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A. CONTENT STANDARDS: Demonstrates understanding of participation and
assessment of physical activity and physical fitness.
1. Participates and assess performance in physical activities.
2. Assess physical fitness
Describes the Philippines Physical Activity Pyramid( PE6PF-Ia-16)

II. CONTENT: Assessment of Physical activities and physical fitness

A. REFERENCE: K-12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide
THE 21ST Century MAPEH in Action
1. Learner Material page
2. Additional materials: physical activity pyramid chart,pictures, metacards

A. Review previous lesson or presenting the new lesson

Conduct review on Physical Activities
How do you feel after the activity?
Do you feel tired?
What parts of your body you use for moving?( Moving around is an
example of physical activity)
What are physical activities?(Physical activities are movements of the body
that use energy.They may also be walking, and washing clothes. They may be activities
like running,jogging, dancing and swimming).
A physical activity tells how hard your body is working during physical
activity.An activity may begin from light going to modrate then vigorous.
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Present a picture of pyramid.
Have you seen this picture? When was the last time you saw this?
A pyramid is made up of triangles which meet at the top with a base that is
either square, rectangle or triangle. In physical education, a pyramid can
show many parts. They are the base, the middle part and the top. As one
goes up the activities are to be done moderate to vigorously. At the top of
the pyramid are activities that are once in a while.
C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson
Do you still remember the triangle that you made in the last lesson?
Which physical activities are at the top of the triangle? At the middle of
the triangle? At the base of the triangle. Now you know what a pyramid is.
You are now to see the Philippine Physical Activity pyramid.
Pyramid can show many parts. They are the base, the middle part,
and the top. As one goes up, the activities are to be done moderate to
vigorously. At the top of the pyramid are activities that are once in a while.
Look at the drawing below. Study the activities in each step.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1

Physical Activity Pyramid

- is a visual representation demonstrating how to increase physical activity until it

becomes a part of daily routine. It is a visual representation with daily recommended
activity at the base and proceeding to less beneficial activity at the peak.

Based on the picture presented, there are 4 types of activities in Physical Activity Pyramid.

a. Moderate activities are found in step 1. It has activities like brisk walking. This also
includes activity play. They are at the base of the pyramid. They are the most
commonly done activities. They can be done more often. They are activities that
increase the heart rate. Jogging and biking for a short time are some examples that
belong to this step.
b. Step 2 is made up of vigorous activities. They are activities that make that heart
beat fast. Fast jogging, fast biking and swimming are some examples that belong
to this step. Vigorous sports and recreation such as volleyball and basketball also
belong to this step.
c. Step 3 is made up of exercise for muscle fitness. Climbing on a building, push-ups,
curl-ups, and dancing belong to this step.
d. Step 4 is the top of the pyramid. This is minimal activity. It includes activities that
you should do once in a while like watching T.V., playing video games, and working
at the computer for a long periods of time.
(The teacher explains every details in the Physical Activity Pyramid.)
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

1. After presenting the Physical Activity Pyramid chart, the teacher will present pictures
of the different activities and let them identify which step in the pyramid it belongs.
Examples of activities: (watching TV, swimming, push-ups, walk to the store, biking,
aerobics, etc.,)

Ask: What activity do you usually do every day? Once a week? Twice a week? Minimal
activity? Is it good for our health?
(Infuse the values on how we take good care of our body by eating nutritious food,
exercise, good sleep and proper diet.)
F. Developing Mastery

2. Post Activity: The Physical Pyramid Circuit Stations.

There will be four zones. Each zone represent the 4 different types of
activity in the pyramid. Each group will pick a metacards with movements
written on it. The first group will execute the movement by pair/groups.
And the other remaining group will determine the actions executed by the
first and let them identify which step it belongs to the Physical Activity
Pyramid by stations they belong.

Examples of Activities:
1. Running
2. Playing tennis
3. Playing video games
4. Walk to the store
5. Push-ups …….(give more examples based on the Physical Activity

G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living

What are the aims of the Physical Activity Pyramid?

Answer: 1. Cut down watching TV and playing computer for more than 30
2. Do playtime and strength/flexibility activities 2-3 days a week
3. Exercise 4 or 5 times a week
4. Do healthy daily activities
Why is it important to follow the Physical Activity Pyramid? (By
doing so, you will have a balance of physical activities for improved fitness
and health).

H. Making Generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What is a Physical Activity Pyramid?
What are the four different types of activities? Answer: moderate
activity,vigorous activity, exercise activity and the minimal activity

I. Evaluating learning
A. Based on the Physical Activity Pyramid, identify whether the movement is in the
light, moderate activity, vigorous activity, and the minimal activity and explain
why. Give a short description/reason for that specific group of movement.

1. Rope climbing
2. Help around the house or yard
3. Sitting for more than 1 hour
4. Martial arts
5. Playing volleyball
6. Play outside
7. Take the stairs instead of the elevator
8. Skate boarding

B.Define what is Physical Activity Pyramid

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Give 10 or more examples of movement/activities and identify whether they
are light activity, moderate, vigorous and minimal activity.
Lesson 2

A. Content standards
Demonstrates understanding of participation and assessment of physical
activity and physical fitness.
B. Performance Standards
1. Participates and assess the performance in physical activities
2. Assess physical fitness
C. Learning Competency
Explains the indicators for fitness (PE6PF-Ia-17)
II. CONTENT: Assessment of physical activities and physical fitness

A. Reference: K-12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide

The 21st Century MAPEH in Action
B. Materials: Physical Activity Pyramid Chart, pictures, metacards

Preliminary Activities
1. Checking of Attendance
2. Conduct warm-up exercise (daily exercise with a lively music)
 Stretching exercise
a. leg lift forward and backward, sideward left and right
b. wall pushing
c. to reach in long sitting position
 Aerobic Activity
- 15 seconds jumping jack
-15 seconds sit-up
-15 seconds jogging on the spot bringing knees high up
-15 seconds bend knee forward
{Repeat the cycle at least 2-3 times}
A. Review previous lesson
Select the word from the box below, the different activity found in
the Physical Activity Pyramid then put the words in the specific step
where it belongs in the Physical Activity Pyramid.

Running Watching TV Tumbling

Dancing Playing soccer pick your toys

Push – ups Play outside Playing video games

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

1. Teacher will present pictures to the class. (obese child, healthy and active
child, thin and sickly child)

C. Presenting examples /instances of the new lesson

Based on the presented pictures, the teacher asks:
 Which picture indicates that a child is fit and healthy? (Let the
pupil explains to the class his answer).
 Which picture indicates that a child is not fit for activities or
considered not physically fit? (Explain why she/he is not
considered physically fit)

Note: Being physically fit is defined as the ability to carry out daily task
without getting tired.

D. Discussing new concepts

What are the indicators or signs of Physical Fitness?

By answering the following questions, you can tell that you have the signs
of fitness.
1. Do you like doing physical activities?
2. Can you stretch your muscle without feeling discomfort or pain?
3. Can you move your body with little or no difficulty?
4. Can you run 1.6 kilometers in eight minutes with ease? (Cite an example of a
distance estimated to 1.6 km).
5. Is your amount of your fat less than your weight, bones, and body organs?
If your answer is yes, you are physically fit. If your answer is no, you have
to work out for your physical fitness.

What are the indicators of physical fitness?

1. Endurance – is the ability to continue an activity without getting too tired. This can be
muscular endurance or cardio (heart) endurance. It increases blood and heart activity.
2. Flexibility – is the ability of the muscles to stretch without discomfort or injury.
3. Strength – is the ability of muscles to exert force. Muscles get stronger when force
then normal.
4. Body Composition – is the weight of a person. One must have more weight from lean
muscles and bones than fat weight.
5. Speed – the rate which someone or something happens or is done. The quality of being
6. Balance – is the ability to control your body so that you would not fall.
7. Agility – is the skill you need to change and control your direction and position of you
8. Coordination – is using your five senses with body parts involved in the physical
9. Power – is the ability to move your body parts quickly while applying the greatest
force of your muscle.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills(GROUP ACTIVITY)

Let the pupils group into 5. Each group will perform the following activities.


Group 1: Shoulder and chest
stretch Flexibility
Kiss your knee
Group 2: Curl – ups Strength and endurance of the
Jumping Rope abdominal muscle
Flexibility of hamstring muscles and
Group 3: Sit and Reach
lower back
Strength and endurance of the
Group 4: Right Angle Push – Ups
upper body muscles
Group 5: 40-meter sprint Speed

F. Developing Mastery
Based on the result of the test, check what items show your strength
and weaknesses
on specific activities?
How well did you perform in the following activities? Rate yourself by
putting a check in
the appropriate column.

Activities Excellent Very Good Good Need Practice

1. Shoulder and chest
2. Kiss your knee
3. Curl – Ups
4. Sit and Reach
5. Right angle Push – Ups
6. 40-meter Sprint

To know the level of your physical fitness, you have to take a set of
physical fitness test. The result of the fitness test identifies the strengths
and areas of improvement of your level of physical fitness.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts
How can you make your body physically fit?
What is healthy living?

H. Making generalizations and abstarctions about the lesson:

What are the indicators of fitness?

I. Evaluating learning: A test of physical fitness

Identify what part of the Indicate the

Explain the
Activities body is involve in the physical fitness
activity indicator
1. Zipper test
2. Shuttle Run
3. Weave through cones
4. One – leg stand
5. Running
6. Skip with knee lift

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Explain: In which activity did you find difficult? What would you do to improve it?


Demonstrates understanding of participation and assessment of physical
activity and physical fitness
1. Participates and assess performance in physical activities
2. Assess physical fitness
Assesses regular participation in physical activities based on the
Philippines physical activity pyramid. (PE6PF-Ib-h-18
Assessment of physical activities and physical fitness
K-12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide
The 21st Century MAPEH in Action
B. Additional Materials
charts, pictures, tape measures, metacards


Introductory Activity:
1. Checking of Attendance and appropriate P.E. uniform/comfortable
2. Conduct of Warm-up exercise
3. Conduct review on Physical Activity Pyramid Guide. Let pupils identify and
give the examples of the activities that belong to the recommended step
like in
- Step 1: Daily Activities (walking to school, doing household chores, like
cleaning and washing the dishes)
- Step 2: Always Activities (riding a bike, playing balls, and jogging)
- Step 3: Sometimes Activities (dancing, swimming, rowing, tumbling,
and activities that develop flexibility)
- Step 4: Minimal/Limit these Activities (watching TV, playing video
games, using computes)

A. Developmental Activity:
1. Establishing a purpose for the lesson: Sing “Magtanim ay di biro”
2. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson:
Teacher will present a sample of a Test Paper and ask what is the
objet I am holding? (test paper)
How do you feel before the test? Of course there is a feel of
anxiety and nervousness. The test that you will experience may
also bring the anxiety on your part. But this kind of test is non-graded test,
the result of which is a goal for you to plan.

What activities may be given to measure regular

participation activities? Present different pictures to the class and let
the pupils answer what did the picture is all about
B.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills
Base on the picture presented, which movement is a loco-motor
movements and Non loco-motor movements? Explain Why?
Regular participation to physical activities improves ones physical
fitness. Such can be assessed by self – testing exercises.
Self -testing exercises are activities that one does repeatedly
to achieve a goal: to improve one’s own fitness level. They consist of
exercises that improve one’s endurance, strength, and flexibility.

Self – testing activities help you achieve your level of physical

fitness .You are taught to make goals for yourself .Try your hardest
to attain them.
Self- testing activities may be done individually by pairs, or
even by groups .All major muscles found in the legs, trunk, arms and
shoulders should be exercised in the level of difficulty, duration, and
Here are examples of self-testing activities:
1. Non- Locomotors movements like stretching, bending,
twisting, and turning, swinging, pushing
and pulling improve flexibility.
2. Loco-motor movements - like walking, jogging, running
jumping and landing.

Teacher will show/demonstrate to the pupils the skills in

loco- motor movements and in Non Loco-motor movements.
Note: Emphasize to the pupils that safety measures is very
important in performing the activity.
He/she must be careful in doing the activities to avoid injury.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2: Game

Divide the class in two group. Each group will choose leader.
The mechanics of the game is each group will choose one movement
it’s either in loco-motor or non-loco-motor movements, the other
group will guess the movement they act. The group who will got the
highest score will declare the winner
5. Generalization:
Teacher Ask: What activities may be given to measure regular
participation in physical activities?
What are the two types of self-testing Activities? Describe
each type and give examples.

F. Developing Mastery :
The class will be divided into 4 Stations
Station 1: Three minute Step Test for Cardio- vascular Endurance
Station 2: Abdominal Strength Curl ups Test foe strength and
Station 3: The Zipper Test for Flexibility
Station 4: Push- ups for strength and Flexibility
(Individual / Pair activity) – Pupils will execute and perform the
assigned self-assessment.
Look for a partner to record the result. Do the following
physical fitness tests. . Record your result in your notebook.
The following Fitness Tests to may be undertaken to measure
participation in physical fitness
A. Three minute Step Test for Cardio- vascular Endurance
1. Go to a step (8 inches in height) of a stairs. Position in front
of the step. At the signal “go”, Step –up and down at the rate of 24
steps per minute.
2. Go up the step starting with left foot followed by the right
foot. Go down with the left foot followed by the right foot.
3. Record the number of pulse and multiply it by 6.

B. Abdominal Strength Curl ups Test foe strength and Endurance

A complete curl should take 3 seconds. To curl ups, use your

abdominal muscles.
1. Lie down on an exercise mat with your knees bent and feet
flat on the floor. Extend your arms straight forward .Place your
palms flat on the ground.
2. Next, Curl Up slowly using your abdominal muscles. Your
hands should slide forward a few inches toward your heels. Be sure
to keep your head up at all times.
3. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the
4. Record your number Curl-ups.
C. The Zipper Test for Flexibility
1. Stand Straight
2. Raise your right arm and bend your elbow to reach down
across your back as far as
3. Do the same with your left hand. Try to cross your finger
over those at your right hand.
4. Observe whether your fingers touched each other.
5. Ask your classmates to measure the distance in which the
fingers overlapped in
D. Push- ups for strength and Flexibility
1. Lie down on the floor facing down.
2. Put your palms down on the floor under your shoulders
with fingers pointing forward.
3. Straighten your legs slightly apart. Use your toes to
support your feet
4. Push down until your chest reaches the floor two seconds
and push- ups your body in one
5.Count the number of push – ups and down.
G.Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living
Why is physical fitness activity important to us?
H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions
How are you going to perform the Physical Fitness Activities?
I. Evaluating Learning
Record the result of your physical fitness activity. Answer the following:

Activities (if executes the skill
Components Comments
1. Running

2. Curl-ups

3. Zipper test

4. Push up

5. Step test
J.Additional Activities for application or remediation

Reflect on the following: Which skills / areas do you need to

improve? What is your plan to improve it?

A. Content Standard
Demonstrates understanding of participation and assessment of
physical activity and physical fitness.
B.Performance standards
1.Participates and assess performance in physical activities.
2. Assess physical fitness
C. Learning Competency
Explain the nature/background of target games and striking/fielding
II.CONTENT: Target games

k-12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide
The 21st Century MAPEH in Action pp.186-188
B. Additional materials:
A. Review previous lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson
The teacher will present pictures to the class
(pictures of Laro ng Lahi)
Let the pupils identify the picture of what kind of game, if they can
still remember our Laro ng Lahi like tamaang tao, sipa, luksong tinik,
luksong baka, syato, palo sebo, kadang, sack race, basagang
palayok,tumbang preso, tatsing.
9present more pictures if possible)
C. Presenting exampes/instances of the new lesson
Traditional Filipino Games or Indigenous games in the Philippines
(known as Laro ng lahi) are games commonly played by children,
usually using native materials or instruments. In the Philippines, due
to limited resources of toys of Filipino children, they usually come
up on inventing games without the need of anything but the players
themselves, their flexibility to think and act makes their games
interesting and challenging.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills
Based on the pictures presented, let the pupils identify the games
that belong to:
*Target Games( tamaang tao, tatsing, tumbang preso)
*Fielding/striking Games( syato, basagang palayok)
After identifying the pictures, based on the responses of the pupils
the teacher will explain the nature/ background of the games or the
difference of target games and striking/fielding games.

Part of Filipino culture is to search for entertainment and

enjoyment.One source is through games.
What are games?
GAMES are physical or mental activities or contests
that have rules and that people do for pleasure.Games can be used
for practice/self-testing skills, cooperative play or competitive play.
There are five types of games: invasion game,striking games, target
games, net games and e-games.

(the teacher will only give emphasis on striking/fielding games and

target games.)

TARGET GAMES are either played indoor or outdoor. In an

unopposed game, the contender only aims to hit the target to score
while in an opposed game, the player uses offensive or defensive
strategies to goal.

A player’s objective is to throw an object or ball to a
designated target or goal.
opposed unopposed
throws throws
slides slides
strikes strikes
knocks knocks
scores scores

Most popular target games
PALO SEBO- a player attemps to climb a greased bamboo pole. His/her
target is to reach the top to get a small bag where a prize is put.
LUKSONG BAKA- one player crouches while the other payer jumps over
him/her. As the game progresses, the “it” (taya) slowly raises his/her
body making it difficult for the other player to jump over him/her. The
palyer who touches the “baka” (cow) becomes the “it”
SIPA(KICK GAME)- player will hit a washer (sipa) several times; using
his/her foot, knee, or elbow. The player must count the number of
times he/she hits/kicks the washer and must not allow it to touch the
ground. Sometimes, the player aims to bring or shoot the washer to a
target. The player who has the most number of kicks wins.
BILLIARDS- the player of this game hits an object (cue ball) and shoots it
in any of the six pockets.
SHOOTING RANGE- The player aims to hit the bull’s eye from a
predetermined distance.
GOLF- each player hits the golf ball to a target hole.
BOWLING- the players take a turn in making scores by throwing the ball
on the lane aiming to the pins.


BATI-COBRA- the players need one long and one short bamboo sticks. A
player acts as a batter with opponents standing opposite at a distance.
The batter tosses the short bamboo stick and hits it with a long bamboo
stick. The other players will attempt to the flying shorter stick. The next
batter will be whoever catches the stick or whoever picks up the shorter
(Definitions refer to pages 187-188 The 21st Century MAPEH in Action)

Striking/Fielding Games are activities in which players score points
by striking an object and running to designated playing areas or prevent
opponents from scoring by retrieving the object and returning it to stop
the play. By playing these games, participants will learn the key skills
and tactics for games such as Baseball, Cricket and Softball.
Players on the batting team strike an object and attempt to run
between two points before the fielding team can recuperate the object.
The team exchange roles after a certain amount of hits or after a certain
amount of players have been retired from the game. Tactical problems
related to striking and fielding games include striking the object to an
open space on defense, scoring points and retiring players from the
game. Examples of striking and fielding games include
baseball,cricket,softball and kickball. Traditional games includes syato,
basagang palayok.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills
Matching game
Create 5 groups, each group will select a representative to do
the tasks.
Teacher prepares picture of the materials needed in each
game like picture of a small and long stick,metal caps, palayok, milk
can and a ball. Then it will be matched to the name of the game
written in the meta cards.
Target Games( tamaang tao, tatsing,tumbang preso)
Striking Game (syato,basagang palayok)
F. Developing Mastery
Make a chart.
Let the pupils identify whether the following games are
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
What are the games you commonly play in your community?
H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
What is a target game?
What is a striking/fielding game?
How are you going to play each game?
I. Evaluating Learning
Identify if the game is a target game or striking/fielding
Name of the Game Target Game/Striking or
Fielding Game
1. Baseball
2. Tatsing
3. Tumbang Preso
4. Syato
5. Basagng Palayok

J. Additional activities for application or remediation

Group Activity:
Divide the class into 5 groups, each group leader will pick one
meta cards faced down on the table written are the localized
game and then the group will act the game they have pick
while the other group will guess what game they are
portraying categorized the two basic types of game which is
the target and striking/fielding games.

Red 1: tumbang preso/lata

Blue 2: basagang palayok
Orange 3: tatsing
Violet 4: syato
Green 5: tamaang tao

Demonstrates understanding of participation and assessment of
physical activity and physical fitness.
1. Participates and assesses performance in physical activities.
2. Assess physical fitness.
Describes the skills involved in the games (PE6GS-Ib-2)
Target Games
The 21st Century MAPEH in Action pp.189-192
Charts,pictures,actual materials
A. Review
What is a Target Game? Give examples
What is a Striking/Fielding Game? Give examples
B. Establishing a purpose
Do you know what a Chinese Garter is? How about Dodge
ball? Archery? Ultimate Frisbee?
C. Presenting Examples
Chines Garter is a popular game for Filipino children, most
specifically among girls during elementary years. The game
revolves around an ordinary garter around two to three
yards long that can be brought easily.
D. Discussing new concepts
Here are the skills involved in playing Chinese Garter:
1. Flexibility- the player needs to bend and move smoothly
to hit the level of the garter.
2. Balance- the player supports his/her position whether
he/she would jump or move in the air and land on his/her
3. Coordination-it is the ability to combine bodily
movement to hit the target level.


1. Flexibility-the player is able to stetch and move his/her
body parts in avoiding a ball.
2. Speed-the palyer is quick to avoid the approaching ball.
3. Agility-the palyer can show a skill in topping and changing
directions fast.
4. Strength- the palyer uses energy to throw the ball to hit
the opponent even from a distance.
1. Strength-the palyer needs energy to pull the arrow to hit
a target from a distance.
2. Endurance-this game needs to sustain the position of the
body when aiming a target.
3. Coordination-the player combines different body
movements in time of releasing the arrow to the target
4. Flexibility-the player stretches the muscles before
releasing the arrow.
1. Endurance-the player jumps, catches and runs to catch,
hit and steal the disc several times.
2. Speed- the player needs to be quick in intercepting the
disc to score.
3. Agility-the player needs to begin, stop, and change
directions as the game requires.
E .Discussing New concepts and practicing new skills #2
Group Activity:
Matching Game
Each group will be provided with a meta card..The
leader writes the correct answer based on the given description of
the different skills.
1. In Chinese Garter
The player supports her/his position.
The player needs to bend and move smoothly to hit
the level of the garter.
2. In Dodge ball
The player is quick to avoid the approaching ball.
The player can show a skill in stopping and changing
direction fast.
3. In Archery
The player stretches the muscles before releasing the
F.Developing Mastery
Each group performs the skills as the teacher describes it.
G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
As a pupil, what are you going to do when you are told by
your teacher to perform the skills of the game? Is it
important to obey your teacher? How about your parents?
H.Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson
What are the skills involved in each game?
I.Evaluating Learning
Describe the different skills by writing the meaning:
1. Flexibility
2. Speed
3. Coordination
4. Endurance
5. Strength
J.Additional activities for application
Memorize the procedures and rules for Chinese Garter,
Dodge Ball, Archery and Frisbee.



Demonstrates understanding of participation and assessment of
physical activity and physical fitness.
Participates and assesses performance in physical activities.
Assesses physical fitness.
Observes safety precautions. PE6GS-Ib-h-3
Executes the different skills involved in the game. (PE6GS-Ic-h-4)
Target Games
K-12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide
The 21st Century MAPEH in Action
A.Review previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
What are the different skills involved in the game?
B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson
As you perform each game, how can you prevent yourselves from
injuries or accidents? Do we need to observe safety precautions?
C.Presenting examples
Could you still remember the skills involved in Target Games?
In order for you to perform each skills without being injured you
need to remember some of the tips or safety precautions in playing target
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #1
Safety Precautions in Playing Target Games:
1. Stretching. Before an activity,you need to stretch your muscles
to avoid injuries.
2. Attire.You must wear the proper attire comfortable enough so
you can move freely and at ease.
3. Equipment. These must be checked if they are free from wear
and are still safe to use.
4. Weather.Check if the weather could affect the activity.If it is
raining,better do it indoors.If it is too sunny,put anti-ultraviolet
lotion on your skin.Put insect repellant lotion.
5. Health Condition.Before being involved in astrenuous activity,
you must secure medical clearance from your doctor.Physical
activities might give you injury rather than long time health
benefit if you have health problems.
E.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
Now you that you learned the safety precautions,it is time for you to
execute the skills involved in target games.
By palying target games, you are learning skills that you need in the
real world. He following skills are:
1.Strategy and Tactics-in playing the game again and again,you have
atendency to absorb the routine and adopt how you will play it.By having a
goal in mind, you will find ways to win and outwit your opponent.
2.Decision making and Problem solving-These are important skills
that will decide in bringing victory. It involves critical and deep thinking to
decide on the moves you will take.
3.Balance and Footwork-Your every move counts and so it must be
precise. You need to be careful in your action especially if you are targeting
your goal.
4.Focus and Concentration-To hit the aim, you need to be attentive
by giving emphasis on the target.
5.Spatial and Proximity-you may be developing the skill in
measuring the nearness and closeness of the target or opponent’s position.
6.Transferring and sending-In order to hit the target, players need to
hit,aim,roll and shoot for the goal.
7.Eyes and Hands Accuracy-the eyes and hands coordinate when
releasing the object to the target.
8.Synchronization of the Body Parts-many parts of the body need to
work together to efficiency transfer the object to the target.
9.Motor skills-these skills are developed through time playing which
can help you to be accurate and skillful in performing tasks.
10.power and speed-target games help you to react to any
stimulus.Through constant playing, you can be stronger and alert.
F. Developing Mastery
The teacher will prepare different pictures of the skills involved and
pupils will match the pictures and the description of the skills.
G.Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living
What are the skills that you can apply to your daily lives as pupils?
How will you do it?
H.Making generalizations and abstractions
What are the Safety Precautions in Playing target games?
What are the skills involved in the target games?
I.Evaluating Learning
Write the correct answer based on the given descriptions.
1. You need to stretch your muscles to avoid injuries._______
2. Must be checked if they are free from wear and are still safe to
3. Important skills that will decide in bringing victory._____
4. You need to be attentive by giving emphasis on the target._______
5. You need to be careful in your action especially if you are targeting your
J.Additional activities for application or remediation
Memorize the safety precautions in playing the game and the skills
involved in Target Games.



Demonstrates understanding of participation and assessment of physical
activity and physical fitness.
Participates and assesses performance in physical activities.
Assess physical fitness.
Recognizes the value of participation in physical activities.(PE6PF-Ib-h-19)
Displays joy of effort,respect for others and fair play during participation in
physical activities. (PE6PF-Ib-20)
Target Games
K-12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide
The 21st Century MAPEH in Action
A.Review previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
What are the skills involved in target games?
B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson
It is good that you already knew the skill, procedues and rules in
playing the different target games but as a player do you what values to
show as you play the game?
C.Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson
Here are the values that you need to display in playing Taret Games.
1.Teamwork. In order for the team to work well,each member must
cooperate with the co-players.
2.Confidence.By palying the target game, you will be used to the
game and will have a belief in yourself that you can do it.
3.Discipline.You will try to avoid things that might affect our
performance and try to abide by the regulations of the game.
4.Respect-You will feel that opponents and teammates are
important so you will value their presence.
5.Overcoming Difficulty.Winning the game is not easy and goes
through a hard time.You will be able to surpass any challenge that will
come your way.
6. Decision Making. In times you need to select a strategy and a
move, you will demonstrate the ability to think fast and decide properly.
7.Patience and determination.Success is not gotten overnight.You
sometimes need to wait for the moment to come and show that you really
desire to succeed.
8.Camaraderie and sportsmanship. Playing games, whether
individual or with a team, will make you value the company of other
players. If your game is unsuccessful, you regard them and still like playing
the game.
9. Honesty. You enjoy playing a fair game. You do not like a victory
that is achieved by cheating.
10. Positive outlook .Being in a team will make you adopt the value
of controlling your emotions to each game’s result. You also understand the
essence of playing.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills#2
Form a group and create a short drama using the values displayed in
playing target games.
F .Developing Mastery
Perform one of the target games and emphasize the value of
teamwork and camaraderie and sportsmanship by displaying the joy
of effort, respect for others and fair play.
G .Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
How do you show sportsmanship and fair play to others?
H. Making generalizations and abstractions
What are the values displayed in Playing Target Games?
How do you show it?
I. Evaluating Learning
Give at least 5 values displayed in playing target games?
J. Additional activities for application or remediation
Draw a scenario showing different values displayed in playing target



Demonstrates understanding of participation and assessment of physical
activity and physical fitness.
Participates and assess performance in physical activities.
Assess physical fitness.
Explains health and skill related fitness. (PE6PF-Ia-21)
Identifies areas for improvement. (PE6PF-IB-H-22)
Target Games
K-12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide
The 21st Century MAPEH in Action pp.180-185
A.Review previous lesson
What are the values displayed in paying target games?
B .Establishing a purpose for the lesson
Do you know what a physical fitness is?
C.Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson
Fitness is the ability to perform physical activities without being tired.It has
already been proven that getting into sports and games can make one live longer.
It is composed of health-related and skill-related fitness.
D.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Health-related refers to health while skill-related fitness refers to the ability
to do work.
Health-related fitness components:
1.Body Composition-the amount of fat in the body compared to the body
2.Cardiorespiratory Endurance-the capacity of the vascular system, heart
and lungs to bring blood to the muscles during a partial or sustained
physical activity.
3.muscular endurance-the ability of the muscles to perform activities again
and again for several times to sustain a specific extensively.
4.flexibility-the ability of a joint to bend and stretch when moving in
different motions.

Skill-related fitness components:

1.agility-the capacity of the player to begin,stop and change directions fast.
2.balance-the ability to support the position of his/her body whether
moving,running,jumping or crossing.
3.coordiantion-the ability to combine the different body movements
properly and with grace.
4.power-the strength of one player in the execution of the game plan
5.reaction time-it is the ability to respond quickly to the stimulus as
perceived by the five senses.
6.speed-it is one’s performance of an activity in a short time.
E.Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2
It is important to know which skills adjoin your everyday activities.
Check which skill applies to your everyday activities.
Health-related Skill-related
the house
hide and

F.Developing Mastery
Rate your skills after performing the different target games by
checking the description. Compute your scores and refer to the equivalents.
Score equivalents:
3=very good
1=needs improvement
Target game I didn’t show I showed a I showed some I am skillful in
any skill (1) little skill (2) skill(3) performing(4)
Chinese garter
Dodge ball

G.Finding paractical applications of concepts and skills in daily living

Are health-related fitness and skill-related fitness important? Why?
What does involvement to physical activities do to you?
Possible answers:
Reduces body weight
Strengthens bones and muscles
Relaxes mind
Improves mood
Gives fun and enjoyment
Makes you more flexible
H.Making generalizations and abstractions
What are the components of health-related fitness?
What are the components of skill-related fitness?
I. Evaluating learning
Identify whether the following activities are HEALTH-RELATED FITNESS or
1. running
2 .measuring height and weight
3. dancing
4. dribbling a ball
5. passing a ball
J. Additional activities for application
What fitness components are measured in the following pictures:
(pictures refer to page 183)

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