EX FINAL 2 - IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certificate Assessment Exam - Coursera

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25/9/22, 11:51 IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certificate Assessment Exam | Coursera

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1. Select the answer that fills in the blanks in the correct order. 0 / 1 punto

A weakness in a system is a/an ____. The potential danger associated with this
is a/an ____ that becomes a/an ____ when attacked by a bad actor.

risk, exploit, threat

threat actor, vulnerability, exposure

threat, exposure, risk

vulnerability, threat, exploit

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Introduction to
Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks, Week 1 - History of Cybersecurity

2. Requiring all employees to complete annual security awareness training is an 0 / 1 punto

example of which type of control?






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Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Introduction to

Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks, Week 2 - A brief overview of types
of actors and their motives

3. How would you classify a piece of malicious code that can replicate itself and 0 / 1 punto
spread to new systems?


A virus

A worm

A Trojan Horse

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Introduction to
Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks, Week 2 - A brief overview of types
of actors and their motives

4. To engage in packet sniffing, you must implement promiscuous mode on which 1 / 1 punto

A Promiscuous Gateway

A network card

A sniffing router

An Intrusion Detection System (IDS)


5. Which mechanism would help assure the integrity of a message, but not do 1 / 1 punto
much to assure confidentiality or availability.


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Audit logs


6. An organization wants to restrict employee after-hours access to its systems so it 0 / 1 punto

publishes a policy forbidding employees to work outside of their assigned hours,
and then makes sure the office doors remain locked on weekends. What two (2)
types of controls are they using? (Select 2)


Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Introduction to
Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks, Week 3 - An overview of key
security concepts


Partially correct! This is 1 of the 2 correct answers


Partially correct! This is 1 of the 2 correct answers


Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Introduction to
Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks, Week 3 - An overview of key
security concepts

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7. Which factor contributes most to the strength of an encryption system? 0 / 1 punto

The number of private keys used by the system

The length of the encryption key used

The secrecy of the encryption algorithm used

How many people have access to your public key

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Introduction to
Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks, Week 4 - An overview of key
security tools

8. Trying to break an encryption key by trying every possible combination of 0 / 1 punto

characters is called what?

A known cyphertext attack

A social engineering attack

A brute force attack

A rainbow table attack

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Introduction to
Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks, Week 4 - An overview of key
security tools

9. Which position is in charge of testing the security and effectiveness of computer 0 / 1 punto
information systems?

Information Security Auditor

Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Information Security Architect

Information Security Analyst

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Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity Roles,
Processes & Operating System Security, Week 1 - People Process &

10. Which three (3) roles are typically found in an Information Security organization? 0 / 1 punto
(Select 3)

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers


Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity Roles,
Processes & Operating System Security, Week 1 - People Process &

Security Guard

Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity Roles,
Processes & Operating System Security, Week 1 - People Process &

Penetration Tester

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Vulnerability Assessor

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

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11. ITIL is best described as what? 0 / 1 punto

Privacy regulations for IT systems

A collection of IT Service Management best practices

A collection of IT Service Management controls

A framework for the development of information systems audit procedures

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity Roles,
Processes & Operating System Security, Week 1 - People Process &

12. Alice sends a message to Bob that is intercepted by Trudy. Which scenario 0 / 1 punto
describes a confidentiality violation?

Trudy changes the message and then forwards it on

Trudy cannot read it because it is encrypted but allows it to be delivered to

Bob in its original form

Trudy reads the message

Trudy deletes the message without forwarding it

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity Roles,
Processes & Operating System Security, Week 2 - Examples & Principles
of the CIA Triad

13. What does the "A" in the CIA Triad stand for? 0 / 1 punto





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Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity Roles,
Processes & Operating System Security, Week 2 - Examples & Principles
of the CIA Triad

14. Multifactor authentication (MFA) requires more than one authentication method 0 / 1 punto
to be used before identity is authenticated. Which three (3) are authentication
methods? (Select 3)

Something a person has

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Something a person knows

Somewhere a person is located

Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity Roles,
Processes & Operating System Security, Week 3 - Authentication and
Access Control

Something a person is

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

15. The encryption and protocols used to prevent unauthorized access to data are 1 / 1 punto
examples of which type of access control?





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16. Windows 10 stores 64-bit applications in which directory? 0 / 1 punto

\Program Files


\Program Files (x86)


Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity Roles,
Processes & Operating System Security, Week 4 - Windows Operating
System Security Basics

17. In a Linux file system, which files are contained in the \bin folder? 0 / 1 punto

All user binary files, their libraries and headers

Executable files such as grep and ping

Directories such as /home and /usr

Configuration files such as fstab and inittab

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity Roles,
Processes & Operating System Security, Week 5 - Linux Operating
System Security Basics

18. A small and underfunded startup company should consider using which type of 1 / 1 punto
cloud first?

Public cloud

Hybrid cloud
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Universal cloud

Private cloud


19. Consolidating and virtualizing workloads should be done when? 0 / 1 punto

After moving the workloads to the cloud but before they are open to users

It does not matter; these steps require approximately the same amount of
work no matter when you elect to do them

Before moving the workloads to the cloud

Gradually as you generate usage metrics

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity Roles,
Processes & Operating System Security, Week 7 - Overview of

20. Security training for IT staff is what type of control? 0 / 1 punto





Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity
Compliance Framework & System Administration, Week 1 - Compliance
Frameworks and Industry Standards

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21. Island hopping is an attack method commonly used in which scenario? 0 / 1 punto

Compromising a corporate VIP

Blocking access to a website for all users

Trojan Horse attacks

Supply Chain Infiltration

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity
Compliance Framework & System Administration, Week 2 - Client
System Administration, Endpoint Protection and Patching

22. What is the most common patch remediation frequency for most organizations? 0 / 1 punto

As soon as they are released




Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity
Compliance Framework & System Administration, Week 2 - Client
System Administration, Endpoint Protection and Patching

23. Granting access to a user account only those privileges necessary to perform its 0 / 1 punto
intended functions is known as what?

The principle of top-down control

The principle of unified access control

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

The principle of least privileges


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Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity

Compliance Framework & System Administration, Week 3 - Server and
User Administration

24. What is the primary authentication protocol used by Microsoft in Active 0 / 1 punto


Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity
Compliance Framework & System Administration, Week 3 - Server and
User Administration

25. Symmetric key encryption by itself ensures which of the following? 0 / 1 punto

Confidentiality only

Confidentiality and Integrity

Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability

Confidentiality and Availability

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity
Compliance Framework & System Administration, Week 4 - Cryptography
and Compliance Pitfalls

26. Why is hashing not a common method used for encrypting data? 0 / 1 punto

Hashes are becoming easier to reverse engineer since computers are

becoming more powerful

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Hashing is a one-way process so the original data cannot be reconstructed

from a hash value

There are too few unique hashing algorithms available for widespread use
as a general encryption tool

The length of the hash string is proportional to the length of the input so the
approximate message length can be derived from a hash

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity
Compliance Framework & System Administration, Week 4 - Cryptography
and Compliance Pitfalls

27. Which of the following statements about hashing is True? 1 / 1 punto

The original message can be retrieved from the hash if you have the
encryption key

A weakness of hashing is that the hash is proportional in length to the

original message

If you have two hashes that differ only by a single character, you can infer
that the original messages also differed very little

Hashing uses algorithms that are known as “one-way” functions


28. Which statement about encryption is True for data in use. 0 / 1 punto

It is vulnerable to theft and should be decrypted only for the briefest

possible time while it is being operated on

Data should always be kept encrypted since modern CPUs are fully
capable of operating directly on encrypted data

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Short of orchestrating a memory dump from a system crash, there is no

practical way for malware to get at the data being processed, so dump logs
are your only real concern

Data in active memory registers are not at risk of being stolen

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity
Compliance Framework & System Administration, Week 4 - Cryptography
and Compliance Pitfalls

29. A small company with 25 computers wishes to connect them to the Internet 1 / 1 punto
using a NAT router. How many Public IP addresses will this company need to
assure all 25 computers can communicate with each other and other systems on
the Internet if they implement Port Address Translations?




30. Which statement best describes configuring a NAT router to use dynamic 0 / 1 punto

Unregistered IP addresses are mapped to registered IP addresses as they

are needed

The organization will need as many registered IP addresses as it has

computers that need Internet access

Many registered IP addresses are mapped to a single registered IP

address using different port numbers

The NAT router uses each computer's IP address for both internal and
external communication
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Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Network Security &
Database Vulnerabilities, Week 1 - TCP/IP Framework

31. If a computer needs to send a message to a system that is not part of the local 0 / 1 punto
network, where does it send the message?

To the system's domain name

To the system's IP address

To the system's MAC address

The network's DHCP server address

The network's default gateway address

The network's DNS server address

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Network Security &
Database Vulnerabilities, Week 1 - TCP/IP Framework

32. In IPv4, how many of the 4 octets are used to define the network portion of the 0 / 1 punto
address in a Class B network?

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Network Security &
Database Vulnerabilities, Week 2 - Basics of IP Addressing and the OSI

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33. Which three (3) of these statements about the UDP protocol are True? (Select 3) 0 / 1 punto

UDP is faster than TCP

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

UDP packets are reassembled by the receiving system in whatever order

they are received

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

UDP is more reliable than TCP

Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Network Security &
Database Vulnerabilities, Week 2 - Basics of IP Addressing and the OSI

UDP is connectionless

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

34. Signature-based detection and statistical anomaly detection are found on what 1 / 1 punto
type of device?

A Next Generation Firewall (NGFW)

A Stateful Firewall

An Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)

A Stateless Firewall


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35. If you have to rely upon metadata to work with the data at hand, you are 1 / 1 punto
probably working with which type of data?

Structured data

Semi-structured data

Unstructured data

Meta-structured data


36. Hassan is an engineer who works a normal day shift from his company's 1 / 1 punto
headquarters in Austin, TX USA. Which two (2) of these activities raise the most
cause for concern? (Select 2)

One evening, Hassan downloads all of the files associated with the new
product he is working on

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 2 correct answers

Hassan runs a lot of SQL queries that contain invalid syntax

Hassan has started logging in from home for an hour or so most evenings

Each night Hassan logs into his account from an ISP in China

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 2 correct answers

37. Which three (3) of the following are considered safe coding practices? (Select 3) 0 / 1 punto

Use library functions in place of OS commands

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

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Avoid running commands through a shell interpreter

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Avoid using OS commands whenever possible

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Use blacklists but avoid whitelists when processing input data

Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Network Security &
Database Vulnerabilities, Week 4 - Deep Dive - Injection Vulnerability

38. Which three (3) items should be included in the Planning step of a penetration 1 / 1 punto
test? (Select 3)

Informing Need-to-know employees

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Establishing Boundaries

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Notifying appropriate law enforcement and regulatory agencies

Setting Objectives

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

39. Which portion of the pentest report would cover the risk ranking, 0 / 1 punto

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recommendations and roadmap?

Rules of Engagement

Technical Review

Recommendations for Remediation

Executive Summary

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Penetration Testing,
Incident Response and Forensics, Week 1 - Penetration Testing

40. Which Incident Response Team model describes a team that runs all incident 0 / 1 punto
response activities for a company?





Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Penetration Testing,
Incident Response and Forensics, Week 2 - Incident Response

41. NIST recommends considering a number of items, including a high level of 1 / 1 punto
testing and monitoring, during which stage of a comprehensive Containment,
Eradication & Recovery strategy?





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42. True or False. Digital forensics is effective in solving cyber crimes but is not 0 / 1 punto
considered effective in solving violent crimes such as rape and murder.



Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Penetration Testing,
Incident Response and Forensics, Week 3 - Digital Forensics

43. In digital forensics documenting the chain of custody of evidence is critical. 0 / 1 punto
Which of these should be included in your chain of custody log?

The names of every person who has physical custody of any piece of

Documenting the actions that are performed on the evidence and at what

Documenting how the evidence was stored when not in use

All of the above

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Penetration Testing,
Incident Response and Forensics, Week 3 - Digital Forensics

44. PowerShell is a configuration management framework for which operating 0 / 1 punto




Mac OS X



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Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Penetration Testing,

Incident Response and Forensics, Week 4 - Introduction to Scripting

45. Which three (3) of the following are considered scripting languages? (Select 3) 0 / 1 punto


Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Penetration Testing,
Incident Response and Forensics, Week 4 - Introduction to Scripting


Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Penetration Testing,
Incident Response and Forensics, Week 4 - Introduction to Scripting


Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers


Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers


Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

46. In the Python statement 0 / 1 punto


What data type is the data type of the variable pi?

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Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Penetration Testing,
Incident Response and Forensics, Week 4 - Introduction to Scripting

47. Which two (2) of these Python libraries provides useful statistical functions? 0 / 1 punto
(Select 2)


Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Penetration Testing,
Incident Response and Forensics, Week 4 - Introduction to Scripting


Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Penetration Testing,
Incident Response and Forensics, Week 4 - Introduction to Scripting


Partially correct! This is 1 of the 2 correct answers


Partially correct! This is 1 of the 2 correct answers


Esto no debería estar seleccionado

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Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Penetration Testing,

Incident Response and Forensics, Week 4 - Introduction to Scripting


Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Penetration Testing,
Incident Response and Forensics, Week 4 - Introduction to Scripting

48. Which country had the highest average cost per breach in 2018 at $8.19M 1 / 1 punto

United States



United Kingdom




49. Activities performed as a part of security intelligence can be divided into pre- 0 / 1 punto
exploit and post-exploit activities. Which two (2) of these are post-exploit
activities? (Select 2)

Prioritize vulnerabilities to optimize remediation processes and close

critical exposures

Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cyber Threat
Intelligence, Week 1 - Threat Intelligence

Gather full situational awareness through advanced security analytics

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Partially correct! This is 1 of the 2 correct answers

Perform forensic investigation

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 2 correct answers

Detect deviations from the norm that indicate early warnings of APTs

Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cyber Threat
Intelligence, Week 1 - Threat Intelligence

50. Which three (3) of these are among the top 12 capabilities that a good data 0 / 1 punto
security and protection solution should provide? (Select 3)


Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Real-time alerting

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Event correlation

Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cyber Threat
Intelligence, Week 3 - Data Loss Prevention and Mobile Endpoint

Vulnerability assessment

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

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51. There are many good reasons for maintaining comprehensive backups of critical 1 / 1 punto
data. Which aspect of the CIA Triad is most impacted by an organization's
backup practices?






52. Which three (3) of these are among the 5 common pitfalls of data security? 1 / 1 punto
(Select 3)

Failure to recognize the need for centralized data security

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Failure to hire an adequately skilled workforce

Failure to define who owns responsibility for the data itself

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Failure to move beyond compliance

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

53. Which type of scan is quieter than other TCP scans and can get around firewalls, 0 / 1 punto
but can be detected with newer IDSs?

Stealth scan

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UDP port scan

TCP/Half Open Scan (aka a SYN scan)

TCP Connect

Ping (ICMP Echo Request)

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cyber Threat
Intelligence, Week 4 - Scanning

54. In which component of a Common Vulnerability Score (CVSS) would privileges 0 / 1 punto
required be reflected?

Environmental Score

Temporal Score

Base-Impact Subscore

Base-Exploitability Subscore

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cyber Threat
Intelligence, Week 4 - Scanning

55. The Decommission step in the DevSecOps Release, Deploy & Decommission 1 / 1 punto
phase contains which of these activities?

Centralized Key-Value & Secret stores

IAM controls to regulate authorization

Creation of Immutable images

Versioning of infrastructure


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56. Which form of penetration testing allows the testers partial knowledge of the 1 / 1 punto
systems they are trying to penetrate in advance of their attack to streamline
costs and focus efforts?

Gray Box Testing

White Box testing

Red Box Testing

Black Box Testing


57. Which type of application attack would include User denies performing an 0 / 1 punto
operation, attacker exploits an application without trace, and attacker covers her


Input validation

Auditing and logging


Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cyber Threat
Intelligence, Week 5 - Application Security and Testing

58. Which three (3) of these are Solution Building Blocks (SBBs)? (Select 3) 1 / 1 punto

Virus Protection

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Application Firewall

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Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Spam Filter

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Identity and Access Management

59. A robust cybersecurity defense includes contributions from 3 areas, human 1 / 1 punto
expertise, security analytics and artificial intelligence. Rapidly analyzing large
quantities of unstructured data lends itself best to which of these areas?

Security analytics

Human expertise

Artificial intelligence


60. The partnership between security analysts and technology can be said to be 0 / 1 punto
grouped into 3 domains, human expertise, security analytics and artificial
intelligence. The human expertise domain would contain which three (3) of these

Anomaly detection

Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cyber Threat
Intelligence, Week 6 - SIEM Platforms

Pattern identification

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Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cyber Threat
Intelligence, Week 6 - SIEM Platforms
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Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers


Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers


Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Machine Learning

Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cyber Threat
Intelligence, Week 6 - SIEM Platforms

61. True or False. If you have no better place to start hunting threats, start with a 1 / 1 punto
view of the global threat landscape and then drill down to a regional view,
industry view and finally a view of the threats specific to your own organization.




62. The cyber hunting team and the SOC analysts are informally referred to as the 0 / 1 punto
____ and ____ teams, respectively.

Blue Red

Red, Blue
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Attack, Defense

Visitors, Home

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cyber Threat
Intelligence, Week 7 - Threat Hunting

63. A Coordinating incident response team model is characterized by which of the 1 / 1 punto

Multiple incident response teams within an organization all of whom

coordinate their activities only within their country or department

Multiple incident response teams within an organization but one with

authority to assure consistent policies and practices are followed across all

This term refers to a structure that assures the incident response team’s
activities are coordinated with senior management and all appropriate
departments within and organization

Multiple incident response teams within an organization with specific

technology in place, such as shared databases, to assure threat and
response knowledge is shared peer-to-peer across all teams


64. True or False. Communications of a data breach should be handled by a team 1 / 1 punto
composed of members of the IR team, legal personnel and public relations.




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65. The business impact of data breaches varies considerably. Which selection best 1 / 1 punto
fills in the 3 blanks in the following statement?

The average cost of a data breach is ____. The costs of a breach are highest in
____ and in the ____ sector.

$2000, Canada, government

$150, United States, healthcare

$40, France, banking sector

$22m, China, technology


66. Which three (3) of these are PCI-DSS requirements for any company handling, 0 / 1 punto
processing or transmitting credit card data? (Select 3)

Restrict physical access to cardholder data

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Assign a unique ID to each person with computer access

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

Restrict access to cardholder data by business need-to-know

Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

All employees with direct access to cardholder data must change their
passwords monthly

Esto no debería estar seleccionado

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Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity

Capstone: Breach Response Case Studies, Week 3 - Point of Sale

67. Which three (3) are malware types commonly used in PoS attacks to steal credit 0 / 1 punto
card data? (Select 3)


Esto no debería estar seleccionado

Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity
Capstone: Breach Response Case Studies, Week 3 - Point of Sale


Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers


Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers


Partially correct! This is 1 of the 3 correct answers

68. According to a 2019 Ponemon study, what percent of consumers indicated they 0 / 1 punto
would be willing to pay more for a product or service from a provider with better




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Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity
Capstone: Breach Response Case Studies, Week 4 - 3rd Party Breach

69. You are looking very hard on the web for the lowest mortgage interest load you 0 / 1 punto
can find and you come across a rate that is so low it could not possibly be true.
You check out the site to see what the terms are and quickly find you are the
victim of a ransomware attack. What was the likely attack vector used by the bad

Malicious Links

Software Vulnerabilities

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)


Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity
Capstone: Breach Response Case Studies, Week 5 - Ransomware

70. Which ransomware tormented victims by deleting files incrementally with each 0 / 1 punto
hour the ransom was not paid?

Bad Rabbit




Incorrect, this material was covered in the course Cybersecurity
Capstone: Breach Response Case Studies, Week 5 - Ransomware

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