DLP English 2

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(First Quarter)

Province: Masbate Division EPS: HELEN V. TITONG

Subject Area: ENGLISH Grade Level: 2

Team Member Position Role in the DLP Development

Helen V. Titong EPS-I Team Leader
Juancho P. Azares EPS-I LRMDS Supervisor
Junee L. Abetria P-I Division Validator
Kathrina T. Bayon-on MT-II Division Validator
Christopher I. Alvarez HT-I Lay-out Artist/Writer
1. Cristina L. Esquivel T-I Writer/Demo Teacher
2. Joseph Omelan MT-I Writer
3. Belinda G. Arcenal MT-I Writer
4. Niña Lynda B. Dioquino T-III Writer
5. Grace R. Rivera MT-II Writer
6. Ma. Fe C. Gutierrez MT-I Writer
7. Florence A. Capinig MT-I Writer/Demo Teacher
8. Christopher I. Alvarez HT-I Writer
9. Marilyn D. Patalinghug MT-II Writer
10. Eleanor Jeanne E. Sy T-III Writer
11. Wenchie V. Casas T-III Writers
12. Maria Consolacion A. Viterbo MT-II Writer
13. Simona C. Castillo T-III Writer
14. Erla B. Gutierrez T-III Writer
15. Ryan Jim S. Regidor T-III Writer

16. Hazel B. Clores T-III Writer
17. Chona R. Abenir T-III Writer /Demo Teacher
18. Emilia A. Almoguerra MT-I Writer
19. Alberto O. Macuha Jr. T-I Demo Teacher
20. Myra V. Cantiller T-I Demo Teacher
21. Arlene M. Bentor Demo Teacher
22. Marilou B. Legal T-III Demo Teacher
23. Maruja S. Sancho T-III Demo Teacher
24. Richelle V. Dolores T-III Demo Teacher
25. Grace G. Macadat T-III Demo Teacher
26. Alice D. Pillejera T-III Demo Teacher
27. Nelly C. Mendoza T-III Demo Teacher
28. Rubelyn T. Ramirez T-I Demo Teacher
29. Carina S. Verdida T-III Demo Teacher
30. Sherwin T. Lim T-III Demo Teacher
31.Albina A. Saul T-III Demo Teacher
32. Rodaflor R. Gunhuran T-I Demo Teacher
33. Marnelle L. Dela Cruz T-I Demo Teacher
34.Edna M. Basas T-III Demo Teacher
35. Nila B. Villaceran T-I Demo Teacher
36.Nikki R. Rosero T_I Demo Teacher
37. Geraldine Patalinghug T-I Demo Teacher
38. Angelita D. Rebaya T-III Demo Teacher
39. Jeanette M. Guardame T-III Demo Teacher
40. Charmaine Bernadette M. Alba T-I Demo Teacher
41. Rowela M. Mahinay T-I Demo Teacher
42. Jonalyn E. Oliva T-1 Demo Teacher
43.Dina C. Liao T-I Demo Teacher
44. Marilou P. Cervantes T-I Demo Teacher

45. Virginia Hernandez T-I Demo Teacher
46. Eva D. Colina T-I Demo Teacher
47. Maribel R. Sandig T-III Demo Teacher
48. Grace Pacheco T-I Demo Teacher
49. Carmencita Musa T-III Demo Teacher
50. Luz C. Villamor T-III Demo Teacher
51. Ma. Liezel R. Sapid T-II Demo Teacher
52. Margie O. Rosales T-I Demo Teacher
53. Shiela P. Bulan T-I Demo Teacher
54. Evella D. Empleo T-I Demo Teacher
55. Dolly Jean S. Patinggan T-I Demo Teacher
56. Joy G. Lauta T-I Demo Teacher
57. Billy Q. Hermosa T-I Demo Teacher
58. Cristina L. Yusi T-I Demo Teacher
59. Ruby C. Del Rosario T-I Demo Teacher
60. Nelia D. Tellermo T-III Demo Teacher
62. Sonia A. Manlapaz T-III Demo Teacher
63. Ronel P. Abejuela T-III Demo Teacher
64. Arlene D. Baril T_I Demo Teacher
65. Ena A. Gadia T-III Demo Teacher
66. Rorie A. Antonio T-III Demo Teacher
67. Fe A. Bujaue T-III Demo Teacher



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Week 6 Day 3 --------------------------- 151

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Week 7 Day 3 --------------------------- 189

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Week 10 Day 1 --------------------------- 263

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Day 5 --------------------------- 283

School Grade Level Grade II
Teacher Learning English
Time & Date Week 1, Day 1 Quarter 1

Demonstrate understanding of grade level appropriate words
A. Content Standard used to communicate inter-and intrapersonal experiences,
ideas, thoughts, actions and feelings.
B. Performance Independently takes turn in sharing inter and intra personal
Standard experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions and feelings using
appropriate words.
C. Learning Talk about oneself and one’s family.
Competencies/ EN2OL-IF-j-1.3 (Oral Language)
Introducing oneself and one`s family
II. CONTENT Values Integration: Love for a family
A. Reference
1. Teacher’s K-12 CG p. 21
Guide pages
2. Learner’s Let`s Begin Reading in English p. 2
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Area
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Girl image, family tree, pictures, charts, dialogue, family tree,
Resources graphic organizer

IV. PROCEDURE Advanced learners Average Learners


previous lesson Tune: (“Where is Thumb Man) Tune:
or presenting the (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”)
new lesson What is your name?
What is your name? We are seven years of age,
Shout it loud. We do love to sing and
Shout it loud. dance.
My name is _______. Up and down, up and down
My name is _______. We play all day merry round.
I am fine.
I am fine.

Ask: Ask: Who among you are
Do all children have names? seven years old?
Why? What do you like to do?

Emphasize that one right of

the child is to have a name/

B. Establishing a Listen to the dialogue.

purpose for the Rene is a new pupil of Quezon
lesson Elementary School. He wishes
to be friend with his new

Hi! I am Rene C.
Lopez. I am seven
years old. I love to
sing and dance. I
came from
School. My father
is Jose C. Reyes.

My name is Ruby L. Perez.

Hello Rene! Nice I am seven years old.
to meet you. I am I live in Cebu.
Matmat O. Labini. I am a Cebuano.
I am a soccer I am in Grade Two.
player in our My father is an engineer.
school. I am the My mother is a teacher.
youngest in the
family. We live in
Purok 2, Barangay
Quezon. Who is introducing herself?
How old is Ruby?
Where does she live?

Who are talking in a dialogue?

Who is new in Quezon
Elementary School?
Where does Matmat O. Labini

C. Presenting Show a picture of a family tree. Show a picture of a family
examples/instanc (Use PPT if possible) tree. (Use PPT if possible)
es of the new
lesson Reyes Family Reyes Family

Reynaldo Yolie
Mother Reynaldo Yolie
Father Mother

Sister Trisha

John Vincent Nikka

Brother Sister John Vincent Nikka
Brother Sister

Say: “This is a family tree.” Say: “This is a family tree.”

Ask: “Who are the members of Ask: “Who are the members
the family tree?” of the family tree?”

D. Discussing new Say: “This is a family tree.” Say: “This is a family tree.”
concepts and Ask: “Who are the members of Ask: “Who are the members
practicing new the family tree?” of the family tree?”
skill #1
Values Integration: Values Integration:
What will you do to show W what will you do to show
Y our love to your family? Y our love to your family?

Complete each sentence with Show pictures of the

E. Discussing new a word about the family of members in the family tree.
concepts and Nikka. Choose your answer
practicing new inside the box.
skill #2
sister mother
brother father
parents family
This is John Vincent.
He is Nikka`s ______.

1. Vincent is my __________.
2. Reynaldo is my _________.
3. Yolie is my beloved ______.
4. Trisha is my ____________.
5. This is my This is Yolie.
______________. She is Nikka`s ______.

F. Developing Getting To Know You Activity: Getting To Know You

mastery (leads to (Individual) Activity: (Pair-Share)
formative 1. Write each child`s name on 1. Write each child`s name
assessment 3) a piece of paper and put them on a piece of paper and put
in a box. them in a box..
2. Prepare a “Special Hat” for 2. Prepare a “Special Hat” for
the activity. the activity.
3. Pick a name from the box. 3. Pick a name from the box.
4.The child with the name 4. The child with the name
chosen would have to go in chosen would choose her/his
front, wear the “Special Hat” buddy. They will go in front,
and tell something about wear the “Special Hats” and
her/himself and his/her family each one of them will tell
following the template below. something about themselves
and their family following the
template below.
I am ______________.
I am ________ years old. My name is
My father is a _________. _____________.
My mother is a ________. I am _______ years old.
We live in ____________. We live in ____________.

G. Finding practical It`s Pageant Time: Teacher show pictures of the
applications of daily activities of a child. Let
concepts and Divide the class into five the pupils say something
skills in daily groups and ask one about it.
living representative from each to
join a five minute-pageant Picture of a child who
wherein candidates will brushes her teeth.
introduce themselves in front.
Template 1. She _______her

Picture of a child who

I am ________________.
takes a bath.
I am a ___________ pupil.
When I grow up, I want to be
a ____. 2. She takes a

Picture of a child who

reads a book.

3. She______her book.

Picture of a girl who

plays in her backyard.

4.She _________ after class.

Picture of a child who

sleeps on a bed.

5.In the evening she _______

on her bed.

bath brushes sleeps

reads school plays

Ask: Did you also do these


H. Making From the activities that we From the activities that we

generalizations have done, how will you have done, how will you
and abstractions introduce/ talk about yourself introduce/ talk about yourself
about the lesson and your family? and your family?

Telling about something in Telling about something in
His/her life like his name, age, his/her life like his name, age
parents etc. parents etc.

I. Evaluating Let the pupils accomplish the Let the pupils accomplish the
Learning worksheet below. Ask each worksheet below. Ask each
pupil to come in front and talk pupil to come in front and talk
something about her/himself something about her/himself
based on what he/she has based on what he/she has
written. written.

J. Additional Paste a family picture on your Paste a family picture on your
activities for notebook and tell something notebook and tell something
application and about your family. about your family.



A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
F. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
G. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 1, Day 2 Quarter First

A. Content Demonstrate understanding of text elements to see the
Standard relationship between known and new information to
facilitate comprehension.

B. Performance Correctly presents text elements through simple

Standard organizers to make inferences, predictions and

C. Learning Listen to a variety of media including books, audiotapes,

Competencies/ videos and other age-appropriate details pertaining to: a.
Objectives character b. settings c. events.
EN2-OL-Ia-j.1.1 (Oral Language)

II. CONTENT Elements of a Story

Values Integration: Thoughtfulness
A. Reference

1. Teacher’s Guide K-12 CG p. 21

2. Learner’s Let`s Begin Reading in English p. 3-4
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Area
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Pictures of short fairy tales characters, charts, graphic
Resources organizer
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing Vocabulary Development Vocabulary Development

previous lesson (Unlocking of Difficulties (Unlocking of Difficulties
or presenting the through pictures) through pictures)
new lesson


The dog barked. The dog barked.

yard backyard

We play in the backyard. We play in the backyard


Ana was surprised on her Ana was surprised on her

birthday. birthday.

B. Establishing a Show picture of a birthday Show picture of a birthday

purpose for the cake. cake.

When do you
When do you celebrate your
celebrate your birthday?
Do you also have
Do you also have cake
cake on your birthday?
on your birthday?

C. Presenting Giving of Motive Question: Giving of Motive Question:

es of the new
lesson What did Ana`s family do Who has a birthday?
for her birthday?

D. Discussing new Read and let the pupils listen Read and let the pupils
concepts and to the story entitled “Ana`s listen to the story entitled “
practicing New Birthday” (Refer to LM, Let`s Ana`s Birthday” (Refer to
skill #1 Aim p.3). LM, Let`s Aim p.3).

Comprehension Check-up Comprehension Check-up

1. Who are the 1. Who are the

characters mentioned characters
in the story? mentioned in the
(Characters) story?
2. Where did the story
Paste the answer
on a human figure.

3. What happened first 2. Where did the

in the story? (Event) story happen?

4. What happened next? Paste the answer

(Event) on a house

5. What happened last?

(Event) 3. Arranged the
following events as
they happened in
6. If one of your family the story. Number
members will it 1-3.
celebrate their (Use pictures if
birthday. What will possible)
you do to show your
love for her/his? Family eats

Ana woke up early

with nobody inside.
Mama, Papa and
Miko surprise Ana

4. If one of your
family members
will celebrate their
birthday. What will
you do to show
your love for

E. Discussing new Read again the story and fill Readagain the story and
concepts and in the blanks in the semantic look for the title,
practicing new web with appropriate characters, setting and
skill #2 information about the story. events. Match Column A
with Column B.

Characters :
________ A B
1.Charact a. Ana’s
ers family
surprise her
in her
Title of the birthday
Story: ____ 2.Setting b. Ana’s
________ birthday

3.First c. Ana wakes

Event up early with
nobody is in
Event2 the house
Event1: _____ 4.Next d. Ana, Mico,
______ Event Mother,
___ Father, Bingo

Event3: 5.Last f. The family

________ Event eat together
in the garden

e. garden

F. Developing Read a selection about the Read a selection about the

mastery (leads to caterpillar and divide the caterpillar and divide the
formative pupils into three groups. pupils into three groups.
assessment 3) Then, using the graphic
organizer let them identify the
elements of the reading

In a garden, there was In a garden, there
once a caterpillar who was once a caterpillar
dreamed to be a butterfly. who dreamed to be a
She ate a lot of leaves butterfly. She ate a lot
until she grew big. One of leaves until she grew
day, the caterpillar made a big. One day, the
cocoon it stayed there for caterpillar made a
a while. After many weeks, cocoon and it stayed
the cocoon popped up and there for a while. After
a beautiful butterfly came many weeks, the
out of it. The caterpillar cocoon popped up and
turned into a very beautiful a beautiful butterfly
butterfly. came out of it. The
caterpillar turned into a
very beautiful butterfly.

Group 1: Draw Me
Story map
Draw the character in
the selection.

Group 2: Where Am I?
Illustrate the place
where the character
Character Setting lives.

First Event Next Event

Last event

Group 3: What
Arrange the pictures as
they happened in the
story. Write number 1-3
in the box.

G. Finding practical Identify the character, setting Identify the character,

applications of and event in the sentence. setting and event in the
concepts and sentence.
skills in daily

Matmat is celebrating his

Ana is washing the
Birthday in the beach.
dishes in the kitchen.


Character: ____________
Character: _________
Setting: ____________
Setting: _________
Event: ____________
Event: ___________

H. Making Ask: Ask:
What makes up a story? How many elements does
and abstractions
a story have?
about the lesson How do these elements
differ from each other? What are these elements?

Remember This: Remember This:

The story has elements The story has elements
like characters like characters
(persons/animals), setting (persons/animals),
(place and time) and the setting (place and time)
events (these answers the and the events (these
question what happened?) answers the question
Knowing these will help what happened?)
you understand better Knowing these will help
what you have listened to. you understand better
what you have listened

I. Evaluating Identify the characters, Identify the characters,

Learning setting and events. settings and events.
Mina saw a Ana is helping her
wounded bird in her mother in the kitchen.
backyard. She takes care They are preparing their
of it. After many days the lunch. Her mother
wound of the bird heal. The cooked pork adobo. It is
bird now is ready to fly. Ana`s favourite dish.
Mina let the bird flew away.

1. Characters:_______ 1. Characters:______
2. Setting:___________ 2. Setting: ________
3. Event1:___________ 3. Event1:_________
4. Event2: __________ 4. Event2:_________
5. Event3: ___________ 5. Event3:_________

J. Additional Identify the characters, Identify the characters,
activities for setting and events. setting and events.
application or
Carlo planted seeds in the Lina is in the garden.
backyard. Every day he She planted roses and
watered the seeds. After yellow bells. After
many days the seeds planting she watered it.
sprouted. Carlo was very
happy when he saw the
small plant.

Characters:______________ Characters:____________
Setting: Setting:
___________________ ________________
Event (First): Event (First):
______________ ____________
Event (Next): Event (Next):
_______________ ____________
Event (Last): Event (Last):
________________ ____________



I. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative

II. No. of learners
who require
activities for

III. Did the remedial

lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the

IV. No. of learners

who continue to

V. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
VI. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?

VII. What innovation

or localized
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 1, Day 3 Quarter First

A. Content Standard Use familiar vocabulary to independently express ideas
in speaking activities.

B. Performance Demonstrate understanding of the letter/sound

Standard relationship between mother-tongue and English
effective transfer of learning.

C. Learning Discriminate sounds from a background of other sounds.

Objectives EN2-PA-Id-e-1.2 (Phonological Awareness)

II. CONTENT Letter sounds

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide k-12 CG p.
2.Learner’s Materials Let`s Begin reading in English pp. 10-11, p. 13
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Materials LR Media Gallery
from Learning Area
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning bingo cards, alphabet chart, pictures, laptop, projector
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing Let the pupils sing the Let the pupils sing the
previous lesson or alphabet song. alphabet song.
presenting the new Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee
lesson Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj
Kk Ll M Nn Oo Kk Ll M Nn Oo
m m
Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt
Uu Vv W Xx Yy Uu Vv W Xx Yy
w w
Zz Zz

Ask: How many letters are Ask: How many letters are
there in the English there in the English
Alphabet? Alphabet?

C. Establishing a (Use PPT) (Use PPT)
purpose for the Using audio-visual Using audio-visual
lesson presentation let the pupils presentation let the pupils
watch the alphabet and watch the alphabet and
how it is sound. how it is sound.

D. Presenting Present each letter Name each letters, then

examples/instance emphasizing its sound. give its sound. Give also
s of the new Provide also a word with the name of pictures having
lesson the same beginning letter the same beginning letter
sound. sound with given letter.
Pp Bb

_____________ ba___

_____________ b__ll

E. Discussing new Pick Me Up: (Letters Go Bingo: Mark X the letter

concepts and posted on white board) of the letter sound that you
practicing new skill heard.
#1 Teacher pronounces letter
sound and ask pupils to Kk
Aa Ff
pick the letter that
corresponds the sound
heard and put it beside the Ll
object that has the same Bb Gg
beginning letter sound.
Cc Hh

Dd Ii

Ee Jj

F. Discussing new LETTER SOUNDS Name each picture. Choose

concepts and RACE your answer inside the box
practicing new skill and give its beginning
#2 letter.

Call pupil-volunteers to
participate in the activity.
Teacher flashes pictures
while pupil contestants
give its beginning sound.
The first to give the correct
sound gets the point. The
contestant with the most
points wins the race.

rat king
pig owl
cat hut
_______ ___________

G. Developing Group the class into three. Group the class into two
mastery (leads to Then, provide each group groups. Then, provide each
formative with task card. group with task card.
assessment 3)
Group 1: Encircle the word Group 1: Box the letter that
that has the same will complete the name of
beginning letter sound as the following objects.
the given letter.

s f m
ball bag

cat t n b

star butterfly fro____

b g r
Group 2: Write the missing
letter to complete the
name of the given objects.

a e o

__utterfly f__sh

a e o

Group 2: Encircle the
that have the same
beginning letter sound as
the given letter.

fro___ d___g


H. Finding practical Fill in the chart with name Play a song while passing
application of of things found in our on a box. Then as the music
concepts and skills community that start with stops, pupil holding the box
in daily living the given letter sound. will get a strip of paper
inside it. The pupil will give a
word having the same
beginning, middle or final
letter sound that appears on
the strip of paper.

B - Beginning Letter Sound

e - Middle Letter Sound

t - Final Letter Sound

Ex: bag boy bird

pen men ten
mat sit kit

Are letter sounds alike? Do all letters have the same

Why do we need to know sounds?
the letter sounds?

Remember: Remember:
Each letter has its own Each letter has its own
L letter sound. L letter sound. Learning
Learning the letter the L letter sounds help
sounds help us in us in W writing words
writing words correctly. correctly.

I. Evaluating Teacher reads the Teacher will tell the name

learning following words. Then, of the pictures. Then, pupils
pupils will give the will give the beginning,
beginning, middle or final middle or final letter sound.
letter sound of the word.
1. (Final Letter Sound)
1. hut (Middle Letter
Sound) boy
2. (Beginning LetterSound)
2. jet (Final Letter
3. map (Beginning
Letter Sound)

4. sit ( Middle Letter 3. pen

Sound) (Final Letter Sound)

5. cup (Beginning
Letter Sound) 4. rat
(Beginning Letter Sound)

5. pig
(Final Letter Sound)

J. Additional Make a name collage of Make a name collage of

Activities for your name. your name.
application or
remediation N - net eg N - net eg
E - g E - g
M - M -
O - milk orang O - milk orang
e e




A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area ENGLISH
Time & Date Week 1, Day 4 Quarter First

A. Content Standard Demonstrate understanding of concepts about print.
B. Performance Correctly identifies book parts and follows reading
Standard conventions.

C. Learning
Competencies/ Recognize environmental print.
(Write the LC code EN2-BPK -Ia-3 (Book & Print Knowledge)
for each)
A. References
1. .Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials Let`s Begin Reading in English p. 353-354
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Area
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Pictures of environmental prints, school map, audio
Resources material

IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing previous Let the pupils listen to Let the pupils listen to
lesson or presenting the recorded different the recorded different
the new lesson environmental sounds environmental sounds
(animals, vehicles, (animals, vehicles,
musical instruments, musical sinstruments,
etc). Then let them etc). Then let them
identify the sources of identify the sources of
these sounds. these sounds.

B. Establishing a purpose Jigsaw Puzzle of Teacher presents sets of

for the lesson Environmental Print pictures. Then, let the
Divide the class into pupils encircle the picture
four groups. Then, give which does not belong to
each group an envelope the group.
of cut-outs of
environmental shapes to Note to the teacher:
be assembled. Picture of fast foods,
traffic signs, school signs,
and familiar product logos
or labels can be used.

C. Presenting Study the school map at Study the school map at
examples/instances of the left. the left.
the new lesson
(Note to (Note to the
the teacher:
teacher: Map can
Map can also be
also be found on
found on p.353 of Let’s p.353 of Let’s Begin
Begin Reading English 2) Reading English 2)

D. Discussing new Ask: Ask:

concepts and What picture do you see What room has the
practicing new skill #1 on the left of the symbol of computer?
canteen? What symbols are found
What place does this in the restroom?
picture represent? What room has a symbol
of a note?
(Note to the teacher:
Teacher may ask (Note to the teacher:
additional questions Teacher may ask additional
pertaining to the presented questions pertaining to the
school map.) presented school map.)

E. Discussing new Here are other symbols Teacher presents other

concepts and of environmental prints. environmental prints. Let
practicing new skill #2 Name each one of them. the pupils tell where they
can find these prints.
No Parking
No Littering

No Littering
No Parking

PWD Lane

Slow Down
Slow Down

F. Developing mastery Fishing Game Matching Game

(leads to formative Teacher prepares a Call 20 pupil-
assessment 3) mini fishing kit. Then, let volunteers. Then, give 10
the pupils fish in a box of of them pictures of
environmental prints. Let environmental prints and
them tell about the name of those
different prints. environmental prints to
the other 10 pupils. Next,
give a cue for the players
to match the
environmental print with
its name.

G. Finding practical Teacher posts a Let the pupils draw the
applications of community map on the environmental prints they
concepts and skills in board. Then, let the find in school and on
daily living pupils pick streets.
environmental print from
the pocket chart and put
it on designated places
in the map.

H. Making generalizations Based on our previous Based on our previous

and abstractions about activities, what is activities, what is
the lesson environmental print? environmental print?
Where can we usually Where can we usually
find them? find them?

Remember This: Remember This:

Environmental Environmental
prints are those prints are those words,
words, signs and signs and symbols that
symbols that can be can be found in our
found in our environment every day.
environment every

I. Evaluating Learning Directions: Match the Directions: Match the

environmental print in environmental print in
Column A with its name Column A with its name in
in Column B. Column B.

Lane a. No 1. Lane a. No
Parking Parking

2. Female b. No 2. Female b. No
Rest- Rest-
Littering room Littering

3. Stop c. PWD 3. Stop c. PWD
Lane Lane

No No
4. Parking d. Stop 4. Parking d. Stop

No No
Littering e.Female 5. Littering e.Female
Rest room Restroom

J. Additional activities for Make a scrapbook of Make a scrapbook of

application or environmental signs. environmental signs.



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 1, Day 5 Quarter First


A. Content Demonstrate understanding of concepts about narrative

Standard and informational texts for appreciation.
B. Performance Makes personal accounts on stories/texts as expression
Standard of appreciation to familiar books.
C. Learning Perform dialogues, drama, mock interview, TV talk show
Competencies/ etc.
EN2-G-Ia-e-7.4 (Grammar)
II. CONTENT Demonstrate a love for reading stories and confidence
in performing literacy-related activities or task.
A. Reference
1. Teacher’s
Guide pages
2. Learner’s Let`s Begin Reading in English p. 133
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Area
(LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Pictures, video clip of TV Talk Show, charts, rubrics
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing It`s Riddle Time: Guess Show pictures of TV
previous lesson whose TV personalities/ personalities/movie artists.
or presenting the movie artists are being Let the pupils name them.
new lesson described.
1. I am a talk show Picture Picture
host in “Gandang of Vice of Boy
Gabi Vice”. I make Ganda Abunda
people laugh. Who
am I? Ask: What do these
____ ____ ___ ___ persons do in television?
2. I am a talk show
host in “The
Bottom Line.” Who
am I?
Ask: What are
the work of these

Note to the teacher:
Teacher may show pictures
as she gives answers to the

B. Establishing a Have you watched a TV Show a picture of a TV

purpose for the talk show? (If pupils do not Talk Show scenario.
lesson have an idea of what a TV Ask: Who do you see in
Talk Show is, teacher the picture? What are they
shows a picture.) doing? Have you watched
Ask: Who are the persons a TV Program like this?
involve in a talk show? Can you name some of

C. Presenting Show a video clip of a TV Show a video clip of a TV

examples/ talk show. Let the pupils talk show. Let the pupils
instances of the observe how it is done. observe how it is done.
new lesson Note to the teacher: Note to the teacher:
Use age-appropriate video Use age-appropriate video
clip. clip.

D. Discussing new Suggested questions: Suggested questions:

concepts and Who is the talk show host? Who is the talk show
practicing new Who is the guest? host?
skill #1 What are they talking Who is the guest?
about? What are they talking
E. Discussing new Suggested discussion Suggested discussion
concepts and questions: questions:
practicing new
skill # 2 1. What did you 1. What did you
observe with the observe with the
TV host? guest? TV host? guest?
2. How did they talk 2. How did they talk
with each other? with each other?
3. Describe their 3. Describe their
facial expressions. facial expressions.
4. Were their voices 4. Were their voices
pleasant to hear? pleasant to hear?
Why or Why not? Why or Why not?
5. Did they 5. Did they
understand each understand each
other? other?
6. How did you say 6. How did you say
so? so?
7. How did the 7. How did the
conversation end? conversation end?

Note to the teacher: Note to the teacher:

Values integration can be Values integration can be
done as you elicit pupils’ done as you elicit pupils’
responses. responses.

F. Developing Act Me Out:
mastery (leads to Choose pupils to act It`s Acting Time:
formative out the given situation. Two pupils will pick a
assessment 3) strip of paper for the
Suggested situations: dialogue that they will
1. Supreme Pupil perform.
Government (SPG)
Election Campaign A pupil who meet his
2. 5-Minute Pageant teacher on the way to
Note to the teacher: Pupil: Good morning
Teacher may also scaffold ma`am!
by providing dialogue
Teacher: Good morning
templates for the activity if
the pupils found it difficult too Alvin. How are you
coming up with a script. today?
Pupil: I`m good, thank

G. Finding practical There is a search for It is first day of school.

applications of Batang Listo in your You wanted to ask the in-
concepts and school. Your class charge for enrolment of
skills in daily conducts screening to look what section you suppose
living for your representative. to get in.

H. Making Say: Based on what you Say: Based on what you

generalizations have witnessed, how have witnessed, how
and abstractions should one perform a should one perform a
about the lesson dialogue, drama, mock dialogue, drama, mock
interview or TV talk show? interview or TV talk show?

You should memorize your You should memorize

lines, delivered it with your lines, deliver it with
proper intonation, feelings proper intonation,
and facial expressions. feelings and facial

I. Evaluating The teacher will provide The teacher will provide

Learning the dialogue and rate the dialogue and rate
pupils’ performance using pupils’ performance using
the rubrics below. the rubrics below.

Name: 1 2 3 4 5
Name: 1 2 3 4 5 Perform
Perform the
the dialogue
dialogue excellen
excellently tly
. Recite
Recite the the lines
lines correctly
correctly. .
Delivered Delivere
the lines
d the

Demonstra dramatic
te proper ally.
intonation. Demonst
Good rate
posture and proper
facial intonatio
expressions n.
and facial

J. Additional Group Activity: Perform a Group Activity: Perform a

activities for short drama about a child short interview about a
application and who is poor but very poor child but determined
remediation determined to study. to study.
(Note to the teacher: (Note to the teacher:
Provide script for the Provide script for the
activity.) activity.)




A. No. of learners
who earned 80
% on the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my

worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with other

School Grade Level Grade Two
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 2, Day 1 Quarter First

A. Content Demonstrates understanding of English words used to
Standard communicate inter- and intrapersonal experiences,
ideas, thoughts, actions and feelings.

B. Performance Independently takes turn in sharing inter and intra

standard personal experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions and
feelings using appropriate words.

C. Learning a. Talk about one’s name and other personal

Competencies/O information
bjectives EN2-OL-If-g-1.3.1; (Oral Language)
Write the LC
Code for each b. Recognize simple sentences
EN2-G-Ib-c-1.4 (Grammar)

II. CONTENT a. Talking about one’s name and other personal

b. Recognizing simple sentences

A. References K to 12 Curriculum page 21
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
materials pages
3. Textbook pages English in Expressways Reading and Language 1
p.16 & 19
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Puppets (a boy and a girl)
IV. PROCEDURES Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing Get a partner. Introduce yourself to your partner. Say
previous lesson your name, age and your ambition.
or presenting
the new lesson
B. Establishing a Show a puppet of a girl and boy.
purpose for the Say: I have a puppet here.
lesson Ask: What can you say about the puppet? Introduce
Marco and Dina.

C. Presenting Listen as the teacher says what Marco and Dina
examples/instan are saying.
ces of the new (Use the puppet in presenting)
Have the pupils read what Marco and Dina said.
The boys will read about Marco.
The girls will read about Dina.

I am Marco. My name is Dina.

I am a boy. I am a girl.
I am 7 years old. I am 8 years old.
I am in Grade 2. I am in Grade 2.

Pictur Pictur
e of a e of a
boy. girl.

Call pupils and act out as Marco and Dina. (Posted on

the board)
a. What is the name of a boy/girl?
b. How old is Marco/Dina?
c. What is his/her grade?

Teacher introduces simple sentences using Marco and

Dina’s information.

D. Discussing new A. Have the pupils introduce themselves using the

concepts and following personal information.
practicing new
skills #1 I am _____ .(name)
I am a ____ .(gender)
I am ____ .(age)
I live in ____ .(place)
I love to ____ .(hobby)

B. Call a pupil and let him/her write his/her personal

information to complete the simple sentence.

I am Tobing.
I am a boy.
I am 8 years old.
I live in Narangasan.
I love to play chess.

I am Tobing. I am a boy. I am 8 years old. I live in
Narangasan and I love to play chess are example of
simple sentences because it has a complete thought.

C. Teacher will read the example.

Say: If the group of words that you will hear is a
simple sentence you will clap your hands, if it is not
you will stomp your feet.
1. I like to read books.
2. eat fruits
3. I love pets.
4. my mother
5. I have a shiny hair.

Give some examples of simple sentence.

E. Discussing new Group pupils according to birth month.

concepts and Each group will be given an activity task.
practicing new
skills #2 Group I: Yes, I Can!

What are they saying? Complete the sentences.

My name is _______. Hi! ____________.

I am _____ years old. I am ___________.
I love watching ____. I am ___ years old.
How about you? I love to play _____.

Picture of a boy.
of a girl.

Group 2: Act Me Out!

Read and Act it out using your personal

Hi! I am ____________.
I am _______ years old.
I live in ____________.
I am your new classmate.

e of a
Hello! I am ___________.
Nice to meet you _________.
I am also _______ years old.
I am in Grade ___________.

e of a

Pictur Hi! ________ and_______.
e of a Can you be my friend?
boy. I am _________________.
I love to play___________.
Do you want to play with me.

I love to play _______ also.

I am also in Grade _______
Nice to meet you all.
I am __________________.
I am __________ years old.
e of a
Group 3: Color is Cool!

Here is the drawing of a flower. Color the

petals red, if the words written are sentences and
yellow if not.

I love
your friend a girl

My father I am happy
is Dante. today.

Group 4: I Fill It!

Fill in the circle if the group of words are

sentences and leave it blank if not.

She loves books.

I went to Masbate.

My mother is happy.

an airplane

toy car

F. Developing Process the activity done by each group.

mastery Ask:
(leads to 1. Was the task correctly answered?
formative 2. What did you do to finish your task?
assessment 3) 3. In Group 1 activity, how did you complete the
simple sentence?
4. In Group 2, what are the pieces of information
5. In Group 3 and 4, what do you call the group of
words that have a complete thought?

G. Finding practical Why is it important to know personal

applications of information/information about ourselves?
and skills in daily

H. Making How do we introduce ourselves?

generalizations We introduce ourselves by giving our personal
and abstractions information.
about the lesson
What is a sentence?
A sentence is a group of words and that has a
complete thought.

I. Evaluating learning Advanced Learners Average Learners
Game: Write ( / ) on your paper if
Search for Mr. and Ms. the group of words is a
Hyacinth (optional you sentence and (X) if not.
can change the title)
___1. My bag is big.
Process: ___2. I brush my teeth
a. Do the production every day.
number only. ___3. I always wear clean
b. Have the clothes.
contestants/pupils ___4. go to school
introduce themselves. ___5. my hands

They will tell their
name, age, name of
parents, address and

(Rubric is provided for this

J. Additional activities Bring a picture of your family, then prepare to
for application or introduce or talk about it in front of the class tomorrow.



A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies

worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties
did I encounter
.Which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

English 2
First Quarter
Week 2 – Day 1

Raw Score Indicators Score

10 Perform the presentation beyond expectation

Perform the presentation based on the given


Perform the presentation but does not complete

the guidelines given

4 Attempted to perform the task

0 No attempt was done

School Grade Level Two
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 2, Day 2 Quarter First

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of paragraph
development to identify text types.

Demonstrates understanding of the concepts of

pronouns and preposition for appropriate

B. Performance Identifies correctly how paragraphs/texts are

Standard developed

Shows proficiency in constructing grammatically

correct sentences in different theme-based

C. Learning Give the correct sequence of three events

Competencies/ EN2-LC -IB-1.1 (Listening Comprehension)
Recognize sentences and non-sentences
EN2-G-Ia-1.1 (Grammar)

Discuss, illustrate, dramatize specific events

EN2-LC-Ih-1.1 (Listening Comprehension)

A. References K to 12 Curriculum Guide pages 21-22
1. Teacher’s Guide
K to 12 TG pages 45-46
2. Learner’s materials
K to 12 LM pages 59-62
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Let’s Begin Reading in English p. 45
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing previous Ask the pupils to tell the class about the stories told
lesson or by their parents/other family members about fishes
presenting the new or other sea creatures.
Valuing: Caring of sea creatures and protecting our
natural resources.
B. Establishing a Ask the pupils to identify the Ask the pupils to
purpose for the events that happened in the identify the events
lesson story, “Swimmy”. (Not that happened in the

necessarily in correct story, “Swimmy”.
sequence) (Not necessarily in
a. Do you still correct sequence)
remember the story I a. Do you still
read to you remember the
yesterday? story I read to
b. Give one event that you
happened in the yesterday?
story. b. Give one
Write on the board the event that
answers of the pupils, happened in
regardless it is in phrase or the story.

C. Presenting Let the pupils read the What are the events
examples/instances words written on the board, that happened in the
of the new lesson then have them sequence story? Pick a picture
the event s that happened and talk about it
in the story (Swimmy). following the correct
sequence as it
happened in the

D. Discussing new Game: “ Pass the Cabbage Ball”

concepts and
practicing new skills Have the pupils form a circle. As the music plays,
#1 the pupil will pass the cabbage ball and when it
stops the pupil holding the cabbage ball will detach
the cartolina strip wrap around the cabbage ball and
he/she will read the group of words written on it.
And have them post it on the board.

(Guide them in posting the cartolina strip on the

board and make it sure that it is in the proper
column: non-sentence and sentence.).

a black little fish

like a giant fish
in a corner of the sea

His name was Swimmy.

The big fish will eat us all.

Swimmy was scared lonely and very sad.

Integration: PE (Correct posture in passing and

catching the ball).

What did you notice in Column 1 and Column 2?
The groups of words in column 1 are called
phrases because they do not have a complete
thought and they always start with a small letter.
While in column 2, are sentences because they
have a complete thought and they start with a
capital letter and end with a period.

E. Discussing new Say:

concepts and Clap three times if the group of words that you
practicing new skills will hear is a sentence and stomp your feet three
#2 times if it is not.
1. He became happy again.
2. is around to greet me
3. a school of little fish
4. Let’s go swim, play and see things.
5. in the cool morning water

Give some example of phrases and sentences.

F. Developing mastery Group Activity

(leads to formative Divide the class into four groups.
assessment 3)
Group 1: Sequence the events that happened in
the story. Write numeral 1-4 in the box.

Swimmy getting away from the tuna fish.

Swimmy hiding behind the big rock.
A school of fish forming a giant fish.
A very hungry tuna fish.

Group 2: Write S on the blank if the group of words

is a sentence and NS if it is not a sentence.
___ 1. We must do something.
___ 2. He became happy again.
___ 3. Saw many wonderful creatures.
___ 4. in the cool morning water
___ 5. swam away

Group 3: Using these pictures they will be guided to
act out the events in the story.

Group 4: Draw and Tell

Draw at least three events that happened
in the story. And tell something about the picture.

G. Finding practical
applications of concepts Write in the box the numeral 1-3 to sequence the
and skills in daily living actions.

Picture of a
Picture of a Picture of
boy a boy
wearing his taking a
shoes and
uniform bath.
ready to go
to school

H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about 1. What are the things that we should remember in
the lesson sequencing events?

a. To sequence the events in the story heard,

one must listen attentively to the reader.
b. Sequencing is arranging events in the order
they happen.

2. How did we know if the group of word is a

sentence or not?

a. A sentence has a complete thought.

b. A phrase is only a group of words but does not
have a complete thought.

I. Evaluating learning
Read the paragraph and the Form a group of 4.
sentences below. Draw a Dramatized the
line to connect the situation read by the
sentences to the picture teacher.
and number the sentence in Last week, my
the order that happened in older brother, Mark,
the paragraph. got some pieces of

wood. He made a
This morning, Mela’s doghouse for his
class went on a trip to the dog, Dori. Last night,
zoo. Then they ate lunch, Dori slept in his new
and lastly they went back to house.
the school.

They went their
back to school. lunch.

They went Picture

to the zoo. of they
back to

They ate
Lunch. n went
to the

J. Additional activities for Do this on your notebook. Do this on your

application or remediation Write 5 sentences and notebook.
phrases. From the book copy
5 short sentences
and phrases.




A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter .Which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

School Grade Level Grade II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 2, Day 3 Quarter First

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of suitable vocabulary used in dif
languages for effective communication.

B. Performance Standard Uses common vocabulary to independently

express ideas in speaking activities

C. Learning Use words that are related to self, family,

Competencies/Objectives school, community, and concepts such as the
names for
colors, shapes, and numbers in both Mother
Tongue and English.


II. CONTENT Using words that are related to self, family,

school, community, and concepts such as the
names for colors, shapes, and numbers in both
Mother Tongue and English
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learning’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Let’s Begin Reading in English, pp. 31-32
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing previous Read the sentences Arrange the following
lesson or presenting and arrange them to pictures in correct
the new lesson form a short story. order. Write only 1, 2
Number the events 1, and 3 on the blank.
2 and 3 to show the
___ Then, it laid an
___ First, the bird ____ ____ ____
made its nest.
___ Next, it sat on the

B. Establishing a How did you get

purpose for the ready for the start of
lesson school?

In the story that we
will read, find out how
did Moses get ready
for the start of the

Unlocking of
haircut tidy

C. Presenting Post and read the story (Let’s Begin Reading in

examples/instances English, pp. 31-32)
of the new lesson
Moses Gets a Haircut

“Moses, school starts next week,” says

Father. “Are you ready for school?”
“Yes, Papa. My notebooks are all covered.
My pencils are sharpened,” says Moses.
“But I think you need a new haircut,” says
Mother. “Your hair is long.”
“But I want a long hair, Mama,” says
It is Monday morning. The children are in
the classroom.
“You are all neat and tidy,” says Miss Lara.
“Your uniforms are new. Your hair is well-
Then Miss Lara looked at Moses. “Moses,
your hair is nice, but I think it is a bit long. Will
you ask your father to take you to the barber
shop this Saturday?”
“Please cut my hair, Mr. Cortes,” says
Moses. Miss Lara says it is nice but long.”
“Yes, Moses,” says Mr. Cortes. “A short
hair will look neat.”

D. Discussing new Listen to my questions and try to answer them.

concepts and 1. What did Moses do to get ready for
practicing new skills school?
#1 2. Did you do the same?
3. What did Mother say about the hair of
4. Did Moses want a haircut? Why not?
5. What did Miss Lara tell the children?
6. What did Moses tell Mr. Cortes?
7. Why did Moses decided to go to the
barbershop that Saturday?

8. What do you think will Mother feel when

he sees the new haircut of Moses?

9. What do you think will Miss Lara tell

E. Discussing new Let’s go back to the story. Read the underlined

concepts and words and identify if it is related to self, family,
practicing new skills school and community.
#2 (Use the chart below to process pupil’s answer.

Words related to
self family school community

(Use a flashcard for the following words)

Read the words and paste the flashcards in the
right column.

Colors shapes number

five rectangle red

yellow circle one
blue heart
eight four green

F. Developing mastery Divide the class in Blue Group

(leads to formative three (3) groups and Underline the words
assessment 3) give each group a task in each sentence that
card. are related to self,
family, school,
Ask: What should we community, color,
do/remember in doing shape and numbers.
a group activity? 1. Teacher Jane
is beautiful.
Pink Group 2. I’m studying
Select the word from at Vicente
the box to complete the Oliva, Sr.
sentence. Elementary
two shoes 3. Josh is a
playground Grade II
sister pink pupil.
4. Our Barangay
1. My _____ gave reported early
me her doll. in his office.
2. Mother bought 5. Jen gave me
me a new five marbles.

3. We play football Green Group
in the ______ Write the letter of the
yesterday. correct picture before
4. Liza has _____ the number.
beautiful sisters.
5. That ____ bag A. D.
is mine.

B. E.


___ 1. Red heart

___ 2. Two mangoes
___ 3. Black pants
___ 4. Happy family
___ 5. Big circle
G. Finding practical Give a word that is Identify the following
applications of related to: words if it is related
concepts and skills in 1. Color - to school, family,
daily living ___________ self, color, number or
2. Community- shape.
_______ Write your answer in
3. School - the blank.
__________ 1. Books -_______
4. Self - 2. T-shirt -_______
____________ 3. Brother - ______
5. Number - 4. Star - ______
_________ 5. Yellow - ______

H. Making What are the words related to:

generalizations and a. self? d. school? g.
abstraction about the shape
lesson b. family? e. community?
c. color? f. number?

I. Evaluating Learning Encircle the word used in the sentence that is

related to the word at the left.

School 1. MG sharpened her two pencils.

Community 2. My grandma went to the hospital
Family 3. My uncle brought me some
imported chocolates.
Self 4. My hands are clean.
Color 5. I gave mama three red roses on
her birthday.

J. Additional activities Use the following words in a sentence.

for application or 1. White dress 4. Heart shaped
remediation balloon
2. Five apples 5. Clean park
3. Loving mother



A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localize material/s did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

School Grade Level Grade II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 2, Day 4 Quarter First

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of useful strategies for
purposeful literacy learning.
B. Performance Independently uses strategies in accomplishing literacy-
Standard related task.

C. Learning Engage in variety of ways to share information (e.g. role

Competencies/ playing, reporting, summarizing, retelling and show and
Objectives tell)

EN- OL-Ia-e-1.2 (Oral Language) (Study Strategy)

II. CONTENT Engaging in variety of ways to share information (e.g.
role playing, reporting, summarizing, retelling and show
and tell.)

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learning’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Let’s Begin Reading in English pp. 31-32
Developing Reading Power I by Capili Ferrer Condez
Logue Bagabaldo – Author/Editor

4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing Answer the following Draw the answers of
previous questions about the story these questions and tell
lesson or they have read yesterday. something about it.
presenting 1. Who was getting 1. Who is the grade
the new ready for school? I pupil?
lesson 2. What is Moses’ grade 2. Who is the
level? teacher?
3. Who was his teacher? 3. Where does
4. What did Miss Lara Moses study?
tell Moses?
5. Where did Moses and
his father go that

B. Establishing a Let’s have a role play of the story we read yesterday
purpose for the “Moses Gets a Haircut”
Dramatize the first part of the story. (Call a volunteer to
act as father, mother and Moses)

C. Presenting How did we share the information of the story we read

examples/instance yesterday?
s of the new
lesson Say: What we did is we give information out of the story
we read yesterday.

We have a lot of ways to share information. We can

share information through role playing, reporting,
summarizing, retelling and show and tell.

D. Discussing new Discuss and give examples.

concepts and Role playing – is to act out the role of.
practicing new
skills #1 Reporting – a written or spoken description of a
situation, event, etc.

Summarizing – to tell again using fewer words or reduce

the text by selecting the most important

Retelling – to tell the story again especially in a different


Show-and-tell – an act of showing an item to the class

and talk about it.

E. Discussing new Let’s read again the story “Moses Gets a Haircut” and be
concepts and ready to tell information about it.
practicing new
skills #2 Moses Gets a Haircut
(Let’s Begin Reading in English, pp. 31-32)

“Moses, school starts next week,” says Father. “Are

you ready for school?”
“Yes, Papa. My notebooks are all covered. My
pencils are sharpened,” says Moses.
“But I think you need a new haircut,” says Mother.
“Your hair is long.”

“But I want a long hair, Mama,” says Moses.

It is Monday morning. The children are in the
“You are all neat and tidy,” says Miss Lara. “Your
uniforms are new. Your hair is well-combed.”
Then Miss Lara looked at Moses. “Moses, your hair
is nice, but I think it is a bit long. Will you ask your father
to take you to the barber shop this Saturday?”

“Please cut my hair, Mr. Cortes,” says Moses. Miss
Lara says it is nice but long.”
“Yes, Moses,” says Mr. Cortes. “A short hair will
look neat.”

F. Developing Divide the class into 3 groups.

mastery (leads to
formative Ask: What should you remember in doing group activity?
assessment 3)
(Give the task card to each group. Assist/Guide each
group in preparing their output)

Pink Group: Blue group:

Have a reporting on this first Retell this middle part of
part of the story. the story.

“Moses, school starts next

week,” says Father. “Are you It is Monday morning.
ready for school?” The children are in the
“Yes, Papa. My classroom.
notebooks are all covered. My “You are all neat
pencils are sharpened,” says and tidy,” says Miss Lara.
Moses. “Your uniforms are new.
“But I think you need a Your hair is well-
new haircut,” says Mother. combed.”
“Your hair is long.” Then Miss Lara
“But I want a long hair, looked at Moses. “Moses,
Mama,” says Moses. your hair is nice, but I
think it is a bit long. Will
you ask your father to
take you to the barber
shop this Saturday?”
Green Group:
Have a role play on this
last part of the story.

“Please cut my
hair, Mr. Cortes,” says
Moses. Miss Lara says it
is nice but long.”
“Yes, Moses,”
(Have the groups present
says Mr. Cortes. “A short
their output).
hair will look neat.”

G. Finding practical Let’s read this last part of the story with correct
applications of intonation.
concepts and skills
in daily living “Please cut my hair, Mr. Cortes,” says Moses. Miss Lara
says it is nice but long.”
“Yes, Moses,” says Mr. Cortes. “A short hair will look

- Who can do the retelling on this part of the story?


- Who can draw Moses in the barber shop and tell
something about him. (show and tell)

H. Making What are the ways of telling information?

and abstraction What are other things you need to remember in giving
about the lesson information?

What will happen if the information we give is not


I. Evaluating Post and read the story. (Reference: Developing Reading

– author/Editor Exercise 23 pp. 106)

One day, Andres met an old man.

“Good morning,” said the old man.
“Good morning sir,” said Andres.
“What can I do for you?”
“Can you tell me where Mr. Reyes’s house is?”
“Yes, sir,” Andres said.
“Come with me.”
I will take you to his house.”
“Thank you,” the old man said.
“You are a good boy.”

(Do this assessment in group activity)

Pink Group – Retell the story

Blue Group- Dramatize/Role Play

Green Group – Draw the characters in the story and tell

something about it.

Rubrics for the Group Activity

5 - Show eagerness and cooperation to do the activity.
Participated actively.
Do his/her part to finish the task before the given
4 - Show eagerness and cooperation to do the activity.
Participated actively.
Do his/her part to finish the task on the given time.
3 - Show eagerness and cooperation to do the activity
Participated actively
but finished the task after the given time.
2 - Task was done but did not show eagerness to
participate and cooperate
to finish the task.
1 - Did not participate the activity
J. Additional Retell the story to your family and friends.
activities for
application or




A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localize material/s
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other


No. of Test
Learning Competencies Percentage
Item/s Placement

1. 1. Talk about one’s name and

other personal information 5 25 % 1-5
3. 2. Recognize sentences and
non-sentences 5 25 % 6-10
5. 3. Give the correct sequence of
events 5 25 % 11-15
4. Use words that are related to
self, family, school, community,
and concepts such as the
names for colors, shapes and 5 25 % 16 - 20
number both in Mother Tongue
and English

Total 20 100 %

Direction: Write your answer on your paper.

I. Read the sentences and choose the correct word in the box to
complete the sentence.

A. Sara B. basketball C. red

D. Grade Two E. eight

1. I am __________________.
2. I am __________ years old.
3. I am in ________________.
4. I like to play ____________.
5. I love to use ________ color.

II. Write N if the group of word is a sentence and P if it is a phrase.

_____ 6. a bag
_____ 7. I have a pet dog.
_____ 8. blue shoes
_____ 9. She read her new book.
_____ 10. Mother cooks our dinner.

III. Arrange the pictures in order by writing 11 – 15 below the picture.

Picture of Picture of Picture of

Picture of
a an egg of Picture of a
caterpillar a a butterfly caterpillar
inside the caterpillar eating a
cocoon leaf
_______ ________ ________ ________ _______

IV. Match the word in Column A that is related to Column B. Write the letter on
your paper.

Column A Column B

16. Self a. father, mother, brother and sisters

17. Family b. school, park, church and market

18. School c. eyes, hands and legs

19. Community d. red, blue and yellow

20. Color e. teacher, paper, pencil and bag

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 3, Day 1 Quarter First


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of grade level

appropriate words used to communicate inter- and
intrapersonal experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions and
B. Performance The learner independently takes turn in sharing inter and
Standard intra personal experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions and
feelings using appropriate words.
C. Learning Talk about one’s environment (e.g persons, animals,
Competencies/ place, things, events
Objectives (Write
the LC code for
each) EN2-OL- Ihj-1.3.2 (Oral Language)

A. References
1. Teacher’s Pp. 38-40
Guide pages
2. Learner’s Pp. 53-54
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing
previous lesson or
presenting the new

B. Establishing a Ask the learners the Post the choices on a strip
purpose for the followings questions. of paper.
1.What do you think is the 1. What are the important
important event in your life? events in your lives?
2.What gift have you a. Christmas b. holiday
received during your
c. birthday
birthday? Christmas?
3.What places do you want 2. What gift have you
to see? received during your
birthday? Christmas?
a. ball b. paper bills c. doll
3.Where do you want to go?
a. market b. park c. hospital
C. Presenting Listen as the teacher reads the story “ At the School Yard”
examples by Myrna J. Hipolito
/instances of the
new lesson Learner reads the story.

D. Discussing new Ask the learners to Encircle the correct answer.

concepts and complete the T- Map below ( chart )
practicing new skill
1. Who met Sam?
(a. Pam b. Aunt Pat
c. Bam)

2. Where did Pam and Sam

(a. park b. school yard
c. garden)

3. Which of these things

Pam received from Aunt
a.( bat cap mat )
b.( bag hat shoes)
c.( doll pet pen)

4. Who bought Pam’s new

( a. mom b. dad
c..Aunt Pat)

5. Who told Pam to make a

thank you card?
(a. Aunt Pam b..Sam
c. Pam)

Possible 6. How did Pam feel about
answers: Sam’s ideas?
Pam met ( a. sad b. happy c. angry)
Who met Sam.
Pam and
Where did Sam, met in
Pam and
the school What do you say when you
Sam meet? yard. receive a gift given by your
Pam has a aunt, uncle,
What new new bag, ninang, ninong?
things does hat and
shoes (a. Good-bye b. Thank
you c. Hello)
Aunt Pat
Pam have? bought
Who bought Pam’s new
Pam’s new things.

Who told Sam told

Pam to make Pam to give
a thank you Aunt Pat a
card? thank you

How did Pam Pam was

feel about happy
Sam’s ideas? about
Sam’s idea.

What do you
say when Thank you.
you receive a
gift given by
your aunt,
E. Discussing new Group Work:
concepts and
practicing new Distribute word cards. Ask Distribute the pictures. Ask
skills #2 them to post each in the the learners to post them in
proper column.

birthday shoes the proper column on the
garden Sam board.
mall hat Pam
bag school
hen Dan








Process the published
Model reading the words
and let the learners repeat
F. Developing Process the published after you.
mastery ( leads to answers. Focus the learners’
formative attention on the categories
assessment #3 Model reading the words
and let the learners repeat of the nouns.
after you. Elicit the definition of nouns
Focus the learners’ from the learners.
attention on the categories
of the nouns.
Elicit the definition of nouns
from the learners.
G. Finding practical Draw a line to connect the Draw a line to connect the
applications of nouns to its category. pictures to its category.
concepts and skills
in daily living
1.person a.Christmas
2.animal b. Albay
3.place c.Manny a. place
4.thing d. dog
5.event e. ball

b. person

c. thing

d. animal

e. event

H. Making Nouns are naming words. They are names of persons,

generalizations animals, places, things, and events.
and abstractions
about the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Encircle the word that does Encircle the correct answer
not belong to the group. for the given picture.
1. a. teacher b. mother
c. monkey d. doctor
1. a. thing
2. a. market b. farm b. animal
c. school d. pen
c. person
3. a. cow b. dog d. place
c. ball c. cat

4. a. book b. Christmas
2. a. place
. c. birthday d. holiday
b. animal
5. a. pencil b. paper
c. baby d. ruler c. person
d. event

3.a. person
b. animal
c. thing
d. place

4. a. thing
b. animal
c. person
d. place

5.a .thing
b. animal
c. place
d. person



A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which is principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use / discover
which I wish to
share with other

At the School Yard
BY Myrna J. Hipolito

One morning, Pam and Sam met at the school yard.

“Good morning, Sam,” Pam greeted Sam.
“Good morning, Pam,” answered Sam.

Who met Sam?

“Oh, you have a new bag,” Said Sam.

“Yes, my Aunt Pat bought it for me,” Pam told Sam.
“She also bought me a red hat to go with my red shoes,” Pam said with pride.

What new things does Pam have?

Who bought Pam’s new things?

“I wonder how I can thank Aunt Pat,”

Pam thought aloud. “Pam, why not make a thank you card for her?” Sam said.

What will Pam do to thank Aunt Pat?

“That’s a great idea Sam!

“I’m sure Aunt Pat will be happy.”
“Thank you, Sam,” Pam gratefully said
“You’re welcome, Pam. Good bye.”
‘Good bye, Sam.”

How did Pam feel about Sam’s suggestion?

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 3, Day 2 Quarter First

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of grade level
appropriate words used to communicate inter- and
intrapersonal experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions and

B. Performance The learner independently takes turn in sharing inter and

Standard intra personal experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions and
feelings using appropriate words.

C. Learning Infer the character feelings and traits.

Competencies/ Retell a story listened to.
Objectives (Write
the LC code for
EN2-OL-c&j-1.1 (Oral Language)
II. CONTENT Literature: Swimmy Values Integration: Teamwork

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pp. 43-45
2. Learner’s Materials Pp. 56-59
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning

A. Reviewing previous What is noun? Show a picture. Tell

lesson or presenting Give examples of person, whether if it’s a person,
the new lesson place, animal, thing and place, animal, thing and
event? event.

B. Establishing a purpose Have you seen a school of fish swimming in the river/
for the lesson aquarium/pond?
Show how the fish moves in the air.

C. Presenting examples Show pictures with words in mother tongue on the left
/instances of the new side and the English equivalent word on the right.
scared( The teacher may also act “


sea anemones

school of fish

Motive Question:
Listen as your teacher reads the story about” Swimmy.
What made Swimmy happy again?
Find out how the little fish became happy again.
Read aloud the story, “ Swimmy”

D. Discussing new Ask the following Encircle the correct answer.

concepts and questions: Post the chart on the board.
practicing new skill 1. Who is the character in 1. Who is the character in
the story? the story?
2. What is Swimmy’s (a. Swimmy b. eel c. sea
color? anemones)
3. Where does he live? 2. What is Swimmy’s color?
4. Who did he see one ( a.pink b. black c. brown)
5. What did he feel when
he saw a very hungry
tuna? 3. Where does he live?
6. What did he see under a (a. corner of the sea
rocky corner? b. pond c. aquarium)
7. What did they do
together? 4. Who did he see one day?
(a. giant fish, b. lobster
nc. hungry tuna)

8. If you were the little fish,
will you do the same? Why 5. What did Swimmy feel
or Why not? when he saw a very hungry
9. How did Swimmy and tuna?
little fishes drive the hungry (a. scared b. happy
tuna away? c. excited)

6. What did he see under a

rocky corner?
(a. sea anemones
b. school of little fish)

7 What did they do

(a. swim all together to form
a big fish b. play together)

8. If you were the little fish,

will you do the same?
(a. Yes, to drive hungry
tuna away b. No, we will
just hide from the hungry

E. Discussing new Let the learners describe Put a (/) if it shows the
concepts and the character traits in the character traits of Swimmy
practicing new skills story using a graphic and (X) if it is not.
____1. kind

____2. rude



_____5. Selfish
F. Developing mastery Group Work: Group Work:
( leads to formative Draw and color Swimmy as Color Swimmy as you
assessment #3 you picture him from the picture him from the story
story read. heard. Retell the story by
Retell the story by group. group.

Provide a picture of

G. Finding practical Using the Character Map, Fill in the blank with correct
applications of draw the character in the word in the box.
concepts and skills story
in daily living
Character Map sea Swimmy
scared sea anemones

1. Where does the

character lives?
2. What is the name of
the character?
3. How does Swimmy
felt when he saw the
and ___________.
4. Who looked like pink
palm trees?

H. Making Characters refer to the

generalizations and people in the story who
abstractions about carry out the actions.
the lesson
Characters can be real or
make believe. They can
also be animals or things.

I. Evaluating learning Fill in the blank with the Connect pictures in Column
correct answer in the box. A with the correct answer in
1.Who was the black little Column B.
fish? A B
2.What looked like pink
palm trees? __1. picture a. has a
3.What hides on the rocks of sea long tail
and weeds? anemones
4.Who was very hungry?
5.What has a very long ___2. Picture a b. a very
tail? of school hungry
fish fish

Tuna fish eel ___3. picture c. look like

Swimmy of Swimmy little palm
sea anemones tree
school of fish
___4. picture of d.hides in
an eel rocks

___5. Picture e.little

of tuna fish black fish




A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did

I encounter which is
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use / discover
which I wish to
share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 3, Day 3 Quarter First

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of grade
level appropriate words used to communicate inter-
and intrapersonal experiences, ideas, thoughts,
actions and feelings.

B. Performance The learner independently takes turn in sharing inter

Standard and intra personal experiences, ideas, thoughts,
actions and feelings using appropriate words.

C. Learning Recognize the common terms in English relating to

Competencies/ part of book
Objectives (Write the
LC code for each)
EN2-BPK-Ib-C-4 (Book & Print Knowledge)
II. CONTENT Parts of the Book
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Jump Start Grade II, pp.109-111
IV. PROCEDURE Advance Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing Who is Swimmy? Name of the characters in
previous lesson or the story “Swimmy” as the
presenting the new teacher flashes the

B. Establishing a Let the learners sing the song: “My Toes My Knees”.
purpose for the Ask: What are the parts of our body mentioned in the
lesson song?

C. Presenting Show a big book. Tell the learners that they will be
examples learning about the different parts of the book. Ask
/instances of the them if they know any parts of a book.
new lesson

D. Discussing new Discuss the Parts of a Book
concepts and Book is a written or printed work consisting of pages
practicing new skill bind together along one side and bound in covers. It
gives information.
Parts of a Book
Book cover- it is the front and back cover that is seen
outside of the book. It protects the body parts of the
Title page- It is the title of the book. It tells what the
book is all about.
Author- the person who wrote the contents of the
Table of Contents- list of topics that enumerate the
contents of the book.
Spine- is the part that holds the book together.

E. Discussing new Group Work: Name of the Parts of the

concepts and Name the Parts of the Book. Choose your
practicing new Book answer from the box.
skills #2
Provide a book in each
group and let the author spine cover
learners share and Title page table of
identify each part. contents
The teacher will provide a
picture of a book that
contains the Parts of the
Book and let them learner
share and identify each

F. Developing Write the letter of the correct answer.

mastery ( leads to ____1. The Philippine Island…10 a. front cover
formative ____2. Holds the book together b. title
assessment #3
____3. ENGLISH EXPRESSWAYS c. author
____4. by Lorenzo del Mundo d. table of
____5. front cover of the book e. spine
that is seen outside the

Answer the following Choose the correct

G. Finding practical questions. answer.
applications of Provide learners a book
concepts and skills and let them answer of Paul Galdone
in daily living
the questions below.

1. What is the title of the The Turtle and the
book? Monkey
2. Who is the author?
3. What do you think the The race of the monkey
book is all about? and the turtle

1. What is the title of the

book? _______________
2. Who is the author?
3. What do you think the
book is all about?

H. Making What are the Parts of the Books?

generalizations The Parts of the Books are book cover, title page,
and abstractions author, table of contents and spine.
about the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Match the word to its meaning.
Column A
Column B

______1. Spine a. it is the front and

back cover
______2. Author b. list of topics that
enumerate the
contents of book
______3. Book cover c. it is the title of the
______4. Table of contents d. it is the part that
holds the book
______5. Tittle page e. the person who
wrote the contents of
the book




A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which is principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use / discover
which I wish to
share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 3, Day 4 Quarter First

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of suitable vocabulary used
in different languages for effective communication.

B. Performance Uses familiar vocabulary to independently express ideas

Standard in speaking activities

C. Learning Differentiate English words from other languages spoken

Competencies/ at home and in school
Objectives (Write
the LC code for
EN2-V-Ib-c-01 (Vocabulary)

D. CONTENT Poem” I am a Filipino” by Dali Soriano

Values Integration: Respect for Elders
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pp.93-93
2. Learner’s Materials Pp.177-178
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning
III. PROCEDURE Advance Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing Guessing Game Show a book, name its
previous lesson or Parts of the Book being part.
presenting the new described / identified.
B. Establishing a Ask the learners about their features/ characteristics.
purpose for the What can you say about the color of your hair? skin?
lesson eyes?
What are the things you like to eat?
Have the learners match the pictures with the correct

Provide a picture a. respect for elders
of a parent

Provide a picture b. palosebo

of streamers

Provide a picture c. parents

of grandparents

Provide a picture of d. fiesta

kissing the hands
of an elder

Provide a picture of e. adobo

playing palosebo

Provide a picture of f. elders

an adobo

C. Presenting Read aloud the poem” I am a Filipino” by Dali Soriano.

examples /instances Read the poem first, Then let the learners read together.
of the new lesson

D. Discussing new 1. Who is the Filipino/ child in 1. Who is the Filipino/

concepts and the poem? child in the poem?
practicing new skill 2. What is the color of the (a. I b.dog c. papaya)
child’s hair? 2. What is the color of
3. What is the color of the the child’s hair?
child’s skin? ( a. yellow b. black
4. Who is living with the child? c. red)
5. What does the child like to 3. What is the color of
play? the child’s skin?
6. What is the child is favorite ( a. green b. blue
food? c. brown)
7. How does the child show 4. Who is living with the
respect to the elders? child?
8. What can you say about the ( a. family b. friends.
child? c. classmates)
9. How do Filipinos show 5. What does the child
respect to their elders? like to play?

10. How about you? How do (a. palosebo b.
you show respect to your tumbang preso c. bato
parents? Elders? bato pick )
6. What is the child
favorite food?
( a. sinigang b. adobo
c. pinakbet)
7. How does the child
show respect to the
elders?(a. kiss the
hands b. beso- beso
c. take a bow)
8. What can you say
about the child?
(a. bad b. polite c.

E. Discussing new Have the pupils repeat the sentences you will say.
concepts and I am a Filipino.
practicing new My skin is _____________( color of the skin)
skills #2
My hair is _____________( color of the hair).
I love to eat__________, ________, and ___________.
I like to play______________, ______________ and
I live with my parents/ grandparents.
I help and respect them.
I am proud to be a Filipino.

F. Developing mastery Get a partner and complete Get a partner and

(leads to formative the web. Then report your complete the chart.
assessment #3 work to the class. Teacher’s guidance.

Name of

What he/she like to


What does he/ she

loves to like?

Group Work Activity:
G. Finding practical Let them talk about themselves, the color of their hair,
applications of skin, their likes (food, games). Allow them to exchange
concepts and skills in ideas.
daily living
Model: I’m (name of learner A) and I’ll tell you something
about (name of letter B).
____________’s hair is ________ and her/ skin is
He/ She likes to eat __________, ___________and
He/ She likes to play ____________, _________, and
He/ She lives with his/her (parents/ grandparents).
He/ She is proud to be a Filipino.

H. Making A Filipino child has fair and brown skin with black hair,
generalizations and loves to play, helps his/ her family, and respects all
abstractions about elders.
the lesson

I. Evaluating learning Check the characteristics of a Filipino.

________1. respectful
________2. show respect through beso beso
________3. black hair
________4. white skin
________5. likes to eat adobo




A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which is
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use / discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

By : Dali Soriano

I am a Filipino
I am proud to be one.
My black hair and brown skin.
Perfectly baked the sun.
I live happily with my country.
Brothers, sister-we are one
Lola, lolo, uncles, and aunts.
One fiesta we have fun.

I play Filipino games-

Sipa, taguan, palosebo.
I love Filipino food.
My favorite is abodo.
I kiss the hands of my elders
To say goodbye or hello.
This makes me a Filipino.
Polite, respectful and true.



No. of Placement
Percentage No. of
Objectives Days of
(%) Items
Taught Test

Talk about one’s environment

( e.g. persons animals, place,
1 30 6 1-6
things, events)

Infer the character’s feelings

and traits.
1 20 4 7-10
Retell a story listened to

Recognize the common

terms in English relating to 1 25 5 11-15
parts of a book

Differentiate English words

from other languages spoken
1 25 5 16-20
at home and in school

TOTAL 4 100% 20

I. Encircle the correct noun for the given picture.

1. a. event b. animal c. person

2. a. thing b. place c. event

3. a. person b. event c. place

4. a. animal b. event c. person

5. a. person b. place c. thing

6. a. event b. animal c. thing

II. Describe the feelings in the given situations:

7. A very hungry tuna fish swallowed all the little red fish.
Tuna fish is (a. sad b. happy c. bad)

8. Swimmy escaped when he saw a bad hungry fish.

Swimmy is (a. scared b. happy c. kind)

9. Swimmy saw many wonderful creatures like lobster, eels and sea
Swimmy feels (a. sad b. happy c. scared)

10. Down under a rocky corner, Swimmy saw a school of fish just like his
She asked them to play swim and see wonderful things with her.
Swimmy is (a. friendly b. bad c. scared)

III. Box the correct part of the book.

11. Is the part that holds the book.

a. spine b. table of contents c. title page
12. The person who wrote the content of the book.
a. book cover b. author c. spine
13. It is the front and back cover of the book that is seen outside the book.
a. table of contents b. author c. book cover
14. List of topics that enumerate the contents of the book.
a. spine b. table of contents c. author
15. It is the title of the book. It tells what the book is all about.
a. title page b. spine c. author

IV. Read the sentences carefully and encircle the correct.

16. Filipinos have a ( a. black b. brown c. white ) skin.

17. Love to play (a. palosebo b. golf c. skiing)
18. She likes to eat (a. pancit b. adobo c. banana)
19. Filipinos love to (a. kiss the hands of the elders
b. makes beso beso c. hug)
20. Filipinos have (a. brown b. white c. black) hair.

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 4, Day 1 Quarter First


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates (1) understanding of text elements

to see the relationship between known and new information
to facilitate comprehension and (2) understanding of
information heard to make meaningful decisions

B. Performance The learner (1)correctly presents text elements through

Standard simple organizers to make inferences, predictions and
conclusions and (2)uses information from theme-based
activities as guide for decision making and following

C. Learning Listen to a variety of media including books, audiotapes

Competencies/ videos and other age-appropriate publications and (a) identify
Objectives cause and effect of events and (b) identify the problem and

EN2-LC-Ia-j-1.1. d & i. (Listening Comprehension)


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional
Materials from
B. Other Learning Youtube videos, printed pictures

IV. PROCEDURES Advanced Learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting
the new lesson Sing the song with the pupils.


Five little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said
No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said,
No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said,
No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said,
No more monkeys jumping on the bed

One little monkey jumping on the bed

One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor
And the doctor said,
Put those monkeys right to the bed *The pictures used are screenshots of the video from Dave & Ava:
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed retrieved from

Note: To help pupils visualize, play the video or post the
pictures. This is just a suggested song. The teacher can use
other songs, poems, or stories.
B. Establishing a Say: It is important to know what we heard, and be able to
purpose for the identify important information. This time, I will ask you about
lesson what happened to the little monkeys and what the mother
monkey did. Are you ready to answer my questions?

Ask: What did the monkeys do on the bed?

(Answer: They were jumping on the bed)
Ask: What happened to the monkeys?
(Answer: One by one they fell off and bumped their heads)

Ask: Why did the mother call the doctor? What was the
(Answer: Her little monkeys fell off the bed and bumped their
Ask: What did the doctor advise when the little monkeys fell
off and bumped their heads?
(Answer: No more monkeys jumping on the bed)

Note: This should be done orally to practice listening

comprehension. Fragment answers from pupils should be
reiterated by the teacher in complete sentence.

C. Presenting Say: The five little monkeys fell off the bed and bumped their
examples/Instances heads because they were jumping on the bed. The cause
of the new lesson was their jumping on the bed, and the effect was they fell off
and bumped their heads. (Write on the board CAUSE and

Can you explain to me what cause and effect mean? (Let the

CAUSE is the reason why something happened. In identifying the cause,

you ask yourself: “What happened first? Why did something happen?” For
example, ask yourself “Why did the little monkeys fall off the bed and bump
their heads?” Then investigate in the song what happened first, what the
little monkeys did before they fell off and bumped their heads.

EFFECT is the result of something that happened. In identifying the cause,

you ask yourself: “What happened second? What was the result?” For
example, ask yourself “What happened next when the little monkeys were
jumping on the bed?” then investigate in the song what happened next, what
happened to the little monkeys when they were jumping on the bed.

pupils express their ideas. Explain if they cannot).

Say: The doctor advised that little monkeys should stop
jumping on the bed because they fell off the bed and bumped
their heads. The problem was that the five little monkeys got
hurt, and the solution was to advise the little monkeys not to
jump on the bed again. (Write on the board PROBLEM and
Can you explain to me what problem and solution mean?
(Let the pupils express their ideas).

PROBLEM is the difficult situation or difficulty of the person. In identifying the

problem, you ask yourself: “What is the problem? What situation is not good?”
For example, ask “What is the problem of the little monkeys or the mother
monkey?” then investigate in the song what happened that makes the
characters difficult.

SOLUTION is the way of resolving the problem. In identifying the solution, you
ask yourself: “What did the they do to solve the problem?” For example, ask
“What did the doctor do to avoid the little monkeys from falling off the bed and
bumping their heads?” then investigate in the song what has be done to solve
the problem.

Note: Do these orally. Pictures can be shown again to aid the

average learners.

D. Discussing new ACTIVITY 1

concepts and
practicing new skills
#1 Directions: Tell what is the cause and after which tell the
effect in the information heard.
1. Mary is happy because I gave her chocolates.
2. Matt shouted when he saw a rat.

3. The mother left so her baby cried.
4. Liza reads daily so she became a good reader.
5. My stomach is full because I ate a bowl of noodles

Note: Do these orally. Pictures can be shown to aid the

average and struggling learners.

E. Discussing new ACTIVITY 2

concepts and
practicing new skills Directions: Tell what is the problem and solution in the
#2 information heard.
1. John had a headache so he took a medicine.
2. I asked help from teacher because I cannot read.
3. Let us plant trees to avoid floods and landslides.
4. Buy an alarm clock because you wake up late.
5. The school feeding program helps severely wasted
Note: Do these orally. Pictures can be shown to aid the
average and struggling learners.

F. Developing mastery ACTIVITY 3

(leads to Formative
Assessment 3) A. Identify the causes and effects of the dead flowers
in the selection read by the teacher. Listen
carefully and write your answers on your paper

Flowers in the school died because it was very hot.

Jenny studied every night so she got high scores in the tests.
B. Identify the problems and solutions in the
selection read by the teacher. Listen carefully and
write your answers on your paper.

We experience floods because of too much cutting of trees.

It is so hot these days so our teacher advised to bring fan.
Note: The teacher can bridge the gap (translate difficult
words) or give a printed copy to aid the struggling learners.

G. Finding practical Ask: What will happen if you sleep late at night?
application of
concepts and skills in Expected answer: I will wake up late (That’s the effect. The
daily living cause is sleeping late at night)

Ask: What will you do if you do not know how to read?

Expected answer: I will ask help from teacher or parent.
(That is the solution. The problem is not knowing how to read)

Say: Give example situation that shows cause and effect,

and problem and solution.

H. Making Guide pupils to understand cause and effect, problem and

generalizations and solution.
abstractions about
the lesson
CAUSE is the reason why something happened.
EFFECT is the result of something that happened.
PROBLEM is the difficult situation or difficulty of the person.
SOLUTION is the way of resolving the problem.

I. Evaluating learning
A. Match up the cause Provide the average learners
and effect. Choose the with printed copy of the
correct effect of each causes and problems only.
cause that the teacher They will only silently follow
will read. with their eyes what the
teacher reads/speaks. They
CAUSES (teacher’s copy will answer simultaneously
only) with the advanced learners by
choosing among the choices
1. I study the lessons given. The objective is to only
every day. aid their listening with prints.
2. I was caught up in the
3. I did not eat breakfast.
4. I slept late last night. A. Match up the cause
5. My pet died and effect. Choose
the correct effect of
each cause that the
teacher will read.

Post these choices on the CAUSES (teacher’s copy
board. Give time for pupils to only)
read and choose)
1. I study the lessons
every day.
2. I was caught up in the
I got rain.
I am
I am high 3. I did not eat breakfast.
hungry grades 4. I slept late last night.
5. My pet died.

(Post these choices on the

board. Give time for pupils to
I feel read and choose)
I got sleepy
sick in
school I got
I am
I am high
hungry grades

I feel
I got sleepy
sick in
B. Match up the problem
and solution. Choose
the correct solution of
each problem that the
teacher will read.

PROBLEMS (teacher’s copy

only) B. Match up the
problem and
1. The doctor said,
solution. Choose the
“John is not healthy.”
correct solution of
2. My tooth is aching.
each problem that
3. I don’t know how to
the teacher will read.
read some words.
4. I get low scores in
5. The weather is too

Post these choices on the PROBLEMS (teacher’s copy
board. Give time for pupils to only)
read and choose)
1. The doctor said,
“John is not healthy.”
2. My tooth is aching.
Ask help Go to 3. I don’t know how to
Study from the read some words.
hard teacher dentist 4. I get low scores in
5. The weather is too

Post these choices on the

board. Give time for pupils to
Wear Eat read and choose)
jacket fruits
and Ask
help Go to
vegetab Study the
les hard from
teacher dentist

Wear Eat
jacket fruits

J. Additional activities
for application or



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 4, Day 2 Quarter First


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding about the

concepts about print

B. Performance Standard The learner correctly identifies book parts and follows
reading conventions

C. Learning Recognize proper eye movement skills (transfer skills)

Competency/Objectives (a) left to right, (b) top to bottom, and (c) return sweep
Write the LC code for each.
EN2-BPK-Id-e-5 (Book & Print Knowledge)

II. CONTENT Recognizing proper eye movement


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource Storybook from Adarna House (DepEd property)

IV. PROCEDURES Advanced Learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the NOTE: The teacher can use any English big books,
new lesson previously read stories, or any Grade 2 story printed in
a big-sized paper, enough to be seen by the pupils at
the back. In this DLP, the story “Isang Mayang Uhaw”
or “One Thirsty Sparrow” by Victoria Añonuevo is used
as a sample. Its original storybook has English
translation which is featured in this DLP.

The teacher will sit in front of the class, hold the story
book in an inverted position, and pretend reading. The
pupils should be able to realize that the teacher is not
holding the book properly. Appreciate the pupils if they

Ask: Now, can you tell me where the front cover is?
Back cover? Title page? Who is the author? Illustrator?
How do we flip the pages?


Front Cover Title Page Back Cover

Author: Victoria Añonuevo

Illustrator: Jimmy Torres
We carefully flip the pages from left to right

Before we read, let us find the meaning of these
words: thirsty, pebbles, brim, hawk, hornbill, egret,
rail, sparrow, receded

The teacher may show pictures, use dictionary or use

context clues to unlock the difficult words.

Ask: Was there a time that you were not able to reach
an object because you are not tall enough? What did
you do? (let pupils express themselves)

B. Establishing a purpose for

Ask: How can the sparrow drink from a glass with little

C. Presenting Say: Let us find that

examples/Instances of the out in the story that I
new lesson am going to read to
you. (Post on the
board the title of the

D. Discussing new concepts The teacher will read the story using her index finger to
and practicing new skills point the words being read. Directed Inquiry Technique
#1 (DIT) can also be used, it’s asking question to the
pupils at some intervals, or every after a sentence in
the story, to check their comprehension.

After the teacher read the story, ask the pupils to read
it by themselves (as time permits).

Lastly, answer comprehension questions including the

motive question.
1. Which birds drank water from the glass?

2. Why did the water recede in the glass?
3. Why was the sparrow not able to drink water
immediately after the rail?
4. What did the sparrow do to be able to drink
from the glass?
5. If you were the sparrow, what would you do

E. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills Ask the following:
#2 1. When we read the story, on what word did we

Once, there was a glass of water

and five very thirsty birds.

Answer: from the word “once”.

2. When we read, to what direction do our eyes

Answer: to the right

3. When we read two or more lines of words,

which should we read first? Which should we
read next? Which should we read last?

Hawk was the

first to drink and
the water in the
glass receded

Answer: the top, the next lines, and the bottom

4. When we reach the end of the sentence, which

should we read next? (example, which should
we read next after the “the” on the first line) To
what direction do our eyes return sweep?

Answer: read the next line; read the “first” next;

back to the left.

F. Developing mastery CONTEST

(leads to Formative
Assessment 3) Tap a few pupils to compete by twos in reading phrases
or sentences. The one who can finish reading first will
win the round. (the teacher has the freedom to choose
other phrases or sentences as long as the goal is for the
pupils to master the eye-sweeping skill. Pair up the
advanced learner with advanced, and average learner
with average.)


Hornbill was the second to drink and the water in

the glass receded

Egret was the third to drink

and the water
in the glass receded.

Rail was the

fourth to drink
and the water
in the glass receded.

Sparrow was the

fifth to drink
but there was very
little water
left in the glass.


G. Finding practical Ask the pupils took around the classroom. Point and
application of concepts read the words, phrases or sentences that are read
and skills in daily living from left to right or top to bottom.

The teacher can also present pictures that can be seen

outside like billboards, signage, etc. Ask the pupils to

H. Making generalizations Ask: How do we read the Ask them first to read
and abstractions about phrases, sentences or again the phrases used
the lesson prints? previously.

Answer: from left to right, Ask: How do we read

top to bottom, return sweep the phrases, sentences
or prints?

Answer: from left to

right, top to bottom, and
return sweep

I. Evaluating learning Directions: Read the texts on the board and answer
the questions that follow.

Do to others what you want

others do to you.

Do not
do to others
what you do not want others
do to you.

1. What is the word next to “Do to others”?

2. What is the phrase to read next after the last
word “you”?
3. What is the word before “Do not”? (first phrase
in the second sentence)
4. On which word should start?
5. On which word should you end?
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 4, Day 3 Quarter First


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates (1) understanding of English words

used to communicate inter- and intrapersonal experiences,
ideas, thoughts, actions and feelings; (2) understanding of
information heard to make meaningful decisions.

B. Performance Standard The learner (1) independently takes turn in sharing inter and
intrapersonal experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions and feelings
using appropriate words; (2) uses information from theme-
based activities as guide for decision-making and following

C. Learning Competency/ Listen to a variety of media including books, audiotapes videos

Objectives and other age-appropriate publications and identify the speaker
(Write the LC code for in the story or poem
EN2-LC-Ie-1.1 (Listening Comprehension)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages English for You and Me 2, page 29
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resource Printed pictures, stories, poems, video clips
IV. PROCEDURES Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the Present pictures of the following and tell them to listen while
new lesson you read what each one tells.


Hello! My name is Nancy.
What’s your name?

Hello! I’m a teacher?
What do you do?

Hello! I like golfing.
What do you like doing?

Hello! I like reading books
What kind of books do you like?

Hello! I’m a clown in my free time.
What do you do in your free time?

*Source: Screenshots of the video from Mark Kulek’s

All: Goodbye! “Introduce Yourself/Talk About Yourself/Ask About What
Others Like/English Speaking Practice” - Youtube.com

Suggested activity: You may play the video via source

B. Establishing a purpose for Motivate pupils to learn using this information.

the lesson
Say: Now, you are going to say something about what each
picture tells. Call individual pupil to read the dialogue through

Ask: Who said, “I like reading books”?

(One pupil will give his/her answer pointing out to the one in the
picture who said that line.)
Ask: Who said, “I like golfing “?
(Another pupil will give his/her answer)

Ask: Who said, “I’m a clown in my free time”?

(Another pupil will give his/her answer)

C. Presenting Say: In this lesson you will learn how to identify who is telling a
examples/Instances of the story.
new lesson

Let’sLet’s Review

Speaker One day…

A speaker is the person

who is telling you the

Let’s Review

1st Person: 3rd Person:

The main character The story is told by

will tell you his or her an “outside narrator”,
story or someone who is
not in the story

Let’s Review

1st Person:
When I arrived at school, I went
straight down to the cafeteria to say
The main character will hello to all of my friends. I knew
use “I” or “me” to tell they would be waiting to hear my
story about what happened yesterday
you his or her story after school.

Let’s Review

3rd Person:

Tom walked straight down to the

A speaker will tell the cafeteria as soon as he got to school.
story using “he” or He was excited to share with his
friends how he scored the winning
“she” to refer to the goal in the soccer game last night.

main character

Note: You may use chart with pictures or PowerPoint


D. Discussing new concepts Activity 1
and practicing new skills Unlocking of words using context clues.
#1 1. related
2. often
3. scared
4. instrument
5. shine

Identify the narrator/speaker of each story.

1. I am a small animal that is related to lions and tigers. I
am often kept by people as a pet. I cry “meow” when I
am hungry, cold or scared.
What am I?

2. I am an instrument that you use for writing. I have an

eraser in case you write down something wrong. What
am I?

3. I am something that you wear on your feet and do

come as a pair. I can be shined so I look new all the
time. I am not slippers nor socks. What am I?

E. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills 1. Group Activity
#2 Group pupils into 3. Each group will be given an activity sheet.

Group I (Advanced learners)

Read the selection. Answer the questions below.

Vic, Manny, and Tito were having conversation one

Vic said, “I have a top, a ball, a fire truck, and a bicycle. I
keep my toys after playing with them. I put them in my toy
Manny said, “I don’t have toys. I have a pet. My pet is a dog.
I feed my pet every day.”

Tito said, “I don’t have toys, but I have a vegetable garden.
I water the plants every morning.”

1. Who said he has a pet dog?
2. Who said he has a vegetable garden?
3. Who said he has a top, a ball, a fire truck, and a bicycle?

Source: English for You and Me 2 (Think and Read), page 29

Group 2 (Average learners)

Read each paragraph/sentence/short dialog in a story. Identify

the speaker. Write it on the blank provided.
______1. “Oh no! I lost my wallet.” Cried Kris.
______2. Tina said, “I love eating ice cream.”
______3. My name is Jam. I live in Cataingan, Masbate. I’m a
grade 2 pupil.

2. Presentation of group output

F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3)

Say: We are going to read the short story in each box, but
before that let us unlock the difficult words for us to understand
1. underwater
2. limbs
3. tentacles
4. globe-shaped
5. naughty

Copyright 2016:http://www.biglearners.com. All rights reserved.

G. Finding practical Think about your favorite animal, or a pet that you love.
application of concepts Tell a story with the pet as the narrator.
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations How do you identify the speaker in a story or poem?
and abstractions about
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Listen carefully as I read each short story/part of the story.
Identify the speaker or narrator. Write only the letter of your

1. I am a big creature with a big ears and long nose. I used my
nose to fetch my food and water.

A. B. C.

Hi, I’m Tracie. I love gardening

with my brother, Ken. We water
2. . our plants every day.

A. Ken B. Tracie C. Casie

My name is Carlo. I used to play

3. basketball during my free time
with my playmates, Jim and Josh.

A. Josh B. Carlo C. Jim

4. I am small but many people are scared at me because of my

sting. I am always busy working just to make honey.

A. B. C.

5. People usually called me a man’s best friend. I can also be a

guard to my master’s house. I bark especially to those

A. B. C.

J. Additional activities for Say: Have you read stories about animals? Let us read this story
application or remediation about the lion and the fox. Listen very well so that you can
answer the questions afterwards.


The lion saw the fox. He wanted to eat the fox.
The fox said, “There is a lion bigger than you.”
No one is bigger than me,” said the lion. “I’m going to kill
him. Where is he?”
The fox brought the lion to a well. The water was very clear.
The lion looked into the well. He saw his image in the water.
It was big. The lion jumped into the well. He could not get out.
That was the end of the king of the forest.

Aesop’s Fable
Question: Philippine Readers, Book Three
Can you tell who is the speaker?
1. “There is a lion bigger than you.”
2. “No one is bigger Readers, Book
than me.”
3. “I’m going to kill him. Where is he?”Three



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 4, Day 4 Quarter First

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of
suitable vocabulary used in different languages for
effective communication

B. Performance The learner uses common vocabulary to

Standard independently express ideas in speaking activities

C. Learning Identify the English equivalent of words in the

Competency/ Mother Tongue or in Filipino
EN2-VD-Id-e-1 (Vocabulary Development)

II. CONTENT Identifying English equivalent of words

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning Resource Chart/tarpapel, printed pictures

IV. PROCEDURES Advanced Learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing previous Teacher says: Do you know the song “Bahay
lesson or presenting the Kubo”? I will teach you its English version. Listen
new lesson as I read the lyrics/words of the song.


Nipa hut, even though it’s small,

The plants that grow around it are varied:
Turnip and eggplant, winged bean and peanut,
String bean, hyacinth bean, lima bean.

Wax gourd, sponge gourd, white squash and

And there’s also radish, mustard,
Onion, tomato,
garlic and ginger Source: www.mamalisa.com
And all around are
sesame seeds.

B. Establishing a purpose Ask some pupils to name any vegetable from the
for the lesson song and say its name in Filipino.
Example: In Filipino, garlic is bawang.
Say: Name other vegetables mentioned in the
Let’s sing the song.

C. Presenting Teacher picks one vegetable from the song and

examples/Instances of makes a riddle about it.
the new lesson Example: I am round. I may be white or violet.
I can make you cry even if you’re not
What am I?
Teacher helps pupils make other riddles by
selecting one vegetable from the song and let them
say its name in the Mother Tongue or in Filipino.

Note: Teacher should use pictures of each

vegetable to help pupils make a riddle.

D. Discussing new concepts ACTIVITY 1

and practicing new skills Show pictures of the following and let them tell its
#1 name and the corresponding term in the Mother
Tongue or in Filipino.
1. cat 6. flower
2. dog 7. car
3. ball 8. table
4. pillow 9. fish
5. cup 10. Bottle
E. Discussing new concepts ACTIVITY 2
and practicing new skills Read these numbers and identify its name in the
#2 Mother Tongue or in Filipino.
1. twenty
2. five
3. eight
4. ten
5. forty
F. Developing mastery ACTIVITY 3
(leads to Formative Identify the English equivalent of words in Filipino
Assessment 3) by matching A and B

1. rich a. tamad
2. beautiful b. masaya
3. happy c. matulungin
4. helpful d. mayaman
5. lazy e. maganda
G. Finding practical Mother asks you to do something while she is
application of concepts away. Here is the list of things to be done.
and skills in daily living 1. Wash the dishes
2. Sweep the floor
3. Clean the backyard
Can you translate it in Filipino or Mother Tongue?

H. Making generalizations Lead the pupils to say something about the
and abstractions about importance of using common vocabulary in
the lesson speaking activities.
I. Evaluating learning Read and translate the Read the underlined
following sentences into word in each
Mother Tongue or Filipino. sentence and give
its equivalent in
1. The boy is eating ice Mother Tongue or in
cream. Filipino.
2. Mother is washing 1. The boy is
the clothes. eating ice
3. Romy is playing cream.
basketball. 2. Mother is
4. Carlo is running. washing the
5. The baby is crying. clothes.
3. Romy is
4. Carlo is
5. The baby is
J. Additional activities for
application or


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?



No. of Test
Objectives Percentage
Item/s Placement
Listen to a variety of media including
books, audiotapes videos and other
age-appropriate publications and (a)
identify cause and effect of events and 10 25 % 1-10
(b) identify the problem and solution

Recognize proper eye movement skills

(transfer skills) (a) left to right, (b) top
to bottom, and (c) return sweep 5 25 % 11-15

Listen to a variety of media including

books, audiotapes videos and other
age-appropriate publications and 5 25 % 16-20
identify the speaker in the story or
Identify the English equivalent of words
in the Mother Tongue or in Filipino 5 25 % 16 - 20

Total 20 100 %

A. Match the cause and effect. Choose the correct effect of each
cause that the teacher will read.

Post these choices on the board.

A.The baby C.I got high

cried B.I am sad D.It flooded E.I feel sleepy
grades in school

CAUSES (teacher’s copy only)

1. I study the lessons every day.
2. It rained for three days.
3. The baby is hungry.
4. I slept late last night.
5. My father left home.

B. Match the problem and solution. Choose the correct solution of

each problem that the teacher will read.

Post these choices on the board.

D.Dry the clothes

A.Read B.Ask the C.Go to the E.Eat fruits and
books teacher dentist vegetables

PROBLEMS (teacher’s copy only)

6. The doctor said, “John lacks nutrients.”
7. My tooth hurts.
8. Jane did not understand the lesson.
9. I want to learn more.
10. Our shirts are still wet.

C. Read the text on the board and answer the questions that follow.

God gave us talent,

use it well.

11. What word should we read first?

12. What word is next to “talent”?
13. What word comes before “use”?
14. What word should we end reading?
15. To what direction do our eyes move when reading?

D. Listen carefully to the story that the teacher will read, and identify
who is the speaker in the story.

16. “And now let us witness a performance of Regine Geronimo! Oh my! It’s
my turn to sing on stage!
I wish I were a fish
swimming in the sea
but a fish in a dish
I would rather stay a bee.

18. Jan is a kind boy in our class. He shares his snacks.

19. Today is a beautiful day. I felt more pleasant when I entered the classroom
hearing the pupils, “Good morning, Mrs. Cruz.”

20. When the teacher is away

the children play.
Singing with one another,
acting like a singer.
But when the teacher is back
everyone’s mouth is shut

E. Identify the English equivalent of words in Filipino (or Mother

tongue). Choose your answer from the box below.

book rice water tree house road

1. Bahay 4. Kanin
2. Kalsada 5. Puno
3. Kanin

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 5, Day 1 Quarter First

A. Content Standard The learner recognizes kinds of sentences (Declarative
and Interrogative)

B. Performance The learners should be able to recognize the different

Standard kinds of sentences (Declarative and Interrogative)

C. Learning Recognized the differences between declarative and

Competency/ Interrogative sentence.
EN2-G-Id-e-1.3 (Grammar)

II. CONTENT Recognizing declarative and interrogative sentences.

Values Integration: Importance of self-hygiene
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide English 2 TG pp 225-227 and pp 246-246
2. Learner’s Materials English 2 pp 426-429
3. Textbook pages English 2 Textbook 459-463
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Word cards, printed pictures, google, youtube videos
IV. PROCEDURES Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing previous Ask: what do you usually do early in the morning?
lesson or presenting Sing the song “this is the way” with the pupils.
the new lesson Encourage them to stand and sing with action.

This is the way we wash our face,

wash our face, wash our face.
This is the way we wash our face.
Early in the morning.

This is the way we comb our hair,

comb our hair, comb our hair.
This is the way we comb our hair.
Early in the morning.

This is the way we brush our teeth,

brush our teeth, brush our teeth.

This is the way we brush our teeth.
Early in the morning.

Let the pupils read the words in a flash cards.

Brush Comb Wash

 What do you mean by brush and wash?
 Do you brush your teeth every day?
 Do you wash your hands often?

Make them use brush and wash in a sentence


Present pictures with sentences that tells about

(Note: Please provide pictures of the following.)
 Aliyah is brushing her teeth.
Yam-yam is washing his hands.
 Beyu is taking a bath.

Ask:: ( post the questions on the board.)

 What does Aliya use to clean her teeth?

 Why does Yam-yam wash his hand?
 Who is taking a bath?
Ask: It is important to clean ourselves? Why?
((Note: do this orally )

(note: guide them in composing the sentence correctly.)

B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson Organize the sentences in column A and Colum B. Read
the sentences aloud. Make them recognize the sentences
that ask and sentences that state something.

Column A Column B
Ali is brushing her teeth.
Yam is washing his hands. What does Ali use to clean
Jen is taking a bath. her teeth?
Why does Yam wash his
Ask: What punctuation mark Who
use awhen
bath?we ask
What do we use when we just say/state

Say: The sentence that asks a question is called

Interrogative sentence.
The sentence that states or says something is called

 Post interrogative sentence and declarative
sentence on the board.

Note: Do these orally. Read the sentence aloud and elaborate to

aid the average and struggling learners.
C. Presenting Let the learners read the meaning.
examples/Instances of The teacher will explain and present examples.
the new lesson
A declarative sentence – is a sentence that tells about
something and ends with a period(.).

Marie is clapping her hands.
Dino is jumping high.
Mother goes to the market.

An Interrogative sentence – is a sentence that asks a

question. It uses question words like who, what,
where, how, when, and why and it ends with a
question mark (?).

Where do you live?
When is your birthday?
Who is your friend?

(Notes: Teacher may provide the sentence. Read the sentence

orally and let them repeat after you to aid the average learners.)
D. Discussing new
concepts and Activity 1
practicing new skills # Let the learners enjoy the activity by clapping their
1 hands once when they hear a sentence that asks and
clap twice when it’s not.
(note: sentences can also be posted on the board for the
learners to read aloud and do the activity at the same time.)

1. Where is your mother?

2. My mother went to the market.
3. What is your favorite color?
4. My favorite color is blue.
5. What is your pet’s name?
6. My pets’ name is Minie.

E. Discussing new Activity 2

concepts and Listen carefully and write the correct punctuation
practicing new skills # mark to be used in each sentence. Write your answers
2 on your “show me board”.

1. Why do you brush your teeth

2. I wash my hands every time
3. What do you use to clean your hair
4. I use shampoo to clean my hair
5. Where do you took a bath

F. Developing mastery Activity 3
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3) Call a pair of pupils in front of the class and make them
ask and answer questions interchangeably.
(Guide the learners in doing this practice.)

Example: Pupil 1: What is your name?

Pupil 2: My name is ________.
Who is your mother?
My mother is _________.
Where do you live?
I live in ____________.

G. Finding practical Go back to the pictures showing personal hygiene.

application of concepts
and skills in daily living Ask: What are the things that you’re going to do after you
What are you going to do before going to school?
Are you going to teach your little sister/brother how to
clean themselves?

H. Making generalizations Ask:

and abstractions about Class, what are the different kinds of sentences
the lesson that you learned today?
What do you call the sentences that ask questions?
What kind of sentence that tells something?
What are the punctuation mark used?
How does a sentence usually start with?
Note that every sentence always begins with a
capital letter
I. Evaluating learning Direction: Read the short Direction: Draw a if the
selection; write all the sentence is interrogative
interrogative sentences and draw a if the
inside the square and all the sentence is declarative.
declarative sentences
inside the circle.
1. I wash my hands.
Fairy dear, fly up and away. _______
Who are you anyway? 2. Where is my
Bubbly bee wander around toothbrush?
the tree. _______
How does she fly freely? 3. She brushed her
Lovely fluffy rainbow above teeth. _______
me. 4. What is your name?
Will you come down here _______
quickly? 5. My name is Marie.
Fairy dear, I love you every _______
day. 6. Why are you happy?
7. I am very happy.
8. When is your
9. My sister keeps her

10. How did you do that?

J. Additional activities for

application or Write 5 examples of Write U if the sentence is
remediation declarative sentences and 5 declarative and write I if the
interrogative sentences. sentence is interrogative.
1. Where is my
2. Mother cook
3. The flower is
4. Who is your
5. I love father



A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 5, Day 2 Quarter First

A. Content Standard The learner predicts possible outcome of story/events.

B. Performance Standard At the end of the lesson the learner should be able to
predict possible outcome of a story/events.

C. Learning Predict Possible outcome of a story/events.

EN2-OL -Ia-f-1.1(Oral Language)
II. CONTENT Values Integration: Importance of health
Predicting outcomes
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource Pictures, Tarpapel, Word cards, google
IV. PROCEDURES Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing previous lesson
or presenting the new MOTIVATION QUESTION
lesson Say: Good morning children! Today you are going
to listen to a story.
But before that, I am going to ask you
something… what are the things you love to
What are the foods you love to eat?

Note: Let the learners share their thoughts and experiences

as well.
B. Establishing a purpose for Show pictures of children playing and a child eating
the lesson yummy foods.
 Let them say something about the picture.
 Make them read the following words.
play yummy

Ask: What does play and yummy means?

Who can you use it in a sentence?

C. Presenting The teacher will read the story using her index finger
examples/Instances of the to point the words being read. Directed Inquiry
new lesson Technique (DIT) can also be used, it’s asking question
to the pupils at some intervals, or every after a
sentence in the story, to check their comprehension.

Good (morning/ afternoon)! Today, the story that you

are about to hear is about the little girl called Ali. Let
us find out what Ali loves to do. What are the foods
she loves to eat?

Once upon a time, there was a little girl

named Ali, she was five years old. All she does is play
all day.
She’s not fond of taking an afternoon nap, and she
doesn’t like eating healthy foods.
Mama only wants Ali to eat fruits and
vegetables to make her healthy, but Ali doesn’t like
those kinds of foods.
When mother gives Ali a glass of milk before she goes
to sleep, she always refuses.
” I like soda much better mama.” Said Ali. Mama is
sad she sighs and shook her head.
At night, Ali sneaks out of bed and eats plenty of
chocolates. “ Hmmmn.. Yummy!” said Ali as she
smiles happily.
One day, mother told Ali to stay inside the
house. “No play for today Ali.”
“Look at the dark clouds in the sky, there’s a huge rain
coming!” Ali looks at her mother with a hesitant face.
A minute later, when mama goes to the kitchen, Ali
sneaks out and plays under the rain.

Note: say the meaning of each difficult words.

D. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills # 1 After the teacher read the story, ask the pupils to read
it by themselves (as time permits).
Ask the following questions about the story heard.
1. Who is the little girl in the story?
2. What does she love to do all day?
3. Does she like to eat healthy foods?
4. Why does mother want Ali to eat fruits and
5. What do you think will happen to her if she
doesn’t eat healthy foods?
6. Why does mother doesn’t want her to play
under the rain?

E. Discussing new concepts Guessing game (note: Please provide different card
and practicing new skills # 2 pictures for the following events.)
Say: I will show you some pictures and say the
possible outcome or result.

Directions: Predict the possible outcome.

1. A kid studying hard. (graduates)

2. Some kids are wearing swimsuits. (go swimming)
3. Mother prepares food for dinner. (they eat)
4. The clouds are gray. (it rain)
5. A sleepy child. (goes to bed}

F. Developing mastery Let’s try other situations. Let us predict what will
(leads to Formative happen next to the following situations.
Assessment 3)
1. Miguel is caught in the rain, he has no umbrella,
and what do you think will happen to Miguel?

(please provide picture of a child caught under the rain)

a. Miguel will feel happy?

b. Miguel will get wet?
c. Miguel will stay under the rain.

2. Vina was ready for the dance show, she had

practiced the dance step very well, she smiled
as she comes out on the stage then Vina

(Please provide picture of boy and girl dancing.)

a. Forgot all the dance steps

b. She danced very well
c. Backed out.

G. Finding practical application Say, Class I will group you into 3. Each group will
of concepts and skills in be
daily living Given an activity card. Inside the activity card are
activities that you will do.

Do you understand?
Yes, we do!

(Setting of standards/rules)
Corporate with your group and understand the
direction carefully. work quietly.
Okay I will give you 5 minutes to finish.

Group 1 (Predictable Owl)

Directions: look at each picture. Read the sentence.

Box the sentence that tells what the owl will do next.

(Please provide picture of an owl with food)

1. The owl will eat
The owl will jump
The owl will fall

(show picture of an owl ready to sleep)

2. The owl will run
The owl will sleep
The owl will swim

(show picture of an owl ready to swim)

3. The owl will sing
The owl will swim
The owl will dance

Group 2 (let us draw)

Directions: Draw what you think would happen next.

1. (Show picture of a watered plant and let them

draw the outcome in the other box.)

2. (Show a picture of a dark cloud and make them

draw what will happen next.)

(source: https://images.search.yahoo.com)

Group 3 (Write it down)

Directions: Read the situation. Write two possible
that tells what the boys will do next.

Write your answers inside the heart.

John and Ben go fishing. They caught almost 5 kilos
of fish.
What do you think they will do next?

Event 1 Event 2

(Possible answers; event 1-cook the fish, event 2 -sell the


H. Making generalizations and Ask: How can we predict Ask: How can we predict
abstractions about the outcome in different outcome in different
lesson situations/ stories? situations/ stories?

Answer: We can predict (show sample pictures,

outcome by using the recall the story /event
events that happened in again and the possible
story. Predicting outcome.)
possible outcome means
thinking of what will
happen next. We may
also use situation from Answer: We can predict
our own experiences. outcomes by using the
events that happened in
(May go back to the story. We may also use
story and recall the situation from our own
possible outcomes that experiences.
they said earlier.)

I. Evaluating learning Direction: Read each event, predict a possible

outcome. Encircle the correct answer.
1. The boy was playing matches in the backyard. His
father saw him.
a. Father play with him.
b. Father get the matches from him
c. Father just look at him
d. Father is happy seeing him.

2. Remon tells a joke to his friends.

a. And they laugh
b. And they cry
c. And his friends get mad
d. And they went home

3. Dina knew a storm was coming for the sky was
gray. A strong wind begun to blow. There was a
thunder. Dina ______________
a. went outside
b. stayed inside
c. played outside
d. went to the mall

4. Ali studied her lessons very well.

a. Ali failed in her exams.

b. Ali got high scores in her exams.
c. Ali skip classes
d. Ali got low grades on her report card.

5. Sol is hungry, she loves sweets than, salty foods.

Mother make her choose a cake or chicken sandwich
for snacks.
a. Sol eats the chicken sandwich
b. Sol goes to bed
c. Sol throws all the food.
d. Sol eats the cake.

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation



A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 5, Day 3 Quarter First

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding about the
elements of literacy and expository texts for creative

B. Performance Standard The learner uses information derived from text in

presenting varied oral and written activities.

C. Learning Relate information and events in a selection to life

Competency/Objectives experiences and vice versa.
Use the different Wh-questions appropriately.

EN2-LC-Id-e-1.2 (Listening Comprehension)

II. CONTENT Using Wh-questions correctly

Values Integration: Showing friendship and love for

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide ENGLISH 2 pp.58-59
2. Learner’s Materials ENGLISH 2 pp.99
3. Textbook pages ENGLISH 2 pp.99
4. Additional Materials
from Learning ENGLISH 2
Learning Competency code: Id-e-1.2
B. Other Learning Resource Google, printed pictures

IV. PROCEDURES Advanced Learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the MOTIVATION QUESTION
new lesson
Ask: Do you have a friend in school?
Who is he/she?
Have you played with your new friend?
(let the pupils express themselves)

Show the question wall and ask the pupil to write as

many questions they want to ask about a person,
place, event and time.

B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson Explain the use of Wh-questions to learn more
about people.

Call one pupil and ask him/her the following


Ask: What is your favorite show?

Who is your bestfriend?
Where will you spend your summer vacation?

C. Presenting
the new lesson
Use pictures, gestures and context clues to unlock the
difficult words found in the story.

sitting, rang, alone, excited, went, favorite.

Say: Listen carefully as I read to you the story and try

to find out the answer to the following questions.
Who are the characters of the story?
Who is Maria’s new friend?
Where do Diana sit?
When do they plan to play?

(Post the story on the board)

Befriending Others

Maria is new from school, she has no friends.

When the bell rang for a recess she saw her one
classmate sitting all alone on her desk. Maria went
near her and said, Hi! classmate my name is Maria
Can we be friends? The girl stood up and said,” My
name is Diana,Yes, I am happy to be your new
friend”.The two girls were so excited and went to the
canteen to have their recess. They ate their favorite
snacks together and they planned to play after class.

D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing Who are the characters of the story?
new skills # 1 What is the name of Maria’s new friend?
Where did Diana sit?
When do they plan to play?

E. Discussing new Group Activity: Let the pupil do the following
concepts and practicing activities:
new skills # 2

Advance Average

Formulate Wh- Make a dialogue with

questions based on classmate and choose a
the given answers. leader who will ask using
1. Rodrigo Duterte
2. Masbate City 1. Who is our
3. December 25 classroom
4. Dog President?
5. Spaghetti 2. What school are
you in?
3. When will be your
4. Where do you buy
food during recess
5. What is your
favorite color?
F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative Say: We will have a game, it is called a “Ball Relay
Assessment 3) Game” When you hear the music plays you will
pass the ball to your seatmate. When you hear the
music stops, the last one holding the ball will get
the Wh-questions attached to it and answer the

(Here are the following questions attached to the


1. What is your name?

2. What is your favorite color?
3. Who is your best friend?
4. Where will you spend your summer vacation?
5. When is your birthday?
6. What day is today?
7. Who is our national hero?
8. Where do you live?
9. Who is your teacher?
10. When will be our cards day?

G. Finding practical
application of concepts If you want to know the name of your classmates
and skills in daily living what will you do?

If you want to know the house of your best friend what

will you do?

If you want know the answer to your questions
towards to your parents what will you do?

SAY: By asking questions you will use the Wh-

questions to guide your answers correctly :

Who is used when asking about a person.

What is used when asking for information about
When is used when asking about time/date.
Where is used when asking about the place.

H. Making generalizations Ask:

and abstractions about If you want some questions, how will you get the
the lesson answer?

Expected answer:
By asking questions you will get the answers.

I. Evaluating learning Give the appropriate Wh - questions out of the given


December 25
Dr. Jose Rizal
Cebu City
In the canteen
Color pink
February 14
Mrs. Dina Gomez
My friends are Jazz,and

J. Additional activities for

application or Write 5 questions using Wh-questions and answer
remediation them.



A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 5, Day 4 Quarter First


A. Content Standard Demonstrate understanding of paragraph

development to identify text types.

B. Performance Standard Identifies correctly how paragraph or text developed.

C. Learning Give the main idea of the story listened to.


EN2-LC - Ic 1.1 (Listening Comprehension)

II. CONTENT Giving the Main Idea
Values Integration: Being Industrious
C. References

1. Teacher’s Guide English 2 pp 49-50

2. Learner’s Materials English 2 pp 69-73
3. Textbook pages English 2 pp 412-413

4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal Strips of cartolina, Tarpapel, Chart

D. Other Learning Resource Google, printed pictures

IV. PROCEDURES Advanced Learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing previous lesson Ask: Do you help your teacher clean the classroom?
or presenting the new
lesson What do you usually do in helping him/her in cleaning
the classroom?
-Unlocking of difficulties:
(Unlock this words through gestures and pictures)
1. Sweep 5. Clean and tidy
2. Wipe 6. empty
3. Throw 7.duty
4. Garbage

B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson
Show pictures of the pupils cleaning their classroom.

Ask: What can you say about the picture?

Why they are doing it?
What kind of children are they?

C. Presenting
examples/Instances of
the new lesson Listen to your teacher as he / she reads the story.
(Using big book/slides show)


Mary and Martha are on class duty today. Mary

sweeps the floor. She throws all the garbage into the
trash bin. After that, she empties the trash bin into the
big garbage can outside the classroom. Martha wipes
the desk.
She wipes the blackboard. The two girls neatly
arrange all the desk and chairs. The classroom is now
clean and tidy.
Mary and Martha are very happy and proud of

D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills # 1 Ask: What is the story about?
Who are the characters of the story?

What did Mary do?
What did Martha do?
What can you say about Mary and Martha?
Would you also do what Mary and Martha did? Why?

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills # 2 Group Work Activity: (Refer to English LM p.72)

Say: Each group will act out the following scenes:

Advanced Average
Children piling up the Children arrange the
books in the bookshelves chairs and erase the
and sweep the floor. writings on the

F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative
Assessment 3) Read the sentences. Choose the letter that gives the
main idea.

1. The children are sweeping the floor.

a. cleaning time b. eating time c. play time
2. The girl is holding a book.
a. time to play b. time to read c. time to bed
3. Dindo eat his favorite snacks during recess time.
a. Playing b. eating c. studying
4. Dela Cruz family wakes up early. They prepare
their clothes because they will go to the beach.
a. They will go for swimming b. They will go
there for dancing c. They will go to
5. Father cleans the car because they plan to watch
“Iron Man”.
a. going on a picnic b. watching a movie
c. cleaning the car

G. Finding practical Direction: Listen to the short story .Choose the
application of concepts letter that gives the main idea.
and skills in daily living
My mom goes to the market everyday. She buys
fish, vegetables, meat, and fruits from the
vendors. She loves to go to the market to buy our
food. She goes home happy to cook our meals

What is the main idea of the story?

a. Our meals b. vendors in the market

c. Mom’s day in the market

H. Making generalizations Ask: What is main idea?

and abstractions about
the lesson Where can you find the main idea of the story?

Expected answer: The main idea is found in the first

paragraph of the story.
The main idea tells what the story is all about.

I. Evaluating learning Listen to your teacher as

she reads the paragraph.
Underline the main idea of
the paragraph listened to.

1. Animals help us in
many ways. They
give us foods.
Some give us
clothing. Other
animals help us in
our work. Some
become our

2. Glenda washed the

clothes this
morning. She was
very glad because
the sun was
shining. Glenda
wanted the sun to
shine all day long.
The clothes dried

fast and they
smelled good.

3. Books are our

good friends. They
make us bright.
They tell different
stories. Others
teach us about
many things in the
world. Books last
long if we take
good care of
them. We should
not tear their
pages. We should
not write on their
pages, too.

J. Additional activities for Read the paragraph.

application or Underline the letter that
remediation gives the main idea.

1. Conrad’s hair is too

long. His teacher
told him that he
needed a haircut.
Conrad went to his
mom because he
would like to go to
his barber. He
asked for money
and then he went

a. Conrad goes to the

b. Conrad goes to the
c. Conrad stayed

2. The teacher asked

the children to get
their bags. Then,
the children started
to line up. The
teacher reminded
everyone to do
their homework.

a. The class was
b. The class was
ready to go
c. They are going
on a field trip.

3. Father went to the

garden to water his
seedlings and
check if it is ready
to put it on the pot.

a. clean-up day
b. planting trees
c. study time




A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?




Recognized the differences between

declarative and Interrogative
10 43.5 % 1-10

Predict Possible outcome of

story/events to one’s experience.

3 13 % 11-13

Use the different Wh- questions


7 30.5 % 14-20

Give the main idea of the story

listened to.
3 13 % 21- 23

Total 23 100 %

A. Write D if the sentence is Declarative and I if the sentence is Interrogative.

_____1. What is your favorite food?

_____2. I love to eat chicken adobo.
_____3. Who cook the food for breakfast?
_____4. Mother cook delicious food.
_____5. Where did you buy fresh vegetables?
_____6. How do you do?
_____7. I am very happy.
_____8. When is your birthday?
_____9. I am going to school.
_____10. Why are you sad?

B. Read the selection carefully. Choose the letter that predicts possible

11. Tina is wearing her pink swimsuit and she’s very excited because they are
going to
a. the school
b. the market
c. the beach

12. Tony and his brother bought 2 kilos of shrimp and vegetables for salad, they
want to surprise their mother for dinner, after they pay, they decided to
a. go home, cook the food and eat with their mother.
b. throw the shrimp and vegetable in the garbage.
c. go to the cinema and watch their favorite movie.

13. Ali’s sister always eats chocolates and forgot to brush her teeth before she
sleeps at night.
a. Ali’s sister will eat more chocolates.
b. Ali’s sister will have toothache.
c. Ali’s sister will have strong teeth.

C. Fill in the blanks the correct use of Wh-questions ( Who, What ,When ,

14. ________ is your birthday?

15. ________ do you live?
16. ________is your teacher?
17. ________ is your favorite fruit?
18. ________ is your parents?
19. ________ will be our parent’s meeting?
20. ________ is your pet at home?

D. Read the selection carefully. Choose the letter that best gives the main idea
of the story.

21. When I grow up. I want to be an actor. I can perform on TV and act on the
stage plays. All my friends will watch me perform.

A. What I want to be
B. How to be healthy
C. My manners

22. Mang Berto is a hardworking man. He works in a candy factory in Laguna.

He wakes up early so that he will not be late for his work.
A. He is on time
B. He is hardworking
C. A Factory worker

23. We wake up early. My brother is excited. My mother prepares our clothes.

Dad cleans the car. We will watch “ Iron Man”

A. Going on a picnic
B. Watching a movie
C. Cleaning the car

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 6, Day 1 Quarter First

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of familiar literacy texts and
common expressions for effective oral interpretations and

B. Performance Uses appropriate expressions in oral interpretation and

Standard common situations.
C. Learning Uses appropriate expression in common situation (polite
Competencies/ expressions, greetings, seeking directions, apologizing,
Objectives asking help, query and clarification)
EN2-OL-Ia-e-1.5 (Oral Language)
II. CONTENT Using Appropriate Expression
A. References CG p. 23
1. Teacher’s TG pp. 37-38
2. Learner’s LM pp. 51-52
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning All Around English 2 Lesson 3 by: Ria Balgemino Santos p.
Resources 8-11
pictures, word cards, hand puppet, powerpoint presentation
A. Reviewing previous A. Let them sing a greeting song
lesson or presenting  Let’s sing this song
the new lesson  Lead the pupils in singing
 Let them use hand puppet if available.

Good morning! Good morning!

Good morning! Good morning!
Good morning! I’m fine. Thank
How are you? You

 Let them go around the classroom and greet each other.
(refer the guidance of the teacher)

B. Establishing a  Ask: What did you do a while ago?

purpose for the  Present key words through pictures, real life
lesson demonstration/ situation that linked to the new lesson.

C. Presenting Present a dialog. (It can be shown in a power- point or in a

examples/ instances Manila paper, prepared ahead in time and teacher’s
of the new lesson initiative to do)
 Listen to the dialog.
Miss Tan: Our room is quite dark.
John: May I turn on the lights, Teacher?
Miss Tan: Yes, please. Thank you,
Don’t you feel it’s hot also?
Children (in chorus): Yes, Miss Tan. It’s
Jenny: May I turn on the electric fan?
Miss Tan: Yes, please.
Thank you, Jenny.
Do you feel fine now?
Children: Yes, we do.
Thank you, Teacher.

D. Discussing new Talk about the dialog through discussion questions:

concepts and
practicing new skills 1. Where are Miss Tan and the children?
#1 2. What did Miss Tan say about the room?
3. Who turned on the lights?
4. What did John say?
5. Who turned on the electric fan?
6. What did Jenny say?
7. What did Miss Tan answer?
 Teacher can create/make more question to develop
creative thinking.

E. Discussing new How else can you help?

concepts and
practicing new
skills #2

F. Developing Mastery Presenting p.10-11 (drawing of illustration)
(Leads to formative
assessment)  Guide children through asking question about the

G. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills in Group yourselves into four or more. Make a simple dialog
daily living (Role Play). Let each group pick a strip of paper with a
situation to be presented.

a. Greeting classmates

b. Offering help

c. Asking permission to go out

d. Borrowing a pencil or eraser from a classmate

e. Seeking directions

f. Apologizing for wrongdoing

g. Asking for help

 Group Presentation. (Rate each group according to

Rubric Checklist)
 Teacher’s appreciation

Key Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
Did they use
Did each member
participate in the
Did they cooperate
Are they generally
happy in doing their

H. Making Ask:
generalization and
abstractions about 1. Did you learn something in our lesson?
the lesson 2. What is it?
3. How will you show?
4. Values infusion:
Being polite/courteous at all times.

I. Evaluating Learning Assess the pupils’ understanding through answering

Present a dialog with simple expression about the ff.
1. A friend visits you at home. When it is time to go, what
will you say?
2. An old man slips on the floor in front of you. You
approaches the old man. What will you say?
3. Carla meets Ana in a park. What will Carla say to Ana?
4. What will be Ana’s reply to Carla?
5. It’s time to go to school. You are leaving your mother.
What will you say to your mother?

J. Additional activities Draw a simple conversation that shows polite/courteous

for application or expressions.



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or

supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 6, Day 2 Quarter First

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of text elements to see the
relationship between known and new information to facilitate

B. Performance Correctly presents text elements through simple organizers

Standard to make inferences, predictions and conclusions.

C. Learning Listen to a variety of media including books, audiotapes

Competencies/ video and other age-appropriate publications and identify
Objectives the characters in the story listened to.

EN2-OL– If 1.1 (Oral Language)

II. CONTENT Bat Cat and Fat Rat
A. References CG 2013 pages 23
1. Teacher’s TG pp. 26-27
2. Learner’s LM pp. 32
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Bat Cat and Fat Rat
A. Reviewing previous K. Motivation
lesson or presenting Ask: Who among you have pets at home?
the new lesson What pets do you have?
What can they do?
Post the pupils’ answers in the Thinking Matrix. Model
reading the words in the matrix. Ask the children to repeat
after you.

Pet What it can do

My pet is It can _____
B. Establishing a
purpose for the Say: I also have a pet. This is the picture of my pet. (Show)
lesson I call my pet, Bat Cat
Today, I’ll read you a story about my pet, Bat Cat

But before I do that, have some pictures.
What do you see? (mat, jam, can, etc.)

Present the words, mat, jam, can, sat, run. Read the words
and let the pupils repeat after you. Match the pictures and
the words.

Picture of mat
Show the picture of real mat



Picture of
Show the picture of real jam


Picture of
Show the picture of real can

Picture of under the


Show the picture of Bat Cat and Fat Rat

Ask: What do you see?
(Picture of an angry car in Batman costume and a small but
very fat rat)
Possible answers:
The cat is like Batman.
The cat is angry.
The rat is small.
The rat is fat.
The rat is afraid.
Say: I will read the story. Listen very well.
Presenting the Story:
C. Presenting Presentation:
examples/ instances Listen to an audiotaped video about Bat Cat and Fat Rat.
of the new lesson
Bat Cat and Fat Rat
By: Myrna S. Hipolito
This is Bat Cat. This is Fat Rat
How does Bat Cat look?
What can you say about Fat
Bat Cat has a can. It is a can of jam.
Bat Cat sat on the mat with his can of jam.

Where did Bat Cat sit?
Along came Fat Rat, Fat Rat ran to the can of jam. “Fat Rat,
that’s my can of jam!” shouted. Bat Cat to Fat Rat
What is in the can?
Who came? Why?

D. Discussing new Guided Practice:

concepts and Ask:
practicing new skills Let’s Answer
#1 1. What did Bat Cat have?
2. What is in the can?
3. Where did Bat Cat sit?
4. Where was the can of jam?
5. What did Fat Rat do? Why?
6. What did Bat Cat do with Fat Rat? Why?
7. What do you think will Bat Cat do with Fat Rat? Why?
8. What do you think happened to Fat Rat?

E. Discussing new Group Work:

concepts and Divide the class into 4 groups then will do the ff. activities
practicing new skills Group 1 and 2 - Draw a Cat and tell something about the
#2 Cat.
Group 3 and 4 – Draw a Rat and tell something about it.

F. Developing Mastery We Can Do It

(Leads to formative Identify the characters in the story. Use the web to do this.

G. Finding practical/ Have pupils do I Can Do It

applications of Draw and color Bat Cat and Fat Rat as you picture them
concepts and skills from the story heard.
in daily living

H. Making Remember This:

generalization and Character refers to the people in the story who carry out the
abstractions about actions. Characters can be real or make believe. They can
the lesson also be animals or things.

I. Evaluating Learning Measure My Learning
Write YES if the statement is correct and NO if it is
____1. Bat Cat and Fat Rat are friends.
____2. Bat Cat guarded his can of jam.
____3. Fat Rat ran to the can of jam.
____4. Bat Cat hit Fat Rat.
____5. Bat Cat was angry with Fat Rat.

J. Additional activities Agreement:

for application or Have the pupils ask their parents or other family members
remediation to tell them a simple story about animals. Retell it to the

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

School Grade Level II

Teacher Learning Area English

Time & Date Week 6, Day 3 Quarter First

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding about the concepts about
environmental print.

B. Performance Correctly identifies/recognizes environmental print

C. Learning  Recognize environmental print.
Competencies/  School and common areas with signage

EN2-BPK-If-3 (Book & Print Knowledge)

II. CONTENT Recognizing Environmental Print
Values Integration: Care for Environment

A. References
1. Teacher’s
2. Learner’s
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning PowerPoint presentation of environmental signage
Resources within school premises, pictures, word cards
A. Reviewing previous Recall the sounds they learned from previous lesson.
lesson or presenting Show pictures of musical instruments, let them identify
the new lesson it and tell something about it.

B. Establishing a Motivation:
purpose for the
lesson Show a picture of a dump truck and let the pupils tell
something about it.

Ask: How many of the environmental signs do you

Put a check (/) on the box if you see the sign in your
community and cross (x) if not.

Let the pupils look at the street signs and allow them to
choose and show the symbols that they see in the

C. Presenting Presentation:
examples/ instances
of the new lesson THREE-STEP DIRECTION:

Dump Truck Activity:

Let the pupils play, learn, and have fun as they do the
Newspaper Game. Demonstrate the following:
1. Pick right, tear, crumple, and throw.
Pick left, tear, crumple, and throw.
2. Create a dump truck and deliver the trash
in the dump site.

What mode of transportation was used in your game: (a
dump truck)
Who are the people who collect garbage every day?
(garbage collector or trash collector)

D. Discussing new Have the class follow the procedure of the
concepts and “Environmental Sign” game:
practicing new skills
1. Everybody will turn themselves into different means
of transportation. Choices may include bikes,
motorcycles, cars, buses, etc.
2. Play the music and let the pupils move around the
area. When the music stops, they will pick up their
environmental signs like: One Way, Do Not Enter, No
Parking, Non-Biodegradable, Biodegradable, and

E. Discussing new Group Work:

concepts and
practicing new skills Have the pupils draw two street signs that they always
#2 see in their neighborhood and write something about
them. Let them show and share their work with their

F. Developing Mastery Guided Practice:

(Leads to formative
assessment) Ask: Do you know the meaning of all these signs?
(Show again the five street signs and signage for
proper waste disposal.
Which of the signage do you already know? (Speak-up
Which of those signage do you follow?
How do the police officers and traffic enforcers keep
the order on the streets?
How do we maintain cleanliness in our school, in our
Say: Draw the street sign and environmental signage
that you always see in your neighborhood and say
something about it.

G. Finding practical/ Application:

applications of
concepts and skills in Draw one (1) environmental print b. Write/tell
daily living something about your picture.
H. Making Generalization:
generalization and
abstractions about Show your respect for the law by following traffic signs
the lesson and maintaining cleanliness. If we follow this, there will
be safety, peace and order, and cleanliness
everywhere, Mother Earth is clean and happy.

I. Evaluating Learning Have the pupils say YES if each situation shows
respect for the law and say NO if it doesn’t.
1. ___ Mark throws his candy wrapper anywhere.
2. ___Ted uses the pedestrian lane in crossing a street.
3. ___Dennis waits for the traffic light to turn green
before crossing a street.
4. ___Mila scatters empty plastic bottles in the
5. ___Rico puts his crumpled paper in the
Biodegradable trash can.

J. Additional activities Off to your street or neighborhood draw or write in your

for application or notebook the environmental signage that you have
remediation seen.


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 6, Day 4 Quarter First


A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of the letter-sound relationship

between Mother Tongue and English for effective transfer of

B. Performance Effectively transfers the knowledge of letter-sound

Standard relationship from Mother Tongue to English.

C. Learning  Recognize same/different sound.

Competencies/  Identify/read/give examples of words of medial /e/.
Objectives  Answer WH-questions.

EN2-PA-If-1.2.1 (Phonological Awareness)

II. CONTENT  Speech Sound

Medial /e/, Rimes /-et/ and /-en/

A. References CG p. 25

1. Teacher’s TG pages 17 – 20
2. Learner’s LM Pages 23-26
Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Word cards, pictures, chart, phrase/sentence strips, four
Resources sets of onsets and rime cards, and four sachet charts.


A. Reviewing previous What are examples of courteous expressions that you

lesson or learned yesterday?
presenting the new

B. Establishing a Present the story:
purpose for the The Tenth Hen by Myrna J. Hipolito
lesson Ben’s father, Tem, has ten hens. Ben feeds the ten hens
every day. Het sets them free until ten in the morning. Ben
sees to it that the chickens are in the coop before he leaves
for school.

Who owns the hens?

How many hens are
Who feed the hens?

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine…” Ben
counted the hens. “Father, Ren-Ren, the tenth hen is
missing,” Ben shouted. “No, Ben Ren-Ren is in the pen. Go,
get Ren-Ren,” Father replied.

What does Ben do before going to

Why did Ben shout?

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten” Ben
happily counted the ten hens. Now, he has ten hens in the

Where was Ren-

Why was Ben

C. Presenting Post the words taken from the story on the chart. Model
examples/ reading the words. Then, ask pupils to repeat after you.
instances of the
new lesson
D. Discussing new Ask: What other words from the story sound like the words
concepts and we read?
practicing new skills Publish the pupils’ answers as shown in the organizer
#1 below.

What is the beginning letter of each word? (B, n, t, p, R)
What are the last letters? (en)
Let us sound the 1st letter and the last 2nd letters.

E. Discussing new Model reading the onsets (initial letters), rimes (last two
concepts and letters), and the whole word. Ask pupils to repeat after you.
practicing new
skills #2
F. Developing Mastery This is how the organizer looks. (Refer to LM, p.23)
(Leads to formative

Ask: With what letter does Ben begin? (B)

Do: Continue asking until all the initial letters of
the words are identified (b, h, t, p,r)
Ask: With what letters do they end? (en)
What letter is found between the
beginning and the ending letter? (e)
Say: Come in front and point the beginning
letter and the two ending letters. Put them
together and read the whole word.

G. Finding practical/ Activity 1

applications of
concepts and skills Read each sentence. Let the pupils repeat after you.
in daily living 1. The ten hens are in the pen.
2. Ben met ten men.
3. The red hen is Ren-Ren.
4. Ben fen the ten hens.
1. The tenth hem. Ren-Ren, is in the pen.

(Artist, Illustrate the sentences on the left for comprehension
Activity 2. Say: Look at the picture. Write their missing
beginning letters. Then, write the whole word. (Refer to LM,
Activity 3: Let the pupils write the names of the pictures.
(Refer to LM, p.24)

Present another rime -et.

Do the same procedure done where 1st rime was presented.

Group Work:
Divide the class into four groups.
Distribute onset and rime cards.
Distribute picture cards as well.
Ask pupils to come up with words.
Let them match the words with the pictures.
Tell them to post their output on the chart for presentation.

H. Making
generalization and
abstractions about Application:
the lesson Write the correct beginning letter to form word. (Refer to LM,

I. Evaluating Learning Complete the phrases and sentences.

J. Additional activities
for application or
remediation Complete the phrases and sentences.




A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 6, Day 5 Quarter First

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of the alphabets in English
in comparison to the alphabets of Filipino and Mother
B. Performance Distinguish similarities and differences of the alphabets in
Standard English, Filipino and Mother Tongue.
C. Learning Read the alphabets of English.
EN2-AK-If-g-1(Alphabet Knowledge)

II. CONTENT Name the letters of the English Alphabets

A. References CG p. 24
1. Teacher’s TG pp. 11-13
2. Learner’s Materials LM pp. 16-18
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Ask pupils to recall what they have learned in Grade 1
lesson or presenting about alphabet.
the new lesson

B. Establishing a Say: You have learned the Alphabet song in Grade One.
purpose for the lesson Who among you can sing the English Alphabet song?
Let’s find out who among you can recall the song. Get
your partner and sing the alphabet songs in English. As
you sing with your partner, take turns in completing the
letters of both alphabets in the boxes provided.

C. Presenting examples/ Model the songs first and then lead the pupils in singing
instances of the new English Alphabet song. Point to each letter on the chart
lesson as the pupils sing.
Aa Nn
Bb Oo
Cc Pp
Dd Qq
Ee Rr
Ff Ss
Gg Tt
Hh Uu
Ii Vv
Jj Ww
Kk Xx
Ll Yy
Mm Zz
D. Discussing new Say: Let’s count the letters of the English Alphabet, how
concepts and many letters are there?
practicing new skills #1
E. Discussing new Have the pupils write on the blanks the missing letters of
concepts and the alphabet. (Refer to LM, p.18)
practicing new skills


F. Developing Mastery On the blanks, write the missing letters in the English
(Leads to formative alphabet order.
____ B C
____ ____ G
I K ____
M ____ O
____ R ___
U ____ W
____ ____
G. Finding practical/ Give a letter. Ask the pupils to give words beginning with
applications of the given letter.
concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making generalization There are 26 letters in the English Alphabet.
and abstractions about
the lesson
I. Evaluating Learning Encircle the correct picture that begins with the given
1. B

2. P

3. F

4. O

5. H

J. Additional activities for Post the magnetic letters on the magnetic board. Do the
application or “Letter Sequencing Game” on the magnetic board. Let
remediation the pupils arrange the letters of the English Alphabet in
its proper sequence.



A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 7, Day 1 Quarter First

Demonstrate understanding of concepts about narrative and
A. Content Standard informational texts for appreciation.

Make personal accounts on stories or texts as expression of

B. Performance appreciation to familiar books.

Perform dialogues, drama, mock interview, TV talk show,

(EN2-Grammar-FIRST QUARTER WEEK 7-7.4)
C. Learning
Write the LC Recognize the differences between made-up (fiction) and
code for each real (non-fiction) texts

EN2-LC-II-If-g-3.15 (Listening Comprehension)

II. CONTENT Reality or Fantasy

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide English 2 TG, pp.143-144
2. Learner’s English 2 LM, pp.275-277
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages NONE
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning NONE
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Video of a man groaning at
Resources https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-2vriFIJHs
Pictures of a fairy godmother and pixies at google.com

IV. PROCEDURE Advanced /Average Learners

A. Review previous (The teacher will bring a magic wand (toy) and greet the
lesson or class as if he or she were a fairy godmother or a magical
presenting lesson wizard.)

Good morning, children.

Good morning, Teacher.

Today, I will be your fairy godmother (Or your magical

wizard, if you’re a male).
(The response will depend on the time English is taught.)

Tell me your wishes and we’ll see if my magic wand will

grant yours. Do you like me to do that for you?
Then, you need to pay close attention to me at all times.
Can I count you in on that?

Yes, Teacher. Always.

B. Establish a Let me start our lesson with these pictures.

purpose for the
(The teacher will show pictures of a fairy godmother and

Can you identify this?

That is a fairy godmother.

Right. How about this one?

Those are fairies.

(The pupils may give varying answers.)

No, they are not real. They cannot harm us

(NOTE: If pupils will answer “fairies”, introduce the term
“pixie” for fairy.)
Can you recall a movie that shows fairies?

Have you seen a pixie before? Are pixies real? Can they
really harm us if we did something wrong?

Right. Pixies are make-believe. That’s why they cannot

cause harm to us people.

However, in today’s story, we can learn something from

them. That’s why I brought you a story about pixies.

C. Presenting But, before we begin telling the story, let us first learn some
examples/instanc words that might be difficult for you to understand.
es of the new
(The teacher will present two pictures and a video for the
three words.
1. pixies – (Show a picture and say I am an imaginary
little creature. I have pointed ears and wear pointed
hats. Who am I?)
2. groan – (Play the video of a man groaning in pain.
Accept their answer in Mother Tongue and help them
come up with its English counterpart.)
3. messy – (Show a picture of messy room. Ask them to
describe the room and to complete the sentence “This
room is _____.” Accept their answers dirty and unclean
and introduce the other term messy as its synonym.

NOTE: The teacher may review the words learned to check

whether they understand each or not.)

Class, have you been punished before? Were you beaten

by your parents or lolos and lolas? Why?

In the story that we are about to learn, notice why a

housewife was punished by pixies. So, as we go along the
story, remember this question: Why did the pixies punish

The title of the story is “The Pixies and the lazy Housewife.”

(As the teacher tells the story, he or she should also show
the four pictures to illustrate the story. This will also be used
in the latter activity.
Picture 1 – Bessy doing nothing while her room is messy
Picture 2 – Pixies cleaning Bessy’s room
Picture 3 – Close-up picture of Bessy lying down her bed
with a grin
Picture 4 – Pixies pinching her nose while others messing
up her house)

(Pupils will give their response.)

(Pupils will share their response.)

(Pupils will listen and respond to questions as the story


D. Discussing new (The teacher will begin reading the story.

concepts and
practicing new
skill (This LP contains the attached story. It has been modified in
the sense that the writer included some questions for
understanding as the story progresses.)

Now that we have finished reading the story, let’s answer

questions in your English Learner’s Material. So, kindly
open your book on page 276.
Let’s begin with the first question.

(This will continue until the last question has been


(The pupils will open their English LM on page 276. Then,

they will give their answers orally.)
E. Developing (The teacher will then divide the class into 4 groups. Next,
mastery (leads to he or she will show the 4 pictures taken from the story.)

These are the pictures taken from the story that we have
read. Can you tell me what each picture tells us? Let’s start
off with Picture 1.

(The teacher will show each and solicit responses. If the

pupils cannot express their thoughts in English, the teacher
might allow them to express it first in Mother Tongue and
help them translate their answer in English.
Then, after all pictures have been described, the teacher will
ask his or her pupils to post each on the board into two
columns. Column 1 pictures are real while Column 2
consists of make-believe pictures.)

Now, take a look at those pictures. Why do we split those

pictures into two? In Column 1 pictures, can these happen
in real life?
So, what do we call these pictures? Real or fantasy?

(The teacher will use the same set of questions for pictures
in Column 2.)

(The pupils will give sentences describing each picture and

will post each picture into two columns classifying each as
real or make-believe.)

(The pupils will give answers.)

F. Finding practical (The teacher may use the same groupings for the next
applications of activity. He or she will give an envelope to each group which
concepts and contains instructions.
skills in daily
living Envelop 1 – Dramatize the first picture.
Envelop 2 – Dramatize the second picture.
Envelop 3 – Dramatize the third picture.
Envelop 4 – Dramatize the fourth picture.
Then, he or she will remind each group that they have 10
minutes to prepare and 2 minutes to present. The teacher
will also present a rubric for this activity. Attached in this LP
is the sample rubric.)

G. Making So, based from what we did, what do we call those
generalizations situations that can happen in reality?
and abstraction
about the lesson
Pupils’ Response:
Real situations or happenings

And what do we call those situations that cannot happen in

real life?

Pupils’ Response:
Make-believe or fantasy

Now, can anyone among you sum up the difference

between reality and fantasy?

Students’ Response:

Real situations can happen in real life while make-believe or

fantasy cannot happen in real life.

H. Evaluating (The teacher will provide an individual activity sheet taken

learning from English Learner’s Material on page 277. He or she will
let his pupils use crayons to accomplish the task. Again, he
will reiterate the instruction: Color all things which really
exist with any color of your choice except yellow. Use yellow
to color all the things that are not real.)

(The pupils will color all things that are real with any color of
their choice and will use yellow to color all make-believe in
the sheet.)

I. Additional (Because activity in Evaluating Learning is classified as
activities for Independent Practice, the teacher may use the remaining
application or time in checking the activity sheets provided.
In addition, time constraints should be considered.)

J. Assignment/ For your assignment, you are going to conduct an interview

agreement with your lolo or lola or any adult you knew. Ask them to
give examples of stories classified in Filipino as
kababalaghan and superstitious beliefs that they believed
true. Write down all their responses on in your notebook as
well as their name as source.
(The teacher may show this in a powerpoint slide for those
pupils who might be slow in understanding English.)
(The pupils will jot down their assignment.)



A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did remedial
lesson work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did it

F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with other

The play contains many creative
details and/or descriptions that
CREATIVITY contribute to the viewer’s 15
enjoyment. The author has really
used his/her imagination.
There is an appropriate amount
of dialogue for all members to
DIALOGUE have a balanced role and to bring 15
characters/ situation to life and it
is realistic.
Playwright has incorporated
plenty of action to bring the story
to life. The play is exciting and
ACTION realistic. Movements are 10
effectively planned and well
placed to add to the action of the
Voice was loud and clear; words
were easily understood
Good use of stage and
movement—did not turn back to 10
Script was partially memorized;
student improvised in place of 10
EXPRESSION/ Great use of gestures, facial
BODY expression and body movement!
Accepts ideas of others; able to
COOPERATION compromise. All members 10
Shows confidence, Informative,
Entertaining; engages audience,
Speaks loudly and clearly, and 10
Appropriate use of body



The Pixies and the Lazy Housewife
by Mary Calhoun
Retold by Dali Soriano

Long ago in a faraway land, people believed in pixies. These invisible little
people loved neatness. They cleaned the house of people they liked. They play tricks
on lazy housewives.
Bessy was a messy housewife. She didn’t want to wash the dishes. She never
swept the floor of her cottage. Mice made a nest behind her broom. It was strange that
the pixies did not punish her.

Ask: Why do you think the pixies did not punish Bessy despite her being a messy
housewife? Why are they being so nice to her?

One summer, Bessy saw pixies in the field. Bessy pretended to be sick. She
groaned, saying: “Oh, I am too sick to clean my house. Please help me.” “What’s the
matter?” said one pixie. Bessy said, “Who is that?” The pixie replied, “My name is Willy.
I’ll help you.” “Thank you. Please come home with me,” Bessy said.
Willy and the pixies jumped into Bessy’s basket. When they got home, Bessy
went straight to bed. The pixies started cleaning. They washed the dishes and the dirty
clothes. They scrubbed the floor and swept away the cobwebs.

Ask: Do you think Bessy will be caught lying? Will she be punished?

The next day, Willy went to Bessy’s bed and asked, “Can you get up today?”
Bessy just groaned and said, “I’m still too sick to get up.” So, the pixies cleaned the
house again.
When they left, Bessy jumped and sang. “Tralalala. I have the pixies to work
for me. I can just stay in bed.”

Ask: What do you think will happen next?

Bessy did not know that the pixies were watching her. Willy laughed, “Hahaha,
playing a trick on us? Here, take this!”

Ask: What do you think will the pixies do to Bessy?

Willy pinched Bessy’s nose. The other pixies messed up the house. They ate
all the food and blew out the candles. Bessy ran out of the house but the hill was misty.
Bessy got lost. When the mist cleared up, Bessy went home. When she got home,
Willy was in her house. “Get to work, lazy Bessy, or I’ll pinch you,” commanded Willy.
When the house was clean, the pixies left.

Ask: Do you think Bessy learned a lesson from what happened to her?

Bessy always cleaned her house after that. But, Willy and the other pixies might
come back.

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 7, Day 2 Quarter First

Demonstrate understanding of suitable vocabulary in
A. Content Standard different languages for effective communication

B. Performance Use familiar vocabulary to independently express ideas

Standard in speaking activities

Use words that related to self, family, school,

C. Learning community, and concepts such as the names of colors,
Competencies/ shapes, and numbers.

EN2-V-If-5 (Vocabulary)

II. CONTENT Adjective

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide English 2 TG, pp. 146-147
2. Learner’s English 2 LM, pp. 279-281
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages NONE

4. Additional
Materials from
Learning NONE
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning

A. Review previous (The teacher will begin by choosing at most 4 pupils to

lesson or read the result of their interviews. Then, he or she may
presenting lesson collect the class assignment.)

Again, good morning, children.

Today, let’s get back to what we have learned about
the story “The Pixies and the Lazy Housewife.” Posted
here on the board is a house diagram. I want you to
recall the story that we had yesterday and then tell me

how will you describe Bessy’s house. Please give me a
word or words that would describe Bessy’s house.

(The teacher will solicit 6 words from his or her pupils.

Then, he or she will write down their answers on the
house diagram.)

Good job! You really remember Bessy’s house.

Class, does your house or school look like Bessy’s
house? Messy? Who among you here have same
house as that of Bessy’s?

All right. We need to maintain cleanliness and

orderliness of our house and our school.

B. Establish a This is encouraged by the song that we are about to

purpose for the sing. It is entitled “When You’re Happy and You Know
lesson It Clap Your Hands New Version.” The tune of this
song is the same as that of the original but the
difference is the lyrics. Let me show you.

(The teacher will show the lyrics on-screen if written in

powerpoint or post if written in Manila paper. Then, he
or she will lead the class in singing.)

If your room is always clean, clap your hands. (Clap

three times)
If you care for your room, clap your hands. (Clap three
If you’re happy and you know it
That your room is always clean,
If you’re happy that your room’s clean, clap your
hands. (Clap three times)

Do you love the song?

Now, let’s repeat singing the song but this, we are
going to replace the underlined word “room” with
“house”. Let’s try once more.

(The teacher will let his or her pupils repeat the song
and substitute the underlined word with “school” and if
time permits, “park”.)

So, based from what we sang, how should we feel if

our room, house, school, and park are always clean?
Should we feel sad or happy?
So, what should we do to maintain its cleanliness?

That’s great. And we should do that regularly so that

we can live happily and healthily.

C. Presenting At this point, let me point your attention to these

examples/instanc sentences that we can make from the story about
es of the new Bessy.

(The teacher will flash the sentences on screen or will

post the written sentences on the board.
Sentence 1 – Bessy is lazy.
Sentence 2 – Her house is dirty.)

Anyone who wants to read the first sentence? The

second sentence?
In the first sentence, which word describes Bessy?
In the second sentence, which word describes her
So, lazy and dirty are words that describe.

D. Discussing new Now, let us look at this picture.

concepts and
practicing new
skill (The teacher will present a picture of a big house with
a beautiful garden.

He will then help his or her pupils describe it using the
questions below. At the same time, the teacher will
write their responses in sentences on the board.)

Is this house big or small?

What are the colors of the flowers?
Is the house clean or dirty?
Is it ugly or beautiful?
Are the trees tall or small?

(At this point, the teacher will ask this guide question:
From the sentences that I wrote, what words are used
to describe the house? The flowers? The trees? The
teacher should underline the modifier as it is identified.
He or she)

Class, these underlined words are called adjectives.

Again, what do we call these words that describe?

Pupils’ Response:

You got it!

E. Developing (The teacher will divide the class into four. He or she
mastery (leads to will then ask each group to choose their team captain.
formative Then, the teacher will direct each group’s attention to
assessment) an activity that is found on page 279 of English 2,
Learner’s Material. A separate Manila paper containing
such activity should be provided, along with mark pens,
for each group.)

For this activity, I want each group to name 5 examples

of nouns for each activity. Write down those 5 in the
provided Manila paper using the mark pen that I gave.
This activity will last for only 10 minutes. Afterwards, a
representative from each group will present your
group’s output. Ready?

(The teacher will listen as each group presents the

So, how do you find our activity? How do you feel

when you brainstorm some ideas?

(The teacher will check each output orally.)

(After each group has posted their output, a

representative from each group will present.)

(Pupils may give varied reactions.)

F. Finding practical Class, I have here a box. This box contains objects,
applications of toys, fruits, and pictures. I want each group to choose
concepts and a representative and he or she should come forward
skills in daily and pick one up from the box. Then, in one sentence,
living describe the object that you pick. Ok? Let’s start the
ball rolling.

(NOTE: The teacher may decide to limit this activity

into 4 pupil-representatives, considering the time
allotted to other activities.)

G. Making So, based from the activities that we have had, what
generalizations do we call the words that describe a person, places,
and abstraction things and events?
about the lesson
What are some example of adjectives?

Pupils’ Response:
colors, sizes, shapes

H. Evaluating (The teacher will let the pupils answer the activity
learning Measure My Learning which is found on page 281 of
English 2 Learner’s Material.)

I. Additional (NOTE: If time permits, the teacher may continue this.)

activities for
application or
remediation Let’s have another activity. But this time, I want you to
find your partner, preferably your seatmate.

(The teacher will then provide the instructions and the

activity sheets to the class. A time limit should be set.
A sample activity sheet is attached in this LP for
reference purposes. Afterwards, the teacher will check
their output. He or she may let each pair to exchange
with other pair.)

J. Assignment/ List down 5 adjectives that would describe each of the

agreement (___minutes) following:
1. the public market
2. your living room
3. your backyard
4. the church



A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did remedial
lesson work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson

D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did it
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 7, Day 3 Quarter First

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of useful strategies for
purposeful literacy learning.

B. Performance Independently uses strategies in accomplishing literacy-

Standard related tasks.

C. Learning Engage in a variety of ways to share information (e.g. role

Competencies/O playing, reporting, summarizing, retelling and show and tell)
(Write the LC EN2-Oral Language-First Quarter Week 7 – 1.2
code for each)
II.CONTENT Engaging in a Variety of Ways to Share Information

Values Integration: Obedience to Parents

A. References K to 12 CG, p. 23
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s 374, 410
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Let’s Begin Reading in English, pages 3-4
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning pictures, chart
IV.PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing Think-Pair-Share
previous lesson The teacher says: Find a partner and talk about your favourite
or presenting the TV show. Report to the class about your conversation.
new lesson
B. Establishing a Ask:
purpose for the When is your birthday?
lesson What does your family do for you on your birthday?

C. Presenting 1.Unlocking of Difficulties

examples/instanc  Kitchen (show a picture)
es of the new  Backyard (show a picture)
lesson  Gift (show a picture)
 Surprise (Grandmother made a surprise visit to
us. We did not expect her to come on that day.

2.Motive Question
When is Ana’s birthday?
What did her family do for her?

3. Reading of the story “Ana’s Birthday”. (refer to Textbook

Let’s Begin Reading in English, p.3)

Ana’s Birthday
Ana woke up early. “It’s June 15! It’s my birthday
today,” she yelled. She ran to the kitchen. Mother is not there.
She ran to her brother’s room. His brother Mikko is not there.
“Bow, wow, wow! Barked Bingo.
“Bingo, where is everybody?” Ana asked.
“It’s my birthday and nobody is around to greet me.”
“Happy birthday, Ana!” yelled Mikko.
“Happy birthday, Ana!” shouted Mama and Papa.
Mama, Papa, and Mikko are in the garden. There is
a table and a mat. On the table there is food!
“We wanted to surprise you,” said Mikko. “Here is my gift.”
“Lollipops! My favourite! Thank you Mikko.”
“I cooked pansit,” said Mother.
“And I bought ensaymada,” said Father.
“And I have a cake with six candles because I am six
years old.
“Let’s sit on the mat and eat!”
“Bow, wow, wow!”
“oh, Bingo. You can join us!”

4.Comprehension Questions:
 When is Ana’s birthday?
 What did her family do for her?
 What did Ana feel about the surprise party?
 If you were Ana, would you feel the same? Why?
Why not?
D. Discussing new The teacher will present pictures of the events that happened
concepts and in the story.
practicing new
skill #1 Picture of Ana The teacher will say: “Ana woke up
waking up. early.”

Picture of Ana The teacher will say: “Ana was looking

in the kitchen for her mother in the

Picture of Ana The teacher will say: “Ana’s family

with her family surprised her on her
in the backyard birthday.”

The teacher will then summarize the story:

Ana woke up early. She looked for her family members
but she couldn’t find them. She found them in the backyard
with a surprise for her on her birthday.

The teacher will say: We share information in varied ways

such as show and tell, summarizing, reporting, role playing
and retelling.

E. Discussing new The teacher group the pupils into three.

concepts and
practicing new Group 1 – Reporting
skill #2 Each member of the group will tell when his/her birthday is.
The leader will record the information and report it to the

Group 2 – Show and Tell

Pictures will be given to the group. Members will tell
something about the pictures.

Picture of a boy helping an old woman cross the street

Picture of children cleaning the backyard

Picture of children helping their teacher carry her things

Group 3 – Role Playing

Ask the group members to role play on different ways of
caring for the environment.

F. Developing Divide the class into four Green Group:

Mastery (leads to (4) groups. Give each Refer to English LM,p. 410, I
formative group a task card. Can Do It
assessment 3) Draw your favourite character
What should we and tell the reason why you
do/remember in doing a love him/her.
group activity?

Pink Group:
The teacher reads a short
story “Nilo’s Birthday.”
Each member will retell the
story to the class. My favourite character is
Yellow Group: because ____________.
The group members will
read the story in a chart Blue Group:
entitled “Family Dinner.” The group members will work
Each member will with a partner. They will talk
summarize/talk about how about what they want to be

the characters in the story when they grow up. They will
helped in preparing the complete the sentence:
I want to be a ________
because ___________.

G. Finding practical Ask: How do you help your family and other members of your
applications of community?
concepts and How do you make your surroundings clean?
skills in daily Have the pupils tell their own experiences by using simple
living sentences. Let them share in front of the class the things they
do to help their family.

H. Making
generalizations What are the different ways that we do to share information?
and abstractions (reporting, show and tell, summarizing, retelling, role playing)
about the lesson
I. Evaluating Write at least two to three Draw your favourite fruit. Tell the
learning sentences about one of reason why you like it.
your family members. Tell
about the things he/she
does at home and at
work. Read your work to My favourite fruit is _____.
the class. I like it because ________.




A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners

who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with other

School Grade Level II

Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 7, Day 4 Quarter First

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of information heard to make
meaningful decisions.
B. Performance Uses information from theme-based activities as guide for
Standard decision making and following instructions.

C. Learning Follow a set of verbal two-step directions with picture cues

Competencies/O EN2-Listening Comprehension –First Quarter Week 7 - 3.6
(Write the LC Activate prior knowledge based on new knowledge formed
code for each) EN2-Listening Comprehension –First Quarter Week 8 -1.1

II.CONTENT Following a Set of Verbal Two-Step Directions with Picture

Activating Prior Knowledge Based on New Knowledge

Values Integration: Care for Environment

A. References K to 12 CG, page 23
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Let’s Begin Reading in English, p. 303
4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning pictures, activity cards, show-me-board
A. Reviewing Show set of pictures that show different ways of taking care
previous lesson of the environment. Let the pupils tell something about the
or presenting the pictures.
new lesson
Picture of a child throwing the trash in the trash can

Picture of a girl planting a tree

Picture of children segregating the garbage

(biodegradable, non-biodegradable, recyclable)

B. Establishing a Ask the pupils to form their lines according to the following:
purpose for the  height (shortest to tallest)
lesson  first letter of name
 gender
Have you experienced lining up while waiting for a
bus/jeepney/tricycle? At the canteen/store,
is it important to line up? Why or Why not?

C. Presenting 1. Unlocking of Difficulties

examples/instanc The teacher will use the following words in sentences and
es of the new will show pictures.
lesson above – The balloons are hanging above the table.
under – The cat is sleeping under the chair.
beside - The ball is beside the box.
encircle – The child has encircled her name.
underline – Make a list of fruits and underline your top

2. Tell the pupils that today we will play a game called Simon

3. Explain: The objective of the game is to listen carefully to

the instructions and only do what is instructed if you hear the
words “Simon says”. If you do something without first hearing
“Simon says”, you will be out of the game.

5. Say “Let’s practice first to make sure everyone

understood the game. Everyone stand beside your
seat. Ready? “Simon says pat your head and stomp
your feet.” (Look around to see which pupils patted
their heads and stomped their feet.) “You were a good
listener if you patted your head and you stomped your

D. Discussing new Play a game: Follow Me

concepts and The teacher will give the directions and do the action. Pupils
practicing new will follow.
skill #1  Raise both hands and close your eyes.
 Meow like a cat and jog in place.
 Open your mouth then raise your right hand.
 Hop on one foot and bark like a dog.
Tell the pupils that directions are steps given to complete a
task. Sometimes directions are written and sometimes they
are spoken. It is important to follow directions exactly as they
are given in order to do the task accurately. Following
directions can be very difficult, or even impossible, if the
person receiving directions does not listen or is not focused.

E. Discussing new The teacher group the pupils into three. Each group will be
concepts and given an activity to perform.

practicing new
skill #2 Group 1: Follow the Leader
1. The group will be given cards with picture cues and
directions written on the card.

Attention! Fall in line. Arms forward.

(picture of a (picture of ( picture of a child
child standing children with arms stretched
in attention) falling in line) forward)

Arms down. At ease!

(picture of a child (picture of a child
with arms stretched standing at ease)

2. A leader will pick a card and read the command. The

members of the group will perform the directions.

Group 2: Draw Me Correctly

1. Members of the group will be given activity cards with the
following instructions.

ACTIVITY CARD 1: Make the circle into a flower. Color it red.

ACTIVITY CARD 2: Draw two flowers. Color them yellow.

ACTIVITY CARD 3: Circle the sun on the left. Box the moon
on the right.

ACTIVITY CARD 4: Draw the missing part of the kitten. Color

the kitten orange.

Picture of a kitten with a missing tail.

ACTIVITY CARD 5: Color the largest circle blue. Cross out

the smallest circle.

Group 3: Charades (Let’s Begin Reading in English – We

Can Do It, p. 303)
1. Provide the group with a big cube with action words and
with picture cues.
2. Each pupil will choose a partner. One will throw the cube
and one will do the action written on top.
3. As one pupil is doing the action, the other one will say: He/
She is _____________.
4. Each pair may do the activity more than once.

F. Developing Have the pupils do the following directions. Pupils will write
Mastery (leads to their answers on the Show-Me-Board.
formative 1. Draw a heart. Write your name inside the heart.
assessment 3) 2. Write the name of your mother and draw a heart
above it.
3. Draw a rectangle. Draw your favorite fruit inside it.
4. Draw three circles. Cross out the middle circle.
5. Say the word pen. Write the vowel sound you hear in

G. Finding practical Ask: What are the household chores that your parents ask
applications of you to do?
concepts and Possible answers:
skills in daily Go to the store and buy a bottle of cooking oil.
living Go to the kitchen and wash the dishes.
Close the door and switch off the light.
Were you able to follow them correctly? Why? Why not?
Is it important to obey our parents when they asked us to do
household chores? Why?

H. Making Ask: “What should we do in order to follow directions

generalizations correctly? (listen carefully)
and abstractions
about the lesson
I. Evaluating Listen to the directions carefully. Do what is asked.
learning 1. Draw a smiling face and write your name under it.
2. Underline your first name and your last name two times.
3. Write the name of your seatmate and encircle his/her
4. Draw three hearts. Color the middle heart red.
5. Write the name of your school and draw a star above it.




A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for

C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with other



Competencies No. of Percentage Item

Items Placement
1.Use words that are related to self, 12 60% 1-12
family, school, community and concepts
such as the names for colors, shapes and

2.Follow a set of verbal two-step 6 30% 13-18

directions with picture cues

3.Engage in a variety of ways to share 2 10% 19-20


Total 20 100% 15

I. A. Identify and underline the describing word in each sentence.

1. The kids are happy.

2. My mother is pretty.
3. Len is beautiful.
4. My father is hardworking.
5. I have a happy family.

B. For numbers 6-12, write the adjectives below into the correct

sad round sweet sour scared square bitter

shapes feelings tastes

II. Do the following:

13. Draw a heart and write the name of your school under it.
14. Encircle the biggest star. Color it yellow.

15. Draw the missing part of the umbrella. Color it red. Picture of an
umbrella with a missing handle

16. Encircle the flower on the left. Box the leaf on the right. Picture of a
flower picture of a leaf

17. Make the circle ino a flower. Color it red.

18. Draw two balloons. Color one blue and the other one green.

III. Fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.

19. My favourite food is __________________________________

because ___________________________________________.

20. I like to ____________________________________________

because ___________________________________________.

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 8, Day 1 Quarter First


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of information

heard to make meaningful decisions

B. Performance Use information from theme- based activities as guide for

Standard decision making and following instructions

C. Learning Relate information and events in a selection to life

Competencies/ experiences and vice versa
Objectives (Write
the LC code for
EN2-LC-Ii-j-1.2 (Listening Comprehension)
II. CONTENT Stating Details of a Story Heard
Values Integration: Order and Discipline

A. References
1. Teacher’s K to 12 Curriculum Guide in English p.159-161
Guide pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURE Advance Learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing
previous lesson or
presenting the new
B. Establishing a Do you have “ baon” everyday?
purpose for the
lesson Do you go to the canteen to buy food for recess?
How do learners buy their food?

What do you do before you buy your food?
Have you notice learners lining up to buy their food?
Vocabulary Strategy
Define or explain in context using the mother tongue.

C. Presenting Show picture of learners lining up buying food in the

examples canteen.
/instances of the
new lesson Ask: What do you see in the picture?
Who are in the picture?
Where do you think they are?
Post the story below. Listen as the teacher reads it.

D. Discussing new 1. Who are the characters 1. Who are the characters
concepts and in the story? in the story?
practicing new skill a. Rina, Zia and Rea
#1 b. Joana, Fe and Raisa
c. Aida, Lorna and Fe
2. Who went to the
2. Where did they go?
canteen? a. canteen
b. church
c. school
3. What did they buy? 3. What did they buy?
a. sandwich and juice
b. junk food and ice
4. What happened when it candy
c. hotdog and
was Joana’s turn to buy
food? 4. What happen when it
was Joana’s turn to buy
5.What did Joana say? a. a learner cried
b. a learner broke the
line and went right in
6.Why did Joana not allow front of Joana
c. a learner sang
the learners to go first?
5. What did Joana say?
a. Please go to the end
7. Do you agree with of the line.
Joana? Why? b. Yes, you can buy
c. I’m sorry
8.What does “The learner 6. Why did Joana don’t allow
the learners to go first?
turns his head down”
a. “It was not fair to all
mean? who waited.”

b. “It was okay to all
who waited.”
9. Have you experienced c. “Because they are
the same situation? not friends”
7. Do you agree with Joana?
Share your experience to
the class. a. No, because she is
b. Yes, because we
must always
remember to stay in
line and wait for our
c. I don’t care
8. What does “The learner
turns his head down”
a. He was happy.
b. He was excited.
c. He was ashamed.

Have you experienced the same situation?

Share your experience to the class.

What do you think might happen if everyone wants to be

served first?

What do you think will happen if anyone is patient to wait

for his/her turn?

E. Discussing new Divide the class into five groups.

concepts and
practicing new Each member of the group will share experiences related
skills #2 to the story above.
Let each member express his feelings, opinions and
thoughts about it.

F. Developing Why do we need to wait for our turn and not to cut in line
mastery ( leads to when we are in a line?
assessment #3
How would you feel if someone doesn’t allow you to be
served first because you just arrived?

G. Finding practical What are other situations that Draw two situations that
applications of we should wait for our turn? we need to patiently wait
concepts and skills for our turn.
in daily living
Role Playing: Act out
situations that we need to Color it and be ready to
patiently wait for our turn share it to the class.

H. Making What are the things that need to be remembered when

generalizations buying at the canteen?
and abstractions
about the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Put a (/) check if the statement is correct and (X) if it is not.
____1. Waiting for one’s turn
____2. Broke into the line
____3. You feel sad when someone does not fall in line
____4. You allowed someone to be served first.
____5. He is patient to wait for his turn.




A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners
who continue to

E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which is principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use / discover
which I wish to
share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 8, Day 2 Quarter First

A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of the letter-
sound relationship between Mother Tongue
and English for effective transfer of learning

B. Performance Standard Correctly hears and records sounds in words

C. Learning Distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming

Competencies/Objectives words
(Write the LC code for
EN2-PhonologicalAwareness-First Quarter
Week 8 - 2.3

II.CONTENT Distinguishing Rhyming Words From Non-

Rhyming Words

Values Integration: Love for Family

A. References K to 12 CG, page 23
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 36
2. Learner’s Materials 182, 204
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning pictures, chart
IV.PROCEDURE Advanced Average Learners
A. Reviewing previous Let the pupils recite the nursery rhyme “Star
lesson or presenting the Light, Star Bright.”
new lesson

Star light, star bright
The first star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might
Have the wish I wish tonight.

Link the rhyme to the day’s lesson.

B. Establishing a purpose Unlocking of words:

for the lesson
1. buckle – through action (the teacher will
do the
2. knock – through action
3. kitchen – through a picture
4. delve – through action or a picture
5. empty – through a picture

C. Presenting The teacher presents the rhyme “One, Two,

examples/instances of Buckle My Shoe.”
the new lesson

One, Two, Buckle My Shoe

One, two, Eleven, twelve,

Buckle my shoe. Dig and delve.

Three, four, Thirteen, fourteen,

Knock at the door. Maids a-counting.

Five, six, Fifteen, sixteen,

Pick up sticks. Maids in the kitchen.

Seven, eight, Seventeen, eighteen,

Lay them straight. Maids a-waiting.

Nine, ten, Nineteen, twenty,

A good fat hen. My plate’s empty.

The teacher will model in reading the rhyme
and let the pupils read after him/her.

D. Discussing new concepts The teacher will show pairs of rhyming words
and practicing new skill found in the rhyme.
two – shoe ten – hen
four – door twelve – delve
six – sticks sixteen – kitchen
eight – straight twenty – empty
The teacher will read the words and then the
pupils will follow. Ask: What do you notice with
the sound?
The teacher will explain that these pairs of
words are called rhyming words or words that
end in the same sound.
The teacher will give more examples of
rhyming words and let the pupils also give
examples of rhyming words.

E. Discussing new concepts The teacher Group B (Refer to LM, p. 182)

and practicing new skill divides the
#2 pupils into Encircle the word that rhymes
three groups. with the word on the left.

Each group day dig saw sit lay

will be given sip ripe tip pat sit
an activity to
be performed. wig big win hat net
mat bat say bag ten
Group A red den man win bed
Write a word
that rhymes
with the given Group C (Refer to TG, p. 36)
word. Write Yes if the words in the
1. jar pictures rhyme and No if not.
2. best 1.picture of a dog – picture of
3. well a house
4. set
5. clap 2. picture of a cap – picture of
a map
3. picture of a glass – picture
of a grass

4. picture of a van – picture of
a net
5. picture of a rain – picture of
a train

F. Developing Mastery List down the Draw a if each pair of

(leads to formative rhyming words has the same final
assessment 3) words found sound and if not.
in the poem
below. (Refer _____1. fat – fan
to LM, p. 182) _____2. wing – bring
Good night, _____3. bee – tree
sleep tight,
_____4. work – fork
Don’t let the
bedbugs bite. _____5. bit - bat
And if they do
Then take
your shoe
And knock
them ‘til
They’re black
and blue!

G. Finding practical Recite and do the finger play. (Refer to LM, p.

applications of concepts 204.)
and skills in daily living
(hold up fingers one by one)
This is the father, kind and true.
(holds up the thumb)
This is the mother who cares for you.
(holds up the pointer)
This is the brother so big and tall.
(holds up the middle finger)
This is the sister who plays with her ball.
(holds up the ring finger)
This is the baby, pet of them all.
(holds up the pinky finger)
See the whole family, big and small.

The teacher asks the pupils:
1. What are the pairs of words that have the
same final sound in the poem?
2. Who are the family members mentioned in
the poem?
3. What does each family member do?
4. What are the things you do for your family to
show that you care for them?

H. Making generalizations What are rhyming words?

and abstractions about
the lesson (Rhyming words are words that have the same
final sound.)
I. Evaluating learning Read the following pairs of words. Put a check
(/) if the pairs rhyme and cross out (X) if they do
_____1. lake – make
_____2. book – ball
_____3. bin - wine
_____4. not – net
_____5. ring – sing



A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation.

C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

School Grade Level Grade II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 8, Day 3 Quarter First


A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding about the

concepts of print.
B. Performance Standard Correctly identifies book parts and
follows reading conventions.

C. Learning Competencies/ Recognize the common terms in English

Objectives relating to a part of book (e.g. cover,
title, page, etc.)

II. CONTENT Identify the Parts of a Book

A. References CG 2016 p. 27-29

1. Teacher’s Guides/Pages

2. Learner’s Materials Pages

3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from books, word strips
Learning Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources www.Pinterest.com


A. Reviewing previous lesson or Checking of Assignment

presenting the new lesson

What are the parts of a book that
you’ve learned from your previous

B. Establishing a purpose for the Motivation:
lesson Show a picture of a book.
Can you name some parts of a book?

Parts of a Book
C. Presenting examples/ instances of Presentation:
the new lesson
Show an illustration of some parts of a

Parts of a Book


Parts of a Book
1. Title – name of the book.
2. Author – person who writes the book.
3. Publisher –company who prints the
4. Illustrator – person who draws the
picture for a book.

5. Preface – introduction to the book.
6. Table of Contents – list of chapters
with their page numbers.
7. Appendix – extra information put near
the end of a book.
8. Glossary – alphabetical list of
definitions and pronunciations of special
or unusual words.
9. Index-alphabetical list of topics and
their page numbers placed at the very
end of a book.
10. Text-main part of the book written by
the author.
11. Title Page-first page of a book which
tells the title, author, illustrator, and
12. Bibliography-list of other books to

D. Discussing new concepts and Comprehension Questions:

practicing new skills #1 1. What do you see in the illustration?
2. Can you identify some parts of a
book based on the illustration given?
3. Name some parts of a book?
E. Discussing new concepts and Group Activity
practicing new skills #2
Group the class into four groups.
Distribute the activity sheets in each
Ask pupils to answer the activity sheets
by each group and present their output
by one of their members.

F. Developing Mastery (Leads to We Can Do It
formative assessment)
Each group has to be given worksheet
to perform in front of the class.

Parts of a Book

First, there’s Title Page

Table of Contents
Glossary and Index, too
There are all parts of a book
With information to help you.

On the Title Page

On the Title Page
In the front of the book
Is the Title, Illustrator,

And the Author of the Book.
Table of Contents,
Table of Contents
In the sheets of the book
A list of title, the starting pages
Of the chapters, take a look.

In the Glossary
In the Glossary,
In the back of the book
Words in ABC order from the story
Plus definition, take a look.

In the Index,
In the Index
In the back of the book
A list of subjects in ABC order
And pages found so take a look!

G. Finding practical applications of I Can Do It

concepts and skills in daily living Draw this in your notebook.

Parts of a Book

H. Making generalization and Ask:

abstractions about the lesson.
What are the parts of a book?

I. Evaluating Learning Answer the given worksheet.

Parts of a Book

I. Additional activities for application or Draw picture of a book with its parts in
remediation an oslo paper or typewriting pad.




A. No. of learners who earned 80%

on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
material/s did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 8, Day 4 Quarter First


A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of the alphabets in

English in comparison to the alphabet of Filipino and
Mother Tongue.

B. Performance Distinguishing similarities and differences of the

Standard alphabets in English and Mother Tongue/Filipino

Identify letters in English that are not present in

C. Learning Filipino/Mother Tongue and vice versa.
Objectives EN2-AlphabetKnowledge-Ih-j-2

II. CONTENT Identifying letters in English that are not present in

Filipino and vice versa

C. References

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Area (LR)
D. Other Learning Pictures, charts, Alphabet Song Video
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing Let the pupils watch a Let the pupils watch a

previous lesson video of Alphabet Song video of Alphabet Song
or presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a Distribute copies of Lead the class in singing
purpose for the English and Filipino the English and Filipino
lesson Alphabet to Alphabets. Teacher
the pupils.

Say: With your seatmate flashes the letter as the
sing the Alphabet Song in class sings.
English then in Filipino. As
you sing with your partner,
take turns in completing Note to the teacher:
the letters of both
Integration on Music can
alphabets in the boxes
be done. (The song has 2/4
provided in the separate
time signature.)
Note to the teacher:

Music Integration can be

done. (The song has 2/4 time

C. Presenting Model the songs and then Model the songs and then
examples/instanc lead the pupils in singing lead the pupils in singing
es of the new the Filipino Alphabet Song the Filipino Alphabet
lesson and then, the English Song and then, the
Alphabet Song. Point to English Alphabet Song.
each letter on the chart as Point to each letter on the
pupils sing. chart as pupils sing.
Aa Aa Oo Oo O
Aa Aa Nn
Bb Bb Pp Pp
Bb Bb Ng
Cc Cc Qq Qq
Cc Cc Oo Oo
Dd Dd Rr Rr
Dd Dd Pp Pp
Ee Ee Ss Ss
Ee Ee Qq Qq
Ff Ff Tt Tt
Gg Gg Uu Uu Ff Ff Rr Rr

Hh Hh Vv Vv Gg Gg Ss Ss

Ii Ii Ww Ww Hh Hh Tt Tt

Jj Jj Xx Xx Ii Ii Uu Uu

Kk Kk Yy Yy Jj Jj Vv Vv
Ll Ll Zz Zz Kk Kk Ww Ww
Mm Mm Ll Ll Xx Xx
Nn Nn Mm M Yy Yy
Nn Nn Zz Zz

D. Discussing new Say: Let’s count the letters Say: Let’s count the
concepts and of the Filipino Alphabet. letters of the Filipino
practicing new Ask: How many letters are Alphabet.
skill #1 there?
Say: Now, let’s count the Ask: How many letters
letters of the English are there?
Ask: How many letters are Say: Now, let’s count the
there? letters of the English
Which alphabet has Alphabet.
more letters? Why?
Ask: How many letters
are there?

Note to the teacher: Which alphabet has

more letters? Why?
Adding/subtracting numbers
is a way of integrating
Mathematics in the lesson.)

Note to the teacher:

numbers is a way of
integrating Mathematics in
the lesson)

E. Discussing new Let the pupils identify the Post the scrambled
concepts and letters in Filipino Alphabet letters of Filipino
practicing new that cannot be found in Alphabet on the magnetic
skill # 2 English Alphabet. board. Then, ask the
pupils to take the letters
which can also be found
in the English Alphabet
one at a time. Give
emphasis on the
remaining letters.

F. Developing Letter Game” “Bring Me”

mastery (leads to Say: Mother went to the Divide the class into
formative grocery store. She bought four. Then, give each
assessment 3) (fruits) the name of which group a box which
begins with letter (C). The contains objects that they
group to give the most will use for the game.
number of correct answers

The following categories Say:

may be used:
As I say the letter,
bring me an object which
Fruits animals trees
heroes cartoon characters begins with that letter.

Note to the teacher:

Integration of Health lesson *Bring me an object
-Taking good care of the body which starts with letter
by eating nutritious food.

G. Finding practical List down your classmates’ Make a list of the things
applications of names which begin with you find in school by
concepts and the given letter. filling out this chart.
skills in daily
living A B C M R B L N M P

Note to the teacher:

Letters may vary. Note to the teacher:

Letters may vary.

H. Making *How many letters are How many letters are

generalizations there in Filipino Alphabet? there in Filipino
and abstractions Alphabet?
about the lesson *How many letters are
there in English Alphabet? How many letters are
there in English
*What letters in the Filipino
Alphabet are not found in
the English Alphabet? What letters in the Filipino
Alphabet are not found in
the English Alphabet?

I. Evaluating
Directions: Encircle the Identify where the
letters that are found in the following letters can be
English Alphabet and found. Check the column
that corresponds your
Letter English Filipino
cross out those are not.


J. Additional Make English and Filipino Make English and Filipino
activities for Alphabet Bingo Cards. Alphabet Bingo Cards.
application and



A. No. of learners
who earned 80 %
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with other




ITEMS Placement
1. Relate information & events in a 5 25 1-5
selection to life experiences & vice

2. Distinguish rhyming words from non- 5 25 6-10

rhyming words

3. Recognize the common terms in 5 25 16-20

English relating to a part of a book

4. Identify letters in English that are not 5 25 11-15

present in Filipino/Mother Tongue &
vice versa

TOTAL 20 100%

Directions: For items 1-5, listen as the teacher reads the selection below. Then,
answer the questions that follow. Write only the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who are twins?

The Twins
(Super teacher Worksheets-www.superteacherworksheets.com)

Sarah and Ruth are twins. They were born on the same day and look alike.
But Sarah and Ruth are very different people.

Sarah is shy and quiet but Ruth is not shy and she loves talking to people.

Sarah’s favorite school class is math, but Ruth’s favorite class is reading.
There are also more differences in the twins. Sarah’s favorite color is pink
and Ruth’s favorite color is blue.
Ruth likes to eat vegetables, but Sarah doesn’t like many vegetables.
Also, Ruth’s favorite drink is fruit juice while Sarah’s favorite drink is milk.
The twins look alike, but they are different on the inside and they are still
best friends. Sarah and Ruth love each other very much.

a. Sarah and Farah c. Mara and Clara

b. Sarah and Ruth d. Dina and Myrna

2. Why are they twins?

a. They are alike and different in many ways.
b. They are both girls.
c. They are classmates.
d. They were born on the same day and look alike.

3. How do they differ?

a. They differ in their favorite color, subject and food.
b. They were born in different places.
c. They went to different schools.
d. They were born to different parents.

4. Why do they remain to be best of friends despite of their differences?

a. They have no other friends.
b. They love each other.
c. Their parents wanted them to be friends.
d. They need each other.

5. If you were Sarah or Ruth, would you also do the same?

a. Yes, because we need to respect and love each other.
b. Yes, because my parents might get mad at me.
c. No, because we are different.
d. No, because we should be alike in all our ways.

For items 6-10, copy the two words that rhyme in each number.

6. park date plane dark

7. bark fake wake pain
8. mouse stop house cake
9. brook school stool pail
10. cake peel hell tea

For items 11-15, put a (/) check if the letter is found both in Filipino and English
Alphabets and (x) if it is not.

11. S
12. F
13. Ng
14. Ñ
15. A

For items 16-20, label each book part. Choose from the box.

Author Illustrator Title

Back Cover Front Cover

School Grade Level Two
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 9, Day 1 Quarter First


A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of sentence construction

for correct expression

B. Performance Properly identifies and describes people, animals,

Standard places, things and uses them in a variety of oral and
written theme-based activities.

C. Learning Recognize names of people, object or things, animals

Competencies/Object and places.
ives (Write the LC
code for each)
EN2-G-If-g-2.1 (Grammar)


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide 84 -87

2. Learner’s Materials 53 - 54
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials Pictures of people, animals, things, and places,

from Learning
Resource (LR) portal Story: “At the School Yard “

B. Other Learning Real objects, chart of the story, activity chart, word
Resources cards, pocket chart, graphic organizers, 4 boxes with
pictures, activity sheets, pool of pictures, markers,
scotch tape, paste, individual worksheet.

IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing previous Opening song (any Opening song (any

lesson or presenting English song) English song)
the new lesson

B. Establishing a Listen as the teacher read Listen as the teacher read
purpose for the the story, “At the School the story, “At the School
lesson Yard” pp. 85 of TG. (be Yard” pp. 85 of TG. (be
printed in a chart) printed in a chart)

Comprehension Check-up: Comprehension Check-

 Where did the story
happen?  Where did the story
 Who met at the school happen?
yard?  Who met at the school
 What new things does yard?
Bam have?  What new things does
 Who bought Bam`s Bam have?
new things?  Who bought Bam`s
 What will Bam do to new things?
thank Aunt Pam?  What will Bam do to
 How did Bam fell thank Aunt Pam?
about Tam`s  How did Bam fell
Suggestions? about Tam`s

C. Presenting Read each word card in Read each word card in

examples/instances the pocket chart, and the pocket chart, and
of the new lesson tacked this on their proper tacked this on their proper
column on the board. column on the board.
Ex. Ex.

Torn Bam hen Tor Bam hen

schoo teach schoo hat
l er l
teacher hat do can schoolyar
g d

schoolyar shoe shoe canteen

d s s
Per gs/ Anim Pla Thin
Per Ani Pla
son Obje als ces gs/O
son bject mals ces

(Explain what is a noun (Explain what is a noun
by asking more example by asking more example
of naming words) of naming words)

D. Discussing new Guided Practice Guided Practice

concepts and
practicing new skill # Let’s fill up this Graphic Identify the picture in
1 Organizer. By answering each row that does not
the questions below: belong to the group.





1. Who are the persons

you see in school? Process each answer,
ask the question why?
2. What are the things
inside your bag?
3. What animals do you
see in the school ground?
4. Where do we buy food
in the school?
What do we call these
words that refer to
persons, things, animals,
and places?

E. Discussing new Group activity Group Activity

concepts and
practicing new skills 1. Group pupils into 4 1. Group pupils into 4
#2 groups

2. Recalling norms to 2. Recalling norms to
follow while doing the follow while doing the
activity. activity
3. Giving activity sheet 3. Giving the materials
and directions for the to each group (boxes
activity of pictures, and
*Group 1 – Write 5 activity chart, paste).
Community Helpers we 4. Giving directions of
have in our Barangay. activity. ( Paste each
picture in the right
*Group 2 – Write 5 category (table) of
things we use for eating naming words
meal 5. Activity proper
6. Presentation of output
*group 4 – write 5 7. Process the
names of farm animals result/output
*group 5 – Write the 5
9. Giving reward?
places ,your group want
to visit
4. Activity proper
5. Posting/presentation of
6. Process the result of the
activity using the rubric,
*5 pts. ----- 100% of the
task required is correctly
*4 pts. ---- 80% of the task
required is correctly
*3 pts. ----- 60% of the
task required is correctly
*2 pts. ---- 40% of the task
required is correctly
*1 pt. ----- 20% of the task
required is correctly
7. Giving reward

F. Developing mastery Independent Practice Independent Practice
(leads to formative
assessment 3) Each pupil will pick a Each pupil will pick a
picture from the`` poll of picture from the`` poll of
pictures” and he/she will pictures” and he/she will
identify it, if it refers to identify it, if it refers to
person, thing, animal, or person, thing, animal, or
place. place.

G. Finding practical Name the things that your What will you do to thank
applications of concepts mother gave before you your mama and papa for
and skills in daily living go school. giving you “BAON “every

What will you do to thank

your mama and papa for
giving you “BAON “every

H. Making Going back to our graphic Going back to our graphic

generalizations and organizer, what do you call organizer, what do you
abstractions about the the word that names a call the word that names
lesson person, thing, animal and a person, thing, animal
place? and place?
(tack the word card (tack the word card
“NOUN “at the center of “NOUN “at the center of
the graphic organizer) the graphic organizer)

G. Evaluating learning (Distribute Individual Identify each picture;

Worksheet) underline the correct

Give a name to the category of noun inside
following nouns referred the parentheses.
1. Person who teach you
in school -
2. Thing you use in
writing - _________ (person thing animal
3. Animal in the forest - place)
4. Place where you buy
fish - ________
5. Animal that can fly -
(person thing animal

(person thing animal

(person thing animal

H. Additional Activities Fill- up the table with Cut pictures of noun from
for application or correct naming words you old magazine and
Remediation see at home.
Paste two correct pictures
Pers Thin Ani Plac in every column.
on gs mals es
Pers Thin Ani Plac
on gs mals es




A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use/discover
which I wish to share
with other teachers?

School Grade Level Two
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 9, Day 2 Quarter First


A. Content Demonstrate understanding of the letter- sound relationship

Standard between Mother Tongue and English for effective transfer of

B. Performance Effectively transfer the knowledge of words from English word to

Standard other languages spoken

C. Learning Differentiate English words from other languages spoken at

Competencies home and in school.
EN2-V-g –h-01 (Vocabulary)

II. CONTENT Differentiating English words from other language spoken at

home and in school

C. References

5. Teacher’s
Guide pages
6. Learner’s
7. Textbook
8. Additional
Materials from
Learning pictures
(LR) portal
D. Other
Learning Teacher made story printed in manila paper,
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners

I. Reviewing A. Opening song D. Opening song

previous B. Short review of Yesterday`s E. Short review of Yesterday`s
lesson or lesson lesson
presenting the C. Checking of assignment ( if F. Checking of assignment ( if
new lesson there is) there is)

J. Establishing a The Industrious The Industrious
purpose for Man Man
the lesson

Mang Cardo is a farmer. Mang Cardo is a farmer.

He is fifty years old. He is fifty years old.
He works in his own farm. He works in his own farm.
Every day, he goes to Every day, he goes to
work early and goes home late. work early and goes home late.
He rides in his carabao. He rides in his carabao.
He brings his bolo and He brings his bolo and
basket with food for his lunch. basket with food for his lunch.
Mang Cardo is Mang Cardo is
industrious. He has plenty of industrious. He has plenty of
plants in the farm. plants in the farm.
(Have a short (Have a short
comprehension check-up about comprehension check-up about
the story read) the story read, allow pupils to
talk in their Mother tongue or in
1. Who is Mang Cardo?
Filipino to help them feel
2. Where does he work? comfortable when sharing
ideas. Then model how to say
3. What does he do in his it their answers in English)

K. Presenting Read the following Read the following

examples/inst words/phrases used in the words/phrases used in the
ances of the story and give its translation in story and give its translation in
new lesson your Mother Tongue. (activity your Mother Tongue. (activity
chart) chart)

English Filipino M English Filipino M


Farmer Magsasak Farmer Magsasak

a a

Own Farm Sariling Own Farm Sariling

sakahan sakahan

Go Pumupunt Go Pumupunt
a a

Early Maaga Early Maaga

Ride Sakay Ride Sakay

Bolo Itak Bolo Itak

Lunch Tanghalia Lunch Tanghalia

n n
Industriou Masipag Industriou Masipag
s s

Plenty Marami Plenty Marami

B. Discussing Mang Cardo harvested the Mang Cardo harvested the

new following fruits and vegetables following fruits and vegetables
concepts and in his farm. Will you help him in in his farm. Will you help him in
practicing giving the names of each giving the names of each
new skill # 1 picture/real objects in English, picture/real object in English,
Filipino or in your Mother Filipino or in your Mother
Tongue? Tongue?

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.
Ask: what is in the picture, How Ask: what is in the picture, How
do you call it in Filipino? In your do you call it in Filipino? In your
Mother Tongue? Mother Tongue?

C. Discussing Group activity Group activity
concepts and 1. Group pupils according to 1. Group pupils according to
practicing their Mother Tongue their Mother Tongue
new skills # 2  Tagalong
 Bicolnon  Tagalong
 Bisaya  Bicolnon
 Masbateṅo  Bisaya
2. Let them do the “ Good  Masbateṅo
Morning!” challenge, using 2. Let them do the “ Good
their Mother Tongue. Morning!” challenge, using
3. Practice for 3minutes their Mother Tongue.
4. Presentation of every group 3. Practice for 3minutes
5. Process the result of the 4. Presentation of every group
activity, 5. Process the result of the
( ask other group to activity,
answer the questios, “ ( ask other group to
What is Good Morning ” answer the questios, “
in Bisaya ,etc.) What is Good Morning ”
6. Giving Reward in Bisaya ,etc.)
6. Giving Reward

D. Developing Play in triad: Play in triad:

(leads to  Pupil 1 –will pick picture  Pupil 1 –will pick picture
formative from the picture poll, he will from the picture poll, he will
assessment give the English word of the give the English word of the
3) picture. E.g. ( basket) picture. E.g. ( basket)
 Pupil 2 – will give the  Pupil 2 – will give the
Filipino word for it. (bayong Filipino word for it. (bayong)
)  Pupil 3- will give the name
 Pupil 3- will give the name in Mother tongue (bukag)-
in Mother tongue (bukag)- Bisaya
E. Finding Your father has a small Your father has a small
practical vegetable garden in your vegetable garden in your
applications backyard; will you help him, in backyard; will you help him, in
of concepts caring the plants? How? caring the plants? How?
and skills in
daily living
F. Making How did you learn How did you learn
generalizatio differentiating English words differentiating English words
ns and to other language spoken to at to other language spoken to at
abstractions home and school? ( like home and school? ( like
about the Filipino and Mother tongue) Filipino and Mother tongue)
G. Evaluating Look at the picture, and Fill in Look at the picture, and Fill in
learning the blanks with correct word: the blanks with correct word:

1. 1.

English name English name
__________ __________
Filipino name Filipino name
____________ ____________
Mother tongue Mother tongue
__________ __________

2. 2.
English name _________ English name _________
Filipino _____________ Filipino _____________
Mother tongue Mother tongue
___________ ___________

3. 3.
English name English name
___________ ___________
Filipino Filipino
_______________ _______________
Mother tongue Mother tongue
__________ __________

4. 4.
English name English name
____________ ____________
Filipino____________ Filipino____________
Mother Tongue Mother Tongue
_________ _________

(prepare an individual ( prepare an individual

worksheet for this activity) worksheet for this activity)

H. Additional Look at the pictures and fill up Look at the pictures and fill up
Act the blanks with correct word: the blanks with correct word:

Mot Mot
Engl Filip her Engl Filip her
ish ino Ton ish ino Ton
gue gue

___ ban ___ ___ ban ___

__ gka _ __ gka _

pad ___ ___ pad ___ ___

dle __ __ dle __ __

___ ___ puk ___ ___ puk

__ __ ot __ __ ot

___ bas ___ ___ bas ___

___ ket __ ___ ket __

___ ___ ___ ___

taga taga
__ __ __ __




A. No. of
learners who
earned 80%

on the
B. No. of
learners who
activities for
C. Did the
work? No. of
learners who
have caught
up with the
D. No. of
learners who
continue to
E. Which of my Use of Locon, collaborative
well? Why
did these
F. What
did I
which my
principal or
can help me
G. What Teacher made DLP, localize materials/ pictures
innovation or
did I
which I wish
to share with

School Grade Level Two
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 9, Day 3 Quarter First


A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of the letter-sound

relationship between Mother tongue and English for
effective transfer of learning.

B. Performance Standard Correctly hears and record sounds in words

C. Learning Supply words that rhyme with a given words.


EN2-PA-Ih-2.4 (Phonological Awareness)



A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages 236 - 238

2. Learner’s Materials pages

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials from Taylor, A. & Taylor, J. (1806) Twinkle, Twinkle Little
Learning Resource (LR) Star In Rhymes for Nursery. http://www.

B. Other Learning Charts, activity sheets, word cards/meta cards, copy

Resources of song “Jack and Jill”, Activity cards/sheets, Manila
Paper, Marker, Crayons

IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners

A. Reviewing previous Have a short review on Have a short review on

lesson or presenting the Words with Same Words with Same
new lesson beginning and Ending beginning and Ending
Sound, through simple Sound, through simple
exercise. exercise.
Direction: Direction:
Jump forward if the pair Jump forward if the pair
of words that I (teacher) of words that I (teacher)
will say have the will say have the
beginning sound, and beginning sound, and

jump backward if they jump backward if they
have the same ending have the same ending
sound. sound.
1. Sun-moon 1. Sun-moon
2. Kit –Lady – lips 2. Kit – meet
3. Zigzag – zipper 3. Lady – lips
4. Bear – bed 4. Zigzag – zipper
5. Meet—kit 5. Bear – bed
6. Cat – mat 6. Cat – mat
7. Van – pen 7. Van – pen
8. bank – sink 8. bank – sink

B. Establishing a purpose for Showing a picture of a

the lesson tree.
Post the Song, “
Twinkle, Twinkle Little
Have you seen a
real tree? What tree/s do
you know? Are trees
Let us sing the song
important to us? What do
“Twinkle, Twinkle Little
trees give us?

Listen as the teacher

read the poem, “Tress
“by Harry Behn Twinkle, Twinkle Little
Tress Star

By: Harry Behn

Twinkle, twinkle little star,

Trees are the kindest How I wonder what you

things I know, are;

They do no harm, they Up above the world so

simply grow high

And spread a shade for Like a diamond in the sky!

sleepy cows, Twinkle, twinkle little star,
And gather birds among How I wonder what you
their bows. are.

They give us fruit in When the blazing sun is

leaves above, gone,
And wood to make our When there’s nothing he
houses of, shines upon.

And leaves to burn on Then you show your little
Halloween light,
And in the Spring new Twinkle, twinkle all the
buds of green. night.
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
They are first when day’s How I wonder what you
begun are.
To tough the beams of
morning sun,
They are the last to hold
the light
When evening changes
into night.

And when a moon floats

on the sky
They hum a drowsy
Of sleepy children long
Trees are the kindest
things I know.

C. Presenting
examples/instances of the
new lesson Read the underlined Read the following pair of
words in 1st and 2nd words:
rd th
lines, in 3 and 4 lines. (
write on the board the  star – are
words mentioned by the  High –sky
pupils)  Gone – upon
 Light – night
What can you say about
the sound of these pair of
 Know - grow words? Do they sound the
 Cows – bows same? We call these
 Halloween - words, Rhyming words.
Read again, these pair
of words.

What do you notice

about the sound of these
pair of words? Do they
sound the same? What

do you call these pair of
Continue reading
the poem, then give the
word that rhyme with:

 begun - _____
 light - ______
 sky - _____
 ago - _____

D. Discussing new concepts Guided practice Guided practice

and practicing new skill # 1

Post a copy of the Post a copy of the

song, “Jack and Jill”, then song, “Jack and Jill”, then
let pupils look for the pair let pupils look for the pair
of words that sounds the of words that sounds the
same. same.

Jack and Jill Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill, went up the Jack and Jill, went up the
hill hill
To fetch a pail of water To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down and broke Jack fell down and broke
his crown his crown
And Jill came tumbling And Jill came tumbling
after. after.

E. Discussing new concepts Group activity Group activity

and practicing new skills # 2
1. Group pupils into 3 1. Group pupils into 3
2. Recall norms to
follow during group 2. Recall norms to follow
work during group work
3. Distribution of
3. Distribution of
materials for the
activity ( activity materials for the
cards, manila paper, activity ( activity cards,
marker) manila paper, marker,
4. Giving /explaining crayons)
the procedure of
each activity.
5. Activity proper

4. Giving /explaining the
procedure of each
Group 1 - write 10 words
that rhymes with word
wall. 5.Activity proper

Group -2 – List the Group 1 – Identify and

names of your underline the
classmates that have the rhyming words in the
same sound. Nursery rhyme, “One,
Two, tie my shoe”

Group 3 - Read the

nursery rhyme, “One, (write this nursery rhyme
Two, tie my shoe”, and in manila paper)
underline the rhyming
words. Chart)
Group -2 – Read each set
words, put a circle to
6. Presentation of rhyming words in each
output. row.
7. Process the
result of the 1. Lice mice fish
activity 2. Play cry
8. Rewarding buy
3. Laid stood
4. Light star

Group 3 - color the

pictures that rhyme, as
the teacher gives the
name of the picture in
each row:
1.(pictures of) hat bat

2.(pictures of) hen

chick pen

3.(pictures of) Fan

pin van
4.(pictures of) boat
goat cat

5.( pictures of) pail
bell whell

5. Presentation of output.
6. Process the result of
the activity
7. Rewarding

F. Developing mastery (leads

to formative assessment 3)
Independent practice Independent practice
Clap your hands, and say Clap your hands, and say
“YES!” if the pair of “YES!” if the pair of words
words are rhyming are rhyming words, and
words, and Stamp your Stamp your foot and say
foot and say “NO!” if it “NO!” if it does not rhyme.
does not rhyme. Then Then give a word that
give a word that rhyme rhyme with the given
with the given word. word.
(prepare word cards / ( prepare word cards /
materials equal to materials equal to number
number of pupils present of pupils present in the
in the class) class)

G. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living Your father planted Which from these two
several seedlings of pictures shows love for
Molave trees in your trees.
backyard. Are you to help
your father grow the
seedlings? Why and

H. Making generalizations and What do you

abstractions about the call the pair of words with What do you
lesson the same sound? Give call the pair of words with
example. the same sound? Give

I. Evaluating learning Read each line and
choose a word from the
box, that will have
rhymed with underlined Underline the words that
word. Write your chosen sound the same in each
answer on the blank. row:
1. Look! My ball
bounced on the
_________. 1. Rice mice
2. A cat runs after a fish
3. These toys are for 2. Cow goat
the _____. how
4. What did you say?
_______. 3. Farmer mountain
5. Jack fell down and fountain
broke his ______.
4. House mouse
Rat girls mice
boys crown
Jay wall 5. Pupils class

J. Additional Activities for Recall any Nursery Recall any Nursery rhyme
application or Remediation rhyme you have learned you have when you were
when you were in Grade in Grade one, and be
one, and be ready to ready to recite this in the
recite this in the class, class, tomorrow.




A. No. of learners who earned

80% on the formative

B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

School Grade Level Two
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 9, Day 4 Quarter First

A. Content Standard Listen critically to one-two paragraphs
B. Performance Standard Read texts for pleasure and information critically
in meaningful thought units
C. Learning Recognize proper eye movement skills (transfer
Competencies/Objectives skills)

EN2-BPK–Ii-j-5 (Book & Print Knowledge)

II. CONTENT Recognizing Proper Eye Movement Skills

(Reading Readiness)
Left- to- right
Top to bottom
Return sweep
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide ( English Expressways Reading and Language
pages 1, Teachers Manual pp. XXIV)
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Illustrations/ drawing or video presentation of:
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal  -left- to- right eye movement
 -top to bottom
 - return sweep

B. Other Learning Video clips/ Illustrations of proper eye-

Resources movement in Reading Readiness, Activity
charts, Meta – strips, Number cards

IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
L. Reviewing previous 1. Opening song 1. Opening song
lesson or presenting the
new lesson Alphabet Song
Alphabet Song
Up to the ceiling, Down
Up to the ceiling,
to the floor
Down to the floor
Right in the windows,
Right in the windows,
Left at the door
Left at the door
Mommy kiss me, Daddy
Mommy kiss me,
kiss me
Daddy kiss me
For I know my A, B, C .
For I know my A, B,
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, C.
J, K, L, M, N, O,
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O,
X, Y, Z.
P, Q, R, S, T, U, V,
Boys and Girls come W, X, Y, Z.
sing with me
Boys and Girls come
Come and learn my A, sing with me
B, C.
Come and learn my
A, B, C.

2. Establishing a Video presentation or Video presentation

purpose for the illustration of: or illustration of:

1. Left –to-right eye 1. Left –to-right eye

movement movement
e.g., Picture of e.g., Picture of
a dog running toward a dog running
a bone near the toward a bone near
doghouse the doghouse

2. Top to bottom 2. Top to bottom

e.g., Picture of e.g., Picture of
a cat jumped from a cat jumped from
the roof of a house to the roof of a house
the ground. to the ground.

3. Return sweep 3.Return sweep
e.g. from a tree ,
a butterfly flying e.g., A
toward a flower, then butterfly flying
back to the tree toward a flower,
then back to the
-With your eyes, follow
the direction of the dog,
(1st illustration) the cat -With your eyes,
(2nd illustration) and the follow the direction of
butterfly(3rd illustration) the dog, (1st
illustration) the cat
(2nd illustration) and
Answer these: the butterfly(3rd
1. In the 1st
presentation, Where
is the dog running Answer these:
to? where did it start
1. In the 1st
running, from the left
or from the right?
(Yes, the dog starts
Where is the dog
running from the left
running to? where
to the right)
did it start running,
2. In the 2nd
from the left or from
the right? (Yes, the
presentation, where
dog starts running
did you see the cat
from the left to the
before it jump to the
ground? (Yes, the
2. In the 2nd
cat is on the roof of a
house and it jumped
to the ground)
where did you see
3. In illustration number
the cat before it
3/video presentation,
jump to the
We have seen a
ground? (Yes, the
butterfly on the tree.
cat is on the roof of
Then it flew, Where is
a house and it
the butterfly going to?
jumped to the
after it reach the
flower, where will it
3. In illustration
go?( Yes, the butterfly
number 3/video
went to the flower and
presentation, We
then it goes back to
have seen a
the tree.)
butterfly on the
tree. Then it flew,

Where is the
butterfly going to?
after it reach the
flower, where will it
go?( Yes, the
butterfly went to
flower and then it
goes back to the

(Allow the pupils to

express themselves
in their Mother
Tongue or in Filipino
to help them feel
comfortable when
sharing their ideas.
Then model how to
say their responses
in English

4. Presenting Each illustration, has Each illustration, has

examples/instances something to do, with something to do, with
of the new lesson proper eye movement in proper eye
reading. movement in
 Illustration number 1,
shows the – left – to-  Illustration
right eye movement. number 1, shows
 Illustration number 2, the – left – to-
shows the -top to right eye
bottom eye movement.
movement  Illustration
 The 3rd Illustration, number 2, shows
shows the –return the -top to
sweep eye bottom eye
movement. movement
 The 3rd
shows the –
return sweep eye
5. Discussing new Guided Activity Guided
concepts and Activity
practicing new skill Let`s group yourselves
#1 into 3 and do some Loco Let`s group
Motor movement. yourselves into 3 and

do some Loco Motor
Group 1 – skip from movement.
left to right.
Group 1- skip
Group 2 – stand on
from left to right.
of top of your chair
then jumped down to
Group 2 – stand
the floor.
on of top of your
chair then
Group 3 – from the
jumped down to
first seat in front , jog
the floor.
to the last set,
following the Return
Group 3 – from
the first seat in
front , jog to the
(arrange the seats
last set, following
and be sure no pupil
the Return
will be harm in doing
this simple activity)
( arrange the
seats and be
sure no pupil will
be harm in doing
this simple

6. Discussing new Group Activity Group

concepts and Activity
practicing new skills
#2  Group pupils into
 Group pupils
into three
 Recall some norms
 Recall some
to follow while
norms to follow
doing the activity.
while doing the
 Distribution of
activity sheets/
 Distribution of
chart and direction
activity sheets/
for the activity
chart and
*group I-
direction for the
Read the activity
words in the *group I-
Activity chart Read the
using Left-to- words in
right eye the Activity
movement chart using

*Group II – Left-to-
Read the right eye
word in your movement
activity chart *Group II –
using – top – Read the
to- bottom word in
eye your
movement activity
*Group III- chart using
Read the – top –to-
printed text in bottom
your Activity eye
chart using movement
Return *Group III-
Sweep eye Read the
movement printed text
in your
 Activity proper/ Activity
Presentation of chart using
every group Return
 Process the result Sweep
of the activity eye
 Giving reward. movement

 Activity proper/
Presentation of
every group
 Process the
result of the
 Giving reward.

7. Developing mastery
(leads to formative
assessment 3) Read the following Read the following
words using: words using:
 -left-to-right eye  -left-to-right eye
movement movement
Bus rat Bus rat
ham tag van ham tag
 -top to bottom van
Bus  -top to bottom
rat Bus
ham rat
tag ham
van tag

 Return sweep
The fat cat has a  Return sweep
hat. The fat cat
It sat on the has a hat.
mat. It sat on the
A rat came near mat.
the cat A rat came
The fat cat near the cat
chases the rat. The fat ca

8. Finding practical What will you do at What will you do at

applications of home during Saturday home during
concepts and skills in and Sunday so that you Saturday and
daily living may become a good Sunday so that you
and fast reader? Select may become a good
from the two pictures and fast reader?
below: Select from the two
pictures below:

Picture of boy/girl
Picture of boy/girl
playing sipa.
playing sipa.

Picture of a boy/girl
Picture of a boy/girl
reading a book.
reading a book.

9. Making What are the three What are the three

generalizations and eye movements use in eye movements use
abstractions about the reading readiness? in reading
lesson readiness?
10. Evaluating learning Individual Oral Individual Oral
Evaluation Evaluation
Every pupil will pick a Every pupil will pick a
number card in the box. number card in the
He/She will read the box. He/She will read
writings tacked on the the writings tacked
board base from the on the board base
number he/she had from the number
picked: he/she had.

*Number card 1- Left – *Number card 1- Left
to-Right eye movement –to-Right eye
*Number card 2 – Top to
bottom eye movement *Number card 2 –
Top to bottom eye
*Number card 3 –
Return Sweep eye
movement *Number card 3 –
Return Sweep eye
(print text for these
activity in Manila paper)
11. Additional Activities Practice reading at Practice reading at
for application or home following the home following the
Remediation different eye movement different eye
that we have learned. movement that we
have learned.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I Lack of reference materials for this competency
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or Teacher made DLP
localized material/s did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other


Competencies Number of Item Placement %

1. Recognize names of 4 8 – 11 27%

people, objects or things,
animals and places.

2. Differentiate English
words from other languages
4 12 – 15 27%
spoken at home and in

3. Supply words that rhyme

with a given words.
4 4–7 27%

4. Recognize proper eye


3 1–3 20%

Total 15 15 101%

Read, understand and follow the direction for every item/s.
A. For items 1-3. Identify the eye movement introduce in each picture.

a. left-to-right eye movement
b. top to bottom eye movement
c. return swipe


a. left-to-right eye movement

b. top to bottom eye movement
c. return swipe


a. left-to-right eye movement
b. top to bottom eye movement
c. return swipe

For items 4-7. Read the rhymes below. Encircle the word that rhymed with the
underlined word.

4. Come and look

I have a new ________.
a. bag b. pencil c. book

5. Good morning, good morning!
The sun is _________.
a. shining b. bright c. hot
6. Raining all day long.
Raining just like a _______.
a. poem b. song c. dance

7. There is a vegetable,
On the ________.
a. table b. platter c. basket

B. For items 8-11. Read each sentence and underline the noun or naming
word used.

8. I love my pet dog.

9. I give it left-over milk and food to eat.

10. We used to play in the park during Saturday.

11. Alyana gave this dog to me on my birthday.

C. For items 12-15. Look at the picture, and then read the sentences below.
Fill in the blank with correct word to make the sentence correct.

This is a bird. In Filipino it is called ___________, and in Mother

Tongue, I called it _________. (12)

This is mother. We call her _____________in Filipino. In Mother
Tongue, I call her ____________. (14)

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 10, Day 1 Quarter First


A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of the Letter-sound

relation. Skip between Letter-sound relationship
between Mother-Tongue and English for effective
transfer of learning.

B. Performance Correctly hears and records sounds in words.


C. Learning Supply rhyming words in response to spoken words.

EN2-PA-Ii-j-2-4 (Phonological Awareness)

II. CONTENT Rhyming Words

Values Integration: Carefulness

A. References CG p. 23
1. Teacher’s TM pp. 34-35
2. Learner’s Materials LM pp. 41-42
3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional Materials Old Rhymes “Little Miss Muffet”

from Learning
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning

A. Reviewing previous 1. Drill

lesson or presenting tan-can hen-pen tin-pin
the new lesson ran-van men-ten pig-wig
man-fan Ben-Yen leg-peg etc.

B. Establishing a Unlock the words:

purpose for the
lesson 1. little-small (showing pictures that shows small –

2. tuffet – a low seat (picture of a small chair)
3. curds – a thickened milk
4. beside – (illustrate the behavior)
5. frightened – (show illustration of frightened girl)
6. whey – watery part of milk after the formation of

C. Presenting Presenting the rhymes to the pupils

examples/ instances
of the new lesson Little Miss Muffet
Little Miss Muffet,
She sat on a tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey;
Down came a spider,
Which sat down beside her,
And frightened Miss Muffet away!

 Reading aloud and stop at strategic points to

emphasize the rhyming words.
 Let the pupils follow reading.

D. Discussing new Talk about the rhymes through discussion questions

concepts and practicing to monitor comprehension using WH-questions.
new skills #1
1. Who sat on a tuffet?
2. Where did little Miss Muffet sit?
3. What did she eat? Etc.

E. Discussing new Let the pupils identify/supply the rhyming words as

concepts and practicing the teacher reads again the presented rhymes.
new skills #2
Identify the rhyming words.

F. Developing Mastery Group Activity (Its teacher choice into how many
(Leads to formative groups she/he wants.)
The first group will read the rhymes and the other
group will supply the missing rhyme.
(*Teacher can use another set of rhyming words to
instill the skill/concept.)

G. Finding practical/ Values integration through asking question.

applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
Focus: Being careful at all times

H. Making generalization Generalization:
and abstractions about
the lesson  Asking question
What did you learn from our lesson today?
 Expected answer about rhyming words.
Rhyming Words – are words that
have the same sound at the end of

I. Evaluating Learning Assess the pupils’ understanding.

Direction: Connect the rhyming words in Column A

with Column B.
A. B.
1. Teacher a. mouse
2. Floor b. tall
3. Boy c. slipper
4. House d. door
5. Small e. toy

J. Additional activities for Memorize simple rhymes at home.

application or




A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the

D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 10, Day 2 Quarter First

A. Content Standard Demonstrate understanding of sentence
construction for correct expression.
B. Performance Standard Properly identifies and describes people, animals,
places, things and uses them in a variety of oral and
written theme-based activities.
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives Recognize nouns in simple sentences
(Write the LC code for
each) EN2-G-Ih-2.4 (Grammar)
II. CONTENT Recognizing Nouns in Simple Sentences
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learning’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Let’s Begin Reading in English – 2 pp. 97-98
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Learners Average Learners
A. Reviewing previous (oral activity) Look at (oral activity) Say yes if
lesson or presenting the the pictures and read the pair of words rhyme
new lesson the phrases. Say yes if and no if not.
the words rhyme and
no if not. 1. lap - cap

2. fan - tag

____ 1. a cat and a rat 3. net - wet

4. wig - pig

5. bag - tag
____2. a bag and a rat

____3. a fan and a van

B. Establishing a purpose Call pupils to answer the following questions.

for the lesson Tell the pupils to say their answer in complete
sentence. Write their answers on the board.
(Answer vary)
1. What is your name?
(My name is Anna Ramos.)
2. Where do you live?
(I live in Milagros, Masbate.)
3. What is your favorite toy?
(My favorite toy is doll.)
4. Do you have a pet? What is it?
(Yes, my pet is dog.)
5. When is your birthday?
(My birthday is on November 20, 2011.)

C. Presenting Going back to your answers. Let the pupils read

examples/instances of the sentences. (Base on the pupil’s answer)
the new lesson
1. My name is Anna Ramos.
2. I live in Milagros, Masbate.
3. My favorite toy is doll.
4. Yes, my pet is dog.
5. My birthday is on November
20, 2011.
D. Discussing new concepts Ask the following questions and write the
and practicing new skills answers in the chart below.
#1 - What is the name of person in sentence
- What is the name of place in sentence 2?
- What is the name of thing in sentence 3?
- What is the name of animal in sentence 4?
- What is the name of event in sentence 5?

Person Place Thing Animal Event

Say: Names of persons, places, things, animals

and events are called Noun.

Who can give another example of nouns
(persons, places, things, animals, events)?
(write the pupil’s answer in the chart)
E. Discussing new concepts Read the Pick a word inside the box
and practicing new skills sentences below and place it inside the
#2 and encircle the basket of Noun if it is a
nouns. noun.
1. Uncle Ed sent
a big box.
2. There are two
bars of
3. The bag has a
tag. love Mother Tina
4. Muning is box one thank
inside the box. read Muning bag
5. Let’s send a belt laugh
card to uncle Timmy

F. Developing mastery (Divide the class Blue Group:

(leads to formative in 3 groups.) Encircle the noun in the
assessment 3) What should we following sentences.
remember in 1. Lina has a pen.
doing the group 2. Berta and Noel are
tasks? good friends.
3. Don-Don is playing a
Pink Group: ball.
4. Jean is reading a
Read the short
story and encircle
5. My father bought a
all the nouns. new car.

My Family Green Group:

My father is a Encircle the nouns in the
doctor, phrases below.
My mother is a 1. two books
teacher, 2. colorful bag
My Ate, Kuya and 3. walking doll
I are studying at 4. red dress
San Carlos 5. beautiful city
School. We go to
church every
Sunday. I love my

(Check the pupil’s
G. Finding practical Recognize the Read the word in the
applications of concepts noun in the flashcards and paste it in
and skills in daily living sentence below the right column.
and write it in the Nouns
strips of cartolina. persons places things animals events

1. I received a gift
from my ninong
last Christmas.
2. My sister went
to Masbate elephant Christmas
yesterday. church table
3. Vina loves to Oscar Mother’s Day
read books. doctor Browny
4. Rita has a new
book school
blue gown.
5. Last Mother’s
Day, I gave
three red roses
to my mother.

Do you have any questions about our lesson?

Do you have anything to share about our
H. Making generalizations
and abstraction about the What is a noun?
I. Evaluating Learning
Read the sentences below. Recognize the noun
by underlining it and identify if it is a person,
place, thing, animal or event. Write your
answer on the line before the number.
______1. Khloe dances gracefuly.
______2. The bell is ringing.
______3. Gina is beautiful.
______4. I enjoyed my vacation in Manila last
______5. The cat is purring.

Write the name of the picture and use it in a


1. 2. 3.




A. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localize material/s did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 10, Day 3 Quarter First


A. Content Standard demonstrates understanding of sentence construction

for correct expression

B. Performance properly identifies and describes people, animals,

Standard places, things and uses them in a variety of oral and
written theme-based activities

C. Learning Recognize the use of a /an + noun

EN2-G-Ii-9.2 (Grammar)
II. CONTENT Use of a and an + noun
A. References

1. Teacher’s K to 12 Curriculum 2014 Edition 292-294

Guide pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURE Advanced Average

A. Reviewing Name the things that you Name the things that you
previous lesson or see inside the room. see inside the room.
presenting the new
B. Establishing a Let them sing the alphabet song.
purpose for the
lesson Flash the letter. Let the learners identify if it is vowel or
Let the learners pick an object in their bag.

Let him/her talk about it using the
This is a __________.
This is an _________.
Use a if the next word starts with a consonant sounds.
Use an if the next word starts with a vowel sounds.

C. Presenting Repeat this activity using different objects until the

examples learners are able to master the pattern.
/instances of the
new lesson
D. Discussing new Group Activity: Group Activity:
concepts and
practicing new skill Divide the class into group with Use a or an.
#1 three (3) members each. Look
around and share with the
group about the things around picture of an
using a or an.

picture of
a chair


picture of
a fan

picture of
an atis
___ atis

picture of
___ airplane
an airplane

E. Discussing new Fill in the blanks with a or an.
concepts and
practicing new 1._______ owl 6._____ car
skills #2 2._______bird 7. _____ orange
3._______egg 8. _____ eraser
4._______animal 9. _____ table
5._______eagle 10._____ carabao

F. Developing Write a or an in each blank to complete the sentence.

mastery ( leads to
formative 1. Sam is writing ______ letter to his father.
assessment #3 2. Jack has ____ big brother and _____ sister.
3. There is _____ rainbow in the sky.
4. The doctor gave Jane _____ injection.
5. There’s _____ nest in the tree.

Fill in each blank with a or Box the correct answer.

G. Finding practical Mary: I need to make ( a,
applications of Mary: I need to make an) fruit salad for my
concepts and skills ____ fruit salad for my sister.
in daily living sister.
I think I need (a, an) glass
I think I need _____glass of milk, (a, an) slice of
of milk, ___ slice of pineapple
pineapple ____ banana
(a,an) banana and (a, an)
and ____grape.
John: Maybe ______
John: Maybe ( a, an) apple
apple too.
Mary: Yes, I need ____
Mary: Yes, I need (a, an )
cream, too.
cream, too.
John: It sounds delicious!
John: It sounds delicious!

H. Making An article is a word that comes before a noun.

and abstractions Use a and an with singular nouns.
about the lesson Use a if the next word starts with a consonant sounds.
Use an if the next word starts with a vowel sounds.

I. Evaluating learning Fill in the blank with a or an to Encircle the correct
complete the sentence. answer.
1. He saw _____cat in the 1. He saw ( a, an) cat
backyard. in the backyard.
2. We love to see _____ 2. We love to see (a,
exciting basketball game. an) exciting game.
3. Can you take me to _____ 3. Can you take to (a,
doctor? an) doctor.
4. I saw ____ elephant at the 4. I saw ( a, an)
zoo. elephant at the zoo.
5. Have you seen ___ 5. Have you seen ( a,
alligator? an) alligator.




A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation.
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to

E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which is principal
or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s
did I use / discover
which I wish to
share with other

School Grade Level II
Teacher Learning Area English
Time & Date Week 10, Day 4 Quarter First


A. Content Demonstrates understanding of suitable vocabulary

Standard used in different languages for effective communication

B. Performance Uses familiar vocabulary to independently express ideas

Standard in speaking activities

C. Learning Identify the English equivalent of words in the Mother

Competencies Tongue or in Filipino
EN2-V-First Quarter Week 10 -1 (Vocabulary)

II.CONTENT Identifying the English Equivalent of Words in the

Mother Tongue or in Filipino
Values Integration: Care for Animals; Home Safety

A. References K to 12 CG, page 23

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning pictures, flashcards, word cards, riddles from
Resources www.englishclub.com

A. Reviewing Complete the sentence using a and an.

previous lesson
or presenting 1. Ben eats___ apple every day.
the new lesson 2. I saw ____ bird on the tree.
3. Dan found ____ pencil under the table.
4. Mother gave me ____ umbrella.
5. There is ____ elephant at the zoo.

B. Establishing a The teacher asks the pupils:
purpose for the
lesson Do you have pets at home?
What is your pet?
How do you take good care of your pet?
Why do we need to take care of the animals?

C. Presenting The teacher lets the pupils sing the song “One Day,
examples/instan Isang Araw”
ces of the new
lesson One day, isang araw.
I saw, nakita ko.
One bird, isang ibon.
Flying, lumilipad.
I shot, binaril ko.
I picked, pinulot ko.
I cooked, niluto ko.
I ate, kinain ko.

D. Discussing new The teacher will say: “These are the words found in the
concepts and song “One Day, Isang Araw”. The teacher then shows
practicing new flashcards with pictures of some words found in the
skill #1 song.
one – isa flying - lumilipad
day – araw shot - binaril
bird – ibon picked - pinulot
saw – nakita cooked – niluto
ate – kinain
The teacher will say “English words have their
equivalent words in Filipino or in Mother Tongue.”
The teacher will give other examples:

bag – bag yoyo – yoyo zipper – zipper

juice – juice ruler – ruler zoo – zoo

pet – alaga sun - araw moon - buwan
ten – sampu egg – itlog sit - upo

Say: You will notice that on the first set, the words in
English have the same equivalent in Filipino.
On the second set, the English words have different
equivalent words in Filipino.

E. Discussing new The teacher divides the Group B: Connecting

concepts and class into three groups. Game
practicing new Each group will be given
skill #2 Match the English word
an activity to be performed.
with its equivalent in
Group A: Supply Me!
Pupils will write the English A B
and Filipino words of the
1. cat a. aso
given pictures.
2. dog b. baboy
Englis Filipin 3. pig c. daga
h o 4. rat d. baka
5. cow e. pusa
1.pictur f. isda
e of a
Group C: Word Graph
Group members will be
given cards with English
e of an
and Filipino words. They
will match the word card to
3.pictur the picture. They will also
e of a identify whether it is
hand English or Filipino word.

e of a
umbrella van leaf

e of a lapis book dahon van

aklat payong pencil

Englis Filipin
h o

e of an

e of a

e of a

e of a

e of a

F. Developing The teacher gives a riddle. The pupils will give the
Mastery (leads answer in English with its equivalent word in Filipino.
to formative The pupils will write their answers on the Show-Me-
assessment 3) Board.
1. I am hot. I live in the sky. I am bright. Don’t look
straight at me. I disappear in the night. What am
I? (sun - araw)
2. I am round. I go up and down. You can throw
me. You can catch me. Be careful with me when
I’m near your windows. What am I? (ball – bola)
3. I have four wheels. You need a key for me. You
can sit inside me. Don’t make me go too fast.
Please wear my belt. What am I? (car -
4. I am usually green and brown. I can live for a
long time. I’m a house for a bird. Kids love to
climb me. What am I? (tree – puno)
( source:www.englishclub.com)

G. Finding practical There are many things found in our home.

applications of
concepts and What are the things/objects found in your home that
skills in daily should be kept out of your reach and your younger
living brother/sister?
(expected answers: knife – kutsilyo, matches – posporo,
medicines – gamot, needles – karayom, etc.)
Why should we put these things in a safe place?

(expected answers: to avoid accident; to keep us out of
danger; to keep us safe)

H. Making Ask: What have you observed with some of the words in
generalizations English and their translation in Filipino?
and abstractions
about the lesson (There are words in English that have different translation
in Filipino. There are also some words in English that
have the same translation in Filipino.)

I. Evaluating A. Put a check on the blank if the pair of words has

learning the correct equivalent in English and in Filipino,
and X if not.
________1. pot – piso
________2. cup – tasa
________3. bed – kama
________4. can – lata
________5. leg – ulo

B. Read the sentences. Identify the equivalent word

in Filipino of the underlined word. Choose the
answer inside the box.

mataba umupo basa kahon pula


The road is wet.

1. The bag is in the box.
2. I have a red pen.
3. The boy sat on the chair.
4. The fat man has a hat.




A. No. of learners
who earned
80% on the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have
caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
material/s did I
which I wish to
share with other




1. Recognize the use of a/an + 6 30% 1-6

2. Identify the English equivalent 6 30% 7-12

of words in the Mother Tongue
or in Filipino

3. Recognize nouns in simple 6 30% 13-18


4. Supply rhyming words in 2 10% 19-20

response to spoken words

Total 20 100% 20

I. A. Encircle the correct answer.

1. There is (a, an) book on the table.

2. The family lives in (a, an) nipa hut.
3. My mother is (a, an) vendor.
4. We have (a, an) avocado tree in the backyard.
5. The hen lays (a, an) egg in the nest.
6. I bought (a, an) ice cream at the store.

B. Put a check (/) on the blank if the pair of words has the correct
equivalent words in English and in Filipino and cross out (x) if not.

_______7. bed – kama

_______8. red – puti
_______9. box – kahon
______10. cat – pusa
______11. pen – bola
______12. ten – isa

II. Underline the nouns used in each sentence.

13. The children are in school.

14. The boys play in the park.
15. The girl has a red bag.
16. The baby drinks milk.
17. Mother goes to the market.
18. Grandma gave me a doll.

III. Write a word that rhymes with the underlined word.

19. My brother got my toy.

20. My dog bit the pages of my book.


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