LCH2010 Assignment 3 Oral Presentation Guidelines - 2223s3 (Finalised)

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LCH2010 English for Workplace Communication Summer Semester, 2022/23

Assignment 3: Oral Presentation & Outline (30%)

(30% Group (30% Group Performance + 70% Individual Performance)

Expected Learning Outcomes

o Interact effectively in various oral communication tasks such as presentations.

Background Information
 You are an expert in your field of work (e.g. accounting, business management, engineering,
language and communication, science and technology, social services, etc.).
 You are working in a project team, whose members may come from the same department or different
 Your project team has come up with a proposal related to your profession, and now you need to plan
and deliver an oral presentation to persuade the specific target audience concerned (either internal or
external) to accept your (group’s) idea/ advice/ offer. Below are examples of some possible scenarios:
- Seek approval from a Department Head for a new initiative to improve work efficiency;
- Win management’s support for expenditures or projects (e.g. a project to enhance corporate
image, design and development of a new product, etc.);
- Secure a contract between your organisation and another corporation or a government agency;
- Introduce a product/ service (e.g. educational toys, secretarial services, mobile phones, etc.) to
potential customers; or
- Promote a franchise business opportunity (e.g. a fast food restaurant chain, 24-hr convenience
store, etc.) to potential investors.

Your Tasks
Before the presentation:
1) Form your project team (4 or 5 persons).
2) Work with your group members to prepare for an oral presentation to persuade your target audience
to accept your business proposition. Decide on the topic, purpose, target audience, and content of
your business presentation. You must NOT copy others’ works or even your own assignments in
other subjects. Penalty to presenters who violate the rule is a FAIL grade in this assessment task.
3) Submit via Moodle (a) the finalised presentation outline AND (b) the PowerPoint slides, BOTH
in PDF format by 15:00:00, 1 August 2023 (Tue). FIVE marks will be deducted for late submission
of any of these tasks.
*Use the template provided on MOODLE to write the presentation outline. A sample outline is given
on p.5.
*Rename your pdf files as (a) ClassGroup_FullName_Assn3outline (e.g.
C01_ChanTaiMan_Assn3outline.pdf) and (b) ClassGroup_FullName_Assn3ppt (e.g.
C01_ChanTaiMan_Assn3ppt.pdf) if Chan Tai Man submits them on behalf of the group.
4) Deliver an oral presentation in the lecture/tutorial of 13.
Time Allocation for Oral Presentation
Groups of FOUR Members Groups of FIVE Members
Presentation 16 minutes 20 minutes
Question-and-Answer Session 4 minutes 5 minutes
Total 20 minutes 25 minutes

Important Note:
LCH2010 English for Workplace Communication Semester Two, 2022/23
*Length of each member’s presentation: ~4 minutes (Note: FIVE marks will be deducted from the
individual mark if a member’s presentation is more than 5 minutes or less than 3 minutes.)
*We will NOT wait for late-comers. When it is your group’s turn, you shall proceed no matter
whether all your members are present. No individual marks will be given to presenters who are late
or absent without valid reasons.
5) The rest of the class will play the role of your target audience. Peer feedback will be collected.
6) Hold a question-and-answer session for your target audience immediately after your presentation.
Each group should be ready to answer questions from the audience after completing the presentation.
Group members should take turns to answer questions from the audience after completing the
7) Cite all sources of information, e.g. from the Internet, books, magazines, etc. Disciplinary action
will be taken if a student is found plagiarising other writers’ or students’ work. Penalties ranging
from disqualification and expulsion may be imposed in cases of proven plagiarism.
Dress Code
Presenters should dress themselves in formal office wear so as to project a professional image to the
audience. A suit is preferred, and other professional attire is acceptable. However, jeans, shorts, T-shirts
(including polo shirts), sneakers, slippers and any other indecent clothes and accessories are not
Bonus Marks for Question-and-Answer Session
As audience, all students are strongly encouraged to raise questions or comments in the Q&A session.
ONE bonus mark will be given to the student who raises a relevant and meaningful question or comment.
The maximum bonus marks each student can get in this assignment are THREE.

Work Plan
Task Due Date What you need to submit Submission method

1. 18 July 2023  Form your project team (4 to 5 persons). At the beginning of the
 Submit your group member list to your lecturer. lecture
Draw lots to determine each group’s presentation
date and time-slot.
2. (Optional  Determine the topic, speaker(s), audience and As specified by your
purpose, and send them to your lecturer lecturer
24-28 July 2023  Send the draft presentation outline to your
lecturer for feedback
3. # By 15:00:00, Submit BOTH (a) the finalised presentation Via MOODLE
1 August 2023 outline AND (b) the PowerPoint slides in PDF submission link
(Tue) format (Appoint ONE
member in the group
to submit the
4. ^ 1 August 2023 Deliver the presentation and conduct the Question- On-campus live
and-Answer Session. presentation

# 20% of the total mark will be deducted for late submission of Task 3, and late submission of more than
7 days after the due date will NOT be accepted.
^0 marks will be given to late-comers/ absentees without valid reasons to be late/ absent.

LCH2010 English for Workplace Communication Summer Semester, 2022/23
Grading Aspects
Your performance will be assessed both individually and as a group. A.
Group Performance (30%)
Content and Organisation Pattern/ Strategy:
Organisation (15%) - Use of an appropriate organisational pattern for persuasive presentations
- Use of organisation strategy (e.g. chronology, geography/space,
topic/function, comparison/ contrast, 6W’s, importance, problem/solution,
best/worst case, etc.)
- Techniques to catch audience attention
- Purpose statement
- Identification of the speakers to establish credibility
- Identification of the presentation topic
- Preview of the main points
- Knowledge of content in the presentation
- Presentation of the main points in topic sentences
- Development of main points with interesting, relevant and specific details
- Transitions between arguments / ideas
- Summary of the main points
- Closing statement that makes an impact on audience
Q&A Session:
- Relevant question(s) anticipated for the Q&A session

Group Presentation - Cooperation and rapport with teammates

Skills (10%) - Distribution of work among teammates
- Attire for business presentation
- Audience rapport
- Time management
- Use and style consistency of visual aids
Presentation Outline - A clear and complete presentation outline written on the template.
(5%) - Key sentences and adequate details for introduction, body, conclusion and
anticipated questions given.

LCH2010 English for Workplace Communication Semester Two, 2022/23

B. Individual Performance (70%)

Language Skills (40%) - Fluency
- Use of vocabulary and transitional words
- Grammatical accuracy
- Pronunciation
- Intonation of speech
- Tone (using ‘You’ view, audience benefits, conversational but
professional tone, positive language, inclusive language, plain
English and familiar words)
- Conciseness (avoiding wordy/flabby expressions, wordy
prepositional phrases, long lead-ins, outdated expressions, needless
adverbs, fillers, repetitious words and redundant words)
Delivery Skills (30%) - Eye-contact
- Voice projection
- Pace of speech
- Liveliness (Varied tone used)
- Gesture, posture and facial expression
- Reference to visual aids used (Hand movement, use of a presenter,
- Liveliness (not reading aloud the script/ not referring frequently to
the script)
- Confidence
- Time management (~ 4 minutes per person)

Sample Oral Presentation Outline

Topic : Benefits of the eMBA programme of The Kowloon University of Hong Kong
Speaker(s) : Programme team members of the KUHK eMBA programme
Audience : Executive trainees of South Pacific Airline
Purpose : To persuade the executive trainees to submit online applications for
admission into the KUHK eMBA programme

1. INTRODUCTION (Capture attention, and tell them what you’re going to say)
 Attention getter: Where do you see yourself in five years? (in a full sentence)
(Method to capture attention: Questions) (See Figure 13.3 on p. 367 of textbook)
 Audience Involvement: Many people now consider life-long learning essential in
different career fields, including yours. (in a full sentence)
 Establishment of credibility: Being the first eMBA programme launched in Asia, the
eMBA programme of KUHK is specially designed by our internationalised faculty who
has rich and unique industry experience as well as solid records of research. (in a full
 Presentation Topic: Planning ahead is important for your career. (in a full sentence)
 Main Points: Enrolling in the KUHK eMBA programme benefits you in knowledge,
networking and competitiveness. (in a full sentence)
(Transition: Thanks to the Chief Executive Officer of South Pacific Airline for inviting us here today to
tell you more about how you can prepare yourself better for your career advancement in this field.) (in
a full sentence)

II. BODY (Say It) (Three to four key points)

(Method to organise body points: Importance) (See pp. 365 - 366 of textbook)
A. First, you can enjoy the pursuit of knowledge. (in a full sentence)
1. Supporting details
2. Supporting details
(Method to build audience rapport: personal anecdotes, personalised statistics, or worst- and best-
case scenarios.) (See pp.368 - 370 of textbook)
B. Second, you can expand your business network. (in a full sentence)
1. Supporting details
2. Supporting details
(Method to build audience rapport: personal anecdotes, personalised statistics, or worst- and best-
case scenarios) (See pp.368 - 370 of textbook)
C. Most importantly, you can improve your competitiveness. (in a full sentence)
1. Supporting details
2. Supporting details
(Method to build audience rapport: personal anecdotes, personalised statistics, or worst- and best-
case scenarios) (See pp.368 - 370 of textbook)
III. CONCLUSION (Tell them what you have said) (See pp.367 - 368 of textbook)
 Summary: An eMBA brings you knowledge, better connections, and a better
qualification. (in a full sentence)
 Memorable closing statement: The KUHK eMBA, with its reputation and illustrious
list of alumni, is your best choice. (in a full sentence)

IV. Q&A SESSION (Anticipated questions and answers)

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