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2018 -2022






Matric. No.:------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level -----------


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Vocational and Technical Education is one of the most viable discipline offered at the

university level to produce individuals that will be self-reliant. In the circumstance, there is

the need to provide the students, who have made Vocational and Technical Education their

choice firsthand information about this career.

This edition of the handbook, written in conformity with the NUC Benchmark Minimum

Academic Standard (BMAS) and the changes taking place in Vocational and Technical

Education Programmes worldwide, the content deals with the history, philosophy, objectives

of each programme in the Department. The number of staff: academic and non-academic are

presented; the administrative structure of the Department as it relates to the university is

equally included. The bulk of the presentation relates to students admission requirements,

courses content, assessment, welfare, important examination regulations and facilities for


Student who will use the handbook will find it informative, educative and as a guide towards

becoming successful graduates from the Department, who are useful to themselves and the

entire society.

Dr. Mrs. B.E. Uwameiye

Ag. Head of Department
Table of Contents
Brief History of the Department of Vocational Technical Education
List of Academic Staff
Code of Conduct of Student's
Guidelines on the course system and Categorization of courses
Academic Programmes in the Department:
1. Agriculture Science Education,
Structure and Description
2. Home Economics Education, Structure
and Description
3. Technology Education, Structure and
1. Dr. Mrs. B.E. Uwameiye N.C.E, B.Sc (Ed.), M.Ed. Ph.D Reader/H.O.D
2. Prof. Raymond Uwameiye N.C.E, B.Sc (Ed.), M.Ed. Ph.D Professor
3. Prof. Mrs. E.E. Idialu B.Sc (Ed.), M.Ed. Ph.D Professor
4. Dr. Mrs. J.A. Adavbiele N.C.E, B.Sc (Ed.), M.Ed. Ph.D Reader
5. Dr. P.S.O. Uddin N.C.E, B.Sc (Ed.), M.Ed. Ph.D Reader
6. Dr. V. O. Uwaifo B.Sc(Ed.), MBA, M.Ed, Ph.D. Reader
7. Dr. Mrs. J.I. Oviawe N.C.E, B.Sc (Ed.), M.Ed. Ph.D Senior Lecturer
8. Dr. Mrs. P. Aluyor N.C.E, B.Sc (Ed.), M.Ed. Ph.D Senior Lecturer
9. Dr. F.E. Iserameiya N.C.E, B.Sc (Ed.), M.Ed. Ph.D Senior Lecturer
10. Dr. C.J. Okosun N.C.E, B.Sc (Ed.), M.Ed. Ph.D Lecturer II
11. Mrs. J. Abhulimen N.C.E, B.Sc (Ed.), M.Ed. Assistant Lecturer
12. Mrs. J.E Agege B.Sc(Ed.), M.Ed. Asst. Lecturer

List of Lecturers teaching Education Courses

1 Prof. L.I. Aguele B.Sc (Ed), M.Ed., Ph.D Professor/Dean
2 Prof. R. O.A Aluede B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D Professor
3 Prof. O. Aluede B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D Professor
4 Prof. E.O. Imhamlahmi B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D Professor
5 Prof. (Mrs.). E. O. Omoregie B.Ed. M.Ed., Ph.D. Professor/Dean
6 Prof. A. I. Ojugo B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D Professor
7 Prof. Mrs. O.C. Otote B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D. Professor
8 Prof. I. O. C. Adomeh B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D. Professor
9 Prof. Mrs. J. Afen-Akpaida B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D. Professor
10 Dr. B.O. Jimoh B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D Reader
11 Dr. (Mrs.) J.O. Eimuhi B.Sc., M.Ed., Ph.D Reader
12 Dr. Mrs. P.E. Onolemhenmhen B.Sc. Ed, M.Sc., Ph.D Senior Lecturer

List of Lecturers from other Servicing Departments

1 Prof. F. U. Igene NCE, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D Professor
2 Dr. F. O. Ogedegbe NCE, B.Sc. ED, M.Sc. Ph.D Senior Lecturer
3 Prof. A. U. Omoregie B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D Professor
4 Mr. P.I Okoh B. Agric., PGDE, M.Sc Lecturer II
5 Dr. M. Okoruwa B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D. Senior Lecturer
6 Dr. S.O. Dania B. Agric., M.Sc. Ph.D. Senior Lecturer
7 Dr. E.E Ikheloa B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D. Senior Lecturer
8 Dr. C.E. Isidahomen B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D. Senior Lecturer
9 Dr. M.E. Alleh B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D. Senior Lecturer
10 Mr. E.T.E. Ehebha B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D. Lecturer I
11 Mr. C.A Igene B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D. Asst. Lecturer
12 Mr. O.O. Egaghara B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D. Lecturer 1
13 Dr. V.J. Adavbiele B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D. Lecturer 1
14 Mr. E.S Oseghale B.Sc., M.Sc Lecturer II
15 Dr. S.O. Aigbe B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D Reader
16 Mr. Aikpitayi B.Sc., M.Sc Asst. Lecturer
17 Mr. D.O Obasoyo B.Sc., M.Sc Lecturer II
18 Prof. F.O. Ikpotokin B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D. Professor
19 Dr. S.E. Nnebe B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D. Reader
20 Mr. P.A. Aliga B.Sc., M.Sc. Lecturer. I
21 Dr. Mrs A. Odia B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D. Reader
22 Prof. S. Okecha B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D Professor
23 Dr. . E.E. Egbon B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D Reader
24 Dr. O.K. Ize-Iyamyu B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D Reader
25 Dr. E.O. Jatto B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D Senior Lecturer
26 Dr. S. Ehika B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D Senior Lecturer
27 Dr. O.E. Akhirevlulu B.Sc., M.Sc. Ph.D Senior Lecturer
28 Dr. Ogidi-Odia Efosa B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D Lecturer I
29 Dr. Osagie Ekhator B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D Senior Lecturer

Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma was established by the First Executive Governor of the

Defunct Bendel State, Professor Ambrose Folorunsho Alli in 1982. The University was opened

for full academic operations on January 15, 1982. Under a Collegiate structure, the College of

Education was one of the eight Colleges which started in the University. The College of

Education started with 13 lecturers and Professor J. U. Aisiku was the first Rector of the College.

The College of Education started with 44 students, who matriculated along with other students

on February 6, 1982. In 1983, the then Executive Governor of Bendel State, Dr. S.O. Ogbemudia

instituted a visitation panel on the University. The outcome of the report led to the rationalization

of three Colleges, namely, the College of Education, College of Agriculture and College of

Medical Sciences by Gen. Jeremiah T. Useni, Military Administrator of the State.

During the 1985/1986 academic session, the Faculty of Education was reopened in the

University and was housed in the then College of Education, Abraka. That led to the

transformation of the College of Education, Abraka (an N. C. E awarding institution) to become

a campus of Bendel State University. Following the creation of additional States in the

Federation of Nigeria, the then Faculty of Education of the University which was situated at

Abraka was acquired by the Delta State Government and upgraded to a full University.

Following the acquisition of the Abraka campus of the then Bendel State University by

the Delta State Government, it became obvious that the Ekpoma main campus of the University

which was renamed Edo State University, Ekpoma was without a Faculty of Education. Thus,

during the 1992/93 academic session, Senate of the University recommended the establishment
of the Faculty of Education for the University, which was established and had Professor J. U.

Aisiku as the Dean.

The Faculty operated then under three Departments: Department of Educational

Foundations. Department of Curriculum and Instruction and the Department of Vocational and

Technical Education. In 1996/1997 session Department of Physical and Health Education was

separated from the Department of Vocational and Technical Education as they were one

Department before then. As at that time, the Department offered five degrees options namely,

Agriculture Education, Business Education (Accounting and Secretary Education), Home

Economics Education and Industrial Technical Education with options in Building,

Electrical/Electronics and Mechanical Technology.

In 1997/1998 session, because of lack of manpower, accommodation facilities and other

modalities for accreditation purpose, Industrial Technical Education curriculum approved by the

Senate was suspended and a new programme the ‘Technology Education’ was put in place

instead of the ‘Industrial Technical Education’, which is being offered till date. It is now that

plans are under way to restore back the Industrial Technical Education curriculum approved by

Senate of the University to replace the Technology Education.

In the history of the Department, the following persons have emerged as Heads in the

Department: Prof. A. Momodu, Prof. M. O. Omo-Ojugo, Prof. Don. Omoike, Dr. Osemota, Dr.

A. I. Iseguan, Prof. E. O. Imhanlahimi, Prof. Mrs. H. Efoghe, Prof. Mrs. E. E. Idialu, Prof. R.

Uwameiye, Dr. Mrs. J. A Adavbiele, Dr. Rev. P. S. O. Uddin, Late Dr. G. O. Agbonghale, and

Dr. Mrs. B. E. Uwameiye.

The Department has just in 2015/2016 session started the higher Degree programme in

M.Ed, MEd/M.Phil and Ph.D in Home Economics Education and Technical Education.


1. CORE COURSES (C): These are courses within the discipline which must be
taken and passed.

2. REQUIRED COURESE (R): These are courses outside the discipline which
must be taken on the advice of the Department and passed.

3. GENERAL STUDIES COURSES (G): These are courses of the General Studies
Programme which must be taken and passed.

4. ELECTIVE COURSES (E): These are courses within or outside the discipline
that are to be taken to meet the requirements of a particular degree programme but
need not be passed.

5. PRE-REQUISITE COURSES: Pre-requisite courses are courses the knowledge

of which is needed prior to the taking of other specified courses. A student is
deemed to have obtained this pre-requisite knowledge if he/she obtains a mark not
less than 30% but will not be credited with any units in the course concerned
except he/she scores a minimum of 40%. This particular clause is without
prejudice to Faculty requirements.


(a) Every course assessment must consist of continuous assessment
(b) (between 20% and 40%) and course examination (between 60% and 80%).
(c) The pass mark for every course assessment is 40%.
(d) The grading system is as follows:

Scores Grade Grade Point

70-100 A 5
60-69 B 4
50-59 C 3
45-49 D 2
0-39 F 0

However, the university has started implementing NUC new grading system with effect from
2013/2014 session.

(e) Students’ results are to be prepared at the end of every session reflecting the units taken,
the units passed (accumulated) and the semester’s G.P.A.
(f) At the end of every session students’ results are prepared reflecting the units taken during
the session, the units passed during the session, the cumulative Grade point average
(CGPA), the courses failed for the session and the over-all result of proceeding, on
probation or withdrawal from the (degree) programme.
(g) At the end of the degree programme students’ results are prepared reflecting total units
registered in the programme, total units passed in the programme, CGPA. Courses failed
and degree classification according to the following scheme.


4.50-5.0 First Class
3.50-4.49 2nd Class Upper
2.40-3.49 2nd Class Lower
1.50-2.39 Third Class
Less Than 1.50 Fail

This is for the old students.

(h) The CGPA for a student is determined in the following manner:

(i) For each session the weighted grade point is obtained for each course as the product
of the grade point and the units for the course.
(ii) The total weighted grade points and the total units are obtained for each session.
(iii)The sum of the total weighted grade points for all the sessions and the sum of the
total units for all the sessions are calculated to give the cumulative weighted grade
points and the cumulative units respectively.
(ii) On dividing the cumulative weighted grade points by the cumulative units one
obtains the cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).
(h) As an example consider a student who takes seven courses in a session with the
following details:

Units Mark Grade Grade Weighted

(a) (B) (c) Point Grade Point
(d) (a) x (d)
Course 1 3 62 B 4 12
Course 2 3 51 C 3 9
Course 3 3 48 D 2 6
Course 4 2 33 F 0 0
Course 5 3 45 D 2 6
Course 6 2 52 C 3 6
Course 7 3 42 D 2 6

(ii) If a student has the following results over four sessions:

Then cumulative weighted grade point = 284
Cumulative Units = 164
Hence, CGPA = 1.73
The student will therefore come up in the third class degree classification.
“ There is no reference in any course examination.
“ There is no repeat in the course system. Therefore a student cannot re-register for a course
already passed.
“ A student must accumulate at least 30 units per level before graduation.
“ There is no weighting of sessional GPA in the computation of CGPA.
“ In the computation of the CGPA all courses taken in the session will be used, and therefore
no course will be disregarded or discountenanced.

1. A student who makes a CGPA of 1.50 or more at the end of the session will proceed to
the next level of the degree programmed for which he is registered.
2. A student who makes a CGPA of less than 1.50 at the end of the session will be on
probation for the following session to enable him/her improve on the CGPA. During that
session he must register for the appropriate core-courses, required courses and GST
courses which he/she has not passed, and any other courses for which he/she has the pre-
3. A student on probation during a session who makes a CGPA of less than 1.50 during that
session must withdraw from the degree programme for which he is registered.
4. If the student changes to a new degree programme and obtains a CGPA of less than 1.50
in the new degree programme he/she will again be on probation. If however he obtains a
CGPA of less than 1.50 a second time in the new degree programme he/she will be asked
to withdraw from the University.

1. Every student seeking transfer from one degree programme to another must complete the
necessary forms within the stipulated time.
2. All courses taken in the previous degree programme will be used for the computation of
the CGPA for the new degree programme.
3. All regulations in respect of the new degree programme concerning core courses,
required courses, etc., must be met before graduation.

DEGREE PROGRAMME: B.Sc. Agricultural Science Education


Agricultural Education is a vocational Education programme. These graduates are expected to
acquire relevant competence to enhance commitment to the teaching profession and also to be
self employed/reliance in absence of getting jobs. Graduates of this programme (Agricultural
Education) can obtain employment at the Junior and Senior Secondary Schools, Technical
Colleges, Colleges of Education, and Polytechnics.

In Line with the above philosophy, the objectives of Agricultural Education Programme are, to:
1. Acquire knowledge of basic Agricultural Science concepts, principles theories laws and
conception schemes
2. Enable students to acquire necessary teaching and practical skills and other aspects of
teaching methodology of their subject;
3. Enable students to become effective classroom teachers;
4. Expose students to industrial science;
5. Enable students to develop the ethics of teaching as profession and become professional
Agricultural Science Education
6. Develop positive values and attitudes for efficient discharge of their duty as students
disseminate information in Agricultural Science and related areas
7. Develop positives values and attitudes for efficient discharge of their duty as te
(a) Admission Requirements:
A candidate must have at least five credit passes in Senior Secondary certificate Examination of
NECO or its equivalent in not more than two sittings including English Language, Mathematics
Agricultural Science and Biology, Chemistry, Economics and Physics
I. UME- Four-Year Programme
A candidate must have at least FIVE credit passes in Senior Secondary certificate
Examination of NECO or its equivalent in not more than two sittings including English
Language, Mathematics, Agricultural Science and Biology.
II. Direct Entry-Three –Year Programme
Candidate for Direct Entry must poses one of the following
III. Passes at merit levels in at least two subjects in NCE with GCE O/L credit or its equivalent
in three other subjects excluding teaching practical
IV. Passes in two relevant subjects at A/L with GCE O/l credits or its equivalent in three other
subjects at not more than two sittings.
Passes at merit level in a relevant Diploma programme of recognized University in addition to
three O/L credit passes.

COURSE: Agricultural Science Education

LEVEL: 100

EDU 100 Introduction to Teaching Profession 2 C
EDU 101 History of Education 2 C
EDU 102 Developmental Psychology 2 C
GST101 Use of English and Library 4 C
GST102 Philosophy and Logic 2 C
CSC101 Introduction to Computer Science 2 C
CHM101 General Chemistry I 3 C
BIO 101 General Biology 4 C
AGR 101 Introduction to General Agriculture 3 C

EDU113 Introduction to Science and Technical Education 2 C
GST 111 Nigeria People and Culture 2 C
GST 112 History and Philosophy 2 C
CHM 112 General Chemistry II 3 C
BIO 111 General Biology II 4 C
PHY103 General Physics Laboratory 2 C
AGR 111 Farms Practical 2 C


EDU 115 Introduction to Special Education 2 E


GRAND TOTAL 24+17 = 41

LEVEL : 200
EDU 201 Philosophy of Education 2 C
EDU 202 Curriculum and Instruction 2 C
ENT201 Entrepreneurship Education 1 2 C
AED201 Climatology and Biogeography 2 C
AED202 Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animal 2 C
AGR203 Introduction to Crop Protection 3 C

FOR DIRECT ENTRY (They add these)

GST 101 Use of English and Library 4 C
GST102 Philosophy and Logic 2 C
CSC 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2 C
Grand Total 21


EDU211 Subject Methodology 3 C

EDU212 Measurement and Evaluation 3 C
EDU213 Sociology of Education 2 C
EDU 312 Research Method and Data Processing 3 C
GST222 Peace and Conflict Resolution 2 C
ENT211 Entrepreneurship Education II 2 C
AED211 Principle of Crop Production 2 C
AED212 Principles of Soil Science 2 C
AED214 Introductory Agriculture Biochemistry 2 C
AED215 Principle of Animal Production 2 C


FOR DIRECT ENTRY (They add these)

GST 111 Nigerian People and Culture 2 C
GST112 History and Philosophy of Science 2 C
Grand Total 27

Normal Entry 13+23 = 36

Direct Entry 21+27 = 48

LEVEL: 300

EDU 300 Teaching Practice 3 C
EDU301 Education Administration and Planning 2 C
EDU302 Educational Technology 3 C
AGR205 Crop Anatomy, Taxonomy and Physiology 3 C
AGR301 Non-Ruminant Animal Production 3 C
AGR304 Introduction to Pedology and Physics 3 C
AGR307 Ruminant Animal Production 3 C
VTE 301 In Nigeria and other countries 2 C
VTE308 Computer Technology 2 C

VTE311 Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme 15 C

GRAND TOTAL 24+15 = 39

LEVEL : 400
VTE400 Research Project/Seminar 6 C
EDU401 Practical Teaching 3 C
EDU402 Guidance and Counselling 2 C
EDU403 Continuous Assessment 2 C
CRP501 Crop Husbandry 4 C
AGE506 Admin. Sup. In Extension 1 2 C
EDU311 Educational Psychology 2 C
EDU411 Organization of Primary and Secondary Education 2 C
EDU413 Comparative Education 2 C
AGR311 Permanent Crop Production 2 C
AGR312 Soil Chemistry and Microbiology 3 C
AGR 314 Extension Teaching Leaning Process &Method 2 C
AGR315 Agriculture Biochemistry and Methods 3 C
AGE511 Agric. Business Management and Accounting 2 C

GRAND TOTAL 19+ 18 = 37

COURSE DESCRIPTION: B.Sc Agricultural Science Education

LEVEL: 100
The definition of agriculture, world production and food supply, history, scope of Characteristics
features of tropical Agriculture and how they affect production. Land use and tenure in the
production distribution and Utilization of agricultural products. Measures of improving Nigerian
Agriculture. Climatic, adaptic and social factors in relation to crop production and distribution
and significance of farm animals.
Basic, principles of animal farming, place of forestry, fish and farming and wild life in
Agriculture. Career opportunities in Agriculture.

BIO101 - General Biology (4Units)

Cell structure and organization,functions of cellular organelles. Diversity, characteristics and
evolution elements of ecology and types of habitat.

CHEM101 - General Chemistry 1 (3Units )

Atoms, Molecules: Atomic structure, the development of atomic, theory, Electronic
configuration. Chemistry bonding: Electrovalent, Covalent, dative and multiple
bonding,chemical equations stoichiometry. Gases: the Gas Laws. The idea (or perfect) gas
equations: Real gases. Critical Constants. Chemical Equilibria. Equilibriumconstants) KC and
Relationship the position or equilibrium. Le Chatellier principle. Solubility products; products;
partition law; colligative properties; Acids and Bases.
Thermodynamics: various types of thermodynamic system. First Law of thermodynamics.
Factors effecting rates of reacting Electrolytes and non-electrolytes. Laws of electrolysis and
their applications.

CSC101 - Introduction to Computer Science (2Units)

History of computer,functional components Characteristics of a Computer.
Understanding Disk Operating System (DOS) and it file structure environment. Working with
dialogue boxes. The use of programme and file managers. Menus and their uses. Problems
solving flow charts Algorithms Computers, programming statement,symbolic name
arrays,subscripts, expressions and control statements, data representative, the decimal system,
the binary system, numbers complement, introduction to BASIC or FORTRAN programming
language, Computer Applications.


Acid –base titration, Redox titration. Synthesis and preparations of inorganic compounds.
Analysis of selected anions and cations. Preparations and qualitative analysis of organic
compounds pH measurement.


Mechanics, optics, electricity, magnetism.

BIO111 - General Biology II (4Units)
A generalized survey of plant and animal Kingdom based mainly on study of similarities and
differences in the external features, ecological adaption of these forms.


Plot are allowed to plant students them to have field experienceon agronomic practices on
various crops. Please see the Faculty of Natural Science handbook for other 100 levels courses

CHM112 -General Chemistry II(3Units)

Periodic classification of the elements; the periodic table groups and periods. Relationship in the
table of main group elements the periodic law, anomalies in the periodic table. Valence forces,
structure of solids. Chemistry of selected metals and non metals/organic Chemistry definition
history classification of organiccompounds non-menclature homologous series functional group
(i.e alkane, alkanes alkynes alcohols phenoesthoids aldehydes ketone carbonxylic acids ether
esters amide nitrile haloalkens sulphoxides and sulphones/basic stereochemistry electronic
theory in organic Chemistry, saturated hydrocarbons unsaturated hydrocarbons.

The principles, aim and score of climatology and biogeography. The elements of control of
climate and weather and the dynamics of the earth atmosphere systems, radiation, and heating of
the atmosphere systems, atmosphere moisture, the dynamics of pressure and wind systems.
Consideration and precipitation processes. Seasonal variations in temperature, day length,
radiation, rainfall and evaporation equipment and maintenance of standard meteorological
stations. The tropical climate relation between agriculture and climate with reference to crops,
livestock, livestock irrigation pests and diseases.


Parts of beef and dairy cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits and poultry. Fundamental of cell
biology, anatomy and physiology of animal tissues, nervous systems skeletal systems, muscle,
bone circulated system, reproductive, digestive, special sense and other systems of farm animals
physiology functions of animal homeostasis, nutrition and reproduction. Endocrinology. The
blood and circulation lactation, milk let down and egg production. Water balance.


Introduction to the structure, life history classification and importance of insect, nematodes,
bacteria and virus.


Parts of the cell types, development of cell types. Introduction to plant taxonomy.
Characteristics, distribution, economic importance and local examination examples of
Leguminosae Graminease, Solanacease composite Discoreacease, mutaceae, comparative
anatomy of major plant organs, Enzymes. Photosynthesis and transpiration seed dormancy and
pollination, respiration and energy utilization. Seed dormancy and germination, development of
fruits water relatives in plant growth and development, mineral nutrition.


Crop production and its development the principles, and problems and prospect of crop
production. Importance of crop rotation, cultural practice water and soil conservation irrigation
and drainage. General types and characteristics of arthropods, micro organism and pests affecting
crops. Weed and their effects on crop production. Pest, disease and weed control. Basic
mendelian genetics, principles of crop production, harvesting processing and storage.


History, scope and development of soil sciences branches of soil science and relationship with
other sciences. Definition of soil, component, soil solids (inorganic, soil water, soil air and oil
organism). Important physic-chemical properties of soil texture, structure, colour, porosity, tilth,
PH, salt content and catio exchange capacity. Soil forming rocks and composition. Weathering of
rocks and minerals. Factors of soil formation and soil forming process-soil profile horizon and
differentiation. Introduction to soil survey and classification.


Biochemistry of carbohydrates; lipids protein, enzymes and nucleic acids. Vitamins, Co-Enzyme
and their functions, nature, classification and function of enzymes and hormones.


Animal production and its development. The livestock industry – problems and prospects.
Description of the breeds of cattle, sheep. Goats, pigs, poultry and rabbits. Systems livestock
production. Feeding habit of farm animals. Principles of management of the different type of
farm animals. The importance of fishes and wildlife of West Africa with emphasis on Nigeria
species. The principles of fish and Wildlife species in Nigeria.


Management of breeding stock and young animals housing equipment Feeding principle of
poultry rabbits economics health management of Stock, processing and marketing of poultry,
pigs and rabbit. pre-request
Soil its origin and formation, soil morphological characteristics, soli components soil formation
rock and soil survey. Soil mapping, soil classification. Properties and management of Nigeria
soils. Classification of soil separates; soil texture, surface area of particles, aggression. Soil
structures and stability porosity, soil water relations, soil and hydro-logic cycle. Soil temperature
and condition, soil erosion.


Management of breeding stock, growing and young animals housing equipment and principles of
cattle, sheep and goats production and management practices. Health management of ruminant
animals. Processing and marketing of cattle sheep and goats Ruminant animal products.


Origin distribution, soil and climatic requirement of some important crop such as cocoa, oil
palm, rubber, coffee, coconut, mango, sugar-cane, banana, plantains, citrus, kola, cashew etc.
production practices, improvements harvesting utilization, processing, storage and economic
aspects of some elected permanent and perennial crops.


Chemistry composition of soils, soil fertility, conversion Units and calculations. Soil fertility
evaluation. Silicate mineral chemistry, caution and onion exchange phenomena and base
saturation. Soil reaction (active and reverse acidity, alkalinity, buffering capacity). Soil acidity
and liming survey of microorganism in soil and their role in soils. The dynamic of N. P. and
spools. Association between microbes and plant.


Nature and elements of communication process. Principles of communication. Application of
communication process of analyzing communication problems in extension. The meaning of the
concept of learning, teaching and motivation. Steps and principles of teaching and learning
extension teaching methods, preparation and use of teaching material and aids.


The animal body composition and its feeds. Biochemistry of photosynthesis. Metabolism of
Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acid chemistry and mode of action of enzymes and
hormones. Chemistry methods and instrumentation and their application in the analysis of
selected agricultural products.

CRP 501 - CROP HUSBANDRY (4 Units)

History, definition classification and importance of vegetables, field and plantation crops.
Ecological distribution of crops in Nigeria. Varieties and adaptation of crop to the Nigerian
environment. Types and system of crop production, production practice, harvesting, handling,
processing, storage, marketing and utilization of vegetables and tropical crops. Method of plant
propagation. Nursery system, disease and pests of vegetable and tropical crops. Fertilization,
water maintaining ornamental trees, shrubs, perennials and fruits in the nursery home and packs.
Concepts, theory and guideline and principles of extension organization, management, and
supervision roles and responsibilities of various levels of extension and other relevant staff
recruitment, selection placement and supervision. Plan principles of morale and motivation.
Implication of extension staff development and promotion. Creating conducive working
environment, discipline, assessment of extension work accomplishment. Improving Nigeria
extension services.


The scope of agricultural business and management, types of agricultural business management
and organization, enterprise selection, production planning public policies affecting agriculture
business, farm growth, organization of large scale farms of agricultural processing marketing
management principles of agricultural finance, principle of farm credit agencies and government
credit policy and approaches to efficient management, farm accounting, inventory, balance sheet,
cashbook analysis.


The programme is designed to prepare students to undertake a professional teacher education
course by equipping them with the relevant knowledge and skills necessary for the pursuit of a
University degree in Home Economics Education as a teacher and/or practitioner.
(b) Objectives
The objectives of Home Economics Education programme include:
i to expose students to skills in Home Education towards teaching at Levels of
Junior Secondary, Senior Secondary, and tertiary levels of education.
ii to equip students with the intellectual and processional skills and competences
required for self-reliance.
iii to inculcate into students the necessity to strengthen family life through
improving personal, family and community living.

i Candidate for the programme must have Senior Secondary School Certificates:
SSCE, NECO, NABTEB, GCE or other equivalent minimum of 5 subjects passed
at credit level at not more than 2 sittings. The subjects must include English
Language, Biology or any other science subjects, plus at least a pass in
ii T.C.II with relevant qualifications will also be considered for admission.

Direct Entry Requirements

Candidates must possess one of the following:
i Passes at merit level in at least two subjects in the N.C.E with SSCE or G.C.E O/l
credit passes or its equivalence in five subjects, at not more than two sittings.
ii Passes in two relevant subjects at A/L with G.C.E., O/L credit or its equivalent in
five relevant subjects, at not more than two sittings.
iii Passes at merit level in a relevant Diploma programme of Ambrose Alli
University of any other recognized by the Senate, in addition to UME

COURSE: B.Sc. Home Economics Education

100 Level

EDU 100 Introduction to teaching profession 2 C

EDU101 History of education 2 C
EDU 102 Developmental psychology 2 C
GST 101 Use of English and library 4 C
GST 102 Philosophy and logic 2 C
CSC 101 Introduction to computer science 2 C
HEC 101 Introduction to Home Economics 2 C
HEC 102 Introduction to clothing and textile 2 C
HEC 103 Introduction to Nutrition 2 C
CHM 101 General chemistry 1 3 C

EDU 113 Introduction to Science and technology 2 C
GST 111 Nigerian people and culture 2 C
GST 112 History and philosophy of education 2 C
HEC 111 Applied Home Economics 3 C
HEC 112 Principles of food preparation 2 C
HEC 113 Clothing techniques 2 C
HEC 114 Meal management and service 2 C
HEC 115 Principles of Home management 2 C

EDU 115 Introduction to Special Education 2 E

200 Level
EDU 201 Philosophy of Education 2 C
EDU 202 Curriculum and Instruction 2 C
ENT 201 Entrepreneurship Education 1 2 C
HEC 201 Work Simplification and Household Equipment 2 C
HEC 202 Recipe Development and Testing 2 C
HEC 203 Pattern Drafting and Alteration 2 C
HEC 204 Principles of Nutrition 2 C
CHM 203 Organic Chemistry 3 C
FOR DIRECT ENTRY (They add these)
GST 101 Use of English and Library 4 C
GST 102 Philosophy and Logic 2 C
CSC 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2 C

EDU 211 Subject Methodology 3 C
EDU 212 Measurement and Evaluation 3 C
EDU 213 Sociology and Education 2 C
EDU 312 Research Method and Data Processing 3 C
GST 222 Peace and Conflict Resolution 2 C
ENT 211 Entrepreneurship Education II 2 C
HEC 211 Clothing Design by Flat Pattern 2 C

FOR DIRECT ENTRY (They add these)

GST 111 Nigerian People and Culture 2 C
GST 112 History and Philosophy of Science 2 C

300 Level
EDU 300 Teaching Practice 3 C
EDU 301 Educational Administration and Planning 2 C
EDU 302 Educational Technology 2 C
HEC 301 Food Preparation 2 C
HEC 302 Basic clothing Construction 3 C
HEC 303 Nutrition in Health and Diseases 2 C
HEC 304 Consumer Education 2 C
VTE 301 VTE in Nigeria and Other Countries 2 C
VTE 308 Computer Technology 2 C

VTE 311 Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme 15 C

400 Level
VTE 400 Research Project/Seminar 6 C
EDU 401 Practical Teaching 3 C
EDU 402 Guidance and Counseling 2 C
EDU 403 Continuous Assessment 2 C
HEC 401 Advanced Clothing Construction 3 C
HEC 402 Clothing Maintenance 2 C
HEC 403 Community Nutrition 2 C
HEC 404 Home Management Residence 2 C

EDU 311 Educational Psychology 2 C
EDU 411 Organization of Primary and Secondary Education 2 C
EDU 413 Comparative Education 2 C
HEC 411 Family Relationship 2 C
HEC 412 Housing and Interior Decoration 2 C
HEC 413 Needs of Special People 2 C
HEC 414 Extension Programme in Home Economics 2 C

Course Description –B.Sc. Home Economics Education

HEC 101; Introduction to Home Economics [2Units]
Definition and origin of home economics profession, department of home Economics in
Nigeria. Historical, Sociological Philosophical and economics foundation of Home Economics.
Home Economics as a multi-disciplinary subject, content, scope and object yes, concepts,
principles and terminology, career opportunities in home economics. The educational value of
home economics and its contributions in the developing country like Nigeria.

HEC 102: Introduction to Textiles and Clothing (2 Units)

Physical and chemical characteristics of various types of fibres (natural and synthetic) fabrics
and finishes, selection, used and care for home use and appeared. (Study of clothing needs based
on physical: aesthetic, economics, cultural and social psychological factors, basic clothing
construction methods, equipment measurement dest of fabric abrasion, elongation colour
fastness to perspiration crook, etc.

HEC 103 Introduction to Nutrition (2 Units)

Definition and concept of nutrition. Food and food nutrients, sources, functions and deficiency
diseases. Dietary requirements of various groups with regards to age, sex health and activity.

HEC 111 Applied Home Economics (food, clothing, textiles and home management) (3
Definition of foods, reason for cooking food, principles underlying and advantages and
disadvantages of these methods, food hygiene, simple food storage and preservation methods in
the home. Practical training in arts technique such as weaving, knitting and crocheting.
Design and fashion in the home embroidery, tie and dye constructing garment for toddlers of pre-
scholars. Clothing renovation and patch work. Make an album showing different machines,
principles involved in choice, use and care of household equipment modern and traditional.
Methods of operation, maintenance of the equipment and their application in terms of their
structure. Functions of each equipment, visit museum and art galleries within the state compare
ancient and modern household. Write a report on them supported by facts from the elderly
people in the community.

HEC 112: Principle of Food Preparation 1 (2 Units)

Acquisition of basic catering skills in the preparation of breakfast, lunch and supper dishes,
pastries (Sweet and savourly), batters cake and yeast mixtures. Packed meals and echauffe
Dishes. Egg, meal and fish dishes.

HEC 113: Clothing Technique (2 Units)

Practical selection of clothing and basic principles and processes of clothing construction for
children pre-school and primary school children construction for children pre-school and primary
school children. Simple pattern drafting.

HEC 114: Meal Management and Service (2 Units)

Basic management process applied to meal planning and preparation. Basic service styles in the
home and institutions general meal service guideline. Table laying, table etiquette.

HEC 201: Work Simplification and Household Equipment (2 Units)
Management processes involving implementing, controlling, evaluation and modification of
plans to improve the use of family resources use of money, time and energy in order to solve
family problems thereby improving family living.

HEC 202: Recipe Development and Testing (2 Units)

Fundamental principles of food quality evaluation and development of standard, taste, flavor,
shape size texture colour, and appearance, principles of recipe formulation and presentation.
Acceptability trials, selection of participants analyses of results, emphasis on development and
testing of more economical and nutritional foods from familiar and commonly used ingredients
or new breeds (variety) of food stuffs.

HEC 203: Pattern Drafting and Alteration (2 Units)

Introduction to basic principles of design; technique used in development, alteration and styling
of pattern through the use of drafting method. Fitting techniques project should include making
up of at least one of the style drafted.

HEC 204: Principles of Nutrition (2 Units)

Food-its origin and importance nature of food structure and composition. Food groups and
classification, source and functions. Inter-relationship of various nutrients to the body in health
and malnutrition. Metabolic pattern, and trends of food consumption in relation to nutritional
requirement for different ages and sex, fruits and vegetables, starches, flours and flour mixtures.
Food habit formation cultural, social and psychological factors affecting food choice, preparation
and consumption.

HEC 211: Clothing Design by Flat Pattern Method (2 Units)
Creating of styles through the manipulation of parts, different necklines, sleeves, collars and
skirts and effect a direction of lines, apply the principles of art to dress design. Clothes for
special occasion. Utilization of special fabrics in creating fashion.

HEC 301: Principles of Food Preparation 11 (2 Units)
Application of principles of nutrition. Management and preparation of meals for special groups
and occasions. Foods for different cultures in and outside Nigeria. Strategies for providing
nutrient values and utilization of the traditional and untraditional coals, leavening agents.

HEC 302: Basic Clothing Construction (3 Units)

Basic construction technique with commercial patterns and fabrics selection; the application of
these factors to consumer buying. Cultural and special aspects of clothing, taking into account
the economics, climatic and special aspects of fabrics.

HEC 303: Nutrition in Health and Diseases (2 Units)

Nutrition during infancy, childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, location, and old age. Application
of basic nutritional principles in the treatment of diseases such as kwashiorkor, marasmus,
diabetes mellitus, obesity, hyperliodemia, ulcer; anemia and other metabolic diseases.

HEC 304: Consumer Education (2 Units)

Definition and principles of consumer education and analysis of economics forces affecting
individuals and families as consumers of goods and services, creating carefulness of the rights
and responsibilities of consumers in the market place, developing aids and techniques for making
intelligent choice of goods and services advertisement and its influence on consumer choice of
goods and services; government and non-government agencies that protect consumers print and
non-print materials for solving professional and personal consumer problems.

VTE 301 VTE in Nigeria and other Countries (2 Units)

This course is designed to equip the students with concepts in Technical and Vocational
Education. To achieve this objective the students should know (1) what is Technical and
Vocational Education (2) The rationale for Technical and Technical Education, (3) policy and
policy making for VTE (4) Organization Concepts and (5) Decision Making Process for VTE.
(2) The Role of the VTE Teacher.


Computer utilization for instructional purposes. Using computer to assist in teaching tutorial,
drill and practice. Computer software-important parts of the computer system, the opening
system, topics of programmes which affect the operating system. Modes of operation and the
electrical language used by the computer (code).
Cataloging the software. Compare hardware, identification of hardware. Description, function
and types of input and output devices. The control processing and storage Units. Basic
components and functions of a computer.

VTE 311 Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) 15 Units
SIWES is a six months programme in which students are placed in industries or business
establishment for the purpose of training on the job.
HEC 401: Advanced Clothing Construction (3 Units)
Study of advanced construction of clothes and techniques of handling new fabrics, the use of
ready-made (commercial) patterns. Alteration principles; selection of colour and lines as related
to individual and family needs.

HEC 402: Clothing Maintenance (2 Units)

Laundry apparatus and equipment; Laundry process (general and for specific natural and man-
made fabrics) diabetic and stain removal agents, e.g. water soaps, bleaches, etc clothing care
upholstery and household linen. Repairs, storage, etc.

HEC 403: Community Nutrition (2 Units)

Definition of community nutrition. Role of the community nutritionist. Determination and
assessment of nutritional status of a community nutritional problems associated with
urbanization, causes and solutions. Nation and international programmes aimed at improving
nutrition of communities, natural and international agencies, concerned with food and nutrition
in the community and their roles. Nutritional surveillance nutritional intervention programmes.
Food registration, standards, and laws.

HEC 404: Home Management Residence (2 Units)

Practical demonstration of principles of home management under supervision students-live in
and apply time, energy and money in maintenance the house. Run all the activities that go on in
normal home. Each student must take turn at all duties so that work and experience gained in
shared evenly. A period of 6-10 weeks in management techniques at family life cycle stages and
socio-economics level.
Work covered should include: checking equipment and furnishing on errical, planning and
cooking meals, shopping and keeping accounts, planning a routine of work for the house work
and sharing duties, attending to personal and house laundry, checking equipment and furnishing
when leaving the flat.

HEC 411: Family Relationship (2 Units)
The family structure in Nigerian society and other culture interfamily relationship (the key terms
and concepts of marriage and family. Family development and relationship; courtship marriage –
forms advantages and disadvantages of each. Modes of divorce. Causes and solution.
Family planning-need of a family planning services. Methods; advantages and disadvantages of
each population explosion, control and recommendation
HEC 412: Housing and Interior Decoration (2 Units)
Definition of interior decoration and furniture. The different part of the house and the furniture
found in each room. Colour wheel. Basic principles of selection of family for home decoration.
Construction of articles, furniture home decoration including craft and design.

HEC 413: Needs of Special People (2 Units)

Needs of special people. The handicapped, minority groups, community service to a selected
person in need in helping them become self sufficient.
HEC 414: Extension Programme in Home Economics (2 Units)
Protein systems in food, sugar in food technology, pectic substance, plants guns and their uses in
food; non enzymes browing, role of liquids in food lipid oxidation and lipid autoxidation in food
system; carotenoids in food systems terpenses, essential oils and chemistry of food orders,
phonolic compound respiration, chlorophyll and photosynthesis biochemical activity of micro-
organisms in foods.


1. Programme Title: B.Sc. Technical Education

2. Philosophy: There is ever increasing demand for highly qualified teachers in Nigeria. The
aim of the faculty is therefore to produce academically and professionally qualified teachers
and administrators for the post-primary, post-secondary institutions and other education
The department shall prepare students for the award of B.Sc. Technical Education, Degree of
this University. The programme shall acquaint the students with basic theoretical and
practical tools and techniques required for their future professional work in teaching and

3. Objectives: The programmes are designed to achieve the following objectives:

i. To produce graduates who can teach effectively at the senior secondary

schools and tertiary institutions.

ii. To equip graduates to pursue work in education

iii. To enable them to fit into administrative cadre in government and in

institutions of higher learning.

iv. To acquire skills and competence required for self-reliance and self-
employment if the need arises.

4. Admission Requirements:

In addition to the general University requirements, the following regulations shall apply to the
admission of students into the Department.
A. UME – Four-Year Programme

A candidate applying for aBachelor of Science in Technical Education must meet the
Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) or Joint Admission and Matriculation Board
(JAMB) requirements and in addition possess any of the following:

i. West African Senior Secondary School Certificate or NECO or NABTEB with

least five credit passes in not more than two sittings. The credit passes must
include Mathematics and English, Physics or Chemistry plus any other relevant

ii. National Technical Certificate (NTC) with credit passes in five subjects in not
more than two sittings which must include Mathematics, English, Physics or

iii City and Guilds Certificate (Intermediate) in Electrical, Mechanical,

Engineering subjects plus Federal Craft Certificate (FCC) with at least “C” grade
in five subjects which must include Mathematics and English.

iv. Teachers’ Grade II Certificate (TCII) with credit or merit passes in at least five
subjects which must include Mathematics, English and General Science.

B Direct Entry Requirement (3 Years Programme)

Candidates with any of the following qualifications will be admitted into three years
programme, provided they satisfy the university basic entry requirements. In addition,
candidates must possess any one of the following:
i N.C.E. (Technical)

ii National Diploma (N.D.) or Advanced National Technical Certificate (ANTC) in

relevant areas.

iii City and Guilds (Finals) or Engineering Technicians Part II Certificate

iv N.C.E. with a minimum of two passes in Physics/Chemistry, Chemistry/

Mathematics, Physics/Mathematics and a pass in Education.



Period of formal studies is one academic year, which covers the first and second
semester. Each semester takes fifteen weeks. Students of Technical Education Programme are
required to go for Industrial Work Experience Scheme in relevant engineering firms. Such
industrial attachment is arranged during the second semester of the 300 level.
Students register for 15 units of industrial work experience (SIWES). Planned visit or
field trip are arranged for students at least once before graduation to enable them develop insight
into the operation in industrial centres such as power generating station, oil refinery, assembly
plants for computer, automobile, cement factory, radio and television stations. In order to make
such field trip a learning activity, the lecturer usually set up the objectives before the trip takes
place. Students construct practical projects in the various areas of Technical Education as well as
engage in group independent investigation of research topics pertinent to technical education in


EDU 100 Introduction to Teaching Profession 2 C
EDU 101 History of Education 2 C
EDU 102 Development Psychology 2 C
GST 101 Use of English and Library 4 C
CSC 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2 C
MTH 101 Elementary Maths 1 Algebra and Trigonometry 3 C
TED 101 Introduction to Technical Drawing 2 C
TED 102 Introduction to Building Construction 2 C
TED 103 Introduction to Metalwork Technology 2 C

Total Units = 21 units

EDU 113 Introduction to Science and Technology Education 2 C
EDU 115 Introduction to Special Education 2 E
GST 111 Nigerian People and Culture 2 C
GST 112 History and Philosophy of Science 2 C
TED 111 Health and Industrial Safety 2 C
TED 112 Building Construction and Material I 2 C
TED 113 Introduction to Electrical Technology 2 C
TED 114 Technical Drawing 2 C
TED 115 Introduction to Automobile Technology 2 C

Total core courses = 16 units

Total electives courses = 02 units

Total units of core courses for the session = 37 units

Total units of electives courses for the session = 02 units
Grand Total = 39 units

EDU 201 Philosophy of Education 2 C
EDU 202 Curriculum and Instruction 2 C
ENT 201 Entrepreneurship Studies I 2 C
TED 201 Technical Drawing II 2 C
TED 202 Structural Mechanics & Strength of Materials 2 C
TED 203 Electricity Technology 2 C
Total 12


GST 101 Use of English & Library 4 C
GST 102 Philosophy & Logic 2 C
CSC 101 Introduction to Computer Science 2 C
Total 8
Grand Total 20

EDU 211 Method of Teaching Industrial Technical Education 3 C
EDU 212 Measurement and Evolution 3 C
EDU 213 Sociology of Education 2 C
EDU 312 Research Methods and Data Processing 3 C
ENT 211 Entrepreneurship Studies II 2 C
GST 222 Peace and Conflict Resolution 2 C
TED 211 Woodwork Technology I 2 C
TED 212 Engine Details/Transmission System 2 C
TED 213 Telecommunication Principles 2 C
Total Units = 21

Total units of core courses for the session = 33 units
GST 111 Use of English & Library 2 C
GST 112 Philosophy & Logic 2 C
Total 4

First Semester = 20
Second Semester = 25
Grand Total = 45

EDU 300 Teaching Practice 3 C
EDU 301 Educational Administration & Planning 2 C
EDU 302 Educational Technology 2 C
VTE 301 Time Management 2 C
VTE 308 Computer Technology 2 C
TED 301 Technical Drawing III 2 C
TED 302 Woodwork Technology 2 C
TED 303 Reinforced Concrete Design 2 C
TED 304 Mechanical Workshop Practice 2 C
TED 305 Breaking Suspension and Steering System 2 C
TED 306 Electrical/Electronics Mechanics 2 C

Total Units = 23 units

VTE 311 Students Industrial Work Experience (SIWES) 15 C

Total Units = 15 units

Grand Total = 38 units

VTE 400 Project 6 C
EDU 401 Practical Teaching 3 C
EDU 402 Guidance and Counselling 2 C
EDU 403 Continuous Assessment 2 C
TED 401 Law of Contract 2 C
TED 402 Glass and Plastics in Building 2 C
TED 403 Automobile Technology 2 C
TED 404 Practical Project Design in Special Area 2 C
TED 405 Electronics Circuit Laboratory 2 C

Total Units = 23 units

EDU 411 Organization of Primary and Secondary School 2 C
EDU 413 Comparative Education 2 C
EDU 311 Educational Psychology 2 C
TED 411 Electronics Power Technology 2 C
TED 413 Improvisation of Laboratory/Workshop Equipment 2 C
TED 415 Fabrication Technology 2 C
TED 416 Building Drawing 2 C
TED 417 Wood Constructional Methods 2 C
TED 418 Engine Lubrication/Cooling System 2 C
TED 419 Electrical/Electronics Drafting 2 C

Total Units = 20 units

Grand Total = 43 units



TED 101: Introduction to Technical Drawing 1

Use of Technical Drawing as a graphic language, drawing equipment and instruments, type of
drawing board practice, drawing papers, mounting paper on drawing board, layout, title block
styles, constructions, areas of plane figures, and pictorial drawings.

TED 102: Introduction to Building Construction

General principles of building construction, building construction tools, site plans, site
preparation, setting out and elementary surveying, foundation, Damp Proof Course (DPC), mass-
concrete, walls and timbering to trenches. Detailing of elements of buildings of all types:
residential, industrial, commercial.

TED 103: Introduction to Metal Work Technology

Metals and non-metals, preparation and extraction of metals, properties and characteristics of
metals, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, uses of metals, basic hand tools in a metal shop. Cutting
tools: high carbon, medium carbon and low carbon steel, as used for cutting; other cutting tools
used in metal workshop: tunsen, cementits, etc; metal lathe: parts, uses and operation; tool
holders and work holding devices; types of chuck and their uses. Drilling machine: parts, uses,
and operation; grinding machine: parts, uses, and operation; milling machines: types of milling
machines, and their cutters; various types and uses of milling cutters; methods of controlling
table movement, power machine types, uses, and operations; and shaping machine: types, uses
and operation.


TED 111: Industrial Safety

Concept of safety, definition of industrial safety, safety education, hazard to safety and types of
hazards, hazardous manifestations, safety measures, first aid treatment, accident prevention and
management, causes and nature of industrial accidents, and good house and workshop keeping.

TED 112: Building Construction and Material 1

Types of floors and roofs. Drainage, external works and landscaping. Building regulations,
partitions, doors and windows, roofs, internal finishing and external renderings. Chimneys and
flues, stairways, scaffoldings, plumbing arrangement system, electricity and gas services and
external works.

TED 113: Introduction to Electrical/Electronics Technology

Method of producing electricity, measurement of voltage, current and resistance to D.C. circuit
power, primary and secondary cells, Basic electric circuits analysis, network theories, inductance
and capacitance in disc circuits, resistance combination, magnetism and magnetic circuits, basic
electrical/electronic tools and equipment, electronic symbols.

TED 114: Technical Drawing II

Solid geometry, advanced geometrical construction, conic sections, intersection of surfaces,
locus problems, principle of tangency, pictorial and perspective projections, isometric scales and
isometric projections, oblique projections, freehand sketching of solid, introduction to
orthographic drawings.

TED 115: Introduction to Automobile Technology

Introductory explanation on the function of a car, its types and uses; basic discussion on the parts
of an automobile:
- The Engine, its parts and materials for construction
- The clutch system
- The gearbox system
- Suspension, steering and lubricating system
- The electrical parts of the vehicle and its function.

TED 201: Technical Drawing III
Interpretation of drawings, conversion of pictorial views and simple sectional views, parts
drawings, preparation of working drawings, assembly drawing, and exploded views, cam
construction, steel structural graphics, complex jigs and fixtures.
TED 202: Structural Mechanics and Strength of Materials
Stress and strain, plane framework, resolution and resolution forces, moment, roof truss and
structural analysis.

TED 203: Electrical Technology

Basic A-C principles, sinusoidal rotation plotting and obtaining A-C values, Inductive,
capacitive, resistive circuits A-C power; series and parallel A-C circuits; principle of electronic
tubes – types, characteristics and applications; semi-conductor materials and conduction PN


TED 211: Woodwork Technology 1

Botany, growth structure and identification of solid timber, its usages, market forms;
introduction to woodwork tools and machines used in woodwork joints and joining; types of
timber; sawing or conversion, seasoning, defects of timber, manufacture boards, woodwork
joints, woodwork machines, machine preparation for timber, surface planer, saws, drills and
shapes, etc; and their uses in simple projects.

TED 212: Engine Details/Transmission System

Understanding the functions of an automobile engine; Engine and its parts: engine block, top
cylinders, valves, pistons, rings, connecting rods, flywheel, crankshaft, camshaft, etc. two stroke
and four stroke spark ignition and compression ignition engine carburetor, its function, how the
engine run the wheels; the transmission channels, purpose, types and uses of gearbox, clutch,
propeller shaft and final drives, axle and road wheels. Automatic transmission system.
Transmission without propeller shaft.

TED 213: Telecommunication Principle

Electromagnetic waves, method of propagation of waves, modulation and side bands;
transmitter: two ways and four ways communication system and application.


TED 301: Technical Drawing IV

Orthographic projections in first and third angle projections, sectional views, auxiliary views and
projections, advance conic auxiliary projections, lines in space and links mechanism.

TED 302: Woodwork Technology II

Iron-mongery with emphasis on carpentry and joinery and building construction contemporary
and advanced methods of wood joinery modern techniques and machines work and decorative

TED 303: Reinforced Concrete Design

Introduction to reinforce concrete structures, water, aggregates, and cement; design and detailing
of columns, reinforced concrete walls, bonds and limit state of cracking in building, concrete
mixing, curing, and compacting of concrete. Technical report in building.

TED 304: Mechanical Workshop Practical

Forging and machining, application of the lathe machine in boring, screw cutting, V-threads,
simple and double square threads including some threads, milling of flat surfaces.

TED 305: Braking, Suspension and Steering System

Brakes: function, uses and types – drum and disc brakes; hydraulic system. How the cylinder
work together; working parts of drum and disc brakes; brake lining design and uses; parking
brakes: types and operations; serro assisted system, hydro-pneu-matic suspension; steering –
what the mechanism has to do, types and operation; steering arrangement; toe in and toe out;
steering ratio; camber and castor angles; power assisted steering.

TED 306: Electrical/Electronics Machine

Transformer principles, direct current motors and generators, armature winding, two and three
phase connection, deltar and star connection; synchronous generators and motors. Meter

VTE 301: VTE in Nigeria & other Countries

This course is designed to equip the students with the concepts of Technical Vocational
Education and Training (TVET). To achieve this objective the students should understand: (i) the
term Technical Vocational Education and Training; (ii) the rationale for TVET; (iii) policy and
policy making for TVET; (iv) organization concepts; (v) decision making process for TVET; and
(vi) the role of the TVET teacher.
VTE 308: Computer Technology
Computer utilization for instructional purposes. Using computer to assist in teaching tutorials,
drills and practice. Computer software: important parts of the computer system, the opening
system, topics of programmes which affect the operating system. Modes of operation and the
electrical language used by the computer (code). Cataloging the software, compare hardware,
identification of hardware; description, function and types of input and output devices. The
control processing and storage units. Basic components and function of a computer.


VTE 311: Students’ Industrial Work Experience (SIWES)

Supervised learning activity consisting of practical work experience in industry. Acquisition of
technical competence in latest and emerging technologies in business and industries. Students
will be provided with opportunities to acquire up-to-date information on latest concepts,
procedures and equipment used in their areas of specialization.

VTE 400 Research Project
Students are expected to carry out independent studies in their own field of specialization. Such
studies are expected to focus on finding solutions to the problems of teaching and learning.

TED 401: Construction Technology

Roof: functional requirements; factors that determine the most appropriate form of a roof
structure in a given building; types of roof. Ceiling: major parts of a ceiling, steps to be followed
in constructing a ceiling using asbestos sheets, Scaffolds: basic requirements, types, and
procedures or steps for assembling a putlog scaffold. Stairs: building regulations that apply to
stairs, terms used in stairs, types of stairs. Formwork: requirements of a good formwork,
characteristics of a good formwork, considerations that should guide the design of formwork,
types of formwork.

TED 402: Glass and Plastics in Building

Technology and manufacture, utilization in building, performance in building, maintenance
problems. A critique of glass as external curtain, maintenance aspects and problems.

TED 403: Automobile Electricity

The ignition system, batteries types and its uses. Wet and dry cell batteries. Generators, dynamo
and alternators: how they work. Headlamps, horn, windscreen wipers, side and rear lights. Dials
and light to help the driver speedometer, millage recorder, tachometer, water temperature gauge,
fuel gauge, oil pressure, temperature gauge, etc. refrigeration and air-conditioning.

TED 404: Practical Project Design in Area of Specialization

Students are expected to conduct or produce a practical project in their respective area of
specialization. The project must be something of value and not a model and would give students
the opportunity to exhibit theoretical and practical experience acquired in the course of the

TED 405: Electrical/Electronics Circuit Laboratory

Radio receiver circuit, troubleshooting procedures and alignment. Troubleshooting turn-tables,
cassette decks, installation of car radio sets, etc, resistors in service, parallel and series parallel,
Ohms law verification, characteristics of indicators and capacitors, RC, RL, and RCL.
Connection and determination of impedance diode and transistor characteristics.


TED 411: Electronics Power Technology

Analogue circuit-special diodes and their applications, Zener diodes, tunnel amplifier analysis
and applications. Active filters, wave form shaping, power supply specification, single and three
phase rectifiers circuits. Regulated power supply, 10 regulators, voltage multiplication. Digital
techniques, binary system, basic circuits, flip flops. Counters and registers. Microprocessor.
Simple A/D and D/A converters, comparators digital circuit fabrication.

TED 413: Improvisation of Laboratory and Workshop Equipment

Detailed discussion of materials and disposable wares that are found and used in Technical
laboratories and workshops in secondary/technical schools. Methods and processes for
designing/fabricating these materials locally.

TED 415: Fabrication Technology

Fabrication methods, casting and pattern design, Gorging and extrusion.

TED 416: Building Drawing

Building drawing instruments, building papers, building pencils work, tracing paper, ink, tracing
pens and tracing itself; site plan; floor pal; building conventional and designs, foundation and
basement; sectional details; elevations – front, sides, rear of bungalows; schedule of floors and
windows, storey and multi-storey buildings, perspective drawing of building and structural

TED 417: Woodwork Constructional Method

Technical terms used in woodwork, elementary cabinet making, contemporary furniture sizes
and design, shaping and bending of timbers, moldings. A series of drawings showing details of
carcase work and drawer making. Finishing – concepts and applications; power method of
finishing; laboratory work on different finishes, modern design and finishing techniques in the
reproduction of completed items, a group of individuals project is required.

TED 418: Engine Lubrication and Cooling System

Reasons for cooling an engine parts of a modern cooling system- a jacked, radiator pump, can,
hoses, thermostat, pressure cap, etc. thermo siphon cooling, corrosion, water pump, air and water
cooled engine need for lubrication in engines. Materials used for lubricating engine pump, oil
filters and how they work, lubricants – choosing the right oil, viscosity of oil and corrosion

TED 419: Electrical/Electronics Drafting

Pictorial drawing of electrical and electronic symbols, elementary diagrams including printed
circuits, block diagrams, electric wiring diagrams of houses and distribution circuits.


EDU 100: Introduction to Teaching Profession

Definition of profession and teaching. Basic requirement needed by any occupation. Teaching in
Nigeria and the contemporary debate on whether it is a profession or an occupation. Steps taken
to professionalize teaching i.e. the various educational reforms.

EDU 101: History of Education.

Historical Background and education in Nigeria, colonial educational policy, and post-
independence educational reforms. The course will also ex-ray various commissions set up by
Colonial govt. as well as post Independence govt. to reforms educational system. And also
contemporary issues and policy formulation and implementation of country educational system.

EDU 102: Developmental Psychology.

Stages of child development. i.e. prenatal and post-natal development. Development during
infancy, early childhood, later childhood, adolescent and adult stage. Characteristics of children
at various stages of development and their implication for educational planning and
implementation. Cognitive theories about these developments shall also be x-rayed.

EDU 113: Introduction to Science and Technology Education

Historical and philosophical base of science and technology education. The relevance of science
and technology education in developing nations. Emphasis should be laid on the relevance of
science and education in Nigerian aspiration towards technological development of science and
technology in Nigeria will also be discussed

EDU 115: Introduction to Special Education.

Definition or meaning of special education. Categories and exceptionality in children. i.e. visual
impaired mentally retarded, learning disability, ordinarily impaired or deafness, emotional will
also examine methods of educating handicap children as well as gifted or talented children.

EDU 201 Philosophy of Education.

The course will examine the various philosophical principles affecting education. Philosophical
theories like existentialism. Idealism and pragmatism will also be discussed. Great Philosophers
like Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, e.t.c. Will also be discussed. Philosophy of pragmatism will be
discussed extensively with emphasis on their impact on educational reform or development.

EDU 202 Curriculum and Instruction

Philosophical base of curriculum development will be examined. Curriculum process and
theories, curriculum objectives, purpose of objectives, agencies involved in curriculum
development as well as processes of curriculum evaluation will be discussed. Furthermore,
strategies on curriculum innovation will be discussed. Emphasis on curriculum process should be
laid on the various curriculum, models i.e. whiller’s models, Talars models, etc

EDU 211 Subject Methods

This course focuses on methods on teaching with specific tropics in student area of
specialization. Various teaching methods will be discussed i.e. plenary methods, Socratic
methods, lecture methods, team teaching methods, etc should be thought. Furthermore, the act of
designing a lesson plans and lesson notes should also be taught. Students should also be expose
to micro teaching to test their proficiency in the act of using instructional techniques available to

EDU 212 Measurement and Education

Basic principles used in measurement and evaluation should be thought. Statistical method used
in analysis of data should also be taught. Different types of data and methods of analyzing each
should also be taught.

EDU 213 Sociology of Education

Sociology principles involved in education are to be discussed. Emphasis should be laid on
culture, society, factors binding society together, social stratification, social mobility, and factors
affecting social mobility Agencies of education together with some abnormal or deviant
behaviour in the school system will also be discussed.

EDU 300 Teaching Practice

Students will be sent out for six weeks teaching practice exercise to put into practice the
knowledge they have gained on course like developmental Psychology, philosophy of education,
educational technology as well as educational psychology.

EDU 301 Educational Administration and Planning

Basic principles and theories of administration will be discussed. Planning in terms of
programme planning of supervision strategies and general administration of schools will be
discussed with emphasis on the duties of a principal or headmaster, the school inspectors,
ministry of education, the function of the class teacher, inspectorate division of ministry of
education in relation to supervision of instruction should be discussed.

EDU 302 Educational Technology

Historical background of educational technology, relevance of the use of technology to the
business of teaching and learning should be dismissed. Educational media, the use of media and
the relevance of media in teaching and learning situation should be emphasized. Two and three-
dimensional aids, soft and hardware, projected and non-projected aids should also be discussed.
Factors militating against the use of projected aids in Nigeria should also be discussed.
Furthermore, improvisation of instructional materials should be taught.

EDU 311 Educational Psychology

Various Psychological principles involves in teaching and learning should be examined e.g.
Pavlous experiment, Thondaic, Skinner, etc. the effect of these psychological theories on
teaching and learning process should be x-rayed. Individual differences and psychological make-
up of the individual in relation to teaching and learning should also be examined.

EDU 312 Research Methods and Data Processing

This course will examine the meaning if research, processing involve in carrying out research.
E.g. concept like research design, research problem, formulation of research hypothesis or
research questions, development and validation of research instrument, methods of collecting
research data and data analysis should also be discussed. Students should be taught how to write
simple research reports from either experimental or quasi-experimental studies carry out by them
or from a descriptive survey. They should also be taught how to acknowledge other authorities
site in their work.

VTE 400 Research Project

Students are expected to carry out independent studies in their own field of specialization. Such
studies are expected to focus on finding solutions to the problems of teaching and learning.

EDU 401 Practical Teaching

Students are expected to spend six weeks on industrial attachment to afford them of the
opportunity on the job training in their area of specialization. Such training will expose them to
modern techniques of administry, or have an insight into what to expect in the world of work.
Such attachment also offers the student the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge,
principle and practice they earlier acquired in the classroom during such attachment.

EDU 402 Guidance and Counseling

Definition of Guidance and counseling service, counseling processes, qualities of a good
counselor occupation guidance, married counseling, counseling services in schools,
contemporary issues in counseling services in Nigeria.

EDU 403 Continuous Assessment

Meaning of continuous assessment, national policy on education, its emphasis on continuous
assessment, the domain of continuous assessment i.e. cognitive, Psychomotor and effective
domains. The use or mis-use of continues assessment in primary and post primary schools in
Nigeria. Problems and prospects of the use of continuous assessment in schools in Nigeria.

EDU 411 Organization Of Primary And Secondary Schools In Nigeria

Programme organization and policy organization of primary schools in Nigeria, emphasis on the
role of ministry of education, post-primary Education Board, Local Education Authority in
Policy formulation and implementation in primary and secondary education. Contemporary
issues and problems pledging primary and secondary education in Nigeria.

EDU 413 Comparative Education

This course is designed to acquaint students with the various policies and programme of different
countries, towards this end emphasis will be place on British educational system, America,
Ghana, Cote d’ voir, China, Tanzania, Nigeria e. t. c.

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