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4th Quarter Long Test in Physical Education 11 in such a way that the offensive player loses the ball or

misses a shot.
_______1. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about _____9. Which of the following rules is TRUE about the
Dr. James Naismith? rules of basketball?
A. Dr. James Naismith invented the sport basketball. A. I and II C. I, II, and III
B. Dr. James Naismith invented basketball in 1891. B. I, III, and IV D. II, III, and IV
C. A YMCA instructor named Dr. James Naismith _____10. Which of the following rules describes the
discovered basketball in 1891. nature of a foul?
D. Dr. James Naismith invented basketball to develop an A. I and II C. III and IV
indoor sport that would enable athletes and students to B. II and III D. I and IV
maintain their fitness throughout the winter. _____11. Which of the following is NOT true about the
_______2. It is a strategy used by the players to increase existence of volleyball in the world?
their chances of rebounding, where players standing A. William Morgan discovered volleyball/mintonette in
close to the hoop will face it while blocking the opposing 1895.
player behind them. B. In 1896, the game mintonette was renamed
A. Rebounding C. Blocking “volleyball.”
B. Defending D. Boxing Out C. Volleyball was first introduced to the Philippines in
______3. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about 1910 by Elwood S. Brown.
the sports volleyball? D. In 1911 marks the birth of the Philippine Amateur
A. The basketball player is only allowed to Volleyball Association.
dribble once. ______12. It is the action of initiating play by sending
B. The ball must remain within and outside the ball over the net to the opposing team.
the boundaries of the field. A. Digging B. Setting C. Serving D. Spiking
C. The player's hand must be on the top of the ball ______13. What does this signal indicate to the players?
while dribbling.  A. Authorize to serve C. Time out
D. The ball must be bounced, or dribbled, with one hand B. Substitution D. Change court
while both feet are moving. The motionless foot is ______14. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about
referred to as the pivot foot. the sports volleyball?
______4. What does this signal indicate to the players? A. A ball hitting a boundary line is in.
A. Charging Foul C. Blocking Foul B. Players may hit the ball once in succession (a block is
B. Intentional Foul D. Technical Foul not considered a hit).
______5. It is a shot made from short range by a player C. Only 6 players on the floor at any given time: 2 in the
moving toward the ring. front row and 4 in the back row.
A. Layup C. Dunk D. Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on
B. Jump Shot D. Perimeter Shot a serve.
______6. The following are allowed in basketball, Analyze properly the given violations in volleyball.
EXCEPT ___________. i. When receiving the ball, a player cannot hit the ball
A. The offensive basketball team holds the ball. consecutively.
B. The motionless foot is referred to as the pivot foot. ii. Players are only allowed to contact the ball if it
C. When a player has a basketball, he or she must reaches their side of the court.
observe the rules. iii. The ball can hit any part of the player’s body if the
D. Basketball players can kick or hit the ball with players themselves do not hold the ball.
their fists while on the game. iv. Players must still maintain the spirit of sportsmanship
______7. Which of the following is TRUE about the and not let the game get over with their behavior or
rules and regulations of basketball? attitude.
A. A player who resumes dribbling after a dribble is ______15. Which of the following is TRUE about the
acceptable. rules of volleyball?
B. The offensive team is allowed to return to the A. I Only C. I, II, and III
backcourt once they have crossed half-court. B. II, III, and IV D. I, II, III, and IV
C. Even though the foul rule is referred to as a defensive ______16. The following are rules for receiving and
rule, it applies to all players on the floor, including passing the ball, EXCEPT ________.
attacking ones. A. I Only C. I and II
D. All players can touch the basketball when it falls B. IV Only D. III and IV
toward the hoop or on the rim. This is referred to as ______17. Which of the following rules shows what we
goaltending. call camaraderie?
_______8. What does this signal indicate to the players? A. IV Only C. II Only
A. Charging Foul C. Blocking Foul B. III Only D. I Only
B. Intentional Foul D. Technical Foul ______18. This player distributes the ball to various
Analyze properly the given violations and fouls in hitters, trying to set up high-quality attacks.
basketball. A. Libero B. Setter C. Spiker D. Opposite
i. Gaining an unfair advantage through physical contact ______19. What does this signal indicate to the players?
is defined as a foul. A. Time Out C. Substitution
ii. Taking more than 10 seconds to get the ball over half- B. Substitution D. Touch Net
court is allowed. ______20. 9. The following are allowed in volleyball,
iv. Three seconds violation will be awarded if the player EXCEPT ___________.
is in the lane or key for more than 3 seconds. A. Releasing the ball before the service.
ii. The referee must make some decisions, but in general, B. Volleying the ball one at a time.
the defensive player may not contact the attacking player C. Serving before the referee’s whistle
D. Double hitting is not allowed.

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