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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Second Quarterly Test in English 9

Directions: Read the following articles below and answer the questions that follow.
Write only the letter of your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

try to
steer our
way of life
so as to
unite the
with the
past and
future and
make us
e with one

1. The paragraph suggests that _____________.

A. Future is something uncertain.
B. One’s failure can never be recovered.
C. One has nothing to do with the past.
D. Whatever decision and action that one does has effect on the future.
2. Genetic engineering has ______________.
A. favorable effect only
B. negative result only
C. favorable and unfavorable effect
D. a promising innovation for mankind
3. Fracture of the feeding cycle means that ________________.
A. Feeding cycle is dangerous for humans.
B. Feeding of beings can be alternately done.
C. There is hunger and poverty among all entities.
D. Other beings have the possibility to be extinct due to loss of food.
4. The paragraph emphasized the necessity to ____________.
A. keep food and friendship for survival
B. protect one another in order to survive
C. conserve energy and natural resources
D. interact or socialize to build relationship

Jus Address: Don Simeon St., San Vicente, Gapan City

tin was Telephone No.: (044) 486-7910
always Email: [email protected]
His motto
5. What does Justin’s motto mean?
A. Being organized is a good trait.
B. Keeping old things might help you become rich
C. It is always nice to keep things of no use already.
D. Things which you think are useless may be of use again in urgent cases.
6. Justin’s parents are …
A. happy with Justin’s ingenuity
B. annoyed with Justin’s untidiness
C. worried with the junks that Justin stored in his room
D. proud with what Justin got in his room worried
7. What character trait does Justin have?
A. perseverance B. resourcefulness C. frugality D. carefulness

Directions: Identify the social issue or social problem in each situation.

A. Early Marriage C. Juvenile Delinquency
B. Unemployment D. Teenage Pregnancy

8. Mierra and Ramil lived together and had their first child when Mierra was 16 years
9. Mang Ramon lost his job after the COVID-19 pandemic forced companies to shut
down. He tried to look for new work, but he hasn’t found one yet.
10. Mario learned cigarette smoking when he was in high school. Later on, his peers
influenced him to take drugs. To support his addiction, he stole money from his
parents and other people.

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Identify whether the given
statement shows
A. Text-to-Self (connections between the text and the reader’s life and experiences)
B. Text-to-Text (connections between the text and other books, movies, songs,
plays, articles)
C. Text-to-World (connections between the text and events in the real world and

11. What is happening right now is similar to what I read a year ago.
12. I felt the same way as Trisha when I lost my mother.
13. The Covid-19 pandemic is somewhat similar to the Wall Street Crash that
happened in the United States of America and other parts of the world.
14. This book reminds me of the time I cooked with my mother.
15. I had the same situation with the character of the story so I can relate to him.
16. The story reminds me of a vacation we had in my grandparent’s house in Gapan
17. I read another book about spiders that explained spiders have venom.
18. I saw from the news how the pandemic affects the economy of many countries.
19. I can see myself in the situation of the character in the story.
20. I saw a program on TV that talks about things described in this article.
Directions: Identify which words in the VUCA best describes the quotations or
descriptions below. Choose the letter of the best answer.

A.) Volatility B) Uncertainty C) Complexity d.) Ambiguity

21. It is the quality of being subject to rapid, frequent, and significant change.
22. “Life is unpredictable. Always be prepared for the best and the worst.”
23. It is manifested in a lack of clarity and the difficulty of understanding exactly what
the situation is.
24. “There is nothing permanent in this world except change.”
25. It involves a multiplicity of issues and factors, some of which may be intricately

Directions: Read the following articles below and answer the questions that follow.
Write only the letter of your answer on your sheet.

It’s true!
At certain
point in
our lives,
we stop
and ask
How do
we turn
ies? 2)
Yes, it’s
not easy,

26. The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence no. _______.
A. 1 B. 2 C. 5 D. 10

27. The generalization or statement about life or human experience that the passage
make is to ______.
A. bring out the best in you C. struggle against the odds
B. stand up for one’s belief D. take strength to bear up the odds

28. This article would most probably interest a/an _____________.

A. adolescent B. biography C. personal essay D. persuasive essay

29. The passage is an example of __________.

A. anecdote B. opinion C. reason D. statistics

30. The strongest evidence used by the author about turning challenges to
opportunities is stated in sentence no.
A. 3 B. 6 C.7 D. 9
Directions: From the title of the stories/article in Column B, identify where the
following sentences/lines in Column A are mentioned. Write the letter of the correct
(Answers can be repeated.)
31. Willy criticized Biff for working a A. Thank You Ma’am
manual labor on farm and horse ranches.
32. O Masters, lords and rulers in all B. A Raisin in the Sun
How will the future reckon with this man? C. The Lottery
33. The Youngers clashed over their
competing dreams. D. The Man with the Hoe
34. “It isn’t fair, it isn’t right,” Mrs. Hutchincon
screamed, and then they were upon her. E. Death of a Salesman
35. Maybe it just sags
Like a heavy load… F. Ida B. Wells-Barnett
36. The 1929 crash brought the Roaring and Her Passion for Justice
Twenties to a shuddering halt.
37. It was in Memphis where she first began to G. I Have A Dream
fight (literally) for racial and gender justice.
38. After dinner is finished, she gives him ten H. Dreams Deferred
dollars to buy the shoes he wanted.
39. Let freedom ring… I. The Worst Depression of
40. Stolid and stunned, a brother to the ox? Modern History

In this world of VUCA, manifested during the pandemic, there are people who
managed to cope up with the challenges of life effectively. The following ideas come
from the experience of the actor Alfred Vargas last November. He stated the
experiences and insights he had during pandemic in his column at PhilStar.

Directions: Fill in the graphic organizer below with the appropriate details. Write only
the letter of your answer.

A. health & safety against the virus

B. more time with the family & himself
C. had a clearer idea how to raise his children better
D. how his children can cope up with the situation
E. got to know his children well
F. become happy and contented for having a simple life
G. financial needs
H. enough bonding time with children & wife
I. value the people in his life
J. thought of ways to get away from boredom
41. _____

42. _____

43. _____

44. _____
46. _____

47. _____

48. _____
49. _____

50. _____

Prepared by:

Teacher III
Maruhat NHS

1. D 26. D
2. C 27. D
3. D 28. A
4. B 29. B
5. D 30. D
6. C 31. E
7. B 32. D
8. D 33. B
9. B 34. C
10. C 35. H
11. B 36. I
12. A 37. F
13. C 38. A
14. A 39. G
15. A 40. D
16. A 41. A
17. B 42. D
18. C 43. G
19. A 44. B
20. B 45. C
21. A 46. H
22. B 47. J
23. D 48. E
24. A 49. F
25. C 50. I

Note: Answers in 41-43 can be in any order

Answers in 44-47 can be in any order
Answers in 48-50 can be in any order

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