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August 17, 2023


Program Head, BS Agribusiness
Camarines Norte College of Arts and Business
Bagong Silang 2, Labo Camarines Norte

Dear Madam,


The Labo Progressive Multi-purpose Cooperative (LPMPC), in collaboration with TRIAS, a non-
governmental organization based in Belgium, recognizes the importance of youth as future leaders,
entrepreneurs, farmers, and professionals who will shape the organization's and society's future.
With this, LPMPC and Trias are organizing a two-day training on "Enabling Rural Innovation
Competency-Based Economy through Formation of Enterprise" ERI-CEFE Walkthrough for 25
cooperative youth farmers on August 24-25, 2023. By introducing the concept of ERI CEFE and
developing them into successful agri-entrepreneurs, this activity aims to change the perception of farming
among young people and showcase viable business opportunities rather than merely subsistence activities.
Furthermore, the activity aims to reach out to more farmers by providing agri-enterprise services to a
strong network of farmer suppliers for Agricultural Trading Enterprise.
In this regard, we would like to invite at least 5 students (18-30 years old) from your School that
are willing to attend and participate in the aforementioned activity. Please keep in mind that there is no
registration fee for this training, and we will cover the cost of training supplies, meals, fare, and lodging.
The training will be on a "first come, first served" basis, limited to 25 participants only.
For your confirmation, kindly contact Joy A. Visitacion, Project Development Officer of LPMPC,
on her mobile number: 09354159808.
If you already have participants who are interested, please notify us and send their Name, Age,
Contact Number, Facebook Name, and Address so that we can reserve their slot. The submission period
will run from today until August 18, 2023. The training will take place on August 24-25, and the location
will be announced once the number of participants has been reached.

Prepared By:

Joy A. Visitacion
Project Development Officer
Approved By:
Program of Activities

Time Session In-Charge

Day 1- August 24,
8:00 – 8:30 Registration Secretariat
8:30 – 8:40 Welcome Remarks RULD – Agribusiness DM
8:40 – 9:00 Introduction of Participants Cres Adlawan
9:00 – 9:10 Objectives and Schedule of Program Beverly Medrano
9:10 – 9:30 Levelling of Expectations, norms, formation Joy Visitacion
of team for the day
9:30 – 10:30 Introduction of ERI and CEFE:
 Introduction to Modules of ERI
 Introduction of Modules of CEFE Outsource Faci
(waiting for their
 The River Code
approval) …
 Farming as a Business

10:30 – 12:00 Crafting Household Vision

 Orientation about household
 Visioning
 Giving Instruction
 Output Presentation
12:00 – 1:00 LUNCH
1:00 – 2:30 Identifying Resources:
Resource mapping, Seasonal calendar,
Institutional Mapping, Network and
Linkages -
Workshop: Resource Mapping
 Orientation about resource mapping
 Giving instruction
 Output presentation

2:30 – 3:15 Discovering the Agri-preneurship in me -

Unlocking Entreprenuerial Competencies
SLE: Dart Game
3:15 – 4:00 Action Planning- setting household goals
towards realization of vision -

4:00 – 5:00 Overview of participatory monitoring and

evaluation -

End of Day 1 -
Day 2- August 25, -
8:00 – 8:30 Review learning of the previous day -
8:30 - 8:45 Overview of Participatory market research
8:45 – 9:30 Basic Marketing
Coca cola game and 5Ps
9:30 – 10:00 Selection of enterprise-macro screening
10:00 – 10:15 Snack
10:15 – 12:00 Learning from models, Basic of Sustainable
12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Break
1:00 – 3:00 SLE: The Entrefarm Games
Working Snack
3:00 – 4:00 Action Planning and Evaluation

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