Metrohm - Application Work AW IC CH6-1136-112012

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Application Work AW IC CH6-1136-112012

Cyanide and sulfide analysis using amperometric detection and

Metrosep A Supp 10 - 100/2.0

Branch Reagents
Food, stimulants, beverages, general analytical chemistry Sulfide standard, Na2S, 32 – 38 %, CAS 27610-45-3,
Fluka 719751
Potassium cyanide, KCN puriss. p.a ≥ 98%, CAS 151-
IC; 850; 858; Metrosep A Supp 10 - 100/2.0; Cyanide;
Sulfide; 2.850.9110; DC Mode; Ag WE; Pd Ref.; branch 1; 50-8, Fluka 60179
branch 7 Sodium hydroxide, NaOH, ≥ 30% TraceSELECT
Summary CAS 1310-73-2, Fluka 13171-250ML-F

The determination of sulfide and cyanide in tap water was Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt,
investigated on the Metrosep A Supp 10 - 100/2.0 column [-CH2N(CH2CO2Na)CH2CO2H]2, 0.2 mol/L,
using sodium hydroxide eluent and amperometric detector. CAS 139-33-3, Fluka 35102
Ultrapure water, resistivity >18 MΩ·cm (25 °C),
type I grade (ASTM D1193)
Spiked Herisau tap water.

Eluent 100 mmol/L sodium hydroxide in
881 Compact IC pro – Cation 2.881.0010 carbon dioxide free ultrapure
water (resistivity >18 M )
858 Professional Sample Processor 2.858.0020
+0.007 mmol/L EDTA
IC Amperometric Detector 2.850.9110 in ultra pure water (resistivity
Wall - Jet Cell 6.1257.010 >18 M )
Spacer 25 µm 6.1257.840 Standard solutions
Ag Working Electrode 6.1257.240 For the 1000 ppm sulfide standard 695 mg of Sodium
Pd Reference Electrode 6.1257.740 sulfide was diluted in a 100 mL flask with 100 mmol/L
Metrosep A Supp 10 - 100/2.0 6.1020.210 sodium hydroxide (= 1000 ppm).
Metrosep A Supp 10 Guard/2.0 6.1020.600
The diluted cyanide and sulfide standards were dissolved in
100 mmol/L sodium hydroxide.

Concentration of cyanide and sulfide standards.

β [µg/L] Sulfide Cyanide
Std. 1 0.05 0.05
Std. 2 0.10 0.10
Std. 3 0.25 0.25
Std. 4 0.50 0.50
Std. 5 1.0 1.0
Std. 6 2.0 2.0
Std. 7 4.0 4.0
Std. 8 8.0 8.0
Std. 9 10.0 10.0

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Application Work AW IC CH6-1136-112012
Cyanide and sulfide analysis using amperometric detection and
Metrosep A Supp 10 - 100/2.0

Sample preparation
No sample preparation was required. Date
21st of November, 2012

The samples and standards were injected with the 858 Author
Professional Sample Processor. Gabriele Zierfels
Competence Center Ion Chromatography
Parameters Metrohm International Headquarters

Flow 0.25 mL/min

Mode DC Appendix
Result chromatograms with peak table, calibration curves.
Cell potential 0.0 V
Range Auto
Channel current
Column temperature 35 °C
Detector temperature 35 °C
Injection volume 20 µL

Automatic integration with MagIC Net 2.3 software using
peak area.

Recovery of sulfide and cyanide was tested with Herisau tap
water. The water was spiked with 8 ppb cyanide and sulfide.
Additional 1 mL sodium hydroxide per 100 mL volume
was added (= 100 mmol/L NaOH), then the flask was filled

Conc. [µg/L] Mean (3) % RSD

Cyanide 8.03 1.78
Sulfide 5.93 1.74

Only before the first usage only, the column needs a
It should be rinsed with 50 mmol/L EDTA solution with
standard flow for 3 h, followed by conditioning with the
eluent for 12 h. This ensured optimal measuring conditions.
The EDTA concentration in the eluent depends on the
column. EDTA pushes the sulfide and cyanide peaks on the
A Supp 10 to the front of the chromatogram, while the
system peak doesn`t move. In this case the correct
concentration of EDTA helped to separate the sulfide from
the system peak.

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Application Work AW IC CH6-1136-112012
Cyanide and sulfide analysis using amperometric detection and
Metrosep A Supp 10 - 100/2.0

Standard 2 (the peak at 3.2 min is the system peak)

Standard 7

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Application Work AW IC CH6-1136-112012
Cyanide and sulfide analysis using amperometric detection and
Metrosep A Supp 10 - 100/2.0

Calibration curves:

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