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University of Technology

Building and Construction Engineering Department

Strength of Materials
Second Class
2015 – 2016
prepared by
Professor Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati
Structural Engineering Branch
Bending Stresses in Beams

Lecture -7, Part 1

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 2

7-1 Introduction:
Transverse loading, i.e. the applied loads cause that
some of the internal force and moment vectors to be
perpendicular to the axis of the member, see Fig. 7.1.
The cantilever beam is subjected to the bending moment
M(x) = F*x and the shear or transverse force V(x) = F.
In these cases, where perpendicular internal moment
vectors are contained, the members are subjected to
bending. Our discussion will be limited to the bending
of straight prismatic members with at least one plane of Fig. (7-2)
symmetry at the cross-sections, see Fig. 7.2.
Fig. (7-1)

The applied loads are exerted in the plane of symmetry, see Fig. 7.3. Under
these limitations we will analyze stresses in members subjected to bending
and subsequently discuss the design of straight prismatic beams.

As we mentioned before in a step-by- Fig. (7-3)

step approach, the first step is to draw
the free body diagram, where the
removed supports are replaced by
corresponding reactions.
Fig. (7-4)

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 3

The next step in the step-by step solution is to calculate the reactions using equilibrium equations. If
the bending problem is in a plane, then the beam has three degrees of freedom (DOFs).
∑Fx = 0, ∑Fy = 0 and ∑MB = 0 or ∑Fx = 0, ∑MB = 0 and ∑Mc = 0
Let us consider only a bending moment exerted in the arbitrary section of a beam, see Fig. 7.5. This
bending moment can be replaced with the moment couple . These force systems are equivalent. The
upper force is the compressive force and the lower force is tensile. Thus the positive bending moment
causes a compression in the upper portion of the beam and simultaneously causes a tension in the
lower portion of beam, see Fig. 7.6 and the negative bending moment results in an opposite beam
deformation. The effects of positive and negative bending moments on beam deformations are also
presented in Fig. 7.7.

Fig. (7-6) Fig. (7-7)

Fig. (7-5)

7-2 Symmetric Member in Pure Bending:

Internal forces in any cross section are equivalent to a couple.
The moment of the couple is the section bending moment.

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 4

 From statics, a couple M consists of two equal and opposite forces.
 The sum of the components of the forces in any direction is zero.
 The moment is the same about any axis perpendicular to the plane
of the couple and zero about any axis contained in the plane.

These requirements may be applied to the sums of the components

and moments of the statically indeterminate elementary internal

/ F = 0 or # dA = 0 ...(7.1a)
x x

/ M = 0 or # z dA = 0 ...(7.1b)
y x

/ M = M(x) or # - y dA = M(x)
z x ...(7.1c)

7.3: Normal Stress σ and shear stress τ in beam

The normal stress σ on plane a-a is related to the resisting moment Mr as follows (see Figure 7.8):

Mr =- #y x dA … (7.2)

Figure 7.8
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 5
The shearing stress τ on plane a-a is related to the resisting shear Vr as follows (see Figure 7.8):

Vr = # dA … (7.3)

7.4: Flexural Strain

Deformation of Beam due to Lateral Loading

The beam will bend uniformly under the action of the

couples M and M', but it will remain symmetric with
respect to the plane of symmetry. Therefore each
straight line of un-deformed beam is transformed into
the curve with constant curvature, i.e. into a circle
with a common center at C. The deformation analysis
of the symmetric beam is based on the following
assumptions proven by experiments:

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 6

7.5: Bending Deformations Assumptions
Beam with a plane of symmetry in pure bending:
 Member remains symmetric
 Bends uniformly to form a circular arc
 Cross-sectional plane passes through arc center and remains planar
 Length of top decreases and length of bottom increases
 A neutral surface must exist that is parallel to the upper and lower
surfaces and for which the length does not change
 Stresses and strains are negative (compressive) above the neutral
plane and positive (tension)below it
 The deformations of lines are not depend on their positions along
the width of the cross section, i.e. the stress distribution functions
along the cross-sectional width are uniform.
 The material behavior is linear and elastic, satisfying Hooke law,
having the same response in tension and compression.

Due to the uniform deformations along the cross sectional width,

we get y= z = 0 and τyz = 0. Then, at any point of a member in
pure bending, only the normal stress component x is exerted.
Therefore at any point of a member in pure bending, we have a
uniaxial stress state. Recalling that, for M = F d > 0 lines BD and
B’D’ decrease and increase in length, we note that the normal
strain x and the corresponding normal stress x are negative in the
upper portion of the member (compression) and positive in the
lower portion (tension), see Figure.
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 7
7.6: Strain Due to Bending
Consider a beam segment of length L. the initial length L of the un-deformed
member is equal to the deformed arc DE of the neutral surface, we have
L =  θ
At other sections, consider the arc JK located at a distance y from the neutral
surface, the deformed length L’ can be expressed as follows
L’ = ( - y) θ
Since the initial length of the arc JK is equal to L, then its deformation is
L = L’ – L = ( - y) θ -  θ =  θ – y θ -  θ = - y θ

= OL = - y =-
(starin varies linearly) … (7.4)
The negative sign is due to the fact that we have assumed the bending
moment to be positive and thus, the beam to be concave upward. The
longitudinal strain x varies linearly with distance from the neutral surface.
It is only natural that the strain x reaches its absolute maximum value at
the furthest distance from the neutral surface ymax = c thus we get
y max
max = = c or = c ... (7.5) substituting int o eq. (7.4)

` x =- ... (7.6) see Figure &&
c max

For a linearly elastic material, (stress varies linearly): E =
y y
x = E x =- E =- max ...(7.7) see Figure &&
c max
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 8
substitute for x into the first relation (7.1a) and get

/F x = 0 or # x dA = # - cy max dA =-
# ydA = 0
The last equation shows that the first moment must be equal zero
# ydA = 0
in the sense of statics, that the neutral axis passes through the center of the cross-section.
Substitute for x into the first relation (7.1c) and get
M(x) = # - y x dA = # - y(- max)dA =
# y2 dA
c c
The integral # y2 dA represents the second moment of inerta (I) with respect to the neutral axis,
that coincides with the z axis.
` M(x) = I ... (7.8)
M(x) . c
or max = ... (7.9)
from eq.(7.7) x =- max or max =- c x
c y
Substitute for max into Eq. (7.9) we get:
M(x) c
a max = c =-
I y x

M(x) y
` =- ... (7.10)
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 9
 This equation (7.9) shows that for positive bending moment “M” and positive “y” the normal stress x
are compressive, for negative “y” the normal stress x are tensile
ymax = c
M(x) * c
max = , = T. R
I max
M: Normal or resisting bending moment (kN.m.), (
I : Moment of inertia about centroid (mm4, in4, or m4)
y : Distance from the neutral axis of the beam to a point on a section where the stress x is required,
(mm, in), when it reach its maximum value it correspond to (c)

Returning to equation (7.8), the ratio I/c depends upon the geometry of the cross-section, thus this can
be any other cross-sectional characteristic which is known as the section modulus S:
S= (elastic section modulus) ...(7.11)
The maximum normal stress due to bending, ` max = M ...(7.12)
A beam section with a larger section modulus will have a lower maximum stress
Consider a rectangular beam cross section, with the same cross sectional area
I bh3
S= = 12 = 1 bh3 = 1 Ah Beam (1) : A = 24 in2, S = 1/6*(24)*6 = 24 in3
c h 6 6
2 Beam (2) : A = 24 in2, S = 1/6*(24)*8 = 32 in3

The beam with the greater depth will be more effective in resisting bending.
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 10
 Structural steel beams are designed to have a large section modulus.

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 11

7.7: Deformations in a Transverse Cross Section
Deformation due to bending moment M is quantified by the curvature of the neutral surface

from eq. (7.5) = c or


1 = max max 1 M(x) * c

= = ( )
c E*c E*c I
1 = M(x)
` ... (7.13)
Although cross sectional planes remain planar when subjected to bending
moments, in-plane deformations are nonzero,
from eq. (7.4) : x =-
y =- x =
z =- x =
Expansion above the neutral surface and contraction below it
cause an in-plane curvature,
1 = = antielastic curvature

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 12

7.8: Moment of Inertia formulas for different shapes:

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 13

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 14
7.9: Steel section Design:
Explain why I-sections are preferred over rectangular sections for beams subjected to bending?

In the design of rectangular beams of known depth, we determine width requirement for the layer
subjected to maximum bending stress and the same width is maintained over the entire depth, but
the stress is not same over the entire depth. Stress is more near top and bottom and less near neutral
axis. Providing the same width over the entire depth in rectangular beam leads to wastage of
material and increased self weight. In case of an I-section, more width is provided near top and
bottom (width of Flange) and less width is provided near Neutral Axis (Thickness of web). This
leads to saving of material and reduced self weight. Therefore I-section beams are preferred over
rectangular beams.

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 15

7-10: Solved Examples:
Example 7-1 :Rectangular beam (300 mm × 400 mm) is simply supported over a span of 6m. The beam
carries a central consequence load of 50 kN. Determine the maximum bending stress in the beam.
Sketch the bending stress distribution.

If the section is symmetric about neutral axis maximum tensile stress = maximum compression stress

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 16

Example 7.2: A rectangle beam (300mm ×400mm) is simply supported over a span of 6m. The beam
carries UDL of intensity “W” over the entire span. If the intensity of stress is limited to 10 MPa.
Determine the maximum value of W.
W x

A 6m x B

Section x-x

. Example 7.3: An simply supported beam 300mm × 400mm in section carries UDL of intensity
18 kN/m over the entire span. Determine the maximum, span that can be allowable if allowable
stress is 10 N/mm2
W=18kN/m x

A L x B

Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams)

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati 17
Section x-x

Example 7-4 :A steel bar of 0.8 X 2.5-in. rectangular cross section is subjected to two equal and
opposite couples acting in the vertical plane of symmetry of the bar (shown in Figure). Determine the
value of the bending moment M that causes the bar to yield. Assume yield = 36ksi.
Since the neutral axis must pass through the centroid
C of the cross section, we have c = 1.25 in.
bh = 1 (0.8) (2.5) 3 = 1.042in4
12 12
M.c I 1.042 in
yield = &M= = (36ksi)
I c yield 1.25 in
` M = 30 kip, in

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 18

Example 7-5 : An aluminum rod with a semicircular cross section of radius r = 12 mm (shown in
Figure) is bent into the shape of a circular arc of mean radius  = 2.5 m. Knowing that the flat face of
the rod is turned toward the center of curvature of the arc, determine the maximum tensile and
compressive stress in the rod. Use E = 70 GPa.


The ordinate y’ of the centroid C of the semicircular cross section is:

4r = 4 * (12mm) =
yl = 5.093mm
3 3
c = r – y’ = 12 mm - 5.093 mm =6.907 mm
c 6.907 * 10 m=
u sin g eq. (7.5) = = 2.763 * 10-3
applying Hooke's law, max = E max = (70 * 109 Pa)(2.763 * 10-3) = 193.4 MPa

Since this side of the rod faces away from the center of curvature, the stress obtained is a tensile stress.
The maximum compressive stress occurs on the flat side of the rod. Using the fact that the stress is
proportional to the distance from the neutral axis
y' c
comp =- tension =- 5.093mm (193.4MPa) =- 142.6MPa N.A.
c 6.907mm y’

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 19

Example 7-6: A rectangle beam whose depth is equal to twice the width is simply supported over a
span of 6 m. If it has to carry UDL of 10 kN/m, over the entire span in addition to a central con, load
of 20 kN, determine the cross section dimension required if the allowable stress is 10 N/mm2.

Solution: P=20kN
W=10kN/m x

3m x B


Section x-x

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 20

Example 7-7: A cantilever beam (300mm × 400 mm) in section weighing 7.5 kN/m is subjected to a
load of 5 kN as shown in figure. Determine the maximum stress developed at a section 2m from free
end. Sketch the stress distribution.
Solution: x
P=5kN w=7.5kN/m
Self weight of the beam, also called dead load acts as UDL on
the beam. Unless otherwise specified, neglect the self weight of A 2m B
the beam. x

Section x-x

Example 7-8: A simply supported beam 15mm × 20 mm is 1.5m long and it fails if a consequence
load of 425 N is applied at its center. Deflection what UDL can break a cantilever beam of same
material (50mm × 110 mm) in section and 2m long.

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 21

w x

A x

Section x-x
Example 7-9: A cast-iron machine part is acted upon by a 3 kN-m couple. Knowing E = 165 GPa and
neglecting the effects of fillets, determine (a) the maximum tensile and compressive stresses, (b) the
radius of curvature.
Step 1: Based on the cross section geometry, calculate the location of the
section centroid and moment of inertia.

/ ylA Ixl = / (I l + Ad2)
Step 2: Apply the elastic flexural formula to find the maximum tensile and
compressive stresses, eq. (7.9)
M(x). c
max =
Step 3: Calculate the curvature, eq.(7.13):
1 = M(x)
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 22
 Based on the cross section geometry, calculate the location of the section centroid and moment of
Area, mm2 y’, mm y’A, mm3
1 20*90 =1800 50 90000
2 40*30 = 1200 20 24000
∑A = 3000 ∑y’A=114000

/ ylA = 114000 = 38mm
/A 3000
Ixl = / (I l + Ad2) = / ( bh3 + Ad2)
1 1
Ixl = ( * 90 * 203 + 1800 * 122) + ( * 30 * 403 + 1200 * 182)
12 12
Ixl = 319200 + 548800 = 868000mm4
 Apply the elastic flexural formula to find the maximum tensile and compressive stresses.
M(x). c Where: M(x’) = 3kN.m = 3*, cA = 22mm, cB = 38mm,
max =
I I = 868*103mm4.
M(xl ). cA 3 * 106 ( * 22(mm)
A = = 3 4 = 76.037N/mm2 & A = 76.0 MPa (tension)
I 868 * 10 (mm )

M(xl ). cB 3 * 106 ( * 38(mm)

B =- =- 3 4 =- 131.336 N/mm2 & B =- 131.3 MPa (compression)
I 868 * 10 (mm )
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 23
 Calculate the curvature
1 M

 EI
3 kN  m 1
 20.95 103 m -1
 
165 GPa (868 *109 m 4 )
  47.7 m

Example 7-10: The rectangular tube shown is extruded from an aluminum alloy for which (yield =
40ksi, (ultimate = 60 ksi, and E = 10.6 * 106 psi. Neglecting the effect of fillets, determine (a) the bending
moment M for which the factor of safety will be 3.00, (b) the corresponding radius of curvature of the

1 1
I= (3.25)(5) 3 - (2.75)(4.5) 3 = 12.97 in4
12 12

allwable = = 60ksi = 20ksi

F.S. 3
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 24
Since (all< (y, the tube remains in the elastic range and we can apply the results of eqs.(7.7) to (710)
c= (5 in.) = 2.5 in.
Mc I 12.97 in
all = &M= all = (20ksi) = 103.8
I c 2.5
Radius of Curvature:

1 = M = 103.8 * 103 lb. in. = 0.755 * 10-3 in.-1

from eq. (7.13): 6 4
EI (10.6 * 10 psi) (12.97in )

 = 1325 in = 1325/12 = 10.4 ft

Alternative Solution: Since we know that the maximum stress is (all = 20 ksi), we can determine
the maximum strain max (Hooke's law for uniaxial stress applies).
max * 10 = 1.877 * 10-3 in./in.
max = = 6
E 10.6 * 10 psi
and then use Eq.(7.5)

= c & = c = 2.5 in. = 1325 in. = 110.4 ft

1.887 * 10-3 in./in.

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 25

Example 7-11: The wide-flange steel beam shown, for which max = +2000psi. Determine the stress
at point A 8in
Solution: 1in
2in 1
Area, in2 y’, in y’A, in3 A y’ 2+6/2
2in 6in =5in 2+6+4/2
1 8*2 =16 1 16 12in 2
2 2*6 = 12 5 60
3 5.75*4= 23 10 230
4in 3
∑A = 51 ∑y’A=306
/ ylA = 306 = 6 in. 5.75in
/A 51
1 1
IN.A. = / (I l + Ad2) = / ( bh3 + Ad2)
12 y’=6 6-2-6/2 6-1
IN.A. = I1 + I2 + I3 =1in =5in
N.A. 2
1 1 12-6-2
IN.A. = ( * 8 * 23 + (8 * 2) * 52) + ( * 2 * 63 + (2 * 6) * 12)
12 12 =4in
+ ( 1 * 5.75 * 43 + (5.75 * 4) * 42)
12 20000
IN.A. = 405.333 + 48 + 398.666 = 852 in4 A
y’=6 4in 4in
= 4 & A = 13333.33psi 2 N.A.
20000 6
M.c M*6
or max = & 20000 = & M = 284000
I 852 3
A = = 284000 * 4 = 13333.33psi 20000
I 852
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 26
Example 7-12:simply supported beam 10ft span of T-section shown, under concentrated load (F), with
Factor of Safety 1.5, ultimate tension stress 3000psi and ultimate compression stress 6000psi. Find (F)
which may be applied downward and upward direction.
Area, in2 y’, in y’A, in3 x

1 4*1 = 4 0.5 2
2 1*8 = 8 5 40
∑A = 12 ∑y’A= 42 A 7ft x 3ft B

/ ylA = 42 = 3.5 in. 4in 4in
/ A 12 1in 1in
y’ y’=3.5 3.5-0.5=3in
IN.A. = / (I l + Ad ) = / ( bh3 + Ad2)
12 N.A.
1 1 8in
IN.A. = ( * 4 * 13 + (4 * 1) * 32) + ( * 1 * 83 + (1 * 8) * 1.52)
12 12 8/2=4
IN.A. = 36.333 + 60.666 = 97in 4 5.5
1in 1in
( )
all tension = = 3000 = 2000psi
Section x-x Section x-x
F.S 1.5
6000 =
( all) compression = ult = 4000psi
F.S 1.5

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 27

Case (1): Load downward
max =
I 7ft=84in 3ft=36in
(25.2F) * 5.5 120in
Tension: 2000 = & F1 = 1400 lb. RA=36/120F RB=84/120F
(25.2F) * 3.5 (+)
Compression: 4000 = & F2 = 4399 lb. 0.3F
(-) -0.7F
(+) (+)

Case (2): Load upward
7ft=84in 3ft=36in
max =
I 120in RB=84/120F
(25.2F) * 3.5
Tension: 2000 = & F3 = 2200 lb. (+) 0.7F
(25.2F) * 5.5 -0.3F (-)
Compression: 4000 = =
& F4 2799 lb. S.F.D.

(0.3F)*84=25.2F (-)

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 28
Example 7-13:For loaded simply supported beam, find flange width (w) for inversed T-section with
maximum compressive stress 15000psi and maximum tensile stress 5000psi and determine the
ultimate moment of the section. 1in

Solution: 15000 comp.

5000 = 15000 2 3in 4-y

y 4-y N.A.
3y = 4 - y y’ 1in y
5000 ten.
4y = 4 & y = 1in. W

Area, in2 y’, in y’A, in3

1 W*1 = W 0.5 0.5W
2 1*3 = 3 1.5 4.5
∑A = W+3 ∑y’A= 0.5W+4.5

/ yl A = 0.5W + 4.5 = 1 in.
/A W+3
0.5W + 4.5 = W + 3
4.5 - 3 = W - 0.5W
1.5 = 0.5W &` W = 3 in.
1 3+ 2
IN.A. = / (I l + Ad2) = / ( bh Ad )
1 1
IN.A. = ( * 1 * 33 + (1 * 3) * 1.52) + ( * 3 * 13 + (1 * 3) * 0.52)
12 12
IN.A. = 9 + 0.875 = 9.875in 4

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 29

= M.c
15000 = & M = 49375 lb. in.
5000 = & M = 49375 lb. in.
Example 7-14:For the beam shown, draw the stress distribution along the cross section at critical point
for the section. 400mm 300mm P=50kN w=20kN/m x

300mm A 3m x B
300mm 300mm

Sec. A 200mm 100mm
Sec. B Sec. C
VA = 50kN, VB = 50 + 20*3 = 50 + 60 = 110kN
MA = 0,
MB (critical section) = 50*3 + 20*3*1.5 = 150 + 90 = 240kN-m MA
MB (critical section) = 240*106 N-mm

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 30

Section: A ten max
3 3
bh = 100 * 300 =
IN.A. = 225 * 106 mm4 150mm
12 12 300mm
h h/2
M.c M * ( ) 240 * 106 (150)
comp. max = ten. max = = = comp max
I I 225 * 106
= 160N/mm2 = 160MPa Sec. A
Section: B

Area, mm2 y’, mm y’A, mm3 400mm

ten max
1 400*100 =40000 50 2000000 100mm 1
2 100*300 = 30000 250 7500000 N.A.
3 100*300 = 30000 250 7500000 300mm 3
∑A = 100000 ∑y’A=17000000
/ ylA = 17000000 = 170mm. comp max
Y= 200mm
/A 100000
Sec. B
1 3+ 2 400mm
IN.A. = / (I l + Ad2) = / ( bh Ad )
1 170-50=120 y’=170
IN.A. = ( * 400 * 1003 + (400 * 100) * 1202)
12 N.A.
+ 2 * ( 1 * 100 * 3003 + (100 * 300) * 802) 300mm
IN.A. = 609333333.333 + 2 * (417000000) = 1.44333 * 109 mm4

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 31

M.yl 240 * 106 (170)
ten. max = = 9 =+ 28.27N/mm2 = 28.27MPa
I 1.4433 * 10
M. (400 - yl ) 240 * 106 (230)
comp. max = = 9 =- 38.25N/mm2 =- 38.25MPa
I 1.4433 * 10
Section: C 300mm
ten max
Area, mm2 y’, mm y’A, mm3 50
1 100mm
1 300*100 =30000 50 1500000 N.A. 150+100 N.A.
2 100*300 = 30000 250 7500000 300mm
∑A = 60000 ∑y’A=9000000
comp max
/ ylA = 9000000 = 150mm. 100mm
/A 60000 Sec. C
1 3+ 2
IN.A. = / (I l + Ad2) = / ( bh Ad )
1 1
IN.A. = ( * 300 * 1003 + (300 * 100) * 1002) + ( * 100 * 3003 + (100 * 300) * 1002)
12 12
IN.A. = 325000000 + 525000000 = 8.5 * 10 mm 8 4

M.yl 240 * 106 (150)

ten. max = = 8 =+ 42.35N/mm2 = 42.35MPa
I 8.5 * 10
M. (400 - yl ) 240 * 106 (250)
comp. max = = 8 =- 70.588N/mm2 =- 70.6MPa
I 8.5 * 10
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 32
Example 7-15:For the simply supported beam shown, determine Pmax if ultimate stress 140MPa and
width of beam 40mm and depth of beam at the end 40mm and at mid-span 100mm
Solution: 1
40mm 40mm 40mm
40mm B
x 1
100mm 1m 1m
RA=P/2 RB=P/2

End section Mid-span section
1 S.F.D.
Maximum bending moment at any point at distance x
60 = y (+) (+)
& y = 0.06x
1000 x RA=P/2 x B.M.D. RB=P/2
` h = 40 + y = 40 + 0.06x 1
bh 3
40 (40 + 0.06x) 3
IN.A. = =
12 12 40mm 1000mm 40 c
h 40 + 0.06x h
ymax = c = = 100
2 2 y
P 60
M (x) = * x x

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 33

= M.c
P (40 + 0.06x)
( * x)
140 = 2 2
40 (40 + 0.06x) 3
40 (40 + 0.06x) 3 4
P = 140 * *
12 x (40 + 0.06x)
(40 + 0.06x) 2
P = 1866.6
dp x * 2 (40 + 0.06x) * 0.06 - (40 + 0.06x) 2
= 1866.6 [ ]
dx x2
0 = 0.12x (40 + 0.06x) - (40 + 0.06x) 2
0 = (40 + 0.06x) [0.12x - (40 + 0.06x)]
0 = (40 + 0.06x) [0.12x - 40 - 0.06x]
0 = (40 + 0.06x) [0.06x - 40]
40 =-
if (40 + 0.06x) = 0 & x =- 666.6mm (ignore)
40 =
or (0.06x - 40) = 0 & x = 666.67mm
(40 + 0.06x) 2 (40 + 0.06 * 666.67) 2
` P = 1866.6 = 1866.6 = 17920N = 17.92kN
x 666.67
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 34
Example 7-16:A water main pipe 1.2 m internal diagram and 12 mm thick is running full. If the bending
stress is not to exceed 56 N/mm2, find the greatest span on which the pipe may be freely supported specific
weight of steel is 76.8 kN/m3 and specific weight of water is 9.81 kN/m3.
weight of water = specific weight of water*pipe volume
= 9.81*(Area*L) kN
Uniform Distributed water weight = weight of water /L
= specific weight of water *(Area)
= 9.81*A (kN/m)
= 9.81kN/m3 * * (1.2) 2 m2 = 11.1kN/m
Uniform Distributed self weight of steel pipe = specific weight of steel*A
= 76.8.kN/m3 * * [(1.224) 2 - (1.2) 2]m2 = 3.5kN/m
Total Uniform Distributed Load = 11.1+3.5 = 14.6kN/m

Therefore, Mmax= 1.825L2 ×106 Nmm (Sagging)

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 35

Example 7-17:For the cantilever beam shown, determine: P=5kN w=0.73kN/m x
1. The stress distribution along critical section.
2. The resultant comp-force & tension force at critical section
3. Find the force on the shaded area A 0.9m x B
4. Find radius of curvature () if E = 200kPa
Solution: MB (critical section) = 5*0.9 + 0.73*0.9*(0.9/2) = 4.79565 kN.m

Area, mm2 y’, mm y’A, mm3 40

80mm 90mm
1 80*15 =1200 40 48000
2 60*20 = 1200 90 108000
∑A = 2400 ∑y’A=156000 20mm
/ ylA = 156000 = 65mm. 60mm
Y= Section x-x
/A 2400
1 3+ 2 15mm
IN.A. = / (I l + Ad2) = / ( bh Ad )
1 1
IN.A. = ( * 60 * 203 + (60 * 20) * 252) + ( * 15 * 803 + (15 * 80) * 252)
12 12
80mm y’=65
IN.A. = 790000 + 1390000 = 2.18 * 106 mm4
25 N.A.
M.yl 4.79565 * 10 (65)
ten. max = = 6 =+ 142.989N/mm2 = 143MPa 35
I 2.18 * 10 20mm
M.(100 - yl ) 4.79565 * 10 (35)
comp. max = = 6 =- 76.994N/mm2 =- 77MPa
I 2.18 * 10 Section x-x
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 36
Above N.A.
Tforce = t-max (Block) * Area = * (15 * 65) = 69712.5N = 69.71kN
below N.A.
77 = = 33MPa
Stress below N.A. at 15mm: &
35 15
33 33 + 77
C force = [ * (15 * 15) + ( )(60 * 20)]
2 2
C force = 3712.5 + 66000 = 69712.5N = 69.71kN
Shaded area below N.A.
C force = * (15 * 15) = 3712.5N = 3.7kN

1 = M = 4.79565 * 106 y’=65mm

from eq. (7.13):
EI (200 * 103) N/mm2 (2.18 * 106) mm4
1 = 80mm N.A.
0.010999 * 10-3 mm
= 90.9157 * 103 mm = 90.9157m  =33MPa 35mm


Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 37

Example 7-18:For the simply supported overhang beam shown, P W(total)=10P P
Find Pmax if the allowable t = 20MPa and c = 70MPa , x
IN.A.=5*10 mm 4

Solution: A B E 4m C 1m D
RA = RB = (2P + 10P)/2 = 6P RB=6P 2m x RC=6P
VA = - P
VBA = - P
+5P Mid-span
VBC = 6P – P = 5P
MA = 0 +P +P
MBA = - P *1 = P
-P -P
MEB = - P*3 + 6P*2 – 5P * (2/1) = 4P = Mmax
For Positive Moment: Mmax=+4P - 5P
M.c1 4P * 10 * 200
c = 70 = = & P = 4.375kN
I 5 * 107
M.c2 4P * 10 6
* 100 0 0
t = 20 = = & P = 2.5kN
I 5 * 107 -P
For Negative Moment:
M.c 2 P * 10 * 100 c1=200mm
c = 70 = = & P = 35kN N.A.
I 5 * 107
M.c P * 10 6
* 200 c2=100mm
t = 20 = = & P = 5kN
I 5 * 107 IN.A.=5*107 mm4
` Pmax allowable = 2.5kN Section x-x

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 38

Example 7-19:For cantilever beam shown, E = 2*105 MPa, 1 = 527*10-6, 2 = 73*10-6, IN.A.=5*107 mm4
Determine Pmax
P 600mm
100mm c
100mm 2
*2 *2
600mm 600mm 700mm
*1 *1 100mm  1
1 = E * 1 = 2*105*527*10-6 = 105.4MPa
2 = E * 2 = 2*105*73*10-6 = 14.6MPa
105.4 = 14.6 2=14.6
& y1 = 572mm
y1 600 - y1 y2=600-y1 N.A.
and y2 = 600 - 572 = 73mm 600mm
1 = 105.4 = = 500P * 527
I 20 * 106 1= 105.4
P = 8kN
= 500P * 73
M=500P. kNm
2 = 14.6 =
I 20 * 106 N.A.
P = 8kN
Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 39
Example 7-20:Knowing that a beam of the cross section shown is bent about a horizontal axis and that the
bending moment is 900 N.m, determine the total force acting on the shaded portion of the beam.
Solution: max
I = Itotal - Ihollow 31mm
1 1
I= (46)(62) 3 - (30)(46) 3 = 670 * 103 mm4 z
12 12 *
centroid 46mm

M.c 900 * 103 * (31)

max = = = 41.64MPa 8mm
I 670 * 103 max
= 8mm 30mm 8mm
900 * 103 * (11.5) 23mm
y = 11.5mm = = 15.45MPa max=41.64
670 * 103
8mm =36.3
900 * 103 * (27)
y = 27mm = = 36.3MPa
670 * 103 23mm 27mm =15.45


F = / * A = [(15.45N/mm2 *) * (8mm * 23mm)] + [(36.3N/mm2) * (8mm * 23mm)]

F = 2842.8 + 6679.2 = 9522N = 9.522kN

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in Beams) 40

Thank you for listening

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati

Lecture -7-Part-1 (Bending Stresses in

Prof. Dr. Nabeel Al-Bayati 41

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