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Famously also called Aryabhata I (476-550

CE) or Aryabhata The Elder, in order to
distinguish him from another tenth century
mathematician of the same name, Aryabhata
flourished in Patliputra during Gupta dynasty
Aryabhata was a Scientist, Mathematician as
well as an Astronomer. This is so because not
only had he discovered that the Earth is
spherical, which revolves around the Sun but
also that the number of days in a year is 365.
The two most prominent works composed by
Aryabhata are Aryabhatiya and the
Aryabhatasiddhanta. The latter is a lost work
now while Aryabhatiya was divided into three
sections- Ganita (Mathematics), Kala-kriya
(Time Calculations), and Gola (Sphere). In
Ganita, Aryabhata has named the first 10
decimal places and given algorithms for
obtaining the square and cubic roots by using
the decimal number system. Aryabhata had
also developed using one of the two methods
for creating the table of sines by using
Pythagorean theorem. He also realized that
second-order sine difference is proportional to
sine. In Kala-kriya Aryabhata discusses about
astronomy such as planetary motions,
definitions of various units of time, etc. In
Gola, Aryabhata has applied trigonometry to
spherical geometry. This also became the
apparent basis for prediction of solar and
lunar eclipse. The equation in Gola was used
by Aryabhata to explain that the rotation of the
Earth about its axis was the reason for
westward motion of the stars. He also referred
to reflections from the Sun for luminosity of
the Moon and the planets.

Srinivasa Ramanujan:
Srinivasa Ramanujan was a brilliant
mathematician who gets credited even today
for his contributions in the field of
mathematics. Born in the year 1887 in Tamil
Nadu, Ramanujan was an exceptionally
brilliant child who would outshine other
children of his age in solving equations. The
circumstances of his family were not good and
they lived in poverty for most part of their
lives, thereby not giving the young Ramanujan
an opportunity to pursue his passion-
mathematics-due to lack of proper resources.
However the laborious Ramanujan found his
inspiration in the book 'Synopsis of
elementary results in pure mathematics' by
George S. Carr. A brilliant mathematician,
Srinivasa Ramanujan is credited today for his
contributions in the field of mathematics. It
was due to sheer strength of determination
and devotion that the immensely talented
mathematician could  invent some of the most
crucial equations for the field of mathematical
studies- game theory and infinite series. The
infinite series for π is used in arithmetical
calculations even today. The year 1914 was
the turning point in the struggling life the
genius mathematician. He was invited to
Cambridge by the very eminent
mathematician, G.H.Hardy. Hardy after going
through Ramanujan's papers was perplexed
by the geniousness of his work. The papers
that the young mind had brought along, from
home to  Cambridge, were written between
the years 1903-14. While some equations had
already been discovered, the remainder were
entirely new for even G.H.Hardy. He was
amazed at Ramanujan's insight into
algebraical formulae, transformations of
infinite series, etc. In the year 1916, he was
awarded his Ph.D. by the university. The story
of this mathematical genius is truly inspiring
as Ramanujan had to practice in
circumstances that didn't even let him afford
enough papers to practice the equations.  A
slate and chalk were his most trusted aids. At
a very young age, Ramanuj bid goodbye to
the world in the year 1920 due to the dreaded
disease, Tuberculosis.


A real number say “a” is a zero of a
polynomial P(x) if P(a) = 0. The zero of a
polynomial is clearly explained using the
Factor theorem. If “k” is a zero of a polynomial
P(x), then (x-k) is a factor of a given
polynomial. The relation between the zeros
and the coefficients of a polynomial is given

3. Real Numbers
Real numbers can be defined as the
union of both rational and irrational numbers.
They can be both positive or negative and are
denoted by the symbol “R”. All the natural
numbers, decimals and fractions come under
this category. See the figure, given below,
which shows the classification of real

Category Definition Example

Contain all
counting All numbers
Natural numbers which such as 1, 2,
Numbers start from 1. 3, 4, 5, 6,…..
N = {1, 2, 3, 4, …
Whole Collection of zero All numbers
Numbers and natural including 0
Category Definition Example

numbers. such as 0, 1,
W = {0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
…..} …..…
Includes: -
The collective
infinity (-∞),
result of whole
……..-4, -3, -2,
Integers numbers and
-1, 0, 1, 2, 3,
negative of all
4, ……+infinity
natural numbers.
Examples of
Numbers that
Rational can be written in
numbers are
Numbers the form of p/q,
½, 5/4 and
where q≠0.
12/6 etc.
The numbers
numbers are
which are not
Irrational rational and
Numbers cannot be written
and non-
in the form of
repeating in
nature like √2.
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic states
that every integer greater than 1 is either a
prime number or can be expressed in the form
of primes. In other words, all the natural
numbers can be expressed in the form of the
product of its prime factors. To recall, prime
factors are the numbers which are divisible by
1 and itself only. For example, the number 35
can be written in the form of its prime factors
35 = 7 × 5
Here, 7 and 5 are the prime factors of 35
Similarly, another number 114560 can be
represented as the product of its prime factors
by using prime factorization method,
114560 = 27 × 5 × 179
So, we have factorized 114560 as the product
of the power of its primes.
Check: Prime Factorization Method
Therefore, every natural number can be
expressed in the form of the product of the
power of its primes. This statement is known
as the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic,
unique factorization theorem or the
unique-prime-factorization theorem.
Polynomial is made up of two terms, namely
Poly (meaning “many”) and Nominal (meaning
“terms.”). A polynomial is defined as an
expression which is composed of variables,
constants and exponents, that are combined
using mathematical operations such as
addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division (No division operation by a variable).
Based on the number of terms present in the
expression, it is classified as monomial,
binomial, and trinomial. Examples of
constants, variables and exponents are as
 Constants. Example: 1, 2, 3, etc.
 Variables. Example: g, h, x, y, etc.
 Exponents: Example: 5 in x5 etc.

i) Linear Polynomial:
A linear polynomial is defined as any
polynomial expressed in the form of an
equation of p(x) = ax + b, where a and b
are real numbers and a ≠ 0. In a linear
polynomial, the degree of the variable is equal
to 1 i.e., the highest exponent of the variable
is one. Linear polynomial in one variable can
have at the most two terms. The constraint
that a should not be equal to 0 is required
because if a is 0, then this becomes a
constant polynomial. A few examples of a
linear polynomial are: p(x): 2x + 3, q(y): πy +
A quadratic polynomial is a
second-degree polynomial where the value of
the highest degree term is equal to 2. The
general form of a quadratic equation is given
as ax2 + bx + c = 0. Here, a and b
are coefficients, x is the unknown variable and
c is the constant term. As this equation
contains a quadratic polynomial, hence,
solving it will give two solutions. This implies
that there can be two values of x.
  Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables
teaches that the general form of a linear
equation in two variables is ax + by + c = 0,
where x and y are variables and a, b and c
are real numbers. Now, in this equation, the
constants with variables cannot be equal to
zero simultaneously. Such equations have two
values, each for ‘x’ and ‘y’, which make both
sides of the equation equal.
General form of linear equations in two
The general form of a linear equation in
two variables is ax + by + c = 0, where a and
b cannot be zero simultaneously. Students
can refer to the short notes and MCQ
questions along with separate solution pdf of
this chapter for quick revision from the links
below: Identify unknown quantities and denote
them by variables.
Intersecting lines were formed when
two or more lines intersect at a common point.
A point at which they connect is referred to as
the point of intersection. Consider the diagram
below, which displays two crossing lines a
and b, and the point of intersection c.


Conditions for lines to be parallel Two
lines are said to be parallel if either one of
the following is satisfied: 1) Corresponding
angles are equal. 2) Alternate angles are
equal. 3) Interior angles on the same side of
the transversal are supplementary.


A line is defined as a set of points in a
coordinate plane that are all the same
distance from a given point, called the origin.
Two lines are said to be coincident if they
intersect at a single point. The equation of a
line can be written in slope-intercept form,
where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.
Equation of a line can also be written in point-
slope form, where (h, k) is a point on the line
and slope is the slope of the line at that point.
The equation of a line can also be written in
general form, where a, b, and c are constants.
However, the most common forms are slope-
intercept form and point-slope form. To find
the equation of a line given two points, you
can use the slope formula, which is m = (y2-
y1)/(x2-x1). You can also use the point-slope
form of the equation of a line, which is y-y1 =

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