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Starter unit People together 6 1 sci-fi books really boring

2 worried about Dad’s health
1 1 all 2 None 3 all 4 both
People talking 5 both 6 Neither 7 both
3 aren’t usually interested in cookery
4 was exhausting
1 1 from 2 of 3 about 2 Students’ own answers. 5 the most annoying
4 from / to 5 in
3 1 anybody 5 everything 6 disappointed by the last film
2 1 is making 2 Nobody 6 Everywhere
2 are
7 1 play 2 making 3 went
3 everybody 7 nobody; 4 gets / will get 5 do 6 making
3 was writing 4 somebody anything 7 get 8 make
4 did not / didn’t finish
5 is becoming 4 1 younger than 4 taller than 8 1 gone off 2 went through
6 appears 2 the oldest 5 faster than 3 go on 4 go with 5 gone off
3 the youngest 6 is going through 7 went off
3 1 Do … know 4 live
2 love 5 don’t believe 5 1 less 2 at least 9 A visit to London can be tempted
3 comes 6 owns / own 3 wasn’t as much as 4 least at any time of year, but spring is the
5 as much as 6 (correct) best time to head for this popular city.
4 1 is / ’s seeing
Listening Although seeing the bright lights of
2 Do … see
the Christmas decorations in winter
3 think 1 the happiest day is an amazed experience, walking
4 ’re / are thinking 2 23 / twenty-three through crowds of shoppers in the
5 tastes 3 celebration cold gets exhausting after a while.
5 1 did you see on holiday? O 4 None of In spring, it becomes easier to get
2 house did she buy? O 5 since 1821 around, and after a day’s sightseeing,
3 did you come here? O 6 has been you won’t feel as if you’ve got trekking
4 did you go last year? O 7 nobody (ever) uphill. London’s many parks are at
5 did Glen give you? O 8 hopes their best at this time of year if you
6 bike is this? S fancy a relaxed walk away from the
noise of the traffic. Visitors are often
People: About you 1, 2, 3 Students’ own answers. surprising by the size of London’s
1 1 ’ve / have; set parks and how central they are, but
2 ’ve / have done Writing
they are never disappointed by them.
3 haven’t / have not; done Students’ own answers. If you’re lucky, you may even see a
4 have gained play or a concert in the park, as there’s
5 have used
Unit 1 usually some cultural event going
2 1 has been playing without.
2 have allowed Vocabulary
1 tempting 2 amazing 3 been
3 has shown 1 1 do homework 2 going on a date 4 relaxing 5 surprised 6 on
4 has … written 3 make a fantastic meal
5 has been helping 4 go trekking 5 get fit Grammar
6 have come 2 1 do 2 do 3 make 4 go 1 1 Was … wearing; crashed
7 has been getting 5 making 6 get 2 were picking; started
3 1 for 2 ever 3 since 4 never 3 had made; was
3 1 go without 2 was going on 4 hadn’t been; didn’t know
5 ever 6 since 3 go back 4 go through
5 Had … left; arrived
4 2 haven’t / have not yet made 4 1 I went through
3 haven’t / have not already visited 2 Students’ own answers.
2 go without sweets or chocolate
4 have I already achieved 3 didn’t go / get back 3 1 haven’t arrested; broke into
5 still haven’t / have not taken / 4 what’s going on 2 has … disappointed; saw
haven’t / have not yet taken 3 Have … read; gave
6 ’ve / have already taken 5 1 embarrassed 4 frightening
4 hasn’t arrived; left
7 haven’t / have not received … yet 2 excited 5 disappointed
5 ’ve / have lied; promised
3 depressing 6 surprising
5 Students’ own answers.


4 1 ’ve / have known them since 3 1 experience 4 fascination 5 1 Relations 4 ambitious
2 has become 2 career 5 curious 2 internship 5 regulations
3 has already been 3 favourite 6 common 3 Sure 6 infection
4 went climbing was 4 1 popular 4 condition
5 has gone out Writing
2 important 5 pale
5 1 hurt 3 interested 6 situation 1 The writer’s friend.
2 was playing Sasha’s horse.
5 1 Have you just got back from the The writer.
3 haven’t broken library?
4 had warned / warned 2 I had to ask them to keep the 2 1 past simple
5 went vampire book 2 past perfect
6 hadn’t done / didn’t do 3 Didn’t you get it then? 3 It shows us why the day was
6 1 The teacher didn’t know that I’d 4 they forgot and gave it important.
cheated. 5 they’ve done that to you 3 1 As soon as 2 At first 3 later
2 How long did it take you to do 6 I was thinking that maybe I should 4 After 5 While 6 By the time
your homework last night? 7 Hasn’t a new one opened up 4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers.
3 (correct) 8 went there afterwards
4 The burglar had left the house 9 it had already closed. Progress Check
before we got back.
Speaking Grammar
5 Granddad says he didn’t have
enough to eat when he was young. 1 1 D 2 F 3 B 4 E 5 A 6 C 1 1 was looking; interrupted
6 None of us had seen such a 2 Did … meet; were doing
2 1 rock climbing 2 Really
beautiful sunset before that 3 weren’t / were not studying; saw;
3 frightening 4 Oh dear 5 Would
evening. were watching
6 rather 7 relaxing
4 hasn’t been; ’s / hadn’t been; was
7 1 didn’t use to like 3, 4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers. 5 ’s / has done
2 used to do ✓
3 didn’t use to exist Reading 2 1 used to play ✓
4 used to have 2 didn’t use to do ✓
1 Possible answer:
5 did … use to go ✓ 3 Did … use to get ✓
An intern is someone who works in
6 used to come ✓ 4 used to love
a company without being paid in
5 didn’t use to have
8 1 used to spend summers at our order to get experience working in a
country house when I was young. particular job or workplace. 3 1 decided 4 (correct)
2 didn’t use to be so relaxed. 2 had come 5 made
Students’ own answers.
3 Would you get a cold 3 used to play 6 scored
4 would / used to go everywhere by 2 Possible answers:
4 Students’ own answers.
bus as they didn’t drive. 1 He has a degree in Public Relations.
5 always use to be so helpful? 2 He doesn’t earn anything as it’s Vocabulary
6 would wear skirts and dresses. unpaid work. 1 1 got 4 had … made
3 Why his bosses had trusted him to 2 Have … been 5 Did … get
9 1 began do so much.
2 had taken / were taking 3 was doing 6 made
4 The caterers, because they didn’t
3 have made bring the correct order and they 2 1 C; going through 2 B; going on
4 asked charged too much. 3 D; going back 4 A; go without
5 used to call / called 5 Gerry was asked to sing at the party. 5 E; gone off
6 wanted 3 1 embarrassed ➙ embarrassing
7 had / did 3 1 F He has been an intern for five
months. 2 if you make ➙ if you do
10 1 had not / never been 2 F He’s ambitious. 3 (correct)
2 use to get 3 T He had to make all the 4 without ➙ through
3 have not / never had arrangements. 5 (correct)
4 was ringing but 4 T He was exhausted by the time 6 frightening ➙ frightened
5 had not got the party started. 4 1 make an effort
6 did not use 5 F He thought it was pretty cool. 2 (that) a bomb went off
Listening 4 1 safety regulations 3 doesn’t go with
2 nickname 4 I’ve got a headache
2 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 C 5 made a decision
7 C 8 B 9 C 10 C 3 bad press
4 internship 6 you get to
5 double act


Listening 5 1 prepare themselves / are preparing 8 1 Fran’s away, I’ll do some of her work
1 themselves 2 they’ve shown us the film, we’ll

Was disappointed by something

Suggests a solution to a problem
2 arm themselves discuss it
3 defend yourself 3 we’ve trained the robot, it’ll do all
4 look after themselves our jobs
4 a hurricane hits the town, there’ll
Finds something funny
Used to play volleyball

6 1 round 2 out; in 3 along

4 up 5 over be a crime wave
5 help comes, let’s wait here
Has got a tattoo

7 1 drop me off 6 We’re going to visit the shop before

2 have Alicia round we leave.
3 bumped into Jason
4 come (along) 9 1 is going to hit
5 pick you up 2 will be moving
6 stay in 3 ask
Chaz ✓ 4 will take
8 Students’ own answers. 5 leaves / will leave
Iris ✓ 6 will be
9 1 instructor 3 founder
an old ✓ 2 operator 4 professor 7 will have completed
couple 10 1 journalist 4 tourists 10 1 ’s not going to win
Bob ✓ 2 survivors 5 cyclist 2 stops / has stopped
3 winner 6 biologist 3 will live / will be living
Ava ✓ 4 Will … be
Grammar 5 will have returned
2 Possible answers: 1 1 does … arrive
1 annoying 4 surprised 2 ’s / is going to fall
2 embarrassed 5 frightened 3 ’re / are going 2 1 D 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 C 6 D
3 amusing 5 ’ll / will travel 7 D 8 D
Speaking 6 Are … going to live 3 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 B
Students’ own answers. 2 1 I doubt that aliens will take over 4 1 enthusiastic 4 bored
our planet. 2 encouraging 5 disappointed
2 What are you doing this weekend? 3 interested
Unit 2 3 In 2050, robots will fight wars
instead of humans. 5 1 Will visitors be able to apply
Vocabulary 2 it’s important to be prepared
4 (correct)
1 1 overpopulation 4 space station 5 Look at those clouds. There’s / 3 preparations should visitors make
2 crime wave 5 Space travel there is going to be a storm later. 4 have a copy of their CV with them
3 pollution 6 epidemic 5 they can include their qualifications
3 1 have seen 4 have found 6 to include the exams they’re taking
2 1 aliens 5 artificial 2 be driving 5 be travelling this year
2 robots intelligence 3 have landed
3 catastrophe 6 war Speaking
4 virtual world
4 Students’ own answers.
5 1 will … be 1 1 doing 2 of 3 bet 4 Maybe
3 1 herself 4 themselves 5 afraid 6 sure
2 will have divided
2 ourselves 5 himself
3 will be living 2 1 a hundred
3 yourself 6 myself
4 will be living 2 schools in the future
4 1 This robot can teach itself to do 5 Will … have moved 3 won’t be classrooms and teachers
new tasks 6 will … go 4 It’s not very likely
2 Paul calls himself a scientist, but 5 people will only learn online
there’s nothing scientific about his
6 Students’ own answers.
7 1 ’ve arrived / have arrived / arrive 3, 4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers.
3 In the film, people defend 2 show Reading
themselves from cyborgs. 3 ’m / am
4 ’ve read / have read / read
1 1 A couple will be sent into space to
4 (correct)
fly past Mars.
5 Mum considers herself a big fan of 5 has stopped / stops
2 Mars and Earth will be closer than
sci-fi books. 6 enter
6 Don’t forget to prepare yourself /
yourselves for storms this week. 2 1 C 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 B


3 Possible answers: Progress Check 3 1 What’s number one in the music
1 He’s a businessman who is devoted charts this week?
to developing space travel and 2 Match of the Day and Sports Scene
who has spent six days on the 1 1 arrive are sports programmes on TV.
International Space Station. 2 will be 3 It was such a popular book that it
2 It will take 501 days. 3 are / ’re going to see became a bestseller in its first week.
3 To show how risky the project is, as 4 help 4 (correct)
the astronauts won’t be rescued if 5 is / ’s going to show 5 The film was a huge success at the
things don’t go according to plan. 6 won’t get box office.
4 Whether or not the astronauts will 2 1 Will … have discovered 4 1 swallow 4 hair-raising
make it back to Earth. 2 ’ll / will be travelling 2 face 5 neck
5 We will learn a lot and be able to 3 will have finished 3 backs
use this experience to develop 4 won’t have read
space travel further. 5 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 D
5 ’ll / will be watching
4 1 mind-boggling 6 will be cleaning 6 1 turn your back on
2 safe and sound 2 spine-chilling
3 Students’ own answers.
3 taking advantage of 3 makes my blood boil
4 estimated 4 1 will have completed 4 face up to
5 mission 2 will collect / will be collecting
7 1 unsuitable
6 solar radiation 3 won’t affect
2 indecent; uncensored
4 ’s / is studying
5 1 advantage 3 illegal
5 will allow
2 knowledge 4 immature
6 will pull / will be pulling
5 irresponsible
Writing Vocabulary 8 1 immoral to hide legal problems
1 Possible answer: 1 1 climate change 4 virtual world 2 Jon plays a disobedient young
It’s a disappointing film as the plot 2 overpopulation 5 catastrophe 3 his new book distasteful
is predictable and some scenes are 3 station 6 robots 4 illegal to download
violent. 5 unsuitable / inappropriate costumes
2 1 C; stay in
2 1 The title of the film; its director; 2 D; dropped us off 6 unsafe to walk in the city centre
when it’s set and briefly what 3 A; go out / meet up 9 1 western 2 sci-fi 3 musical
happens 4 B; bump into 4 costume drama 5 adventure
2 Because it tells the story and we
3 1 teach yourself 10 1 illegible 4 immature
use this tense when relating the
2 defend themselves 2 uncomfortable 5 dissatisfied
plot of books, films, etc.
3 come along 3 disorganized 6 impatient
3 very original; exciting / spectacular
4 pick … up 11 Students’ own answers.
4 to sum up the review and
5 has … round
say whether or not he / she
4 Students’ own answers. Grammar
recommends the film
1 1 who 4 who / that
3 1 in order to destroy Listening
2 which 5 who / that
2 so as not to be defeated 1 A 3 when / that 6 which
3 are needed to control
4 therefore 2 1 Saturday evening 5 be great 2 Students’ own answers.
2 was thinking 6 pick … up
4 1 so as not to 3 1 Rob is a musician who plays in the
3 friends round 7 drop … off
2 Therefore, school band.
4 the garden 8 6 / six o’clock
2 Let me introduce you to Kris, who’s
5 Students’ own answers. the band’s singer.
6 Possible answers: Unit 3 3 There’s the presenter whose show
1 title is on at the weekends.
2 setting Vocabulary 4 I’ve got a friend whose dad’s a
3 plot 1 1 horror 4 genre famous director.
4 Opinions 2 blockbuster 5 tracks 5 What’s the name of that actor who’s
5 recommendation 3 audience 6 album on stage now?
7 Students’ own answers. 2 1 director 4 talent show 6 This is the designer who will make
2 viewer 5 comedy the costumes.
3 viral video 6 bestseller


4 Kelly What’s the name of that actor 5 Coldplay, who played at the Reading
whose talking to Jo? Paralympics in 2012, are one of the
1 car racing; football
Ruth That’s Mara, actually, the best bands in the UK.
exchange student who spending this OR Coldplay, who are one of the 2 Possible answers:
year in England. But I know what you best bands in the UK, played at the 1 She taught herself using an online
mean. She kind of looks like that actress Paralympics in 2012. tutorial.
whose in Dr Who. Jenna Coleman’s her 2 She can play her own music and
9 1 that 2 who 3 whose
name, isn’t it? sing live and she doesn’t need a
4 when 5 where 6 –
Kelly Yeah, that’s who I’m getting her fancy show to entertain her fans.
mixed up with. She’s the one who’s 10 1 Do you know who’s responsible for 3 Her grandmother had Alzheimer’s.
autograph my brother got the other casting? 4 She prefers uncomplicated songs
week. 2 (correct) that can easily be sung and that
Ruth How do you know it wasn’t Mara 3 The Cannes Festival, which takes have a message.
who’s gave him her autograph? place each year, is an important
3 1 F – She was fifteen, not twelve, as
Kelly Don’t let my brother hear you event.
it says that she first went on stage
saying that! 4 Ryan Gosling, who is an actor, is
three years after she started to learn
very successful.
1 who’s 2 who’s 3 who’s to play guitar at the age of twelve.
5 Here’s a picture of the house where
4 whose 5 who 2 T – Life in a Beautiful Light came
you will be staying. / Here’s a picture
out in 2012.
5 1 that ✓ 5 that ✓ of the house that you’ll be staying in.
3 F – Across the Nile is the only song
2 that ✓ 6 where 6 (correct)
out of three mentioned that is
3 that 7 that ✓
Listening about politics.
4 where
4 T – It says that she has won
6 1 ✓ is the day when I go to the gym 2 1 B 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 A
countless awards.
7 B 8 B 9 C 10 B
2 ✓ to the hotel where the band is
4 1 A 3 A 3 B 4 B
staying 3 1 B 2 A
3 is the person who plays drums on 5 1 B 2 B
4 3, tough: The letters gh are
our latest album pronounced /f/, whereas in the others Writing
4 ✓ is the cinema where we’re going the letters are silent.
tonight 1 An Honorary Doctor of Arts degree
5 ✓ was the year when she made her 5 1 dancers who didn’t go back to from Harvard University.
first video Cuba while they were on tour in
2 1a which
7 1 Iron Man 3, which I saw last week, is 1b yes (that could be used instead)
2 which is based in Havana I think,
a sci-fi film. N 1c no (the pronoun could not be
trains its dancers for free
2 (no commas needed) D omitted)
3 who are among the best in the
3 Filming, which should have finished 2 By the time
world, owe a lot to the dance
last week, is behind schedule. N 3a who directed his first feature film
4 (no commas needed) D in 1980; non-defining
4 month, which is what a top ballet
5 Bondi Beach, where we first met, is 3b which have made him a
dancer receives in Cuba,
in Sydney. N respected director, screenwriter
5 why dancers leave in the hope of a
6 (no commas needed) D and producer worldwide; defining
better career abroad
OR We bought tickets, which were 3 1 No sooner 3 As soon as
very expensive. N Speaking 2 By the time 4 just
8 1 The film premiere, which all the 1 1 B 2 D 3 C 4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers.
actors will attend, will be held 2 Lena OK. What about question two?
tomorrow. Progress Check
Who directed the film World War Z?
2 His agent, who works in Hollywood, Raul I can’t be certain. Can you give Grammar
got him the part. me a clue?
OR His agent, who got him the 1 1 where 3 which 5 who
Lena OK. Was it A Ruben Fleischer, B 2 whose 4 when
part, works in Hollywood. Marc Forster, or C Allen Hughes?
3 My favourite track, which is number Raul My guess is it / that it was Marc 2 1 ✓ The person that I spoke to was
3 on the CD, is called ‘Moonshine’. Forster. unhelpful.
OR My favourite track, which is Lena Are you sure about that? 2 The hotel that the group stayed in
called ‘Moonshine’, is number three Raul I’m pretty sure it was him. was in the centre of town.
on the CD. 3 ✓ Is that the book that you gave
4 The studio, where many people 3, 4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers. Grant?
work, was closed down.


4 ✓ Let’s watch the viral video that 2 (that) she had said ‘Yes’.
everyone’s talking about.
Unit 4
that was good news and that he had
5 (no changes possible) Vocabulary been beginning to think Ian would
3 1 where most American films are 1 1 disrespectful 4 kindly never ask her.
made 2 honestly, equally 5 dishonest they were going out for pizza that
2 who wrote the Harry Potter books 3 disloyal 6 racist evening.
3 where I saw my first film
2 1 kind he and Manjit were also going out for
4 when Pacific Rim came out
2 respect pizza that evening and that they could
4 1 which 5 where 3 equality all go together.
2 who 6 whose 4 discrimination / disgraceful
3 who 7 which 5 prejudice he wasn’t sure, as it was their first date
4 whose so it would be a bit embarrassing with
3 1 was 3 kept 5 met other people there.
Vocabulary 2 had 4 are 6 ’m / am
he was probably right and that they
1 1 audience 4 hit 4 1 ’m / am sick of could go on a double date the next
2 director 5 horror 2 find out time.
3 blockbuster 6 romance 3 didn’t lose his head
4 through thick and thin 3 1 told 3 said 5 said
2 1 makes my blood boil 2 said 4 told 6 told
2 face up to 5 under the weather
3 pain in the neck 6 are over the moon 4 1 Pete said to Jo that his parents had
4 spine-chilling 5 1 ask 3 getting 5 being nothing in common.
2 flirt 4 get 6 breaking 2 Gran said to me that their
3 1 turned 3 albums 5 audience neighbours had just gone on
2 hits 4 charts 6 swallow 6 1 Getting married is a way of making a holiday.
4 1 illogical 4 dissatisfied commitment to someone you love. 3 Sue told Lucy that Leo had been
2 inadequate 5 unbearable 2 Didn’t you used to go out with Jamie? speaking to Gemma when she had
3 illiterate 6 irrelevant 3 (correct) seen him that morning.
4 She was really upset when he 4 Ricardo told the class that his
Listening broke up with her. great-grandparents had had nine
1 Indiana Only The 5 You may be broken-hearted now, children.
Jones Fools Jackal but you’ll soon get over your 5 I told Geri that I was coming home
and the and ex-girlfriend. the following week / week after.
Temple Horses 6 I wish Kyle would stop flirting with
me! 5 1 Mairi suggested to Sean that they
of watch a DVD after dinner.
Doom 7 1 a have b have c having 2 Misha warned Vanessa not to go
David ✓ 2 a get b got c get out with Jim as / because he was
Jason 3 a Was b ’s / is c ’m / am nasty.
Bruce ✓ 8 1 inequality 4 unkindly 3 David reminded Ali to call him the
Willis 2 grateful 5 loyalty following / next day.
3 inhumane 4 Cassie ordered Don not to touch
Richard ✓
her iPad again.
Gere Grammar 5 Mum recommended that I try the
Harrison ✓ 1 1 … (that) he hadn’t seen Lisa the new Chinese restaurant.
Ford night before / previous night. 6 Students’ own answers.
2 … (that) her brother was getting
2 1 2.15 (p.m.) married the following week / week 7 1 Rob asked me when he would see
2 costume drama after. me again.
3 comedy 3 … (that) Ann and Ryan had 2 Steve asked Mia if / whether she
4 7.00 (p.m.) nothing in common. was going to the cinema that night.
5 adventure 4 … (that) she would help me / him / 3 Sophie asked her brother if /
6 romance her / them carry the box. whether Kyle had called her while
7 thriller 5 … (that) we could all go / come for she was out.
dinner that night. 4 Ama asked me why I had broken
6 … (that) he had never made new up with Rosie.
Students’ own answers. 5 The waiter asked us if / whether we
friends while on holiday.
had booked a table.


8 1 ‘When does the lesson end?’ 4 it started with nasty messages on 5 1 Greeting
2 ‘Can I borrow your phone?’ my Facebook page 2 apology
3 ‘Why didn’t you trust me?’ 5 What did the messages say 3 your own news
4 ‘Do you know Craig?’ 6 They said that I had stolen some 4 advice about what to wear
5 ‘How did you do in the test?’ money from some 5 sign off
9 1 Izzie asked me where I had got that 7 Did you steal any money 6 Students’ own answers.
8 They’re just spreading rumours
2 Mum suggested to Dad that they Progress Check
go out for a meal that night. Grammar
3 Ewan reminded Eric to bring his
1 1 E 2 B 3 F 4 A 5 D 6 C
1 1 we / they were getting married
revision notes. 2 1 less than half of the
2 he went to the theatre
4 I told my sister that a boy called 2 I don’t think it’s important
3 (that) Ken was always
Dean was at the door for her. 3 companionship
4 Dad (that) Ray had lost their
5 Lara said to Kevin that she would 4 Nearly everyone is
5 we / they could have … that year
see him the next / following day. 5 Hardly anyone
2 1 advised 4 warned
10 1 recommended ➙ suggested 3, 4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers.
2 said 5 ordered / told
2 told ➙ asked
3 did he know ➙ if / whether
Reading 3 suggested 6 recommended
he knew 1 1 the writer’s dad 3 1 Julia asked Izzy where her parents
4 said ➙ told 2 the writer had met.
5 can ➙ could 2 Mark asked me if that was my
2 1 B 2 C 3 B 4 A
6 had used ➙ used house.
3 1 False. ‘We’re concerned about … 3 Ang asked me how many times
Listening our future … ’ Taylor had asked me out.
2 1 C 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 A 2 False. ‘ … you won’t catch me … 4 ‘Did you have a good time?’
7 B 8 D risking having to chat to her folks!’ 5 ‘Why are you crying?’
3 False. ‘It’s just as easy to lie in person 6 ‘When did you last go on a date?’
3 1 a 2 a as it is to create a false Facebook
4 Possible answers:
4 Possible answers: profile.’
1 that he couldn’t find a decent
1 a spreading rumours (normal 4 True. ‘Recognizing who you can
photo of himself to post in his
stress) connect with and who you can’t is
advert on the new online dating
no special emphasis intended / an art form, online and offline.’
normal use 4 1 freaks … out 3 folks 2 Jaime / him how she could help
b spreading rumours 2 hanging out 4 blurted out (him).
to emphasize that rumours are
5 1 blurted; b 3 express; a 3 Marise / her if she could take a new
being spread, as opposed to being
2 fifties; a 4 folks; b photo of him.
condemned / proven wrong / etc.
4 to take his photo
c spreading rumours Writing 5 she didn’t have a camera
to emphasize that it is rumours
1 Possible answer: 6 to let her use his
that are being spread and not, for
example, lies / gossip / etc. She’s going bowling on her first date Vocabulary
2 a racial comments with a boy called Toby.
1 1 unkindness 4 indignity
to emphasize that comments 2 1 It has; have not 2 humanity 5 Dishonesty
are racial in nature and not, for 2 ‘My friend Carol says I’m obsessed.’ 3 racism
example, sexist / positive / etc. ‘Toby said it’s great.’ The present
b racial comments tense is used as the information is 2 1 It’s not a good idea to lie to the
to emphasize that racism was still true. police, just be honest.
expressed by means of comments 3 To convey that the previous idea 2 I love going walking at this time of
and not, for example, by attacks etc. (doing homework) is boring. year, the trees are such beautiful
c racial comments (normal stress) colours.
3 1 Got any advice? / Any idea what 3 Women still experience inequality
no special emphasis intended / I should wear? / OK then, better get
normal use in their work environment.
on with … 4 I may have lost the game, but I left
5 1 told me some of the girls have 2 It’s / haven’t / We’re / I’m / name’s / with dignity.
been bullying you this term he’s / can’t / we’re / it’s 5 I gratefully thanked my
2 I asked her not to tell anyone 3 Hey / Well / stuff like that / I almost grandmother for my birthday
3 Jaydee said she’s very worried forgot to mention / OK then present.
about you 4 Students’ own answers.
3 1 on 2 know 3 common 6 1 hug 4 interrupt 5 I shouldn’t have played indoors
4 blue 5 over 6 through 2 apologize 5 kiss earlier because I smashed a light.
3 queue 6 greet 6 She may have already left.
4 Students’ own answers.
7 1 ability 4 generosity 9 1 should try 2 must not do
2 importance 5 modesty 3 should not catch
1 Tick: 2, 3, 5 3 laziness 6 reliability 4 must have agreed
Possible answers: 5 must have been
8 Possible answers:
1 isn’t mentioned – the speakers 6 could not control
-ness: assertiveness, boldness,
simply mention a specific case of
nervousness, self-consciousness, 10 1 Grant could play the violin when he
someone they know who posted
defensiveness, happiness was five.
someone else’s photo on Facebook.
2 You don’t have to read this article.
4 isn’t mentioned – the survey asks -ce: importance, independence,
3 Mark may / might / could have
about how people ask someone impatience, confidence, intelligence,
stolen the money.
else out on a date, not where they innocence
4 You should speak to a teacher
would go. -ity: insanity, stablity, ability, sensitivity, about your problems.
2 1 broke up reliablility 5 You can’t have seen Jane. She’s on
2 about half the people -y: guilty, modesty holiday.
3 The majority of people 6 Can Rhys buy a new tablet?
4 1 in 4 / One in four 9 1 nervousness 4 confident
5 only 60% 2 intelligent 5 important Listening
3 intelligence 6 ability
Speaking 2 1 C 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 C
Grammar 7 B 8 C 9 A 10 B
Students’ own answers.
1 1 weren’t able 4 could 3 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 B
2 Could you 5 can’t 4 1 Falling intonation
Unit 5 3 managed to 6 Can I 2 Falling intonation
Vocabulary 2 Students’ own answers. 3 Rising intonation
4 Rising intonation
1 1 nervous 4 Aggression 3 1 should / ought to dress
2 impatient 5 shy 2 mustn’t bully 5 1 do we mean by ‘instinctive
3 confidence 6 innocence 3 shouldn’t / ought not to bring behaviour’
4 must / have to help 2 behaviour that takes place without
2 1 You should be more assertive with
5 should / ought to speak any previous knowledge
your friends.
3 behaviour that doesn’t have to be
2 For safety reasons, all babies must sit 4 Students’ own answers.
in a child seat when travelling in cars. 5 1 can’t be; must be 4 automatic and the same behaviour
3 (correct) 2 may / might not want can be seen in all members of a
4 I feel too self-conscious to wear 3 may / might / could / must be species
these shorts. 4 may / might not understand 5 Can you give us any other
5 Danny was always very confident 5 must belong examples
in his abilities.
6 1 may be honest with us this time. 6 What must they do when they’re
6 Openness means being honest
3 can’t be the one who’s stealing born to survive
with others about how you feel.
things. 7 they have to get to the sea
3 1 understand each other / one another 4 must be Anne’s house because 8 Do they have to be shown the way
2 smiled at each other / one another that’s her car parked over there. to the sea by other members of the
3 are … copying each other / one 5 could / may / might be asleep. species
4 looked at each other / one another 7 1 have caused 4 have been Speaking
5 trust each other / one another 2 have bought 5 have attended
1 1 D 2 A 3 E 4 C 5 F 6 B
3 have done 6 have seen
4 1 copying each other / one another 2 1 Would you like
2 understand each other / one 8 1 You can’t have shaken hands with 2 would be
another Lionel Messi!
3 I’ll just
3 laugh with each 2 Penny should have listened to her
4 Shall I
4 trust one boss.
5 thanks anyway
5 looked at each other / one another 3 You could have told me last night
6 Do you mind
the class had been cancelled.
5 1 greet 3 bow 5 hold 7 of course not
4 (correct)
2 shake 4 wave 3, 4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers.


Reading 3 Dear Sir or Madam, 2 1 Could your granddad read
I am writing to you regarding the 2 don’t have to steal
1 1 An astronaut
position of a Saturday sales assistant at 3 Should we ask
2 a mountaineer
your bakery. I would like to apply for 4 mustn’t forget
3 Professor of psychology at
the position, which I saw advertised 5 might not be
Vanderbilt University
2 Possible answers: recently in a local newspaper. [P] I 3 1 should … have done
believe that I am an ideal candidate 2 must have paid
1 That they are extreme forms of risk.
for the post as I am very hard-working 3 can’t have been
2 It’s an example of non-extreme risk
and confident with other people. I am 4 could have taken
which a young person might take.
also patient and enjoy helping others. 5 should have been
3 Asking people questions about
[P] Furthermore, I have experience 4 1 can’t have seen
their behaviour concerning risks
of working in a shop situation. Last 2 must have been
and examining their brains using
summer I worked part-time as a sales 3 must not enter
PET scans while doing an exciting
assistant in a local newsagent’s. My 4 say you are / that you’re
previous employer was very pleased 5 might / may have felt
4 Teenagers and people who
with my work and she can provide a
enjoy taking risks produce more Vocabulary
reference if you need one. [P] I would
dopamine than people who don’t
be grateful if you would consider me 1 1 nervousness 4 aggression
like taking risks.
for the post. I am available at any time 2 innocence 5 importance
5 Because they produce more
you wish to come for an interview. 3 happiness
dopamine than adults and because
they are more influenced by how Yours faithfully, 2 1 with one another / each other
other people the same age as them Sam Lewis 2 with one another / each other
see them. 3 at one another / each other
4 I am writing to you regarding the
3 1 F Aldrin defines risk as being 4 one another / each other
position …
prepared to lose everything, he 3 1 shyness always stopped
doesn’t say that he lost everything. I would like to apply for the position,
2 hold hands
2 F The writer mentions not doing which I saw advertised recently …
3 catch the waiter’s eye
homework as an example of a risk I believe that I am an ideal candidate 4 answer the phone / answer this
that some young people take and for the post … phone call
that can make them feel good. My previous employer … 5 shook hands (with one another /
3 F 34 people were involved and with each other)
they were men and women in … provide a reference …
4 1 cooperated with 4 laziness
equal numbers (i.e. 17 men and 17 I would be grateful if you could 2 talk to 5 generous
women). consider me for the post. 3 guilty of 6 frustration
4 T Doing things spontaneously
I am available any time you wish …
and breaking rules are among Listening
characteristics linked with risk- 5 1 A formal email applying for a
1 1, 3, 4 are mentioned
taking. summer job in the office of a
5 F It is a chemical that is released teenage magazine. 2 1 Shake hands 4 queues
naturally in the brain when we 2 Possible answers: 2 How do you do? 5 apologize
experience pleasure. ability to read for detail, confidence, 3 on time 6 behaviour
independence, reliability Speaking
4 1 in jeopardy 4 thrill
3 Dear Mrs Woods; Yours sincerely
2 curfew 5 peers Students’ own answers.
3 spontaneously 6 A 3 B 4 C 1 D 2 E 1
F 4 G 3
5 1 astronaut
7 Students’ own answers.
Unit 6
2 your
Writing Progress Check
1 1 inventor 4 discovery
1 To apply for a job in a bakery. Grammar 2 development 5 revolutionized
2 1 1F 2B 3D 4C 5A 6E 1 1 prohibition 5 certainty 3 researchers 6 cloning
2 A provide 2 advice 6 obligation 2 1 During the experiment, there were
B position; post 3 ability 7 possibility three observers in the lab.
C ideal candidate 4 request 2 Where does the designer get her
3 Organize the main ideas into inspiration from?
separate paragraphs.


3 Washing machines, vacuum 2 1 Someone has left their iPod on this Stu In what way?
cleaners and dishwashers brought desk. Kyle People’s lives have made easier
about a revolution in housework. 2 (correct) by the website as it helps them to do
4 The discovery of / Discovering fossil 3 Sonia was given a heart-shaped things like get their passport renew or
fuels like coal and oil has been very cake for her birthday last year. pay their taxes.
important to modern life. 4 Do they sell GM foods in this Stu Did any other designs awarded
5 The company is working on supermarket? / Are GM foods sold prizes?
adaptations to its software in this supermarket? Kyle Oh yes, there were prizes for
program. 5 (correct) things like architecture, fashion,
3 1 microwave 6 The test will be done again in a design and transport. The one that
2 international week’s time. got the transport prize was the one I
3 rewrite liked best. It was a wheel that been
3 Students’ own answers.
4 underestimate designed so that it can be folded and
4 1 will be done; by researchers used for bikes and wheelchairs.
5 pro-GM
2 was made; (second space left blank) Stu Sounds cool.
4 1 (correct) 3 was discovered by the police Ex. was
2 People were wearing multi- 4 is being designed; by Lia 1 with / by
coloured costumes at the carnival. 5 have been put; by the company 2 have been made
3 Vegetables lose valuable vitamins 3 renewed
5 1 The lab was being cleaned when
when they’re over-cooked. 4 Were
I arrived.
4 The organizers underestimated 5 that has / that’s been
2 This old TV set is going to be
the number of participants and not
replaced soon.
everyone could fit into the hall.
3 Electronic goods are developed by
5 If you are anti-technology, you 2 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 C 6 B
our company.
believe that people shouldn’t use 7 A 8 C
4 The scientist won’t be paid a lot of
electronic items.
money. 3 1 They_haven’t had_the_designs_
5 1 tough 4 useful 2 eye-catching 5 The new solar-powered car is being approved yet.
5 stylish 3 low-cost tested by Shona. 2 Next_week, I’ll_be_in Geneva.
6 1 Wayne’s umbrella is pocket-sized. 6 1 having my hair cut this afternoon. 3 A_luminarium_is_made_of
2 We need to find a low-cost 2 had its roof blown off in the storm. coloured plastic.
solution. 3 got new solar panels put in. 4 It’s_a_great place for_concerts.
3 Do you think in the future all cars 4 has had her motorbike fixed twice 5 This_is_used for catching fish.
will be solar-powered? this month. 6 It’s_not_as heavy_as it seems.
4 This resort isn’t really child-friendly. 5 getting a new computer delivered 4 1 was given an invitation to visit a
5 New inventions must be later. luminarium
eco-friendly. 6 had his eyes tested yesterday. 2 the Mayor had had one installed in
7 1 a resend 7 1 had our photo taken the Olympic Park
b renew 2 had more tests done 3 It was an experience I’ll never forget
c redesign 3 having our lights fixed 4 I’m worried that I’ll feel like I’ve
2 a multi-purpose 4 has had a new perfume developed been locked in
b multi-national 5 had a new tattoo drawn 5 I’m sure you’ll be able to relax when
c multi-storey 6 will have had the bedroom painted you see all those beautiful colours
3 a overeat 6 It’s good to be given the chance to
8 1 will have / have the bionic eye put in
b overproduce do something a bit different
2 will be put / is put
c overspend 7 my friend’s band has been asked to
3 will be worn / are worn
play a concert there next week
8 1 idea 4 discoveries 4 will be sent / are sent
8 But let’s stay near the entrance
2 tests 5 inspiration 5 has been created
3 observations 6 adaptations Speaking
9 Stu Did you go to the Design of the
Grammar Year exhibition this year? 1 1 practical
Kyle Yeah. It is really interesting. 2 far more practical than
1 1 hadn’t been published I saw that an award was given to the 3 pocket-sized
2 will be replaced
website 4 is less practical than
3 Has … been developed
Stu A website? That’s an unusual choice. 5 isn’t as cheap as
4 was … invented
Kyle Well the judges were impressed 6 cost less than
5 is being re-written
for it because it saves users lots of
6 are recycled
time and money.


2 1 is used for 3 1 however Listening
2 It’s a useful thing 2 On the one hand 1
3 much less useful 3 On the other hand

London Underground
4 changed more people’s lives 4 What’s more
5 it helps 5 although

Senz° Umbrella

Mighty Wallet
6 You can use it

Crinkle Glass
4 Students’ own answers.
3, 4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers. 5 Possible answer:
Reading By introducing both sides of the
1 Possible answer:
In the FunanDigitalife Mall, you can 6, 7 Students’ own answers. waterproof ✓ ✓
buy gadgets and IT equipment. In the Progress Check disposable
Akihabara area, you can buy new and recycled ✓
used electronic equipment, computer Grammar
games and parts and personal robots. low-cost ✓ ✓
1 1 invented; A
2 was printed; P eco-friendly ✓
2 Possible answers:
1 Someone who likes to travel and 3 will be repaired / is going to be pocket- ✓
is interested in IT and electronic repaired; P sized
gadgets. 4 are asking; A
tough ✓
2 WiFi internet access is free in the 5 was designed; P
FunanDigitalife Mall. 6 are tested; P 2 1 was designed 6 waterproof
3 To look on the mall’s website to 2 1 is being replaced 2 high quality 7 disposable
see if any gaming championships 2 was this email written 3 £49.99 8 recycled
will be held there while they are 3 has been left 4 black 9 £6.50
visiting. 4 will be tested 5 £14.99
4 In the Akihabara district of Tokyo. 5 was being driven by Speaking
5 Your passport, if you are a foreign
3 1 had their article published Students’ own answers.
2 had my iPhone stolen
3 1 F It ‘is certainly very popular’ in this 3 will have had the tests done
part of Asia, but it doesn’t say it’s 4 is having their website redesigned Unit 7
the ‘best-known’. 5 Have; had the computer checked
2 F All the stores are ‘under one roof’.
6 had her dress designed
3 F Goods aren’t discounted, but 1 1 raise 4 taking
4 1 has been promoted 2 volunteering 5 raise
shoppers can get a tax refund with
2 has; had the app converted 3 is appealing
a foreign passport.
3 will be taught
4 T Akihabara is ‘less than five 2 1 campaign 4 donation
4 were organized
minutes by train from Tokyo station’. 2 charity 5 sponsor
5 are improved
5 T The duty free shops ‘specialize 3 activity 6 volunteer
6 have had it made
in appliances for the international
market’. Vocabulary
3 1 Inner-city schools
2 cancer research
4 1 gadgets 4 buy 1 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 C 5 B 3 terrorist attack
2 unlimited 5 enthusiasts 2 1 eco-friendly 4 long-lasting 4 volunteer project
3 instant 6 deals in 2 waterproof 5 tough 5 sports stars; animal charities
5 1 /dʒ/ 2 /dʒ/ 3 /dʒ/ 4 /g/ 5 /g/ 3 solar-powered 4 1 ice-cream flavour B
3 1 researchers 2 animal charities D
2 tests 3 computer game A
1 The writer agrees with the statement, 3 rethink 4 volunteer projects C
as in the conclusion he / she says that 4 designed/developed
we should use technology only when
5 1 equality
5 discovered 2 cuts
necessary. 6 observation 3 gender
2 1 Yes 4 1 … do you always overspend 4 protesters; slogans
2 2: The arguments against the 2 … are multi-purpose 5 right
statement 3 … resend me the email
3: the arguments for the statement 4 … is multi-ethnic
3 In conclusion; I believe 5 … always overproduces cars


6 1 The protesters organized a march 5 Researchers won’t find a cure for 2 Students should tick:
through the centre of the city. cancer unless we support them. today I’d like to talk to you about …
2 Did you sign the petition against 6 We will launch an appeal provided First of all, I’d like to explain …
changes to the education system? that you help us. the next thing I’d like to explain …
3 Two hospitals have been closed 6 1 will hear us unless you / we shout That’s all I have to say for now.
recently due to health cuts. louder Thanks very much for listening.
4 (correct) 2 go on the sponsored walk provided 3, 4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers.
5 During the protest march, we all that you make a donation
shouted slogans. 3 will disappear if we don’t help it Reading
7 1 rally 2 Banners 3 petition 4 give you a / my donation as long as 1 Waste less to need less
4 slogan 5 Activists / Protesters you complete the race Possible answer:
5 will change if we don’t become It is best because it can refer to both
8 1 change 4 worthy
active sections of the argument. The other
2 members 5 issue
6 clean up the beach provided that two only refer to one of these two
3 penalty 6 rally
the weather is good sections.
9 1 sponsored 4 clean-up
2 march 5 endangered
7 1 would; had 3 would; had 2 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 C
2 had; would 4 had; had 3 1 T ‘ … people … have begun
3 people 6 English
8 1 asks for a donation, what will you do questioning their values in life.’
Grammar 2 hard, the campaign won’t be a 2 F It’s an example of a renewable
1 1 help 4 had success source.
2 will be 5 don’t try 3 were Abril, I wouldn’t go to the rally 3 T ‘ … we’ve become increasingly
3 would end 6 complained 4 pay us less, what will we do reliant on energy-consuming
2 1 would you complete 5 had / ’d realized how serious it was, electronic devices.’
2 think we would have helped 4 T The article lists five different ways
3 will learn 9 Students’ own answers. in which we would benefit.
4 wouldn’t / would not need 5 T ‘ … we’ll be healthier, happier
5 were
Listening and more certain for the future as
2 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 C the power will be back in our own
3 1 ’d / had known; wouldn’t / would hands.’
7 A 8 B 9 A 10 B
not have gone
2 raise; will / ’ll build 3 1 First on our agenda, we’ll be 4 1 boom 4 recession
3 Would … go; started looking at forms of protest … 2 cargo ships 5 appliances
4 would have / ’ve told; had / ’d wanted 2 It’s a pleasure to be here. 3 renewable
5 supported; would hire 3 What’s it like being on the other 5 1 anxiety 3 diet
6 Will … sponsor; take side of a protest? 2 reliant 4 appliances
4 Maybe boring isn’t the right word.
4 1 If we don’t oppose health cuts, the Writing
government will close more hospitals. 4 Students’ own answers.
2 If you had told me you were raising 1 The writer disagrees with the
5 1 If I were you, I wouldn’t go to the statement.
money for charity, I would have protest.
made a donation. 2 We’ve got to stand up for our rights. Students’ own answers.
3 If I were you I would / I’d complain. 3 But what if things get violent? 2 1 The writer opposes the statement.
4 If they reduce our pay, we will / 4 If we all thought like that, nothing 2 To meet up with people with the
we’ll go on strike. would ever change. same views
5 If the terrorist attack hadn’t 5 OK, but will you leave immediately To make their voices heard.
happened, the building would still if any trouble starts? 3 Students should tick:
be standing. 6 Don’t worry. I’m sure it will be very refer to the main idea in the
6 (correct) peaceful. statement
5 1 The animals will die unless we sum up the main ideas
rescue them.
3 Firstly In the first place / To begin with
2 We won’t cut your wages as long as 1 1 580
you work harder. 2 20 Moreover In addition / Also /
3 We will all make a difference if 3 raises awareness; raises Furthermore / What’s more / Secondly
we try. 4 ten / 10 To sum up In conclusion / All in all /
4 They will hire a woman provided 5 thirty-five / 35 To conclude
that she has relevant experience. 6 a hot meal
4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers.
7 online / on Twitter


Progress Check Unit 8 5 1 going into the
2 after showing / he showed me
Vocabulary 3 enough money to come
1 1 were; would tell 4 too dirty to lie
1 1 checked in 4 went
2 will hurt; don’t stop 5 from being a scenic
2 stop off 5 heading to
3 joined; would help
3 delayed 6 looking 6 1 going 4 ✓ to get
4 would make; organized
2 to get 5 sleeping
5 becomes; will act 2 1 book 3 cancel 5 go
3 taking 6 ✓ to arrange
6 were; would be 2 pack 4 get 6 miss
3 1 travel blog 4 budget hotel
7 1 to get 5 to let
2 1 wanted; 2nd
2 to see 6 doing
2 help; 1st 2 return ticket 5 weekend trip
3 going 7 arguing
3 hadn’t read; 3rd 3 beach holiday
4 visiting
4 won’t be; 1st 4 1 summer holiday
5 would go; 2nd 2 travel; shoestring
8 1 going 4 to do 7 riding
2 taking 5 to relax 8 going
3 1 think 3 five-star hotel
3 travelling 6 being
2 would you sign 4 travel sickness
3 did 5 day trip 9 Students’ own answers.
4 are 5 1 affordable 3 atmospheric Listening
5 hadn’t taken 2 compact 4 busy
2 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 C 6 A
4 Students’ own answers. 6 1 busy 5 impressive 7 B 8 C
Vocabulary 2 lively 6 elegant
3 trendy 7 peaceful
3 1 How, involved ➘
1 1 banner; slogans 4 affordable
2 exactly, work ➘
2 animal rights 3 Just, friend ➘
3 activists; rally 7 1 Have … packed 4 get 4 sure, was ➘
4 protest; health cuts 2 go 5 got 5 experience, never ➘
5 community service 3 book 6 went 6 mainly ➚
2 1 Gender 4 inner-city 8 1 cabin crew 5 boarding pass 4 1 Are you still planning to go
2 terrorist 5 research 2 social media post 6 run-down 2 Yes, but I’m considering stopping
3 cuts 6 birthday 3 seaside resort 7 chic off in Ecuador
4 duty free 8 campsite 3 I’d like to do something like that,
3 1 … raise enough funds for a
but I can’t stand flying.
homeless shelter Grammar
2 … make a list of everything we 4 Why don’t you consider doing a
1 1 ✓ Hitchhiking 4 coming project somewhere in Europe?
need to do before the charity event
2 going 5 ✓ walking 5 That way I could travel by rail.
3 … a high-school senior
3 ✓ Booking 6 ✓ teaching 6 You’re certain to find interesting
4 … racial equality
5 … take part in the charity event 2 1 Sitting on the train, Gayle admired projects in scenic areas.
the countryside.
4 1 part 4 species Speaking
2 Staying in a hotel outside the city is
2 attend 5 worthy 1 A 5 B 1 C 3 D 6 E 2
usually cheaper.
3 petition 6 on F 4 G 7
3 Stopping off at the roadside café
Listening was a bad idea. 2 1 So do 2 Neither can I 3 Really?
1 A3, B1, C–, D2 4 Swimming in the cool sea was 4 How far 5 Me too
2 1 volunteer 5 Living in Oxford can be very
3, 4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers.
2 homeless expensive. Reading
3 17–30 / seventeen to thirty
4 drug 3 Students’ own answers. 1 At the Grótta lighthouse in
5 3 / three 4 1 too hot to sit Seltjarnanes. / In Seltjarnanes.
6 make a donation 2 to fly 2 Possible answers:
7 teaching 3 getting 1 So that readers can check the
4 going Aurora forecast for themselves from
5 enough to swim a reliable source.
Students’ own answers. 6 walking 2 The Imagine Peace Tower will be lit
7 ’re not / are not / aren’t driving fast up.
enough 3 Carved into the white stone well on
the Imagine peace tower.
4 Going for a boat trip at night to see Progress Check Listening
the Northern Lights. 1
5 To get out of the city to see the Grammar A form of Eating A guided
Northern Lights, as they are more 1 1 travelling travelling out tour
visible the further you go from the 2 to miss 1 ✓
lights of the city. 3 to go 2 ✓ ✓
3 1 F Experts have predicted high 4 to buy
3 ✓
activity for the next 48 hours. 5 to pack
2 T The date of his death is given in 6 Queuing 2 1 too elegant
the text as 8 December 1980. 2 1 Going 2 characterful
3 F You can see the lights from 2 complaining 3 affordable
the port and from Seltjarnanes – 3 to set off 4 surrounding area
the boat trip is mentioned as an 4 to bring 5 historic
alternative way to see the lights. 5 Surfing 6 9.30 am
4 F You leave the city centre in order 6 to have 7 on foot
to get there. 8 ticket
3 Students’ own answers.
5 T You should wrap up well so that 9 take a taxi
your fun isn’t spoiled by the cold as 4 1 going
it’s an exposed area. 2 to read
3 providing Students’ own answers.
4 1 source 4 to swim
2 treated to 5 to try
3 simultaneously 6 to dive
4 once-in-a-lifetime 7 enjoying
5 exposed 8 staying
5 /æ/ as in map /eɪ/ as in make Vocabulary
spectacular area 1 1 was delayed
imagine arranging 2 go sightseeing
added brave 3 miss
4 booking
fascinating waves
5 trip
wrap take 6 get on
2 1 sickness
Writing 2 five-star
1 1 Turkish baths 3 budget
2 minibus 4 shoestring
2 Possible answers: 5 holiday
1 To introduce the place to be 6 trip
described and give some general 7 day
information about it. 3 1 looking forward to going
2 easy to get (around) 2 gone off
3 Taking (a trip) 3 your return ticket
3 Possible answers: 4 in the city centre
the place: busy, compact, characterful, 5 old part
historic 4 1 Travellers are given a boarding
the people: warm, friendly, welcoming pass when they check in.
the atmosphere: lively, crowded, 2 The cabin crew serve drinks and
quieter snacks on planes.
the facilities: convenient, affordable, 3 I always write on my travel blog
little, relaxing, elegant, reasonably priced when I’m on holiday.
4, 5, 6 Students’ own answers. 4 (correct)
5 Let’s go to the restaurant on foot.


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