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Assignment Formatting, referencing, and sharing documents using Google Docs

Delivery Method Canvas Submission

Deliverable (pdf 1. Instruction file with screenshots

format) 2. Formatted document

1. Format the text provided in second part of this document

1. Create a file by copying this and name it “Activities- $your_id”


2. Create a new file (“Formatting- $your_id”)- Paste the bottom document. Use a cover page with an
appropriate title for this assignment.


3. Two different headings


4. Use bullets and numbering

Screenshot: Bullets

Screenshot: Numbering

5. Create a footnote (same page reference)


6. Header


Lab: Formatting, referencing, creating and sharing documents using Google Docs Page 1 of 5
7. Footer


8. Create a table of content for the document


9. Use Citations feature

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Lab: Formatting, referencing, creating and sharing documents using Google Docs Page 2 of 5
2. Sharing this document
● Share the formatted document with an “Editing” permission with your group members.


● Comment on the first paragraph of the document. “Is the font size ok?”


● Email a pdf version of the document to your group member


● Check version history


● Send email to collaborators


Lab: Formatting, referencing, creating and sharing documents using Google Docs Page 3 of 5
Information System for Business


An Information System (IS) is a combination of technology, people, and processes that collect, process, store, and
disseminate information to support decision making and control in an organization. It enables the creation, distribution,
use, and storage of data and information, typically in support of business objectives. An IS can be used to automate
business processes, support communication and collaboration, and provide managers and decision makers with the
information they need to make informed decisions. It may include hardware, software, data, and networks, as well as the
people who use and manage these components.


Several components interact and support each other to provide the information necessary for effective decision making
and control in an organization. These components include

Hardware: The physical components of the system, such as computers, servers, mobile devices, printers, and other

Software: The programs and applications that run on the hardware and perform specific tasks, such as data management,
processing, and communication.

Data: The raw facts and figures that are processed and organized by the software to provide information.

Network: The communication channels that enable the sharing of information and resources among the different
components of the system.

People: The users who operate and manage the system, as well as the end-users who benefit from the information it

Procedures: The set of rules and guidelines that govern the use of the system, the input and processing of data, and the
distribution of information.

Storage: The components of the system that provide a secure and organized way to store the data and information
generated by the system.


IS can help organizations to achieve their goals and objectives more effectively and efficiently. The main advantages

Improved efficiency: IS automate many business processes, reducing the time and effort required to complete tasks.

Better decision making: IS provide relevant, accurate, and timely information to decision makers, helping them make
informed decisions.

Increased productivity: IS can streamline communication and collaboration among employees, making it easier to share
information and resources.

Better customer service: IS can provide customers with access to information about products and services, as well as a
convenient way to make purchases.

Increased profitability: IS can help organizations to reduce costs, increase sales, and improve operational efficiency,
leading to increased profitability.

Improved management control: IS provide managers with the tools and information they need to monitor and control the
organization's performance.

Enhanced competitiveness: IS can give organizations a competitive advantage by enabling them to respond quickly to
changes in the marketplace and customer needs.

Competitive Advantage

Lab: Formatting, referencing, creating and sharing documents using Google Docs Page 4 of 5
IS can provide a significant competitive advantage to organizations that use it effectively, by enabling them to improve
efficiency, make better decisions, and respond more quickly to changes in the market. This is because IS causes

Increased efficiency: IS can automate many business processes, reducing the time and effort required to complete tasks,
and improving overall efficiency.

Better decision making: IS can provide relevant, accurate, and timely information to decision makers, helping them make
informed decisions that can give the organization a competitive edge.

Faster response times: IS can help organizations respond quickly to changes in the marketplace and customer needs,
giving them a competitive advantage over slower-moving organizations.

Improved customer service: IS can provide customers with easy access to information about products and services, as well
as a convenient way to make purchases, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Access to new markets: IS can help organizations reach new customers through e-commerce and other online channels,
expanding their market reach and increasing sales.

Innovation: IS can support the development and implementation of new products, services, and business models, giving
organizations a competitive advantage by enabling them to bring new offerings to market faster.


Organizations must carefully consider the potential limitations of IS when making decisions about implementation and
use.. The limitations include

High cost: IS can be expensive to implement and maintain, particularly for organizations with limited resources.

Complexity: IS can be complex to design, implement, and use, requiring specialized skills and expertise.

Security and privacy risks: IS can store sensitive and confidential information, making it vulnerable to security breaches,
data theft, and unauthorized access.

Dependence on technology: IS can be vulnerable to failures and downtime, leading to lost productivity and potential loss
of revenue.

Resistance to change: Some employees may resist using new IS, particularly if they are familiar with older systems and

Limited flexibility: IS may not be able to adapt to changing business needs or new technologies, requiring costly updates or

Inadequate training: Employees may not receive adequate training to use IS effectively, leading to poor performance and
low utilization.


This report shows how various components of the Information System work together and manage data to support
decision making in an organization. This allows them to achieve a business's objectives effectively. Managers use the IS
tools to monitor and control an organization. It makes an organization efficient, productive and competitive in the market.
Better and faster decision making and innovation are some of the key components of this competitiveness. But there are
limitations like high cost, complexity, security, dependence and resistance to change. Yet IS is critical for any organization.

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