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DATE & January 8, 2020 │9:45-10:45 QUARTER 3RD

The learners demonstrate an understanding of the species as being further classified into a
A. Content Standards
hierarchical taxonomic system.

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to report (e.g., through a travelogue) on the activities that communities engage into
protect and conserve endangered and economically important species.

C.Learning Competencies/ Classify organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic system (S8LT-IVh-20)
Objectives Objectives:
1.Classify organisms based on their similarities and differences (focusing on the bigger groups, domain and kingdom);
Write the LC code for each 2. Identify the basis in classifying organisms; and
3. Describe the distinguishing characteristics of organisms under the six-kingdom scheme of classification.
II. CONTENT Hierarchical Taxonomic System of Classification (Classifying Organisms into their Big Groups)


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
pp. 226-228
3. Textbook pages Capco & Yang. Biology Textbook pp. 311-313
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
5. Other Learning Materials


A. Reviewing previous Elicit: The teacher shows pictures of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems to be
lesson or presenting (The activities in this section
will evoke or draw out prior
identified by the students. The teacher may ask the following questions:
the new lesson concepts or prior experiences 1. How are the pictures related to one another?
from the students)
2. How would you arrange those components in an organism, in increasing
3. Do we have that kind of biological organization? How about the dogs?
bacteria? coconut tree?

The teacher makes the students recall the concept of biological levels of
organization as discussed from Grade 7 Science.
B. Establishing a The teacher shows a picture of different organisms where the students will
purpose for the identify their names (local or common name) and may ask the following
lesson questions.
(The activities in this section Note: The teacher may provide pictures of organisms found in their locality.
will stimulate their thinking and 1. Can you name some organisms in the picture that you know? 2. Which
C. Presenting help them access and connect
prior knowledge as a jumpstart among those organisms can be found in your community?
examples/instances to the present lesson
of the new lesson
The teacher then points out that organisms are grouped into six major
classifications. The teacher will ask the students if they are familiar to such
D. Discussing new Explore: Activity: Where Do I Belong? (please see attachment 1 for the worksheet)
concepts and (In this section, students will be
given time to think, plan,
practicing new skills investigate, and organize The teacher groups the students into five. Each group is given each set of tables
collected information; or the
#1 performance of the for the major characteristics of the six kingdom classification scheme (see
planned/prepared activities
from the students’ manual with Attachment 2.1 and 2.2) and at least 10 pictures of different organisms.
data gathering with Guide
Note: This given set of pictures of organisms (each set of pictures must have a
representative organism of all six groups) may locally found in the community
E. Discussing new and must be prepared before the implementation of the lesson.
concepts and
practicing new skills Each group of students classify/group these organisms accordingly to their
#2 respective kingdom by comparing their characteristics based on the given table.
The teacher may explain/give clarifications as to the terms on the table e.g. the
meaning of motility etc. Students are required to enumerate the steps in
classifying those pictures and identify the basis in classifying them.

F. Developing mastery Explain: Each group presents their output on classifying pictures of organisms and their
(leads to Formative (In this section, students will be
involved in an analysis of their
answers for guide questions as follows:
Assessment 3) exploration. Their
understanding is clarified and
modified because of reflective 1. What was the information found on the table that helped you correctly
activities)/Analysis of the
gathered data and results and classify each organism?
be able to answer the Guide 2. What were the major bases did you use in classifying those pictures of
Questions leading to the focus
concept or topic for the day.
3. Did you find it easy classifying the pictures of organisms? Explain your
4. In what ways are the organisms similar? different?

The students check their outputs with the help of the teacher. The teacher
challenges students to defend their answers and come up with clarification of
G. Finding practical
The teacher points out that organisms belonging to each group have various
applications of
Elaborate: characteristics, thus regrouping them is also done by the scientist to further
concepts and skills in (This section will give students describe them.
daily living the opportunity to expand and
solidify/concretize their
H. Making understanding of the concept
The teacher also discusses the relationship between the development of
generalizations and and/or apply it to a real-world
situation) classifying organisms’ vis-à-vis the basis on how they are classified, and the
abstractions about
general characteristics used in classifying organisms into the six kingdoms.
the lesson
Evaluation: The students are asked to complete the table below (the teacher may replace the
(This section will provide
opportunities for concept check
name of organism listed or add up columns for additional organisms).
test items and answer key
which are aligned to the
learning objectives – content Narra
and performance standards
I. Evaluating learning and address misconceptions- if Kingdom
Basis of classifying the organism to
the kingdom
Distinguishing characteristic of the
J. Additional activities (This section gives situation Using a triad, the students look for endemic organisms in their locality and
for application or that explains the topic in a new
context, or integrate it to
identify to which big group (kingdom) of organism it belongs write the
remediation another discipline/societal observable characteristics of the organism.




A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can

help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:


Teacher I


Science Dept. Chairperson

Secondary School Principal I

Activity 1: Where Do I Belong?


1. Classify organisms based on their similarities, differences and distinguishing characteristics.

2. Identify the major basis in classifying organisms.

 Pictures of different organisms
 Manila paper
 Glue/paste

1. Observe the pictures given to your group.

2. Using the table of the major characteristics of the six group of organisms identify to which group/kingdom
does each organism belongs.
3. Look for other organisms that possess similar characteristics.
4. Paste pictures with the similar characteristics in a sheet of manila paper.
5. Write the basis in classifying those pictures below the name of each group.
6. Post your output on the blackboard and be ready for the presentation.

Guide Questions:

1. In what way did the table help you in grouping/classifying organisms in their respective kingdom?
2. What were the information found on the table that helped you correctly classify each organism?
3. What were the major bases did you use in classifying the pictures of organisms?
4. Did you find it easy classifying the pictures of organisms? Explain your answer.
5. In what ways are the organisms similar? Different?
6. Among the different groups of organisms, which is the most abundant? Most useful to us? Explain your
7. Which organisms are important in the cycle of materials? Explain your answer.

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