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Comparative Effectiveness Review

Number 186

Targeting Sensory
Challenges in Children
With Autism Spectrum
Disorder­—An Update

Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 186

Interventions Targeting Sensory Challenges in

Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder—An Update
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, MD 20857

Contract No. 290-2015-00003-I

Prepared by:
Vanderbilt Evidence-based Practice Center
Nashville, TN

Amy S. Weitlauf, Ph.D.
Nila A. Sathe, M.A., M.L.I.S.
Melissa L. McPheeters, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Zachary Warren, Ph.D.

AHRQ Publication No. 17-EHC004-EF

May 2017
This report is based on research conducted by the Vanderbilt Evidence-based Practice Center
(EPC) under contract to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Rockville,
MD (Contract No. 290-2015-00003-I). The findings and conclusions in this document are those
of the authors, who are responsible for its contents; the findings and conclusions do not
necessarily represent the views of AHRQ. Therefore, no statement in this report should be
construed as an official position of AHRQ or of the U.S. Department of Health and Human

None of the investigators have any affiliations or financial involvement that conflicts with
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Persons using assistive technology may not be able to fully access information in this report. For
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Suggested citation: Weitlauf AS, Sathe NA, McPheeters ML, Warren Z. Interventions
Targeting Sensory Challenges in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder—An Update.
Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 186. (Prepared by the Vanderbilt Evidence-based
Practice Center under Contract No. 290-2015-00003-I.) AHRQ Publication No. 17-EHC004-
EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; May 2017. doi:

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The authors gratefully acknowledge the following individuals for their contributions to this
project: Ms. Jessica Kimber was an invaluable resource for assistance with data extraction and
checking, and helped to locate studies and track data. Ms. Katie Worley helped to extract data
and create tables. Drs. Mamata Raj and Jeff Andrews assisted with screening studies and with
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Task Order Officers; Associate Editor, Margaret Maglione; and Key Informants and Technical

Key Informants
In designing the study questions, the EPC consulted several Key Informants who represent the
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individuals with potential conflicts may be retained. The TOO and the EPC work to balance,
manage, or mitigate any conflicts of interest.

The list of Key Informants who provided input to this report follows:

Daniel Coury, M.D.* Susan Levy, M.D., M.P.H.*

Nationwide Children’s Hospital Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Columbus, OH Philadelphia, PA

Jennifer Frost, M.D. Tristram Smith, Ph.D.*

American Academy of Family Physicians University of Rochester
Leawood, KS Rochester, NY

Larry Wexler, Ph.D.

Oak Brook Psychology
Chicago, IL
*Provided input on Draft Report.

Technical Expert Panel
In designing the study questions and methodology at the outset of this report, the EPC
consulted several technical and content experts. Broad expertise and perspectives were sought.
Divergent and conflicted opinions are common and perceived as healthy scientific discourse that
results in a thoughtful, relevant systematic review. Therefore, in the end, study questions, design,
methodologic approaches, and/or conclusions do not necessarily represent the views of
individual technical and content experts.

Technical Experts must disclose any financial conflicts of interest greater than $10,000 and any
other relevant business or professional conflicts of interest. Because of their unique clinical or
content expertise, individuals with potential conflicts may be retained. The TOO and the EPC
work to balance, manage, or mitigate any potential conflicts of interest identified.

The list of Technical Experts who provided input to this report follows:

Grace Baranek, Ph.D. Susan Levy, M.D., M.P.H.*

University of North Carolina Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Chapel Hill, NC Philadelphia, PA

Daniel Coury, M.D.* Jeremy Veenstra-VanderWeele, M.D.*

Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbia University Medical Center
Columbus, OH New York, NY

Jennifer Frost, M.D. Paul Wang, M.D. ǂ

American Academy of Family Physicians Simons Foundation
Leawood, KS New York, NY

Susan Hyman, M.D.*

University of Rochester
Rochester, NY

*Provided input on Draft Report.

ǂDr. Wang was affiliated with Autism Speaks at the time he served as a Technical Expert Panel
member and when he provided input on the Draft Report.

Peer Reviewers
Prior to publication of the final evidence report, EPCs sought input from independent Peer
Reviewers without financial conflicts of interest. However, the conclusions and synthesis of the
scientific literature presented in this report do not necessarily represent the views of individual

Peer Reviewers must disclose any financial conflicts of interest greater than $10,000 and any
other relevant business or professional conflicts of interest. Because of their unique clinical or
content expertise, individuals with potential nonfinancial conflicts may be retained. The TOO

and the EPC work to balance, manage, or mitigate any potential nonfinancial conflicts of interest

The list of Peer Reviewers follows:

Christian Gold, Ph.D.

GAMUT—The Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre
Uni Research Health
Bergen, Norway

Patricia Howlin, Ph.D.

Institute of Psychiatry, London
London, England, UK

Interventions Targeting Sensory Challenges in
Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder—An Update
Structured Abstract
Objectives. To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of interventions targeting sensory
challenges in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Data sources. We searched MEDLINE®, Embase®, the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied
Health Literature®, and PsycINFO® from January 2010 to September 2016.

Review methods. We included studies comparing interventions incorporating sensory-focused

modalities with alternative treatments or no treatment. Studies had to include at least 10 children
with ASD ages 2–12 years. Two investigators independently screened studies and rated risk of
bias. We extracted and summarized data qualitatively because of the significant heterogeneity.
We also assessed strength of the evidence (SOE).

Results. We identified 24 unique comparative studies (17 newly published studies and 7 studies
addressed in our 2011 review of therapies for children with ASD). Studies included 20
randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 1 nonrandomized trial, and 3 retrospective cohort studies (3
low, 10 moderate, and 11 high risk of bias [ROB]). Populations, intervention approaches, and
outcomes assessed varied across studies. Relative to usual care or other interventions, sensory
integration–based approaches improved measures related to sensory and motor skills in the short
term (3 RCTs with high, moderate, and low ROB and 1 high ROB retrospective cohort study).
Environmental enrichment improved nonverbal cognitive skills in treated children compared
with standard care in two small RCTs (low and moderate ROB). Four small RCTs (2 moderate
and 2 high ROB) of auditory integration–based approaches reported mixed results. Studies of
music therapy (4 RCTs—1 low, 2 moderate, and 1 high ROB—and 1 high ROB nonrandomized
trial) used different protocols and addressed different outcomes, precluding synthesis. Massage
improved ASD symptom severity and sensory challenges versus a waitlist control condition (7
studies, 5 with likely overlapping participants, 3 moderate and 4 high ROB). Additional RCTs
(moderate and high ROB) of interventions with sensory-related components (tactile stimulation
exercises, weighted blankets) reported few significant differences between treatment groups.

Conclusions. Some interventions targeting sensory challenges may produce modest short-term
(<6 months) improvements, primarily in sensory-related outcomes and outcomes related to ASD
symptom severity; however, the evidence base for any category of intervention is small, and
durability of effects beyond the immediate intervention period is unclear. Sensory integration–
based approaches improved outcomes related to sensory challenges (low SOE) and motor skills
(low SOE), and massage improved sensory responses (low SOE) and ASD symptoms (low
SOE). Environmental enrichment improved nonverbal cognitive skills (low SOE). Auditory
integration–based approaches did not improve language outcomes (low SOE). Some positive
effects were associated with other approaches studied (music therapy, weighted blankets), but
findings in these small studies were not consistent (insufficient SOE). Data on longer term
results are lacking, as are data on characteristics that modify outcomes, effectiveness of
interventions across environments or contexts, and components of interventions that may drive

effects. In sum, while some therapies may hold promise and warrant further study, substantial
needs exist for continuing improvements in methodologic rigor in the field.

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................1
Background ................................................................................................................................1
Treatment of ASD ................................................................................................................1
Scope and Key Questions ..........................................................................................................2
Scope of Review ..................................................................................................................2
Key Questions ......................................................................................................................2
Categorization of Interventions............................................................................................3
Analytic Framework ..................................................................................................................4
Uses of This Evidence Report....................................................................................................5
Methods ..........................................................................................................................................6
Topic Surveillance and Review Protocol ...................................................................................6
Literature Search Strategy..........................................................................................................7
Search Strategy ....................................................................................................................7
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria..........................................................................................7
Study Selection ....................................................................................................................8
Data Extraction ....................................................................................................................8
Data Synthesis ............................................................................................................................8
Risk of Bias Assessment of Individual Studies .........................................................................9
Determining Overall Risk of Bias Ratings ................................................................................9
Applicability ..............................................................................................................................9
Strength of the Body of Evidence ................................................................................................
Peer Review and Public Commentary .....................................................................................10
Results ..........................................................................................................................................11
Results of Literature Searches for Key Questions ...................................................................11
Description of Included Studies .........................................................................................12
Gray Literature ...................................................................................................................13
Key Question 1. Benefits and Harms of Interventions Targeting Sensory Challenges ...........13
Studies of Sensory Integration-Based Approaches ............................................................13
Studies of Environmental Enrichment-Based Approaches ................................................15
Studies of Auditory Integration-Based Approaches ..........................................................16
Studies of Music Therapy-Based Approaches ...................................................................17
Studies of Touch/Massage .................................................................................................18
Additional Studies..............................................................................................................21
Key Question 2. Modifiers of Treatment Outcomes ................................................................21
Key Question 3. Time to Effect of Interventions .....................................................................22
Key Question 4. Evidence That Effects Measured at the End of Treatment Predict Long-
Term Functional Outcomes......................................................................................................22
Key Question 5. Effectiveness Across Environments or Contexts ..........................................23
Key Question 6. Drivers of Treatment Outcomes ...................................................................23
Discussion .....................................................................................................................................24
State of the Literature...............................................................................................................24
Summary of Key Findings and Strength of the Evidence........................................................24
Key Question 1. Benefits and Harms of Interventions Targeting Sensory Challenges .....24
Other Key Questions ..........................................................................................................29
Findings in Relation to What Is Already Known...............................................................29

Applicability ............................................................................................................................31
Implications for Clinical and Policy Decisionmaking .............................................................32
Limitations of the Comparative Effectiveness Review Process ..............................................32
Limitations of the Evidence Base ............................................................................................33
Research Gaps and Areas for Future Research ........................................................................34
Conclusions ..............................................................................................................................35
References ....................................................................................................................................36
Acronyms and Abbreviations ....................................................................................................40

Table 1. Inclusion criteria ................................................................................................................8
Table 2. Overview of studies addressing interventions targeting sensory challenges ...................12
Table 3. Overview of key outcome areas targeted .........................................................................13
Table 4. Strength of the evidence for sensory integration-based interventions versus control
Table 5. Strength of the evidence for environmental enrichment interventions versus usual care26
Table 6. Strength of the evidence for auditory integration-based interventions versus control
Table 7. Strength of the evidence for massage-based interventions versus waitlist control
conditions .......................................................................................................................................28

Figure 1. Analytic framework for review ........................................................................................5
Figure 2. Disposition of studies identified for this review ............................................................11

Appendix A. Detailed Methods
Appendix B. Search Strategies
Appendix C. Screening and Quality Assessment Forms
Appendix D. Excluded Studies
Appendix E. Risk of Bias Ratings
Appendix F. Applicability of Findings
Appendix G. Detailed Table of Findings

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder broadly defined by
impaired social communication as well as restricted or repetitive patterns of behavior and
interest. As defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth edition
(DSM-5), specific features of ASD include deficits in social and emotional reciprocity (e.g.,
atypical social approaches, conversational impairment, atypical sharing of interests, attention,
and affect); deficits in nonverbal communication (e.g., poorly integrated verbal and nonverbal
communication, atypical body-language and gesture use, deficits in use and understanding of
nonverbal communication); and deficits in maintaining appropriate relationships (e.g., challenges
with peer interest, vulnerabilities forming friendships, difficulties adjusting behavior to suit
social contexts) as well as restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior such as stereotyped
speech, motor movements, or use of objects; excessive adherence to routine or insistence on
sameness; intense interest patterns; and atypical sensory interests or responses.1 Symptoms of the
disorder impair and limit everyday functioning and are thought to be evident in early childhood,
although they may not be fully evident until later ages. Although not a core symptom, many
children with ASD may also have significant cognitive impairment.
Children with ASD may experience impairments in processing sensory stimuli, including
intense interests in or aversion to certain types of sensory input; while somewhat challenging to
operationalize, quantify, and measure clinically, estimates of impairments related to sensory
processing have ranged from 42 percent to 88 percent of people with ASD and include both
hyper- and hypo-responsiveness.2-4 Though sensory challenges are common and impairing
features of ASD for many individuals, the exact nature of sensory integration in the development
and lifespan trajectory is less understood. The field has historically lacked accepted frameworks
for diagnosing sensory challenges (e.g., not part of DSM diagnostic criteria until DSM-5) and
developing responsive interventions.2, 3, 5, 6

Treatment of ASD
The manifestation and severity of symptoms of ASD differ widely, and treatments include a
range of behavioral, psychosocial, educational, medical, and complementary approaches7-10 that
vary by a child’s age and developmental status. The goals of treatment for ASD typically focus
on improving core deficits in communication, social interactions, or restricted behaviors, as
changing these fundamental deficits may help children develop greater functional skills and
independence.11 Treatment frequently is complicated by symptoms or comorbidities that may
warrant targeted intervention. There is no cure for ASD and no global consensus on which
intervention is most effective.12, 13 Individual goals for treatment vary for different children and
may include combinations of behavioral therapies, educational therapies, medical and related
therapies, approaches targeting sensory issues, and allied health therapies; parents may also
pursue complementary and alternative medicine therapies.

Interventions Targeting Sensory Challenges

Increasingly, as reflected in their inclusion in the new DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, the sensory
challenges associated with ASD have also become a target for specialized assessment and
treatment. Sensory symptoms can involve both strong interests as well as strong aversions, with

interventions commonly targeting aversions/challenges, meeting needs for sensory input within
adaptive frameworks, or perceived processing deficits with the goal of improving people’s
abilities to interact with their environments. For example, a child with ASD may have difficulty
tolerating bright lights, clothing or food textures, specific noises (such as a baby crying), tasks of
daily living (such as brushing hair or teeth), touch, or more idiosyncratic stimuli such as certain
colors. These sensitivities can significantly interfere with children’s ability to care for
themselves, leave the home, participate in school or other interventions, and be involved in social
situations. Children may also display a hyperfocus on play or activities that involves a sensory
component, sometimes referred to as ”sensory-seeking” or ”stimming” behaviors.
Sensory-focused interventions take a variety of forms and can be implemented by a variety of
licensed professionals (such as occupational therapists), teachers, parents, and other providers.
Such interventions are not consistently defined but typically involve the incorporation of sensory
experiences (e.g., weighted clothing or materials, interventions that provide auditory sensations)
to affect a variety of outcomes including adaptive behavior and language.

Scope and Key Questions

Scope of Review
This review updates findings reported in the 2011 Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality (AHRQ) review Therapies for Children with ASD14 with a focus on studies of
interventions targeting sensory challenges. We defined interventions targeting sensory challenges
in line with the DSM-5 definition and definitions used in other reviews of sensory-focused
interventions.2, 3 DSM-5 classifies sensory challenges as a manifestation of the core symptom of
restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities. The DSM describes sensory
challenges as “hyper- or hyporeactivity to sensory input, manifested through extreme responses
to specific sounds or textures, excessive smelling or touching of objects, fascination with lights
or spinning objects, and sometimes apparent indifference to pain, heat, or cold.”1 Interventions
targeting sensory challenges are typically described as designed to provide controlled sensory
experiences in order to encourage the modulation and integration of information from the
environment, thus promoting adaptive responses to sensory inputs.
Though the field lacks broad consensus on a definition of sensory-focused approaches,
interventions typically use sensory modalities to target behaviors that may be associated with
sensory-related impairments.3, 15 We do not include studies of other approaches (e.g., educational
interventions) that may address a sensory-related outcome in the current review. A companion
review updating findings related to medical interventions is available on the AHRQ Effective
Health Care Web site.

Key Questions
We developed Key Questions (KQs) in consultation with Key Informants and the Task Order
Officer. KQs were posted for review to the AHRQ Effective Health Care Web site.
KQs were as follows:

KQ1: Among children ages 2-12 with ASD, what is the comparative
effectiveness (benefits and harms) of interventions targeting sensory

a. What are the effects on core symptoms (e.g., deficits in social
communication and interaction; restricted, repetitive patterns of
behavior, interests, or activities including hyper- or hypo- reactivity to
sensory input or unusual interest in sensory aspects of the environment)
in the short term (<6 months)?
b. What are the effects on commonly associated symptoms (e.g., motor,
medical, mood/anxiety, irritability, and hyperactivity) in the short term (<6
c. What are the longer term effects (≥6 months) on core symptoms (e.g.,
social deficits, communication deficits, and repetitive behaviors)?
d. What are the longer term effects (≥6 months) on commonly associated
symptoms (e.g., motor, medical, mood/anxiety, irritability, and
KQ2: Among children ages 2-12 with ASD, what are the modifiers of
outcome for different interventions targeting sensory challenges?
a. Is the effectiveness of the therapies reviewed affected by the frequency,
duration, intensity, or dose of the intervention?
b. Is the effectiveness of the therapies reviewed affected by co-
interventions or prior treatment, or the training and/or experience of the
individual providing the therapy?
c. What characteristics (e.g., age, symptom severity), if any, of the child
modify the effectiveness of the therapies reviewed?
d. What characteristics, if any, of the family modify the effectiveness of the
therapies reviewed?
KQ3: What is the time to effect of interventions targeting sensory

KQ4: What is the evidence that effects measured at the end of the
treatment phase predict long-term functional outcomes of interventions
targeting sensory challenges?

KQ5: Is the effectiveness of interventions targeting sensory challenges

maintained across environments or contexts (e.g., people, places,

KQ6: What evidence supports specific components of treatment with
interventions targeting sensory challenges as driving outcomes, either
within a single treatment or across treatments?

Categorization of Interventions
Interventions targeting sensory challenges may be broadly categorized by their core focus
(e.g., environmental modification/adaptation, compensatory strategies, sensory processing,
auditory integration). However, frequently these categories of sensory-related approaches
include overlapping targets and intervention strategies, as well as unique and differing aspects of
the same constructs. As such it is extremely challenging to identify definitively the category into
which many offered interventions should be placed. With input from our clinical experts, we
categorized approaches based on the core strategies used in each intervention. In some cases this
approach grouped together interventions that may have used specific, manualized techniques
with others that used only a subset of those techniques (e.g., Ayres-based sensory integration and
sensory integration models that may have used some Ayres strategies). We note that no
alternative approaches (e.g., considering Ayres-based approaches and other sensory integration
approaches as separate categories) would have substantially changed our overall findings in
terms of strength of evidence.
Based on the literature meeting criteria for this review, we categorized interventions as:
• Sensory integration-based (interventions using combinations of sensory and kinetic
components such as materials with different textures, touch/massage, swinging and
trampoline exercises, and balance and muscle resistance exercises to ameliorate sensory
• Environmental enrichment-based (interventions incorporating targeted exposure to sensory
stimuli to promote tolerance of stimuli in other contexts)
• Auditory integration-based (interventions incorporating auditory components such as filtered
sound to ameliorate sensory processing challenges via theorized re-training of aural
• Music therapy-based (interventions incorporating playing or singing music, or movement to
music, to improve challenging behaviors and sensory difficulties)
• Touch/Massage-based (interventions incorporating touch-based approaches by a therapist or
• Other (included interventions [tactile-based tasks, weighted blankets] not cleanly fitting into
one of the broader categories).

We recognize that other approaches to categorizing interventions targeting sensory

challenges could be used.

Analytic Framework
The analytic framework (Figure 1) illustrates the population, interventions, outcomes, and
adverse effects that guide the literature search and synthesis.

Figure 1. Analytic framework for review

ASD=autism spectrum disorder; KQ=Key Question

Uses of This Evidence Report

We anticipate that the report will be of value to clinicians who treat children with ASD, who
can use the report to assess the evidence for different treatment strategies. In addition, this
review will be of use to the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the Health Resources and Services
Administration–all of which have offices or bureaus devoted to child health issues and who may
use the report to compare treatments and determine priorities for funding. This report can bring
practitioners up to date about the current state of evidence related to interventions targeting
sensory challenges, and it provides an assessment of the risk of bias of studies that aim to
determine outcomes of sensory-related options for the management of ASD. It will be of interest
to families affected by ASD because of the recurring need for families and their health care
providers to make the best possible decisions among numerous options. We also anticipate it will
be of use to private sector organizations concerned with ASD; the report can inform such
organizations’ understanding of the effectiveness of treatments and the amount and quality of
evidence available. Researchers can obtain a concise analysis of the current state of knowledge
related to interventions targeting sensory challenges in ASD and of areas for future research.

In this chapter, we briefly outline the procedures that we used to produce a Comparative
Effectiveness Review (CER) update addressing interventions targeting sensory challenges for
children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Appendix A includes a more detailed discussion
of our methods. These procedures follow the methods outlined in the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality (AHRQ) Effective Health Care Program Methods Guide for Effectiveness
and Comparative Effectiveness Reviews.16

Topic Surveillance and Review Protocol

The topic for the original report14 was nominated by Autism Speaks in a public process using
the Effective Health Care Web site. AHRQ published an update addressing behavioral
interventions in 2014.17 We conducted a surveillance process to assess the need to update the
report by contacting topic experts about the relevance of the Key Questions (KQs) and new
evidence that may address them. All members of the research team were required to submit
information about potential conflicts of interest before initiation of the work. No members of the
review team had any conflicts.
In consultation with clinical experts and stakeholders, and based on our preliminary scan of
the literature and surveillance findings, we focused the review update on approaches to address
sensory challenges and medical approaches (reported in a separate update). These areas reflect
both areas of clinical relevance and sufficient newly published literature for a review update.
Given the different major emphases of these interventions (i.e., sensory processing/integration
abilities and challenging behaviors) and subsequent differences in study populations, we report
findings in two separate reviews.
Based also on the surveillance process and discussions with stakeholders, we revised the KQ
addressed in the 2011 report to reflect the focus on medical and sensory approaches specifically.
We also eliminated a question on approaches for children at risk for ASD as such children are
unlikely to be included in studies in the target areas for this review update.
After review from AHRQ, the questions and framework were posted online for public
comment. No changes to the questions or framework were recommended. We identified
technical experts on the topic to provide assistance during the project. The Technical Expert
Panel (TEP), representing the fields of pediatrics and developmental pediatrics, psychiatry,
family medicine, and occupational therapy and allied health, contributed to the AHRQ’s broader
goals of (1) creating and maintaining science partnerships as well as public-private partnerships
and (2) meeting the needs of an array of potential users of its products. Thus, the TEP was both
an additional resource and a sounding board during the project. The TEP included seven
members serving as technical or clinical experts. To ensure robust, scientifically relevant work,
TEP members participated in conference calls to:
• Help to refine the analytic framework and KQ at the beginning of the project;
• Discuss inclusion/exclusion criteria; and
• Assist with determining key interventions and outcomes of interest.
The final protocol was posted to the AHRQ Effective Health Care Web site and registered in
the PROSPERO international register of systematic reviews (ID#: CRD42016033941).

Literature Search Strategy
Search Strategy
To ensure comprehensive retrieval of relevant studies of therapies for children with ASD, we
used four key databases: the MEDLINE® medical literature database via the PubMed® interface;
EMBASE (Excerpta Medica Database), an international biomedical and pharmacological
literature database via the Ovid® interface; the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health
Literature (CINAHL), and PsycINFO®. Search strategies for KQs applied a combination of
controlled vocabulary (Medical Subject Headings [MeSH] and Emtree headings) to focus
specifically on interventions targeting sensory challenges in children with ASD and harms of
interventions (Appendix B). We restricted literature searches for KQs to studies published from
2010 to September 2016 to reflect literature available since the publication of the 2011 review.

Gray Literature
We searched Web sites of organizations likely to conduct research, issue guidance, or
generate policies for ASD (e.g., Autism Speaks, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry) to inform the review’s background and discussion sections. We searched government
and regulatory agency Web sites for contextual information on benefits and harms of ASD
interventions. We searched, the International Standard Randomized
Controlled Trials Number (ISRCTN) registry, and other trial registries for information about
relevant ongoing trials and to confirm that we have obtained available publications of results
from completed trials.

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Table 1 outlines inclusion criteria. We required that eligible randomized controlled trials
(RCTs) have a total minimum sample size of 10. We required a higher minimum sample size
(n=20) for other comparative studies as they typically have fewer controls for bias than RCTs.
We recognize that these study design criteria excluded single-subject or single-case experimental
designs that have been used to study interventions targeting sensory challenges. These studies are
challenging to incorporate in a meaningful way in comparative effectiveness reviews, which
attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions at the population level. To mitigate the
exclusion of such studies; however, we include summaries of recent reviews that have included
such studies and discuss our findings in light of those in other reviews (see Findings in Relation
to What Is Already Known).
We included studies published in English only. In the opinion of our content experts, much
of the relevant literature on ASD is published in English. We focused the review on children
between 2 and 12 years of age. We chose to limit the age range to this span because a) diagnosis
of ASD earlier than age 2 is less established and b) adolescents likely have substantially different
challenges and would warrant different interventions than children in the preschool, elementary
and middle school age groups. Studies also included only children with a diagnosis of ASD (or
data reported separately for children with ASD).

Table 1. Inclusion criteria
Category Criteria
Study Population Children ages 2-12 with ASD (mean age plus standard deviation is ≤ 12 years and 11
Publication Languages English only
Admissible Evidence Admissible designs
(study design and other Randomized controlled trials, prospective and retrospective cohort studies with
criteria) comparison groups, and nonrandomized controlled trials

Other criteria
Original research studies published from 2010—present and not addressed in prior

Studies must have relevant population and ≥20 participants with ASD (non-RCTs) or at
least 10 total participants (RCTs)

Studies must address one or more of the following for ASD:

-Outcomes of interest
-Treatment modality of interest
-Predictors or drivers of treatment outcomes (e.g., biomarkers, clinical changes)
-Maintenance of outcomes across environments or contexts
-Sufficiently detailed methods and results to enable data extraction
-Reporting of outcome data by target population or intervention
ASD=autism spectrum disorder; RCT=randomized controlled trial

Study Selection
Two reviewers separately evaluated the abstracts of studies identified in our searches for
KQs for inclusion or exclusion, using an Abstract Review Form (Appendix C). If one reviewer
concluded that the article could be eligible for the review based on the abstract, we retained it.
Following abstract review, two reviewers independently assessed the full text of each included
study using a standardized form (Appendix C) that included questions stemming from our
inclusion and exclusion criteria. A senior reviewer resolved disagreements between reviewers.
Appendix D includes a list of excluded studies and the reasons for exclusion. Data extracted for
each study are available via the Systematic Review Data Repository (

Data Extraction
We designed extraction forms to provide sufficient information to enable readers to understand
the studies and to determine their quality; we gave particular emphasis to essential information
related to the KQs. Team data extractors shared the task of initially entering information into the
evidence tables. A second team member also reviewed the articles and edited all initial entries
for accuracy, completeness, and consistency. A senior reviewer reconciled disagreements
concerning the information reported.

Data Synthesis
Studies were too heterogeneous to allow for meta-analyses. We summarized data for Key
Questions qualitatively using summary tables.

Risk of Bias Assessment of Individual Studies
We evaluated the overall methodologic risk of bias of individual studies using the ASD-
specific assessment approach developed and used in our prior reviews of interventions for ASD
and informed by the Methods Guide for Effectiveness and Comparative Effectiveness Reviews.16
We developed this tool because standard risk of bias assessment tools (e.g., Cochrane risk of bias
assessment) do not fully account for the complexity of interventions and populations represented
in the ASD literature. Specifically, the tool includes questions to address diagnostic approaches
and measures of treatment fidelity that may affect outcomes. The tool has not been formally
Two senior investigators assessed each included study independently with disagreements
resolved through discussion. Appendix C includes our risk of bias assessment form, and
Appendix E includes the risk of bias ratings for each study. Appendix A includes additional
details about our risk of bias approach.

Determining Overall Risk of Bias Ratings

We used the thresholds we established in prior reviews to assess overall high, medium or low
risk of bias. We assessed the risk of bias based upon the study-defined primary outcome(s). We
assessed each domain described above individually and considered the individual ratings to
determine an overall quality assessment of low, moderate, or high risk of bias. Appendix A
includes additional details.

We assessed the applicability of findings reported in the included literature addressing our
KQs to the general population of children with ASD by determining the population, intervention,
comparator, and setting in each study and developing an overview of these elements for each
intervention category. We anticipated that areas in which applicability would be especially
important to describe would include ASD severity, comorbidities, age at treatment, and
intervention characteristics such provider, dosing/intensity, and setting. Applicability tables for
each KQ are in Appendix F.

Strength of the Body of Evidence

The assessment of the literature is done by considering both the observed effectiveness of
interventions and the confidence that we have in the stability of those effects in the face of future
research (see Appendix A for full details). The degree of confidence that the observed effect of
an intervention is unlikely to change is presented as strength of evidence. Methods for applying
strength of evidence assessments are established in the Methods Guide for Effectiveness and
Comparative Effectiveness Reviews16 and are based on consideration study limitations,
consistency in direction of the effect, directness in measuring intended outcomes, precision of
effect, and reporting bias. Strength of evidence is assessed separately for major intervention-
outcome pairs and incorporates data from the entire body of reviewed evidence on behavioral
interventions (i.e., comparative studies—both RCTs and prospective and retrospective cohort
studies—reported in the 2011 review14 and studies reported in the current review). The possible
strength of evidence grades were:

• High: High confidence that the evidence reflects the true effect. Further research is
unlikely to change estimates
• Moderate: Moderate confidence that the evidence reflects the true effect. Further research
may change our confidence in the estimate of effect and may change the estimate
• Low: Low confidence that the evidence reflects the true effect. Further research is likely to
change confidence in the estimate of effect and is also likely to change the estimate
• Insufficient: Evidence is either unavailable or does not permit a conclusion.

Peer Review and Public Commentary

Researchers and clinicians with expertise in treating children with ASD and individuals
representing stakeholder and user communities provided external peer review of this report. The
draft report was posted on the AHRQ Web site for 4 weeks to elicit public comment. We
addressed all reviewer comments, revised the text as appropriate, and documented changes and
revisions to the report in a disposition of comments report that will be made available 3 months
after AHRQ posts the final review on the AHRQ Web site.

Results of Literature Searches for Key Questions
We identified 6573 nonduplicative titles or abstracts with potential relevance, with 485
proceeding to full text review (Figure 2). We excluded 468 studies at full text review. We
included 17 unique studies (17 publications; one publication reports two separate studies18 and
one study was reported in two papers19, 20) in the review. These 17 studies included 13
randomized controlled trials (RCTs), one nonrandomized trial, and three retrospective cohort
studies. In addition to these 17 studies published since the completion of our original review of
therapies for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 2011,14 we include seven
comparative studies addressed in the 2011 review in order to present a comprehensive
assessment of the literature addressing interventions targeting sensory challenges.
Figure 2. Disposition of studies identified for this review

Numbers next to each Key Question indicate number of unique studies addressing the question. Studies could address more than
one Key Question.
*Numbers do not tally as studies could be excluded for multiple reasons.
†One paper reports two separate trials. We also include analysis of 7 comparative studies reported in our 2011 review of
therapies for children with ASD; thus, we describe a total of 24 studies.
Abbreviations: KQ = Key Question; n = number.

Description of Included Studies
The 24 studies addressing interventions targeting sensory challenges included 20 RCTs
(including one paper that reported two separate studies18-37 one nonrandomized trial, 38 and three
retrospective cohort studies39-41 (Table 2). Three studies had low risk of bias,22, 24, 37 10 had
moderate,19-21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 33-36 and 11 had high risk.18, 26, 29-32, 38-41 Fourteen studies were conducted
in the United States,18-26, 29, 33, 34, 36, 40 two in the UK,28, 35 two in Korea,30, 41 and one each in
Japan,39 Iran,38 Turkey,31 Brazil,37 Thailand,32 and Australia.27
In total, studies included approximately 1010 children (median 34 total children/study)
ranging in age from 2 to 16 years. Overlap of participants in a series of massage-focused studies
by one investigative team is unclear. While studies likely included some of the same children,
the extent of overlap is not clear.25, 26, 33, 36, 40
Severity of ASD and sensory dysfunction varied across studies. Only two studies reported
any followup of participants after the completion of treatment,26, 38 and one had more than 6
months of treatment39 while another planned for 5 months of treatment but required 7 months to
complete the intervention.37 Because few studies addressed sub-questions under Key Questions
(KQ) 1 and 2, we present results in the aggregate under each of these KQ. Appendix G includes
detailed summary tables summarizing key outcomes.

Table 2. Overview of studies addressing interventions targeting sensory challenges


Total Literature
Cohort Studies
RCTs (n=20)

Trials (n=1)

Characteristic (n=3)
Intervention Category
Sensory integration-based approaches 3 0 1 4
Environmental enrichment-based approaches 2 0 0 2
Auditory integration-based approaches 4 0 0 4
Music therapy-based approaches 4 1 0 5
Massage-based approaches 5 0 2 7
Additional approaches 2 0 0 2
Treatment Duration
<1-4 weeks 5 1 0 6
5-8 weeks 2 0 0 2
9-12 weeks 4 0 0 4
13-20 weeks 6 0 2 8
≥21 weeks 3 0 1 4
Region of Study Conduct
Asia 3 1 2 6
Australia 1 0 0 1
Europe 2 0 0 2
North America 13 0 1 14
South America 1 0 0 1
Risk of Bias
Low 3 0 0 3
Moderate 10 0 0 10
High 7 1 3 11
Total N Participants 790 27 193 1010
N = Number; RCT = Randomized Controlled Trial

Table 3 outlines outcome areas targeted in studies meeting our review criteria. Most studies
addressed sensory challenges and symptom severity.

Table 3. Overview of key outcome areas targeted


Cognitive Skills
ASD Symptom







Harms of


Intervention/ Outcomes
Sensory Integration-based X
Approaches21, 22, 31, 39
Environmental enrichment-
based Approaches23, 24
Auditory Integration-based
Approaches18, 34, 35
Music Therapy19, 20, 27, 30, 37, 38 X X X X
Massage-based Approaches25, X X
26, 32, 33, 36, 40, 41 X X X X
Tactile-based Task29 X X
Weighted Blanket28 X X X X
ASD= autism spectrum disorder
Note: X=Outcome area addressed by a study in the intervention category noted

Gray Literature
Our searches of and other trial registries did not yield additional eligible
studies for the review. We used information from organization Web sites searched to provide
additional context for the discussion section of the report.

Key Question 1. Benefits and Harms of Interventions

Targeting Sensory Challenges
Studies of Sensory Integration-Based Approaches
Key Points
• Four studies addressing sensory integration (SI)-based approaches were small and short-term
(typically <6 months), with no followup beyond the immediate treatment period. No study
reported harms of intervention.
• Sensory-related outcomes improved in children receiving an SI-based intervention compared
with those receiving usual care or other treatment (statistically significant improvements in
three of four studies addressing the outcome). We have low confidence in this conclusion (low
strength of evidence).
• Motor skills outcomes were improved in children receiving SI-based treatment compared with
those receiving usual care or other treatment (statistically significant improvements in three of
three studies addressing the outcome). We have low confidence in this conclusion (low
strength of evidence).

• We could not assess the effects of SI-based treatment on adaptive behavior given differences
in outcomes measures (insufficient strength of evidence).

Overview of the Literature

We identified three RCTs (one low,22 one moderate,21 and one high31 risk of bias) and one
retrospective cohort study (high risk of bias39) addressing SI-based approaches. These studies
included one RCT with high risk of bias addressed in our 2011 review.31 All four studies
included either explicitly noted that they were based on Ayres sensory integration principles21, 22
or noted using a coordinated program of specific sensory-based activities selected based on a
given child's needs and incorporated into the child's daily routine.31, 39 Studies were conducted in
the United States,21, 22 Japan,39 and Turkey31 and included a total of 119 children between the
ages of 2 to 12 years. Treatment duration ranged from 6 weeks to 10 months, and no study
reported long-term followup after the end of treatment.

Detailed Analysis
In these small, short-term studies, outcomes on sensory-related measures and motor skills
measures were improved in children receiving a SI-based intervention compared with another
intervention in three of four studies, but effects on other outcomes were typically not statistically
significantly different between groups (Appendix G). Several outcomes were also parent-
reported, and parents were often aware of intervention status.
In one low risk of bias RCT, children with autism or Pervasive Development Disorder-Not
Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS) and a diagnosed sensory processing disorder received SI-based
treatment or treatment focused on building fine motor skills.22 Intervention for both groups
consisted of 18 45-minute sessions over a 6-week span. Both groups improved significantly on
blinded parent and teacher ratings of goal attainment (Goal Attainment Scale [GAS]) related to
sensory processing, motor skills, and social functioning, with children receiving SI improving
significantly more than those receiving motor skills intervention (p values ≤0.05). Children in the
SI group had significantly fewer parent-rated autistic mannerisms post-treatment than the fine
motor group (p≤0.05), but other measures of sensory processing, ASD symptoms, or
neurological functioning did not differ between groups.
Another RCT with moderate risk of bias compared manualized occupational therapy with
sensory integration (OT/SI) to care-as-usual.21 OT/SI treatment consisted of three weekly
sessions over the course of 10 weeks, which were monitored for treatment fidelity. Outcome
measurements included parent-generated GAS. After treatment, children receiving OT/SI
showed significantly more goals attained and significantly greater improvements in social skills
and self-care measures compared with children receiving usual care (p=0.003). Scores on the
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS) or other measures related to functional skills did not
differ between groups. Children receiving OT/SI had greater improvements in need for caregiver
assistance with self-care and social skills (p values ≤0.05).
In a retrospective cohort study (high risk of bias) using previously collected data to compare
SI-based therapy in children with high functioning ASD (IQs > 70), both groups received active
treatment that included either SI therapy or eclectic group therapy.39 Treatment lasted for 8 to 10
months. Participants in the SI group improved significantly more than those in the control group
in measures of motor abilities, memory and visualization, and combined sensory motor and
cognitive skills conducted by an unblinded investigator (p values<0.05) but not for measures of
spatial positioning and sense of touch or verbal ability. Finally, in a high risk of bias RCT

evaluating the effects of an SI protocol on low-functioning children with ASD, children
receiving SI intervention had significantly fewer sensory problems at followup than children in
the usual care control group using a parent-rated scale.31

Studies of Environmental Enrichment-Based Approaches

Key Points
• Two small RCTs addressing environmental enrichment were short term (<6 months). Neither
study reported harms of intervention.
• Environmental enrichment approaches improved nonverbal cognitive skills. We have low
confidence in this conclusion (low strength of evidence).
• These approaches do not affect expressive language. We have low confidence in this
conclusion (low strength of evidence)
• We could not make conclusions about effects on atypical sensory responses or receptive
language as these outcomes were only addressed in one RCT (insufficient strength of

Overview of the Literature

Two RCTs (low and moderate risk of bias), both conducted by the same investigators in the
United States, examined environmental enrichment.23, 24 The 78 children included in studies
range in age from 3 to 12 years and received treatment for 6 months, with followup immediately
post-treatment in both studies. Children in the studies had specific diagnoses of autism (vs.

Detailed Analysis
Two small RCTs of environmental enrichment examined the same protocol and reported
improvements in ASD symptoms, receptive language, and nonverbal cognitive skills after 6
months of treatment (Appendix G). In one RCT (moderate risk of bias) comparing male children
who received standard care plus sensorimotor enrichment to those who received standard care
alone, the treatment group received olfactory/tactile stimulation as well as four to seven other
parent-led, sensory-stimulating exercises twice a day over the course of 6 months.23 Levels of
concurrent interventions (e.g., speech, behavioral, physical therapies) were similar across groups
and held as stable as possible. Compared with usual care, children receiving environmental
enrichment had a more significant decrease in clinician-rated ASD symptoms (p=0.03) at the end
of treatment, with nearly five times as many participants in the treatment group showing
clinically significant drops of five points or more (42% vs. 7%, p=0.03). The treatment group
also had a 9-point increase in nonverbal cognitive skills as measured by the Leiter-R compared
with a decrease of approximately 3 points in the usual care group (p=0.008). Both groups
improved on expressive language skills, with no significant differences.
A second RCT (low risk of bias) built upon the preliminary work by examining use of the
same sensorimotor enrichment regimen over 6 months.24 Investigators randomized participants
to three groups: full treatment, as described in the initial study above; partial treatment, which
entailed an abbreviated treatment regimen, and standard care. However, because no differences
were found between intervention outcomes across the two treatment groups, the study collapsed
findings into a combined treatment group. The treatment groups experienced significant attrition
(> 50% across both) that may affect the generalizability of the results. After 6 months, the

treatment group showed more improvement than did the control group in receptive language
skills, but both groups improved comparably for expressive language. The treatment group had
significantly more improvement on mean nonverbal IQ scores as well as parent-rated sensory
reactivity. Although more children in the treatment group compared with the control group
shifted their diagnostic classification on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2 (ADOS-
2) from “autism” to “autism spectrum,” all children across both groups continued to meet the
cut-offs for ASD, making it difficult to interpret the clinical significance of the findings.

Studies of Auditory Integration-Based Approaches

Key Points
• All four RCTs addressing auditory integration-based approaches were small and short term
(<6 months). No study reported harms of intervention.
• Auditory integration-based approaches do not improve language outcomes. We have low
confidence in this conclusion (low strength of evidence).

Overview of the Literature

Four RCTs with moderate34, 35 and high18 risk of bias evaluated auditory integration-based
approaches. One paper reports two RCTs,18 and two studies were included in our 2011 review.34,
Studies included a total of 173 children between the ages of 3 and 13 years, and treatment
duration ranged from 1 week to 18 weeks, with followup immediately post-treatment.

Detailed Analysis
Two small, short term RCTs of auditory integration-based approaches reported no significant
differences between groups in language outcomes assessed on parent, teacher, and clinician
observation measures,34, 35 while two studies reported significant parent-rated improvements in
hearing sensitivity and behavior (Appendix G).18
One crossover RCT evaluated the effects of Tomatis Sound Therapy on language skills in
children with autistic disorder who had not previously had auditory stimulation treatments.34 In
the treatment condition, children listened to music passed through an electronic ear for
attenuation and modulation for two hours per day in accordance with the Tomatis Method
protocol. In the placebo condition, children listened to commercially produced music. The study
reported no significant group effects. Another RCT of auditory integration therapy including
children with significant language delays reported no significant benefits of auditory
Two high risk of bias RCTs (reported in a single publication18) examined the use of auditory
integration strategies theorized to reduce auditory hypersensitivity by “exercising” the neural
regulation abilities of the middle ear muscles. Across both trials, two different sets of participants
completed five 45-minute sessions on consecutive days. In Trial 1, participants wore headphones
and either listened to filtered music or no sound. In Trial 2, participants either listened to filtered
music or unfiltered music. Participants either had at least five words of functional speech or were
able to follow one-step instructions. It should be noted that although the ADI-R was used to
confirm diagnosis, a subset of participants did not meet full diagnostic cut-offs on this
instrument. One week after intervention, parents reported more improvement in the areas of
hearing sensitivity, spontaneous speech, listening, and behavioral organization after filtered
music compared with children in the control condition (p values <0.01). Children who received

filtered music in Trial 2 also had significantly better parent-rated scores on hearing sensitivity
and emotional control compared with control children (p values <0.05). Groups in either trial did
not differ in the other behavioral domains rated.

Studies of Music Therapy-Based Approaches

Key Points
• All studies addressing music therapy-based approaches were small and short term (<6
months), and none reported harms of intervention.
• We could not make conclusions about effects of music therapy approaches on any outcome
given that studies had multiple comparators and addressed different outcomes (insufficient
strength of evidence).

Overview of the Literature

Four RCTs and one nonrandomized trial (one conducted in Australia,27 one in Iran,38 one in
Brazil,37 one in the United States, 19, 20 and one in Korea30) examined music therapy-based
approaches. One study compared a rhythm-based intervention with a non-human (robot) control
and with human-delivered control intervention.19, 20 One nonrandomized trial comparing music
therapy and toy play was included in our 2011 review.30
Studies included a total of 115 children ranging in age from 3 to 12 years, and treatment
duration ranged from 45 days to 20 weeks. Followup occurred immediately at the end of
treatment in all but one of the studies, which followed up at 2 months post-treatment.38 Two
studies had low risk of bias,19, 20, 37 one had moderate risk of bias,27 and two studies had high
risk.30, 38

Detailed Analysis
The five small studies addressing music therapy reported some significant effects on
measures of behavior (social engagement, behavioral organization), verbal and nonverbal
communication, and joint attention (directing and sharing attention to objects or events) with
music-based intervention compared with control interventions (Appendix G). Studies used
different protocols and addressed different outcomes; thus, drawing conclusions across studies is
challenging. In some studies children also received other interventions in addition to music-
based approaches.
One RCT (low risk of bias) compared Relational Music Therapy to treatment-as-usual in 24
male children with Autistic disorder, PDD-NOS, or Asperger Syndrome.37 Relational Music
Therapy is not a standardized protocol but rather a participant-driven, non-directive approach
that incorporates musical instruments to promote interaction. Intervention consisted of 16 30-
minute sessions that took approximately 7 months to complete. Groups did not differ
significantly on outcomes measured using the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) at
Another low risk of bias RCT compared three intervention conditions (four 45-minute
sessions/week for 8 weeks) targeting pre- and post-test measures of communication, attention,
and motor skills: a trainer-led rhythm and movement-based group, a robot group focused on
imitation, and a control group engaging in tabletop activities.19, 20 The rhythm and control groups
improved from baseline on an overall measure of joint attention, while the robot group did not;
between-group differences were not statistically significant. Both rhythm and robot treatment

groups demonstrated greater post-test attention to trainers than to objects than did the control
group (p values <0.001), with greater attention in the rhythm group than the robot group
(p<0.001). The rhythm group also demonstrated the greatest duration of spontaneous social
attention, followed by the robot group and the control group (p<0.001). Children in the robot
group also had greater self-directed vocalization compared with the other groups (p values
<0.002), while children in the rhythm and control groups had greater spontaneous social
verbalization to trainers than did children in the robot group (p values <0.03).
One RCT (moderate risk of bias) compared family-centered music therapy plus early
intervention to early intervention only.27 Participants had little to no functional verbal
communication and received 2 to 3 hours of community-based intervention per week while
participating. Intervention consisted of one hour per week of semi-structured sessions within the
home for 16 weeks. Therapists worked with parents and participants to improve selected core
social engagement skills through music-based activities. Children who received music therapy
had more improvement than controls in parent-rated social engagement (p< 0.001) but remained
significantly impaired relative to typically developing peers. Groups did not differ on parent-
reported autism symptoms, speech and language, or quality of the parent-child relationship.
In a high risk of bias nonrandomized trial comparing 12 1-hour Orff-Schulwerk music
therapy sessions over the course of 45 days to no treatment, social skills improved significantly
in the treatment group between baseline to post-treatment but not from post-treatment to follow-
up.38 The control group did not improve at any time point, and differences between the treatment
and control groups were not significant at the final followup.
In a final crossover RCT with high risk of bias comparing music therapy and toy play, groups
did not differ on the Pervasive Development Disorder Behavior Inventory (PDDBI), though both
groups improved with time.30 Results from the Early Social Communication Scales, reflecting
growth in joint attention skills, suggested that music therapy was significantly more effective
than play sessions. Change scores pre- to post- music therapy were significantly greater than
change scores pre- to post- play sessions. In coding for emotional and motivational
responsiveness (i.e., joy, emotional synchronicity, initiation of engagement), investigators
observed more joy, emotional synchronicity, and initiation of engagement during music therapy
than in play sessions. In addition, children had significantly more compliant behavior and
significantly fewer episodes of no response behaviors in the music therapy condition.

Studies of Touch/Massage
Key Points
• One group of investigators conducted five short-term (<6 months treatment duration) studies
comparing massage with no massage treatment, and participant overlap is unclear. No study
reported harms of intervention.
• Additional studies assessed massage therapy plus attachment therapy compared with
attachment therapy alone or massage plus SI-based treatment vs. SI-based treatment alone.
• Massage improved sensory challenges and ASD symptom severity vs. no massage. Our
confidence in this conclusion is low (low strength of evidence).
• Massage did not improve maladaptive behavior. Our confidence in this conclusion is low
(low strength of evidence).

• We could not make conclusions about the effects of massage on language/communication
outcomes given inconsistent findings and use of different outcome measures (insufficient
strength of evidence).
• We could not make conclusions about longer-term outcomes (≥6 months) as only one study
reported longer-term followup (insufficient strength of evidence). We could not make
conclusions about effects on measures of daily living skills, also assessed in only one study
(insufficient strength of evidence). Only one study compared massage plus SI-based
treatment to SI-based treatment alone or attachment therapy plus massage with attachment
therapy alone so we could not make conclusions about these studies (insufficient strength of

Overview of the Literature

Seven studies (6 RCTs and one retrospective cohort study) addressed touch-based therapy.
Five studies (four RCTs and one cohort) compared Qigong or traditional massage to no massage
treatment (waitlist condition). 25, 26, 33, 36, 40 One RCT compared massage plus SI-based treatment
with SI-based treatment alone,32 and one retrospective cohort compared attachment therapy plus
massage with attachment therapy alone.41 Studies were conducted in the United States,25, 26, 33, 36,
Korea,41and Thailand32 and had moderate25, 33, 36 and high risk of bias.26, 32, 40, 41 Three RCTs
were also reported in our 2011 review.26, 32, 33
One team of investigators has published most of the literature in this area, and the extent of
overlap among participants in these studies is unclear.25, 26, 33, 40, 42 Studies included
approximately 439 children receiving treatment for 2 to 5 months. One study reported followup
of participants 5 months after the end of treatment.26

Detailed Analysis
Massage Versus No Massage. Almost all of studies are from one group of investigators, and the
participant overlap is unclear (Appendix F). Some used only parent-and teacher-rated outcomes,
but others used standardized measures of autism symptoms, language, and adaptive functioning
(e.g., CARS, Preschool Language Scale [PLS], Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales [VABS]).
Studies generally reported improvements related to sensory processing, autism symptoms, and
parent stress in both treatment and control groups over the course of 5 months of either parent or
parent + therapist-delivered intervention, with treatment groups improving significantly more
than controls. Some studies also examined the moderating influence of baseline variables, such
as parent stress or autism severity, which are important confounds to explore. The difficulty
differentiating populations in these studies limits the strength of evidence for their findings,
although results seem promising regarding a sensory-focused intervention that can be delivered
within the home environment with minimal risk of harms.
As noted, four RCTs (three with moderate risk of bias25, 33,36 and one with a high risk of
bias26) and one retrospective cohort study40 (high risk of bias) had unclear participant overlap
and compared children who received Qigong Sensory Training (QST) to wait-listed controls or
usual care. In one study comparing children who received QST to children receiving treatment as
usual,25 parents participated in seven sessions instructing them in the basics of Qigong. Most
children concurrently attended early intervention preschools for 5-10 hours a week, and
participants included an unknown number of sibling pairs. Children receiving QST significantly
improved from baseline on teacher and parent ratings of autism symptoms as well as parent

ratings of sensory challenges, self-regulation skills, communication skills, and maladaptive
behaviors (p values ≤0.05). When compared with the waitlist control group, improvements were
significantly larger for autism symptoms (PDDBI), parent stress, and sensory/self-regulation
challenges (Sensory and Self-Regulation Checklist), with medium to large effect sizes. Changes
in teacher-rated ASD symptoms (Autism Behavior Checklist [ABC]) were not significantly
different between treatment and control groups. Some children (N not clear) received parent +
therapist-delivered massage (dual group) while others received only parent-delivered massage.
While both groups improved on all measures from baseline, children in the dual group had
greater improvements than those in the parent-only group (p values=ns).
Participants in a second RCT included five sibling pairs.26 Children in the treatment group
also had more severe challenging behaviors and sensory impairments at baseline. Children who
received QST significantly improved on parent- and teacher-reported measures of autism
symptoms, maladaptive behavior, communication skills, and sensory functioning from baseline,
whereas children in the control group improved only on teacher measures of maladaptive
behaviors (p values≤0.05). Children in the treatment group improved significantly more on
teacher-rated measures of behavior and language (PDDBI, ABC) but not in maladaptive
behavior compared with the control group. Children who received QST also improved more on
all parent-rated measures of behavior and sensory processing (PDDBI, SSC) than did children in
the control group.26 Parent-rated data on 19 treatment group participants still available for data
collection showed that gains were maintained 5-months after the end of treatment.
A third RCT from the same group compared waitlisted controls to children who received five
months of a QST Dual Program (parent + therapist-delivered massage).36 Baseline variables and
attrition rates were similar across groups. Children in both groups showed improvement over
time in most domains, although control group improvements were generally of smaller
magnitude than the treatment group. Post-hoc analyses revealed specific treatment effects on
parent-reported but not clinician-rated measures: autism symptoms, receptive (but not
expressive) language, sensory processing, and parent stress improved more in the treatment
group compared with control (p values <0.01). Group differences in social and living skills were
not significant.
A final study from this group, with high risk of bias and unclear participant overlap with
prior studies, retrospectively compared outcomes for children who either received QST for 5-
months or were waitlisted controls.40 Participants in the treatment groups received two varying
levels of intervention (Home Program—parent only massage; Dual Program—parent + therapist-
delivered massage), and outcome measures were reported by both parents and therapists using
different reporting strategies (questionnaire versus observation). Participants in the treatment
groups showed significant improvements in tactile defensiveness, self-regulation skills, and
parent stress levels compared with controls.

Massage + SI-Based Treatment Versus SI-Based Treatment Alone. One RCT with high risk
of bias (included in the 2011 review) investigated 8 weeks of SI-based therapy compared with
SI-based therapy plus traditional Thai massage.32 Children in the intervention group (but not the
control group) had significantly improved parent ratings of anxiety and conduct both relative to
baseline and relative to controls (p≤0.03). Children in both conditions had improved sleep as
well as teacher ratings of conduct, attention, and activity level, and these ratings did not
significantly differ across treatment groups. Participants in the treatment group had fewer
symptoms of hyperactivity and sleep problems at baseline.32

Massage + Attachment Therapy Versus Attachment Therapy Alone. One retrospective
cohort study (high risk of bias) investigated the impact of massage therapy with and without
attachment therapy on social maturity, ASD symptoms, and mother-child attachment.41 The
attachment program involved two hours per day of play activities to promote mother-child
interactions, five days per week, for four months. Participants in the experimental group also
received one hour of massage therapy per week from trained nurses. The nurses encouraged
mothers to talk and sing to children and also demonstrated massage techniques. Social maturity
on the observer-rated Vineland Social Maturity Scale improved in the massage group compared
with the attachment only group (p=0.005), but CARS scores did not differ significantly between

Additional Studies
Key Points
• One study addressed tactile stimulation exercises and one addressed weighted blankets. These
studies provided insufficient data to draw conclusions (insufficient strength of evidence).

Overview of the Literature

One RCT of a tactile input task conducted in the United States had high risk of bias and
included 34 children between 4 and 14 years old.29 Treatment duration was 24 to 48 hours.
Another RCT with low risk of bias conducted in the United Kingdom included 54 children
between 5 and 16 years of age.28 Treatment duration was 2 weeks. Both studies had followup
immediately post-treatment.

Detailed Analysis
Other interventions with sensory-related components reported few significant differences
between treatment groups (Appendix G).

Tactile Input. One RCT (high risk of bias) examined the impact of a tactile-based task on the
ability of 34 children with autism to learn a novel task.29 Participants included children who
could not complete standardized cognitive or language evaluations. Children either participated
in a tactual-kinesthetic experience (a “hands on” learning activity) or observed someone else
performing the activity. Stimuli were presented across two sessions, 24-48 hours apart. Children
in the hands-on participation group scored significantly better on ratings of perceived ease of
implementing the learning task than children in the control condition (p values ≤ 0.05).

Weighted Blankets. One crossover RCT with moderate risk of bias examined the impact of a
weighted blanket on sleep disturbance in children with severe problems with sleep onset or
maintenance.28 Children used a control or weighted blanket for 12-16 days and then switched.
No significant differences emerged on any of the variables of interest related to sleep
onset/quality, child behavior, or family functioning. Regardless of baseline factors such as
sensory sensitivities, autism severity, and sleep problems, parents were more likely to rate their
children as calmer and sleeping better when using the weighted blanket, despite a lack of
physiological evidence to support this. Additionally, both children and parents reported

preferring the weighted blanket. Investigators reported that one child developed a rash that may
have been due to the blanket (resolved in 2 days).

Key Question 2. Modifiers of Treatment Outcomes

Few studies were likely adequately powered to assess modifiers of effects, and few studies
reported potential modifiers. While we sought characteristics of interventions, providers, parents,
or children that may modify treatment effects, studies reported only child and family
characteristics. We present findings as reported in each study below as potential indicators of
characteristics that may affect outcomes.

Child Characteristics. One study of an environmental enrichment-based approach reported that

while more children in the treatment group compared with the control group shifted their
diagnostic classification on the ADOS-2 from “autism” to “autism spectrum,” all children across
both groups continued to meet the cut-offs for ASD, making it difficult to interpret the clinical
significance of the findings. Baseline language and cognitive skills scores contributed to the
majority of the variance when predicting which children in the treatment group would shift
diagnostic cut-offs on the ADOS.24 In another RCT comparing filtered and unfiltered music,
participants whose parents rated them as having improved hearing sensitivity were more likely to
show an increase in their sharing behaviors during a semi-structured play evaluation.18 An RCT
comparing home-based Qigong massage therapy to waitlisted controls found that children with
fewer sensory symptoms and fewer difficulties with self-regulation benefited more from the
treatment program.26 In other studies of massage, treatment effects on child behaviors and
language were not moderated by baseline ASD severity as measured on the CARS,36 and
interactions between self-regulation skills and tactile sensitivity or tactile sensitivity and
parenting stress were not significant.40
In a music therapy RCT, analyses based on diagnostic subtype indicated that participants
with diagnoses of autism had significant improvement in the CARS domain of nonverbal
communication (p = .008) compared with children in the control group with diagnoses of
autism.37 The study reported no other significant differences based upon either participant
subtype or treatment received. Finally, one study comparing weighted blankets and regular
blankets reported that no baseline factors related to autism severity, sleep problems, or sensory
sensitivities modified parents’ ratings of children’s sleep quality.28

Family Characteristics. Although many studies collected parent report of child functioning,
only one asked parents about their own functioning. One study of massage assessed parental
stress levels and found that children in the treatment group had greater improvements in autism
symptoms and overall behavior if their parents were less stressed at intake.25 This would be an
important avenue of future research, given that parental and family variables may influence how
parents perceive children’s functioning and subsequently complete questionnaires. Another study
evaluated the quality of parent-child relationships as a potential modifier but did not find any
treatment effects.27

Key Question 3. Time to Effect of Interventions

No study examined the time to effect for sensory related interventions.

Key Question 4. Evidence That Effects Measured at the End
of Treatment Predict Long-Term Functional Outcomes
Only two studies conducted a followup after treatment ended. Followup occurred at two and
five months in each study.26, 38 Additionally, many of the outcome measures were based upon
parent reports rather than using standardized interactive assessments. Therefore, little existing
evidence at this time contributes to predicting long-term functional outcomes.

Key Question 5. Effectiveness Across Environments or

We did not identify studies addressing this outcome directly. Many studies collected parent
or teacher report of sensory sensitivities as a way of assessing functioning in multiple
environments, but these assessments generally did not evaluate functioning within multiple
specific contexts.

Key Question 6. Drivers of Treatment Outcomes

We did not identify any studies addressing this KQ.

State of the Literature
We identified a total of 24 studies (20 randomized controlled trials [RCTs], 1 nonrandomized
trial, 3 retrospective cohort studies) addressing interventions targeting sensory challenges in
children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Three studies had low risk of bias,22, 24, 37 10 had
moderate,19-21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 33-36 and 11 had high risk (including one paper reporting 2 unique
studies).18, 26, 29-32, 38-41 Most studies were small and used different outcome measures. Treatment
length varied from two days to 10 months, with two studies reporting followup after the
immediate intervention period.26, 38 Protocols involved either parents or therapists engaging in
one-on-one or group interactions; one RCT used a robot-delivered approach.
Compared with our previous review, more studies were designed in ways that increased their
strengths, including random assignment and tracking of attrition; stratification of assignment or
matching based upon key baseline variables; blinded ratings; treatment fidelity protocols;
tracking or controlling for concurrent interventions; and using standardized outcome measures or
measures that incorporated parent-selected outcomes of importance such as goal attainment
scaling. We also identified more evidence addressing sensory-integration-based, environmental
enrichment, music therapy, and massage modalities in particular. Although more information is
available, the lack of consistency in implementation, combined with generally small sample sizes
and limited followup, makes it difficult to draw strong conclusions regarding treatment efficacy.
Similarly, many studies continued to rely upon parent report of symptoms, although others
used unbiased ratings of behavior (such as actigraphy or standardized measures) as well. It will
be important for future work to compare sensory-based interventions not only to treatment as
usual, but to other interventions that involve engaged and active time with an adult, as did some
studies in the current review.22, 24, 41 Additional research is needed that controls for
environmental or social factors that could cloud our ability to draw conclusions regarding effects.

Summary of Key Findings and Strength of the Evidence

Key Question 1. Benefits and Harms of Interventions Targeting
Sensory Challenges
Sensory Integration (SI)-Based Approaches
In four small, short-term studies, sensory-related outcomes improved in children receiving an
SI-based intervention compared with those receiving usual care or other treatment (significant
improvements in three of four studies addressing the outcome). We have low confidence in this
conclusion (low strength of evidence). Motor skills outcomes were significantly improved in
children receiving SI-based treatment compared with those receiving usual care or other
treatment (significant improvements in three of three studies addressing the outcome). We have
low confidence in this conclusion (low strength of evidence). Evidence was insufficient to draw
conclusions regarding other comparisons and outcomes. Table 4 outlines these findings.

Table 4. Strength of the evidence for sensory integration-based interventions versus control

Study Limitations

Reporting Bias
Study Design


Strength of Evidence Grade

Risk of Bias and
Number of
Studies (N
Sensory High In- Direct Imprecise Undetected Low SOE for positive effects
Challenges consistent of sensory integration-
based approaches on
RCT: 1 low,22 1 sensory challenges
moderate,21 1
high31 Significant improvements in
(N=99) sensory-related behaviors in
treatment groups compared
Retrospective with control in 2 RCTs and one
Cohort: 1 high39 cohort study. No group
(N=20) differences in third RCT on
parent-reported measure of
sensory behaviors but
significant improvement in
treatment group in sensory-
related goals; all studies were
small and short-term
Motor Skills High Consistent Direct Imprecise Undetected Low SOE for positive effects
of sensory integration on
RCT: 1 low,22 1 motor skills
(N=69) Significant improvements in
treatment groups vs. control in
Retrospective 3 small studies
cohort: 1 high39
N=number; RCT=randomized controlled trial; SOE=strength of the evidence

Environmental Enrichment-Based Approaches

Two small RCTs of environmental enrichment examined the same protocol involving parent-
led sensory stimulation exercises and reported improvements in ASD symptoms, receptive
language, and nonverbal cognitive skills after 6 months of treatment.23, 24
We have low confidence in the conclusion that these approaches improved nonverbal
cognitive skills (low strength of evidence). These enrichment approaches do not affect
expressive language. We have low confidence in this conclusion (low strength of evidence). We
could not make conclusions about effects on atypical sensory responses or receptive language as
these outcomes were only addressed in one RCT24 (insufficient strength of evidence). Table 5
outlines these findings.

Table 5. Strength of the evidence for environmental enrichment interventions versus usual care

Study Limitations

Reporting Bias
Study Design


Strength of Evidence Grade

Risk of Bias and
Number of
Studies (N
Nonverbal High Consistent Direct Imprecise Undetected Low SOE for positive effects
Cognitive Skills of enrichment on IQ

RCT: 1 low,24 1 Significant improvements in IQ

moderate23 (Leiter) in children receiving
(N=78) enrichment compared with those
receiving usual care in 2 small
RCTs with short-term followup
and high limitations given small
sample size
Expressive High Consistent Direct Imprecise Undetected Low SOE for lack of effect of
Language enrichment on expressive
RCT: 1 low,24 1
moderate23 No group differences in
(N=78) expressive language in 2 small
RCTs with short-term followup
and high limitations given small
sample size
IQ=intelligence quotient; N=number; RCT=randomized controlled trial; SOE=strength of the evidence

Auditory Integration-Based Approaches

Two small, short-term RCTs of auditory integration-based approaches assessing language
outcomes reported no significant differences between groups in receptive language outcomes;34,
one RCT (in a publication reporting 2 unique studies) reported significant parent-rated
improvements in spontaneous speech.18 We have low confidence in the conclusion that these
approaches do not improve language outcomes (low strength of evidence) (Table 6).

Table 6. Strength of the evidence for auditory integration-based interventions versus control

Study Limitations

Reporting Bias
Study Design


Strength of Evidence Grade

Risk of Bias and
Number of
Studies (N
Language High In- Direct Imprecise Undetected Low SOE for lack of effects of
consistent auditory integration
RCT: 2 approaches on language
moderate,34, 35 1
high18 No group differences in
(N=91) outcomes in 2 small crossover
RCTs with short-term followup;
parent-rated improvements in
spontaneous speech in
treatment group vs. control in a
third RCT
N=number; RCT=randomized controlled trial; SOE=strength of the evidence

Music Therapy-Based Approaches

Five small studies addressing music therapy reported some significant effects on measures of
behavior (social engagement, behavioral organization), verbal and nonverbal communication,
and joint attention with music-based intervention compared with control interventions; however,
studies used different protocols and addressed different outcomes
We could not make conclusions about the effects of music therapy approaches on any
outcome given that studies had multiple comparators and addressed different outcomes
(insufficient strength of evidence).

Massage-Based Approaches
As noted, five of seven massage studies were from one group of investigators, with unclear
participant overlap.25, 26, 32, 33, 36, 40 These studies generally reported improvements related to
sensory processing, autism symptoms, and parent stress in both treatment and control groups
over the course of 5 months of either parent or parent + therapist-delivered intervention, with
treatment groups improving significantly more than controls. The difficulty differentiating
between these works limits the strength of evidence for their findings, although results seem
promising regarding a sensory-focused intervention that can be delivered within the home
environment with minimal risk of harms. Two additional studies assessed massage therapy plus
attachment therapy compared with attachment therapy alone or massage plus SI-based treatment
vs. SI-based treatment alone.32, 41
Massage improved sensory challenges and ASD symptom severity vs. no massage. Our
confidence in this conclusion is low (low strength of evidence). Massage did not improve
maladaptive behavior. Our confidence in this conclusion is low (low strength of evidence due to
unclear extent of overlap among participants and high study limitations [unblinded ratings,
diagnostic processes]).
We could not make conclusions about the effects of massage on language/communication
outcomes given inconsistent findings and use of different outcome measures (insufficient

strength of evidence). We could not make conclusions about longer-term outcomes (≥6 months)
as only one study26 reported longer-term followup (insufficient strength of evidence). We could
not make conclusions about effects on measures of daily living skills, also assessed in only one
study36 (insufficient strength of evidence). Only one study compared massage plus SI-based
treatment to SI-based treatment alone32 or attachment therapy plus massage with attachment
therapy alone41 so we could not make conclusions about these studies (insufficient strength of
evidence). Table 7 outlines these findings.

Table 7. Strength of the evidence for massage-based interventions versus waitlist control
Study Limitations

Reporting Bias
Study Design

Strength of Evidence Grade

Risk of Bias and
Number of
Studies (N
ASD Symptom High Consistent Direct Imprecise Undetected Low SOE for improvements in
Severity ASD symptom severity with
massage vs. control in the
RCT: 2 short-term (<6 months)
moderate,25, 36 1
high26 Significant group differences in
(N=191) all 3 studies; SOE is low given
unclear overlap in participants
and high study limitations
Sensory High Consistent Direct Imprecise Undetected Low SOE for positive effects
Challenges on sensory challenges with
massage vs. control in the
RCT: 2 short-term (<6 months)
moderate,25, 36 1
high26 Significant group differences in
(N=191) all 4 studies; SOE is low given
unclear overlap in participants
Retrospective and high study limitations
Cohort: 1 high40
Maladaptive High Consistent Direct Imprecise Undetected Low SOE for no effect on
Behaviors maladaptive behaviors with
massage vs. control in the
RCT: 1 short-term (<6 months)
(N=42), 1 high26 No significant group differences
(N=46) in 2 studies; SOE is low given
unclear overlap in participants
and high study limitations
N=number; RCT=randomized controlled trial; SOE=strength of the evidence

Additional Interventions
Additional interventions with sensory-related components (tactile stimulation exercises,29
weighted blankets28) reported few significant differences between treatment groups. These
studies provided insufficient data to draw conclusions about any outcomes (insufficient strength
of evidence).

Other Key Questions
Few studies were likely adequately powered to assess modifiers of effects, and few studies
reported potential modifiers. We did not identify studies addressing the time to effect of
interventions; evidence that effects measured at the end of treatment predict long-term functional
outcomes; effectiveness of treatments across environments or contexts (e.g., clinic, home,
school); and drivers of treatment outcomes.

Findings in Relation to What Is Already Known

We identified eleven recent (2010-present) systematic reviews addressing interventions
targeting sensory challenges.6, 10, 43-51 Three reviews were not specific to children with ASD but
included studies of individuals with developmental disabilities.6, 10, 48 As a number of these
studies included children with ASD, we retained these reviews.
Reviews addressed comprehensive sensory integration approaches (typically clinic-based
interventions using sensory-enhanced modalities to integrate sensory information and potentially
ameliorate specific challenges or behaviors); “sensory-based” interventions targeting
somatosensory or vestibular symptoms such as therapy balls, massage, and weighted vests;
auditory integration; massage; and music therapy. Our findings generally align with these prior
reviews of interventions. Reviews noted low to moderate support for sensory integration-based
approaches and limited evidence for other approaches. Reviews consistently noted considerable
heterogeneity, limited study quality/high risk of bias, limited followup, and lack of treatment
fidelity. Reviews differentiating sensory integration approaches and more general “sensory-
based” approaches reported better evidence from those studies that evaluated specific, typically
manualized sensory integration modalities compared with sensory-based approaches. One review
of auditory integration approaches reported no evidence of effectiveness. One review of music
therapy reported promising findings related to improvements in social interaction and
communication, and one addressing massage reported that limited evidence precluded
conclusions. We provide more detailed summaries of these reviews below.

Reviews of Sensory Integration or Sensory-Based Approaches

One review evaluating interventions for sensory processing disorders in children with ASD
included 15 single subject design studies, two RCTs, one non-randomized trial, and one case
report addressed sensory integration (n=5 studies) or sensory-based interventions (n=14
studies).3 Six studies had scores of at a least 5 on the 10 point PEDro scale, and four reported
higher level evidence on the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine scale. The review reported
positive effects on children’s individualized goals (effect sizes ranging from 0.72 to 1.17)
associated with sensory integration approaches but noted that durability and generalizability of
effects was unclear. Evidence for sensory-based approaches was limited, and the review noted
that studies suggest no support for weighted vests and little conclusive evidence for therapy balls
or other multisensory inputs.
Another review addressing Ayres sensory integration (4 studies) and more general sensory-
based interventions (18 studies) in children and adults with ASD reported similar results.50The
studies addressing sensory integration included 133 children, and reviewers noted significant
improvements in individualized goals, symptom severity, and sleep in studies with low risk of
bias. Sensory-based studies (including single subject studies and systematic reviews) reported
few positive effects and generally lacked measures of treatment fidelity.

In another review including 25 studies addressing sensory integration therapy for children
with ASD, investigators noted positive effects in three studies, mixed findings in eight, and no
benefits in 14.49 The review considered “sensory integration” broadly, and did not differentiate
manualized sensory integration from approaches such as weighted vests or brushing.
Investigators considered 16 studies to report a “suggestive” (vs. conclusive) level of evidence
based on methodologic limitations and concluded that the evidence base does not support use of
sensory integration to treat children with ASD.
One review assessing sensory-based treatment in children with disabilities (including 236 of
856 children with ASD) included 15 comparative studies (including 13 RCTs) and 15 single
subject design studies.6 Investigators noted methodologic flaws in randomization (for
comparative studies) and blinding and fidelity and reported inconsistent results for sensory
integration approaches (no group differences in 3 studies, improvements in sensory behaviors
and goal attainment in the sensory treatment arm in 4, and greater improvements with behavioral
vs. sensory treatment in 2 other studies). Evidence for positive effects of weighted vests was
lacking in six studies and mixed results for therapy balls in two studies. Overall the review
concluded that inconclusive evidence supports the efficacy of sensory-based approaches and that
such approaches are more likely to be ineffective than effective for the majority of children with
developmental disabilities.
Another review of single subject studies of individuals with disabilities assessed “sensory
integration” broadly and included 17 studies, six including children with ASD.48 The
investigators considered all studies to have high risk of bias and noted a lack of evidence for the
efficacy of interventions: few studies reported positive effects, even those studies with better
A third systematic review also focused on sensory approaches for children with behavioral
problems (not necessarily ASD) and included 14 studies (11 included children with ASD,
n=185).10 Seven studies were single-subject design and four were RCTs. Investigators rated all
studies as excellent or good quality on the PEDro scale and categorized interventions as tactile-,
proprioceptive-, or vestibular-based. The review noted some positive effects associated with
tactile approaches, particularly massage, on challenging behaviors including inattention.
Proprioceptive studies—all single subject—evaluated weighted vests and reported mixed
findings related to on-task, self-stimulatory, and stereotypic behaviors (improved findings in one
study, mixed in two, and no effects in another). Vestibular-based approaches included therapy
balls/cushions and horseback riding. Investigators noted limited positive effects on engagement
in classroom activities associated with therapy balls. The review concluded that evidence for
effectiveness of sensory-based interventions remains unclear.
Two other reviews focused broadly on interventions to improve social participation, play,
adaptive behavior, education, and repetitive behavior included few studies addressing sensory
challenges (n=3) and noted insufficient evidence for effects on social communication47 and
positive effects on self-care in one RCT.46

Other Reviews
Auditory Integration. One Cochrane review of auditory integration approaches for people with
ASD included six RCTs with moderate to high risk of bias.44 The review reported some
improvements in language and challenging behaviors in small studies with disparate outcome

measures and limited followup but concluded that interventions overall were ineffective for
individuals with ASD.

Music Therapy. Another Cochrane review of 10 studies (n=165 children with ASD), including
materials such as theses and study designs including single subject studies, assessed music
therapy and reported significant improvements in social interaction within and outside the
therapy context and in communication and social reciprocity in the therapy context.52 Nonverbal
communication in non-therapy contexts was not significantly improved. The review concluded
that music therapy may improve social interaction, communication, social reciprocity skills in
children with ASD. These results differ from those reported in the current review, likely because
we included only comparative studies of music therapy with at least 10 participants.

Massage. One review of massage therapy for children with ASD included six comparative
studies and reported some positive effects of massage on symptom severity, communication, and
sensory outcomes; however, investigators considered all trials to have high risk of bias.43 The
review concluded the evidence for massage as an ASD treatment is limited and methodologic
limitations do not allow firm conclusions.

Children in studies meeting our review criteria are similar to the general population of
children with ASD and associated sensory challenges in that they represent the heterogeneity of
impairments and behavioral challenges associated with ASD. Some studies included children
with limited functional speech31, 34 and/or intellectual disability.35, others included children with
higher cognitive abilities and milder ASD symptom profiles.22, 39 Differences in severity of
expression of ASD or in comorbid conditions may limit applicability of findings to children with
levels of symptom expression.
Interventions typically used differing approaches incorporating sensory-focused strategies;
thus, findings reported here may not be replicated with interventions using different
combinations of strategies or targeting different aspects of sensory functioning. Many of the
interventions required expertise in specific sensory-related strategies that likely limit their
generalizability to community settings; some lacked manualization, and as a consequence likely
have limited replicability/community extension. Others were specifically designed to be
conducted by parents, under the supervision of a trainer.
In terms of comparison or control interventions, virtually all “control” participants in the
included studies were receiving some level of treatment, aside from participants in one RCT.38
Some studies attempted to document additional interventions through parent report to
demonstrate that baseline rates were comparable across groups, whereas others required that no
new interventions be added during the study duration. Outcomes may differ among children
receiving different concomitant therapies.
Outcomes also varied across studies, but most studies incorporated commonly used measures
of autism symptom severity, behavior, language, and sensory difficulties. Many of these were
based upon parent report, although an increasing number used standardized interactive or
observational measurement strategies. Some studies also incorporated outcomes of key
importance to parents/caregivers that simultaneously attempted to balance assessing
comparability between treatment groups with the heterogeneity inherent in ASD.21, 22 Use of
validated, standardized measures improves potential generalizability of findings by helping to

establish a shared understanding of progress and to compare outcomes across different
intervention modalities and studies. Standardized measures supplemented with more
individualized assessment strategies can also help to improve sensitivity by measuring smaller
effects and incorporating elements of children’s individual family or treatment context.
Treatment duration ranged from a week to 10 months, and most studies reported outcomes
immediately following the end of treatment, making durability of effects difficult to assess. Few
studies attempted to assess characteristics of the child, family, provider, or intervention approach
that may affect outcomes, or whether outcomes extended to other settings and environments.
However, the use of control groups, treatment fidelity checks, and replicable and manualized
intervention protocols establishes a promising baseline for future investigations.
Given the heterogeneity of these studies, and the heterogeneity of children with ASD, the
extent of generalizability to the overall population of children with ASD and sensory challenges
is limited and difficult to assess.

Implications for Clinical and Policy Decisionmaking

This review provides limited evidence for decisionmaking about interventions targeting
sensory challenges. The small body of comparative literature provides some evidence to support
sensory integration-based and touch/massage-based interventions for some children; both
interventions positively affected sensory challenges and motor skills. Studies were typically short
term and included few children, however, so our confidence in these effects is low.
Decisional dilemmas remain regarding characteristics of the child, family, or intervention
that may modify effectiveness or predict which children may be most likely to benefit from a
given approach. Similarly, the literature base is currently insufficient to inform our
understanding of the time to effect of interventions, longer-term effectiveness of interventions,
generalizability of effects outside the treatment context, and components that may drive
effectiveness. Though not explicitly assessed in the studies reported here, harms associated with
these approaches are likely minimal and caregivers and clinicians must balance the need to
ameliorate sensory challenges with the costs of time, effort, and costs and demands of other
interventions that a child may receive. As such, caregivers and referring providers should assess
the possible benefits of specific sensory-focused intervention modalities based upon the
individual needs of the child, broader family goals and capacities, and interventions of more
established effectiveness. In this capacity, some practice groups have recommended clear
communication regarding the limits of intervention.53, 54

Limitations of the Comparative Effectiveness Review

We included studies published in English only and did not include unpublished data or data
in theses or conference proceedings. We scanned a random sample of 150 non-English abstracts
retrieved by our MEDLINE search. Most studies appeared to be case series, narrative reviews,
basic science studies, or studies assessing etiology. Only two studies appeared to meet inclusion
criteria; thus, given the high percentage of ineligible items in this scan (99%), we concluded that
excluding non-English studies would not introduce significant bias into the review. We
recognize that this preliminary scan did not address the entire corpus of ASD literature published
in other languages.

We also included only comparative studies of interventions with a sensory-specific focus and
including at least 10 children with ASD. This undoubtedly means that most single-subject design
studies are not included in this review. Single-subject designs can be helpful in assessing
response to treatment in very short timeframes and under very tightly controlled circumstances,
but they typically do not provide information on longer-term or functional outcomes. Such
studies are useful in demonstrating effects, yielding initial evidence that an intervention merits
further study or in identifying whether a particular approach to treatment is likely to be helpful
for a specific child. Our goal was to identify and review the best evidence for assessing the
effectiveness of interventions targeting sensory challenges in children with ASD, with an eye
toward utility in the larger population of children with ASD. By definition, “populations” in
single-subject design studies are likely to be idiosyncratic and therefore unlikely to provide
information that is generalizable. We also included summaries of other recent reviews to attempt
to mitigate any loss of information associated with this criterion.
We also note that other approaches to categorizing sensory-focused interventions could be
used and that consensus on a categorization approach is lacking. We chose to group studies
based on the core strategies used in each intervention. In some cases this approach functionally
grouped interventions that may have used specific, manualized techniques with others that used
only a subset of those techniques (e.g., Ayres-based sensory integration and sensory integration
models that may have used some Ayres strategies). As noted, no alternative analytic approaches
(e.g., considering Ayres-based approaches and other sensory integration approaches as separate
categories) would have changed our overall strength of evidence assessment.
This review was also focused specifically on children with ASD and specifically on
interventions targeting sensory challenges. Sensory approaches may be used with individuals
with other impairments, and findings may be generalizable to children with ASD; however,
including studies in children with other conditions was beyond the scope of the current review.
We also recognize that interventions with a primarily educational or behavioral focus may
also address sensory-related outcomes, but inclusion of any intervention approach reporting a
sensory-related outcome was outside the scope of the current review. Similarly, we focused on
child-related outcomes and did not address measures of parent stress, despite the key importance
of the outcome and family context. Finally, we used a non-validated tool to assess risk of bias,
though we note that the tool evaluates similar constructs to those assessed in tools such as that
used by the Cochrane Collaboration, with the addition of ASD-specific domains.

Limitations of the Evidence Base

As noted, studies in the review had small sample sizes (median 34 total) and typically limited
duration of intervention and followup after intervention. Populations across studies were
heterogeneous in terms of sensory challenges, ASD severity, age, and intellectual and adaptive
functioning. Roughly half of studies (12 of 23) did not control for concomitant interventions or
report assessment of treatment fidelity. Few used an appropriate statistical analysis (e.g.,
correction for multiple testing). Ten of 23 studies did not use blinded outcome assessors.
Interventions, even within our broader categories, used differing sensory-specific approaches
in differing combinations of components, settings, and duration. Longer-term outcomes are
limited as is our ability to determine effects of intervention on the underlying sensory challenges
themselves. Potential harms of interventions were addressed in only one study, and few studies
assessed potential factors that may modify effectiveness or drive effects of interventions. Studies

often used multicomponent strategies, and teasing apart effects of specific components is not
currently possible.
Despite these limitations, investigators have made significant improvements in incorporating
commonly used measures of symptom severity, behavior, language, and sensory difficulties to
facilitate comparisons across studies. Parent-reported outcomes are necessary in this population
of children, many of whom may not be able to complete aspects of assessments; however,
studies are increasingly incorporating standardized interactive or observational measurement
strategies. As noted above, the increasing use of treatment fidelity measures and replicable
intervention protocols establishes a promising baseline for future investigations. Investigators in
the area are also well-aware of the challenges of conducting research using a disparate and
variously defined set of approaches in a highly heterogeneous population and have made strides
in incorporating outcome measures that attempt to balance heterogeneity and comparative
effectiveness and measures of intervention fidelity.15

Research Gaps and Areas for Future Research

Improving research in this area should also include considerations of power and sample size.
Sample size was frequently insufficient to allow firm conclusions. In addition, researchers should
continue to provide adequate detail as they describe their populations and interventions to allow
for replicable research. Ideally, investigators publish the treatment manuals they develop, which
are then referenced in later research; despite gains in this area, many studies made general
references to their use of an underlying approach without specifying the ways in which they used
or modified the technique. Lack of detail about the intervention makes it difficult to assess the
applicability of individual studies, to synthesize groups of studies, or to replicate studies.
Duration of treatment and followup were generally short, and the extent to which effects of
therapies could be expected to continue after cessation of treatment is not clear.
While some approaches may not hypothesize such durability (i.e., approaches designed for
ongoing use with improvements associated with continued treatment), such data are ultimately
necessary for guiding pragmatic implementation and setting realistic expectations of effects for
clinicians and families.
In addition, few studies adequately accounted for concomitant interventions that might
confound observed effectiveness. Accounting for concomitant interventions should be
standardized in future research.
As noted, more studies used a common set of outcome measures, but the extent to which
these measures assess changes in potential underlying sensory-related impairments is not clear,
and understanding whether intervention can alter potential impairments in sensory processing
(vs. altering behavioral responses in the short term) is a critical need. Translational work to
understand the relationship between sensory symptoms and their potential neurobiology would
inform intervention design.
Another critical area for further research is identifying which children are likely to benefit
from particular interventions. To date, studies have provided limited characterization of the
subpopulation of children who experience positive response to intervention and limited
characterization of the extent or type of sensory challenges children experience at baseline.
Interventions targeting sensory challenges by their nature often employ multiple components,
and data on whether specific functional components of the interventions drive effectiveness are
currently unavailable. Component analyses in this field would be productive for refining
intervention approaches and for assessing applicability and generalizability of the results.

In line with this need, we recommend future consideration of the ways in which the cultural
context of the child and family may affect the applicability or effectiveness of specific
interventions. The setting of interventions may also influence effects, and understanding the role
of context broadly in contributing to effects is an important need. As noted, understanding the
extent to which findings from studies of these interventions in children with other conditions are
applicable to children with ASD may help to bolster the evidence base.

Some interventions targeting sensory challenges may lead to modest improvements primarily
in sensory- and ASD symptom severity-related outcomes; however, the evidence base for any
category of intervention is small, and durability of effects beyond the immediate intervention
period is unclear. Sensory integration-based approaches improved outcomes related to sensory
challenges and motor skills, and studies of massage reported improvements in sensory responses
and ASD symptoms. Environmental enrichment was also associated with improvements in
nonverbal cognitive skills in the short-term. Auditory integration-based approaches did not
improve language outcomes. Some positive effects were associated with other approaches
studied (music therapy, weighted blankets) but findings in these small studies were not
consistent. Data on longer-term results are lacking, as are data on characteristics that modify
outcomes, generalizability of findings, and components of interventions that may drive effects.
In sum, while some therapies may hold promise and warrant further study, substantial needs exist
for continuing improvements in methodologic rigor in the field.


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Acronyms and Abbreviations
ABC Autism Behavior Checklist
ADOS Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research And Quality
ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder
CARS Childhood Autism Rating Scale
CER Comparative Effectiveness Review
DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
G Group
GAS Goal Attainment Setting
IQ Intelligence Quotient
KQ Key Question
n Number
NR Not Reported
NS Not Significant
OT/SI Occupational Therapy with Sensory Integration
PDDBI Pervasive Development Disorder Behavior Inventory
PDD-NOS Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified
PICOTS Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome, Timing, Setting
PLS Preschool Language Scale
QST Qigong Sensory Training
RCT Randomized Controlled Trial
SI Sensory Integration
SOE Strength of Evidence
SSC Sense And Self-Regulation Checklist
TEP Technical Expert Panel
VABS Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales

Appendix A. Detailed Methods
Topic Surveillance and Review Protocol
These procedures follow the methods outlined in the Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality (AHRQ) Effective Health Care Program Methods Guide for Effectiveness and
Comparative Effectiveness Reviews.1 The topic for the original report2 was nominated by Autism
Speaks in a public process using the Effective Health Care website. AHRQ published an update
addressing behavioral interventions in 2014.3 We conducted a surveillance process to assess the
need to update the report by contacting topic experts about the relevance of the Key Questions
(KQs) and new evidence that may address them. All members of the research team were required
to submit information about potential conflicts of interest before initiation of the work. No
members of the review team had any conflicts.
In consultation with clinical experts and stakeholders, and based on our preliminary scan of
the literature and surveillance findings, we focused the review update on approaches to address
sensory challenges and medical approaches (reported in a separate update). These areas reflect
both areas of clinical relevance and sufficient newly published literature for a review update.
Given the different foci of these interventions (i.e., sensory challenges and challenging
behaviors) and subsequent differences in study populations, we report findings in two separate
Based also on the surveillance process and discussions with stakeholders, we revised the KQ
addressed in the 2011 report to reflect the focus on medical and sensory approaches specifically.
We also eliminated a question on approaches for children at risk for ASD as such children are
unlikely to be included in studies in the target areas for this review update.
After review from AHRQ, the questions and framework were posted online for public
comment. No changes to the questions or framework were recommended. We identified
technical experts on the topic to provide assistance during the project. The Technical Expert
Panel (TEP), representing the fields of pediatrics and developmental pediatrics, psychiatry,
family medicine, and occupational therapy and allied health, contributed to the AHRQ’s broader
goals of (1) creating and maintaining science partnerships as well as public-private partnerships
and (2) meeting the needs of an array of potential users of its products. Thus, the TEP was both
an additional resource and a sounding board during the project. The TEP included seven
members serving as technical or clinical experts. To ensure robust, scientifically relevant work,
TEP members participated in conference calls to:
• Help to refine the analytic framework and KQ at the beginning of the project;
• Discuss inclusion/exclusion criteria; and
• Assist with determining key interventions and outcomes of interest.
The final protocol was posted to the AHRQ Effective Health Care web site and registered in
the PROSPERO international register of systematic reviews (ID#: CRD42016033941).

Literature Search Strategy

Search Strategy
To ensure comprehensive retrieval of relevant studies of therapies for children with ASD, we
used four key databases: the MEDLINE® medical literature database via the PubMed® interface;
EMBASE (Excerpta Medica Database), an international biomedical and pharmacological

literature database via the Ovid® interface; the Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health
Literature (CINAHL), and PsycINFO®. Search strategies for KQs applied a combination of
controlled vocabulary (Medical Subject Headings [MeSH] and Emtree headings) to focus
specifically on interventions targeting sensory challenges in children with ASD and harms of
interventions (Appendix B). We restricted literature searches for KQs to studies published from
2010 to September 2016 to reflect literature available since the publication of the 2011 review.
We will update searches while the report is undergoing peer review.

Gray Literature
We searched web sites of organizations likely to conduct research, issue guidance, or
generate policies for ASD (e.g., Autism Speaks, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry) to inform the review’s background and discussion sections. We searched government
and regulatory agency web sites for contextual information on benefits and harms of ASD
interventions. We searched and other trial registries for information about
relevant ongoing trials and to confirm that we have obtained available publications of results
from completed trials.

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Table A-1 outlines inclusion criteria. We required that eligible RCTs have a total minimum
sample size of 10. We required a higher minimum sample size (n=20) for other comparative
studies as they typically have fewer controls for bias than RCTs. We recognize that these study
design criteria excluded single-subject or single-case experimental designs that have been used to
study interventions targeting sensory challenges. These studies are challenging to incorporate in
a meaningful way in comparative effectiveness reviews, which attempt to evaluate the
effectiveness of interventions at the population level. To mitigate the exclusion of such studies;
however, we include summaries of recent reviews that have included such studies and discuss
our findings in light of those in other reviews (see Findings in Relation to What is Known).
We included studies published in English only. In the opinion of our content experts, much
of the relevant literature on ASD is published in English; however, we scanned a sample of 150
non-English abstracts to gauge the number of anticipated non-English studies that would meet
inclusion criteria. Two non-English studies appeared to meet our criteria. Given this small
proportion of potentially eligible studies, we feel that excluding these publications is unlikely to
introduce significant bias.
Eligible studies also reported one or more outcomes of interest and included children at least
2 years of age and up to and including age 12. Studies also included only children with a
diagnosis of ASD (or data reported separately for children with ASD).

Table A-1. Inclusion criteria

Category Criteria
Study Population Children ages 2-12 with ASD (mean age plus standard deviation is ≤ 12 years and 11
Publication Languages English only
Admissible Evidence Admissible designs
(study design and other Randomized controlled trials, prospective and retrospective cohort studies with
criteria) comparison groups, and nonrandomized controlled trials

Other criteria
Original research studies published from 2010—present and not addressed in prior

Category Criteria

Studies must have relevant population and ≥20 participants with ASD (non-RCTs) or at
least 10 total participants (RCTs)

Studies must address one or more of the following for ASD:

-Outcomes of interest
-Treatment modality of interest
-Predictors or drivers of treatment outcomes (e.g., biomarkers, clinical changes)
-Maintenance of outcomes across environments or contexts
-Sufficiently detailed methods and results to enable data extraction
-Reporting of outcome data by target population or intervention
ASD = Autism Spectrum Disorder; RCT = randomized controlled trial

Study Selection
Once we identified articles through the electronic database searches and hand-searching, we
examined abstracts of articles to determine whether studies met our criteria. Two reviewers
separately evaluated the abstracts of studies identified in our searches for Key Questions for
inclusion or exclusion, using an Abstract Review Form (Appendix C). If one reviewer concluded
that the article could be eligible for the review based on the abstract, we retained it. Following
abstract review, two reviewers independently assessed the full text of each included study using
a standardized form (Appendix C) that included questions stemming from our inclusion and
exclusion criteria. A senior reviewer resolved disagreements between reviewers.
We conducted all abstract and full text reviews using the DistillerSR online screening
application (Evidence Partners Incorporated, Ottawa, Ontario). Appendix D includes a list of
excluded studies and the reasons for exclusion. Data extracted for each study are available via
the Systematic Review Data Repository (

Data Extraction
The staff members and clinical experts (including two psychiatrists, two psychologists, and
three epidemiologists/systematic reviewers) who conducted this review jointly developed the
data extraction forms for the KQs. We designed forms to provide sufficient information to enable
readers to understand the studies and to determine their quality; we gave particular emphasis to
essential information related to the KQs.
The team was trained to extract data by extracting several articles into the template and then
reconvening as a group to discuss the utility of the template. We repeated this process through
several iterations until we decided that the templates included the appropriate categories for
gathering the information contained in the articles and for potential meta-analyses. Team data
extractors shared the task of initially entering information into the evidence tables. A second
team member also reviewed the articles and edited all initial entries for accuracy, completeness,
and consistency. A senior reviewer reconciled disagreements concerning the information
The full research team met regularly during the article extraction period and discussed issues
related to the data extraction process. In addition to outcomes related to the effectiveness of
treatment (e.g., changes in ASD severity), we extracted all data available on harms. Harms
encompass the full range of specific negative effects, including the narrower definition of
adverse events.

Data Synthesis
Studies were too heterogeneous to allow for meta-analyses. We summarized data for Key
Questions qualitatively using summary tables.

Risk of Bias Assessment of Individual Studies

We evaluated the overall methodologic risk of bias of individual studies using the ASD-
specific assessment approach developed and used in our prior reviews of interventions for ASD
and informed by the Methods Guide for Effectiveness and Comparative Effectiveness Reviews.1
This risk of bias approach considers factors related to study design, diagnostic approach,
participant ascertainment, intervention characteristics, outcomes measurement, and statistical
approach and includes questions such as: Did the authors report differences in or hold steady all
concomitant interventions? Were outcomes coded and assessed by individuals blinded to the
intervention status of the participants? For randomized controlled trials, was there an intent-to-
treat analysis? Two senior investigators assessed each included study independently with
disagreements resolved through discussion. Appendix C includes our risk of bias assessment
form, and Appendix E includes the risk of bias ratings for each study.

Determining Overall Risk of Bias Ratings

We used the thresholds we establish in prior reviews to assess overall high, medium or low
risk of bias. We assessed the risk of bias based upon the study-defined primary outcome(s). We
assessed each domain described above individually and considered the individual ratings to
determine an overall quality assessment of low, moderate, or high risk of bias. We required that
studies receive positive scores on questions related to randomization and diagnostic approach to
be considered low risk of bias. Scores were calculated first by domain and then summed and
weighted as described in Table A-2 to determine overall study risk. Studies could receive up to
two points on the domains of study design, diagnostic approach, participant ascertainment, and
intervention, and up to one point on the domains of outcome measurement and statistical analysis
(10 total points).

Table A-2. Quality scoring algorithm

Definition and Scoring Algorithm Rating
• ≥8/10 points, including a ++ on study design and ++ on diagnostic Low risk of bias
• ≥6/10 points, including at least a + on intervention Moderate risk of bias

• ≤5/10 points High risk of bias

Strength of the Body of Evidence

The assessment of the literature is done by considering both the observed effectiveness of
interventions and the confidence that we have in the stability of those effects in the face of future
research. The degree of confidence that the observed effect of an intervention is unlikely to
change is presented as strength of evidence, and it can be regarded as insufficient, low, moderate,
or high. Strength of evidence describes the adequacy of the current research, both in terms of
quantity and quality, as well as the degree to which the entire body of current research provides a

consistent and precise estimate of effect. Interventions that have demonstrated benefit in a small
number of studies but have not yet been replicated using the most rigorous study designs will
therefore have insufficient or low strength of evidence to describe the body of research. Future
research may find that the intervention is either effective or ineffective. Strength of the evidence
is assessed for a limited set of critical outcomes, typically those related to effectiveness of an
Methods for applying strength of evidence assessments are established in the Methods Guide
for Effectiveness and Comparative Effectiveness Reviews1 and are based on consideration of five
domains (Table A-3): study limitations, consistency in direction of the effect, directness in
measuring intended outcomes, precision of effect, and reporting bias. Strength of evidence is
assessed separately for major intervention-outcome pairs and incorporates data from the entire
body of reviewed evidence on behavioral interventions (i.e., comparative studies—both RCTs
and prospective and retrospective cohort studies—reported in the 2011 review2 and studies
reported in the current review). We required at least one low risk of bias study for moderate
strength of evidence and two low risk studies for high strength of evidence. In addition, to be
considered “moderate” or higher, intervention-outcome pairs needed a positive response on two
out of the three domains other than study limitations.
Once we had established the maximum strength of evidence possible based upon these
criteria, we assessed the number of studies and range of study designs for a given intervention-
outcome pair, and downgraded the rating when the cumulative evidence was not sufficient to
justify the higher rating. The possible grades were:
• High: High confidence that the evidence reflects the true effect. Further research is
unlikely to change estimates
• Moderate: Moderate confidence that the evidence reflects the true effect. Further research
may change our confidence in the estimate of effect and may change the estimate
• Low: Low confidence that the evidence reflects the true effect. Further research is likely to
change confidence in the estimate of effect and is also likely to change the estimate
• Insufficient: Evidence is either unavailable or does not permit a conclusion.
Table A-3. Domains used to assess strength of evidence
Domain Explanation
Study Degree to which included studies for a given outcome have a high likelihood of adequate protection
Limitations against bias (i.e., good internal validity), assessed through study design and study conduct.
Consistency Degree to which included studies find either the same direction or similar magnitude of effect.
Assessed through two main elements:
• Direction of effect: Effect sizes have the same sign (that is, are on the same side of no
effect or a minimally important difference).
• Magnitude of effect: The range of effect sizes is similar.
Directness Extent to which evidence links interventions directly to a health outcome of specific importance for
the review, and for comparative studies, whether the comparisons are based on head-to-head
studies. Evidence may be indirect in several situations such as:
• Outcome being graded is considered intermediate in a review that is focused on clinical
health outcomes (such as morbidity, mortality).
• Data do not come from head-to-head comparisons but rather from two or more bodies of
evidence to compare.
• Data are available only for proxy respondents instead of directly from patients for situations
in which patients are capable of self-reporting and self-report is more reliable.
Precision Degree of certainty surrounding an effect estimate with respect to a given outcome, based on the
sufficiency of sample size and number of events. A body of evidence will generally be imprecise if
the optimal information size (OIS) is not met. OIS refers to the minimum number of patients (and
events when assessing dichotomous outcomes) needed for an evidence base to be considered

adequately powered.
Reporting Degree of selective publishing or reporting of research findings based on the favorability of direction
Bias or magnitude of effect.
Excerpted from Berkman et al. 20134

We assessed the applicability of findings reported in the included literature addressing our
KQs to the general population of children with ASD by determining the population, intervention,
comparator, and setting in each study and developing an overview of these elements for each
intervention category. We anticipated that areas in which applicability would be especially
important to describe would include ASD severity, comorbidities, age at treatment, and
intervention characteristics such provider, dosing/intensity, and setting. Applicability tables for
each KQ are in Appendix F.

Peer Review and Public Commentary

Researchers and clinicians with expertise in treating children with ASD and individuals
representing stakeholder and user communities provided external peer review of this report. The
draft report was posted on the AHRQ Web site for 4 weeks to elicit public comment. We
addressed all reviewer comments, revised the text as appropriate, and documented changes and
revisions to the report in a disposition of comments report that will be made available 3 months
after AHRQ posts the final review on the AHRQ Web site.

1. Methods Guide for Effectiveness and Comparative Effectiveness Reviews. AHRQ Publication No. 10(14)-
EHC063-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. January 2014. Chapters
available at:

2. Warren Z, Veenstra-VanderWeele J, Stone W, Bruzek JL, Nahmias AS, Foss-Feig JH, Jerome RN,
Krishnaswami S, Sathe NA, Glasser AM, Surawicz T, McPheeters ML. Therapies for Children With
Autism Spectrum Disorders. Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 26. (Prepared by the Vanderbilt
Evidence-based Practice Center under Contract No. 290-2007-10065-I.) AHRQ Publication No. 11-
EHC029-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. April 2011. Available at:

3. Weitlauf AS, McPheeters ML, Peters B, Sathe N, Travis R, Aiello R, Williamson E, Veenstra-
VanderWeele J, Krishnaswami S, Jerome R, Warren Z. Therapies for Children With Autism Spectrum
Disorder: Behavioral Interventions Update. Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 137. (Prepared by the
Vanderbilt Evidence-based Practice Center under Contract No. 290-2012-00009-I.) AHRQ Publication No.
14-EHC036-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; August 2014.

4. Berkman ND, Lohr KN, Ansari M, McDonagh M, Balk E, Whitlock E, Reston J, Bass E, Butler M,
Gartlehner G, Hartling L, Kane R, McPheeters M, Morgan L, Morton SC, Viswanathan M, Sista P, Chang
S. Grading the Strength of a Body of Evidence When Assessing Health Care Interventions for the Effective
Health Care Program of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality : An Update. Methods Guide for
Comparative Effectiveness Reviews (Prepared by the RTI -UNC Evidence-based Practice Center under
Contract No. 290-2007-10056-I).AHRQ Publication No. 13 (4)-EHC130-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality. November 2013. Available at:

Appendix B. Search Strategies
Table B-1.Treatment/intervention
Interface: PubMed; Database: Medline
Search Records
1 "Child Development Disorders, Pervasive"[Mesh] 22690
2 (autistic[tiab] OR autism[tiab] OR asperger[tiab] OR asperger's[tiab] OR aspergers[tiab] OR 5613
pervasive development[tiab] OR pervasive developmental[tiab] OR pdd[tiab]) NOT medline[sb]
3 #1 OR #2 28303
4 therapy[sh] OR therapeutics[mh] OR psychotherapy[mh] OR treatment outcome[mh] 7271756
5 (treatment[tiab] OR therapy[tiab] OR intervention[tiab] OR “control group”[tiab] OR randomized[tiab] 794459
OR outcome[tiab] OR randomized[tiab] OR efficacy[tiab] OR effectiveness[tiab] OR
comparison[tiab] OR compared[tiab] OR trial[tiab] OR “pilot study”[tiab] ) NOT medline[sb]
6 #4 OR #5 8058741
7 #3 AND #6 9859
8 (newspaper article[pt] OR comment[pt] OR case reports[pt] OR review[pt] OR practice guideline[pt] 5128288
OR news[pt] OR editorial[pt] OR historical article[pt] OR meta-analysis[pt] OR legal cases[pt] OR
published erratum[pt] OR congresses[pt])
9 #7 NOT #8 6801
10 #9 limited to ("2010/01/01"[Date - Publication] : "3000"[Date - Publication]) 3894
Key: [mh] Medical Subject Heading; [tiab] title/abstract word; [pt] publication type; [sh] subheading; [dp] publication date; [la]
language; [pt] publication type.

Table B-2. Sensory integration search in CINAHL

Interface: EBSCO host; Database: CINAHL
Search Records
1 (MH "Autistic Disorder") 10,856
2 (MH "Child Development Disorders") OR (MH "Child Development Disorders, Pervasive") 2,067
3 "autism" 8,856
4 #2 AND #3 511
5 #1 OR #4 11,134
6 (MH "Sensory Motor Integration") OR (MH "Psychomotor Performance+") OR (MH "Motor Skills+") 15,630
7 (MH "Occupational Therapy") OR (MH "Pediatric Occupational Therapy") 15,278
8 sensory 12,670
9 #7 AND #8 512
10 #6 OR #9 15,853
11 #5 AND #10 461
12 #11 limited to 2010-2015 263
13 #12 limited to English language 262

Table B-3. Sensory integration search in PsycInfo

Database: PsycInfo
Search Records
SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Sensory Integration") AND SU.EXACT.EXPLODE("Autism") Limited to 2010-

Appendix C. Screening and Quality Assessment
Medical and Sensory-Related Therapies for Children with Autism Spectrum
Disorder Abstract Review Form

1. Addresses intervention approach and outcomes for young children (2-12 years) with

□ Yes □ No □ Cannot Determine

2. Original research (does not include systematic reviews and meta-analyses)

□ Yes □ No □ Cannot Determine

3. Is this a comparative study (includes a treatment and comparison group)?

□ Yes □ No □ Cannot Determine

4. Addresses one of the following:

□ Behavioral intervention involving training parents

□ Sensory or auditory-focused intervention (e.g., sensory or auditory integration, weighted vest,
therapeutic swinging, snoezelen room)
□ Medical/pharmacologic intervention, including vitamins/supplements, hyperbaric oxygen,
electroconvulsive therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation
□ Music therapy
□ Educational intervention
□ Complementary and alternative medicine (acupuncture, massage, etc.)
□ Allied health intervention (non-sensory/auditory-related such as language, exercise, animal-
□ Other behavioral intervention (e.g., social skills, CBT, early intensive intervention)
□ Other
□ Severe/challenging behavior (e.g., elopement, property destruction, self/other injury, severe
□ Cannot determine

5. Eligible study size (at least 10 total participants in target population)

□ Yes □ No □ Cannot Determine

5a. Record total N with ASD:


Medical and Sensory-Related Therapies for Children with Autism Spectrum
Disorder Full Text Review Form

1. Study population is children with autism between the ages of 2 and 12 years (mean+SD
<12 yrs, 11 months)

□ Yes □ No □ Cannot Determine

2. Original research (does not include systematic reviews and meta-analyses)

□ Yes □ No □ Cannot Determine

3. Is this a comparative study (includes a treatment and comparison group)?

□ Yes □ No □ Cannot Determine

4. Does this study address:

□ Medical intervention
□ Sensory intervention
□ Other intervention
□ Not an intervention study

5. Eligible study size (at least 10 total participants in RCT; 20 total participants in target
population for observational studies)

□ Yes □ No □ Cannot Determine

5a. Record total N with ASD:


6. Reports an outcome of interest for individuals with ASD:

□ Yes □ No □ Cannot Determine


If excluded, retain for review of references or background/contextual questions?

□ Background □ Review of References □ Other

Medical and Sensory-Related Therapies for Children with Autism Spectrum
Disorder Risk of Bias Form

1. Did the study employ a group design?

□ Yes □ No

2. Were the groups randomly assigned?

□ Yes □ No □ Comments _______________________________________________________

3. Was there an appropriate comparison group?

□ Yes □ No or NR □ Comments _________________________________________________

4. If an RCT, was randomization done correctly?

□ Yes □ No □ NR □ NA (non-RCT)
□ Comments ___________________________________________________________________

5. Was a valid diagnostic approach for ASD used within the study, or were referred
participants diagnosed using a valid approach?

□ A. clinical DSM-IV/5-based diagnosis + ADI-R and/or ADOS

□ B. [clinical DSM-IV/5-based diagnosis + other] OR [ADOS + other, such as SRS, CARS,
SCQ, CAST, ASSQ, OR STAT, MCHAT for under 30 months]
□ C. Only clinical DSM-IV/5-based diagnosis OR Only ADOS
□ D. Neither clinical DSM-IV/5-based diagnosis NOR ADOS
□ Comments ___________________________________________________________________

6. Was the sample clearly characterized (e.g., information provided to characterize

participants in terms of impairments associated with their ASD, such as cognitive or
developmental level)?

□ Yes □ No or NR □ Comments _________________________________________________

7. Were inclusion and exclusion criteria clearly stated?

□ Yes □ No or NR □ Comments _________________________________________________

8. Do the authors report attrition?

□ Yes □ No □ Comments _______________________________________________________
9. Were characteristics of drop-out group evaluated for differences with the participant
group as a whole?

□ Yes □ No or NR □ NA or minimal attrition
□ Comments ___________________________________________________________________

10. Was the intervention fully described?

□ Yes □ No or NR □ Comments _________________________________________________

11. For behavioral/non-medical studies, was treatment fidelity monitored in a systematic


□ Yes □ No or NR □ NA
□ Comments ___________________________________________________________________

12. Did the authors measure and report adherence to the intended treatment process?

□ Yes □ No or NR □ Comments _________________________________________________

13. Did the authors report differences in or hold steady all concomitant interventions?

□ Yes □ No or NR □ Comments _________________________________________________

14. Did outcome measures demonstrate adequate reliability and validity (including
interobserver reliability for behavior observation coding)?

□ Yes □ No or NR □ Comments _________________________________________________

15. Were the primary & secondary outcomes clearly specified a priori?

□ Yes □ No or NR □ Comments _________________________________________________

16. Were outcome data collected from sources appropriate to the target outcome (e.g.
parent report, teacher report, direct behavior observation)?

□ Yes □ No or NR □ Comments _________________________________________________

17. Were outcomes coded by individuals blinded to the intervention status of the

□ Yes □ No or NR □ Comments _________________________________________________

18. Was an appropriate statistical analysis used?

□ Yes □ No □ Comments _______________________________________________________

19. a. For RCTs, was there an intent-to-treat analysis?

□ Yes □ No □ NA

□ Comments ___________________________________________________________________

20. b. For negative studies, was a power calculation provided?

□ Yes □ No □ NA
□ Comments ___________________________________________________________________

21. c. Did the study correct for multiple testing?

□ Yes □ No □ NA
□ Comments ___________________________________________________________________

22. d. For observational studies, were potential confounders and effect measure modifiers

□ Yes □ No □ NA
□ Comments ___________________________________________________________________

23. e. For observational studies, were potential confounders and effect measure modifiers
handled appropriately?

□ Yes □ No □ NA
□ Comments ___________________________________________________________________

24. Were outcomes measured in at least one context outside of the treatment setting?

□ Yes □ No or NR □ Comments _________________________________________________

25. Were outcomes measured in natural environments to assess generalization?

□ Yes □ No or NR □ Comments _________________________________________________

26. Were follow-up measures of outcome conducted to assess maintenance of skills at least
3 months after the end of treatment?

□ Yes □ No or NR □ NA
□ Comments ___________________________________________________________________


Appendix D. Excluded Studies
Reasons for Exclusion
X-1 Does not address interventions or outcomes of interest
X-2 Not original research
X-3 Does not include an appropriate comparison group
X-4 Does not meet sample size criterion
X-5 Not in English or not obtainable

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20161, 2

Author Year


Woo 2015

Silva 20154

(Trial 1 and

Group Design


Random Assignment

Appropriate Comparison

Table E-1. Risk of bias assessments


Correct Randomization

Systematic Diagnostic



Clear Sample


+ Characterization

Clear Inclusion/ Exclusion





Attrition Reported

Drop out Characteristics




Intervention Fully



Treatment Fidelity



Treatment Adherence


Measured and Reported

Concomitant Interventions

Appendix E. Risk of Bias Ratings

Held Steady/ Reported

Outcome Measures Reliable



and Valid

Primary Outcomes


Specified a priori

Outcome Data Collected


From Appropriate Sources



Outcomes Coded Blindly

Appropriate Statistical





Author Year



Lee 2008
Woo 2013

Kim 200820

Silva 200723
Silva 200918
Silva 201116
Silva 201312

Group Design


Random Assignment

Appropriate Comparison



Correct Randomization


Systematic Diagnostic




Clear Sample




Clear Inclusion/ Exclusion






Attrition Reported

Drop out Characteristics




Intervention Fully



Treatment Fidelity




Treatment Adherence



Measured and Reported

Concomitant Interventions


Held Steady/ Reported

Outcome Measures Reliable


and Valid

Primary Outcomes

Specified a priori

Outcome Data Collected



From Appropriate Sources



Outcomes Coded Blindly

Appropriate Statistical






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Appendix F. Applicability of Findings
Table F-1. Applicability of evidence for sensory integration
Domain Description of applicability of evidence
Studies included children ages 2 up to 12 years and vast majority were males (80% or higher in all
studies). Most studies included children with difficulty processing and integrating sensory
information. Mean IQ was reported in three studies with values ranging from 90 to 110. The fourth
study recruited children aged 7 to 11 from a special education program the majority of whom were
non-verbal. Participants were often receiving concomitant behavioral and or pharmacological
Population treatments.
Intervention Sensory integration.
Comparators Comparators included fine motor intervention, group therapy and usual care.
Outcomes included sensory problems, cognition, verbal, motor, speech, and behavior. Assessment
using Japanese version of MAP, Goal Attainment Scaling, Pediatric Evaluation of Disability
Inventory, PDDBI, VABS, Sensory Evaluation for Children, Sensory Processing Measure, and
Social Responsiveness Scale. Treatment duration ranged from 6 weeks up to 10 months with no
Outcomes long-term follow-up.
Setting Two studies were conducted in the United States and one each in Japan and Turkey.
PDDBI = Pervasive Developmental Disorders Behavior Inventory; VABS = Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale; MAP = Miller Assessment for

Table F-2. Applicability of evidence for environmental enrichment

Domain Description of applicability of evidence
Participants ranged in age from 3 to 12 years old and were exclusively male in one study. The
second study restricted to ages 3 to 6 and included a small number of female participants (14%).
Most were receiving concomitant behavior therapies. Autism diagnosis was confirmed by ADOS
Population scoring in both studies.
Intervention Sensorimotor enrichment- daily exposure to multiple sensori motor stimuli.
Comparators The comparator for both studies was standard care.
Outcomes included change in autism severity measured by CARS and ADOS and cognition
determined by Leiter-R Visualization and Reasoning scores. Sensory reactivity was assessed
Outcomes using the Short Sensory Profile. Interventions were 6 months duration in both studies.
Setting Both studies were conducted at the same academic medical center in the United States.
ADOS = Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale; CARS = Childhood Autism Rating Scale

Table F-3. Applicability of evidence for auditory integration

Domain Description of applicability of evidence
Children ranged from ages 3-13 years. All participants had a diagnosis of autism and were low-
Population functioning, having significant cognitive and/or language delays.
Intervention Auditory integration using the Tomatis method or a more generalized training protocol.
Both studies used a crossover design comparing auditory integration to placebo within individual
Comparators subjects.
Outcomes included behavior, cognitive and language skills obtained from direct observation and
parent reports. Assessment tools used included VABS, Reynell Language Development Scales,
Leiter International Performance Scale, ADOS, Stanford- Binet Intelligence Scale, Peabody Picture
Vocabulary test, and Expressive One Word Vocabulary test. Both interventions were less than 1
Outcomes month duration.
Setting One study was conducted in the United States and one in the United Kingdom.
ADOS = Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale; VABS = Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale

Table F-4. Applicability of evidence for music therapy
Domain Description of applicability of evidence
Most studies were conducted in preschool aged children except for two studies that included
children up to age 12. The severity of ASD varied widely with some studies including mild to
moderate ASD and others including children with severe ASD based on CARS scores and
Population including verbal and non-verbal participants.
Intervention Music therapy, filtered music.
Comparators included unfiltered music, headphone control, toy play, robotic interventions, tabletop
Comparators activities, and no intervention
Outcomes included social engagement, social skills, speech and language, joint attention and non-
verbal social communication, and hearing sensitivity. The instruments used to assess changes
included VSEEC, SSRS, PDDBI, ESCS, measures of joint attention, and parent questionnaires on
hearing sensitivity. Interventions were of short duration ranging from 1 up to 16 weeks with no long-
term follow-up. One Iranian study in school-aged children assessed social skills two months after
Outcomes intervention.
Setting Studies were conducted in the United States, Brazil, Australia, Korea and Iran.
CARS = Childhood Autism Rating Scale; VSEEC = Vineland Social-Emotional Early Childhood ; SSRS = Social Skills Rating System; PDDBI
= Pervasive Developmental Disorders Behavior Inventory; ESCS = Early Social Communication Scales

Table F-5. Applicability of evidence for massage/touch therapy

Domain Description of applicability of evidence
Participants ranged in age from 3 to 16 years across studies. Majority of study participants were
Population male. The severity of ASD including degree of intellectual disability was not well characterized.
Intervention Qigong sensory massage, other massage
Comparators were observation or waitlist controls andmassage plus sensory intervention and
Comparators attachment therapy alone.
Outcomes included sensory impairment, adaptive behavior, autistic behavior, language skills,
social abilities, and bowel and sleep abnormalities. Measurement instruments included Sensory
Profile, ABC, VABS, PDDBI, and parent questionnaires to describe bowel and sleep patterns. The
Outcomes massage studies were of 4-5 months duration.
Setting Studies were conducted in the United States and Korea
ABC = Autism Behavior Checklist; VABS = Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale; PDDBI = Pervasive Developmental Disorders Behavior

Appendix G. Detailed Table of Findings
Table G-1. Key findings in studies of interventions targeting sensory challenges
Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
Sensory Integration-based
Iwanaga 2014 Age, months Japanese Miller Mean change score
Retrospective Cohort G1: 56.8 ± 9.0 Assessment for from baseline
G2: 56.3 ± 6.8 Preschoolers Japanese Miller
G1: Sensory integration therapy Assessment for
(SIT), 8/8 IQ Total Score Preschoolers
G2: Group therapy (GT), 12/12 G1: 100.7 ± G1: ND (mean gain)
9.6 G2: ND
8 – 10 months/EOT G2: 94.8 ± 9.1 Total Score
Index Score G1: 34.38 ± 21.98
High ROB G1: ND G2: 8.25 ± 11.69
G2: ND G1 vs. G2: p=0.005

Coordination Index Foundation Index

Score Score
G1: ND G1: 34.13 ± 34.21
G2: ND G2: 11.33 ± 25.54
G1 vs. G2: p=ns
Nonverbal Index
Score Coordination Index
G1: ND Score
G2: ND G1: 46.75 ± 36.26
G2: 8.92 ± 17.87
Complex Index G1 vs. G2: p=0.008
G1: ND Nonverbal Index Score
G2: ND G1: 45 ± 24.26
G2: 8.25±36.6
Verbal Index Score G1 vs. G2: p=0.016
G1: ND
G2: ND Complex Index Score
G1: 30.75 ± 20.73
G2: 3.83 ± 31.2
G1 vs. G2: p=0.034

Verbal Index Score

G1: 13 ± 44.26
G2: 14.67±31.2
G1 vs. G2: p=ns

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
Schaaf 2014 Age, months Goal Attainment Mean change score
RCT G1: 71.35 ± Scaling (GAS) from baseline
14.90 G1: ND Goal Attainment
G1: Sensory integration, 17/17 G2: 72.33 ± G2: ND Scaling (GAS)
G2: Usual care, 15/14 10.81 G1: 56.53 ± 12.38
Pediatric Evaluation G2: 42.71 ± 11.21
10 weeks/EOT IQ (Full scale) of Disability G1 vs. G2: p=0.003
G1: 89.75 ± Inventory (PEDI)
Moderate ROB 18.74 Pediatric Evaluation of
G2: 91.86 ± Functional skills - Disability Inventory
11.93 Self-Care (PEDI)
G1: ND Change scores
G2: ND Functional skills - Self-
Functional skills - G1: 10.2 ± 22.6
Mobility G2: 1.12 ± 5.6
G1: ND G1 vs. G2: p=ns
G2: ND
Functional skills -
Functional skills - Mobility
Social G1: 6.57 ± 23.8
G1: ND G2: 6.38 ± 15.1
G2: ND G1 vs. G2: p=ns

Caregiver Functional skills -

assistance – Self- Social
care G1: 9.3 ± 17.4
G1: ND G2: 4.4 ± 13.8
G2: ND G1 vs. G2: p=ns

Caregiver Caregiver assistance –

assistance – Mobility Self-care
G1: ND G1: 16.6 ± 23
G2: ND G2: -0.43 ± 8.6
G1 vs. G2: p=0.008
assistance – Social Caregiver assistance –
G1: ND Mobility
G2: ND G1: 4.8 ± 24.1
G2: 0.22 ± 11.8
Pervasive G1 vs. G2: p=ns
Disorders Behavior Caregiver assistance –
Inventory (PDDI) Social
G1: ND G1: 14.4 ± 23.4
G2: ND G2: -1.8 ± 19

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
G1 vs. G2: p=0.039
Vineland Behavior
Scales-II (VABS) Pervasive
G1: ND Developmental
G2: ND Disorders Behavior
Inventory (PDDI)
Change scores
S/P Approach
G1: -5.9 ± 10.8
G2: -0.67 ± 5.9
G1 vs. G2: p=ns

G1: -6.5 ± 13.7
G2: -1.77 ± 6.3
G1 vs. G2: p=ns

G1: -7.1 ± 11.6
G2: -3.3 ± 6.0
G1 vs. G2: p=ns

Vineland Behavior
Scales-II (VABS)
Change scores
G1: 5.06 ± 10.9
G2: -3.38 ± 18.6
G1 vs. G2: p=ns

Daily Living Skills

G1: 4.2 ± 11.6
G2: -3.0 ± 18.5
G1 vs. G2: p=ns

G1: 3.8 ± 11.8
G2: -6.7 ± 21.8
G1 vs. G2: p=ns

G1: 15.1 ± 44.7
G2: 0.0 ± 8.1
G1 vs. G2: p=ns

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
Pfeiffer 2011 Age, months Vineland Adaptive EOT
RCT G1: 100.00 ± Behavioral Scales Vineland Adaptive
24.78 Behavioral Scales
G1: SI treatment, 20/20 G2: 110.47 ± Communication NR
G2: Fine motor, 17/17 24.78 G1: 62.90 ± 13.39
G2: 64.24 ± 9.62 Sensory Processing
6 weeks/EOT IQ Measure - Total
NR Socialization G1 vs. G2: p=ns
Low ROB G1: 63.90 ± 17.71
G2: 64.24 ± 9.33 Social Responsiveness
Scale - Total
Motor G1 vs. G2: p=ns
G1: 60.70 ± 13.20
G2: 61.00 ± 11.24 GAS-Parent rated
G1 > G2
Composite G1 vs. G2: p<0.05;
G1: 66.80 ± 16.66 ES=0.125
G2: 70.18 ± 14.07
GAS-Teacher rated
Sensory Processing G1 > G2
Measure - Total G1 vs. G2: p<0.01;
G1: 68.50 ± 5.62 ES=0.360
G2: 67.88 ± 7.28

Scale - Total
G1: 82.95 ± 6.37
G2: 82.71 ± 9.10
Fazlioglu et al. 2008 Age Sensory Evaluation Sensory Evaluation
RCT G1 + G2: 7-11 Form for Children Form for Children with
with Autism Autism
G1: Sensory Integration, 15/15 IQ G1: 98.2 ± 19.3 G1: 66.5 ± 11.4
G2: Control (Special NR G2: 95.8 ± 17 G2: 97.3 ± 17.8
Education), 15/15 G1 vs. G2: p<0.05

12 weeks/EOT

High ROB

Environmental Enrichment-
based Approaches

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
Woo 2013 Age CARS – Autism EOT
RCT G1 + G2: 6.6 Severity, mean ± se CARS – Autism
± 2.5 G1: 34.38 ± 0.72 Severity
G1: Sensorimotor enrichment G2: 38.07 ± 1.71 G1: 31.12 ± 1.46
group + standard care, 13/13 IQ G2: 37.61 ± 1.67
G2: Standard care, 15/15 NR Leiter-R – Nonverbal G1 vs. G2: p=0.03
Test Scale
6 months/EOT G1: 48.46 ± 5.52 Leiter-R – Nonverbal
G2: 46.2 ± 6.36 Test Scale
Moderate ROB G1: 57.23 ± 5.5
EOWPV – G2: 43.7 ± 6.89
Expressive G1 vs. G2: p=0.008
Language Scale
G1: ND Change in
G2: ND EOWPV – Expressive
Language Scale
G1: 4.7
G2: 4.67
G1 vs. G2: p=ns
Woo 2015 Age ADOS – Severity EOT
RCT G1: 4.76 ± G1: ND ADOS – Severity
1.14 G2: ND G1: 6 (21)
G1: Standard care + G2: 4.54 ± G2: 0 (0)
sensorimotor enrichment, 64/28 1.10 RDLS G1 vs. G2: p=0.01
G2: Standard care, 27/22 Receptive Language
IQ G1: 36.19 ± 4.64 RDLS
6 months/EOT G1: 82.96 ± G2: 33.37 ± 4.79 Receptive Language
5.17 G1: 43.62 ± 4.14
Low ROB G2: 76.63 ± Expressive G2: 37 ± 4.95
4.96 Language G1 vs. G2: p=0.048
G1: 31.46 ± 4.14
G2: 31.47 ± 4.82 Expressive Language
G1: 38.65 ± 4.16
Leiter-R G2: 37.16 ± 4.94
Nonverbal Test G1 vs. G2: p=ns
G1: 35.85 ± 4.76 Leiter-R
G2: 32.63 ± 6.07 Nonverbal Test Score
G1: 49.19 ± 5.48
IQ Score G2: 40.05 ± 6.25
G1: 82.96 ± 5.17 G1 vs. G2: p=0.024
G2: 76.63 ± 4.96
IQ Score
SSP – Atypical G1: 91.38 ± 5.58
Sensory Responses G2: 78.16 ± 4.49
G1: 113.75 ± 4.76 G1 vs. G2: p=0.037

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
G2: 129.3 ± 4.29
SSP – Atypical Sensory
G1: 125.11 ± 5.42
G2: 132.15 ± 4.09
G1 vs. G2: p=0.037
Auditory Integration-based
Mudford 2000 Age ABC-Hyperactivity Mean change from
RCT G1 + G2: 9.42 23.7 ± 9.4 baseline
years ± 29 ABC-Hyperactivity
G1: Auditory integration, 21/21 months NCBRF- G1: 0.3 ± 3.6
G2: Control Treatment, 21/21 Hyperactivity G2: -4.1 ± 3.9
IQ 13.9 ± 5.5
10 days (2 session/day)/EOT NR NCBRF-Hyperactivity
G1: -0.3 ± 2
Moderate ROB G2: -2 ± 2.2

Corbett 2008 Age PPVT EOT
RCT G1 + G2: 3-7 G1: 20.83 ± 28.52 PPVT
G2: 32.20 ± 25.21 G1: 22.83 ± 29.36
G1: Tomatis Sound IQ (range) G2: 47.20 ± 24.45
Therapy/Placebo, 11/11 G1 + G2: 52- EOWVT
G2: Placebo/Tomatis Sound 83 G1: 16.50 ± 21.11 EOWVT
Therapy, 11/11 G2: 25.20 ± 19.82 G1: 21.50 ± 23.30
G2: 34.40 ± 25
25 days (2 blocks)/EOT

Moderate ROB

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
Porges 2014 Age Parent questionnaire EOT
RCT NR Parent questionnaire
Hearing sensitivity Hearing sensitivity
G1: Filtered music, 28/28 IQ G1: 18 (50) G1: 9 (50)
G2: Headphones only, 36/36 NR G2: 12 (43) G2: 1 (8)
G1 vs. G2: p=0.017
1 week/EOT Affect
G1: 16 (44) Affect
High ROB G2: 17 (61) G1: 3 (19)
G2: 1 (18)
Eye contact
G1: 27 (75) Eye contact
G2: 17 (61) G1: 11 (41)
G2: 4 (24)
organization Behavioral organization
G1: 19 (53) G1: 5 (26)
G2: 16 (57) G2: 0 (0)
G1 vs. G2: p=0.027
Emotional control
G1: 18 (50) Emotional control
G2: 12 (43) G1: 3 (17)
G2: 0 (0)
speech Spontaneous speech
G1: 27 (75) G1: 13 (48)
G2: 23 (82) G2: 4 (17)
G1 vs. G2: p=0.022
Receptive speech
G1: 26 (72) Receptive speech
G2: 23 (82) G1: 8 (31)
G2: 2 (9)
G1: 29 (81) Listening
G2: 24 (86) G1: 12 (41)
G2: 2 (8)
Spontaneity G1 vs. G2: p=0.006
G1: 25 (69)
G2: 20 (71) Spontaneity
G1: 12 (48)
Relatedness G2: 4 (20)
G1: 30 (83)
G2: 23 (82) Relatedness
G1: 9 (30)
G2: 3 (13)

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
Porges 2014 Age, months Parent questionnaire EOT
RCT G1: 53.33 ± Hearing sensitivity Parent questionnaire
15.95 G1: 23 (46) Hearing sensitivity
G1: Filtered music, 50/50 G2: 56.74 ± G2: 16 (50) G1: 10 (43)
G2: Unfiltered music, 32/32 9.25 G2: 2 (13)
Affect G1 vs. G2: p=0.040
1 week/EOT IQ G1: 32 (64)
NR G2: 19 (59) Affect
High ROB G1: 8 (25)
Eye contact G2: 4 (21)
G1: 30 (60)
G2: 20 (63) Eye contact
G1: 10 (33)
Behavioral G2: 8 (40)
G1: 28 (56) Behavioral organization
G2: 17 (53) G1: 8 (29)
G2: 3 (18)
Emotional control
G1: 33 (66) Emotional control
G2: 19 (59) G1: 8 (24)
G2: 0 (0)
Spontaneous G1 vs. G2: p=0.019
G1: 41 (82) Spontaneous speech
G2: 25 (78) G1: 21 (51)
G2: 11 (44)
Receptive speech
G1: 45 (90) Receptive speech
G2: 26 (81) G1: 4 (9)
G2: 4 (15)
G1: 37 (74) Listening
G2: 21 (66) G1: 11 (30)
G2: 6 (29)
G1: 22 (44) Spontaneity
G2: 14 (44) G1: 8 (36)
G2: 5 (36)
G1: 32 (64) Relatedness
G2: 21 (66) G1: 11 (34)
G2: 6 (29)
Music Therapy-based
10, 11
Srinivasan 2016 Age Training Specific Joint Attention Test –

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
RCT G1 + G2: 5-12 Measure – Total Score
Response to Social G1 vs G2 vs G3, p=NS;
G1: Rhythm Group, 12/11 IQ Bids (total word SMD=0.55, CI (SMD)=-
G2: Robot Group, 12/11 NR count) Early 0.13 to 1.24
G3: Standard Care, 12/11 NR
G1 vs G2 vs G3, p=NS;
8 weeks/EOT Training Specific SMD=0.25, CI (SMD)=-
Measure – 0.38 to 0.89
Moderate ROB Response to Social
Bids (total word G1 vs G2 vs G3, p=NS;
count) Mid SMD=0.71, CI (SMD)=-
NR 0.01 to 1.43
Training Specific
Training Specific Measure – Response
Measure – to Social Bids (total
Response to Social word count) Early
Bids (total word G1: 4.4 ± 4.19
count) Late G2: 5.92 ± 7.04
NR G3: 4.5 ± 3.9

Training Specific Training Specific

Measure - Measure – Response
Verbalization to to Social Bids (total
social partners word count) Mid
(percent duration) G1: 3.8 ± 3.29
Early – Trainer G2: 7.25 ± 6.74
NR G3: 7.33 ± 8.81

Training Specific Training Specific

Measure - Measure – Response
Verbalization to to Social Bids (total
social partners word count) Late
(percent duration) G1: 9.8 ± 8.53
Early - Adult Model G2: 7.67 ± 7.6
NR G3: 5.67 ± 4.16

Training Specific Training Specific

Measure - Measure - Verbalization
Verbalization to to social partners
social partners (percent duration) Early
(percent duration) – Trainer
Mid – Trainer G1: 6.1 ± 5.7
NR G2: 3.9 ± 4.2
G3: 12.1 ± 8.6
Training Specific
Measure - Training Specific

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
Verbalization to Measure - Verbalization
social partners to social partners
(percent duration) (percent duration) Early
Mid - Adult Model - Adult Model
NR G1: 2.1 ± 2.3
G2: 1.9 ± 1.1
Training Specific G3: 2 ± 1.6
Measure -
Verbalization to Training Specific
social partners Measure - Verbalization
(percent duration) to social partners
Late – Trainer (percent duration) Mid
NR – Trainer
G1: 12.8 ± 14.5
Training Specific G2: 5.1 ± 5.3
Measure - G3: 14.5 ± 11.3
Verbalization to
social partners Training Specific
(percent duration) Measure - Verbalization
Late - Adult Model to social partners
NR (percent duration) Mid -
Adult Model
Training Specific G1: 1.8 ± 1.9
Measure - G2: 3.4 ± 1.7
Vocalization patterns G3: 2.2 ± 1.9
Training Specific
Training Specific Measure - Verbalization
Measure - to social partners
Verbalization (percent duration) Late
patterns – Trainer
NR G1: 14.8 ± 15
G2: 6.3 ± 6.1
G3: 14.4 ± 8.6

Training Specific
Measure - Verbalization
to social partners
(percent duration) Late
- Adult Model
G1: 2.2 ± 2.3
G2: 5.4 ± 4.2
G3: 2.6 ± 2.4

Training Specific
Measure - Vocalization

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
G2 vs G1,G3, p<0.002;
SMD=0.75 to 0.76

Training Specific
Measure - Verbalization
G1 vs G3, p=NS

G3 vs G1,G2, p=0.001;
Ghasemtabar 2015 Age Social skills rating Social skills rating
Non-RCT G1: 8.96 ± system system
1.36 G1: 27.69 ± 4.76 (EOT)
G1: Music therapy, 13/13 G2: 9.23 ± G2: 26.92 ± 4.49 G1: 30.55 ± 4.0
G2: Control, 14/14 1.54 G2: 27.34 ± 3.54

45 days/EOT IQ (Follow-up 2 mos)

NR G1: 30.61 ± 4.25
High ROB G2: 26.85 ± 3.82

Thompson 2014 Age, months VSEEC - Social Change scores from
RCT G1: 43.92 ± Interaction baseline
6.46 G1: 49.1 ± 12.4 VSEEC - Social
G1: Family-centered music G2: 47.00 ± G2: 45.09 ± 8.13 Interaction
therapy (FCMT), 12/11 7.18 G1: 22.4 ± 10.1
G2: Early intervention SRS G2: 0.9 ± 11.9
programme, 11/10 IQ G1: 105.4 ± 27.1 G1 vs. G2: p<0.001
NR G2: 106.2 ± 26.1
16 weeks/EOT SRS
MBCDI G1: -7.7 ± 17.3
Moderate ROB Speech and G2: -1.4 ± 11.5
Language G1 vs. G2: p=ns
G1: 180 ± 108
G2: 170 ± 109 MBCDI
Speech and Language
PCRI G1: 78.9 ± 73.4
G1: 194.3 ± 23.1 G2: 58.7 ± 79.8
G2: 191.6 ± 19.4 G1 vs. G2: p=ns

G1: 8.0 ± 9.19
G2: 0.2 ± 10.3
G1 vs. G2: p=ns

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
Gattino 2011 Age CARS-Verbal CARS-Verbal
RCT G1 + G2: 9.75 Communication Communication
± 1.39 G1: 2.67 ± 0.49 G1: 2.54 ± 0.45
G1: Relational music therapy + G2: 2.54 ± 0.33 G2: 2.58 ± 0.44
clinical routine activities, 12/12 IQ G1 vs G2, p=0.50;
G2: Clinical routine activities, NR CARS-Non-Verbal SMD=0.39 (95% CI=
12/12 Communication 0.21 to 0.57)
G1: 2.42 ± 0.42
7 months/EOT G2: 2.08 ± 0.47 CARS-Non-Verbal
Low ROB CARS-Social G1: 2.5 ± 0.37
Communications G2: 2.33 ± 0.54
G1: 12.29 ± 1.78 G1 vs G2, p=0.35;
G2: 11.38 ± 1.65 SMD=0.39 (95% CI=
0.08 to 0.86)

G1: 12.25 ± 1.54
G2:11.92 ± 1.24
G1 vs G2, p=0.34;
SMD=0.39 (95%
CI=70.08 to 0.86)
Kim 2008 Age, months PDDBI PDDBI
RCT G1 + G2: Level of agreement Level of agreement at
51.20 ± 12.08 at pre-Rx: 0.19 post-Rx: 0.67
G1: Music Therapy, 15/10
G2: Toy Play, 15/10 IQ G1 vs. G2: p=ns
12 weekly, 30 min

High ROB
Silva et al. 2015 Age Aberrant Behavior Aberrant Behavior
RCT G1 + G2: 2-5 Checklist Checklist
G1: 82.4 ± 25.9 G1: 62.4 ± 26.6
G1: Qigong massage, 55/42 IQ G2: 83.1 ± 25.9 G2: 75.7 ± 28.6
G2: Control, 48/42 NR G1 vs. G2: p=0.006
VABS-Daily Living
5 months/EOT Skills VABS-Daily Living
G1: 34.3 ± 17.7 Skills
Moderate ROB G2: 37.5 ± 20 G1: 42.7 ± 19.1
G2: 45.9 ± 22.7
VABS-Socialization G1 vs. G2: p=NR

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
G1: 36 ± 14.4
G2: 40.7 ± 17.4 VABS-Socialization
G1: 45.7 ± 16.3
Self-regulatory G2: 48.6 ± 21
difficulties G1 vs. G2: p=NR
G1: 57.6 ± 11.2
G2: 57.4 ± 13.4 Self-regulatory
Abnormal Sensory G1: 45.1 ± 11.5
Response G2: 54 ± 14.5
G1: 39.7 ± 9.1 G1 vs. G2: p=0.00006
G2: 41.3 ± 10.3
Abnormal Sensory
Childhood Autism Response
Rating Scale – total G1: 30.4 ± 9.8
score G2: 38.6 ± 11.6
G1: 39.7 ± 6.6 G1 vs. G2: p=0.00002
G2: 38 ± 7.8
Childhood Autism
Rating Scale – total
G1: 38.2 ± 6.6
G2: 37.7 ± 7.8
G1 vs. G2: p=ns
Silva et al. 2013 Age Autism Parenting Autism Parenting
RCT G1: 3.87 ± Stress Index Stress Index
1.11 G1: 24.35 ± 10.62 G1: 15.76 ± 8.16
G1: Qigong massage + qigong G2: 4.16 ± G2: 24.42 ± 11.62 G2: 21.53 ± 11.08
sensory training, 97/97 0.95 G1 vs. G2: p=0.001
G2: Control, 32/32 Abnormal Tactile
IQ Response – total Abnormal Tactile
5 months/EOT NR score Response – total score
G1: 20.91 ± 7.13 G1: 15.57 ± 6.86
High ROB G2: 22.31 ± 8.52 G2: 21.34 ± 8.41
G1 vs. G2: p<0.001
difficulties Self-regulatory
G1: 45.43 ± 11.21 difficulties
G2: 50.94 ± 15.69 G1: 34.3 ± 10.88
G2: 49.03 ± 15.45
G1 vs. G2: p<0.001

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
Silva 2011 Age, months Teacher ABC EOT
RCT G1 + G2: 58 Autism Severity ABC
score Autism Severity score
G1: Qigong massage, 28/24 IQ G1: 76.3 ± 19.6 G1: 56.1 ± 26.4
G2: Wait-list control, 19/18 NR G2: 76.7 ± 30.1 G2: 75.3 ± 38.9
G1 vs. G2: p=ns
4 months/EOT Sensory PDDBI
G1: 56.4 ± 10.6 Sensory
Moderate ROB G2: 56.5 ± 11.5 G1: 50.1 ± 11.8
G2: 55.6 ± 10.0
Maladaptive G1 vs. G2: p=0.032
G1: 60.9 ± 13.0 Maladaptive Behavior
G2: 61.8 ± 15.8 G1: 52.3 ± 14.9
G2: 61.3 ± 15.2
Social/Language/Co G1 vs. G2: p=0.003
Abilities Social/Language/Com
G1: 49.9 ± 11.4 munication Abilities
G2: 51.6 ± 12.1 G1: 53.0 ± 10.7
G2: 53.1 ± 12.2
SSC G1 vs. G2: p=ns
G1: 38.1 ± 12.1 SSC
G2: 40.6 ± 14.6 Sense
G1: 28.5 ± 12.2
Self-Regulation G2: 39.4 ± 12.6
G1: 49.1 ± 11.7 G1 vs. G2: p=0.001
G2: 48.9 ± 12.7
Autism Composite G1: 39.2 ± 14.7
Score G2: 49.2 ± 11.6
G1: 59.8 ± 11.1 G1 vs. G2: p=0.00002
G2: 60.2 ± 15.9
Autism Composite
G1: 50.9 ± 14.8
G2: 58.9 ± 12.3
G1 vs. G2: p=NR
Piravej 2009 Age CPRS-Conduct CPRS-Conduct
RCT G1: 4.84 ± Problem Problem
1.86 G1: 0.69 ± 0.31 G1: 0.6 ± 0.26
G1: Traditional Thai massage + G2: 4.48 ± 1.8 G2: 0.59 ± 0.34 G2: 0.63 ± 0.33
sensory integration therapy, G1 vs. G2, p=0.03
30/30 IQ CPRS-Learning

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
G2: Sensory integration ND Problem CPRS-Learning
therapy, 30/30 G1: 1.86 ± 0.55 Problem
G2: 2.02 ± 0.56 G1: 1.76 ± 0.48
8 weeks/EOT G2: 1.87 ± 0.53
CPRS- G1 vs. G2, p=ns
High ROB Psychosomatic
G1: 0.41 ± 0.45 CPRS-Psychosomatic
G2: 0.43 ± 0.34 G1: 0.41 ± 0.32
G2: 0.39 ± 0.25
CPRS-Impulsivity- G1 vs. G2, p=ns
G1: 1.62 ± 0.6 CPRS-Impulsivity-
G2: 1.65 ± 0.65 Hyperactivity
G1: 1.44 ± 0.4
CPRS-Anxiety G2: 1.69 ± 0.57
G1: 0.76 ± 0.53 G1 vs. G2, p=ns
G2: 0.62 ± 0.49
CPRS-Hyperactivity G1: 0.62 ± 0.56
G1: 1.45 ± 0.51 G2: 0.73 ± 0.5
G2: 1.53 ± 0.48 G1 vs. G2, p=0.01

CTRS-Conduct CPRS-Hyperactivity
Problem G1: 1.32 ± 0.41
G1: 0.98 ± 0.38 G2: 1.42 ± 0.42
G2: 1.11 ± 0.27 G1 vs. G2, p=ns

CTRS-Hyperactivity CTRS-Conduct
G1: 1.59 ± 0.49 Problem
G2: 1.8 ± 0.36 G1: 0.64 ± 0.35
G2: 0.71 ± 0.26
CTRS-Inattention- G1 vs. G2, p=ns
G1: 1.56 ± 0.41 CTRS-Hyperactivity
G2: 1.67 ± 0.27 G1: 1.24 ± 0.5
G2: 1.49 ± 0.37
CTRS-Hyperactivity G1 vs. G2, p=ns
G1: 11.5 ± 9.23 CTRS-Inattention-
G2: 13.9 ± 7.67 Passivity
G1: 1.18 ± 0.51
Sleep Diary G2: 1.34 ± 0.36
G1: 11.5 ± 9.23 G1 vs. G2, p=ns
G2: 13.9 ± 7.67

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
G1: 1.1 ± 0.49
G2: 1.28 ± 0.4
G1 vs. G2, p=ns

Sleep Behavior-Sleep
G1: 5.33 ± 3.28
G2: 8.2 ± 6.83
G1 vs. G2, p=ns
Silva et al. 2009 Age, months ABC – total score ABC – total score
RCT G1: 65.2 ± G1: 48.5 ± 20.8 G1: 33.9 ± 18.6
20.7 G2: 64.3 ± 33.8 G2: 59.4 ± 35.4
G1: Qigong Sensory Training, G2: 53.3 ± G1 vs. G2: p=0.003
25/25 18.7 PDDI – Maladaptive
G2: Waitlist Control, 21/21 Behavior Score PDDI – Maladaptive
IQ (Parent) Behavior Score
5 months/EOT NR G1: 56.8 ± 11.5 (Parent)
G2: 59.5 ± 10.7 G1: 45.6 ± 10.8
High ROB G2: 57.5 ± 10.4
PDDI - Maladaptive G1 vs. G2: p=0.0003
Behavior Score
(Teacher) PDDI - Maladaptive
G1: 50.9 ± 10.4 Behavior Score
G2: 56.5 ± 13.3 (Teacher)
G1: 44 ± 7.6
PDDI – G2: 49.7 ± 12.2
Social/Language/Co G1 vs. G2: p=ns
mmunication score
(Parent) PDDI –
G1: 57.5 ± 6.8 Social/Language/Com
G2: 49 ± 13.1 munication score
PDDI – G1: 56.7 ± 9.7
Social/Language/Co G2: 49.2 ± 12.8
mmunication score G1 vs. G2: p=0.007
G1: 53.7 ± 9.7 PDDI –
G2: 47 ± 13 Social/Language/Com
munication score
PDDI – Sensory (Teacher)
score (Parent) G1: 56.7 ± 9.7
G1: 54.2 ± 9.6 G2: 47.6 ± 12.1
G2: 56 ± 9.6 G1 vs. G2: p=0.010

PDDI – Sensory score

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
G1: 46.2 ± 9.1
G2: 55.3 ± 10
G1 vs. G2: p=0.005
Lee 2008 Age, months Social Maturity Social Maturity Scale
Prospective cohort G1: 19 ± 4 Scale G1: 70.74 ± 16.39
G2: 9 ± 12 G1: 63.13 ± 15.76 G2: 52.86 ± 10.18
G1: Massage therapy + G2: 51.24 ± 10.48 G1 vs G2, p=0.005
attachment promotion program, IQ
23/23 NR CARS-Total Score CARS-Total Score
G2: Attachment promotion G1: 44.31 ± 0.57 G1: 37.74 ± 7.49
program, 21/21 G2: 41.76 ± 5.07 G2: 39.19 ± 5.43
G1 vs G2, p=NS
4 months/EOT

High ROB
Silva 2007 Age VABS-Living Skills Mean Change Score
RCT G1 + G2: 2-6 G1: 28.8 from baseline
G2: 24.1 VABS-Living Skills
G1: Qigong Massage, 8/8 IQ G1: 9.8
G2: No Treatment, 7/7 NR VABS-Socialization G2: 0.9
G1: 29.8 G1 vs. G2: p=0.02
5 months/EOT G2: 24.7
Moderate ROB VABS-Receptive G1: 10
Language G2: 4.7
G1: 33.8 G1 vs. G2: p=0.04
G2: 23.6
VABS-Expressive Language
Language G1: 8.3
G1: 31.5 G2: 10.6
G2: 24.4 G1 vs. G2: p=ns

VABS-Gross Motor VABS-Expressive

Skills Language
G1: 37.5 G1: 8.9
G2: 33.4 G2: 6.7
G1 vs. G2: p=ns
VABS-Fine Motor
Skills VABS-Gross Motor
G1: 36 Skills
G2: 29 G1: 6.5
G2: 0.9
Short Sensory G1 vs. G2: p=ns
Profile – Total Score

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
G1: 16.2 VABS-Fine Motor Skills
G2: 15.7 G1: 8.8
G2: 7.6
ABC-Total Score G1 vs. G2: p=ns
G1: 71.3
G2: 87.7 Short Sensory Profile –
Total Score
G1: -5.4
G2: 2.7
G1 vs. G2: p=0.01

ABC-Total Score
G1: -13.3
G2: -24.3
G1 vs. G2: p=ns
Tactile Input
Latham 2014 Age Verbal Scoring Verbal Scoring
RCT G1: 8.36 ± 2.6
G2: 8.69 ± 3.0 Day 1 – Verbal 1 Day 2 – Verbal 3
G1: Participation (tactual- G1: 8.12 ± 5.52 G1: 8.35 ± 6.06
kinesthetic experience), 17/17 IQ G2: 6.00 ± 5.20 G2: 5.39 ± 4.76
G2: Observation, 17/17 NR G1 vs. G2: p=0.041 G1 vs. G2: p=0.031

24-48 hours/EOT Day 1 – Verbal 2 Day 2 – Verbal 4

G1: 7.76 ± 5.51 G1: 8.25 ± 5.62
High ROB G2: 5.74 ± 5.41 G2: 5.66 ± 5.02
G1 vs. G2: p=0.065 G1 vs. G2: p=0.017

Non-Verbal Scoring Non-Verbal Scoring

Day 1 – Score 1 Day 2 - Score 2

G1: 8.10 ± 1.97 G1: 8.35 ± 1.66
G2: 4.60 ± 3.42 G2: 6.13 ± 3.47
G1 vs. G2: p=0.001 G1 vs. G2: p=0.010

Day 1 – Rating 1 Day 2 – Rating 2

G1: 2.95 ± 1.08 G1: 2.88 ± 0.96
G2: 3.90 ± 1.16 G2: 3.57 ± 1.23
G1 vs. G2: p=0.010 G1 vs. G2: p=0.020
Weighted Blankets
Gringras 2014 Age % of time blanket in EOT
RCT G1: 8.7 ± 3.3 place, n=67 % of time blanket in
G2: 9.9 ± 2.8 G1: 75.6 ± 25.4 place
G1: Weighted blanket, 36/27 G2: 73.7 ± 25.7 G1 vs. G2: p=ns
G2: Control blanket, 37/27 IQ

Author, Year Mean Age, Outcome Outcome
Years ± SD Measure/Baseline Measure/Post-
Study Design Scores, Mean ± SD Treatment Scores,
Mean IQ ± SD mean ± SD
Groups, N Enrollment / N final

Treatment Duration/Follow-up
Time Point Post-Treatment

Risk of Bias
Crossover trial 73/54 NR
TST, n=67 TST
G1: 528.9 ± 127.1 G1 vs. G2: p=ns
2 weeks/EOT
G2: 513.0 ± 154.1
Moderate ROB SOL min
SOL min, n=67 G1 vs. G2: p=ns
G1: 55.6 ± 37.8
G2: 57.2 ± 42.8 Proportion of nights
with ≥ 1 wake
Proportion of nights
G1 vs. G2: p=ns
with ≥ 1 wake, n=67
G1: 0.2 ± 0.3 Average time awake
G2: 0.2 ± 0.3 G1 vs. G2: p=ns

Average time
awake, n=67 TST min
G1: 15.6 ± 13.4 G1: 452.8 ± 65.0
G2: 14.6 ± 13.3 G2: 455.4 ± 65.8 p=ns
SOL min
TST min, n=65/66 G1: 71.4 ± 48.2
G1: 454.4 ± 62.4 G2: 70.6 ± 44.3 p=ns
G2: 457.7 ± 64.6 Sleep efficiency, %,
SOL min, n=59 G1: 73.6 ± 9.3
G1: 74.3 ± 48.7 G2: 74.2 ± 8.0 p=ns
G2: 69.9 ± 43.8 No. of night wakenings
Sleep efficiency, %, G1: 19.5 ± 7.0
n=59 G2: 19.5 ± 6.8 p=ns
G1: 73.4 ± 9.3
G2: 74.2 ± 7.8 Time awake after sleep
No. of night G1: 84.6 ± 42.6
wakenings, n=65/66 G2: 84.5 ± 41.5 p=ns
G1: 19.1 ± 6.7
G2: 19.5 ± 6.9

Time awake after

sleep onset,
G1: 84.1 ± 43.1
G2: 83.8 ± 41.4
PDDBI = Pervasive Developmental Disorders Behavior Inventory; VABS = Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale; MAP = Miller Assessment for
Preschoolers; EOT = End of Treatment; GAS = Goal Attainment Scaling; PEDI = Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory; CARS =
Childhood Autism Rating Scale; Leiter-R = Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised; EOWPV = Expressive One-Word Picture
Vocabulary Test; ADOS = Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; RDLS = Reynell Developmental Language Scales; SSP = Short Sensory

Profile; ABC = Autism Behavior Checklist; NCBRF = Nisonger Child Behavior Rating Form; PPVT = Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test;
EOWVT = Expressive One Word Vocabulary Test; VSEEC = Vineland Social-Emotional Early Child-hood Scales; SRS = Social
Responsiveness Scale; MBCDI = MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories; PCRI = Parent–Child Relationship Inventory;
SC = Sense and Self-Regulation Checklist; TST = Total Sleep Time; SOL = Sleep Onset Latency


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