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TOPIC ONE: Discuss research, research process and types of research for proper business

• 1. Explain the Meaning of research
• 2. Identify objectives of research
• 3. Explain research ethics issues and implications
• 4. Explain main types of research
• 5. Construe research process and its application
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Research Methodology
 Kothari (2004) refers research as to a search for knowledge or a
scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a
specific topic. Research is an art of scientific investigation.
 The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English define research as
a careful investigation or inquiry specially through search for new facts
in any branch of knowledge.
 “Research is a systematic effort to gain new knowledge.” Redman & Mori.
 Research can also be referred to as the movement from the known to
the unknown. It is actually a voyage of discovery, when unknown
confronts us we possess inquisitiveness, our inquisitiveness makes us
probe and attain full understanding of the unknown.
Inquisitiveness is the mother of all knowledge.
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Research Methodology Cont…
 Methods refer to techniques and procedures used to obtain and
analyse data. therefore, includes survey using tools such as
questionnaires and interviews as well as both quantitative (statistical)
and qualitative (non- statistical) analysis techniques (Saunders et al.,

 Methodology refers to the theory of how research should be

undertaken (Saunders et al., 2009). .

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Characteristics of Research
1) Research is a systematic and critical investigation in a
phenomena. Data are carefully collected, recorded, analysed and
interpreted systematically.
2) It is not a mere compilation but a purposive investigation, aims at
describing, interpreting and explaining the phenomena.
3) It adopts scientific methods as it is objective, precise and arrives
at the conclusion on the basis of verified evidence.
4) Research is based upon accurate observable experience or
empirical evidences.
5) Research is directed toward the finding answers to pertinent
questions and solution to problems.
6) Research emphasizes the development of generalizations,
principles, or theories that will be helpful in predicting future
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Characteristics of Research Cont..
7) The purpose of research is not to arrive at the answer that pleases
the researcher, but rather which will stand up the test of criticism.
8) Research strives to be objective and logical, applying every
possible test to validate the procedures employed the data
collected and the conclusions reached.
9) Research involves gathering new data from primary or first-hand
sources or using existing data for a new purpose.
10)Research requires expertise, patient and courage.

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Objectives/Purpose of Research
The purpose of research is to discover answers to questions through the
application of scientific procedure and to find out the truth which is
hidden and which has not been discovered as yet. Though each
research study has its own specific purpose, some general objectives of
research are:
 Extends knowledge of human beings, social life and
environment where scientific researchers build up through their
research findings. Researchers search answers to various types of
questions such as what, where, when, how and why of various
phenomena, and enlighten us.
 Unravels the mysteries of nature by bringing to light hidden
information that might never be discovered during the ordinary course
of life.
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Objectives Cont..
 To establish generalizations and general laws and contributes to
theory building in various fields of knowledge.

Examples are the law of gravitation, law of demand, theory of

consumer behaviour and motivation theories.

 Research aims to analyse inter-relationships between variables

and to derive causal explanations and enable us to have a better
understanding of the world in which we are living.

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Objectives Cont..
 Applied research aims at finding solutions to problems such as social
economic problems e.g. unemployment, human relations
problems in organizations, poverty.
 Research aims at developing new tools, concepts and theories for
a better study of unknown phenomena.
 Research aid planning by uncovering facts on which sound
decisions can be made before committing resources and thus
contributes to national development e.g. evaluation of alternative

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The main Types of Research
There are varieties of ways through which research can be classified.
A. On the basis of utility of content or nature of subject matter of
On the basis of these criteria we can categorize the research into two
• Pure/Basic/Fundamental or Theoretical Research: Its utility is universal
as the findings can bring breakthroughs in different fields of study. Aim at
enriching the theory by unraveling the untold mysteries of nature
• Applied Research or Experimental (empirical research): Its utility is
limited as the findings of applied research are useful for solving specific
research problems.

The main Types of Research Cont..
Pure research Applied research
Aims at extension of knowledge that may Aims on applying knowledge to solve a really life
lead to either the discovery of a new existing problems requiring an action or policy decision.
theory or modify an existing theory e.g. study designed to improve productivity in agricultural
without any intention to apply in it in practice. farms may stimulate analysis of extension technology.
e.g. Einstein theory of relativity, Newtons law
of gravity in space. A study to improve classroom interaction between
teachers and students.
Try to say why things happen by Put theory to test by testing the validity of an existing
developing principles e.g. Maslow’s theory of theory through developing a conceptual framework and
motivation that offers solutions to many by formulate hypothesis.
helping to find critical factors in practical
problem e.g. factors for ethnic conflict.

The main Types of Research Cont..
Pure research Applied research
Seek generalizations. Aid in conceptual clarification as many concepts are
different, people define them differently leading to
confusion and lack of clarity.
Lay the foundation of applied research - Intergrade previously existing theories as a practical
the findings of pure research forms the basis problem has many facts that can not be solved by the
for innumerable scientific and technological application of a single science.
inventions as it develops many alternative Applied in vast scope e.g. field of technology,
solutions that enables to choose the best management, commerce, economics and other social
solution leading to invention of e.g. steam sciences.
engine, electronic gadget.

The main Types of Research – method of research
B. On the basis of method of research:

1. Experimental Research: is one in which the researcher makes

changes in independent variables and studies their effects on the
dependent variables constant or under controlled environment.

The variable that is the cause/influence the change is known as

independent variable and the variable that varies/influenced as a
consequence of change is known as dependent variable.

Agricultural productivity such as crop yard per hectare is dependent

variable and the factors such as soil fertility, irrigation, quality of
seeds, and manure are independent variables.

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The main Types of Research – method of research
The nature of the relationship between independent variables and
dependent variable is perceived and stated in the form of causal

Experimental researches are purely quantitative in nature and deals with

future events.

Procedure: select two identical groups with the same

characteristics, select one of the group as experimental group to
be exposed to an experimental variables and the other control
group that not exposed to and experimental variable, the difference
between the experimental and control groups outcomes is
attributed to the effects of experimental variables.

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The main Types of Research – method of research
2. Survey Research: Survey is a fact finding study involving collection of
data directly from the population or a sample at a particular time.
Data may be collected by observation, interview or questionnaire, the
analysis of data may be made by using simple or complex statistical
techniques depending upon the objectives of the study.
It deals with present events and is quantitative in nature.

Characteristics of a survey method:

 always conducted in a natural settings: it is a field study.
 seeks responses directly from the respondents
 cover a very large population
 cover a definite geographical area
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The main Types of Research – method of research Cont..
The purpose of Survey
 To provide information to government, planners or business enterprises
through population census, social economic survey, market survey etc.
 To explain certain phenomena by testing hypothesis, explain the causal
relationships between variables and to assess the influences or various
factors on a given phenomena such as job satisfaction, labour productivity
and consumer behaviour.
 Comparisons of demographic groups i.e. low income groups with high
income groups, work groups in a factory or offices, behavioural.
 Prediction: Cause and effects relationship can be useful for making
prediction e.g. if the relationship between income increase and purchase of
durable goods is established in a consumer behaviour survey, a prediction about
future demand for durable goods with reference to anticipated income increases
can be made.
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The main Types of Research – method of research Cont..
3. Case-Study Research: is an in-depth comprehensive study of a
person, social group, an episode, a process, situation, programme,
community institution or any other social unit. It deals with unusual events.
Purpose: to understand the life cycle of the unit under study or the
interaction between factors that explain the present status or the
development over a period of time.
Examples: a causative study of a successful cooperative society, a
study of the financial health of a business undertaking.
Employs many techniques e.g. descriptive method, interview, as it is
qualitative as well as quantitative in nature.

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The main Types of Research – method of research Cont..
• Describe a case in terms of its peculiarities
• Helps to secure a wealth of information about the unit of study which may
provide clues and ideas for further research
• It examines complex factors involved in a given situation so as to identify
causal factors operating it.
• Aims at studying everything about something rather than something
about everything. It is an approach which views any social unit as a
whole and give a total view of a unitor a clear insight into a situation or

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The main Types of Research – method of research Cont..
Case study Vs Survey
The primary distinctions between a case study and a survey lie in the intensity
and depth of investigation and its coverage.
Survey Case study
Broad based investigation of a Intensive investigation
Covers a large number of units, all Is a study of a single unit/group
units of a universe or a sample
The findings of a study can be The findings can not be generalized
generalized when it is based on a
representative sample
Useful for testing hypothesis about Useful for testing hypotheses about the
large social aggregates. characteristics of a specific social unit e.g. an
4/29/2022 organization, a small group or a community. 18
The main Types of Research – method of research Cont..
Advantages/merits of case study
• Flexible with respect to data collection methods, all methods of data
collection are useful.
• Allow a lot of detail to be collected that would not normally be easily
obtained by a general survey.
• Can extend to any dimensions of the topic studied as all aspects may be
studied or specific aspects may be emphasized.
• Tend to be conducted on rare cases where large samples of similar
participants are not available.
Disadvantages/limitations of case study
• Can not be generalized to large social aggregates.
• Inadequate for an analysis of macro problems.
• Case studies are generally on one person, but there also tends to only be
one experimenter collecting the data. This can lead to bias in data
collection, which can influence results more than in different designs.
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The main Types of Research – method of research Cont..
4. Historical Research: is a study of past records and other information
sources with view to reconstruct the origin and development of an institution
or a movement or a system and discovering the trends in the past. It is both
qualitative as well as quantitative in nature and deals with past events.

It is descriptive in nature. It is difficult task, it must often depend upon

inference and logical analysis of recorded data and indirect evidences rather
than upon direct observation.

Objectives: to draw explanations and generalizations from the past

trends in order to understand the present and to anticipate the future. It
enables to grasp relationship with the past and to plan more intelligently for
the future. The past contains the key to the present and the present
influences the future.
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The main Types of Research – method of research Cont..
 The source of data for historical research are: eyewitness by actual
observer or participant in the event, oral testimony by elders, records and
other documentary materials

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C. The main Types of Research - on the basis of nature of
(i) Qualitative Research: is a research dealing with phenomena that are
difficult or impossible to quantify mathematically, such as beliefs,
meanings, and attributes. Qualitative researchers aim to gather an in-
deph understanding of human behaviour and the reasons that govern
such behaviour. Investigates the why and how of decision making, not
just what, where and when. Used when you want to collect opinion of
(ii) Quantitative Research: refers to the systematic empirical investigation
of any phenomena via statistics, mathematical or computational
techniques. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and
mathematical model, theories and or hypotheses pertaining to

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C. The main Types of Research Cont..
Advantages of Quantitative Research:
• Allow the researcher to measure and analyse data
• The researcher is more objective about the findings of the research.
• Can be used to test hypotheses in experiments because of its ability to
measure data using statistics.

The Main Disadvantages Quantitative Research

• does not study things in a natural setting or discuss the meaning things
have for different people.
• A large sample of the population must be studied for more accurate

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D. The main Types of Research – Approach of research
On the basis of approach of research:
We may classify research into two different categories.
Longitudinal Research: research carried on over several time period,
data are collected from the same sample over an extended period of
time. Examples of this category are historical, case study and Genetic
Often used in psychology to study developmental trends across the
life span. In medicine the design is used to uncover predictors of certain

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D. The main Types of Research – Approach of research
Cross-Sectional Research: In a cross-sectional study you collect data
from a population at a specific point in time. Examples of this category
are Experimental and Survey Research.

Example: a cross-sectional study on the impact of police on crime might

find that more police are associated with greater crime and wrongly
conclude that police cause crime when it is the other way around.
However, a longitudinal study would be able to observe the rise or fall in
crime some time after increasing the number of police in an area.

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The main Types of Research
Analytical study or Statistical Method Is a system of procedures and
techniques of analysis applied to quantitative data using mathematical
models, or statistical techniques applicable to numerical data.
Aim: at testing hypothesis and specifying and interpreting relationship
among variables by analysing the facts or information already available.
Uses: Used in business and other fields in which quantitative numerical data
are generated for measuring variables, comparing groups and examine
associations between factors. Data may be collected from either primary or
secondary sources.

For example: Research on a company’s financial performance over a

long period of times.
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The main Types of Research
Exploratory or Formulative research: is a preliminary study of an unfamiliar
problem that the researcher has little or no knowledge e.g. doctor initial
investigation of a patient suffering from unfamiliar disease. The main aim are:
 to generate new ideas
 To increase the researcher’s familiarity with the problem or
 to make a precisely formulation of the problem or
 To gather information for clarifying concepts or
 To determine if it feasible to attempt the study
Uses: To see what is there if it is possible to secure the required data to save
energy and time without testing hypothesis.

Example: Researcher wanted to study the pattern of marketing strategies of

a large manufacturing firm. The exploratory study showed that they would not
provide such marketing strategies information.

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The main Types of Research-Descriptive
Descriptive Statistical Research – is a fact finding investigation with
adequate interpretation.
Used to discover new meaning, describing what exists, determine the
frequency with which something occurs, and categorize information. Deals
with everything that can be counted and studies, which has an impact on
the lives of the people.
Data are collected by using one or more data collection method
observation, interview, and questionnaire.
1) The problem must be describable and not arguable e.g. controversial
2) The data should be accurate, objective, quantitatively assembled for
reliability and significance
3) There should be verifiable procedure of collection and analysis of data.
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The main Types of Research-Descriptive Cont..
Aim: to identify various characteristics of a particular individual, community,
situation, a group or institution or a problem under study but it can reveal
potential relationships between variables thus setting the stage for more
elaborate investigation later, does not test hypothesis.

Example1: A researcher pursue a study on customer preference about a

product or service. Frequency of shopping.

Example2: finding the most frequent disease that affects the children of a
town. The reader of the research will know what to do to prevent that
disease thus, more people will live a healthy life.

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The main Types of Research Cont..
Ethnographic research refers to the investigation of the culture through
an in-depth study of the members of the culture; it involves the systematic
collection, description, and analysis of data for development of theories of
cultural behavior.
It studies people, ethnic groups and other ethnic formation their
composition, resettlement, social welfare characteristics, as well as their
material and spiritual culture.
Data collection is often done through participant observation, interviews,
questionnaires, etc.
Aim: to understand what is happening naturally in the setting and to
interpret the data gathered to see what implications could be formed from
the data.

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The main Types of Research Cont..
Phenomenological research is an inductive, descriptive research
approach developed from phenomenological philosophy; Its aim is to
describe an experience as it is actually lived by the person. Is concerned
with the study of experience from the perspective of an individual.

Grounded Theory Research is a research approach designed to

discover what problems exist in a given social environment and how the
persons involved handle them; It involves formulation, testing, and
reformulation of propositions until a theory is developed.
It operate in reverse fashion from traditional research.

Ethnographic research refers to the investigation of the culture through

an in-depth study of the members of the culture; it involves the systematic
collection, description, and analysis of data for development of theories of
cultural behavior.
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The main Types of Research Cont..
It studies people, ethnic groups and other ethnic formation their
composition, resettlement, social welfare characteristics, as well as
their material and spiritual culture.
Data collection is often done through participant observation,
interviews, questionnaires, etc.
Aim: to understand what is happening naturally in the setting and to
interpret the data gathered to see what implications could be formed
from the data.

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