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 Compound adjectives
Join the following compound adjectives together

tone eyed
faint provoking
green hearted
thought hearted
Sharp deaf
well aged
good eyed
middle respected

Use the completed above compound adjectives to fill the blanks.

1. A …………tone deaf……………….. person cannot play instruments or sing songs as they cannot pitch
a note.
2. The …………green eyed ……………… boy stood out beside his brown-eyed sisters.
3. Hunters have to be …………sharp-eyed………………… so they can catch any movement.
4. She is a …………………good hearted ………. Person who does a lot of kind deeds.
5. Joining the army is not for the ………faint hearted ………………………
6. The story about poverty was quite ……………………….. for privileged children who read it.
7. He is a …………………………… gentleman, who has done many great things for his country.
8. My mother is a …………middle aged………………. Lady who will be retiring within the next ten years.

 Identify Simile, metaphor or personifications.

1. As hungry as a bear =simile
2. Time is money=metaphor
3. The wind whistled through the trees =personification
4. Life is a rollercoaster=metaphor
5. The trees reached for the sky=metaphor
6. As cold as ice=simile
7. The world is a stage=personifications.
8. The chair groaned under his weight=metaphor
9. As delicate as a flower=simile
10. As strong as an ox=simile

 Identify hyperbole, idiom, pun, onomatopoeia or alliteration.

1. I nearly died laughing=hyperbole

2. It was raining cats and dogs=idiom
3. I tried a million times=idiom
4. Zap!=onomatopoeia
5. The drooling dog dug deeper.=alliteration
6. What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta!=pun
7. He was on cloud nine! =hyperbole
8. How do celebrities keep cool? With all their fans!=pun
9. Fried fruit is fantastic food! =aliteration
10. Oops! =onomatopoeia
11. This is cutting-edge technology.=idiom
12. Umbridge carries an ugly umbrella.=aliteration
13. Bang! =onomatopoeia
14. His feet were as big as boats! =hyperbole
15. A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it’s two-tired. =pun

 Fill in the blanks using must, mustn’t, don’t have to, should, shouldn’t, might, can, can’t
1. You ………can’t…………….. go in there, it’s for teachers only.
2. You ………can ……………… be able to catch a glimpse of the actor as he walks home.
3. You …………might…………. Have food with you but you must not eat it.
4. People ………should………………… care about the environment more than they do.
5. You ………mustn’t…………….. annoy a dog as it may bite you.
6. You ………must………. Possess a license to drive.
7. children …… …shouldn’t………. Talk back to their elders.
8. You ………… don’t have to ………………. Attend this meeting if you don’t want to.

 Use prepositions to fill the blanks

across beside around off In front of

inside beneath along towards past
1. He sat ……… across……………… from her at the table, so they could see eye to eye.
2. The mother snake guarded the eggs ……beneath……………… her.
3. The river runs ………along… ……… the house, providing moist soil for plants.
4. I’ve decided to place the sign ……… ……………… my house gate so people can spot it
5. The cat jumped …… off …….. the table and into the tub.
6. Run! The bird is headed …… in front of …….. us!
7. The children ran ……around………………. The house until they were dizzy.
8. I saw him run ………… past …………. Me while I was jogging yesterday.
9. The cream is ……………inside………… the bun. Not on top.
10. Come sit …………beside………………… me and tell me what’s wrong.
 Some or Any?
1. I want ……some……………………….. pie!
2. Do you have ……any………………….. apples left?
3. Can I have …………some……………. Paper?
4. You must have …………some……………. Sense when working.
5. Do you have ………any……………….. idea of the damage you’ve caused?
6. I don’t need ……………any……… help.
7. I want ………………some………… advice.
8. You need ………………some……….. medicine to help your cold.
 Active to passive
1. She is sweeping the floor.

The floor was swept by her

2. New teachers are hired by the school every year.

Evey year a new teacher is hired to school

3. The book has already been discussed

We discussed the book already

4. She had sent the e-mail yesterday.
An e-mail was sent by her yesterday
5. You should go to school.

6. Peter peeled the orange.

The orange is peeled by Peter

7. The light was changed by the handyman.

Handyman changed the light

8. The flowers were picked by children.

Children picked the flowers

 Simple, compound or Complex?

1. Although my friends begged me, I chose not to go to the party. complex
2. The kitten drank its milk. Simple
3. A shooting star went over my house last night but I never saw it. Compound
4. The burglar stole the shoes. Simple
5. We went to the park and had a small picnic there. compound
6. Before the bell rang, the children packed up and the teacher collected their work.
Complex compound
7. Many people enjoyed the movie, however, Alex did not. complex
8. They didn’t sing nor smile. simple
9. the rain was cold so we ran home. simple
10. The sandwich contains chicken. simple

 Identify the parts of speech.

1. Pencil=noun
2. Open
3. Silently
4. Big=abjective
5. You
6. On
7. But=
8. Oh
9. While
10. Wow
11. Under
12. Good
13. She
14. Cat
15. Badly
16. come
 Add prefixes to make opposites.
1. Convenient
2. Accurate
3. Honour
4. fortune
5. Divisible
6. Obey=disobey
7. Lead
8. Kind=
9. connect=disconnect
10. fit=unfit

 Direct and indirect

1. Mary said “my parents are doing well”.

Mary said that his parents are doing well.

2. “I’m currently living in Paris”, said Jo.

Jo said that he is still in pairs .

3. Suzy said “I will wait for him”.

Suzy said that she wolud wait for him .

4. “I was walking along the street when it happened”, said Luke

Luke said that he was walking along the street when it happened.

5. “my mother is sick”, said Lee.

Lee said that his mother is sick

 Use Adverbs to fill the blanks

deliberately safely officially cleverly Lovingly

Bitterly hopelessly rudely nervously repeatedly
1. He ………loving……………… took care of his brother until he could take care of
2. I ……hopelessly…………. Laughed, hoping they had found my joke funny.
3. Samantha ………rudely………………… yelled at the little boy, making him cry.
4. I have ……………officially ………….. become a lawyer!
5. I told James not to …………repeatedly…………………., but he never listened.
6. She had …………………cleverly ……. Set up a trap before she headed out.
7. The children …… deliberately …………………… pushed the girl off the swings.
8. We are ………………hopelessly………., completely lost!
9. I will bring her back ………safely……………….
10. He ………………bitterly……….. regrets not going to university when he had the

Use the following words appropriately in sentences of your choice

1. acceptable

the headmistress punishment was acceptable

2. accidentally
3. accommodate
4. acquire
5. amateur
6. apparent
7. committed 
8. conscience 
9. conscientious 
10. conscious 

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