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Tunga-tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte

Tel. No. (053) 571-0919
Email: [email protected]


Name of Teacher: Ira Joy C. Namoc

Topic: Active Ingredients of Cleaning Products Used at Home
Grade and Section: 12 ABM A-C, 12 TVL
Date: May 4, 2023
Time: 10:40 AM – 4:00 PM

I. Objective
A. Content Standards: The learners demonstrate the understanding of the properties
and mode of action of the following consumer products such as cleaning materials.
B. Performance Standards: The learners should be able to make either a poster, a
flyer, or a brochure on a product (such as fuels, household, or personal care products)
indicating its uses, properties, mode of action and precautions.
C. Learning Objectives: Identify the active ingredient(s) of cleaning products used at

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Active Ingredients of Cleaning Products Used at Home

B. References: Physical Science Module 12

C. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, projector, video material

D. Values Integrated: Cleanliness, prevention is better than cure.

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Energizer
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Recall Classroom Rules
B. Developmental Activities
1. Drill
2. Review of the Previous lesson
C. Motivation
1. The teacher presents the “GUESSING” game.
2. The students need to guess the uses of the following given products.
D. Activity
1. The teacher will divide the class into four (4) groups. Each group must be given
labels of the products commonly used as cleaning materials at home.
2. The students will investigate the products and tabulate the following data. Refer
to the Activity 1.3 Product Exploration.
3. The students after filling up the table they will check the common active
ingredients present in all cleaning products.
E. Analysis
1. The teacher asks guide questions for students to answer. The following
questions are as follows:
a. Based on the table, what are the active ingredients present in the different
b. What do you think is the specific use/function of the active ingredients?
c. How is it used at home?
F. Abstraction
1. The teacher presents a PowerPoint presentation about the active ingredients
of the common products used at home.
2. The teacher provides guide questions during the discussion for student
G. Application
1. The teacher provides an activity to students by group and answer the following
questions below the table.
Ingredients Uses Properties

A. What properties they possessed to be considered as cleaning products?
B. Explain why these are useful not only as ingredients but also as household
cleaning products.
2. After the activity, the teacher calls one representative of the group to present
his/her output.
3. The teacher collects other students’ ideas about the output presented.
H. Generalization
1. The teacher sums up the lesson by asking the students a summary of what the
topic is all about.
2. The teacher asks the question, what are the commonly used cleaning products
available at home and in the market?
IV. Evaluation
1. The student will be group by two (2). Each group will compose an advertisement
that is related to the topic, “Active Ingredients of cleaning products”.
2. The teacher will rate the output based on the rubrics:
 Content 50%
 Creativity 30%
 Presentation 20%

V. Assignment
1. In a short bond paper, let the students list the commonly used cleaning products
at home and indicate its uses.
Tunga-tunga, Maasin City, Southern Leyte
Tel. No. (053) 571-0919
Email: [email protected]


Name of Teacher: Ira Joy C. Namoc

Topic: Use of the Other Ingredients in Cleaning Agents
Grade and Section: 12 ABM A-C, 12 TVL
Date: May 5, 2023
Time: 10:40 AM – 4:00 PM

I. Objective
A. Content Standards: The learners demonstrate the understanding of the properties
and mode of action of the following consumer products such as cleaning materials.
B. Performance Standards: The learners should be able to make either a poster, a
flyer, or a brochure on a product (such as fuels, household, or personal care products)
indicating its uses, properties, mode of action and precautions.
C. Learning Objectives: Give the use of the other ingredients in cleaning agents.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Use of the Other Ingredients in Cleaning Agents

B. References: Physical Science Module 13

C. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, projector, video material

D. Values Integrated: Cleanliness, prevention is better than cure.

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Energizer
4. Checking of Attendance
5. Recall Classroom Rules
B. Developmental Activities
1. Drill
2. Review of the Previous lesson
C. Motivation
1. The teacher asks the learners, why cleaning products are very helpful in
maintaining our home a conducive place for relaxation?
D. Activity
1. The teacher will show an activity, “PUZZLED INGREDIENTS” and let the
learners find the puzzle the given words.
E. Analysis
1. The teacher will let the students describe the following words based on their
F. Abstraction
1. The teacher presents a PowerPoint presentation about the uses of other
ingredients in cleaning products.
2. The teacher provides guide questions during the discussion for student
G. Application
1. The teacher provides an activity to students by group and make a poster about
the different ingredients of cleaning products on how to store safely and write a
short description of their work.
2. After the activity, the teacher calls one representative of the group to present
his/her output.
3. The teacher collects other students’ ideas about the output presented and rate
the outputs based on a rubric.
 Content 10
 Creativity 5
 Spelling and Grammar 3
 Punctuality 2
H. Generalization
1. The teacher sums up the lesson by asking the students a summary of what the
topic is all about.
2. The teacher asks the question, knowing the different household cleaning
products that we have in the market today, what are the things that you need to
consider in using the cleaning products?

IV. Evaluation
1. The teacher will ask the student to match the different ingredients of cleaning
agents with their uses.
“Use of Different Ingredients”
1. Washes away germs with any dirt A. Antibacterial
2. Give surfactants a helping hand B. Builders
3. Create suds or bubbles C. Dye
4.Give cleaning agents the right thickness D. Enzymes
5.Making the product balanced E. Foam enhancer
6.Powerful stain removing ingredient F. Fragrance
7.Protects products from microorganism G. pH
8. Provide product with a pleasant smell H. pH adjuster
9.Helps keep minerals out of way I. Preservatives
10.Prevents products from freezing J. Solvents
11.Mix of many different substances
12.Allows cleaning product to stay longer
13.Measures how a solution is acid or base
14.Helps create a new experience
15. Prevent people from getting sick

V. Assignment
1. The teacher will ask the learners to choose to make either a flyer on a
product (such as fuels, household, or personal care products) indicating its uses,
properties, mode of action and precautions.

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