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Guide to TCP IP 4th Edition Carrell Test

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Guide to TCP IP 4th Edition Carrell Test Bank

Chapter 2: IP Addressing and Related Topics


1. IP addresses can be represented as domain names to make it possible for users to identify and access
resources on a network.

ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: 59

2. As a frame moves from interface to interface, the IP source and destination address information is

ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: 59-60

3. Class D addresses always take the following binary form: bbbbbbbb.11111111.11111111.11111111.

ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: 62

4. When a host uses a service that employs a multicast address, it registers itself to “listen” on that
address, as well as on its own unique host address (and the broadcast address).

ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: 62

5. Providing a narrower address space is the primary design goal for IPv6.

ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: 77


1. To be valid, any domain name must correspond to at least one unique ____.
a. loopback address c. firewall
b. numeric IP address d. IP gateway
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 58

2. The ____ address is a six-byte numeric address, burned into firmware (on a chip) by network interface
a. symbolic c. reverse proxy
b. logical numeric d. physical numeric
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 59

3. ____ is used to permit computers to translate numeric IP addresses to MAC layer addresses.
a. ARP c. Reverse proxying
b. RARP d. Subnet masking
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 59

4. ____ is used to translate MAC layer addresses into numeric IP addresses.

a. ARP c. Reverse proxying
b. RARP d. Subnet masking
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 59

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5. The term ____ is used to describe the data frame crossing a router.
a. firewall c. loopback
b. hop d. dot squad
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 60

6. ____ addresses are used for multicast communications, in which a single address may be associated
with more than one network host machine.
a. Class A c. Class C
b. Class B d. Class D
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 61

7. A ____ represents a network address that all hosts on a network must read.
a. loopback c. broadcast address
b. hop d. dot squad
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 62

8. A ____ is a special bit pattern that “blocks off ” the network portion of an IPv4 address with an
all-ones pattern.
a. reverse proxy c. broadcast address
b. summary address d. subnet mask
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 65

9. A(n) ____ is a device that interconnects multiple IP networks or subnets.

a. subnet mask c. layer-3 switch
b. IP gateway d. network address
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 67

10. When a computer on one subnet wishes to communicate with a computer on another subnet, traffic
must be forwarded from the sender to a nearby ____ to send the message on its way from one subnet
to another.
a. broadcast address c. subnet mask
b. IP gateway d. proxy server
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 67

11. The simplest form of subnet masking uses a technique called ____, in which each subnet includes the
same number of stations and represents a simple division of the address space made available by
subnetting into multiple equal segments.
a. constant-length subnet masking c. dot squad
b. firewall d. anycast
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 67

12. One form of subnet masking uses a technique called ____ and permits a single address to be
subdivided into multiple subnets, in which subnets need not all be the same size.
a. IP gateway c. variable-length subnet masking
b. constant-length subnet masking d. IP renumbering
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 67
13. ____ gets its name from the notion that it ignores the traditional A, B, and C class designations for IP
addresses and can therefore set the network-host ID boundary wherever it wants to, in a way that
simplifies routing across the resulting IP address spaces.
a. Route aggregation c. NAT
b. Address masquerading d. Classless Inter-Domain Routing
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 68

14. ____ allows IPv4 addresses from Class A, B, or C to be combined and treated as a larger address
space, or subdivided arbitrarily, as needed.
a. Supernetting c. Subnet masking
b. Classless Inter-Domain Routing d. Address masquerading
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 69

15. ____ may be performed by boundary devices that include proxy server capabilities to replace private
IP addresses with one or more public IP addresses as outbound traffic exits the server, and to replace
such public addresses with their proper private equivalents as incoming traffic passes through the
a. IP renumbering c. Address masquerading
b. Supernetting d. Subnetting
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 70

16. One of the most important services that a ____ provides is to manage what source addresses appear in
outbound packets that pass through it.
a. loopback c. subnet mask
b. proxy server d. layer-3 switch
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 72

17. RFC ____ reserves three ranges of IP addresses for private use - a single Class A
(–, 16 Class Bs (–, and 256 Class Cs
a. 1517 c. 1878
b. 1518 d. 1918
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 76

18. ____ lets networks use multiple private IPv4 addresses internally and maps them to one or more public
IPv4 addresses externally.
a. DNS c. NAT
b. IP gateway d. VoIP
ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 76-77

19. Multicast addresses in IPv6 use a(n) ____ to define the portion of the Internet to which the multicast
group pertains.
a. scope identifier c. loopback identifier
b. interface identifier d. aggregatable global unicast address
ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 80

20. Previously, IPv6 specified that interface identifiers followed the modified ____ format, which
specifies a unique 64-bit interface identifier for each interface.
a. RFC 4941 c. EULA-64
b. EUI-64 d. IEEE 802.64v6
ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 80

21. In IPv6, the ____ address is all zeroes and can be represented as two colon characters (::) in normal
a. anycast c. multicast
b. broadcast d. unspecified
ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 82


1. The physical numeric address functions at a sublayer of the Data Link layer in the OSI network
reference model, called the ____________________.

Media Access Control layer
media access control layer
MAC layer

PTS: 1 REF: 59

2. ____________________ informs the network interface card to pass packets sent to that address to the
IP stack so their contents can be read, and tells the IP gateway to forward such traffic onto the physical
network, where the listening network interface resides.

ANS: Registration

PTS: 1 REF: 62-63

3. The activity of stealing (borrowing) bits from the host portion to further subdivide the network portion
of an address is called ____________________.

subnetting a network address

PTS: 1 REF: 66

4. ____________________ combines contiguous network addresses by stealing bits from the network
portion and using them to create a single, larger contiguous address space for host addresses.

ANS: Supernets

PTS: 1 REF: 67

5. In IPv6, _________________________ addresses are used to send an identical message to multiple


ANS: multicast

PTS: 1 REF: 83

Match each item with a statement below.

a. Solicited node address f. Secure end-to-end connection
b. Anycast address g. ICANN
c. Class E addresses h. Application specific integrated circuits
d. i. Layer 3 switching
1. used by switches to make decisions
2. packets goes to the nearest single instance of this address
3. default mask for Class A networks
4. allows IP traffic to move in encrypted form between the sender and receiver without intermediate
5. manages all IP-related addresses, protocol numbers, and well-known port addresses, and also assigns
MAC layer addresses for use in network interfaces
6. default mask for Class C networks
7. special type of multicast address used to support Neighbor Solicitation (NS)
8. allows you to partition a large network into many smaller subnets, with almost no loss of performance
9. used for experimental purposes only

1. ANS: H PTS: 1 REF: 74

2. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: 84
3. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: 65
4. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: 70-71
5. ANS: G PTS: 1 REF: 73
6. ANS: E PTS: 1 REF: 65
7. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: 83
8. ANS: I PTS: 1 REF: 74
9. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: 61


1. Briefly discuss IPs three-part addressing scheme.

Symbolic: This consists of names that take a particular form, such as
Logical numeric: This consists of a set of four numbers, separated by periods, as in
of these four numbers must be smaller than 256 in decimal to be represented in eight binary digits, or
Physical numeric:This consists of a six-byte numeric address, burned into firmware (on a chip) by
network interface manufacturers.

PTS: 1 REF: 58-59

2. Why are concepts such as subnets and supernets important for TCP/IP networks?

The reason concepts like subnets and supernets are important for TCP/IP networks is that each of these
ideas refers to a single “local neighborhood” on such a network, seen from a routing perspective.
When network addresses are further subdivided beyond their defaults for whatever class to which an
address belongs, such subnetting represents “stealing bits” (borrowing bits) from the host portion of
the address and using those stolen (borrowed) bits to create multiple routing regions within the context
of a single network address.

PTS: 1 REF: 66

3. Briefly describe how to calculate subnet masks.

There are several varieties of subnet masks that you can design for a network, depending on how you
want to implement an address segmentation scheme. The simplest form of subnet masking uses a
technique called constant-length subnet masking (CLSM), in which each subnet includes the same
number of stations and represents a simple division of the address space made available by subnetting
into multiple equal segments.

Another form of subnet masking uses a technique called variable-length subnet masking (VLSM) and
permits a single address to be subdivided into multiple subnets, in which subnets need not all be the
same size.

PTS: 1 REF: 67

4. What are the limitations of creating a CIDR address?

1. All the addresses in the CIDR address must be contiguous. Use of the standard network prefix
notation for addresses,however, also makes it tidy and efficient to carve up any kind of address, as

2. When address aggregation occurs, CIDR address blocks work best when they come in sets that are
greater than 1 and equal to some lower-order bit pattern that corresponds to all 1s - namely in groups
of 3, 7, 15, 31, and so on. That’s because this makes it possible to borrow the corresponding number of
bits (two, three, four, five,and so on) from the network portion of the CIDR address block and use
them to extend the host portion instead.

3. To use a CIDR address on any network, all routers in the routing domain must “understand” CIDR
notation. This is typically not a problem for most routers that were built after September 1993, when
RFCs 1517, 1518, and 1519 were approved, because most router vendors began to support CIDR
addresses at that time.

PTS: 1 REF: 69

5. What are the disadvantages of using private IP addresses?

The disadvantages are:

Such addresses may not be routed across the public Internet.

Some IP services require what’s called a secure end-to-end connection - IP traffic must be able to
move in encrypted form between the sender and receiver without intermediate translation. Thus, if
either party to such a connection uses a public IP address, it’s easiest to configure if both parties use a
public IP address because the address for the “private end” of the connection cannot be routed directly
across the Internet.

PTS: 1 REF: 70-71

6. Most organizations need public IP addresses only for two classes of equipment. Briefly describe each
of these classes.

Devices that permit organizations to attach networks to the Internet. These include the external
interfaces on boundary devices of all kinds, such as routers, proxy servers, and firewalls, that help
maintain the perimeter between the “outside” and “inside” on networks.

Servers that are designed to be accessible to the Internet. These include public Web servers, e-mail
servers, FTP servers, news servers, and whatever other kind of TCP/IP Application layer services an
organization may want to expose on the public Internet.

PTS: 1 REF: 71

7. List the constraints that determine the number and size of networks.

These are:

Number of physical locations

Number of network devices at each location
Amount of broadcast traffic at each location
Availability of IP addresses
Delay caused by routing from one network to another

PTS: 1 REF: 73

8. Give two reasons why you should use binary boundaries.

One reason is that, in the future, you may want to implement layer-3 switching to reduce the broadcast
traffic, and if the devices fit in a binary boundary, you won’t have to readdress them.

Another good reason to use binary boundaries is that one day you will want to classify your traffic to
apply Quality of Service (QoS) or policies of some sort.

PTS: 1 REF: 75

9. What are some of the design goals for IPv6?

Guide to TCP IP 4th Edition Carrell Test Bank

Although providing a much larger address space is one of the primary design goals for IPv6, it is
hardly the only reason for implementing IPv6, nor is this the only change made in the latest version of
the IP protocol. IP has required a number of other important updates besides the lack of available
unique addresses. IPv6 not only provides a vast abundance of IP addresses and better management of
its address space, it eliminates the need for NAT and other technologies to be put in place to shore up
the inadequate number of IPv4 addresses. IPv6 also makes it easier to administer and configure IP

Also, IPv6 has modernized routing support and natively allows for expansion
along with the growing Internet.

Finally, IPv6 supports network security by using authentication and

encryption extension headers, among other methods.

PTS: 1 REF: 77

10. How can you express native IPv6 addresses in URLs?

RFC 2732 (originally proposed in 1999) describes a method to express IPv6 addresses in a form
compatible with HTTP URLs. Because the colon character (:) is used by most browsers to set off a
port number from an IPv4 address, native IPv6 addresses in their ordinary notation would cause
problems. This RFC uses another pair of reserved characters, the square brackets ([ and ]), to enclose a
literal IPv6 address. The RFC indicates that these square bracket characters are reserved in URLs
exclusively for expressing IPv6 addresses. This RFC is now a standard, which means that this syntax
represents the official format for expressing IPv6 addresses inside URLs.

Thus, an HTTP service available at port 70 of IPv6 address

FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210 should be denoted as
http://[FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210]:70/ (in literal form).

PTS: 1 REF: 82

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