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The Akashic Tarot is an astoundingly accurate tool for predict-

ing the future, unveiling hidden insights, and unleashing new pow-
ers. This unique 62-card deck can transport you to the Great Hall of
Records to help you find the answers you seek, attract your greatest THE
love, uncover mystical histories and unknown futures, and tap your
innermost power. It can also reveal ancient and new talents, unex-
pected victories, imminent rendezvous, unmet allies, and the steps
to untold prosperity.
The Akashic Tarot is designed to access the profound energy
and unlimited information that make up the Akashic Records, which
are great fields of wisdom and power that transcend time and space
and are immediately available to all. With each card, you can connect
with a powerful Akashic Force and open to the psychic currents that
are always flowing between you and the Akashic Realm. This deck
will help you connect with your spirit guides, Ascended Masters, an-
gels, and loved ones in spirit. With the turn of a card, you can enter
the Akashic World!

Sharon Anne Klingler is an international best-selling author and

inspiring speaker. One of the world's leading intuitives, Sharon
has worked with news anchors, Oscar and Emmy winners, mem-
bers of Congress, the FBI, and high-profile clients around the
globe. Sharon has been featured in the Huffington Post and the
London Doily Express, as well as on the Oprah Winfrey Network;
BBC and ITV London; the Discovery Channel; NBC, ABC, and CBS affiliates; and
major outlets around the world. Website:

Sandra Anne Taylor is the New York Times best-selling author

of Quantum Success, Your Quantum Breakthrough Code, and
her newest book, The Akashic Records. Her amazingly accurate
Energy Oracle Cards help to identify and predict energy patterns
and future results in your life. Her many titles are printed in 29
languages across the globe. Listen to her popular radio show on

HayHouse Website:
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Cover design: Nick C. Welch • Cover illustration: Cheri Polk KLINGLER AP TAYLOR
Photo of Sandra: Portrait Innovations • Photo of Sharon: Kurt Shaffer

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Copyright C) 2017 by Sharon Anne KIingler and Sandra Anne Taylor

Published in the United States by: Hay House,

Published in Australis by: Hay HouseAustralia
Published in the United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Ltd.:
Published in I ndia by: Hay House Publishers India:

All artwork is copyrighted by the artists and may not be reproduced by any
means, electronic or otherwise, without first obtaining the permission ofthe

Interior design: Nick C.Welch

Interior illustrations: © Cheri Polk and EmilianoVillani

All rights reserved. No part of this guidebook maybe reproduced by

any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a pho-
nographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted,
or otherwise be copied for public or private use—other than for "fair use" as
brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews without prior written
permission ofthe publisher. The intent ofthe author is only to offer informa-
tion of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual
well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this guidebook
for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your

Printed in China
Also by Sharon Anne Klingler


Power Words: lgnitingYour Life with Lightning Force*

Intuition ei Beyond: A Step-by-Step Approach to
Discovering Your Inner Voice
Life with Spirit, Workingwith Your Guides and Loved Ones
Speaking to Spirit: Awakening to the Deep Wisdom Beyond
Advanced Spirit Communication
Gem Cast: A Gemstone Oracle for Your Future

Secrets of Success*
Drawing on Your Intuition
The Magic of Gemstones

Also by Sandra Anne Taylor


28 Days to a More Magnetic Life*

The Akashic Records: Access the Greatest Source of

Information to Empower Your Life*

The Hidden Power of Your Past Lives:
Revealing Your Encoded Consciousness*
Quantum Success: The Astounding Science
of Wealth and Happiness*
Secrets ofA ttraction: The Universal Laws of
Love, Sex, and Romance*
Truth, Triumph, and Transformation: Sorting Out the Factf rom the
Fiction in Universal Law*
Your Quantum Breakthrough Code: The Simple Technique That
Brings Everlasting Joy and Success*

Card Deck

Energy Oracle Cards*

Also by Sandra Anne Taylor &

Sharon Anne Klingler


Secrets of Success: The Science and Spirit of Real Prosperity*

Guided Visualizations and
CD Programs and Kits

Act to Attract: 9-CD and Workbook Program

Divine Connections
Energy Breakthrough Meditations
Healing Journeys
Attracting Success
Higher Realms, Higher Powers
Act to Attract Meditations
Travel into Your Past Lives
Spirit Comes to Life

*Available from Hay House

Please visit Hay House USA:

Hay House Australia:
Hay House UK:
Hay House India:

Introduction to the Akashie World 1

Opening the Records through The Akashic Tarot 5
About This Card Deck 8
How to Read the Cards 17
Spreadsf or The Akashic Tarot 24
The Meanings of the Cards 40

The Major Arcana. 41

1 The Oracle of Delphi 43
2 The Akashic Library 45
3 Archangel Gabriel 48
4 Beith —Birth 51
5 Hilarion 54
6 The Divine Physician 57
7 Fated Meeting 60

8 Archangel Raphael 63
9 Archangel Michael 66
10 The Light of the World 69
11 The Ark dike Covenant 71
12 The Scribe 74
13 The Buddha Prepares 77
14 Initiation & the Count St. Germaine 79
15 The Muse 82
16 Caught in the Ruins 84
17 The Lookout 87
18 Up in the Air 90
19 Reflection 93
20 Will, Wisdom, and Mind 96
21 Liriel and the Sphinx 99
22 Adsum 102

The Minor Arcana 105

The Suit of Scrolls

1 On Track 107
2 Two Worlds 110
3 Setting Your Course 113
4 The Karmic Trench 116
5 Diversity 119
6 The Santis ofTime 121
7 Intricacies and Industry 123
8 Paths Unknown 126
The Queen of Scrolls 129

The King ofScrolls. 132

r1 7_,

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The Suit of Roses
1 Commitment 135
2 Winged Messengers 138
3 Loving Elementals 141

4 Views of the Ego 143

5 The Garden 146

6 The War of the Roses 149

7 The Journey 152
8 Sangha—Community 154
The Queen of Roses 157
The King ofRoses 160

The Suit of Forces

1 The Akashic Field 163
2 TheWillow 166
3 The Bird's Nest 168
4 Spring/Autumn 170

5 Summer/Winter 173
6 The Waterfall 176

7 Balance 179
8 The Lightning Bolt 182
The Queen ofForces 184
The King of Forces 187
The Suit of Keys
1 The Architect 190
2 The Treasure 192
3 The Chess Game 194
4 Clearing the Way 197
5 Wishes Fulfilled 199
6 Increscent Moon 201
7 'The Ascent 203
8 The Master Artisan 205
The Queen of Keys 208
The King of Keys 211

About theArtists 215

About the Authors 219
Introduction to the

The Akashic Records are fields of energy and informa-

tion that contain all wisdom—along with all the technical, sci-
entific, and creative knowledge—throughout time. In terms of
both your individual history and all the truths of the Universe,
every energetic vibration of thought and experience is held in
the Records. The Records include your past lives and all your
future potential, as well as unending information about the
workings of the Universe, including scientific discovery, med-
ical advancement, and all sorts of creative inspiration.
Reference to these extraordinary records can be found
in ancient cultures around the world. Throughout the Bible,
all the events of the past, the deeds of the people, and even the
visions of the future were written in the books of records. These
books of records also held the visions and future prophecies re-
counted in the Old and New Testaments. Sometimes, however,
visions ofwhat was to come had to be sealed away because they
wouldn't be understood by the readers of those times: '0 Dan-
iel, shut up the words, and seal the book to the time of the end'
(Lamsa translation, Daniel 12:4).
In more recent times, it was H. P. Blavatsky, co-founder of
the Theosophical Society, who made us first aware of the term
Akasha. Throughout her teachings, Blavatsky shares that the
Akasha is Divine consciousness, the source of all energy and
life. Yet she doesn't link the word records to that name. It was
Alfred Percy Sinnett who brought the idea of the records to the
West, when he described the Buddhist belief in "a permanency
of records in the Akasa" and man's ability "to read the same" in
his book Esoteric Buddhism (1884).
Some of the more notable readers of the Records were
Rudolf Steiner, who was another early Theosophist who broke
away to create the General Anthroposophical Society, and Ed-
gar Cayce, known as the Sleeping Prophet of the 20th century.
While in deep trance, Cayce accessed the Akashic Records for
the thousands of readings he did for people who sought his
assistance. He used it for information regarding diagnosis and
treatment of physical maladies, as well as for accessing specific
past-life experiences that were still problematic in the present
lives of the supplicants.
Cayce believed that, while the Hall of Records exists in
the etheric, the actual records were saved in some form around
10,500 B.C., just before Atlantis was destroyed. According to
Cayce, there are three locations of the records' repository: the
Bimini area, the Yucatan, and near the Great Sphinx in Egypt.
Cayce said that the records tell ofthe history of all humankind
since its beginning when the Spirit took form. When mankind
is ready for the information, the records will be found—
perhaps not unlike Daniel's prophetic sealed book.
The word Akashic comes from the Sanskrit word Akasa,
which means "sky, space, or ethers." This is a reflection of how
vast and utterly expansive the Akashic Records are—going
back in time before the ancients and moving in space beyond
the universes. This boundlessness causes many to believe that
the Records are inaccessible and unreachable, but nothing
can be further from the truth. The fact that they are held in
the ethers means that they are not only in the skies but also all
around you, within you, and indeed everywhere including in
these cards.
As you continue to read, you may find the following defi-
nitions to be helpful:

• The Akasha: Literally, the etheric.Also, Divine

mind, the collective consciousness, and all that
composes the etheric world.
• Akashic Records: The expansive body of all
information, knowledge, inspiration, discovery,
and creativity for eternity.
• Akashic Forces: The etheric energies and psychic
powers that move through and catalyze all things,
all thoughts, and all actions through all time. Also,
the force and will of the higher mind and heart.
These terms may seem different, but in some ways they
are interchangeable because they reflect the dynamic, bound-
less, and influential mind and power of the Universe. (You can
find more about the Akashic Records and how they can change
your life in Sandra Anne Taylor's book The Akashic Records.)
Happily, the Records are available to you and to everybody.
And through them you can discover your world—and every-
thing beyond. You can access the information in the Records in a
number of interesting ways—through meditation, your psychic
experience, the assistance of Spirit, or the use of The Akashic Tar-
ot. Regardless of the technique you use, the unlimited guidance,
inspiration, and energy ofthe Records are yours to explore—and
to use to charge your life with limitless power, love, and joy.
Opening the Records
through The Akashic Tarot

There are three keys to opening the Akashic Records

through The Akashic Tarot. The first, of course, is reading the
descriptions of the cards in the guidebook and studying their
meanings. As you do, be sure to examine the pictures closely,
linking the title ofthe card with the scene you see there. just as in
the Akashic Records, some of the icons may be mystical, but the
meanings are readily understood and easily applied to your life.
The second key comes to hand when you turn the pic-
ture into a little movie of sorts. Seeing the action that plays
out before you will bring more information from the Records.
So whenever you do a reading, be sure to animate the visuals
that you see on the cards, and make the action come alive. It's
through the imaging side of the brain—the imagination—
that Spirit speaks to you. Your imagination will help you see
and sense the action that each card brings to life, regardless of
whether the card is upright or reversed. Watching this action
will always tell a story that informs the reading. lt will also trig-
ger your intuition—your psychic connection to the records
and to the Spirits who want to lend a hand.
Yourpsychic connection—to Spirit and to the records—is
the third and final key that opens the door to the Hall of Records.
When you create the intention to know the deeper insights ofthe
Akasha and discover what lies beyond the bend of time, you send
out an invitation. Every part of the energetic realms—from your
Higher Selfto the Spirit world and the Akashic Forces—receives
an invitation to converge in this moment and create the guidance
that will best help you or the person for whom you're reading.
Whenever you send that invitation out, the Universe responds,
and the Records open. You will begin to perceive spontaneous
images, symbols, and ideas that are triggered by the cards you see
as well as through your inner senses. You're in a state ofopenness
and readiness to receive. Your intention has made the call, and
your action ofreading The Akashic Tarot has opened the door.
Though some of the images that you psychically perceive
may be related to the content of the cards, some may not seem
connected in theme or feeling at all. Regardless, you must
trust everything you perceive. If you dismiss an intuitive per-
ception either because you doubt yourself or because it's not
related to the original meaning of the card, you are taking back
your invitation and closing the door to the Records. With The
Akashic Tarot, you're telling the Universe that you want deeper
insights—and when you don't trust those insights, you turn the
Akashic Forces away.
There you have the three keys that open the Records
through The Akashic Tarot. Simply combine the cards' mean-
ings with image animation with the power of your psychic
response. Then your Higher Self, the Akashic Forces, and
the world of Spirit will fling wide the doors to the Hall of
Records—laying them open to you, not just in your Tarot read-
ings but in every moment of every day.
About This Card Deck

The Akashic Tarot is specifically designed for you to

access the deeply profound yet immediately available infor-
mation borne in the Records. More than that, however, it is
designed to help you open to the psychic currents—the intu-
itive movement of energy and ideas—that are always flowing
between you and the Akasha.
With this card deck, the Akashic Records are easily
available to you now. This deck is designed to help you access
information about your past, present, and future, revealing op-
portunities, relationships, and actions that will help you move
forward in the direction you desire. With each reading, you
can receive valuable information about handling any project,
changing difficult patterns, healing and attracting relation-
ships, and achieving the goals that you hold dear. These cards
can also bring guidance from the Ascended Masters, Angels,
and your Spirit family and friends. (We will show you how to
call upon them when beginning a reading; they can help lift
your psychic receptivity for the most free and comprehensive
flow of information.)
The History of Tarot and
How This Tarot Deck Is Unique
Many people assume that the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck set
the standard for what a tarot deck should contain—and even
look like. This is curious since Arthur Edward Waite, working
with artist Pamela Colman Smith, created his tarot deck in 1910,
and Tarot decks have been around for hundreds ofyears.
Waite did carry a number of ideas, such as the suits, from
some older decks into his own. In medieval Europe, the suits
found in the Italian and Spanish cards were thought to repre-
sent the different castes of society: swords for knights and no-
bility; clubs or staves for peasants; cups or chalices for clergy;
and coins for tradesmen and the commercial class.
While Waite was inspired in design by some of the earlier
decks from central Europe, there are a great many other Tarot
decks that have very different suits, different numbers of cards,
and different Major Arcana. The oldest existing deck of suited
cards goes back to the 1420s in Germany, and its suit signs were
dogs, stags, ducks, and falcons.
The oldest extant Swiss deck comes from 1530, though
there are literary references to it as far back as 1377. Its suits
are actually some of our favorites: shields, acorns, flowers, and
bells. There are no elements of destructive weaponry here—
no swords or clubs. Even the shields were not depicted as ar-
mor but as heraldic crests and banners hanging from walls or
carried as flags. We were inspired by some of the symbols and
icons found in this and other ancient decks.
When we decided to do The Akashic Tarot, we didn't just
want to redo what is considered to be the traditional Tarot.
Instead, we were driven by our years of work with the Akashic
Records as well as the decades we have spent studying and
researching the cultures, philosophies, societies, histories,
and spiritual practices that reach into ancient times as well as
around the globe.
So in this deck, you will find many differences in the Ma-
jor Arcana, the numbers of cards, and the people. The reasons
for these differences have their roots in Numerology, theories
of karma, the Druidic mysteries, Quantum Physics, Natural
Law, religious symbolism, Buddhist traditions, and mytholo-
gies and beliefs from around the world.
Nothing in the world could possibly be as expansiye as
the Akashic Records, which are eternal and boundless. But in
our design, we tried to make the scope of The Akashic Tarot em-
ulate the scope of the Records. We hope that you will find—as
we have—that these cards can help you discover the scope of
your limitless life, power, and potential.

The Minor Arcana and Major Arcana

In this deck, there are 22 cards in the Major Arcana and
40 in the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana are numbered, and
the Minor Arcana are divided into four suits: scrolls, roses,

forces, and keys. Unlike many Tarot decks, both the Major and
the Minor Arcana of The Akashic Tarot have names.
There are many levels of meaning in the Major Arcana,
and you will begin to sense them more deeply as you work with
them. In the descriptions of the Major Arcana, you will see
many references to Spirit, the inner soul, the Higher Self, the
Divine Source—this is the essence of being. To do an Akashic
Tarot reading that addresses only the mundane world would be
similar to giving a reading to a suit of clothes without anyone
in them.
For the most part, the Minor Arcana speak to events, feel-
ings, activities, and relationships in the personal world. They
can cover situations in the home, from renovations, to moving,
to buying new furniture, to kids going off to college. In relation-
ships, the Minor Arcana can indicate romance, separation, di-
vorce, and pregnancy. They also relate to business matters such as
partnerships, marketing, difficult bosses, and co-workers.
As you do your readings, remember that the Major Arcana
are vital to working with the higher, eternal energies of life, but
they apply to your daily experiences as well. You can get insights
about creative or business situations or any type of person or
relationship through the Major Arcana. The reverse is also the
case. The Minor Arcana involve personal challenges and oppor-
tunities but also seek to embrace the infinite Self and its higher
powers. After ail, what is daily life without a daily knowing of the

You may wish to consider meditating on each card, both
in the Major and MinorArcana. Meditation will take the Major
Arcana from an intellectual experience to an embrace of Spirit,
and it lifts the Minor Arcana to a Divine purpose every day. So
bring the Minor and Major together and know that there is no
separation between the eternal and now.

The Suits of the Minor Arcana

The Suit of Roses comprises relationships, emotions,

families, children, homes, personal and inner conflicts, and
communities in life. Throughout history, the rose has been a
frequent icon used in heraldry, adorning the crests of royal and
noble families across Europe. It represents not only the family
but also those who have affinity with that family. The beauty of
the rose's petals and the sharpness ofits thorns reflect the range
of personal experiences that can belong to heart, home, and
The Suit of Scrolls reflects the world of mind, commu-
nication, and study. The ancient Hebrew and Aramaic words
for scroll, seper and sepra, also meant book and reading and
stem from the base word sapra, which meant Scribe. It was the
Scribe who wrote and had access to all the records. The Suit
of Scrolls holds within it the arts, written histories, sciences,
philosophies, maps, messages, and all manner of information
and communication. The Scrolls also represent the manifesting
of idea into matter, for all of reality is born first in the mind.
The Suit of Keys represents the values, wealth, success,
worth, abundance, career, authority, confidence, achievement,
and power that you can experience and express in your life. Keys
are emblematic oflocking away and keeping safe what you trea-
sure. But they also reflect opening at every level—opening to
ownership, to opportunity, to new directions, to greater power
and possibilities. Study of the Bible reveals that key also means
true knowledge, trustworthiness, and authority. Isaiah 22:22 tells
us,"And the key ofthe house ofDavid will I layupon his shoulder"
(Lamsa translation). To lay a key upon one's shoulder instead of
in the hand reflects the responsibility that person can shoulder
in life. After all, keys are given only to those with the authority
to use them.
The Suit of Forces is all about energy, consciousness,
and Natural Law. Natural Law states that consciousness cre-
ates reality and energy attracts like energy. These vital powers
are forces in the physical and etheric worlds, and in your life
as well. When you find these cards in your spread, they are not
only referencing the outer events in your life but they are also
giving you guidance about the energy within and around you.

The People of the Minors and Majors

All the people shown throughout the Minor and Major

Arcana—including the queens, kings, Ascended Masters, and
Angels—can represent individuals in your life (or in the life of

the person you're reading). Some of these may be significant
participants, and others might be more peripheral. They can
represent love interests, friends, co-workers, parents, business
partners, or any other type of relationship. The situation in the
card, the occupation of the individual, or the temperament of
the person, as well as the position the card holds in the spread,
can all indicate who this person is in addition to the nature of
the relationship.
The gender of a person in the cards is important to no-
tice, as it usually matches that of the individual in question.
However, it can sometimes be misleading because the gender
shown in a card can also indicate the yin (yielding, sensitive,
or receptive) or the yang (forceful, directive, or creative) na-
ture of an individual. For example, the King of Keys could
represent a strong, dominant, assertive female in a position of
authority at work.
The people shown can also represent roles, jobs, atti-
tudes, and personalities for you or someone else in your life.
For instance, the Queen of Scrolls could indicate a position
of teaching, writing a book, deep thinking, or a period of high
communication for you or another. The King ofRoses could be
you or another assuming the role ofhusband, father, or lover—
or it could be someone who is sensitive, deeply feeling, or even
spiritual in nature. The Master Artisan card could indicate a
very creative opportunity for you or another—or it could show a
person in your life with whom you share a highly creative and
profitable project.

Whether the card represents the traits of the question-
er (you or the person for whom you're reading) or the traits of
someone in the questioner's life, those traits are more about the
personality than the body. The activity and emotions displayed
on the card are much more important than hair color or physical
It's important to understand that the suits may indicate
not only roles, occupations, and temperaments of people but
also phases that people are experiencing. A man whose career
focus is his highest concern would turn up in your reading
through a card in the suit of keys, such as The Architect, The
Ascent, The Master Artisan, or the King of Keys. Even if his
personality traits or other purposes in life might reflect scrolls
or roses, his present priority with work would be displayed by
The Archangels and the Ascended Masters are very im-
portant participants in your life. When cards depicting them
come up in your reading, know that this is a call to you to open
to their presence, build a relationship with them, and take
action on your shared purposes with them. The appearance
of these cards may reflect physical people in your life, too—
people who are sent by these Masters and Angels to support
you in your spiritual growth, your karmic directives, and the
activity of the higher work that you bring to the world. So
keep your mind and heart open to recognizing these helpers
or teachers when they are sent your way, no matter how they
may first appear.
As a commitment to your own inner discovery and awak-
ening ofpowers, take some time to contemplate the symbolism
held within the cards. The Akashic Tarot has a deep mytholog-
ical history that, with study, can bring a more profound under-
standing of life and spirituality. So allow your work with the
Tarot to help you with more than just personal events. Let it
help you find the deeper powers and spiritual meaning in life.

How to Read the Cards

We've already discussed how to open the Akashic Re-

cords using this Tarot deck. Learning the meanings of the
cards, bringing the scene to life through the imagination, and
opening to every psychic perception are the three keys. When
you use The Akashic Tarot, your intentions send out a call to the
Akashic Forces and the Spirit world to open the Hall ofRecords
to you. You gain access to unlimited information and the psy-
chic powers to perceive it. But you must get out ofyour own way
when you start to doubt or hold yourself back. Give yourself
complete freedom to trust every subtle idea, sense, and image.
This will fortify your intention and heighten your psychic call
to the Universe.
There is another call your energy makes when you start
to work with The Akashic Tarot—to other people whom you
might help with those gifts. Even if you only intend to read for
yourself, don't be surprised when you're called to share your
gifts with others. And when you do, ifs important to know the
responsibility you hold.
Standards for Good Information in a Reading
There are three standards in giving and getting a respon-
sible reading, regardless ofwhether that reading is through The
Akashic Tarot, astrology, intuition, mediumship, or another

1. Is the information verifiable? (Often things are

unknown, and even have yet to happen, at the time
of a reading, so verifiability may take some time.)
2. Does it provide hopeful and helpful alternatives
and choices?
3. Does it help one to experience and express love
in his life?
All things that lay outside of these standards—such as
fear, anger, vulnerability, greed, jealousy, or any other lower
emotion—belong to the ego (the personal self), not the Spirit.
Proper guidance will always reflect the highest experience of
the Divine Spirit that sparks the world. So keep these standards
in mind, and always let Spirit guide you.

Responsibly Using Tarot as a Tool

Besides its vision into the future, The Akashic Tarot al-
lows you to discover enormous potential and to work through
karmic lessons. There may be psychological implications in any

Tarot reading. But, whether your reading is for yourself or for
another, if you sense that counseling is indicated, find or rec-
ommend a good therapist who can help.
Those who come to you for readings—even if they're
only your friends—will attach extreme gravity and impor-
tance to your words. Don't tell anyone how to handle grief
without knowing about the phases of grief. Don't tell anyone
how to deal with addiction without knowing about the vari-
ous treatments for addiction. Although readings can be very
therapeutic, do not act as a therapist or counselor. Counseling
is a hugely responsible endeavor, and your life experiences do
not inform you about everyone's psychological makeup and
the treatment methods that could apply to a host of different
Always remember that a reading shows only the poten-
tials that are possible based upon the energies, choices, and
actions that are present now. Everyone has free wilt. Be sure to
help those for whom you read to discover their own power, to
express their spiritual ideals, and to make decisions for their
highest and best good.

Phrasing Your Questions

Readings can be used to obtain general information or
to answer a specific question. Never ask an either/or question,
such as Should I become a teacher or a doctor? This will blur the

energy around both options and make the response difficult
to read.
Here are some good ways to phrase yourquestions:

• If I follow my present plan, what is the likely out-

come of this situation?
• What should I know about my career/my health/
my relationship?
• What steps can I take to change or improve this
• Tell me something about his (or her)feelingsfor me
and where this relationship might be going.
• What should be my focus today?
• What is Spirit's guidance forme today?

Preparing for a Reading

Quiet your mind and relax. Take a few deep

breaths and affirm that you are open to Spirit's
inspiration and guidance.
2. Ifdoing a general reading, have the questioner
(you or another) shuffle the cards, simply focusing
on the cards and calling on Spirit. Ifa specific in-
quiry is being made, have the questioner shuffle
the cards while keeping the specific situation or
issue in mind.
3. Let the questioner cut the cards in any way that
they desire.
4. Read the cards in the order indicated according to
the spread that you're using. (See the next chapter for
the different spreads.)
5. Ifyou come upon a card that confuses you or
leaves you wanting more information, you can lay
more (we suggest three or five) cards on it, extend-
ing in a row from left to right. This will expand
upon the situation and give more specifics.
6. Remember to use your imagination to make the
pictures come to life. Sometimes just calmly gazing
at the picture ofa card can trigger the imaging side
ofyour brain, allowing you to see or sense that
scene play out in your mind's eye.
7. Immediately respond to every psychic impression
that comes to you. Share everything that you get
quickly and responsibly.

Tapping into the Akashic Forces
with Mini-processes
Every card description in this guidebook includes what
we call an Akashic Force "mini-process." It is a very brief visu-
alization that takes mere moments in order to tap the etheric
energy linked to the card.
Try to do the Akashic Force mini-processes in this book
frequently, even when you're not doing a reading. Whenever
you do one of these mini-meditations, read the process in the
guidebook. Then close your eyes and take a deep breath to pull
the energy into you. This will let you tap the Akashic Force of
the card rather than just thinking about the card intellectually.
Feeling the Akashic Force will help you learn about the cards
and the Universal energies at play, as well as inform any reading.
Whether you're doing a reading for another or yourself,
you can use the Akashic Forces to learn more. Simply choose a
card that you see in the spread, and look at it closely. Then
close your eyes and imagine yourselfstepping into that picture.
Breathe the name of the card deeply into you. Feel that energy
and sense how being in that scene moves you. If the reading is
for another, share what you perceive with the questioner. I fyour
reading is for yourself, determine how this energy and experi-
ence applies to your life.
You can also tap the Akashi< Forces to use in your own
life. their power is yours to employ completely in any situation.
Whenever you want to tap any particular Akashic Force again,
you can read the process in the guidebook or simply recall the
card. Pull its name and energy into you. Close your eyes, and
with a deep breath feel yourself fill with this power. Notice how
it boosts your sense of self and purpose. Apply this energy to any
situation where it can help you. (For more energy mini-tech-
niques that help you quickly command forces and trigger action,
please refer to Sharon Anne Klingler's book Power Words.)

Spreads for The Akashic Tarot

Card Placement and Telling Time

For most of us who live in Western civilization, we read
from left to right. The left portion of an open book is the part
of the story that's done, and the right holds what's to come: the
unknown future. So it is with most tarot spreads. What's to the
left of center shows the past, what's at center is the present, and
what's to the right is yet to come.
Of course, there are no rules or absolutes in any intuitive
process, so let things happen for you exactly how you get them.
If you experience time in a different way, let it happen. You can't
build absolute trust in your psychic flow if you don't trust every
part of your experience.
Often a row of cards running from left to right can show
the sequence of events as well as the time involved with those
events.As we've mentioned, you can acquire more information
by placing extra cards in a row on any single card in a spread.
Simply place three to five cards from left to right on any card
about which you're curious. While each card will provide new
insights, taken together the row of cards will tell a storywith the
sequence of events unfolding from left to right. Sometimes the

cards will express a causal quality, where the action of one card
may trigger the event shown in the next card or in the next few
cards, but that is not always the case.
The number ofmonths until an event happens can also be
seen in these rows of additional cards. For instance, there may
be a question about the time of an upcoming move. If there is
no card that indicates a move on the table, you can simply put
down extra cards until you get one that shows a move. Then
simply count the number of cards it took to arrive at that out-
come. That will often indicate the number of months until that
outcome occurs.
Be aware, though, that this method of time telling is not
absolute. It gives you only an approximate indication. Time is
very elastic, and any time line toward a desired outcome can
be truncated or elongated. It all depends on the free will and
energy of the person or people involved—and also upon their
efforts in making the desired outcomes real. Hesitancy and lack
of action can sabotage a person's dreams, but action creates
them. It is all up to the individual.
There is also directional information contained within
the pictures of the individual cards (such as people pointing a
certain way, paths going a certain direction, people facing or
walking toward each other or away from each other, etc.) Things
that point left indicate the past, and those that point right point
to the future. Of course, people looking toward each other in

the layout (especially Kings and Queens of the same suit) show
a connection between the two—even if they seem to be gazing
at each other from across the table. Conversely, people facing (or
moving) away from each other indicate those people distanced
from each other by choice or circumstance.
Placement also bears upon the reading of a card when the
scene points to a neighboring card (whether it's left, right, above, or
below). When a picture points (whether through a raised arm, the
direction ofa boat, etc.) to a neighboring card, it indicates the other
people, events, or conditions that influence the situation in the
original card. For instance, if the King ofKeys rides into the
Journey card, that King may have a move or travel coming soon
(or just past, depending onwhich side the journey card lies).
For now, all you have to do is notice what the neighboring
card tells you. Don't make yourself crazy about its influence;
just notice how it feels. The Akashic information provided by
the interaction of the cards will make itself known to you as you
practice with them. There is an energy flow between the indi-
vidual cards, just as there is an energy flow between you and the
Hall of Records.

Take an Overview of the Spread

At the end or the beginning of each reading, take an over-
view of the cards. The people reversed, the Major Arcana, and
the color patterns can add to how the Records are revealed in
any spread.

If there are a lot of people cards reversed, first check for
Kings and Queens of the same suit; this reversal could show
distance between them. Otherwise, those people cards that
are reversed show individuals who are having some problems
with tasks, in relationships with you, or in their own lives. In
any event, you may feel that you're not getting all the support
you'd like, and their disruption could become your disruption.
The colors you see on the table can also be telling. A pre-
ponderance of dark cards could show a lot of challenges and
darker feelings. A majority of light or bright cards likely indi-
cates an easier time of things—perhaps even easier than the
questioner thinks. Bright cards can also indicate a lightening of
feeling and a lifting of energy in general.
The Major Arcana that appear can also give you more
information than just the individual card meanings. If a lot of
Major Arcana fall on or near a card that symbolizes a particular
projector relationship, thisshows that it is an extremelyimportant
one. This project or relationship could impact your future in
significant ways and may be a part of your spiritual evolution
and karmic lessons. If there are many Major Arcana throughout a
spread, it indicates that the questioner could be going through a
phase of initiation: a time of great spiritual growth that
brings significant change as well as higher revelations of power,
vision, and wisdom. Sometimes these phases require a loss of
lower-energy activities or relationships so that a heightening of
vibration is possible.

The One-Card Pull
You can do this reading on a daily basis to give your-
self a quick overview of the day's events or to help you tap the
Akashic Forces. The One-Card Pull can also respond to a spe-
cific question that you may have.
Before you begin, pause for a moment, take a deep breath,
and quiet your mind. Shuffle the deck while focusing on the day
ahead or on the question you have. After you draw a single card,
reflect on the picture and bring that image to life by animating
it. Read the description in the guidebook while adding your own
intuitive interpretation. You can also do the mini-process in the
guidebook to tap the Akashic Force that applies to the situation
you're investigating or to the focus ofyour day.

The Three-Card Spread

This is an easy way to look at past influences, present cir-
cumstances, and future potential. After shuffling and cutting
the deck, lay out three cards from left to right. The one on the
left indicates the past influence that's bringing energy to the
present circumstance. The center card describes things as they
are currently, both energetically and logistically. The card on
the right reveals the potential outcome in the future.
The past card on the left could be as recent as yesterday
or as long ago as childhood. And the future card on the right
could be as soon as tomorrow or as far away as next year. So in
this—as in all readings—bring your intuition to the interpre-
tation and to the timing. If you'd like more information about
any of the cards in this (or any) spread, lay down a few more
cards (three or hve are recommended) on the card in question
to get more insight and clarity about the timing.
The Pyramid Spread
The Great Pyramid was one ofthe most massive structur-
al undertakings in history.And that maybe why this spread can
be so helpful when you have questions about specific work and
creative projects. Relationships and family are very creative
projects as well, so you can ask about those, too.
Shuffle the cards with your specific project or relation-
ship in mind, and lay the cards down as shown in the diagram.

Cards 1 through 4 indicate the foundation of the
matter—that which you've already built and those situa-
tions upon which the task rests. Of course just because it's
the foundation line doesn't mean that all your efforts with
the people and situations shown in this tine are complete.
On the contrary, since they hold everything up, they must
continue to have your attention.
Cards 5 through 7 represent Phase II of this reading.
The foundation line provided the beginning and the sup-
port for what's happening now; this second row shows what
is in the present. There is also a special meaning given to the
center card. Card 6 represents the King's Chamber, which is
centered in the Great Pyramid. It symbolizes the situation or
person central to the matter.
If the King's Chamber card is situational, it shows the
most important issue in the matter. If a person is depicted in
this position, it shows the person in authority or with the
most influence, whether it's you or another. If a person in the
King's Chamber is reversed, it represents a person in power
either not pulling his weight or possibly losing the position al-
together. The cards on either side of the King's Chamber can
indicate the actions to take in dealing with the center card.

Card indicates the pinnacle or outcome of the
matter. It shows your potential and, sometimes, what you
have to overcome to achieve it. If you don't get a definitive
outcome card here, it could be longer into the future until
it's reached. (Remember, if you want more insight about
this or any card, you can always lay down more cards as we

Remember that an overview of the cards in your

spread can bring you further insights. Be aware of the re-
versed people, the Major Arcana, and the overall colors
you see.

Astrological Connections
to the Great Pyramid

There is another layer of insight that the foundation

line of the Pyramid spread (Cards 1 through 4) can add. You
can learn more about expanding your foundation through
the astrological connections found in the Great Pyramid.
Simply apply the energy of the elements to the situation or
person shown in Cards 1 through 4.

• Card I: Apply the energy of fire. Add speed,

strength, heat, action, firmness, and the
creative force ofyang to the situation. If you
were to breathe power into the very depths

of the card that lands here, what new insight
does it give you about the situation?

• Card 2: Bring the energy of earth. Supply

follow-through, attention to detail, thor-
oughness, research, and greater responsi-
bility. How would more detail and greater
reliability support the situation in the card
that falls here?
Card 3: Apply the energy of air. Lift the
situation to a more expansive perspective and
a broader scope with more thought and
communication. What would the card that
lands here show you when you stretch this
scene as far as it can go and look for new
ideas there?
• Card 4: Add the energy of water by creat-
ing a state ofyin receptivity. Meditate on
the card that falls here. Seek to understand
your emotions. When applying rest and
receptivity to this card, how does it make
you feel?
Here are some examples of cards connecting to the ele-

• Card 1: If the Spring/Fall card lands in the ele-

ment of fire, it's important to take extra action and
speed as you plant the seeds for new projects.
• Card 2: If the Diversity card falls in the element of
earth, try different things in your approach to the
situation. It's also time to apply new methods to
even the tiniest of details required.
• Card 3: If Setting Your Course lands in the air
element, there could be far-reaching studies for
you, or a trip involved with higher learning. Your
course could require a flight of mind or even an
actual flight.
• Card 4: If the Queen of Scrolls falls in the water
position, there may be a woman (perhaps a thera-
pist) who helps bring you greater understanding
emotionally. It is also an indication that you could
take your psychic experiences higher through
practice and meditation, or with a female teacher.

The Wheel of Life
This spread combines the astrological wheel showing the
twelve houses with the path oflife.

Cards 1 through 12 are laid in a counterclockwise or-

der, indicating the energy, people, or situations influencing
each of the astrological houses. The cards tell you the situa-
tions and people involved, while the houses show you what
part ofyour life those situations and people will influence.

Card 1, The First House: The self, your personal

expression, howyou define yourself, your image,
self-discovery and self-awareness.

Card 2, The Second House: Money, your own

resources, where and how you earn your income,
your values.

Card 3, The Third House: Siblings and friends who

are like siblings, the conscious mind, small class-
es, short travel, computers, short writing (articles,
poetry, Hogs, etc.), local events.
Card 4, The Fourth House: Home, mother (or the
nurturing parent), family, the emotions.

Card S, The Fifth House: Children, creativity and

creative projects, leisure time, love affairs.

• Card 6, The Sixth House: Daily work, co-workers,
physical and mental health, daily life, pets.
• Card 7, The Seventh House: Spouse, romantic
partners, business partners.
• Card 8, The Eighth House: Shared life and finances
with a partner; money from other sources,
including inheritances; transformation; psychic
power; sex.
• Card 9, The Ninth House: Higher consciousness,
long-distance travel, greater perspectives, univer-
sities and higher learning, philosophy, publishing.
• Card 10, The Tenth House: Career, what you wish
to achieve, reputation, authority, father (or the
more distant, authoritarian parent).
• Card 11, The Eleventh House: Groups, friends,
social aspirations, networking, large corporate
structures, psychology.
• Card 12, The Twelfth House: The unconscious,
karmic lessons and relationships, dreams, what's
hidden behind the veil, Spirit communication,

Here are some examples:
If the Akashic Library shows up in your sixth house, it in-
dicates that you could be tapping into the Records every day or
for your daily work. If it falls in your ninth house, you could be
writing and publishing a book with the help of the Records or
about the Records.
If the King of Forces falls in your seventh house, there
could be some sort of partnership with him, In the twelfth, you
have karma with him. In the tenth house, he could hire you, or
ifhe is you, you'll be experiencing greater power in your career.
If the Sands of Time lands in the fifth house, there may be
a situation with children or a creative project that is of a timely
If one of the travel/move cards falls in the fourth house,
there's a move or relocation of the home; if in the tenth, there
could be a change of directions or relocation in your career; ifin
the eleventh, the move could be for one of your friends.

Cards 13 through 17 are laid in a line from left to

right in the center of the circle created by Cards 1 through
12. They display the people and situations you find upon
your path today. The middle card identifies what's central
to you right now—your primary focus and most important

Card 18 is a single card that gives you a peek into the
long-term future. It is aglimpse at future trends based on the
choices and actions of today.

Like in most other spreads, you can tell the time in-
volved by where the cards fall. The four cards farthest to the
left (1, 2, 12, and 13) represent the past two to three years
(although the 12th House can also include the deep past and
even past lives, since it involves karma). The four cards far-
thest to the right (6, 7, 8, and 17) indicate what's coming (in
those houses, or areas of your life) in the next two to three
years. And all the cards in between show the present influ-
ences at hand, including the last four to eight months and
the next four to eight months. Remember to trust what you
feel in your own experience oftime.
Don't forget that an overview of the cards in your spread
can bring you further insights. Be aware of the reversed people,
the Major Arcana, the overall colors you see, and the interplay
among the cards.

1, 39
The Meanings of the Cards

The following chapters give you the meanings of each

card. Take note of the name of each card, for it not only encap-
sulates the card's interpretation but also acts as a catalyst to
trigger that card's meaning and energy—its Akashic Force—
in your experience.
Read the meaning of each card in order to understand it
intellectually. Then, place yourself into the scene even with
the reversed cards—to imagine the action there and how it
feels. Finally, to know a card's energy viscerally, do the Akashic
Force mini-process in the guidebook. Be sure to close your eyes
and breathe the card's energy into you, letting it fill you in every
As you work with these cards, you will build a deeper re-
lationship with them, as well as with the Akashic Records and
your Spirit guides, too. They all speak to you, and all you need
to do is open your intuitive heart and respond.

The Pythia, or the priestess at Delphi, sits upon a high,
three-legged seat. Steam gently rises from a small fissure in the
ground. Nearby, a robed priest prepares to write upon an open
scroll. While the Pythia psychically receives the perceptions
from Apollo, it is the priest who interprets her pronounce-
ments. In this we see the two important keys in psychic experi-
ence: perception and interpretation.

When you receive this card, you're in a time of great in-
sight and psychic power. Even if you don't recognize it yet, it lies
very close to your consciousness becauseyou have used this gift
in so many past lives. You may get images or feelings without
knowing how to interpret them. Take notes as you practice
both your psychic perceptions and their interpretations. Just as
they gave the Oracle of Delphi a profound awareness, your psy-
chic perceptions and their interpretations give you a powerful
insight and an Akashic vision of the world.

This card shows that you've been denying your inner
voice in some way. You may have gotten messages from your
Spirit (or from other Spirits) that you haven't acknowledged—
or that you may be resisting. Perhaps you have been sidelining
your psychic or mediumship work. Whatever the case, wake
up to the power of the messages you receive. When you deny
them, you undermine all you wish to achieve. So light the torch.
When you listen to the voice within and respond to it, you be-
come the oracle in your own life.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and go with in. Feel your psychic energy
growing—expanding upward from the very depths of your be-
ing. Now notice the first thing that you sense.



Inside a great library, candles cast a glow upon the books
in the tall shelves.A sage sits thoughtfully with an open book on
his table and a quill pen in hand.
Sometimes this card can indicate writing or publishing a
book for you, but this card also symbolizes a new initiation—
an ability to manifest a new life in every way. You have moved
deeper into the Akashic Records and to a higher self-awareness.
Further investigation may be required, but you now have a bet-
ter understanding ofyour old motives and new purposes.

It is also a time of heightened intuition as well as greater
self-creation. During this phase, all you have to do is add a little
conscious effort to write your new Records in the Akasha.
To get started today, write one simple declaration about
the future you wish to create and repeat it to yourself often.
Then decide one thing you can do to make it happen, and do it.
Anyth ing can happen now The breadth ofthe landscape before
you rests solely on the scope of your imagination—and your
will to own it.

With this card reversed, the Stairway leads farther and
farther downward. Although you may feel you're in a state of
confusion, it is time to go deeper. The books of your Akashic
knowledge may have been toppled, but they are always in reach.
You may have stepped away from the psychic guidance from
your inner sage. Perhaps there's been a disruption in your life,
or maybe just a distraction. In either event, it's time to cast a re•
newed light on your past and on your inner discovery.
Seek now to tap into the power within (and through) the
Records. Start today by writing a declaration of release from the
things that have been muddling your clarity. Close your eyes
and see them all disperse. With just a little effort, the book of
your own Akashic Record, which seems to have landed face-
down, can be righted and written upon by you!

Special Note
When you receive this card (whether upright or reversed),
it indicates that a book will bring a message to you! Today, open
any book that compels you to do so. Let it fall to any page, read a
passage there, and reflect on the words throughout your day. De-
termine which relationship or situation in your life it addresses,
and don't assume that it's the one that's most urgently on your
mind. TheAkashic Forces are active in every part ofyour life, and
your books are actually a part of the Akashic Library.

Akashic Force
As you close your eyes, envision yourself stepping into
the most beautiful and serene of all ancient libraries. Imagine
yourself taking a book from a shelf and opening it to a page. No-
tice the first word that comes to you. What does it tell you? How
does it feel? Remember to visit this mystical library often and
tap into the expansive wisdom that is yours.
Gabriel is the Divine Messenger, the archangel of com-
munication. lie comes with his trumpet and scroll as well as two
gentle sparrows, signifying powerful yet peaceful expression. On
his chest he wears the crest ofMercury, the God of Communica-
tion. This loving angel carries the sacred words of truth into the
world and brings them easily to you.
When this card appears upright, it indicates a profound
connection to this wonderful presence. Your power of expres-
sion is on the rise now. You will have an easier time communi-
cating with others, expressing your feelings, and even working

on projects involving communication, such as publishing,
counseling, teaching, mediumship, journalism, marketing, ra-
dio, or television. Now is the time for any of these endeavors.
But no matter what you do, remember the power of words. Call
on Gabriel to inspire you, and let you rself sing out!

Gabriel appearing reversed indicates that you may be
having a difficult time where communication is concerned.
You're not speaking out for yourself, or you're filling your own
mind with negative words. This could be a life lesson for you,
something you've needed to change for a long time.
Gabriel is a powerful force that can bring Divine love and
courage to your expression, and his help is yours for the asking.
It's up to you to reach out to this wonderful Angel who is always
available and willing to help. Let his peaceful yet powerful pres-
ence fill you with courage now.
This Angel has been a friend to your soul throughout
the history of the Akashic Records. This time of confusion
or disruption in communication is a perfect opportunity to
reawaken yourself to that profound friendship—and to your
worthiness and power to express yourselfand speak your truth.
So figure out what you need to say, meditate on Gabriel's loving
presence, and start to get corn fortable hearing your own posi-
tive and powerful voice. It's time to speak up, not shut up!

Akashic Force
Feel the Archangel Gabriel step before you and place his
hand upon you. He fills you with the will to express your words.
What do you want to share and with whom?



The sun shines upon a plain in England where stands an
ancient henge in the distance and a grove of birch trees nearby.
Upon many ofthe trees is carved the old Celtic Ogham letter be-
ith, which represents the birch tree and stands for birth. A beau-
ti ful woman walks forward carrying a basket, while two children
run happily toward her.
With this card it's time for a new start—perhaps an actu-
al birth or at least a metaphorical one. An old phase is passing
away and a new one begins. But even this new beginning has its

roots in your deepest h istories and your past lives. There maybe
some labor involved, but it's a labor that bears fruit.
This card is associated with fertility, sensuality, and
motherhood. There may be new energy in a romance, the fam-
ily, or the home. You could be giving birth to a creative proj-
ect, too. Whatever it is—celebrate! Prepare for the wonderful
growth and opportunities that are about to come.

With this card reversed, you may find challenges or de-
lays with a pregnancy or romance. There may also be some dif-
ficulties for one of your children or between you and a child.
It could be possible that a child may be leaving for college or
going away. Feelings of lovelessness or an unfulfilled desire for
home and family may be present as well. Be strong and tap the
boundless love within; it is a force that can change everything.
Sometimes Birth reversed indicates a difficulty in finding
your purpose, which requires investigation now. You may be
surprised to find clues about your future purpose by looking
into your past—and even your past lives. Keep looking and
don't be dismayed. Your new purpose is waiting to be born.
Finally, this card reversed could also show a delay with
other new beginnings, such as new jobs and creative projects.
In some cases, it's simply that an external opportunity has not
presented itself yet. It could also signal that you must work

harder and gather your courage to take the first step. Still, this
reversal doesn't mean an end to your new start. It just might re-
quire finding a different way to go about it.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and imagine yourself stepping into the
proverbial pregnant moment—feel the creative forces popping
and sparking within and around you. What would you like to
create with this energy?

Hit AR('


Seen here with Spirit and the implements of study and
scientific discovery, Hilarion is a powerful Ascended Master
and a wonderful connection to the font of information that the
Akashic Records hold. He is the Master of research, science,
truth, healing, logical mind, concrete knowledge, and Spirit
communication. So if you've been thinking about pursuing an
endeavor in these areas, now's the time to start!
Like the Angels and other Masters, Hilarion is always
available to you, and receiving this card upright is telling you
that his assistance is close at hand. If you are working on a

project that requires research, a strong academic approach, and
attention to detail, it's full steam ahead.
It's time to open to this Master's energy if you have a job
that involves any type of evidence detection and drawing con-
clusions from that discovery. These types of jobs include scien-
tific research, mediumship, forensic activity, the law, medical
testing, and more. These and similar activities should be on the
rise for you now
This is the time to bring a logical approach to all your pur.
suits. Hilarion is right there with you, blessing you with help,
clarity, and direction.

When Hilarion appears reversed in your spread, it's a sign
that you've lost your focus, or you could have become totally il-
logical about an issue in your life. You may feel confused because
you are deceiving yourself about something or someone. This re-
versal could also reveal that there is important information that
may be unknown to you.
No matter what's troubling you, it's time to bring your
logical mind back into focus. Turn to Hilarion for help, and
then create the strong intention to do your part. Open up the
lines of communication in your spiritual and personal life. And
above all, let this Master of knowledge and truth help you be
more honest with yourself. When you see yourself and your life
truthfully, all confusion will disperse.

AkasKc Force
Close your eyes and sense the Master Hilarion beside
you. Feel your energy lift and your vibration quicken. Notice a
new mental energy of alertness and easy understanding. Your
mind is open like a boundless sky, and everything becomes
clear and bright. Bring that brightness to any issue in your life
that needs clarity now.
The Divine Physician stands before a well, carrying a jug
of healing water and sharing his light of healing with those near-
by. Upon his robe is the caduceus, the emblem of medicine and
healing. Called Dian Cicht by the Celts, he made the mortally
wounded rise again through his incantations of sacred words.
This powerful, eternal healing spirit walks with you at this time.
This card indicates that you are moving into a time of
magnificent healing on many levels. There's a person who can
be a great healer for you, as well as a teacher who shares healing

ifts that you can pass on to others. If you don't know this per-
son yet, keep your eyes open. He or she is coming.
You may also and yourself being called to help others at
this time. Remember that word and thought—belief and feel-
ing—are key components in healing the self and in teaching
others to heal. They are important tools in the Divine Physi-
cian's medical bag, so make sure they are a part of yours too.
Know that the light of healing shines around you and through
you. Such a radiant Loy can bring well-being to all.

You may have lost sight of all that's required for your own
self-care. Or, if you were on a path of discovering your healing
gifts, you may have gotten sidetracked for a while. In any event,
it's time to get back to your care, get back to your own self-
honoring, and reconnect with your gifts.
You may have also forgotten the power ofyour thoughts,
ideas, and emotions, which are part of the elixir that brings
healing to you (and helps you bring healing to others). Make
sure you attend to these ingredients as you put yourself back
on your path. The Divine Physician , your words of power—
and the actions you take to support them—will make you rise

Akashic Force
Sense the Divine Physician as he steps in front of you and
pours the light and energy of perfect healing into you. Close
your eyes and feel the radiant warmth of joyful health and
well-being. Own the harmony and strength that fill you.

A clock tower stands with its hands pointing to just a
few minutes before 12:00. A man and a woman approach each
other, coming to meet at the time that was predetermined by
their Higher Selves, who are shown above them, translucent
and shining.
With this cardyou are coming to a very important relation-
ship in your life. Either it is entirely new, or an existing relation-
ship is being lifted to a much higher experience. Karma from past
lives may have brought you together, so it's important for both
of you to stay alert. Keep your individual and collective growth

a priority, and act with deference and compassion to yourselves
and each other. Ifyou both honor your karmic course, this could
be one of the highest relationships you can know.
This card can also show a fated meeting with another
about a work situation, a creative project, or an important pur-
pose that you hold. This, too, is likely karmic. Perhaps it's a past-
life publisher, a spiritual teacher, a brother, or a sister.Whoever
this is, it's a powerful and promising relationship. So get ready.
It's almost time!

There's a person in your life with whom you had made
plans to work on your karma together to undo past-life patterns
and create greater reciprocity, love, and support. Unfortunate-
ly, this card reversed shows that one or both of you have fallen
into old habits or some sort of denial.
You must see the relationship for exactly what it is and do
not let the undercurrent of past-life feelings drive you. You have
come together for a purpose, but one of you hasn't truly woken
up with an eye to the future and a commitment to grow. Your
relationship with your Higher Self is the foundation of every
relationship in your life. So see the truth of this situation. Your
inner voice tells you that progress and even happiness with this
person elude you. It may he time to look beyond this relation-
ship. There are many other new and past-life partners who can
find a place on your karmic dance card.
Special Note
Whether this card is upright or reversed, notice the neigh-
boring card (ifany) to which the clock tower's spire points. This
card can provide more insight about this new person and about
how this fated meeting takes place.

Akashic Force
Take a deep breath and fill yourself with the expectation
of someone special coming. Feel the excitement of this import-
ant approach—it's someone to know, to hold, and to help you!
This person is almost here!



TheArchangel Raphael walks down a path and approach-
es you, sharinghis healing and upliftinglight. He is aprofoundly
loving Spirit who has an important role in bringing the Akashic
power to you. This beautiful being carries the energies of love,
family, miracles, healing, and blessed journeys. He can share all
these intentions and experiences with you—and more.
Of all the archangels, Raphael most often comes in the
guise of a human. This card can indicate that helpful others
may be attending you now. It also portends a time of great
achievement in your personal life, and Raphael is opening the

door. Blessings abound with this card upright. There may be a
renewal of a lost dream, a reuniting of family members, or a
healing--perhaps of a physical condition or of a broken heart.
Even if these conditions have been hanging on for a while, now
is the time when you can really break through. Let Raphael be
your partner in this process, and you'll soon see why they call
him the miracle worker!

This card reversed could signify an emotional or physical
condition, or a split in the family that needs to be healed. Some-
thing troubles you, and you may not realize that you're not us-
ing all your resources. Let Raphael be part of the solution, even
if you've never thought about asking for heavenly help before.
Consider all your options for healing the issue and em-
tions at hand. Practice meditation to bring yourself to a higher
perspective. Consciously work with your thoughts and words
to help shift dififcult feelings. And if therapy would be helpful,
seek that out. Whether you're suffering from a broken heart
from lost love or painful childhood memories, it's time to stop
living in the dark. Raphael longs to bring his light and love to
your life. Open your heart, ask for help, and let him in. When
you do, you may find that your miracle awaits!

Akashic Force
Open yourself to the presence and touch of the Archan-
gel Raphael, who stands beside you now. Close your eyes, take a
deep breath, and feel your whole self fill with the healing energy
of boundless love. Every cell, every thought, every moment vi-
brates with the radiant power and love of Raphael.



The Archangel Michael is a channel of Divine Power. He
is seen here sharing his energy with two small children, bring-
ing them great strength and support. He is about to pick up the
boy, and he can help you lift your energy, too.
When you receive this card, know that your energy
reflects Michael's amazing strength. This can be a cycle of in-
creasing power for you, one where you fee! your courage grow-
ing and you know what action to take next. Trust your convic-
tions, your power, and your resourcefulness.

Michael upright heralds a time of greater courage, force,
initiative, and action, so don't delay. He's right there with you,
so tap into the dynamo within you and take the action that
compels you. With Michael and your own power, you can move
mountains and lift yourself to new heights!

When Michael comes to your reading reversed, it's a sign
that you need to reconnect to your real power source, Michael
is a channel of Divine force, and this card reversed indicates a
growing feeling of loss and weakness—spiritually, mentally,
and elsewhere.
One or more areas of your life may be affected, and you
may find yourself in situations where you just don't know what
to do or how to take the initiative to do it. If so, it's time to con-
sider all the ways you can start to take your power back. Let go
ofyour old perceptions oflim Ration and replace them with new
thoughts and words that remind you of your God-strength.
Take action on your own behalf. When you do the things you
love, you tap the power to make you rself happy. Your soul longs
for you to move from timid to truly empowered. Remember
that Michael can share his courage with you and help make that

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and senseArchangel Michael's approach.
Begin to feel the force of your own courage and strength grow
within you, making you ready to take action with confidence
and peace. Feel the power that fills every part of you now.


An old Sage holds a glowing lantern and knocks on a door
with no latch. A young man inside is too distracted to answer the
knock. Your Divine being is trying to get your attention. All it
takes is a moment of your awareness to open the door.
Though your life may be busy, the opportunity now
presents itself for you to move into a higher awareness. It's a
great time to open to your Higher Self and all its wisdom and
powers. It is your Soul, your Eternal Being, who approaches,
but it is up to you—and only you—to open the door. You do

that by taking real and regular action in knowing (and feeling)
the wise and radiant being you are forever. Through meditation
and study, you can own that enormous love, power, and vision.
You can make every day sacred by going within. Once you do,
you will know a radiant and greater power in every step and
with everyword. You will be able to bring this magnificent force
to your world, changing your life forever.

In this reversal, something disruptive in your life may
have thrown you oifbalance. Or you have gotten very busy, and
the personal self has focused on the little details of life instead
of the inner priorities of spiritual truth. You have put the High-
er Self behind you and may turn to it only occasionally—and
sometimes only when a personal need arises. Understand that
as long as you ignore the highest part of who you are you turn
away from the greatest source of your power and joy.
The Light of Eternal Wisdom is knocking. Open the door.
And keep opening it until you hold it within you absolutely.

Akashic Force
With a deep breath, you fill yourself with the grace and
peace and light ofyour Higher Self. Yourvision opens to a wider
Universe. And you realize that you have all the time—and
power—in the world. Eternity fills you.




The stars are shining on a serene desert night. Fires burn
before a number of white tents. Inside one of the tents, just be-
yond the open front flaps, rests the Ark of the Covenant. Two
men sit by a crackling fire nearby.
At the most mundane level, this card can represent a ben-
eficial legal contract or title transfer. It also can show success-
fully working with professionals such as brokers and lawyers.
More often, it indicates that you are living true to your own
karmic contract—facing your lessons of growth, working to-
ward greater discoveries, and bringing your unique contribu-
tion to the world.
Your karma does not ruleyou; you rule it. When the work
becomes too great, taking a rest doesn't break with your cove-
nant; it supports it. You understand the phases of time and en-
ergy, and you work within those phases.
Some of your karmic directives at this time may involve
other people. if so, make sure there is no urgency, need, or per-
sonal agenda in play. Don't let yourself get pulled into an emo-
tional drama. Know that the things that require your attention
now reflect a commitment that has a far-reaching in fluence that
may impact your present as well as your future lives. So contin-
ue to work toward your highest purpose—to uphold the sacred
covenant you have to touch the world with your light.

If there are legal dealings at issue, this card reversed could
show a broken contract or a failed legal transfer. Be cautious with
professionals who care foryour investments and other things you
value at this time. While they may not he seeking to do you harm,
they could be more neglectful than they should be.
As significant as legal matters may seem, there is an even
more important reference to you karmically. With the card re-
versed, the Ark of the Covenant is toppled, and you have broken
your contract with your Higher Self. Perhaps you've avoided

your karmic work and put your higher purposes aside because
you're too busy or it's too hard. Or you have knowingly cho-
sen to be directed by your fears and emotional needs instead
of what's best for you. In either event, it's time to wake up and
renew your covenant—not just in word but in deed. Your life
will simply not work until you do.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and imagine the Ark of the Covenant
opening before you. Within it, you see the contract that con-
tains your highest purpose. What is that purpose? Sense one
word and one action you can take today to pursue it.



The learned scribe writes at a high desk; nearby are a
number of other working scribes. In some ancient societies,
scribes were simply copiers ofholy texts. But in many, they were
the most learned men of their time—people well versed in law,
scripture, philosophy, history, and more.
This card indicates a great upsweep in mind and study
for you. If there is any subject with which you'd like to acquaint
(or reacquaint) yourself do so. It's not just for the sake ofstudy,
although that's always a good thing. This period ofhigher mind
and higher learning is nothing less than a change-your-life (or

even change-the-world) opportunity! Just as the Wright broth-
ers began by studying the flight patterns of birds, you can rise
up on the wings of discovery now.
There may be a teacher—or even an entire school—that
can help you with this upliftment. Be sure to seek out the right
person or place of learning. You could also become a writer or
teacher yourself at this time—elevating and contributing to
If you're involved in any legal matters, there is a person
who can help you with this. Let your great vision guide you to
him or her. This could also be a time when you might find your-
self writing proposals, grants, essays, blogs, articles, or books.
Notice what compels you, and be sure to answer the call.

You may be ignoring opportunities for higher learning or
uplifting discovery—studies that can take you far above where
you find yourself today. Or you may have been asked to lead a
group or share your gifts in some way, and you haven't respond-
ed. In a personal matter, you could be closing your mind to new
and broader thought, which limits you from dealing with that
issue successfully.
Stop holding yourself back. There is more for you—
much more—ifyou assume the mantle of higher intellect every
moment. Open your mind and keep opening it. Know that this
is much more than just positive thinking; it's power thinking!

During this time, writing projects you wish to pursue
may seem thwarted. Let yourself step back and take some time.
Other opportunities for such submissions will be coming.
If you're involved in a legal situation, be sure to find the
right person to help you, as you may be meeting lawyers or
professionals who present themselves falsely. Investigate thor-
oughly and use your intuition so you don't get misled. If you're
diligent, you can find the right counsel.

Akashic Force
Think of an interest that you would like to pursue. With a
deep breath, feel your desire to make this discovery or expand
it further. Find a book today that helps you open this door to-



The Buddha sits meditating. The hills in the background
are dotted with other people meditating and patiently waiting
for him to speak, but he won't move a muscle until he is ready.
This card shows a time ofinner preparation beforeaction.
Before you can reach outside yourself, you must reach within to
find your power, your purpose, and your direction. This period
of time may feel a little like waiting, and it appears so in your
exterior life because some points of action seem to be at a stand-
still. Really, though, you're lust taking the time that you require
to prepare and to truly step into your power.

Don't be in a hurry. The time to act is coming, and when
it's here, your strength will be absolute.

The Buddha leaves the state of preparation behind him,
easily and happily moving into the crowd. This reversal indi-
cates that a period of waiting and planning has come to an end.
The time for action is now.
If you feel hesitant and slow to move, don't hold yourself
back. Indeed, because of your inner work and preparation, you
may find yourself able to influence others without knowing
how it happens. So move with certainty and courage; it's no
longer time to wait. The world is ready, and you're ready, too!

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and reach to the Buddha within. Feel
the peace and easy understanding that there is a time to every
purpose under heaven. Feel your own sense ofpurpose stirring
softly within you. Soon you will be ready to serve!



Standing among the pillars within a beautiful temple, the
Ascended Master Count St. Germaine sends his light and ener-
gy to the four robed people who stand before him. It is time for
their initiation.
This card represents your initiation. It is much more
than a change or even a transformation; it's nothing less than
your movement into higher revelations of power, insight, and
achievement. And the time is now.

Some loss of lower-vibration relationships, jobs, or activ-
ities may be required in order to lift you to the new heights and
power that await you.
Your initiation can be aided by meditation and study as
well as by connecting to the Ascended Masters with whom you
have worked for centuries upon centuries. Know that you have
shared purposes and activities with the Masters, even if you ar-
en't certain of what they are yet. The disciplines you create now
during your initiation and the work you do with the Masters
will lift your service to the world and to all humankind. This
is a time of enormous uplifting—first in your energy and evo-
lution, then in your manifest outer reality. The power that you
hold within will impact every part of your life.

The time of your initiation has been upon you, but you are
holdingon to old ways and are resistant to the wonderful chang-
es at hand. The old things and relationships that keep your ener-
gy low are not your safety net but rather the opposite; they keep
you mired in your difficulties. Even if the lower-energy people
and things keeping you down are gone, you may be stuck on
their loss or just afraid to move on to something new. Whatever
is keeping you from pursuing your highest evolution must be
confronted. Don't block your movement to a higher utilization
of force and mind. With it, you can change your life and the very
face of the world!

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and see yourself on the path ofyour initi-
ation with the Count St. Germaine beside you. Feel your energy
and receptivity heighten as your vibration quickens. Realizing
there are no limits or hindrances, what's next for you



The muse plays a song of upliftment and imagination.
The petals of inspiration drift upon the wind, filling the air with
light and creativity.
This card shows a time of very heightened resourceful-
ness and inventiveness for you. Any creative project—new or
old—can receive exceptional energy now, both from you and
from the Universe. Call to the spirit muses and let them join
you and the Creator within to lift your project to the skies!

If you've been trying to give birth to a creative project, the
labor pains are probably not over. Regardless of the type of en-
deavor— from a new business to a poem—you may be feeling
caught in the proverbial "writer's block" with your ingenuity at a
low ebb. Even if inspiration does trigger your creative action,
there maybe outside obstacles that hold your project at bay.
Try not to be too dismayed, though. This is only a passing
phase, and you'll be able to handle it well if you don't resist the
energy at hand. For now, let yourself move into amore receptive
state, and gather your resources. The time for you to use them
will soon be at hand.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and touch in with the force of inspiration
and pure potential. A swirl of music, beauty, movement, and
imagination flow through you and around you. You can give
birth to any possibility. Feel this power of creation now.


In the ruins of a medieval castle, there is an old prison.
The bars are still intact, but there is no roof over the room, and
vines grow over the stones. A man and woman are inside, seated
on old stools. A beautiful green forest grows to the left while the
castle ruins extend to the right.
This card shows a dark or difficult situation that seems
to have you trapped. It could be a hurtful, empty relationship;
an unhappy or stultifying job; a behavioral or actual addiction;
or even a negative, sabotaging belief system. It has held you

captive for some time and may have even begun in some past
life. But there is away out, as there always has been. It just takes
some effort and determination on your part.
Even if these limiting situations and actions are strong,
they are self-imposed. The courage and strength required to
change lie within you. You must change each faulty belief and
every sabotaging choice as they happen. If you do nothing,
you'll perpetuate your attachment to this dark situation. Like
the crumbling castle, negative choices could stand for a long
time to come. Don't let the ruins of your past ruin your future.
You have the power to climb out now

A horrible, dark, or confining situation is coming to
an end. You've discovered that you can break free from self-
imposed limits. Now you've escaped, and you've started to put
the prison of past histories and beliefs behind you. Its time to
move into the green growth and harvest what your new efforts
and power create.
Be sure to stay the course. These old histories have a
tendency to pull you back. If you start to slip, catch yourself.
Re-create the new thoughts and actions of the new you. You've
stepped into your power, and it's yours forever!

Akashic Force
Think ofthe one thing in your life that holds you back and
sabotages your success and joy. It may feel like a dark prison,
but you already have the key. Fill yourselfup with love and self-
honoring, and see yourself taking your next step to freedom.

A man looks through binoculars from the crow's nest of
a great masted ship. A battle is being waged on the deck below
This card tells you to be on the lookout. There is a chal-
lengingsituation—perhaps even a battle ofsorts—around you.
You could experience a sudden fall or loss of your position, but
if you are aware, you can make a backup plan that will help you
ride through this difficult time a little more easily. This phase
may be temporary, but it's important to keep your balance. Your
strength will carry you through to a better time to come.

In the reversed position, the lookout may seem to have
fallen and lost his position, but he is now free from the heat of
You may find yourself in the throes of a sudden and dif-
ficult loss—perhaps a job, a relationship, or a major creative
opportunity. As painful and challenging as it might seem, it is
truly a gift in disguise. This loss actually takes you out of a con-
flict and sets you free to reach for an even higher opportunity.
You don't have to be on the defensive any longer. You're on your
way to a larger-than-life life!

Special Note
Whether you receive this card upright or reversed, there
is a card nearby that can help you better understand the difficul-
ties at hand and the steps that you can take to leave or to resolve
them. Notice the card to which the man is looking with his bin-
oculars. What do the details in that card tell you about your role
as lookout in this situation?

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Become the
lookout, and scan the things happening in your life. Notice
anything you'd like to correct, then take a moment to consider
how to do so. After a few moments, let that go. Now turn your
binoculars to look into your future. What do you see on the



A man and woman gaze with anticipation at a hot air bal-
loon in a bright blue sky. The balloon flies high above the hills,
and the contents of the balloon's basket are hidden from view.
During this time of your life, there are aspects of an im-
portant situation that seem hidden to you. You may feel a strong,
almost urgent desire to know how it's going to turn out. You can
connectwith your Spirit guides and theAkashic Records and ask
for a little insight, but there are elements that are unknown and,
at this time, unknowable. There is too much about this situation
that is still up in the air. This could be due to the influence of oth-
ers who are undecided. Orsome events maynot have yet come to
pass, or unexpected discoveries are yet to be made.
Trust is the only way for you now. If you push too hard
to know or to influence the outcome, you might push that out-
come away. Let go of all urgency and give the situation to your
Higher Infinite Self; who will take care of it all. Time is required
to know more about this matter. And time doesn't matter to
your Eternal Self, whose power and love are always with you.
For now—and indeed forever--what else do you need? Noth-
ing but trust, the deepest knowing that all you seek will be re-
vealed to you in the right time.

A situation that has been up in the air has come down to
earth. There still may be some unknown elements, but you can
intuitively and actually see everything much more dearly now.
More than that, you can finallyenter the picture and bring more
influence to bear in some way. Soon you can participate in the
highest capacity. The trust that you held in the situation before
has borne much fruit. Now you can understand the situation
more fully and act on it more purposefully.

Akashic Force
Take a deep breath and fill yourself with the power of
trust. An outcome you seek drifts in the distant sky. And
though you don't know when it will be realized, peace is yours
completely. You know that it's on its way.

A full moon shines brightly over a quiet lake as a small
ship glides gently through the water. The glow of the ship's lan-
tern is reflected on the lake's surface along with the moonlight
from above.
This card can sometimes show a trip, particularly a trip
over or by water. More important, it can reveal that you now
have a direct line to your psychic gifts. You are also more aware
of your emotions and more reflective about them. You recog-
nize the differences between your intuitive voice, which is calm
and assured, and your lower emotional compulsions, which are
urgent and sometimes fear based. Let yourself gain even greater
clarity and control over your emotions now.
This also would be a great time for you to take classes
in meditation, psychic development, counseling, healing, and
other psychological and spiritual arts, if you have such an in-
terest. Your yin side is wide-open, and your receptivity is high.
Trust your inner voice, and you will be guided to greatness.

Reversed, this card can indicate a canceled or changed
trip; however, it often goes much deeper than that. Water, the
symbol of your emotional energy, is now on top. It washes over
you, blocking your reflective experience and disrupting your
life's journey. Indeed, you may have been experiencing an in-
ner battle between your emotional needs and your intuitive
voice—with the emotions often winning. The astral energy
that feeds your psychic sensitivity can get lost when the lower
emotions take over.
It's time to look within and understand the emotional
storms that are influencing you—do they stem from lack or
fear? Find out what motivates your emotional ups and downs.
Meditate to reconnect to your source. When you calm the emo-
tional seas, you will again be illuminated from above.
Akashic Force
Close your eyes and feel yourselffilled with an emotional
peace as calm as a still lake. You are now in a state of intuitive
reflection. Open yourself to a word or image from Spirit, and
trust the first thing you get. Let yourselfreceive.
A gold crown of power and authority rests above a Celtic
trinity knot. On either side of the Celtic knot are the alchemical
symbols for fire and water; below is the ancient three-legged
symbol of the Coat ofArms from the Isle ofMan.
This card brings with it a time of enormous power, bal-
ance, and expression. The first three rays, or the energies of the
Divine, move within you equally: Power and Will, Love and
Wisdom, and Intellect or Mind. You are working intimately
(even if you're not conscious of it) with the Ascended Masters
who are linked to these energies.

With the participation of the Masters, you can raise your
focus to a higher power and purpose. You can combine the fire
of creativity with the water of receptivity in order to make your
contribution to the world.
With the gold crown raised high, you're likely to find
yourself in a significant position of authority and influence at
this time. It is likely to be a phase of great activity, but you can
handle it. With these powers in play you're able to discipline
yourself to bring together the meditation, creativity, rest, and
action required. Take advantage of this time and use these pow-
ers well. They are nothing less than the Divine forces moving
through you so that you can manifest their power in the world.

At this time,your authoritymay be diminished, and there
might even be a loss of position. You may feel like your talents,
energies, and even your higher guides are missing in some
way. Fire does not burn downward, and water doesn't flow up.
You've been spinning your wheels, overthinking things, and
going around and around the same issues with little clarity
about what's next. Though it still might be a time of great activi-
ty, much ofthat action can seem futile and repetitive.
Nonetheless, the Coat of Arms of the Isle of Man flies
high, sharing its message that however you land, you will
stand—even in these difficult times. So take a step back and
don't try to fight the forces at hand. Get out of your head and

do what you can to reconnect with your higher guides. Your
outer influence may be diminished right now because your
crown has been toppled. But your strength and authority have
now become the foundation upon which to build anew. You can
bring mental, emotional, and physical balance back to your life
by working with the exquisite and powerful energies depicted
in this card. The more you become aware of these forces within
you, the sooner the right flow of energy will return.

Akashic Force
The power, heart, and mind of God dwell within you.
Close your eyes, and feel these Divine forces. Your energy
grows; your heart overflows with love; and your mind is as
boundless as the sky. Feel yourself expa nd to limitlessness.

The Archangel Uriel stands before the Sphinx under a
full moon. The Sphinx is usually shown with the body of a lion,
indicating strength, and the head of a king, showing authority
and intelligence. But more than this, the Sphinx represents the
enigmatic and inscrutable—the silent holder of truth and the
ancient mysteries of the world. Here, the Archangel Uriel con-
nects and confers with this great source of mystery.
This card shows that its time foryou to do the most import-
ant (and possibly the most difficult) work in your life: the digging
and inner discovery that takes you to your deepest self and your

deepest power. Even the Great Sphinx had to be dug out many
times from the blowing desert sands that buried it up to its neck.
And you must dig diligently too. You may have to chip away at
the rocklike substance of your old beliefs and histories so that
you can get to the truth inside. But don't worry; you have begun
already, and you've made considerable inroads.
There's also someone here to help you: Uriel, whose name
means "Fire of God." You can work directly in your meditations
with this Archangel for selfunderstanding, transformation, and
guidance. Also, be on the lookout for someone in your daily life
whom Uriel has sent. This could be a teacher, a mentor, or even a
new friend who shares a kinship with you about this inner quest. It
is a relationship ofgreat value that comes in a time ofprofound
power. Don't diminish the importance of this phase. It is this
work that leads you to your initiation and to your higher power.

The sands ofthe desert have covered you once again. Not
only have you put aside the deep inner work that brings to light
your self-discovery, but also you've allowed even the mundane
little things of life to settle upon you and keep you from your
spiritual power. With this card reversed, you may have a strong
tendency to slip into old emotional, mental, and behavioral pat-
terns. But be conscious and careful; the sand is quick. You must
recommit and make a greater effort now
Happily there is still someone—both in Spirit and in
the physical world—who can help. Find the kindred soul who
shares your quest, and open to the Archangel Uriel. Make these
relationships and your inner work a renewed priority. You have
always been—and will always be—the most important job you
will ever have, Dig in!

Akashic Force
Sense the Archangel Uriel approach you and send his
energy into you. Take a deep breath and feel yourself fill with
the desire to carve out a new life for yourself. Let this force and
purpose swell within you. With them, you can blast away the
old and create that new life in every moment.


A candle casts light on an open book held by a young
woman sitting at a desk. Her eyes are drawn to the side, as if
she were distracted from her reading by a curious thought or
someone nearby. She is surrounded by several people, many of
whom are somewhat translucent and glowing. An Angel bends
and whispers, Adsum, I arrive. lam here. l attend you."
Adsum is a single word that has many, many meanings.
First, it affirms your own strength and focus in the present.
You can use it as a command word whenever you find yourself
distracted from what's at hand. Say, "Adsum, I am here," and feel
yourself attend to the situation or person before you.
This word also declares your arrival at your goals and all
your wishes coming true. Say, "Adsum, I arrive," and take a mo-
ment to see yourself reaching your goals absolutely. Whenever
you get this card, know that you're on your way to the results
you seek with the help of others and the glorious help of Spirit.
This card also reminds you to be assured that, no matter
what's happening in your life, Spirit is always there for you. They
reach out to you, sharing their light and power and serving you in
every way. From the least to the highest, from Grandma to the Di-
vine, an eternal community attends you. Say, 'Adsum," and take
some time to attend them, too. You can act on your promise to
God, as Spirit lifts you upon their shoulders. You are present for
each other, and togetheryou arrive at your dreams.

This card shows that you may feel you've lost sight of
your purpose and contact with your friends, Higher Self, and
the Spirits who attend you. Maybe you're too emotional, or
stressed, or just busy. Say, Adsum," and remind yourself that
you are here for a reason. It's time to do the work that helps you
arrive at your dreams. No matter why you feel disconnected,
this is when you need your life helpers and spirit guides most.
They have not deserted you, so don't desert yourself. Open the
door and renew your commitment. Meet them in your life and
your meditations. When you do, you'll find the help, love, and
joy that attend you right now During this phase, it's important
to take some action toward your purpose each day. Even little
steps will take you to your destination.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and sense all your spirit guides gather-
ing. Take a deep breath and feel the wordsAdsum, I arrive inside
you. The Divine stands next to you as you arrive at your highest
dream. See it now.
1 of Scrolls


A man at a train station looks over his shoulder at the
signs that point to other tracks. But he has already looked at
his maps and made his decision. He lifts his foot to step onto
the train.
Though travel or a move can be indicated by this card,
the meaning is often about your choices and directions. You
may have been ambivalent about taking a certain track in
your life with regard to a project, a relationship, a career di-
rective, or even a location. But now its time to decide. Even
if you're not quite as assured as you'd like to be, the engine
is smoking. There is a direction that compels you, so get on
board; you will not falter!

Your ambivalence and waiting for the perfect time may
have sabotaged things. This card reversed shows that you're
having trouble taking action in a certain direction because
of confusion, indecision, or inertia. It's up to you to bring this
phase to a close. It will take greater effort of will and focus, but
you can renew your purpose again. Don't worry that your life's
journey will be delayed forever. With your determination, you
can make the decisions to get back on track again.

Special Note
Whether this card is upright or reversed, imagine your-
selfstepping back through the stone archway ofthe station and
into the adjacent card. This is the waiting room for your train,
where you prepare for your journey. The information there can
help you get on track.
Akashic Force
Take a deep breath and say, "I'm back on track." Feei the
clarity of that declaration and let that energy fill you. As the state
of readiness moves through you, sense just one simple action that
will realign you with your purpose.
2 ofScrolls


Surrounded by a spinning wheel and baskets of wool, a
beautiful woman, worried and tired, gazes at the embers in the
fireplace. She has worked hard at her spinning for the coins that
are gathered on the table. The expansive window behind her
looks out onto a Buddhist monastery high in the mountains,
When you receive this card, there is a conflict in your life
between what the outer world requires of you and how your
own Spirit directs you. You actually may have had a number of
past lives where you wanted to focus on your spiritual growth
and therefore joined a monastery to do so. Then, missing the
wonders that the secular world could offer, such as love, family,
and financial success, you chose the secular world exclusively
in your next incarnation. Yet this didn't offer the spiritual fo-
cus you also sought. Because of this, its likely that you bounced
back and forth from the monastic to the personal in a number of
incarnations and through a number of different faiths.
You are now again experiencing a polarity between a fully
self-realized spiritual experience and personal success in your
day-to-day life. It often feels as if you have to let one go in order to
embrace the other. This push/pull will continue until you learn
to bringyour spiritual Selfto every situation in your personal life.
It's time to replace worry with trust, and integrate your eternal
truth with your temporal reality. If you have a job or are in a re-
lationship that actively pulls you from your spirit, you must deal
with it—or, possibly leave it. Who you are forever is who you are
now. Let nothing impede that power. When you own it, absolute
self-realization in both worlds will elude you no longer.

The reversal of this card is one of great release. Money
and the personal world are present, but they no longer have to
drive you. You have an opportunity now to act on your highest
ideals and convictions. You may have been torn between two
worlds—or even between light and dark—but now you've
discovered a greater sense of your truth. The rock-solid moun-
tain of your spiritual reality is now the history from which you
draw your power. Once, you were worried that striving for your
spiritual goals would put your personal or financial life at some
risk. But now you have determined how to take steps—even lit-
tle ones—to integrate the two. Your Divine soul is the driving
force of your life, and you can design your future and manifest
all you desire through it.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes, and say to yourself, The Divine thrives
in my daily world." Then see the God of your understanding
stand beside you. See yourselfwalking through your life in this
great company, handling everything that comes your way.
3 of Scrolls


The captain of a ship stands on the forward bridge, sur-
veying the horizons through a telescope. Two officers nearby
refer to an unrolled chart. A rainbow colors the sky.
This is a great time to broaden your horizons in both your
personal and business lives. Don't limit yourself to only one di-
rection. Your opportunities are greater than just what you see.
When you widen your scope, you'll find your way to limitless
options and boundless wealth.
This card can also show a potential partnership or affil-
iation among three people who can be helpful on your path.
Travel or relocation may be on the agenda, too.

You may not be looking as far ahead as you can go, or per-
haps you aren't giving yourself the freedom to move forward.
Try to break the habit of holding yourself back. There may be
miscommunication in some project or friendship, or a person
may be misleading you or not pulling his weight. A small part-
nership or affiliation could be breaking up entirely. Plans for a
trip or a move may also be changed or canceled.

Special Note
The captain's telescope shows the way to more informa-
tion in a neighboring card. Whether upright or reversed, the
card to which the telescope points reveals the supporting influ-
ences or obstacles as you chart your course. That card may also
provide insight into events, people in your partnerships, and
even travel or relocation plans. So let the telescope give you a
closer look.
4 of Scrolls


In a field meant to be planted, a man, dirty from his ef-
forts, stands knee-deep inside a long trench. The seeds wait to
be planted, yet he continues to dig deeper and deeper. There are
other rows plowed and ready for planting, but they are ignored.
This card reveals a difficult pattern in your life, a pattern
of self-defeating feelings, thoughts, and actions that you've
brought forward from previous incarnations. You returned to
this life with the intention of breaking this karmic pattern, but
you got pulled into the old thoughts and behaviors.You've been
digging yourself deeper into a karmic trench that gets harder
and harder to escape.
This pattern is not unknown to you. You recognize it in
your relationships, in your lobs, and certainly in your beliefs,
behaviors, and responses. It's time to take charge ofyour karma
by altering the inner ideas, feelings, and patterns that cause you
to make sabotaging choices.
Every time you notice yourself making an old choice that
digs you deeper into your karmic trench, you can change your
mind and your actions. This will require your conscious effort
every step of the way. Without such work, you could go life-
times burying yourselfin the same feelings. But with your com-
mitment to making changes every day, you can digyourselfout!

This reversal shows that you have fallen out of your kar-
mic trench, and you now have all the resources you need to
plant the seeds that bring a new harvest and a new life. In some
cases, there might have been some significant or sudden chang-
es in your life—perhaps the breakup of a relationship, career
troubles, or financial difficulties. As difficult as these situations
may seem, they can help knock you out of the karmic pattern
you've dug for yourself. Happily, if you take yourself out of the
pattern on your own, further difficulties don't have to happen
at all.
Whether you've come to this newfound freedom by your
own actions or because of external challenges, the power is in
your hands now But karmic changes don't happen overnight.
Be conscious, as you set up newwork and relationships, to avoid
falling into old patterns ofbelief and feeling. This is your oppor-
tunity to overturn lifetimes of sabotaging karma and create a
powerful beginning that endures into futurity. Welcome to the
new fields ofyour life!

Akashic Force
Take a moment to remember an old negative pattern that
you know all too well, one that has kept you stuck. Close your
eyes and breathe in the presence and power ofyour Higher Self.
You become stronger. You are filled with the will to step out of
the mud. And you do—now and every time you fall into this
pattern again,

S of Scrolls


A woman stands on a veranda overlooking a beautiful
valley dotted with little towns on the hills and along the river.
Scrolls that she has read lie upon a nearby table. Another scroll
is held loosely in her hand, while the woman surveys all that she
With this card you'll find that it's time to diversify! There
are many options for you to consider, and you should take a
look at them all. Allow yourself to try new things, go to new
places, learn new subjects, break out into different directions,
and meet new people, too. Don't worry about scattering your

energy too thin. You're in a period of expansion, so use it. Let
yourselfgo farther afield than you planned. In the end, you will
diversify in ways that introduce you to a whole new you!

Too many things are happening at once, and you may be
confused about which to do. So many alternatives lie before
you that you hesitate to act on any of them. It's time to make a
choice and focus on one thing.
Don't be afraid that you'll get trapped in your choice. All
the other interests that you hold will still be around later, and
you'll always have the freedom to change things in the future.
Worrying about the things that you're not doing or having now
only defines your life in lack. Recognize that choosing a single
focus in the present gives you total freedom to act on it fully.

Akashic Force
Your life has turned into a smorgasbord ofopportunities.
Close your eyes and imagine an array of all the many different
things that interest you. Give yourself permission to try them.
How can you do that in the coming weeks?
6 of Scrolls


The sun has begun to set low on the western horizon, but
it's still visible through the window of a beautiful castle room.
A man is focused with concern on a large hourglass that has al-
most run out. He rolls up his sleeves, ready to get back to work.
This card shows that, in some matter ofimportance, time
is of the essence. There could be an opportunity that you don't
want to miss. It may be a project, situation, or personal connec-
tion that requires action—or even completion. You might have
had some delays, or you may have been highly active and indus-
trious for some time. Either way, keep going. Your focus and
effort are still required in order to get to the end game. Don't
let worry steer you away from your goal. There is more yet to
do, so don't give up.

You have more time than you think, so there's no need to
hurry. 'The sun is rising in the east on a new day, and the hour-
glass is full. The task at hand may require more research and
follow-through, so take all the time you need. You may even
have the opportunity to investigate further or to connect with
others who can help. So take a breath; you've got plenty of time
to explore.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and catch the energy of time. It feels al-
most as if you can ride it as it flows through your day—lifting
your excitement, your enthusiasm, and your industry. Feel this
now, and realize that whatever you have to do, time is your gift
and your tool.
7 of Scrolls


Work on a Renaissance Cathedral has just begun.At first,
this building seems modest, but in time its grandeur will reach
several stories high and across the centuries. But now piles of
stones and rock dot the scene.A mason bends, focusing intently
on a plumb bob that hangs next to a partially built wall. This
instrument helps him determine if the wall is straight and true.
At a very basic level, this card could indicate building or
renovating a home or business. This card also shows that you're
on your way to greatness, but it requires attending to even the ti-
niest ofparticulars. Be diligent with the specifics in your strate-
gy, and pay considerable attention to detail and follow-through.
While you may have a long-term goal in mind, the small steps
are what's important now. Even the most magnificent cathe-
drals were built stone by stone, day by day. It is only by heaping
up the small that the great can be achieved.

A project, relationship, or work situation may not be
moving fast enough for you. You may be too urgent about it
and too attached to the outcome. Or you simply might not
want to deal with the particulars. Be careful not to act in
haste. A little fir tree doesn't reach the sky by pulling on it, and
cathedrals aren't built in a day. If you're not willing to be pa-
tient with the process and attend to the details, what you seek
could collapse without ever coming to fruition. It's time to
bring joy to the little steps now. Focus your work on the intri-
cacies, and trust that even your tiniest efforts will compound
to create extraordinary success.

Special Note
Regardless of whether this card is upright or reversed,
notice the neighboring card to which the plumb bob points.
That card will show you more about the intricate details of this

specific task and about the other people involved, too. Also be
aware of the nearby card to which the Cathedral spire points. It
reveals your aspirations in the matter and the things that help
(or hinder) you as you rise toward your long-term goal.

Akashic Force
There's a situation in your life that requires your atten-
tion to detail right now. Close your eyes and imagine that this
situation is a puzzle in pieces on a table in front of you. Imag-
ine the individual pieces and sense what you notice and feel
about them.
8 ofScrolls


Woodland animals gather around a woman who stands
in a small clearing in the forest. The fork before her breaks into
three separate paths: the middle is clear and bright, the left is
much darker with more trees and growth, and the right is
dappled by sunlight with a few shadows falling here and there
across it.
This card reveals that you've been traveling on a path
that's known to you, and it shows you the way to the expected
outcomes. But there are two other paths that aren't as clear. Re-
member, if you stay with only the known and seemingly safe,
you won't catch the unseen opportunities that can come your
way. Some options may be unexpected and, perhaps, a little
risky. Don't be so attached to your agenda that you miss them.
Happily, during this phase, you can investigate unknown
paths and make the decisions that lie before you with confi-
dence. You are flexible and brave enough to step into the shad-
ows. Stay alert! Extraordinary opportunities abound in the
least expected places!

You may find yourself very undecided and hesitant to
move in any direction when this card is reversed. It's not only
a time to look into the dark, but also a time for looking back-
ward. The path on your left is partially illuminated by the sun
and calls you to investigate it; it leads to a past (or past-life) rela-
tionship, talent, or experience. If you look into this history and
go back to resolve the issue or reconnect with the past person,
occupation, or deed, you'll open the way to future success and
your decisions will become clearer.
No matter the reason why you're hesitant, challenge your-
self now to break free from fear and inertia. It's amazing how
many unexpected opportunities can pop into your future when
you look behind you—and how much you can bring to light
when you step into the dark!
Special Note
Regardless ofwhether this card is upright or reversed, the
paths can give you more insight through the neighboring cards
to reveal how your past and future converge in the present. The
path that goes to the left will take you to an adjacent card that
shows you how a past life is influencing you today. The right-
facing path will take you to an adjacent card that shows influ-
ences on your future endeavors or relationships.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and see a path cloaked in shadow before
you. It might be a little scary because it's unknown. Step right
into the shadow and feel yourself fill with the excitement of
uncertainty and unknown opportunityl Are you ready for a

A beautiful woman holds a scroll as she stands in front
of a sunlit archway. Around her swirls the energy of wisdom,
knowledge, and Akashic truth. When this card appears upright,
she brings important information and inspiration to you.
The Queen of Scrolls is a woman of higher mind whom
you may already know or have yet to meet. Her purpose is to
help you move through the entryway to a new level of wisdom
and understanding. She could be a teacher to you in some way
or offer a friendship that could develop into a deeper love.
This woman could be helpful to you in some project
requiring communication. She may he an author, a marketer,
or a publisher. If you are a writer, she may be someone who
assists you in getting published. The Queen of Scrolls could
also represent you or a woman in your life getting a position
in a field related to communication or academics, such as
counseling, teaching, marketing, or publishing.
This card indicates a phase of deepening understanding
and readiness to learn. Its the perfect time for personal growth
and expansive learning—whether it's mind-, body-, or Spirit-
centered. Open the mysteries that are hidden in the Akashic
scrolls, and step through the door ofknowledge.

Sometimes this card reversed shows some sort of
separation with an intellectual female who has strong
communication skills or who works in a marketing or
communication field. She could be a friend, family member,
spouse, or co-worker; the separation could be due to distance,
disruption, a breakup, or even divorce. Whatever the cause,
let it go; this card reversed could indicate some significant
problems with or for this person, as well.
The Queen of Scrolls may also indicate that you or a
woman in your life may be losing (or leaving) a work position
that Involves management, research, study, or communica-
tion. There may be some uncertainty about the future, but the

Queen of Scrolls is the woman of wisdom and is very close
to the Akashic Records. Turn to this side of you and let the
records guide you now.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and feel the Queen of Scrolls approach.
As she hands you a scroll, your greater mind awakens. Feel the
sparkling brilliance there.

A man holds a scroll as he looks across a well-groomed
garden. A number of scrolls lay on the garden bench next to
him. He is the King of Scrolls, a man of learning, and he can be
helpful to you in a number of ways.
This man may be present in your life already; if not you'll
be meeting him soon. He maybe an author, teacher, or commu-
nicator who will assist you in some professional way. He could
also be a friend who brings wisdom through his own studies
and spiritual practices. Be open to the guidance this man offers,
for it could help lead your life in exciting new directions.

As with any of the Kings and Queens, the King of Scrolls
may also be a new love interest for you or for another, depending
upon his location in the spread. His wisdom is compelling, and
there are likely to be many interesting and lively discussions.
This card may also represent you or someone you know
who is longing for deeper understanding and a greater clarity
of thought. Now is a great time to pursue new interests, perhaps
even enroll in some classes or attend a lecture or two. A position
in teaching, counseling, advertising, writing, publishing, or the
like may be on the agenda now.
treasure trove of discovery is waiting for you, so let your
mind—and your life—soar!

This reversal could indicate a separation from a man
who can often be too analytical and tends toward overthink-
ing. It may be the loss of a friend, a co-worker, or even a love
Sometimes this reversal indicates that a man oflearning,
communication, or teaching (whether this is you or another
person) could be losing his position at this time. The person
may also be experiencing a blockage in understanding. Re-
ceiving this card reversed puts you on notice to think things
through and gain the clarity needed to relieve the confusion.
This is a good time to try to get a broader perspective on things.
You have the power to bring a more enlightened view to any sit-
uation when you take a step back and look at it anew.

Akashic Force
Take a deep breath and pull in the energy of the King of
Scrolls. Feel yourself fill up with a new sense of wisdom and
heightened communication. Your mind and vision grow with
the power of the King of Scrolls. Is there something you'd like to
1 of Roses

Roses are scattered around a contract on a brightly lit
desk. When this card appears upright, it means that a valuable
union is at hand. A romantic commitment may be coming your
way, or perhaps a love from your past lives is returning to you.
A business commitment may be forthcoming, such as the offer
of a promotion or a new job, or the opportunity to form a part-
nership or create a new business venture. This card could also
indicate the signing of other types of papers, including the sale
or purchase of a house or the beginning of a new investment.

Either way, this card is filled with light, and it indicates that
good results are in the offing.
As with many cards, part of the meaning refers to you. It
is a reminder to be conscious of your commitment to yourself
If you want others to put you first or to help bring happiness
to your life, then you must commit to do the same. Your self-
honoring choices will set the groundwork for all your partner-
ships to thrive.

Some kind of separation or break in a contract may be
at hand. It could be a total severing of ties, like a divorce or job
loss, or it could be less intense, such as a temporary separation
or layoff. This card could also indicate an investment that fails
or a home purchase or sale that falls through. Whatever shape it
takes, there is an emotional component that underlies the expe-
rience. It will be important to vent your feelings and deal with
the sense of loss, but try not to think too catastrophically. The
loss or separation may seem difficult now, but you do have the
power to deal with it and get back on your feet again.
Sometimes this energy indicates a physical separation.
You may have to travel or relocate for business or personal
reasons. In this or any other kind of physical or emotional dis-
tance, make sure you retain some balance in your life. Also con-
sider this Have you forgotten your own priority ofself? Do you
put yourself last and dismiss your own needs? If so, it's time to
start committing to yourself. Try not to lose sight ofthe greatest
partnership of all—your connection to the eternal, powerful,
and valuable self that is your soul. Your Spirit is longing for you
to commit!

Akasfiic Force
Close your eyes and with a deep breath bring in the word
Commitment. Feel its energy fill you with dedication and pur-
pose. You are ready to make a priority of every commitment—
large and small—in your life, especially to yourself
2 of Roses

A white dove carries a message in his beak and flies high
above a table laid out for tea. One of the teacups has fallen over,
and there are broken pieces of china on the table. Below the
dove, a hawk flies into the scene with a message in his beak.
This card indicates a small conflict in your home or fami-
ly. It could involve you and another, or others in your extended
family. There could be money issues about the home, an inheri-
tance, or personal finances.
The dove brings a message from your Spirit---a call to see
this little drama through your higher mind and compassionate
heart. You may feel compelled to be the peacemaker or the pro-
vider in this situation; let you rselfdo as your Spirit guides you.
The hawk, a predator, shows that there are times when
you might have a tendency to be pulled into the fray yourself.
With the hawk entering from the right, it certainly indicates
that more challenges may be coming your way. Happily, your
Spirit is high above those challenges, so you can see them clear-
ly and deal with them effectively.

The conflict has grown with this reversal. The table's
disrupted, and it seems no one can come together. The hawk, a
bird of prey, flies over the dove. Your fears and feelings may be
drowning out the voice of your Spirit, which makes it more and
more difficult for you to promote peace within and around you.
You may have to deal with some people or financial issues that
seem damaging at this moment. Be careful that you aren't asked
to give more than you have.
Though the situation may seem very difficult, it's really a
matter of everyone making an effort to set things right. Those
who are involved certainly may seem more intractable and un-
able to listen now. It's important to do what you can, but also
step away from the confl ict when others are determined to have
their way. Even when this card is reversed, the dove reveals that
the power of your Spirit is your foundation and is always there
to support you.
Special Note
Whether this card is upright or reversed, you can gain
further insight from a neighboring card. The hawk has just
taken off from his perch in the card behind him. Look to that
card to find out more about this conflict and its resolution, Let
your spirit tell you if there are any past-life influences at play
in this situation.

Akashic Force
With a deep breath, bring your focus within you and feel
the brilliant, pure white energy of your Higher Self. As you fill
with a sense of this radiant being, invite a message from your
Spirit about any personal concern that lies before you at this
time. Whetheryou get a word, a feeling, or an image, let yourself
receive that message immediately.
3 of Roses


Playful fairies and water sprites frolic in the air around a
little child. They fill the air with expanding joy and happiness.
Although many people don't believe in the elementals,
nature Spirits of all kinds do exist, and they have more pow-
er than can be imagined. They live in the elements of earth,
air, wind, and fire, and they're willing to share the guidance,
well-being, and inspiration of theAkashic Records that exist in
the natural world.
This card is here to tell you that joy will soon be increas-
ing. It also encourages you to remember to have fun! Bring
more playfulness to your daily life, let yourself sing a little and
laugh a lot. Call on the elementals to inspire you in this and in
other areas. They are a font of fun and upliftment that can ex-
pand the joy in your life in great measure.

This card reversed reveals a serious split from the fun-
loving child within, from your own Spirit, and from your union
with the natural world. It's also a time when you seem to have
lost your enthusiasm for life. Try not to take things too seri-
ously. It's important to find a joyful purpose—something that
truly makes your heart sing. Meditate more, do the things that
make you happy, and open your heart to your own radiant self
and to the dancing, happy beings who are only a breath away.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and feel the air abuzz with the flight and
dance of elementals all around you. Feel yourself smile in the
happy lightness of being they bring. Every time you take a mo-
ment to do this, you open your heart to joy.
4 of Roses


Three people stand together before a full-length mirror.
The man in the center gazes keenly at himself, and it seems his
reflection is looking back with a superior air. His is the sole re-
flection to be seen in the mirror.
This card shows that there may be a thoughtless, selfish
person in your life, whether in a love, friendship, family, or
business relationship. 'This person is self-absorbed and makes
plans only in terms of how they affect him or her. You may
have lingered too long, repeatedly giving to this person, even
though you haven't received much in return. You've tolerated
this dismissiveness because you kept hoping things would get
better, or perhaps you were too afraid to step away.
You are called now to be aware: this person is unlikely to
change, and you maybe delaying the inevitable. Take an honest
look in your mirror and see how staying in this relationship af-
fects your future.

Your tolerance of a self-serving person's behavior has
come to an end. You have realized that some lack in your own
definition ofself has attracted this person who is unable to give.
You are ready to give to yourself. You are now more aware of
your priorities, and you're ready to take the action that honors
you. No longer are you willing to be neglected or minimized.
You might falter a little bit, but be strong and take the steps to
put this person behind you. During this time, whenever your
ego causes you to feel lack in your life, say "thank you" for the
reminder to turn to your eternal truth in that moment. Say to
yourself "Abundance is the condition of my life." Feel yourself
fill with the love and power that are inexhaustible. It is only
when you treat yourself better that you declare to the Universe
that you deserve better.
Akashic Force
Imagine yourself looking into a mirror, and all you see
reflected there is the God within you. Take a moment to sense
that truth. Let this part of you be reflected in everything you
think and do. And every time you look into an actual mirror,
see your Divine Self there.

Two children /flay in a sunny, lush, green garden. A boy
shoots a slingshot, while a girl next to him watches a butterfly in
the flowers with a magnifying glass.
Ifchildren aren't a part ofyour life already, this card could
show their arrival. It also could indicate that your children
(even adult children) could become more of a focus for you.
They may have some concerns of their own, but even so, oppor-
tunities for things to mend come easily right now There also
may be real change and benefit for one of your children who has
made a special effort recently.
This is a very advantageous time for the children around
you. Enjoy it, and help them enjoy it, too.

This reversal may reveal that one or more of your chil-
dren (or other significant children in your life) are having
some difficulties. The situation isn't easy, and those involved
may be playing the blame game. This may take some time to
work out. Others in the family or professional help may bring
some benefit, but it may be slow going. Try to support your
children without interfering too much. Be patient and com-
passionate. There are easier times to come for your children,
and for you with your children. Let things unfold as they will.

Special Note
Whether upright or reversed, you can look to the adjacent
card (the one toward which the boy is shooting and the girl is
looking) to get more insight on the children around you and
their issues. Apply the details and people in this nearby card to
the present (and future) children in your life.
Akashic Force
Close your eyes. Stepping into the garden, become the
child you used to be in heart and mind. Let the child within you
take a look around for one of the children in your lifewho is also
playing here. What new perspective do you have when the child
you are meets a child around you
6 of Roses


Storm clouds gather in the sky. Two lines of mounted
knights stand at the ready, facing each other across a clear field
of battle. The left side carries the banner of the 'White Rose; the
right carries the Red Rose.
This card depicts a war within a relationship, and/or a
battle within your heart about a relationship. Most often this
relationship is romantic in nature, but this card could also refer
to a co-worker, partner, boss, or family member. There could be
power plays, and at the very least, there is a lack of reciprocity
and communication.
You are at an impasse. Your intuition, or your Spirit
(the White Rose), has told you that this experience is not a
supportive one. But your passions, fears, and needs (the
Red Rose) keep you from listening. You have tried to bring
the two together, as indicated by the dirty flag with the
combined White and Red Rose on the ground. But what's
happening in this relationship is not compatible with your
Spirit's view for you. So there you stand, your spirit and your
passions, just watching and waiting.
This situation is nothing less than karmic, and it is time
to listen and take action. Awareness, vision, and self-honoring
are required now for you to position yourself best—and make
plans to leave the battlefield.

A relationship has broken. The conflict has disrupted
your life, your work, and perhaps even your other relation-
ships. You may feel great loss and sorrow, but it's important
to see the situation for what it really is. Though your emotions
have kept you involved, you've been in love with or attached to
an illusion. Be honest with yourself about the type of person
who's represented here. This isn't Prince Charming you've
lost; it's King Henry VIII.
The flag showing that your spirit directs your feelings
finally flies high above the entire scene, its tatters displaying
the efforts you've made. You're finally free from a struggle that
has left you wounded. So clear the battlefield. Your new life

Akashic Force
Close your eyes, and see or sense a person with whom you
have some type of relationship. It can be any relationship that's
happening in your life. Imagine that person handing you a rose. Is
the rose vibrant orwilted,large or small, bright or dark, happy or
sad? What message do you receive from this rose?
7 of Roses


A seaport teems with activity as cargo is loaded off and
onto many different ships. Two women on a small tender boat
are on their way to the great ship that will take them on their
journey. Two men with their trunks and cases wait to follow.
This card shows a time for a journey, a move, or a reloca-
tion. You may be taking your work or creative endeavors in a
whole new direction, whether figuratively to a new industry or
literally to a new city. However this journey occurs, it is sure to
take you to new places and greater opportunities. Although it
may require leaving something safe behind, this is not the time
for staying safe in the harbor. It's time for finding and exploring
new worlds! So get packed!

A journey or move may be delayed or canceled. I f you've
been looking to change, expand, or diversify your work, now
may not be the right time. But don't worry. You haven't lost the
opportunity for new discoveries, new travels, and new places;
it's merely been delayed. Be patient and attend to what lies be-
fore you in the present. Your ship will return again when the
time is right.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and see yourself embarking on a mag-
ical journey. Feel movement swirl around you and anticipa-
tion fill you. Where do you want to go? How would you like
to get there?
8 of Roses

Inside a room, people are seated around a table, convers-
ing with interest and energy. There are many icons from differ-
ent groups and societies. A caduceus, a sunflower, a Tibetan
bell, an Egyptian Scarab, a dreamcatcher, and a Star of David
are just a few.
This card indicates that it's time to join (or rejoin) your
group, your ashram, your tribe, or your songful. Whatever
you call it, it is a community that connects you with others of
like-minded purpose and activity. There are many communi-
ties in each person's life—and still more that return from past
lives. For instance, you have your family, friends, and work asso-
ciates, but you also have the people with whom you share many
creative, cultural, or spiritual purposes.
New friends can also be coming your way at this time. Be
open to these new connections.You will not only find help with
current directives but you may also reawaken past-life relation-
ships, talents, and disciplines. It's time for a happy sharing of
your discoveries!

This card reversed could indicate a dispute with or
among friends, or a disruption in a group around you. You may
also be feeling as if you don't belong with a certain group any
more. Perhaps you've gone as far as you can with these people,
and they just don't resonate with you any longer. Or you maybe
interested in new things, so you want to step away. If there's a
disruption and you're compelled to help, do what you can with-
out seeking to control the situation or disempower others. If
you feel you'd like to leave the group, let yourself do so.
Know that this is not the only community open to you.
The many icons shown in this card don't begin to touch the
number of groups in your history and in your future. Whether
you're drawn to the inkwell ofwriting, the sunflower ofSpiritu-
alist mediumship, the caduceus of healing, or any other pursuit,
there are communities that share your interest and support
your endeavors.
With this card reversed, you might just feel like being off
on your own at this time, minimizing your exposure to groups,
churches, or dubs. If that's the case, give yourself permission to
do so. But remember, it is now the Aquarian Age, and the ener-
gy present is the power of the collective. !fa certain collective
doesn't work for you, there maybe another one that does. Keep
looking. There is great power there.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and start to feel a new community come
around you. People gather, and you sense the support of kin-
dred souls. Take a look around you and notice what you sense
about the individuals there. Who are they, and what purposedo
you hold with them?

This card shows a beautiful woman with roses in her hair
and all around her. A beautiful scene expands outside, but she
is peacefully focusing on the flower in her hand. The Queen of
Roses signifies a woman who is loving and supportive, but with a
passionate side as well.
This is a card of a loving connection. A relationship with
someone you know may deepen and become more meaningful,
or someone new may appear. Be open to the connection; it may
be a romantic one, or it might be that a friend, family member, or
co-worker is going to be helpful and valuable to you in someway.

The Queen of Roses can represent you or a woman in
your life stepping into the role ofwife or mother at this time. It's
a time for loving energy to be voiced!
This card upright sometimes shows a happy resolution to
a difficulty with family, a friend, or a love relationship. The time
for peaceful, loving connections is at hand, so open your heart
to the expression ofcaring within and around you.

This card's reversal reveals some disharmony or even
conflict with a woman in your life. It could be a friend, family
member, work associate, or lover. Whoever this may be, keep
conscious and aware. Make sure you stay centered, calm, and
empowered. You may be able to resolve the situation with
clear communication.
The reversed Queen of Roses can also represent you or a
woman you know who is stepping out of the role of mother or
wife. It may be difficult to get pregnant, your children may be
going off to college, or a romantic separation maybe in the
cards. You may no longer resonate with each other, and it's
time to let go. Let yourself process your emotions and honor
any grief that comes up. This is a cycle of transformation. As
you let go of those who are not fully present or fully honoring,
you will find that you're opening your life to the loving care
that you truly deserve.
Finally, this card could indicate a deep gash in your own
self-love, a history of not caring for yourself. An attitude of
extreme self-care is required here. Make your own self-love a
genuine priority, and the Universe will respond with far great-
er love in your life.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and step into the energy of the Queen of
Roses. Get to know that caring power and gentle temperament.
Feel compassion fill you and notice your desire to bring a loving
embrace to yourselfand to the world.

This card shows a man holding two roses, a red and a
white, demonstrating a balance of passion and purity. At his
feet are the yellow roses of healing and creativity. This is the
King of love, a man who is balanced and well-rounded.
When he appears upright in your spread, it indicates
that a potential union could be at hand, either in friendship,
business, or even romance. Whether this is a new relation-
ship or the blossoming of an old one, this man brings tender-
hearted and thoughtful support. He is also someone who
could be helpful in your personal life, especially where home
or family issues are concerned.
Whether the King of Roses is you or another man, the
role ofhusband or father is now opening to create a happy home
and family. This card also lets you know that you are ready to
stand up for yourself and take loving but considered action on
your own behalf Is a time of increasing love and compassion,
which always start within!

This card's reversal shows a potential disruption in a rela-
tionship with a male, whether it's a friend, family, or romance.
Sparks may fly here. Although this emotional upheaval may
seem overwhelming, don't let yourself get swept away. With ev-
ery ending, there comes the potential for new beginnings. This
may, in fact, be a reference to an old love that you haven't been
able to release. If so, it's time to finally let go of the attachment
and open your life to new—and better—things to come.
When referring to you, this card could signify a time
when your role as a father or husband is greatly diminished,
whether due to desire or lust logistics. Ifyou have a deep pattern
of self-negation, it's time to create a truly caring relationship
with yourself. No matter what your patterns are, you do have
the power to calm your heart, look at things clearly, and take
control of your perception ofyourself and your life. Your union
with yourselfis up to you!
Akashic Force
Close your eyes and step into the robes of the King of
Roses. You are the King of family, home, and community. Feel a
sense of care swell within you. What would you like to bring to
the world around you now?
1 ofForces


Like the Akashic Field, the aurora borealis flows with
energy and brilliance as charged particles from the sun inter-
act with atoms in the earth's atmosphere. The 93 million miles
from the sun to the earth is nothing compared to the limitless
consciousness of the Akashic Field. All information, power,
energy, and experiences vibrate within this realm of unending
truth and possibility—and every bit of it can be yours.
Receiving this card upright tells you that amazing
opportunities abound at this time. You can increase and ac-
celerate the experience by opening the doors to the Akashic

Records. Your life-force energy resonates with Universal
synchronicity now, so you can explore the Records and re-
ceive exactly the information that you need and the energy
that can help. Engage in this pursuit with a conscious focus.
Write your intentions and ask for inspiration. Meditate on the
Akashic Field and visualize your goals. The Universe is ready
and willing to align with your heartfelt desires, and now is the
time to make them happen.

The Akashic Field reversed indicates a time of fragmenta-
tion and agitated energy within or around you. You maybe go-
ing through some sort of crisis, or you maybe on the receiving
end ofsome grief or hostility, which is really throwing you for a
loop! Your worry and panic is splitting your energy and causing
a frantic vibration.
You need to know that the Universal consciousness of
creation is still available to you. Eternal inspiration is always
vibrating around you, but until you calm down and rein in the
emotional intensity, you will be like a radio station tuned to the
wrong frequency and picking up only static.
The Field—and the world—is filled with potential solu-
tions to the very problems that are making you upset. So stop,
take a step back, and try to get a new perspective on things. It
may be advisable to look into past-life influences, for they vi-
brate in the Akashic Field as well.
Akashic Force
Close your eyes and imagine yourself entering the
boundless and brilliant Akashic Field. It's almost as if you're
stepping upon the Milky Way, and all its stars roll out before
you offering their light and power. Feel this profound force ig-
niting your dreams and lighting your way.
2 of Forces


A big, beautiful willow tree stands in the summer sun.
This stately tree is strong and flexible, and this card upright is
telling you that you are, too. The willow spreads its roots deep
and wide, creating a strong foundation that is capable of stand-
ing up to anything. Now is the time for you to stand tall and feel
the support of the earth beneath your feet!
This card indicates a time of calm, so enjoy the peaceful
energy now. It also signifies a time of power, perfect for rein-
forcing your foundation in your work, in your family, in your
Spirit, and in the depth of your belief in yourself. Just like the
willow, you have a peaceful strength, drawn from the waters of
your soul and extending through all eternity. Stand confident-
ly in your truth, take the actions that support the growth of all
things wonderful in your life, and know that you are powerful!

The willow reversed indicates that the winds of change
(or conflict) are blowing around you. Don't try to fight, or you
may be uprooted. Instead, stay flexible and bend with the de-
mands of the times. While it may appear to be a period of total
upheaval, like the willow you are strong and capable ofbending
without breaking.
Stay centered yet adaptable within the circumstances
swirling around you. You have deep and strong roots in your
spiritual identity, so rely on them now This cycle ofuncertainty
will pass. In the meantime, let yourself be open to the guidance
of the Akashic Records. You are grounded in their wisdom and
truth. Let yourself receive the power there.

Akashic Force
Take a deep breath and feel yourself plant energetic roots
through the bottom of your feet, moving down to the very
depths of the earth and tapping the resources you need. No-
tice the strength you feel rising up from this profound source
of energy.
3 of Forces


A strong, sturdy nest cradles a new family of birds as the
babies are fed. This card represents the force of creativity and
expansion. When you receive this card upright, it is a signal
to focus on starting new things or expanding—perhaps your
business, your network of friends, or indeed your family.
There may be some effort involved. The nest has to be
built, and you will need to be open to the additions coming your
way: children maybe forthcoming, you may be renovating your
home, or perhaps you will be hiring new employees or opening
new business locations. Whatever it is it will be well worth the
effort, for the expansions you make will bring great joy.
Spiritual expansions may be in store as well. It's never too
late to widen your network of Spirit family, friends, and guides.
The rewards of that kind of expansion are limitless!

The Bird's Nest reversed indicates some sort of sepa-
ration, reduction, or reorganization. There may be distance
between you and family members, a business endeavor may
need to be downsized or brought to an end, or friends may
be far away. But take heart—an empty nest is always a sign
of happy flight!
This card's reversal is telling you to let go of the old, rein
in your plans, or take a new direction. There may even be a
physical move at hand—either for you r home, your business, or
both. Be conscious of your options and be courageous in your
chokes. Though some part of this experience may feel like a loss
at first, this time of reduction or relocation can actually lead to
great personal freedom and professional transformation!

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and see yourself feathering your nest.
What sort of things need to be put in place in order to support
the expansion that lies before you?
4 of Forces


The Spring card upright shows a buddingtree and flowers
beginning to bloom. It is one of the seasonal-cycle cards, and it
indicates that you are entering a time of planting and active
preparation. Just as the Spring is a very full time for the farmer
who is tilling the ground and planting his crop, so let yourself
put in a little more effort now as you lay the groundwork for the
time ahead.
This could be a very creative period for you. Take action
in creative projects or work-related endeavors that require
more time and attention; the workyou do now could yield great
rewards later.
Make sure you engage in this extra activity with joy
and optimism. You are always planting your energy into the
Akashic Records of your life, so as you work toward your goals,
remember to plant hope and happiness along with all the action
you take.

Receiving this card reversed puts Autumn in the upper
position. It reveals that a cycle of harvest—and perhaps great
abundance—is coming to you. You will certainly be called upon to
gather up the results ofthe action you've taken in the past. Your
career, creative, or personal projects are about to payoff!
Although the results you've been anticipating may be fa-
vorable, don't forget that there's effort in the harvest as well as
in the planting There may be some loose ends to tie up, or some
final action that needs to be taken. Ifs°, focus on what needs to be
done now to bring closure or completion to the matter at hand.
Harvest is a time of reaping what you have sown. Enjoy
the fruits of your labor. Whether the harvest is big or small, al-
ways choose to live in appreciation. Placing gratitude in your
Akashic Records now will invite many things that generate
more gratitude in the future.
Akashic Force
Close your eyes and feel yourself stand tall, placing one
foot in the Spring and the other in the Autumn. As you look at
your life, ask yourself what step will help you plant a new sit-
uation and what step will help you harvest. See those actions
before you now.

5 of Forces


This seasonal-cycle card reveals how best to spend your
energy at this time. The beautiful sunlit sky of Summer over-
looks farmers working hard on their growing crops. Summer is a
yang time of great activity; so this is your notice to get going!
Action is an important part of this cycle, and it can take many
forms. There may be something you can do to accelerate your
professional life. This may also be the perfect time to take steps
toward your personal goals: perhaps get more exercise, plan
more social events, or start a fun activity you've been wanting to
do. You might also reflect on what actions or perspective would
attract a new romance or enhance your love life. This card tells
you to consider what needs to be done—then go for it!
This cycle is a perfect time to create a smiling, self-loving
energy and project it outward for the world to see. Also, don't be
surprised if a trip is coming your way. This card implies move-
ment ofsome kind, so get ready!

When this card is reversed, the Winter shows snow-
covered trees in a still landscape. It tells you that you are in a yin
cycle—a time of receptivity, going inward, and taking stock.
This phase may call for you to be less active in the world; how-
ever, it is a quiet energy that pays off later. This passive, receptive
state is a good time to meditate, to connect with Spirit, and es-
pecially to make future plans.
The Winter cycle is often filled with inner activity mixed
with peaceful retreat. Your external life may still require some
sort of action; be sure to undertake it with focus and inner
peace. Remember to relax and regroup. Let yourself make plans
for the beginnings that are to come with the Spring, while yield-
ing to the receptive energy ofthe time.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes, and with a deep breath fill yourself with
the calm and receptive energy of yin. Sense what situation in
your life requires a peaceful yielding now. Then take another
deep breath. Exhale the yin and then inhale yang. Feel creative
and powerful yang energy fill you. Where do you want to apply
speed and action most in your life right now?
6 of Forces


A towering waterfall roars down into a beautiful body of
water. In the upright position, this card reminds you of your
incredible personal power and supports you in opening up to
the force within. Know that you are a dynamo in the Universe.
You have the ability to shape any situation in a way that hon-
ors you and moves your life forward.
The element of water is fluid; like the waterfall, your
personal energy never stops. Your life force is never-ending;
it springs from your eternal past and roars into your limitless
future, extending into the farthest reaches of the Universe. It
is a time of deep thought and even deeper emotions, as well as
an expansion ofpsychic energy. Use this time to act on these
and tap your power that is ever flowing.

Reversed, this card indicates a situation where you're
feeling a significant loss of power. This waterfall reversed
shows that you are in an emotionally reactive time. You may
feel like your life's turned totally upside down, or you may
have unintentionally given your power to someone else—
whether it's a lover, a boss, a family member, or a friend.
Perhaps you are following another person's agenda in spite
of your own intuition not to do so. In a more extreme form,
you may have completely given up—falling into depression
or living according to the dictates of another. It's imperative
that you rise up and take your power back. It may seem for-
eign for you to do so, but it's a lesson that your soul longs for
you to learn.
During this phase, take time in your meditations and
restful states to tap the love, power, and value of your Spirit.
When you understand your true value, you will know that you
deserve to carve out your own destiny—and you'll take the
steps to do so.
Akashic Force
With a deep breath, fill every part of your being with the
energy of a great waterfall. Feel the power that electrifies and
lights the world pouring through you. How do you want to use it
7 of Forces


This card reveals a time of harmony, balance, and justice
in your life. A desk holds balanced scales, scrolls, and stacks of
papers. Shelves of books grace a wall where a door opens onto a
Sight-filled room. Upright, this card indicates that a time of bal-
ance is at hand. All systems—through the body, through na-
ture, and through society—seek to achieve balance. Stop and
consider the parts of your life that you can bring into greater
balance. During this time, the Universe helps you do so.
You may have to confront important legal issues. You may
have to deal with paperwork ofsome kind, or there maybe a need
for legal action regarding property, inheritance, work contracts,
custody, or divorce. Be patient and pay attention to details, as
technicalities will be important right now. But things bode well;
justice is at hand. Take heart at the sight of the golden light that
washes over the scene, a sign that all issues will come to light and
that a beneficial and just resolution is coming your way.
Justice is balance in society, but the Akashic Records
show that justice is not limited strictly to court and contract sit-
uations. Justice and reciprocity are energetic, so the energy you
put forth now will return to you in the future. Remember that
your energy production is up to you. Continue to be aware of
your thoughts and actions. Inner balance now leads to a beauti-
ful destiny tomorrow.

Reversed, this card indicates that you may be out of bal-
ance and embroiled in some difficult situation that has caused
you to lose clarity and even power. This could include stressful
legal matters—or a situation that seems unjust to you. You may
feel all tied up in red tape, but you need to be proactive. Take
the action needed to untie the situation bit by bit.Acquire good
counsel and advice to see this situation through and help you
get all the details straight. The outcome may not go exactly as
desired, but remember to keep your balance. Seek only justice;
release revenge and anger. You don't want your urgent attach-
ment to create more difficult karma in this matter.
On a personal level, this reversal is warning you to get
centered and balanced once again. Bring balance back to your
diet, your physical exercise, and your mind. Consider how your
choices and thoughts are going to impact your future in this life
and in lifetimes to come.
Take the actions that will set the scales back in balance—
not just between you and others, but within your life as well.
There may be components of your daily schedule that have
thrown you off your center. it's time for you to set things right
again. When all things are balanced, the good energy you send
out will attract great energy back to you.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and see yourselfputting on the robes of a
court judge. Look upon any situation in your life that requires a
balanced understanding. Whether it's an actual legal matter or
any other situation, see it with the wisdom of Solomon and
determine what to do next.
8 of Forces


A lightning bolt illuminates a stormy night sky, striking
a tree down to its core. Puddles of rain pool upon the ground.
This card shows that it's a time of splitting apart--.a time
ofloss, disappointment, or even a metaphorical death. You may
be feeling wounded, grieved, or gravely disappointed. The loss
could be a career opportunity, romantic relationship, partner-
ship, creative project, or friendship.
At first glance, the event may seem sudden or unexpected,
but in the light that flashes, we see the deep puddles of a storm
that has been going on for some time. You've probably been
aware of the threat or difficulty at some level, even if you were
unwilling to acknowledge it before. Now, it's time to accept the
situation and not fight what's so. There is benefit coming, but it
often takes an ending to bring forth a new beginning—and a
storm to cleanse the field.

This is an exceptional time of dynamic force and energy.
You may have suffered a loss, but the storm is dispersing. Some
cleanup might be required, but it's time to set down new roots,
to seek new ground and new growth. Apply your energy to
whatever compels you now.
When this card is reversed, a bolt oflightning reaches up
to crack the heavens. It is nothing less than the Divine power
that moves through you and rises up from the depths of cre-
ation. Own it. It's a force that can help you light up the earth!

Akashic Force
Imagine a lightning bolt striking nearby, leaving some
destruction in its wake. Now close your eyes and with a deep
breath feel the energy of lightning stir within you. It's almost
as if the finger of God is yours to employ. How do you want to
direct this energy in your life?


This card shows a woman balancing the energies of a sun
in one hand and a moon in the other, with a river flowing be-
neath her feet. The Queen of Forces represents a woman who
can help to bring greater balance to your life. She brings an un-
usual combination ofpower and peace, creativity and receptiv-
ity, in both her energy and her support.
Sometimes this card can represent a person in your life
(either you or another) coming into a phase of great power and
an ability to sustain it with wonderful results. There is a gift of
grace and serene understanding when this card is upright. It
also brings new roles and opportunities. Careers in many of the
sciences, global communication, nature, and energy may now
be available to you.
The Queen of Forces could also indicate the appearance of
a possible love interest or an associate in business or in a creative
project who has powerful influence and connections for you or
for another. It may be someone you know or somebody new, but
when this card appears, there is a tender yet powerful support.
During this time, choose to support yourselfas well. You hold the
forces of the sun (creativity) and moon (receptivity), and only
you, yourself, can direct the energy ofyour eternal life.

This card reversed represents a woman in your life with a
very fragmented energy. She may be part of your family, work
environment, or another kind of relationship. You will sense
some agitation or disharmony, and in some cases this person
may not have your best interests at heart. In fact, she could
misuse her power and influence and be critical of you, which
can negatively affect your relationship with yourself or others.
If you see that kind of behavior, it's time to speak up for your-
self; set boundaries, and demand respect. If you are unable to
change how she treats you, step away.
You or a woman in your life may also be experiencing a se-
rious imbalance in energy or a loss of feeling true power. There
may be times offeeling left in the dark and not knowingwhat to
do next. There could also be the loss of a job in a large compa-
ny, in the sciences, in teaching, physics, nature, energy, or other
such fields native to the Queen of Forces.
If you are the Queen of Forces, it's time to reclaim your
power and sense the true energy and light that is a part of your
Eternal Self. Get clear and get objective. Don't let the situation
around you take you of:reenter. You have the power to bring bal-
ance back to your mind and your life, so take charge now.

Akashic Force
Feel the Queen of Forces approach. She offers all sorts of
support and energy. Who is she in your life? Take a deep breath
and tap the inner part of you that rules the Forces ofthe world.

A man standing by a stream is surrounded by differ-
ent animals of the woods. The power of nature is all around
him—in the earth below his feet, the water running by and
the star-filled nebula in the sky above. Yet he is a force himself
exerting calming influences on the wolf and the rabbit, which
are natural enemies.
Upright, this card indicates the presence of a man who
has a powerful and positive energy. He comes with good inten-
tions; gentleness and honesty resonate from him. If you don't
know this man yet, his energy will be coming into your life
soon. He could bring support for a special project, a work issue,
or just your life in general. He may also be a possible love inter-
est. So in order to be open to receiving a man of honor, make
sure you engage in honoring and being tender toward yourself.
For you or a man around you there could be a position
coming in any of the careers natural to the King of Forces, such
as electronics, astronomy, physics, geology, alternative fuel, any
ofthe earth sciences, and new industries in environmental care.
Any activity connecting with earth energy and nature are bene-
ficial to you at this time
Whether you are male or female, this also reveals an
important side of yourself. Feel the balance and beauty of na-
ture and know the powerful forces always moving within and
around you.

This card's reversal represents a time of depleted forces,
inertia, or scattered energy. It could indicate a divorce or sepa-
ration from, or for, the King of Forces. Career-wise, there may
be the loss of a position for someone in an industry natural to
the King ofForces, as listed above.
This card reversed could also indicate a man with dis-
ruptive energy. He may be out of balance in his own life, which
imbalances you as well. Sometimes there are obvious signs of
negativity, such as anger, hostility, or even an abiding depres-
sion. Other times the vibrations may be subtle and hard to
recognize. But he is likely to be sel fish or self-absorbed. Be con-
scious and aware, for he could be very charming on the surface
yet manipulative underneath.
If this card indicates a potential love interest or business
partner, take your time in assessing the true vibrations he is
sending out. He may just need time to right himself, but you
may also need to move on

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and sense the King of Forces by your side.
Feel Universal beauty and power move within you, through
you, and around you. Feel how gentle this force and wisdom
are. How will you rule the forces and allow them to serve you?
I of Keys


A man and woman in rich Egyptian dress stand at a ta-
ble filled with structural drawings and measuring utensils. He
is the architect of all they survey, and he points to an unseen
building in this expansive project. Throughout the scene, many
workers toil on foundations, pylons, and palaces.
At a mundane level you could find yourself involved in
a building project or renovating and redecorating your home
or workplace. Most important, this card shows that it's time
for you to step into a position of power. in order to do that,
you must recognize your talents and strengths, as well as your
authority to take charge. An opportunity beckons that utilizes
your skills perfectly. Feel the command you have over the great
scope of this situation, and take charge?

Plans have changed or, perhaps, have even fallen through.
There may be things that you can't seem to control, or maybe
you've lost your belief in your own talent and authority. Even
if a particularly large task lies before you, don't just give up. it's
time to wake up to your power and work the plan. If the plan is
in a state of collapse, start a new one—or at least consider some
actions that you can take to reclaim your power and start anew.

Special Note
Whether the card is upright or reversed, look at the adja-
cent card to which the Architect points. It can show you some
specifics about your plans—or change of plans. It can also alert
you to unseen events or people of influence that are not yet
known to you.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes. Take a relaxing breath, and move deeply
into the authority and confidence that come from your eternal
truth. You are in easy command. Feel your talents and power
stir within you as you design the destiny you seek.
2 of Keys


A man looks dejectedly at a smashed treasure chest in a
room that obviously has been robbed and plundered. Behind
him, a stream of light shines from below the lid ofan unbroken
chest that rests on a small table, the only piece of furniture in
the room that hasn't been touched.
This card represents a great loss or disappointment in
your life right now. It could be the loss of a job, a relationship,
or even an opportunity, but remember that this phase is tem-
porary. It might take some time and effort to rally your forces
to recover, but there is a great treasure within you that is always

available. The little chest represents that part of you that is filled
with light. It isn't vulnerable, and it can never be lost or dam-
aged. When you focus on what's wrong or what's lacking, it per-
petuates your sense ofemptiness and victimization. So don't let
yourself get lost in your loss. Open the lid to your light and let it
illuminate your way. There are other opportunities and greater
wealth waiting for you to discover.

In this exciting reversal, the lid on the chest with the
treasure of light has fallen open. Some disruptive events may
have made you feel vulnerable, but you haven't defined yourself
through loss. You've unveiled your Spirit and recognized the
wealth alight and power inside you. The immediate future fills
with manifest opportunity as well as new and abundant offer-
ings from the Universe that are coming to you now.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and feel the treasure inside you. There is a
golden light there that flows through your whole body and into
the air around you. This is your boundless and abundant light,
and it acts as a beacon to the world.
3 of Keys


A game is in play upon this chessboard. Some of the piec-
es are sidelined, while the bronze Queen lies on her side on the
playing field.
The people represented by these chess pieces are not
usually those you meet for enjoyable pastimes. This is a card
of political and social conflict. You may be in store for difficult
interactions in group settings, such as boards of directors,
corporate hierarchies, management disruptions, or conflict-
ed family situations. Though sides seem to be clearly divided,
many of the people involved are really out for themselves.
Deceit is present, and you may not be at all certain about ev-
eryone's motives or strategies.
It's time for you to take an emotional—or even an
actual—step back. The more you get involved and the stron-
ger you hold your position, the more heated the situation may
become. No matter how challenging, try to maintain an inner
peace. Don't participate in any battles or allegiances, but don't
let yourself be deceived either. Look at everything coolly and
The people around you are serving their own agendas.
Try to detach, be objective, and treat everyone involved from
a deeper source of wisdom without being misled. There may
come a time for you to leave or distance yourself from this situ-
ation, but because of circumstances, it may not be here yet. For
now, let yourself be a knowing observer and watch.

This card shows that the political conflict with co-
workers, business management, your family, or a disruptive
group has grown untenable. It's unlikely to change, and some
people's positions may topple—or may have done so already.
It's time to walk away. Even if you can't actually leave immedi-
ately, disengage emotionally. Begin to make plans that will help
you put the difficulties, worries, and unhappy people behind
you. Don't be discouraged. By bringing this to an end, you cre-
ate the space to bring more peace and promise to your life. It's
time to leave the political game behind you, so create a strategy
to move on to new beginnings.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and feel yourself upon a chessboard. Re-
ally put yourself there and take a look around you. See who the
other players are and how you feel about them. What do you
want your next move to be
4 of Keys


A man and woman have taken their carriage down a trail
that cuts through a forest and continues to their beautiful home
in the distance. A large, downed tree lies before them, blocking
their path. However, the young man carries an axe and is ready
to clear the way.
This card is a strong signal that its now time to take sig-
nificant action to remove an obstruction in your way. It may be
in yourpersonal life, in a relationship, at work, or with a creative
project. You must be clear-headed, so be sure to temper your
action with calm and forethought. If you are too urgent and
excitable, you may waste your energy or even cause damage.
On the other hand, if you're overly gentle and cautious, you
won't clear the way completely. Be determined and strong as
you work to remove the obstacle that blocks your steps. With
time and your attention, the way to your dreams will be open.

The way is being cleared. An obstruction you thought
would be daunting can be easily and quickly dispatched. Even
some external events or other people may help to ease the situ-
ation and open the way. In either event, celebrate! You will soon
be free to take the steps you once thought blocked!

Akashic Force
With a deep breath, fill yourself with the strength, force,
and love that help you move any obstacle that blocks your path.
Feel that love and power growing, gently moving through any-
thing within and around you and freeing you completely.
5 of Keys


The scene is a bright and full storeroom, a larder for a
sizeable and successful estate. Inside are keys and coins,
wines and spices. Also within the room are a number of bas-
kets filled with a bounty of fruits, vegetables, breads, flowers,
sugars, and grains. Even the many windows look out at the
expanse of your world.
This card is a sign that the time has come for your
wishes to be fulfilled and your dreams to be realized. Dif-
ficulties may have challenged you for a time, but even in
these, victory is assured. There is an abundance of sweet
nourish ments and acquired lands coming. The keys to the
castle are yours. Celebrate!

Your dreams may feel as if they are somewhere off in the
distance, but they don't have to be so elusive. You must work to
change your circumstances as well as your responses to them.
Don't define yourselfin lack, and don't go on the defensive. Re-
main strong and steadfast in your little victories and your inner
abundance. The most important key to getting your wishes ful-
filled is the power inside you. Keep working on your dreams,
and your dreams will start working for you.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and feel someone hand you a set of gold-
en keys. One of them opens the most important door before
you. Open the door and see what lies ahead.
6 of Keys

A man works diligently sculpting a bust in his workroom.
Behind him is a large window that overlooks the rolling hills of
a harbor city. The moon in the sky points left, growing to full.
Its called the increscent moon.
This waxing moon on the card shows an exciting time
of increase, abundance, and growth. Your efforts have com-
bined with external circumstances, and even the stars have
aligned. If things have been financially tight for you recently,
relax. There is great opportunity for increase and fulfillment
in every way—financially, creatively, and even in your rep-
utation and prestige. So just do your work, and get ready to

This reversal shows that a phase of decrease is here. The
moon is waning; the tides are ebbing away. Energy, money, and
even your creative flow may feel tight for a while. The forces
around you seem prohibitive, so conserve your energy rather
than spend it on futile action. Though this seems like a difficult
time, don't be dismayed. It's not permanent. The moon, like
all things, moves in cycles—and quickly, too. So take a deep
breath, rest, and know that the time of increase will return.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and tap into the increscent moon's pow-
er. Feel the flow of energy, receptivity, and opportunity swell
within you. Know that you can bring this force to whatever you
wish to increase. Howwould you like to direct this energy now?
7 of Keys


A man stands atop a mountain with a rope draped over
his shoulder. Metal stakes known as pitons remain in the
steep cliff face that he has climbed, evidence of the difficult
path of his ascent. The rope and pitons may have been the
physical keys necessary for his achievement, but so were his
hard work and resolve.
This card shows that with great effort and determination,
you can applyyourselfto yourgoals for assured success. Though
there may be some risks involved, you can reach the top. There
could be a promotion or an advance to a much higher position
coming. Understand, however, that it isn't just luck or external
influences, but your own hard work and application that bring
the achievement you seek. So keep your efforts strong. Instead
of being passed by, you will climb to the heights!

This card reversed can sometimes indicate the loss of a
position, a sudden departure from a job, or a fall from grace
in your reputation or career expectations. It also speaks to ef-
forts that don't pay off. You may have worked hard to reach a
higher position, yet it seems to have eluded you. The specific
outcomes you seek may be harder to realize right now, and
your efforts may not be acknowledged by others. No matter
how hard you work, it seems like you're often starting over
from the bottom. This may just be a passing phase, but if you
find yourself making longterm efforts without any reward in
sight, it could be time to think about a new approach or a dif-
ferent place to plant your flag.

Akashic Force
There is a goal high above you, and you have to climb a
steep hill to get there. Close your eyes, and feel filled with ener-
gy and enthusiasm for this goal. See how you can apply yourself
to this endeavor. What steps can you take to reach the top?


Inside a bright and bustling artisans' workshop, appren-
tices are busy at their work benches, which are arrayed with
the beautiful fruits oftheir labors. The Master Artisan pours a
number ofbeautiful, shining gems into the open hands ofone
of his apprentices.
This card indicates that you now have the opportunity
to offer your talents, your purpose, and your gifts to the world,
making a contribution to many. Don't be shy and don't hold
back what you have to share. It's not the time to hide your light
under a basket.
As a matter of fact, you may now find yourself teaching or
training your skill set to others. You may also be demonstrating
your gifts and performing your talents publicly. Even if your
gifts lie in the ability for loving, compassionate care, you will be
sharing those gifts with others.
In this period of time, you can build your reputation
and take advantage of the opportunities that come your way.
So take action, put yourself out there, and let yourself shine.
There is much beauty and empowerment for you to bring to
the world.

The reversal of this card actually indicates a time of
great return. You have shared your gifts with the world, and
now a wonderful phase of receiving is here for you! You have
worked hard and brought your efforts and energy to bear in
making your contribution to humanity. Now it's time for the
Universe to give back. The riches and fulfillment you deserve
are pouring back into your hands. It is the return of all your
efforts tenfold!
Akashic Force
Close your eyes and feel yourself filled with all ofthe gifts
you have to share with the world. Sense those energies pour
through your heart and mind and out to the people around you.
Feel the ease of this sharing. You cannot be drained, for all that
you give flows backto you unceasingly. To create return, do this
sharing frequently.

A Queen dressed in a gown of rich colors and textures
stands atop the tower of her great castle, happily looking over
the rich, verdant hills ofher domain. In the far distance, her hus-
band returns from his travels.
This card represents a woman of authority. She is sensi-
tive, helpful, and thoughtful. She is confident in her authority
but always happy to celebrate the success of others. She could
be a love interest for you or someone in your life.
Besides referring to a positive woman of business, this
card can represent you or another who is about to climb the

ladder of success. Positions in banking, investment, real estate,
and management may be coining. Self-employment in any in-
dustry could also be at hand—as well as greater financial inde-
pendence, increased authority, or creative autonomy at work.

With this card reversed, you could experience an erno-
tional distancing from a businesswoman, or have a difference of
opinion or dispute with a woman in authority. You or a woman
you know may be thinking about quitting a job. A higher posi-
tion that you want may not be available, or a position that you
have earned may no longer be fulfilling for you,
In some cases this reversal can indicate being laid off or
distancing in a love relationship. Regardless ofhow this reversal
manifests, this is a time to consider your aspirations and all that
brings you to your happiest next step in life.

Special Note
Take note when the Queen and King of Keys appear in
the same spread. If the King and Queen are facing each other
(even if they're across the table), it indicates a deeply profound
relationship in love or business that is of great value. If the
Queen and King have their backs to each other, there could be
a break in communication or a lack of connection and shared

Akashic Force
Feel the Queen of Keys beside you. Sense the support she
has for you. She is ready to give you a key for your own life. This
key may be a feeling, a word or idea, or a symbol that informs
you in some way. Take this key now and sense what it means
and how it feels.

The King of Keys rides a splendid horse toward a great
castle in the distance. He is happy and at ease as he travels
home. This is an entrepreneurial man with civil or commercial
authority. He is confident, astute, and perhaps overly focused
on his work or career. Though he can be very thoughtful and
helpful to you in business or financial matters, he is often more
goal oriented than people oriented. Keep this in mind if this
man turns out to be a love interest for you or another.
Whether the King of Keys represents you or another, be
on the lookout for a major promotion, a heightening of income,
or a furthering of career achievements. Careers in finance, real
estate, and business are typical for the King of Keys, but man-
agement in any industry can be forthcoming. This may also be a
good time for self-employment and business expansion for you
or a man in your life.

With this card reversed, you may have some difficulties
with a man at work. There could also be a loss ofa job or distanc-
ing in a relationship for you or for a man you know. The success
you seek may be eluding you right now, or you may be making a
great effort without seeing it payoff
At this time, focus on understanding how your life's
purpose can complement your career directives. When you
have clarity on that, you will know what actions to undertake.
Whether you are a man or woman, the King of Keys reversed
might indicate a man of commerce who is stepping away from
work or who is not available to you.

Special Note
Take note when the Queen and King of Keys appear in
the same spread. If the King and Queen are facing each oth-
er (even &they're across the table), it indicates a deeply pro-
found relationship in love or business that is of great value.
If the Queen and King have their backs to each other, there
could be a break in communication or a lack of connection
and shared purpose.

Akashic Force
Close your eyes and feel yourself step into an important
position of power and wealth. You become the King of Keys,
and you feel yourself straighten and lift with a new strength
and authority. As you survey your world, decide which part
of your life you would like to approach with a greater sense
of rulership.
About the Artists

Cheri Polk is an award-winning published illustrator

as well as a recognized portrait artist and graphic designer. Art
has been her passion since the age of 10, when she picked up
her first set of colored pencils. A modern Renaissance woman,
Cheri merges her 30 years of professional expertise with her
lifelong studies of the healing arts, vibrational medicine, and
spirit communication to capture and reflect her subjects' true
essence. Her intrinsic flair has led her unique works to he com-
missioned by private estates, collectors, and notable landmark
Cheri's artistic and eclectic interests, combined with her
desire to be a lifelong learner, have driven her to study and teach
throughout North America as well as SoutheastAsia. She loves to
sit at her easel working in various different mediums, along with
creative explorations in the forever-changing digital arts. Cheri
opened her first studio in 1985 and resides in Northeast Ohio.

Cheri's Cards:

Adsum The King of Scrolls

The Akashic Library The Light of the World
Archangel Gabriel The Lookout
Archangel Michael The Muse
Archangel Raphael On Track
The Ark of the Covenant The Oracle of Delphi
Birth—Birth Paths Unknown
'The Buddha Prepares The Queen of Scrolls
Caught in the Ruins Reflection
Diversity The Sands of Time
The Divine Physician The Scribe
Fated Meeting Setting Your Course
Hilarion Two Worlds
Initiation & the Count St. Germaine Up in the Air
Intricacies and Industry Uriel and the Sphinx
The Karmic Trench Will, Wisdom, and Mind
Emiliano Villani is a talented freelance graphic design-
er and illustrator who lives in the seaside resort city of Mar del
Plata, Argentina. He illustrates with paint and brush, pencils,
markers, and digital graphic design applications. His paintings
are displayed in art exhibits, and his illustrations have been
featured in children's books, fantasy books, comic books, and
magazines. His work has been published throughout the world,
including in Argentina, the U.K., France, India, Spain, Austria,
and the U.S.


Emiliano's Cards:

The Akashic Field The journey

The Architect The King of Forces
The Ascent The King of Keys
Balance The King of Roses
The Bird's Nest The Lightning Bolt
The Chess Game Loving Elementals
Clearing the Way The Master Artisan
Commitment The Queen of Forces
The Garden The Queen of Keys
Increscent Moon The Queen of Roses
Reflection The War of the Roses
Spring/Fall The Waterfall
Summer/Winter The Willow
The Treasure Winged Messengers
Views of the Ego Wishes Fulfilled

* .
About the Authors

Sharon Anne Klingler is an international best-selling

author, a medium, and an inspiring speaker. The Flufiington
Post declared her book Power Words, 'My kind of book, as it
gives us all extraordinary superpower tools to help uncover
our highest selves" (B. Fonger). And author Denise Linn de-
scribed it as "Perhaps the most profound, transformative book
ever written on the influence that... language has on our lives."
Some of Sharon's other books are Intuition & Beyond for Ran-
dom House London; the best-selling Secrets of Success with her
sister, New York Times best-selling author Sandra Anne Taylor;
Life with Spirit; and many other titles.
One of the world's leading intuitives, Sharon has worked
with television news anchors; film writers and producers;
Emmy, Tony, Oscar, and Grammy winners; the FBI; mem-
bers of Congress; and high-profile clients around the world.
Her books have been international bestsellers on three conti-
nents. She has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey Network;
BBC and ITV London; BBC Scotland; Vision TV Canada; the
Discovery Channel; NBC, ABC, and CBS affiliates; and major
outlets throughout the United States, Australia, and Europe.
She has also been featured in The London Daily Express, The
Huffington Post, Eve Magazine, and in many newspapers and
magazines around Australia, Europe, and the United States.
(You can hear Sharon regularly on the Living Your Quantum
Success show on*.)
For more information on Sharon and her work,
please visit; and

Sandra Anne Taylor is the New York Times best-

selling author of several titles, including Quantum Success and
Secrets of Attraction, which received worldwide acclaim for
their enlightening and comprehensive approach to the field
of attraction and achievement. Her latest title, The Akashic Re-
cords, explores all the types of energy and information that the
records can bring—and explains how to access them quickly
and easily. Her book Your Quantum Breakthrough Code re-
veals an amazingly simple yet powerful technique that breaks
through unwanted patterns and completely reroutes the direc-
tion of your life.
Her beautiful andamazingly accurate—deck of Ener-
gy Oracle Cards helps you identify and predict energy patterns
and future results in your life. The Hidden Power of Your Past
Lives, which includes a free meditation CD, is an in-depth look
at reincarnation, exploring the influence ofpasd de experiences
on present-life patterns. 28 Days to a More Magnetic Life is a
handy, pocket-size book that offers daily techniques and affir-
mations to help anyone shift their energy and create greater
happiness and magnetism on a regular basis. Her many popular
books are available in 29 languages across the globe.
Join Sandra for fun readings and enlightening infor-
mation on her weekly radio show, Mondays on HayHouse®. For more information on Sandra and her work,
please visit: and


You can contact both Sharon and Sandra:

Starbringer Associates
871 Canterbury Rd., Unit B
Westlake, 01-144145

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