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Class: XI Time: 3hrs
F.M : 75
Multiple Choice Questions:
Attempt All Questions.
Tick the correct answer [11×1=11]
1. A meter scale measures a distance of 100m very precisely. To test the speed of car with stopwatch, time
of 5.0 s was recorded with uncertainty of 0.2 s. The uncertainty in estimate of car’s speed is:
a. 20 ± 0.16 𝑚/𝑠 b. 20 ± 0.8 𝑚/𝑠 c. 20 ± 1.0𝑚/𝑠 d. 20 ± 4.0𝑚/𝑠
2. Forces are applied to a rigid body. The forces all act in the same plane. In which diagram, body is in
a. b. 5N
5N 10 N 5N

c. d.
20 N 5N 5N

3. A student is pushing a large crate across a rough floor at constant velocity. Which is true statement?
a. The motion is at constant velocity so no force acts between student and crate.
b. Because of friction, the crate pushes harder on student than student pushes on crate.
c. To overcome friction, the student pushes harder on crate than crate pushes on student.
d. The crate pushes on student with same magnitude of force that student pushes on crate.
4. At Chandragiri cable car, the maximum permissible mass of each car with occupants
is 2500kg. The cars riding on a support cable are pulled by second cable attached to
support tower on each car. Assume that cables are taut and inclined at 35°. The difference
in tension between adjacent section of pull cable if cars are at maximum permissible mass
and are being accelerated up at 0.81m/s2 is:
a. 1.8×104 N b. 1.8×105 N
c. 2.8×10 N d. 2.8×104 N
5. Graphs of stress-strain for four different materials are shown below. Which graph obeys Hooke’s Law?
a. b. c. d.


strain strain
strain strain
6. A boy walks towards a moving plane mirror which is moving at a speed of 1.2 ms-1. The boy is also moving
at 1.2 ms-1. What is the relative speed of approach of boy and his image?
a. zero b. 1.2 ms-1 c. 2.4 ms-1 d. 1.44 ms-1
7. A point object is placed at a distance of 30 cm from a convex mirror of focal length 30 cm. The image will
form at:
a. infinity b. pole c. focus d. none
8. An astronaut in space ship sees the sky away from the sun as
a. blue b. red c. black d. white
9. In what unit the power of lens of spectacle is measured?
a. watt b. meter c. diopter d. Hertz
10. A piece of wire of resistance 36Ω is bent in the form of a circle. The effective resistance between A and B is
(angle between A and B is 30 degree)
a. 2.75 Ω b. 3.75 Ω c. 4.75 Ω d. 1.25 Ω
11. The lightest elementary particle is:
a. neutrino b. neutron c. electrons d. protons
Group – B [8×5=40]

12. a. State the law of conservation of momentum. [1]

b. A billiard ball of mass 50g moving with a speed of 2.0 m/s strikes a wall at an angle of incidence 45°
and is reflected from the wall at same angle with same speed. Calculate change in magnitude of
momentum of (i) ball and (ii) wall [2]
c. A tomato when thrown on the ground sticks on ground. Explain how the law of conservation of
momentum holds here. [2]
13. a. State Hooke’s Law [1]
b. A student investigated how the extension of rubber cord varied with the force used to extend it. He
measured the extension for successive increase of the force and successive decrease. [1+1+2]
i) Give a reason why the graph shows the rubber cord does not obey Hooke’
ii) Give a reason why the graph shows the rubber cord does not exhibit
plastic behavior.
iii) What physical quantity is represented by the area shaded on the graph
between loading curve and extension axis?

14. a. What is meant by specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 80 cal/gm? [1]
b. A traditional way of cooling the drinking water is by keeping in a pitcher having porous walls.
i) How does this technique help to cool down the water? [2]
ii) Assume that pitcher contains 10kg of water and 0.2g water comes out per second. Assuming no
backward heat transfer from atmosphere to water, calculate time in which temperature decreases
by 5℃ (specific heat of water = 4200 J/kgC and Lv = 2.27×106 J/kg) [2]
15. a. Define coefficient of linear expansion. [1]
b. A diet doctor encourages people to diet by drinking ice water. His theory is that body must burn off
enough fat to raise the temperature of water from 0℃ to 37℃
i) How many litres of ice water must be consumed to burn off 454g of fat assuming that burning this
much fat requires 3900 cal to be transferred to ice water? [2]
ii) Why it is not advisable to follow this diet? [2]
16. a. Define Len’s Maker formula. [1]
b. In figure below, L is the equiconvex lens of radii of curvature 15cm and refractive index 1.6. The
distance between lens and object is 100cm and x is distance between lens and screen

100 cm x


i) What is the value of x? [2]

ii) What will be the focal length of the lens when arrangement is kept in water? (𝜇 = 1.33) [2]
17. a. White light is not dispersed when passing through hollow prism. Why? [2]
b. The refractive indices of a crown glass prism of refracting 60° are 1.53 and 1.51 for violet and red
light respectively. Find the angular dispersion between red and violet light. [3]
18. a. What is potential gradient? How is it related with electric field intensity? [2]
b. Figure shows the variation of electric potential V with 1/r where r is the distance from two charges
q1 and q2
i) What is relation between V and q?
ii) What are the signs of q1 and q2?
iii) Which of the two charges has a larger magnitude? Justify.

19. a. If dielectrics are inserted between the charged capacitor, what will be the effects on
energy stored in the capacitors? [2]
b. Figure shows three capacitors C1, C2 and C3 of magnitudes 10𝜇F, 20𝜇F and 5𝜇F respectively.

If no capacitor can withstand a p.d. more than 100V without failure, then calculate: [3]
i) the magnitude of max p.d between A and B
ii) the maximum energy that can be stored in the arrangement.
20. a. State what is meant by the power of heater is 20kW. [1]
b. An electric heater marked 220V-1000W is used to heat water. If 20% of electrical energy is wasted,
i) Calculate the time required to raise temp of 20L of water to a temp difference of 50K [1]
ii) Calculate the cost of electrical energy used. [1]
c. The element of heater is very hot while the wires carrying current are cold. Why? [2]

Group “C”

21. a. A stone is projected at a cliff of height h with an initial speed of 42.0 m/s directed at an angle of 60°
The stone strikes at A, 5.50 sec after launching.

i. Calculate the height “h” of cliff. [1]

ii. Calculate the speed of stone just before impact at A [1]
iii. Calculate the maximum height H reached above the ground. [1]
b. A golf ball is strucked at ground level. The speed of golf ball as a function
of time is shown. The scaling in vertical axis is set by vA=19 m/s and
vB= 31 m/s
i. How far does the golf ball travel horizontally before reaching the
ground level? [2]
ii. What is the maximum height above the ground level attained by
ball? [2]
22. A small object of mass m is launched from the surface of Earth with speed
V0 in a direction perpendicular to the Earth’s surface.
i. What is the total mechanical energy of the object at starting point? [2] V0
ii. Find an expression for speed v of object at a height h which is equal
to radius of earth. [2]
iii. What is the minimum value of vo that will allow the object to reach
the height h=radius of earth? [2]
iv. Now consider a situation where the object is placed in circular orbit at a
height h=R. Find the velocity of object needs to be in circular orbit at that
height. [2]
23. a. A ChandraYaan-3 is a lunar mission launched by ISRO which will explore the
south pole of moon. It was launched by LVM3 rocket.
i) Assume the total mass of rocket to be 30000 kg and the exhaust speed to be 800m/s
Calculate the gas ejected per second to overcome weight of rocket [2]
ii) Find the acceleration of rocket after 10 seconds. [2]
b. Now the orbiter revolves around the moon in elliptical orbit. The orbit of Chandrayan-3 around moon
is then circulized by 10,000km and has an orbital velocity of “v” m/s
i) Find the net acceleration of the orbiter. [2]
ii) Calculate the gravitational potential at that point. [2]

24. a) Study the binding energy cruve.

i) Which one has least binding energy per nucleon? [1]

ii) Which element has largest binding energy per nucleon and what does it mean? [1]
iii) By what factor must the mass number of a nucleus increase to double its volume? [2]
iv) The energy liberated in the fission of single uranium-235 atom is 3.2×10-11 J. Calculate the
power production corresponding to the fission of 1 g of uranium per day. [2]
v) Write down the quark combination of proton and neutron. [2]


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