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Market Research Survey


Demographic Questions

1. What is your age?

A. Below 18 years old
B. 18-24 years old
C. 25-34 years old
D. 35-44 years old
E. 45-54 years old
F. Over 55 years old

2. What is your sex?

A. Female
B. Male
C. Prefer Not to Say

3. What is your marital status?

A. Single (never married)
B. Married
C. In a domestic partnership
D. Divorced
E. Widowed

4. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed?

A. Less than high school diploma
B. High school graduate
C. Bachelor’s degree (e.g. BA, BS)
D. Master’s degree (e.g. MA, MS, Med)
E. Doctorate (e.g. PhD, EdD)
F. Other (please specify)

5. What is your annual household income?

A. Below P10,000
B. P10,00 – P20,000
C. P20,000 – P30,000
D. P30,000 – P40,000
E. P40,000 – P50,000
F. P60,000 Above

Business Questions

1. How many people work at your company?

A. 1-5
B. 6-15
C. 16-50
D. 50-99
E. 100-499
F. 500-1000
G. 1000+

2. How many hours per week does your staff work?

A. 35-39 hours per week
B. 40-44 hours per week
C. 45-49 hours per week
D. 50-54 hours per week
E. 55-69 hours per week
F. Over 60 hours per week

3. What product or services that your company’s offer? ________________

4. What industry best describes your company? ________________

5. Where is your business located? ________________

Competitor/Industry Questions

1. When you think of (product/services or industry, e.g., “Convenience Store”), which brands or
companies come to mind?

2. When you think of convenience store, do you think 7 Eleven has meet the standard to be
called “more convenient” at low price than the other?

3. On a scale of 1-5 with 1 being likely and 5 being unlikely, how likely you are to find a better
but cheaper store in the same industry?

1 2 3 4 5
4. On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being not at all and 5 being extremely, how brand loyal are you when
it comes to this product/service?

1 2 3 4 5

5. On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being extremely satisfied and 5 being extremely unsatisfied, how
satisfied are you with the product or service in the same industry that you have experienced in
recent days?

1 2 3 4 5

Brand Questions

1. Have you heard of our brand before?


2. Do you shop or have ever shopped at 7 Eleven convenience store?


3. How did you discover our shop?

A. a Friend
B. Family
C. Social
D. From work
E. Other, (please specify) ________________

4. When you think of our shop, what comes to your mind?

A. Its 24 hours open
B. Foods/Snacks
C. Goods/Services
D. Expensive
E. You can pay true Gcash
F. They have free internet

5. When looking for this product, how likely are you to consider 7 Eleven on a scale of 1-5, with
1 being extremely unlikely and 5 being extremely likely?

1 2 3 4 5
Product Questions

1. On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being very difficult and 5 being very easy, how easy is to buy in our

1 2 3 4 5

2. What are the most important criteria to you when deciding which product to buy?

3. What features or attributes of our products/services or store do you think are the best?

4. What features or attributes of our product/ services or store do you think are the worst?

5. How do you feel about your last 7 Eleven visits? Will you consider visiting there again?

Pricing Questions

1. When was the last time you buy with our store?
A. In the past 24 hours.
B. In the past week.
C. In the past month.
D. In the past year.
E. More than a year ago.
F. Never

2. How much do you spend, everytime you buy at 7 Eleven?

A. P100
B. P200
C. P300
D. P400
E. P500+

3. At what price would you think the product is getting expensive, but you still might buy it?
A. Chocolates
B. Water/Juice
C. Body lotion
D. Alcohol/Wine
E. Essential needs

4. How much would you consider paying for the original products or services offered by our
store only? ______________

5. If you know the price of the product, would you be willing to buy it?

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