The blessed creature needs to drink derwater as if it were air.
water only once every 5 days, and gains advantage on sav-
• Blessing of War: The blessed creature gains +1 to weapon
ing throws to resist the effects of heat from hot climates.
attack rolls.
• Blessing of Eyesight: The blessed creature gains +2 on
• Blessing of Tongues: The blessed creature can understand
Wisdom (Perception) checks that are based on vision.
any language as if affected by a comprehend languages spell.
• Blessing of Resilience: Once per day when the blessed
• Blessing of Magic: If the blessed creature has spell slots,
creature suffers a critical hit, it can use a reaction to turn
when recovering spells it may reduce its maximum hit
that into a normal hit.
points by 3 until its next spell recovery to gain one extra
• Blessing of Vigor: The blessed creature’s maximum hit slot of its choice up to 3rd level (it can’t gain a slot of a
points are increased by 3. level it has no access to).
• Blessing of the Archer: When shooting arrows or bolts, • Blessing of Air: When falling, the blessed creature de-
the blessed creature can create energy versions of the am- scends only 60 feet per round and takes no fall damage.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

• Blessing of the Weapon: One weapon the blessed crea- Supreme Blessing (Very Rare)
ture holds can be considered a +1 Weapon. The redeemer Redeemer Level: 13+
can pay three times the blessing cost to instead make this Cost - 50.000 GP
Blessing apply to all weapons the creature uses, including
natural and unarmed. • Blessing of the Shield: The blessed creature’s Constitution
score increases by 2, and their maximum Constitution
Greater Blessing (Rare) score increases by 2 as well.
Redeemer Level: 11+ • Blessing of the Wind: The blessed creature’s Dexterity
Cost - 4.000 GP score increases by 2, and their maximum Dexterity score
• Blessing of the Mystic: The blessed creature gains a +2 increases by 2 as well.
bonus to all spell attack rolls and the saving throw DCs • Blessing of the Giant: The blessed creature’s Strength score
of its spells, but its maximum hit points are reduced by 4 increases by 2, and their maximum Strength score increases
while attuned to this blessing. by 2 as well.
• Blessing of the Elements: The blessed creature gains re- • Blessing of the Soul: The blessed creature’s Wisdom score
sistance to two elements chosen randomly from cold, fire, increases by 2, and their maximum Wisdom score increases
acid, lightning, or thunder when the blessing is given. by 2 as well.
• Blessing of Speed: The blessed creature’s speed increases • Blessing of the Mind: The blessed creature’s Intelligence
by 20 feet. score increases by 2, and their maximum Intelligence score
• Blessing of Protection: The blessed creature gains +1 to increases by 2 as well.
AC. • Blessing of the King: The blessed creature’s Charisma
• Blessing of Nourishment: The blessed creature does not score increases by 2, and their maximum Charisma score
need to eat, drink, or breathe. increases by 2 as well.

• Blessing of Spell Resistance: The blessed creature has • Blessing of Regeneration: The blessed creature regains 1d6
advantage on saving throws against spells. hit points every 10 minutes, provided they have at least 1
hit point. If the creature loses a body part, it regrows and
• Blessing of Salvation: If the blessed creature would die, returns to full functionality after 1d6+1 days, as long as it
it stays alive with 1 hit point, all failed death saves are re- has at least 1 hit point the whole time.
moved, and it becomes conscious if it wasn’t already. This
blessing is completely lost when used. This blessing uses • Blessing of Haste: The blessed creature can make one
two attunement slots instead of one. weapon attack as a bonus action on each of their turns.

• Blessing of Evasion: The blessed creature has advantage • Blessing of Avoidance: All attacks against the blessed
on Dexterity saving throws. creature are made with disadvantage. If the creature takes
damage, this benefit is lost until the start of their next turn.
• Blessing of the Skies: The blessed creature can activate this This blessing has no effect if the creature is incapacitated,
blessing for up to 4 hours per day using a Bonus Action. restrained, or otherwise unable to move.
Once activated, the creature gains a flying speed equal to its
walking speed. Each activation has a duration of 1 minute, • Blessing of Supreme Weapon: One weapon the blessed
and when it expires, the creature descends at a rate of 30 creature holds can be considered a +3 weapon. The re-
feet per round until it lands. deemer can pay three times the blessing cost to instead
make this blessing apply to all weapons the creature uses,
• Blessing of Superior Weapon: One weapon the blessed including natural and unarmed attacks.
creature holds can be considered a +2 Weapon (can be
changed at the start of the creature’s turn). The redeemer
can pay three times the blessing cost to instead make this
Blessing apply to all weapons the creature uses, including
natural and unarmed.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

The Simple Classes have been created to
offer a straightforward approach to char-
acter creation. These classes provide a solid
foundation for a character that is easy to play
while still being effective during adventures.
We recommend that players use only Ability
Score Increases, rather than the optional Feats rules, to
keep things simple and streamlined. Of course, the GM is
free to allow Feats and players to choose them if they prefer,
but the goal of Simple Classes is to simplify the character
creation process.
This class option is ideal for new players who are looking
for a less complex introduction to the game, or for those
who want to maintain a straightforward and uncomplicat-
ed character without sacrificing effectiveness during play.

Brawlers are simplified Barbarians. They are ideal for new
players who are looking for a less complexity or to create
a more straightforward character without sacrificing effec-
tiveness during play.

rawlers are warriors from remote tribal
communities renowned for their immense strength
and unwavering spirit. Drawing on a connection
to the earth and their ancestral heritage, they harness a
primal power that fuels their ferocity in combat. Unlike
traditional barbarians, brawlers don’t rely on rage, but
rather on their raw physicality and brute strength to
overcome any obstacle.
Armed with massive two-handed weapons, they
unleash devastating blows on their foes, leaving
a trail of destruction. Although fearsome, most
brawlers have good hearts and hold their tribe
and elders in high regard. Proud of their
heritage, they will go to great lengths to
protect or bring honor to their people.
Brawlers often join adventurers to
make a name for themselves and defend their
tribes from harm. With their indomitable spirit and
earth-shattering strength, they are a formidable
presence on the battlefield, leaving their mark
and making their tribe proud.
You can’t Multiclass into Simplified Classes,
or Multiclass if you are a Simplified Class


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

T he B rawler
Level Features
1st +2 Tough as Nails
2nd +2 Experience
3rd +2 Hit the Mark
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Extra Attack
6th +3 Resilient
7th +3 Powerful Legs
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Hit the Mark
10th +4 Experience
11th +4 Deadly
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Hit the Mark
14th +5 Resilient
15th +5 Powerful Legs
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Deadly
18th +6 Experience
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Barbaric Mastery

Brawler Class Features Tough as Nails

As a brawler, you gain the following class features. Brawlers are known to be tough as nails and are extremely
resilient even when not wearing armor. Starting at 1st level,
Hit Points your AC, while not wearing armor is 10 + your Dexterity
Hit Dice: 1d12 per brawler level modifier + your Constitution modifier. Additionally, you
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier are resistant to all damage types.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution
modifier per brawler level after 1st Experience
Your experience grants you certain practical knowledge. At
Proficiencies 2nd level, and again when you reach 10th and 18th level,
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields you gain proficiency in a skill of your choice.
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: None Hit the Mark
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Athletics, Your attacks are often precise despite appearing reckless.
Intimidation, Nature, Perception, and Survival Starting at 3rd level, you receive a +2 bonus to your attack
rolls. This bonus becomes +3 at 9th level, and +4 at 13rd level.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the Ability Score Improvement
equipment granted by your background:
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
• (a) a greataxe or (b) any martial melee weapon 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
• (a) two handaxes or (b) any simple weapon by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice
• An explorer’s kit and four javelins by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above
20 using this feature.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Extra Attack increasingly powerful as they level up, making them some
of the best melee combatants in the entire game.
Starting at 5th level, during your turn, whenever you take the At level one, Brawlers’ ability to withstand damage surpass-
Attack action, you can perform two attacks instead of one. es that of any other class, making them incredibly difficult
to take down in a fight.
Resilient This allows for a more aggressive approach to combat tac-
tics, as combatants have a greater chance of surviving and
You usually fare well when it’s your physical prowess that’s
emerging victorious from any altercation. Thus, Brawlers
at stake. Starting at 6th level, when you have to make a
make excellent tanks or brutes.
Constitution saving throw, you receive a +2 bonus on that
As Brawlers level up, they gain access to a variety of skills
roll. This bonus becomes +4 at 14th level.
that further increase their ability to deal damage (Extra
Powerful Legs Attack and Deadly), accuracy (Hit the Mark), and mo-
bility (Powerful Legs). This allows them to take down en-
Starting at 7th level, your movement increases by 5 feet and emies more efficiently while maintaining their consistency,
another 5 feet at 15th level. reliability and power in terms of damage, as well as being
able to better deal with ranged attacks such as from archers
Deadly and/or spellcasters.
Additionally, the Resilient ability amplifies combatant
Your combat experience has taught you the best way to harm resilience to punishment, making them even harder to take
your enemies. Starting at 11th level, when causing damage down in combat, granting bonuses to the Constitution saving
to someone with one of your attacks, cause an extra 1d10 throws they must make.
of the same type of damage as one of the damages caused It’s worth noting that while Brawlers are incredibly pro-
by you. This extra damage increases to 1d12 at 17th level. ficient in combat, they’re not limited to that aspect of the
game. The Experience skill allows players to gain experi-
Barbaric Mastery ence in areas beyond combat, allowing them to create more
At 20th level, you embody what true combat power is. Your well-rounded characters.
Strength and Constitution scores increase by 4. The maxi- For example, players can choose to develop soft skills such
mum value of these abilities becomes 24. as deception, persuasion, performance, and intimidation, or
opt for intellectual skills such as history, religion, and arcana.
How to play with a Brawler By doing so, they can improve their characters’ playability
without interfering with their strength or resilience.
The Brawler class is an excellent choice for players who want In summary, the Brawler class offers players a unique play-
to excel in the combats they and their allies will be engaged style that allows them to excel in combat, while also providing
in, either dealing massive amounts of damage or resisting the opportunity to develop skills beyond the battlefield. With
the damage that would be inflicted on their allies. the right mix of skills and abilities, Brawlers can become a
As a stripped-down version of a Barbarian, Brawlers formidable force in any gaming scenario.
possess a unique set of combat-focused skills that become


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Mages are simplified Wizards. They are ideal for new play-
ers who are looking for a less complexity or to create a
more straightforward character without sacrificing ef-
fectiveness during play.

ages are spellcasters of unparalleled
talent, known for their skilled and practical
approach to magic. With logical minds and
sharp intellects, they focus their efforts on refining
a select few incantations, honing their control until
each one shines like a work of art. Their mastery of
magic allows them to wield their powers with effortless
precision, pursuing their individual goals with unwav-
ering determination.
In addition to their exceptional abilities, Mages
are also down-to-earth in their approach to life.
They indulge in life’s finer things, savoring rich cui-
sine and rare wines, but view the world with a util-
itarian perspective, seeking success in all aspects,
not just in their magical prowess. They have a fond-
ness for order and prefer tidy spaces, well-groomed
attire, and everything in its proper place.
Though not naturally charismatic, Mages of-
ten play the role of hidden masterminds behind
successful adventuring parties. Using their stra-
tegic thinking and practicality, they guide their
companions to victory from behind the scenes,
seeing themselves as the driving force behind any
venture’s success. They are self-assured, their confidence
matched only by their exceptional abilities.
Mages aspire to high-status positions, but prefer roles
that require technical and practical work over those that
involve more political or theoretical routine. With
their practicality, mastery of magic, and appreciation
for life’s indulgences, Mages are truly one-of-a-kind
spellcasters, always turning their knowledge into mas-
tery. Their logical and organized nature only adds to their
unparalleled virtuosity in magic.
You can’t Multiclass into Simplified Classes, or Multiclass
if you are a Simplified Class

Class Features
As a mage, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d6 per mage level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your
Constitution modifier per mage level after 1st


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

T he M age
Level Features
1st +2 Simplified Spellcasting, Specific Cantrips (2) (New Spells)
2nd +2 Experience, Arcane Protection
3rd +2 Simplified Spellcasting, Specific Cantrips (3) (New Spells)
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Simplified Spellcasting (New Spells)
6th +3 Arcane Mastery
7th +3 Simplified Spellcasting (New Spells)
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Simplified Spellcasting (New Spells)
10th +4 Experience
11th +4 Simplified Spellcasting (New Spells)
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Simplified Spellcasting (New Spells)
14th +5 Arcane Mastery
15th +5 Simplified Spellcasting (New Spells)
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Simplified Spellcasting (New Spells)
18th +6 Experience
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Signature Spells

Proficiencies Spellcasting Ability

Armor: None Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your mage spells,
Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, staffs, light crossbows since you learn your spells through study. You use your
Tools: None Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability.
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when set-
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight, ting a saving throw DC for a mage spell you cast and when
Investigation, Medicine, and Religion making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Equipment Intelligence modifier
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background: Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus
• (a) a quarterstaff or (b) a dagger + your Intelligence modifier
• (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
Casting spells in Higher Levels
• (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
Some spells can be cast using spell slots of a higher level
than yours, making their effects more powerful.
Spellcasting If you have a spell that can be cast on a higher level you
Due to your ability to channel arcane power, you can cast can use another spell of higher level in place of it to cast that
spells. spell on a higher level. The level of the spell you spent will
determine the level the spell was effectively cast.
Cantrips Example: If you have Magic Missiles, but want to use it
At 1st level, you know two cantrips: Fire Bolt and Light. At as a 2nd level spell, you can choose a spell of 2nd level, such
3rd level, you learn one more cantrip, Mage Hand. as Invisibility, to use. This counts as one of your two uses of
Invisibility, but instead of applying the effects of Invisibility,
Simplified Spellcasting you cast the Magic Missiles spell as a 2nd level spell adjusting
Unlike more complex classes, as a Mage, your spells are its effects as described in it.
predetermined by your class and you can cast each of them
twice per day. Follow the Mage spell table to know which
spells you know and when you will have access to them.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Arcane Focus Signature Spells
You can use an arcane focus or a component pouch as a
Upon reaching 20th level, you master two of your spells.
focus for your spells.
Choose two of your 3rd-level or lower spells, you have an
M age S pell L ist additional use for each of these spells. These uses recharge
L evel S pells after a short or long rest.
1st detect magic, magic missiles You can’t use these extra spells in any other way except
casting as normal (you can’t use these slots to make another
3rd invisibility, scorching ray
spell at a higher level, or to activate any ability, item or effect).
5th fireball, fly
7th dimension door, stone skin How to play with a Mage
9th cone of cold, wall of force
For those players who relish commanding the battlefield with
11th disintegrate
devastating spells, the Mage class emerges as a compelling
13th teleport
choice. A streamlined version of the Wizard, Mages wield
15th antimagic field arcane power, which they can evolve into awe-inspiring spells
17th meteor swarm as they advance in levels. This arcane mastery empowers
Mages to turn the tides in various combat situations.
Experience From the first level, Mages tap into their magical prowess to
deal reliable damage with spells like Magic Missile - an attack
Your experience grants you certain practical knowledge. At that opponents cannot evade. They can also detect concealed
2nd level, and again when you reach 10th and 18th level, magical elements in their environment using Detect Magic,
you gain proficiency in a skill of your choice. providing valuable insights during exploration.
Mages might not boast the sturdiest of defenses, but they
Arcane Protection flourish in a ranged combat role, dealing devastating dam-
The Arcane magic that runs around you grants you ex- age from a safe distance. This class needs protection from
tra protection. Starting at 2nd level, your AC is 13 + your allies, allowing Mages to focus on unleashing their potent
Dexterity modifier. Starting at 19th level, it becomes 15 + offensive capabilities. As they progress, Mages unlock even
your Dexterity modifier. more destructive spells like Disintegrate and Meteor Swarm,
continually enhancing their damage output.
Ability Score Improvement The Mage’s arsenal also includes protective and utility spells
such as Stoneskin and Fly, offering resilience in combat and
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and mobility. They can even assist their party during exploration
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice or emergency exits with spells like Teleport, making them a
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice boon both in and out of combat scenarios.
by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above Mages excel in providing consistent damage in combat
20 using this feature. while simultaneously offering valuable defensive and util-
ity abilities. However, they demand strategic play, as many
Arcane Mastery of their powerful spells require casting time, leaving them
open to enemy attacks.
Starting at 6th level, when casting spells you gain a +1 bo-
In conclusion, the Mage class is a fantastic choice for players
nus to attack rolls, and your spell DCs is increased by 1. The
eager to specialize in dealing damage with offensive spells.
attack roll bonus and spell save DC increase to 2 starting at
Their access to a potent spell repertoire, combined with handy
14th level.
utility abilities, makes them a multifaceted and indispensable
asset to any adventuring party.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Priests are simplified Clerics. They are ideal for new players
who are looking for a less complexity or to create a more
straightforward character without sacrificing effectiveness
during play.

riests are faithful servants of the gods, shin-
ing beacons of devotion who spread the word of
their deity to all who will listen. Most priests serve
Tamera, the radiant goddess of sun and life, while others
follow Bauron, the enigmatic deity of moon and punishment.
Dwarves offer their prayers to Dorsi, the god of guardianship
and virtues, and among the elves, there are those who wor-
ship the Cuibhle pantheon, the gods of elements and seasons.
Acting as guides to the common people and trusted advisors
to their closest allies, priests are known for their exceptional
healing powers and their ability to protect those around them
with sacred magic. They serve as shining lights, illuminating
the path for their companions and offering hope in even the
darkest of moments.
Although not trained in traditional combat, priests are
equipped with the basics of armor and shield usage, allowing
them to face danger with bravery. However, their true power
lies in their unwavering faith and their divine magic, making
them a formidable force on the battlefield and a source of
inspiration to their allies. Whether ministering in small tem-
ples or venturing out into the world as adventurers, priests
are a shining example of the power of the divine.
You can’t Multiclass into Simplified Classes, or Multiclass
if you are a Simplified Class

Class Features
As a priest, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per priest level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
Constitution modifier per priest level after 1st

Armor: Light armor, medium armor, and shields
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from History, Insight, Medicine,
Persuasion, and Religion


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

T he P riest
Level Features
1st +2 Simplified Spellcasting, Specific Cantrips (2)
2nd +2 Experience
3rd +2 Simplified Spellcasting, Specific Cantrips (3) (New Spells)
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Simplified Spellcasting (New Spells)
6th +3 Divine Cure
7th +3 Simplified Spellcasting (New Spells)
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Simplified Spellcasting (New Spells)
10th +4 Experience
11th +4 Simplified Spellcasting (New Spells)
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Simplified Spellcasting (New Spells)
14th +5 Divine Cure
15th +5 Simplified Spellcasting (New Spells)
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Simplified Spellcasting (New Spells)
18th +6 Experience
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Divine Intervention

Equipment Spellcasting Ability

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your priest spells.
equipment granted by your background: The power of your spells comes from your devotion to your
• (a) a mace or (b) a warhammer (if proficient) deity. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your
• (a) scale mail, (b) leather armor, or (c) chain mail (if pro- spellcasting ability.
ficient) In addition, you use your Wisdom modifier when setting a
• (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon saving throw DC for a priest spell you cast and when making
an attack roll with one.
• (a) a priest’s kit or (b) an explorer’s kit
• A shield and a holy symbol Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus
+ your Wisdom modifier
Spellcasting Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus
+ your Wisdom modifier
Due to your ability to channel divine power, you can cast
spells. Casting spells in Higher Levels
Some spells can be cast using spell slots of a higher level
than yours, making their effects more powerful.
At 1st level, you know two cantrips: light and sacred flame.
If you have a spell that can be cast on a higher level you
At 3rd level you learn an additional cantrip, spare the dying.
can use another spell of higher level in place of it to cast that
Simplified Spellcasting spell on a higher level. The level of the spell you spent will
determine the level the spell was effectively cast.
Unlike more complex classes, as a Priest, your spells are
Example: If you have Cure Wounds, but want to use it as
predetermined by your class and you can cast each of them
a 2nd level spell, you can choose a spell of 2nd level, such as
twice per day. Follow the Priest spells table to know which
Lesser Restoration, to use. This counts as one of your two uses
spells you know and when you will have access to them.
of Lesser Restoration, but instead of applying the effects of
Lesser Restoration, you cast the Cure Wounds spell as a 2nd
level spell adjusting its effects as described in it.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Spellcasting Focus Divine Intervention
You can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus for your
Starting at 20th level, you can invoke your deity to intervene
on your behalf. This requires the use of an action. Describe
P riest S pell L ist the help you are seeking and it will occur, but the GM deter-
L evel S pells
mines how the nature of the intervention ; the effect of any
cleric spell or cleric domain spell would be appropriate. After
1st bless, cure wounds
using this ability, you cannot use it again for the next 7 days.
3rd lesser restoration, spiritual weapon
5th daylight, revivify How to play with a Priest
7th banishment, freedom of movement
The Priest class, a streamlined variation of the Cleric, offers
9th greater restoration, mass cure wounds
an inviting choice for newcomers seeking a more straight-
11th heal forward character creation process, without compromising
13th fire storm gameplay effectiveness. Unlike the Clerics with their wide
15th sunburst range of domains and vast spell options, Priests specialize
17th true resurrection predominantly in support spells, geared towards healing and
empowering their allies. From level one, Priests wield spells
capable of significantly influencing the course of a battle.
Experience Priests are uniquely versatile, adept at functioning as both
Your experience grants you certain practical knowledge. At robust tanks and reliable support units. While they rely on
2nd level, and again when you reach 10th and 18th level, their allies for protection, they possess access to armor and
you gain proficiency in a skill of your choice. weapons for direct combat, providing a balanced role in
the party. As they advance in levels, Priests acquire even
Ability Score Improvement more potent spells, bolstering their supportive capabilities.
Spells like Revivify and Greater Restoration ensure that their
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and comrades are perpetually ready for the fray, while offensive
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice spells like Spiritual Weapon and Fire Storm offer a formi-
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice dable attack repertoire.
by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above Priests are deeply rooted in religious beliefs in Tanares.
20 using this feature. They serve as crucial intermediaries, shedding light on the
intricate and profound topics that permeate the continent’s
Divine Cure discourse. This allows players to delve into the persona of
Starting at 6th level, every time you heal your own hit points the wise, scholarly Priest, making this class a valuable asset
or a creature’s hit points using one of your spells, the healing in both combat and narrative scenarios.
is increased by +2d8. The increase in healing becomes +3d8 In conclusion, Priests offer the dual appeal of being po-
starting at 14th level. tent allies in combat and insightful advisors outside of it.
With their balance of support spells, tanking capabilities,
Elysian Restoration and offensive magic, Priests are an exceptional addition to
any campaign. Whether you’re enthralled by the concept of
The gods seem to smile upon you and protect you. Starting bestowing blessings or directly engaging in combat, Priests
at 19th level, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC. cater to a broad spectrum of your preferences.

Tamera Holy Symbol Bauron Holy Symbol


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Scoundrels are simplified Rogues. They are ideal for
new players who are looking for a less complexity or
to create a more straightforward character without
sacrificing effectiveness during play.

coundrels are the very embodiment of
cunning and guile, renowned for their mischie-
vous tricks and underhanded dealings. Their
sharp minds and silver tongues deceive with effortless
charm, beguiling those around them and manipulating their
adversaries to their advantage. With a love for the shadows
and a disdain for fame, they are driven by wealth, adventure,
or personal causes.
Life on the street has honed the Scoundrels into fiercely
independent and cynical individuals, with a soul tempered
by the harsh realities of survival. They learned to be acrobatic
and agile, exploiting the weaknesses of their enemies and de-
livering devastating blows to their critical points with preci-
sion and speed. Wielding light weapons like daggers, they rely
on speed and agility over brute force, moving with fluid grace
that leaves their foes disoriented and struggling to keep up.
In combat, Scoundrels are the ultimate thieves and trick-
sters, leaving a trail of confusion in their wake. Their cunning,
swiftness, and ability to strike from unexpected angles make
them formidable opponents, cementing their reputation as
masters of the shadows. With a carefree exterior and a quick
wit, they are both dangerous and unpredictable, making
them a valuable asset to any adventure group. But with their
love for wealth and tendency to be motivated by personal
gain, they can also be lucky yet unreliable allies. Scoundrels
are survivors of the street, and their skills are the result of
a lifetime of mischief, sly, and crafty schemes.
You can’t Multiclass into Simplified Classes, or Multiclass
if you are a Simplified Class

Class Features
As a scoundrel, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per scoundrel level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution
modifier per scoundrel level after 1st


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

T he S coundrel
Proficiency Sneak Attack
Level Features
Bonus Simplified
1st +2 Sneak Attack Simplified, Scoundrel’s Agility +1d8
2nd +2 Experience +1d8
3rd +2 Adventurer's Aptitude +2d8
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement +2d8
5th +3 Scoundrel’s Agility, Precise Striker +3d8
6th +3 Adventurer's Aptitude +3d8
7th +3 Evasion +4d8
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement +4d8
9th +4 Adventurer's Aptitude +5d8
10th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Experience +5d8
11th +4 Precise Striker +6d8
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Adventurer's Aptitude +6d8
13th +5 - +7d8
14th +5 Adventurer’s Aptitude +7d8
15th +5 Adventurer's Aptitude +8d8
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement +8d8
17th +6 Precise Striker +9d8
18th +6 Experience +9d8
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement +10d8
20th +6 Scoundrel’s Fortune +10d8

Proficiencies extra 1d8 damage. The extra damage increases as you gain
Armor: Light armor levels in this class, as shown in the Sneak Attack Simplified
Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, column of the Scoundrel table.
rapiers, shortswords
Tools: Thieves’ tools Scoundrel’s Agility
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence Scoundrels are known for their agility and difficulty to be
Skills: Choose four from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, hit. Starting at 1st level, your movements don’t provoke op-
Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, portunity attacks and your movement increases by 5 feet.
Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth Starting at 5th level, you also receive a +2 bonus to your AC.
Adventurer’s Aptitude
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background: You are famous for your unmatched ability to handle com-
• (a) a rapier or (b) a shortsword plicated situations. Starting at 3rd level, you gain a +1 bonus
• (a) a shortbow and a quiver of 20 arrows or (b) a shortsword to all ability checks that you are proficient in. This bonus
increases to +2 at 6th level, +3 at 9th level, +4 at 12th level,
• (a) a burglar’s pack, (b) a dungeoneer’s pack, or (c) an
and +5 at 15th level.
adventurer’s pack
• Leather armor, two daggers, and thief ’s tools
Sneak Attack Simplified Your experience grants you certain practical knowledge. At
2nd level, and again when you reach 10th and 18th level,
Starting at 1st level, you know how to exploit a foe’s distrac- you gain proficiency in a skill of your choice.
tion to strike a vital blow. The first time on each turn that
you hit a creature adjacent to an ally of yours, you deal an


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Ability Score Improvement How to play with a Scoundrel
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and The Scoundrel class is a superior pick for players seeking to
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice excel in stealth, disarming traps, unlocking doors, and em-
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice ploying a quick and cunning combat style. As a Scoundrel,
by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above you’ll enjoy a unique suite of skills, honed to razor-sharp
20 using this feature. efficiency as you level up, establishing you as a formidable
stealth combatant capable of delivering potent damage and
Evasion evading even the most intricate traps.
At level one, your combat prowess is enhanced by the
Starting at 7th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way of
“Sneak Attack Simplified” ability. This power allows you to
certain area effects. When you are subjected to an effect that
deal extra damage when attacking an enemy adjacent to an
allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only
ally. This additional damage escalates as you progress in
half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on
levels. Moreover, the “Scoundrel’s Agility” skill facilitates
the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
your movement across the battlefield without provoking
opportunity attacks, making you a master of the hit-and-
Precise Striker run combat strategy.
Your attacks are often accurate. Starting at 5th level, you This class encourages strategic combat, taking advantage
receive a +1 bonus to your attack rolls. This bonus increases of positioning and allied placements to strike enemies where
to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 17th level. it hurts most. You might find yourself using the infamous
“backstab” tactic often, making Scoundrels excellent bat-
Scoundrel’s Fortune tlefield tacticians.
As you advance in levels, your problem-solving prowess
At 20th level, your luck always seems to be on your side becomes increasingly prominent. The “Adventurer’s Aptitude”
when it matters the most. If an attack of yours misses a target and “Experience” skills give you a bonus to skill checks and
within range, you can turn the miss into a hit. If you fail an additional proficiencies, making you a versatile asset in many
ability check or skill use, you can treat the d20 roll as a 20. situations. Your inherent agility is further enhanced by the
This feature can only be used once per short or long rest. “Evasion” skill, ensuring your safety in dangerous situations.
The “Precise Striker” ability significantly improves the ac-
curacy of your attacks, reinforcing the Scoundrel’s reputation
as a deadly and efficient combatant.
In a nutshell, the Scoundrel class offers a comprehen-
sive gaming experience, granting you numerous benefits in
stealth, skill proficiencies, and the ability to escape challeng-
ing situations unscathed. As a Scoundrel, you’ll find yourself
perfectly equipped to handle everything from stealth mis-
sions to enemy mage fireballs. Pairing with complementary
classes in your adventuring party can further enhance the
strengths of this versatile class.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

expertise to survive in the deadly
cold environment. They have mastery
of lances and are especially skillful in track-
ing and surviving in the icy wilderness.
The Ubelians are a fierce collection of clans and tribes,
constantly embroiled in territorial disputes with each other
as well as with the Kepesh and Taii’Makus. Their warrior
spirit makes these barbarians’ rage the most fearsome of
all. Many berserkers come from these tribes.
The ferocious Tsvetan Orcs, composed of four distinct
tribes, hold strength and tradition in the highest regard.
Once united under a formidable kingdom, they now find
themselves in a state of disarray and fragmentation. Katar,
a renowned hero of the Kemet War, has risen to the posi-
Barbarian tion of warlord by securing the fabled Lava Axe. However,
his reign teeters on the brink of instability as internal strife
The barbarian class receives new subclasses in this section.
plagues the tribes.
The crux of the conflict lies in the succession of the Red
Barbarians in Tanares Mother, the spiritual guide revered by the Tsvetan Orcs.

he Barbarians of Tanares have been oppressed With her recent passing, two young disciples vie for the
and hunted by the Empire for centuries. These war- esteemed position, driving a wedge between the tribes and
riors have retreated to the fringes of Tanares, where threatening to further fracture the once-unified orcs. The
they could preserve their tribal customs and traditions away fate of the Tsvetan Orcs hangs in the balance, as the power
from civilization’s scrutiny. However, as the Empire’s influ- struggle between the two disciples unfolds and the future
ence waned, they have a newfound sense of freedom and of their culture hangs by a thread.
are now ready to wander the lands again in search of gold
or glory. Primal Paths
Each Barbarian tribe in Tanares boasts its own unique
At 3rd level, a barbarian gains the Primal Path feature, which
cultural identity, shaped by their geography and his-
offers you the choice of a subclass. The following options
torical customs.
are available to you when making this choice: Path of the
The Kolbjorners of the mountains are known for their
Brutal Hunter and Path of the Penumbra.
toughness, honed by their battles against massive beasts and
giants. They are proud and honor-bound, valuing their word
above all else. They tend to use heavier armor and wooden Path of The Brutal Hunter
shields favoring axes as weapons. The Path of the Brutal Hunter is a barbaric tradition that
The Ben’netans of the icy tundras are master hunters and holds to the notion that in the grand scheme of things, all
fishermen, distrustful but with good hearts. They use their beings are either hunters or prey. Those who embrace this


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

path aim to become the ultimate predator, stalking and tak- You can have only one active prey at a time, and you can’t
ing down the most formidable quarry they can find. The switch targets unless the current target is defeated or you
rite of passage for these barbarians involves solo hunting complete a short or long rest. At the conclusion of each rest,
expeditions, where they must bring down the most powerful you must decide whether to retain or dismiss your current
creature they can find. This rite is highly regarded within prey, provided you have one.
their tribes and serves as a way to prove one’s worth, attain
prestige, or face shame. Focused Hunter
Fueled by a burning desire to demonstrate their strength to
themselves, their tribe, or their enemies, the Brutal Hunters Starting from the 6th level, you can channel your rage into
relentlessly pursue their targets with unyielding fervor. They deep wrath against your prey. While in rage, your weapon
may hunt for revenge against those who have wronged them, attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20 against your prey.
eliminate enemies, or prove their dominance over powerful
creatures, making them trophies to add to their collection. Trophy Hunter
Brutal Hunters take immense pride in their hunting tro-
phies, viewing them as a symbol of their strength and prowess. At 6th level, whenever you set a prey, you can discern if its
Their collection of teeth from their fallen prey is a source of Challenge Rating (CR) surpasses your own, though the exact
great respect among their peers and serves as a testament value remains unknown. If your current prey’s CR is greater
to their power. They are never content to rest on their lau- than your level and you are raging, you gain resistance to
rels and are always seeking out greater challenges and more all damage dealt by it.
powerful prey, driven by a thirst to prove themselves and
secure their place at the top of the food chain.
Elite Tracker
Choosing Your Prey Reaching the 10th level heightens your prowess in tracking
your prey. You can cast locate creature spell without expending
Marking Your Quarry
a spell slot or material components, exclusively targeting your
Upon selecting this path at the 3rd level, you can use a
prey with this spell. You can use this ability once, regaining
bonus action to designate a creature within your sight as
its use after a short or long rest.
your prey. This selection grants you the following benefits
against your chosen quarry:
• You have advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) rolls made
The Hunt is Mine
against your prey, including any roll to track it. At the 14th level, you acquire additional information about
• Your prey is at a disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) your prey. You become aware of all the resistances and im-
rolls made against you. munities your prey possesses, its current level of exhaustion,
• Once you enter your rage, your attacks against your prey and whether its hit points are above or below half of their
deal an extra 1d4 damage of the same type caused by the maximum.
attack. The damage increases when you reach certain lev- In addition, your prey loses the ability to hide from you
els in this class, increasing to 1d6 at 9th level and 1d8 at within a 30-foot radius. If a concealed prey enters or is within
15th level. this radius, it immediately becomes visible to you, regardless
of any previous hiding efforts.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

In addition to their combat prowess, Penumbral Barbarians
are highly skilled navigators of the treacherous terrain of
the Penumbral plane. They possess great wisdom about the
flora and fauna of the penumbra, as well as its many com-
plex layers, using this expertise to gain an advantage in both
survival and battle.
The Penumbral Barbarians are a proud people, often
sharing their incredible stories of survival and brav-
ery with those who dare to enter their domain. These
tales, recounted with conviction, combined with the
warriors’ fearsome reputation, leave a lasting impression
on all who encounter them. The authenticity of these stories
may be called into question, but the Penumbral Barbarians’
unwavering spirit and bravery is undeniable.

Path of The Penumbra In Other Settings

Tanares is a world with many dangers and few places are as Even if you are not playing in Tanares, the use of this sub-
treacherous as the Penumbral Plane. It takes a truly excep- class is not only possible but also straightforward. Simply
tional individual to survive in this realm of darkness, and adapt any mention of the Plane of Shadow to any similar
the Penumbral Barbarians are such a breed. These barbar- dark or astral environments that you can treat as shadow, a
ians have honed their skills through constant conflict and good example being the Shadowfell.
challenges and are composed of the strongest, the bravest,
and sometimes even the most reckless outcasts.
The trials of life in the Penumbral Plane have given rise to
Otherworldly Rage
a new path, one of unparalleled combative prowess. These Upon choosing this path at 3rd level, your rage channels
barbarians undergo grueling physical and mental training the might of the penumbral plane. While raging, the first
to become masters of survival and combat, and many of the successful melee weapon hit on each turn is imbued with
Gloomfolks tribesmen aspire to join this path. By contin- additional psychic damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
uously hunting and feeding on the power of the fearsome This extra damage ignores psychic immunities and resistances
penumbral creatures they become resistant to the Penumbral of undead and aberration creatures.
Plane’s dangerous effects. These warriors wield weapons im- Furthermore, while raging, your attack rolls have advan-
bued with nightmarish power, striking fear into the hearts tage against aberration or undead creatures.
of their enemies.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Veteran’s Toughness
At 3rd level, you adapt to the hardships of the world beyond. I am Bretzar, descended from a proud lineage of
You become immune to all planar traits, including terrain Penumbra Barbarians. Me and my tribe have tra-
or climate effects of the Penumbral Plane (or shadow plane versed every shadowed corner of the Penumbral
if you are not playing in Tanares). Plane, and I reckon I’ve seen things that’d make
your heart skip a beat.
Will of Survival Now, let me spin you a yarn about the surface lands.
The mists there are so dense, you’d be lucky to see
At 6th level, your mind’s robustness matches your physical your own fingers wiggling in front of your face.
prowess. During your rage, you become immune to psychic And the critters hiding in those fogs? They’re like
damage and any effect attempting to perceive your emotions, nothing you’ve ever laid eyes on. But I had a mis-
read your thoughts, cast divination spells on you, or inflict sion to accomplish there. I climbed up to the lair of
the charmed condition. the Ancient Penumbral Dragon by stackin’ up the
Moreover, any gain in temporary hit points is supplement- gnarled carcasses of these beasts to fashion a make-
ed by an additional number equal to your proficiency level. shift staircase. That vile creature had injured one of
my kin, so I had to step up. You get me, don’t ya?
I Have Seen Worse The Magma Giant’s Caverns might seem like your
At 10th level, your wealth of experience has familiarized
average dungeon, but don’t let appearances deceive
ya. It’s teeming with packs of Emoguns and all sorts
you with the face of countless dangers. You can recall a tale of aberrations. I once took down a giant worm there,
of a past predicament you survived, providing you with the but it was just a youngster, ‘bout ten storeys tall.
insight to tackle the current problem. Following an attack Though it ain’t the most thrilling tale, the feeling of
roll, ability check, or saving throw made by you or an ally my blade carvin’ through the flesh of a beast that
within 60 feet, you or that ally can choose to roll a new d20 to size ain’t something you shake off too easily.
replace the original roll. This decision must be made before
And then there’s the crystal forests, ripe with webs
the GM announces the success or failure of the roll. You can
and venomous spiders. I spent some time hun-
use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency tin’ in those parts, but spider meat never did suit
bonus, regaining its uses after completing a long rest. my palate. So, I ventured deeper into the caverns
where the maze-like tunnels were so massive, I got
Reality Fracturing turned ‘round more times than I’d like to remember.
Eventually, I put an Arachne Queen in her place,
At 14th level, your rage becomes a conduit for the eerie pow- and she carted me out of there. No biggie.
ers of the Penumbral Plane, enabling your weapon attacks
to rupture the essence of your foes. While raging, you can If you ever need a bit of guidance ‘bout those lands,
convert all damage inflicted by your weapon attacks into psy- don’t hesitate to find me. I’d be glad to lend a hand.
chic damage. You bypass all psychic resistance or immunity.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

opulent imperial courts, and hallowed re-
ligious temples. Their enchanting music
and mystic prowess afford them a sense
of belonging in any environment, and
their arrival is invariably met with awe
and veneration. Some even embrace the
adventurous path, exemplifying that their
melodious craft transcends mere artistry
and manifests as a formidable weapon.

Bard Bard College

The bard class receives a new subclass in this section. At 3rd level, a bard chooses his Bard College, which offers
you the choice of a subclass. The following option is available
The Bards of Tanares to you when making that choice: College of Life.

he illustrious taverns of Tanares teem with
wayfaring minstrels, yet only an elite cadre possess College of Life

the innate talent and rigorous training required to he bards of the College of Life stand out as
fully harness the transcendent power of music, thereby as- masters of life magic and music, wielding their art
cending to the esteemed ranks of true bards. to tap into the life force that permeates the world.
The diverse regions of Outumn, Central, and the Capital With their songs, they create a powerful connection to the
are renowned for housing the most prestigious academies essence of life, inspiring hope and healing even the most
of bardic magic. These venerable institutions, steeped in dire wounds.
grandeur, dedicate themselves to nurturing gifted individuals These bards are renowned for their mastery of the life force
in the mystic art of channeling magic through melodious and their ability to communicate with woodland creatures
verse. Gnomes have proven particularly influential in shaping and animals. They can often be found in serene groves, sur-
the evolution of this arcane tradition, with their esteemed rounded by nature, where they commune with the creatures
academies scattered throughout Tanares, standing as pre- and bring peace to the land with their music. But they are
eminent centers of artistic learning. The most distinguished also powerful in battle, radiating the vital energy of life to
of these colleges boasts an extensive repository of knowl- heal and protect their allies, using their melodies to infuse
edge, meticulous historical archives, and an assemblage of their surroundings with the power of life.
acclaimed maestros. One of the greatest legends in Tanares is the elusive Eighth
Bards are versatile, charismatic individuals who find warm Note, a musical technique said to hold the power to connect
reception in locales as varied as swashbuckling pirate vessels, the lives of many creatures, healing physical and mental


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

ailments, injuries, and curses. Some even believe that those the intelligence of many beasts limits their knowledge and
connected through the Eighth Note are blessed with eternal awareness, they can at least provide information about nearby
youth and immortality. locations and creatures, based on their perceptions within
Despite its enigmatic nature, the College of Life remains the past day. At the GM’s discretion, you might be able to
dedicated to unlocking the power of the Eighth Note, bring- persuade beasts to do small favors for you.
ing its benefits to the world of Tanares. Many bards have
devoted their lives to uncovering the secrets of this legendary Sylvan Sonata
technique, with some even speculating that the renowned
At the 6th level, your connection with life intensifies. You
bard, Jade, holds the key to unlocking its power. Despite her
gain an additional use of Bardic Inspiration.
silence on the matter, the College of Life continues its quest
In addition, you to learn extra spells, as indicated in the
for the harmonious power of the Eighth Note, determined
table below. These spells are considered bard spells for you, but
to bring its life-giving magic to all who seek it.
they don’t count against the number of bard spells you know.
Chord of Healing C ollege of L ife S pells

Upon joining the College of Life at 3rd level, your bardic B ard L evel S pells

inspiration becomes a conduit for not only strengthening 7th death ward
resolve but also mending physical injuries. When an ally 9th reincarnate
uses your inspiration die and remains conscious, they re- 11th heal
gain hit points equal to the roll, in addition to the standard 15th holy aura
benefits of your inspiration. Any excess hit points translate
17th mass heal
into temporary hit points that last until the ally completes
a short or long rest.
Life Symphony
Medicinal Study
At 14th level, you radiate the vibration of life. The amount
At the 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Medicine. If you’re of hit points you heal with Chord of Healing is doubled.
already proficient, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any Furthermore, when you use Song of Rest, each creature heals
ability check that uses this skill. 2d10 HP (instead of 1d10). In addition, it also removes all
the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and poisoned conditions,
Voice of the Nature as well as any effect that reduces abilities or maximum hit
points. Life Symphony has no effect on undead, constructs
At 3rd level, your studies into the symphony of life enable you
or other non living creatures.
to understand and converse with animals. You can now com-
prehend and verbally communicate with beasts. Although


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

position as Gideoni was uncovered to be,
an Ungod cultist in disguise. This revela-
tion spurred reform, birthing the
Celestianist Church and
altering its perspective
on the Gods. Now,
Celestianist Clerics
strive to restore the
Church’s image, though public faith in ecclesiasti-
cal authority has significantly waned.
Clerics remain the foundation of religious life
in Tanares, disseminating the teachings of Tamera and
Clerics Bauron throughout the land. As peacekeepers and media-
tors, they are essential to fostering stability among nations
The cleric class receives new subclasses in this section.
and factions, tirelessly opposing the Ungods and their per-
vasive corruption.
Clerics in Tanares The fall of the Tanarean Empire, following the Kemet in-

n Tanares, the eternal struggle between the di- vasion, enabled the resurgence of local religions and cultures
vine Gods, particularly Tamera and Bauron, and the as the Church lost its imperial authority in regions where the
malevolent Ungods has shaped the religious landscape Empire’s influence waned. The revival of cults like the Ba-
since the Godly Age, over three millennia ago. The Cirrus Ka in Kepesh lands and the rising power of Yama’s Fumetsu
Windspeakers established the first religion through oral tra- Eido has spawned a new generation of Clerics, unbound by
dition, as their preachers disseminated interpretations of Church persecution and able to follow their divine callings.
wisdom bestowed upon them by the Angels. However, the ongoing cold war enveloping Tanares compli-
To preserve this wisdom, humans endeavored to compile cates the Clerics’ roles. Not merely spiritual leaders, they are
sacred scriptures, seeking to avoid the interpretational dis- now political players deeply entwined in covert operations,
crepancies and inconsistencies inherent in the Cirrus oral espionage, and manipulation of the masses. Their influence
tradition. Thus, the Evolutionist religion emerged. However, and power are crucial to most factions seeking power.
unbeknownst to many, sinister cultists of the Ungods infil- For example, a Celestianist Cleric might leverage their
trated the assembly of scribes and founders, subtly manip- reputation as a peacemaker to broker a clandestine deal
ulating the scriptures to their advantage. between warring factions while gathering intelligence for
Centuries of mass deception ensued until Angels finally their church to undermine the Ungods. Conversely, a Ba-Ka
returned to the material plane, illuminating the corruption Cleric could utilize their cult’s network of spies to thwart the
within the Church that reached even the High Cardinal Celestianist Church’s plans, advancing their own religious
and political objectives..


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Divine Domains scriptures. Now recognizing Bauron as a law-abiding god of
At 1st level, a cleric chooses their Divine Domain, which will punishment, these clerics have either amended their views or
determine their subclass. The following options are avail- left the church to pursue new life paths.
able to you when making that choice: Courage Domain and
Chaos Domain. In Other Settings
Chaos Domain Clerics in this domain associate with chaos gods like Loki
and Seth. They usually seek to subvert the status quo of

lerics of Chaos, primarily linked with the the world, bringing chaos and disorder and destabilizing
Windspeaker and Ba-Ka faiths, embrace sponta- society and the prevailing authorities. Some may seek good
neity, freedom, and perpetual change. Their deci- and innovation, while others may dedicate themselves to
sion-making reflects this spirit, using luck and randomness destruction.
to determine the optimal course of action in uncertain situa-
tions. It’s not unusual for a Cleric of Chaos to cast lots when Preparing your Spells
concrete evidence is lacking, acknowledging the futility of
controlling chance and fully accepting it. When you’re preparing your spells, immediately after complet-
These clerics maintain that unpredictability is the only ing a long rest, you may choose to prepare your spells using
constant and that excessive reliance on laws and order stifles the Cleric Spell List, or roll 1d6 and compare the result to the
progress. They consider hierarchy limiting, as it constrains table “Determining the Cleric Spell List of Chaos” to randomly
individuals and favors those in power. They believe natural determine which spell list you will use to prepare them.
chaos enables creatures to unveil their true selves and achieve
D etermining the L ist of S pells for the C leric of C haos
their potential through self-responsibility.
d6 S pell L ist
Windspeaker Clerics of Chaos honor Tamera and Bauron,
the dual deities, by accepting the unpredictable and leaving 1 Bard
matters to chance. They assert the world was born from the 2 Cleric
fusion of these conflicting natures, creating chaos. Conversely, 3 Druid
Clerics of Chaos devoted to Ba-Ka, the Spirit God of Magic, 4 Sorcerer
laud the deity’s endorsement of magic in all its forms. They
5 Warlock
value that Chaos Domain clerics can use magic from other
6 Wizard
domains, crediting this to Ba-Ka’s influence. These clerics
see the extensive and intricate power of magic as irrefutable
evidence of chaos’s potency, as magic transforms the world’s When you prepare spells from spell lists other than the Cleric
structure and rules. spell list, they become considered Cleric spells for you. You
The Evolutionist Church previously harbored Chaos Clerics retain access to all spells from your normal domain, but not
who considered Bauron a God of Chaos. However, recent reve- other Cleric spells. All other Cleric spellcasting rules apply
lations from angels exposed the Ungods’ manipulation of sacred normally. Even if you acquire a spell list whose normal casters


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

do not know all spells on the list to prepare them, you will Irregular
still use the Cleric rules, able to prepare any spell on the list
as if it were a known spell for you. Destruction
At the 6th level, you gain
As a Cleric of Chaos, it’s important to prepare a spell list for the power to wield chaotic
each possible option above in advance. This will ensure that energies against your foes.
you’re ready to play and can easily switch your spell list as As an action, roll a 1d8 to
needed, without making other players wait. Remember to select an effect from the
be courteous and considerate to your fellow players, even “Irregular Destruction” ta-
as you embody the chaos of your deity. ble. Then, expend a spell slot
of your choosing and make a
S pells of the C haos D omain ranged spell attack against a target
C leric L evel S pell within 60 feet (before the roll). A suc-
cessful attack inflicts 2d8 damage per spell
1st faerie fire, shadow noose*
slot level expended, with the damage type de-
3rd mirror image, shatter
termined by rolling a 1d10 and referring to the
5th lightning bolt, protection from energy “Infuse Chaos” table.
7th confusion, hallucinatory terrain
I rregular D estruction
9th cloudkill, commune
d8 E ffect

Infuse Chaos 1 You make the attack roll with

Starting at 1st level, you may choose to invoke chaos while 2 On a successful attack, treat all
casting a spell. By doing so, you modify the spell’s damage damage dice of this attack as if they rolled a 3.
type randomly. Roll a 1d10 and refer to the “Infuse Chaos” 3 Consider a successful attack as a miss and a miss
table to determine the new damage type. If the spell origi- as a hit.

nally inflicts the same damage, the chaos-infused spell gains 4 The target of your spell is changed to another
hostile creature within 60 feet of your target. If there
additional power, granting an extra 1d10 bonus damage of is no other creature, the target remains unchanged.
that same type. This bonus increases to 2d10 at 12th level.
5 On a successful attack, the creature has disadvantage on
I nfuse C haos the next attack it makes until the start of your next turn.

d 10 D amage T ype 6 On a successful attack, the creature is frightened of you

until the end of your next turn.
1 Acid
7 You roll the attack roll with advantage.
2 Cold
8 On a successful attack, treat all damage dice of this attack
3 Concussive as if they rolled an 8.
4 Electric
5 Fire Potent Spellcasting
6 Necrotic
Starting at the 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to
7 Poison the damage dealt by any cleric cantrip you cast.
8 Psychic
9 Radiant Zone of Chaos
10 Thundering
Starting at 17th level, as a bonus action, you can create an
aura of chaotic energy extending 15 feet around you for a
Channel Divinity – minute or until you deactivate it with a bonus action. Any
Chaotic Presence hostile creature that begins its turn within the aura or enters
it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your
At 2nd level, you can harness your Channel Divinity to emit spell save DC or be subjected to the effects of confu-
an aura of pure chaos, confusing hostile creatures and in- sion spell. Creatures that succeed on this saving
citing them to strike their allies. As an action, raise your throw are immune to your aura for the next
holy symbol, forcing all enemies within 30 feet who can see 24 hours. You can use this feature a number
you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save of times equal to your Wisdom modifier,
DC. On a failed save, they are compelled to move up to 10 with all uses regained after a long rest.
feet towards another creature of your choosing and make a
melee attack if possible. This action does not provoke op-
portunity attacks, and the movements occur according to
initiative order.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

of god Bauron 217

Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

dedication to aiding the destitute and uplifting the
spirits of the populace. The dwarves of Tanares hold
another assemblage of intrepid clerics with utmost
esteem. These clerics of Dorsi are distinguished by
their dauntlessness, resoluteness, and rousing battle
cries. In times of strife, they spearhead the vanguard,
bolstering their comrades to achieve greatness and
instilling terror within their adversaries.
These valiant clerics embody the essence of warriors,
brandishing their weapons with expertise and igniting
courage in those who surround them. As emissaries of
their divine patrons, they epitomize bravery, guiding the
common folk along the path of righteousness and honor.
Be it a soldier on the battlefield or an adventurer delving
into the uncharted, these intrepid champions of courage are
able to embolden the resolute and face any challenge head

Courage Domain
on. Steered by their unyielding spirit and celestial mandate,
they will never yield, advancing toward triumph with valor

n a world fraught with peril, uncertainty, and in their hearts.
hardship, clerics are some of the select few destined to
fulfill a higher calling. To rise to this challenge, they In Other Settings
must embody exceptional mental and moral fortitude—true
valor. Considering the paramount role that courage plays Clerics of this domain associate with gods of courage, war,
in their faith, it is little wonder that numerous deities claim and order, such as Ares and Heimdall. They typically seek to
dominion over this domain. confront dangers and achieve social peace through bravery
One of such deities, The Glorious One has many clerics and order.
dedicated to the Courage Domain, inspiring their followers
to persevere through formidable circumstances and combat C ourage D omain S pells
malevolence in pursuit of a better world. The Glorious One’s C leric L evel S pells
standard, soaring high during conflicts, emboldens others to
1st heroism, shield of faith
champion the cause of righteousness and remain steadfast
3rd branding smite, veil of bravery*
in the face of trepidation. Tamera, the goddess of the sun
and life, also boasts some disciples who uphold the tenet of 5th haste, revivify
courage, for they believe in kindling hope within the dis- 7th freedom of movement, stoneskin
heartened. Her adherents are celebrated for their unwavering 9th greater restoration, legend lore


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Bonus Proficiencies • +1 to AC
• +1 to attack rolls
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons and • +1 to all saving throws
heavy armor. • +1 to all damage rolls

Words of Encouragement This effect lasts for 1 minute.

When you use this feature, you can choose to spend a
At 1st level, you have a number of Courage Points equal to Courage Point to give a touched creature two different ben-
your Wisdom modifier. You recover all your Courage Points efits instead of one.
after a short rest.
The Courage Points can initially be used in three ways: Channel Divinity: Take Heart
• When a creature in 30 feet of you fails a saving throw, you
At the 6th level, if an ally within 30 feet drops to 0 Hit Points
can spend a Courage Point as a reaction to instill in it the
but isn’t killed outright, you can use your reaction and one
will to fight on. The creature can make a new saving throw
Courage Point to let them instead drop to 1 hit point.
and must use the second result.
• As a bonus action, you can spend a Courage Point to sum- Divine Strike
mon your inner strength and smite your foes. Until the
start of your next turn, your first melee attack deals +1d10 At the 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weap-
damage of the same type as your weapon. This damage on attacks with divine energy. Once on each of your turns
increases to +2d10 at 6th level, +3d10 at 12th level, and when you hit on a creature with a weapon attack, you can
+4d10 at 18th level. trigger the attack to deal an extra 1d8 radiant damage to the
• As an action, you can spend a Courage Point to shout a target. When you reach the 14th level, the bonus damage
powerful war cry that strengthens your party’s resolve. You increases to 2d8.
and all allies within 30 feet gain a number of temporary
hit points equal to 1d6 + your cleric level for one minute, Unyielding Spirit
and can roll a saving throw to remove any effect causing At 17th level, you and all allies within 15 feet of you become
the frightened condition. While the temporary hit points immune to the frightened condition. Additionally, you gain
last, they also give advantage on all other saving throws advantage on all Wisdom and Constitution saving throws.
made against effects that cause the frightened condition.

Channel Divinity:
Bolster the Spirit
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to
bolster the courage of a creature you touch. As an action, you
can give the touched creature one of the following benefits:


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Circle, a radical group seeking to impede civilization’s prog-
ress and protect nature at any cost.
Facing penumbral incursions, druids emerge as fierce
champions of natural balance. They wield nature’s power,
employing magic to unleash its forces against any threats to
the wild. Druids stand vigilant, using their abilities to expel
corrupting influences and ensure the Primal Magic Weave
and nature remain unblemished and unviolated.

Druid Circles
At 2nd level, a druid gains the Druid Circle feature, which
offers you the choice of a subclass. This option is available
to you when making that choice: Circle of Bloom.

Circle of the Bloom

Druids ruids of the Circle of the Bloom hold a spe-
cial reverence for the power and importance of
The druid class receives a new subclass in this section.
plant life in the natural world. They form deep,
Druids in Tanares personal connections with the plants they care for, viewing
them as beloved friends and family, and often giving them

n Tanares, druids form powerful circles, devoted individual names. These druids are known to talk to their
to preserving nature’s fragile equilibrium and safeguard- plants, nurturing their growth and helping them to flourish.
ing the Primal Magic Weave. They prioritize the pro- Their deep connection with the natural world is so strong
tection of forests, endangered by human avarice and the that it calls forth a guardian spirit from the forest to accom-
Penumbral Plane’s corruption. pany them on their journey. This spirit takes the form of a
The Primal Magic Weave constitutes Tanares’ life essence, physical plant, and is a tireless protector, ready to defend
linking all living beings and upholding the cycle of life and the druid from any danger. As the druid grows in power and
death. Forest destruction, Penumbral Plane corruption, and knowledge, so too does their spirit, evolving into a more for-
magic misuse can destabilize this delicate balance, endan- midable form, yet never losing its bond with its chosen druid.
gering the entire world. The Circle of the Bloom is dedicated to preserving and
Druids inhabit Tanares, including cities, where they strive restoring the natural balance of forests and vegetation, rec-
to maintain nature’s harmony. They are most prevalent in the ognizing that all creatures can benefit from the abundance
vast Sindile, Bak, and Shadowy forests, serving as guardians and vitality of plants. From their bountiful fruits and herbs,
and gatekeepers. Only those with noble intentions gain entry, to their life-giving essence and ability to heal, plants are a
as druids resolutely defend the wild from harm. vital source of sustenance and growth. The most passionate
Although not all druids venerate a deity, most respect the members of the Circle will even venture into the dangerous
Nature Spirits religion, perceived as nature’s myriad manifes- and mysterious Penumbral Plane to protect the plants that
tations. Some extremist druids join factions like the Eternal grow there, and to restore balance to the forces of nature.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

In Tanares doing simple tasks (such as watering, pruning, or removing
a troublesome rodent family) at the GM’s discretion.
Found in nearly every great forest, but mainly in the forests
of the regions north of the central sea, the druids of the Plant Guardian
Circle of Bloom are always vigilant against destruction and
disrespect to forests and other natural places. From the 2nd level, you learn a ritual that calls forth a spirit
taking the shape of a plant-type creature known as a Plant
Circle Spells Guardian. This ritual, involving roughly four hours of medi-
tation, can be completed during a long rest. After the ritual,
Your mystical connection to the natural flora imbues you with the Plant Guardian appears and stays with you until it’s de-
the ability to cast certain spells. At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level, feated or dismissed as a bonus action. In case of its death or
you gain access to circle floral spells, listed on your Circle dismissal, you can resurrect it by conducting the same ritual.
Spells table. Once you have access to a circle spell, you can The Plant Guardian follows the stat blocks listed on the
always prepare it and it does not count against the number Plant Guardian table and can take the form of a plant of your
of spells you can prepare each day. If you have access to a choice, determined at the time of the ritual and respecting
spell that does not appear on the druid spell list, the spell is the size of the creature.
considered a druid spell for you nonetheless. The Plant Guardian obeys your orders to the best of its
C ircle of B loom S pells
abilities and is always friendly towards you. It has its own
initiative and acts independently on its turn, but its actions
D ruid L evel C ircle S pells
are limited to Dodge unless you command it otherwise us-
3rd spike growth, spore blow* ing a bonus action during your turn. In that case, the Plant
5th speak with plants, wild path* Guardian can execute any action of your choosing that it is
7th conjure woodland beings, tranquil groove* capable of on its next turn.
9th awaken, tree stride When the Plant Guardian is reduced to 0 hit points, it
dies, leaving behind only the wilted remnants of its form,
Additionally, add poison spray to your list of known which subsequently lose any attributes the original plant
cantrips. may have possessed.

Plant Empathy P lant G uardian T able

R equired P lant A lly S heet A ssumed by Y our
Starting the 2nd level, you obtain the capability to compre- D ruid L evel P lant G uardian
hend and communicate telepathically with plants within a
2nd Guardian Sprout
30-foot radius. Around you, all non-intelligent plants are
6th Guardian Bush
treated as creatures with basic intelligence (i.e., Int 3). Their
knowledge and cognizance are restrained by their intelligence, 10th Guardian Shrub

yet they can provide you with information regarding nearby 14th Guardian Tree
places and creatures, including everything they have observed 18th Ancient Guardian
within the past day. However, keep in mind that gaining
knowledge from plants might require persuading them or


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Plant Wild Shape You can only tune in again with your Plant Guardian after
completing a long rest.
Starting at the 6th level, your Wild Shape ability allows you
to transform into plant-type creatures. Additionally, you can Plant Telepathy
choose to transform into a plant-type variant of a creature
that you’re already capable of transforming into. The creature Starting at 14th level, your telepathic connection with plants
has a wooden, branch and leaf appearance and is considered extends to 120 feet. You have advantage on all Charisma checks
a plant-type creature in addition to its other types. Use the made with plants and plant-type creatures. Additionally, you
stat block of the same creature, but you have resistance to gain the innate ability to cast the speak with plants spell
piercing or bludgeoning damage, and vulnerability to fire without spending a spell slot.
damage. All other rules for Wild Shape still apply as usual,
including the max. CR.
When in a plant-type form, you gain an additional abil- Artibeus’ Guide to Becoming a Plant
ity: Branch Snare.
Branch Snare. Every time you hit a melee attack on a Greetings, my druid brothers and sisters. I know
creature during your turn, you have the option to ensnare that you’re already used to turning into animals and
that creature if it is no more than one size category larger are quite familiar with it. But today, I’m going to
than you. The creature becomes grappled by you (escape
explain a bit about the care you need to take when
turning into a plant.
DC 13, plus your proficiency bonus). As long as this grapple
persists, your melee attacks are restricted to the ensnared In our youth, I believe that practically all of us ex-
creature alone. plored our animal forms in the most varied ways. In
my case, my friends and I used to have a competition
Bloom to see who could peck corn the fastest in chick form.
Or we’d turn into cute cats to receive affection from
Starting at the 10th level, you can synchronize with your the beautiful ladies of the village, or even race in
Plant Guardian, triggering it to bloom and bear fruit. This the most diverse forms of animals. Oh, Lanfa and
tuning process takes 10 minutes and results in your Plant Millor once conducted a rigorous experiment trying to
Guardian producing a number of fruits equivalent to your reproduce in animal form. That’s how she discovered
proficiency bonus, which last for 24 hours. that we can’t reproduce in animal shape.
Your Plant Guardian must have received sunlight for at Well, let’s get back to the topic. When you turn
least one hour in the last 24 hours to produce these fruits. into a plant, you maintain the same abilities as the
Consuming one of these fruits as an action confers several animal whose form you’re assuming, but there are
benefits: details. The dynamics are different, trying to flap
• For the rest of the day, the creature no longer needs to trunk wings requires greater strength and you could
shed many leaves if you don’t know how to do it
drink or eat;
properly. It takes time to get used to the texture of
• The creature regains 1d12 hit points; and wood instead of flesh and bone, but eventually you’ll
• The creature is cured of any disease and of the conditions get the hang of it.
blind, deaf, or poisoned.
You won’t be very intimidating. The other day I tried to
scare the peasants from the neighboring village in wolf
plant form, but they started laughing. On the other
hand, you’ll be able to disguise yourself more easily,
since people pay less attention to a tree. The problem is
the squirrels and even birds that land on you, it feels
like tickling, and that can ruin your disguise.
Lastly, you’ll produce clean air instead of consuming
it. It’s strange, but you’ll be helping the environment.
But of course, only if you’re in the sun and maintain
leaves in your form. And no, you also won’t be able
to reproduce or bear fruit. It would be very strange
for a tree to plant a fruit coming from me.
I know I’m not a good teacher, but I think it’s im-
portant to talk about things that they don’t warn us
about in druid circles.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

G uardian Sprout G uardian Shrub
Small Plant, unaligned Large Plant, unaligned

Armor Class 13 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 27 (5d6 + 10) Hit Points 84 (8d10 + 40)
Speed 20 ft. Speed 30 ft.

12 (+1) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 7 (-2) 10 (0) 6 (-2) 18 (+4) 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 7 (-2) 12 (+1) 6 (-2)

Damage Vulnerability fire Damage Vulnerability fire

Damage Resistance bludgeoning, piercing Damage Resistance bludgeoning, piercing
Senses blindsight 30ft, passive Perception 10 Senses blindsight 30ft, passive Perception 11
Languages Druidic Languages Druidic
Challenge ¼ (50) Challenge 2 (700 XP)

Actions Actions
Branch Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Branch Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (2d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage and the target is target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage and the Guardian
grappled if its size is medium or smaller (escape DC 13). Until can cause the target to become grappled by it if its size is Large
this grapple ends, the Guardian Sprout can’t use its Branch on or smaller (escape DC 16). Until this grapple ends, the Guardian
other targets. Shrub can’t use its Branch on other targets.
Root Entanglement (Recharge 5-6). The Guardian Shrub takes
root in the ground and causes them to sprout a 20 ft radius
around it. All creatures in the area must succeed on a Strength
saving throw DC 15 or be restrained by the entangling roots.
A creature restrained by the Guardian Shrub can use its action

G uardian B ush to make a Strength saving throw. On a success, it frees itself.

As long as there is a restrained creature, the Guardian Shrub
Medium Plant, unaligned has its speed reduced to 0, if it moves on its turn the restrained
creature is released.
Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12)
Speed 25 ft.


14 (+2) 9 (-1) 15 (+2) 7 (-2) 10 (0) 6 (-2)

Damage Vulnerability fire

Damage Resistance bludgeoning, piercing
Senses blindsight 30ft, passive Perception 10
Languages Druidic
Challenge 1 (100)

Branch Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage and the Guardian
can cause the target to become grappled by it if its size is large
or smaller (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the Guardian
Bush can’t use its Branch on other targets.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

G uardian Tree Ancient G uardian
Huge Plant, unaligned Huge Plant, unaligned

Armor Class 15 (Natural Armor) Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 112 (9d12+54) Hit Points 112 (9d12+54)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

20 (+5) 7 (-2) 22 (+6) 7 (-2) 14 (+2) 6 (-2) 22 (+6) 7 (-2) 24 (+7) 7 (-2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2)

Damage Vulnerability fire Damage Vulnerability fire

Damage Resistance bludgeoning, piercing Damage Resistance bludgeoning, piercing
Senses blindsight 30ft, passive Perception 12 Senses blindsight 30ft, passive Perception 13
Languages Druidic Languages Druidic
Challenge 4 (1.800 XP) Challenge 6 (2.300 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The Guardian Tree can innately cast the Innate Spellcasting. The Ancient Guardian can innately cast good-
goodberry spell, three times per day, requiring no material berry, three times per day, requiring no material components.
Actions Multiattack. The Ancient Guardian can make two Branch Slam
Branch Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one attacks.
target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage and the Guardian Branch Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
can cause the target to become grappled by it if its size is Huge target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage and the Guardian
or smaller (escape DC 17). Until this grapple ends, the Guardian can cause the target to become grappled by it if its size is Huge
Tree can’t use its Branch on other targets. or smaller (escape DC 19). The Ancient Guardian keeps on grap-
Root Entanglement (Recharge 5-6). The Guardian Tree takes root pling up two creatures simultaneously, and while it is grappling
in the ground and causes them to sprout a 30 ft radius around two creatures it can’t use its Brach attack against creatures other
it. All creatures in the area must succeed on a Strength saving than the grappled ones until it releases one of them.
throw DC 16 or be restrained by the entangling roots. A crea- Root Entanglement (Recharge 5-6). The Ancient Guardian takes
ture restrained by the Guardian Tree can use its action to make root in the ground and causes them to sprout a 30 ft radius
a Strength saving throw. On a success, it frees itself. As long as around it. All creatures in the area must succeed on a Strength
there is a restrained creature, the Guardian Tree has its speed saving throw DC 18 or be restrained by the entangling roots. A
reduced to 0, if it moves on its turn the restrained creature is creature restrained by the Ancient Guardian can use its action
released. to make a Strength saving throw. On a success, it frees itself.
As long as there is a restrained creature, the Ancient Guardian
has its speed reduced to 0, if it moves on its turn the restrained
creature is released.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

the right price. Relentless training, honed
in brutal duels and small-scale skirmishes, is
where they are forged. In Tanares, strategic warfare
is unfamiliar, and large-scale battles are forbidden by
divine decree. Thus, warriors dedicate their lives to
mastering close-quarters combat, becoming
experts in small group engagements.
Across Tanares, Fighters stand at the fore-
front of action—battling in arenas, defending
their lands, exploring dungeon depths, and leading small
bands of warriors toward glory. Following the Kemet War,
the emergence of new factions has presented opportunities
for Fighters to test their skills, joining mercenaries, adven-
turers, and fortune-seeking soldiers as they etch their names
into history’s annals.
The fighter class receives a new subclass in this section. Death Knight

he Death Knight, a fearsome warrior, wields
Fighters in Tanares the very essence of death’s power. This chilling bond

may arise from arcane rituals, a miraculous resur-
n Tanares, when the veil of magic and deceitful rection, or an encounter with the afterlife that attunes the
whispers fail, only the unbreakable will of the warrior warrior to death’s dark might.
and the gleam of sharpened steel remain as solutions to Misunderstood and dreaded, Death Knights are often
any crisis. Fighters are the fearless champions who boldly perceived as cold, sinister beings, seemingly indifferent to
stride into the fray, risking their lives with each clash of death itself. However, they merely regard it as an intrinsic
blades. They serve as guardians, protectors, hired swords, and aspect of life’s cycle, a force they harness with great efficacy.
gladiatorial legends, rising to meet the challenge of conflict In Kemet society, Death Knights have achieved fame for
for both good and evil forces. their insatiable thirst for battle and intimate connection with
In a realm where cataclysmic events unleashed by the death, leading to the refinement of necromantic augmenta-
Ungods annihilate entire civilizations if they dare to en- tions over countless generations. They also emerge in other
gage in battlefield wars, nations’ fates are often determined death-revering cultures such as the Kepesh, as well as amongst
in blood-soaked arenas, where only the strongest and most malevolent cults, corrupted Dorsianist dwarves, and Shadow
skilled emerge victorious. Here, Fighters are more than sol- Wing devotees. Remarkably, virtuous Death Knights can be
diers; they are heroes, championing their causes or others’ for


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

found among a few tragic heroes and the Republic-aligned Death Touch
Winter Elves who renounced Gullog.
Although Death Knights need not be inherently malev- Starting at 3rd level, you have established a connection with
olent, it requires a stoic or extraordinary individual to at- the essence and power of death, granting you a suite of abil-
tune their existence to death’s dominion. Regardless, the ities that grow in strength as your connection deepens:
mere presence of a Death Knight is a formidable threat, • Starting at 3rd level, when you use your Second Wind,
for their unyielding pursuit of victory is undeterred by the you may spend up to two hit dice to recover hit points in
specter of death. addition to its other effects.
• Starting at 6th level, you only require half the normal
In Other Settings amount of food, drink, and sleep for someone of your
species. Additionally, you can hold your breath three times
The Death Knight, a wielder of death’s dark might, can be longer than normal and have advantage on saving throws
found in any world where the shadow of death looms over and resistance to damage from inhaled gasses.
warriors. An inseparable part of life’s cycle, death holds a • Starting at 9th level, you become immune to diseases, poi-
captivating allure for those who stand in its presence, be it sons, poison damage, and the poisoned condition.
by their own choice or by the fates. • Starting at 12th level, for every 3 years that pass, your
This fearsome subclass can take on many forms: a fallen body ages only 1 year, granting you three times the normal
champion, a harbinger of evil, a warrior risen from the dead lifespan of your species.
seeking retribution, or even a hero shrouded in mystery, har-
• Starting at 15th level, you may cast speak with dead spell
nessing a power feared by many for the greater good. Yet the
once, regaining its use after a short rest.
Death Knight is not limited to just these archetypes. They can
• Starting at 18th level, your hit point maximum can no
also be malevolent tyrants, leading an army of the undead
longer be reduced in any way.
to conquer the lands, anti-heroes, wielding death’s power in
their quest for redemption, or even servants of death gods, • Starting at 20th level, you age even more slowly. For every
serving as their deity’s chosen instrument of destruction. 10 years that pass, your body ages only 1 year, and you
Regardless of their role, the Death Knight is a force to be become immune to magical aging.
reckoned with, for death holds no sway over their relent-
less pursuit of victory. With their inextricable connection Death Soul
to death and mastery of its power, the mere mention of a Starting at 3rd level, you forge a bond with death and learn
Death Knight’s name is enough to strike fear into the hearts to harness its power through special energy points called
of their enemies, making them a formidable presence on Soul Points.
any battlefield.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Death Powers any Soul Points gained in this manner are lost after taking
a short or long rest.
You learn 3 Death Powers, which must be chosen from the
Death Power List, and gain an additional one at levels 7th, Blessed by Death
10th, 14th, and 18th. Some Death Powers have specific level
requirements, which are noted in their description. Starting at 7th level, when you make a death saving throw,
any roll of 3 or higher is considered a success. If you roll
Saving Throws a 1, it counts as only one failure. Additionally, if you roll a
When a Death Power requires a creature to make a saving 20, you regain hit points equal to your level instead of just
throw against its effect, the DC is calculated as follows: 1. However, you still automatically fail death saving throws
if you take damage while you are at 0 hit points.
Death Power Saving Throw DC = 8 + your proficiency Additionally, as a bonus action, you can spend 1 Soul Point
bonus + your Constitution modifier. to regain up to 3 spent Hit Dice. You can use this additional
effect once, regaining its use after a long rest.
Soul Points
You have 2 Soul Points and gain an additional Soul Point Grim Reaper
at 10th level. One Soul Point is always spent when using a
Death Power. You regain all of your Soul Points after taking At 10th level, you become a beacon for departing souls. When
a short or long rest. you harvest a Soul Point from a creature that has fallen to
Additionally, you gain 1 Soul Point whenever an intelligent your attack, you also gain 1d12 temporary hit points.
creature (intelligence 3 or greater), excluding constructs, dies
within 15 feet of you, by taking part of the energy released by Undead Master
its soul. However, the maximum number of Soul Points you
At the 15th level, your intimate bond with death allows you
can accumulate is equal to 1 plus your proficiency bonus, and
to command the undead. Any undead creature within a ra-
dius of 120 feet, who can see you, must succeed a Wisdom
saving throw against the DC set by your Death Powers. If
it fails, the undead creature perceives you as a leader and
becomes friendly, obeying your instructions.
Intelligent undead creatures, however, have
an advantage on this saving throw and can re-
sist your commands if you cause them harm or
act against their fundamental beliefs. These intel-
ligent undead can repeat their saving throw every
24 hours, potentially breaking free from your
control. After 48 hours without your pres-
ence, any undead will automatically break
free from this effect. You can only control a
number of undead equal to your class level.

Between Life
and Death
At 18th level, you exist in the twilight zone
between life and death. You don’t require
food, drink, or sleep, and you cannot be
affected by sleep effects or the frightened
condition. Even though you don’t need
sleep, taking a long rest still requires at
least 4 hours of inactivity to rejuvenate your
body and mind. During this period, you re-
main alert and do not need to be unconscious.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Death Powers List 7th Level
Ethereal Move. You may use your bonus action and spend
3rd Level 1 Soul Point to automatically move 30 feet without spend-
ing your base movement. During this movement, you move
Death Grip. You may use your bonus action and spend 1
through the ethereal plane, so you do not provoke opportunity
Soul Point to conjure a hand of necrotic energy that reaches
attacks, ignore difficult terrain, and can move through objects
for a creature within a 30-foot radius of you. This creature
and creatures. You must end your movement in an unoccu-
must succeed a Strength saving throw or be pulled to the near-
pied space, or be expelled to the nearest unoccupied space.
est empty space close to you, provided that the path is clear.
Strangling Grip (Prerequisite: Death Grip). When you
Death Protection. When a creature declares an attack
declare the use of the Death Grip, you can use an action
against you or an ally within 5 feet of you, you may use
and spend an extra 1 Soul Point to impose the restrained
your reaction and spend 1 Soul Point to receive a bonus to
condition on the target, in addition to the effects of Death
your AC equal to your proficiency bonus against this attack.
Grip, if the target fails its saving throw. The target can repeat
Death Strike. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the
attack, you may spend 1 Soul Point to cause an extra 1d10
condition. You cannot use “Death Grip” on another crea-
of necrotic damage to the creature. At 11th level, you may
ture while the target of this Death Power is still restrained.
spend 2 Soul Points to cause an extra 2d10 of necrotic dam-
Death Embrace. When you suffer necrotic, cold, or elec-
age. You may only use this ability once per turn.
trical damage, you may use your reaction and spend 1 Soul
If a creature dies in the same turn you hit it with a Death
Point to be considered resistant to this damage. At 12th
Strike, you gain 1d6 temporary hit points, but you can’t gain
level, you may spend an extra 1 Soul Point to be considered
any Soul Point from that death.
immune to the damage, rather than just resistant.
Death Terror. You may use your bonus action and spend
Undead Fortitude. When your hit points are reduced to 0
1 Soul Point to attempt to frighten a creature that is adjacent
but you are not killed outright, you can spend 1 Soul Point
to you. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or
and make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 14. On
be frightened of you for 1 minute. At the end of each of its
a success, you remain at 1 hit point. The DC increases by
turns, the affected creature may make a saving throw to try
2 for each subsequent use of this ability before a long rest.
and end the frightened condition.
Fleeing Death. When another creature deals damage to 10th Level
you with a melee attack, you may use your reaction and
Creeping Darkness (Prerequisite: Ethereal Move). When
spend 1 Soul Point to reduce the damage by 1d10. At 7th
an ally within 60 feet of you suffers an attack, you may use
level, you may spend additional Soul Points to further reduce
your reaction and spend 1 Soul Point to teleport to an un-
the damage taken. For each extra Soul Point spent with this
occupied space adjacent to them and take the attack in their
Death Power, you reduce an additional 1d10 of damage taken.
place, gaining resistance to the damage from this attack.
Undying Knight. As an action and by spending 1 Soul
Grave Mist. You may use your bonus action and spend 1
Point, you can spend up to 3 Hit Dice to regain hit points.
Soul Point to summon an eerie mist. You affect a circular
Additionally, you regain an extra amount of hit points
area with a 10-foot radius centered on you for 1 minute.
equal to half your Constitution bonus (rounded up) for
Any creature that enters or is within this area must make a
each Hit Die used.
Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature is poi-
Unwearying Warrior. When you would suffer a level of
soned for the next minute. If the creature is no longer in the
exhaustion, you can spend 1 Soul Point and not suffer it,
affected area, it may make another saving throw at the end
regardless of its origin.
of each of its turns to try and end the poisoned condition.
Vision of the Afterlife. You can use a bonus action and
Life Drain. You can use your action to attempt to touch a
spend 1 Soul Point to gain darkvision with a range of 60
living creature adjacent to you. To determine if your touch
feet until your next short or long rest. If you already have
is successful, you must make an attack roll against the crea-
darkvision, this Death Power doubles your darkvision. When
ture. On a hit, you deal 1d10 necrotic damage for each Soul
activated, you can concentrate using a bonus action to gain
Point spent on this Death Power, and regain hit points equal
a glimpse of what is occurring in the ethereal plane for the
to the damage dealt.
next 10 minutes. After this time, Vision of the Afterlife ends
Terrifying Howl. You can use your action and spend 1 Soul
and must be activated again to gain its benefits.
Point to unleash a haunting howl that mimics the sound of
death. Creatures of your choice that can hear you and are
within 60 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw.
On a failure, the creature is frightened of you for the next
minute. A frightened creature must use all its movement to
move away from you. The frightened creature can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns to end the effect.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

choose to lead a nomadic life, traveling from place to place
to fulfill personal missions or further their training.
The Monks of Tanares seek to achieve harmony between
the body and soul, living a simple life of moderation and
mindfulness. They consume their meals sparingly, dress in
modest attire, and contemplate the beauty of nature, seeking
Monk to understand and appreciate its essence. Their philosophy
The monk class receives a new subclass in this section. extends beyond their own well-being, and they are often
involved in charitable and humanitarian pursuits, donating
Monks in Tanares their possessions and wealth to those in need. Though there
may be some who have strayed from the path and use their

he Monks of Tanares are renowned for their skills for selfish purposes, these individuals are seen as out-
unyielding physical and mental discipline, embody- liers and are shunned by their fellow Monks.
ing the ideals of martial arts, philosophy, and wis-
dom. These serene and insightful individuals only resort to Way of the Animals

violence as a last resort, but when compelled to act, they
reveal themselves to be formidable warriors, capable of onks of the Animal Path embody the pinna-
overcoming even the most vicious foes with just their bare cle of martial arts and wisdom, seeking to perfect
hands. Their mastery of hand-to-hand combat, honed with their combat skills through a deep understand-
a focus on retribution rather than aggression, has earned ing of nature and the movements of different creatures. By
them a reputation as some of the greatest martial artists in blending and alternating between various animal styles, these
the land of Tanares. monks have achieved a fluidity of body and spirit that is
Their rigorous training and unwavering discipline make unmatched, expanding their Ki and granting them a broad
them highly sought after by nations and factions as spies, and insightful perspective into the world.
diplomats, and investigators. Their ability to engage in hand- Not only are these monks masters of combat, but they also
to-hand combat against armed opponents, without the need possess a unique worldview that is shaped by their connection
for weapons, allows them to carry out covert operations to the animals they emulate. They see the world and those
in places where weapons are prohibited. Their discipline around them through the lens of different creatures, each
and training also make them difficult to surprise, disarm, or with its own distinctive characteristics and traits. They might
capture, making them a valuable asset to any organization. describe someone as cunning as a Snake, determined like a
Most Monks reside in the eastern regions of Tanares, with Tiger, precise like a Praying Mantis, cunning like a Monkey,
monasteries nestled in the Forbidden Kingdom of Yama, or unshakable like a Dragon. This unique perspective has
home to their most revered temples, serving as guardians, made the masters of the Animal Path be seen as wise sages,
wise sages, and trusted mentors to the initiated. Some Monks


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

sought after by many who seek enlightenment and a deeper against the creature that attacked your ally, due to the Praying
understanding of the world. Mantis Special Reaction. Then you must switch to another
Stance you possess.
Animal Stance 2- When the Switch Trigger of a Stance you have but you
are not currently in, you change to that stance.
Starting at 3rd level, you choose two of the six available
For example: If you are in the Tiger Stance and a creature
fighting stances. Each of these stances was created based
within your reach declares an attack against you, you can
on the observation of the fighting style of the creatures that
switch to the Praying Mantis Stance and then perform an
named them: the Crane, Monkey, Praying Mantis, Tiger,
unarmed or monk weapon melee attack against the creature
Snake, and Dragon. At 9th level, you learn another Animal
that attacked your ally, due to the Praying Mantis Special
Stance and another at 15th level.
Reaction. Then you must switch to the Praying Mantis Stance.
Switching Stances
During the initiative roll, you must declare which Animal
Animal Stances
Stance you will be in at the start of combat. However, you
can switch Animal Stance throughout battle in three ways: The Crane
Spending Ki Point: During your turn, you may spend 1 While in this Animal Stance, you have a +1 bonus to your AC.
KI Point to switch your Animal Stance. It does not consume Switch Trigger: A creature within range declares an attack
any action and can only be performed once per turn. against your ally.
Using the Switch Trigger of the Stance you are: If the Special Reaction: You can use your Reaction to add
Switch Trigger occurs, you may perform the Special Reaction half your proficiency bonus, rounded up, to your ally’s AC
described on your current Animal Stace to change to any against this attack.
other Animal Stance you know. You cannot use the Special
Reaction and remain in the same Stance. The Monkey
Using the Switch Trigger of another animal: If the Switch While in this Animal Stance, you do not spend Ki Points
Trigger of another animal you know happens, you may per- to perform “Step of the Wind.”
form the Special Reaction described on that Animal Stace Switch Trigger: If you are hit by an attack made by a
to change your Stance to that same animal. creature in your line of sight.
Special Reaction: You can spend your Reaction to halve
In summary, you can change your stance either by using
the damage done by this attack (round down).
Ki points, or:
1- When the Switch Trigger of the Stance you are in hap- The Praying Mantis
pens, you change to another Stance of your choice.
While in this Animal Stance, you can spend your bonus
For example: If you are in the Praying Mantis Stance and
action to gain advantage on the next melee attack you make.
a creature within your reach declares an attack against you,
you may perform an unarmed or monk weapon melee attack


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Switch Trigger: If a creature within reach declares a melee throw against your KI Save DC or have disadvantage on
attack against you. the next attack roll you make until the start of your (the
Special Reaction: You can use your Reaction to make a monk’s) next turn.
melee attack, unarmed or using a monk weapon, against the
creature that declared the attack before it makes the attack. The Dragon
While you’re in this Animal Stance, any time you take dam-
The Tiger age of any kind, it’s reduced by your proficiency score, but
While in this Animal Stance, you deal one extra Martial it can’t be reduced below 1.
Arts die of damage with the first melee attack you hit during Switch Trigger: An ally within 5ft of you becomes the
your turn. target of an attack.
Switch Trigger: An ally makes an attack against a creature Special Reaction: You can use your Reaction to become
within 5ft of you. the target of this attack instead of your ally. Any damage
Special Reaction: You can use your Reaction to make an taken from this attack is halved (after applying all other
unarmed attack, or with a monk weapon, against that creature. forms of damage reduction).

The Snake Animal Ki

While in this Animal Stance, your KI Save DC is increased
by 2. Starting at 6th level, you can use your Ki Points to perform
Switch Trigger: A creature hostile to you moves to a space an ability that varies depending on the Animal Stance you
within 10 feet of you. are on.
Special Reaction: You can use your Reaction to move to
The Crane
that creature immediately; it must make a Dexterity saving
While in Crane Stance, you can use your reaction and spend
2 Ki Points when you are targeted by an attack. This allows
you to redirect the attack to another creature of your choice
within 5 feet of you, excluding the original attacker. There
must be a valid target available for you to use this ability,
you cannot redirect an attack towards an empty space,
the ground, or a wall.

The Monkey
While in Monkey Stance, you can spend 1 KI
Point when you perform a “Step of the Wind”
to fire. If you do, you can pass spaces occu-
pied by enemies and do not receive attacks
of opportunity while moving. After the
move, you can take a Hide action.

The Praying Mantis

While in Praying Mantis Stance, if a hu-
manoid creature fails its save against your
“Stun Attack,” you can spend 1 extra Ki
Point to make the condition last for 1 minute
instead of one turn. The creature can make a
new saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
ending the effects of success. Starting at 15th level,
you can also use this ability against creatures other
than humanoids.

The Tiger
While in Tiger’s Stance, when you perform a
“Flurry of Blows” you can spend 1 Extra Ki
point to perform one more extra melee attack.
If the attack succeeds, the target must make a
Strength saving throw. On a fail, the creature is
prone and takes an extra 1d10 damage.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

The Snake
While in Cobra’s Stance, if you hit an unarmed strike with Greetings, I am Ohris, and it is my honor to guide
advantage against a creature, you can spend 1 Ki Point to you on the path of a true monk. As a practitioner
impose a Constitution saving throw on the target. On a fail- of the Way of the Animals, I will teach you how to
ure, the creature gains a poisoned condition for one minute. observe your enemies with the eyes of an eagle and
It takes 1d6 necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns react to their movements with lightning-fast reflexes.
while poisoned. It can make a saving throw at the end of As you assume your stances, remember that your
each of its turns to remove it. body is your weapon, and you must use it to its
fullest potential. However, if your enemy makes
The Dragon a wrong move, what we call a switch trigger, you
While in Dragon Stance, whenever you make a saving throw, can quickly adapt and change your stance. By doing
you can spend 1 Ki Point to make it with advantage. so, you can infuse your spirit with another animal
essence, providing you and your allies with a distinct
Fluid Movements advantage in battle.
Starting at 11th level, your mastery of using fighting stances Remember to study each stance carefully and un-
increases, and you gain an extra benefit whenever you enter derstand the triggers for each one. By doing so, you
a new Animal Stance. can take full advantage of the benefits that come
with switching stances during combat. While you
The Crane can always use your Ki power to change stances,
When you enter Crane’s Stance, until the end of your next
this method is less effective than observing your
enemies and reacting accordingly. So, let us begin
turn, the next attack against you has disadvantage.
your training and unlock the full potential of the
The Monkey Way of the Animals.
When you enter Monkey’s Stance, you gain
advantage on the next attack you make until
the end of your next turn.

The Praying Mantis

When you enter the Praying Mantis Stance,
the next creature you hit with an attack until
the start of your next turn becomes prone.

The Tiger
When you enter Tiger’s Stance, until the end
of your next turn, the next attack you hit
deals +1d10 damage.

The Snake
When you enter Cobra’s Stance, until the end of
your next turn, you gain advantage on the next
attack you make. If you already have advantage
on this attack, it becomes a critical hit if you hit.

The Dragon
When you enter Dragon Stance, until the end of your
next turn, all damage reductions incurred by your 3rd
level dragon ability are doubled.

Animal Awareness
Starting at 17th level, you significantly develop your senses,
similar to the animals whose movements define your martial
art. You gain proficiency in Perception and Insight; if you
are already proficient, double your proficiency score in that
skill. In addition, you can never be surprised.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

worshippers, serving as stalwart guardians of pyramids ded-
icated to the Kepesh deity.
Within Tanares, Paladins frequently enter the Arenas,
driven not only to uphold their faith and defend the inno-
cent, but also to contest political and judicial disputes that
imperil the equilibrium of justice. They spearhead expe-
ditions into treacherous lands to recover sacred relics and
vanquish sinister forces, leveraging their charismatic aura to
attain political influence as lords, leaders, and even esteemed
diplomats, particularly between Celestianist nations like the
Republic and the Empire.
Religious tensions have persistently plagued Tanares since
Paladin the Malrokian Age. However, with the emergence of territori-
al, ideological, and religious factions, the demand for devout
The paladin class receives new subclasses in this section.
warriors has intensified. Paladins are held in high regard
Paladins in Tanares within societies that embrace their religious tenets, enjoying
social prestige and unyielding support. Conversely, in regions

n Tanares, Paladins are a rare and revered sight, where their convictions are challenged, they may confront
primarily linked to the Celestianist Church through two animosity and, in the most extreme instances, mortal peril.
distinguished factions:
The esteemed Tamerian Order of Knights, devoted to Paladins of Freedom

Tamera, are celebrated for their dedication to the cause of
he Oath of Freedom symbolizes a Paladin’s
good and for their compassion, safeguarding sacred temples,
unbreakable spirit to rid the world of tyranny and
and shielding the common folk from harm. Their acts of
defend the innocent from oppression. Known as
valor and heroism inspire hope and courage in every cor-
Free Knights, these Liberators rise above the limitations of
ner of the realm.
religious institutions, instead following their own unwaver-
The Inquisitors, aligned with Bauron, bear the solemn
ing principles in their quest for justice. In a world where the
responsibility of hunting down Penumbral Creatures, mon-
very foundations of law and order can be corrupted and used
strous beings, and heretics that lurk within the shadows.
as weapons of oppression, these heroes stand tall, enshrining
Their measured and deliberate demeanor evokes both fear
the ideals of equality, fraternity, and liberty above all else.
and admiration among those who encounter them.
Free Knights approach each mission with unrelenting ded-
Additional Paladins emerge from the stout Dwarf adherents
ication and urgency, never backing down from the challenge
of Dorsi, the fervorous Cirrus followers of the Windspeaker
at hand. Whether it be rescuing a lost child or exposing a
religion, and, more recently, within the ranks of the Ba-Ka
corrupt church cardinal conspiring with evil forces, they


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

work tirelessly and discreetly, never seeking recognition or swayed by power’s allure or the beckoning of a single faction,
glory for their heroic deeds. After each successful mission, but perpetually championing righteousness and virtue.
they vanish into the night, ready to continue their endless
fight against evil in all its forms. Principles of Freedom
These Paladins are faithful to deities of goodness and free-
Each Oath of Freedom is unique, reflecting the Liberator’s
dom, nurturing a relationship of reverence and respect with
personal values and beliefs. However, the principles of kind-
their divine patrons, rather than one of servitude. They em-
ness, selflessness, and freedom are firmly entrenched in all
bark on personal quests to overthrow tyrants, aid the needy,
Free Knights.
and defend freedom, unwaveringly upholding the ideals of
Autonomy. Reject any organization or power that may
liberty and unity, even in the face of conflicting laws and
restrict your ability to bring about good.
societal norms. With their skills, training, and unbreakable
Goodness. Continuously strive to bring the greatest good
spirit, Free Knights roam the lands, fearlessly investigating
to all whom your path may lead.
and vanquishing evil wherever it may hide.
Inspiration. Lead by example, not by edict. Serve as a
In Tanares beacon of hope for the oppressed, inspiring others to join
your noble cause.
Deemed heretics by the old Evolutionist Church, the Free Freedom. Defend individual freedoms and hold those
Knights remained resolute in their pursuit of justice, com- accountable who threaten free will. Battle all forms of tyr-
bating corruption even within the Church’s core. Their un- anny and oppression, and defend the ideals of equality, fra-
wavering dedication to liberty has garnered respect and ternity, and liberty.
admiration from virtuous clerics and paladins within the Solidarity. Stand with the vulnerable and the oppressed,
Church who share their vision of a world liberated from holding accountable those who would oppress them. Unite
oppression and tyranny. with others who share your ideals, and together, work to-
When the Church initiated reforms, the Free Knights were wards building a better world for all.
among the first to confront and combat corrupt members.
However, after the initial purge, these Liberators declined to Oath Spells
join the Celestianist ranks, believing their duty necessitates
You gain the Oath Spells of the levels listed below.
maintaining a distance from the Church’s hierarchy.
These valiant warriors serve as beacons of hope, venturing O ath of F reedom S pells
into the shadows as lone champions to eradicate evil and
P aladin L evel S pells
safeguard the innocent. Fearless vigilantes, they relentlessly
3rd bless, disguise self
combat corruption and injustice, irrespective of its hiding
place. Alternatively, they may lead gallant bands of adven- 5th lesser restoration, shatter
turers, united in their quest to deliver hope and justice to a 9th dispel magic, remove curse
beleaguered world. With indomitable spirit and determina- 13th death ward, freedom of movement
tion, the Free Knights are the custodians of freedom, never 17th greater restoration, seeming


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Channel Divinity Aura of Sacrifice
When you choose this Oath at 3rd level, you gain the fol- At 7th level, your dedication to protect your allies manifests
lowing two Channel Divinity options: in a tangible manner. If a creature within 15 feet of you suf-
Shield of Freedom. As a bonus action, you can infuse fers damage and you are conscious and able to perceive the
your shield with divine power using your Channel Divinity. creature, you can choose to mystically absorb half of that
For 1 minute, you add half your proficiency bonus (rounded damage as a free action. You cannot resist or reduce this
up) to your AC while wielding this shield. Additionally, you transferred damage in any way (temporary hit points still
gain advantage on saving throws against being grappled and function as usual against this damage).
against magical effects that cause the grappled, stunned, re- If this feature’s damage reduce your hit points to 0, you
strained, charmed, paralyzed, or petrified conditions. can choose to remain at 1 hit point. Upon using this feature
Light of Liberation. As an action, you brandish your ho- (to remain at 1 hit point), your aura deactivates until you
ly symbol and pray for freedom, invoking your Channel complete a short or long rest.
Divinity. Choose a creature you can see or hear within 30 At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
feet of you to end all magical effects on it that cause the
stunned, restrained, charmed, paralyzed, or petrified con- Hands of the Free Man
ditions. Physical restraints are not automatically broken,
Starting at 15th level, when you or an ally within your Aura
but the creature gains advantage on checks made to escape,
of Sacrifice takes damage and you are conscious, you can
unlock, or break any physical confinement for 1 minute. This
use your Lay on Hands feature as a reaction instead of an
includes attempts to escape a grapple or use thieves’ tools
action on the damaged creature, ignoring the typical range
to unlock a holding cell.
restriction of Lay on Hands. Once you use this feature,
you can’t use it again until you complete a short rest.

Avatar of Freedom
At 20th level, as a bonus ac-
tion, you can become an avatar
of freedom. For 1 minute, your
conviction manifests as a tangi-
ble aura, taking the form of an
emblem of freedom that reflects
your beliefs.
For the duration, you gain
immunity to any magical ef-
fect that results in the stunned,
restrained, charmed, para-
lyzed, or petrified conditions.
Moreover, you and all allies
within 20 feet of you contin-
ually benefit from the effects of
the freedom of movement spell.
After using this feature, you
can’t use it again until you fin-
ish a long rest.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

To Lord Paladin, Sir Erick,
It is with immense honor that I present my findings on the Evolutionist Church, following an exhaustive
investigation. My inquiry revealed numerous factions vying for power and influence, with varying degrees
of Ungod’s corruption present.
The enigmatic Spiritual Guides, protectors of cemeteries who combat the undead, reveal little about themselves.
Though no evidence of corruption was discovered, their secretive behavior raises questions about their loyalty.
The Scribes, erudite scholars of history and magic, meticulously document nobles and their secrets. While
purporting to oversee the use of magic, some prioritize exposing rival wizards over protecting the people.
Caution when interacting with them is advised.
The Shields, disciples of Ellen Gideoni, pride themselves on their bravery and integrity. Tasked with hunting
heretics and securing church grounds, corruption still festers within their ranks. Nonetheless, some maintain
adherence to the church’s values and actively combat corruption.
The compassionate Enlightened, led by Cardinal Taram, prioritize the well-being of commoners. Their
primary mission involves defending against penumbral corruption and the creatures that threaten the public.
While admirable, they must remain vigilant against corruption.
The Sons of Tamera, revered healers committed to treating body and mind, are esteemed by
the masses. They tend to injuries, diseases, and even madness caused by the Penumbral
Plane. However, Cardinal Jocasta, the benevolent face of the Sons, records the heroes
they heal, discreetly accruing favors.
The Seeds, principal allies of the Enlightened, manage food supplies and collect intel-
ligence. Although no definitive evidence of corruption exists, suspicions indicate that
some may align with Gideoni, utilizing their roles to bolster his position
by monitoring food routes and stocks throughout all nations.
The Heralds, responsible for enforcing law and order,
grapple with evident corruption within their ranks.
Some aspire to return to the Empire’s former state
when their power was greater. Their actions war-
rant close scrutiny to prevent undermining the
church’s goals.
The Awakened, a clandestine group of
hunters, remain enigmatic and unforthcom-
ing about their activities. Though they ab-
stain from church politics, their motives are
In summary, the church appears united, but
internal divisions persist. The factions’ con-
tinuous struggle for power risks a schism
within the church. High Cardinal Gideoni
seems primarily preoccupied with self-in-
terest. As a knight, I shall continue investi-
gating and reporting any developments, en-
suring swift action against the corruption
permeating the church walls.

Sincerely, Knight Detective Ronan,

Skybell, 1278

Letter used during the trials of the Celestianist

Reformation, Year 1280, authenticated and presented
by High-Cardeal Taram Collection of the Judgements


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

With the growing conflict between factions
and countries, rangers are increasingly being
employed as spies, scouts, explorers, and detec-
tives, providing valuable intelligence and reconnais-
sance against political enemies and defending against
them. Additionally, the recent rise in the dangers posed
by penumbral creatures has created a high demand for
individuals able to track and hunt these extra-planar
aberrations, making rangers a crucial asset in protect-
ing the Material Plane.

Ranger Archetypes
At 3rd level, a ranger may choose an archetype to follow
as a subclass. In addition to its options, the ranger may
choose the Shadow Investigator or the Arcane Guardian.

Ranger Shadow Investigator

The ranger class receives new subclasses in this section.
he rapid spread of the Penumbral threat has
caused widespread fear and unease in populated
Rangers in Tanares areas, particularly in urban centers where these

angers roam the wild and ever-changing creatures can more easily blend in and corrupt individuals.
landscapes of Tanares, serving as hunters, guard- In response, the Shadow Investigator has emerged, possess-
ians, guides, warriors, scouts, and even gladiators ing the skills and intuition necessary to swiftly detect and
in the arenas. Their versatility and adaptability make them eliminate these malevolent beings.
in high demand, sought after for their unique skillset and Through their extensive network of connections and their
practical approach to life. Unlike other spellcasters, Tanares keen senses, the Shadow Investigator gathers information,
Rangers don’t typically pray to nature deities, instead opting analyzes affected locations, and identifies their targets with
for a more pragmatic or regional faith. precision. Their mastery of the enemy and their tactics, honed
The harsh realities of the Malrokian Curse have dramatical- through extensive training in fighting the Penumbral threat,
ly altered the geography, flora, and fauna of the region, leading allows for efficient and effective operations. Whether it’s
to the discovery of lost kingdoms, blocked passageways, and hunting down penumbral creatures or targeting sinister
hidden locations. In these treacherous and unknown terri- cultists, the Shadow Investigator is determined to root out
tories, rangers shine, with their unparalleled skills in navi- evil at its source.
gating and addressing unexpected encounters, locating rare Despite their unconventional methods, the Shadow
specimens, and even tracking magical beasts and monsters. Investigator remains a critical component in the ongoing


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

struggle against the Penumbral menace. They keep their Shadow Investigator Spells
knowledge close to the vest, sharing it only with trusted pupils
or assistants, but their mastery of the enemy and their tactics Starting at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you
make them an indispensable force in the fight. Though their reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Shadow
methods may engender distrust or fear among the general Investigator Spells table. This spell counts as a ranger spell
population, the Shadow Investigator is a necessary presence for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of ranger
in the ongoing battle against the Penumbral threat. spells you know.

S hadow I nvestigator S pells

In Other Settings R anger L evel S pells
The Shadow Investigator subclass can be an excellent addition 3rd disguise self
to any setting, providing a great asset to any group or party 5th zone of truth
with their skills in detecting and eliminating malevolent 9th speak with dead
creatures or individuals. 13th arcane eye
Although the Shadow Investigator’s skills were honed for
17th legend lore
detecting and fighting Penumbral creatures in Tanares, they
can be adapted to track and eliminate any creature that threat-
ens the safety of a town or city. Their unorthodox methods Shadow Investigator
and social outcast status may cause distrust or fear among Intuition
the population, but their dedication to rooting out evil at
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Insight skill.
its source is paramount to keeping people safe.
If you’re already proficient in it, your proficiency bonus is
Whether in a high-fantasy or low-fantasy setting, Shadow
doubled for any ability check you make with it.
Investigators can be employed to track and eliminate a wide
Moreover, whenever you make a Charisma (Deception) or
range of creatures. For example, in a high-fantasy setting,
Intelligence (Investigation) check, you can use your Wisdom
they could track and eliminate evil wizards and magical
modifier instead of your Charisma or Intelligence modifier.
creatures, while in a low-fantasy setting, they could hunt
down thieves and other criminals that threaten the safety of
the town or city. Shadow Investigators can be changed to be
Combat Instinct
trained to track any creature that permeates human society Also at 3rd level, you can analyze an enemy’s movements,
and stalks the night, such as vampires, ghouls, doppelgang- giving you a unique advantage. As a bonus action, you can
ers, demons, and devils. choose a creature you can see within 30 feet of you as your
The Shadow Investigator is a social outcast detective or focus and select one of the following benefits:
monster hunter that walks in the shadows to track and remove Find the Opening. Whenever you make an attack roll
the evil creatures that stalk at night. Players should discuss against your focus, you roll an extra 1d6 and add it to the
with their GM the most interesting creature types to track result. This bonus increases to 1d8 if your focus is an aber-
and eliminate for their campaign. With their unique set of ration or a creature from the Penumbral Plane.
skills and abilities, Shadow Investigators are an adaptable Dodge. You gain a +3 bonus to your Armor Class against
subclass that can be integrated into any campaign. attacks from your focus. Additionally, when making a saving


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

throw against an effect caused by your focus, roll an extra 1d6
and add it to the result. This die increases to 1d8 if your tar-
get is an aberration or a creature from the Penumbral Plane.
This chosen benefit lasts until you finish a short or long
rest, designate a new focus, or select a different benefit using
this feature again.

Detective’s Cunning
At 7th level, your intuition sharpens. You can’t be sur-
prised while you are conscious, and you gain advantage
on saving throws against illusion and enchantment spells.
Furthermore, you instantly notice when a creature within
20 feet of you alters or conceals its true form through
disguise, magic, or other means. You can tell that the
creature is disguising or hiding its true form, but you
don’t learn its true form.

Quick Witted
At 11th level, your swift adaptability allows you
to quickly formulate plans against your
foes. Whenever you use the Combat
Instinct feature, you can also perform
one of the following as part of the
same bonus action:
Cunning Step. You can move up
to 5 feet. This movement doesn’t
provoke opportunity attacks.
Exploit Weakness. The next
successful attack you make
against your focus this turn deals
an extra 1d6 damage. This dam-
age increases to 1d8 if your target
is an aberration or a creature from
the Penumbral Plane.
Quick Thinking. You can take the Use
an Object action.

Shadow Hunter
At 15th level, you become a true
scourge to aberrations and crea-
tures from the Penumbral Plane.
You gain advantage on Intelligence
(Investigation), Wisdom (Insight),
and Wisdom (Perception) checks
related to aberrations and creatures
from the Penumbral Plane. In addi-
tion, you have advantage on attack
rolls against these creatures and on
saving throws against effects created
by them.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

“As a Shadow Investigator and specialist in hunting evil creatures, I’ve encountered a variety of penumbral creatures
that can pose a serious threat to any town or city. To help you stay safe, I’ll share some quick tips for dealing with
the most common types of penumbral enemies.

Envy: These creatures are typically Pride: The duke and baron of the
found in packs and are cowards at Penumbra, these creatures dominate
heart. They may be lured away with large territories and won’t tolerate
penumbral crystals or driven off with interference from other creatures.
a show of force. Use your wits to outsmart their
traps and plans, or lure them into a
Disgust: Found in Penumbra trap of your own making. Be wary
swamps, these creatures hoard of them, as their pride will always
waste in their dens. While they can be their weakness.
be dangerous, they may also have
valuable penumbral crystals and rats Greed: These creatures prey on ad-
hidden among their filth. Approach venturers’ lust for treasure, cursing
with caution and be prepared to sift them with vile magic. Be mindful of
through their hoard to find what their curse and resist the urge to obsess
you’re looking for. over wealth. Offering magical items
and riches may appease them, but be
Sloth: These herbivores move as lit- careful not to fall into their trap.
tle as possible and ambush their prey.
They only accept other sloths, form- Fear: Feeding on terror, these crea-
ing groups and even large herds. If tures invade their victims’ dreams and
you must cross their path, be stealthy transform into their greatest fears.
and avoid provoking them. Confront your fears head-on and
be brave to defeat them. Protective
charms or spells may also help.
Pain: These aggressive creatures
attack any other creature that feels Anger: This creature is known for
pain, and are often used as troops by its aggressiveness and causes great
more powerful creatures. Keep your destruction when out of control. If
distance and attack from afar, or use provoked, eliminate it quickly, or
distractions to split them before any if impossible, spread and flee. Be
fight begins. careful, as they are often used as a
weapon by more powerful creatures.
Lust: These creatures seek pleasure
and luxury, often disguising them- Grudge: These creatures hold grudg-
selves as attractive and sumptuously es and will magically mark anyone
dressed people. Be wary of their se- who has wronged them. Never hurt
ductive power and avoid falling un- one and let it get away. No offer of
der their spell. Know that they can apology will work with them; either
change their shape but not anything don’t hurt them or finish the job, as
they are wearing. there is no other alternative.

Sadness: Masters of magic, these Gluttony: These insatiable crea-

creatures use their abilities to cause tures are perpetually searching for
misery and misfortune. Build a their next meal, devouring every-
strong mind to resist their curses thing in their path. Distract them
and powerful spells, or use mag- with a generous food supply and
ic-resistant equipment. exploit their sluggishness to gain
an advantage.
Always keep in mind that the Penumbra is an unforgiving place, and the creatures that dwell within it are not to be
underestimated. Heed my advice and tread carefully, lest you become yet another victim of the shadows.
And remember, when it comes to penumbral creatures, knowledge is power. Be vigilant, be prepared, and stay safe.”


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

spells. Whether hunting specific creatures or pa-
trolling as protectors against megalomaniacal
spellcasters and dangerous magical artifacts,
Arcane Guardians are always ready to face the
unknown and defend the innocent from the per-
ils of magic. These fearless warriors embody the
true spirit of a Ranger, fearlessly facing danger and
steadfastly defending the innocent.

Arcane Guardian in Tanares

Arcane Guardian
In Tanares, magic is as revered as it is feared. It has brought
both marvels and disasters, such as the downfall of the

rcane spellcasters are known to inspire fear once-prosperous Kingdom of Arcana, which was destroyed
with their formidable and unpredictable magic, but by a Malrokian Curse. Society’s fear of magic and mages led
some Rangers have taken up the mantle of Arcane Emperor Baleroth to dedicate resources towards controlling
Guardians to counter this threat. Trained by prestigious noble and restricting the use of arcane powers.
houses, arcane schools, or remote temples, these elite war- To protect the Tanarean Empire from magical threats, spe-
riors are experts in suppressing and punishing the misuse of cial groups were created to study and combat arcane magic.
magic and eliminating magical creatures that wreak havoc These Arcane Guardians underwent rigorous training and
on the lives of the common folk. mystical experiments to hone their sensitivity to magical
Arcane Guardians are not your typical Rangers. They energies and track them. Many of them harbor a deep-seated
possess knowledge of both wizard spells and ranger spells, hatred for the indiscriminate use of magic, either due to the
granting them a powerful advantage in combating magical Empire’s manipulative training or because of the atrocities
dangers. They have honed their skills in magic manipula- they suffered during their training. Regardless of their mo-
tion and resistance, and have learned to draw upon their tivations, they treat magic with suspicion and instability.
inner reserves to unleash spells that surpass their normal Over time, some of these soldiers discovered that not all
capabilities. Their weapons are imbued with mystical energy of the targets they hunted were truly dangerous conjurers.
that disrupts the magic of their foes, causing immense pain Many were merely political pawns, leading some Guardians
with each strike. to question their orders and seek a way out of the Imperial
Many Arcane Guardians are created through alchemical forces. Those who managed to desert and survive became
processes or magic rituals, either voluntarily to protect their mercenaries, adventurers, or reclusive hermits, always evad-
people or through forced experimentation. Regardless of ing the reach of the Empire’s agents.
their origin, they possess a versatility that sets them apart With the formation of the Magocracy of Arcane Tower,
from other Rangers, including access to more aggressive many of these previously hidden rangers were invited to join


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

a special force of arcane combatants, serving as part of the Guardian Meditation
Magocracy’s guard and army. Others took advantage of the
Empire’s diminished influence to live freely in the Republic At 7th level, you can regain some of your magical energy by
or other nations beyond its reach communing with nature during a short rest. You can recover
spell slots, the total levels of which are less than or equal to
Arcane Education your proficiency bonus. You can’t use this feature again until
you finish a long rest.
Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill You can spread this recovery between multiple short rests,
and learn two wizard cantrips of your choice. Additionally, but the total levels of the spell slots you recover can’t exceed
you have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks when your proficiency bonus between long rests.
tracking creatures of a magical nature or those that possess For example, if your proficiency bonus is +3, you could
any form of spellcasting, at the GM’s discretion. recover three 1st-level spell slots, one 1st-level and one
2nd-level spell slot, or one 3rd-level spell slot. Then, you
Arcane Guardian Spells need to finish a long rest before you can use this feature again.
At 3rd level, you expand your magical knowledge. When
you gain a level and learn a spell, you can choose it from the Arcane Rebuke
wizard spell list in addition to the ranger spell list. At 11th level, you gain advantage on saving throws against
In addition, you learn two additional spells of your choice spells. Additionally, when a creature within 60 feet of you
from the wizard spell list. These spells must be of a level for casts a spell that targets you and you succeed on the saving
which you have spell slots. They do not count towards the throw, you can reflect a portion of the spell’s energy back at
number of ranger spells you know. the caster. This reflected energy deals 1d6 force damage per
Each time you gain a level in this class, you can replace level of the spell to the caster.
one of these extra spells with another from the wizard spell
list, as long as you have spell slots for the new spell’s level. Arcane Secret of the Guardian
Arcane Predator At 15th level, your mastery of the arcane reaches new heights.
You learn one 7th-level spell from the wizard spell list, which
At 3rd level, you learn to channel your arcane energy into without needing any material components. Once you cast
your strikes. The first time you hit an undead, an aberra- this spell, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.
tion, or a creature that has some form of spellcasting with a
weapon attack each turn, you deal an extra 1d8 damage. At
11th level, this additional damage increases to 1d10.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

The widespread popularity of gladiatorial arenas in Tanares
has led many Rogues to achieve fame as gladiators, refining
their combat prowess and becoming even more formidable
in duels than one might anticipate from a typical Rogue.
The Kemet invasion’s aftermath resulted in the Tanarean
Empire’s contraction, new kingdoms and factions have arisen,
each vying for power. This, in conjunction with the divine
decree prohibiting open warfare, has instigated a state of Cold
War throughout Tanares, offering the ideal environment for
Rogues to flourish. Navigating a world rife with shadows
and secrets, they excel at exploiting their adaptability and
cunning, where success and wealth are just a deception away.

Rogue Ninja

The rogue class receives a new subclass in this section. orn from the crucible of oppression, Ninjas
emerged from the ashes of poverty, bringing their
Rogues in Tanares fight against corrupt nobles and officials into the

shadows. Trained in the lethal arts of combat, weaponry, and
n Tanares, Rogues emerge as unparalleled mas-
stealth, they wielded their surroundings as a deadly weapon,
ters of stealth, deception, and cunning. Their exceptional
shrouding their identities in mystery to protect their com-
skills in infiltrating the highest echelons of society and
munities from retaliation. Through relentless training and
mastery of disguise render them indispensable in the clan-
the refinement of their skills, these rebels transformed into
destine power struggles shaping Tanares’ political landscape.
merciless assassins, combat specialists, and the undisputed
From rogue guild members to pirate marauders and op-
masters of disguise, all united under the banner of secretive
eratives of enigmatic organizations like the Third Eye or the
and powerful clans.
Cult of the Shadow Wing, Rogues are highly sought after.
Each Ninja clan is fiercely dedicated to its own unique
They may work as mercenaries for the highest bidder, or
purpose, guided by the timeless principles of their ances-
align themselves with factions or nations to further their
tral leaders. They abide by a strict code of honor, shrouded
personal agendas. Their expertise in intelligence gathering
in mystery, that is as unyielding as their commitment to
and mastery of disseminating disinformation establish them
their cause. While their methods may appear dishonorable
as formidable forces in Tanares’ intricate power dynamics.
to outsiders, the loyalty of each Ninja to their clan is un-
Furthermore, their adaptability and stealth make them in-
breakable, even if it means committing acts that are ethically
valuable assets in numerous quests, rendering them coveted
questionable. This unwavering commitment to the goals set
additions to adventuring parties.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

forth by their ancestral leaders forms the very foundation The Kageryoshi’s reputation for ruthlessness is rivaled
of the Ninja’s code of honor. only by their loyalty to their clan and code of honor. Those
In addition to their physical prowess, Ninjas wield a mys- who have defected to opposing factions and use their skills
tical power known as Ki, imbuing their techniques with for personal gain are seen as traitors and shunned by the
otherworldly, ethereal effects. While their methods differ Kageryoshi. Kagekusari, as their mentor and guide, embod-
from those of monks, the similarities between the two are ies their loyalty and power, a testament to the unbreakable
undeniable and respected by both groups. With their mas- bond between the Kageryoshi and Emperor Tenshinkin.
tery of combat, stealth, and the mystical arts, the Ninjas are
a force to be reckoned with, always keeping their true goals Ninja Expertise
hidden from the prying eyes of the outside world.
At 3rd level, you can choose one skill from Stealth, or
In Tanares Persuasion, and one tool from Disguise kit or Poisoner’s
kit, to gain proficiency in. If you are already proficient in the
The Kageryoshi, a clan of legendary and respected ninjas in chosen skill, you may instead add it to your Expertise list.
the bustling city of Kagemori, were created by Kagekusari, a
powerful Tameranium Dragon and son of Emperor Tenshikin. Smoke Mastery
To counteract the cunning criminal organizations attempting
Starting at 3rd level, you can use your bonus action to conjure
to corrupt Yama from within, led by the formidable Bauronite
and immediately throw a magical smoke bomb at a point on
Avatar Dragon Yokensha, the Kageryoshi were forged to
the ground within 15 feet of you. It creates a dense mystical
match their wits and strategy.
smoke, heavily obscuring a 15-foot-radius circular area until
The rigorous training of the Kageryoshi begins at a young
the start of your next turn. You can see through the smoke
age, culminating in a final test that involves facing Kagekusari
normally and have advantage on attacks against creatures
himself in both human and dragon form. Under Kagekusari’s
inside the smoke that cannot see you.
guidance, the Kageryoshi mastered their mystical Ki powers,
While you are inside the smoke, your opportunity attacks
becoming experts in stealth, deception, and manipulation.
deal an extra 1d4 damage to creatures that are also inside
Their code of honor was unbreakable loyalty to Emperor
the smoke. You can use this feature a number of times
Tenshikin, and they were trained to do whatever was neces-
equal to 1 plus your proficiency bonus, regaining
sary to ensure Yama’s success and protect their leader, even
all expended uses after a short or long rest.
if it meant breaking the rules or engaging in unethical acts.
Emperor Tenshikin saw the unmatched skills of the
Kageryoshi and appointed them as his elite agents, tasked
with the most dangerous and covert missions, especially
those in delicate international operations where Yama’s other
agents could not operate with discretion.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

At 3rd level, your training in ninja martial arts grants you
Esteemed Hyroto, Master Shugenja,
mastery of ninja fighting styles involving unarmed and armed
strikes. You gain the following benefits while you are not I am delighted to report that our mission to recover
wearing medium or heavy armor or wielding a shield: the sacred Ryūyūseki has been successful. As the
• You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack leader of my clan, I embarked on a journey to the
and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes, and you can Empire, tracking down the sacred crystal created by
deliver sneak attacks with them as though they were fi- Tenshinkin that was stolen.
nesse weapons. After a thorough investigation, we discovered the
• You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage for your thief to be a rogue priest who had absconded with the
unarmed strikes or melee and thrown weapons. Starting at crystal. Initially, we suspected Yokensha’s clan to be
6th level, your attacks count as magical for the purpose of responsible for the theft, and indeed they had planned
overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical at- to steal it. However, the treacherous priest dou-
tacks and damage. The damage die for these attacks changes ble-crossed them and sold his loyalty to the Empire.
to a d6 at 6th level, a d8 at 11th level, and a d10 at 16th level. Our investigation revealed that the mastermind be-
• Note: If you are using a magic weapon, you may choose to hind the plot to steal the crystal was none other than
use this feature’s damage die while retaining the weapon’s Thidexius, one of the Imperial Wizards. Although
bonus to attack and damage rolls and its other properties. we were unable to apprehend him, we managed to
confront the disloyal priest and recover the crystal
Kawarime before it fell into Thidexius’s grasp.
Starting at 9th level, when you use the class feature Uncanny I will promptly deliver the recovered crystal to the
Dodge, if there is a location within 20 feet of you that you palace. It will arrive with the Tameranium shipment
can see and where a creature of your size could hide, you
we seized from the Empire as retribution for their
can teleport to that location, leaving behind a wooden decoy
created instantly through your power. This decoy disappears Allow me to personally escort the crystal shipment
at the start of your next turn. to the Republic as soon as it is ready.
You still take half damage from the triggering attack, but
I also humbly request a meeting with Rokaru to
you can take a Hide action immediately after teleporting.
discuss our next steps. In my opinion, we must re-
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your spond in kind to Thidexius’s affront to protect our
Wisdom modifier (minimum of once), regaining all expended Emperor and our clan.
uses after a short or long rest.
May the yorozu guide and safeguard you in all your
Ninja Steps endeavors.
Starting at 13th level, you develop the legendary ninja step. Tsuyoko, of the Kageryoshi Clan
When you take the Dash action as an action or bonus action,
you gain the following benefits:
• You ignore difficult terrain and can move as though you
have a climbing speed. Additionally, you can traverse ex-
tremely fragile surfaces, such as water or thin tree branches,
as if they were solid ground, without regard for your weight
or the weight of your equipment. However, you cannot
support yourself in midair.
• While traveling, you don’t suffer penalties to Perception
checks due to moving quickly, and you can’t be tracked,
even by magical means..

Hidden strike
At 17th level, your sneak attack becomes even deadlier due
to your ninjutsu training. If you are hidden from a creature
and make an attack that triggers your sneak attack damage
against it, the damage dice for your sneak attack become
d8s instead of d6s.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Ronin Kojiki also
trained the ninja arts.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

D e s pit e t h e i r
stringent measures,
the Empire could not stifle
the emergence of sorcerers, whose
innate abilities, unbound by formal
training, sprouted from their extraordi-
nary lineages. Oftentimes connected to dra-
conic, penumbral, or demonic ancestry, these
sorcerers wielded immense power.
Throughout the Imperial era, sorcerers—be-
ing the most accessible wielders of potent mys-
tical forces—rose to prominence as leaders and
spiritual guides for the common folk. Although the
Sorcerer utilization of magic has since expanded, with mages now
liberated from imperial oversight, sorcerers continue to be
The sorcerer class receives a new subclass in this section. highly sought after. Many have allied themselves with the
Mage Tower in Reginherath, while others are found collab-
Sorcerers in Tanares orating with factions, nations, mercenary companies, and

hroughout the ancient Tanarean eras, ar- bands of adventurers. Their roles are diverse, encompassing
cane magic has perpetually been enshrouded in diplomats, spies, arcane specialists, adventurers, and even
secrecy and taboo, culminating in the zenith of gladiators or assassins in rare instances.
Arcana—the remarkable magical city nestled within the In Tanares, sorcerers encounter neither prejudice nor re-
Mystical Province. Alas, its unrivaled power drew the cov- jection, holding positions of equal importance to mages in
etous gaze of many, ultimately resulting in the catastrophic society. With their innate charm and charisma, coupled with
Malrokian Curse which decimated the city, leaving naught their awe-inspiring arcane prowess, they effortlessly navigate
but desolate ruins and the dreaded Wasteland in its wake. both the hallowed halls of mystical tomes and libraries, and
In the aftermath, the Tanarean Empire stringently curtailed the opulent corridors of noble gatherings. Sorcerers have
the use of wizardry in an earnest endeavor to avert a similar thus become coveted advisors and influential figures in the
calamity. The control over arcane forces fell to the formidable complex tapestry of Tanares’ politics.
Imperial Mages, instigating a decline in magical education and
practice across the continent. Unbeknownst to them, the taboo Cultist

against magic was instigated by the Ungods’ servants—nefar- he Malrokian Curse, a cataclysmic event
ious infiltrators who had permeated political and religious in- that shook the very foundations of Arcana, forev-
stitutions with the sinister intent to undermine mortal power. er changed the Tanarean Magic Field. Many mages


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

were suddenly severed from their magic, sending them on to protect the knowledge and treasures of antiquity for fu-
a desperate journey to reclaim it. Some ventured into the ture generations.
shadows, striking deals with enigmatic forces and embracing
forbidden powers in their quest for magical restoration. This
gave rise to new, sinister cults, filled with individuals who
In Other Settings
thirsted for power and sought to harness the malevolent The Cultist is a malevolent entity that casts a foreboding
forces of mystical energies. shadow over any campaign setting. Tied to sources of power
These cults formed unbreakable bonds with the unseen, that are both strange and corrupt, such as demons, malevolent
transmitting their powers to future generations and un- gods, and the forces of the shadows, these unique characters
locking new, mysterious methods of harnessing magic. But stand out due to their fanatical devotion and their power to
the power they obtained came with a terrible cost, warp- summon creatures deemed profane by society. While not all
ing their perceptions of reality and driving them to become Cultists are inherently evil, their relentless pursuit of pow-
fanatically unstable, consumed by their hunger for power. er and their questionable methods make them feared and
Despite this, they honed their obsession, amplifying their reviled by all.
magic and summoning servants of pure nightmare from the The Cultist brings a thick veil of mystery and unease to
penumbral plane. the game, making them ideal for creating characters that are
Today, numerous cultists have pledged their allegiance to both enigmatic and intimidating, or infusing any character
various factions, the majority of which harbor malevolent with a sinister and mystical energy.
intentions. Foremost among these is the Cult of the Shadow
Wing, a sinister congregation of Ungod devotees determined
to unleash cataclysm upon Tanares and subjugate the world Fanaticism
to the whims of their dark deities.
Starting at 1st level, your obsession allows you to channel
Within the Cult, myriad subgroups flourish, each exem-
your powers to persist even under dire circumstances. When
plifying the diverse methods of serving the four Ungods.
you are reduced to 0 hit points, you do not fall unconscious.
Among them are the sly and duplicitous Purple Witches, as
You can act normally and take turns, though you still make
well as the formidable Penumbral Dragons, demonstrating the
death saving throws as usual and incur automatic failed death
multifaceted nature of devotion in these unhallowed circles.
saves if you take damage.
On the other hand, some cultists have chosen to ally them-
However, if you fail two death saving throws, including
selves with organizations that promote nobler causes. The
automatic failures from taking damage at 0 hit points, you
Arcane Tower’s Council, for example, is dedicated to safe-
immediately fall unconscious. Moreover, you only die after
guarding the freedom of spellcasters to study and explore
failing four death saving throws instead of three.
magic, while the Relic Hunters, driven by their love of ad-
venture and desire to do good, roam the land in search of
lost artifacts from the past, be they magical, artistic, or mun-
dane. These fearless explorers wield their political influence


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Summon from the Abyss
S loth Invocation
Starting at 6th level, as an action, you can summon an eldritch
spirit and imbue it with your magical power, turning it into a
creature that obeys your commands. The creature manifests Armor Class 12 + 1 for each 2 spellcaster level
in an unoccupied space you can see within a 90-foot range. Hit Points 5x spellcaster level + 10
Speed 30 ft.
This creature is friendly to you and your companions. In
combat, the creature takes its turn immediately after yours. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
It obeys verbal commands that you give (no action required 18 (+4) 10 (0) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 7 (-2)
by you). If you don’t issue any commands, it defends itself
but otherwise takes no action. Damage Immunities: psychic
When you summon the spirit, choose the Sloth Invocation, Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Envy Invocation, or Gluttony Invocation. The creature phys- Languages Deep Speech, understands the languages you speak

ically resembles your chosen aspect, which also determines

Aura of Laziness (15 ft). Any creature that enters or starts its turn
some traits in its stat block.
in the aura must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. If it fails,
You can use this feature once, regaining use after a short its speed is halved for the next minute. An affected creature
or long rest. You can only have one such creature summoned that leaves the aura can repeat the saving throw at the end of
at a time. If you use this feature while you already have a its turns, ending the effect on a success.
creature summoned from this feature, the previous crea- Actions
ture disappears.
Multiattack. The Sloth Invocation makes a number of attacks

Abyssal Link equal to your bonus proficiency .

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: Sloth Invocation STR Bonus (4) + Your
At 14th level, your summon can share its senses with you. Proficiency, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d10 + 4 + your bonus
proficiency piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must
As a bonus action, you can see, hear, and feel as if you were
succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
your summon, while maintaining your regular senses. This
ability lasts until the end of your turn.
As your bond with your summon strengthens, it gains a
fly speed of 30 feet.

Blood Pact
At 18th level, you can siphon the life force of your summon,
restoring your health and magical energy.
You can sacrifice your summon to regain hit points equal
to the summon’s current hit points. For every 10 hit points
restored in this way, you regain 1 sorcery point. You can use
this feature once, regaining use after a long rest.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

G luttony I nvocation Envy Invocation

Armor Class 10 + 1 for each 2 spellcaster level Armor Class 10 + 1 for each 2 spellcaster level
Hit Points 5x spellcaster level Hit Points 5x spellcaster level
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

18 (+4) 10 (0) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 7 (-2) 10 (0) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 7 (-2)

Damage Immunities: psychic Damage Immunities: psychic

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Deep Speech, understands the languages you speak Languages Deep Speech, understands the languages you speak

Blood Frenzy. The Gluttony Invocation makes a number of attacks Pack Tactics. The envy has advantage on an attack roll against
equal to your bonus proficiency. a creature if at least one of the envy’s allies is within 5 feet of
the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Multiattack. The Gluttony Invocation makes a number of attacks
equal to your bonus proficiency. Multiattack. The Envy Invocation makes a number of attacks
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: Gluttony Invocation STR Bonus (4) equal to your bonus proficiency.
+ Your Proficiency, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d10 + 4 + your Resentment Blast. Ranged spell attack: Envy Invocation DEX
bonus proficiency piercing damage. The Gluttony Invocation Bonus (4) + Your Proficiency, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8
gains half of damage in temporary hit points. If the target is a + 4 + your bonus proficiency piercing damage. If the target is
living creature it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw
or be cursed hit hunger curse. A cursed creature has disadvan- or be knocked prone.
tage on attack rolls until eating during a short or long rest, being
targeted by a remove curse spell, or eating a berry created by
a goodberry spell.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

their extraplanar patrons, Warlocks play a pivotal role in the
political power struggles shaping Tanares.
Often working covertly, Warlocks form alliances with var-
ious factions and organizations to obscure their true abilities
and objectives. For example, those bound to fey patrons may
affiliate with druidic circles, while Warlocks with celestial
patrons collaborate with heroes and adventurers, inspiring
valor and righteousness. Those allied with elemental forces
may join elemental conclaves, utilizing their profound con-
nection to the essence of magic to sway political outcomes.
In a world beset by warring factions, nations, and orga-
nizations, Warlocks contribute an additional layer of com-
plexity to Tanares’ already intricate political landscape.
These enigmatic figures engage in a grand game of political
power that transcends the physical realm, influencing the
covert agendas of key players across the world. With their
Warlock formidable magic and extraplanar sway, Warlocks assert
their position as influential agents in the ongoing struggle
The warlock class receives a new subclass in this section. for supremacy in Tanares.

Warlocks in Tanares
Pact of the Dark Hunter

In the world of Tanares, the divine pantheon finds itself ou made a pact with an obscure extraplanar
preoccupied with repelling the invasion of the malevolent entity that refuses to reveal its true origin, sharing
Ungods. This diversion of their attention has created a power with you only its goal: to destroy all aberrations and
vacuum, enticing otherworldly entities to seize opportuni- unnatural creatures that plague the multiverse. It desires you
ties for power within Tanares. Warlocks, mortals who have to act as its hand in your world, eradicating the dark beings
forged pacts with these entities, now harness the potent magic hidden in the shadows.
bequeathed by their extraplanar patrons and serve as their Different from other warlocks you train your body and
emissaries in the mortal realm. mind to exhaustion to fight the creatures of the night. You
Empowered by their enigmatic benefactors, Warlocks op- learn how to properly use all kinds of weapons to deliver your
erate behind the scenes, furthering their patrons’ ambitions powerful magic abilities, channeling your powers through
whilst navigating the intricate and ever-evolving political blades and bolts alike, becoming the terror of all dark beings.
landscape of the continent. By channeling the influence of Moved by vengeance, a strange sense of justice, or some
other personal goal, your path is often dark, grim, and


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

solitary. One that most common folk would never have the sanctuaries for the fearful. Though their path is fraught with
guts to take, but that is the reason most of the Dark Hunters shadow, desolation, and isolation, they stand as the steadfast
choose this path. guardians of Tanares, relentlessly battling to shield the world
from the encroachment of evil.
In Tanares
In the shadowy recesses of Tanares, the Dark Hunters emerge
Expanded Spell List
as enigmatic figures, often misconstrued as perilous vigi- The Dark Hunter lets you choose from an expanded list of
lantes. Yet, in reality, they are the unsung champions of the spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells
realm, selflessly risking their lives to shield the innocent are added to the warlock spell list for you.
and eradicate the malevolence that skulks in the shadows.
Equipped with weapons infused with dark energies and D ark H unter E xpanded S pells
wielding sinister magic to bolster their pursuit, the Dark W arlock L evel S pells
Hunters instill fear in their adversaries and command respect 1st detect evil and good, shield
for their unparalleled expertise in tracking down monstrous
2nd branding smite, magic weapon
beings. However, their notoriety as relentless aberration ex-
3rd haste, lightning bolt
terminators frequently engenders misunderstanding and
suspicion from the masses. 4th locate creature, greater invisibility

In truth, the Dark Hunters maintain their distance not 5th passwall, telekinesis
due to their foreboding reputation, but because they recog-
nize that proximity to others would only invite danger and Bane of Darkness
suffering. Witnessing the ramifications of their actions and
the wickedness they hunt, they opt to operate in solitude or Starting at 1st level, your mystical abilities become more
as affiliates of the Celestianist Church to mitigate risks to potent against the unnatural creatures you are called to hunt.
those dear to them. When you hit with a weapon attack against an aberration,
Despite their solitary dispositions, Dark Hunters exhibit undead, or extraplanar creature, deal an additional 1d6
unwavering loyalty to their comrades, stopping at nothing damage. This extra damage bypasses any resistance or im-
to safeguard those they trust. As the vanguards of the inno- munity. This damage increases to 1d8 at 9th level, and to
cent, they vanquish evil with calculated precision, employing 1d10 at 17th level.
darkness to combat darkness in a bid to restore equilibrium
to the world. When peril looms, the Dark Hunters are sum- Dark Hunter
moned to defend the innocent, responding with unshakeable At 1st level, you master the skills necessary for your mission.
resolve and courage. You gain proficiency with Stealth and Perception skills, as
In a realm besieged by darkness and depravity, the well as shields and martial weapons.
Dark Hunters are beacons of hope for the despondent and


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Your patron grants you the ability to channel your magic
through any weapon you wield. You may use your Charisma Listen up, you aspiring warlocks, I’m Retser Crowley,
modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for attack and a Master of the Dark Arts, and I’ve got a thing or two
damage rolls when wielding a weapon. to teach you about the patrons you might be considering
In addition, you may apply any invocations that produce for a pact. Bear in mind, these patrons are as treacherous
an effect or additional damage upon a hit with an Eldritch as they are powerful, so be bloody cautious, or you might
end up in a right mess.
Blast to your weapon attacks. This does not allow the use of
invocations altering attack range or area. First on the list is Emperor Baleroth, an ex-wizard who
turned himself into a greater devil by pilfering a demon’s
Shadow Step essence. He’ll reward your loyalty and dedication to the
Tanarean Empire, but his pact might chain you to the
Starting at 6th level, your bond with the mysterious entity
Empire’s whims, leaving you with a sod control over
your own life. And who wouldn’t want a bossy, power-
that empowers you deepens, allowing you to traverse dis- hungry devil at their back, eh?
tances instantaneously by stepping through an enigmatic
Next, we have Bellara, The Arachnee. Tread carefully
plane. As a bonus action, you may teleport up to 60 feet to with this one. She only takes women and lures them in
an unoccupied space you can see. with the promise of granting their wishes. She might seem
You may use this feature a number of times equal to half like she’s offering the most freedom, but her seemingly
your proficiency bonus (rounded up), and regain all expended harmless requests can turn into deadly traps, leaving you
uses after a short or long rest. stuck in her web with no way out. How very… inviting.
Gullog, the Undead Master, is another patron who re-
Cover of Darkness quires a delicate touch. His pact could make the entire
bloody world your enemy because the Kemets are de-
At 10th level, you can envelop yourself in darkness to defend spised by everyone. He’ll promise you great rewards for
against attacks. When a creature you can see hits you with an the coming age of eternal ice, but you will have to deal
attack, you can use your reaction to halve its attack’s damage with his love for the undead. Cross him, and you’ll end
up stuck in a lifeless existence for eternity. Sounds like
against you and inflict 2d8 force damage on the attacker. a party, doesn’t it?
You can use this feature a number of times equal to half
your proficiency bonus, rounded up, and you regain all ex-
Now, let’s talk about Golgöggoth, the Augur. He wants
to strip mortals of their emotions and have you fight
pended uses after a short or long rest. against the Ungods and their lackeys. Mind your words
around him, because the Augur always keeps his deals.
Terror of the Dark Once you’re in his pact, your emotions will vanish, leav-
ing you trapped in a world without love, joy, or even
At 14th level, you gain the ability to sense the presence of fear. Who needs emotions anyway, right?
unnatural creatures. You are always aware if any aberration, Finally, we’ve got the Dark Hunter, who claims he’s
undead, or extraplanar creature is within 60 feet of you, even all about the greater good. His power might be tempting,
if the creature is hidden. but he’ll lead you down some dangerous paths, taking on
You can discern the direction and number of such crea- the nastiest creatures of the night. If you fancy a long
tures, as well as their general appearance, but you glean no life, I’d steer clear of making a pact with him. After all,
further information. This ability doesn’t grant you sight of what’s life without a bit of mortal danger?
these entities, but rather, an intuition of their presence. So, before you go forging any pacts, make sure you weigh
When you slay one of these creatures, all others within up the benefits and risks of each patron. As tantalizing
60 feet that can see you must make a Wisdom saving throw.
as they might be, these pacts come with a bloody hefty
price. But hey, don’t let me rain on your parade—by all
On a failure, they become frightened for 1 minute. Creatures means, go out and sell your soul to the highest bidder.
immune to fear effects are not immune to this effect if they
have an Intelligence score of 3 or higher.

This otherworldly entity is shrouded in on eradicating these abominations from can find common cause in fighting
mystery, a creature with an unknown Tanares, and with the threat of necro- against the horrors that threaten us all.
purpose that has left even the most ex- mancy looming large over the land, the But there are still so many questions
perienced scholars of Tanares scratch- task is more urgent than ever. unanswered. How did this creature
ing their heads. But I, dear adventurer, Make no mistake, this entity is not come here, and what are its true in-
have uncovered some of its secrets. motivated by any sense of altruism tentions? I will stop at nothing to un-
It hails from a world ravaged by the or concern for the people of Tanares. cover these mysteries.. Think twice
scourge of aberrations and undead, It has its own plans, and we would before you make a pact with it.
where it and its companions fought do well to remember that. However, - Grace Sung from the Arcane Tower
valiantly against these twisted beasts, as the saying goes, the enemy of my
but at great cost. Now, its sights are set enemy is my friend, and for now, we


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

The Kingdom of Arcana, once a bastion of magical prow-
ess, ultimately fell due to the manipulations of the Ungods,
with the Evolutionist Church blaming the unchecked use
of arcane power. From its ruins, the Tanarean Empire rose,
seeking to maintain order by imposing strict regulations
on the study and practice of magic. The Empire’s wizards,
under the watchful eye of the Evolutionist Church, policed
the use of magic, while the Inquisition hunted down un-
registered mages.
The true value of wizards was ultimately revealed during
the Kemet Invasion, as the heroic Archmage Avellum was
part of the leaders of the resistance against the invaders.
As the Tanarean Empire’s power waned, wizards sought
Wizard to create a magocracy where arcane knowledge could be
The wizard class receives a new subclass in this section. pursued without restrictions. Their council, housed with-
in the magnificent Crystal Tower in Reginherath, oversaw
Wizards in Tanares this new nation.
However, not all wizards shared the same vision for the

n Tanares, the legacy of magic is intricately wo- future. Archmage Avellum, disillusioned with the magoc-
ven into the tapestry of history. It was the ancient Cirrus racy’s path, withdrew his support and aided the formation
who first developed the art of arcane magic, sharing their of the Republic of Outumn. There, he established his own
knowledge with the world and setting the stage for monu- tower and school of magic in Heroes Rise, inspiring young
mental change. The construction of the moving cities of the wizards to become heroes and offering them the opportunity
Taii’Makus, the elaborate network of portals and the powerful to study under his guidance.
magic items used by the most important heroes of Tanares In Tanares, the political landscape is intricate and ev-
serve as a testament to the wizards’ remarkable ability to er-changing. Wizards, revered for their intellect and ability
harness the power of magic and shape the world. to bend reality with their magic, find themselves at the heart
The Ungods, perceiving the potential threat posed by ar- of countless conspiracies and power struggles. They serve as
cane magic to their invasion, sowed seeds of fear and mis- leaders, mentors, and advisors, navigating the complexities of
trust among the mortal species. As a result, magic became a politics with their cunning and formidable magical abilities.
double-edged sword, with its immense power sparking con- Within the Empire, wizards are closely monitored by the
flicts and catastrophes. One such tragedy was the fall of the Imperial Wizards, while in the Magocracy of Mage Tower,
Malrokian Kingdom to the first Malrokian Curse—a disaster they enjoy the freedom to research and experiment. In the
attributed to the Cirrus teaching magic to the Kepesh people Republic, many wizards join bands of adventurers, deter-
and their refusal to comply with the Evolutionist Church’s mined to make a difference in the world and demonstrate
demand for controlling magical knowledge. their worth as champions of the realm.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Lost Magic Researcher daring arcane apprentices to pursue the same path, despite
the dangers. These wizards delve into ruins and ancient sites

he downfall of Arcana marked the end of an in search of knowledge about these lost arts and share their
era for magic, but the knowledge and power of the findings with Vaeraunt.
arcane still lies hidden in dungeons and ruins across Archmage Avellum, the former founder of the Magocracy
Tanares. The Lost Magic Researchers are wizards who have of Mage Tower, now trains chosen apprentices in his new
dedicated themselves to uncovering the secrets of the ancient home within the Republic of Freelanders, a land of heroes and
mages, who once wielded magic with greater proficiency freedom. Avellum only selects the most capable individuals
and potency. to tread this perilous path, fully cognizant of its inherent
These wizards boast a deep understanding of the arcane and dangers. Although less common, practitioners of Lost Magic
have developed unique methods for augmenting their magic can still be found among evil factions. Some of them belong
to levels beyond what is seen in the present day. They are to the Cult of Shadow Wing, utilizing their expertise to un-
also physically fit, a testament to their adventurous spirit and earth ancient artifacts that could further the Ungod’s plans.
fearless pursuit of knowledge, as they delve into dungeons, Others may work for the Kemets or Golgöggoth, seeking ways
climb down treacherous tunnels, and excavate long-forgotten to advance their agenda of global domination. Regardless of
ruins to uncover the secrets of the arcane. their affiliation, Lost Magic Researchers venture into ancient
Lost Magic Researchers are adventurers at heart, driven or forbidden realms with an unprecedented level of freedom.
by a thirst for discovery and a fearless spirit. They are not
content to simply hone their craft within the safety of their
towers, but instead brave dangers to seek out the knowledge In Other Settings
of the past. Whether they are treasure hunters, archaeolo- Worlds are rarely brand new and without their share of mys-
gists, cartographers, or even mercenaries, these wizards are tery and lost treasures. Adapt your research to fit with an
united by their unwavering determination to unlock the ancient civilization in the setting, or simply consider that
secrets of the arcane. you are after the knowledge and experiments left behind by
wizards who died. If that is somehow not possible, then you
Lost Magic Researcher are at the forefront of magic as an empirical science in your
in Tanares world, seeking to break the traditional boundaries of magic
and elevate your spells beyond the known limits.
The realm of Arcana is shrouded in tales of its mighty
wizards and their mastery of magic. Some believe that they
pushed the limits of the Tanarean Magic Field, the magical Treasure Hunter
fabric that enshrouds the world. These experiments resulted
At the 2nd level, your extensive studies, explorations, and
in magnificent wonders, but also claimed the lives of some
training in retrieving ancient artifacts and knowledge from
of the practitioners. Vaeraunt, the Mastermind and lead-
uncharted dungeons have honed your acrobatic abilities
er of the Magocracy of Arcane Tower, is one such practi-
and deepened your understanding of arcane matters. You
tioner and scholar of Lost Magic, who encourages young and
gain proficiency in Arcana and Acrobatics. If you’re already


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

proficient in these skills, you double your proficiency bonus. by magic. With an action, you can identify the nature of the
Additionally, you gain advantage on saving throws against magic, its level, and its school of magic, if applicable.
traps. If the source of the magic is an item or artifact, touch-
ing it will reveal its properties, usage methods, potential
Magic Imbuement dangers, and any attunement requirements. You can also
determine if the item was crafted through magic and the
From the 2nd level, you can use a bonus action to amplify
nature of that magic.
the effects of your spells. When casting a spell of 1st level or
If the magic source is a creature, touching it reveals the
higher, you can make an Intelligence (Arcana) check with a
magic affecting it, its effects, and at the GM’s discretion, the
DC of 17 + the spell’s level. It cannot benefit from the Help
steps required to remove it.
action. Depending on your roll’s result, apply the effects
described in the table below to your spell.
M agic I mbuement
My quill scratches across the parchment as my mind
C heck R esult E ffect
races with excitement and possibility. The Supernal
Natural 20 As if it had been cast using a spell slot School of magic, a realm beyond the physical, where
two levels higher.
abstract concepts and divine essences reign supreme.
Success As if it had been cast using a spell slot Even the angels themselves could not fathom its
one level higher.
power. It may seem a figment of my imagination,
Failure The spell is cast with no changes. but I am not one to shy away from a challenge.
Natural 1 The spell is cast with no changes, and
you take 1d6 force damage for each The name I have given it, Supernal School, is fitting
spell slot level it used. for such a domain. But the task ahead is daunting,
unlocking the secrets of this magic could hold the
key to Evolution, or perhaps even the power of the
Ruins Explorer gods themselves. And so, my research began when
Starting at 6th level, your proficiency in exploring ancient
I stumbled upon a handful of small reports in the
Crystal Tower.
ruins and navigating perilous locations bestows upon you
an uncommon resilience for wizards. You gain proficiency I must take a moment to thank Kelanya, that talented
in Athletics. If already proficient, your proficiency bonus in wizard explorer. The scrolls she brought me from the
this skill doubles. ruins of Yamabunkatsu have aided me in advancing
Additionally, you can use your bonus action to Dash a my research.
number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain With the application of the multiplanar theories of
these uses after a short or long rest. Torygg and the recent solution of the most complex
relationship between topology and algebraic geome-
Ancestral Overcharge try made by U’Tibam, I have been able to push the
boundaries of the principles that govern the Supernal
Starting at 10th level, you replace the effects of the “Magic
School of magic. And the formula that may hold
Imbuement” table with those of the “Magic Imbuement - the key to unlocking its power is a constant battle
Empowered” table. within my mind:
M agic I mbuement - E mpowered
Σ(λ) ∑∫²∀∃ln^4 (x)dx / ((γ^2) (y+απ))
C heck R esult E ffect + ℜ (ξ) = δ (φ) - Ψ (θ)
Natural 20 As if it had been cast using a spell slot
three levels higher. The symbols themselves seem to jump off the page,
each representing a vital piece of the puzzle. Σ(λ)
Success As if it had been cast using a spell slot
two levels higher. represents the summation over all possible values of
λ, while ∑∫² represents the double integral over a
Failure The spell is cast with no changes.
two-dimensional plane. ℜ (ξ) is the real part of ξ,
Natural 1 The spell is cast with no changes, and while the term γ denotes the ratio between the cir-
you take 1d6 force damage for each
spell slot level it used. cumference and diameter of the plane. y represents
the value of a variable influx energy, and απ is the
Mystic Detection mathematical constant π times the value of alpha.
And the function ln^4 (x) represents the fourth
At 14th level, your quest for mystical artifacts has sharpened power of the natural logarithm function. All of this,
your ability to detect relics, objects, traps, and the flow of working together to create the Dirac delta and the
magical energy. wave function of divine magic, δ(φ) and Ψ (θ),
You can sense any magic within a 90-foot radius, whether respectively.
present in a magic item, artifact, creature, or location affected


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

As I write this, I am reminded of the dangers that
threaten Tanares. Bellara, Lypoec, and Golgöggoth
loom over us like dark clouds. Perhaps unlocking
the power of the Supernal School of magic will
give me the strength to protect my people from these
sinister forces.
I must not become distracted by the weight of this
task. I must focus on conducting new experiments and
discovering more about this magic. Perhaps Isendden
or Taram can provide me with some insight.
This is a new era of magic, and I am determined
to be at its forefront. Each new discovery fills me
with a sense of wonder and awe that I have not felt
in years. The Supernal School of Magic may be a
challenge, but I am ready to face it head-on.

Avelum, the most powerful wizard in the world


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)


ou are a master in the making and copying
of maps, measuring and conveying the geography
of various regions through your extensive studies.
Whether apprenticed to a master or self-taught, you have
made a name for yourself both for your unrivaled under-
standing of terrain changes and your ability to represent
them in beautiful maps.

Chapter 3 - New Skill Proficiencies: History and Survival

Tool Proficiencies: Cartographer’s tools and navigator’s tools
Backgrounds Equipment: a set of cartographer’s tools, a set of traveler’s
As adventurers traverse the mystical and often treacherous clothes and a belt pouch containing 15 gp.
world of Tanares, they are shaped by their experiences and
the challenges they face. While the classic backgrounds can Feature: Dynamic Maps
certainly be adapted to fit the unique circumstances of this
You can recall the geographic features of all places you’ve
realm, there are also those who have lived lives so singular
visited, and spend 10 minutes to sketch an accurate map of
that they require an entirely new set of skills and experiences.
one of these locations — as long as you have cartographer
In this chapter, we present six new backgrounds to help flesh
tools available.
out characters in the Tanares campaign setting, but that can
also be used in any other setting you want.
Whether you’re a Cartographer mapping out the unchart-
Suggested Characteristics
ed lands, a Community Leader rallying the masses against Cartographers are a cross between a scholar and an artist,
a common enemy, a Penumbral Survivor haunted by the dedicating themselves painstakingly to record all the won-
darkness, a Dragon Hunter on a quest for glory, an Occultist ders of Tanares, and charting the ways to seek and find them.
seeking forbidden knowledge, or an Undercover agent with This line of work garners prestige with the authorities and
a hidden agenda, these backgrounds will provide the tools sparks curiosity among hopeful adventurers, and those who
you need to navigate the strange and often perilous world of follow it have no shortage of imagination, wanderlust and
Tanares. As with all 5E backgrounds, each one comes com- drive fueling their desires.
plete with proficiencies, languages, equipment, a background
feature, and tables of personality traits, ideals, bonds, and
flaws, making them a seamless addition to any campaign.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

P ersonality T raits F laws
d6 P ersonality T rait d6 F law
1 I love taking risks, and the more dangerous the job, the 1 I am certain I am destined for greatness, and I will stop at
more inclined I am to take it. nothing to earn more recognition, and a nobility title.
2 I am considered vain for loving my work, but I can't un- 2 I overindulge in earthly pleasures, and I will often spend my
derstand how people are not able to see the beauty and resources recklessly and selfishly if the occasion allows it.
refinement of mapmaking.
3 Any sense of self-preservation I might have disappears
3 I have trouble concentrating on matters unrelated to my when I am presented with the opportunity to know and
work. explore new sites.
4 I am very nostalgic, always commenting on places I’ve been 4 I see rivals and obstacles everywhere, and this hampers
to and taking every opportunity to show my notes and my personal growth and my ability to trust colleagues and
maps to others. adventurers.
5 I collect a very particular thing, maybe stones, dirt samples 5 I was disgraced for plagiarizing a piece of work. I am deeply
or ancient maps from lost civilizations. I don’t usually feel ashamed of that and I will try to hide this fact at any cost.
the need to talk about my collection, but if someone shows
6 I am a ruthless critic of the work of others, both within my
interest about it, I will spend hours talking about it.
field of work as in all other aspects of my life.
6 I consider my craft one of the wonders — and necessi-
ties — of the world today, and I feel insulted or shocked if
someone has not heard of it.
B onds
d6 B ond
I deals 1 I might never be able to repay all the good things someone
has done for me.
d6 I deal
2 I left my family to pursue my calling, they never understood
1 Community. I believe my gift should be used for society’s
what it meant for me.
common good. (Good)
3 I have deep admiration for a famous Cartographer, and was
2 Tradition. Cartography is a timeless and delicate art which
accused many times of copying his style.
survived the greatest disasters, and must be preserved.
(Lawful) 4 I learned my trade with someone who was first like a broth-
er to me; he then became a rival. To this day, we compete
3 Greed. I am always after making money in any way I can,
at everything.
and this is the only reason why I dedicate myself to this
activity. (Evil) 5 My tools were stolen and I am set on recovering them.
While I can manage with those I’m carrying for the mo-
4 Aspiration. I strive to be the best in what I do, and there-
ment, I believe that only with my original tools I might
fore I will offer the best of my effort at everything. (Any)
reach my full potential
5 Beauty. More than geographical consultation, maps should
6 My journey is meant for me to prove myself and earn a
convey the beauty and uniqueness of each place — so that
beloved person’s hand in marriage.
we crave to explore those that are still uncharted. (Good)
6 Avant-garde. There are many ways to represent the world,
and I will show it to the traditionalists. (Chaotic)


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

rise to the occasion and guide your people towards a
brighter future, or will you falter under the pres-
sure and relinquish your leadership to others?

Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion and Insight

Languages: Two of your choice
Equipment: A quarterstaff, a symbol of your com-
munity, a set of common clothes and a pouch contain-
ing 15 gp.

Feature: Cherished
By The People
Your reputation precedes you as a respected leader who has
earned the love and admiration of the people you serve.
Community Leader Those who consider you a leader are willing to follow your

commands, provided that your actions align with their values
ou are a natural leader, possessing a vision and do not put them in harm’s way. Your status as a com-
that inspires others to follow you. Whether you have munity leader also grants you access to valuable resources,
built a community from scratch or have taken the allies, and information that can aid you in your endeavors.
helm of an existing one, your charisma and persuasiveness
have earned the trust of the people under your care, and your Suggested Characteristics
leadership has brought about positive change.
You are a born leader, possessing an unyielding vision As a community leader, you feel a deep sense of responsibility
that ignites a flame of inspiration within those around you. towards those under your care. However, you may also have
Whether you have founded a community from the ground personal goals and ambitions that conflict with the needs
up or taken over the reins of an existing one, your natural of your community. You may struggle to balance the needs
charisma and unwavering determination have earned you of the many against the desires of the few, but your sense of
the trust and loyalty of those under your guidance, leading purpose and determination drive you to do what you believe
to remarkable progress and positive transformation. is right, even in the face of opposition.
Your leadership is not without its challenges, however.
Many obstacles and detractors will try to impede your efforts
and undermine your influence. Yet, you stand tall, firmly
believing in your convictions and knowing that the path to
true success requires perseverance and courage. Will you


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

F laws
P ersonality T raits
d6 F law
d6 P ersonality T rait
1 Greed. I'm too focused on counting every penny, and it's
1 I wish to spread the model I implemented in my community hard for me to part with my wealth, even when it's for the
to the whole world and see all peoples thrive greater good.
2 I avoid answering personal questions, deflecting attention 2 Trusting to a fault. I'm often betrayed or let down because
with a subtle smile or a sharp change of subject. I always assume the best of people and trust them too
3 I despise religious dogma and superstition, knowing they
distract people from true potential and stifle progress. 3 Obsession. I get too fixated on small issues or details, los-
ing sight of the bigger picture and what's truly important.
4 I see the world in shades of gray, always searching for bal-
ance in the face of opposing forces and clashing ideals. 4 Comparative. I tend to compare everyone's struggles to
my own, making it hard for me to understand or empathize
5 I always keep my word, knowing that trust is the foun-
with others.
dation of all good relationships and key to effective
leadership. 5 Arrogance. I can't help but abuse the gratitude of those I
help, letting it go to my head and treating others poorly as
6 I feel the weight of my past successes, knowing that I must
a result.
surpass them. I think it is difficult to live up to my own
shadow. 6 Rebel. I don't respect authority and treat everyone as
equals, which often gets me in trouble and makes me seem
I deals
d6 I deal B onds
1 Equality. I stand up for the weak and the oppressed, fight-
d6 B ond
ing against tyranny and injustice. (Good)
1 I believe my purpose is to protect the weak, so I ventured
2 Charity. I seek out those in need and offer them aid. Any
into the world, as my home town no longer needed me.
reward I receive from my work is to help them. (Good)
2 I suffered a great injustice and never received any repara-
3 Destiny. I am driven by the belief that I am destined for
tion for it. This reflects on who I am and who I choose to
greatness, and nothing can stand in my way. (Any)
associate with
4 Ambition. I know that people are like sheep, and I will be
3 I seek a lost (or fugitive) relative, unfortunately with no
the shepherd, or I will be the wolf. (Evil)
idea of his or her whereabouts
5 Revolution. The laws should serve the community, not the
4 Helping a community feels great, but it will never compare
other way around. I will unite the people to stand against
to the love I felt… and lost
oppression. (Chaotic)
5 There is a secret reason for me to do all these things. No
6 Balance. I believe that good and evil are part of every per-
one must ever learn about it, and the chance that it might
son, and we must resist our urges and keep our conduct in
surface brings about the worst in me.
check. (Neutral)
6 I admire a great leader from the past and everything I did
stemmed from this admiration


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Feature: Draconic Whispers
Through your long years of dragon hunting, you have built
up a vast network of contacts. From magic scholars to local
rangers and renegade Dragonblades, you have gleaned valu-
able insights and knowledge about draconic activity. Your
keen eye for detail and your experience in the field allow
you to identify patterns and supernatural phenomena that
others might miss.
When arriving at a city you can reach for your contacts to
have access to privileged information regarding dragon ac-
tivities, their schemes as well as the presence and actions of
their servants in the region.
Dragon Hunter Suggested Characteristics

our life is dedicated to the pursuit of the
world’s greatest natural predators, the Dragons. As a Dragon Hunter, you are consumed by your mission to rid
From the majesty of their wings to the ferocity of the world of these powerful creatures. You are single-minded
their flames, you have witnessed the chaos and destruction in your pursuit, driven by an unshakeable belief in the impor-
that these creatures can cause. Driven by a fierce determina- tance of your work. You relish the thrill of the hunt, the rush
tion to prevent them from spreading further terror, you have of adrenaline as you face down these fearsome beasts. You
spent years studying every aspect of their existence. You have are highly knowledgeable about dragons and their behavior,
learned the nuances of their language, the intricacies of their a living encyclopedia of lore and legend. You are willing to
customs, and the depths of their abilities. You have delved take great risks to achieve your goals, venturing into dan-
into the history of the world to better understand their in- gerous territory and facing overwhelming odds. However,
fluence, their origins, and their place in the tapestry of time. you are not invincible, and you may struggle with the toll
that your lifestyle takes on your personal relationships and
Skill Proficiencies: Investigation and Nature health. The constant vigilance, the solitude, and the fear of
Tool Proficiencies: land vehicles failure can wear on even the most stalwart soul.
Languages: Draconic
Equipment: A dragon scale, a memento from your home
region, a set of common clothes and a belt pouch contain-
ing 15 gp.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

P ersonality T raits F laws
d6 P ersonality T rait d6 F law
1 I’ve never seen a dragon before. In fact, the mere thought 1 My journey has severed my ties to any human relations I
of facing such an unrelenting force scares me out of my had. Nowadays I find it extremely hard to relate and social
wits. Regardless, I know it is my mission interactions are a true challenge
2 I am relentlessly devoted to my mission and I will do what- 2 I am always paranoid about an imminent dragon attack
ever I can to accomplish it, ignoring any distractions
3 My study on dragons made me arrogant towards unlearned
3 I am always willing to buy objects of draconic origin, some- people. I have no patience for those who I deem ignorant
times paying much more than their worth
4 I made a terrible mistake a couple years ago and this has
4 Part of me dreams of taming a dragon and riding on its cost a few lives. I hope to keep this mistake a secret from
back everyone
5 I harbor a visceral, overpowering hatred for dragons and 5 I squander any spare money I have on drinking. Alcohol is
draconic creatures, even those who seem intelligent and my courage elixir for facing dragons… and forgetting the
civilized horrors I witnessed.
6 I usually make dozens of drawings of dragon anatomy, their 6 Just like a dragon, I hoard treasures and have a peculiar
lairs and symbols taste for gold and precious stones

I deals B onds
d6 I deal d6 B ond
1 Preservation. I believe Dragons are a fundamental part of 1 A roving dragon destroyed my village, and that’s why I de-
the world. Though we must protect ourselves from them, vote myself to hunting down these beasts
indiscriminate hunt might irreparably harm nature’s balance
(Lawful) 2 I’m secretly in love for another hunter and I wish to prove
myself to him/her before making my love known
2 Change. The dragons’ reign of terror must end, bringing a
new era of freedom for humanity. (Good) 3 I have a Master who taught me on the nature and power of
the dragons
3 Fame. I wish to be known as the greatest dragonslayer
the world has ever seen. Only then will I be truly satisfied. 4 I owe my life to my fellow hunters. I would never be able to
(Any) betray or leave a single one of them behind

4 Vengeance. No matter the consequences, I am ready to ac- 5 I grew up in a small city in a dragon’s territory. One day I
cept them if it means I will exact my revenge on a Dragon. hope to return and free my people
(Chaotic) 6 When I was young, a great hero saved me from a dragon.
5 Knowledge. I must learn all there is to know about drag- I have followed his steps ever since in order to become a
ons. Then I’ll be ready to face them (Any) hero myself.

6 Power. More than hunting dragons, what I wish is to

capture a dragon, using its power to take whatever I want.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Feature: Old Friends
Your years of service to the Empire allowed you to
build a vast network of contacts still working within
its various departments. You have at least one ally in each
department who can help you obtain meetings, information,
or simple items such as an insignia or official document
(with no gp value and not magical) like a pass to enter the
Empire. These old friends may owe you a favor, or you may
Imperial Servant owe them one, but the relationship is mutually beneficial

ou are a member of the privileged class of and can prove valuable in a variety of situations.
the Empire, given the esteemed position of oversee-
ing lands and collecting taxes. Whether born into Suggested Characteristics
nobility or having earned your position through hard work,
Living under the rule of the Empire was a challenging and
you hold a crucial role in the Empire’s functioning society.
often brutal experience, and those who served it are no ex-
As an Imperial servant, your job may come with perks, but it
ception. These individuals ranged from capable and loyal
also carries the weight of responsibility. You are tasked with
servants to ruthless officials who would do whatever it took
upholding the policies of the Empire, a responsibility that
to maintain their power and influence. While many drifted
many fear and few truly understand. Will you embrace the
away from the Empire after its fall, you still maintain deep
power and influence that come with your position, or will
roots from years of obedience that are not easily pruned.
you question the motives of those in power and fight against
As a result, you may be prone to maintaining loyalty to the
the injustices of the Empire? Will you use your position for
Empire even after it has lost its former glory, or perhaps
the greater good, or will you succumb to the corrupting in-
you harbor feelings of resentment for the role it played in
fluence of power?
your life. You may have an acute sense of duty and honor,
or a ruthless streak that allows you to achieve your goals
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation and history
by any means necessary. Whatever your disposition, your
Tool Proficiencies: one of your choice
time as an Imperial Servant has left an indelible mark on
Language: one of your choice
your character that will shape your decisions and actions
Equipment: An Imperial insignia, an Imperial recommen-
for years to come.
dation letter, a set of fine clothes, and a belt pouch contain-
ing 15 gp.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

P ersonality T raits F laws
d6 P ersonality T rait d6 F law
1 The Empire taught the rigor that I want to forgot 1 I regret not taking more advantage of the power of the
2 I'm a servant and I'm good at it.
2 The Empire was great, I blame myself for not having helped
3 I'm a perfectionist, I like things the way they should be
4 Power without control is just a distraction. Everything in
3 The Empire destroyed a lot of people, I contributed to that
my reach must have my control
5 The Empire was the greatest nation that ever existed, do
4 I've done horrible things for the Empire, and it haunts me.
you understand the historical wealth we live in?
5 I want to get away from everything that relates to the
6 I am practical and direct, using force when necessary.
6 The Empire deserved to fall, just like me
I deals
d6 I deal B onds
1 Charitable. After everything that happened, it's time to
d6 B ond
help people (good)
1 I lived the Empire, it's part of me
2 Mediator. The Empire still exists and its laws must prevail
(lawful) 2 My family are from the Empire, how can I abandon them?
3 Sadistic. Deep down, everyone knows what the Empire is 3 Nobody erases the past, so why should I unlink?
like and that will continue (Evil)
4 I remember everyone who suffered, I have to do for them
4 Perseverance. The imposition of Empire is gone, now we
5 The Emperor is still the most powerful man in Tanares, he
can be free with our wills (Chaotic)
is an example to live by
5 Pathfinder. There is a world beyond the Empire to be
6 I will still be recognized by the Empire, and thus return to
known. (Any)
its greatness
6 Survivor. Only fools believe that the Empire has ceased to
exist. (Any)


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Deception
Language: A Forbidden Language (Infernal
or other applicable language)
Equipment: A mysterious Symbol of the Cult, a
notebook, ritual utensils, a dark robe, a set of sim-
ple clothes, a dagger, and a pouch containing 15 gp.

Feature: Hidden Contact

Your tenuous connection to the cult that you abandoned
has borne fruit in the form of a valuable ally. You have a
hidden contact, a member of the cult who remains loyal
to you despite your departure. This contact may have once
been a close friend or confidante, or may simply share your
distaste for the cult’s methods and beliefs. Regardless of their
history, you maintain good relations with them, even with
Occultist little contact.

Thanks to this hidden contact, you have access to valuable
ou were once a member of a dark and forbid-
information about the cult’s activities and plans. They can
den cult, feared and reviled by all who knew of its
provide you with insider knowledge of the cult’s rituals, be-
existence. This cult may have worshiped one of the
liefs, and hierarchy, as well as the identities of its members
Ungods, aberrant deities of insanity, or the ancient god Bás,
whose vengeful motivation and icy deathly powers are the
stuff of legend. The cult’s practices were cruel and malevo-
Suggested Characteristics
lent, invoking dark powers and twisted rituals that still haunt As an Occultist, you are driven by a desire to atone for the
your dreams. dark deeds of your past. You may be haunted by the memories
Driven by a growing sense of horror and disgust, you left of the cult and the horrors that you witnessed, or you may be
the cult and began a new life, seeking to find a new path in driven by a fierce determination to bring the cult to justice.
life. But the cult remains active, its members lurking in the You possess a deep and abiding knowledge of the arcane,
shadows and continuing to sow fear among the populace. and may have developed a fascination with the forbidden
You maintain a tenuous connection to the cult, a delicate and the occult. You are skilled in the art of deception, able
balance of secrecy and danger that provides you with access to hide your true motives and intentions from those around
to valuable information and resources. you. You may struggle with a sense of isolation, knowing
that few can understand the weight of your dark past. But
you are resourceful and determined, willing to do whatever
it takes to protect the innocent and make amends for your
past mistakes.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

P ersonality T raits F laws
d6 P ersonality T rait d6 F law
1 I prefer to keep to myself, rarely speaking unless necessary. 1 I am haunted by the atrocities that I participated in as a
The cult taught me the value of silence. member of the cult. I struggle to forgive myself for the
harm I caused and often feel overwhelmed by guilt and
2 The horrors that I witnessed during my time in the cult
have left a lasting impact on me. I often have vivid night-
mares and struggle with trust issues as a result. 2 Part of me is still loyal to my former cult and I am quick to
defend their practices and beliefs, even when they con-
3 The cult instilled in me a healthy sense of caution. I am al-
tradict my own values. I struggle to separate my personal
ways on the lookout for potential threats and do not share
identity from that of the cult.
sensitive information unless absolutely necessary.
3 I am addicted to the sense of power that I once held as a
4 My knowledge of the cult's procedures and practices is a
member of the cult. I am willing to take risks and manipu-
valuable asset, and I am not afraid to use their tactics and
late others to regain that power, even if it means sacrificing
ways to my advantage.
my morals.
5 I have access to privileged information about the cult that
4 I have lost loved ones to the cult's practices and am
most people do not. I am always on the lookout for any
consumed by a desire for vengeance. I am willing to take
signs of their involvement in current events.
extreme measures to bring down the cult and avenge those
6 I have turned my back on the cult and its practices. I will I have lost, even if it means putting myself in danger.
do whatever it takes to stop them from causing any more
5 I became obsessed with gaining knowledge and power
harm, even if it means betraying my former comrades.
through the cult, but the price for that power was too high.
I struggle with a sense of regret and longing for a simpler
I deals life, but cannot shake the allure of the cult's dark secrets.

d6 I deal 6 I had no choices in the past and was forced to join the cult
against my will. Now that I have left, I struggle to make
1 Redemption. I seek to atone for the sins of the cult and my own decisions and am plagued by doubts and sec-
make amends for the harm I have caused. (Good) ond-guessing. I fear making the wrong choices and being
2 Power. I have acquired knowledge and resources that give led astray once again.
me great influence. I will use this power to further my own
goals, regardless of who I must manipulate or harm to B onds
achieve them. (Evil)
d6 B ond
3 Salvation. It is my duty to prevent the cult from perpetrat-
ing any more atrocities. I will work within the confines of 1 I have to make up for all the wrongs I did in the past.
the law to bring them to justice and restore order. (Lawful)
2 With the knowledge I've gained, I can prevent the worst.
4 Lunatic. The things I have seen have driven me to the
3 I felt the pain I witnessed and now I want to cause it to the
brink of madness. I am convinced that the end of the world
is near, and I will do whatever it takes to prepare for the
apocalypse. (Chaotic) 4 I have a debt to the cult, but I can no longer go along with
5 Responsibility. I have a solemn responsibility to prevent
the cult from causing any more harm. I am prepared to take 5 Now I know their worst side and how they think and how
any action necessary to achieve this goal, regardless of the to deal with them.
cost.. (Neutral)
6 I can no longer go back to the cult and I will make sure no
6 Shaveling. he cult's dark practices and beliefs threaten to one else does.
unravel the very fabric of reality. I will do whatever it takes
to protect the world from their influence, even if it means
resorting to unconventional or dangerous methods. (Any)


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Skill Proficiencies: Stealth and Survival
Tool Proficiencies: None
Equipment: a small knife, a trophy taken from a
fallen penumbral creature (such as a horn or a piece
of leather), a set of common clothes and a pouch
containing 10 gp.

Feature: Penumbral Walker

Your time spent in the Penumbral Plane has made you an
expert in navigating its treacherous terrain. You have an
Penumbral Survivor advantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) and Wisdom (Survival)

skill checks while in the Penumbra.
nce in your life, you were lost in the dark
and hostile Penumbral Plane. Perhaps you were
lured in by whispers of forbidden knowledge,
Suggested Characteristics
or maybe you stumbled into a portal or rift by accident. As a Penumbral Survivor, your time in the Penumbral Plane
Whatever the reason, you found yourself alone in an un- has left an indelible mark on your character. You may be
forgiving environment, surrounded by monstrous creatures easily spooked and paranoid, or bold and eager to face down
and toxic fumes. the darkness. You possess a keen sense of perception and
The Penumbral Plane is a place of eternal darkness, where may be skilled in the art of stealth and survival, able to
shadows writhe and slither just beyond the edge of your find shelter and sustenance even in the most inhospitable
vision. The air is thick with the stench of decay and ma- of environments.
levolence that seeps into your very soul. Every moment in You may become a shadowy assassin who uses your knowl-
this twisted landscape feels like an eternity, the oppressive edge of the Penumbral Plane to slip in and out of the shadows
weight of the environment slowly chipping away at your unnoticed, or a paranoid wanderer who is constantly on
sanity and willpower. the lookout for danger and has a knack for finding hidden
But you refused to let the Penumbral Plane break you. paths and shortcuts or even a seeker of forbidden knowledge
Through a combination of sheer guts, cunning, and pure luck, who is willing to risk anything to uncover the secrets of the
you navigated the treacherous terrain and escaped through Penumbral Plane.
another portal. The experience left a deep and lasting scar on
your mind and soul, haunting you with memories of the hor-
rors you faced and the dangers that still lurk in the shadows.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

P ersonality T raits F laws
d6 P ersonality T rait d6 F law
1 I won’t speak about my experience in the Penumbra, as 1 The temptation to explore the Penumbra again is too great,
those horrors should be left there. even though it nearly cost you your life the first time.
2 My mind constantly wanders somewhere else, making it 2 You are obsessed with ending the Penumbral influence
hard to focus on a single task. in Tanares, to the point of recklessness and endangering
3 I have a deep fascination with shadows and darkness, and
feel most comfortable in dimly lit environments. 3 In order to escape the Penumbra, you were forced to
abandon a companion or ally, haunting you with guilt and
4 I have a dry wit and a sharp tongue, often using humor as a
defense mechanism.
4 The Penumbral influence has left you extremely paranoid,
5 I am constantly haunted by my experience in the
making it difficult to trust others and causing unnecessary
Penumbral Plane, making it difficult for me to trust others.
6 I am restless and always seeking new challenges, no matter
5 You unwittingly brought a Penumbral monster with you to
how dangerous they may be.
the Material Plane, and it has caused destruction and chaos
wherever it goes.
I deals 6 You willingly searched the Penumbra for an entity that
could give you power, but what you found you dared not
d6 I deal make any pact with, now it is after you.
1 Guardian. I have a duty to protect others from the dangers
of the Penumbral Plane. (Good)
2 Balance. The Penumbra may be dangerous, but it is a
necessary part of the natural order and must be preserved. B onds
d6 B ond
3 Corrupted. The power and knowledge of the Penumbra are
1 When I returned to the Material Plane, my family was
worth any price, no matter who or what is harmed in the
deeply worried, showing their love for me.
process. (Evil)
2 I had a master but, after returning from the Penumbra, I’ve
4 Second Home. The Penumbra has become a part of me,
never seen it again.
and I will do whatever it takes to return to it and make a
living there. (Any) 3 I went to the Penumbra with my old Team. I was the only
survivor, and I fight to honor their memory.
5 Slayer. Penumbral creatures are abominations that must be
destroyed to ensure the safety of Tanares. (Good) 4 My family was being shamed before I crossed to the pen-
umbra. Now I must do something to bring them honor.
6 Eerie. The Penumbra is mysterious, and we need to go
there to understand more about it. (Chaotic) 5 I crossed the Portal as the result of a prank played by my
childhood friends. I want to find them.
6 I glimpsed a fleeting image of someone I feel connected to
in the Penumbral Plane, and now I am driven to find them
before the darkness claims us both.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Feature: Another Life
You possess a second identity that you’ve developed over
the years, complete with the necessary documentation to
authenticate each persona. You are known by one iden-
tity or the other, depending on the region or location
you’re in. Your extensive experience in living a double life
has made you an expert in secrecy, and you must not need
to make any skill check when trying to make people believe
you are one of your two established identities.

Suggested Characteristics
Undercover In a world wrought with instability and strife, the value of
secrecy and stealth cannot be overstated. Espionage reigns

ou live in the shadows, your true identity supreme and those with the ability to blend in seamlessly
shrouded in secrecy, while another identity allows with their surroundings are highly prized. Such individuals
you to navigate the tumultuous world of Tanares are often aloof, with a guarded air about them as they keep
with ease. Perhaps you pose as a humble farmer, a stoic sol- their true identities close to the vest. Every step they take,
dier, or even something more sinister. You have spent so every word they utter, is calculated to maintain their disguise.
much time in this other skin that it feels like a part of you, The weight of their responsibility can lead to paranoia, con-
and you are recognized for it even in other regions. With the stantly scanning their surroundings for any hint of danger.
growing tensions of the cold war, your unique ability to move Yet, not all who walk in shadows are wrought with anx-
unnoticed between your two identities provides a distinct iety. Some have a natural magnetism, a charm that allows
advantage, allowing you to gather invaluable information them to slip into a role like a second skin. They possess an
for espionage purposes. But as the stakes become higher, the innate ability to blend in with the most disparate of crowds,
lines between your true self and your other identity begin effortlessly becoming someone else entirely. But, even for
to blur, and the risk of being discovered looms ever larger. those with a silver tongue, maintaining multiple identities
is an arduous task. One slip-up, one careless mistake, and
Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Deception the consequences can be dire. A moment’s distraction can
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit bring an end to their carefully crafted charade and plunge
Equipment: Two sets of common clothes, two sets of doc- them into the heart of danger.
uments for each identity, a sturdy bag, and a small pouch
containing 15 gp.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

F laws
d6 F law
1 I am haunted by my past mistakes and the people I've hurt
P ersonality T raits while operating under my previous identity
d6 P ersonality T rait 2 I have used my undercover persona for personal gain,
1 I am constantly aware of my surroundings and the people sometimes at the expense of others.
around me, analyzing their every move and trying to antici- 3 I have developed close relationships with people who I
pate their next actions. must betray or distance myself from to maintain my cover.
2 I dislike my real identity and I secretly enjoy my cover-up 4 I have obtained sensitive information through illegal or un-
identity and life more than my real one. ethical means, making me vulnerable to being blackmailed
3 Empires rise and fall, and I want to be there to witness it or exposed.
all, in the heat of the political intrigue games. 5 My two identities have become so intertwined that I strug-
4 The weight of my double life can be overwhelming, causing gle to remember which one is my true self.
me to withdraw from time to time and keep to myself as I 6 The power and freedom that comes with my new iden-
struggle to maintain my two identities. tity has made me arrogant and overconfident, causing
5 I am always looking for new information to gather and me to take dangerous risks without considering the
use for espionage purposes, willing to take risks and push consequences.
boundaries to get what I need.
6 My past is shrouded in mystery, and even I am not sure B onds
where my true loyalties lie. I must constantly remind myself
of my mission and the greater good to stay on track. d6 B ond
1 I have formed deep and meaningful connections with my
contacts and will do anything to protect them and ensure
I deals their safety
d6 I deal 2 The fate of two or more people rests on my ability to
1 New Life. My new persona allows me to help those in need gather information and maintain my cover, and I will not let
without the burden of my past mistakes (Good) them down

2 The Greater Good. The information I gather, even through 3 My true loyalty lies with a specific organization or individu-
questionable means, serves a greater purpose for the safe- al, and I will do whatever it takes to further their goals and
ty and stability of Tanares (Lawful) protect their interests.

3 Power and Control. With my dual identities and knowledge 4 I have been given a specific mission by my organization or
of others' secrets, I hold immense power and control over employer, and I will not rest until it is accomplished, even if
those around me (Evil) it means sacrificing my personal safety.

4 Freedom. My own freedom and success are my top priori- 5 I have fallen in love with someone who I must keep at a
ties, even if it means betraying others (Chaotic) distance for fear of revealing my true identity, but I will do
everything in my power to protect them from harm.
5 Mercenary. The information I possess has immense value,
and I will sell it to the highest bidder (Neutral) 6 I have become emotionally attached to a civilian who
knows me only as my false identity, and I must constantly
6 Survivor. I will do whatever it takes to survive and achieve remind myself that my feelings are based on a lie and could
my goals, even if it means sacrificing my true identity (Any) lead to danger if revealed.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Chapter 4 - Character New Feats
Options Beyond Words
Multiclass Prerequisite: Proficiency in Insight skill.

With the GM’s permission, you may choose to take levels You become a master at reading body language and using
in multiple classes to gain versatility at the expense of focus that knowledge in social interactions. You gain the follow-
in your current class. To do so, use the multiclassing rules ing benefits:
as normal, and when selecting one of the classes from this • Increase your Charisma or Wisdom score by 1, up to a
book, follow these parameters: maximum of 20.
• After interacting with a creature for at least 1 minute, you
Prerequisites have advantage on all Charisma ability checks when inter-
acting with that creature for the next 24 hours.
To take levels in a new class, you must meet the skill pre- • After interacting with a creature for at least 1 minute, you
requisites of both your current class and the new one. To know its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores and
qualify for the new classes in this book, you must meet the what skills, if any, the creature is proficient in for those
following prerequisites: abilities.
M ulticlassing P rerequisites
C lass A bility S core M inimum Detective
Dragonblade Constitution 13 and Intelligence 13 You notice details that few others would take into account.
Elementalist Wisdom 13 Your training and focus on solving crimes and mysteries
Madwalker Dexterity 13 and Wisdom 13 have sharpened your perception and reasoning around you
Redeemer Charisma 13 beyond normal limits. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Intelligence or Wisdom score by 1, up to a
maximum of 20.
Proficiencies • You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception), Wisdom
When you choose to level up in one of the new classes that (Insight), and Intelligence (Investigation) checks when
is not your character’s first level, you only gain the follow- investigating a crime or mystery.
ing traits. • When examining a scene of a crime with a dead body, you
M ulticlassing P roficiencies
can determine the cause of death and estimate how long
the creature has been dead within 10 minutes. You can also
C lass P roficiencies gained
tell if the creature died in a fight and if the location where
Dragonblade Light armor, medium armor, shields, simple the body is found was the site of death.
weapons, martial weapons
Elementalist -
Focus Inclination
Madwalker Light armor, simple weapons, martial weapons,
one skill from the class’s skill list Prerequisite: Taii’Maku
Redeemer Light armor, one skill from the class’s skill list You focus on your inclination and gain more advantages
from it than other Taii’Makus.
Class Features If you have chosen the Inclination to Philosophy, you gain
the following benefits:
Spellcasting. Although possessing powerful mystical abili- • While in Equilibrium, you also gain +1 bonus to your AC
ties, the Dragonblade and the Madwalker, due to not having and to the saving throw DCs of your spells and abilities.
the spellcasting feature, do not add their levels to the calcula-
• You can cast spells as if you were using a spell focus, even
tion of spell slots, unlike the Elementalist and the Redeemer
when you are not. Your own body and mind are considered
who, having the spellcasting feature and being able to learn
as your spell focus.
9th level spells, add their levels entirely.
If you have chosen the Inclination to Engineering, you gain
Redemption Ritual. This class feature of the Redeemer
the following benefits:
that allows the exchange of spell lists, at a cost of gold, during
a short rest only works for the Redeemer’s known spells. • You can have up to four mechanisms linked to you instead
Elemental Flux. The elemental flux is a special feature of of the three granted by the Ingenious Inventors trait.
elemental spells of the Elementalist, therefore only applied • When making skill checks and Wisdom saving throws, you
when casting one of these spells. can use your Intelligence bonus instead of your Wisdom


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Improved Ancestral Master Defender
Kemet Magic Prerequisite: Proficiency with Heavy Shield
Prerequisite: Kemet You mastered how to hold your ground and your shield
You can cast the Speak with Dead spell as a ritual, as your became an extension of yourself in combat. You gain the
connection with your ancestors is stronger than what is nor- following benefits:
mally seen in a Kemet. In addition, you learn one 1st-level • Increase your Constitution score by 1, up to a maximum
and one 2nd-level necromancy spell of your choice, which of 20.
you can cast once each, and regain their uses at the end of • When using a heavy shield, on your turn you can choose
a long rest. Your spellcasting ability for these spells is the to forgo your movement, reducing it to 0, and gain a +2
same as the one chosen in Ancestral Kemet Magic. bonus to your AC until the start of your next turn or until
you move or are moved by any means that would cause
Life Saver you to leave your current space.

Prerequisite: Ability to cast at least one spell that restores hit

points to a creature.
Master of Beasts
You have trained to enhance your healing abilities, making You are a master in dealing with wild creatures. You gain
you able to react quickly when an ally would be struck down. the following benefits:
When an ally takes damage that would reduce their hit points • Increase your Wisdom score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
to 0, if you have a 1-action casting time healing spell with • You become proficient in Animal Handling and Nature,
range to that ally, you may use a reaction to quickly use that and if you already are, you double your proficiency bonus
spell to heal your ally. This will reduce the damage that ally in these skills.
would take by the amount your spell would heal him plus • When you make an Animal Handling ability check, you
your spellcasting ability modifier. Any excess healing to the can treat any roll of 9 or lower on the d20 as a 10.
damage is lost, but it can reduce the damage to 0.
If the healing spell targets multiple creatures, this benefit ap- Mighty Impact
plies only to the ally who triggered the ability with the attack.
You can use this ability a number of times equal to 1 + Prerequisite: Strength 15 or higher
your proficiency bonus, and you regain all uses of this ability You have trained to channel your strength to deliver devas-
after completing a long rest. tating blows. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Strength score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
Lightning Thrower • When you make a melee weapon attack with advantage and
Prerequisite: Dexterity 13 or higher. hit with both die rolls, you can deliver a powerful blow that
deals +1d4 damage of the same type caused by the weapon,
You become an expert in throwing weapons. When you
and knocks the creature prone. You can only knock down
make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, you gain the
a creature up to two size categories larger than you.
following benefits:
• You can draw a weapon as part of the attack. If you have
multiple attacks, you can draw a weapon for each attack.
Mighty Marksman
• You receive a +1 bonus to your attack and damage rolls, Prerequisite: Strength 13 or higher and Dexterity 13 or higher.
and you can use your Dexterity modifier for attack and Your physical training and strength allow you to make the
damage rolls even if the weapon lacks finesse propriety. most of your ranged attacks. You gain the following benefits:
• When you use a ranged weapon, its maximum range is
Lost Magic Studies doubled.
Prerequisite: Spellcaster • Once per turn, the first ranged attack you hit, on a target
within your normal range, your damage roll gains an extra
A number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus
damage bonus equal to your Strength modifier.
(rounded up), you can apply one of the following effects to
a spell you cast: • When you score a critical hit with a ranged weapon attack,
you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional
• Increase the DC of the spell’s saving throws by 1.
time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
• You can cast the spell as if it were one level higher than
the spell slot you used, provided that the spell allows it.
You regain the use of this ability after finishing a long rest.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Miraculous Brewer Sky Master
You have mastered the art of brewing and gain proficiency You become a master of the skies. You gain the following
in brewer’s kit, if you don’t already have it. Additionally, you benefits:
gain the following benefits: • While flying, you have advantage on saving throws made
• Increase your Constitution or Wisdom score by 1, up to to avoid the prone condition, or to be moved or pulled
a maximum of 20. from your mount.
• With one hour of work during a short or long rest, you can • You gain 2 extra Fly Points when using the aerial mounted
create a number of doses of a special beer equal to twice combat rules (see chapter 5).
your proficiency bonus. A creature can consume one dose
of the beer as a move or an action, granting it disadvan- Soul Connection
tage on melee attacks and a bonus of 2d6 damage of the
same type as its weapon until the start of its next turn. If Prerequisite: Cirrus
a creature drinks more than one dose of the beer before You have a stronger connection with your other side, being
taking a short rest, they must make a Constitution saving able to call upon it in emergency situations. You gain the
throw with a DC equal to 12 plus the number of doses of following benefits:
beer consumed. If they fail, they become poisoned until • Increase one ability score of your choice by 1, up to a max-
they take a short or long rest. imum of 20.
• When you make an ability check with a skill, you can choose
Potent Poison to use the bonus of the same skill from your other side. You
can use this once, regaining its use after a short or long rest.
Prerequisite: Gloomfolk
• When you fail a saving throw, you can attempt the same
You have the ability to potentiate your natural poisons, gain- saving throw with your other side. If your other side suc-
ing the following benefits: ceeds on the saving throw, consider it a success for you as
• Increase your Constitution score by 1, up to a maximum well. You can use this once, regaining its use after a short
of 20. or long rest.
• Enemies have disadvantage on saving throws against your
natural gloomfolk poison, and when you hit a creature Soulborn Ancestrality
with your stinger and inject your poison, you can spend a
hit die and add it to the damage of your stinger as poison Prerequisite: Soulborn
damage. Starting at 7th level, you can use 2 hit dice, and You gain characteristics from the family in which you were
starting at 14th level, you can use 3. born, gaining the following benefits:
• Your instincts to poison are stronger, granting you one • If you were born human, you can increase the value of 3
extra use of the bonus action attack with your stingers or abilities of your choice by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
pincers from the Improved Sting trait. • If you were born in a different species, you increase an
ability that the species has increased by 1, up to a maxi-
Power Shot mum of 20, and you acquire a racial trait from the list of
the species of your choice.
You learned to turn your accuracy into deadliness. When
you deal damage with a ranged weapon, once per turn, you
can reroll the damage dice and choose which result to use.
Spycraft Mastery
You are a specialist in infiltrating other kingdoms and terri-
Sense of Inspiration tories and sending reports that only your allies will be able
to read. You gain the following benefits:
You become a source of inspiration, receiving the following
benefits: • Increase your Dexterity, Intelligence, or Charisma score
by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
• Increase your Charisma score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
• You become proficient in Deception or disguise and forg-
• You know how to inspire creatures through the use of
ery kits.
words. With a bonus action, you grant a creature other
than yourself, who is within 60 feet of you and can hear • You know the ways to enter nearby cities and kingdoms
you, a Bardic Inspiration die. This die is always a d6, but and can create false identities and documents to succeed.
if you are a bard, it progresses as your other Bardic Inspi- You must spend 10 days and 15 gp establishing the details
ration dice, but can’t be used in any other way besides the of the new identity, such as documents, history, profession,
one provided above. You can use this feature only once, affiliations, and contacts. You cannot copy the identity of
regaining its use after a long rest. Apply all rules related someone else, but you can masterfully create a new identity
to Bardic Inspiration to this die. that everyone will believe in until it is confronted with
evidence that obviously reveals it.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

• You know ways to encode messages, whether in a new Swift Polearm
language, an inserted message, or any means or mixture
you decide. Only people you spend an hour teaching to You have learned to wield weapons with the reach property
decode will know how to read the message. In the case of with amazing speed and accuracy. When wielding a weapon
interception of your message by others, if it is a message with the reach property, you can perform the following ma-
within another, it must succeed on a Wisdom (Insight) neuvers a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus,
check to notice it or if it is decoded, it must succeed on an regaining all uses after completing a long rest:
Intelligence (Investigation) check to decode it. The DC to • When a creature you can see attacks another creature within
perceive and/or decode is equal to 20 + your proficiency your weapon’s reach, you can use your reaction to impose
bonus + your Intelligence modifier. disadvantage on that attack.
• When you hit a creature, you can deal an additional 1d6
damage of the same type as the weapon, and the creature
cannot use reactions until the end of its next turn.
• When wielding a weapon with the reach property and
hitting a creature, you can automatically move the target
to any other unoccupied space within your reach.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Spell List 3rd Level 6th Level
Amplify the Pain Huradrin’s Rune of Frost
Bard Spells Healing Breeze
7th Level
Spiritual Calling
Thunderous Spear Metal to Wood
1st Level
Banner of Inspiration 4th Level 8th Level
Longburrow’s Cozy Campfire Aurora Heal Huradrin’s Rune of Life
Sparks of Light Force of Hope
Taram’s Life-Bond 9th Level
2nd Level Terror Clone
Cupid’s Arrow 5th Level
Edge of Mirrors Conjure Emogun Paladin Spells
Longburrow’s Homey Hearth Carry The Flame
Phantom Vision
1st Level
Prayer of the Desperates 6th Level
Veil of Bravery Pure Light Slash
Circle of Crystals
Shield of Light
Execution Blade
3rd Level Silver Crown
Penumbral Fissure
Beacon of Envy
2nd Level
Chorus of the Furious Animal 7th Level
Inner Greed Blinding Armor
Force of Salvation
4th Level 3rd Level
9th Level
Force of Hope Thunderous Spear
Demigod Wings
Longburrow’s Comfortable Cottage
Memory Trial
Purge 4th Level
Terror Clone
Carry The Flame Aurora Heal
Force of Hope
Song of life Druid Spells Rurik’s Energy Shield
Taram’s Life-Bond
Taram’s Life-Bond
7th Level 1st Level
Force of Salvation Shadow Noose 5th Level
True Light Palm
8th Level 2nd Level
Melody of Nemesis Cupid’s Arrow Ranger Spells
Electric Burning
9th Level Nature Boon 1st Level
Chamber of Notes Spore Blow
Shadow Noose
Echoing Thalia’s Acceleration Rescue
Stone Bow
Cleric Spells 2nd Level
3rd Level
Locate Penumbral Portal
1st Level Ammunition Eyes
Nature Boon
Arena’s Fervor Chorus of the Furious Animal
Phantom Vision
Offer Healing Breeze
Reveal Hidden Steps
Pure Light Slash Huradrin’s Rune of Storms
Spore Blow
Silver Crown Thunderous Spear
Sparks of Light
4th Level 3rd Level
2nd Level Aurora Heal
Ammunition Eyes
Cupid’s Arrow Chorus of the Furious Animal
5th Level
Prayer of the Desperates Thunderous Spear
Veil of Bravery Bite of Naga Queen
Huradrin’s Rune of Stasis 4th Level
Nightmare Hug
Memory Trial
Pressure Empowerment


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

5th Level Warlock Spells Wizard Spells
Force Arrow
1st Level 1st Level
Sorcerer Spells Shadow Noose Longburrow’s Cozy Campfire
Sparks of Light Sparks of Light
1st Level Static Bolt
Sparks of Light 2nd Level
Static Bolt Electric Burning 2nd Level
Force Armor Edge of Mirrors
2nd Level Locate Penumbral Portal Force Armor
Electric Burning Locate Penumbral Portal
Nature Boon 3rd Level Longburrow’s Homey Hearth
Thalia’s Acceleration Rescue Amplify the Pain Phantom Vision
Beacon of Envy Thalia’s Acceleration Rescue
3rd Level Corrosive Tears
Amplify the Pain Inner Greed 3rd Level
Beacon of Envy Ray of Fear Amplify the Pain
Corrosive Tears Thunderous Spear Avelum’s Force Sphere
Beacon of Envy
4th Level 4th Level Corrosive Tears
Pressure Empowerment Pressure Empowerment Force Platform
Rurik’s Energy Shield Rurik’s Energy Shield Inner Greed
Threshold Impacts Threshold Impacts Ray of Fear
Spiritual Calling
5th Level 5th Level
Bite of Naga Queen Bite of Naga Queen 4th Level
Rewrite the Mind Nightmare Hug Longburrow’s Comfortable Cottage
Rewrite the Mind Memory Trial
6th Level Rurik’s Energy Shield
Black Dragon’ Mantle 6th Level Threshold Impacts
Execution Blade Black Dragon’ Mantle
Penumbral Fissure Penumbral Fissure 5th Level
Conjure Emogun
7th Level 7th Level Nightmare Hug
Shadow Sword Shadow Sword Rewrite the Mind

9th Level 9th Level 6th Level

Echoing Terror Clone Black Dragon’ Mantle
Terror Clone Circle of Crystals
Penumbral Fissure

7th Level
Shadow Sword

8th Level
Uster’s Necrotic Comet

9th Level
Terror Clone


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Spell Descriptions Aurora Heal
4th-level evocation
The spells are presented in alphabetical order.
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Ammunition Eyes Range: Self
3rd-level transmutation Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: Self When you cast this spell, you create an aura around you
Components: V, M (20 arrows) that affects a 20-foot-radius circular area. Your allies who
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour start their turns within the area regain hit points equal to
When you cast this spell, you can make 1 to 20 arrows mag- 1d6 + your proficiency bonus. Also, any conditions that are
ically enchanted for the duration, making a special magical affecting creatures within the area no longer affect it at the
bond with each of them. You make any ranged attack using start of your turn. Lasting effects or conditions do not cease
these arrows with advantage, as well as ignoring half cover to affect the creature, but are only suspended for the dura-
and ¾ cover that protects the target of this attack. Also, tion of the spell.
for the duration of the spell, you always know where your
Avelum’s Force Sphere
enchanted arrows are, as well as you can use your action to
3rd-level evocation
magically see through one of those arrows of your choice,
and continue to do so until you use your action to return Casting Time: 1 action
to your normal senses. As long as you are seeing through Range: 120 feet
the arrow, you are blind to your own senses. You will not Components: V, S
be able to see through one of its arrows if it is more than 1 Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
mile away from you. If one of these arrows breaks, the en- You conjure five small energy spheres in range, each about
chantment no longer affects it. half a meter in diameter, spinning at high speed and affecting
a spherical area with a diameter of 10 feet. Any creature that
Amplify the Pain starts its turn or enters the area takes 3d6 force damage, or
3rd-level necromancy half damage with a successful Dexterity saving throw. As a
Casting Time: 1 bonus action bonus action, you can move the spheres together 20 feet in
Range: 60 feet any direction within the spell’s range, changing the location
Components: V, S of the sphere and its effect.
Duration: Concentration, up 1 minute
Banner of Inspiration
You concentrate and gaze upon a creature within range, caus-
1st-level enchantment
ing all of the pain it receives to be amplified for the duration
of the spell. Whenever the target takes damage, it must make Casting Time: 1 action
a Constitution saving throw or take an additional 1d8 dam- Range: 60 feet
age. If this additional damage reduces the target’s hit points Components: V, S
to 10 or fewer, it must make a Strength saving throw or drop Duration: Instantaneous
anything it is holding on a failed save. You create a fixed, 10 feet high, spiritual banner at one loca-
tion, with a symbol you are currently defending, allies within
Arena’s Fervor a 60-foot-radius circular area who can see the banner are
1st-level enchantment inspired, and for the next 10 minutes, can add 1d6 to one
Casting Time: 1 action ability check, attack roll, or saving throw. Each ally can only
Range: 20 feet use this extra die once, ending this effect for them after it is
Components: V, S used. For all purposes, this die counts as a bardic inspiration
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute die. This spell can only be cast once every 8 hours.
When you cast this spell, you instill in you and your allies
Beacon of Envy
the spirit of the arena. You and every willing ally within its
3rd-level abjuration
20ft of you has advantage on strength checks, strength sav-
ing throws and all saving throws against effects that cause Casting Time: 1 reaction
the frightened condition. While a creature has this effect Range: 60 feet
active, they deal +2 on all damage rolls they make, includ- Components: V, S
ing attacks and spells, the bonus is applied to each damage Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
caused individually before any other modifier.” You become a catalyst of envy, pulling the luck of an enemy
towards you. When an enemy you can see makes a roll, such


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

as an attack or a saving throw, the target must succeed on a Your armor emits a strong pulse of intense light capable
Charisma check. If they fail, you steal that result and store it. of blinding opponents. All hostile creatures within 15 feet
If you do so, the target must reroll the dice that was stolen. of you that can see you must make a Constitution saving
While maintaining concentration, you can spend the throw and are blinded for 1 minute in a failure. Blinded
stolen value as one of your own rolls, thus ending the ef- creatures can roll a save at the end of each of their turns to
fect of the spell. regain their sight.

Bite of Naga Queen Carry the Flame

5th-level transmutation 5th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 feet Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M (a sacred symbol the other person
Duration: Instantaneous could carry)
You transform one of your arms into a serpent, allowing Duration: 8 hours
you to make a melee spell attack against a creature within Choose a spell you are able to cast that is up to 4th level.
10ft of you. On a hit, the target takes piercing damage equal You can grant a creature within the spell’s range the ability
to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier and must make to cast this spell once, within this spell’s duration. The target
a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature is creature uses its wisdom as the spellcasting ability for this
poisoned, taking 10d8 poison damage and staying in the spell and must spend the action normally used to cast it.
poisoned condition. On a successful, the creature takes half
the poison damage and is not poisoned. Alternatively, you Chorus of the Furious Animal
can spit the poison in a 10-foot cone, starting up to 10ft from 3rd-level enchantment
you, and all creatures in the area must make a Constitution Casting Time: 1 action
save. On a failed save, they take 6d8 poison damage and are Range: 30 feet
poisoned, taking 1d6 poison damage at the start of their Components: V, S
turns. They can repeat the saving throw at the end of each Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
turn, ending the condition on a success. Creatures poisoned
You emit a swift melody with a frenzied rhythm, provoking
by this spell cannot be affected by it again until they com-
a beast-type creature to unleash its fury upon its foes. For
plete a long rest.
the duration, the creature can make one more attack with
Black Dragon’s Mantle one of his natural weapons, and become resistant to slashing,
piercing, and bludgeoning damage.
6th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action Circle of Crystals
Range: Self 6th-level abjuration
Components: V, S, M (small portion of any dragon’s material)
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour.
Range: 10 feet
You infuse the body of a willing creature you touch with Components: V, S, M (a small citrus fruit worth 100 gp)
black flames that cover its entire body. Target creature is Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
resistant to fire and necrotic damage. Any other creature
You and two other willing creatures of your choice that are in
that touches the target creature takes 1d6 fire damage + 1d6
line of sight and within range of this spell become resistant
necrotic damage. If the target creature takes damage from
to 2 types of damage, your choice of bludgeoning, slashing,
melee attacks, for each attack made, the attacking creature
piercing, acid, lightning, fire, cold, necrotic, rumbling and
must make a successful Dexterity saving throw or take damage
poisonous. If one of the affected creatures is already resis-
as if it had touched the target creature. In addition, melee
tant to the chosen damage type, it becomes immune to that
attacks made by the target creature also deal touch damage
damage for the spell’s duration.
as a bonus to your damage.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell as a slot of 6th
Blinding Armor level or higher, you can affect one more creature for each
level above 5th.
2nd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action Conjure Emogun
Range: Self 5th-level conjuration
Components: V, S, M (medium armor or higher)
Casting Time: 1 minute
Duration: 1 minute
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Demigod Wings
You can call an aberrant creature of the penumbral plane 9th-level conjuration
to serve you. An aberration of challenge rating 5 or lower Casting Time: 1 action
appropriate to the area you chose appears in an unoccupied Range: self
space within 10 feet of it, creating a short distortion when Components: V
it appears. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
The aberration is friendly to you and your companions
You create six wings composed of condensed divine energy
for the duration. Roll initiative for the aberration, which
that rise from your back. The wings grant you a flying speed of
has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you
50 feet for the duration of the spell. Wings have great powers
issue to it (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any
and using an action you can perform the following effects:
commands to the aberration, it defends itself from hostile
Winds of Mercy. You create an enormous gust of healing en-
creatures but otherwise takes no actions.
ergy. All creatures in the area of a 30-foot cone heal for 4d10.
If your concentration is broken, the aberration doesn’t
Winds of Vengeance. The wings emit a strong pulse of
disappear. Instead, you lose control of the aberration, it be-
energy that affects a 30-foot-radius sphere from you, hostile
comes hostile toward you and your companions, and it might
creatures in the area take 4d10 radiant damage. As a reac-
attack. An uncontrolled aberration can’t be dismissed by you,
tion, you can make the wings defend your body by folding
and it disappears 1 hour after you summoned it.
around it. If you react to an attack, you can add 10 to your
The GM has the aberration’s statistics.
AC at the start of your next turn. If you react to a spell, you
Corrosive Tears gain advantage on the saving throw, or the bonus to your
3rd-level transmutation AC, if the spell requires an attack roll.

Casting Time: 1 action Echoing

Range: 120 feet 9th-level transmutation
Components: V, S, M (a small acid flask)
Casting Time: 1 reaction
Duration: Concentration, up to 30 minutes
Range: Self
You conjure a green cloud that forms in the sky and small Components: V, S, M (instrument)
drops of corrosive acid fall from it, affecting a circular area Duration: Instantaneous
of 30-foot radius in the range. All creatures that will start
You manipulate reality to create an echoing effect. As a reac-
their turn or enter the affected area must make a Constitution
tion to the end of another creature’s turn, you can cast this
save. On a failure the creature takes 2d8 acid damage, or
spell to replicate the effects of their previous turn. To use this
half this damage on a success. Objects not being carried and
spell, you must have witnessed the events of that turn within
structures in the affected area, take double damage.
your line of sight. The replicated effects include spellcasting,
Cupid’s Arrow attacks, hits, damage, and the results of saving throws and
2nd-level enchantment ability checks. All targets remain the same, and any attacks
or effects that become impossible, such as a target moving
Casting Time: 1 action out of reach, will simply not occur. No additional dice rolls
Range: 30 feet or checks are required, and the results of the replicated ac-
Components: V, S tions remain unchanged.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute It is important to note that casting Echoing does not incur
You shoot a spectral arrow establishing a connection be- any additional costs or expenses, such as consuming spell
tween two humanoid creatures within range (you can target slots or expending resources from abilities or spells. However,
yourself). Unwilling creatures must succeed on a Wisdom if the original action had any side effects on the caster, such
saving throw or be affected by the arrow. as those caused by a wish spell, you will experience these
You may make one or both of the affected creatures to side effects instead of the original creature, as if you had
become charmed by the other targeted creature (even if that performed those actions yourself.
second creature succeeded on its save). This can cause two
creatures to become charmed by each other, or one creature Edge of Mirrors
to be charmed by the other, at your choice. 2nd-level conjuration
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell Casting Time: 1 action
slot of 5th level or higher you can charm any creature, not Range: 120 feets
only humanoids. Components: V, S, M (small mirror)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
You create a number of small magic mirrors, equal to your
spellcasting ability modifier, about half a foot square each,


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

distributing them anywhere within range of the spell. Mirrors If a creature within 60 feet deals damage to you, you can
are invisible, but can be seen through spells such as Detect use your reaction to shatter the armor into several shards
Magic, or by creatures that have true sight, or the like. You, that turn into 4 darts and launch towards the creature that
and any creature you allow, are able to see the mirrors. When damaged you. Each of the darts dealing 1d4+1 force damage
a creature that can see the mirrors is adjacent to one of them, to it. Doing so ends the spell.
it will be able to see through it as if it were positioned where At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
any of them are. slot of 3rd level or higher, the spell creates one more dart for
In addition, spellcasters who can see the mirrors, and are each slot above 2nd when you use the reaction.
adjacent to any of them, can cast their spells as if they were
positioned at the location of any of those mirrors. The spell Force Arrow
cast in this way cannot be touched. Creatures that are in 5th-level transmutation
spaces adjacent to the space occupied by one of the mirrors Casting Time: Bonus action
can sense their presence with a successful DC 18 Wisdom Range: Self
(Perception) check. Components: V
The mirrors have 5 hp, 13 AC. Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Electric Burning You imbue magic into a ranged weapon that uses ammo, and
when used by you, it fires magical ammo created on each
2nd-level evocation
attack, each ammo dealing in addition to its normal damage
Casting Time: 1 action an extra 2d12 damage and all damage dealt is a force damage.
Range: 30-foot cone
Components: V, S, M (a bit of fur or wool)
Duration: Instantaneous
You create a cone of energy that extends 30 feet from the
palm of your hand. All creatures within the area must make
a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a target takes
4d6 lightning damage plus 1d6 lightning damage per target
that failed in saving throws or, on a successful one, half as
much damage.

Execution Blade
6th-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (holy symbol)
Duration: Instantaneous
A blade of radiant light, falls from the sky in an area of 5 feets
radius, dealing all creatures within that area 10d6 radiant
damage, the creatures have disadvantage on any ability check
they make until the end of their next turn, that blade ignores
resistances and immunities. Creatures in the
area can make a Dexterity saving throw, to
take half damage and not suffer the effect.

Force Armor
2nd-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute
An energy armor forms around the cast-
er changing their AC calculation to 12 +
Dexterity modifier + Intelligence modifier.
Your AC cannot be increased or reduced in any other
way while this spell is active, whether by you, allies,
enemies, or even items.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Force of Hope Healing Breeze
4th-level evocation 3rd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M (a mint leaf or similar herb)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
You encourage and give hope to all friendly creatures 40ft You create a light and gentle breeze that rushes through the
of this spell’s range, all gain 2d8 temporary hit points and a area relieving pain, effects and healing your allies. Creatures
+2 bonus to their AC, attack rolls, ability checks, and saves. of your choice within a 60-foot cone recover 4d6 hit points
The effects last for the duration. and, if any, recover from 1 level of exhaustion.

Force of Salvation Huradrin’s Rune of Frost

7th-level evocation 6th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least 100 gp, Components: V, S, M (a small stone rune)
which the spell consumes) Duration: 1 minute (concentration)
Duration: Instantaneous When you cast this spell, a glowing rune appears on the
You hold a diamond and make a circular motion with your ground in a 5-foot square you can see within range. The
arm, saying the name of your God, creating a light on up to first time a creature enters the area on a turn, or if it ends its
three willing creatures that you can see within range. Each turn there, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw
creature heals for 5d8 and no longer suffers the effects of the or be frozen for the duration. A frozen creature takes 10d6
conditions afflicting it. cold damage at the start of each of its turns and is petrified.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell in high- The cold damage ignores resistance. At the end of each of
er spell slots, you affect one more creature per spell slot its turns, the target can make another Constitution saving
used above 7th. throw. On a successful saving throw, it is no longer frozen. If
a frozen creature starts its turn outside the area, this saving
Force Platform throw is made with advantage. If a frozen creature suffers
3rd-level evocation the cold damage from this spell on 5 consecutive turns, it
Casting Time: 1 action remains petrified after the spell ends.
Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S, M (jewel worth 20 gp)
Huradrin’s Rune of Life
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour 8th-level conjuration
You create eight cube-shaped platforms whose edge is 10 Casting Time: 1 action
feet. You can position them as you wish, but at least one Range: 60 feet
of them must be within 90 feet of you and they must all Components: V, S, M (a small rune carved from a gem-
be connected to each other, with at least one of their sides stone worth at least 500 gp, which is consumed when the
necessarily touching the other of the cubes in order to con- spell is cast)
nect them all. Each platform can hold up to 1000 pounds of Duration: 10 minutes (concentration)
load and the creatures can choose to walk or walk through When you cast this spell, a glowing rune appears on the
them. With a bonus action on your turn, you can move all ground in a 5-foot square you can see within range. If a
of them up to 15ft, rearranging them as you wish, while re- dead creature is in the space when the spell is cast, and it is
specting the prerequisites mentioned above. Moving them willing, the creature is restored to life with 1 hit point, pro-
this way causes creatures on top of it or in the middle of it vided that it has been dead no longer than 24 hours. This
to magically move this way. At any time, as a bonus action, spell can’t return a creature to life that has died of old age,
you can end this spell, and all creatures over the platforms nor can it restore any missing body parts.
will fall normally. Each time the restored creature ends its turn in contact
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot with the rune, it regains 10 hit points while the spell lasts.
of 4th or greater, you can create 2 more platforms for each
slot level above 3rd. Huradrin’s Rune of Stasis
5th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small stone rune)
Duration: 1 minute (concentration)

Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

When you cast this spell, a glowing rune appears on the • The creature gains a fly speed equal to their walking speed.
ground in a 5-foot square you can see within range. The • They gain advantage on any perception checks based on
first time a creature enters the area on a turn, or if it ends sight.
its turn there, it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw • When they are hit with an attack, they may use their re-
or be paralyzed for the duration. At the end of each of its action to move up to their movement speed without pro-
turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. voking opportunity attacks.
On a successful saving throw, it is no longer paralyzed. If Plant. The target is covered in bark, grows leaves and roots
the creature ends its turn no longer in the area, the saving
• The creature’s movement speed becomes 0.
throw is made with advantage.
• The target gains resistance to non-magical bludgeoning
Huradrin’s Rune of Storms damage.
3rd-level conjuration • The target gains vulnerability to fire damage.
Casting Time: 1 action
Inner Greed
Range: 60 feet
3rd-level illusion
Components: V, S, M (a small stone rune)
Duration: 1 minute (concentration) Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
When you cast this spell, a glowing rune appears on the
Components: V, S
ground in a 5-foot square you can see within range. The
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
first time a creature enters the area on a turn, or if it ends
its turn there, a bolt of lightning strikes the creature and You create a small illusory energy globe that transforms in-
it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 5d6 to the object or person most coveted by the chosen target.
lightning damage and is unable to take reactions until the The target must make a Wisdom saving throw or become
start of its next turn. charmed by the object of their desire. While charmed by this
spell, the creature is incapacitated and, on its turn, will move
Huradrin’s Rune of Transformation towards the illusion, regardless of any obstacles in its path.
4th-level conjuration As a bonus action, you can move the globe up to 30ft with-
Casting Time: 1 action in range of the spell. The spell ends if someone else uses an
Range: 60 feet action to shake the creature out of its stupor.
Components: V, S, M (a small stone rune)
Locate Penumbral Portal
Duration: 1 minute (concentration)
2nd-level divination
When you cast this spell, a glowing rune appears on the
Casting Time: 1 action
ground in a 5-foot square you can see within range. The first
Range: Half mile
time a creature touches the rune after the spell is cast, the
Component: V, S
rune disappears and a willing creature is transformed for the
Duration: Concentration, up to 30 minutes
duration. An unwilling creature may make a Wisdom saving
throw; on a successful saving throw the spell ends and the When casting this spell, you can feel the connections be-
creature is not transformed. You choose which transformation tween this world and the Penumbral Plane, indicating where
occurs when the rune is touched: Reptile, Avian or Plant. a nearby portal or rift to the Penumbral Plane may be located.
Reptile. The target is covered in scales, grows a long tail, You constantly sense the direction of the portal while you
and its mouth becomes crocodilian. are within the range of the spell.
• The creature’s maw becomes fanged and is a natural weapon If you are playing outside of Tanares, you can find passages
which they can attack with using your spell attack modifier. to the Shadowfell instead.
Bite attacks deal piercing damage equal to 1d8 plus your
spellcasting ability modifier on a hit. Longburrow’s Cozy Campfire
• Their scaly hide provides improved protection. While they 1st-level transmutation
aren’t wearing armor, their AC is 13 plus your spellcasting Casting Time: 1 action
ability modifier. Range: 30 feet
• The creature grows a scaly tail. The tail has a reach of 10 Components: V, S, M (some whipped sugar and gelatin)
feet and if a creature enters its reach, the target of this spell Duration: 1 hour
can use their reaction to attempt to trip the creature. The You target a small non-magical campfire in range and mag-
creature makes a Strength saving throw against your spell ically transform it to be especially warm and inviting. Any
DC or falls prone. creature that completes a short rest within 30 feet of the fire
Avian. The target is covered in feathers, grows wings, gains while this spell is in effect may roll 2 dice for each Hit Die
bird-like reflexes and hawk-like eyes. spent to recover hit points.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Longburrow’s Comfortable Cottage Longburrow’s Homey Hearth
4th-level conjuration 2nd-level transmutation
Casting Time: 10 minutes Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a piece of bear skin) Components: V, S, M (a wood chip)
Duration: 24 hours Duration: 8 hours
When you cast this spell, a small cottage occupying a 20 foot You target a fireplace within range and a warm and com-
square, with a height of 10 feet, appears in an unoccupied forting fire erupts, which lasts for 8 hours. Any creature that
space on the ground within range. A small fire burns in the completes a long rest in the same room of the fireplace while
fireplace in the cottage, keeping the temperature at a com- this spell is in effect regains all expended hit dice.
fortable level regardless of the weather outside. The cottage
is made of wood, with a single door facing the caster. One Melody of Nemesis
5-foot square window adorns each side wall of the cottage. 8th-level evocation
Within, 4 sets of bunk beds each include comfortable bed- Casting Time: 1 action
ding, and a padded chair faces the fireplace. A pantry in the Range: 60 feet
cottage and a barrel of ale in the corner contain enough ale Components: V
and provisions to sustain 8 people for one day. At the end of Duration: Instantaneous
the duration, the cottage and any remaining contents created
You play a deadly tune. Any creature other than you within a
by the spell vanish.
60-foot area that can hear your tune must make a Constitution
For the duration, any creature that completes a long rest
save, if they fail, they lose half their hit points, rounded down.
within the cottage may remove an extra level of exhaustion
or any other single condition afflicting it. Memory Trial
4th-level divination
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M (an object)
Duration: 1 hour
By touching an object, the caster gets visions from it to
discover precious information. There are two possible ways
to use this spell;
In the first, when touching the spell, the caster can see
through the object, everything that happened from the mo-
ment the object stopped in that place. For 1 hour, he can
see and hear everything that happened until the object stays
where he is, regardless of the amount of time the object has
been standing there. Subtle movements the object may have
had over time do not alter the spell’s effect.
In a second way, the caster can stipulate a specific time
within 1 year and after that, he gets the vision of the object,
similar to the above way.

Metal to Wood
7th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You cause a magical shock and transmute manufactured
objects and metal equipment, in a 20 cubic feet area,
into wood. Creatures within the area must make
a Charisma save. If they fail, all equipped and
carried equipment made of metal is turned to
wood. Objects and equipment that are not
being equipped or carried are automatically


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

turned to wood. Transformation into non-magical objects and bonus to any other skill checks that aren’t directly related to
equipment is permanent, while magical objects and equip- the chosen skill or tool.
ment are transformed for 24 hours. Weapons transformed Mind Return. Consuming an object that once belonged
into wood are considered improvised weapons and have a to the target is necessary for this effect. If done, you revert
-2 penalty to their roll and damage and transformed armors the target to its state before the spell was cast on it.
have a -3 penalty to their AC.
Nature Boon
Mind Reshaping 2nd-level enchantment
5th-level enchantment Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 2 hours (ritual) Range: 30 feet
Range: 10 feet Components: V, S
Components: V, S, M (An obsidian seat worth at least 1000 Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
gp, a marble circle valued at a minimum of 1000 gp, and be- You cast natural energy at a willing creature within range,
tween 100 and 1000 gp of tameranium and bauronite equally which gains the following benefits for the spell’s duration:
divided, all of which are consumed in the ritual)
• The creature gains a +2 bonus to its AC and any saves;
Duration: Permanent
• The creature’s speeds increase by 5 feet;
In an elaborate ritual, you wipe clean the psyche of a human- • The creature has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks,
oid creature and imprint a new directive, effectively making which relate to smell and hearing;
it almost irreversible. The targeted creature is required to be • The creature’s unarmed strikes now deal 1d6 + Strength or
seated on an obsidian structure atop a marble circle, both Dexterity modifier (its choice). The damage type will be the
inscribed with arcane symbols. The creature must also be same as the creature normally deals with its unarmed strikes.
adorned with a tameranium bracelet on its right wrist and
a bauronite bracelet on its left wrist. Nightmare Hug
The spell carries significant side effects; however, these 5th-level necromancy
are mitigated by increasing amounts of tameranium and Casting Time: 1 action
bauronite used. With a minimum of 50 gp worth of each Range: 60 feet
material, you gain 2 levels of exhaustion and are unable to Components: V, S, M (a black pearl worth 100 gp)
cast this spell for 48 hours. Utilizing at least 500 gp of each Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
reduces the exhaustion to one level, but the spell remains
unusable for 24 hours. If you use at least 1000 gp of each, You summon a shadowy shape behind the target creature
you suffer no exhaustion but are unable to recast the spell for that embraces you. The creature must make a Constitution
12 hours. The spell fails if casted before the time above pass. saving throw, if it fails, it suffers 1d4 levels of exhaustion
The subject of the spell must remain seated for the entire and its respective effects for the duration of the spell. If the
casting duration. Upon completion, you may choose to im- creature reaches the sixth level of exhaustion, it does not die
plement one of the following directives (Mindless, Berserker, but is unconscious for 24 hours, only suffering from 5 levels
Focused, or Return) on the target. Subsequent castings of this of exhaustion that remain even after the spell’s duration. An
spell can only reverse its effects if they focus on returning affected creature that hasn’t suffered all 6 levels of exhaustion
the target to their original state, or if a wish spell is used. can make a new save at the end of its turns, getting rid of
Mindless Soldier. The creature becomes proficient at exe- this spell’s effects on a success.
cuting orders and will only comply with commands given by
Notes of Biot
individuals bound to it during the casting. You can designate
any number of entities that are part of the same organization 9th-level enchantment
known to the creature before the ritual. Casting Time: 1 action
Berserker Beast. The target operates on pure instinct and Range: 120 feet
obeys only the caster’s basic commands. The creature loses Components: V, S, M (a musical instrument)
speech capability and becomes exceptionally hostile. The tar- Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
get gains advantage on Strength-based checks and saves, and You conjure powerful notes that echo in a 60-foot-radius
its attacks dealing Strength-based damage gain a +2 bonus, circular area from a point within the spell’s range. Hostile
while suffering disadvantage on Intelligence checks and saves. creatures that enter or start their turn in the area take 6d8
Focused Servant. The target concentrates all its proficiency thunder damage and must make a Constitution saving throw.
on one particular field of knowledge. Choose one skill or If they pass, they suffer half damage; if they fail, they must
artisan tool. The creature gains proficiency in it, doubles its roll 1d8 to define which note ran through their body and
proficiency bonus for checks related to it, and gains advan- which condition affected them according to the table below.
tage on these checks. However, it cannot apply its proficiency


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

The condition lasts for 1 minute, and the affected creature You touch your eyes and they become yellow, allowing you
can redo the save at the end of its turns, ending the condition to see creatures through solid objects, such as walls. For
on a success. If a creature receives more than one condition the duration, you can see creatures, not objects, through
from this spell, it makes a single save at the end of its turns, any obstacle up to 2ft thick, up to 20ft beyond the obstacle,
ending all conditions that have affected it as a result of it. regardless of the lack of light in the area. In this condition,
the image of the creature is not sharp and its colors become
D ice N ote E ffect only shades of red.
1 Do The creature is Paralyzed
2 Re The creature is Charmed
Prayer of the Desperates
3 Mi The creature is Stunned
2nd-level evocation
4 Fa The creature is Restrained Casting Time: 1 action
5 Sol The creature is Silenced
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
6 La The creature is Blinded
Duration: Instantaneous
7 Si The creature is Frightened
You make a prayer asking your god to protect the desperate
8 Chord +4d8 thunder damage and roll again on the table.
and heal the wounded.
Choose up to three creatures in range, each of them heal
Offer 1d6. In addition, if the creature had 0 hit points, it receives
1st-level evocation +2 to its AC until the start of its turn, and can immediately
Casting Time: 1 minute (ritual) choose to use a reaction to stand up from prone.
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (8 sp in incenses, which the spell Pressure Empowerment
consumes) 4th-level transmutation
Duration: 24 hours Casting Time: 1 action
You make an offering to your god, asking him for guidance Range: 180 feet
on the day ahead. For the next 24 hours, anytime you roll Components: V, M (munition)
a d20 to determine the outcome of any one action, you can Duration: Instantaneous
choose to roll an additional d20 and choose which of the Upon casting this spell, you launch a piece of ammunition
two results to use. You can declare you are using the extra in a grand arc towards a target, exerting immense pressure
d20 either before or after you make the first roll, but always as it descends. Make a ranged spell attack. On a hit, the
before the GM declares the outcome. Once you use the roll target takes 8d6 force damage and is rendered prone. On
the spell ends and can’t be used again before the next dawn. a miss, the creature takes half the damage and must make
a saving throw, choosing between Strength or Dexterity, to
Penumbral Fissure avoid falling prone.
6th-level conjuration All other creatures within a 20-feet radius of the target
Casting Time: 1 action must make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw. Failure
Range: 30 feet results in the creature taking 8d6 force damage and being
Components: V, S knocked prone, while success leads to half damage and main-
Duration: Instantaneous taining their stance. Creatures of large size or larger have
advantage on saves.
As an action, the caster opens a 60-square-foot fissure that
connects the material plane and the penumbral plane to Pure Light Slash
the fissure, allowing creatures to cross from one plane to
1st-level evocation
the other, right where they are. Alternatively, as an action,
the caster can close a fissure between the material plane and Casting Time: 1 action
the penumbral plane, as long as it does not exceed 60 square Range: Self
feet. A fissure created by this spell automatically closes if a Components: V, S
penumbral creature comes within 5 feet of it, but reopens Duration: Instantaneous
when there are no penumbral creatures within that range. You conjure an immense blade of pure luminescence over-
head, which descends and morphs into one of the forms
Phantom Vision you select:
2nd-level divination • A sweeping slash spanning a 25-foot line, inflicting 3d4
Casting Time: 1 action radiant damage on all creatures within its trajectory.
Range: Touch • A powerful thrust directly in front of you, causing 3d4
Components: V, S, radiant damage within a 15-foot cone.
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

• Fragmenting into several shards of brilliant light, dealing Rurik’s Energy Shield
3d4 radiant damage to all creatures adjacent to you. 4th-level evocation
All creatures within the area must perform a Dexterity saving
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
throw; on a success, they take half of the damage.
Range: Self
At Higher Levels. Casting this spell using a 2nd level or
Components: V, S
higher spell slot amplifies the damage by an additional 1d4
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
for each slot level beyond the 1st.
You create a large shield of energy embellished with dwarven
Purge runes, which revolves around you and provides three-quarters
9th-level abjuration of cover. Any creature that makes a melee attack against you
Casting Time: 1 action takes 5d6 force damage. As a bonus action, you can trans-
Range: 30 feet form the barrier made by the shield into a handaxe of arcane
Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least 2000 gp that energy, which forms in your hand. You can make a ranged
has been blessed by a ceremony spell, which is consumed) magic attack with the axe as an action against a creature
Duration: Instantaneous within 6 feet of you. If successful, the attack deals 5d6 force
damage, and if the creature hit by the axe is larger than you,
You call down a beam of holy light to smite an enemy. The you can attempt to trip it, allowing it to make a Dexterity
creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw, taking saving throw to avoid. For the duration, as another bonus
10d8 radiant damage plus 10d8 fire damage, is permanently action, you can revert the handaxe to a shield of energy. If
blinded and becomes afflicted with the effects of the Slow you take any damage, the spell ends.
spell for a minute on a failure. On a successful, take half the
damage, is blinded for 1 minute and is not slowed. If the target Shadow Noose
is native to a different plane of existence than the one you’re 1st-level necromancy
on, he has disadvantage in the saving throw. A permanently
Casting Time: 1 action
blind creature can only remove the condition by the spells
Range: 40 feet
greater restoration, regeneration, wish, or similar abilities.
Components: V, S
Ray of Fear Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
3rd-level evocation Upon casting this spell, necrotic energy beams burst from
Casting Time: 1 action the shadow of a chosen creature within 40 feet, seeking to
Range: 60 feet ensnare it. The target creature must make a Dexterity saving
Components: V, S throw. If unsuccessful, shadowy tendrils form around the
Duration: Instantaneous creature for the duration of the spell, halving its speed and
inflicting necrotic damage equal to 1d6 plus your spellcast-
You shoot a powerful beam of dark purple energy from your ing ability modifier.
open hands at a creature within range. You make a ranged The ensnared creature may attempt a new saving throw at
spell attack against the target, and if it hits, it takes 7d6 the end of each of its turns to free itself. Until it succeeds, it
Psychic damage and becomes frightened for 1d4 rounds. suffers necrotic damage equal to 1d6 plus your spellcasting
If you are in dim light or darkness, increase the damage by ability modifier at the beginning of each of its turns. On a
3d6 and the target remains frightened for 2d4 rounds. The successful save, the creature is no longer affected by this
target takes half damage and is not frightened on a successful spell until the end of the duration.
Dexterity saving throw.
Shadow Sword
Reveal Hidden Steps 7th-level necromancy
2nd-level divination
Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet
Range: Self (30-foot radius) Components: V, S, M (a 25 gp onyx gem, which the spell
Components: V, S consumes)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
As an action, you exhale a luminous magical breath that You choose a target that you can see within the spell’s range
reveals the tracks of passing creatures within 30 feet. For and create a sword of negative energy, which emerges from
the duration of the spell, you gain a +10 bonus on Wisdom the target’s shadow and attacks it. You must make a magic
(Survival) checks to track creatures. attack roll for the sword to stab the creature, on a success
the attack deals 4d10 necrotic damage, half of that damage
is deducted from the target’s maximum hit points. On sub-
sequent turns, you can use your action to deal an additional


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

4d10 necrotic damage to the creature. The sword dissipates You create a small spark of radiant light that surrounds a
if you use your action to take any other action. 20-foot-radius area. As long as the spell lasts, hostile creatures
A creature that takes damage from the sword cannot have in the area have a -1 penalty to attack rolls, AC, and ability
its hit points restored by any means until the sword is re- checks. At any time, the caster can use a bonus action to end
moved or dispelled. A creature can remove the sword using this effect by bursting the sparks and dealing 1d4 damage to
its action and make a Charisma saving throw by taking 4d10 all hostile creatures in the area. They can make a Dexterity
necrotic damage and removing the sword or taking 2d10 and saving throw to avoid this damage.
keeping the sword on failure.
Spiritual Calling
Shield of Light 3rd-level necromancy
1st-Ievel evocation Casting Time: 1 action
Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: 20 feet
Range: Self Components: V, S
Components: V, S Duration: 1 minute
Duration: 8 hours You cast this spell at a location to summon the spirit of a
You manifest a radiant energy barrier. For all purposes, it creature that has been there before, allowing it to provide
functions as a shield throughout the spell’s duration, yet al- you with information about the events that occurred there.
lows for the execution of somatic components while casting The spirit remains for 1 minute. When invoking the spirit,
additional spells. roll 1d10 to determine the amount of information it has, as
At Higher Levels. This spell improves with the caster’s shown in the table below:
level, providing a +1 shield at the 5th level, a +2 shield at
d 10 E ffect
the 10th level, and a +3 shield at the 15th level.
1 to 2 The spirit is hostile, refusing to answer your questions or
Silver Crown even providing false information.
3 to 4 The spirit has vague information and is not very familiar
1st-level enchantment with the place, but does not act in a harmful manner.
Casting Time: 1 bonus action 5 to 8 The spirit acts in a friendly manner. It knows the place,
Range: 30 feet but only has rumors and incomplete information about
Components: V, S what happened there.
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 9 to 10 The spirit acts in a friendly manner and has detailed
knowledge of the location. It can provide accurate infor-
A crown of gleaming silver energy appears above the target mation about events that took place.
creature’s head. The target has +1 bonus to its AC and all
rolls that it adds its proficiency bonus while the spell lasts,
as DC of its spells and skill checks. Spiritual Soul
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell 3rd-level evocation
slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional Casting Time: 1 action
creature for each slot level above the 1st. Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (holy symbol)
Song of life Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
5th-level evocation
You conjure a floating spectral spirit within range that lasts
Casting Time: 1 action for the spell’s duration or until you cast it again. When you
Range: 20 feet first cast this spell, you can use it to perform a healing touch
Components: V, S on yourself or one of your allies, restoring their hit points
Duration: Instantaneous by 1d8 + your proficiency bonus. As a bonus action on your
You intone a beautiful chant. Up to five creatures of your turn, you can move the spectral spirit up to 30 feet and repeat
choice that can hear within 20 feet of you regain 6d8 hit points the healing effect on a different creature.
and have advantage on the next Constitution saving throw At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
they make. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs. slot of 6th or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for every
two slot levels above.
Sparks of Light
1st-level evocation Spore Blow
Casting Time: 1 action 2nd-level evocation
Range: 60 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S Range: 60 feet
Duration: 1 minute Components: V, S, M (a dandelion)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

When you cast this spell, you use natural energy to blow Taram’s Life-Bond
up dozens of magical spores that affect, for the duration, a 4th-level abjuration
circular area of 20-foot radius from the space you occupy.
Casting Time: 1 action
Any creature other than you that enters or is in the affected
Range: 60 feet
area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, 2d4
Components: V, S
spores stick to the creature, half of that on a success. The
Duration: 1 hour
magical spores are trapped in the creature and explode if
it takes any kind of damage. The creature takes 1d4 poi- When you cast this spell, you create a mystical bond be-
son damage for each spore attached to it and must make a tween yourself and up to two creatures within range. Each
Constitution saving throw to not be in the poisoned con- targeted creature makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a fail-
dition for 1 minute. As long as the spores do not explode, ure, they become linked to you for the duration of the spell.
the creature can, as an action, make a Dexterity (Sleight of When you take damage and a bonded creature is within
Hand) check to remove 1 of these spores that is attached to 120 feet, the damage is divided between you and the creature.
it, but on failure, all spores explode. You take half the damage (rounded down), and the bonded
creature absorbs the remainder, inflicted as psychic damage.
Static Bolt If both bonded creatures are within range, both take half of
1st-level evocation the damage. For example, if you would take 10 damage, you
Casting Time: 1 action take only 5 and both creatures take 5 each.
Range: 40 feet At Higher Levels. For each spell slot above 4th that you use
Components: V, S to cast this spell, you can bond with one additional creature.
Duration: Instantaneous
You shoot a bolt of static energy against a creature within
the spell’s range. Make a ranged spell attack against
the target, on a hit it takes 1d8 lightning dam-
age plus 1d8 lightning for each 5 feet it moves
willingly or not, until the end of its next turn.
This effect can cause no more than 5d8 dam-
age, and ends when such amount is reached.
At Higher Levels. The initial dam-
age is increased by 1d8 for each spell level
higher than 1st.

Stone Bow
1st-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 bonus
Range: Self
Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1
When you cast this spell, you become a conduit
for magical earth energy that makes projectiles
you launch charged with energy. For the du-
ration, or when the concentration ends, your
ranged attacks made with a weapon deal an ex-
tra 1d6 damage, of the same type as the weapon
or ammo. Also, whenever a creature is hit by
one of these attacks, it must make a Strength
saving throw. On failure, it will be pushed 10
feet straight away from you. Large or larger
creatures have advantage on this saving throw.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Terror Clone 1d10 plus your spellcasting ability modifier as thunder dam-
9th-level conjuration age. Additionally, upon casting this spell, you can instantly
execute an attack action with it.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet Thunderous Spear
Components: V, S 3rd-level enchantment
Duration: 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
You choose a creature and cause its shadow to detach and Range: 30 feet
become a separate creature with the same statistics and Components: V, S, M (one javelin and a bottle of water
equipment as the original. The target creature must make collected from a storm)
a Charisma saving throw or its shadow comes to life. If the Duration: 1 minute
shadow came to life, the shadow acts on the same initiative
You call forth a spear of solid lightning to skewer an enemy.
turn as the original creature but takes its turn immediately
The target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or be
after. The shadow will attack the original creature with all its
marked as the target of three spears that rain down from a
might and will continue to do so until it is defeated or the
cloud created 20 feet above the creature’s head. Whenever
spell ends. The copy lasts until the spell’s duration ends or
that creature is hit by an attack for the first time on a turn,
until the copy or its original drops to 0 hit points.
one of the spears strikes down, dealing 4d4 piercing damage
Thalia’s Acceleration Rescue and 4d4 lightning damage. The spell ends when all three
2nd-level transmutation spears are used.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Casting Time: 1 bonus
slot of 5th level or higher, the spell creates two additional
Range: 100 feet
spears for each slot level above 4th.
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Tranquil Groove
This spell causes up to 5 willing creatures in a 30-foot-ra- 4th-level enchantment
dius area to gain 5 feet speed and can take the Dash action Casting Time: 10 minutes
as a bonus action. Range: 20 feet
Components: V, S
Threshold Impacts
Duration: 4 hours
4th-level conjuration
You create a restful environment in a 20-foot radius around
Casting Time: 1 action
you, making it an ideal place for a long rest. A long rest
Range: 60 feet
taken in this area only requires half the usual time, and the
Components: V, S, M (circles of silver with bone dust of a
creature resting recovers from the effects of one additional
penumbral being)
level of exhaustion. A creature can only benefit from this
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
spell once per long rest, and must take at least one long rest
You open 3 portals through the Penumbral Plane in 3 lo- outside of this area before it can benefit from the spell again.
cations of your choice within range of the spell. As a bonus
action, you can enter one of them and exit through any of True Light Palm
the other two of your choice during the duration of the spell. 5th-level evocation
Alternatively, if you are adjacent to one of them, you can Casting Time: 1 action
channel energy from the portal to shoot an enemy up to 60 Range: Touch
feet away, making a magical ranged attack and dealing 4d6 Components: V, S
necrotic damage upon hitting. Other creatures cannot pass Duration: Instantaneous
through the portal but can block the exit. If you pass through
the portal and decide to exit through a blocked portal, both You channel the purest light through your hand to punish
you and the creature blocking the exit take 4d6 force damage. or save your targets. If you use it against a hostile creature,
make a melee spell attack against the target creature.
Thunder Weapon On a hit, the creature takes 7d6 radiant damage, the flames
1st-level evocation spread and consume the creature’s essence imposing disad-
vantage on all its saves made in the next minute. If you cast
Casting Time: 1 action
it on an allied creature, it heals 7d6 hit points, the flames
Range: Self
ignite its essence and it has advantage on all saves it makes
Components: V, S, M (instrument string)
for the next minute.
Duration: 1 minute
You conjure a resonating, spectral lute within your grasp.
This lute can be used to make melee spell attacks, dealing


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Uster’s Necrotic Comet You create a wall of magic bushes on a solid surface within
8th-level necromancy range. You can make a wall up to 30-foot long, 5-foot high
and 5-foot thick or a ring wall up to 10 feet in diameter, 5
Casting Time: 2 actions
feet high and 5 feet thick. The wall is opaque and remains for
Range: 400 feet
the duration. When the wall appears, each creature within
Components: V, S, M (dozens of bones or a pile of bodies)
its area, as well as any creature that happens to pass through
Duration: 2 rounds
the spaces it occupies, must make a Dexterity saving throw.
You concentrate to channel the necrotic energy from the On failure, she must roll 1d6 and check the effect that hit
bones and piles of bodies, creating a green cloud in the sky. her against the Wildpath table.
On your next turn, you spend your action to cause the cloud
to transform into a sphere of bone necrotic energy and fall R esult E ffect
in a 30-foot-radius area within range. Creatures in the area 1-2 The twigs and vines ensnare the creature, which be-
must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 12d6 necrotic comes in the “restrained” condition, for the duration.
The creature ensnared by the branches and vines can
damage, or half as much damage on a success. Additionally, use an action to make a Strength check, DC 10 + spell-
if this damage reduces a creature to 20 or less hit points, it casting modifier, to try to free itself, freeing itself from
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or die, be- this condition.

coming a zombie as per the Animate the Dead spell. If the 3-4 The branches and vines begin to whip the creature,
dealing 2d6 bashing damage per turn as long as it re-
creature drops to 10 or fewer hit points, it makes the saving mains in the area of the brush.
throw with disadvantage. If the creature dies from the spell’s
5-6 Branches, roots, and leaves sway around the creature,
damage, it automatically becomes undead. blocking its movement and vision. Terrain occupied
by shrubs is considered difficult terrain. A creature,
Veil of Bravery while within the area, has disadvantage on attacks and
Wisdom (Perception) checks that depend on sight.
2nd-level abjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 20 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute
You can turn your allies’ courage into a power-
ful protective energy. Choose up to 3 willing
creatures within range, while under this spell,
you and those creatures get +1 on all saving
throws, plus the following effect:
When a creature afflicted with the Veil of
Bravery takes damage, it can use its re-
action to reduce the damage by 1d6
for each creature within 20 feet of it
that is also afflicted with this spell.
Each creature can use this spell’s effect
only once, then it ends. When the ef-
fect ends for all creatures, or the spell’s
duration ends, the spell ends.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this
spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or
higher; increase the damage reduction
die by one step for every two slot levels
above 2nd, reducing 1d8 for 4th level,
1d10 for 6th level, and 1d12 for 8th level.

2nd-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 8 hours


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Chapter 5 - gain Flying Points to make some maneuvers when fighting
enemies mounted in flying creatures. Remember, use these
Optional Rules rules for flying combat only when both are mounted, so if you
are facing a dragon for exemplo, your maneuvers don’t work.

Training and using 1 - Choose your creature

Flying Mounts • Pegasus, Griffon, Hipogriff or Drake

In the world of Tanares, many heroes possess companions, 2 - Pay for its training
trained creatures that accompany them throughout their • Training is composed by; Place, Diet, Trainer Expertise
lives. Regardless of the type of these creatures, compan- and Supplies for training
ions have an extremely deep bond with their heroes, created
3 - Control any problem that may happen to the creature
and strengthened through years of adventure and training,
making it seem like they are one when accompanying their • Sickness, anxiety, wounds, rebelion, steal attempt
heroes in combat. 4 - Calculate the total of flying points and use the creature
Although different heroes have come to know their com- as mount in combats
panions in unique ways - whether by finding an abandoned • The best training, more Flying Points it has, the more un-
egg in the forest, rescuing a young one from hunters, or controlled problems it has, less Flying Points it has. They
even buying them from creature merchants - the deep con- are used to make spetacular maneuvers.
nection between the hero and their companion is a present
characteristic. Flying Points: It allows you to excecute maneuvers against
Over time and through a regime of training, long and enemies mounted in flying creatures.
arduous, companions develop, becoming valuable assets in
a party, defending them with their lives. But the difficulty 1 - Choose the creature
causes many trainers to give up or fail in their objective.
C reature C ost F lying P oints C haracteristic
Those who persist, however, find themselves with one of the
Pegasus Average Average Defensive
deepest bonds they will have in their lives, with a companion
that will never abandon or betray them. Griffon Average Average Offensive

Here we present the rules to train five types of flying crea- Hipogriff Low Low Balanced
tures and make them serve as mounts. Also, they excel in Drake High High Offensive
combats against other enemies with flying mounts, so you can


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

2 - Pay for its training 4 - Calculate the total of
There are 4 ties of payment you can make monthly, represent- flying points and use the
ing all four areas needed for an optimized training (space, creature as mount in combats
diet, trainer trainer expertise and supplies for training). This On the next pages, you will find all these 4 creatures. You can
will provide extra Flying Points to allow you to make more see the initial Flying Points and how many they gain extra
maneuvers during a combat. according to the training (the more you pay, the better it is
The creature starts with a number of Flying Points and trained). You should also apply the Problems modifier, if any.
you add these extra ones. When you calculate the Flying Points (FP), the creature has
these points to execute maneuvers. ONLY WHEN FIGHTING
3 - Control any problem that AN ENEMY MOUNTED ON A FLYING CREATURE.
may happen to the creature The maneuver has its cost in flying points indicated by FP.
At the GM descreption, some problems mau happen with When you spend all flying points, you must take a short or
the creature and the heroes must solve it as quickly as pos- long rest to recover them all.
sible to avoid the creature to become weaker or even aban- You cannot transfer Flying Points from creatures.
don you. Here are the list of possible situations and some In summary, training a flying mount requires careful at-
suggestions of effects. These are only suggetions and the real tention to detail, strategy, and quick thinking. But with ded-
effect is determined by the GM. ication and practice, you and your mount can conquer the
skies and achieve great victories on your quests. Happy flying!
P roblem S uggested
E ffect
The creature becomes too aggressive during -5 FP, possible
training and begins attacking its trainer or oth- incapacited the
er party members. trainer
The creature becomes ill and requires special -6 FP, may-
care, forcing the party to go on a quest to find be cannot use
a rare herb or medicine to heal it. until healing the
The creature is possessed by an evil spirit or Cannot use until
druidic magic, causing it to behave erratically free the creature
and endanger those around it. of the effect
The creature's natural instincts take over and -8 FP
it begins hunting livestock or even humans in
nearby villages, causing the party to confront
the local authorities and find a solution before
the creature is hunted down.
The creature is exposed to a magical artifact Cannot use until
that causes it to grow to an enormous size and reverting the size
become uncontrollable. The party must find a of the creature
way to reverse the effects and bring the drake
back to its normal size.
The creature has become too attached to its -4 FP, 50% of
trainer and refuses to take orders from anyone chance of not
else. The party must find a way to earn the making the
creature's trust and persuade it to obey their maneuver.
The creature is exposed to a powerful spell When using FP,
that causes it to develop new, dangerous there is 50% of
abilities. The party must find a way to control chance the crea-
the creature's new powers before it becomes a ture manifest its
threat to its surroundings. power instead of
the maneuver.
The creature is stolen by a rival trainer or en- Cannot use
emy faction and the party must track it down until saving the
and rescue it. creature
The creature is kidnapped by a group of cult- Cannot use
ists who plan to sacrifice it. The party must until saving the
infiltrate the cult's stronghold and rescue it creature
before it is too late.
The creature becomes lost in a dangerous Cannot use
wilderness, desert or other places. The party until finding the
must brave the dangers to find and rescue it. creature


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Tanarean Pegasus Cost to training and Flying Points

Base: 6 Flying Points
he Tanarean Pegasus is a stunning creature,
known for its striking beauty and natural grace. C ost montly extra flying points
This breed of Pegasus boasts an impressive wing- 20 GP +1d6
span of up to 20 feet, making it a highly coveted mount for
50 GP +2d6
those seeking swift transportation and superior strength.
80 GP +3d6
However, training and handling this creature can present
unique challenges. The Tanarean Pegasus lacks the intelli- 120 GP +4d6

gence and magical abilities of its regular Pegasus counterpart,

making it skittish and difficult to gain trust and obedience Flying Maneuvers
from. These instincts of self-preservation and tendency to flee Rescue (2 FP). Observing the movement of the mounted
can make the training process longer and more complicated. enemy, you can save your ally from the falling. Use your
To train a Tanarean Pegasus successfully, a trainer must reaction to fly to an ally that falls within your flying range
create a secure and comfortable environment, introduce and hold them in the air. Apply only it another mounted
it to other trained mounts to develop socialization skills, creature caused the falling.
and establish trust through consistent, patient handling and Dive (2FP). Using your aereal flight superiority, you predict
training. Despite these challenges, the Tanarean Pegasus is your enemy movements and quickly get out of the way of
a valuable asset in Tanares, with its beauty, strength, and danger. Use your reaction when you succeed on a Dexterity
speed making it a worthy mount for those willing to put in saving throw against an effect of another mounted creature
the effort to train it. that would cause you to take half damage, such as Fireball,
to take no damage from the effect.
Flight Tenacity (4 FP). You know the dangerous move-
ments of mounted enemies that would make you fall from
Oguemir’s Guide to train your Pegasus the Pegasus. Use your reaction when you fail a saving throw
against an effect that would cause you or your mount to
• Begin with basic obedience training, such as com- fall, caused by another mounted creature. Consider the re-
ing when called and staying in place. Establishing sult as success.
trust and mutual respect is key to further training. Aerial Sprint (2 FP). The Pegasus’ instinct takes over and
• Feed your Pegasus a balanced diet of fresh fruits, it charges against the mounted creature. Spend your Bonus
vegetables, and grains to sustain their energy and Action to perform an Aerial Sprint, moving a distance equal
maintain their agility in flight. Pegasus require a to three times your flying speed (after applying any modifi-
well-rounded diet to keep their muscles strong. ers) toward another mounted creature.
Inspiring Flying (3FP). All allies gain 2 Flying Points.
• Move on to exercises that develop their flying
Regain this use after a short or long rest.
ability, such as short flights with landing and
takeoff, practicing turns, and hovering. These will
develop the Pegasus’ coordination and confidence
in the air. T anarean P egasus
Medium celestial, chaotic gooc
• Introduce your Pegasus to aerial obstacle courses,
including flying through hoops or around targets. Armor Class 12
These will improve their maneuverability and spa- Hit Points 66 (7d8 + 28)
tial awareness. Speed 60 ft., fly 90 ft.

• Work on developing strength and endurance with STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
longer flights and higher altitudes. Gradually in- 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 3 (-4) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)
crease the distance and altitude to avoid exhaustion
and injury. Skills Perception +3
Damage Immunities radiant
• Finally, train the Pegasus in advanced techniques, Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened
such as aerial combat and rescue missions. These Senses passive Perception 13
are highly specialized skills that require exceptional Languages -
trust and teamwork between you and your Pegasus.
Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Tanarean Griffon Flying Maneuvers

Flight Destabilization (3 FP). A powerfull Bullrush can
he Tanarean Griffon is a fearsome creature
unbalance mounted enemies. As an attack, try to destabi-
with the powerful body of a lion and the majestic
lize the target’s flight. The target must make a Dexterity or
wings and head of an eagle. Towering over its reg-
Strength saving throw with DC = 8 + your attack modifier
ular Griffon counterpart, it can grow up to 10 feet in length,
+ proficiency bonus. If they fail, they enter a fall.
making it a formidable opponent in combat. Though the
Winged Resilience (3 FP). The Griffon’s agility can be very
Tanarean Griffon lacks intelligence and magical abilities, it
effective against mounted enemies. Spend Flying Points to
more than makes up for it with its ferocity and strength. This
reduce 12 damage suffered by you from a mounted enemy
makes it a difficult creature to train and control, requiring a
that is flying.
patient and skilled trainer to gain its trust and loyalty.
Flight Tenacity (4 FP). You know the dangerous move-
The Tanarean Griffon can be unpredictable and aggressive,
ments of mounted enemies that would make you fall from
with a tendency to assert dominance over weaker foes. To suc-
the Griffon. Use your reaction when you fail a saving throw
cessfully train one, a trainer must establish their own dominance
against an effect that would cause you or your mount to
and earn the Griffon’s respect through consistent handling and
fall, caused by another mounted creature. Consider the re-
training. Providing a secure and comfortable environment is
sult as success.
crucial to developing the creature’s trust and obedience. Despite
Aerial Sprint (2 FP). The Griffon’ instinct takes over and
its challenges, the Tanarean Griffon is a powerful and imposing
it charges against the mounted creature. Spend your Bonus
creature that can serve as a mount or companion for those who
Action to perform an Aerial Sprint, moving a distance equal
are willing to put in the effort to train it.
to three times your flying speed (after applying any modifi-
ers) toward another mounted creature.
Oguemir’s Guide to train a Griffon Fearsome Claws (3FP). Three enemies lose 2 Flying Points.
Regain this use after a short or long rest.
• Establish dominance over the Griffon through
consistent and firm handling. Use positive rein-
forcement and rewards to encourage good behavior,
G riffon
but also be prepared to assert your authority if
the griffon challenges your position as the leader.
Large monstrosity, unaligned
• Provide a balanced diet consisting primarily of
raw meat obtained through hunting or fishing. Armor Class 12
Supplement with plant matter to aid digestion. Hit Points 59 (7d10 + 21)
Speed 30 ft., fly 80 ft.
• Develop the griffon’s natural abilities by starting
with exercises that build strength and agility, such STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
as jumping and pouncing. Gradually increase the 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 2 (-4) 13 (+1) 8 (-1)
difficulty and intensity of the exercises to challenge
the griffon and encourage growth. Use live prey to Skills Perception +5
teach the griff how to hunt effectively. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages understands Common and Auran but can’t speak
• Train the Griffon in hunting and tracking techniques. Challenge 2 (450 XP)
• Introduce the Griffon to aerial combat exercises and
teach it to use its claws and beak effectively in battle. Keen Sight: The griffon has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.
• Finally, work on more advanced techniques, such
as scouting and reconnaissance missions. Teach Actions
the griffon how to use its sharp eyesight to spot Multiattack. The griffon makes two attacks: one with its beak
targets from the air and how to navigate unfa- and one with its claws.
miliar terrain. Beak: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Cost to training and Flying Points
Base: 6 Flying Points
C ost montly extra flying points

25 GP +1d6
60 GP +2d6
90 GP +3d6
130 GP +4d6


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Tanarean Hippogriff Flying Maneuvers

Flight Destabilization (3 FP). A powerfull Bullrush can
he Tanarean Hippogriff is a majestic creature
unbalance mounted enemies. As an attack, try to destabi-
with the body of a horse and the head and wings
lize the target’s flight. The target must make a Dexterity or
of an eagle. Like its regular Hippogriff counterpart,
Strength saving throw with DC = 8 + your attack modifier
it can grow up to 10 feet in length and possesses incredible
+ proficiency bonus. If they fail, they enter a fall.
speed and agility. However, the Tanarean Hippogriff lacks
Rescue (2 FP). Observing the movement of the mounted
intelligence and magical abilities, making it challenging to
enemy, you can save your ally from the falling. Use your
train and control. It can be skittish and easily frightened,
reaction to fly to an ally that falls within your flying range
requiring a patient and skilled trainer to gain its trust and
and hold them in the air. Apply only it another mounted
creature caused the falling.
To train a Tanarean Hippogriff successfully, a trainer must
Winged Resilience (3 FP). The Griffon’s claws can be very
create a safe and comfortable environment and introduce
effective against mounted enemies. Spend Flying Points to
the Hippogriff to other trained mounts to develop social-
reduce 12 damage suffered by you from a mounted enemy
ization skills. The trainer must also establish trust through
that is flying.
consistent handling and training. Despite its challenges, the
Forced Landing (1 FP). If a mounted flying enemy makes
Tanarean Hippogriff is a valuable and sought-after creature,
you fall, you safely land on the ground without taking any
prized for its speed, agility, and even beauty.
fall damage. You are ready to fly again next turn.
Inner Strenght (3 FP). As a bonus action, you can make
Oguemir’s Guide to train a Hipogriff a creature immediately make a maneuver using Flying
• Begin with basic obedience training, establishing Points. The cost is reduced by 2. Regain this use after a
trust and mutual respect with the creature through short or long rest.
consistent and patient handling. This includes teach-
ing it to come when called and stay in place.
• Develop the Hippogriff’s natural abilities with ex- H ipogriff
ercises that focus on both flight and running, such Large monstrosity, unaligned
as short flights with landing and takeoff, practicing
turns and sprints on the ground. This will enhance Armor Class 11
its agility and speed. Hit Points 19 (3d10 + 3)
Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft
• Train the Hippogriff in hunting and tracking tech-
niques, both on the ground and in the air, to improve STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
its combat and survival skills. 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 8 (-1)

• Provide a balanced diet consisting of fresh fruits, Skills Perception +3

vegetables, and raw meats like rabbit or deer, as Senses passive Perception 13
hippogriffs are omnivores and require a mix of nu- Languages understands Common and Sylvan, but can’t speak
trients to sustain their incredible speed and agility. Challenge 1 (200 XP)
• Introduce the Hippogriff to aerial combat exercises,
teaching it to use its claws and beak effectively in battle. Keen Sight. The hipogriff has advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight.
• Encourage the Hippogriff to fly for longer periods
of time, building its stamina and the ability to stay Actions
alert for extended periods. Multiattack. The hipogriff can use its beak and its claws.
• Finally, work on advanced techniques such as re- Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
connaissance missions and search and rescue opera- 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.
tions, which require exceptional trust and teamwork Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
between you and your Hippogriff. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.
Flyby. The hipogriff doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks when
it flies out of an enemy’s reach.
Cost to training and Flying Points
Base: 4 Flying Points
C ost montly extra flying points

15 GP +1d4
30 GP +2d4
50 GP +3d4
75 GP +4d4


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Drakes Final Breath (5 FP). The Drake’s fiery breath is a fearsome
weapon against flying mounted enemies. When you use it,

he Drake is a fearsome creature that strikes you can also utilize any of your Flying Maneuvers at no cost
fear into the hearts of many adventurers. With its against one of the targets the breath is aimed at. Regain this
muscular body, sharp claws, and fiery breath, it is use after a short or long rest.
a formidable opponent in combat. Unlike many other crea-
tures, the Drake is a solitary beast that does not form bonds
with others. This makes it difficult to train and control, as it
will only obey those it fears. The Drake is also highly intel- Oguemir’s Comprehensive Guide to Drake Training:
ligent and can be difficult to outsmart, requiring a trainer
with considerable skill and experience. • Drakes are formidable creatures that strike fear
To gain dominance over a Drake, a trainer must establish into the hearts of many adventurers. With their
their authority and maintain a constant level of fear in the
muscular bodies, sharp claws, and fiery breath,
they are powerful opponents in combat. Unlike
creature. Punishment can be used as a tool, but it must be
many other creatures, Drakes are solitary beasts
administered carefully and consistently to avoid triggering that do not form bonds with others. This makes
a violent response. Once the Drake has been subdued, it can training and controlling them a challenging task,
be trained in a variety of techniques, such as hunting and requiring a patient and experienced trainer with
aerial combat exercises. considerable skill.
Drakes are carnivorous creatures that feed on a variety of
prey, such as large mammals and other creatures of the sky. • To train a Drake, a trainer must establish their
Their diet is essential to maintaining their physical strength authority and respect by providing consistent
and agility. Training a Drake is a dangerous and difficult and positive reinforcement of good behavior.
task, but those who are able to successfully train one will
Punishment should be administered carefully and
only when absolutely necessary to avoid triggering
have a loyal and powerful companion that will serve them
a violent response.
well in any adventure.
• Start the training with basic obedience commands,
Cost to training and Flying Points such as coming when called and staying in place.
Base: 8 Flying Points Encourage the Drake to move around, climb, and
fly in a spacious, enclosed area. Then, focus on
C ost montly extra flying points training the Drake in hunting and tracking tech-
50 GP +1d8 niques, including searching for prey and attacking it.
120 GP +2d8
• As carnivorous creatures, Drakes require a di-
250 GP +3d8 et consisting of small to medium-sized animals
500 GP +4d8 such as rodents, rabbits, and deer to maintain their
strength and endurance.
Flying Maneuvers • Introduce the Drake to combat exercises, teaching
Winged Resilience (3 FP). The Drake’s tough scales are it how to use its breath and claws effectively.
highly effective against mounted enemies in the air. Spend Work on developing the creature’s strength and
Flying Points to reduce the damage inflicted by a flying endurance, as well as teaching it how to fly and
mounted enemy’s attack by 12 points. hunt while in the air.
Flight Destabilization (3 FP). A powerful Bullrush can
• Finally, train the Drake in more advanced tech-
unbalance even the most skilled mounted enemies. As an
niques, such as scouting and infiltration missions,
attack, use this maneuver to try to destabilize the target’s
in which it can use its natural abilities to their
flight. The target must make a Dexterity or Strength saving fullest extent. With consistent handling and train-
throw with DC = 8 + your attack modifier + proficiency ing, a well-trained Drake can become a loyal and
bonus. If they fail, they plummet towards the ground. powerful companion in any adventure.
Flight Blindness (4 FP). This powerful maneuver weak-
ens the connection between the flying mount and its rider.
Generate a powerful wave that interferes with their flight,
preventing the mounted enemy from using any Flying Points
until the start of your next turn. The only way to avoid this
effect is to spend 6 Flying Points. See its stat block in the Sourcebook.
Forced Landing (1 FP). When a mounted flying enemy
knocks you out of the sky, use this maneuver to land safely
on the ground without suffering any fall damage. You can
take to the air again on your next turn.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Teams and structures reflect your team’s specialization and help
them to overcome greater challenges.
At higher levels, your team can earn legendary rewards,
Team Rules: Specialization, such as powerful artifacts or access to unique abilities that
Advancement, and Rewards reflect your team’s style.

Discuss these rules with your group and choose your team’s
n the world of Tanares, where war is forbidden, specialization carefully to enhance your 5e campaign by
teams are vital power forces that can bring about signif- encouraging teamwork and providing exciting new abilities
icant change. These groups of heroes are more than just and rewards for your team.
a collective of individuals; they each have their own unique
identities and are often called upon by common folk in need. Step 2: Get the Team sheet
Teams are much more than the sum of their parts, and these
optional rules aim to enhance the importance of teamwork Start by filling out the main information for your team, in-
in your 5e campaign. By choosing a team style that matches cluding their name, motto, team members, and chosen style.
your campaign preferences, your heroes can work together At this first level, your team gains a feature, which can be
to complete quests, earn Career Points, and gain new abilities found on page 303 based on your chosen specialty.
and rewards that reflect their area of expertise. Your team sheet includes structures with spaces to mark the
There are four distinct team styles to choose from, each stars, as well as places to track your Legendary Rewards and
with unique abilities that suit their specific skills and focus: Structure Abilities. Whenever your team gains a Structure
• Operatives: Specialize in gathering information and Point by reaching a new level, you can spend it on new struc-
neutralizing threats covertly. Members may be known as tures or upgrades to existing ones. Each new construction
assassins, saboteurs, or spies. They excel in stealth, decep- or upgrade will grant new abilities, which you should note
tion, and subterfuge, and are often hired for espionage, in their respective fields.
sabotage, or reconnaissance missions that require secrecy You can also track your Career Points on the sheet. The
and discretion. GM will determine the importance of your team’s deeds and
• Investigators: Solve problems in the open and act as an award Career Points according to the table on page 301. Once
arm of the law. Members are skilled in solving delicate your team has accumulated enough Career Points (see table
situations, preventing conflicts, and solving mysteries. on page 302), they will gain a new level.
Members may be involved in diplomatic or commercial
missions, murder investigations, or political negotiations. Levelling up the Team, you gain:
They may be known as detectives, diplomats, or researchers. L evel U nlock
• Special Forces: Use force to achieve their goals in combat. 1 Team Features
Members are focused on battle, using either brute force 2 Headquarters and Structures
or magic to defeat their enemies. They may be involved in 3 Legendary Rewards
defensive or offensive missions, securing important people,
places, or items, or suppressing enemies. Members may be
known as soldiers, bodyguards, or assaulters. Team Features
• Explorers: Blaze new trails or clear them of unwanted
Team Features are special abilities or traits that an Adventure
inhabitants. Members may specialize in exploring remote
Team or its members gain based on their specialization,
or forgotten regions or locations, or eliminating creatures
which allow them to perform their most important tasks
that threaten civilization. They lead a wandering life, al-
with greater effectiveness. Team Features are gained at the
ways searching for new places to explore. Members may
1st, 5th, and 13th levels of the Adventure Team and can pro-
be known as scouts, dungeon crawlers, or monster slayers.
vide significant benefits to the team or its members. These
To earn Career Points, your team must complete quests and
abilities can be instrumental in overcoming challenges and
achieve remarkable feats. Consult the table on page 302 to
achieving success in difficult situations.
see the rewards available for each level of Career Points, and
the table on page 301 for suggestions on how many Career
Points your team can earn based on their achievements.
With enough Career Points, your team can unlock new
abilities and structures, including a headquarters that can
be upgraded, customized and expanded. These new abilities


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

A cquiring C areeer P oints
T ype of C areer P oints D escription of the heroic deeds E xamples :
heroic deeds acquired

Common Task 1 A common task, mission or achievement that • Escort merchants and other clients on trips
demonstrates the Adventure Team's experience in through dangerous regions.
resolving certain types of situations. • Research a rare piece of information for a noble.
• Deliver a message to a distant region.
• Protect a farm from wild animals.
Well-done Task 2 An outstanding task, mission or achievement ac- • Retrieve a cure for a noble's daughter who was
complished with mastery. poisoned and discover who poisoned her.
• Find a lost person in a dangerous forest and bring
them back alive.
• Help rebuild a building or fortification by taking a
leadership role.
• Participate in sports competitions at fairs and
festivals and emerge as the champion.
Hard Task 3-5 A challenging and dangerous task, mission or • Win a battle in the Arena.
achievement. • Enter a goblin cave to rescue someone.
• Defend a village from a small group of barbarians.
• Kill or capture a beast or monster.
Important Job 6-8 An important task, mission or achievement that • Regain control of a city invaded by creatures.
many people depend on. • Find and explore ancient ruins or mines.
• Capture or kill a local criminal leader.
• Dismantle an infiltrated faction cell.
Heroic Feat 9-13 A heroic task, mission or achievement that few • Explore inhospitable and extremely dangerous
would dare attempt, and even fewer would places, such as the worst areas of the Penumbra,
succeed. and return with spoils.
• Win an important fight in the Arena.
• Face the influence of emotions from a powerful
Penumbral creature.
Legendary Feat 14-18 A legendary task, mission or achievement that • Defeat a powerful creature like a Lich or Dragon
bards will tell of and people will remember in tales. that is wreaking havoc in a territory.
• Forge a legendary item or artifact.
• Retrieve a lost legendary item or artifact.
• Be named protectors of a city or location.
World Changing 19+ (This can go A task, mission or achievement so grandiose that it • Destroy a Dragon Avatar or a faction leader.
as high as the GM altered the history or situation of a country, or even • Overthrow a faction or become its leader.
deems correct) the world.
• Keep a faction together in the face of a global
external threat.
• End the effects of the Malrokian curse.

Headquarters • If the Structure already has stars, you upgrade it and gain
the ability corresponding to the number of stars on it.
At 2nd level, your team can acquire a Team Headquarters, It’s important to check the table on page 302 to see the maxi-
a place to call home and plan your adventures. This could mum number of stars a Structure can have according to your
come from different sources such as a reward, a group that Team Level. Also, keep in mind that you cannot reallocate
helps you, or even one of the characters. The GM will work stars once you have placed them.
with the players to determine the best option and the story Having a Team Headquarters provides your team with a
of how you obtained it. home base that can be customized and improved over time.
Your Team Headquarters will be your base of operations It also offers new opportunities for roleplaying, strategic
and includes a Main Hall and special rooms called Structures. planning, and storytelling. Be sure to work with your GM
At 2nd level, you gain one point in the Main Hall and two to make the most of this optional rule and have fun with it!
points to place among the Structures. You can find a list of
Structures and their abilities on pages 304 to 315. You can use Legendary Rewards
the stars to construct new Structures or upgrade existing ones:
• If a Structure has no stars, it means you don’t have it. When As the Adventure Team gains recognition and notoriety
you put a star on it, you construct it and immediately gain in Tanares, they may receive Legendary Rewards to com-
its first star ability. memorate their achievements. These rewards can range from


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

monuments to powerful magical items or even additional Team Progress
Improvement Points.
At 10th level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the Adventure The Adventure Team table shows how many Career points the
Team will receive a Legendary Reward. The exact nature of team need to level up, what your team gets and the maximum
the reward may be determined by the GM, chosen by the number of Structure Points to be placed on a single structure.
players, or constrained by the narrative.
A dventure C areer T eam P rogress S tructures
For a complete list of possible rewards, consult
T eam L evel P oints M ax L evel
the table below:
1st 0 Team Feature 0

L egendary D escription 2nd 10 Main Hall + 2 2

R eward : Structure Points

Magic Item Your Adventure Team gains a Rare, Very Rare, or 3rd 20 2 Structure Points 2
Legendary item, at the GM's discretion.
4th 30 2 Structure Points 2
Team Feat The team chooses a Team Feat.
5th 40 Team Feature + 2 3
Powerful Ally Your Adventure Team gains a powerful ally such Structure Point
as an organization, another powerful Adventure
6th 50 2 Structure Points 3
Team, or a person of great influence.
7th 70 2 Structure Points 3
Legendary Your Adventure Team gains 2 Structure Points.
Headquarter 8th 90 2 Structure Points 3
(extra points)
9th 110 2 Structure Points 4
Portal Your Adventure Team gains a Portal that can
transport them to a specific location, already des- 10th 130 Legendary Reward 4
ignated at the time of acquisition. 11th 150 2 Structure Points 4
Heroic Staff One of your Staffs becomes a Heroic Staff 12th 170 Legendary Reward 4
Member Member and can participate in your Adventure
Team's activities. They will stay at your facility per- 13th 200 Team Feature + 2 5
forming their function unless requested. Structure Point

Monument Your Adventure Team gains a monument in the 14th 230 Legendary Reward 5
city where your Headquarter is located. With 15th 260 2 Structure Points 5
this, your Team gains the sympathy of the city's
population. 16th 290 Legendary Reward 5
17th 320 2 Structure Points 6
18th 350 Legendary Reward 6
19th 400 2 Structure Points 6
20th 450 Legendary Reward 6


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Team Features List Special Forces

Operatives Power Plays

Your Adventure Team is a force to be reckoned with in com-
Trail of Coins bat, known for their exceptional fighting skills and tactical
prowess. Each member of your team can become proficient
Your Adventure Team has access to a vast network of infor-
in either Athletics, Acrobatics, or Intimidation, allowing
mants, providing critical intel on trade and smuggling routes.
them to perform impressive maneuvers, dodge attacks, and
With this intel, your team can avoid danger, navigate past
intimidate their foes.
checkpoints, and locate key items of interest. Additionally,
each member of your team becomes proficient in Stealth, Inspiring Force
Sleight of Hand, or Deception, giving them an edge in their
At 5th level, your team gains a powerful new ability that
allows them to draw upon their innate courage and deter-
Silver Tongue mination in the face of adversity. Whenever your team per-
forms an act of genuine heroism, such as defending people
At 5th level, your team becomes skilled at gathering informa-
or places, they gain a special advantage on all ability checks
tion from a variety of sources. With just an hour spent gath-
made during that day.
ering intel, any member of your team can make a Charisma
ability check with a DC of 15 and spend 1 GP to obtain useful Heroic
information about any person or location of interest, even
At 13th level, your Adventure Team’s reputation for brav-
gaining a rough idea of the location’s layout.
ery precedes you, giving you a fear-inducing reputation
Information Hub that works in your favor during negotiations for payment.
Additionally, your team’s reputation gives them an advantage
At 13th level, your Adventure Team has gained an unparal-
in their first interaction with important individuals.
leled reputation throughout the continent, allowing them to
establish a vast network of trusted contacts in every inhabited
location. These contacts can provide valuable intel on guild
organizations, social norms, the law, and the best routes.
History of the Land
Investigators Your Adventure Team is an expert in traversing challenging
terrain, with extensive knowledge of how to navigate treach-
Grey Motivations erous locations and provide insight into the history and sig-
nificance of old buildings and places. Each member of your
Your Adventure Team possesses a keen understanding of
team becomes proficient in Perception, Survival, or Nature.
regional and local laws, making it highly skilled at identi-
fying both lawbreakers and their defenders. Your team can Trailblazer
establish trusted contacts who provide intel on both lawful
Starting at 5th level, your Adventure Team can use their vast
and illicit activities. Each member of your team becomes
knowledge of survival techniques to navigate the wilderness
proficient in Investigation, Perception, or Insight.
with ease. Once per day, you can choose to automatical-
Investigative Eye ly succeed on any ability check related to surviving in the
wilderness, such as finding food and water or navigating
Starting at 5th level, your team is equipped with an invaluable
through rough terrain. This ability allows your team to con-
ability that allows them to bypass the randomness of fate.
serve valuable resources and avoid the dangers of the wilder-
Whenever your team needs to make a group Intelligence
ness. Additionally, your team gains proficiency in Perception,
(Investigation) check, all members can forego rolling and
Survival, or Nature, which helps them to provide insight
instead treat the result as if they had rolled a 15. This ability
into the history and significance of old buildings and places.
helps your team to quickly and efficiently gather important
information. No Need For An Invitation
Law’s Arm At 13th level, your Adventure Team has developed an excep-
tional ability to uncover hidden secrets and gather informa-
As of 13th level, your Adventure Team has become a respect-
tion about new locations. Whenever your team explores a
ed authority throughout the region, allowing them to act as
new area for at least an hour, they gain detailed knowledge
the “Law’s Arm”. This gives them the power to subpoena,
of the location’s layout, inhabitants, and any magical effects
interrogate, take into custody, and carry out other acts that
local law allows for the proper performance of investigative


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Structures B utler
Medium humanoid, (any species), any alignment
Main Hall Armor Class 10
The Main Hall serves as the backbone of your Headquarters, Hit Points 9 (2d8)
acting as a central hub for your Adventure Team’s accom- Speed 30 feet
plishments. This space is designed to display and celebrate
the heroes’ greatest triumphs, with trophies from epic quests STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
adorning its walls and a grand book recounting their history 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (0)
taking center stage.
Skills Insight, +3, Perception +3
Senses passive Perception 13
Butler (Staff): Languages Common, plus any one language
Challenge 0 ( 0 or 10 XP)
The Butler is the mainstay of your operation, responsible
for maintaining the Headquarters with cleaning, organi-
zation, and caretaking services. Additionally, they provide Actions
support to the Adventure Team, acting as receptionists for Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft.
visitors and facilitating communication between the team or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4 ) piercing damage.
and the rest of the Headquarters. By ensuring everything
runs smoothly, the Butler allows the Adventure Team to
focus on their heroic pursuits.

Structure Abilities
Level 1 - Deception or
Acrobatics Specialization
After making the skill related to your team specialization (see
below), a team member can reroll the d20 before the GM
gives the outcome, but must use the new result. This ability
can only be used again by any team member after 24 hours.
• Explorers: Dexterity (Acrobatics)
• Investigators: Intelligence (Investigation)
• Operatives: Dexterity (Stealth)
• Special Forces: Dexterity (Acrobatics)

Level 2 - Improved Rest 1

One team member that uses a Hit Dice inside the Headquarters
considers the result as the maximum possible.

Level 3 - Improved Rest 2

Two team members that use a Hit Dice inside the Headquarters
consider the result as the maximum possible.

Level 4 - Egress
Once per week, the team can use an effect like teleport to
be transported to the Headquarters.

Level 5 - Improved Rest 3

All team members that use a Hit Dice inside the Headquarters
consider the result as the maximum possible.

Level 6 - Final Bound

All team members can communicate by telepathy at a dis-
tance of 500 feet.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Arcane Library A rcane Scholar
The Arcane Library is a place of wonder and mystery, where Medium humanoid, (any species), any alignment
Adventure Teams can store their magical secrets, lost gri-
moires, and explore the boundaries of reality itself. Starting Armor Class 10
as a humble storage room with basic bookshelves and a few Hit Points 9 (2d8)
small magical artifacts, the library can be upgraded to a Speed 30 feet
grand hall adorned with bookshelves covering every wall,
and eventually to a complete Arcane Library with special-
10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (0)
ized instruments and extensive records of magical activity
and knowledge. Skills Arcana +3, Religion +3
Senses passive Perception 11
Arcane Scholar (Staff) Languages Common, plus any one language
Challenge 0 ( 0 or 10 XP)
But the library is not just a collection of books and artifacts. It
is also home to the Arcane Scholar, a dedicated staff member
Ritualistic. When inside an arcane library of a headquarters, the
who compensates for their lack of combat ability with their Arcanist can cast 1st and 2nd level spells as rituals, provided
vast knowledge of magic. Assigned to the Arcane Library, that they have the ritual tag and the Arcanist has a spellbook
the Arcane Scholar is able to identify magical items, obtain containing the spell.
components, and perform rituals, thus enhancing the library’s Spellcasting. The Arcanist’s spellcasting ability is Intelligence
capabilities and the Adventure Team’s magical knowledge. (spell save DC 11). The Arcanist knows the following spells:
Cantrips (at will): mage hand, prestidigitation
Structure Abilities 1st level (only ritual): detect magic, identify

Level 1 - Arcane Specialization Actions

Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
After making an Intelligence (Arcana) check, a team mem-
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage.
ber can reroll the d20 before the GM gives the outcome, but
must use the new result. This ability can only be used again
by any team member after 24 hours.
Level 2 - Arcane Scriptorium 1
While in the HQ, the cost to transcribe a spell into a spell-
book is reduced by 10%, and the time required to create a
spell scroll for a spell of 3rd level or lower is halved.
Level 3 - Arcane Scriptorium 2
While in the HQ, the cost to transcribe a spell into a spell-
book is reduced by 30%, and the time required to create a
spell scroll for a spell of 5th level or lower is halved.
Level 4- Arcane Ritualist
While in the HQ, an Arcane Scholar can perform an arcane
ritual to cast a spell from the wizard spell list of 4th level
or lower.
Level 5 - Arcane Scriptorium 3
While in the HQ, the cost to transcribe a spell into a spell-
book is reduced by 50%, and the time required to create a
spell scroll for a spell of 7th level or lower is halved.
Level 6 - Arcane Mastery
All members of the team gain an extra spell slot for casting
arcane spells and one spell from the wizard spell list to add
to their known spells. They use their Intelligence modifier
for the spell’s attack bonus and saving throw DC. The spell
can be changed whenever the member gains a level.
• Casters of any class gain an extra spell slot of a level half
their maximum spell level (rounded down).
• Non-casters gain a first-level spell slot.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Stables B reeder
The Stables is a vital structure for any Adventure Team that Medium humanoid, (any species), any alignment
relies on mounts for transportation. Providing lodging for
mounts, as well as heavy horses for those without a mount, the Armor Class 11
Stables can expand to become a full-fledged stable yard, hous- Hit Points 9 (2d8)
ing various types of mounts, both aerial and ground-based. Speed 30 feet


Breeder (Staff) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 10 (0)

With the aid of a skilled Breeder, the stable staff, the Stables
Skills Animal Handling +3, Nature +2
can not only provide care and training for the mounts but also Senses passive Perception 11
produce offspring that can be sold for significant amounts Languages Common, plus any one language
of gold. The Breeder possesses unparalleled empathy when Challenge 0 (0 or 10 XP)
dealing with animals and can even tame ever more powerful
creatures as they gain experience. Innate Spellcasting. The Breeder’s spellcasting ability is Wisdom
To utilize the services of the Breeder, the Stables structure is (spell save DC 11). It can innately cast the following spells, re-
required. Whether it’s a quick rest or a longer stay, the Stables quiring no material components:
is the perfect place to keep your mounts safe and well taken 1/day: animal friendship
care of while adventuring in the dangerous lands of Tanares. Actions
Structure Abilities Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.
or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 +1) piercing damage.
Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Level 1 - Animal Handling Hit: 3 (1d4+1) slashing damage.
After making a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check, a team
member can reroll the d20 before the GM gives the outcome,
but must use the new result. This ability can only be used
again by any team member after 24 hours.

Level 2 - Stable Size 1

Your stables can accommodate up to 5 large creatures or the
equivalent in smaller sizes.

Level 3 - Stable Size 2

Your stables can accommodate up to 10 large creatures or
the equivalent in smaller sizes.

Level 4 - Quickly Training

The breeder can train creatures of up to CR 5 on their own
after the necessary time to train a creature has passed.

Level 5 - Stable Size 3

Your stables can accommodate up to 5 huge creatures or the
equivalent in smaller sizes.

Level 6 - Pegasus Knights

Each member of the Adventure Team also receives a Tanarean
Pegasus already trained to obey all commands (if using the
Flying Points rules, consider it has the maximum level of
bonus but with no costs). They don’t count against the Stable
capacity of creatures. In case of the animal death, another
pegasus comes in one week.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Workshop C raftsman
The Workshop is a haven for craftsmen, where they can bring Medium humanoid, (any species), any alignment
their skills to life with various tools and raw materials at
their disposal. The well-organized space allows for the cre- Armor Class 11
ation and customization of weapons, armor, and a variety of Hit Points 9 (2d8)
items for both personal use and trade. As the Workshop is Speed 30 feet
upgraded, it becomes an optimized structure for manufac- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
turing, reducing production costs for mundane items and
10 (0) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 10 (0)
accelerating the production of magic items.
Skills Sleight of Hand +3
Craftsman (Staff) Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common, plus any two languages
The Craftsman is a skilled artisan who dedicates their callused Challenge 0 (0 or 10 XP)
hands and sweat-stained clothing to producing high-qual-
ity items and equipment from diverse materials. Their pas- Profession (Crafter). The Craftsman adds their proficiency bonus
sion for their craft is only matched by their expertise, and (+2) when using a tool (not supplies) from the artisan tools.
they thrive in the Workshop’s creative environment. They
not only produce masterpieces but also generate value for
Light hammer. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach
the Adventure Team by selling their creations, making the
5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning
Workshop an indispensable resource. damage.

Structure Abilities
Level 1 - Athletics Specialization
After making a Strength (Athletics) check, a team member
can reroll the d20 before the GM gives the outcome, but
must use the new result. This ability can only be used again
by any team member after 24 hours.

Level 2 - Improved Creation 1

When creating non-magical items, your team has a 20%
discount on its cost. To create common and uncommon
magical items inside the Workshop, your team only needs
half the work time.

Level 3 - Improved Creation 2

When creating non-magical items, your team has a 40%
discount on its cost. To create common and uncommon
magical items inside the Workshop, your team only needs
one-third of the work time.

Level 4 - Artisan Training

Each team member gains proficiency with one artisan tool.

Level 5 - Improved Creation 3

When creating non-magical items, your team has a 60%
discount on its cost. To create common and uncommon
magical items inside the Workshop, your team only needs
one-quarter of the work time.

Level 6 - Master of Crafting

The Craftsman can create and repair mundane and mag-
ic items (including rare and very rare) at a rate of 100 gp
per day, finishing the item when the total cost is reached.
Components and the formula/schematics (may be hard to
acquire) are still required.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Tavern T avern K eeper
The Tavern is the bustling center of the Headquarter, where Medium humanoid, (any species), any alignment
the aroma of ale, mead, and savory meats waft through the
halls, and merry songs echo in the air. As the backbone of Armor Class 11 (leather armor)
the team’s financial support, the tavern can be operated by Hit Points 11 (2d8+2)
the PCs to cover their expenses and attract customers from Speed 30 feet
far and wide, gaining valuable information and rumors while STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
10 (0) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 10 (0) 12 (+1)

Tavern Keeper Skills Insight +2, Persuasion +3

Senses passive Perception 10
The Tavern Keeper is the staff member in charge of the tavern’s Languages Common, plus any two languages
operation, from serving customers to managing inventory Challenge 0 (0 or 10 XP)
and finances. With their expertise, they know how to handle
unruly patrons and entice new customers with enticing deals. Profession (Chef). The Tavern Keeper adds their proficiency (+2)
As the tavern’s profits grow, the Tavern Keeper’s skills devel- when using Brewer’s supplies or Cook’s supplies.
op, and they can increase the establishment’s earnings and
make it a truly profitable venture for the Adventure Team.
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:

Structure Abilities 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.

Level 1 - Persuasion Specialization

After making a Charisma (Persuasion) check, a team mem-
ber can reroll the d20 before the GM gives the outcome, but
must use the new result. This ability can only be used again
by any team member after 24 hours.

Level 2 - Tavern Business 1

Each day, the tavern can offer up to 5 modest meals and have
a profit of 3d8x10 gp per month.

Level 3 - Tavern Business 2

Each day, the tavern can offer up to 10 rich meals and have
a profit of 5d8x10 gp per month.

Level 4 - Valuable Contacts

Team members have advantage in all tests related to gath-
ering information.

Level 5 - Tavern Business 3

Each day, the tavern can offer up to 20 aristocratic meals
and have a profit of 8d8x10 gp per month.

Level 6 - Information Flow

The team can use an effect as legends and lore spell. This
ability can only be used again only after 24 hours.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Healing Hall Doctor
The Healing Hall is a crucial facility where the Adventure Medium humanoid, (any species), any alignment
Team can recover from injuries and illnesses. It starts as a
simple room with beds and basic medical supplies, but as Armor Class 10
it’s upgraded, it becomes a fully-equipped hospital complex Hit Points 9 (2d8)
that can handle even the most serious emergencies. Speed 30 feet


Doctor 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (0)

The Doctor is a skilled healer who oversees the Healing

Saving Throws Wis +3
Hall and tends to the injured and sick members of the team. Skills Medicine +3, Nature +3
Their expertise in medicine and healing magic is invaluable Senses passive Perception 11
in restoring hit points to the PCs, ensuring they are ready Languages Common, plus any one language
for their next adventure. With each upgrade to the Healing Challenge 0 (0 or 10 XP)
Hall, the Doctor gains access to more advanced medical tools
and supplies, allowing them to better care for those in need. Innate Spellcasting. The Doctor’s spellcasting ability is Wisdom
(spell save DC 11). It can innately cast the following spells, re-
Structure Abilities quiring no material components:
at will: light, spare the dying
Treatment (1/day): Creatures that take a short rest under the
Level 1 - Medicine Specialization care of the doctor recover the maximum amount of hit points
After making a Wisdom (Medicine) check, a team member from the hit dice they spend during the rest. The doctor can treat
can reroll the d20 before the GM gives the outcome, but up to 4 humanoid creatures at the same time with this ability.
must use the new result. This ability can only be used again Actions
by any team member after 24 hours.
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4)
Level 2 - Healing Supplies 1 bludgeoning damage
You can produce a Healer’s kit with a 20% discount and the First Aid (10/day): The doctor per-
time to produce is halved. forms first aid on a humanoid crea-
ture that is not dead and has 0 hit
Level 3 - Healing Supplies 2 points, restoring 1 hit point to it.
You can produce a Healer’s kit with a 40% discount and the
time to produce is halved.

Level 4 - Combat Medic

A team member can automatically stabilize an ally with zero
hit points and the ally’s HP becomes 10 instead of 1. This
ability can only be used again by any team member after
24 hours.

Level 5 - Healing Supplies 3

You can produce a Healer’s kit with a 60% discount and the
time to produce is halved.

Level 6 - Advanced Healing

Whenever a team member uses its Hit Dice to regain HP,
the results 1 or 2 can be rerolled.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Observatory Wayfinder
The Observatory or Cartography Room is a place where the Medium humanoid, (any species), any alignment
mysteries of the land and sky are uncovered. Workbenches
are arranged with detailed maps of kingdoms, forests, and Armor Class 10
even constellations of the sky, while a large telescope offers a Hit Points 9 (2d8)
glimpse into the infinite. Various time and distance-measur- Speed 30 feet
ing instruments are stored in cabinets, waiting to be used by STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
skilled hands. As this facility is upgraded, it becomes easier
10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (0)
for the Adventure Team to travel the continent and maybe
even to catch the luck of a shooting star. Saving Throws Int +3
Skills Nature +3, Survival +3
The Wayfinder (Staff) Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common, plus any two languages
The Wayfinder is a learned scholar who possesses knowledge Challenge 0 (0 or 10 XP)
of celestial bodies, space, and the land and its terrain, aiding
the Adventure Team in their journeys. With expertise in Profession (Mapper): The Wayfinder adds their proficiency (+2)
astronomy and cartography, the Wayfinder creates precise when using Calligrapher’s Supplies, Cartographer’s Tools, or
maps of the land and cosmos, predicts the alignment of stars, Navigator’s Tools.
and performs magical feats to help the group navigate. As Log Mind: The Wayfinder always knows the direction of north
and the time of day.
they continue to hone their skills, the Wayfinder becomes
an invaluable member of the Adventure Team, unlocking Actions
the secrets of the world around them. Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage, 4 (1d8) bludgeoning
Structure Abilities damage if wielded with two hands.

Level 1 - Survival Specialization

After making a Wisdom (Survival) check, a team member
can reroll the d20 before the GM gives the outcome, but
must use the new result. This ability can only be used again
by any team member after 24 hours.

Level 2 - Detailed Map 1

By using a map, your team reduces the time required for a
land journey by 20%, decreasing the occurrence of random
encounters during the travel period.

Level 3 - Detailed Map 1

By using a map, your team reduces the time required for a
land journey by 30%, decreasing the occurrence of random
encounters during the travel period.

Level 4 - Supernatural Intuition

Once a week, you can get the effects of divination spell.

Level 5 - Detailed Map 3

By using a map, your team reduces the time required for a
land journey by 50%, decreasing the occurrence of random
encounters during the travel period.

Level 6 - Keen Eyes

All team members have advantage on tests to avoid being
surprised and to find traps.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Fortress Head G uard
The Fortress is the impregnable bastion that provides the Medium humanoid, (any species), any alignment
Headquarters with an unparalleled level of defense. Its tower-
ing walls and watchtowers are bolstered by powerful guard- Armor Class 15 (chain mail armor)
ians, ensuring the safety of those within. The more resources Hit Points 16 (3d8+3)
invested in the facility, the stronger the fortress becomes, with Speed 30 feet.
walls that can withstand even the most determined siege. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

Head Guardian (Staff) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0)

Saving Throws Str +3

The Head Guardian is the master of military defense for the Skills Athletics +3, Intimidation +2
Headquarters. With their vast knowledge of combat strat- Senses passive Perception 10
egies, both in open fields and siege tactics, they ensure an Languages Common, plus any one language
unrivaled shield for the fortress. Their experience in train- Challenge 1/4 (25 XP)
ing and leading soldiers is crucial for the recruitment and
management of a strong defense force, ready to repel any Brave. The Head Guard has advantage on saving throws against
threat to the Headquarters. being frightened.

Structure Abilities Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d8+1) slashing damage.
Level 1 - Intimidation Specialization
After making a Charisma (Intimidation) check, a team mem-
ber can reroll the d20 before the GM gives the outcome, but
must use the new result. This ability can only be used again
by any team member after 24 hours.

Level 2 - Great Walls 1

The Headquarters is surrounded by walls 40 feet tall and
are 5 feet thick, made of smooth stone. It has AC of 18 and
each 5-foot square has 40 Hit Points.

Level 3 - Great Walls 2

The Headquarters is surrounded by walls 40 feet tall and
are 5 feet thick, made of smooth stone. It has AC of 19 and
each 5-foot square has 50 Hit Points.

Level 4 - Guard Team

The Headquarters gains six guards to protect it.

Level 5 - Great Walls 3

The Headquarters is surrounded by walls 40 feet tall and
are 5 feet thick, made of smooth stone. It has AC of 20 and
each 5-foot square has 60 Hit Points.

Level 6 - Defensive Spirit

All team members gain +1 to AC for 1 hour. You can use
this ability again after 24 hours.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Farm F armer
The Adventurer’s Farmstead is a vital structure that provides Medium humanoid, (any species), any alignment
sustenance and prosperity not only to the community sur-
rounding the headquarters but also to the brave souls of the Armor Class 11 (leather armor)
Adventure Team. The bountiful fields, lush with the scents Hit Points 11 (2d8+2)
of fresh vegetables, grains, and exotic spices, are enclosed by Speed 30 feet.
sturdy pens filled with sheep, pigs, and other livestock. The STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Farmstead not only feeds the adventurers but also provides
10 (0) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 10 (0)
provisions for their long journeys and valuable trade goods
for commerce. Skills Animal Handling +3, Nature +2
Senses passive Perception 11
Farmer (Staff) Languages Common, plus any one language
Challenge 0 (0 or 10 XP)
The Farmer is a seasoned expert in the art of cultivation and
livestock management. With a keen sense of the land and its Natural vitality. The Farmer has advantage on saving throws
natural rhythms, they bring forth bountiful harvests and raise against being exhausted.
healthy livestock. Their expertise in managing the Farmstead
ensures that the crops and animals continue to flourish and Actions
produce, providing an abundance of food and resources to Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
support the community and the Adventure Team.

Structure Abilities
Level 1 - Insight Specialization
After making a Wisdom (Insight) check, a team member can
reroll the d20 before the GM gives the outcome, but must
use the new result. This ability can only be used again by
any team member after 24 hours.
Level 2 - Farm Labor 1
The farm is capable of producing fresh food to sustainably
feed up to 10 people daily, and the team gains 10 portions
of trail rations per month.
Level 3 - Farm Labor 2
The farm is capable of producing fresh food to sustainably
feed up to 20 people daily, and the team gains 20 portions
of trail rations per month.
Level 4 - Nutritive food
Whenever a team member uses a ration from the farm and
spends 1 Hit Dice, the amount healed is increased by 2.
Level 5 - Farm Labor 3
The farm is capable of producing fresh food to sustainably
feed up to 30 people daily, and the team gains 30 portions
of trail rations.
Level 6 - Nature Lore
All members of the team gain an extra spell slot for casting
druid spells and one spell from the druid spell list to add to
their known spells. They use their Wisdom modifier for the
spell’s attack bonus and saving throw DC. The spell can be
changed whenever the member gains a level.
• Casters of any class gain an extra spell slot of a level half
their maximum spell level (rounded down).
• Non-casters gain a first-level spell slot.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Museum C urator
Enter the Museum of Antiquities and be transported to a Medium humanoid, (any species), any alignment
bygone era. Here, the Curator reigns supreme over a treasure
trove of history, legends, and mystery. Wander through the Armor Class 10
halls, where tall columns reach towards the heavens and Hit Points 9 (2d8)
ancient artifacts and relics adorn every nook and cranny. Speed 30 feet
Oil paintings depicting epic battles and tapestries captur- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
ing daily life of centuries past line the walls, transporting
10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (0)
visitors to a time long gone. The Museum holds countless
treasures waiting to be discovered, providing adventurers Saving Throws
with the ability to bring the secrets of the past to light, no Skills History +5, Perception +3, Religion +3
matter the language used. Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, plus any three languages
The Curator (Staff) Challenge 0 (0 or 10 XP)

Behind thick glasses and with one or two thick books always Connoisseurs. The Curator has advantage on any check to de-
at their waist, the Curator is the guardian of the Museum’s termine whether an archaeological or art piece is legitimate or
vast collection. Responsible for guiding visitors through the imitation.
halls and showcasing the Adventure Team’s latest discover- Actions
ies, they are also charged with studying ancient tomes to Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft.
aid the group in their quest for precious artifacts. With an or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4 ) piercing damage.
unwavering dedication to the protection of the Museum’s
treasures, the Curator ensures that the headquarters remains
a safe haven for all adventurers.

Structure Abilities
Level 1 - History Specialization
After making an Intelligence (History) check, a team mem-
ber can reroll the d20 before the GM gives the outcome, but
must use the new result. This ability can only be used again
by any team member after 24 hours.

Level 2 - Identification 1
The cost of the pearl to cast identify spell is reduced to 70 GP.

Level 3 - Identification 2
The cost of the pearl to cast identify spell is reduced to 50 GP.

Level 4 - Advanced Communication

A team member gains the effect of comprehend languages
spell or tongues spell for an hour. This ability can only be
used again by any team member after 24 hours.

Level 5 - Identification 3
The cost of the pearl to cast identify spell is reduced to 20 gp.

Level 6 - Planar Vault

You gain an extra dimensional vault that you can store up to
100 lb. You can access this vault from any place and retrieve
any item from there you wish in one action.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Pier (Harbor) H arbor Master
As you approach the Harbor Pier, the smell of saltwater fills Medium humanoid, (any species), any alignment
your nostrils and the cries of seabirds echo in the air. The
gusts of wind bring ships laden with fish and exotic goods Armor Class 11 (leather armor)
from distant lands. With a pier, the Adventure Team can Hit Points 9 (2d8)
speed up their sea voyages and reap the benefits of exploring Speed 30 feet
vast trade routes. But be warned, to choose this facility, your STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Headquarters must be located near a navigable water source.
10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 12 (+1)

Harbor Master (Staff) Saving Throws Cha +3

Skills Athletics +2, Deception +3, Persuasion +3
With a clipboard in hand, the Harbor Master oversees all Senses passive Perception 10
arrivals and departures from the endless sea, ensuring a Languages Common, plus any two languages
smooth operation of the harbor. Their management skills Challenge 0 (0 or 10 XP)
allow the Adventure Team to control larger vessels and in-
crease their profits over time. The Harbor Master also spreads Coast-born. The Harbor Master has advantage on Strength
the word about the team’s accomplishments to the taverns of (Athletics) checks related to swimming.
the harbor district, earning them a reputation as successful Actions
traders and explorers.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage.
Structure Abilities
Level 1 - Perception Specialization
After making a Wisdom (Perception) check, a team member
can reroll the d20 before the GM gives the outcome, but
must use the new result. This ability can only be used again
by any team member after 24 hours.

Level 2 - Sea Familiarity 1

Your sea voyages are reduced by 20%.

Level 3 - Sea Familiarity 2

Your sea voyages are reduced by 30%.

Level 4 - Sea Tools

All team members gain tool proficiency with Navigator’s
tools and vehicles (water).

Level 5 - Sea Familiarity 3

Your sea voyages are reduced by 50%.

Level 6 - Magic Ship

The team gains a powerful magic ship with unique abilities.
The GM decides the specification and powers the ship has,
but this should be one of the strongest ships in the world.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Gardens H erbalist
The Gardens is a spacious and vibrant facility, with a center Medium humanoid, (any species), any alignment
made of steel and glass, that can range from being perfectly
organized to resembling a wild forest. As you walk through Armor Class 11 (leather armor)
its paths, the fragrances of diverse herbs, flowers, and fruits Hit Points 9 (2d8)
can be sensed, all while spending less time. Speed 30 feet


Herbalist (Staff) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (0)

The Herbalist is a skilled cultivator and alchemist, able to

Skills Nature +3, Survival +3
nurture and extract the purest potion or the most nefarious Senses passive Perception 11
poison from the natural treasures of various regions. Their Languages Common, Sylvan, plus any one language
ability to cultivate and care for the plants in the Garden en- Challenge 0 (0 or 10 XP)
sures that each vial is filled with a much stronger compound
than usual, at a lower cost than standard. With an advanced Profession (Herbalist). The Herbalist adds their proficiency bonus
Herbalist, the Garden can produce rare and potent ingre- (+2) when using a herbalism kit.
dients that can be used to create powerful magical items. Speak with Beasts and Plants. The Herbalist can communicate
with beasts and plants as if they shared a language.
Structure Abilities Actions
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
Level 1 - Nature Specialization 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.
After making an Intelligence (Nature) check, a team mem-
ber can reroll the d20 before the GM gives the outcome, but
must use the new result. This ability can only be used again
by any team member after 24 hours.

Level 2 - Blessed Fruits 1

You gain 1d4 special fruits that have the effect of goodberry
spell. This ability can only be used again after 24 hours.

Level 3 - Blessed Fruits 2

You gain 1d8 special fruits that have the effect of goodberry
spell. This ability can only be used again after 24 hours.

Level 4 - Plants Lore

Using 1 day of work, the Herbalist can identify potions and
poisons by knowing their origin, effects, and, if possible,
ways to neutralize them

Level 5 - Blessed Fruits 3

You gain 1d12 special fruits that have the effect of goodberry
spell. This ability can only be used again after 24 hours.

Level 6 - Panacea
Once per week, a team member can benefit from the effect
of greater restoration spell.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Legendary Rewards Group Opportunity
The Adventure Team members have learned to take advantage
Team Feat List of opportunities as a group. When a team member makes an
opportunity attack against a creature, another team member
Programmed Tactics of their choice who also has reach to attack that creature, can
spend their reaction to make an opportunity attack against it.
The members of the team are masters of programming their
combat tactics, allowing them to re-order their initiative rolls Phalanx Tactic
to better suit their combat plan. Immediately after rolling
The Team has become expert in using shields in group com-
initiative, each member of the Adventure Team can exchange
bat tactics.
their initiative rolls with another member. Any bonuses ap-
When a team member, in their movement, passes through
plied to initiative rolls are applied after the exchanges.
the space of another team member who has a shield, they
Information Collectors can spend 5 feet of their movement to jump over their ally
using their shield as support. The member will jump 30 feet
Your group excels at gathering information about others. At in any direction, but in a straight line, and if they can per-
the start of combat, each member of the group can make form a melee attack at the end of this jump, they will cause
an Intelligence (Investigation) check with a DC of 10 + the +5 damage if successful, the type of which will be the same
target’s CR to remember information about the enemy. The as the type caused by the weapon.
GM can apply advantage or disadvantage based on how well- When a team member is using a shield and has another
known the creature is. Any member who succeeds obtains team member in an adjacent space, who also uses a shield,
one piece of information about the target. If a member has both gain half cover against all attacks and grant this half
a skill that allows them to obtain similar information, they cover to team members who are in adjacent spaces to both.
may use both. The following information can be obtained A team member who is using a shield can use their reac-
with this skill: tion to grant advantage to an attack made by a team member
• One of the creature’s abilities of the group’s choice when they are between the attacker and the target creature.
• The creature’s proficiency bonus
• Maximum hit points Group Perception
• Current hit points When your team is on the lookout for danger, you work to-
• AC gether to avoid surprises and stay one step ahead. With this
• Vulnerabilities feat, you can make the most of your collective knowledge
• Immunities and experience to stay alert and avoid danger.
• Resistances The highest Passive Perception among your team members
who are present becomes the Passive Perception for all other
• Proficiencies
members who are also present.
• Tendency
If at least one member of the team who is present is not
surprised, none of the other members of the team who are
Magic Team present will be surprised.
The members of the team have specialized in the arts of If all members of the team are surprised, they remain so
magic, whether it’s in casting it or defending against it. but can make their initiative rolls with advantage.
Each member of the team, when within 30 feet of another
member, can, once per short rest, ignore a failure on a con- Resource Management
centration saving throw and turn it into a success. In the heat of battle, you need to be able to make the most
A team member can use their reaction to help another of your resources and work together to outmaneuver your
team member within 30 feet resist the effects of a spell or enemies. With this feat, you can make sure that your team
magical item, giving them advantage on the saving throw is always in control and ready for whatever comes your way.
against that effect. At the beginning of each combat, your team must roll
1d20 and record the result.
Team Work During the combat, you can replace one result of a d20
The team members have developed a unique synergy in per- roll made by a member of the team with the recorded result.
forming activities together and helping each other out, so The number of the second roll is recorded and can replace
they gain advantage on skill checks made in groups if more a later roll in the same way until the end of the combat.
than half of the participants are from the team. Additionally,
they can perform the Help action for skill checks as a bonus
action for another team member.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

The substitutions must be chosen by the entire team, but in Coordinated Attack
a tie, the player whose turn it is in combat decides whether
the substitution will be made. The members of the team have advantage on attack rolls
against a creature if at least one other member is within 5
Proper Start feet of it and not incapacitated. If the attack is successful, all
other members adjacent to the target can make an opportu-
When you’re starting a fight, you want to make sure that nity attack against it using their reaction.
you’re ready to go and can hit your enemies hard before
they have a chance to strike back. With this feat, you can
make sure that your team is always ready to take on what- Team Heroic Staff
ever comes your way.
During the first round of combat, provided that at least
two members of the team are fighting together: H eroic Staff
All members of the team have advantage on attack rolls Medium humanoid (any species), any alignment
against creatures that have not yet acted.
Armor Class 19 (Splint Mail, shield)
Attacks made against members of the team who have not
Hit Points 85 (10d8+40)
yet acted are made with disadvantage.
Speed 30 feet

Trained by Colleague STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

18 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 10 (0)
In order to be the best, you need to learn from the best.
With this feat, you can take advantage of your teammates’ Saving Throws Str +6, Con +7
skills and knowledge to become a more well-rounded and Skills Animal Handling +4, Athletics +7, Intimidation +3,
capable adventurer. Perception +4
Each member of the team can choose one of the Senses passive Perception 14
following effects: Languages Common plus any one language
Challenge 5 (1.800 xp)
• The member becomes proficient in a skill, a tool kit, and Proficiency bonus +3
a language that at least one other member of the team
already has. Brave. The Heroic Staff has advantage on saving throws against
• The member becomes proficient in two weapons and a being frightened.
shield, provided that at least one of the other members of Determination. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its dam-
the team already has proficiency in the chosen weapons age when the Heroic Staff hits with it (included in the attack).
and shield. Training. The Heroic Staff retains all previous abilities it had.
• The member of the team becomes proficient in a type of Actions
armor that at least one of the other members of the team Multiattack. The Heroic Staff makes three melee attacks.
already has proficiency in. If the member who chooses to
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
receive this benefit does not have proficiency in any armor, target. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) slashing damage. Versatility: +7 to hit,
they become proficient in light armor. If they are proficient reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10+4) slashing damage.
in light armor, they become proficient in medium armor. Shield Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
If they are proficient in medium armor, they become pro- creature. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a
ficient in heavy armor. Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength
saving throw or be knocked prone.
Note that each member of the team can only benefit once
from the benefits granted by this feat, regardless of whether Reactions
they have changed teams. Block. The Heroic Staff gains a +3 bonus to Dexterity saving
throws imposed by spells or area effects. To do so, the elite
Stealthy warrior must see the attacker or origin of effect and be wield-
ing a shield.
The members of the team have specialized in being stealthy. Parry. The Heroic Staff adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack
Stealthy Stride: All members of the team within 30 feet of that would hit it. To do so, the Heroic Staff must see the attacker
at least one other member of the team become proficient in and be wielding a melee weapon.
Dexterity (Stealth). If they are already proficient, they gain a
bonus equal to half their proficiency bonus (rounded down).
Covering Shadows: All members of the team can attempt
to hide using their teammates as cover, even when they are
behind another member of the team. The member providing
cover must be of the same size or larger.


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Index Choosing Your Prey (Barbarian), 209
Chord of Healing (Bard), 213
Spring, 17
Summer, 16
Aberrant Mind (Madwalker), 145 Cirrus, 34 Elysian Restoration (Redeemer), 185, 202
Aberrant Mutation (Madwalker), 143 Cirrus names, 39 Empathy (Redeemer), 185
Aberrant Mutations Description, 150-159 Cirrus traits, 39 Empowered Dragon’s Fury (Dragonblade), 66
Aberrant Arachnid Mutations, 145, See Aberrant Classes, New, 56 Empowered Dragon’s Protection (Dragonblade), 67
Mutations Description Simplified Classes, 192, 207 Empowered Rays (Redeemer), 187
Known Aberrant Mutations, 143 Subclasses, New, 56, 208-259 Empowered Wind Blast (Dragonblade), 67
Nightmare’s Augury Mutations, 148, See Claws and Scales (Dragonblade), 62 Equilibrium (Inclination to Philosophy Taii,Maku),
Aberrant Mutations Description Cleric, 214-219 54
Ability Score Improvement, See specific class entries Divine Domains see Divine Domains Essence Reading (Redeemer), 186
Abyssal Link (sorcerer), 250 Cold Immunity (Dragonblade), 67 Evasion (Scoundrel), 206
Adapted Organism (Gloomfolk), 43 Combat Instinct (Ranger), 239 Expanded Insight (Inclination to Philosophy
Adventurer’s Aptitude (Scoundrel), 205 Community Leader (Background), 262 Taii,Maku), 54
Air Body (Elementalist), 85 Cover of Darkness (Warlock), 254 Expanded Knowledge (Inclination to Philosophy
Ancestral Autumn Magic (Autumn Elf), 18 Crowd Leader (Redeemer), 187 Taii,Maku), 54
Ancestral Kemet Magic (Winter Elf), 19 Cunning Predator (Madwalker), 146 Experience See specific class entries
Ancestral Memory (Soulborn), 49 Cycle of Redemption (Redeemer), 186 Extra Attack See specific class entries
Ancestral Overcharge (Wizard), 258 Movement On The Cycle, 186 Fanaticism (sorcerer), 249
Ancestral Spring Magic (Spring Elf), 18 Dark Hunter (Warlock), 253 Farm (Structure), 312
Ancestral Summer Magic (Summer Elf), 17 Deadly (Brawler), 194 Feats (new), 274-277
Animal Awareness (Monk), 233 Death Knight, 226 Fiery Reprisal (Elementalist), 87
Animal Ki (Monk), 232 Death Powers (Fighter), 228 Fighter, 226-229
Animal Stance (Monk), 231 Death Powers List (Fighter), 229 Martial Archetypes see Martial Archetypes
Animal Stances (Monk), 231 Death Soul (Fighter), 227 Fire Immunity (Dragonblade), 66
Another Life’s Knowledge (Soulborn), 49 Death Touch (Fighter), 227 Flame Brilliance (Elementalist), 87
Arachnid Camouflage (Madwalker), 146 Detective (Feat), 274 Fluid Movements (Monk), 233
Arachnid Nature (Madwalker), 146 Detective’s Cunning (Ranger), 240 Flowing Water (Elementalist), 87
Arcane Education (Ranger), 243 Divine Cure (Priest), 202 Flying Mounts (training and using), 294
Arcane Focus (Mage), 198 Divine Domains, 215 Drakes, 299
Arcane Library (Structure), 305 Chaos Domain, 215 Tanarean Griffon, 297
Arcane Mastery (Mage), 198 Courage Domain, 218 Tanarean Hippogriff, 298
Arcane Protection (Mage), 198 Divine Envoy (Redeemer), 186 Tanarean Pegasus, 296
Arcane Predator (Ranger), 243 Divine Intervention (Priest), 202 Focus Inclination (Feat), 274
Arcane Rebuke (Ranger), 243 Divine Strike (Cleric), 219 Focused Hunter (Barbarian), 209
Arcane Secret of the Guardian (Ranger), 243 Doombringer (Redeemer), 188 Fortress (Structure), 311
Arcane Traditions Doom Magic (Redeemer), 188 Further The Cycle (Redeemer), 187
Lost Magic Researcher, 257 Draconic Knowledge (Dragonblade), 65 Fusion Master (Elementalist), 84
Aura of Sacrifice (Paladin), 236 Draconic Power (Dragonblade), 62 Fusion Spells (Elementalist), 83
Avatar of Freedom (Paladin), 236 Progression, 62 Casting Fusion Spells, 84
Balance of Life (Redeemer), 186 Draconic Power Descriptions, 68-77 Gardens (Structure), 315
Bane of Darkness (Warlock), 253 Draconic Presence (Dragonblade), 66 Gloomfolk, 40
Barbarian, 208-211 Draconic Soul (Dragonblade), 65, 66 Gloomfolk names, 43
Primal Paths, see Primal Paths Fury of The Red Dragon / Azymor, 66 Gloomfolk traits, 43
Barbaric Mastery (Brawler), 294 Integrity of The White Dragon / Kerloth, 66-67 Gnomes, 27
Bard, 212-213 The Celerity of The Blue Dragon / Thyra, 67 Grim Reaper (Fighter), 228
Bard Colleges see Bard Colleges Dragonblade, 56, 58-77 Grounded Learnings (Elementalist), 86
Bard Colleges, 212 Class Features, 62 Guardian Meditation (Ranger), 243
College of Life, 212 Dragonborn, 24 Halflings, 20
Between Life and Death (Fighter), 228 Dragon Form (Dragonblade), 63-64, 65 Hands of the Free Man (Paladin), 236
Beyond Words (Feat), 274 Dragon Hunter (Background), 264 Headquarters (Team), 301
Black Widow’s Web (Madwalker), 146 Druid, 220-225 Healing Hall (Structure), 309
Blades of Madness (Madwalker), 145 Druid circles see Druid circles Healing Tide (Elementalist), 87
Blessed by Death (Fighter), 228 Druid circles, 220 Hidden Strike (rogue), 246
Blessings of Redemption (Redeemer), 189 Circle of the Bloom High Mountain Living (Cirrus), 39
Blood Pact (sorcerer), 250 Dwarf, 12 Historical Nomadism (Taii’Maku), 54
Bloom (druid), 222 Earth Sense (Elementalist), 86 Hit the Mark (Brawler), 193
Brawler (Simplified Classes), 192 Earth Shield (Elementalist), 86 Humans, 22
Brawler character sheet Sample, 195 Elementalist, 56, 78-137 Ice Veins (Dragonblade), 67
Burning Inspiration (Elementalist), 87 Class Features, 82 I Have Seen Worse (Barbarian), 211
Businessman (Redeemer), 188 Elemental Flux (Elementalist), 83 Imperial Servant (Background), 266
Call of the Dragon (Dragonblade), 66 Elemental Pinnacle (Elementalist), 84 Improved Ancestral Kemet Magic (Feat), 275
Cantrips See specific class entries Elemental Surge (cantrip), 103 Infuse Chaos (Cleric), 216
Cartographer (Background), 260 Elementalist Spell Descriptions, 93-137 Ingenious Inventors (Inclination to Engineering
Channel Divinity (Cleric) Elementalist Spell List (Elementalist), 88-92 Taii,Maku), 55
Bolster the Spirit , 219 Elite Tracker (Barbarian), 209 Innate Engineers (Inclination to Engineering
Chaotic Presence, 216 Eloquence (Redeemer), 185 Taii,Maku), 55
Take Heart, 219 Elves, 14-19 Insanity Points (Madwalker), 143
Channel Divinity (Paladin), 236 Autumn, 18 Insanity Effects, 147
Charming (Redeemer), 188 Kemets (winter), 19 Insanity Steps (Madwalker), 143


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

Investigative Mind (Dragonblade), 65 Plant Telepathy (druid), 222 Soul Memory (Soulborn), 49
Irregular Destruction (Cleric), 216 Plant Wild Shape (druid), 222 Soul of the Wind (Elementalist), 85
Kawarime (rogue), 246 Potent Poison (Feat), 276 Species, 11
King of Treasures (Redeemer), 188 Potent Spellcasting (Cleric), 216 Uncommon, 24
Legendary Rewards (Team), 301, 316 Power Shot (Feat), 276 Spellcasting See specific class entries
Life Saver (Feat), 275 Powerful Legs (Brawler), 194 Spellcasting Ability See specific class entries
Life Symphony (Bard), 213 Preacher (Redeemer), 186 Spellcasting Focus See specific class entries
Lightning Immunity (Dragonblade), 67 Precise Striker (Scoundrel), 206 Spell descriptions, 280-293
Lightning Thrower (Feat), 275 Perseverance (Gloomfolk), 43 Spell list, 278-279
Living History (Soulborn), 49 Preservation (Dragonblade), 67 Spell Slots See specific class entries
Lost Magic Studies (Feat), 275 Priest (Simplified Classes), 200 Spiritual Vocation (Redeemer), 186
Madwalker, 56, 138-177 Priest character sheet Sample, 203 Shepherd, 186
Class Features, 142 Primal Paths, 208 Doomspeakers, 187
Mage (Simplified Classes), 196 Path of the Penumbra, 210 Spiritual Wings (Dragonblade), 65
Mage character sheet Sample, 199 Path of the Brutal Hunter, 209 Spycraft Mastery (Feat), 276
Magic Imbuement (Wizard), 258 Primordial Bond (Elementalist), 84 Stable (Structure), 306
Magic In Rays (Redeemer), 185 Primordial Element (Elementalist), 83, 85 Stinger (Gloomfolk), 44
Main Hall (Structure), 304 Air Primordial Element, 85 Strong Hands (Taii’Maku), 54
Mark of the Revenge (Dragonblade), 66 Earth Primordial Element, 86 Structures (Teams), 304
Martial Archetypes Fire Primordial Element, 87 Summon from the Abyss (sorcerer), 250
Death Knight, 226 Water Primordial Element, 87 Superior Maintenance (Dragonblade), 66
Master Defender (Feat), 275 Protective Instinct (Gloomfolk), 43 Swift Polearm (Feat), 277
Master of Beasts (Feat), 275 Psychic Shield (Madwalker), 148 Swift and Graceful (Elementalist), 85
Mathematical Mind (Taii’Maku), 54 Purifying Rain (Elementalist), 87 Sylvan Sonata (Bard), 213
Medicinal Study (Bard), 213 Quick Witted (Ranger), 240 Tactical Response (Dragonblade), 65
Memories of a Distant Past, 49 Ranger, 238-243 Taii’Maku, 50
Mental Power (Madwalker), 148 Ranger Archetypes, see Ranger Archetypes Taii’Maku names, 54
Mighty Impact (Feat), 275 Ranger Archetypes, 238 Taii’Maku traits, 54
Mighty Marksman (Feat), 275 Shadow Investigator, 238 Tavern (Structure), 308
Mind Fracturing (barbarian), 211 Arcane Guardian, 242 Teams
Mind Inclination (Taii’Maku), 54 Rays (Redeemer), 185 Career Points, 301
Miraculous Brewer (Feat), 276 Ray of Damnation (Redeemer), 188 Rules, 300
Mob Mentality (Redeemer), 187 Redeemer, 56, 178-191 Team Features, 300, 303
Monastic traditions Class Features, 184 Team Feat List, 316
Way of the Animals, 230 Blessing List, 190 -191 Terror of the Dark (Warlock), 254
Monk, 230-233 Redemption Ritual (Redeemer), 185 The Hunt is Mine (Barbarian), 209
Monastic traditions see Monastic traditions Reform Argument (Redeemer), 187 Thunderous Assault (Dragonblade), 67
Multiclass, 274 Resilient (Brawler), 194 Tieflings, 32
Elemental flux, 274 Ritual Casting See specific class entries Tomb of Invulnerability (Elementalist), 86
Prerequisites, 274 Rogue, 244-247 Tough as Nails (Brawler), 193
Proficiencies, 274 Roguish Archetype, See Roguish Archetypes Trail of Madness (Madwalker), 144, 145
Redemption Ritual, 274 Roguish Archetypes Aberrant Arachnid Trail (Arachnid Hunter’s),
Museum (Structure), 313 Ninja, 244 145
Mystic Detection (Wizard), 258 Ruins Explorer (Wizard), 258 Nightmare’s Augury Trail (Nightmare
Natural Strategist (Dragonblade), 62 Sacred Oaths Predator’s), 148
New Perspective (Redeemer), 188 Oath of Freedom, 234 Treasure Hunter (Wizard), 257
Nightmarish Augurs (Madwalker), 148 Saved By Ray (Redeemer), 187 Two in One (Cirrus), 39
Ninja Expertise (rogue), 245 Scoundrel (Simplified Classes), 204 Undead Master (Fighter), 228
Ninja Steps (rogue), 246 Scoundrel character sheet Sample, 207 Undercover (Background), 272
Ninjutsu (rogue), 246 Scoundrel’s Agility (Scoundrel), 205 Unyielding Spirit (Cleric), 219
Nocturnal Prelude (Madwalker), 148 Scoundrel’s Fortune (Scoundrel), 206 Veteran’s Toughness (Barbarian), 211
Observatory (Structure), 310 Second Surge (Elementalist), 87 Voice of the Nature (Bard), 213
Occultist (Background), 268 Sense of Inspiration (Feat), 276 Waking Nightmare (Madwalker), 145
Orcs, 29 Shadow Hunter (Ranger), 240 Warlock, 252-255
Otherworldly Patron Shadow Investigator Intuition (Ranger), 239 Otherworldly Patron, See Otherworldly Patrons
Pact of the Dark Hunter, 248 Shadow Sense (Madwalker), 144 Warped Morphology (Madwalker), 145
Otherworldly Rage (Barbarian), 210 Shadow Step (Warlock), 254 Water Teachings (Elementalist), 87
Paladin, 234-237 Signature Spell (Mage), 198 Will of Survival (Barbarian), 211
Sacred Oaths, See Sacred Oaths Simplified Spellcasting See specific class entries Wind Wisdom (Elementalist), 85
Penumbral Portal (Madwalker), 145 Sky Master (Feat), 276 Winged Fury (Dragonblade), 67
Penumbral Shape (Madwalker), 143 Smoke Mastery (rogue), 245 Winged Soul (Cirrus), 39
Arachne Penumbral Shape, 146, 166-171 Sneak Attack Simplified (Scoundrel), 205 Wings of Celerity (Dragonblade), 67
Nightmare’s Augury Penumbral Shape, 148, Sorcerer, 248-251 Winter Mantle (Dragonblade), 67
172-177 Sorcerous Origin, See Sorcerous Origins Wizard, 256-259
Penumbral Shape Forms, 160-165 Sorcerous Origin Arcane Tradition, See Arcane Traditions
Penumbral Shift (Madwalker), 145 Cultist, 248 Words of Encouragement (Cleric), 219
Penumbral Survivor (Background), 270 Soul Connection (Feat), 276 Workshop (Structure), 307
Pier/Harbor (Structure), 314 Soulborn, 45 Zone of Chaos (Cleric), 216
Pincers (Gloomfolk), 44 Soulborn Ancestrality (Feat), 276
Plant Empathy (druid), 221 Soulborn names, 48
Plant Guardian (druid), 221 Soulborn traits, 48


Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

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Christopher Buonassissi (Order #40135525)

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