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The Book Of Acts Bible Quiz Questions

Q1: When Jesus Christ was taken away into Heaven right before the eyes of His disciples,
what hid Him from them?
A: An angel
B: A cloud
C: The sun
D: A dove

Q2: Who was chosen to take the place of Judas Iscariot to become one of the twelve
A: Paul
B: Luke
C: Joshua
D: Matthias

Q3: Jesus said to his disciples they would receive __?__ after the Holy Ghost comes upon us?
A: Power
B: Success
C: Prosperity
D: Wealth

Q4: And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty __?__, and it filled
all the house where they were sitting.
A: Storm
B: Rain
C: Wind
D: Flood

Q5: Simon after seeing the power of the __?__ at work in the disciples, he offered money to
them to get that same power.
A: Holy Ghost
B: Fig tree
C: Clouds
D: Faith

Q6: Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for
the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of __?."
A: Making wealth
B: Seeing

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C: Inventions
D: The Holy Spirit

Q7: What was the name of the woman Peter brought back to life after praying to God in
Joppa? The woman is described as always doing good and helping the poor.
A: Mary Magdalene
B: Dorcas
C: Sarah
D: Esther

Q8: What was driven out by the fire and then fastened itself on Pauls hand while he was
gathering a pile of brushwood in Malta?
A: Locust
B: Worm
C: Viper
D: Centipede

Q9: About midnight when Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, what
happened to the foundations of the prison?
A: Shaken
B: Split open
C: Erupted
D: Sinked

Q10: Then Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show __?__
but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right." (NIV)
A: Anger
B: Himself
C: Favoritism
D: Jealousy

Q11: In Lydda, Peter healed a man named Aeneas. What illness did the man have?
A: Leprosy
B: Paralysis
C: Bildness
D: Boil

Q12: On the road to Damascus, Saul suddenly saw a light and was confronted by a voice.
"Saul, Saul, why do you persecute __?"
A: My Church
B: My people

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C: Me
D: The innocent

Q13: At the temple gate was a beggar who was lame from birth. When he saw Peter and
John, begged for money. What did Peter and John do for him?
A: Gave him money
B: Healed him
C: Ignored him
D: Mocked him

Q14: Two of Peter's followers lied to him about how much money they had. What were their
A: Andronicus and Sarai
B: Annas and Salathiel
C: Antipatris and Sabtah
D: Ananias and Sapphira

Q15: Peter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than __?"
A: Human beings
B: Angels
C: The gospel
D: Moses law

Q16: Who was being stoned when suddenly he saw the heavens open and Jesus standing at
the right hand of God?
A: Paul
B: James
C: Stephen
D: Saul

Q17: For in him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said,
We are his __?.
A: Servants
B: Offspring
C: Prophets
D: Slaves

Q18: The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and
does not live in temples built by __?.
A: Hands
B: Bricks

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C: Clay
D: Slaves

Q19: On what day did the apostles begin to speak in other tongues?
A: On sabbath day
B: Resurrection day
C: Passover day
D: Day of Pentecost

Q20: Strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. "We must
go through many __?__ to enter the kingdom of God,"
A: Breakthrough
B: Kingdoms
C: Hardships
D: Success

Copyrights © 2022 Trivia Faith Blog. All Rights Reserved.

The Book Of Acts Bible Quiz Answers
Q1: A cloud - Acts 1:9
Q2: Matthias - Acts 1:26
Q3: Power - Acts 1:8
Q4: Wind - Acts 2:2
Q5: Holy Ghost - Acts 8:18
Q6: The Holy Spirit - Acts 2:38
Q7: Dorcas - Acts 9:36-42
Q8: Viper - Acts 28:1-4
Q9: Shaken - Acts 16:25
Q10: Favoritism - Acts 10:34
Q11: Paralysis - Acts 9:33
Q12: Me - Acts 9:3-4
Q13: Healed him - Acts 3:6
Q14: Ananias and Sapphira - Acts 5:1-10
Q15: Human beings - Acts 5:29
Q16: Stephen - Acts 7: 55-59
Q17: Offspring - Acts 17:28
Q18: Hands - Acts 17:24
Q19: Day of Pentecost - Acts 2:1
Q20: Hardships - Acts 14:22

Copyrights © 2022 Trivia Faith Blog. All Rights Reserved.

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