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Agile Methodology MCQ Quiz

Take Agile Methodology Quiz to Test Your Knowledge

Practice Below the best Agile Methodology MCQ Questions that checks your basic knowledge of Agile
Methodology. This Agile Methodology MCQ Test contains 20+ Agile Methodology Multiple Choice
Questions. You have to select the right answer to a question to check your final preparation for your exams &
interviews. apart from this, you can also download below the Agile Methodology MCQ PDF Completely free.

Also, Read Best Agile Methodology Interview Questions.

Q1. Which of the following option is used to measure the size of a user story for an Agile

A. Story points
B. Function points
C. Velocity points
D. Work breakdown points

Q2. According to Agile manifesto -

A. Individuals and interactions over people and technique

B. Individuals and interactions over projects and tools
C. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
D. Individuals and interactions over products and tools

Q3. Which of the following Agile methodology advocates the use of problem domain?

A. Evo
B. Scrum
C. Extreme programming (XP)
D. Feature-Driven Development (FDD)

Q4. ............... is a characteristic of an Agile leader.

A. Task focused
B. Supportive
C. Disinterested
D. Process oriented

Q5. Which of the following is the working culture of an Agile team?

A. Connective
B. Connective
C. Collaborative
D. Contemplative

Q6. What does a burn-down chart show?

A. The declining energy level of the team

B. The number of hours worked after dark
C. The rate of reduction of budget for a project
D. The progress of the work and features completed

Q7. What does an Agile approach value?

A. Plans over people

B. People over process
C. Process over people
D. Plans over process

Q8. Which of the following is the best approach for running an effective workshop?

A. Oratory
B. Lecture
C. Presentation
D. Facilitation

Q9. Which of the following is not an Agile methodology?

A. Scrum
C. Crystal Clear
D. Extreme programming (XP)

Q10. ............ is not an agile method.

C. 4GT
D. None of the above

Q11. There are ........... phases in Scrum

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Q12. Which of the following framework activities are found in the Extreme

A. Planning, Analysis, Design, Coding

B. Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing
C. Planning, Design, Coding, Testing
D. None of the above

Q13. What does QFD stands for?

A. Quality function design

B. Quality function deployment
C. Quality function development
D. None of the above

Q14. Which of the following is responsible for sprint meeting?

A. Scrum team
B. Scrum master
C. Product Owner
D. None of the above
Q15. What are the responsibilities of the Scrum Master?

A. Tracking and monitoring project development

B. Work to obtain the project properly
C. Improving the performance of the team
D. All of the above

Q16. Some of the agile frameworks are -

A. Scrum & Kanban

B. Test Driven Development
C. Feature Driven Development
D. All of the above

Q17. ............. is included in SRS?

A. Staffing
B. Cost
C. Delivery Schedule
D. Design Constraints

Q18. What is the disadvantage of Agile Methodology?

A. Speedy and continuous delivery of the software ensures customer satisfaction

B. In agile methodology, documentation and designing take a back seat
C. It facilitates close interaction between business people and developers.
D. All of the above

Q19. What is the different types of Agile Methodologies?

A. Scrum
D. All of the above

Q20. Is there any difference between incremental and iterative development?

A. Yes
B. No

Q21. Which of the following is not a principle of the manifesto for agile software

A. Commitment to the plan despite changing circumstances

B. Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted
C. Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months)
D. Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication (co-location)

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