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The Ant Explorer 6


Suggested Teaching Plan

Session Section Source Activity Duration

Teacher Manual Explore

1 Get Set 35 min
TeachNext/Coursebook Complete the exercise

Teacher Manual Let’s Read

2 Reading Junction 35 min
TeachNext/Coursebook Read the poem

3 Get Going TeachNext/Coursebook Discuss the answers 35 min

Teacher Manual My Trip

4 Speaking Junction 35 min
TeachNext/Coursebook Complete the exercise

Teacher Manual Guess My Feelings!

5 Vocabulary Junction 35 min
TeachNext/Coursebook Complete the exercises

Teacher Manual Silent Letters

6 Phonics Junction 35 min
TeachNext/Coursebook Complete the exercise

Teacher Manual Preposition is Fun

7 Grammar Junction 35 min
TeachNext/Coursebook Complete the exercises

Teacher Manual Parts of a Paragraph

8 Writing Junction 35 min
TeachNext/Coursebook Complete the exercise

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Session 1: Explore

Skill/Concept: Pre-reading

Learning Outcome(s): Learners will be able to imagine and answer the questions.
Standard(s): To be able to answer the questions appropriately


Warm-up: 5 min
• Ask learners to read the questions given in the Get Set junction in the coursebook.
Activity: 25 min
• Ask learners what they understand by the word ‘explorer’.
• Accept all responses.
• Explain the meaning of explorer to learners.
• Ask them if they would like to be an explorer someday.
• Accept all responses and share your own opinion as well.
• Now ask learners what they think the poem is about.
• Accept all responses.
Closure: 5 min
• Ask learners to imagine an explorer and share with their partners how he/she would look like.

Sessions 2 and 3: Let’s Read

Skill/Concept: Reading

Learning Outcome(s): Learners will be able to

• read a poem.
• recite the poem in rhythm.
• relate to the poem at a personal level.
Standard(s): To be able to understand the central idea of the poem


Warm-up: 5 min
• Give a brief background of the poet.
• Tell learners that they are going to read a poem about an ant who goes on an exploration.
Activity: 60 min
• Read the poem with appropriate gestures.
• Ask learners to identify the rhyming words.
• Ask them to recite the poem with you.
• Ask them:
○○ Would you like to go on an exploration like the ant?
○○ Do you think the ant was enjoying itself?

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• Accept all responses.
• Explain the meaning of the lines as you continue reading.
• Discuss the questions given in the Get Going junction of the coursebook.
• Ask the learners to complete the exercise given in the Get Going junction.
Closure: 5 min
• Ask learners to share their opinions about the poem.

Session 4: My Trip

Skill/Concept: Speaking

Learning Outcome(s): Learners will be able to speak about an imaginary trip.

Standard(s): To be able to imagine the particular scenario


Warm-up: 5 min
• Write the word ‘exploration’ on the board and ask learners what they understand by this term.
• Accept all responses.
Activity: 25 min
• Ask learners to read the question given in Speaking Junction in the coursebook.
• Recount one of your travel experiences.
• Ask learners to take a few minutes to first think about it.
• After that they will work in pairs and tell their partners about the place they want to explore alone.
Closure: 5 min
• Ask learners to share their partner’s choice with the class.

Session 5: Guess My Feelings!

Skill/Concept: Vocabulary

Learning Outcome(s): Learners will be able to use appropriate words to express their feelings.
Standard(s): To be able to express one’s feeling


Warm-up: 5 min
• Tell learners that you will give them a few situations. They have to tell how they would feel in those
○○ You suddenly come face to face with a tiger.
○○ You hear a knock on the door and open to see your best friend, who lives in another city, standing
○○ Your family was going on a picnic, but it had to be cancelled as the car broke down.
• Accept all responses and write them on the board. Inform learners that these are words describing

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Activity: 25 min
• Ask learners to look at Vocabulary Junction in the coursebook.
• Discuss the explanation and examples given.
• Ask learners to make some sentences using feeling words.
• Discuss the task given in Vocabulary Junction and ask learners to complete it.
Closure: 5 min
• Ask learners to enact one feeling word each.
Note: You could carry out the vocabulary game given below to reinforce the concept. This is an optional
Vocabulary Game
• Keep five sentences and five situations ready.
• Divide the class into two teams.
• Give the following instructions to learners:
○○ I will read out a few situations and a few sentences with feelings.
○○ Identify the feelings from the situation or the way the sentences are said.
• Conduct the game. For every correct response, give a point.

Session 6: Silent Letters

Skill/Concept: Phonics

Learning Outcome(s): Learners will be able to:

• recognise words that have a silent ‘b’, ‘p’, ‘r’ or ‘d’
• pronounce words with a silent ‘b’, ‘p’, ‘r’ or ‘d’ correctly.
Standard(s): To be able to read words with a silent ‘b’, ‘p’, ‘r’ or ‘d’ correctly


Warm-up: 5 min
• Ask learners to see Phonics Junction in the coursebook, and read the lines from the poem.
• Draw their attention to the pronunciation of the word ‘desert’. Explain the use of silent letter r in the
• Give them the examples of pneumonia and handkerchief and explain the use of silent letters p and d in
the words, respectively.
• Write the words on the board clearly and underline the silent letters.
Activity: 25 min
• Familiarise yourself with the pronunciation of the words given in Phonics Junction in the coursebook.
• Enunciate each word slowly and ask learners to listen carefully.
• Pause after each word and ask learners to repeat.
• After they have pronounced the words as a group, read out the words once again and ask learners to
pronounce the words individually.
• Ensure every learner gets a chance to pronounce the words.
• Help any learner(s) who is/are unable to pronounce the word(s) properly.
• Ask learners to complete the tasks given in Phonics Junction.

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Closure: 5 min
• Discuss the answers of the tasks.
Listening Text

climb lizard handsome farm raspberry thumb

Session 7: Preposition is Fun

Skill/Concept: Grammar

Learning Outcome(s): Learners will be able to use correct prepositions.

Standard(s): To be able to use prepositions in sentences correctly


Warm-up: 5 min
• Ask learners:
○○ What are prepositions?
• List a few prepositions that you have learnt in the previous class.
• Use the prepositions in sentences.
• Inform learners that they will be learning a few more prepositions today.
Activity: 25 min
• Now introduce the prepositions across, along, around, through and over.
• Explain each of them with examples.
• Ask learners to look at Grammar Junction in the coursebook. Let them read the explanations and
examples given in the book.
• Discuss the tasks given in Grammar Junction of the coursebook.
• Ask learners to complete the task in Grammar Junction.
Closure: 5 min
• Revise the concept once again.
Note: You could carry out the grammar game given below to reinforce the concept. This is an optional
Grammar Game
• Divide the class into two teams.
• Let the teams send one participant at a time.
• Give the participant from team 1 a small ball.
• The participant from team 2 should give directions to the learner from team 1 to put the object at a place.
• Each learner should use different prepositions. Examples:
○○ Go around the teacher’s table and keep the ball on the chair.
○○ Go over the empty chair and keep the ball in the bag.
• After each learner in the two teams has participated in the activity, ask the teams to interchange their

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Session 8: Parts of a Paragraph

Skill/Concept: Writing

Learning Outcome(s): Learners will be able to identify the different parts of a paragraph.
Standard(s): To be able to identify the different parts of a paragraph


Warm-up: 5 min
• Write a topic and ask learners to brainstorm ideas to write a paragraph.
Activity: 25 min
• Ask learners to read the example and explanation given in Writing Junction in the coursebook.
• Discuss the examples and draw their attention to ways in which the same paragraph can be written.
• Make them read out both the paragraphs loudly.
• Discuss the task given in Writing Junction and ask learners to complete the same.
Closure: 5 min
• Revise the concept.

Answer Key

Get Going
A. 1. The little sugar ant decided to roam to places far away from home.
2. He loathed to be alone down a gloomy gully.
3. He wished that he was home again and tucked-up tight in bed.
4. The ant decided to stop roaming far away from home.
B. The ant decided to go in the morning after having its breakfast.

Vocabulary Junction
2. (a) fresh    (b) shy    (c) surprised    (d) excited    (e) angry
3. Answers may vary.

Phonics Junction
1. (a) climb (b) lizard (c) handsome (d) farm (e) raspberry (f) thumb
2. (a) The teacher said she would clear my doubts after class.
(b) I go swimming every Wednesday.
(c) Did the plumber give you a receipt?
(d) This restaurant has delicious sandwiches.
(e) We visited Humayun’s tomb when we went to Delhi.
(f) Thumbelina was as small as a thumb.
(g) The waiter cleaned the crumbs off the table.

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Grammar Junction

1. A B

Sridhar is riding a bicycle along the

bank of the river.

The girl is walking across the street with

her dog.

Arun is hiking through the forest.

The children are dancing around the


2. (a) through (b) around (c) across (d) over (e) over

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