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Special Eurobarometer 525

Sport and Physical Activity

Full report Fieldwork: April-May 2022

Survey conducted by Kantar at the request of the European Commission,

Survey co-ordinated by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture

(DG EAC “Sport Unit”)

Project number 2022.4536

Project title Special Eurobarometer 525 - Sport and Physical Activity

Language version EN PDF

Catalogue number NC-09-22-460-EN-N

ISBN 978-92-76-56432-4

DOI 10.2766/356346

© European Union, 2022

Photo credit: Getty Images

Table of Contents




1. Frequency 9
2. Levels of engagement 15


3. Different settings 35
4. Club membership 39


5. Motivators 43
6. Barriers 48


7. Opportunities in the local area 53
8. Opportunities offered by local sport clubs and other providers 56
9. Local authority provisions 59

10. Citizens’ engagement in volunteering in sport 63


11. Impact of Covid-19 on frequency of sport and physical activity 67


12. Citizens’ attentiveness towards the environment 71
13. Sport organisations’ activities in support of the environment 74


14. Measures to support gender equality in sport organisations 78
15. Handling gender discrimination in sport organisations 81
16. Importance of female role models in sport 84
17. Attractiveness of female sport in the media 86
18. General attentiveness towards gender-based violence in sport 88


Technical Specifications 91

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture  Frequency and levels of engagement in sport and other
(DG EAC) is the branch of the European Commission charged with physical activity
the development and implementation of European policy in the  Places where citizens engage in sport and other physical
field of sport. The activities of DG EAC in the field of sport are activity
mainly outlined by:
 Europeans’ motivators and barriers to sports participation
 The European Union Work Plan for Sport (2021-2024)
 Opportunities for sports participation in citizens’ local areas
 The Communication on Developing the European Dimension in
Sport (2011)  Europeans’ engagement in volunteering in sport

 The White Paper on Sport (2007)  Impact of COVID-19 on the frequency of sport and physical
The White Paper on Sport issued in 2007 by the European  Awareness of the impact of sport and physical activity on the
Commission was a pivotal policy document addressing sport on environment and perceptions of measures taken to support the
behalf of the European Union. The Lisbon Treaty, in force since environment
December 2009, gave the EU a new supporting, coordinating and  Opinions about gender equality issues in sport and physical
supplementing competence for sport, with provisions for activity
promoting European sporting issues and developing the European
dimension in sport. Where possible, the results of the current survey are compared
with those of previous surveys on this topic.
Following the current European Union Work Plan for Sport, DG EAC
has three main areas of activity in the field of sport: This survey was carried out by the Kantar network in the 27
Member States of the European Union between 19 April and 16
 Integrity of sport: in particular promoting good governance
including the safeguarding of minors, taking account of the May 2022. 26,578 EU citizens from different social and
specificity of sport, combatting corruption and match fixing, demographic categories were interviewed face-to-face at their
and fighting doping home and online.
 Economic dimension of sport: in particular innovation in sport,
and sport and the digital single market
 Sport and society: in particular social inclusion, the role of
coaches, education in and through sport, sport and health,
sport and environment, sport and media and sport diplomacy

In addition to the Erasmus+ programme, which provides a variety

of possibilities to promote the role of sport in society, DG EAC
organises other initiatives to increase the role of sport in society,
such as the European Week of Sport.

The European Week of Sport. aims to promote sport and physical

activity across Europe. The Week is for everyone, regardless of age,
background or fitness level. With a focus on grassroots initiatives,
it will inspire Europeans to #BeActive on a regular basis and create
more opportunities for exercise in everyday life.

This Special Eurobarometer survey will contribute data to support

the developing policy framework for promoting sport and physical
activity, as described above. Moreover, it will allow policymakers,
researchers and other interested parties to deliver trend analyses
on various matters compared with previous years.

The current survey was commissioned by the European

Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and
Culture, to explore public opinion about sport and physical activity.
It follows on from previous such surveys in December 20171,
November-December 20132, October 20093, October 20044,
September 20035 and October-December 20026. It covers the
following topics:

1 4
2 5
3 6

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity


This survey was carried out by the Kantar network in the 27 EU We wish to thank the people throughout the
Member States between 19 April and 16 May 2022. Some 26,580 European Union who have given their time to take
respondents from different social and demographic groups were part in this survey.
interviewed. This survey was commissioned by the European
Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Without their active participation, this study would
Culture (DG EAC). not have been possible

The methodology used is that of Eurobarometer surveys as carried

out by the Directorate-General for Communication (“Media
monitoring and Eurobarometer” Unit). Given the impact of COVID-
19 and subsequent health safety measures, the face-to-face
methodology was either not possible or only partially so in some
Member States. In 17 Member States all interviews were
conducted face to face. Face-to-face was supplemented by online
interviews in Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Malta, the
Netherlands, Slovenia, Finland, and Sweden7. A technical note on
the manner in which the interviews were conducted by the
institutes within the Kantar network is appended as an annex to
this report. Also included are the interview methods and the
confidence intervals.

Note: In this report, Member States are referred to by their official

abbreviation. The abbreviations used in this report correspond to:

Belgium BE Lithuania LT
Bulgaria BG Luxembourg LU
Czechia CZ Hungary HU
Denmark DK Malta MT
Germany DE The Netherlands NL
Estonia EE Austria AT
Ireland IE Poland PL
Greece EL Portugal PT
Spain ES Romania RO
France FR Slovenia SI
Croatia HR Slovakia SK
Italy IT Finland FI
Republic of Cyprus CY * Sweden SE
Latvia LV

European Union – weighted average for the 27 Member

BE, FR, IT, LU, DE, AT, ES, PT, IE, NL, FI, EL, EE, SI, CY, MT, Euro
SK, LV, LT area
BG, CZ, DK, HR, HU, PL, RO, SE euro

* Cyprus as a whole is one of the 27 European Union Member

States. However, the acquis communautaire has been suspended
in the part of the country which is not controlled by the government
of the Republic of Cyprus. For practical reasons, only the interviews
carried out in the part of the country controlled by the government
of the Republic of Cyprus are included in the “CY” category and in
the EU27 average.

Online interviewing took the form of probabilistic panels and access panels,
depending on what is available in the country.

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

Nearly four in ten Europeans say they exercise or play sport Close to half of Europeans (49%) who exercise, play sport or
at least once a week engage in other physical activity spend 31 to 90 minutes doing a
vigorous physical activity on the days when they do so, and 16%
More than four in ten respondents (45%) report that they never spend 30 minutes or less.
exercise or play sport. Conversely, nearly four in ten (38%) do so
at least once a week, and less than one in ten (6%) five times a Close to six in ten Europeans (59%) who exercise, play sport or
week or more. engage in other physical activity generally spend an hour or less
doing a moderate physical activity on the days when they do so.
The share of respondents who say they never exercise or play sport
has lost one percentage point since 2017, but it has gained six
percentage points since 2009, up from 39% to 45%. 13% of Europeans do not walk for ten minutes at a time at
all in a weekly period, while 11% sit for more than 8.5 hours
Half of Europeans (50%) say that they engage in other physical per day
activity at least once a week, while nearly a third (31%) never do
this kind of activity at all. Six in ten Europeans (61%) walked for at least ten minutes at a
time on four or more days in the week before the survey. However,
Europeans are now more likely to engage in other physical
13% (-2 compared to 2017) did not walk for at least ten minutes
activities than in 2017. In particular, the proportion that does this
at a time on any day within the week.
type of activity one to four times a week has increased, from 30%
to 36%. A majority of respondents (43%, +3 percentage points since 2017)
report that they sit for between 2 hours 31 minutes and 5 hours
Overall in the EU, men exercise, play sport or engage in other
30 minutes on a usual day, but slightly more than one in ten (11%,
physical activity more than women. In addition, the amount of
-1) sit for more than 8 hours and 30 minutes.
regular activity that people do tends to decrease with age. Finally,
engagement in sport and physical activity is also less prevalent
among people with lower levels of education or with financial
Nearly half of Europeans who exercise, play sport or engage
in other physical activity do so in a park, outdoors, etc.
Respondents in Finland (71%), Luxembourg (63%), the
Netherlands (60%), and Denmark and Sweden (59% in both The most popular settings in which to engage in sport or another
countries) are the most likely to exercise or play sport at least once physical activity are a park, outdoors, etc. (47%, +7 percentage
a week. Conversely, over half of respondents in eight countries say points since 2017), at home (37%, +5) and on the way between
they never exercise or play sport, with the highest levels in Portugal home and school, work or shops (24%, +1).
(73%), Greece (68%) and Poland (65%).
Since 2017, larger increases have been registered in the proportion
Respondents in Malta (-24 percentage points), Latvia (-23), Estonia of respondents mentioning they do sport in a park, outdoors, etc.
(-18), Croatia (-16) and Czechia (-15) are now far less likely to say and at home.
they never exercise or play sport. Conversely, this proportion has
In a park, outdoors, etc. is the most mentioned setting in 17 EU
risen in Poland (+9), Hungary (+6) and Portugal (+5).
Member States, with the highest proportions among respondents
in Finland (66%), Austria (61%) and Slovenia (60%). At home is the
most common answer in nine EU Member States, including
Over four in ten Europeans who practice a sport or a physical
Lithuania (68%), Hungary (63%) and Slovakia (61%), while on the
activity had undertaken vigorous physical activity on at least
four of the previous seven days, and a third had done way between home and school, work or shops is the most
moderate physical activity mentioned setting in Malta (56%).

Over a quarter of Europeans (28%, -5 percentage points since

More than four in ten respondents (44%, +6 percentage points
2017) are members of a club where they participate in sport or
since 2017) who exercise, play sport or engage in other physical
recreational physical activity, specifically a health or fitness centre
activity had undertaken vigorous physical activity on at least one
(12%, +1), a sport club (12%, unchanged), a socio-cultural club
of the previous seven days, and over a third (34%, +2) had
that includes sport among its activities (6%, +3) or another type of
engaged in moderate physical activity on at least four days.
club (1%, -6).
Conversely, a third of respondents (33%, -8) report that they had
done no vigorous physical activity over the previous seven days,
and close to one in five respondents (19%, -7) had done no More than half of Europeans engage in sport or physical
moderate physical activity. activity to improve their health, while lack of time is by far
the main reason preventing Europeans from practising sport
The proportions of respondents who had undertaken no vigorous more regularly
or moderate physical activity in the previous week have fallen by
eight and seven percentage points respectively since 2017.

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

More than half of Europeans (54%, unchanged since 2017) who Around half of Europeans pay little attention to the impact
exercise, play sport or engage in other physical activity say they do that sport or physical activity can have on the environment
so to improve their health, substantially ahead of improving fitness and are unaware of any sustainability actions currently
undertaken by their sports organisation
(43%, -4 percentage points) and to relax (39%, +1).

The main reason currently preventing Europeans from practising Slightly more than half of respondents (51%) report that they pay
sport more regularly is a lack of time (41%, +1 percentage point no attention to the impact that the practice of sport or physical
since 2017), ahead of lacking motivation or not being interested activity can have on the environment, whereas a similar proportion
(25%, +5) and having a disability or illness (14%, unchanged). (46%) say they do pay attention to this aspect.

Over two-thirds of respondents pay no attention to the impact that

Around three-quarters of Europeans agree that the area sport or physical activity can have on the environment in Sweden
where they live and local sports clubs and other local (83%) and the Netherlands and Czechia (74% in both countries).
providers offer them many opportunities to be physically The lowest proportions are found in Cyprus (24%), France (40%),
active, but respondents are divided on local authority and Italy, Poland, Romania and Luxembourg (41% in these four
provision countries).

Slightly more than three-quarters of respondents (76%, +2 Close to a quarter of Europeans (24%) who are members of a club
percentage points since 2017) agree that the area where they live say their club is currently working to reduce waste or improve
offers them many opportunities to be physically active, and over waste management, but nearly half (48%) say no actions to
seven in ten (72%, -1) agree that local sports clubs and other local promote sustainability are currently undertaken by their sports
providers offer these opportunities. organisation, as far as they know.

Respondents are more divided on whether their local authority

does enough for its citizens in relation to physical activities: nearly Majorities of Europeans are aware of gender equality issues
half (48%, -1 percentage point since 2017) disagree that their in sport and physical activity
local authority does not do enough in this respect, but more than
four in ten (42%, +3) agree with the statement. A majority of Europeans (54%) who are members of a club say it
is actively putting in place measures to support gender equality.
Respondents are most positive about opportunities for physical However, close to four in ten (39%) consider that their sports
activities in the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark, and least organisation is not putting such measures in place.
positive in Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia.
Over six in ten Europeans (61%) who are members of a club would
know who to speak to internally if they encountered gender
One in ten Europeans currently engage in voluntary work that discrimination in their club, including 47% who think that they
supports sporting activities, or plan to do so over the next two could speak to someone in management or someone they trust
months within the club, and 14% who say their club has a single contact
point for gender-related concerns. Meanwhile, nearly four in ten
Just one in ten Europeans (10%) currently engage (6%) in respondents (37%) say they would not know who to contact
voluntary work that supports sporting activities, or plan to do so in internally.
the next two months (4%).
Nearly eight in ten Europeans (78%) agree that female role models
Nearly one in five respondents currently engage or plan to engage among managers, athletes, officials and coaches are inspiring
in Ireland (19%), Luxembourg (19%) and the Netherlands (18%), more women and girls to follow their example. Slightly more than
compared with just 4% in Portugal, Greece and Lithuania. one in ten (12%) disagree with this statement.

Nearly six in ten Europeans (57%) say they like to follow female
During COVID-19, slightly more than a third of Europeans sport in the media (online, written, tv) as much as male sport.
were either less physically active than before or were active Conversely, over a third of respondents (36%) disagree with this
at the same level statement.

Slightly more than a third of Europeans (34%) say they continued Three-quarters of Europeans (75%) agree that gender-based
to be physically active during COVID-19, but less frequently, and violence in sport deserves more attention. Meanwhile, over one in
the same proportion (34%) were physically active at the same level ten respondents (14%) disagree with this statement.
as before. In addition, 9% were physically active more frequently.
Conversely, 18% stopped being physically active.

Finally, less than one in ten respondents (7%) plan to be more

physically active after COVID-19.

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity



Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

This first chapter focuses on the frequency and level at which QB1R How often do you exercise or play sport? By “exercise” we mean any
form of physical activity which you do in a sport context or sport-related
Europeans engage in sport and other physical activity. It examines setting, such as swimming, training in a fitness centre or a sport club, running
the amount of time respondents spend undertaking vigorous and in the park.
moderate physical activity. It also assesses the time they spend (% - EU)
Don't know Regularly
walking and sitting down. 0(0) 6 (-1)

1. Frequency Never With some

45 (-1) regularity
32 (-1)
1.1 Exercising or playing sport

Nearly four in ten Europeans say they exercise or play sport

with at least some regularity
17 (+3)
More than four in ten respondents (45%, -1 percentage point since (Apr.-May 2022 - Dec. 2017)

20178) report that they never exercise or play sport9. In addition, Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

nearly one in five (17%, +3) say they exercise or play sport
seldom10. On the other hand, close to a third of respondents (32%, A national analysis shows that respondents in Finland (71%).
-1) do so with some regularity, and less than one in ten (6%, -1) Luxembourg (63%), the Netherlands (60%), and Denmark and
regularly. Sweden (59% in both countries) are the most likely to exercise or
play sport. Symmetrically, respondents in Nordic countries are also
Over the longer term, the share of respondents who say they never the least likely to ‘never’ do so: Finland (8%), Sweden (12%) and
exercise or play sport has gained six percentage points since 2009, Denmark (20%). On the other end of the scale, ‘never’ is the most
up from 39% to 45%. common answer in 15 EU Member States. Over half of respondents
in eight countries say they never exercise or play sport, with the
highest levels in Portugal (73%), Greece (68%) and Poland (65%).

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

In 2017, the United Kingdom was an EU Member State, which is no related setting, such as swimming, training in a fitness centre or a sport
longer the case. This might have an impact on the changes registered at club, running in the park.
EU level. “Regularly” means the respondent exercises 5 times a week or more;
QB1. How often do you exercise or play sport? By “exercise” we mean "with some regularity" means 1 to 4 times a week; and "seldom" means 3
any form of physical activity which you do in a sport context or sport- times a month or less often.

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

In terms of evolutions since 2017, the share of respondents who Since 2017, the proportion of respondents who exercise or play
say that they never exercise or play sport has fallen in 17 EU sport regularly has increased in 14 EU Member States, particularly
Member States, and by two digits in five countries: Malta (31%, -25 in Latvia (9%, +3), Germany (8%, +3) and Austria (7%, +3). It has
percentage points), Latvia (33%, -23), Estonia (30%, -18), Croatia decreased in 11 countries, most notably in Sweden (9%, -5), and
(40%, -16) and Czechia (26%, -15). Conversely, it has risen in Hungary (4%, -5), and is unchanged in Cyprus and Ireland.
seven countries, most notably in Poland (65%, +9), Hungary (59%,
+6) and Portugal (73%, +5). Finally, it is unchanged in Greece,
Denmark and Cyprus.

In seven EU Member States, more than one in ten respondents say

they exercise or play sport regularly, with the highest proportions
in Finland (18%), Ireland (13%) and Luxembourg (13%). However,
just 2% do so in Poland and Romania and 3% in Italy.

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

QB1R How often do you exercise or play sport? By “exercise” we mean any form of physical activity which you do in a sport context or sport-related setting, such as swimming, training in a
fitness centre or a sport club, running in the park.


Apr/May 2022 6 8 9 7 4 7 4 8 3 8 6 13 7 6 18 13 11 11 4 9 11 2 4 7 2 11 4 9
Δ Dec 2017 q1 p3 p3 p3 p2 p2 p2 p2 p2 p1 p1 p1 p1 p1 p1 = = q1 q1 q2 q3 q3 q4 q4 q4 q4 q5 q5

Apr/May 2022 32 35 30 35 17 37 19 33 31 34 24 50 53 29 53 41 29 48 18 23 31 21 39 25 18 41 22 50
With some regularity
Δ Dec 2017 q1 q8 p8 p1 p3 p10 q2 q3 p4 p6 p5 p6 p2 p6 p1 p1 p1 q3 q3 p1 p2 q2 q2 p6 p5 p5 q2 q3

Apr/May 2022 17 25 28 23 18 30 9 14 10 28 30 16 15 22 21 11 14 21 5 15 11 12 29 37 18 23 15 29
Δ Dec 2017 p3 p11 p12 p1 p3 p3 = p2 = p11 p10 q1 p3 q1 p3 q2 q1 p4 q1 q1 = q3 p7 p23 = q2 p1 p11

Apr/May 2022 45 32 33 35 61 26 68 45 56 30 40 21 25 43 8 35 46 20 73 53 47 65 28 31 62 25 59 12
Δ Dec 2017 q1 q6 q23 q5 q7 q15 = q1 q6 q18 q16 q6 q6 q6 q5 p1 = = p5 p2 p1 p9 q1 q25 q1 p1 p6 q3

Apr/May 2022 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Don't know
Δ Dec 2017 = = = = q1 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = q1 = = = = = =

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Men are more likely than women to exercise or play sport with  Managers (45%), other white collars (39%) and self-employed
some regularity: 40% of them say they “never” exercise or play people (36%) are also more likely than house persons (16%),
sport, compared with 49% of women retired people (20%) and unemployed people (22%) to exercise
or play sport with some regularity
 Respondents aged 15-24 years are the most likely to exercise
or play sport with some regularity (54%). This proportion  Respondents who never or almost never have difficulties
decreases with age, down from 42% among 25-39 year-olds paying their bills (36%) are more likely than those who have
to 32% in the group aged 40-54 and 21% among those aged such difficulties most of the time (20%) to exercise or play
55 and over sport with some regularity

 Europeans who continued education up to the age of 20 or

beyond (42%) are much more likely than those who left school
at age 15 or earlier (13%) to exercise or play sport with some

QB1R How often do you exercise or play sport? By “exercise” we mean any form of physical activity which you do in a
sport context or sport-related setting, such as swimming, training in a fitness centre or a sport club, running in
the park.
(% - EU)

With some regularity

Don't know


EU27 6 32 17 45 0
Man 8 35 17 40 0
Woman 5 30 16 49 0
15-24 12 54 15 19 0
25-39 6 42 20 32 0
40-54 6 32 21 41 0
55 + 5 21 13 61 0
Education (End of)
15- 4 13 9 74 0
16-19 5 25 18 52 0
20+ 8 42 19 31 0
Still studying 12 58 15 15 0
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 6 36 20 38 0
Managers 7 45 21 26 1
Other white collars 4 39 21 36 0
Manual workers 6 29 19 46 0
House persons 4 16 12 68 0
Unemployed 10 22 19 49 0
Retired 6 20 12 62 0
Students 12 58 15 15 0
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 7 20 12 61 0
From time to time 4 26 18 52 0
Almost never/ Never 7 36 17 40 0
Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

1.2 Engaging in other physical activity QB2R And how often do you engage in other physical activity such as cycling
from one place to another, dancing, gardening, etc.? By "other physical
Half of Europeans engage in other physical activity at least activity" we mean physical activity for recreational or non-sport-related
once a week
(% - EU) Don't know
0(0) Regularly
Nearly four in ten respondents (36%, +6 percentage points since 14 (0)
2017) say they engage in physical activity for recreational or non-
sport-related reasons11 with some regularity12. In addition, 14% Never
31 (-4)
(unchanged) do so regularly. However, slightly more than three in
ten (31%, -4) answer that they never engage in other physical
activity such as cycling from one place to another, dancing,
gardening, etc., while close to one in five (19%, -2) seldom do so.
With some regularity
Seldom 36 (+6)
19 (-2)

(Apr.-May 2022 - Dec. 2017)

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

A national analysis reveals that most respondents say they Malta is also the only country where a majority of respondents say
engage in other physical activity with some regularity in 17 EU they seldom engage in other physical activity (39%). Over a
Member States, with the highest levels in Finland (54%), Austria quarter of respondents give this answer in Czechia (29%), Croatia
(48%), and Sweden and Estonia (47% in both countries).Never is (29%) and Belgium (25%).
the most common answer in nine countries: Portugal (72%), far
ahead of Greece (53%), Romania (52%), Italy (46%), Spain (45%),
Poland and Bulgaria (42% in both countries), Cyprus (41%) and
Hungary (34%). In addition, more than a third of respondents say
that they never engage in other physical activity in Malta (35%).

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

11 12
QB2. And how often do you engage in other physical activity such as “Regularly” means the respondent engages in other physical activity 5
cycling from one place to another, dancing, gardening, etc.? By "other times a week or more; "with some regularity" means 1 to 4 times a week;
physical activity" we mean physical activity for recreational or non-sport- and "seldom” means 3 times a month or less often.
related reasons.

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

Finally, respondents who engage in physical activity regularly for Respondents in countries in Southern Europe seem to be more
recreational or non-sport-related reasons do not form a majority likely than those in Northern European countries to never engage
in any EU Member State. At least one in five respondents do so in in other physical activity.
eight Member States, most notably in the Netherlands (43%),
Denmark (32%) and Sweden (31%). Conversely, less than one in
ten respondents engage in other physical activity in seven
countries, with the lowest levels in Portugal and Malta (4% in both
countries), and Italy and Romania (both 5%).

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Since 2017, the share of respondents who never engage in other Conversely, it has increased in four countries: Portugal (72%, +8),
physical activity has decreased in 23 EU Member States, and by Greece (53%, +8), Poland (42%, +3) and Romania (52%, +1).
two digits in seven countries, most dramatically in Malta (35%, -33
percentage points), Czechia (13%, -16) and Lithuania (19%, -16).

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Women (35%) tend to be more likely than men (28%) to never  Respondents who left school at age 15 or earlier (55%) are by
engage in other physical activity such as cycling from one place far the most likely to never engage in other physical activity,
to another, dancing, gardening, etc. compared with 35% among those who left school between 16-
19 years and 20% among those who continued education up
 Respondents aged 15-24 years are the most likely to engage to the age of 20 or beyond
in other physical activity with some regularity (44%). This
proportion decreases with age, down from 38% among 25-39  Europeans who never or almost never have difficulties paying
year olds to 36% in the group aged 40-54 and 31% among their bills (39%) are more likely than those who have such
those aged 55 and over difficulties most of the time (24%) to engage in other physical
activity with some regularity

QB2R And how often do you engage in other physical activity such as cycling from one place to another, dancing,
gardening, etc.? By "other physical activity" we mean physical activity for recreational or non-sport-related
(% - EU)

With some regularity

Don't know


EU27 14 36 19 31 0
Man 15 38 19 28 0
Woman 13 33 19 35 0
15-24 20 44 20 16 0
25-39 14 38 23 25 0
40-54 12 36 24 28 0
55 + 14 31 15 40 0
Education (End of)
15- 9 23 13 55 0
16-19 12 32 20 35 1
20+ 17 43 20 20 0
Still studying 20 46 20 14 0
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 12 24 16 48 0
From time to time 10 30 21 39 0
Almost never/ Never 16 39 19 26 0

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

2. Levels of engagement
2.1 Vigorous physical activity

Over four in ten Europeans who practice a sport or a physical More than four in ten respondents (44%, +6 percentage points
activity had engaged in vigorous physical activity on one to since 2017) say they had undertaken vigorous physical activity on
three of the previous seven days one to three of the previous seven days. Meanwhile, close to a
quarter (23%, +3) had done so on four to seven days. Conversely,
Respondents who exercise, play sport or engage in other physical a third of respondents (33%, -8) say that they never had done any
activity were asked on how many of the last seven days they had vigorous physical activity during the previous seven days.
undertaken vigorous physical activity, like lifting heavy things,
digging, aerobics or fast cycling13. It is worth noting that the proportion of respondents who had never
done any vigorous physical activity in the previous week has lost
eight percentage points since 2017, down from 41% to 33%.

QB3R In the last 7 days, on how many days did you do vigorous physical
activity like lifting heavy things, digging, aerobics or fast cycling?
(% - EU)
Don't know
0 (-1)
4-7 days
23 (+3)
33 (-8)

1-3 days
44 (+6)

(Apr.-May 2022 - Dec. 2017)

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

QB3. In the last 7 days, on how many days did you do vigorous physical
activity like lifting heavy things, digging, aerobics or fast cycling?

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

In 22 EU Member States, most respondents say they had done In terms of evolutions since 2017, the share of respondents who
vigorous physical activity on one to three of the previous seven say they had never done any vigorous physical activity in the
days. At least half of respondents had done so in Malta (57%), previous week has lost ground in 26 EU Member States, and by
Germany and Poland (51% in both countries), and the Netherlands two digits in 14 countries, most strikingly in Malta (28%, -26
(50%). percentage points), Cyprus (35%, -16) and Romania (29%, -15).
Meanwhile, it has risen only in Austria (37%, +3).
In five EU Member States, a majority of respondents answer that
they had never done any vigorous physical activity in the previous
week: in Portugal (49%), Italy (44%), Greece (40%), Spain (39%)
and Lithuania (38%). This proportion is also higher than the other
categories in France (40%).

Slovakia is the only country where respondents are most likely to

say they had engaged in vigorous physical activity on at least four
of the previous seven days (40%, the same proportion as those
who had done so on one to three days). More than three in ten
respondents agree in Romania (34%), Estonia (33%), and Finland,
Latvia and Lithuania (32% in all three countries). At the other end
of the scale, less than one in five respondents had done vigorous
physical activity on at least four days in France and Czechia (19%
in both countries), Italy (18%), Belgium (16%) and Malta (15%).

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Men (29%) are less likely than women (38%) to say they had  House persons (49%) and retired people (46%) are the most
never done any vigorous physical activity during the previous likely to say that they had never done any vigorous physical
seven days activity over the previous seven days, particularly when
compared with students (25%), managers (26%), manual
 Respondents aged 15-24 years (23%) are the least likely to workers (27%) and self-employed people (28%)
never engage in any vigorous physical activity, compared with
27% among 25-39 year-olds, 33% among 40-54 year-olds  Europeans who never or almost never have difficulties paying
and 42% among those aged 55 and over. their bills are more likely than those who have such difficulties
most of the time to have done vigorous physical activity on one
 Respondents who left school at age 15 or earlier (49%) are the to three of the previous seven days (45% compared with 34%),
most likely to never engage in any vigorous physical activity, but less likely to have done so on at least four days (22%
compared with around a third of those who left school between compared with 29%)
16-19 years (34%) or who continued education up to the age
of 20 or beyond (32%)

QB3R In the last 7 days, on how many days did you do vigorous physical activity like lifting heavy things,
digging, aerobics or fast cycling?
(% - EU)

Don't know
1-3 days

4-7 days

EU27 44 23 33 0
Man 45 26 29 0
Woman 43 19 38 0
15-24 47 30 23 0
25-39 49 24 27 0
40-54 46 21 33 0
55 + 39 19 42 0
Education (End of)
15- 32 19 49 0
16-19 42 24 34 0
20+ 47 21 32 0
Still studying 47 28 25 0
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 47 25 28 0
Managers 51 23 26 0
Other white collars 51 16 33 0
Manual workers 43 30 27 0
House persons 32 19 49 0
Unemployed 39 23 38 0
Retired 36 18 46 0
Students 47 28 25 0
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 34 29 37 0
From time to time 42 24 34 0
Almost never/ Never 45 22 33 0

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

Close to half of Europeans who exercise, play sport or engage

in other physical activity spend 31 to 90 minutes doing a
vigorous physical activity on the days when they do so

Respondents who exercise, play sport or engage in other physical

activity were asked how much time they spend doing a vigorous
physical activity on the days when they do it14. Among these
respondents, close to half (49%, +4 percentage points since 2017)
report that they spend 31 to 90 minutes doing a vigorous physical
activity on the days when they do so. However, over one in ten
respondents (16%, unchanged) do so for 30 minutes or less. On
the other hand, a similar proportion (14%, -2) spend 91 minutes or
more. Slightly more than one in five (21%, -1) say they never do
any vigorous physical activity.

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

QB4. In general, on days when you do a vigorous physical activity, how
much time do you spend at it?

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

A national analysis shows that, in all 27 EU Member States, most Finally, over one in five respondents answer that they spend 91
respondents say they spend 31 to 90 minutes doing a vigorous minutes or more doing a vigorous physical activity in Latvia (31%),
physical activity on the days when they do it. At least six in ten give Lithuania (25%) and Estonia (24%), compared with less than one
this answer in Finland (65%), Sweden (64%) and Poland (60%). in ten in Portugal (4%), Italy (6%) and Cyprus (9%).
The lowest proportions are registered in Lithuania (37%), Austria
(40%), and France, Belgium and Latvia (42% in the three In terms of evolutions since 2017, the share of respondents who
countries). spend 31 to 90 minutes doing a vigorous physical activity on the
days when they do it has increased in 23 EU Member States, most
Respondents in Belgium and Cyprus (24% in both countries), and dramatically in Malta (50%, +14 percentage points), Poland (60%,
Malta (23%) are the most likely to spend 30 minutes or less doing +12), Slovenia (53%, +11) and Portugal (50%, +11). This
a vigorous physical activity. At the other end of the scale, one in proportion has decreased in Austria (40%, -7), Slovakia (53%, -2)
ten respondents report this level of activity in Italy, Spain and and Ireland (51%, -1). Finally, it is unchanged in Lithuania.
Lithuania (10% in the three countries).

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

QB4 In general, on days when you do a vigorous physical activity, how much time do you spend at it?


30 minutes or less 16 24 17 14 21 22 14 18 21 10 15 16 10 24 11 10 13 18 23 14 12 13 18 22 14 14 16 14

31 to 60 minutes 32 29 30 33 31 31 27 33 34 31 27 29 35 34 25 23 25 33 38 33 23 40 30 24 34 28 45 44

61 to 90 minutes 17 13 21 18 16 16 21 18 12 21 15 21 14 12 17 14 22 15 12 22 17 20 20 19 19 25 20 20

91 to 120 minutes 7 5 7 9 6 6 9 7 6 7 9 8 4 5 9 8 6 7 7 9 8 7 3 11 8 9 5 6

More than 120 minutes 7 6 9 11 7 8 15 4 4 5 10 9 2 4 22 17 8 10 4 9 6 4 1 6 6 11 5 6

Never do any vigorous physical activity 21 23 15 14 19 17 11 20 23 26 24 17 35 21 16 27 26 17 16 13 33 16 28 17 19 12 9 10

Don't know 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0

Highest percentage per country

Lowest percentage per country
Highest percentage per item
Lowest percentage per item

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Men (18%) are more likely than women (10%) to say that they  Students (63%), managers (57%) and other white collars
spend 91 minutes or more doing a vigorous physical activity (56%) are more likely than retired people (35%), house persons
on the days when they do it (40%) and unemployed people (43%) to do a vigorous physical
activity for 31 to 90 minutes
 Respondents aged 15-24 years are far more likely than those
aged 55 and over to say they do a vigorous physical activity
for 31 to 90 minutes (62% compared with 39%), but less likely
to do it for 30 minutes or less (12% compared with 17%)

QB4 In general, on days when you do a vigorous physical activity, how much time do you spend at it?
(% - EU)

31min to 90min

91min or more
30min or less

EU27 21 16 49 14
Man 18 15 49 18
Woman 25 17 48 10
15-24 10 12 62 16
25-39 15 16 56 13
40-54 21 17 48 14
55 + 30 17 39 14
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 18 15 49 18
Managers 14 16 57 13
Other white collars 20 15 56 9
Manual workers 17 15 49 19
House persons 33 18 40 9
Unemployed 28 17 43 12
Retired 33 17 35 14
Students 11 14 63 12
Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

2.2 Moderate physical activity

Nearly half the Europeans who exercise, play sport or engage In terms of evolutions since 2017, the share of respondents who
in other physical activity did moderate physical activity on at say that they had done moderate physical activity on one to three
least one to three of the previous seven days of the previous seven days has risen in 21 EU Member States, most
significantly in Malta (57%, +25 percentage points), Poland (57%,
Respondents who exercise, play sport or engage in other physical +15), Italy (56%, +10), Estonia (44%, +10) and Czechia (55%,
activity were asked on how many days they did moderate physical +10). Conversely, it has fallen in three countries, particularly in
activity like carrying light loads, cycling at normal pace or doubles Austria (49%, -6). It is unchanged in Portugal and Belgium.
tennis in the last seven days15.

Nearly half of respondents (46%, +6 percentage points since

QB5R In the last 7 days, on how many days did you do moderate physical
2017) say that they had done moderate physical activity on one
activity like carrying light loads, cycling at normal pace or doubles tennis?
to three of the previous seven days. Over a third (34%, +2) had Please do not include walking.
done so on at least four days. However, close to one in five (% - EU)
respondents (19%, -7) answer that they had never done any
moderate physical activity over the previous seven days. Don't know
1 (-1) Never
In 24 EU Member States, most respondents say they had done 19 (-7)
moderate physical activity on one to three of the previous seven 4-7 days
days, with the highest levels in Malta and Poland (57%) and Italy 34 (+2)

In three EU Member States, a majority of respondents answer that

they had done moderate physical activity on at least four of the
previous seven days: in the Netherlands (51%), Germany (46%)
and Lithuania (44%). 1-3 days
46 (+6)
Finally, at least a third of respondents say they had never done
any moderate physical activity in the previous week in Portugal (Apr.-May 2022 - Dec. 2017)
(38%), Bulgaria (35%) and Cyprus (33%). The lowest proportions
Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)
are seen in Germany (10%), the Netherlands (10%) and Hungary

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

QB5. In the last 7 days, on how many days did you do moderate
physical activity like carrying light loads, cycling at normal pace or
doubles tennis? Please do not include walking.

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Women (22%) are slightly more likely than men (17%) to say  House persons (25%), unemployed people (24%) and retired
they had never done any moderate physical activity on the people (24%) are more likely than students (14%) and
previous seven days. However, they are almost as likely to have managers (14%) to say they had never done any moderate
done so on four to seven days (33% compared with 35%) physical activity over the previous seven days

 Respondents aged 55 and over (22%) are the most likely to  Respondents who see themselves as working class (23%) are
never engage in any moderate physical activity, particularly far more likely than those who consider themselves as upper
when compared with those aged 15-24 years (14%). On the class (8%) to never engage in any moderate physical activity
other hand, they are almost as likely to have done some
moderate physical activity on four to seven days (36%
compared with 37%)
 Respondents who left school at age 15 or earlier (27%) are the
most likely to never engage in any moderate physical activity,
compared with 20% of those who left school between 16-19
years and 18% of those who continued education up to the
age of 20 or beyond

QB5R In the last 7 days, on how many days did you do moderate physical activity like carrying light loads,
cycling at normal pace or doubles tennis? Please do not include walking.
(% - EU)

Don't know
1-3 days

4-7 days

EU27 46 34 19 1
Man 48 35 17 0
Woman 45 33 22 0
15-24 49 37 14 0
25-39 51 32 17 0
40-54 48 32 20 0
55 + 41 36 22 1
Education (End of)
15- 41 32 27 0
16-19 45 35 20 0
20+ 48 34 18 0
Still studying 48 37 14 1
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 46 35 19 0
Managers 52 34 14 0
Other white collars 54 26 20 0
Manual workers 46 36 18 0
House persons 41 34 25 0
Unemployed 40 36 24 0
Retired 39 36 24 1
Students 48 37 14 1
Consider belonging to
The working class 41 36 23 0
The lower middle class 43 36 20 1
The middle class 49 32 19 0
The upper middle class 47 39 13 1
The upper class 54 38 8 0
Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

Close to six in ten Europeans who exercise, play sport or engage However, nearly a third of respondents (31%, +2) say they spend
in other physical activity generally spend an hour or less doing more than an hour doing a moderate physical activity on the days
a moderate physical activity on the days when they do it when they do it, with 17% (+2) doing the activity for 61 to 90
minutes, 7% (+1) for 91 to 120 minutes and 7% (-1) for more than
Respondents who exercise, play sport or engage in other physical 120 minutes.
activity were asked how much time they generally spend doing a
moderate physical activity on the days when they do it 16. Among Finally, one in ten respondents (10%, -3) say that they never do
these respondents, a large majority (59%, +3 percentage points any moderate physical activity.
since 2017) say that they spend an hour or less doing a moderate
physical activity on the days when they do it. This result includes
22% (unchanged) who spend 30 minutes or less doing the activity,
and 37% (+3) who do it for 31 to 60 minutes.

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

QB6. In general, on days when you do a moderate physical activity, how
much time do you spend at it?

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

A national analysis shows that, in all 27 EU Member States, most Finally, more than four in ten respondents spend more than an
respondents say they spend 31 to 60 minutes doing a moderate hour doing a moderate physical activity on the days when they do
physical activity on the days when they do it, with the highest it in Estonia and Lithuania (47% in both countries), and Slovakia
proportions in Finland (50%), Malta (47%) and Poland (45%). The (45%). At the other end of the scale, no more than one in five spend
lowest levels are found in Romania (25%), Lithuania (28%), and more than an hour at it in Malta (17%), Portugal (18%), Italy and
France, Slovakia and Latvia (30% in the three countries). Cyprus (20%).

Romania is the only country where a majority of respondents say

that they spend 30 minutes or less doing a moderate physical
activity (25%, same score as 31 to 60 minutes). In addition, over a In terms of evolutions since 2017, the proportion of respondents
quarter of respondents give this answer in Belgium (29%) and who spend an hour or less doing a moderate physical activity on
France, Denmark and Cyprus (27% in the three countries). The the days when they do it has risen in 15 EU Member States, most
lowest proportions are registered in Lithuania (13%) and Estonia, dramatically in Poland (67%, +12 percentage points) and Portugal
Latvia and Luxembourg (15% in the three countries). (60%, +12). Conversely, it has fallen in 11 countries, particularly in
Croatia (52%, -9). It is unchanged in France.

QB6 In general, on days when you do a moderate physical activity, how much time do you spend at it?


30 minutes or less 22 29 21 18 27 20 15 24 22 17 27 20 22 27 15 13 15 19 25 21 20 22 17 25 19 18 20 25

31 to 60 minutes 37 34 35 34 40 36 31 39 42 41 30 32 43 36 30 28 38 40 47 43 34 45 43 25 37 30 50 42

61 to 90 minutes 17 15 14 16 12 21 18 16 12 19 15 21 15 11 14 19 19 19 9 17 19 17 16 17 21 25 16 14

91 to 120 minutes 7 6 7 8 5 8 11 5 5 6 8 8 4 4 8 11 8 7 4 7 9 6 1 9 9 11 4 6

More than 120 minutes 7 7 8 12 8 9 18 4 4 4 8 8 1 5 18 17 7 9 4 8 5 2 1 6 6 9 4 6

Never do any moderate physical activity 10 9 14 12 8 5 5 12 15 13 11 11 15 17 15 12 13 6 11 4 12 8 22 18 8 6 4 7

Don't know 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0

Highest percentage per country

Lowest percentage per country
Highest percentage per item
Lowest percentage per item

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Europeans aged 15-24 years are the most likely to say they do  Self-employed people (11%) and manual workers (10%) are
a moderate physical activity for 61 to 90 minutes (22%, more likely than other white collars (3%), students (4%),
compared with 15% among those aged 55 and over); managers (5%) and unemployed people (5%) to say they do a
respondents aged 25-39 years are the most likely to do this moderate physical activity for more than 120 minutes
activity for 31 to 60 minutes (41%, compared with 35%
 Europeans who have difficulties paying their bills most of the
among those aged 55 and over); conversely, respondents aged
time are the least likely to do a moderate physical activity for
55 and over are the most likely never to do any moderate
31 to 60 minutes (30%, compared with 38% in the other
physical activity (12%, compared with 6% among respondents
aged 15-24 years)
 Respondents who live in a rural village are least likely to do a
 Respondents who left school at age 15 or earlier are the most
moderate physical activity for 30 minutes or less (19%,
likely never to engage in any moderate physical activity (18%,
compared with 23-24% in other categories)
compared with 8% of those who continued education up to the
age of 20 or beyond). They are also the least likely to do a
moderate physical activity for 61 to 90 minutes (10%
compared with 18%)

QB6 In general, on days when you do a moderate physical activity, how much time do you spend at it?
(% - EU)

Never do any moderate physical activity

More than 120 minutes
30 minutes or less

91 to 120 minutes
31 to 60 minutes

61 to 90 minutes

Don't know
EU27 22 37 17 7 7 10 0
Man 20 36 19 8 8 9 0
Woman 23 39 16 6 5 11 0
15-24 21 39 22 7 5 6 0
25-39 21 41 19 6 5 8 0
40-54 23 37 17 6 7 10 0
55 + 22 35 15 8 7 12 1
Education (End of)
15- 25 35 10 5 7 18 0
16-19 21 36 17 7 8 11 0
20+ 22 39 18 7 6 8 0
Still studying 22 41 21 6 4 5 1
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 18 35 20 7 11 9 0
Managers 21 42 18 8 5 6 0
Other white collars 23 44 17 3 3 10 0
Manual workers 20 35 18 7 10 10 0
House persons 22 37 18 4 6 13 0
Unemployed 27 30 18 8 5 12 0
Retired 23 33 14 9 6 14 1
Students 22 41 21 6 4 5 1
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 23 30 17 8 9 13 0
From time to time 22 38 16 6 6 12 0
Almost never/ Never 21 38 18 7 7 9 0
Subjective urbanisation
Rural village 19 36 18 8 9 10 0
Small/ mid size town 23 38 18 6 6 9 0
Large town 24 39 16 6 5 10 0

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

2.3 Walking QB7R In the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10
minutes at a time?
(% - EU)
Six in ten Europeans had walked for at least ten minutes at a
time on four or more days in the week before the survey
Don't know Never
0 (-1) 13 (-2)
When asked on how many days in the last week they had walked
for at least ten minutes at a time 17, six in ten respondents (61%,
unchanged since 2017) report that they had done so on at least
four days. Slightly more than a quarter (26%, +3) say they had
1-3 days
walked for at least ten minutes at a time on one to three days in 26 (+3)
the previous week. However, over one in ten respondents (13%, -2) 4-7 days
had never walked for at least ten minutes at a time in the previous 61 (0)
seven days.

(Apr.-May 2022 - Dec. 2017)

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

A national analysis shows that most respondents say they had Since 2017, the proportion of respondents who had walked for at
walked for at least ten minutes at a time on at least four days in least ten minutes at a time on four or more days in the previous
the previous week in all 27 EU Member States. More than seven in week has increased in 16 EU Member States, most dramatically in
ten had done so in Spain (77%), Germany (73%) and Finland Finland (71%, +11 percentage points). Conversely, it has decreased
(71%). At the other end of the scale, less than half of respondents in 11 countries, most notably in Poland (41%, -9 and Bulgaria
report this level of walking in seven countries: in Poland (41%), (63%, -7).
Austria and Cyprus (45% in both countries), Hungary (45%), Malta
and Italy (both 48%), and Portugal (49%).
In six countries, more than one in five respondents say that they
had never walked for at least ten minutes at a time in the previous
seven days, with the highest levels in Portugal (29%), Cyprus
(25%) and Hungary (24%). Just 6% give this answer in Sweden,
Finland and Czechia.

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

QB7. In the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10
minutes at a time?

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Respondents aged 15-24 years are the most likely to say they  Students (74%) are by far the most likely to say that they had
had walked for at least ten minutes at a time on four to seven walked for at least ten minutes at a time on four to seven days
days in the previous week (71%). This proportion decreases in the previous week, particularly when compared with retired
with age, down from 64% among those aged 25-39 years and people (55%)
61% among 40-54 year-olds to 56% among respondents aged
 Europeans who live in a large town (66%) are more likely than
55 and over
those who live in a small or medium sized town (60%) or a
 Respondents who continued education up to the age of 20 or rural village (57%) to say they had walked for at least ten
beyond are the most likely to have walked for at least ten minutes at a time on four to seven days in the previous week
minutes at a time on four to seven days in the previous week
(63%, compared with 59% among those who left school
between 16-19 years and 52% among those who left school
at age 15 or earlier)

QB7R In the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time?
(% - EU)

Don't know
1-3 days

4-7 days

EU27 26 61 13 0
Man 27 60 13 0
Woman 25 62 13 0
15-24 22 71 7 0
25-39 25 64 11 0
40-54 27 61 12 0
55 + 26 56 18 0

Education (End of)

15- 25 52 23 0
16-19 26 59 15 0
20+ 28 63 9 0
Still studying 20 74 6 0
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 27 60 13 0
Managers 27 64 9 0
Other white collars 30 58 12 0
Manual workers 26 60 14 0
House persons 21 64 15 0
Unemployed 22 67 11 0
Retired 26 55 19 0
Students 20 74 6 0
Subjective urbanisation
Rural village 27 57 16 0
Small/ mid size town 26 60 14 0
Large town 23 66 11 0
Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

Over two-thirds of Europeans generally spend an hour or less However, one in five respondents (20%, +3) say they spend more
walking on days when they walk for at least ten minutes at a than an hour walking on days when they walk for at least ten
time minutes at a time, including 11% (+2) who walk for 61 to 90
minutes, 5% (+1) for 91 to 120 minutes and 4% (unchanged) for
When asked how much time they generally spend walking on the more than 120 minutes.
days when they walk for at least ten minutes at a time18, close to
seven in ten respondents (69%, -1 percentage point since 2017) Finally, one in ten respondents (10%, -1) say that they never walk
report that they spend an hour or less walking. This result includes for ten minutes at a time.
35% (-5) who spend 30 minutes or less walking, and a similar
proportion (34%, +4) who walk for 31 to 60 minutes.

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

QB8. In general, on days when you walk for at least 10 minutes at a
time, how much time do you spend walking?

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

A national analysis shows that in 17 EU Member States most Finally, the highest proportions of respondents who spend more
respondents say that they spend 30 minutes or less walking on than an hour walking on days when they walk for at least ten
days when they walk for at least ten minutes at a time. Over four minutes at a time are found in Latvia (35%), Estonia (34%) and
in ten respondents do so in Portugal (47%), Greece and Bulgaria Spain (29%). At the other end of the scale, at most one in ten
(45% in both countries), and Cyprus (44%). The lowest proportions respondents walk for more than an hour in Portugal and Cyprus
are registered in Latvia (22%), Estonia (24%) and Finland (27%). (9% in both countries), and Greece (10%).

In ten EU Member States, a majority of respondents say they spend

31 to 60 minutes walking. More than four in ten respondents give
this answer in Finland (49%), Sweden (44%), and Ireland and Malta Since 2017, the share of respondents who walk for an hour or less
(42% in both countries). The lowest scores are seen in Portugal has decreased in 17 EU Member States, most notably in Croatia
(25%), and Romania, Hungary and Cyprus (26% in the three (67%, -9 percentage points) and Latvia (56%, -9). It has increased
countries). in eight countries, most strikingly in Malta (80%, +11), and is
unchanged in Ireland and the Netherlands.

QB8 In general, on days when you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time, how much time do you spend walking?


30 minutes or less 35 38 45 36 35 28 24 32 45 29 38 37 39 44 22 38 32 40 38 33 37 36 47 37 34 34 27 33

31 to 60 minutes 34 30 29 35 34 38 33 42 32 38 32 30 32 26 34 29 36 26 42 38 31 34 25 26 33 28 49 44

61 to 90 minutes 11 12 7 15 13 15 15 11 6 18 8 14 7 6 16 12 18 9 7 13 12 10 5 11 17 16 14 14

91 to 120 minutes 5 5 3 5 5 7 7 3 2 6 6 5 3 1 8 5 3 3 4 4 4 3 2 7 5 5 4 3

More than 120 minutes 4 3 2 4 7 6 12 3 2 5 5 2 1 2 11 8 7 3 2 5 2 2 2 5 5 6 3 3

Never walk for 10 minutes at a time 10 11 13 5 5 5 5 9 13 4 10 12 17 20 9 7 4 19 7 7 13 14 19 14 6 9 3 3

Don't know 1 1 1 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0

Highest percentage per country

Lowest percentage per country
Highest percentage per item
Lowest percentage per item

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Respondents aged 15-24 years are the most likely to say they  Respondents who have difficulties paying their bills most of
spend 31 to 60 minutes walking on the days when they walk the time are the least likely to walk for 31 to 60 minutes (27%,
for at least ten minutes at a time (38%, compared with 32% compared with 36% among those who never or almost never
among respondents aged 55 and over) have such difficulties), but they are more likely to walk for 30
minutes or less (38% compared with 33%)
 Europeans who continued education up to the age of 20 or
beyond are the most likely to walk for 31 to 60 minutes (37%,  Europeans who consider themselves as upper class are the
compared with 30% among those who left school at age 15 or least likely to walk for 30 minutes or less (24%, compared with
earlier) and for 61 to 90 minutes (13% compared with 8%) 35% among all other categories), but the most likely to walk
for 31 to 60 minutes (46%) and for 61 to 90 minutes (17%)

QB8 In general, on days when you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time, how much time do you spend walking?
(% - EU)

Never walk for 10 minutes at a time

More than 120 minutes
30 minutes or less

91 to 120 minutes
31 to 60 minutes

61 to 90 minutes

Don't know
EU27 35 34 11 5 4 10 1
Man 35 34 11 5 4 10 1
Woman 35 35 12 5 3 10 0
15-24 35 38 13 5 4 5 0
25-39 34 36 12 5 4 8 1
40-54 35 34 12 5 5 9 0
55 + 35 32 11 5 3 13 1
Education (End of)
15- 36 30 8 4 3 18 1
16-19 35 33 11 5 4 11 1
20+ 34 37 13 5 4 6 1
Still studying 38 37 13 4 3 4 1
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 38 27 11 5 5 14 0
From time to time 38 31 11 5 3 12 0
Almost never/ Never 33 36 12 5 4 9 1
Consider belonging to
The working class 35 32 11 4 4 14 0
The lower middle class 35 32 11 5 5 12 0
The middle class 35 36 12 5 4 8 0
The upper middle class 35 36 12 6 4 6 1
The upper class 24 46 17 7 1 5 0
Subjective urbanisation
Rural village 33 32 13 6 4 12 0
Small/ mid size town 34 35 11 5 4 10 1
Large town 38 35 11 4 3 8 1
Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

2.4 Sitting

More than four in ten Europeans spend between 2 hours 31

minutes and 5 hours 30 minutes sitting on a usual day

A majority of respondents (44%, +4 percentage points since 2017)

report that they sit for between 2 hours 31 minutes and 5 hours
30 minutes on a usual day19. However, close to four in ten
respondents sit for longer: slightly more than one in ten (11%, -1)
say they sit for more than 8 hours and 30 minutes, and nearly
three in ten (28%, -1) sit for between 5 hours 31 minutes and 8
hours 30 minutes. Conversely, less than one in five respondents
(15%, -1) spend 2 hours 30 minutes or less sitting on a usual day.

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

QB9. How much time do you spend sitting on a usual day? This may
include time spent at a desk, visiting friends, studying or watching

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

A national analysis shows that in 24 EU Member States most Conversely, at least one in five respondents spend more than 8
respondents say they spend between 2 hours 31 minutes and 5 hours and 30 minutes sitting on a usual day in two countries: in
hours 30 minutes sitting on a usual day, with the highest scores in the Netherlands (26%) and Denmark (20%). Less than one in ten
Spain (56%), Ireland (50%), Portugal (47%) and Lithuania (48%). respondents do so in eight countries, with the lowest proportions
in Ireland (6%), and Italy and Hungary (7% in both countries)
In three countries, a majority of respondents say that they usually
sit for between 5 hours 31 minutes and 8 hours 30 minutes: in
Malta (44%), the Netherlands (39%) and Denmark (37%). This
proportion is also high in Greece (37%). In terms of evolutions since 2017, the share of respondents who
spend 2 hours 30 minutes or less sitting on a usual day has risen
In six EU Member States, more than one in five respondents say in 14 EU Member States, most notably in Luxembourg (20%, +4
they sit for 2 hours 30 minutes or less on a usual day, with the percentage points) and Slovakia (19%, +5). It has fallen in ten
highest levels in Hungary (24%), and Poland, Croatia and Romania countries, particularly in Malta (11%, -10), Romania (23%, -8) and
(23%). At the other end of the scale, less than one in ten Spain (10%, -8) and is unchanged in Slovenia and Czechia.
respondents give this answer in Greece (5%), the Netherlands
(7%), Sweden (8%) and Denmark (9%).

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Respondents aged 15-24 years are the most likely to sit for  Europeans who see themselves as upper or upper middle class
between 5 hours 31 minutes and 8 hours 30 minutes on a are the most likely to sit for more than 8 hours 30 minutes on
usual day (37%, compared with 28% among those aged 55 a usual day (18% in both categories, compared with 10-11%
and over), but they are the least likely to sit for between 2 in the three other categories)
hours 31 minutes and 5 hours 30 minutes (37% compared
 Respondents who live in a large town are more likely than
with 46%)
those who live in a rural village to sit for between 5 hours 31
 Respondents who continued education up to the age of 20 or minutes and 8 hours 30 minutes on a usual day (32%
beyond are the most likely to sit for more than 8 hours 30 compared with 25%), but they are less likely to sit for between
minutes (14%, compared with 8% among those who left 2 hours 31 minutes and 5 hours 30 minutes (40% compared
school between 16-19 years) and for between 5 hours 31 with 45%) or for 2 hours and 30 minutes or less (14%
minutes and 8 hours 30 minutes (30% compared with 25%), compared with 18%)
but they are the least likely to sit for between 2 hours 31
minutes and 5 hours 30 minutes (41% compared with 47%)
 Over one in ten respondents among other white collars (17%),
managers (16%), students (14%) and unemployed people
(13%) spend more than 8 hours 30 minutes sitting down on a
usual day, a much higher proportion than among manual
workers (5%)

QB9R How much time do you spend sitting on a usual day? This may include time spent at a desk, visiting
friends, studying or watching television.
(% - EU)

2h31min to 5h30min

5h31min to 8h30min

8h31min or more
2h30min or less

EU27 16 43 28 11
Man 16 42 28 12
Woman 15 44 29 10
15-24 12 37 37 13
25-39 19 40 28 12
40-54 18 44 26 11
55 + 14 46 28 10
Education (End of)
15- 15 45 27 11
16-19 18 47 25 8
20+ 14 41 30 14
Still studying 9 34 43 13
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 20 44 26 9
Managers 12 35 36 16
Other white collars 13 33 35 17
Manual workers 24 51 18 5
House persons 17 44 28 9
Unemployed 18 48 20 14
Retired 13 47 28 10
Students 9 34 43 13
Consider belonging to
The working class 17 45 25 11
The lower middle class 18 44 26 11
The middle class 15 44 29 10
The upper middle class 11 36 34 18
The upper class 12 32 38 18
Subjective urbanisation
Rural village 18 45 25 11
Small/ mid size town 15 44 28 11
Large town 14 40 32 12
Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity



Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

This second chapter deals with the different settings where

Europeans engage in sport and other physical activity. It also
explores whether Europeans are members of any clubs where they
participate in sport or recreational physical activity.

3. Different settings

Nearly half of Europeans who exercise, play sport or engage in

other physical activity do so in a park, outdoors, etc.

Respondents who exercise, play sport or engage in other physical

activity were asked to choose from a list of eight settings those
where they engage in sport or another physical activity20:

 Nearly half of Europeans (47%, +7 percentage points since  More than one in ten engage in sport or another physical
201721) engage in sport or another physical activity in a park, activity at a health or fitness centre (13%, -2), at a sport
outdoors, etc. club (12%, -1) or at work (11%, -2)

 Nearly four in ten (37%, +5) do so at home  Finally, less than one in ten do so at a sport centre (8%, -4)
or at school or university (4%, -1)
 Close to a quarter of respondents (24%, +1) say they are
physically active on the way between home and school,
work or shops

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

QB10. Earlier you said you engage in sport or another physical activity, place where people can do different sports (e.g. playing tennis, running).
vigorous or not. Where do you do this? A sport club is an organised setting (MULTIPLE ANSWERS POSSIBLE)
(for example karate club, football club). A sport centre is more generally a In 2017, there was no definition of a sport club and of a sport centre in
the question label.

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

In a park, outdoors, etc. is the most cited setting in 17 EU None of the five other items heads the list of settings where
Member States, with the highest proportions among respondents Europeans engage in sport or another physical activity in any of
in Finland (66%), Austria (61%) and Slovenia (60%), and the lowest the 27 EU Member States. However:
among those in Malta (20%), Romania (22%) and Croatia (23%).
 At a health or fitness centre is cited by more than a quarter
of respondents in four EU Member States: Sweden (31%),
At home is the most common answer in nine EU Member States:
Portugal (30%), Cyprus (28%) and Denmark (26%)
Lithuania (68%), Hungary (63%), Slovakia (61%), Romania (58%),
Latvia (54%), Croatia (53%), Bulgaria (47%), Denmark (46%) and  At a sport club registers its highest levels in the Netherlands
Sweden (41%). At least half of respondents also say they engage (19%), Luxembourg (17%), France, Denmark and Ireland (16%
in sport or another physical activity at home in Slovenia (58%), and in the three countries)
Austria and Estonia (50% in both countries). At the other end of
the scale, less than a quarter do so in Portugal (14%), Italy (16%)  Slightly more than a fifth of respondents engage in sport or
and Spain (21%). another physical activity at work in Hungary and Lithuania
(21% in both countries)
On the way between home and school, work or shops is the
 At least one in ten do so at a sport centre in five countries:
most mentioned setting in Malta (56%). However, more than a
Italy (20%), ahead of the Netherlands (15%), Luxembourg
third of respondents cite this setting in Slovakia (48%), Greece
(13%), Finland (12%) and Estonia (10%)
(44%), Austria (35%) and Belgium (34%). The lowest figures are
seen in Ireland (10%), Luxembourg (13%) and Lithuania (15%).  Finally, Portugal (11%) is the only country where slightly more
than one in ten respondents engage in sport or another
physical activity at school or university

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

QB10 Earlier you said you engage in sport or another physical activity, vigorous or not. Where do you do this? A sport club is an organised setting (for example karate club, football club). A sport centre is
more generally a place where people can do different sports (e.g. playing tennis, running).


In a park, outdoors, etc. 47 48 41 52 42 51 58 41 51 52 41 23 50 43 53 43 50 26 20 43 61 46 52 22 60 49 66 37

At home 37 36 47 45 46 48 50 33 40 21 28 53 16 34 54 68 38 63 41 32 50 42 14 58 58 61 48 41

On the way between home and school, work or shops 24 34 28 23 18 23 30 10 44 27 16 23 27 23 20 15 13 31 56 22 35 28 26 18 16 48 31 23

At a health or fitness centre 13 11 13 9 26 13 13 16 25 19 6 9 12 28 5 1 12 8 10 19 21 7 30 9 5 10 21 31

At a sport club 12 15 4 5 16 15 11 16 3 8 16 7 9 5 6 11 17 2 8 19 12 7 5 3 7 8 9 10

At work 11 12 13 9 14 14 17 5 12 8 9 13 5 13 15 21 10 21 10 13 9 9 5 11 7 18 14 9

At a sport centre 8 8 4 9 7 5 10 9 5 7 4 6 20 5 4 3 13 4 7 15 5 9 3 4 8 3 12 6

At school or university 4 7 4 4 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 2 4 6 3 4 3 4 4 1 4 6 11 5 4 5 3 2

Elsewhere 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 0 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 0 1 0 1

Don't know 2 1 2 1 2 1 0 2 0 1 5 2 1 1 0 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 0 2 1 1

Highest percentage per country

Lowest percentage per country
Highest percentage per item
Lowest percentage per item

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

Since 2017, evolutions at national level of more than five

percentage points have been registered for seven settings:
 The share of respondents who engage in sport or another  At a health or fitness centre is mentioned less than
physical activity in a park, outdoors, etc. has increased in 20 previously in 14 EU Member States, most notably in Sweden
EU Member States, most dramatically in Greece (51%, +19 (31%, -13). It has increased in nine countries, particularly in
percentage points), Cyprus (43%, +18), Italy (50%, +15) and Cyprus (28%, +7)
Bulgaria (41%, +15). Meanwhile, it has decreased in seven
countries, particularly in Sweden (37%, -15)  At a sport club has lost ground in 15 EU Member States, most
notably in Malta (8%, -9). It has gained no more than three
 Engaging in sport or another physical activity at home has percentage points in eight countries
gained ground in 20 EU Member States, most notably in
Denmark (46%, +19) and Malta (41%, +15)  The share of respondents who answer at work has fallen in
18 EU Member States, particularly in Latvia (15%, -11). It has
 The proportion of respondents who mention on the way risen in eight countries, particularly in Slovakia (18%, +6)
between home and school, work or shops has risen in 16
EU Member States, and by two digits in Malta (56%, +25) and  Finally, at a sport centre has lost ground in 23 EU Member
Slovakia (48%, +17). It has fallen in ten countries, most States, most notably in Italy (20%, -7) and Finland (12%, -7)
dramatically in the Netherlands (22%, -17) and Latvia (20%, -

QB10 Earlier you said you engage in sport or another physical activity, vigorous or not. Where do you do this? A sport club is an organised setting (for example karate club, football club). A sport centre is more
generally a place where people can do different sports (e.g. playing tennis, running).


Apr/May 2022 13 25 28 13 12 13 9 1 5 8 30 5 10 13 21 11 9 7 12 19 6 19 21 26 9 16 10 31
At a health or fitness centre
Δ Dec 2017 q2 p3 p7 q1 q3 q1 q6 q2 q1 q1 p3 q1 q4 = = p1 = q4 q1 p3 p1 p1 q4 = p2 q4 p3 q13

Apr/May 2022 12 3 5 4 9 15 5 11 6 2 5 7 8 11 12 15 3 7 17 19 16 8 9 16 7 16 8 10
At a sport club
Δ Dec 2017 q1 q2 = q1 p3 q6 q5 p1 = q3 q2 q5 p3 q5 q1 p1 q1 = p2 q5 q2 q2 = q2 p2 p1 q9 p1

Apr/May 2022 8 5 5 4 20 5 9 3 4 4 3 8 3 10 5 8 4 9 13 15 4 7 12 7 6 9 7 6
At a sport centre
Δ Dec 2017 q4 = q3 = q7 q4 q4 q2 q4 q2 q2 q5 q5 q1 q4 q3 p1 q6 q2 q1 q4 q3 q7 q6 q2 q4 = q4

Apr/May 2022 4 6 6 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 11 4 5 4 4 7 5 6 3 1 3 2 3 2 2 5 4 2
At school or university
Δ Dec 2017 q1 p1 p1 q2 p1 q1 = q3 q2 = p5 q1 p1 q3 q2 p2 q2 q1 q5 q4 q1 = q1 q4 q2 q2 q1 p1

Apr/May 2022 11 12 13 13 5 14 9 21 15 21 5 7 18 17 9 12 11 9 10 13 9 8 14 14 13 5 10 9
At work
Δ Dec 2017 q2 q1 p2 q2 p1 q4 q7 q1 q11 p2 q7 q5 p6 q9 q3 q3 q2 p1 q5 q3 q4 p4 p4 q4 = q2 p3 q4

Apr/May 2022 37 40 34 47 16 48 45 68 54 63 14 58 61 50 50 36 58 42 38 32 28 21 48 46 53 33 41 41
At home
Δ Dec 2017 p5 p3 p2 q2 = p7 p8 p9 = p4 q3 p9 q1 p2 p9 p2 q2 p6 q1 p1 p8 p5 p4 p19 p3 p9 p15 p7

Apr/May 2022 24 44 23 28 27 23 23 15 20 31 26 16 48 30 35 34 18 28 13 22 16 27 31 18 23 10 56 23
On the way between home and school, work or shops
Δ Dec 2017 p1 p2 p1 p8 p8 q6 p1 q8 q11 p2 p9 = p17 p5 p9 p9 q7 p7 q8 q17 p1 p4 p2 q6 q7 q5 p25 q9

Apr/May 2022 47 51 43 41 50 51 52 43 53 26 52 60 49 58 61 48 22 46 50 43 41 52 66 42 23 41 20 37
In a park, outdoors, etc.
Δ Dec 2017 p7 p19 p18 p15 p15 p12 p11 p10 p9 p9 p9 p9 p8 p7 p7 p6 p5 p4 p2 p2 p1 q1 q1 q2 q4 q6 q6 q15

Apr/May 2022 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 0 1 3 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 2 1
Δ Dec 2017 q4 = q3 q5 q5 q2 q1 q3 q3 q2 q2 q4 q7 q3 q4 q2 q7 q3 q1 q5 q6 q3 q3 q4 q1 q2 q1 q2

Apr/May 2022 2 0 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 1 3 0 2 0 1 1 1 2 3 1 5 1 1 2 2 2 1 1
Don't know
Δ Dec 2017 = = p1 q1 = q1 = p1 q1 = p2 = q1 q1 q2 = q2 = p1 p1 p1 = q1 p1 = = q1 p1

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity ((N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Women are more likely than men to engage in sport or another  Respondents who continued education up to the age of 20 or
physical activity, vigorous or otherwise, at home (40% beyond are the most likely to do sport or another physical
compared with 35%) or on the way between home and school, activity at a health or fitness centre (17%, compared with 5%
work or shops (27% compared with 22%). Meanwhile, men are among those who left school at age 15 or earlier), at a sports
more likely than women to do sport or another physical activity club (14% compared with 5%), or at a sports centre (10%
at a sports club (14% compared with 9%) compared with 3%). However, they are the least likely to do so
at home (36% compared with 43%)
 Respondents aged 15-24 years are much more likely than
those aged 55 and over to engage in sport or another physical  Europeans who have difficulties paying their bills most of the
activity at a health or fitness centre (20% compared with 8%), time are more likely than those who never or almost never
at a sports club (19% compared with 9%), at a sports centre have such difficulties to engage in sport or another physical
(13% compared with 5%) and, logically enough, at school or activity on the way between home and school, work or shops
university (19% compared with 0%). Conversely, respondents (31% compared with 23%), or at work (14% compared with
aged 55 and over are the most likely to do sport or another 9%), but less likely to do so at a sports club (7% compared with
physical activity in a park, outdoors, etc. (50% compared with 13%)
41% among those aged 15-24 years) and at home (43%
 Respondents who live in a rural village are more likely than
compared with 28%)
those who live in a large town to engage in sport or another
physical activity at home (44% compared with 30%), but they
are less likely to do so at a health or fitness centre (10%
compared with 19%)

QB10 Earlier you said you engage in sport or another physical activity, vigorous or not. Where do you do this? A sport club is an organised setting (for example karate club, football
club). A sport centre is more generally a place where people can do different sports (e.g. playing tennis, running). (MULTIPLE ANSWERS POSSIBLE)
(% - EU)

On the way between home and school, work or shops

At a health or fitness centre

In a park, outdoors, etc.

At school or university
At a sport centre
At a sport club

Don't know
At home
At work

EU27 13 12 8 4 11 37 24 47 1 2
Man 12 14 8 3 12 35 22 48 1 2
Woman 14 9 8 4 9 40 27 45 2 2
15-24 20 19 13 19 9 28 25 41 1 1
25-39 18 12 11 2 13 35 26 43 1 1
40-54 12 9 7 1 15 36 27 47 1 2
55 + 8 9 5 0 7 43 21 50 2 3
Education (End of)
15- 5 5 3 0 9 43 25 52 1 3
16-19 9 9 6 1 13 41 26 46 2 2
20+ 17 14 10 1 10 36 23 48 1 1
Still studying 21 19 13 23 6 25 26 42 1 1
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 10 7 7 4 14 35 31 46 2 2
From time to time 12 9 8 4 14 36 28 42 1 2
Almost never/ Never 13 13 8 3 9 38 23 48 1 2
Subjective urbanisation
Rural village 10 13 6 4 13 44 23 46 1 2
Small/ mid size town 12 11 9 3 10 37 24 47 1 2
Large town 19 11 9 4 10 30 26 46 2 1

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

4. Club membership

Nearly three in ten Europeans are members of a club where

they participate in sport or recreational physical activity

Over a quarter of respondents (28%, -5 percentage points since

2017) say they are members of a club where they participate in
sport or recreational physical activity22. In detail, more than one in
ten respondents answer that they are members of a health or
fitness centre (12%, +1) or of a sport club (12%, unchanged),
while 6% (+3) belong to a socio-cultural club that includes
sport in its activities (e.g. employees club, youth club, school-or
university-related club) and just 1% (-6) to another type of club.

Conversely, over two-thirds of Europeans (69%, unchanged) say

they are not a member of any club, and 2% (+1) answer that
they don’t know.

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

QB15. Are you a member of any of the following clubs where you
participate in sport or recreational physical activity? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

A national analysis shows that, in two EU Member States, a Few respondents spontaneously say they are members of other
majority of respondents say they are members of a club where types of club in any of the 27 EU Member States, the highest
they participate in sport or recreational physical activity: in Sweden scores being found in Belgium and Luxembourg (3% in both
(51% versus 48% who are not members of a club) and the countries).
Netherlands (50% versus 47%). Respondents in Denmark are
divided (49% vs. 49%).

In 24 EU Member States, only a minority of respondents are In terms of evolutions since 2017, the share of respondents who
members of a club where they participate in sport or recreational are members of a health or fitness centre has increased in 24
physical activity, with the lowest levels in Romania, Portugal and EU Member States, most notably in Estonia (16%, +12 percentage
Bulgaria (15% in the three countries). points), Croatia (14%, +8) and the Netherlands (29%, +7). It has
decreased only in Sweden (35%, -6). It is unchanged in Portugal
A health or fitness centre is the most cited type of club in 17 and Lithuania.
EU Member States. Over a quarter of respondents are members of
a health or fitness centre in Sweden (35%), the Netherlands (29%) Membership of a sport club has gained ground in 16 EU Member
and Denmark (26%). The lowest proportions are found in Lithuania States, particularly in Italy (13%, +8 percentage points).
(2%), and France and Romania (6% in both countries). Conversely, it has lost ground slightly in six countries, including the
Netherlands (22%, -5) and Germany (18%, -5). It is unchanged in
A sport club is the most common answer in 11 EU Member States, five countries.
with the highest proportions in Ireland (20%, same score as health
or fitness centre), and Belgium and Luxembourg (19% in both The proportion of respondents who are members of a socio-
countries). At the other end of the scale, just 2% of respondents cultural club that includes sport in its activities has risen in
are members of a sports club in Greece, Portugal and Bulgaria. 21 EU Member States, most notably in Poland and Croatia (11%,
+9 percentage points in both countries). It has fallen slightly in
A socio-cultural club that includes sport in its activities (e.g. Luxembourg (4%, -2), France (4%, -1) and Cyprus (1%, -1). Finally,
employees’ club, youth club, school or university-related club) is it is unchanged in Sweden, Denmark and Greece.
the most mentioned type of club in Poland (11%). It is also cited
by at least one in ten respondents in Belgium and Croatia (11% in
both countries), and Slovenia (10%). The lowest proportions are
seen in Cyprus (1%), Greece (2%) and Spain (3%).

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

QB15 Are you a member of any of the following clubs where you participate in sport or recreational physical activity?


Health or fitness centre 12 14 9 11 26 13 16 20 13 13 6 14 11 16 7 2 16 9 9 29 19 9 10 6 7 10 15 35

Sport club 12 19 2 9 21 18 13 20 2 7 15 10 13 5 7 9 19 5 10 22 13 9 2 5 12 8 16 14
Socio-cultural club that includes sport in its activities (e.g. employees club, youth club, school- and university-
6 11 5 6 8 5 6 9 2 3 4 11 8 1 6 8 4 4 4 6 9 11 4 4 10 7 7 8
related club)
Other 1 3 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 3 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1

No, not a member of any club 69 57 84 74 49 66 66 53 83 75 71 60 68 77 80 80 59 82 78 47 65 71 82 81 71 76 64 48

Don't know 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 2 4 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 2 2 3 0 1 1 0

Total 'Yes' 28 40 15 24 49 32 32 44 16 23 25 34 31 21 19 18 36 17 21 50 34 28 15 15 27 22 34 51

Highest percentage per country

Lowest percentage per country
Highest percentage per item
Lowest percentage per item
Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Men (16%) are more likely than women (10%) to be members  Students (48%) and managers (41%) are far more likely than
of a sports club house persons (14%), unemployed people (18%) and retired
people (19%) to be members of a club of some kind
 Respondents aged 15-24 years are more likely than those
aged 55 and over to be members of a club: a sports club (24%  Respondents who never or almost never have difficulties
compared with 9%), a health or fitness centre (19% compared paying their bills are more likely than those who have such
with 6%) and, to a lesser extent, a socio-cultural club (9% difficulties most of the time to be members of a club (31%
compared with 6%) compared with 18%), particularly of a sports club (15%
compared with 6%)
 Europeans who continued education up to the age of 20 or
beyond are much more likely than those who left school at age
15 or earlier to be members of a health or fitness centre (17%
compared with 4%) or a sports club (16% compared with 5%)

QB15 Are you a member of any of the following clubs where you participate in sport or recreational physical activity? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS
(% - EU)

Socio-cultural club that includes sport in its activities

No, not a member of any club

Health or fitness centre

Don't know
Sport club

Total 'Yes'

EU27 12 12 6 1 69 2 28
Man 12 16 6 1 67 2 31
Woman 12 10 6 1 71 2 26
15-24 19 24 9 0 51 2 47
25-39 19 15 5 1 62 1 36
40-54 13 11 6 1 70 2 28
55 + 6 9 6 1 78 2 20
Education (End of)
15- 4 5 5 1 84 3 13
16-19 9 10 5 1 75 2 23
20+ 17 16 6 1 61 1 36
Still studying 18 24 10 1 51 1 48
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 15 15 5 1 66 1 32
Managers 20 17 7 2 56 2 41
Other white collars 16 14 6 1 64 1 34
Manual workers 13 11 5 1 70 2 27
House persons 6 5 4 0 85 1 14
Unemployed 8 8 3 0 80 2 18
Retired 6 8 6 1 78 2 19
Students 18 24 10 1 51 1 48
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 9 6 4 0 80 2 18
From time to time 11 9 6 1 73 2 24
Almost never/ Never 13 15 6 1 66 1 31

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity



Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

This third chapter examines the reasons why people engage in

sport and other physical activity. It looks in detail at the barriers to
practising sport more regularly.

5. Motivators
More than half of Europeans engage in sport or physical
activity to improve their health

Respondents who exercise, play sport or engage in other physical

activity were asked to choose from a list of 15 items their reasons
for doing so23:

 More than half of Europeans (54%, unchanged since 2017) say  More than one in ten Europeans engage in sport or physical
they engage in sport or physical activity to improve their activity to counteract the effects of ageing (17%, +3) or
health, far ahead any other reason to improve their self-esteem (13%, +1)

 Around four in ten engage in sport or physical activity to  Finally, less than one in ten do so to develop new skills
improve fitness (43%, -4 percentage points) or to relax (6%, -1), for the spirit of competition (6%, +1), to make
(39%, +1) new acquaintances (5%, -1), to meet people from other
cultures (3%, +1) or to better integrate into society (3%,
 At least a quarter of respondents say they do so to have fun -1)
(27%, -3), to improve physical performance (27%, -1) or
to control their weight (25%; +2);

 Around one in five engage in sport or physical activity to

improve their physical appearance (21%, +1) or to be
with friends (19%, =)

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

QB11. Why do you engage in sport or physical activity? (MULTIPLE

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

A national analysis reveals that, in 22 EU Member States, to To relax is the most mentioned reason in Cyprus (67%) and
improve health is the most cited reason to engage in sport or Bulgaria (33%, same score as to improve health). In addition, at
physical activity, with the highest proportions among respondents least half of respondents cite this reason in Slovenia (58%), the
in Sweden (71%), Denmark (70%) and Slovenia (69%). Conversely, Netherlands (56%) and France (50%). The lowest figures are seen
the lowest levels are found in Romania (31%), Bulgaria (33%) and in Slovakia (20%), Poland (22%) and Denmark (23%).
Hungary (40%).
Respondents in Lithuania (46%) are more likely to engage in sport
To improve fitness is the most common answer in four EU or physical activity to have fun. Over half of respondents also
Member States: Greece (67%), Luxembourg (56%), Ireland (55%, give this reason in the Netherlands (52%). The lowest scores are
same score as to improve health) and France (54%). More than found in Hungary (10%), Cyprus (12%) and Croatia (13%).
half of respondents also engage in sport or physical activity to
improve fitness in Finland (64%), the Netherlands (60%), Sweden
(52%) and Cyprus (51%). However, less than a third do so in
Bulgaria (19%), Romania (25%) and Spain (32%).

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

None of the 11 other items heads the list of reasons for engaging
in sport or physical activity in any of the 27 EU Member States.

 To improve physical performance is cited by at least four  At least a fifth of respondents engage in sport or physical
in ten respondents in Poland (47%), Slovenia (43%) and activity to improve their self-esteem in Denmark (27%),
Sweden (40%) Portugal and Bulgaria (20% in both countries)

 To control weight registers its highest levels in the  One in ten respondents do so to develop new skills in
Netherlands (41%), Finland (39%) and Malta (37%) Denmark, Austria and Estonia (10% in the three countries) and
for the spirit of competition in Malta and Luxembourg (10%
 Over a quarter of respondents engage in sport or physical in both countries)
activity to improve their physical appearance in Italy
(31%), Greece and Portugal (26% in both countries)  To make new acquaintances is the reason given by at least
one in ten respondents in Austria (11%) and Romania (10%)
 More than a quarter do so to be with friends in Austria (34%),
Slovenia (29%) and Portugal (27%)  Finally, respondents in Romania and Malta are the most likely
to mention to meet people from other cultures (7% in both
 Over a quarter engage in sport or physical activity to countries) and to better integrate into society (9% in both
counteract the effects of ageing in Finland (39%), Sweden countries)
(29%) and Austria (28%)

QB11 Why do you engage in sport or physical activity?



To improve your health 54 51 33 54 70 63 50 55 58 59 47 47 48 66 64 43 53 40 47 64 56 48 49 31 69 50 67 71

To improve fitness 43 44 19 43 49 40 48 55 67 32 54 42 42 51 38 38 56 38 37 60 38 37 34 25 40 37 64 52

To relax 39 49 33 24 23 41 36 28 49 31 50 33 39 67 31 30 43 34 39 56 40 22 46 26 58 20 41 28

To have fun 27 34 21 38 33 38 25 25 22 24 18 13 17 12 16 46 23 10 24 52 39 23 22 15 20 15 20 31

To improve physical performance 27 18 9 16 27 36 16 19 30 26 14 29 21 27 17 22 24 34 23 27 32 47 27 20 43 32 34 40

To control your weight 25 33 26 23 34 28 29 28 34 18 20 28 26 36 17 16 23 15 37 41 27 14 27 22 25 21 39 31

To improve your physical appearance 21 17 21 20 23 19 20 16 26 25 15 25 31 23 24 20 20 25 25 17 21 20 26 20 19 24 24 17

To be with friends 19 24 21 19 21 22 18 18 19 14 18 15 21 12 11 10 18 12 17 20 34 12 27 12 29 24 19 18

To counteract the effects of ageing 17 23 14 19 22 24 24 9 11 7 12 16 19 16 16 8 12 16 18 20 28 7 15 13 13 14 39 29

To improve your self-esteem 13 14 20 8 27 19 15 15 11 13 11 8 8 13 11 6 12 9 14 12 17 11 20 11 15 15 15 17

To develop new skills 6 7 8 5 10 9 10 7 6 5 6 9 4 5 8 4 9 6 9 7 10 4 5 8 8 5 8 6

For the spirit of competition 6 6 7 5 6 4 7 7 1 5 5 5 8 5 4 2 10 4 10 8 7 6 8 8 6 5 7 5

To make new acquaintances 5 6 5 4 7 6 5 6 2 3 6 7 6 5 5 2 6 3 8 6 11 3 6 10 5 7 5 4

To meet people from other cultures 3 4 1 1 1 3 2 4 1 1 4 2 4 2 2 0 5 1 7 1 5 2 3 7 2 2 0 1

To better integrate into society 3 3 5 3 1 4 3 5 2 1 2 3 5 2 3 1 6 7 9 2 5 3 3 9 3 4 1 1

Other 1 1 6 1 2 1 4 1 5 2 1 3 1 3 2 9 2 3 1 1 3 0 1 2 1 2 1 1

Don't know 2 1 3 1 3 2 3 1 0 3 4 2 1 2 1 5 3 2 3 0 2 0 2 2 0 3 2 1

Highest percentage per country

Lowest percentage per country
Highest percentage per item
Lowest percentage per item

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

Since 2017, evolutions at national level of at least ten percentage

points have been registered for seven of these reasons:
 The share of respondents who engage in sport or other physical  Engaging in sport or other physical activity to have fun has
activity to improve their health has increased substantially lost ground in Sweden (31%, -15) and the Netherlands (52%,
in Greece (58%, +10 percentage points). Meanwhile, it has -13)
decreased in Sweden (71%, -12), Luxembourg (53%, -12),
Estonia (50%, -11) and Malta (47%, -10)  The proportion of respondents who mention to improve
physical performance has fallen in Sweden (40%, -13) and
 To improve fitness has gained ground in Greece (67%, +10), Spain (26%, -11)
but it has decreased dramatically in Sweden (52%, -20) and
Latvia (38%, -10)  To control weight is mentioned more than previously in
Germany (28%, +10)
 To relax is mentioned much more than previously in Greece
(49%, +23) and Cyprus (67%, +15), but far less in Sweden  Finally, to counteract the effects of ageing has gained
(28%, -20) ground in Malta (18%, +11)

QB11 Why do you engage in sport or physical activity?



Apr/May 2022 54 58 54 47 48 63 67 33 51 64 59 64 56 50 69 40 49 55 47 43 48 70 66 31 47 50 53 71
To improve your health
Δ Dec 2017 = p10 p9 p7 p5 p4 p3 p2 p1 p1 = = = = q1 q2 q2 q3 q3 q3 q3 q4 q4 q4 q10 q11 q12 q12

Apr/May 2022 21 26 20 25 31 19 24 21 17 17 25 24 21 24 19 25 26 16 15 20 20 23 23 20 25 20 20 17
To improve your physical appearance
Δ Dec 2017 p1 p9 q3 p8 q2 = p5 = p1 p4 q6 q3 q5 q1 = p1 p4 q8 q2 p1 q1 p2 p2 p4 p6 p1 q7 q6

Apr/May 2022 17 11 19 16 19 24 39 14 23 20 7 16 28 14 13 16 15 9 12 8 7 22 16 13 18 24 12 29
To counteract the effects of ageing
Δ Dec 2017 p3 p2 p3 p1 p4 p6 p4 q1 p7 q3 q3 p1 p4 p3 p3 p1 p4 q2 = q4 p1 q2 p8 q2 p11 p5 q3 q7

Apr/May 2022 27 22 38 13 17 38 20 21 34 52 24 16 39 15 20 10 22 25 18 46 23 33 12 15 24 25 23 31
To have fun
Δ Dec 2017 q3 p1 p5 q4 q2 q4 q6 p5 q3 q13 q1 q5 q5 q1 q4 q1 q2 q4 q3 p4 q2 q5 p1 q2 q8 q2 q6 q15

Apr/May 2022 39 49 24 33 39 41 41 33 49 56 31 31 40 20 58 34 46 28 50 30 22 23 67 26 39 36 43 28
To relax
Δ Dec 2017 p1 p23 p3 q3 p3 q1 q9 p9 p1 q7 q3 q9 p4 p2 q6 p6 p8 q8 q4 p4 p1 q6 p15 q9 q3 = q4 q20

Apr/May 2022 19 19 19 15 21 22 19 21 24 20 14 11 34 24 29 12 27 18 18 10 12 21 12 12 17 18 18 18
To be with friends
Δ Dec 2017 = p6 q4 = p2 q1 q7 p7 p5 q2 q1 q9 p4 q2 q4 q1 p3 q9 q1 = p2 q8 = q1 q2 q1 q6 q3

Apr/May 2022 5 2 4 7 6 6 5 5 6 6 3 5 11 7 5 3 6 6 6 2 3 7 5 10 8 5 6 4
To make new acquaintances
Δ Dec 2017 q1 = q2 p1 = = q2 p2 q1 q3 q2 q4 = q1 q3 = p1 q4 = q1 p1 q3 p1 p3 p1 = q2 q5

Apr/May 2022 3 1 1 2 4 3 0 1 4 1 1 2 5 2 2 1 3 4 4 0 2 1 2 7 7 2 5 1
To meet people from other cultures
Δ Dec 2017 p1 p1 q1 p1 p3 p1 q1 q2 p1 = q1 q2 p1 p1 q2 = p1 q3 = q2 p1 q1 = p5 p3 p1 p1 q1

Apr/May 2022 27 30 16 29 21 36 34 9 18 27 26 17 32 32 43 34 27 19 14 22 47 27 27 20 23 16 24 40
To improve physical performance
Δ Dec 2017 q1 p8 q5 p5 p2 q3 q7 q1 q3 q1 q11 q8 q3 p4 p4 p2 q4 q8 q1 q8 p3 q3 p8 p8 p3 q4 q8 q13

Apr/May 2022 43 67 43 42 42 40 64 19 44 60 32 38 38 37 40 38 34 55 54 38 37 49 51 25 37 48 56 52
To improve fitness
Δ Dec 2017 q4 p10 p2 p8 = q7 q3 q3 q2 q4 q6 q10 q7 q3 p4 p1 q2 q6 q3 q4 q5 q9 p2 p5 q3 q3 q1 q20

Apr/May 2022 25 34 23 28 26 28 39 26 33 41 18 17 27 21 25 15 27 28 20 16 14 34 36 22 37 29 23 31
To control your weight
Δ Dec 2017 p2 p6 p5 p9 p3 p10 p5 p4 p5 q1 q4 q2 q5 q4 p4 q1 p6 q7 q3 q1 p1 q2 q3 p1 p3 q1 q6 q8

Apr/May 2022 13 11 8 8 8 19 15 20 14 12 13 11 17 15 15 9 20 15 11 6 11 27 13 11 14 15 12 17
To improve your self-esteem
Δ Dec 2017 p1 q2 p1 p3 p2 p5 q1 p5 p4 p2 p3 q7 q1 p1 = p1 p5 q7 = = q2 q1 q2 p4 q4 q5 q3 q4

Apr/May 2022 6 6 5 9 4 9 8 8 7 7 5 8 10 5 8 6 5 7 6 4 4 10 5 8 9 10 9 6
To develop new skills
Δ Dec 2017 q1 p1 = p4 = p2 q4 p1 p1 q3 = q4 q1 = q3 = q1 q6 p1 p1 q2 q1 q5 p3 q1 = p1 q8

Apr/May 2022 6 1 5 5 8 4 7 7 6 8 5 4 7 5 6 4 8 7 5 2 6 6 5 8 10 7 10 5
For the spirit of competition
Δ Dec 2017 p1 q2 = = p5 = q3 p1 p1 q2 = q5 = p1 q1 = p3 q5 q1 p1 = q2 p1 p4 p1 p1 p2 q5

Apr/May 2022 3 2 3 3 5 4 1 5 3 2 1 3 5 4 3 7 3 5 2 1 3 1 2 9 9 3 6 1
To better integrate into society
Δ Dec 2017 q1 q1 q1 p1 p2 = q2 p2 = = q1 q3 q2 q1 = p4 q1 q3 q1 q1 = q1 = p1 p5 p1 p3 q1

Apr/May 2022 1 5 1 3 1 1 1 6 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 9 0 2 3 2 1 4 2 1
Δ Dec 2017 q7 q7 q8 q10 q5 q6 q4 q14 q5 q6 q5 q12 q4 q11 q6 q9 q8 q2 q8 q4 q5 q9 q8 q18 q6 q10 q8 q3

Apr/May 2022 2 0 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 0 3 1 2 3 0 2 2 1 4 5 0 3 2 2 3 3 3 1
Don't know
Δ Dec 2017 q1 q1 q1 q1 q1 q2 q1 q4 = q1 p2 q1 q1 = q1 = q1 q1 = p2 q7 = p2 q3 p1 = p2 =

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Men are slightly more likely than women to say that they  Europeans who continued education up to the age of 20 or
engage in sport or physical activity to improve physical beyond are more likely to mention most of the factors, in
performance (29% compared with 25%), to have fun (29% particular to improve fitness (49%, compared with 31% of
compared with 25%) and to be with friends (21% compared those who left school at age 15 or earlier), to control their
with 17%) weight (29% compared with 18%) and to improve their
physical appearance (21% compared with 10%)
 Respondents aged 15-24 years are the most likely to mention
most of these factors, and particularly to say they do sport or  Similarly, respondents who never or almost never have
physical activity to have fun (40%, compared with 21% of difficulties paying their bills are more likely than those who
those aged 55 and over), to improve physical performance have such difficulties most of the time to mention most of the
(38% compared with 22%), to be with friends (34% compared factors, particularly to improve their health (58% compared
with 15%) and to improve their physical appearance (33% with 45%) and to improve physical performance (29%
compared with 12%). Conversely, respondents aged 55 and compared with 19%)
over are much more likely to do so to improve their health
(58%, compared with 49% of those aged 15-24 years) and to
counteract the effects of ageing (29% compared with 5%)

QB11 Why do you engage in sport or physical activity? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS POSSIBLE)
(% - EU)
To improve your physical appearance

To meet people from other cultures

To counteract the effects of ageing

To improve physical performance

To better integrate into society

To improve your self-esteem
To make new acquaintances

For the spirit of competition

To improve your health

To control your weight

To develop new skills

To improve fitness
To be with friends
To have fun

Don't know
To relax

EU27 54 21 17 27 39 19 5 3 27 43 25 13 6 6 3 1 2
Man 54 20 16 29 38 21 5 3 29 44 24 14 7 7 4 1 2
Woman 55 21 19 25 39 17 5 2 25 43 26 13 6 4 3 1 2
15-24 49 33 5 40 36 34 9 3 38 47 21 19 13 14 5 1 2
25-39 52 27 9 29 38 20 6 4 33 46 30 17 8 6 4 1 2
40-54 54 21 16 26 40 14 3 2 23 41 29 13 6 4 2 2 1
55 + 58 12 29 21 38 15 4 2 22 42 21 9 3 2 2 2 3
Education (End of)
15- 53 10 24 19 35 16 4 2 21 31 18 9 3 2 2 3 4
16-19 52 20 18 24 36 16 5 3 25 40 24 12 5 4 3 2 3
20+ 59 21 19 29 43 18 5 2 28 49 29 14 6 5 3 1 1
Still studying 49 32 6 41 38 36 9 4 39 48 21 19 12 13 5 1 1

Difficulties paying bills

Most of the time 45 19 14 23 36 19 4 4 19 40 28 15 6 5 4 3 4
From time to time 45 22 15 23 38 19 7 4 23 39 25 14 8 6 5 2 3
Almost never/ Never 58 21 18 29 39 19 5 2 29 45 25 13 6 5 3 1 2

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

6. Barriers

Lack of time is by far the main reason currently preventing

Europeans from practising sport more regularly

When asked to identify the main reasons currently preventing

them from practising sport more regularly by choosing from a list
of ten items24, respondents provide the following answers:

 Slightly more than four in ten Europeans (41%, +1 percentage  At most one in twenty mention that there is no suitable or
point since 201725) say not having the time is one of the accessible sport infrastructure close to where they live
main reasons currently preventing them from practising sport (5%, +2), they do not have friends to do sports with (5%,
more regularly, far ahead of any other reason +2), they feel there is a lack of opportunities to practice
sport with people of their gender (2%, new item) or they
 A quarter (25%, +5) answer that they lack motivation or are feel discriminated against by other participants (1%, =)
not interested
 In addition, it is interesting to note that one in ten respondents
 More than one in ten have a disability or illness (14%, (10%, -7 percentage points) spontaneously26 say they are
unchanged) already doing sports regularly

 Around one in ten say it is too expensive (10%), they do not

like competitive activities (9%, +3) or they are afraid of
the risk of injuries (8%, +3)

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

QB14. What are the main reasons currently preventing you from gender’. This may have an impact on the evolutions registered for other
practising sport more regularly? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS POSSIBLE) items since 2017.
25 26
Since 2017, a new item has been added in the list of reasons: ‘You feel The item ‘You are already doing sports regularly’ was spontaneous in
there is a lack of opportunities to practice sport with people of your both 2017 and 2022, and it has registered a sharp decrease particularly
in Finland (11%, -18), Germany (20%, -13) and Slovakia (10%, -11)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

A national analysis shows that lack of time is the most cited

reason for not practising sport more regularly in all 27 EU Member
States, with the highest levels in Cyprus (53%), Malta (49%) and
Slovakia (47%), and the lowest in Austria (32%), Finland (35%),
and Germany and France (37% in both countries).

None of the nine other items comes in first position among these
reasons for not practising sport more regularly in any of the 27 EU
Member States. However:

 Respondents in Sweden (38%), Denmark (33%), and Greece  At least one in ten respondents say there is no suitable or
and Portugal (29% in both countries) are the most likely to say accessible sports infrastructure close to where they live
they lack motivation or are not interested in Romania (11%), and Croatia and Lithuania (10% in both
 Having a disability or illness is cited by at least one in five
respondents in Finland and Czechia (22% in both countries),  Respondents in Czechia (10%) and Romania (9%) are the most
and Denmark and Bulgaria (both 20%) likely not to have friends to do sports with

 At least one in ten respondents answer that practising sport is  Feeling that there is a lack of opportunities to practice
too expensive in 14 EU Member States, particularly in Cyprus sport with people of their gender registers its highest
(16%), Belgium (14%) and Lithuania (13%) levels in Romania (7%) and Austria (6%)

 In 13 countries, at least one in ten respondents do not like  Finally, respondents in Romania are the most likely to mention
competitive activities, with the highest scores in Italy (16%), they feel discriminated against by other participants
and Belgium and Hungary (13% in both countries) (5%)

 Respondents in Malta and Slovakia (15% in both countries),

and Italy and Belgium (both 13%) are the most likely to be
afraid of the risk of injuries
QB14 What are the main reasons currently preventing you from practising sport more regularly?


You do not have the time 41 40 44 46 45 37 40 45 46 46 37 42 40 53 42 44 39 44 49 42 32 46 44 38 41 47 35 41

You lack motivation or are not interested 25 26 28 25 33 24 16 16 29 25 24 28 27 16 24 24 10 21 21 24 25 23 29 22 22 20 25 38

You have a disability or illness 14 15 20 22 20 16 19 10 12 11 17 13 7 10 19 15 12 19 12 16 16 17 11 17 13 14 22 16

It is too expensive 10 14 8 9 11 8 12 7 11 6 11 9 10 16 11 13 5 11 2 12 12 11 8 8 9 9 7 11

You are already doing sports regularly 10 7 5 4 4 20 12 11 9 14 8 4 9 13 6 7 18 4 13 12 22 1 11 3 9 10 11 6

You do not like competitive activities 9 13 9 6 10 6 11 9 6 7 9 9 16 2 11 7 9 13 10 11 9 7 12 10 10 4 12 12

You are afraid of the risk of injuries 8 13 7 10 8 5 8 10 11 9 6 10 13 8 4 4 9 11 15 6 11 11 10 7 11 15 3 6

There is no suitable or accessible sport infrastructure close to where you live 5 5 7 6 3 3 5 4 8 3 3 10 7 7 8 10 2 6 4 2 5 7 4 11 8 7 7 6

You do not have friends to do sports with 5 8 5 10 5 5 5 3 8 1 4 6 7 6 7 6 3 4 4 4 8 7 6 9 5 8 6 8

You feel there is a lack of opportunities to practice sport with people of your gender 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 4 1 2 5 4 4 2 1 2 3 4 1 6 3 2 7 1 3 0 1

You feel discriminated against by other participants 1 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 1 1 0 2 3 1 0 3 1 1 5 1 1 1 1

Other 3 2 4 1 2 4 5 3 4 3 5 2 3 2 3 5 8 1 2 4 3 1 2 6 4 2 1 2

Don't know 2 1 2 1 4 2 2 4 0 1 4 3 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 6 2

Highest percentage per country

Lowest percentage per country
Highest percentage per item
Lowest percentage per item

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

Since 2017, evolutions at national level of more than five

percentage points have been registered for six of these reasons:
 The share of respondents who answer that they do not have  The dislike of competitive activities has gained ground in
the time to practise sport more regularly has risen in Slovakia Finland (12%, +7), Denmark (10%, +7), Sweden (12%, +6),
(47%, +9 percentage points), Estonia (40%, +7), Germany Estonia and Latvia (11%, +6 in both countries), and Malta
(37%, +7), Greece (46%, +6) and Finland (35%, +6). (10%, +6)
Conversely, it has fallen dramatically in Romania (38%, -12),
 The proportion of respondents afraid of the risk of injuries
but also in Slovenia (41%, -7), Luxembourg (39%, -7) and
Austria (32%, -6) has risen in Slovakia (15%, +7), Italy (13%, +7), Portugal (10%,
+7), Malta (15%, +6) and Hungary (11%, +6)
 Lack of interest or motivation has gained ground in
 The lack of suitable or accessible sport infrastructure
Denmark (33%, +10), Sweden (38%, +9) and Finland (25%,
+9). However, it has lost ground in Luxembourg (10%, -7) close to where respondents live has increased in Slovenia
(8%, +6)
 The fact that practising sport is too expensive is mentioned
more than previously in Denmark (11%, +7) and Poland (11%,

QB14 What are the main reasons currently preventing you from practising sport more regularly?


Apr/May 2022 41 47 37 40 46 35 44 42 44 45 42 44 45 40 46 40 46 44 42 49 41 37 46 53 32 39 41 38
You do not have the time
Δ Dec 2017 p1 p9 p7 p7 p6 p6 p4 p4 p3 p3 p1 p1 = = = q1 q1 q1 q2 q2 q2 q3 q4 q4 q6 q7 q7 q12

Apr/May 2022 10 9 8 12 11 7 13 12 8 11 11 8 7 10 11 14 6 11 9 2 11 11 9 16 12 5 9 8
It is too expensive
Δ Dec 2017 p3 q1 p3 p2 p2 = p1 p5 p2 p7 p4 q5 p1 p1 p6 p2 p2 = q4 = p5 = = p3 p4 p1 q2 =

Apr/May 2022 9 4 6 11 6 12 7 11 9 10 11 12 9 16 7 13 7 13 9 10 12 9 6 2 9 9 10 10
You do not like competitive activities
Δ Dec 2017 p3 q1 p2 p6 p1 p7 p4 p5 p1 p7 p6 p4 p5 p5 p4 p3 p2 p2 p1 p6 p6 p1 = = p5 p5 p3 p3

Apr/May 2022 5 7 3 5 8 7 10 2 7 3 8 4 4 7 7 5 3 6 10 4 6 3 6 7 5 2 8 11
There is no suitable or accessible sport infrastructure close to where you live
Δ Dec 2017 p2 p2 p1 = p3 p4 p3 p1 p2 p2 p3 p2 p1 p3 p4 p2 p1 p1 p5 p3 p3 p1 p2 p2 p2 p1 p6 q2

Apr/May 2022 14 14 16 19 12 22 15 16 20 20 19 11 10 7 17 15 11 19 13 12 16 17 22 10 16 12 13 17
You have a disability or illness
Δ Dec 2017 = p2 p3 q5 q1 p1 q3 p2 p1 p1 q2 p1 q1 = p3 q1 q2 p1 p1 = q4 p1 p4 q2 p1 p4 = p5

Apr/May 2022 5 8 5 5 8 6 6 4 5 5 7 6 3 7 7 8 1 4 6 4 8 4 10 6 8 3 5 9
You do not have friends to do sports with
Δ Dec 2017 p2 p3 p2 p1 = p2 p3 p3 p1 p2 p3 p5 = p4 p4 p2 = = p1 p1 p4 q1 p4 p3 p2 = p3 p4

Apr/May 2022 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 0 3 2 1 1 1 0 1 3 2 1 5
You feel discriminated against by other participants
Δ Dec 2017 = p1 p1 p1 = = = = = p1 p1 p1 = p3 = = = p2 p2 p1 p1 p1 q1 p1 p1 p2 p1 p3

Apr/May 2022 2 3 2 1 4 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 3 3 1 3 5 4 1 2 2 4 6 2 1 7
You feel there is a lack of opportunities to practice sport with people of your gender
Δ Dec 2017 p2 p3 p2 p1 p4 = p1 p1 p1 p1 p2 p2 p3 p4 p3 p3 p1 p3 p5 p4 p1 p2 p2 p4 p6 p2 p1 p7

Apr/May 2022 25 20 24 16 29 25 24 24 28 33 24 29 16 27 23 26 25 21 28 21 38 24 25 16 25 10 22 22
You lack motivation or are not interested
Δ Dec 2017 p5 p5 p3 p3 q1 p9 p2 p1 = p10 p5 q4 p1 p4 p4 p5 p4 p1 = = p9 p4 p3 p1 q2 q7 p3 p4

Apr/May 2022 8 15 5 8 11 3 4 6 7 8 4 10 10 13 11 13 9 11 10 15 6 6 10 8 11 9 11 7
You are afraid of the risk of injuries
Δ Dec 2017 p3 p7 p1 p4 p4 q1 = p1 p2 p2 p1 p7 p1 p7 p3 p2 p4 p6 q1 p6 p2 p1 p1 p3 p4 p5 p4 p4

Apr/May 2022 10 10 20 12 9 11 7 12 5 4 6 11 11 9 1 7 14 4 4 13 6 8 4 13 22 18 9 3
You are already doing sports regularly
Δ Dec 2017 q7 q11 q13 q4 q3 q18 q2 q9 p1 q11 q3 q5 q8 q7 q7 q3 q2 q5 q4 p3 q8 q5 q2 p1 q1 q1 q7 q6

Apr/May 2022 3 2 4 5 4 1 5 4 4 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 5 1 2 3 8 4 6
Δ Dec 2017 q4 q5 q1 q5 q4 q5 q4 q4 q3 q9 q7 q3 q1 q4 q5 q5 q2 q2 q4 q6 q3 q2 q4 q4 q5 q2 q1 q3

Apr/May 2022 2 2 2 2 0 6 1 2 2 4 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 1 0 2 1 2 1
Don't know
Δ Dec 2017 q1 q2 q2 = = p4 q1 = q2 p3 = = p1 q1 q5 p1 = = p1 p1 = p3 = = = p1 p1 q1

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Respondents aged 25-54 years are the most likely to say that  Europeans who have difficulties paying their bills most of the
lack of time is currently preventing them from practising sport time are the most likely to say they lack motivation or are not
more regularly (55%, compared with 49% of those aged 15- interested (33%, compared with 24% among those who never
24 years and 23% of those aged 55 and over). Respondents or almost never have such difficulties) and that it is too
aged 55 and over are the most likely to have a disability or expensive (20% compared with 7%). Conversely, respondents
illness (26%, compared with 3% of those aged 15-24 years) who never or almost never have difficulties paying their bills
and to be afraid of the risk of injuries (13% compared with are more likely to say they do not have the time (41%,
4%). Respondents aged 15-24 years are more likely to answer compared with 42% of those who have such difficulties from
that they are already doing sports regularly (17%, compared time to time and 33% of those who have these problems most
with 9% of those aged 40 and over) of the time) or that they are already doing sports regularly
(12% compared with 6%)
 Respondents who continued education up to the age of 20 or
beyond are more likely to lack the time (47%, compared with
22% of those who left school at age 15 or earlier) and to
already do sports regularly (12% compared with 5%). Those
who left school at age 15 or earlier are the most likely to say
they lack motivation or are not interested (31% compared with
22%), to have a disability or illness (26% compared with 10%)
and to be afraid of the risk of injuries (15% compared with 7%)

QB14 What are the main reasons currently preventing you from practising sport more regularly? (MULTIPLE ANSWERS POSSIBLE)

You feel there is a lack of opportunities to practice sport with people of your gender
(% - EU)
There is no suitable or accessible sport infrastructure close to where you live

You feel discriminated against by other participants

You do not have friends to do sports with

You lack motivation or are not interested

You are already doing sports regularly

You do not like competitive activities

You are afraid of the risk of injuries

You have a disability or illness
You do not have the time

It is too expensive

Don't know
EU27 41 10 9 5 14 5 1 2 25 8 10 3 2
Man 41 8 10 5 13 5 1 2 24 8 12 3 2
Woman 40 11 9 5 16 6 1 3 26 9 9 3 2
15-24 49 11 7 6 3 6 2 2 24 4 17 3 2
25-39 55 12 8 6 5 6 2 3 22 4 12 2 1
40-54 55 11 9 5 9 5 1 3 24 6 9 2 1
55 + 23 7 11 4 26 5 1 2 27 13 9 5 3
Education (End of)
15- 22 8 12 5 26 5 1 3 31 15 5 5 1
16-19 40 10 9 5 16 5 1 3 26 8 9 2 2
20+ 47 9 8 5 10 5 1 2 22 7 12 4 2
Still studying 48 10 7 6 3 6 1 2 23 3 19 3 2
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 33 20 11 5 19 9 2 4 33 8 6 2 2
From time to time 42 15 10 6 14 7 3 4 25 10 7 3 1
Almost never/ Never 41 7 9 4 14 4 1 2 24 8 12 3 2

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity



Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

This fourth chapter focuses on Europeans’ perceptions of support A national analysis shows that more than half of respondents in
for sports participation in their local area. It looks at respondents’ 26 EU Member States consider that the area where they live offers
views about opportunities in their local area and those offered by them many opportunities to be physically active, with the highest
local sports clubs and other providers. It then examines their proportions among respondents in the Netherlands (91%), and
opinions about their local authority’s provision. Sweden and Denmark (89% in both countries). However, this
majority is smaller in Romania (53%), Slovakia (59%) and Greece
7. Opportunities in the local area At least one in five respondents totally agree that the area where
they live offers them many opportunities to be physically active in
25 EU Member States, and over half do so in the Netherlands
More than three-quarters of Europeans agree that the area (59%), Denmark (53%) and Sweden (51%).
where they live offers them many opportunities to be
physically active Bulgaria is the sole country where only a minority of respondents
agree with this statement (41% versus 47%). Moreover, a quarter
of respondents in Bulgaria totally disagree (25%).
Slightly more than three-quarters of respondents (76%, +2
percentage points since 2017) agree that the area where they live QB13.1 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following
offers them many opportunities to be physically active27. This statements about sport and physical activity?
result includes over a third of respondents (36%, +5) who ‘totally The area where you live offers you many opportunities to be physically active
agree’ and four in ten who ‘tend to agree’ (40%, -3). Meanwhile, (% - EU)
less than one in five respondents (19%, unchanged) disagree with Don't know
this statement, including 6% (=) who ‘totally disagree’ and more Totally disagree 5(-2)
than one in ten (13%, =) who ‘tend to disagree’. Finally, one in 6 (0)
twenty respondents (5%, -2) ‘don’t know’. Totally agree
36 (+5)
Tend to disagree
13 (0)

Tend to agree
40 (-3)
(Apr.-May 2022 - Dec. 2017)
Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

QB13.1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following
statements about sport and physical activity? The area where you live
offers you many opportunities to be physically active

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

In terms of evolutions since 2017, the proportion of respondents

who agree that the area where they live offers them many
opportunities to be physically active has increased in 16 EU
Member States, most strikingly in Malta (67%, +20 percentage
points) and Bulgaria (41%, +11). Meanwhile, it has decreased in
ten countries, particularly in France (81%, -6), and is unchanged in

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Respondents aged 15-24 years are the most likely to agree  Respondents who never or almost never have difficulties
that the area where they live offers them many opportunities paying their bills are the most likely to agree with this
to be physically active (80%), particularly when compared with statement (80%, compared with 69% of those who have such
those aged 55 and over (72%) difficulties from time to time and 62% of those who
experience them most of the time)
 Europeans who continued education up to the age of 20 or
beyond are by far the most likely to agree with this statement  Finally, respondents who live in a large town (80%) are more
(82%, compared with 75% among those who left school likely than those who live in a rural village (70%) to consider
between 16-19 years and 64% among those who left school that the area where they live offers them many opportunities
at age 15 or earlier) to be physically active

 Managers (83%) and students (80%) are much more likely

than house persons (67%) and unemployed people (69%) to
believe that the area where they live offers them many
opportunities to be physically active

QB13.1 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about sport and physical activity?
The area where you live offers you many opportunities to be physically active
(% - EU)

Tend to disagree

Totally disagree

Total 'Disagree'
Tend to agree
Totally agree

Total 'Agree'
Don't know
EU27 36 40 13 6 5 76 19
Man 37 40 13 6 4 77 19
Woman 35 40 13 7 5 75 20
15-24 39 41 13 5 2 80 18
25-39 37 41 13 6 3 78 19
40-54 37 41 13 6 3 78 19
55 + 34 38 13 7 8 72 20
Education (End of)
15- 26 38 17 10 9 64 27
16-19 33 42 13 7 5 75 20
20+ 44 38 11 4 3 82 15
Still studying 41 39 13 5 2 80 18
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 40 37 14 6 3 77 20
Managers 46 37 9 4 4 83 13
Other white collars 35 43 13 7 2 78 20
Manual workers 34 42 14 6 4 76 20
House persons 27 40 14 11 8 67 25
Unemployed 28 41 16 9 6 69 25
Retired 34 38 13 7 8 72 20
Students 41 39 13 5 2 80 18
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 25 37 18 13 7 62 31
From time to time 27 42 17 9 5 69 26
Almost never/ Never 41 39 11 5 4 80 16
Subjective urbanisation
Rural village 34 36 15 9 6 70 24
Small/ mid size town 37 40 13 5 5 77 18
Large town 37 43 11 5 4 80 16
Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

8. Opportunities offered by local QB13.2 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about
sport and physical activity?
sport clubs and other providers Local sport clubs and other local providers offer many opportunities to be physically
active (% - EU)
Don't know
Totally disagree 9(0)
7 (+2)
Nearly three-quarters of Europeans agree that local sport clubs Totally agree
and other local providers offer many opportunities to be 32 (+3)
physically active Tend to disagree
12 (-1)

Over seven in ten respondents (72%, -1 percentage point since

2017) agree that local sports clubs and other local providers offer
many opportunities to be physically active28, with close to a third
of respondents (32%, +3) totally agreeing and four in ten tending
to agree (40%, -4). Conversely, close to one in five respondents
(19%, +1) disagree with this statement, with 7% (+2) who ‘totally Tend to agree
40 (-4)
disagree’ and over one in ten (12%, -1) who ‘tend to disagree’.
Finally, close to one in ten respondents (9%, unchanged) say they (Apr.-May 2022 - Dec. 2017)

don’t know. Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

A national analysis highlights that, in all 27 EU Member States, In 22 EU Member States, at least one in five respondents totally
a majority of respondents believe that local sport clubs and other agree that local sports clubs and other local providers offer many
local providers offer many opportunities to be physically active. opportunities to be physically active, with the highest levels in the
This proportion is the highest among respondents in the Netherlands (54%), Denmark (51%) and Sweden (48%).
Netherlands (91%), Denmark (87%) and Sweden (86%). This
majority is narrower in Bulgaria (41% versus 38%), Slovakia (50% However, in Bulgaria, a fifth of respondents (20%) totally disagree
vs. 33%) and Romania (51%). with this statement, and a similar proportion (21%) ‘don’t know’.

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

QB13.2. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following
statements about sport and physical activity? Local sport clubs and other
local providers offer many opportunities to be physically active

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

Since 2017, the share of respondents who agree that local sport
clubs and other local providers offer many opportunities to be
physically active has fallen in 16 EU Member States, most
dramatically in Slovakia (50%, -12 percentage points), Austria
(67%, -11) and France (75%, -10). Conversely, it has risen in ten
countries, most strikingly in Malta (85%, +20). Finally, it is
unchanged in Luxembourg.

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Respondents aged 15-24 years are the most likely to agree  Respondents who never or almost never have difficulties
that local sports clubs and other local providers offer many paying their bills are the most likely to agree with this
opportunities to be physically active (79%), particularly when statement (76%, compared with 65% of those who have such
compared with those aged 55 and over (66%) difficulties from time to time and 60% among those who do
so most of the time)
 Respondents who continued education up to the age of 20 or
beyond are by far the most likely to agree with this statement  Europeans who live in a large town (78%) or a small or
(80%, compared with 69% among those who left school medium-sized town (74%) are much more likely than those
between 16-19 years and 58% among those who left school who live in a rural village (63%) to believe that local sports
at age 15 or earlier) clubs and other local providers offer many opportunities to be
physically active
 Managers (82%) and students (81%) are much more likely
than unemployed people (58%), house persons (65%) and
retired people (65%) to think that local sports clubs and other
local providers offer many opportunities to be physically active

QB13.2 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about sport and physical activity?
Local sport clubs and other local providers offer many opportunities to be physically active
(% - EU)

Tend to disagree

Totally disagree

Total 'Disagree'
Tend to agree
Totally agree

Total 'Agree'
Don't know
EU27 32 40 12 7 9 72 19
Man 34 39 12 7 8 73 19
Woman 31 40 12 7 10 71 19
15-24 39 40 13 4 4 79 17
25-39 33 43 12 6 6 76 18
40-54 34 41 13 6 6 75 19
55 + 29 37 12 8 14 66 20
Education (End of)
15- 24 34 15 12 15 58 27
16-19 28 41 13 8 10 69 21
20+ 40 40 10 4 6 80 14
Still studying 41 40 12 4 3 81 16
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 33 41 13 8 5 74 21
Managers 42 40 8 3 7 82 11
Other white collars 33 44 12 6 5 77 18
Manual workers 32 40 13 8 7 72 21
House persons 23 42 13 11 11 65 24
Unemployed 21 37 19 8 15 58 27
Retired 29 36 12 8 15 65 20
Students 41 40 12 4 3 81 16
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 23 37 17 12 11 60 29
From time to time 23 42 16 9 10 65 25
Almost never/ Never 37 39 10 6 8 76 16
Subjective urbanisation
Rural village 28 35 16 10 11 63 26
Small/ mid size town 34 40 11 6 9 74 17
Large town 35 43 9 5 8 78 14

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

9. Local authority provisions QB13.3 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about
sport and physical activity?
Your local authority does not do enough for its citizens in relation to physical activities
(% - EU)

A small majority of Europeans disagree that their local Don't know

Totally agree
authority does not do enough for its citizens in relation to 10(-2)
14 (+4)
physical activities
Totally disagree
Respondents are more divided on this matter. Nearly half (48%, - 19 (-1)
1 percentage point since 2017) disagree that their local authority
does not do enough for its citizens in relation to physical Tend to agree
activities29. This result includes close to one in five respondents 28 (-1)
(19%, -1) who ‘totally disagree’ and nearly three in ten (29%,
unchanged) who ‘tend to disagree’. However, more than four in ten
respondents (42%, +3) agree with the statement, including over
Tend to disagree
one in ten (14%, +4) who ‘totally agree’ and nearly three in ten 29 (0)
(28%, -1) who ‘tend to agree’. Finally, one in ten respondents (10%,
(Apr.-May 2022 - Dec. 2017)
-2) ‘don’t know’.
Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

A national analysis shows that a majority of respondents Conversely, only a minority of respondents agree that their local
consider that their local authority does not do enough for its authority does not do enough for its citizens in relation to physical
citizens in relation to physical activities in 14 EU Member States, activities in 13 EU Member States, with the lowest proportions in
with the highest levels in Malta (66%), and Italy and Croatia (57% Finland (20%) and Germany and Estonia (27% in both countries).
in both countries).
In eight EU Member States, at least one in five respondents totally
At least one in five respondents totally agree with this statement disagree that the local authority does not do enough for its citizens
in four countries: Malta (41%), substantially ahead of Romania in relation to physical activities, rising to more than a quarter in
(21%) and Slovenia and Cyprus (20% in both countries). Germany (33%), Finland (27%) and Austria (26%).

Finally, one in five respondents in Bulgaria (20%) say they do not


Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

QB13.3. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following
statements about sport and physical activity? Your local authority does
not do enough for its citizens in relation to physical activities

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

In terms of evolutions since 2017, the feeling that local authorities

do not do enough for their citizens in relation to physical activities
has gained ground in 18 EU Member States, by two digits in seven
countries, most notably in Luxembourg (47%, +17 percentage
points), Malta (66%, +16) and Slovenia (49%, +14). Meanwhile, it
has lost ground slightly in eight countries, particularly in Ireland
(45%, -5), and is unchanged in Czechia.

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Respondents aged 25-39 years (46%) and 40-54 years (44%)  Respondents who have difficulties paying their bills most of
are more likely than those aged 15-24 years (41%) and 55 the time (47%) or from time to time (46%) are more likely than
and over (38%) to agree that their local authority does not do those who never or almost never have such difficulties (39%)
enough for its citizens in relation to physical activities to believe that their local authority does not do enough for its
citizens in relation to physical activities
 Respondents who continued education up to the age of 20 or
beyond are the most likely to disagree with this statement  Europeans who consider themselves upper class are the least
(53%, compared with 47% among those who left school likely to agree with this statement (33%, compared with 39%
between 16-19 years and 42% among those who left school among those who see themselves as upper middle class and
at age 15 or earlier) 42-43% among respondents in the three other categories)

 Other white collars are the most likely to agree with this
statement (46%, compared with 38% among retired people)

QB13.3 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about sport and physical activity?
Your local authority does not do enough for its citizens in relation to physical activities
(% - EU)

Tend to disagree

Totally disagree

Total 'Disagree'
Tend to agree
Totally agree

Total 'Agree'
Don't know
EU27 14 28 29 19 10 42 48
Man 14 28 30 19 9 42 49
Woman 13 28 29 19 11 41 48
15-24 14 27 32 19 8 41 51
25-39 15 31 30 17 7 46 47
40-54 15 29 29 20 7 44 49
55 + 12 26 28 20 14 38 48
Education (End of)
15- 13 30 23 19 15 43 42
16-19 14 29 30 17 10 43 47
20+ 13 26 31 22 8 39 53
Still studying 14 28 33 18 7 42 51
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 15 30 32 17 6 45 49
Managers 13 26 30 23 8 39 53
Other white collars 14 32 31 16 7 46 47
Manual workers 16 29 28 19 8 45 47
House persons 12 27 28 19 14 39 47
Unemployed 15 29 27 16 13 44 43
Retired 11 27 27 20 15 38 47
Students 14 28 33 18 7 42 51
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 16 31 24 17 12 47 41
From time to time 15 31 29 15 10 46 44
Almost never/ Never 13 26 30 21 10 39 51
Consider belonging to
The working class 15 28 26 17 14 43 43
The lower middle class 13 29 32 17 9 42 49
The middle class 13 29 30 20 8 42 50
The upper middle class 15 24 29 25 7 39 54
The upper class 11 22 40 21 6 33 61
Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity


Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

This fifth chapter examines engagement in voluntary work that

supports sporting activities.

10. Citizens’ engagement in

volunteering in sport

One in ten European currently engage in voluntary work that However, a large majority of Europeans (89%) neither currently
supports sporting activities, or plan to do so in the next two engage nor plan to engage in voluntary work that supports sporting
months activities. In detail, close to three-quarters (74%) have never
engaged in such voluntary work and have no plans to do so, while
Just one in ten Europeans (10%) currently engage in voluntary 15% have engaged in this kind of voluntary work in the past.
work that supports sporting activities, or plan to do so in the next
two months 30. This result includes 6% of respondents who are
already engaged in voluntary work to support sporting activities,
and 4% who plan to do so in the next two months.

QB21 The next question is about volunteering in sport. By volunteering we mean doing any voluntary
work or activity for which you do not receive any payment except to cover expenses. This includes
organising or helping to run events, campaigning or raising money, providing transport or driving,
coaching, tuition, mentoring, etc. Do you currently engage, or plan to engage in the next 2 months, in
voluntary work that supports sporting activities?
(% - EU) Yes, you are already currently
engaged in voluntary work
Don't know
supporting sporting activities

Yes, you plan to engage in

the next two months in
voluntary work supporting
sporting activities

No, but you have

engaged in the past in
No, you have never engaged voluntary work
in voluntary work supporting supporting sporting
sporting activities and do not activities
plan to do so 15

(Apr.-May 2022)

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

QB21. The next question is about volunteering in sport. By volunteering or driving, coaching, tuition, mentoring, etc. Do you currently engage, or
we mean doing any voluntary work or activity for which you do not plan to engage in the next 2 months, in voluntary work that supports
receive any payment except to cover expenses. This includes organising or sporting activities?
helping to run events, campaigning or raising money, providing transport

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

A national analysis shows that, in 15 EU Member States, at least However, at least one in ten respondents in 21 EU Member States
one in ten respondents say they currently engage in voluntary work have engaged in the past in voluntary work supporting sporting
that supports sporting activities or plan to do so in the next two activities, with the highest levels in Sweden (35%), Finland (32%)
months. Nearly one in five respondents say so in Ireland and and Denmark (29%).
Luxembourg (19% in both countries), and the Netherlands (18%).
At the other end of the scale, just 4% of respondents currently Finally, more than half of respondents in all 27 EU Member States
engage or plan to engage in Portugal, Greece and Lithuania. have never engaged in voluntary work supporting sporting
activities and do not plan to do so, with proportions varying
In detail, at least one in ten respondents are currently engaged in between 88% in Portugal and 51% in Sweden.
voluntary work supporting sporting activities in six EU Member
States: the Netherlands (15%), Luxembourg (13%), Ireland (12%),
Sweden and Slovenia (11% in both countries), and Denmark (10%).

Italy is the only country where one in ten respondents plan to

engage in voluntary work supporting sporting activities in the next
two months.

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

QB21 The next question is about volunteering in sport. By volunteering we mean doing any voluntary work or activity for which you do not receive any payment except to cover
expenses. This includes organising or helping to run events, campaigning or raising money, providing transport or driving, coaching, tuition, mentoring, etc. Do you currently engage, or
plan to engage in the next 2 months, in voluntary work that supports sporting activities?
◼ Yes, you are already currently engaged in voluntary work supporting sporting activities ◼ Yes, you plan to engage in the next two months in voluntary work supporting sporting activities
◼ No, but you have engaged in the past in voluntary work supporting sporting activities ◼ No, you have never engaged in voluntary work supporting sporting activities and do not plan to do so ◼ Don't know
1 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 7 0 2 1 2 1 2 3 0 2


70 55 55 61 56 56
62 59
69 65
73 73 73 75 74 75 71 65 77
60 79 77 80
85 83 86 86
86 88


30 24 26 35
18 24 24 29 32
15 24
20 13 13 13 11 15 18 19
6 7 3 9 13 15
4 6 3 4 14 13
10 9 4 2 7 9 6 7 10 6
13 12 15 10 8 8 9 4 6 2 3 3 2 2 5 3
11 9 11 10 9 9 7 3 3 4 2 3
6 3 4 4 2 6 4 6 6 6 5 2 3 3 2 2 1 1

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Men are slightly more likely than women to say they are  Managers are the most likely to be currently engaged or
currently engaged or plan to engage in the next two months in planning to engage in the next two months (15%, compared
voluntary work supporting sporting activities (12% compared with 5% among house persons)
with 9%). Conversely, women are more likely than men to say
 Respondents who consider themselves upper middle class are
that they have never engaged in voluntary work supporting
the most likely to be engaged or planning to engage (17%,
sporting activities and do not plan to do so (77% compared
compared with 6% among those who see themselves as
with 70%).
working class)
 Respondents aged 55 and over are the most likely to say they
have never engaged and do not plan to do so (77%, compared
with 71% among those aged 15-24 years)
 Respondents who left school at age 15 or earlier are the most
likely to answer that they have never engaged in voluntary
work supporting sporting activities and do not plan to do so
(84%, compared with 77% among those who left school
between 16-19 years and 68% among those who continued
education up to the age of 20 or beyond)

QB21 The next question is about volunteering in sport. By volunteering we mean doing any voluntary work or activity for which you do not
receive any payment except to cover expenses. This includes organising or helping to run events, campaigning or raising money,
providing transport or driving, coaching, tuition, mentoring, etc. Do you currently engage, or plan to engage in the next 2 months, in
voluntary work that supports sporting activities?
(% - EU)

supporting sporting activities and do not plan to do so

Yes, you are already currently engaged in voluntary

Yes, you plan to engage in the next two months

in voluntary work supporting sporting activities

No, you have never engaged in voluntary work

voluntary work supporting sporting activities
No, but you have engaged in the past in
work supporting sporting activities

Don't know

Total 'Yes'

Total 'No'

EU27 6 4 15 74 1 10 89
Man 7 5 17 70 1 12 87
Woman 5 4 13 77 1 9 90
15-24 5 7 16 71 1 12 87
25-39 6 6 15 72 1 12 87
40-54 7 4 15 73 1 11 88
55 + 4 3 15 77 1 7 92
Education (End of)
15- 2 3 9 84 2 5 93
16-19 4 4 14 77 1 8 91
20+ 9 4 18 68 1 13 86
Still studying 5 7 17 70 1 12 87
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 7 6 16 70 1 13 86
Managers 10 5 21 62 2 15 83
Other white collars 6 5 16 72 1 11 88
Manual workers 6 5 13 75 1 11 88
House persons 2 3 8 86 1 5 94
Unemployed 4 2 12 80 2 6 92
Retired 4 2 15 78 1 6 93
Students 5 7 17 70 1 12 87
Consider belonging to
The working class 3 3 10 83 1 6 93
The lower middle class 5 3 14 77 1 8 91
The middle class 6 5 16 72 1 11 88
The upper middle class 11 6 27 55 1 17 82
The upper class 10 3 20 67 0 13 87

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity


Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

This sixth chapter focuses on the impact of COVID-19 on frequency

of sport and physical activity.

11. Impact of Covid-19 on frequency

of sport and physical activity

During COVID-19, slightly more than a third of Europeans were

physically active either less than or at the same level as before

Respondents were asked what impact the COVID-19 pandemic has

had on their involvement in physical activity, by choosing up to two
statements best corresponding to their personal situation from a
list of five31:

 Slightly more than a third of Europeans (34%) say they  Conversely, close to one in ten respondents (9%) were
continued to be physically active but less frequently physically active more frequently (including sport) during
(including sport) during COVID-19 COVID-19

 The same proportion (34%) answer that they were physically  Finally, less than one in ten (7%) plan to be more physically
active at the same level as before (including sport) during active (including sport) after COVID-19

 However, nearly one in five respondents (18%) stopped being

physically active (including sport) during COVID-19

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

QB12. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on individuals and physical activity which you do in a sport context or sport-related setting;
organisations involved in physical activity. Based on your personal as well as doing any other physical activity for recreational or non-sport-
experience, which of the following statements best correspond to your related reasons such as cycling, dancing, gardening, etc. (MAX. 2
personal situation? By "physically active" we mean doing any form of ANSWERS)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

A national analysis shows that ‘during COVID-19, you None of the three other statements comes first in any of the 27
continued to be physically active but you did it less EU Member States. However:
frequently (including sport)’ is the most cited statement in 14 EU
 At least a quarter of respondents say they stopped being
Member States. At least four in ten respondents choose this physically active (including sport) during COVID-19 in Italy
statement in Luxembourg (42%), Portugal (41%) and Spain (40%). and Spain (33% in both countries), and in Romania, Bulgaria
Conversely, the lowest levels are found in Lithuania (22%), and Slovakia (25% in the three countries). Less than one in ten
Romania (23%), Croatia and Estonia (28% in both countries). did so in Germany and Finland (7% in both countries), and
Poland, Slovenia and Lithuania (9% in the three countries)
In 16 EU Member States, ‘during COVID-19, you were physically
active at the same level as you did before (including sport)’ is  At least one in ten respondents were physically active more
the most common answer. More than half of respondents say this frequently (including sport) during COVID-19 in 11 EU
statement best corresponds to their personal situation in Lithuania Member States, with the highest levels in the Netherlands and
(58%), Finland (52%) and Hungary (51%). On the other hand, less Belgium (16% in both countries), and Luxembourg (14%).
than one in five share this opinion in Malta (15%) and Italy and Conversely, this statement registers its lowest scores in
Spain (18% in both countries). Hungary (3%) and Bulgaria and Malta (4% in both countries)

In three EU Member States, respondents place these two  In six EU Member States, at least one in ten respondents plan
statements in joint first position: in Greece and Austria (35% for to be more physically active (including sport) after COVID-
both ‘less frequently’ and ‘at the same level as before’), and France 19. This is particularly the case in Malta (27%), substantially
(both 32%). ahead of Portugal (14%) and Denmark (13%). Meanwhile, the
lowest proportions are found in Ireland and Latvia (4% in both

QB12 The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on individuals and organisations involved in physical activity. Based on your personal experience, which of the following statements best correspond to your personal situation? By "physically
active" we mean doing any form of physical activity which you do in a sport context or sport-related setting; as well as doing any other physical activity for recreational or non-sport-related reasons such as cycling, dancing, gardening, etc.
(MAX. 2 ANSWERS) (%)


During COVID-19, you stopped being physically active (including sport) 18 16 25 19 17 7 13 15 14 33 23 15 33 18 17 9 13 11 19 11 11 9 19 25 9 25 7 14

During COVID-19, you continued to be physically active but you did it less frequently (including sport) 34 37 36 35 32 35 28 38 35 40 32 28 37 35 31 22 42 30 38 37 35 29 41 23 29 32 29 33

During COVID-19, you were physically active at the same level as you did before (including sport) 34 26 29 36 35 43 44 32 35 18 32 41 18 32 43 58 29 51 15 35 35 47 22 34 47 31 52 44

During COVID-19, you were physically active more frequently (including sport) 9 16 4 7 12 8 10 13 13 6 10 8 7 7 5 5 14 3 4 16 12 7 7 10 13 7 8 8

After COVID-19, you plan to be more physically active (including sport) 7 9 6 9 13 6 5 4 8 7 5 9 10 5 4 5 6 5 27 9 9 7 14 10 10 6 8 9

Don't know 2 1 3 1 2 4 2 1 0 0 1 2 0 4 2 4 2 1 0 1 2 3 2 3 0 2 1 0

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Respondents aged 15-24 years are the most likely to say that  Students are the most likely to have been physically active less
they continued to be physically active but less frequently (38%, frequently (40%) or more frequently (13%). Retired people
compared with 32% among those aged 55 and over) and that (42%) are more likely than students (24%) to answer that they
they were physically active more frequently (13% compared were physically active at the same level as before
with 6%). Meanwhile, respondents aged 55 and over are much
 Europeans who live in a large town are the most likely to say
more likely to say they were physically active at the same level
they stopped being physically active during COVID-19 (22%,
as before (40% compared with 26%)
compared with 15% among those who live in a rural village);
 Respondents who left school at age 15 or earlier are the most in addition, they are the least likely to have been physically
likely to answer that they stopped being physically active active at the same level as before (28% compared with 39%)
during COVID-19 (22%, compared with 17% in both other
categories) or that they were physically active at the same
level as before (40%, compared with 33% among those who
continued education up to the age of 20 or beyond).
Conversely, they are the least likely to say they continued to
be physically active but less frequently (29% compared with
35%) or they were physically active more frequently (5%
compared with 10%)

During COVID-19, you continued to be physically active but you did it less frequently (including sport)

During COVID-19, you were physically active at the same level as you did before (including sport)
QB12 The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on individuals and organisations involved in physical activity. Based on your
personal experience, which of the following statements best correspond to your personal situation? By "physically active" we
mean doing any form of physical activity which you do in a sport context or sport-related setting; as well as doing any other
physical activity for recreational or non-sport-related reasons such as cycling, dancing, gardening, etc. (MAX. 2 ANSWERS)
(% - EU)

During COVID-19, you were physically active more frequently (including sport)
During COVID-19, you stopped being physically active (including sport)

After COVID-19, you plan to be more physically active (including sport)

Don't know

EU27 18 34 34 9 7 2
Man 17 34 36 8 7 1
Woman 19 34 33 9 7 2
15-24 18 38 26 13 8 2
25-39 19 36 31 9 8 1
40-54 19 32 34 10 7 1
55 + 17 32 40 6 6 2
Education (End of)
15- 22 29 40 5 5 2
16-19 17 32 37 7 7 2
20+ 17 35 33 10 7 1
Still studying 18 40 24 13 9 1
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 17 35 33 10 7 1
Managers 17 35 33 12 9 1
Other white collars 19 36 29 10 9 1
Manual workers 19 32 36 8 7 2
House persons 18 35 35 6 7 3
Unemployed 20 32 37 7 4 2
Retired 17 32 42 5 5 2
Students 18 40 24 13 9 1
Subjective urbanisation
Rural village 15 32 39 9 6 2
Small/ mid size town 18 34 34 9 8 2
Large town 22 36 28 9 9 1
Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity



Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

This seventh chapter assesses how much attention Europeans pay

to the impact that the practice of sport or physical activity can have
on the environment. It then explores respondents’ perceptions of
actions taken by their sports organisations in support of the

12. Citizens’ attentiveness towards

the environment

Slightly more than half of Europeans pay little attention to

the impact that the practice of sport or physical activity can
have on the environment

Respondents who exercise, play sport or engage in other physical

activity were asked how much attention they pay to the impact
that the practice of sport or physical activity can have on the
environment by choosing a number on a scale of 1 to 6, where 1
means "not paying attention at all", and 6 means "paying a lot of
attention"32. Close to half of the respondents (46%) say that they
are paying attention to the impact of their practice of sport or
physical activity to the environment, 51% say that they are not
paying attention, and 3% answer “don’t know”.33

QB16 In a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 means "not paying attention at all", and 6

means "paying a lot of attention", how much attention do you pay to the
impact that the practice of sport or physical activity can have on the
(% - EU) Don't know

Total 'Paying Total 'Not paying

attention' attention'
46 51

(Apr.-May 2022)

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

QB16. In a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 means "not paying attention at all", 33
'Not paying attention' means the respondent choose a number from 1
and 6 means "paying a lot of attention", how much attention do you pay to 3; 'paying attention' from 4 to 6.
to the impact that the practice of sport or physical activity can have on
the environment?

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

A national analysis shows that more than half of the Conversely, in 16 EU Member States, a majority of respondents do
respondents are currently paying attention to the impact that their not pay attention to the impact that their practice of sport or
practice of sport or physical activity can have on the environment physical activity can have on the environment. This is the case for
(giving a score from 3 to 6 on a 6-point scale) in 11 EU Member over two-thirds of respondents in Sweden (83%) and the
States, led by Cyprus (75%), and Italy, Poland and Romania (57% Netherlands and Czechia (74% in both countries).
in the three Member States).

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Respondents who left school at age 15 or earlier (54%) are  Respondents who consider themselves as upper class (56%)
slightly more likely than those who left school between 16-19 are more likely to pay attention to the impact of sport on the
years (50%) and those who continued education up to 20 years environment, particularly when compared with those who see
old or beyond (51%) to say they pay no attention to the impact themselves as working or lower middle class (44% in both
that the practice of sport or physical activity can have on the categories)
 Europeans who live in a large (48%) or small or medium-size
 Unemployed people are the most likely not to pay attention (47%) town are slightly more likely than those who live in a
(56%, compared with 48% among retired people and 49% rural village (43%) to say they pay attention
among managers)
 Respondents who have difficulties paying their bills most of
the time (54%) are slightly more likely than those who have
such difficulties from time to time (50%) and never or almost
never (51%) to say they don’t pay attention to the impact that
the practice of sport or physical activity can have on the

QB16 In a scale of 1 to 6, where 1 means "not paying attention at all", and 6 means "paying a lot of attention", how much attention do
you pay to the impact that the practice of sport or physical activity can have on the environment?
(% - EU)
1 Not paying attention at all

Total 'Not paying attention'

6 Paying a lot of attention

Total 'Paying attention'

Don't know

EU27 20 11 20 22 12 12 3 51 46
Man 20 11 20 22 13 12 2 51 47
Woman 21 10 20 22 12 11 4 51 45
15-24 19 11 20 22 14 12 2 50 48
25-39 20 12 20 23 14 9 2 52 46
40-54 20 11 21 22 11 12 3 52 45
55 + 22 10 18 22 11 13 4 50 46
Education (End of)
15- 25 9 20 22 11 9 4 54 42
16-19 19 10 21 24 11 12 3 50 47
20+ 21 12 18 20 13 13 3 51 46
Still studying 19 10 21 22 14 12 2 50 48
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 21 10 19 22 14 12 2 50 48
Managers 21 11 17 22 14 13 2 49 49
Other white collars 20 11 20 24 13 9 3 51 46
Manual workers 19 11 22 24 11 11 2 52 46
House persons 22 8 24 21 10 10 5 54 41
Unemployed 24 12 20 16 9 14 5 56 39
Retired 21 9 18 22 11 14 5 48 47
Students 19 10 21 22 14 12 2 50 48
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 23 10 21 18 9 15 4 54 42
From time to time 17 12 21 26 11 11 2 50 48
Almost never/ Never 22 10 19 21 13 12 3 51 46
Consider belonging to
The working class 24 10 19 23 10 11 3 53 44
The lower middle class 19 12 22 20 11 13 3 53 44
The middle class 19 10 20 23 13 12 3 49 48
The upper middle class 24 13 16 19 15 11 2 53 45
The upper class 20 8 13 25 17 14 3 41 56
Subjective urbanisation
Rural village 24 11 19 22 11 10 3 54 43
Small/ mid size town 18 11 21 23 12 12 3 50 47
Large town 20 11 19 22 13 13 2 50 48
Base: If practices a sport or a physical activity (N=19,246)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

13. Sport organisations’ activities in

support of the environment

Close to a quarter of Europeans who are members of a club say

their club is currently working to reduce waste or improving
waste management

Respondents who are members of a club were asked what actions

in support of sustainability, as far as they know, are currently
undertaken by their sports organisation(s), sports club, or health or
fitness centres34:

 Close to a quarter of respondents (24%) say their sport  Close to one in ten (9%) say that their sports organisation is
organisation is working in reducing waste or improving serving food and catering taking into account
waste management sustainability criteria

 Over one in ten respondents say that it is promoting the use  However, nearly half of respondents (48%) answer that, as far
of green energy (16%), promoting measures to increase as they know, no actions around sustainability are currently
energy efficiency (14%) or promoting sustainable carried out by their sports organisation
transportation (12%)

Base: If member of a club (N=7,769)

QB17. According to what you know, which of the following actions club, health or fitness centre? Please tell all that apply. (MULTIPLE
about sustainability are currently done by your sport organisation(s), sport ANSWERS POSSIBLE)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

A national analysis shows that, in 23 EU Member States, a In addition, at least a quarter of respondents mention this action
majority of respondents who are members of a club consider that in Hungary (26%) and Italy, Slovenia and Malta (25% in the three
their sports organisation does not currently take any actions countries). The lowest scores are seen in Luxembourg (8%),
to support sustainability, with the highest levels in Spain (71%), Sweden (9%) and Spain (10%).
Greece (65%), and Sweden and Denmark (64% in both countries).
At the other end of the scale, less than three in ten respondents Promoting measures to increase energy efficiency is the
share this opinion in Hungary (20%), Malta (27%) and Romania most mentioned action in two EU Member States: the Netherlands
(29%). (24%) and Latvia (13%). It also obtains higher proportions in Malta
(25%) and Austria (24%). This action is least widespread in France
However, the belief that their sports organisation is working to (5%), Greece (6%) and Spain (7%).
reduce waste or improve waste management comes in first
position in four EU Member States: in Austria (38%), Malta (37%), A majority of respondents say that their sports organisation is
Slovakia (35%) and Hungary (32%). It is also cited by more than currently promoting sustainable transportation in Lithuania
three in ten respondents in Slovenia (32%) and Italy, Belgium and (24%) and Portugal (20%, same score as ‘working to reduce waste
Luxembourg (31% in the three countries). The lowest proportions or improve waste management’). More than one in five
are registered in Greece (10%), Spain (11%) and Latvia (13%). respondents also cite this action in Hungary (24%), Malta (22%)
and Romania (21%). Conversely, this action receives its lowest
None of the four other items comes in first position when all the scores in Greece (4%) and the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and
answers are taken into account. However, if we focus only on the Cyprus (5% in the four countries).
positive statements (excluding the answer ‘none, as far as you
know’), working in reducing waste or improving waste Finally, serving food and catering taking into account
management is the most given answer in 23 EU Member States. sustainability does not top the list of sustainability measures in
any of the 27 EU Member States. It obtains its highest proportions
Most respondents mention promoting the use of green energy in Malta (31%), Austria (21%) and Hungary and Slovakia (18% in
in three EU Member States: in Croatia (21%), Greece (14%) and both countries), and its lowest in France and Finland (both 3%).
Latvia (13%, same score as both ‘working to reduce waste or
improve waste management’ and ‘promoting measures to increase
energy efficiency’).

Base: If member of a club (N=7,769)

QB17 According to what you know, which of the following actions about sustainability are currently done by your sport organisation(s), sport club, health or fitness centre? Please tell all that apply.


Working in reducing waste or improving waste management 24 31 29 19 14 26 18 22 10 11 21 20 31 30 13 15 31 32 37 19 38 26 20 23 32 35 24 21

Promoting the use of green energy 16 20 17 15 13 14 11 17 14 10 12 21 25 24 13 16 8 26 25 18 21 18 18 21 25 21 11 9

Promoting measures to increase energy efficiency 14 18 19 8 10 17 11 15 6 7 5 18 19 14 13 12 12 19 25 24 24 12 19 14 18 10 15 8

Promoting sustainable transportation 12 18 17 7 5 12 12 12 4 6 9 14 19 5 9 24 17 24 22 5 20 11 20 21 11 12 9 5

Serving food and catering taking into account sustainability criteria 9 13 8 4 4 10 13 12 4 4 3 17 15 8 6 11 14 18 31 7 21 11 6 15 8 18 3 6

None, as far as you know 48 43 42 57 64 48 48 51 65 71 61 39 33 42 57 45 38 20 27 53 30 33 51 29 41 30 53 64

Don't know 3 1 3 5 6 5 10 2 9 1 5 0 1 9 6 11 7 4 2 4 6 0 7 1 2 1 4 4



Base: If member of a club (N=7,769)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Men are more likely than women to say their sports  House persons are the most likely to share this opinion (58%,
organisation is working to reduce waste or improve waste compared with 41% among self-employed people)
management (27% compared with 21%). Meanwhile, women
 Respondents who never or almost never have difficulties
(52%) are more likely than men (44%) to answer that, as far
paying their bills are the most likely to consider that their
as they know, no sustainability actions are currently
sports organisation takes no actions to promote sustainability
undertaken by their sports organisation.
(50%, compared with 44-45% among respondents who have
 Respondents who continued education up to the age of 20 or such difficulties from time to time or most of the time)
beyond are the most likely to say their sports organisation
carries out no action to promote sustainability (52%, compared
with 44-45% among other categories)

QB17 According to what you know, which of the following actions about sustainability are currently done by your sport organisation(s), sport
club, health or fitness centre? Please tell all that apply. (MULTIPLE ANSWERS POSSIBLE)
(% - EU)

Serving food and catering taking into account sustainability criteria

Working in reducing waste or improving waste management

Promoting measures to increase energy efficiency

Promoting sustainable transportation

Promoting the use of green energy

None, as far as you know

Don't know
EU27 16 14 12 9 24 48 3
Man 18 15 13 10 27 44 3
Woman 14 13 11 9 21 52 3
15-24 17 11 12 8 22 51 5
25-39 18 15 12 10 24 45 3
40-54 15 15 14 9 24 48 2
55 + 14 14 10 10 24 49 4
Education (End of)
15- 16 14 14 11 25 45 3
16-19 18 15 12 9 27 44 3
20+ 14 15 11 10 22 52 3
Still studying 18 10 13 8 23 50 5
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 19 17 11 10 25 41 4
Managers 17 15 12 10 27 46 2
Other white collars 19 14 13 10 25 48 1
Manual workers 15 16 12 9 23 48 3
House persons 11 15 10 8 16 58 3
Unemployed 18 18 7 9 16 45 7
Retired 13 12 10 10 23 51 4
Students 18 10 13 8 23 50 5
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 15 18 13 13 21 45 2
From time to time 20 14 13 13 24 44 2
Almost never/ Never 15 14 11 8 24 50 4

Base: If member of a club (N=7,769)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity



Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The eighth and last chapter examines the place of gender equality
in sport and physical activity. It assesses Europeans‘ knowledge of
measures to support gender equality within their sports
organisation, and more specifically in a situation of gender
discrimination. Respondents were then invited to give their opinion
on three statements relating to the importance of female role
models in sport; the attractiveness of female sport in the media;
and finally the attention that should be paid to gender-based
violence in sport.

14. Measures to support gender

equality in sport organisations

A majority of Europeans who are members of a club say it is

actively putting in place measures to support gender equality

Respondents who are members of a club were asked whether the

organisation where they do sport or physical activity is actively
putting in place measures to support gender equality35. More than
half (54%) answer ‘yes’, while close to four in ten respondents
(39%) say ‘no’. Less than one in ten (7%) ‘don’t know’

QB18 According to what you know, would you say that the organisation where
you do sport or physical activity is actively putting in place measures to
support gender equality?
(% - EU)

Don't know


(Apr.-May 2022)

Base: If member of a club (N=7,769)

QB18. According to what you know, would you say that the organisation where you do sport or physical activity is actively putting in place measures to
support gender equality?

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

A national analysis shows that a majority of respondents believe Conversely, only a minority of respondents share this opinion in ten
that the organisation where they do sport or physical activity is countries, with the lowest levels in Poland (34%), Greece (38%)
actively putting in place measures to support gender equality in 17 and the Netherlands (40%).
EU Member States, with the highest levels in Finland (78%),
Luxembourg (77%) and Slovenia (73%).

Base: If member of a club (N=7,769)

Base: If member of a club (N=7,769)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Men (56%) are slightly more likely than women (52%) to  House persons (60%), students (58%) and managers (57%)
believe that the organisation where they do sport or physical are more likely than unemployed people (48%) and other white
activity is actively putting in place measures to support gender collars (49%) to share this opinion
 Europeans who never or almost never have difficulties paying
 Respondents aged 15-24 years are the most likely to hold this their bills are the most likely to consider that their sports
view (60%, compared with 51% among those aged 25-39 organisation is actively putting in place measures to support
years, 54% among 40-54 years and 53% among those aged gender equality (56%, compared with 50-51% among
55 and over) respondents who have such difficulties from time to time or
most of the time)
 Respondents who continued education up to the age of 20 or
beyond (56%) or who left school between 16-19 years (54%)
are much more likely than those who left school at age 15 or
earlier (39%) to think that their sports organisation is actively
putting in place measures to support gender equality

QB18 According to what you know, would you say that the organisation where you do sport
or physical activity is actively putting in place measures to support gender equality?
(% - EU)

Don't know

EU27 54 39 7
Man 56 37 7
Woman 52 41 7
15-24 60 32 8
25-39 51 41 8
40-54 54 40 6
55 + 53 39 8
Education (End of)
15- 39 54 7
16-19 54 40 6
20+ 56 36 8
Still studying 58 34 8
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 55 36 9
Managers 57 36 7
Other white collars 49 46 5
Manual workers 55 40 5
House persons 60 32 8
Unemployed 48 40 12
Retired 53 39 8
Students 58 34 8
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 51 44 5
From time to time 50 44 6
Almost never/ Never 56 37 7
Base: If member of a club (N=7,769)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

15. Handling gender discrimination in

sport organisations

Over six in ten Europeans who are members of a club would

know who to speak internally if they encountered gender
discrimination in their club

When asked whether they would know who they could speak to
internally in the event they encountered a situation of gender
discrimination in the club where they practice sport or physical
activity36, slightly more than six in ten Europeans who are
members of a club say that they would do so (61%).

This result includes nearly half of respondents (47%) who answer

that they could speak to someone in management or someone
they trust within the club, and more than one in ten (14%) who say
their club has a single contact point for gender-related concerns.

Conversely, nearly four in ten respondents (37%) say they would

not know who they could contact internally. Finally, just 2% ‘don’t

QB19 In the event you encountered a situation of gender discrimination in the

club where you practice sport or physical activity, would you know to whom
you could speak internally?
(% - EU)
Don't know

Yes, someone in
No, you would not
management or
know who you
someone you
could contact
trust within the

Yes, the club has a

single contact point
for gender-related

(Apr.-May 2022)

Base: If member of a club (N=7,769)

QB19. In the event you encountered a situation of gender
discrimination in the club where you practice sport or physical activity,
would you know to whom you could speak internally?

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

A national analysis reveals that, in 23 EU Member States, more It is interesting to note that Romania is the only country where
than half of respondents say that they would know who they could more respondents say that their club has a single contact point for
speak to internally if they encountered a situation of gender gender-related concerns than that they could speak to someone in
discrimination in their club. At least seven in ten respondents hold management or someone they trust within the club (32%
this view in Malta (75%), Greece (72%) and Portugal (70%). compared with 30%).

In detail, respondents in Malta (73%), Greece (63%) and Spain Conversely, only a minority of respondents would know who to
(58%) are the most likely to say they could speak to someone in speak to internally in the event they encountered a situation of
management or someone they trust within the club. The lowest gender discrimination in the club where they practice sport or
proportions are found in Poland (27%), Romania and Hungary physical activity in four EU Member States: Estonia (43% versus
(30% in both countries). 48% who would not know who they could contact internally),
Latvia (46% vs. 51%), Poland (47% vs. 53%) and Hungary (48%
In addition, more than one in five respondents say that their club vs. 50%).
has a single contact point for gender-related concerns in Romania
(32%), far ahead of Italy, Bulgaria and Croatia (24% in the three
countries). At most one in twenty respondents share this opinion in
Malta (2%) and Sweden and Czechia (5%).

Base: If member of a club (N=7,769)

Base: If member of a club (N=7,769)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Respondents aged 15-24 years are the most likely to say they  Respondents who never or almost never have difficulties
could speak to someone in management or someone they trust paying their bills are the most likely to say they could speak to
within the club if they encountered gender discrimination in someone in management or someone they trust within the club
their club (51%, compared with 45-47% among other age (49%, compared with 42% of those who have such difficulties
groups). Those aged 25-39 years are more likely to answer from time to time and 38% most of the time), but the least
that their club has a single contact point for gender-related likely to report that their club has a single contact point for
concerns (17%, compared with 12-14%) gender-related concerns (12%, compared with 22% and 19%
 Respondents who left school at age 15 or earlier are the most
likely to say they would not know who they could contact  Europeans who say they are upper or upper middle class (31%
internally (52%, compared with 34-37% among other in both categories) are less likely than those who see
categories). Europeans who continued education up to the age themselves as working (44%) or lower middle (42%) class to
of 20 or beyond (51%) are more likely than those who left think they would not know who they could contact internally
school between 16-19 years (44%) or at age 15 or earlier
(30%) to believe they could speak to someone in management
or someone they trust within the club
 Unemployed people (45%), other white collars (43%) and
retired people (40%) are more likely than self-employed
people (24%) and managers (32%) to say that they would not
know who they could contact internally

QB19 In the event you encountered a situation of gender discrimination in the club where you practice sport or
physical activity, would you know to whom you could speak internally?
(% - EU)
Yes, someone in management or someone you trust within the club

Yes, the club has a single contact point for gender-related concerns

No, you would not know who you could contact internally

Don't know

Total 'Yes'

EU27 47 14 37 2 61
Man 47 15 36 2 62
Woman 47 14 38 1 61
15-24 51 12 36 1 63
25-39 45 17 37 1 62
40-54 47 14 37 2 61
55 + 47 14 37 2 61
Education (End of)
15- 30 16 52 2 46
16-19 44 17 37 2 61
20+ 51 13 34 2 64
Still studying 51 11 36 2 62
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 54 20 24 2 74
Managers 51 16 32 1 67
Other white collars 41 14 43 2 55
Manual workers 44 16 38 2 60
House persons 49 11 39 1 60
Unemployed 41 13 45 1 54
Retired 46 12 40 2 58
Students 51 11 36 2 62
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 38 19 43 0 57
From time to time 42 22 34 2 64
Almost never/ Never 49 12 38 1 61
Consider belonging to
The working class 46 9 44 1 55
The lower middle class 46 11 42 1 57
The middle class 47 16 35 2 63
The upper middle class 50 17 31 2 67
The upper class 52 14 31 3 66

Base: If member of a club (N=7,769)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

16. Importance of female role models QB20.1 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following
statements about gender equality in sport and physical activity?
in sport Female role models among managers, athletes, officials & coaches are
inspiring more women and girls to follow their example
(% - EU)
Don't know
Totally disagree
Nearly eight in ten Europeans agree that female role models 4
among managers, athletes, officials and coaches are inspiring
more women and girls to follow their example
Totally agree
Tend to
Over three-quarters of respondents (78%) agree that female role 8
models among managers, athletes, officials and coaches are
inspiring more women and girls to follow their example 37. This
result includes more than a third of respondents (35%) who ‘totally
agree’ and over four in ten (43%) who ‘tend to agree’. Meanwhile,
Tend to agree
slightly more than one in ten respondents (12%) disagree with this
statement, including 4% who ‘totally disagree’ and 8% who ‘tend
to disagree’. Finally, one in ten respondents (10%) ‘don’t know’.
(Apr.-May 2022)

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

A national analysis shows that more than half of respondents in In 25 EU Member States, more than one in five respondents totally
all 27 EU Member States think that female role models among agree that female role models among managers, athletes, officials
managers, athletes, officials and coaches are inspiring more and coaches are inspiring more women and girls to follow their
women and girls to follow their example. More than nine in ten example, and over half do so in Sweden (67%), Cyprus (57%) and
respondents hold this view in Sweden (96%), Finland and Cyprus Finland (52%).
(92% in both countries), and Ireland (91%). At the other end of the
Finally, at least one in five respondents say that they ‘don’t know’
scale, less than two-thirds of respondents agree with this
in Estonia (25%) and Latvia (20%).
statement in Estonia (58%), Latvia (60%) and Romania (65%).

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

QB20.1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following role models among managers, athletes, officials & coaches are inspiring
statements about gender equality in sport and physical activity? Female more women and girls to follow their example

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that more than two-thirds of

respondents agree that female role models among managers,
athletes, officials and coaches are inspiring more women and girls
to follow their example. However:
 Respondents aged 15-24 years are more likely than those  Respondents who never or almost never have difficulties
aged 55 and over to agree that female role models are paying their bills (80%) are the most likely to share this
inspiring more women and girls to follow their example (84% opinion, particularly when compared with those who have such
compared with 73%) difficulties most of the time (70%)
 Europeans who continued education up to the age of 20 or  Respondents who live in a large town (82%) are more likely
beyond (82%) or who left school between 16-19 years (77%) than those who live in a rural village (75%) to agree with this
are more likely than those who left school at age 15 or earlier statement
(67%) to agree with this statement
 Students (86%), managers (84%) and other white collars
(81%) are more likely than house persons (72%), retired people
(74%) and unemployed people (75%) to consider that female
role models are inspiring more women and girls to follow their

QB20.1 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about gender equality in sport and physical activity?
Female role models among managers, athletes, officials & coaches are inspiring more women and girls to follow their example
(% - EU) Tend to disagree

Totally disagree

Total 'Disagree'
Tend to agree
Totally agree

Total 'Agree'
Don't know
EU27 35 43 8 4 10 78 12
Man 35 43 8 4 10 78 12
Woman 34 43 9 4 10 77 13
15-24 42 42 7 3 6 84 10
25-39 38 43 9 3 7 81 12
40-54 36 45 8 4 7 81 12
55 + 31 42 9 4 14 73 13
Education (End of)
15- 28 39 11 4 18 67 15
16-19 32 45 9 4 10 77 13
20+ 40 42 7 3 8 82 10
Still studying 43 43 6 3 5 86 9
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 35 42 10 4 9 77 14
Managers 41 43 7 2 7 84 9
Other white collars 36 45 8 4 7 81 12
Manual workers 34 44 9 5 8 78 14
House persons 29 43 11 4 13 72 15
Unemployed 34 41 10 5 10 75 15
Retired 31 43 8 4 14 74 12
Students 43 43 6 3 5 86 9
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 33 37 12 6 12 70 18
From time to time 31 46 10 4 9 77 14
Almost never/ Never 37 43 7 3 10 80 10
Subjective urbanisation
Rural village 33 42 9 5 11 75 14
Small/ mid size town 35 42 9 4 10 77 13
Large town 37 45 7 3 8 82 10
Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

17. Attractiveness of female sport in QB20.2 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about gender
equality in sport and physical activity?
the media You evenly like to follow female sport in the media (online, written, tv) as you do for male
(% - EU)
Don't know
Nearly six in ten Europeans say they evenly like to follow
female sport in the media (online, written, tv) as they do for Totally agree
male sport Totally disagree 24

Over half respondents (57%) agree that they evenly like to follow
female sport in the media (online, written, tv) as they do for male
sport38, including close to a quarter of respondents (24%) who
‘totally agree’ and a third (33%) who ‘tend to agree’. Conversely, Tend to disagree
over a third of respondents (36%) disagree with this statement, 20
Tend to agree
with more than one in ten (16%) who ‘totally disagree’ and one in
five (20%) who ‘tend to disagree’. Finally, less than one in ten
respondents (7%) say they don’t know. (Apr.-May 2022)

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

A national analysis highlights that, in 25 EU Member States, a In 24 EU Member States, more than one in five respondents totally
majority of respondents answer that they evenly like to follow agree with this statement, with the highest levels in Slovenia
female sport in the media (online, written, tv) as they do for male (44%), Sweden and Malta (37% in both countries).
sport, with the highest proportions among respondents in Poland
(76%), Croatia (75%), and Hungary and Slovenia (74% in both Conversely, in two EU Member States, only a minority of
countries). This majority is smaller in Denmark (49% versus 46%), respondents agree that they evenly like to follow female sport in
the Netherlands (54%) and Czechia (55%). the media (online, written, tv) as they do for male sport: in
Germany (40% versus 52%) and Austria (43% vs. 54%).

Over one in five respondents totally disagree with this statement

in Austria (32%), far ahead of Germany (26%), Denmark (22%)
and Malta (21%).

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

QB20.2. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following evenly like to follow female sport in the media (online, written, tv) as you
statements about gender equality in sport and physical activity? You do for male sport

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that:

 Men (37%) are slightly more likely than women (34%) to  Respondents who never or almost never have difficulties
disagree that they evenly like to follow female sport in the paying their bills (59%) and those who have such difficulties
media (online, written, tv) as they do for male sport from time to time (57%) are more likely than those who have
such difficulties most of the time (49%) to agree with this
 Respondents aged 40-54 years (60%) are slightly more likely statement
than other age groups (57-58%) to agree that they evenly like
to follow female sport in the media as they do for male sport  Europeans who consider themselves upper class (67%) are the
most likely to like to follow female sport in the media as much
 Europeans who continued education up to 20 years old or as male sport, particularly when compared with respondents
beyond (61%) or who left school between 16-19 years (59%) who see themselves as working (56%) and lower middle (53%)
are more likely than those who left school at age 15 or earlier class
(50%) to agree with this statement
 Other white collars (63%) are more likely than house persons
(46%) to say they evenly like to follow female sport in the
media as they do for male sport

QB20.2 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about gender equality in sport and physical activity?
You evenly like to follow female sport in the media (online, written, tv) as you do for male sport
(% - EU)

Tend to disagree

Totally disagree

Total 'Disagree'
Tend to agree
Totally agree

Total 'Agree'
Don't know
EU27 24 33 20 16 7 57 36
Man 23 34 23 14 6 57 37
Woman 25 33 17 17 8 58 34
15-24 26 32 22 15 5 58 37
25-39 24 33 21 16 6 57 37
40-54 25 35 19 15 6 60 34
55 + 24 33 18 16 9 57 34
Education (End of)
15- 18 32 19 22 9 50 41
16-19 24 35 19 16 6 59 35
20+ 28 33 19 13 7 61 32
Still studying 27 31 23 14 5 58 37
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 23 33 24 15 5 56 39
Managers 26 33 20 13 8 59 33
Other white collars 24 39 19 13 5 63 32
Manual workers 24 34 20 16 6 58 36
House persons 21 25 22 23 9 46 45
Unemployed 28 27 18 21 6 55 39
Retired 25 34 17 15 9 59 32
Students 27 31 23 14 5 58 37
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 23 26 20 23 8 49 43
From time to time 23 34 21 15 7 57 36
Almost never/ Never 25 34 19 15 7 59 34
Consider belonging to
The working class 25 31 17 18 9 56 35
The lower middle class 20 33 22 17 8 53 39
The middle class 25 35 20 14 6 60 34
The upper middle class 27 33 21 13 6 60 34
The upper class 37 30 23 7 3 67 30
Subjective urbanisation
Rural village 24 33 20 15 8 57 35
Small/ mid size town 24 33 20 17 6 57 37
Large town 25 35 19 14 7 60 33
Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

18. General attentiveness towards QB20.3 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about gender
equality in sport and physical activity?
gender-based violence in sport Gender based violence in sport deserves more attention
(% - EU)

Don't know
Totally disagree
Three-quarters of Europeans agree that gender-based violence
in sport deserves more attention
Tend to Totally agree
A large majority of respondents (75%) consider that gender-based disagree 39
violence in sport deserves more attention39. This result includes 9

close to four in ten respondents (39%) who ‘totally agree’ and a

similar proportion (36%) who ‘tend to agree’. However, over one in
ten respondents (14%) disagree, including one in twenty (5%) who
‘totally disagree’ and close to one in ten (9%) who ‘tend to Tend to agree
disagree’. Finally, slightly more than one in ten respondents (11%)
‘don’t know’.
(Apr.-May 2022)

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

A national analysis shows that a majority of respondents agree At least one in five respondents totally agree with this statement
that gender-based violence in sport deserves more attention in all in 25 EU Member States, and more than half do so in Cyprus (57%),
27 EU Member States, with the highest levels in Cyprus (91%), Sweden and Malta (55% in both countries), and Finland (54%).
Portugal (88%) and Ireland (86%). At the other end of the scale,
this majority is narrower in Estonia (43% versus 27%), Latvia (45% Finally, over one in five respondents say they do not know in
vs. 27%) and Czechia (55%). Estonia (30%), Latvia (28%), Lithuania (26%), Slovakia (25%) and
Bulgaria (22%).

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

QB20.3. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following
statements about gender equality in sport and physical activity? Gender-
based violence in sport deserves more attention

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The socio-demographic data show that over two-thirds of

respondents agree that gender-based violence in sport deserves
more attention. However:
 Europeans aged 55 and over (72%) are the least likely to agree  Respondents who never or almost never have difficulties
that gender-based violence in sport deserves more attention, paying their bills (75%) are slightly more likely than those who
particularly when compared with respondents aged 15-24 have such difficulties most of the time (71%) to agree with
years this statement
 Respondents who continued education up to the age of 20 or  Respondents who live in a large town are the most likely to
beyond (76%) are more likely than those who left school at agree with this statement (78%, compared with 75% among
age 15 or earlier (72%) to agree with this statement, and those who live in a small or medium sized town and 70%
particularly to ‘totally agree’ with it (42% compared with 37%) among those who live in a rural village)
 Students (78%) and other white collars (78%) are more likely
than house persons (69%), unemployed people (72%) and
retired people (72%) to agree that gender-based violence in
sport deserves more attention

QB20.3 To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about gender equality in sport and physical activity?
Gender based violence in sport deserves more attention
(% - EU)

Tend to disagree

Totally disagree

Total 'Disagree'
Tend to agree
Totally agree

Total 'Agree'
Don't know
EU27 39 36 9 5 11 75 14
Man 38 36 10 6 10 74 16
Woman 39 35 9 5 12 74 14
15-24 43 34 11 4 8 77 15
25-39 40 36 11 5 8 76 16
40-54 39 36 9 6 10 75 15
55 + 37 35 9 5 14 72 14
Education (End of)
15- 37 35 8 5 15 72 13
16-19 36 38 9 5 12 74 14
20+ 42 34 9 5 10 76 14
Still studying 47 31 11 5 6 78 16
Socio-professional category
Self-employed 38 38 10 6 8 76 16
Managers 42 33 8 6 11 75 14
Other white collars 39 39 9 5 8 78 14
Manual workers 37 37 10 6 10 74 16
House persons 39 30 11 5 15 69 16
Unemployed 39 33 8 4 16 72 12
Retired 36 36 8 5 15 72 13
Students 47 31 11 5 6 78 16
Difficulties paying bills
Most of the time 38 33 10 6 13 71 16
From time to time 36 37 11 5 11 73 16
Almost never/ Never 40 35 9 5 11 75 14
Subjective urbanisation
Rural village 35 35 10 6 14 70 16
Small/ mid size town 39 36 10 5 10 75 15
Large town 42 36 8 5 9 78 13

Base: All Respondents (N=26,578)

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

The COVID-19 pandemic had a limited impact on Europeans’ The COVID-19 pandemic does not seem to have had an impact on
involvement in physical activity. Indeed, on the positive side, half motivators and barriers to sport participation, as results are
of Europeans were physically active either at the same level as consistent with those found in 2017: Europeans still practice sport
they were before or even more frequently, or say that they plan to or physical activity mainly to improve their health, to improve
be more physically active in the future. On the negative side, a fitness and to relax, while the main reasons preventing them from
similar proportion either continued to be physically active but less practising sport more regularly keep being the lack of time, the lack
frequently or stopped being physically active during COVID-19. of motivation or interest and having a disability or illness.

However, despite the growing importance attached to the Only one in ten Europeans currently engage in voluntary work that
promotion of physical activity in EU Member States, rates of supports sporting activities (6%) or plan to do so in the next two
physical inactivity in the EU remain “alarmingly high”. Although the months (4%)
proportion of Europeans who never exercise or play sport
decreased slightly between 2017 and 2022, it has grown since Europeans who exercise, play sport or engage in other physical
2009, rising from 39% in 2009 to 42% in 2013, 46% in 2017 and activity are not particularly aware of the impact that sport or
45% in 2022. physical activity can have on the environment, and they are divided
on this matter. Slightly more than half do not pay attention to the
Nevertheless, Europeans are now more likely to engage in other environmental impact of sport, whereas a similar proportion do. In
physical activities than in 2017, and the shares of respondents addition, nearly half of those respondents consider that their
who had done no vigorous or moderate physical activity in the sports organisation is not currently taking any actions to promote
previous week have lost eight and seven percentage points sustainability.
respectively since 2017. Moreover, Europeans tend to spend a
shorter time sitting than in 2017. Such findings might indicate that When it comes to gender equality issues, more than half of
the message about the importance of sport and physical activity Europeans who are members of a club say their club is actively
for an individual's health and wellbeing is slowly beginning to reach putting in place measures to support gender equality; and an even
some segments of the EU population, and to have an impact on larger majority would know who to speak to internally if they
behaviour. encountered gender discrimination in their club.

However, the socio-demographic variations highlighted in the Finally, around three-quarters of Europeans agree not only that
2017 report still exist. Indeed, women are far less active than their female role models in sport are inspiring more women and girls to
male counterparts. Levels of participation in sport and other follow their example, but also that gender-based violence in sport
physical activity tend to decrease with age. In addition, deserves more attention. Meanwhile, nearly six in ten respondents
respondents with lower levels of education and those who find female sport as interesting as male sport in the media. Socio-
experience more financial difficulties are the least likely to engage demographic differences between men and women on these
in sport or other physical activity. issues are not significant.

National disparities registered in previous surveys still hold true.

Respondents tend to be more physically active in Northern parts of
the European Union (particularly in the Nordic countries), while
those who are the least physically active can be found in the
Southern and Eastern parts of the EU. The same geographical
patterns apply when respondents are asked about opportunities
for physical activity.

As in previous surveys, the two most popular settings in which to

engage in sport or another physical activity are in a park, outdoors,
etc. and at home, and these settings have gained seven and five
percentage points respectively since 2017, which may be another
consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Highlighting the
opportunities to engage in sport or another physical activity in
“free” settings such as parks could be a way to mobilise
respondents with financial difficulties, who may find it difficult to
afford membership of formal sport facilities, as indeed, only a
minority of respondents are members of the health or fitness
centre, sport club or socio-cultural club where they participate in
sport or recreational physical activity (similar results as in 2017) It
could, therefore, be a way to increase the engagement of this
particular segment of the EU population.

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

Technical Specifications

Between the 19th of April and 16th of May 2022, Kantar carried out In each of the selected sampling points, a starting address was
wave 97.3 of the EUROBAROMETER survey, at the request of the drawn, at random. Further addresses (every Nth address) were
European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, selected by standard "random route" procedures, from the initial
Sport and Culture (DG EAC), “Sport” Unit. address. In each household, the respondent was drawn, at random
(following the "closest birthday rule"). If no one answered the
Wave 97.3 covers the population of the respective nationalities of interviewer in a household, or if the respondent selected was not
the European Union Member States, resident in each of the 27 available (not present or busy), the interviewer revisited the same
Member States and aged 15 years and over. household up to three additional times (four contact attempts in
total). Interviewers never indicate that the survey is conducted on
The basic sample design applied in all countries and territories is a behalf of the European Commission beforehand; they may give this
multi-stage, random (probability) one. In each country, a number of information once the survey is completed, upon request.
sampling points were drawn with probability proportional to
population size (for a total coverage of the country) and to The recruitment phase was slightly different in the Netherlands,
population density. Finland, and Sweden. In these countries, a sample of addresses
within each areal sampling point (1km2 grid) were selected from
In order to do so, the sampling points were drawn systematically the address or population register (in Finland, selection is not done
from each of the "administrative regional units", after stratification in all sample points, but in some where response rates are expected
by individual unit and type of area. They thus represent the whole to improve). The selection of addresses was done in a random
territory of the countries surveyed according to the EUROSTAT manner. Households were then contacted by telephone and
NUTS II (or equivalent) and according to the distribution of the recruited to take part in the survey. In the Netherlands, a dual frame
resident population of the respective nationalities in terms of RDD sample (mobile and landline numbers) are used. The selection
metropolitan, urban and rural areas40. of numbers on both frames is done in a random manner with each
number getting an equal probability of selection. Unlike Sweden
and Finland, the sample is un-clustered.

Urban Rural classification based on DEGURBA

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity


BE Belgium Mobiel Centre Market Research 1,101 19/04/2022 10/05/2022 9,915,439 2.53%
BG Bulgaria Kantar TNS BBSS 1,039 19/04/2022 16/05/2022 6,094,974 1.55%
CZ Czechia Kantar Czechia 1,073 20/04/2022 06/05/2022 9,190,342 2.34%
DK Denmark Kantar Gallup 1,005 20/04/2022 12/05/2022 4,994,008 1.27%
DE Germany Kantar Deutschland 1,514 19/04/2022 05/05/2022 74,162,306 18.89%
EE Estonia Kantar Estonia 1,030 19/04/2022 16/05/2022 1,145,208 0.29%
IE Ireland B and A Research 1,013 20/04/2022 16/05/2022 4,039,401 1.03%
EL Greece Kantar Greece 1,014 19/04/2022 15/05/2022 9,568,462 2.44%
TNS Investigación de Mercados y
ES Spain 1,006 19/04/2022 15/05/2022 42,022,835 10.70%
FR France Kantar Public France 1,012 19/04/2022 14/05/2022 57,553,554 14.66%
HR Croatia Hendal 1,008 20/04/2022 12/05/2022 3,569,904 0.91%
IT Italy Kantar Italia 1,020 20/04/2022 12/05/2022 54,102,101 13.78%
CY Rep. Of Cyprus CYMAR Market Research 503 19/04/2022 09/05/2022 759,844 0.19%
LV Latvia Kantar TNS Latvia 1,013 19/04/2022 12/05/2022 1,649,459 0.42%
LT Lithuania TNS LT 1,003 19/04/2022 16/05/2022 2,445,153 0.62%
LU Luxembourg TNS Ilres 502 19/04/2022 10/05/2022 538,288 0.14%
HU Hungary Kantar Hoffmann 1,025 19/04/2022 05/05/2022 8,547,786 2.18%
MT Malta MISCO International 504 19/04/2022 16/05/2022 455,041 0.12%
NL Netherlands Kantar Netherlands 1,033 22/04/2022 15/05/2022 15,067,518 3.84%
AT Austria Das Österreichische Gallup Institut 1,005 19/04/2022 09/05/2022 7,844,329 2.00%
PL Poland Kantar Polska 1,013 19/04/2022 11/05/2022 32,904,839 8.38%
Marktest – Marketing,
PT Portugal 1,006 20/04/2022 15/05/2022 9,221,533 2.35%
Organização e Formação
Centrul Pentru Studierea Opiniei si
RO Romania 1,057 19/04/2022 13/05/2022 16,701,193 4.25%
Pietei (CSOP)
SI Slovenia Mediana DOO 1,023 19/04/2022 10/05/2022 1,834,195 0.47%
SK Slovakia Kantar Czechia 1,011 19/04/2022 15/05/2022 4,677,729 1.19%
FI Finland Taloustutkimus Oy 1,004 20/04/2022 16/05/2022 4,805,266 1.22%
SE Sweden Kantar Sifo 1043 20/04/2022 16/05/2022 8,756,024 2.23%

TOTAL EU27 26,580 19/04/2022 16/05/2022 392,566,731 100%

* It should be noted that the total percentage shown in this table may exceed 100% due to rounding.

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

N° OF CAPI N° OF CAWI TOTAL N° Recruitment for online interviews
BE Belgium 775 326 1,101
The online design in each country differed based on what was
BG Bulgaria 1,039 1,039
CZ Czechia 630 443 1,073 feasible within the fieldwork period. Where feasible, the online
DK Denmark 594 411 1,005 sample was based on a probabilistic sample design. Those
DE Germany 1,514 1,514
recruited to the online survey were recruited through a single
EE Estonia 880 150 1,030
IE Ireland 1,013 1,013 mobile frame or dual frame Random Digit Dialling (RDD) design. In
EL Greece 1,014 1,014 this way the entire phone owning population in each country had a
ES Spain 1,006 1,006 non-zero chance of being sampled. The choice of whether to use a
FR France 1,012 1,012
HR Croatia 1,008 1,008
single mobile frame or dual frame (mobile and landline) was
IT Italy 1,020 1,020 dependent on the countries’ landline infrastructure. Where the
CY Rep. Of Cyprus 503 503 landline infrastructure is suitably advanced to support a significant
LV Latvia 799 214 1,013
LT Lithuania 1,003 1,003
minority of residential households with landline phones a dual
LU Luxembourg 502 502 frame design is employed. The mix of mobile and landline sample
HU Hungary 1,025 1,025 is designed to maximise the representation of the responding
MT Malta 494 10 504
sample. The RDD sample for both the mobile and landline sample
NL Netherlands 691 342 1,033
AT Austria 1,005 1,005 is drawn from the country’s telephone numbering plan. The
PL Poland 1,013 1,013 landline sample frame is stratified by NUTS3 regions based on
PT Portugal 1,006 1,006
RO Romania 1,057 1,057
their prefix and the mobile by operator before a systematic
SI Slovenia 593 430 1,023 random sample of numbers is generated proportional in size to the
SK Slovakia 1,011 1,011 total generatable numbers in each stratum. Respondents were
FI Finland 491 513 1,004
SE Sweden 402 641 1043
recruited using this sample design in Belgium, Czechia, Latvia,
TOTAL EU27 23,100 3,480 26,580
Lithuania, Malta and Slovenia.
CAPI : Computer-Assisted Personal interviewing
CAWI : Computer-Assisted Web interviewing In Finland, Denmark, and Sweden, RDD samples were not used,
instead the telephone sample was drawn from the country
Consequences of the coronavirus pandemic on fieldwork telephone directory. In these three countries the telephone
Face-to-face interviewing directories offer comprehensive coverage of the phone owning
population, storing both landline and mobile phone numbers for
Where feasible, interviews were conducted face to face in people's each individual.
homes or on their doorstep and in the appropriate national
language. In all countries and territories where face-to-face In the Netherlands, two survey modes were used to collect
interviewing was not feasible CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web responses, face to face and online. For the online mode, the
Interviewing) was used. respondents were initially recruited to take part through an offline
mode of recruitment via a probability-based dual frame over-
For face-to-face all interviews conducted, hygiene and physical lapping RDD sample design. In this way the entire phone owning
distancing measures were respected at all times in line with population in the Netherlands had a non-zero chance of being
government regulations, and whenever possible, interviews were sampled. The mix of mobile and landline sample is designed to
conducted outside homes, on doorsteps, in order to stay outside maximise the representation of the responding sample. The RDD
and maintain social distance. sample for both the mobile and landline sample is drawn from the
Face-to-face and online interviewing country’s telephone numbering plan. The landline sample frame is
stratified by NUTS3 regions based on their prefix and the mobile
In Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Malta, the by operator before a systematic random sample of numbers is
Netherlands, Slovenia, Finland and Sweden, face-to-face generated proportional in size to the total generatable numbers in
interviewing was feasible, but it was not possible to reach the each stratum.
target number of face-to-face interviews within the fieldwork
period. Due to the long lasting impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic,
many potential respondents are still reluctant to open their homes
to interviewers, even if they respect hygiene rules and physical
distancing, such as wearing masks and using hydroalcoholic gel.
Therefore, to hit the target number of interviews within the
fieldwork period, additional interviews were conducted online with
Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI) technique.

Special Eurobarometer 525
Sport and Physical Activity

Response rates

For each country a comparison between the responding sample

and the universe (i.e. the overall population in the country) is COUNTRIES
Response rates Response rates
carried out. Weights are used to match the responding sample to
the universe on gender by age, region and degree of urbanisation. BE Belgium 51.5% 16.1%
BG Bulgaria 44.0%
For European estimates (i.e. EU average), an adjustment is made
CZ Czechia 50.3% 26.1%
to the individual country weights, weighting them up or down to DK Denmark 43.1% 16.0%
reflect their 15+ population as a proportion of the EU 15+ DE Germany 21.6%
population. EE Estonia 40.0% 21.3%
IE Ireland 50.3%
The response rates are calculated by dividing the total number of EL Greece 29.0%
ES Spain 30.5%
complete interviews with the number of all the addresses visited, FR France 34.4%
apart from ones that are not eligible but including those where HR Croatia 39.4%
eligibility is unknown. For wave 97.3 of the EUROBAROMETER IT Italy 23.0%
survey, the response rates for the EU27 countries, calculated by CY Rep. Of Cyprus 46.9%
Kantar, can be seen on the right-hand table. LV Latvia 46.4% 20.6%
LT Lithuania 43.7%
LU Luxembourg 25.4%
Margins of error
HU Hungary 63.1%
MT Malta 94.1% 10.2%
Readers are reminded that survey results are estimations, the NL Netherlands 70.1% 35.4%
accuracy of which, everything being equal, rests upon the sample AT Austria 43.3%
size and upon the observed percentage. With samples of about PL Poland 44.6%
PT Portugal 39.6%
1,000 interviews, the real percentages vary within the confidence
RO Romania 58.6%
limits presented below. SI Slovenia 45.1% 30.8%
SK Slovakia 63.1%
FI Finland 29.9% 27.5%
SE Sweden 70.3% 20.7%
CAPI : Computer-Assisted Personal interviewing
CAWI : Computer-Assisted Web interviewing (CAWI RRs do not include
the recruitment phase)

Statistical Margins due to the sampling process

(at the 95% level of confidence)

various sample sizes are in rows various observed results are in columns

5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50%
N=50 6,0 8,3 9,9 11,1 12,0 12,7 13,2 13,6 13,8 13,9 N=50
N=500 1,9 2,6 3,1 3,5 3,8 4,0 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,4 N=500
N=1000 1,4 1,9 2,2 2,5 2,7 2,8 3,0 3,0 3,1 3,1 N=1000
N=1500 1,1 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,5 2,5 N=1500
N=2000 1,0 1,3 1,6 1,8 1,9 2,0 2,1 2,1 2,2 2,2 N=2000
N=3000 0,8 1,1 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,8 1,8 N=3000
N=4000 0,7 0,9 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,5 1,5 1,5 N=4000
N=5000 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,3 1,4 1,4 1,4 N=5000
N=6000 0,6 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,3 N=6000
N=7000 0,5 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2 N=7000
N=7500 0,5 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 N=7500
N=8000 0,5 0,7 0,8 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,1 1,1 1,1 N=8000
N=9000 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,0 N=9000
N=10000 0,4 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,9 0,9 1,0 1,0 1,0 N=10000
N=11000 0,4 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 N=11000
N=12000 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 N=12000
N=13000 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,9 0,9 N=13000
N=14000 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 N=14000
N=15000 0,3 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,7 0,7 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 N=15000
5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50%


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