Controversial Issue

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Any life should be valuable

This long- standing problem has been for years part of the controversial issues with
two strong sides of view that currently continue without resolution. Animal testing is
also known as in vivo testing or animal research; it refers to the use and
experimentation on live animals. For long years it was mostly used for medical and
biological aims, but years later people started using them with commercial focus,
that is, in pharmaceutical industries being part of cosmetics, hygiene products, and
foods testing before selling them to people. The fact remains that animals are
being exploited by these kind of research facilities and cosmetics industries all
around the world. Thus, the harm that is committed against animals should not be
minimized just because they are not considered to be “humans”, even not being
humans, they are living beings with rights.

Animal testing goes against moral and animals' rights. According with The Humane
Society International, “All procedures, even those classified as “mild,” have the
potential to cause the animals physical as well as psychological distress and
suffering. Often the procedures can cause a great deal of suffering. Most animals
are killed at the end of an experiment, but some may be re-used in subsequent
experiments.” Yet animals’ rights are violated when they are used in these kind of
procedures and studies. Animals same as humans think, are afraid and experiment
pain as the most awful feeling; this is the reason why testing on animas its unfair
and is morally wrong, since this creatures do not have possibility of choosing either
or no to be part of this. They do not willingly sacrifice themselves for the progress
of human welfare or worse yet technology development. When in the procedures
human forces animals into cages and put them through hours, days, or weeks of
testing, deprive them of water, human is taking away animals’ rights, therefore
these procedures should be banned.

Testing is not as accurate and effective as one could think, and it is unnecessary
since the existence of alternatives for this procedures has been proved. It is not
accurate an effective, after all the results of tests on animals are not suitable to
humans. The causes include the fact that a human body can react quite differently
on a substance than an animal. There are numerous and well-known cases when
people suffered life-threatening side effects that were not present in animals.
Animal testing is not only not accurate an effective, but also unnecessary. As
stated by the New York Times, “There are a number of ways of establishing the
safety of products. The methods gaining favor as replacements for animal testing
include more extensive reliance on past data and experiments on cell cultures in
test tubes, known as ''in vitro'' testing.” This in vitro test is one of the biggest
changes; which is giving back animas their rights. This is the proof that human
beings do not have to destroy eve thing, and that we can respect any type of living
being; from a big whale to a little mouse.

However, still exist industries which promoted this conduct, and state that thanks to
vivo testing we have such medical advances nowadays. This is simply not true. Yet
in an article from Peta an American animal rights organization, it is stated, “Many of
the most important advances in health are attributable to human studies, including
the development of anesthesia; bacteriology; germ theory; the stethoscope;
morphine; penicillin; artificial respiration; antiseptics […]. Animal testing played no
role in these and many other developments.” Currently people have a big
misconception, since they attribute to animal testing a meaningful contribution on
medical advances, which is not accurate because most of these experiments and
tests are not relevant to human health, but rather for aesthetic and superficial
proposes purposes, just with a vain aims. All this misconception has been driven
by the media, experimenters and part of the beauty industry.

In conclusion, animal testing is no more than the avoidable suffering of millions of

animals for the wellness of just one human being. These actions cannot be
justified, since humans look for making their lives better for themselves and not for
and equal wellness of species, at the cost of many animals being torturing and
assassinating per year just to satisfy human vanity. Animals deserve to be treated
with minimum respect and dignity, and this right to decent treatment is not upheld
when animals are exploited for selfish human gain. After all, humans are animals

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