Letter To SEB-08-01

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Mr. Kevin M.

824 Lake Grove Drive
Little Elm, TX 75068
Email:[email protected]

August 1, 2023

Georgia State Election Board

2 MLK Jr. Drive Mrs. Sara Tindall Ghazal
Suite 802 Floyd West Tower [email protected]
Atlanta, Georgia 30334
Mr. Edward Lindsey
Chairman William S. Duffey, Jr. [email protected]
[email protected]
Ex officio:
Mr. Matt Mashburn Mr. Brad Raffensperger
[email protected] Secretary of State
214 State Capitol
Dr. Jan Johnston Atlanta, Georgia 30334
[email protected]

Re: Notice and Demand for Immediate Corrective Action

Dear Sirs and Madams:

It is with great regret that I am forced to write to you today, for at this juncture we both
have failed. The existence of this body, the Georgia State Election Board, is for the sole purpose
of ensuring “Fair, legal and orderly elections”. Our job is to formally inform you of incidents and
problems which require your attention. You are charged with promulgating rules and regulations,
investigating the administration of elections and acts of fraud. It is only possible through this
symbiotic relationship that together we yield “Election Integrity”.

We have invested immeasurable amounts of time and resources to investigate, meticulously

document and file official, evidence-based complaints which detail very serious failures of
Georgia’s election system. You have repeatedly failed to acknowledge, investigate or address the
substance of our complaints. Because you have failed, we have failed.

What’s more, the Chairman has gone to great lengths to suppress and stimy those who dare
question the sanctity of Georgia’s elections. He has done so with community leaders, with
members of this board and has done so with me. Like many, we had high hopes for Chairman
Duffey. As a former Federal Judge we expected him to apply the same principles and equitable
oversight of the State Election Board that one would expect from such an esteemed arbiter of
justice and scholar of the law. Which is why we supported Mr. Duffey and in good faith gave him
the latitude, respect and time necessary to effectuate change. We have been understanding of the
many challenges before him, including budget restraints, backlogs, record-keeping problems and
a learning curve, but those have all long been exhausted. We have been ignored and our complaints
and concerns dismissed.
Georgia State Election Board
August 1, 2023
Page 2

To make matters worse, we learn of a consent agreement as it was ratified by a vote of this
board. The agreement was to purportedly address a complaint regarding factual errors of the 2020
hand count by Mr. Joe Rossi. The evidence and facts of that complaint were verified by Governor
Kemp and referred to this board for investigation and now some eighteen months later, resulted in
a consent agreement. We have learned that the terms of this agreement were negotiated in secret
by the Attorney General’s office and Fulton County, then ratified by this board by a vote without
some board members ever seeing the document. What’s more, the details of the document are
redacted and mask the facts from the public that the 2020 General Election hand count-audit was
a failure- or a fraud.

What’s more, not only did this surreptitious process hide from the public that the hand
count erroneously attributed approximately four thousand (4,000) more votes to Joe Biden but
took absolutely no action to correct the public record as required by Georgia law. In fact, the
consent agreement did nothing more than order Fulton County to follow the law. Some may
consider such a requirement “superfluous”, while others like me, characterize it differently,
considering the circumstances, and simply call it what it is. Bullshit.

I apologize if such language has offended anyone, but I too am offended. I am offended
and ashamed that this board would insult the countless hours of hard work, dedication to civic
duty, and sacrifice made by my friend Joseph Rossi who has relentlessly forced this issue before
this board because it was the right thing to do, and you dismiss it as though it were trash. With the
exception of Dr. Johnston who had the good sense and courage to vote against adopting an
agreement she had never seen, shame on all of you.

I highly suggest that you make the details of the consent agreement public, invite public
discussion and comment, and/or refuse to vote on the adoption of the agreement for it defies the
primary objective of this board- to ensure fair, legal and orderly elections. Anything less and we
will pursue all legal remedies to hold this board accountable. We have had enough!

I want to offer you fair words or warning as there is another matter currently under
investigation for which I am Mr. Rossi’s co-complainant. The case number is 2023-025 and we
will not accept such a resolution as the one before you today. The complaint documents an
approximate 20,000 ballot deficiency from the first count of the November 03, 2020 General
Election with Fulton County’s own records as evidence. The same complaint details a similar
deficiency in the second count, or recount, which includes 3,125 duplicate ballots (counted twice)
and the results for over 17,000 ballots which have no corresponding ballot images (an impossible
combination). The data, facts and details of this complaint have been verified by the Governor’s
office and multiple experts. With the state of current events, it would be beneficial to the fair
administration of justice that the board accept its responsibility and perform a serious investigation.

Mr. Duffey, should you take this opportunity to right the ship, then I will extend the olive
branch and our full support in pursuit of fair, legal and orderly elections. There is no other option
as we will not accept anything less. WE will not fail.

Govern yourselves accordingly

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