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Proj Mgmt Unit Chaman (CT-1)

NLC C/O Sigcen Chaman
Mail ID [email protected]
Tel Exch : 0826-661502
Mar 2021

To: HQ Proj Dte Bln NLC

Subj: Principal Approval for Exec of Proj – Const /Widening of Rd from Shabozai to Drug
Tounsa/ Road Shabozai to Murgha RD 0+000 to 34+000 & RD 34+000 to 68+000
(Pkg I & II)

Master Min sheet no 607/ST/Min Sheet dated ___Mar 2021 regarding Principal
Approval for Exec of Proj is fwd herewith for approval, please.

Dy Dir BCF Chaman
(Muhammad Faisal Arif)


Case No: 607/ST/MMS Sheet No: 1

Subj: Principal Approval for Exec of Proj – Const /Widening of Rd from Shabozai to Drug
Tounsa/ Road Shabozai to Murgha RD 0+000 to 34+000 & RD 34+000 to 68+000
(Pkg I & II)

1. Back Gr Subj proj was awarded to NLC in July 2017, Total length of the Rd is 175
Kms which is connecting N-70(Shabozai) to N-55 (Tounsa Sharif) out of which NLC is
constructing 68 Kms. The proj scenarios in this MMS are divided mainly in two portions i.e. Proj
before PC-1 Revision & Proj after PC-1 Revision.

2. Proj before PC-1 Revision:

Salient: Salient of the Proj is as under:-
a. Client/Consultant - C & W Department GoB Quetta /
Cameos Engineering Consultant
b. Cost of Proj - 1133.45 Mn (Pkg I & II)
c. Completion time - 660 days (22 months)
d. Profit %age - 13-15% approx.

a. Scope of Work:
(1) Rd Work:
Ser Rd Profile Width/Thickness
I FOE As per NSL
ii. Carriageway 6.10 Mtr (20 ft)
iii. Shoulder 1.82 Mtr (6 ft)
iv. Sub Base 30 cm
v. WBM 20 cm
vi. TST -

(2) Str Work:

 RCC Box Cul (Nos 212)
 Pipe Cul (Nos 81)
 RCC Retaining Wall (Mtrs 2332)
 PCC Drainage (Mtrs 1823)

Case No: 607/ST/MMS Sheet No: 1

Subj: Principal Approval for Exec of Proj – Const /Widening of Rd from Shabozai to Drug
Tounsa/ Road Shabozai to Murgha RD 0+000 to 34+000 & RD 34+000 to 68+000
(Pkg I & II)

3. Exec Methodology: Exec methodology adopted before PC1 Revision was as

under for both Pkgs: -
a. Self-Execution - 30% (Amount: 340.03 Mn), Profit %age - 15-18%
b. Sublet Execution - 70% (Amount: 793.42 Mn), Profit %age - 13-15%
On the basis of above methodology, work awarded, work completed & bal work is as

Exec Work to be Work Completed Bal Work

Methodology executed Rs.(Mn) Rs.(Mn) Rs.(Mn)
Self 340.03 48.82 291.22
Sublet 793.42 326.99 466.42
Total 1133.45 375.81 757.64

During exec of work, FOE activity in Rd work was achieved upto 86% and proceeding schedule
items i.e carriageway width, shoulder width, sub-base, WBM & TST in scope of work were under
PC-1 revision (revision case was initiated in Dec, 18). Final decision against above items
delayed for 2 years. This delay in PC-1 Revision along with non-visibility of funds, Proj design
issues, low BOQ rates and other proj impds leads to temporary suspension of work. NLC setup
along with eqpt/plt was move to Chaman for BCF Proj. Hopeless sublet back out after work
4. Proj after PC-1 Revision: Revision of PC-1 of said proj was granted in Dec, 2020. In
addition to cost revision of PC-1, EOT has also been revise to 60 months’ duration starting from
the date of commencement of Proj.
Salient: Salient of the Proj is as under:-
a. Client/Consultant - C & W Department GoB Quetta /
Cameos Engineering Consultant
b. Cost of Proj - 1807.58 Mn (Pkg I & II)
c. Completion time - June 2022
d. Proj Profit %age - 13-15% approx.

Case No: 607/ST/MMS Sheet No: 2

Subj: Principal Approval for Exec of Proj – Const /Widening of Rd from Shabozai to Drug
Tounsa/ Road Shabozai to Murgha RD 0+000 to 34+000 & RD 34+000 to 68+000
(Pkg I & II)

Old CA Amount Vs Revised CA Amount

Before PC1 Rev After PC1 Rev Diff
Rs.(Mn) Rs.(Mn) Rs. (Mn)
1133.45 1807.58 674.13

a. Scope of Work:
(1) Rd Work:
Ser Rd Profile Width/Thickness Remarks
i. FOE (Earthwork) - -
ii. Carriageway 7.30 Mtr (24 ft) Revised
iii. Shoulder 1.21 Mtr (4 ft) Revised
iv. Sub Base 15 cm Revised
v. ABC 30 cm Revised
vi. ACWC 05 cm Revised

(2) Str Work:

 RCC Box Cul (Nos. 213)
 Pipe Cul (Nos. 66)
 RCC Retaining Wall (Mtrs 1708)
 Parapet Wall (addl)
 Bridge Protection Works (addl)
 Ancillary/ Addl Ancillary Works (addl)
(3) Bill of Quantity (Bill No. 1 to 7 – F/C)
Keeping in view the National and Strategical importance of the proj, the existing bal work
(Rs.757.64 Mn) having low BOQ rates along with Rd work having revised schedule items needs
to be sublet to financially stable firm having the capacity to complete low rates works
(bottleneck) along with revised works in stipulated time.

Case No: 607/ST/MMS Sheet No: 3

Subj: Principal Approval for Exec of Proj – Const /Widening of Rd from Shabozai to Drug
Tounsa/ Road Shabozai to Murgha RD 0+000 to 34+000 & RD 34+000 to 68+000
(Pkg I & II)

b. Exec Methodology: the proj needs to be exec 100% by sublet contractor as per verbal
permission of DG NLC

a. Subletting:

Sublet Execution - 100% (Amount: 1431.77 Mn), Profit %age – 14%

NLC Amount Sublet Amount NLC Saving

Profit %age
Rs.(Mn) Rs.(Mn) Amount Rs.(Mn)

1431.77 1231.32 200.45 14%

Sublet rates will be finalized based on recommendation of BOO and board proceedings
duly approved by Competent Auth. Sublet contractor have been / being earmarked
based on their past performance in NLC / other depts.

b. Mob Adv – Sublet Contractors: Mob Adv up to 10% against bank guarantees
will be paid to the sublet contractor as per HQ Engrs NLC SOP 1/2017.

(3) TOHR: Proposed manpower for management and monitoring to be emp on the
proj is at (F/G). The manpower has been rationalized to optimum. Suggested manpower will
be inducted on req and as per proj needs. Any further reduction in manpower will impact the
gr performance / proj exec speed. Footprint has been estb and essential pers have already
been mobilized as per instrs.

(4) Req of Eqpt. Lt and hy vehs req for the proj is at (F/H). Req of vehs have been
prioritized / rationalized as per the actual need / essential req. Expeditious
approval/processing will ensure timely aval of req eqpt / vehs. Keeping in view importance of
the proj, new vehs / eqpt is essentially req to undertake this proj.

(5) Exec Plan: Exec Plan which incl bal work schedule, cash flow and exp flow is at
(F/I). Physical progress and financial progress will be submitted through Monthly Monitoring
Reports (MMRs).

Case No: 607/ST/MMS Sheet No: 3

Subj: Principal Approval for Exec of Proj – Const /Widening of Rd from Shabozai to Drug
Tounsa/ Road Shabozai to Murgha RD 0+000 to 34+000 & RD 34+000 to 68+000
(Pkg I & II)

5. Overall Fin State/Profitability of Proj

Ser Description Amount Rs (Mn) Remarks


1 Work Done 375.81  

2 Esc 34.00  

3 Other Income 48.78  

Total 458.59  A

Exp 527.97  (i)

Current Profit -69.38 -18%

Profit against Remaining Work

1 Bal Work 1431.77  

Tentative Esc on bal
2 100.22  
work (7%)
Total income 1532.00 B 

Exp 1255.24 (ii) 

Profit 276.76 19%

G. Summary

Ser Description Amount Rs (Mn) Remarks

1 Total Income 1990.59  A+B

2 Total Exp 1783.21 (i+ii) 

Overall Proj Profit 207.38 11%


Case No: 607/ST/MMS Sheet No: 4

6. Peculiar Challenges / Site Conditions:

a. The site is located at extremely volatile, remote, distant area.

b. Official go-ahead after PC-1 Revision is pending on client side.

c. Land acquisitions and facilities (elec pole) shifting from carriage way is pending on
client’s end.

7. Req: Approval of CFA for the fol:-

a. Principal approval of para 5(a) ante i.e exec methodology

b. Suggested TOHR (Para 6) ante may please be approved.

c. Approval of req eqpt as per (Para 7).

d. Hard Area Allowance needs to be granted as Proj Site (shabozai) being remote,
far-flung, disturbed and prone to Ts activities.

11. Recommendations: CFA is requested to accord approval of Para 10 ante.

Dy Dir BCF Chaman
(Muhammad Faisal Arif)

Case No: 607/ST/MMS Sheet No: 6

Dir Projs NLC Bln


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