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Gains with


2 Introduction
4 Nutrition
8 Training Tips
10 Videos Intro
13 Glute Isolation
19 Weeks 1-4 Workouts
27 Weeks 4-8 Workouts
34 Cardio
38 Progress pictures

“ Motivation gets you

started, Discipline keeps
you going!

▸ Diet plays 80% role in the results we achieve. This guide is strictly a fitness
guide that can be paired with one of my meal guides.
▸ Performing this guide with an improper diet will prevent you from achieving
your desired results.
▸ For Fat Loss pair with my “Carb Cycle Meal Guide” this will allow you to
decrease fat while building lean muscle mass and building curves.
▸ This is highly recommended for maximum results. Start this guide and
the 30-day carb cycle on the same day. The results will be worth it!

▸ If your goal is weight gain, I recommend pairing this guide with
my “Gains Meal Guide” which is a higher carb and protein diet to
help grow your muscles.

Disclaimer: I recommend completing my Carb Cycle Meal Guide for fat loss paired with
this workout guide if you have any body fat to decrease. As the goal is to not gain more
body fat.

Workout Guide Layout

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Stretch, Daily Post Workout

10 Minute Workout Stretch &
Warmups. Foam Roll

“ Get up every morning

and tell yourself I can do

▸ This workout plan is structured around 5 days of workouts and two days
rest. Rest is very essential. As our muscles recovery this is where growth
occurs. Feel free to adjust this plan based on your own schedule. For
maximum results try to not miss days.
▸ If you are a new to training, you may be sore. Its ok to miss a day if your
muscles are too fatigued. Use these tips to help with soreness are drink
plenty of water, stretch, foam roll and get plenty of rest.
▸ You can also take an Epson salt bath and use a handheld massage gun.

▸ Rest period in between sets is very important as we want to keep our heart
rates pumping. Rest time should not exceed 60 seconds. Keep a timer so
that you can keep rack of your rest period.

You will be provided with
video demonstrations of
each exercise to peform Place your screenshot here

daily. Please study the

videos and practice proper
form prior to starting this

Video Guidance
• This is a gym based guide but these exercises can be performed at home
depending on the equipment that you have. Free weights/dumbbells can be found
instore, online or Amazon.
• Weights and equipment shown in the videos are for recording purposed only.
Please modify weights to what is available for you. For instance, if the video
demonstrates a straight bar this can be swapt out for dumbbells or kettle bells.
Some gym machines workouts are included in this guide.
• For weeks 1-4 keep track of the wieghts that you are using as you will want to
progress in weight over the weeks.
• You will determine what weight is suitable to your goals and personal strength.

Video Guidance
• Please select a challenging weight, everyone's level of fitness is different and
therefore will have different strengths and capabilities. The goal is to feel fatigued
by closer to the end of the rep count.
• If you can perform each exercise easily to the end of the reps, this means you need
to increase your weight. Reduce your weight if you are failing to get to the half point
of reps.
• For example, if the exercise calls for 15 reps you should feel fatigued by rep 10 but
push through to 15.
• There will be a video link for each day of videos.
• When an exercise calls for Superset, this means the two exercises are perfomed
back-to-back with no rest. There is no more than 1 min rest inbetween sets.
• Tri-set is all three exercises perfromed back-to-back with no rest.

Stretching prior to your workout is very important. Stretching keeps the muscles flexible,
strong and healthy. Stretching allows more range of motion and will improve overall
performance. Without stretching, your muscles can become very tight which can affect
your workouts and cause possible injuries. I recommend stretching before and after
every workout. Specifically, stretching the muscle groups that you will be working.

Below is a video link for stretch guidance

Glute Isolation
Your glutes are the largest muscle in your entire
body. Activating your glutes before every lower
body day is important. This will wake up your glutes
and warm them up making it easier to grown them.
During this guide you must have resistance bands
as this has been the foundation of my glute
development. Here is a link to my bands below.

Lovely Peach by Lesh Bands


“ You don’t get the ass

you want by sitting on it!

Warm Up
For all Workouts Perform Warm up for 5 Minutes:

Choose 1

• Stairmaster (level 6 or higher)

• Treadmill on an incline
• Jump Rope
• Row Machine

Glute Isolation Warm up

• Before every lower body day you’ll have a banded warm up routine to fire up your
glutes before weights. DO NOT SKIP this warm up it’s very important for your glute
• Chose 4-5 different band warm up exercises before starting workout. This should
take about 5 minutes. Make the selection vary weekly.
• Complete the 4-5 exercises back-to-back for 3 rounds. Take no more than 60 sec
rest between rounds.
• Choose a challenging resistance band. Typically, medium-heavy for glute bridges
and squats and light-medium for kick backs etc.

Band Glute Warmups

▸ 3x15 Glute Bridges ▸ 3x10 Single Leg Side Leg Raise
▸ 3x12 Donkey Kicks ▸ 3x10 Single Leg Glute Bridge
▸ 3x10 Pulse Straight Leg Kick ▸ 3x15 Glute Bridges w Abductions
Backs ▸ 3x10 Banded Hip Thrust
▸ 3x12 Fire Hydrants ▸ 3x15 Squat w Leg Raise
▸ 3x10 Leg Raises on ▸ 3x15 Squat into Kickback
Stomach ▸ Squat Jacks
▸ 3x10 Clam Shells ▸ Squat Side Steps

Band Warmups
We e ks 1- 4

Video Links
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 1: Lower Body

5 min Band Warm Up
Superset Superset
▸ 3x15 Deadlifts ▸ 3x10 Curtsey Lunges (each leg)
▸ 3x12 Step Ups ▸ 3x15 Goblet Squats w/Elevate Heels

▸ 3x15 Hip Thrust

▸ 3x15 Leg Press


Day 2: Upper Body & Abs

Superset Superset
▸ 3x10 Standing Walk Out ▸ 3x12 Lateral Raises
Plank Jacks ▸ 3x10 Triceps Kickbacks
▸ 3x12 Mountain Climbers Superset
Superset ▸ 3x12 Dumbbell Shoulder Press
▸ 3x12 Chest Press ▸ 3x12 Dumbbell Around the World
▸ 3x10 Overhead Rows
▸ 3x12 Bicep Curl into Press

Day 3: Lower Body

5 min Band Warm Up

▸ 3x15 Cable Pull Throughs ▸ 3x12 Cable Single Leg Squat (each leg)
▸ 3x15 Cable Deadlifts
Superset Superset
▸ 3x15 Cable Kick Backs ▸ 3x15 Kneeling Squats
▸ 3x10 Cable Hip Abductions ▸ 3x15 RDL w Elevated Heels

Day 4: Upper & Abs

Superset Superset
▸ 3x15 Seated Cable rows ▸ 3x10 Rear Delt Fly’s
▸ 3x12 Lat Pull Downs ▸ 3x15 Back Row
▸ 3x 30-60 Sec Basic plank ▸ 3x15 Back Hyperextension
hold Superset
▸ 3x12 Superman ▸ 3x30-60 sec Standing Core Rotation
▸ 3x15 Oblique Twist

Day 5: Lower Body

5 min Band Warm Up
Superset Tri set
▸ 3x15 Barbell Hip thrust ▸ 3x 10 Sumo Squats (elevated on steppers)
▸ 3x10 Bulgarian Split Squats ▸ 3x 10 Pulse
(each leg) ▸ 3x10 Deadlift
▸ 3x12 Good Mornings w/Long
▸ 3x12 Deadlifts w/Long Band

“ Push yourself because

no one else is going to
do it for you!
We e ks 4 - 8

Video Links
Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 1: Lower Body

5 min Band Warmup

▸ 5 sets Leg press Superset
(increase weight every set) ▸ 3x20 Duck Walks
1x20, 1x15, 1x10, 1x8, 1x6 ▸ 3x15 Squat Side Steps

Superset ▸ 3x15 Laying Hamstring Curls

▸ 4x15 Seated Squat
▸ 4x20 Walking Lunges

Day 2: Upper Body & Abs

▸ 4x15 Assisted Pullups ▸ 3x15 Cable Upright Row
Superset Tri Set
▸ 4x15 Cable Crunches ▸ 3x10 Bird Dogs
▸ 4x10 Hanging Leg Raises ▸ 3x10 Plank Shoulder Taps
Superset ▸ 3x15 Bicycles
▸ 3x15 Triceps Pull Downs
▸ 3x15 Single Arm Pull Downs

Day 3: Lower Body

5 Min Band Warm Up

▸ Hip Thrust (start with lower ▸ 4x15 Abductors
weight and go up each set) Superset
1x15, 1x10. 1x8, 1x6 ▸ 3x15 Lateral Lunges
Superset ▸ 3x15 Squat Jumps
▸ 4x15 Cable Pull Throughs
▸ 4x15 Cable Deadlifts

Day 4: Upper Body & Abs

Superset Superset
▸ 4x15 Wide Grip Lat Pull ▸ 30-60 seconds Standing
Down Knee to Elbow
▸ 4x12 Front Raise & Lateral ▸ 3x12 Renegade Rows
Raise Tri-set
Superset ▸ 3x6 Ab Circles (6 to the
▸ 3x15 Single Arm Back left, 6 to the right)
Row (each arm) ▸ 3x12 In & Out Abs
▸ 3xBarbell Shoulder Press ▸ 3x15 Toe Touches

Day 5: Lower Body

5 min Band W armup
Supe rse t
▸ 4x15 Glute Pushdow ns
Supe rse t
▸ 3x15 Good mornings
w / long band
▸ 4x15 Kne e ling Squats
▸ 4x15 RDLS w Ele vation
▸ 3x15 De adlifts w / Long
Supe rse t
▸ 3x15 Sumo De adlift
▸ 3x15 Hype re xte nsions

Cardio Schedule:
Cardio can be added to upper body days and at the end of weights on lower
body days. Do Not Skip Cardio it’s important to achieve maximum results.

Goal to Lose Fat Goal to Gain Weight Goal to Gain muscle &
▸ 4-5 times a week 20- ▸ 2 times a week lose fat
30 minutes 15-20 minutes ▸ 4 times a week 20
▸ Stairmaster, Elliptical, minutes
treadmill, or HIIT

Cardio Examples
▸ Treadmill: Sprint 1 min Walk 1 ▸ HIIT: Pick 5 High intensity
min (choose a challenging exercises perform 30 - 45 seconds
speed to sprint/jog) on 15- 20 seconds rest for 4 - 5
▸ Elliptical: Fast pace 30 rounds.
seconds Slower pace 30
▸ Stairmaster: 1 min faster pace
to jog, 1 min walk

Yo u Did It !
I’m proud of all the hard work
and dedication that you put into
completing this guide and
commiting to a healthy lifestyle!

Progress Pictures
Please take full length pictures from the front, side and back

with a clear blank background. Infront of a blank wall is always best.

Take your pictures with the same poses, lighting and if possible, in

undergarments/shorts and sports bra that show full results.

For side and back poses its best to hold hands out at a distance.

I recommend progress pictures over relying on the scale as they show

true results and the scale can be discouraging.


Social Media
Share your progress pics &
vide os by hashtagging
# love lyle shgains on Place your scre e nshot he re

instagram and tag me !

Ple ase e mail progre ss pics to
Love lyle shfitne [email protected]

Disclaimer And Notices

You should consult with your doctor before starting any diet, exercise or supplement regimen.
If you have any health issues or concerns, please discuss it with your doctor prior. The
information presented is general nature might not apply to everyone.
This information contained is not intended to provide specific physical or mental heath
advice. I am not a medical professional and nothing in this guide should be misconstrued to
mean otherwise.
There may be risks associated with participating in this guide for people in poor health or with
preexisting physical or mental conditions.
If you choose to participate in these risks, you do so at your own free will, knowing and
voluntarily assuming all risk associated with such activities. These risks may also occur to
someone who is currently in good health.

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