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Business Ethics and Corporate

Social Responsibility
Quarter 4– Module 6:
Personal Action Plan in Existing Small Business
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility – Grade 12
Quarter 4 – Module 6: Personal Action Plan in Existing Small Business Enterprise
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks,
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Published by the Department of Education

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Jhinete R. Estoy

Template Developer:
Management Team: Winnie E. Batoon , CESO VI
Emma A. Camporedondo , CESE
Chona M. Calatrava
Teresita E. Helgason
Charizma L. Ambrona
El Sheba F. Alcano
Jennie D. Rivera

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Management Development System (LRMDS)
Department of Education – Island Garden City of Samal Division, Region XI
Office Address: Sitio Pasig, Brgy Penaplata, District II, Island Garden City of Samal

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Business Ethics and Corporate
Social Responsibility
Quarter 4 – Module 6:
Personal Action Plan in Existing Small Business
Introductory Message
For the Facilitator:
Welcome to the Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility-
Grade 12 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Prepare and
Implement Personal Action Plan to Assist Existing Small Business

The activities in this module are arranged sequentially to help the

learners understand the topic and develop the desired skill or learning

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to

use this module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress
while allowing them to manage their own learning.

Remind the learner that if there are things he/she doesn’t

understand, he/she must not hesitate to call for your help and

For the Learner:

Welcome to the Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility-
Grade 12 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Prepare and
Implement Personal Action Plan to Assist Existing Small Business

The activities in this module are arranged sequentially to help you

understand the topic and develop the desired skill or learning
As a learner, you must learn to become responsible of your own
learning. Take time to read, understand, and perform the different
activities in the module. If there are things you don’t understand, do not
hesitate to call your facilitator / teacher for assistance.

Let Us Learn In this section, you will know the skills that
you must learn in this module.

Let Us Try This section will test your previous

knowledge or skills of the lesson in the
module through a preliminary assessment.

Let Us Study There will be brief exercises to help you
connect your previous knowledge to the
current lesson. In this section, the new
lesson will be introduced through a story,
poem, play, introductory problem, task, or

Let Us Practice There will be a short discussion in this

section. This aims to help you understand
new concepts and skills.

Let Us Practice This section consists of guided activities and

More free practices that will further enhance your
understanding and skills of the subject
matter. You can check your answers in the
practice activities using the answer key in
the last section of this module.

Let Us This section contains questions or sentence

Remember or paragraph completion that will process
what you have learned in the lesson.

Let Us Assess This section contains activities that will help

you translate new knowledge or skills into
real situations or realities of life.

Let Us Enhance In this section, you will be given additional

activity to enhance your learning or skill in
the lesson.

Let Us Reflect This section is an activity that aims at

assessing or measuring the level of learning
in acquiring meaningful knowledge and
skills through reflective questions.

Answer Key to This section contains the correct answers in

Activities all the activities in this module.

References This is located on the last page of the
module where it contains a record of the
sources of data/authorship in the creation
or writing of this module.

The following are important reminders in utilizing this module:

1. Handle this module with care. Do not write or put other marks in
any part of this module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering
the practice activities.
2. Do not forget to answer the Let Us Try before proceeding to the
other practice activities inside this module. Maintain honesty and
integrity in doing or performing the practice activities and in
checking the answers.
3. Read carefully the instructions before doing each practice activity.
4. Finish the current practice activity before going to the next ones.
5. Return this module to your teacher or facilitator after answering all
the activities.

If ever you find it hard to answer the practice activities in this

module, do not hesitate to refer to your teacher or facilitator. You can also
ask for help from your mother or father, or from your older siblings, or
from anyone else in the house who is older than you. Always remember
that you are not alone.
We hope, through this module, that you will experience meaningful
learning and will fully acquire your desired knowledge. You can do this!

Let Us Learn

This module is intended to help you understand the concept of

preparing and implementing personal action plan and practice ethical and
social responsibilities in their business operation. By taking social
responsibility into account in your processes, strategies and values, the
operation of the business can better its reputation significantly. It will
most likely better a company’s image and help build its brand.

The module is intended to equip you with knowledge in the preparation
and the implementation of action plan and to practice ethics and social
responsibilities in business operations. After going through this module,
you are expected to:
1.1 prepare and implement a proposed personal action plan to assist an
existing small business enterprise to practice ethics and social
responsibilities in their business operation. (ABM_ESR12-IVm-p-4.2;

Let Us Try

Let us check your prior knowledge about this module’s coverage.

Direction: Cloze Test! Provide the blank with the correct word/words
from the box.

plan document specific goal process

timeline useful organizations tasks

An action _____________ is a ________________ that lists what steps

1 2
must be taken in order to achieve ___________________. It also breaks up
the process into actionable assignments based on a _________________.
An action plan is _____________ to wide range of individuals and
_____________, from employees who want to improve their work
6 t
performance to project managers assigning ______________ to team

Let Us Study

Activity 1
The following pictures are the small businesses operated in the
country / in our local area. Supply the space provided below with word/s.
1. Copra Buy and Sell

Ethical Responsibility: ________________________________________________

Social Responsibility:
2. Crispy Fried Chicken

Ethical Responsibility: ________________________________________________

Social Responsibility: ________________________________________________
3. Print and Photocopy Services

Ethical Responsibility: ________________________________________________
Social Responsibility: ________________________________________________
Activity 2
EJ Direct Selling buys products from different companies (MSE,
goods directly to resellers, sub dealers and customers.
Supply the table below if what is the social responsibility of the
business towards
Name of Social Responsibility Answer
Business towards
General Public
Shareholders or Investors
EJ Employees or Workers
Consumers or Customers
Government or its
Administrative Bodies
Local Community

Defining a small enterprise

A small scale enterprise, or more simply, a small business, is one
marked by a limited number of employees and a limited flow of finances
and materials. Clearly, Google, General Motors and Wal-Mart
are not companies that anyone would mistakenly label a small
enterprise. By the same token, it’s just as obvious that a one-person
home business, or a mom-and-pop corner candy store are the epitome of
a small business.
Ethical Responsibility
Business ethics provide the ethical standards in the workplace. Having
high standards helps stablish credibility and the good image of the

organization. It also attracts customers and applicants. Employees are
proud to be part of an organization with good reputation, thus, remain
loyal in the company.
There are 12 principles business ethics. They are honesty, integrity,
keeping promises, loyalty, fairness, caring, obedience to the law,
excellence, respect, being a leader, morale, and accountability.
Social Responsibility
Social responsibility means that businesses, in addition to
maximizing shareholder value, must act in a manner that benefits society.
Social responsibility has become increasingly important to investors and
consumers who seek investments that are not just profitable but also
contribute to the welfare of society and the environment. However, critics
argue that the basic nature of business does not consider society as
a stakeholder.
Action Plan
An action plan is a document that lists what steps must be taken in
order to achieve a specific goal. It also breaks up the process into
actionable assignments based on a timeline. A good action plan will
outline all the necessary steps to achieve your goal and help you reach
your target efficiently by assigning a timeframe – a start and end date – to
every step in the process.
An action plan is useful to wide range of individuals and
organizations, from employees who want to improve their work
performance to project managers assigning tasks to team members. It can
help you identify a clear path to move toward your goal and confidently
organize associated tasks in the appropriate order to achieve your goal in
the most efficient way.
The purpose of an action plan is to clarify what resources are required
to reach the goal, formulate a timeline for when specific tasks need to be
completed and determine what resources are required.
The action plan is one name for the portion of the business plan in
which you account for business operations that weren’t covered in the
marketing and sales plan.

Five Easy Steps to Write an Action Plan

Writing an action plan might seem challenging but it’s worth the work
upfront to keep yourself focused later on and using a simple framework
can help give you clarity. While action plans may differ in terms of tasks
and timeliness, they generally conform to the same structure and include
the same types of information. Create an action plan to help you achieve
your goal by following these five steps:

1. Set a SMART goals.
2. Create a list of actions.
3. Set a timeline.
4. Designate resources.
5. Monitor the progress.

Action Plan template

Action Plan:
 Actions (steps you plan to take to achieve your goals)
 Persons in charge (staff members who will be handling each
 Timeline (deadline for each step)
 Resources (assets you need to allocate for each step)
 Potential barriers (factors that can potentially hinder the
completion of each step)
 Outcomes (desired result for each step)
Example: Marketing
An international airline marketing team discover that first and
business class passengers are high dissatisfied with the meal service on
Manila to US route. They create an action plan to address the issue that
involves market research, experimenting with new meals and selecting
new suppliers.
Action Plan: Improve Meal Quality on Manila to US Flight

Action Objective Person In- Responsible

Conduct market Develop meal Marketing Manila
research with requirements. Operations
passenger focus
Test three new Find satisfying Marketing Manila
meals per week meals. Operations
from different
Survey Measure quality Marketing US Operations
customers who of new meals.
tried new
Select vendors Deploy more Marketing Manila
with best meals satisfying meal Operations
and negotiate service.
new contracts.

Let Us Practice

Read the scenario below and supply the blank with answer.

Neneng Carenderia offers services not only in her neighbors but

also for commuters and delivery drivers. Her carenderia is located
along the highway. Before the pandemic, all the food on display is

During the pandemic, the problems occur in her business.

Some of the cooked foods were unsold. Prices of meat, vegetables and
spices increased. She even drove out from her rented place.

Luckily, a good Samaritan offers a place to her. Due to limited

resources, her husband is the only one who built their store. She also
borrows money from small lending institutions to sustain her

To cope up their losses and double the profit, she posted the
menus on social media and even accepts short orders.

Problem: _____________________________________________________________________


Goal: ____________________________________________________________________


Actions: ____________________________________________________________________


Resources: __________________________________________________________________


If she gains profit from her business, what could be the possible




Let Us Practice More

Direction. Look around in your community. What are the business/es

Task: As a business consultant you will assist them to make an action plan.
Prepare an action plan to assist an existing small business enterprise to practice
ethics and social responsibility in their business operation by using the

Name of Business:


Plan Statement:


Action Person in Date to Date to Resources Potential Outcomes

Plan Charge Begin Due Required Barriers

Rubric in Checking an Action Plan

Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary

(4 pts.) (6 pts.) (8 pts.) (10 pts.)
Issue Does not Briefly Describes Thoroughly
description describe the describes issue and describes the
and issue. Does issue and its explain the issue.
importance not explain importance importance of Thoroughly
the the issue. describes the
importance of importance of
the issue. the issue.

Current Does not list Lists current Lists and Thoroughly

action and current action actions being describes describes
organizations being taken or taken and current current
organizations organizations, actions being actions and
taking action. but does not taken and organizations
elaborate. organizations taking action
taking action. at a variety of

Action Does not list Lists actions Explains Clearly

Proposal action but does not action explains
explain it or proposal and action
its outline steps proposal and
importance. to achieve it. details steps
Explains the to achieve it.
importance of Thoroughly

the action. explains
importance of
the action.


Let Us Remember

Direction. Match column A with the correct answer on column B, write only the
letter of your answer on the space provided.

Column A Column B
1. A document that lists what steps must a. Action
be taken in order to achieve a specific

2. A steps you plan to take to achieve b. Outcomes

your goals
3. It is the desired result for each step c. Resources
4.It is a factors that can potentially d. Potential barriers
hinder the completion of each step
5. An assets you need to allocate for each e. Action Plan

Let Us Assess

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on
a separate sheet of paper.

1. It is a document that lists what steps must be taken in order to achieve a

specific goal.
a. Action Plan c. Research
b. Ethical Plan d. Business Plan

2. The following are the steps in writing an action plan, except

a. Setting up goals c. Setting up SMART goals
b. Set a timeline d. Designate a resources.

3. Known as staff members who will be handling each step

a. Actions c. Resources
b. Timeline d. Person in Charge

4. It is also known as the desired result for each step

a. Actions c. Outcomes
b. Timeline d. Potential Barriers

5. What do you call the steps you plan to achieve your goals?
a. Actions c. Outcomes
b. Timeline d. Potential Barriers

6. Known as factors that can potentially hinder the completion of each step.
a. Actions c. Outcomes
b. Timeline d. Potential Barriers

7. Below are the factors to consider in making an action plan, except

a. Resources c. Partnership
b. Buddy –buddy / partner d. Sole Proprietorship

8. Elijah starts in writing his action plan. He considers the budget and the
person/s involved in the plan. This is called _________________
a. Action c. Resources
b. Timeline d. Potential Barriers

9. Which of the following are the purpose of an action plan?

a. Clarify what resources are required to reach the goal.
b. Formulate a timeline when specific tasks need to be completed
c. Determine what resources are required.
d. All of the above.

10. It is known as the name for the portion of the business plan in which you
account for business operations that weren’t covered in the marketing
and sales plan.
a. Action Plan c. Research
b. Ethical Plan d. Business Plan

11. When can we say that it is a good action plan?

a. An action plan that improve the work performance of the employees.
b. An action plan that clarifies the resources required to reach the goal.
c. An action plan that will outline the necessary steps to achieve goal and
reach the target efficiently.
d. An action plan that organize the associated tasks.

12. How to efficiently assigned timeframe in making an action plan?

a. By assigning start date to every step of the process.
b. By assigning an end date to every step of the process.
c. Both A and B.
d. None of the above.

13. Ezekiah Josh a Grade 12 ABM student starts to work in his Action Plan.
But due to his hectic schedule he did not submit his plan on time. This is
an example of ____________________.
a. Action c. Potential barriers
b. Person in charge d. Outcomes

14. EJ an ABM Teacher divide her class into 5 groups. Each group are given
a task to write an action plan in their assigned topic. She also informed
the class that each group will assigned a leader, asst. leader, secretary,
etc. This is an example of _______________.
a. Action c. Potential barriers
b. Person in charge d. Outcomes

15. E & J Marketing decided to expand their business and look for new
suppliers, dealers and resellers. This is an example of ______________
a. Partnerships c. Person in charge
b. Action d. Potential barriers

Let Us Enhance

1. Assume that you are a business owner.
2. Find picture of your business that shows ethical and social
3. Artistically paste the pictures in a ¼ illustration board to form a collage.
4. At the bottom of the illustration board, explain what you have learned
from the activity.

Rubrics for Collage Making

Graphics Graphics Artwork Explanation
Clarity Relevance Quality
All the pictures All pictures are All pictures in The explanation
10 clearly relevant to the the collage clearly expresses
describe the ethical and social are the understanding
ethical and responsibility in artistically of the ethical and
social business. arranged. social responsibility
responsibility in business.
in business.

Only two Only two pictures Two pictures The explanation
8 pictures clearly are relevant to in the collage expresses the
describe the the ethical and are artistically understanding of
ethical and social arranged. the ethical and
social responsibility in social responsibility
responsibility in business. in business.
Only one Only one picture One picture in The explanation
6 picture in the is relevant to the the collage is vaguely expresses
collage ethical and social arranged. the understanding
describes the responsibility in of the ethical and
ethical and business. social responsibility
social in business.
responsibility in
No picture The three All pictures in The explanation
4 describes the pictures are not the collage does not express
ethical and relevant to the are just the understanding
social ethical and social pasted. of the ethical and
responsibility in responsibility in social responsibility
business. business. in business.

Let Us Reflect

Make a reflection of what you have learned on how to prepare and implement
a proposed personal action plan to assist an existing small business
enterprise to practice ethics and social responsibilities in their business






Rubric in Checking the Output
Features Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner
(10) (8) (6) (4)
Quality of  Piece was  Piece was  Piece had  Piece has
Writing written in written in little style no style or
an an or voice voice
extraordinar interesting  Gives some  Gives no
y style and style and new new
voice voice information information
 Very  Somewhat but poorly and very
informative informative organized poorly
and well and organized
organized organized

Grammar  Virtually no  Few  A number  So many

, Usage spelling , spelling of spelling , spelling,
and punctuation and punctuatio punctuatio
Mechanic or punctuatio n or n and
s grammatical n errors , grammatic grammatic
errors minor al errors al errors
grammatic that is
al errors interferes
with the

Answer key to Activities!


Akhilesh Ganti, “Social Resposibility”, December 22, 2020,

CynthianA. Zarate, “Business Ethics and Social Responsibility”, 839 EDSA, South
Triangle, Quezon City: C&E Publishing, Inc. 2018, 12.
David Sarokin, “Definition of Small-Scale Enterprise”, May 08, 2019,
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region XI, Island Garden City of Samal

Address: Sitio Pasig, Brgy. Peñaplata, District II, IGaCoS

Contact Number: 0926-692-8349

Email Address: [email protected]


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