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Colloids and Surfaces A 592 (2020) 124564

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Formulation of concentrated oil-in-water-in-oil double emulsions for T

fragrance encapsulation
Margot Stassea,b,c, Eric Laurichesseb, Tiphaine Ribautc, Olivier Anthonyc, Valérie Hérogueza,*,
Véronique Schmittb,*
Laboratoire de Chimie des Polymères Organiques, CNRS, UMR 5629, Bordeaux, 16 Avenue Pey-Berland, F-33607 Pessac, France
Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal, UMR 5031, University of Bordeaux, CNRS, 115 avenue du Dr Albert Schweitzer, 33600 Pessac, France
Takasago Europe Perfumery Laboratory, 12 rue Torricelli, 75017 Paris, France



Keywords: We report the formulation of a concentrated double oil-in-water-in-oil (O/W/O) emulsion for fragrance en-
Emulsions capsulation. As their water-in-oil-in-water homologous, these O/W/O emulsions, seldom described in litera-
O/W/O emulsion ture, also require the use of two antagonist surfactants: a hydrophilic one (HS) to stabilize the fragrance-in-
Fragrance water droplets and a lipophilic one (LS) to stabilize the aqueous globules dispersed in oil, containing them-
selves the direct emulsion. An important issue in cosmetics is the necessity to adapt the formulation to each
fragrance, so that a major progress would be the successful elaboration of an O/W/O emulsion insensitive to
fragrance changes. In order to approach such a composition, two model fragrances composed of 10 and 13
molecules representative of the most used molecules in this domain were specially assembled for the study.
The aim was to identify possible hydrophilic and lipophilic stabilizers leading to a double O/W/O emulsions
and determine compositions able to encapsulate both fragrances. The double emulsion was prepared by a two-
step process, allowing varying the double emulsion composition i.e the amount of both surfactants as well as
the quantity of droplets inside the globules. By plotting “feasibility diagrams” we can propose a best com-
position shared by the two fragrances. Such a double emulsion is composed of 20 wt% of fragrance droplets
with respect to the globule volume, 75 wt% of globules with respect to the total emulsion, 7.5 wt% of HS with
respect to the intermediate aqueous phase and 10 wt% of LS with respect to external oil phase. The robustness
of this optimized composition against molecule changes was tested using a third fragrance. Then the en-
capsulated efficiency was measured showing the high encapsulation rate (close to 99 %) of the selected system

Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (V. Héroguez), [email protected] (V. Schmitt).
Received 17 December 2019; Received in revised form 4 February 2020; Accepted 8 February 2020
Available online 11 February 2020
0927-7757/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Stasse, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 592 (2020) 124564

and a gas chromatography analysis of each molecule composing the complex fragrance showed no alteration of
the encapsulated fragrance.

1. Introduction evaporation [38]. Usually the organic phase containing a volatile sol-
vent, a polymer and the species to be encapsulated is emulsified in a
Among multiple emulsions [1–7], double oil-in-water-in-oil emul- water phase in which the polymer is not soluble. Stirring is maintained
sions are dispersions consisting of oil-in-water emulsions themselves until the volatile solvent has diffused through the aqueous phase and
dispersed as drops in an oil outer phase. Owing to their compartmen- has evaporated while the polymer has precipitated. The obtained cap-
talized structure, they are interesting colloidal systems for en- sules are usually very porous, v) coacervation [39] is based on the se-
capsulating either aqueous or lipophilic or both kinds of species [8–19]. paration between a polymer-rich and a polymer-poor phase provoked
Such systems may be produced in a one-step process using one sur- by the polymer desolvation induced by temperature, pH… A cross-
factant [10,11,20–23]. Although simple, this process does not offer linker may be added to rigidify the shell, vi) colloïdosomes [40] are
sufficient versatility and does not allow the control of the globule size. obtained through the sintering of particles adsorbed at the interface of a
Moreover, the inner and the outer oils are necessarily the same, which so called Pickering emulsion, that is to say a particle stabilized emul-
is not relevant for encapsulation. This is why we decided to use a two- sion, vii) interfacial polycondensation, widely used, is based on the
step process [8,9,15,16,18,19,24–27], very common for W/O/W double formation of an emulsion containing a hydrophobic monomer in its
emulsions. For W/O/W emulsions, first, water containing the hydro- dispersed lipophilic phase and a hydrophilic monomer in its continuous
philic drug (or the encapsulated hydrophilic species) is dispersed as aqueous phase. The two monomers can react at the interface forming a
small droplets in the oil containing a preferably lipophilic stabilizer, primary membrane that thickens during polymerization [41,42], viii)
then, this reverse emulsion is dispersed in water containing a hydro- suspension polymerization [43,44]. The monomer, the initiator and the
philic stabilizer [8,9]. As a consequence of the simultaneous presence of species to be encapsulated are solubilized in the oily dispersed phase of
a direct (oil-in-water) and a reverse (water-in-oil) emulsion, two kinds a direct emulsion containing the stabilizer. Polymerization is initiated
of stabilizers are required. In order to improve the stability of the water- and occurs in the oily phase. As the chain length increases, the polymer
in-oil emulsion, a water-soluble species like salt or glucose is added in becomes less soluble in the oily phase and precipitates at the interface
the innermost aqueous phase. An osmotic regulator is also added in the forming a shell, ix) emulsion polymerization is one of the most used
outermost aqueous phase [28]. Due to the numerous constituents, these encapsulation technique. A lipophilic monomer is progressively added
systems are often considered complex and their use as capsules are in an aqueous solution containing surfactant, at a concentration that
limited despite their large loading ability. Another difficulty comes can be chosen below its critical micellar concentration and an initiator.
from their preparation method: during the second emulsification step, This leads to the formation, under stirring, of monomer drops stabilized
fragmentation must be controlled in order to avoid destruction of the by the surfactant. After polymerization initiation, the oligomers in
first emulsion or a connection of the two (innermost and outer) com- formation become water insoluble and migrate into the monomer drops
partments that would lead to a dilution and immediate release of the in which nucleation occurred. The species to be encapsulated may be
encapsulated drug [9]. Also, their sensitivity towards the encapsulated directly added with the monomer or added after, so that it diffuses into
species is often a brake to their use. For a recent review about double the capsules.
emulsions in the domain of food, the reader can refer to [29]. Indeed, In the present work, we wish to elaborate fragrance capsules in
this paper is dedicated to a critical evaluation of the emulsification which the fragrance is not soluble in the polymerization locus. This is
preparation methods, the range of encapsulated components and the reason why we chose in a first step to formulate fragrance-in-water-
emulsion composition, the balancing of the osmotic pressure, the sta- in-perfumery oil emulsions in order to, later, polymerize the aqueous
bilization by increased viscosity or gelation…in the food domain con- intermediate phase. In this context, the aim of the present paper is the
sidering both W/O/W and O/W/O double emulsions. Among the lit- formulation of a fragrance-in-water-in-oil double emulsion able to be
erature on double emulsions, the majority concerns W/O/W emulsions used for different fragrances. Encapsulation of fragrance is a widely
while O/W/O are more scarce [19–21,24,25,30–33], and are usually spread first step in many applications like softeners, deodorants and so
devoted to food [19,24,25,31,32,33]. The most common HS in food are on. The studied fragrances were model systems composed of a variety of
the Tween 20 surfactant [26,30] and the Sodium Caseinate protein molecules with different functional groups that are commonly em-
[19,24,25,33] and the most common LS are Span 80 as for example in ployed in perfumery. Rather than just diluting the lipophilic fragrance
[32] and polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR) [19,24–26,30,33]. Ki- into an oily perfumery solvent, the proposed strategy is the en-
netic stability is often enhanced using gelation of the water phase as for capsulation of the fragrance in an emulsion. The choice of an O/W/O is
example with pectin [26,30] or at the interface. In the present case, the imposed by the polarities of the fragrance and the solvent. The ad-
application domains are cosmetics, laundry and detergency. In such vantage of these multiple emulsions is the presence of the intermediate
domains, the use of animal proteins as sodium caseinate originating water phase to slow down the leakage of the fragrance. In order to
from milk should be avoided. Also, in the present study, double emul- improve the stability of the water-in-oil emulsion, a water soluble
sions are only a first stage before polymerization of the intermediate species like salt or glucose is added in the intermediate aqueous phase
aqueous phase [34] so that a kinetic stability of few hours is large en- [26]. O/W/O systems are very rare in the literature compared to W/O/
ough. W emulsions. As described above, the two-step process has been chosen
Encapsulation may be achieved through very diverse processes and the use of a couple of antagonist surfactants is required. Therefore,
among which one can cite the following: i) layer-by-layer [35] de- a hydrophilic one has been selected to stabilize the direct emulsion and
position of alternate layers of polyelectrolytes of opposite charges onto a lipophilic one to stabilize the inverted emulsion containing the direct
a sacrificial particle that has to be removed. The fragrance filling occurs emulsion. To determine a possible composition, we adopted a pro-
after the capsule preparation, ii) spray drying [36] of an emulsion that gressive strategy by first seeking surfactants able to stabilize con-
solidifies the drops during drying iii) Spray-coating [37] allowing en- centrated simple emulsions (direct and reverse), authorized in cos-
capsulating continuously solid particles. Particles are fluidized and a metics and not dependent on pH to avoid restriction of possible uses.
coater is pulverized onto the particles. The coater is then solidified by Usually, the choice of the surfactant to stabilize an emulsion with al-
decreasing the temperature or by solvent evaporation, iv) solvent most equal volumes of both phases is based on its Hydrophilic

M. Stasse, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 592 (2020) 124564

Lipophilic Balance (HLB) [45] given by the provider. However, in the species is more soluble in octanol than in water or, in other words, it
present case, this is only an indication, since we targeted concentrated means that the species is lipophilic. Inversely, a negative LogP value is
emulsions with a much larger amount of dispersed phase compared to obtained for a hydrophilic species while LogP equals to zero means that
the continuous one (i.e. 90 wt% for the direct emulsion and 75 wt% for the molecule is equally soluble in water and in octanol. Perfumes are
the reverse emulsion). Such high dispersed phase volume fractions were mixtures of a large number of molecules, it is assumed that LogP of a
chosen to reach larger loadings of the capsules and a better control over mixture is given, with a good approximation [47], by the molar fraction
the drop sizes [46]. Therefore, we swept different available surfactants weighted average value. For both fragrances A and B, the values are
and tested their ability to stabilize the simple concentrated emulsions. positive meaning they are more soluble in octanol than in water. It is
In a second part of the present paper, we report the formulation of the also worth noticing that the fragrances have close LogP values (see
double emulsions where we varied the compositions in dispersed phase Table 3).
and hydrophilic surfactant (in the intermediate phase) concentrations
for the two model fragrances. This led us to plot stability or feasibility
2.2. Emulsion size characterization
diagrams, based on macroscopic and optical microscopy observations of
the systems. From these diagrams, we selected a composition common
The emulsions size distributions were measured using static light
to the two fragrances and tested its robustness against a third fragrance.
scattering by means of a Malvern Mastersizer MS2000 granulometer.
Finally, the encapsulation rate of the selected system of double emul-
For the simple emulsion, the measured scattered intensity as a
sion was assessed using gas chromatography.
function of the angle was transformed into the size distribution using
the Mie theory. Reverse emulsions were diluted with IPM prior to
2. Materials and methods measurement. The refractive index of the dispersed water phase was
taken equal to 1.333 as no significant difference has been detected for
2.1. Chemicals the brine (0.1 M NaCl) compared to pure water. The refractive index of
the continuous IPM oil was taken equal to 1.434. For the direct emul-
All the reagents were used without further purification. The tested sion, the refractive indices of fragrances A and B were 1.454 and 1.475
lipophilic surfactants (LS) were polyglycerol polyricinoleate (PGPR) respectively. All the refractive indices have been measured using an
with a molar mass of 3000 g.mol−1 (HLB = 1.5) graciously provided by Abbé refractometer.
Paalsgard and Span80 (molar mass around 420 g.mol-1, HLB = 4.3) For the multiple emulsions, as oily globules were themselves com-
purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. The selected hydrophilic surfactants posed of water droplets, they were not optically homogeneous; we then
(HS) were Tween 60 (molar mass around 1310 g.mol−1, HLB = 14.9), considered that the Mie theory was not adapted. To avoid this diffi-
Tween 20 (molar mass around 1220 g.mol−1, HLB = 16) and Tergitol culty, we chose to use the simplified Fraunhofer theory where the
15-S-12 (molar mass around 760 g.mol−1 and HLB = 14.5). All these principles of geometrical optics apply and the drops are approximated
HS were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. The external oil was isopropyl by opaque discs. This approximation is usually valid for drops larger
myristate (IPM, density equal to 0.850 g.mL-1) chosen because it is than, or of the order of, 10 μm. However Nollet et al. [9] showed that it
widely used in perfumery. It was provided by Takasago Europe can also be applied down to 5 μm with a correct determination of the
Perfumery Laboratory (T.E.P.L). Two different fragrances, hereafter mean drop size even if the drops size distribution is misestimated.
named A and B and composed of 10 and 13 molecules respectively, In all cases, we checked by optical microscopy that the drop size was
have been specially assembled by T.E.P.L. Their composition is detailed not altered by the dilution required for static light scattering mea-
in Tables 1 and 2 and their main global characteristics are summed up surements.
in Table 3. Sodium Chloride (NaCl, molar mass 58.44 g.mol−1), in- For all types of emulsions, the volume-average diameter D [4,3] and
corporated in the water phase to increase the reverse emulsion stability the polydispersity index U were determined, they are defined as fol-
was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Milli-Q water was used in all lowing:
emulsions preparation.
LogP, widely used in perfumery and in pharmacy to describe the i
Ni D4i 1 i
Ni D3i |Dm Di |
D[4, 3] = U=
molecules’ polarity, is defined as: N D3 Dm N D3 (2)
i i i i i i
LogP= Log( octanol ) where Ni is the total number of droplets with diameter Di. Dm is the
C water (1)
median diameter, i.e., the diameter for which the cumulative under-
where P is the partition coefficient, Coctanol and Cwater the respective sized volume fraction is equal to 50 %. The polydispersity index U is
concentrations of the species in octanol and water. Log P is an indica- therefore the volume average difference with the median diameter
tion of the relative solubility of the molecule in water and in octanol. normalized by the median diameter. It is an indicator of the drops size
Indeed, a positive and high value of LogP means that the considered distribution width. Both D [4,3] and U were directly given by the

Table 1
Composition of fragrance A in wt%.
Perfumery name Chemical name wt % Molecular Weight (g/mol) LogP* Tb** (°C)

ALDEHYDE C12 LAURIC Dodecanal 5 184.32 5.07 257

TH LINALOOL 3,7-dimethyloctan-3-ol 15 158.28 3.52 155
HEDIONE methyl 2-(3-oxo-2-pentylcyclopentyl)acetate 20 226.32 2.91 110 (0.2 mmHg)
METHYL HEXYL KETONE 2-Octanone 10 128.22 2.44 173
BOISAMBRENE Ethoxymethyl-cyclododecyl ether 5 242.40 5.48 94 (1 mmHg)
DIMETHYL ANTHRANILATE Methyl N-methylanthranilate 5 165,19 2.66 256
DECALACTONE 5-Hexyloxolan-2-one 10 170,25 2.36 270
CLONAL Dodecane nitrile 5 181.32 4.90 277
EUCALYPTOL 1,3,3-triméthyl-2-oxabicyclo [2,2,2]octane 5 154.25 2.91 176
ISO BORNYL ACETATE 1,7,7-Trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-yl acetate 20 196.29 4.04 225

* LogP corresponds to the relative solubility in water and octanol and is defined by Eq. 1.
** Tb is the boiling temperature taken at 760 mmHg, otherwise specified.

M. Stasse, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 592 (2020) 124564

Table 2
Composition of fragrance B in wt%.
Perfumery name Chemical name wt % Molecular Weight (g/mol) LogP Tb (°C)

HEXENYL ACETATE CIS 3 cis-3-Hexenyl acetate 5 142.20 2.34 167

TRIPLAL 2,4-dimethylcyclohex-3-ene-1-carbaldehyde 5 138.21 2.36 196
EUGENOL 2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)-phenol 5 164.20 2.40 254
CYCLACET Tricyclododecenyl Acetate 10 192.26 2.88 295
CITRAL 3,7-dimethylocta-2,6-dienal 5 152.24 2.95 229
CITRONELLOL 950 3,7-Dimethyloct-6-en-1-ol 5 156.27 3.25 225
ALLYL HEPTANOATE prop-2-enyl heptanoate 5 170.25 3.60 210
DAMASCONE DELTA 1-(2,6,6-trimethyl-1-cyclohex-3-enyl)but-2-en-1-one 2 192.30 3.62 256
IONONE BETA 4-(2,6,6-trimethyl-1-cyclohexene-1-yl)-3-butene-2-one 5 192.30 3.71 259.5
ALDEHYDE C11 UNDECYLENIC 10-undecenal 5 168.28 4.05 223
VERDOX (2-tert-butylcyclohexyl) acetate 38 198.31 4.06 221
ISORALDEINE 70 1-(2,6,6-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-yl)penten-3-one 5 206.33 4.23 285
HEXYL CINN ALD 2-Benzylideneoctanal 5 216.32 5.00 318

Table 3 with the protocol described in the 2.3.1 section. However, in order to
Properties of both fragrances. expand the concentration range of HS in the intermediate aqueous
Fragrance A Fragrance B phase, the concentration of HS used for the stabilization of the direct
emulsion was varied from 10 wt% to 30 wt% with respect to the direct
LogP 3.38 3.52 emulsion aqueous phase (corresponding to 1 wt% to 3 wt% with respect
Refractive index 1.454 1.475
to the total fragrance-in-water emulsion). This direct emulsion was
Density (g/cm3) 0.869 0.887
Interfacial tension against water (mN. m−1) 21.8 34.6
sheared and the highest achievable rate (∼14 000 s−1). In a second
step, the direct emulsion described just above and composed of either
fragrance A or fragrance B was diluted with salted water (0.1 M NaCl)
Malvern Mastersizer software. and served as the dispersed phase of the reverse emulsion. The direct
emulsion was diluted by a factor ranging from 1.5 to 18 according to
2.3. Emulsion preparation the targeted fraction of inner droplets Φd (corresponding to a droplets
fraction varying from 5 to 60 % with respect to globule volume).
2.3.1. Simple direct emulsion Moreover, the aqueous solution used for dilution could contain HS. This
All the direct emulsions were prepared following the same proce- dilution procedure allowed controlling both the fragrance droplet
dure. First, a concentrated polydisperse emulsion was obtained by fraction Φd, defined as the ratio of the encapsulated droplets’ volume to
manually incorporating the chosen A or B fragrance (90 wt% with re- the globule volume, and the final hydrophilic surfactant concentration
spect to total emulsion weight) into an aqueous phase composed of with respect to water. This diluted direct emulsion was then progres-
salted water (0.1 M of NaCl) and HS at 30 wt% with respect to the water sively and manually incorporated into the oil phase containing IPM and
phase (in other words, for 100 g of a direct emulsion, the composition is 10 wt% of LS using a spatula. The amount of incorporated direct
the following: 90 g of fragrance dispersed in an aqueous phase com- emulsion determines the globule volume fraction ΦG defined as the
posed of 0.04 g of NaCl, 3 g of HS and 6.96 g of H2O). This crude pre- ratio of globules’ volume to total sample volume.
mixed emulsion was then sheared in a Couette cell (commercialized by To sum-up the emulsions compositions are listed in Table 4 for
Ademtech) composed of two concentric cylinders spaced by a 100 μm 100 g of emulsion.
gap. The inner cylinder of radius Ri = 20 mm rotated with a speed of
680 rpm while the outer cylinder was static, leading to an applied shear
rate of 14 280 s−1. If the conditions are fulfilled for a Rayleigh in- 2.4. Double emulsion encapsulation rate determination
stability to develop, quasi-monodisperse emulsions can be obtained
[22]. An average droplets size close to 1 μm was aimed at, in order to be The encapsulation rate, defined as the amount of encapsulated
encapsulated in a second step. In the following, the drops of the direct species to total species ratio, was deduced from the measurement of the
emulsion will be named droplets. non-encapsulated fragrance (fragrance in IPM):

2.3.2. Simple reverse emulsions

All the inverted emulsions were prepared following the same pro-
Table 4
cedure. First, a polydisperse emulsion was obtained by manually in- Composition of the various emulsions. The double emulsion was obtained by
corporating 75 wt% of 0.1 M NaCl brine in IPM containing 10 wt% of LS incorporation into the continuous phase of the simple direct emulsion after
with respect to the oil phase (for 100 g of reverse emulsion the com- dilution at various rates.
position was therefore as following: 75 g of aqueous solution containing
Simple direct O/W Dispersed phase: Continuous phase:
74.56 g of H2O and 0.44 g of NaCl and 25 g of the oily phase composed emulsion, Fragrance A or B 0.04 g NaCl
of 22.5 g of IPM and 2.5 g of LS). The crude emulsion was then sheared 90 g 3 g HS
with the same Couette cell using stators with a gap of 100 or 200 μm. 6.96 g H2O
The speed has been varied to determine the most appropriate one as a Simple reverse W/ Dispersed phase: Continuous phase:
O emulsion 0.44 g NaCl 22.5 g IPM
function of the surfactant. The drops of inverted emulsions will be
74.56 g H2O 2.5 g LS
named globules in the following. In order to be able to encapsulate the Double O/W/O Innermost Intermediate phase: Continuous
direct emulsion droplets, the targeted globule size was around 15 μm. emulsion phase: phase:
Fragrance A NaCl brine 0.1 M with HS 22.5 g IPM
or B at various concentrations 2.5 g LS
2.3.3. double emulsions
3.5–45 g
Multiple oil-in-water-in-oil emulsions were prepared following a 30 g to 71.5 g
classical two-step procedure [3,4]. First, a direct emulsion was prepared

M. Stasse, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 592 (2020) 124564

mass of encapsulated fragrance fragrances. The resistance of the double emulsion formulation to a
total mass of fragrance change in the fragrance has also been tested by using a third fragrance
total mass of fragrance mass of fragrance in IPM named C made of 12 molecules (see Supporting Information S2 for its
total mass of fragrance (3) composition). By this progressive strategy, we think that we determined
the best composition in terms of homogeneity of the globules and
For this aim, the emulsion was centrifuged at 1500 rpm during droplet sizes and in term of droplets encapsulation in the globules. The
25 min to induce separation of the continuous phase from the emulsion homogeneity of the globules and droplet sizes were appraised by optical
without double emulsion rupture. The continuous phase was recovered, microscopy. Finally, the encapsulation rate of the double emulsion was
filtrated and diluted up to 5 wt% in ethanol. This phase was analyzed measured for the “optimized” system by gas chromatography.
with a gas chromatograph (Agilent GC 7890B) equipped with flame
ionization detector (FID) coupled with Mass spectrometer 5977A (MS),
3.1. Formulation of the direct emulsion
a split/splitless injector (1:40 split ratio) and a data system (Enhanced
ChemStation MSD Chemstation). The detector and injector tempera-
Among all the hydrophilic surfactants initially selected on the basis
tures were set at 250 °C. A 30 m × 250 μm internal diameter capillary
of their HLB, only three were maintained for their ability to stabilize
column coated with 5 %-phenyl poly(methylsiloxane) (0.250 μm film
concentrated direct emulsions with at least one of the two fragrances:
thickness) (HP-5) was used. The oven temperature was programmed
Tween 60, Tween 20 and Tergitol 15-S-12. For each surfactant, a crude
from 50 °C (2 min) to 280 °C (5 min) at 10 °C/min. Two microliters of
concentrated direct (90 wt% of dispersed phase) emulsion was ob-
the sample were injected. Fragrance molecules are identified with MS
tained. Then this emulsion was sheared in the Couette cell at the
and quantified according to an external calibration with different so-
maximum accessible shearing rate (14 280 s−1) in order to get the
lutions of fragrance in ethanol on FID.
smallest droplet sizes. The size distribution was determined by static
light scattering using Mie theory. Their characteristics, defined by Eq.
2.5. Interfacial tension measurement 2, are reported in Table 5.
The droplet size distributions measured by static light scattering are
The interfacial tensions were measured with the weighing drop reported in Fig. 1 for Tween 20 and Tergitol 15-S-12. Representative
method. This technique consisted in shaping a drop of the heaviest pictures obtained by optical microscopy are reported in Supporting
phase at the end of a straight needle immersed in the lighter phase in a Information S3. Due to their small sizes, the droplets are hardly visible,
beaker. The volume of the drop was slowly increased. When the weight especially with Tergitol 15-S-12.
of the drop became larger than the capillary forces that maintained the The impossibility to formulate the direct emulsion for fragrance A
drop at the end of the needle, the drop detached. The beaker was placed with Tween 60 can be noticed. Indeed, as soon as 10 wt% of fragrance
on a precision balance. When the drop detached, its precise weight was were incorporated, large and unstable drops were visible by naked eye.
measured, and its volume could be deduced. The operation was re- With the same surfactant, Tween 60, emulsions are obtained with fra-
peated 10 times. Just before detachment, the capillary force and the grance B. As can be seen in Table 3, the interfacial tension between
drop force are equal so that the following equation applied: fragrance A and water is much lower than between fragrance B and
m water. As both fragrances exhibit similar LogP values, we think that this
2 rf = g
(4) could possibly indicate the ability of some fragrance molecules to ad-
sorb at the interface during the emulsification of fragrance A, inter-
where r is the radius of the needle (r = 0.3 mm), f is a corrective factor fering with the adsorption of Tween 60. This phenomenon was not
reflecting the complexity of the shape of the drop when it detached, m observed with Tween 20 that differs only by about one unit in HLB
its mass, ρ the drop density, the density difference between the two (14.9 and 16 for Tween 60 and Tween 20 respectively). As the targeted
liquids and g the gravity acceleration taken equal to 9.81 m.s−2. The globule size is 15 μm, the required size for the direct emulsion to be
corrective f factor is given in Supporting Information S1). encapsulated is of the order of 1 μm. As the same formula should be
feasible with both fragrances, Tween 60 was not adapted to prepare
3. Results and discussion double fragrance/W/O emulsions.
In order to get better insight into the understanding of the observed
The first step to formulate oil-in-water-in-oil double emulsions was phenomenon, and check if our hypothesis might be correct, we carried
the selection of the two antagonistic, the hydrophilic and the lipophilic, out interfacial measurements, by the weighing drop method, between
stabilizers. A first criterion was their theoretical ability to stabilize ei- air and water in presence of the surfactant (7.5 wt% well above the
ther direct emulsions (for the hydrophilic one) or reverse emulsions (for critical micellar concentration where it is independent of surfactant
the lipophilic one) so we focused on the Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance concentration). It is equal to 39.1, 43.8 and 32.6 for Tween 20, Tween
(HLB) that should be lower than 7 for the lipophilic one and larger than 60 and Tergitol 15-S-12 respectively. Note that for emulsification one
8 for the hydrophilic one. To avoid sensitivity toward pH, we ruled out should consider the interfacial tension between fragrances and the
all surfactants bearing amine, acid and other pH-sensitive groups. We aqueous phases so that the same experiments were carried out between
also chose to privilege stabilizers inducing steric repulsions rather than fragrance B and water in presence of the same amount of surfactant.
electrostatic ones. A very important criterion was their acceptance in The interfacial tension is equal to 5.5, 11.3 and 2.5 for Tween 20,
cosmetic applications (meaning that they were not harmful, carcino- Tween 60 and Tergitol 15-S-12 respectively. These values can be faced
genic, mutagenic or reprotoxic CMR). After this first selection, for-
mulations of simple, direct and reverse emulsions were studied. The Table 5
second step of the work consisted in formulating double emulsions. Due Droplet size distribution characteristics D [4,3] and U (defined by Eq 2) as a
to the presence of the two antagonist surfactants, the formulation could function of surfactant and fragrance.
be something tricky and different for each couple of hydrophilic sur- Fragrance A Fragrance B
factant (HS)/lipophilic surfactant (LS). Thus, we varied the quantity of
the droplets inside the globules and the amount of HS (by controlled D [4,3] (μm) U (%) D [4,3] (μm) U (%)
dilution of the direct emulsion previously to incorporation in the oily
Tween 20 1.8 64.4 1.1 30.9
continuous phase) and defined the droplet volume fraction Φd as the
Tween 60 unstable 1.4 28.1
ratio of the encapsulated droplets’ volume to the globule volume. The Tergitol 15-S-12 0.7 28.0 0.8 28.0
study of the direct and double emulsions was carried out for both

M. Stasse, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 592 (2020) 124564

Fig. 1. Drop size distributions measured by static light scattering of the direct emulsions formulated with Tween20 (top) or Tergitol 15-S-12 (bottom). The dispersed
phase is fragrance A (left) and fragrance B (right). Micrographs of the corresponding emulsions are reported in Supporting Information S3.

to the droplets size (Fig. 2). As put into evidence by Fig. 2, the resulting magnitude, so that interfacial tension alone is not a determining para-
droplet size depends linearly on the interfacial tension. meter.
Such a plot seems indicating that, as expected, the drop size depends As a conclusion, the two surfactants Tween20 and Tergitol 15-S-12
linearly on the interfacial tension in agreement with the definition of lead to satisfactory emulsions for both fragrances so that these two
the critical capillary number Ca= 2 where σ is the applied stress, d the
surfactants have been selected for the rest of the study.
obtained drop size and γ the interfacial tension [46]. This helps un-
derstanding the obtained sizes for the three surfactants but it does not
explain the impossibility to emulsify fragrance A with Tween 60. Indeed 3.2. Formulation of reverse emulsion
the interfacial tension between fragrance A and an aqueous phase
containing Tween 60 is equal to 8.9 mN/m to be compared with 11.3 A similar work has been done for lipophilic surfactants to stabilize
for fragrance B. The interfacial tension for fragrance A is lower than for the reverse brine-in-IPM emulsions. However, lipophilic surfactants
fragrance B as it was already the case for the fragrance/water interface (LS) are less numerous and after a first selection, we only considered
(see Table 3). Nevertheless, they remain of the same order of two: Span 80 and PGPR. Crude emulsions were first prepared by

Fig. 3. Evolution of the globule volume-average diameter as function of the

applied shear rate for both LS: full squares PGPR and empty triangles Span 80.
Fig. 2. Obtained droplet size D [4,3] with fragrance B as a function of the air/
The error bars represent the polydispersity U of the emulsion and the targeted
water containing surfactant interfacial tension (full circles) and as a function of
15 μm size is made visible by the dashed line. Examples of drop size distribu-
the fragrance B/water containing surfactant interfacial tension (full squares).
tions with PGPR and Span 80 are reported in Supporting Information S4.

M. Stasse, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 592 (2020) 124564

Fig. 4. a) Observation by optical microscopy of

two reverse emulsions obtained with 10 wt% of
PGPR after shearing at 525 s−1 (left) and 3150
s−1 (right) and b) corresponding drop size
distributions measured by static light scat-
tering. The volume-average diameter and
polydispersity are D [4,3] = 30.7 μm and
U = 43.9 % (left) and D [4,3] = 9.5 μm and
U = 35.5 % (right).

manually incorporating the aqueous phase in the IPM oil containing two possible couples for the formulation of the double emulsion were
10 wt% of LS. After that, the premixed emulsion was sheared with a selected: PGPR with Tween 20 and PGPR with Tergitol 15-S-12 and two
Couette Cell at various shear rates in order to determine the process fragrances. For clarity reasons, the systems will be referred as HS/LS/
conditions to reach 15 μm sized globules. As can be observed from fragrance.
Fig. 3, where the globule size is plotted as a function of the shear rate
for each LS, the size of the globules decreases steeply when the shear
3.3.1. Study of the Tween 20/PGPR/fragrance A or fragrance B system
rate is increased. The distributions become also narrower as deduced
To vary the HS surfactant concentrations in the intermediate aqu-
from the polydispersity index decrease. This phenomenon is similar to
eous phase as well as the amount of fragrance, beginning with a direct
the one observed in direct emulsions and has been explained by the
emulsion composed of 90 wt% of fragrance and 10 wt% to 30 wt% of HS
development of a Rayleigh instability under shear [46]. Example of two
with respect to the aqueous phase, dilutions have been applied. The
emulsions are given in Fig. 4. The high polydispersity at low shear rates
dilution can be done either with pure water or with an aqueous phase
is evidenced by the presence of smaller droplets as can be seen on both
containing the same HS. This direct emulsion was then dispersed in the
the micrograph and the drop size distribution on the left of Fig. 4a and
outer IPM phase containing the LS. Due to the numerous experiments to
b. It can also be noticed that small droplets surround the larger ones as
carry out and time consumed by using the Couette cell, the second
the van der Waals interaction is larger between a small drop and a large
emulsification, that is to say the incorporation of the direct emulsion
drop than between two large drops. This is commonly observed in
into the IPM, was manually operated (the second shearing with the
polydisperse emulsions. It is worth noticing that from the micrograph
Couette cell has been skipped). Moreover, the obtained sizes were
the small drops seem very numerous while from the drop size dis-
adequate and a better monodispersity was not targeted. In addition, for
tribution it can be concluded than they represent about 5 % of the
application reducing the number of stages is always beneficial. Once
volume (Fig. 4b left).
obtained, the double emulsions were observed by means of an optical
From Fig. 3, it can be observed that the targeted globule size of
microscope. Several morphologies could be seen. Either the obtained
15 μm is accessible with both stabilizers applying a shear rate of 520
emulsion was indeed double or it turned out to be simple. In many
s−1 for the Span 80 and 1560 s−1 for PGPR.
cases, observation was not sharply defined, a coexistence between
Once prepared, to further break the globules, a shear rate larger
double or simple drops was seen. Then, the dominant behavior was
than the one used for the emulsion preparation is required. This means
reported. In some other cases, no emulsion at all could be obtained. All
that an emulsion prepared at a high shear rate is less sensitive to stirring
the results are reported in Fig. 5 in the form of diagrams. Despite the
during use than an equivalent emulsion obtained with an initially lower
fact that these observations are qualitative, they are reproducible.
shear rate. For this reason, we chose the 15 μm-sized reverse emulsion
The limit of dilution of the direct emulsion ( ) represents the
obtained at 1560 s−1 with PGPR for the following.
limit of accessible HS concentration that depends on the minimal
concentration possible for the stabilization of the direct concentrated
3.3. Formulation of the double emulsion emulsion. Indeed, in the case of Tween 20/PGPR/Fragrance B, the di-
rect emulsion could be prepared with HS concentration from 10 wt% to
After this first step, that allowed determining adequate surfactants, 30 wt%. As an example, to obtain a system at ϕd =30 wt% and %HS

M. Stasse, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 592 (2020) 124564

Fig. 5. Feasibility diagrams of double emulsions stabilized by 10 wt% of PGPR

and various amounts of Tween 20 (x-axis). The inner fragrance droplet volume
fraction in the globules Φd has also been varied. Top for fragrance A and bottom
for fragrance B. Fig. 6. Multiple emulsions for A) fragrance A with Φd = 20 wt% and 10 wt% of
Very few multiple droplets, Few multiple droplets in coexistence with Tween 20, B) fragrance B with ϕd = 45 wt% and 5 wt% of Tween 20 and C)
simple ones, Multiple droplets with few simple ones, Multiple emulsions, aspect of the double emulsion corresponding to the micrograph B.
Multiple droplets (without fragrance), Reverse emulsion Limit of
dilution for the direct emulsion Area not accessible for this system of double reverse emulsions. Indeed, coexistence has already been observed in
emulsion. zones of formulation-composition maps where there is a conflict on the
type of emulsions [48–50].
=7.5 wt%, a direct emulsion at 90 wt% of droplets stabilized by 20 wt In order to get better insight into the reason of such a difficulty to
% of Tween20 was diluted three times with water containing 0.83 wt% get double emulsions, we measured the interfacial tension between the
of HS. aqueous phase containing various concentrations of Tween 20 and the
The line at 0 wt% of droplets fraction (x-axis) corresponds to oil phase: IPM containing PGPR (Fig. 7) without fragrance (corre-
emulsions prepared with an aqueous phase (0.1 M NaCl) containing sponding to the x-axis of Fig. 5).
different concentrations of Tween 20 dispersed and an oil phase com- A sharp decrease of interfacial tension can be observed in presence
posed of IPM and 10 % of PGPR. This line without fragrance (ϕd = 0) of Tween 20. Such a high interaction between the two surfactants likely
allows evidencing interaction between the two surfactants. Indeed, two explains the difficulty to stabilize multiple emulsions. Moreover it can
different behaviors can be observed. Until 5 wt% of Tween 20, the be noticed that the resulting interfacial tensions are very low in pre-
obtained emulsions are simple reverse emulsions, showing that PGPR sence of Tween 20 (< 1 mN/m). This very low interfacial tension favors
dominates the emulsion type. Above 5 wt% of Tween 20, multiple the formation of an IPM-in water-in IPM emulsion (inner and outer oils
emulsions can be observed (see the micrographs in Supporting in- are identical) in a one-step process. However, we think that a low in-
formation S5 for 1 and 10 wt% of Tween 20), showing the competition terfacial tension is not appropriate when the two oils are different, that
of the two surfactants. is to say when ϕd > 0. Indeed, it is our understanding that the direct
Several behaviors are visible on the “diagrams”. It is worth noticing fragrance-in-water emulsion should be resistant during its incorpora-
that we could not find any composition where only double globules tion into the IPM oil. It is known, in enhanced oil recovery, that low
could be observed, the samples were always “polluted” by the coex- interfacial values are detrimental for the stability of emulsions and
istence with empty globules. Moreover, only small areas of composi- systems leading to very low interfacial tension were sought after for this
tions allowed obtaining multiple emulsions (Fig. 6) and the domains reason [51–55].
even almost vanished for fragrance B.
The main area of the diagrams corresponds to compositions where 3.3.2. Study of the PGPR/tergitol 15-S-12/fragrance A or B system
multiple globules coexist with a high number of simple globules or The other hydrophilic surfactant still under consideration was
where only simple globules are visible. The fact that there exist no Tergitol 15-S-12, with the same lipophilic surfactant (PGPR at 10 wt%
common zone where only double emulsions could be observed, that is with respect to IPM oil). Again, “feasibility diagrams” have been es-
to say globules filled with fragrance droplets, indicate that the mixture tablished. They are reported on Fig. 8.
of surfactant PGPR/Tween 20 is not efficient in stabilizing direct and Compared to the system with Tween 20, less compositions are

M. Stasse, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 592 (2020) 124564

Fig. 7. Evolution of the interfacial tension between the aqueous phase containing Tween 20 or not and the IMP oil phase containing PGPR.

Some rules can be deduced from these diagrams. The higher the
droplet fraction is, the more multiple globules are observed up to a
limiting concentration of 50 wt%. Also, the lower the amount of hy-
drophilic surfactant in the aqueous phase is, the larger proportion of
multiple globules (globules containing small droplets) are observed.
Thus, a balance has to be found in terms of homogeneous filling and
globule size, and the best composition we have identified is 20 wt% of
fragrance droplets and 7.5 wt% of Tergitol 15-S-2. In order to test the
resistance of this formula with respect to the fragrance variability, a
third fragrance C has been tested, and identically a double emulsion
could be obtained (see supporting Information S6). The further goal
was to polymerize the intermediate aqueous phase. This requires the
introduction of monomers into the aqueous phase. Again, the for-
mulation was very resistant to addition of various monomers, cross-
linkers and initiators, showing that the proposed formulation is not
specific and therefore is of special interest [34].
As polymerization of the aqueous intermediate phase is targeted,
the time stability of the double emulsions is not an issue, only a few
hours stability was required. Nevertheless, the kinetic stability of some
emulsions containing fragrance B was studied over a period of several
days. The emulsions were observed by optical microscopy after several
days and micrographs are reported in Fig. 10 and compared with the
initial emulsion (Fig. 9) to determine whether destabilization occurred.
From the comparison between Figs. 9 and 10, different observations
can be made. First, all the emulsions remained double and are still
composed of multiple globules only, so that no catastrophic and mas-
sive destabilization occurred over this period. It is worth noticing that
we did not observe any macroscopic phase separation over a period
Fig. 8. Feasibility diagrams of doubles emulsions stabilized by 10 wt% of PGPR
larger than two weeks. Secondly, the emulsion with ϕd = 20 wt% 7.5 wt
and various amount of both Tergitol 15-S-12 and inner fragrance droplet vo- % has evolved in 3 days while the other emulsions are more identical to
lume fraction in the globules ϕd. Top for fragrance A and bottom for fragrance the initial ones. Globules contained less droplets but they are larger
B. Very few multiple droplets Few multiple droplets in coexistence with (Fig. 10a). This means that coalescence between inner droplets oc-
simple one Only multiple droplets Multiple droplets with few simple one curred at this time scale, a phenomenon already described by Pays et al.
Multiple droplets (without fragrance) Limit of dilution for the direct [56] and coalescence between globules also occurred. Note that these
emulsion Area not accessible for our system of double emulsion. phenomena do not change the encapsulation rate it only modifies the
size of the compartments. It can also be seen that massive coalescence
accessible by dilution because the minimal concentration needed to between droplets and globule, a mechanism described earlier
stabilize the direct emulsion was higher. Thus, the dilution maximum [18,56–58] and detrimental for fragrance encapsulation, neither oc-
leads to higher HS surfactant. However, more compositions allow ob- curred. As a conclusion, despite some coalescence events, the multiple
taining only or a majority of multiple globules (dark and light green emulsions remained stable for at least 3 days. This delay was sufficient
symbols respectively in Fig. 8). It is also noticeable that the diagrams in the present case, as our goal was to formulate double emulsions, a
with both fragrances look very similar. It seems that Tergitol 15-S-12 is first step before incorporating monomers and polymerizing the inter-
less sensitive to the fragrance. From the diagrams, it can also be con- mediate phase [34]. Note that the stability of double emulsion against
cluded that theoretical encapsulations from 15 wt% (ϕd = 20 %) to encapsulation may vary over a very large range of time depending on
about 34 wt% ( ϕd= 45 wt%) of fragrance are accessible. the used stabilizers. Kinetic stability is increased by replacing at least

M. Stasse, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 592 (2020) 124564

Fig. 9. Optical microscopy pictures of the dif-

ferent double emulsions with fragrance A (top
a to c) and B (bottom d to f). In all cases,
PGPR = 10 wt%, globule fraction 75 wt% var-
ious amounts of fragrance ϕd and Tergitol 15-S-
12 (a) ϕd = 20 wt% and HS = 15 wt%, (b) ϕd
=30 wt% and HS = 10 wt%, (c) ϕd =30 wt%
and HS = 15 wt%, (d) ϕd = 20 wt% and HS
=7.5 wt%, (e) ϕd =30 wt% and HS = 15 wt%,
(f) ϕd = 45 wt% and HS = 20 wt%.

Fig. 10. Observation by optical microscopy of the different systems at different times (a) ϕd = 20 wt% and %HS =7.5 wt% after 3 days, (b) ϕd =30 wt% and
HS = 15 wt% after 4 days and (c) ϕd = 45 wt% and HS = 20 wt% after 10 days.

one of the surfactant by a protein, a polysaccharide, fat crystals, par- column) and compared to the initial fragrance. It can be observed that
ticles… that do not desorb and exchange as easily as surfactants. In the there is no detectable difference between the initial fragrance and the
present paper kinetic stability was not a goal as double emulsion were encapsulated fragrance (comparison between the seventh and ninth
thought as an intermediate towards capsules. column).

3.4. Encapsulation efficiency 4. Conclusion

The encapsulation rate ε of the double emulsion composed of 75 wt The aim of this paper was to determine a unique formulation of
% of globules in IPM containing 10 wt% of PGPR with respect to the oil fragrance-in-water-in-oil double emulsion able to encapsulate large
phase and 20 wt% of fragrance B in the globules and 7.5 wt% of Tergitol amounts of fragrance and that resists to fragrance modifications so that
15-S-2 with respect to the intermediate aqueous phase has been mea- all the formulation work has not to be started again when considering
sured by GC-FID chromatography, immediately after preparation. another fragrance. The considered model fragrances were composed of
Possibly the capsules can contain up to 15 wt% of fragrance with re- a large number of molecules representative of the ones usually em-
spect to the total sample. The GC results showed that the IPM phase ployed in industry. As the fragrance is usually lipophilic and the
diluted at 5 % by weight in ethanol contains 0.0315 % of fragrance (see emulsion has to be dispersible in a perfumery solvent, the strategy is to
Table 6). It means 0.63 % of fragrance in IPM phase. 0.63*0,25/ formulate O/W/O emulsions that are not much described in literature
0,15 = 1.05 % of the fragrance was not encapsulated in the double (especially in domains others than food). The role of the intermediate
emulsion but was solubilized in the outer IPM phase. In other words, aqueous phase is to create a barrier for the diffusion of fragrance. To
the initial encapsulation rate is as high as 98.95 %. GC experiments obtain such double emulsions, two antagonist surfactants have to be
allow a deeper analysis of the fragrance composition (Table 6). The chosen: the hydrophilic one for the formulation of the direct (fragrance-
proportion of each molecule composing the fragrance contained in the in-water) emulsion and the lipophilic one for the stabilization of the
IPM phase is given in the eighth column and can be compared to the globules of inverted emulsion. After sweeping various non ionic stabi-
proportion of the initial fragrance, reminded in the seventh column. lizers, PGPR has been selected for the reverse emulsion and Tergitol 15-
Molecules with the largest deviation are noted in bold. No clear cor- S-2 has been selected for the direct emulsions. By varying the compo-
relation can be evidenced between these molecules and their hydro- sition, we could draw “feasibility diagrams” useful to select the optimal
philicity/lipophilicity through its Log P value. Only 1.05 % of the initial composition: 75 wt% of globules in IPM containing 10 wt% of PGPR
fragrance amount has not been encapsulated and is solubilized in the with respect to the oil phase, 20 wt% of fragrance in the globules and
outer IPM. Assuming the amount preservation of each molecule the 7.5 wt% of Tergitol 15-S-2 in water. This optimal composition is
composition of the encapsulated fragrance can be deduced (last summed up in Table 7 for an easier overview.

M. Stasse, et al.

Table 6
Dosage of the non-encapsulated fragrance molecules from fragrance B in the continuous IPM phase (dilution at 5 %w/w in ethanol): main peaks detected by GC-MS.
Retention Attribution Isomer Proportion of each peak Proportion of each Concentration of the Proportion of the Proportion of the Proportion of the
time (min) area in the case of the peak area in the case of fragrance molecule(s) in molecule in the molecule in the molecule in the
isomers in the fragrance the isomers in the the diluted sample (10−3 original fragrance fragrance in IPM (wt encapsulated fragrance
(%) sample (%) %) (wt%) %) (wt%)

7.23 cis-3-Hexenyl acetate / / / 1.1 5 3.5 5.0

8.44 2,4-dimethylcyclohex-3- (E)-isomer 51 51 2.3 5 7.3 5.0
8.88 ene-1-carbaldehyde (Z)-isomer 49 49
9.98 prop-2-enyl heptanoate / / / 1.2 5 3.8 5.0
10.71 3,7-dimethyloct-6-en-1-ol / / / 2.9 5 9.3 5.0
10.91 3,7-dimethyl-2,6-Octadienal (Z)-isomer: neral 34 68 2.1 5 6.7 5.0
11.33 (E)-isomer: geranial 66 32
11.71 (2-tert-butylcyclohexyl) cis-isomer 88 49 11.2 43 35.6 43.1
acetate + 10-undecenala
11.99 (2-tert-butylcyclohexyl) Trans-isomer 12 51
12.58 2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)- / / / 2 5 6.3 5.0
12.82 1-(2,6,6-trimethyl-1- / / / 0,5 2 1.5 2.00

13.45 Tricyclododecenyl Acetate / / / 3.4 10 10.7 10.0
14.19 Methyl ionone (mixture of (3E)-3-methyl-4-(2,6,6- 63 23 1.2 5 3.8 5.0
isomers) trimethylcyclohex-2-en-1-yl)but-
3-en-2-one (Methyl ionone
14.45 (3E)-3-methyl-4-(2,6,6- 6 23
3-en-2-one (Methyl ionone delta)
14.66 (1E)-1-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex- 21 30
(Methyl ionone alpha)
15.37 (1E)-1-(2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex- 10 24
(Methyl ionone beta)
14.25 4-(2,6,6-trimethyl-1- / / / 1.2 5 3.8 5.0
17.56 2-Benzylideneoctanal / / / 2.4 5 7.8 5.0
Total 31.5 100 100.1 100.1

A coelution is observed between one peak corresponding to (2-tert-butylcyclohexyl) acetate (isomer cis) and the peak corresponding to 10-undecenal.
Colloids and Surfaces A 592 (2020) 124564
M. Stasse, et al. Colloids and Surfaces A 592 (2020) 124564

Table 7
Composition of the double emulsion valid for three different fragrances. The amounts are given for 100 g of double emulsion.
Innermost phase Intermediate phase Outermost (continuous) phase

15 g of fragrance

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