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HISTORY OF MINDANAO ISLAND Northern Mindanao - Region X

Mindanao - Northern-central section of Mindanao

- 5 provinces:
● Named after the Maguindanaons
- Bukidnon
● The name was used to refer to the island - Camiguin
by the powerful natives at the time - Lanao del Norte
- Misamis Occidental
● In prehistoric times the Negrito people - Misamis Oriental
Caraga - Region XIII
● Sometime around 1500 BC Austronesian
people spread throughout the Philippines - Northeastern section of Mindanao
and far beyond - 5 provinces:

● Native people of the Maluku Islands refer - Agusan del Norte

to the island as Maluku Besar (Great - Agusan del Sur
Moluccas) - Dinagat Islands
- Surigao del Norte
● Second largest island in the Philippines, - Surigao del Sur
southern part of the archipelago,
surrounded by the Bohol, Philippine, Davao Region - Region XI
Celebes, and Sulu seas
- Southeastern portion of Mindanao
● Divided into six administrative regions: - 5 provinces:

- Zamboanga Peninsula - Davao del Sur

- Northern Mindanao - Davao del Norte
- Caraga region - Davao Oriental
- Davao region - Davao de Oro
- Soccsksargen - Davao Occidental
- The Autonomous Region of
Bangsamoro Soccsksargen - Region XII

Zamboanga Peninsula - Region IX - Central Mindanao

- 4 provinces:
- Western section of Mindanao
- 3 provinces: - South Cotabato
- Cotabato
- Zamboanga del Norte - Sultan Kudarat
- Zamboanga del Sur - Sarangani
- Zamboanga Sibugay - General Santos City
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim ● Mindanao Island is also a sacred home of
Mindanao (BARMM) - An administrative Raja Bantogen the Meranaw largest
region in the Philippines grouped under the non-Muslim and Subanon Tribe
Mindanao island group
● 13th century - Islam first spread to the
- 5 provinces: region through Arab traders from
present-day Malaysia and Indonesia
- Basilan
- Lanao del Sur - Prior to this contact, the inhabitants
- Maguindanao of the area were primarily animists
- Sulu living in small autonomous
- Tawi‑Tawi communities

● Mindanao has been considered the - Most of the indigenous population

country’s “pioneer frontier” of Tausug, Maranao and
Maguindanaon are quickly
● Mindanao also has the largest converted into Islam except the
concentration of ethnic minorities in the elusive Subanon, Talaandig,
Philippines Higaonon and some other small
tribes who resisted and avoided
- Magindanao contact with the Arabian Islamic
- Maranao missionaries
- Ilanun
- Sangil ● Mid-14th century - First mosque in the
- T’boli Philippines was built in the town of
- Subanon Simunul
- Bukidnon
- Bagobo ● The Philippine sultanates of Sulu and
- Mandaya Maguindanao were subsequently in the
- Manobo 15th and 16th centuries, respectively
- Tiruray
● Late 16th to early 17th centuries
● Mindanao is a Muslim outpost in the
predominantly Roman Catholic Philippines - The first contact with Spain
- Although Muslims are no longer a
majority, Islamic culture is evident - By this time, Islam was well
established in Mindanao and had
● 1990 - Establishment of the autonomous started influencing groups on big
region of Muslim Mindanao-consisting of islands of Visayas like Cebu and as
territory in western and southwestern far north as Bohol and present-day
Mindanao along with some nearby islands Manila on the island of Luzon
including Tawi-tawi and Jolo
● Upon the Spaniards' arrival to the - Appeared in Gen. George W. Davis’
Philippines, they were dismayed to find 1903 annual report on the
such a strong Muslim presence on the Philippines
island, having just expelled the Moors from
Spain after centuries of fighting under the ● Described the Moros as arrogant,
Reconquista ungrateful, and treacherous despite being
“poor, miserable, and needy”
● Moros - Spanish word for “Moors”
● Believed that their poor comprehension of
- The name given to the Muslim the Quran caused their ignorance to
inhabitants by the Spanish extend to their own religion

● Caesarea Caroli - The name given by ● Argued against exterminating the Muslim
Villalobos to the island of Mindanao when people as he saw this to be unjust,
he reached the sea near it difficult, and expensive

● This was named after Charles V of the ● Urged the American colonial government
Holy Roman Empire (and I of Spain) to do all that it could to subjugate the
Moro, free other “infidels” from Moro
THE MORO TO THE SPANISH COLONIZERS slavery, and ensure Catholic evangelization
of “Moroland”
1578 Military Expedition in Mindanao
1. Have the Moro acknowledge Spanish
dominion ● Spanish colonization began in 1635 with
the construction of Fort Pilar upon the
2. Establish trade with the Moro and requests of:
explore and exploit the natural
resources of the land - Jesuit missionaries
- Bishop Fray Pedro of Cebu
3. End Moro piracy and raids against
Spanish ships and Christianized ● Juan Cerezo de Salamanca, the Spanish
settlements governor of the Philippines, approved the
building of the stone fort
4. Convert the Moro like the other
Philippine group - Defense against pirates and raiders
of the sultans of Mindanao and Jolo
Rev. Pio Pi
● Cornerstone of the fort, originally called
● Superior of the Jesuit Order in the Real Fuerte de San Jose (Royal Fort of
Philippines Saint Joseph) was laid by Melchor de Vera,
a Jesuit priest-engineer on June 23, 1635
● Wrote a comprehensive representation of
the Spanish colonial view of Muslim - Marks the founding of Zamboanga
Filipinos in a vitriolic article in 1901 as a city, then known as Jambangan
● Threat of Chinese invasion forced the - Establish the Christian religion
Spanish authority to abandon Zamboanga
in 1662 ● Oyanguren arrived in Davao as head of
colonizing expedition composing 70 men
- Governor Bobadilla conducted the and women
● Oyanguren found an ally in Datu Daupan,
● Illigan and Zamboanga were given up by chief of the Samal Mandayas who saw in
the Spanish Oyanguren’s colonizing venture a chance
to get even with Datu Bago, a Muslim
● In 1669, the Jesuit missionaries rebuilt the head of Davao Gulf
fort after pirates and raiders had again
destroyed it - Datu Bago treated the Mandayas
● In 1718-1719, the fort was rebuilt by the
Spaniard engineer Juan Sicarra upon the ● Oyanguren's initial attack against Datu
order of Spanish Governor General Bago's fortified settlements at the mouth
Fernando Manuel de Bustillo Bustamante of Davao River proved futile
y Rueda
- Oyanguren’s ships could not
- Renamed as Real Fuerte de maneuver in the narrow channel of
Nuestra Señora del Pilar de the Davao River bend and were
Zaragoza (Royal Fort of Our Lady of forced to retreat
the Pillar of Zaragoza)
● Oyanguren erected a barrier at Piapi for his
● In 1720, Dalasi (King of Bulig) and 3,000 defense and constructed a causeway
Moro pirates attacked the fort across nipa swamps to the dry section of
the meadows to bring his cannons with
● In 1798, the British Royal Navy range to Datu Bago’s settlement
bombarded the fort
- In the three months that he
● Fort Pilar was the scene of a mutiny of 70 devoted to constructing the
prisoners in 1872 causeway, Oyanguren had also to
fend off Datu Bago’s harassing
Davao attack against the workers

● In 1848, Don Jose Cruz de Oyanguren, a ● Late in June of 1848 help came from
native of Vergara Guipuzcoa, Spain Zamboanga, Don Manuel Quesada, navy
received a special grant from Don Narciso commanding general arrived with a
Claveria, the Governor-General of the company of infantry and joined in the
Philippines attack against Datu Bago’s settlement

- Conquer and subdue the entire gulf ● The out-gunned defenders, despite their
district tenacious resistance, finally fled to the
- Expel or pacify the Moros
different Muslim communities in the hope ● The best known of the American-Moro
of carrying on the fight some other day battles occurred in March 1906 at the top
of Mount Dajo on the island of Jolo
● Oyanguren was reported to have peaceful
possession of the Davao Gulf territory at ● Six hundred Moros who had taken refuge
the end of 1849 inside a massive volcanic crater were killed
by troops under General Leonard Wood
● Oyanguren campaigned hard among the
different tribes’ like the Mandayas, Manobo ● Wood came under severe criticism in the
etc. urging them to live in the settlements U.S. Congress
or reducciones to reach them for trade and
commerce, but to no avail ● Wood was later absolved of any
wrongdoing by President Theodore
Cotabato Roosevelt

● In the 17th century, the Spaniards also ● Renewed hostilities occurred in September
conquered Cotabato 1911 and June 1913

● Settlements grew in the mouth of Rio American Colonization

Grande de Mindanao that proved the
growth of civilization in the area ● In the 1930’s the US authorities
encouraged Christians to migrate to the
● Trading of basic commodities, industrial southern region of Mindanao, which was
raw materials, agricultural and aquaculture mostly populated by Muslim
products became the center of economic
activities in the area ● On February 27, 1939, 62 pioneers
(primarily agricultural and trade graduates)
● Cotabato became a chartered city on June landed in General Santos with the mission
20, 1959 by the Republic Act No. 2364 to industriously cultivate General Santos’
fertile expanse of land
● Datu Mandu U Sinsuat, Sr became the first
elected city mayor ● After this first influx of pioneers,
thousands more from Luzon and Visayas
American-Moro Battle have subsequently migrated into the area

● When the United States reigned over the ● This movement started the displacement
Philippines after the Spanish-American of some native B’laan tribe to the
war in 1898, the United States initiated a mountains and lost their livelihood
policy designed to assimilate the Moro into
the Philippine nation and to curb some ● The migrants made it difficult for the
feudal practices such as slave trading indigenous people and Muslims to own
their fertile lands because they did not
● Sporadic fighting took place in 1901 and have land titles to prove ownerships
● The Americans used their control over ● 1972 - 1976 - The fighting raged between
property and land laws to let American government forces and the MNLF, which is
corporation and Christian settlers take over supported by some Muslim nations.
native resources Thousands were killed with whole towns
destroyed in the violence
● Ilokanos, Cebuanos and Illongos streamed
into Moros territories in the western and ● 1976 - Under a deal brokered by the
central portions of Mindanao Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC),
the MNLF signed an agreement with the
● The natives especially those who refused Marcos Administration to end hostilities in
to convert to Christianity became victims of exchange for the government working to
land – grabbing by the migrants who were grant greater autonomy in
promised vast and fertile lands by the Muslim-populated areas
● 1977 - Hashim Salamat, led a group of key
Post-American Colonization commanders (57) in splitting from the
MNLF. They were unhappy with Misuari’s
● Massive Filipino Christians settlements compromise and vowed to continue
continued after the Philippines became fighting for independence. Salamat later
independent from America officially formed the MILF (Moro Islamic
Liberation Front)
● Land disputes between the Christian
settlers and the Muslims and the tribal ● During the presidency of Marcos in the
natives broke out into violence 70’s tourism was promoted particularly in
Mindanao. Unfortunately, it failed to attract
● Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) investors to come because of the peace
was formed and order situation of the region

● Ilonggo Land Grabbers' Association ● 1978 - Salamat Hashim split from the
(ILAGA) was formed MNLF and vowed to press ahead with the
fight for an independent Islamic state
- Responsible for the Manili
massacre in June 1971, which killed ● 1981 - Salamat and Murad Ebrahim,
65 Muslim civilians in a Mosque another rebel commander, formed the
● After the EDSA People Power Revolution,
● 1969 - Nur Misuari established the Moro the Aquino administration launched peace
National Liberation Front (MNLF) to put up talks with the MNLF
a separate Islamic state in the southern
part of the Philippines ● 1989 - The Organic Act for the
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
(ARMM) was signed into law
● 1996 - Misuari on behalf of the MNLF, ● In 2012, Aquino intended to establish a
signed a final peace agreement with the new autonomous political entity under the
Ramos administration name "Bangsamoro" to replace the
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
- That year, the MILF, which had long which he called a "failed experiment”
broken away from the MNLF, also
entered informal talks with the - Under his administration, a draft for
Ramos government. But the MILF the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL)
peace project was put on the back was made but failed to get traction
burner allowing the organization to to become law due to the
recruit, establish big camps in Mamasapano clash of January
Central Mindanao and become the 2015 which involved the murder of
most significant Muslim rebel 44 mostly-Christian Special Action
movement Force (SAF) personnel by allegedly
combined forces of the MILF and
● Former President Joseph Estrada mobilized the Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom
the entire armed forces to crush the MILF Fighters (BIFF) after an operation to
and bring down its seat of power in Camp kill Malaysian militant Zulkifli
Abubakar, Central Mindanao in 2000 Abdhir known by the alias
● Former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
resumed negotiations with the MNLF ● 2018 - A unification gathering of all the
taking a bold step in crafting a draft sultans of the Sulu archipelago and
agreement that triggered widespread representatives from all ethnic
opposition from lawmakers and various communities in the Sulu archipelago
sectors and which the Supreme Court, (Basilan, Sulu, and Tawi-tawi) commenced
later on, declared as unconstitutional in Zamboanga City, declaring themselves
as the Bangsa Sug peoples and separating
- In response, two MILF commanders them from the Bangsa Moro peoples of
led attacks across mainly Christians mainland central Mindanao
areas in Mindanao
- They cited the complete difference
● In October 2012, the Aquino in cultures and customary ways of
administration and the MILF signed a life as the primary reason for their
peace agreement in Malacanang separation from the Muslims of
mainland central Mindanao
- It marked the first time the rebel
group stepped into the country’s
seat of power

● In March 2014, both parties signed the

Comprehensive Agreement on the
Bangsamoro (CAB)
- They also called on the ● In February 2019 - The second round
government to establish a separate of the plebiscite was held in the
Philippine state, called Bangsa Sug, province of Lanao del Norte and some
from mainland Bangsa Moro or to towns in North Cotabato
incorporate the Sulu archipelago to
whatever state is formed in the - The plebiscite resulted in the
Zamboanga Peninsula, if ever inclusion of 63 of 67 barangays in
federalism in the Philippines is North Cotabato which participated.
approved in the coming years
- It also resulted in the rejection from
● Under the presidency of Rodrigo Duterte, a the province of Lanao del Norte
new draft for the BBL was made and against the bid of 6 of its
became legislated into law as the Muslim-majority towns to join the
Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL) in 2018 Bangsamoro, despite the 6 towns
(Baloi, Munai, Nunungan, Pantar,
● January 21, 2019 - A plebiscite was held Tagoloan and Tangcal) opting to
to ratify the BOL, with a majority of join the Bangsamoro by a sheer
ARMM's voters deciding for the ratification majority with one town even voting
of the law which meant that the future for inclusion by 100%. A major
abolition of the ARMM and the camp of the MILF was within the
establishment of the Bangsamoro Muslim areas of Lanao del Norte
Autonomous Region was in motion
● March 29, 2019 - The inauguration of the
- Voters in Cotabato City voted to Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in
join the new autonomous region Muslim Mindanao and the inaugural
while Isabela City voted against session of the Bangsamoro Parliament
- Murad Ebrahim - First Chief
● January 25, 2019 - The Commission on Minister of BARMM
Elections proclaimed that the BOL is
"deemed ratified" ● The Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL)

- The provincial government of Sulu, - Republic Act No. 11054

where the majority voted against
inclusion, was also not in favor of - Also known as the Bangsamoro
the law with its governor Basic Law (BBL) and by its full title
challenging the constitutionality of as the Organic Law for the
the law before the Supreme Court. Bangsamoro Autonomous Region
Despite voting against inclusion, in Muslim Mindanao, is a Philippine
Sulu was still included in the law which provided for the
Bangsamoro region due to rules establishment of the autonomous
stated in the BOL, sparking outrage political entity known as the
from the natives Bangsamoro Autonomous Region,
replacing the Autonomous Region
in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM)
BANGSAMORO ORGANIC LAW (RA 11054) original inhabitants of Mindanao and the
Sulu archipelago and its adjacent islands,
● The legislation was ratified by both the whether of mixed or full blood, shall have
Senate and the House of Representatives the right to identify themselves, their
on July 23 and 24, 2018 respectively spouses and descendants, as Bangsamoro.

● The bill was finally signed into law by SEC. 2. Bangsamoro Symbol. - The
President Rodrigo Duterte on July 26, Bangsamoro Parliament, hereinafter
2018 referred to as the "Parliament", shall adopt
the official flag, emblem, and hymn of the
● The provisions of the law became effective Bangsamoro Autonomous Region. The flag
on August 10, 2018 of the Republic of the Philippines shall
always be displayed alongside the
Article 1 - Name and Purpose Bangsamoro flag. Whenever the
Bangsamoro hymn is sung it shall always be
SEC. 1. Short Title. - This law shall be known preceded by the singing of the Philippines
as the "Organic Law for the Bangsamoro National Anthem.
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao."
Article III - Territorial Jurisdiction
SEC 2. Name. — The political entity under this
Organic Law shall be known as the SEC. 1. Territorial Jurisdiction. - Territorial
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim jurisdiction is the land mass as well as the
Mindanao, hereinafter referred to as the waters over which the Bangsamoro
"Bangsamoro Autonomous Region." Autonomous Region has jurisdiction, which
shall be an integral, indivisible, and
SEC. 3. Purpose. - The purpose of this inseparable part of the national territory of
Organic Law is to establish a political entity the Republic of the Philippines as defined by
provide for its basic structure of government in the Constitution and existing laws.
recognition of the justness and legitimacy of
the cause of the Bangsamoro people and the SEC. 2. Composition. - The territorial
aspirations of Muslim Filipinos and all jurisdiction of the Bangsamoro Autonomous
indigenous cultural communities in the Region, subject to the plebiscite as provided
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim in Section 3, Article XV of this Organic Law,
Mindanao to secure their identity and shall be composed of:
posterity, allowing for meaningful
self-governance within the framework of the (a) The present geographical area known as
Constitution and the national sovereignty as the Autonomous Region in Muslim
well as territorial integrity of the Republic of Mindanao created under Republic Act
the Philippines. No. 6734, as amended by Republic Act
No. 9054, which shall subsist as such
Article II - Bangsamoro Identity until this Organic Law is ratified through
a plebiscite:
SEC. 1. Bangsamoro People. - Those who,
at the advent of the Spanish (b) The municipalities of Baloi, Mtinai,
colonization,were considered natives or Nummgan, Pantar, Tagoloan, and
Tangkal in the Province of Lanao de! (f) All other contiguous areas where a
Norte that voted for inclusion in the resolution of the local government unit
Autonomous Region in Muslim or a petition of at least ten percent
Mindanao during the 2001 plebiscite: (10%) of the registered voters in the
area seeks for their inclusion at least
(c) The following thirty-nine (39) barangays two (2) months prior to the conduct of
in the municipalities of Aleoaan, Carmen, the ratification of this Organic Law.
Kabacan, Midsayap, Pigkawayan. and
Pikit in the Province of North Cotabato Article IV - General Principles and Policies
that voted for inclusion in the
Autonomous Region in Muslim SEC. 1. Territorial Integrity and Allegiance. -
Mindanao during the 2001 plebiscite: The Bangsamoro Autonomous Region is an
integral, indivisible, and inseparable part of
(1) Dunguan, Lower Mioe'sding, and the territory of the Republic of the Philippines.
Tapodoc in the Municipality of Aleosan. The Bangsamoro people shall uphold the
(3); Constitution as the fundamental law of the
land and unequivocally owe allegiance and
(2) Manarapan and Nasapian in the fidelity to the Republic of the Philippines.
Municipality of Carmen (2);
SEC. 2. Self-Governance. - In the exercise of
(3) Nanga-an, Simbuhay, and Sanggadong its right to self-governance, the Bangsamoro
in the Municipality of Kabacan (3); Autonomous Region is free to pursue its
political, economic, social, and cultural
(4) Damatulan, Kadigasan, Kapinpilan, development as provided for in this Organic
Kadarangan, Central Labas, Malingao, Law.
Mudseng0, Nabalawag, Olandang,
Sambulawan, and Tugal in the SEC. 3. Democratic Political System. - The
Municipality of Midsayap (12); Bangsamoro Autonomous Region shall have a
democratic political system that allows its
(5) Lower Baguer, Balacayon, Buricain, Datu people to freely participate in the political
Binasing, Kadingilan, Matilac, Patot, and processes within its territorial jurisdiction. The
Lower Pangangkalan in the Municipality Bangsamoro Autonomous Region shall have a
of Pigkawayan (8); and parliamentary form of government.

(6) Bagoinged, Balatican, S. Balong, S. SEC. 4. Electoral System. — The Bangsamoro

Balongis, Batulawan, Buliok, Gokotan, Government shall adopt an electoral system
Kabasalan, Lagunde, Macabual, and which, shall be consistent with national
Macasandeg in the Municipality of Pikit election laws, allow democratic participation,
(11); encourage the formation of genuinely
principled political parties, and ensure
(d) The City of Cotabato; accountability.

(e) The City of Isabela m the Province of Article VII - Bangsamoro Government
Basilan; and
SEC. 1. Seat of Government. - The Parliament (a) Enact laws to promote, protect, and ensure
shall fix by law the permanent seat of the the general welfare of the Bangsamoro
Bangsamoro Government anywhere within people and other inhabitants in the
the territorial jurisdiction of the Bangsamoro Bangsamoro Autonomous Region;
Autonomous Region taking into consideration
accessibility and efficiency in. which its (b) Call for a referendum on important issues
mandate may be carried out under this affecting the Bangsamoro Autonomous
Organic Law. Region:

SEC. 2. Powers of Government. - The powers (c) Enact a law on initiatives;

of government shall be vested in the
Parliament which shall exercise those powers (d) Conduct inquiries in aid of legislation in
and functions expressly granted to it in this accordance with its rules. The rights of
Organic Law, and those necessary for, or persons appearing in or affected by such
incidental to, the proper governance and inquiry shall be respected;
development of the Bangsamoro Autonomous
Region. It shall set policies, legislate on (e) Enact a law that allows the Chief Minister,
matters within its authority, and elect a Chief Speaker of the Parliament, and the
Minister who shall exercise executive authority Presiding Justice of the Shari'ah High Court
on its behalf. to augment any item in the general
appropriations law for their respective
SEC. 3. Legislative Authority. - The offices from savings in other items of their
Parliament shall have the authority to enact respective appropriations;
laws on matters that are within the powers
and competencies of the Bangsamoro (f) Enact a law within the competencies of the
Government. Bangsamoro Government to regulate the
grant of regional franchises and
SEC. 4. Executive Authority. - The executive concessions, and empower the Chief
function and authority shall be exercised by Minister to grant leases, permits. and
the Cabinet which shall be headed by a Chief licenses over agricultural lands and for
Minister, The Chief Minister shall be elected by forest management;
a majority vote of all the members of the
Parliament. (g) Discipline its members as provided in
The Chief Minister shall nominate two (2) Section 26. Article VII of this Organic Law;
Deputy Chief Ministers who shall be elected
by the Parliament., as provided for in Section (h) Enact laws declaring Bangsamoro
35 of this Article, and appoint the members of holidays; and
the Cabinet, majority of whom shall come
from the Parliament. (i) Be consulted on matters affecting the
Bangsamoro Parliament

SEC. 5. Powers. - The Parliament shall have

the following powers:

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