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1. Two identical charged particles moving with same speed enter a region of uniform magnetic
field. If one of these enters normal to the field direction and the other enters along at 30o with
the field, what would be the ratio of their angular frequencies?

2. Two circular coils X and Y having radii R and R/2 respectively are placed in horizontal plane
with their centers coinciding with each other. Coil X has a current I flowing through it in
clockwise sense. What must be the current in coil Y to make the total magnetic field at the
common center of the two coils, zero.
With the same currents flowing in the two coils, if coil Y is now lifted vertically upward
through a distance R, what would be the net magnetic field at the center of the coil Y?

3. An α particle and a proton are moving in the plane of the paper in a region where there is
uniform magnetic field B directed normal to the plane of paper. If the particles have equal
linear momentum, what will be the ratio of the radii of their trajectories in the field?

4. A galvanometer can be converted into a voltmeter to measure up to

(i) V volts by connecting a resistance R1 in series with the coil
(ii) by connecting a resistance R2 in series with its coil.
Find the resistance R in terms of R1 and R2 require to convert it into a voltmeter that can read
up to 2 volts

5. A charge moving at right angles to uniform magnetic field does not undergo change in kinetic
energy. Why?.

6. An ammeter and a milliammeter are converted from the same galvanometer. Out of the two
measuring instruments, which has a higher resistance? Explain.

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7. A long straight wire AB carries a current of 4A. A proton p travels at 4 x 106 m/s parallel to
the wire, 0.2 m from the wire and in a direction opposite to the current, on the left of the wire.
Calculate the force that the magnetic field of current exerts on the proton. Also specify the
direction of the force.

8. A proton and an alpha particle are in turn allowed to pass through a uniform magnetic field
perpendicular to their direction of motion. Compare the radii of the paths of proton and alpha
particle in the following cases
a) If the kinetic energy of both are equal.
b) If their linear momentum are equal.

9. A circular coils of 100 turns, radius 10 cm carries a current of 5 A. it is suspended vertically

in a uniform horizontal magnetic field of 0.5 T, the field lines making an angle 60o with the
plane of the coil. Calculate the magnitude of the torque that must be applied on it to prevent
it from turning.

10. A galvanometer with a coil of resistance 120 ohm shows a full scale deflection for a current
of 2.5 mA. How will you convert the galvanometer into an ammeter of range 0 to 7.5 A?
Determine the net resistance of the ammeter. When an ammeter is put in a circuit, does it read
slightly less or more than the actual current in the original circuit? Justify your answer.

11. Two wires of equal lengths are bent in the form of two loops. One of the loops is square
shaped whereas the other loop is circular. These are suspended in a uniform magnetic field
and the same current is passed through them. Which loop will experience greater torque?

12. A cyclotron’s oscillator frequency is 10MHz. What should be the operating magnetic field
for accelerating protons? If the radius of its ‘dees’ is 60 cm, what is the kinetic energy of the
proton beam produced by the accelerator? Express your answer in units of MeV. ( e= 1.6 x
10-19 C, mp=1.6 x 10-27 kg, 1MeV= 1.602 x 10-13 J)
[Ans: 0.667T, 7.4 MeV]

13. What is the basic difference between the atom or molecule of a diamagnetic material? Why
are elements with even atomic number more likely to be diamagnetic?

14. Draw diagrams to depict the behavior of magnetic field lines near a bar of
(i) Copper
(ii) Aluminium
(iii) Mercury, cooled to a very low temperature(4.2 K)

15. A circular coil of 200 turns and radius 10 cm is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.5T,
normal to the plane of the coil. If the current in the coil is 3.0 A, calculate
(a) Total torque on the coil
(b) Total force on the coil
(c) Average force on each electron in the coil due to the magnetic field.
Assume the area of cross section of the wire to be 10-5 m2 and the free electron density is 1029/
m3.(Ans: (c)1.5 x 10-24 N

16. Where on the earth’s surface is the value of vertical component of the earth’s magnetic field

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The horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic field at a given place is 0.4 x 10-4Wb m-2
and angle of dip is 30o. Calculate the value of (i) vertical component, (ii) the total intensity of
the earth’s magnetic field.
(Ans: 0.23 x 10-4Wb m-2, 0.46 x 10-4Wb m-2)

17. A short bar magnet is placed with its axis inclined at 30o to the external magnetic field of 800
G acting horizontally experiences a torque of 0.016 Nm. Calculate
(i) The magnetic moment of the magnet
(ii) Work done by an external force in moving it from most stable to most unstable
(iii) What is the work done by the force due to the external magnetic field in the process
mentioned in (ii)?
(Ans: (i) 0.40 Am2, 0.064 J, -0.064 J)

18. Why does a paramagnetic substance display greater magnetization for the same magnetising
field when cooled? How does a diamagnetic substance respond to similar temperature
19. The coil of a galvanometer is 0.02m x 0.08m. It consists of 200 turns of fine wire & is placed
in a magnetic field of 0.2T. The restoring torque constant of suspension fiber in 106
N/m/degree. Assuming the magnetic field to be radial (i) what is the maximum current that
can be measured by thus Galvanometer if the scale can accommodate 450 deflections? (ii)
What is the smallest current that can be detected if the minimum observable deflection is 0.10
20. A cyclotron has a frequency of 12MHz and Dees of radius 50cm. Find the energy acquired
by a deuteron in it.
21. Out of two magnetic materials, 'A' has relative permeability slightly greater than unity while
‘B' has less than unity. Identify the nature of the materials 'A' and 'B'. Will their susceptibilities
be positive or negative?
22. Write two characteristic properties to distinguish between diamagnetic and paramagnetic
23. Under what conditions does a particle of charge ‘q’ moving with velocity ‘v’, experience (i) no
force, (ii) maximum force, in an external magnetic field?
24. What is the magnetic field at the centre of the following circular coils carrying current I?

25. Two long straight wires are set parallel to each other. Each carries a current I in the same
direction and the separation between them is 2r. What is the intensity of the magnetic field
midway between them?

26. Two thin long and parallel wires carrying currents of 2A and 4A respectively in the same
direction are held 10cm apart. At what point between them the resultant magnetic field in
27. In a cyclotron, a magnetic field of 0.4T is used to accelerate protons. How rapidly should the
electric field between the Dees be reversed?

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28. To increase the current sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer by 50%, its resistance is
increased so that its new resistance becomes twice its initial resistance. By what factor does
its voltage sensitivity change?
29. A circular segment of radius 10cm subtends an angle of 600 at its center. A current of 9A is
flowing through it. Find the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field produced by it at
the center.
30. What is the magnitude of force acting on a conductor of length 0.04m placed inside a solenoid
near its axis making an angle 300 with its axis? The conductor carries a current of 12A and
the magnetic field due to the solenoid is 0.25T.
31. Deduce an expression for the frequency of revolution of a charged particle in a magnetic field and
show that it is independent of velocity or energy of the particle.
32. Answer the following :
(i) Why is it necessary to introduce a cylindrical soft iron core inside the coil of a
(ii) Increasing the current sensitivity of a galvanometer may not necessarily increase its
voltage sensitivity. Explain, giving reason.
33. A magnetic needle suspended freely in a uniform magnetic field experiences torque but no
net force. A nail made up of iron kept near a bar magnet experience a force of attraction
and torque .Give reason.

Questions according to the new pattern

a. To convert a moving coil galvanometer into on ammeter of given range, we must

(a) A suitable low resistance in series
(b) A suitable low resistance in parallel
(c) A suitable high resistance in parallel
(d) A suitable high resistance in series
b. Current sensitivity of a galvanometer can be increased by decreasing :
(a) Magnetic field B
(b) number of turns N
(c) torsional constant K
(d) Area A
c. A wire in the form of a circular loop, of one turn carrying a current, produces magnetic
induction B at the centre. If the same wire is looped into a coil of two turns and carries the
same current, the new value of magnetic induction at the centre is
(a) B
(b) 2 B
(c) 4 B
(d) 8 B
d. If distance between two current- carrying wires is doubled, then force between them is
(a) halved
(b) doubled
(c) tripled
(d) quadrupled
e. Torque on a current carrying rectangular coil inside a galvanometer is maximum and
constant irrespective of its orientation as it is suspended inside _________ magnetic field.

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f. There is no change in the _________ as a charged particle moving in a magnetic field,
although magnetic force is acting on it.
g. The ability of a material to retain magnetism after removal of magnetizing field is called
h. The magnetic field strength at a point due to a short bar on its axis varies ..................... as
cube of distance of the point from the centre of magnet.

i. Which of the following is weakly repelled by a magnet field:

(a) Iron
(b) Cobalt
(c) Steel
(d) Copper

j. The area of B-H loop for soft iron , as compared to that for steel is:-
(a) More
(b) Less
(c) Equal
(d) zero

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