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4/2/2021 Content Analysis | A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

What is content analysis and how can you use it in your


Published on July 18, 2019 by Amy Luo. Revised on February 15, 2021.

Content analysis is a research method used to identify patterns in recorded communication.

To conduct content analysis, you systematically collect data from a set of texts, which can be
written, oral, or visual:

 Books, newspapers and magazines

 Speeches and interviews
 Web content and social media posts
 Photographs and films

Content analysis can be both quantitative (focused on counting and measuring) and
qualitative (focused on interpreting and understanding). In both types, you categorize or
“code” words, themes, and concepts within the texts and then analyze the results.

 Table of contents

1. What is content analysis used for?

2. Advantages of content analysis
3. Disadvantages of content analysis
4. How to conduct content analysis

What is content analysis used for? 1/8
4/2/2021 Content Analysis | A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

Researchers use content analysis to find out about the purposes, messages, and effects of
communication content. They can also make inferences about the producers and audience of
the texts they analyze.

Content analysis can be used to quantify the occurrence of certain words, phrases, subjects or
concepts in a set of historical or contemporary texts.

Quantitative content analysis example

To research the importance of employment issues in political campaigns, you could

analyze campaign speeches for the frequency of terms such as unemployment, jobs,
and work and use statistical analysis to find differences over time or between

In addition, content analysis can be used to make qualitative inferences by analyzing the
meaning and semantic relationship of words and concepts.

Qualitative content analysis example

To gain a more qualitative understanding of employment issues in political campaigns,

you could locate the word unemployment in speeches, identify what other words or
phrases appear next to it (such as economy, inequality or laziness), and analyze the
meanings of these relationships to better understand the intentions and targets of
different campaigns.

Because content analysis can be applied to a broad range of texts, it is used in a variety of
fields, including marketing, media studies, anthropology, cognitive science, psychology, and
many social science disciplines. It has various possible goals:

Finding correlations and patterns in how concepts are communicated

Understanding the intentions of an individual, group or institution
Identifying propaganda and bias in communication
Revealing differences in communication in different contexts
Analyzing the consequences of communication content, such as the flow of information
or audience responses 2/8
4/2/2021 Content Analysis | A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

Advantages of content analysis

 Unobtrusive data collection

You can analyze communication and social interaction without the direct involvement of
participants, so your presence as a researcher doesn’t influence the results.

 Transparent and replicable

When done well, content analysis follows a systematic procedure that can easily be replicated
by other researchers, yielding results with high reliability.

 Highly flexible

You can conduct content analysis at any time, in any location, and at low cost – all you need is
access to the appropriate sources.

Receive feedback on language, structure and layout

Professional editors proofread and edit your paper by focusing on:

 Academic style
 Vague sentences
 Grammar
 Style consistency

See an example

Disadvantages of content analysis

 Reductive

Focusing on words or phrases in isolation can sometimes be overly reductive, disregarding

context, nuance, and ambiguous meanings.

 Subjective

Content analysis almost always involves some level of subjective interpretation, which can
affect the reliability and validity of the results and conclusions. 3/8
4/2/2021 Content Analysis | A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

 Time intensive

Manually coding large volumes of text is extremely time-consuming, and it can be difficult to
automate effectively.

How to conduct content analysis

If you want to use content analysis in your research, you need to start with a clear,
direct research question.

Example research question for content analysis

Is there a difference in how the US media represents male and female politicians in
terms of trustworthiness?

Next, you follow these five steps.

1. Select the content you will analyze

Based on your research question, choose the texts that you will analyze. You need to decide:

The medium (e.g. newspapers, speeches or websites) and genre (e.g. opinion pieces,
political campaign speeches, or marketing copy)
The criteria for inclusion (e.g. newspaper articles that mention a particular event,
speeches by a certain politician, or websites selling a specific type of product)
The parameters in terms of date range, location, etc.

If there are only a small amount of texts that meet your criteria, you might analyze all of them.
If there is a large volume of texts, you can select a sample.

To research media representations of male and female politicians, you decide to

analyze news articles and opinion pieces in print newspapers between 2017–2019.
Because this is a very large volume of content, you choose three major national
newspapers and sample only Monday and Friday editions.

2. De ne the units and categories of analysis 4/8
4/2/2021 Content Analysis | A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

Next, you need to determine the level at which you will analyze your chosen texts. This means

The unit(s) of meaning that will be coded. For example, are you going to record the
frequency of individual words and phrases, the characteristics of people who produced
or appear in the texts, the presence and positioning of images, or the treatment of
themes and concepts?
The set of categories that you will use for coding. Categories can be objective
characteristics (e.g. female, aged 40-50, lawyer, mother) or more conceptual (e.g.
trustworthy, corrupt, conservative, family oriented).

Your units of analysis are the politicians who appear in each article and the words and
phrases that are used to describe them. Based on your research question, you have to
categorize based on gender and the concept of trustworthiness. To get more detailed
data, you also code for other categories such as the age, political party, and marital
status of each politician mentioned.

3. Develop a set of rules for coding

Coding involves organizing the units of meaning into the previously defined categories.
Especially with more conceptual categories, it’s important to clearly define the rules for what
will and won’t be included to ensure that all texts are coded consistently.

Coding rules are especially important if multiple researchers are involved, but even if you’re
coding all of the text by yourself, recording the rules makes your method more transparent
and reliable.

In considering the category “female politician,” you decide which titles will be coded
with this category (senator, governor, counselor, mayor). With “trustworthy”, you
decide which specific words or phrases related to trustworthiness (e.g. honest and
reliable) will be coded in this category.

4. Code the text according to the rules 5/8
4/2/2021 Content Analysis | A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

You go through each text and record all relevant data in the appropriate categories. This can
be done manually or aided with computer programs, such as QSR NVivo, Atlas.ti and Diction,
which can help speed up the process of counting and categorizing words and phrases.

Following your coding rules, you examine each newspaper article in your sample. You
record the characteristics of each politician mentioned, along with all words and
phrases related to trustworthiness that are used to describe them.

5. Analyze the results and draw conclusions

Once coding is complete, the collected data is examined to find patterns and draw conclusions
in response to your research question. You might use statistical analysis to find correlations or
trends, discuss your interpretations of what the results mean, and make inferences about the
creators, context and audience of the texts.

The results reveal that words and phrases related to trustworthiness appeared in the
same sentence as a male politician more frequently than they did in the same sentence
as a female politician. From these results, you conclude that national newspapers
present male politicians as more trustworthy than female politicians, and infer that this
might have an effect on readers’ perceptions of women in politics.

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Amy Luo
Amy has a master’s degree in History of Art and has been working as a freelance writer and
editor since 2014. She is passionate about helping people communicate clearly and effectively. 6/8
4/2/2021 Content Analysis | A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

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4/2/2021 Content Analysis | A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples


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